Hill 70 Quantock Ranch

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Hill 70 Quantock Ranch

“Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale” Sat., Feb. 5, 2011

at the Ranch, Lloydminster, AB

350 Bulls ... 100 Females... 50 Horned Herefords

– Two Year Olds – see page 6

115 Red Angus

– 75 Two’s - 40 Yearlings – see page 4

70 Black Angus

– 45 Two’s - 25 Yearlings – see page 5

60 Charolais

– 30 Two’s - 30 Yearlings – see page 6

When every dollar counts and every decision important, sourcing your bulls at Hill 70 Quantock Ranch is the right decision... more grass... less diesel. Don’t ponder... call, email or use the “Clip & Mail to chart your bull plans for 2011 and beyond. – Bill Creech - “Bill the Bull Guy”

53 Red & Black Angus X Simmentals

– Yearlings, Fall Born & Two’s – see page 7

12 Red Angus X Gelbvieh

– Two Year Olds – see page 8

100 Registered Red Angus & Commercial Females

– Breds – see page 8 Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!

1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com

Page 2

60/40 Finance…

A Word from Bill...

A big welcome to everyone. It’s sure fun to write a forward with our industry on the upswing and returns that are significantly better than we have seen since the beginning of the drought of 2002. That’s close to nine years, almost two cattle cycles and far too long in coming. With our new found efficiencies, we are now profitable in the cow calf sector, at a lower level than we could have even imagined. If we can just get other industries to follow our efficiency leadership, just imagine how great the future will be. We are very privileged every year to have the opportunity to rub shoulders with the greatest people, those in the livestock industry. The trust people have shown in us and our genetics is truly satisfying for both Sherry and myself. Our leading edge genetics has the most enviable record in the industry for profitability cow size, longevity and customer satisfaction. Enough said. The search for genetic improvement never ends at this ranch. We are constantly sampling profit oriented genetics that we feel can contribute to our progress and long term goals. Individual performance, soundness, fleshing ability and how little “diesel” we can burn plays a huge role in shaping our genetic selection. Our progress is measured by how long cows graze, how little diesel we can burn and how good the whole pen looks. No one gives us ribbons or takes pictures of these groups when we make progress. Our customers are the winners. Pondering your future... stop and look... become one of our many repeat, satisfied customers, you’ll be darn glad you did. Remember, we expect our cows to work harder than we do, or the game is over. Call us anytime, any day, toll free, email or clip the clip and mail and let’s discuss bulls and our future together in the cattle industry. Bill & Sherry

If it works for you... it works for us!

We have developed a 60/40 finance program with 0% interest. Pay us 60% down sale day, leave a post dated cheque for the 40% due July 1, 2011, O.A.C. plus sign a legal lending agreement. It’s simple...it’s easy and it helps us all. Give me a call “Bill the Bull Guy” any time - any day.

Commercially Oriented Management Our outfit has never been geared to just producing the one good one that wins a show. Hill 70 Quantock has always focused on pens full of look-a-like bulls or heifers that are uniform, and all users in the commercial industry. Don’t get us wrong, we love the good ones, we just want them all like that, and pen lots of them... it works!!

Commercially Oriented Marketing

Hill 70 Quantock is the industry leader in convenient, sight unseen, one stop bull shopping, because of unparalleled genetic objectivity, common sense, uniformity and reputation service.

Good Neighbor Program Bring your neighbor to the sale.

If they have not bought bulls in 2009 or 2010 and you both buy bulls, we will refund each of you $150. You must register at the office before the sale. (Min. bull purchase per customer of $2,200.) If it works for you, it works for us!!

Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!

1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com

Page 3

...the Industry’s Premier

Sight Unseen Purchase Order Form

Sight Unseen Purchase Program


…trusted by hundreds of cattlemen just like you!


Your most economical way to access all your bull requirements this year. Especially when combined with our unique 60/40 Finance Plan. In fact we sell hundreds of thousands of dollars of bulls this method annually. All Sight Unseen orders are handled by Bill.

PC                    Phone

How do we do it?

Breed of Bull(s) Required

No. and Age of Bulls Potential Use:

How do you do it?

(heifers, cows, breed of cow herd producing replacements)

● You set the price – the quality plus appraise Give Bill them to your satisfaction before they are yours. a call about ● We know our cattle – that’s our business – their our sight unseen No. Cows to be Bred          Turnout Time strengths and weaknesses. I will personally help program, he you select cattle to improve your bottom line. will be with you Bull Specs: BW      WW      YW      Frame ● Complete data on all bulls – easy to read, easy to from the Maternal Traits Growth Traits 1st phone understand, completely documented no hidden call to the formulas. Budgeted Price corral. ● Free Delivery on All sight unseen purchases in Comments Western Canada. Cost share past that point. We arrange the trucking – the drop off points – you have no worries the Mail to: Hill 70 Quantock, Bill & Sherry Creech job will be done and done right the first time. Box 756, Lloydminster, AB  S9V 1C1 Fax (780) 875-8332 ● No Obligation – satisfaction on arrival or we take them home. ● Think about it – folks if I went to your cow herd, you know - the best – the worst and everything in between. I would ask you for your input on your herd. Think on it – it really makes the most sense. ● Leaving an order doesn’t suit you – again this year we have our 6 live phone lines at ringside.


Order Early

Delivery… By Golly It’s Still Free, So Come In The Car

If you live in any of the four western provinces... our truck will be darn close to your door both in February and again in April. Shortly after the sale we will arrange delivery of all cattle, safely to within a short distance of their new homes. This delivery will be provided to central ranch and stockyards convenient to every buyer, and it’s free. Ontario and East, Hill 70 Quantock pays for the delivery to the Manitoba/ Haul Ontario border and we make all the arrangements to get them very close to you, no matter how far “yer own” Credit east. Just leave it to us – we’ll get the job done.

Reward… $


on each bull!

Hill 70 Quantock

Handshake Warranty…

Hill 70 remembers when a handshake meant your word and your word was good enough. So we’d like to extend to you our Handshake Policy: “It’s as easy as that. You have our handshake on it.” Simply put, when you buy a bull from Hill 70 Quantock we guarantee that you will have a bull to breed your cows – no matter what happens. Not just window dressing, one call is all it takes.

or use the

Order Early


Hill 70 Quantock

Bull Development Program… More Value Than Ever

$99 On Yearlings, $129 On Two’s

We have established a program to develop these young bulls here at Hill 70 Quantock to better serve our customers. We will keep the bulls at home after the sale and feed them until early April on a total mixed ration to gain about 2-1/2 lbs./day. We will then independently semen test them and deliver them to central points throughout Western Canada. Delivery will be from about early April to early May. The price for this service is $99 for yearlings and $129 for two’s payable at sale time. It’s a real value as it includes 75 days board, independent semen test, and central point delivery. Insurance will be on site to insure all bull purchases.


Hey...good Itwaymustto bego....a

93% of the bulls are left on bull development.

Clip & Mail

Repeat Buyers Folks... if you bought bulls in the 2009 or 2010 Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Barn Burnin’ Bull Sales you qualify to discount 3% of your total bull purchase in the 2011 Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale. Watch our ads, catalogue and website for more information!

on the back page!

Page 4

– Red Angus –

... where the heck are you going to find 75 two year olds... all in one day and from one outfit?

75 Two’s – 40 Yearlings

…600-700 lb. weaners 3 lb.+ gainers on test… ... order your DVD today... that will be one phone call you’ll be glad you made

More two year olds! More yearlings!

Hill 70 Quantock…a reliable place to look for good bulls. Will M., BC…

Hi Bill, the bulls arrived in good shape. The Hereford bull is as good as any there is, and the Red Angus is a darn good bull too. They are awesome!

Doug T., ON…

We are very pleased with the look of the bull. He’s just what we were looking for.

All look-a-likes in large groups of 1/2 & 3/4 brothers. Bulls sired by the industries elite performance and maternal bulls plus our powerful natural service herd bulls. Thick butts - deep bodied - yet still long. They are all ready for heavy service. Shop objectively order your DVD TODAY - study the weaning wts., yearling wts., gains and complete EPD package on every bull. Stop by the bull pens any day or call me toll free to discuss more.

Use our Red Angus bulls to add performance, maternal traits and convenience to any red, red whiteface or Charolais base cow herd.

... 40 of the best darn yearlings... same deal as the two’s, you just get one more year out of ‘em.

Rick Harpur, BC…

Bill - Bulls arrived at 4:00 a.m., April 9. Look fine.

Sandy Crichton, AB… Good bulls, good feet, just order warmer weather.

Ken Weins, SK…

Good service even though we couldn’t make the sale.

Barclay Robertson, SK…

I may not get the high seller, but I get my choices in my budget.

Ken Andersen, AB…

Excellent bulls. The Red Angus bulls I’ve purchased from Hill 70 Quantock in the past have got 98% of my heifers in calf.

Mont Gibb, AB…

With your Angus bulls, we have gained weaning weight.

You’ll be in good company shopping at Hill 70 Quantock.

…Our yearlings are not scared of hard work or big country.

…Birth weights that will easily work with your heifers (70-80 lb. BW) and more than enough performance for your mature cows (80-100 lb. BW). 4,001+ 3,501 - 4,000

$ 2,500 - 3,500

Afforda“BULL” Bulls

7% 10%


1,800 - 2,499



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!

% of Bulls (2010 Sale)

1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com

Page 5

– Black Angus –

45 Two’s – 25 Yearlings

...moderate framed, beefy and “big bodied bulls” coming out of your “Ying Yang”. Really boys... we sure don’t write it just to read good... come look and “live it”



3,501 - 4,000


$ 2,500 - 3,500

Afforda“BULL” Bulls

…order your DVD today... it will sure be worth your time


1,500 - 2,499

...600-700 lb. weaners



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

...3 lb.+ adg on feed

% of Bulls (2010 Sale)

...1100-1200 lb. yearling weights

…Use our black bulls to put the black color in your calf crop and TOP THE MARKET. They’ll work exceptionally well on red or black base cows or buckskins, to add performance and convenience. The heifer calves will be the envy of your neighbors.

...buy from an outfit that “lives the commercial cattle business” every day... just like you

Cowboys, these are stout, deep, 2 year olds plus exceptional yearlings.

A balanced offering of exceptional first time to town 2 year olds plus super yearlings. They’re all big, deep and beefy, just how you like them. Sired by Foreman, Widespread, Big Money & sons, New Day, BC Outlook, Bear Hills Alliance and Early Sunset Stout, all common sense, high EPD real beef, convenience Angus. Spend your $$$ wisely - quality is what sets our bulls apart from the competition. Don’t buy anywhere till you check out these bulls - on DVD - at the ranch or on our website.

780-875-2266 1-877-244-2130

5620 - 44 Street Lloydminster 780-875-6113 1-800-661-7221 Special Hill 70 Quantock Rate

Attention Cattlemen! Meridian Printing,

your “Sale Catalogue Specialist” would be pleased to provide free estimates on catalogues or any type of commercial printing.

(780) 875-3362

…Convenient birth weights in the 70 to 90 lb. range, packed with performance from head to tail.

or use the

Clip & Mail on the back page!

Page 6

– Herefords – 50 Two’s ...no B.S., our Herefords are not Herefords as you might think of Herefords. They are thicker, deeper, more chest and have some middle. Best of all they are not the giants your used to seeing most places. ... these are the Herefords that everyone says they can’t find...



3,501 - 4,000


$ 2,500 - 3,500

– Charolais –

Afforda“BULL” Bulls

30 Two’s – 30 Yearlings


1,500 - 2,499



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% of Bulls (2010 Sale)

More brains... best disposition in the industry.

Fifty of the best damn Herefords you will find this spring. Our Herefords won’t average a ton plus, but they dam sure will be some of the leanest you will buy this year. All the data, documented and across the entire breed - not just within herd as some of our competitors do. The EPDs really mean something here and they will match the quality of the bulls, Structurally sound, moderate framed, thick and milk and udders like Angus, no B.S. we manage them all side by side every day!!

There is a reason our Herefords are so popular.

…Herefords more hybrid vigor cause so much of the industry has been Hereford free for years

...order your DVD and have a look

...huge demand for tans & silver calves.

...They are ideal crosses for your exotic and Angus cross cows. …Polled Bulls

…No feet trimmed, we gave that job to the killing plant.

…order your DVD today... it’s quick... concise and not boring like some... not many free things will return you big time!!! …Red Factor …Fantastic hair coats …Sensible birth weights, most under 100 lbs.

Bulls designed for the commercial trade. Polled bulls red factor and all beef. Moderate convenience type Charolais bulls bred for easy fleshing, good haired buckskin and silver calves that are born unassisted. Quality and numbers on offer sets us apart. ...4-5 lb. gainers on test



3,501 - 4,000

...No feet trimmed... we gave that job to the killing plant.


$ 2,500 - 3,500

1,500 - 2,499

Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!

Afforda“BULL” Bulls 58%



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% of Bulls (2010 Sale)

1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com

Page 7

– Red Angus & Black Angus X Simmental Hybrids – ...just the cross you’ve been needing for your Angus cows to squeeze that last $ out of them!!!­

53 Bulls – 20 Red, 33 Black Two, Falls & Yearlings

…thick, thick, thick!

Yearlings and falls.

...Whoa, ... a o h w , a who of s s e m e l a who k c i p o t s e good on from...

This is truly the best of both worlds – moderate framed, thrifty calves that are always popular. Use our bulls on a wide range of cow herds to build maternal strength and total performance.



3,501 - 4,000


$ 2,500 - 3,500

Afforda“BULL” Bulls 52%

1,500 - 2,499



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% of Bulls (2010 Sale)

Black Simmental X Black Angus mama cows.

Simmental sired using thick, low set Black Simmental bulls. It shows extra depth and rear end. Purebred Black Angus mama’s – maternal traits and longevity at their best. Think of the possibilities of 1/4 Simm calves by these lads on a wide range of cow herd colors and types. Easy keepers – easy to handle – true black color on both sides ­– we know you’ll love ’em. Just what your black cows need to get that little extra out of every calf cheque. …The best of both worlds! …they say pictures don’t lie. See for yourself when you order your DVD.

…Angus convenience and udders Simmental muscle, milk and hair!

or use the

Clip & Mail on the back page!

Page 8

– Gelbvieh X Red Angus Bulls – 12 Two’s ...add a touch of Gelbvieh maternal excellence to your program. Documented sexual maturity plus carcass. …Angus thrift and fleshing – Gelbvieh carcass and early sexual maturity

s... nse girl e s n o n No lemen for catt e nonsens with no se. cow sen

…just one more planned crossbreeding option

100 Head

…more grass economics, less diesel

…the best registered Red heifers that we have – exciting heifers – even better outcross services

They were great last year... but this is an even better offering of this exciting beef option. Don’t miss this exciting maternal option that is documented to really work. The best of both worlds with registered Gelbvieh bulls crossed onto some exceptional Red Angus cows. Come look in person – this years offering is more impressive than last year. Come help yourself.

– Registered Red Angus & Commercial Females – Bred

…Commercial females sorted to groups of 3 and 5. The best in the industry Reds & Red Baldies, Herefords and Black Baldies – bred & open!


Come the night before the sale for a casual evening of visiting, viewing the bulls with fully lit pens and complimentary supper.

Name___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Phone_ _________________________________________

Everyone welcome

Fax_____________________________________________ #________ of Cows

❏ Sight Unseen Purchase Plan ❏ DVD on Sale Bulls & Females ❏ Red Angus ❏ Black Angus ❏ Charolais ❏ Hereford ❏ Black Angus X Simmental Hybrids ❏ Red Angus X Simmental Hybrids ❏ Red Angus X Gelbvieh ❏ Commercial Females - Bred & Open ❏ Reg. Red Angus Females - Bred

Remember to bring along your branding irons... and leave your mark on the wall of the sale barn!

Mail to:

Hill 70 Quantock Ranch, Box 756, Lloydminster, AB  S9V 1C1 info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com Fax (780) 875-8332 CLIP & MAIL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE & DVD

See you all there!

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