Herefords Today Spring 2011

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BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S (DLF, HYF, IEF)

MHPH 101S Umpire 118U (DLF, HYF, IEF)

EPD’s: BW: 5.1 WW: 56.7 YW: 82.6 MM: 30.2 TM: 58.5 Gold Trophy Sire, 2009 Canadian Allstar Sire of the Year, 2006 Senior Bull Calf Champion, Toronto Royal and Grand Champion Bull & Senior Bull Calf Champion, Agribition Heat’s offspring and service will be offered in the sale. Owned With: BnC Polled Herefords & The Heat Syndicate

EPD’s: BW: 5.5 WW: 52.8 YW: 80.9 MM: 24.2 TM: 50.6 Silver Trophy Sire, 2009 Canadian National Grand Champion Bull, Eastern Canadian National Grand Champion Bull, Canadian Allstar Grand Champion Bull. Umpire’s offspring and service will be offered in the sale. Owned With: Genex Cooperative Inc., Phantom Creek Livestock & Moorehaven Farms



TH 122 71I Victor 521X ET (DLF, HYF, IEF)

EPD’s: BW: 3.3 WW: 51.3 YW: 80.6 MM: 22.8 TM: 48.5 Tank 9W’s offspring and service will be offered in the sale. Owned With: ANL Polled Herefords

EPD’s: BW: 2.7 WW: 55 YW: 85 MM: 19 TM: 46 521X’s service will be offered in the sale. Owned With: ANL Polled Herefords & Haroldson’s Polled Herefords

Plan a weekend in Ontario with River Valley’s Sale on Sept. 16th, Elm-Lodge’s Sale on Sept. 17th and the Autumn Alliance Sale on Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011.

Herefords Today Spring 2011




Herefords Today Spring 2011



BW: 4.9

WW: 62.1

YW: 101.7

MM: 16.8

TM: 47.8

Haroldson’s Temptress T100 33W Temptress is an example of the Tahoe two-year-olds and will be a part of our donor program in the future. Thank you to the bidders and buyers in the Wilson/Lees Value Added Bull Sale for making it a great success. Mark the date, October 16th, 2011 for the Blair Athol/Haroldson’s & Friends Sale. Be sure to check out the Tahoe x Mira calves. They look very exciting!

Herefords Today Spring 2011


In This Issue

Bear’s Corner Steps to Happiness


Cattle Rustled By Sheri Monk


Show Highlights

Calgary Bull Show and Sale Pride Of The Prairies Regina Bull Sale

14 18 28

Letters To The Editor Our Reader’s Respond

The Real World

Our Commercial Market Place

Under The Gavel Auction Action

Rate Card

Rate Card & Subscription Information







45 Herefords Today Spring 2011


Blair-Athol Braveheart 43X S: Remitall Heater 161U D: Haroldson’s WLC68M Katrina 33P

BW: 4.8 WW: 47.3 YW: 77.6 Milk: 20.2 TM: 43.9 SC: 40 cm Sale WT: 1410 lbs.

Thank you to Shawn and Steve Griffin, Osage, SK for purchasing 43X for $4,500.00. We kept an interest in this great sire and are excited about his calves next spring.

Blair-Athol Feel The Heat 71X

Blair-Athol 101 Dooly 57X

Sold to Henderson Farms, Lumsden, SK for $4,300.00.

Sold to Yuzik Farms, Wakaw, SK for $4,000.00.

A huge thank you to our bull buyers at the very successful Wilson-Lees Value Added Bull Sale including Allen Olsen, Arcola, SK, Tim Jackson, Sinclair, MB, Steve and Shawn Griffin, Osage, SK, Yuzik Farms Ltd., Wakaw, SK, Peter McClung, Alida, SK, Henderson Farms Ltd., Lumsden, SK, Dean Sanheim, Francis, SK, Adrian Lohse, Beaubier, SK, Ludtke Farms, Alameda, SK, Darwin Davis, Arcola, SK and by Private Treaty to Com-Trois International, Quebec, Don Priddy, Saskatoon, SK and Lyle Cowan, Gainsborough, SK. Look for our consignment of five bulls to the Moose Jaw Last Chance Bull Sale. We still have a large selection of bulls for sale by Private Treaty as well. Call us for all of your breeding needs, including semen and embryos.

Look us up online at

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Herefords Today Spring 2011


Thank you to all the buyers from the 2011 Wilson-Lees Value Added Bull Sale Steve Manns, Austin, MB Spring Moutain Stock Farm (Arden Hotte), Beaverlodge, AB Bill Potts, Morse, SK Kate Lowenberger, Corning, SK TNT Livestock (Terry Johnston), Kisbey, SK Clearsight Farms (Mike Wyatt), Kisbey, SK Lone Pine Cattle Services (Rob O’Connor), Vibank, SK

George & Annette Lees Ph: 306.455.2612 Fax: 306.455.2177

Box 358, Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 Herefords Today Spring 2011


Corey & Tasha Lees Emma, Kyla & Becca Ph: 306.455.2714 Email:

Herefords Today Spring 2011


When You’re This Good, They Call You...



Owned with Loewen Herefords, Waukomis, OK

RRH Mr Felt 3008 (SOD, CHB, DLF, HYF, IEF) S: KCF Bennett 3008 M326 (CHB, DLF, HYF, IEF) KCF Miss 459 F284 HVH Kremlin 57F 108K D: HVH Oksana 4L 33N (DLF, HYF, IEF) HVH Genetic Queen 53H 4L (DLF, HYF, IEF)







3.3 1.2 0.01 0.73 0.17

Canadian Semen Packages Available

The Nicholas Family Box 479, Milestone, SK SOG 3L0 Gary & Florence - 306.436.4301 Chad & Carrie - 306.436.2086 Herefords Today Spring 2011


For more information or to request a catalogue contact : Jocelyn Barrett at 506-328-1354 or

5 Minutes from Trans Canada Highway (bewteen Woodstock and Hartland, NB) 90 Minutes from Quebec Border 15 Minutes from the Canada - U.S. Border (Interstate 95)

Complete Dispersal Sale at the Farm Saturday, September 10, 2011

75 Cow/Calf Pairs 30 Bred Heifers 3 Herd Bulls

Semen Interest in these A.I. sires: Harvie Tailor Made ET 7W and BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S Sires Represented: Haroldson’s GLF 122L 201N

Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P

BW: 4.1 WW: 49.0 YW: 85.0 MM: 18.3 TM: 42.8

BW: 7.1 WW: 53.0 YW: 78.1 Milk: 19.8 TM: 46.3

Sale Management:

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. Ted & Mina Serhienko Chris Poley 4 3342 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Phone: 306-933-4200 Fax: 306-934-0744 Ted Cell: 306-221-2711 Chris Cell: 306-220-5006 Email:

EJM Farms

Earl and John McEachren & Families 4252 Century Drive, Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 Phone: 519-287-2547 Earl Cell: 519-318-0450 Email:

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P

BW: 7.1 WW: 53.0 YW: 78.1 MM: 19.8 TM: 46.3

Harvie Triumph 40T

BW: 4.6 WW: 58.9 YW: 92.7 MM: 23.3 TM: 52.8

WLB Mr Leon 41N 24R

BW: 5.0 WW: 37.0 YW: 64.9 MM: 20.1 TM: 38.6

Harvie Tailor Made ET 7W

BW: 4.8 WW: 53.6 YW: 92.1 MM: 17.1 TM: 43.9

BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S

BW: 5.1 WW: 56.7 YW: 82.6 MM: 30.2 TM: 58.5

Herefords Today Spring 2011


You Ought To Know. . . In writing these editorials, we sometimes wonder if anyone reads them, but the February herd sire issue of “U Ought to Know” caused some stir ... positive stir. Feedback has come from two countries and a multitude of producers ... several breeders were upset, some questioned it and two commercial producers took the time to call and agree with it in principle. A sale consultant from another breed asked if it could be reprinted; while a friend asked me at what time of day I wrote the article hoping ... it was before “rum- o’clock.” For each call, we asked for their thoughts in writing, one of which can be found in letters to the editor. The actions of these livestock people were the most positive factors I have seen in the Hereford breed for several years. The respondents were all middle age or younger, nearly all running very successful programs and concerned about the breed and its direction. Even though, they all agreed that we as a breed needed to produce more of the same likeness, everyone’s birth weight theories had a different slant. In the case of the commercial producers, they wanted pay-weight in their calves simply because the bulls they purchased were used on females from another breed. The positivity of the entire scenario is the fact that we have a core of young breeders that are damned serious about making the breed move forward and recover market share that we have gradually lost over the past two decades. Several of these breeders would do a lot of good sitting on our national board. This positive attitude could never come at a better time as the industry strengthens and Alberta hosts the World Hereford Conference in 2012. We must remember that open-mindedness is an important factor in any industry. The market in the last year has also been showing signs of changing demographics. After the last few years of bankers and government thinking livestock was the highest risk market (oh, but pay your taxes and interest), their thoughts and ideas are changing. In the years ahead, we will begin to see a new group of people entering the livestock industry, relative to market trends. The day of the small cow herd is a thing of the past as cattle operations have to use quality, consistency and quantity for profits. Costs of operation, generally labour, are moving calving dates back so they can calve on grass in warmer temperatures and larger calving areas. The beef cattle industry is a young man’s game and we see new young cattlemen coming back to the fold. This new generation stockman will be knowledgeable in new methods, economics and very computer literate. Although we dream and talk about export possibilities to Eastern Europe, our largest market place will be domestically. Export agents, in many cases, will not be able to find enough quantities of breeding stock to fill boats going across the pond, as our domestic market will pay the same or more with less fuss and risk. Canada’s economy is one of the leaders in the world and our strong dollar will also play a determent role. Our best opportunities for marketing out of country are those of our neighbours to the south. The hottest Hereford market is in the United States where producers are using Hereford bulls to take advantage of heterous; thus, gaining a larger weaning and carcass weight when used on the masses of Angus cow herds running on the American grasslands. The positive market position of livestock has a deterring factor, in that the price of beef will cost the consumer more in years ahead. Tyson announced last week that they were increasing the price of beef, pork and poultry products, due to supply. For those who travel in the south, fewer to no country of origin labels can be found. The faltering American economy needs beef for jobs, not only in the growing and slaughtering process but in the fast food, retail and restaurant facets. But, until the world cow herd grows to pre-BSE numbers, the price of beef on the hoof or on the plate will be significantly higher, bringing new producers to the playing field. In many cases, opportunities will be endless for breeders supplying seed stock. The question is how do we find the new people looking for seed stock? Some of your cheapest expenditures in the next few years will be advertising, whether it is in print or electronically. People have to know that you are Herefords Today Spring 2011


in the business and have product for sale. Publication issues are often around the house or office (bathroom) a lot longer that the daily newspaper. Having a current, up-dated website on a high traffic multi-breed hub will give you both domestic and international access to cowboys and cattlemen, worldwide. The most important part of the promotional process is being current with your data and to have access that is more than domestic. July is a big month in the Hereford breed and in 2011 it is in Saskatchewan. Bonanza is hosted in Saskatoon and showcases the breed’s strongest asset ... juniors. Due to its central location, it is anticipated to be a large event. Plan to attend and show the young people that you are in the business and support what they are doing ... they are your future customers. In conjunction with Bonanza, the Canadian Hereford Association is holding their annual general meeting. Put it in your plans and don’t be afraid to ask questions ... remember it’s your association. The next few years will be a test for every breed, financial stabilization, growth and market share, but it is up to you, the breeders to put your best foot forward promoting your program and the breed. The strength of any breed is its membership and with the 2012 World Conference hosted in Alberta, let’s show the world our strength. For anyone who can operate a sand wedge or putter, this is your invitation to play golf with us on June 21 and 22nd at Dakota Dunes supporting the youth in the industry. It is a good time and a “feel good” cause.

I Just Thought... You Ought To Know!

Herefords Today Spring 2011


111th Annual Calgary Bull Sale and Show March 2, 2011 Calgary, AB Judge: Wayne Mrnak, Bowman, ND


Split 1 1. S. Nixdorff & Sons, Airdrie, AB with SNS 5S Silver Stanmore 37X by JHR 19L Volt Lad 5S 2. Matejka Farms, Ponoka, AB with MHF T87 Famous 56X by MHF K64 Fame 87T

BULL CALF CHAMPION S. Nixdorff & Sons, Airdrie, AB with SNS 5S Silver Stanmore 37X by JHR 19L Volt Lad 5S

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Matejka Farms, Ponoka, AB with MHF T87 Famous 56X by MHF K64 Fame 87T

2. Corbiell Herefords, Cluny, AB with C 31S Wind Fire 16W by MHH 66N Sunrise Lad 31S

Split 6 1. Eureka Hereford Farms Inc., Eureka River, AB with EHF 6S Britisher Lad 11W by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S 2. Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc., Irma, AB with SGC 170S Red Hawk 46W by SGC 76P Red STD 170S

Split 7 1. YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB with YV 490 Big Bo 957W by OB Bodacious 490 2. Stauffer Farms Ltd., Eckville, AB with SFL 109S Robin 102W by SFL 86M Robin Hood 109S


Split 1 1. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 106S Nacho 019W by Dunrobin 36N Nacho 106S 2. Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch, Okotoks, AB with BP 144P Standard Lad 147W by K 68L Standard Lad 144P Split 2 1. Eureka Hereford Farms Inc., Eureka River, AB with EHF 6S Aster Lad 35W by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S 2. YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB with YV 82R Silver Star 973W by SNS 40L Red Silver 82R

Split 3 1. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Jenran Wyatt Earp 13W by Churchill Rancher 592R 2. Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch, Okotoks, AB with BP 4S Admiral 88W by BP 29M Admiral ET 4S Split 4 1. Bar Pipe Ranch, Okotoks, AB with BP 144P Standard Lad 50W by K 68L Standard Lad 144P 2. JoNomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB with JNHR Silver Standard 503W by JNHR Silver Standard 435M Split 5 1. Corbiell Herefords, Cluny, AB with C 23S War Ship 15W by 13N Silver Britisher Lad 23S

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Jenran Wyatt Earp 13W by Churchill Rancher 592R

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Eureka Hereford Farms Inc., Eureka River, AB with EHF 6S Britisher Lad 11W by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S

2. Little Poplar Grove Herefords, Forestburg, AB with LPG Rams 59K Lad 44W by Carlrams 139L STD Volt 53S

Split 4 1. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 345S Wachter 998W by GH Adams 438P Lad NN 345S 2. Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc., Irma, AB with FE 18S Aster Lad 37W by LO 931N Aster Lad 18S Split 5 1. Little Poplar Grove Herefords, Forestburg, AB with LPG 46R Excursion Lad 29W by MHH 011H Brit Lad 46R 2. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 259P Webster 984W by BBSF 124J L STD Lad 259P

Split 6 1. Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB with LRD 6238 Dakota Lad 26W by MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 2. Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB with LRD 6238 Dakota Lad 24W by MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET

Split 7 1. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 259P Warren 970W by BBSF 124J L STD Lad 259P 2. YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB with YV 232N Silverado ET 945W by AGA 167L Silver 232N


Split 1 1. MN Herefords, Airdrie, AB with MN 26R Prince Domino 38W by MHH 22L Britisher Lad 26R 2. Church Ranch, Balzac, AB with CGC 99R War Cry 23W by SFL 86M Robin 99R

Split 2 1. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 138R Waldo 001W by SFL 86M Robin 138R 2. Stauffer Farms Ltd., Eckville, AB with BM 109S Robin Lad 91W by SFL 86M Robin Hood 109S

Split 3 1. MN Herefords, Airdrie, AB with MN 26R STD Lad 128W by MHH 22L Britisher Lad 26R Herefords Today Spring 2011


INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 345S Wachter 998W by GH Adams 438P Lad NN 345S RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION BULL Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB with LRD 6238 Dakota Lad 26W by MH Dakota Lad 6238 1E


Split 1 1. Little Poplar Grove Herefords, Forestburg, AB with LPG Bonanza Lord Lad 1W by LPG Bonanza 52G 2. Stauffer Farms Ltd., Eckville, AB with SFL 1T Tanker 64W by NGC 121P Tank 1T

Split 2 1. Breton West Herefords, Breton, AB with Breton West 45R Nobel 18W by Lone-Pine Rebel 45R 2. Lilybrook Herefords Inc., Claresholm, AB with LBH 75S STD Brit Lad 213W by MVF 237K STD Brit Lad 75S Split 3 1. Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB with LRD Ramrod 5W by GH Rambo 279R 2. Breton West Herefords, Breton, AB with Breton West 17N Vegas 15W by GH Neon 17N Split 4 1. CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB with BCD 46P Ward 947W by PAHL 38J Papillon 46P 2. Little Poplar Grove Herefords, Forestburg, AB with LPG Excursion 59K Lad 90W by CC 122E Excursion 68J

Split 5 1. YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB with YV 232N Silver Stone 923W by AGA 167L Silver 232N 2. S. Nixdorff & Sons, Airdrie, AB with SNS 232P Rock Lad 31W by Pyramid 159M Rock 232P Split 6 1. Stauffer Farms Ltd., Eckville, AB with BM 264P Western Star 21W by MJT Century 264P 2. S. Nixdorff & Sons, Airdrie, AB with SNS 5S Stanmore 14W by JHR 19L Volt Lad 5S Split 7 1. Aurica Hawkwood and and Brandon Fraser, Cochrane, AB with JKF 144S Wizard 7W by GH-Adams Shadow 144S 2. Lilybrook Herefords Inc., Claresholm, AB with LBH 39T Sterling 53W by CC 77J Sterling 39T

SENIOR CHAMPION BULL YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB with YV 232N Silver Stone 923W by AGA 167L Silver 232N RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL S. Nixdorff & Sons, Airdrie, AB with SNS 232P Rock Lad 31W by Pyramid 159M Rock 232P

PAIR OF BULLS CGD Herefords, Bowden, AB

GROUP OF THREE BULLS Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB GROUP OF FIVE BULLS Corbiell Herefords, Cluny, AB

PROGENY OF SIRE Little Red Deer Hereford Farm, Innisfail, AB

Herefords Today Spring 2011


aska toon, SK Saskatoon,SK July 27 27 -- 30, 30,2011 2011 July Visit for for aa Visit detailed schedule schedule of of events exents detailed The The Time Time is is Counting Counting Down... Down...

We We look look forward forward to to seeing seeing you you there there !!

For More Information Contact the Co-Chairs: Kaitlyn Reid Julia Pawlitza Phone: (306) 373-6100 Phone: (306) 689-2597 Email: Wacey McCaw Lexie Girodat Alexis DeCorby

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Open to all Canadian Hereford Breeders.

Now is the time to offer some of your best and take advantage of renewe enthusiasim in the beef industry and the Hereford Breed. For more information contact...

Nominations for the Red, White and Proud Sale Farm Name:

Phone Number:

Breeder Name:

Cell Number:


Email Address:

Postal Code:

Directions to farm:

Ted & Mina Serhienko 4-3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, S7K SK 7G9 Ph: (306) 933-4200 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Chris Poley: (306) 220-5006

Herefords Today Spring 2011

Deadline for Nominations are July 8, 2011

* All entries nominated for the sale must meet management s selection criteria. *


March 6, 2011 Lloydminster, SK Judge: Garth Rancier, Killam, AB


Class 7 Born May 1 to December 31, 2009 1. Brady Moncrieff, Senlac, SK with ACE Scully Lad 34W by Dunrobin 200L Scully 25R

Class 8 Born April 1 to 30, 2009 1. W. A. Ayrey, Evesham, SK with WA 27S Warner 92W by Triple-A Max’s Smok’n 27S 2. Brady Moncrieff, Senlac, SK with ACE Nacho Lad 9W by Dunrobin 36N Nacho 106S

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION Keith W. Davies, LaCorey, AB with KTD Warrior 13W by KTD 8205 Justice 39S SENIOR BULL

Class 11 Born January 1 to 31, 2009 1. Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK with PHF 78S Wrangler 26W by LPG 329J Aster Lad 78S

Class 12 Born Prior to December 31, 2008 1. Keith W. Davies, LaCorey, AB with KTD Hi Standard 63U by KTD Sandstone Big Show 33N

Class 9 Born March 1 to 31, 2009 1. Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK with PHF 78S Lariat 78W by LPG 329J Aster Lad 78S 2. Keith W. Davies, LaCorey, AB with KTD Warrior 13W by KTD 8205 Justice 39S SENIOR BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Keith W. Davies, LaCorey, AB with KTD Hi Standard 63U by KTD Sandstone Big Show 33N

JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK with PHF 78S Lariat 78W by LPG 329J Aster Lad 78S


Class 6 Born January 1 to 31, 2010 1. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with KEM Express 26X by K-Cow Diego 3204U

BULL CALF CHAMPION K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with KEM Express 26X by K-Cow Diego 3204U JUNIOR BULL

Class 7 Born May 1 to December 31, 2009 1. Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with STRL 409 Beauvallon 713W by Justamere 25E Fashion 409J 2. Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with STRL 43 Islander 781W by WTK ANL 12R Torrent 43T Class 8 Born April 1 to 30, 2009 1. Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with STRL 409 Freshman 681W by Justamere 25E Fashion 409J

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK with PHF 78S Wrangler 26W by LPG 329J Aster Lad 78S PAIR OF BULLS Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK

JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with STRL 409 Beauvallon 713W by Justamere 25E Fashion 409J

Herefords Today Spring 2011


RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with STRL 43 Islander 781W by WTK ANL 12R Torrent 43T

PAIR OF BULLS Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB

GROUP OF FOUR BULLS Sampson’s Thunderbird Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB


Class 10 Born February 1 to 28, 2009 1. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Wanted 737W by K-Cow Shooter 3S 2. Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Nitro Circuit 2W by MJT Dunn 195S

SENIOR BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Wanted 737W by K-Cow Shooter 3S

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CHAMPION Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Nitro Circuit 2W by MJT Dunn 195S

We are looking forward to meeting everyone at Bonanza 2011 Watch for Kaitlyn’s show string at Bonanza!

To Cathy Brown for her dedication and service to Herefords Today. We would like to wish her continued success with all her future endeavors.

Select group of bred heifers and bull calves for sale this fall.

For our eastern advertisers, contact Craig Flewelling, Bryan Kostiuk or the girls in the office for all your advertising needs.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Hosted by Ottawa Valley Hereford Zone February 25 and 26, 2011 - Ottawa, ON


rs Board of Directo

President: Rob Flack 60 Wheeler Court Dorchester, ON N0L 1G2 (519) 268-2617

Hiddink Vice President: Hank (613) 399-3239

bert Thurston Executive Director: Ro (519) 848-2869

Directors: 808 Kevin Brown (705) 327-1 Jill Corp (705) 799-7488 7 Rob Flack (519) 268-261 6 Leon Silk (905) 349-376 0 35 Lois Batty (705) 374-4

: CHA Representatives 15 1-85 Wallace Pugh (519) 94 9-3136 48 ) Burt Grundy (613

Back Row Left to Right: Laura Cox, Jill Corp, Leon Silk, Lois Batty, Ron Wells & Burt Grundy Front Row Left to Right: Hank Hiddink, Bob Thurston, Kevin Brown, Wally Pugh & Rob Flack

2012 Ontario Hereford Association Annual General Meeting to be hosted by the West Central Hereford Zone, February 2012.

2011 Toronto Royal Agricultural Winter Fair - Eastern Canadian National Hereford Show Judge: Chris & Tina Lees, C&T Cattle Co., Arcola, SK.

Winner of the OHA Ambassador: Cassandra Gorrill

Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Lang P. Ag. with OHA-CHA Representative, Burt Grundy

2011 OJHA Executive: President - John Thurston Vice President - Kyra McConnell Secretary - Cassandra Gorrill Treasurer - Danielle Cavanagh Directors - Caylynne Brown Jordan Cavanagh Anthony Gorrill

Junior Directors - Renee Finlay, Zack McConnell and Justin McLaughlin CJHA Delegates: John Thurston Anthony Gorrill Danielle Cavanagh Herefords Today Spring 2011


Canadian All Star Awards: Mary Elmhirst, Caylynne Brown, Brent Palsson Absent: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Fieldstone Farm, Bradley Farms & William Robinson Ontario Hereford Association Show Female of the Year: Hill’s Delilah 146X sired by Harvie Raftsman 16R is owned by Hill’s Polled Herefords.

Ontario Hereford Association Show Bull of the Year: Elm-Lodge Twitter ET 70W sired by Harvie Traveler 69T is owned by Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords.

June 21-22, 2011 For sponsorship and entry forms, contact: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. 4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-933-4200 Fax: 306-934-0744

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Bear’s Corner

The longer I’m associated

By Doreen Flewelling

with the beef industry and the older I get, the luckier I feel to have had the opportunity to meet so many interesting and intelligent women. Often the unsung heroes of our industry are the women, and in this column I hope to share some of their lives with you. They form a diverse and devoted group who can proudly claim the titles of wife, mother, career woman and then often become secretary, bookkeeper, farmhand, entertainment co-ordinator and shrewd business partner as well.

Steps to Happiness

Cathy and Allan

Cathy, Michelle and Shane in 1963

Cathy and her 4-H Horse

When you switch your barn boots for designer boots it’s often easy to forget how to get dirty, but Cathy Wood hasn’t forgotten. Today she is still comfortable treating a sick calf or fitting cattle for the show ring, and she is equally comfortable collecting data on the computer or discussing international protocol with cattle breeders worldwide. She first chose a career as a custom cattle fitter, often starting work at 3 or 4 a.m. and finishing long after dark, merely because of her desire to work with the cattle and her fondness for the people in the industry.

Cathy’s mother, Idris, was raised on a farm near Carmen, Manitoba, but when she was 16 she followed her older sister to Alberta to work as an operator for AGT, the Alberta Government Telephone Company in Drayton Valley. Cathy’s father, Terry, was also raised on a farm, near Barrhead, Alberta, but he finished school and left the farm to work for Calgary Power (now Trans Alta Utilities). While they were both working in Drayton Valley, Idris and Terry met and married. They had three children together: Shane, Cathy and Michelle. Terry’s job required the family to relocate throughout Alberta numerous times. They lived in Camrose, Wetaskiwin, Evansburg, Entwistle and twice in Barrhead. The year Cathy started Grade One; the Wood family purchased a farm just five miles north of Barrhead and settled into rural life under the name of Tilwood Farms.

For readers that don’t live in Alberta, Barrhead is situated approximately 120 km northwest of Edmonton. During the 1800’s and early 1900’s Barrhead played an important role in the settlement of north-western Alberta and was a vital link in the trade route from Fort Edmonton to the Yukon. Today, Highway 33, known as the Grizzly Trail, follows the original Klondike Trail, which was the shortest route to the Yukon during the Gold Rush years. This route was key to the settlement of the Peace River region and Barrhead was a frequent stop-over for the Klondikers who needed supplies for the rigorous journey north. Today a bustling community of over 5,000 residents, the Barrhead area has dozens of fishing and recreational lakes. Situated at the southern edge of the Boreal forest, the town is still an important stopover for travellers, but now also a destination for hunters, campers and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Now that the Wood family was settled on a farm, the children naturally wanted to have animals of their own to join the Barrhead 4-H clubs. Idris Wood enlisted the help of her good friends and neighbours, Irene and Ed Molzan of Ed Rene Angus Farms, to help choose suitable Purebred Angus heifers. That was the beginning of Cathy’s passion for cattle. The Woods kept 12 or 15 Angus females at one time and 6 or 8 horses. Cathy was a member of both the Barrhead 4-H Beef Club and the 4-H Horse Club. She recalls spending every weekend during the summer months showing her horse, competing in gymkhanas, or trail riding. She also exhibited their Angus at several of the local summer fairs like Barrhead, Westlock and Mayerthorpe. As a member of the Alberta Junior Angus Association, she attended Herefords Today Spring 2011


the first Bashaw National Junior Angus Heifer Show held in 1977, and she won Intermediate and Grand Champion Showmanship honours under the shrewd eye of Judge Gavin Hamilton. That showmanship award was one of many Cathy achieved during her junior show career. A heifer named Barbara, that Cathy purchased from Spearhead Ranch, showed exceptionally well for her in 4-H. Spearhead Barbara was named Provincial Champion Heifer, and her horse, Halo, also brought home numerous 4-H honours at local and regional shows. During her 4-H career, Cathy held almost every executive position in both the Barrhead 4-H Beef and Horse clubs, and she is also a Past-Treasurer for the Alberta Junior Angus Association. When Cathy was 12, her parents divorced, and when her brother Shane moved out on his own, that left Idris, Cathy and Michelle to tend to the farming. Idris was working in town as a bookkeeper for the Barrhead Co-op, so Cathy and Michelle handled the daily chores. Cathy fed the calves, the 4-H heifers and the horses, and Michelle looked after the cow herd both before and after school; then they would have supper prepared when Idris came home from work. Caring for the animals taught both girls responsibility at an early age.

Cathy graduated Barrhead Lorne Jenkin High School in 1979 and was accepted at the Olds College to study Livestock Production, but before the fall semester commenced, she received a phone call from Quinton Stevick, then Herdsman for Highfield Stock Farms near Okotoks. He offered her a job working with the Simmental and Charolais show cattle and she accepted. Then one of the few women on the show circuit, with the long hours and demanding show days, Cathy’s work ethic was reinforced. Highfield exhibited throughout Western Canada at the major summer and fall shows from the Vancouver PNE to Canadian Western Agribition in Regina. They also exhibited in Portland, Spokane, Denver and Phoenix, and living out of a suitcase was becoming the norm for Cathy. After working two show seasons at Highfield, she moved to Goose Lake Cattle. Co. near Calgary and worked with their Simmental show string for two years. As members of the Young Canadian Simmentalers and working at Goose Lake, Cathy and colleague, Lynn Lyons, instigated and organized the first Young Canadian Simmentalers Wild Rose Classic Show held in Alberta.

Quinton and Ann Stevick purchased a farm, Bar 15 Simmentals, near Pincher Creek and once again hired Cathy to help with their new custom fitting service. Often with four people and 15 head of cattle, they were on the road summer and fall attending the major shows in Western Canada. Cathy especially remembers one particular day when she and co-worker Kerri Harriet were sent to deliver sale bulls to Rock Creek, B.C. Descending the Salmo/Creston Pass, the highest in Canada, they lost their trailer brakes. White knuckled and following a gravel truck down the mountain, Cathy managed to manoeuvre the truck and trailer to the bottom. It is an experience that will bond the girls forever! Looking back on it now, they can chuckle and mark it down to just another cattle hauling experience!

After spending two show seasons at Bar 15 and working freelance for various breeders during sale season, Cathy took a well needed holiday in the spring of 1984. She went on a six week Contiki camping tour throughout 11 European countries. Returning home, she went to work for Cruikshank Charolais near Olds for the fall show season, and she spent the next spring and summer helping the Penosky family at Happyvale Angus near Stettler. They exhibited 12 head at local summer shows and fairs leading up to the 1985 World Angus Forum held in Edmonton. After the World Forum, Cathy moved back to Olds to work with Cruikshank Charolais on the fall circuit. She stayed working for the Cruikshanks part-time helping with their show and sale cattle for the next two years while she attended Olds College fulltime. She graduated in the spring of 1987 with an Agriculture Business Degree, was Herefords Today Spring 2011


Cathy Riding Her Horse

1977 Bashaw National Junior Heifer Show

1980 Stettler County Fair

1980 Northlands Stock Show

1982 Farmfair

named to the Dean’s List, and won the Louise McKinney $3,000 Scholarship for the highest marks in the Ag Business program!

1986 Calgary Stampede

1988 Farmfair

1989 Farmfair

1991 Farmfair

Cathy Celebrating 1992 CWA Grand Champion Bull

Shortly after college graduation, in the summer of 1987, Cathy joined the team at Kilmorlie Farms Inc., near Bowden. There she could still work with cattle, Polled Hereford this time, as well as challenge her new business degree. She spent mornings in the Kilmorlie office as a secretary/bookkeeper keeping cattle records, recording herd health and keeping calving information up to date, and she is definitely credited for bringing the farm into the computer age. In the afternoons, she usually worked outside with the show or sale cattle, and helped out wherever she was needed. As the only female and a versatile member of the team, Cathy was quick to keep the men in line when it came to providing the office with accurate information. She also found time for everything from cutting grass, to painting fences, to decorating the barn for sales, to cooking lunch and washing dishes for the sale crews. Her specialty was still grooming the show cattle, and Kilmorlie realized many show champions during those years. “It was hard work,” Cathy recalls, “but we always had fun, especially at the shows! Drinking champagne from the coveted Tom Lees Memorial trophy after winning 1992 Grand Champion Bull at Agribition was one of the parties to remember!”

In the fall of 1987, a group of Alberta Hereford breeders held an elite and decadent sale at the Capri Hotel in Red Deer. Sales staff members were dressed in tuxedos and the cattle were presented as stars. This brought the attention of local media and positive attention to the breed. Kilmorlie Farms consigned a bull calf to the sale, and when a Red Deer Advocate reporter, Sheryl Nixon arrived, she noticed that Cathy was the only female grooming cattle that day. Sheryl followed Cathy back to Kilmorlie and wrote a feature article on her unique career in the December 29, 1987 issue of the newspaper. The article began: “The polished pink fingernails look like they’ve never run through the thick red coat of a Hereford cow, nor tugged at the end of a halter rope to coax along a 1,350-kg bull. The slim and fashionably dressed 26year-old has been a custom livestock fitter since she finished high school. She’s one of a growing number of bovine beauticians that take cattle from the barnyard pen or pasture into the show and sale ring with style.” They referred to her as a “Bovine Beautician”, and it catapulted Cathy into the media spotlight. Newspapers and radio stations throughout North America began calling and requesting an interview!

The media attention triggered something rather unexpected for Cathy. At the time, there was a CBC television program called “On the Road Again” that aired weekly across Canada. It was a show hosted by Wayne Rostad that featured Canadians that have unique and unusual professions. Wayne is one of the most recognized voices and faces on the Canadian landscape, and he and his film crew came to Bowden and filmed a segment featuring Cathy. Once again, they named her the “Bovine Beautician”, and to the delight of other young women breaking into the industry, the program aired Canada-wide in April of 1988.

When Kilmorlie Farms Inc. dispersed their cattle and land in October of 1994, Dr. Roger Davis was quick to recognize Cathy’s abilities. After helping with the enormous task of organizing and orchestrating the two-day Kilmorlie dispersal, Cathy hung up her Carhartt overalls and accepted the position as Office Manager for Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. and Davis-Rairdan International (DRI), near Crossfield, Alberta. Co-founder of Davis-Rairdan, Dr. Davis grew up in Saskatchewan raising registered Angus cattle and later, while working as a practicing veterinarian, owned Davis Polled Herefords until dispersing in 1989. Davis polled genetics are still recognized worldwide, and Dr. Davis’ knowledge of the purebred industry, his training as a veterinarian and his interest in genetics, Herefords Today Spring 2011


especially embryo transfer and reproduction has been extremely beneficial to the purebred seedstock industry. In Western Canada alone, Davis-Rairdan implants an average of 2,000 beef cattle embryos annually, and to date, they have exported embryos to over 22 countries. For the past 17 years, Cathy has worked tirelessly with Dr. Davis and the Davis-Rairdan transplant team for the benefit of the purebred industry.

Cathy rises about 5:00 a.m. (must be an old habit from the show road) and arrives at Davis-Rairdan around 7:00 a.m. A half hour drive from Bowden to Crossfield, Cathy is often on the QEII highway with the 18-wheel truckers before the snow ploughs have had a chance to clear the roads. The time she arrives back home depends on the day’s workload. Bookkeeping at Davis-Rairdan is just one of Cathy’s responsibilities. She also co-ordinates appointments between the flushing team and the breeders, both on farm or at the transplant centre. She contacts the breeders and provides them with the information necessary when preparing a cow to be flushed. If the cow is to be flushed at the transplant centre, she ensures the semen to breed her is released and available at the proper time. When it comes to shipping embryos worldwide, just the paper work alone can be daunting. Every country has its own government protocol (ever changing) that has to be followed to the letter, not to mention the CFIA regulations and Health papers required to ship embryos to each various country. Then there are the airline regulations and schedules to follow and the paper trail that involves. “It can be stressful to ensure the embryos arrive at their destination on time and without delay,” Cathy tells me, “but when all goes well, and say a breeder in Denmark sends you pictures of his resulting calves, it’s a great feeling to have satisfied clients.”

Cathy’s first exposure to a computer was as a student at Olds College. Long before the internet arrived, one of her projects was to collect information on the College Hereford cowherd and enter the data, such as pedigrees and breeding information, into a very antiquated computer program. Her second exposure to computers was when she transferred the Kilmorlie Farms bookkeeping onto a computer, but the computerized record-keeping programs for purebred herds left a lot to be desired back then. Davis-Rairdan also did their bookkeeping on a computer and when Cathy arrived, they had started to develop a reliable embryo inventory program. Since then, technology has greatly improved, and Cathy has embraced it and continues to improve her skills. She maintains the Davis-Rairdan website and without the internet, easily connecting with clients and colleagues across Canada and worldwide wouldn’t be possible. When Cathy got tired of waiting for computer technicians to show up, not to mention the enormous fees they charged, she took it upon herself to enrol in some troubleshooting and repair courses. Now she is the go-to-girl at Davis-Rairdan, not to mention helping a few of her friends!

Davis-Rairdan Holiday Party

Cathy At Work

Idris Wood, Michelle, Tim and Kaylee Craplewe

Michelle, Cathy’s younger sister, graduated High School in Barrhead and also made her mark in the beef industry as a custom cattle fitter. Michelle (PeeWee) worked with Kilmorlie Farms for four years, as well as for several other Canadian and U.S. breeders. For those readers that knew Michelle, she now lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband, Tim Craplewe and their 12 year old daughter, Kaylee. Cathy and Michelle’s father, Terry, and his wife Lois, live in St. Albert, Alberta. Together they have one married son, Scott, who lives with his family in Reno, Nevada. Terry and Lois own and operate a “Hot Shot” service called, T. L. Wood Transport, and Michelle is the Office Manager. Idris, Cathy and Michelle’s mother, is now retired from the Alberta Government Department of Agriculture in Barrhead and resides in Leduc, Alberta. She keeps busy working part-time in a clothing boutique. Lois and Terry Wood Herefords Today Spring 2011


While working at Kilmorlie Farms as co-workers, Cathy met her husband and best friend Alan Penny. Now partners for almost 20 years, they share two married daughters and four grandchildren. Eldest daughter, Danielle, and Travis Thorburn have two children, Mannix and Cedar, and youngest daughter, Andria, and Jeff Sahli have two sons, Ashton and Carter. Cathy and Alan spend a lot of early Saturday mornings as cheering grandparents at hockey or lacrosse games! Travis, Danielle, Cedar and Mannix Thorburn

Andria, Jeff, Ashton and Carter Sahli

Cathy Golfing

Bowden Club Championship Awards Presentation

2008 Bowden Ladies Open

Cathy takes her sports as seriously as she takes her work. She says her father taught her that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right, and that’s exactly what she does. Living along the first fairway of the Bowden Golf Course, Cathy’s present goal is to perfect her golf game to a single digit handicap, and I don’t doubt that it will happen soon! During golf season, she rushes home from work to hit the links for 9 holes before dark. On the weekends she beats the crowds at 6:00 a.m. for a 9 hole practice round, often before meeting friends for 18 in the afternoon. Cathy has won numerous ladies and mixed tournaments in Central Alberta including the Bowden Club Championship eight times and the Bowden Ladies Open tournament for the last five years running. She can boast two hole-in-ones, the first celebrated in Ontario and the second in Alberta, and scoring two eagles in 2010 has reinforced her enthusiasm. While representing Davis-Rairdan as sponsors of the T Bar Invitational last summer, Cathy and Alan were warming-up with a practice round at the Dakota Dunes Golf Links near Saskatoon when Cathy scored an eagle on the 302 yard, #14 hole. In the tournament the next day, her self-confidence was still evident when she set up her drive to cut the corner over the trees on the dog-legged left, par 4, #13. Her ball landed next to the green allowing her team to score a birdie and finish second in a tournament that I must mention, is dominated by male competitors. Alberta winters can get long for golfers, so Cathy and Alan plan an annual get-a-way that always includes golf. They have travelled to the U.S. and the Dominican Republic, but their favourite winter destination in recent years has been Ixtapa, Mexico, for two weeks of golf and relaxation. Cathy’s favourite winter sport is clogging, because it involves good music, good exercise and fun with friends.

Both Cathy and Alan are part of a small group of community minded people in Bowden that saw the Bowden Golf Course wasn’t living up to its potential. The group set out to revamp the course and make it more profitable and attractive to new members. They raised money and drew plans that included a new clubhouse, grass greens and improved fairways. It’s now a course that Bowden is proud to promote. Cathy has served as the Secretary or the Treasurer of the club for the past several years and has helped to promote and organize ladies night golf and the annual Bowden Ladies Open golf tournament for several years. She was also one of the major organizers of the Scott Rairdan Foundation Golf Tournament that was held at the Carstairs Golf Club for 11 years.

Spring has arrived in Alberta, and you can bet that Cathy will be one of the first to check out the newest varieties of flowers at the greenhouses. She loves spending time in her gardens and nurturing the seedlings to their full potential. A hobby she shares with her step-mother, Lois, Cathy raises everything from Chocolate tomatoes to the latest Lime Bi-color petunias! Cathy and Alan enjoy entertaining and cooking together, and of course beef is the first selection, but Cathy’s specialty is chocolate desserts. As with the flowers and vegetables, she’s always on the lookout for a new recipe to try. Cathy says she has learned something from everyone she has worked with, but she considers her mother to be one of the most influential people in her life. “She gave me her work ethic and taught me honesty and loyalty,” Cathy says. “I think my strengths are that I can handle a heavy workload and stay organized at the same Herefords Today Spring 2011


time. I have a hard time understanding people that don’t put their best foot forward and show passion for whatever they are doing.” Cathy has been a willing mentor to any young person anxious to learn. She has conducted fitting and showing demonstrations for junior cattle enthusiasts of several breeds, and she acted as an Adult Advisor for the 1996 Junior Hereford Bonanza held in Calgary, Alberta. She has judged numerous 4-H showmanship and grooming competitions, and she will always be a cheerleader for the junior associations in Canada. In 1996, Cathy was also a member of a team of women that judged the Cinderella Classic held in Saskatoon. Still proud to be a part of the Canadian Beef Industry, Cathy can’t think of anything she would have done differently. She values her family, and the friends and acquaintances she has made worldwide; it’s mostly the people that have kept her enthusiastic!

Cathy and her 4-H Horse

“I don’t’ have many words of wisdom,” she tells me, “but love what you are doing is the most important advice I can give. You have to be able to make a living at it, but loving what you do every day is the most important step to happiness; and never pass-up the opportunity to learn something new! I like to eat well, stay healthy and enjoy time with friends!” Gymkhana Jumping

Cathy and Michelle Figure Skating

Cathy and Halo in 1973 Barrhead Parade

Cathy at Grad 12 Graduation

1977 Bashaw National Junior Heifer Show

1980 Washing In Arizona Herefords Today Spring 2011



Class 1, Split 1 1. Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Clayridge Granite 178X by XLP Sandstone 1168S 2. LV Farms Ltd., Midale, SK with LV Excaliber 113R 17X by Remitall First Class ET 113R JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Clayridge Granite 178X by XLP Sandstone 1168S

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CHAMPION LV Farms Ltd., Midale, SK with LV Excaliber 113R 17X by Remitall First Class ET 113R BULL BORN IN 2009

Class 2, Split 1 1. James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Rebel 640W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N 2. James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Warrior 462W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N

Split 2 1. Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP 101S Showtime 48W by BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S 2. Harvey Duke, Regina, SK with Square-D Dynamic 9826W by Square-D Logan 209P

Split 3 1. James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Northline 778W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N 2. James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Canyon 128W by GHR Taurus 4J 42T

INTERMEDIATE BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP 101S Showtime 48W by BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S

RESERVE INTERMEDIATE BULL CHAMPION James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Northline 778W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N Class 2, Split 4 1. Meadow-Acres Farms, Lampman, SK with Meadow-Acres 62P Striker 94W by Blair-Athl The Big Show ET 62P 2. Six South Acres Ltd., Milestone, SK with OVHF CK 69T Wages 7W by Harvie Traveler 69T

Split 5 1. Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP CLF Titanium 32W by GH LD Wildcard 61P 2. James and Harvey Duke, Langbank, SK with Square-D Stampede 736W by Remitall Super Duty 42S

Split 6 1. Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with Maple-Dale 101S Heat 4W by BNMHPH 13P Heat 101S 2. Meadow-Acres Farms, Lampman, SK with Meadow-Acres 62P Bandwagon 13W by Blair-Athl The Big Show ET 62P

Herefords Today Spring 2011


SENIOR BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Meadow-Acres Farms, Lampman, SK with Meadow-Acres 62P Striker 94W by Blair-Athl The Big Show ET 62P

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CHAMPION Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP CLF Titanium 32W by GH LD Wildcard 61P

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Intere igh gh don’t pay enou avy weaning we l he stil y for the t ing ea bu ed " bre "go t to tha sector trying mak ttle with lots of I disagree with T-Bar feedlot guys like ca et signals and each e ark Th m it. te tra ria nt d rop rta fee po pp ina feed and the single most im tional with poor or ough more days on is still quite dysfunc avier carcasses thr he t cow-calf producers ge y l an stil m n w ca our entire beef system Ho ts m. The feedlo are purchased. the ttle low ca be e the y on da the profit from ttle is locked in the in most feedlot ca additives. 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Herefords Today Spring 2011



Stuart, Sherri, Justin & Brittany Zoeteman Box 532 Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0 Ph (403) 553-2687 Fax (403) 553-2699 Bob & Fern Zoeteman Box 1288 Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0 Ph (403) 553-2162

Breton West Herefords Eugene, Norma & Leonard Poholka Box 325, Breton, Alberta T0C 0P0

Phone: (780) 696-3878 Fax: (780) 696-3777 Cell: (780) 621-8377 or (780) 542-0622 Email:


P.O. Box 338 Warner, AB T0K 2L0 Home (403) 642-2363 Fax (403) 642-2291


John, Brenda, Barclay & Jamie Lutz

Jo Nomn Hereford Ranch Norm & Joanne Parrent

Box 111 Clyde, AB T0G 0P0 (780) 348-5835

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Dave & Jean Prichard Box 394 Killam, AB T0B 2L0 780-385-2226

Dan & Shelly Prichard & Family Box 598 Killam, AB T0B 2L0 780-385-2298

Scott Alta Farms Bulls • Semen • Females • Embryos

Annual Production Sale

Second Saturday in October

2010 Canadian National Premier Exhibitor

Cattle Company Ltd.

Mick Trefiak (780) 755-2224 Fax (780) 755-2223 Cell (780) 842-8835 RR #1, Edgerton, AB T0K 1K0

Dennis & Andrea Babiuk

Box 102, Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0


Bryan and Annette Latimer

P o l le d H er e f o rd s

James & Shirley Scott

Breeding Stock for Sale

Ph: (403) 347-9848 RR 4 Red Deer, AB Fax: (403) 346-4732 T4N 5E4

Box 16 Site 2 RR 4 Olds, AB T4H 1T8 Ph: 403-556-2960 or 403-556-0301 Fax 403-556-3160 E: W:


Wayne & Lucie Sampson and Boys Box 11297, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B5 Phone/Fax: (780) 875-7453

4 miles west and 1 mile south of Lloydminster

Watergrove Ranches HEREFORD CATTLE

Selected for temperament, milk, feet, hair and easy-fleshing

Ronald & June Berg

Kevin & Joanne Fraser Garrett & Brandon Aurica Hawkwood Box 8, Site 3, R.R. #2 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A2 (403) 932-2406

Box 1963 Camrose, AB T4V 1X8

Visitors Welcome!

Ph. (780) 672-6292

Quality Seedstock Available

Herefords Today Spring 2011


While cattle rustling has been around for as long as cattlemen have been ranching, when it actually happens, it can take any cowboy by surprise. Bob and Jill Jensen, Leader area ranchers, were victims of cattle theft in 2009 and on Monday, Dec. 6, 2010, the perpetrator pleaded guilty in a North Battleford courtroom, receiving a nine-month conditional discharge. But, while the Jensens are pleased with both the plea and sentence, they’re furious with government bureaucrats who, they say, refused to stand behind the onerous and expensive government cattle tagging system that is the bane of every rancher. The Jensens turn out some of their cattle to graze on rented private pasture every spring, just as they did in May of 2009, but when they rounded up their cattle that fall, four head were missing. “Our cows came home from North Battleford on Oct. 17 and we were two pairs short. Eventually, the brand inspector phoned us and the two calves ended up in the Spiritwood Auction Mart on Oct. 27,” said Bob. “We don’t know how long he had them. You have to think that when the cows came home on the 17th and they weren’t there, that he already had them by then. He could have had them for two weeks before that – we have no idea how long he had them,” said Bob. The purebred Angus heifer calf and bull calf were branded with the Jensen’s cactus brand – L1 backward L over 1 – and Bob credits the brand and the brand inspectors with the safe return of the livestock. “The only reason this was found out was because of the brand and the brand inspectors. Branding is tradition, but it’s still used because it still works – it’s the only thing that still works today,” Bob said emphatically. The calves hadn’t been branded again and blood on the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags were another visual clue that rustling was afoot. The tags the Jensens had put in had been removed and the calves were outfitted with new RFID tags. The calves were not sold that day at auction and were returned to the Jensens. The suspect was turned into the RCMP, along with the evidence the brand inspectors collected. But the mother cows of the two calves were still missing, temporarily. “It was probably another week or more before them cows showed up. The brand inspectors, they did a great job. They were out talking to neighbours and we had a good description of the cows. We had good yellow dangle tags in them, and I knew the description of the cows and they were noticeable, so I could pass them on. The brand inspectors said both of them were seen in the area, so there was a pretty good hope they’d both be alive and eventually, they both showed up in two different places. They were just in the ditch running up and down the side roads. They each ended up in a separate farm yard in with other people’s cattle,” said Bob, adding he was thankful the cows didn’t cause a wreck on the roads. The brand inspectors at Spiritwood Stockyards who caught the theft in progress are Ward Anderson and Ken Wasden. Anderson and Wasden were assisted in their investigation by district supervisor Ron Sabin, out of North Battleford. Rick Omelenchenko was charged with, and later pled guilty, to theft under $5,000. On top of the nine-month conditional discharge, he was ordered to pay a $500 restitution to the Jensens and an additional $500 donation to a local charity. However, the Jensens were very upset to learn that tag tampering charges would not be going forward. “The Crown prosecutor phoned me and she was madder than hell when she told me they dropped the charges. And I was madder than hell, so I asked her who had contacted her and she told me and I phoned him. Eventually, I was able to get ahold of him and went up one side of him and down the other,” said Bob. “He told me their lawyer told him to drop the charges.” Herefords Today Spring 2011


Bob says he spoke to Dwayne Galambos, who works in Saskatoon within enforcement investigation services for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. “I was very disappointed. “I said to him, “You’ve shoved this (identification system) down our throat for how many years now, your inspectors out there have no common sense and now you’ve got a chance to prosecute somebody for removal of these tags and you just drop the charges? They had an opportunity here and they did nothing with it,” exclaimed Bob. Provincial crown prosecutor Jennifer Robertson says the brand inspectors approached her with the file in hopes she’d latch onto it because of her family’s ranching background. “This was a clear cut case of theft. I am glad the inspectors caught it,” she said, adding the work the brand inspectors did was the only reason the case was able to proceed. “I think it was important that those cattle were branded because I found that there were a number of holes in the tagging system – it wasn’t as clear cut as you would think, but we had a strong case because we had the brands and the brand inspectors caught it right away.” Robertson handed all the evidence over to the federal crown in the case and she said she still doesn’t completely understand the reasons why charges weren’t laid at that level for tag tampering, but believes there are differences in the burden of proof. However, she said that like the Jensens, she was personally disappointed as well. “If you’re going to make people tag cattle with those tags, then you should enforce the regulations,” Robertson said. “The Badger” has learned the regulation has never been enforced and there hasn’t been a single person charged with tag tampering. The Jensens, like most producers in Canada, have endured the extra costs associated with implementing national livestock identification initiatives in an effort to assure public and international confidence in Canada’s beef supply in a post-BSE world. However, the extra financial burden has been a heavy cross to bear, during the seven-year slump in the cattle industry after BSE was discovered in 2003. “Not everybody went and put bar code tags in all their cows, but because our cows are purebred and for the good of the industry, because we have our cows transported lots, we did that. We put 220 tags in at a cost of $3 to $3.50 a tag and now they’re telling us we have to do it again (with RFID),” Bob vented. In calving season, ranchers have to invest heavily in vaccinations, medications, vet bills and now, tags for every new calf born. After a tough winter during a hay shortage and high feed costs, spring can be a tough go for any cow-calf operation. Bob says the justice system squandered an ideal opportunity to show ranchers the value of the RFID system by prosecuting the man who had stolen the Jensen’s cattle. Robertson says cattle theft happens more often than most people would think. Earlier this week, it was learned that 20 pair went missing from a Bottrel, Alberta ranch sometime in October. If cattle prices continue to rise, thieves may be more likely to attempt to rustle. Robertson is hopeful other prosecutors will see the value and importance of holding rustlers’ feet to the fire. “I think it takes someone who knows what is at stake for the victims, who can look at the whole picture and is maybe willing to go out on limb. I am really surprised at how prevalent it (cattle theft) is. Once you start getting the word out that we are prepared to prosecute for this, it should act as a deterrent,” she said. Robertson says Saskatchewan relied heavily on its brand inspectors to catch acts of theft – more so than its provincial neighbour to the west. “Alberta has a lot more resources – they have a RCMP member that is dedicated to tracking missing cattle. In Saskatchewan we don’t, we really rely on the brand inspectors to catch these guys at the stockyard.” Herefords Today Spring 2011


The Jensens say they have seen CFIA inspectors out in the field performing inspections at community pastures, checking to make sure that every animal has a RFID tag before being turned out to graze. Bob believes that since ranchers are doing their part to make the system work, the CFIA must work with cattlemen, not against them, by prosecuting those who have deliberately done wrong and by not focusing on the average rancher who may have forgotten to tag an old cow or two. “He (Galambos) tells me that for the good of the industry, us producers should be quiet, put them tags in and go on with it. I talked to him at the end of April – we brand the fourth of May – and I said to him, ‘We’re going to brand here in a week and if I don’t hear from you that you’ve put these charges back on this fella, I’m not going to CCIA tag another calf on this outfit and there won’t be another rancher in this country that’ll do it either.’ He told me that was against the law and I told him I was going to make Goddamn sure that people hear about this,” said Bob angrily. “It’s nice to be run by somebody from behind a fricking desk that has no idea what really goes on. When they start to push this stuff down a cowboy’s throat, there’s going to be trouble.” The Jensens say they still believe that Canada needs some sort of national identification system, but they encourage everybody to continue branding, whether the cattle are purebred or commercial. “You can’t drive by a cow and read her CCIA tag or a tattoo, but you can read her brand. Every time we go out on the pasture, there’s a tag lying around. And whether it gets hooked on a barb wire fence – it’s not just bales with the strings still in them that are ripping them out – It’s a joke. But if there’s a cow at a neighbour’s place, five miles or more from home, you know whose brand it is,” explained Bob. “Today if I have a cow or calf in our bunch that’s not mine, it’s just got a CCIA tag in it, I don’t have a clue who to return it to. I have to read that number, phone the CCIA and give them the number and they won’t even tell you who it is. Not even the brand inspectors will know who it is, the CCIA won’t tell them either.” The tags are costly and cattlemen frequently check on cattle, only to discover that many tags have been torn out. Bob estimates that 25 per cent of cattle will lose their tags over their lifetime, based on what he has observed. When a tag is lost, ranchers are required to report the number associated with the lost tag to the CCIA to retire it, and to report the number of the new replacement tag to ensure traceability. And, he says like most ranchers, he has adhered to the new policies for the good of the industry. He says he recently had to re-tag two full-grown bulls because both had torn out their RFID tags. “We put our life on the line to do that, but then they tell me they’re not going to process this case because they don’t want to? But yet, I had to do that, I did my part. They had a chance to stand behind their product and show us it was going to work and they didn’t do it. They didn’t care enough to bother,” said Bob. “Why would I tag another animal? What would be the point?”

Herefords Today Spring 2011


To book your Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 dates, call Ted or C Adding value to your business.

Remember to send in your nominations for Canadian National H Sale taking place at the Canadian Western Agribition. Nominations for the Canadian National Hereford Sale Farm Name:

Phone Number:

Breeder Name:

Cell Number:


Email Address:

Postal Code:

Directions to farm:

Ted & Mina Serhienko 4-3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, S7K SK 7G9 Ph: (306) 933-4200 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Chris Poley: (306) 220-5006 Herefords Today Spring 2011

Deadline for Nominations are July 8, 2011

* All entries nominated for the sale must meet management s selection criteria. * 35


Polled Hereford • Red Angus • Grains Spence and Janice Jock Sutter Sutter 306-452-7894 Ph/Fax: 306-452-6343 Sally Sutter/Aaron Kamp Cell: 306-452-7888 306-452-8441 4 km North of Redvers on #8 hwy Box 414 Redvers, Sask., Canada S0C 2H0

JIM GENNY 306-445-5582 DICK 306-883-2437

GORDON SHELLEY 306-445-7950 ALBERT 306-441-7107

RR #3, North Battleford, SK S9A 2X4

PO Box 233 Maidstone SK S0M 1M0 Fax (306) 893-4722 Email Rick & Karen Johnston (306) 893-2231

GW G P o ll ed He re fo rd s

Robin, Michelle & John Hogberg Edsel & Lori Hogberg

Gordon & Wanda Gustafson Box 314, Imperial, SK S0G 2J0 Phone: 306-963-2638 Fax: 306-963-2649

Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0 Ph: 306.743.2840 Fax: 306.743.2842 Cell: 306.743.7490 Email:

Johner Stock Farm Red & Black Angus / Polled Herefords

David & Arlinda Justin & Amber Johner Johner (306) 893-2714 (306) 893-2667 Box 52 Maidstone fax: email: SK, S0M 1M0 (306) 893-4632 Annual Bull Sale 3rd Saturday in February

Jeromy & Arden Charlton Matthew, Jade & Andrew

P.O. Box 393 Weyburn, SK S4H 2K3

Ph: 306.842.6146 Fax: 306.848.0614 Cell: 306.861.3862

Visitors Always Welcome

4 miles north on Highway 35, 6 miles east, 1 mile north

Joe and Peggy Vey

Wakaw, SK Ph: 306-233-4736 C: 306-233-7384 F: 306-233-5562

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Lock Farms

Old Burchill Farm

Stan & Susan Lock Box 215 Macklin, SK S0L 2C0

Greg & Sentura Freitag


Section 7 Ranch

Horned Hereford Black Angus Black Baldie Heifers

Home: 1 (306) 753-2229 Cell: 1 (306) 753-7884 Email:

-Purebred HerefordsDayle & Dixie Martinson Tricia, Colby & Logan Phone (306) 458-2566 Fax (306) 458-2855

Box 73 Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 (306) 489-4500


Vanden Boer alpole Polled Herefords


Yes, we have cattle for sale! Bill & Marilyn (Mason) Vanden Boer Box 278, Manor, SK S0C 1R0 (306) 448-4701

Tom War nyca

Alain, Karen & Alexis DeCorby Box 245, Rocanville SK S0A 3L0 Phone/Fax (306) 645-2019

Scott & Maggie Mannle Box 101 Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0 Phone (306) 735-2981 Cell (306) 735-7180

S q ua r e D P o l l e d H e r e f o r d s

Jim, Mary & Harvey Duke

Langbank, SK S0G 2X0 Jim: (306) 538-4556 Mary: (306) 538-4693 Harvey: (306) 761-2810 Fax: (306) 538-2193



Herefords Today Spring 2011



Box 390, Montmartre, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0G 3M0 PH: 306.424.2670 - E-mail: “ Polled Herefords and Registered Seed” ~ Superior Seedstock since 1955 ~

Merkley, George Zeman

February 26, 1911 - April 27, 2011

For 100 years, George lived and farmed in Saskatchewan. He was born at the Marselis family home near Williamsburg, Dundas County, Ontario. In May, 1911 at the age of two months, he journeyed west by train with his mother Adeline to join his father Henry. The homestead, established in 1908, was located south of Eins Lake in the Grassdale District. His sister, Catharine, completed the family. In 1916 they relocated from the original homestead site to the pre-emption. The farm house was built in 1927.

After finishing Grade 8, George began farming with his father and eventually Catharine joined them. He regretted that opportunities to further his education remained unavailable to him. Since horse power was important, he raised horses for the farm and for sale. When tractor power was introduced, he always ran the night shift during seeding. In harvest, his main job was to run the threshing machine. In the mid 1930s, he met his neighbour Cora Barkley's sister, Olive Elliott during the weekly Saturday night trip to Springwater. In 1939, they were married at Olive's home at St. Walburg, Sask.. He purchased his farm in 1941.

Over the years, he added to the original farm as land became available, and in 1979 he purchased the home farm from Catharine. They continued to farm as a family unit. George and Olive established a herd of Purebred Hereford cattle in 1958 and enjoyed hosting cattle buyers and attending cattle sales. Exporting cattle to Czechoslovakia and Japan and raising a Grand Champion bull were highlights. Over the years, he also served as a member of the School Board, as a Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Committee Member, a UGG Board Member. He was a board member when the Biggar Veterinary Clinic was built and later a Sodbuster, a contributor to the Agriculture Building at the University of Saskatchewan.

George is survived by his daughter, Donna (Allan) Hoogeveen of Biggar, Sask.; his grandchildren, Lesley (Glenn) Massie and their daughter, Gillian; Jeff (Erin) Hoogeveen and their children, Lynden, Kyle and Hayden. George was predeceased by his wife, Olive in 2006 and sister, Catharine in 2010.

Roy Wudrick 1937-2011

With great sadness we announce the passing of Roy John Wudrick, at the age of 73 years, of the R.M. of Aberdeen, Saskatchewan. He was predeceased by his father Gus Wudrick; mother Mary Wudrick and sister Shirley Ingham. Roy is survived by his loving wife Mabel Wudrick; son Arejay Wudrick and his wife Tova; sister Geraldine Swanson; brothers Don Wudrick, Greg Wudrick; and numerous nieces and nephews. Roy was born in the farm house on November 15th, 1937. In 1957, he graduated from the school of agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan. In 1954, he went into the purebred cattle business with the help of his parents who bought his first Polled Hereford bred heifer for payment of wages. In 1955, he had doubled his herd to a cow with calf at foot and the rest is history. From 1954-1996 the cow herd was purebred polled Hereford. Cattle from the farm have placed or won their classes at purebred shows. A select few had won a grand or reserve championship award. At Polled Hereford sales the cattle sold around the province, country and the world. In 1965, on June 7th, Roy married Mabel. During the years that he farmed he found time to be on the Saskatchewan Hereford Association Board of Directors for 11 years and 2 years as president. He also served on the Canadian Hereford Association 6 years as director and 1 year as president. He served for 15 years as a delegate with Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. He also volunteered and served on other boards and committees throughout the years.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Herefords Today Spring 2011


Biography: Dr. Colin Palmer is an Associate Professor of Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Palmer worked in mixed practices in Ontario and British Columbia and has owned/operated a practice in Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer along with his wife Kim and children Lauren, Emily and Carter run a herd of purebred Red Angus cattle under the KC Cattle Co. name.


“More of a Curse than a Blessing”

What kind of a cattlemen wouldn’t be excited about an extra calf being born? Anything else is like lookin’ a gift horse in the mouth, right? Ever since I was a kid, I have had more than my fair share of twin calves born. We had a small herd of commercial cattle and twins were pretty rare. That changed when I entered the cattle business. I must have been about 14 or 15 years old and I had just one cow of my own. I can still remember my father telling me one evening that my cow had calved but unfortunately, the calf was dead. He consoled me by saying, “that’s farmin, losses are something you get used to.” The next morning he came into the kitchen skaking his head saying he couldn’t believe the luck of this boy; that cow had given birth to a second calf and it was up nursing. Wow! I thought this farmin’ thing was alright after all.

When I first got my start in the Red Angus business, I used embryo transfer to expand my herd. My first flush resulted in 8 transferable embryos translating into 6 live calves but the real icing on the cake was the twin heifers the donor cow gave birth to, just a few weeks after the ET calves. What a start to a breeding program! Over the next several years, I had continued to have more than my fair share of twins. This year I had 3 sets in the first 15 calvings.

There are many factors affecting twinning in a beef herd: breed, breed lines (cow family) and nutrition are the ones we know about for sure. The bull (sire of the twins) has really nothing to do with it, provided he produces good quality semen. The sperm he deposited are just opportunists. It’s an: if there are eggs present, will fertilize sort of thing! Nutrition – cows in good body condition before calving and cows on a rising plane of nutrition after Herefords Today Spring 2011

calving, including adequate mineral supplementation are more likely to rebreed sooner and be more fertile. Cows that are twinners or come from twinning breed lines are more likely to be better embryo transfer flushers and are generally very fertile cows. Another potential reason for twins may be estrus synchronization. We use AI extensively in our herd and can boast some outstanding conception rates. I like to tinker with my protocols, too, and am now pretty certain that there is a higher incidence of twinning associated with one of my protocols. For several years, all of my cases of twins have resulted from that one protocol… high pregnancy rates but lots of twins. Not all of the protocols are like that, so don’t be afraid of the technology. From year to year, I will hear of producers having more sets of twins than usual. Most of the time, the higher twinning rate can be attributed to better nutrition during the preceding breeding season. Recently, I heard of a producer who claims to have fixed his twinning problem – he quit feeding minerals. I don’t like this solution and can’t help wonder how overall herd fertility and calf performance will be affected. It is often the least apparent losses that cost us the most! Sure, there is an obvious upside to twins - you get two calves to sell or you are able to cross-foster calves onto cows that have lost their calves; here is why I am so cynical. Twin pregnancies are at a much greater risk of abortion and dystocia and very often, one or both twins can have contracted tendons or other congenital anomalies. Twins left on their mother, if she takes them both, are probably equivalent to 1.5 calves and they often take so much out of her that she requires extra care to keep her in decent shape. Not many of us have


the time or can afford the time to fiddle with feeding a disowned twin or getting another cow to take the calf. Have you ever figured out what it will cost you to raise a calf on milk replacer, not to mention your labour? Maybe you can buy a dairy cow to feed the extra calves but most vets will tell you not to do this, because the risk of bringing in a new disease is just too great. The beef business has changed a great deal in the last few years. Small producers like me have off-farm jobs and large producers have to keep more cattle. Either way cows need to calve on their own! Plain and simple as that! Breeds that require most of the calves to be born by C-Section or tend to have high maintenance calves are not viable in the main stream. I think this is also

why there is a growing negative attitude towards twins in the commercial sector… nobody has time for them. As a purebred producer, I will admit that a nice pair of twin bulls or heifers is a bonus, if they are healthy and you can raise them right but this is the exception not the norm. Mixed twins are a real pain! The heifer is usually a freemartin and more often than not, I can’t make a bull out of the male. So, around our place a set of twins is more of a cause for grumbling rather than celebration and I am pretty sure there are others that share the same view. Having said that, don’t you agree that once calving season is over and the new crop is growing nicely those little disappointments quickly become a fading memory?

Joce lyn & Bill Barrett Dale Black

Box 9060 Dale Black’s Cell: 506.612.1232 Woodstock, NB E7M 5C3 Jocelyn’s Cell: 506.328.7011

Herefords Today Spring 2011


AM Ranching Albert, Michelle, Jay, Samantha & Levi Rimke Box 370, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Phone: 204-855-2534 Fax: 204-855-2534 Email: 4 1/4 Miles South of Oak Lake on Lansdowne Road

Box 1, Site 400, RR 1 Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 (204) 728-3345

Doug, Jayne, Kaitlin and Adam Troop



Marvin & Janet Stocki

Kevin Stocki

Ph (204) 372-6642 Ph/Fax (204) 372-6811 Box 89, Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0

Lockspur Livestock Visitors always welcome

25 minutes from Hwy 16 2 miles & 2 3&4 miles east of Junction 476 & 264 Elizabeth (Betty) Larsen Allen Larsen Box 1480 Ph: 204-773-3866 Ph: 204-773-3711 Russell, MB Fax: 204-773-2405 C: 204-773-6066 R0J 1W0

Cromer, MB Box 6 R0M 0J0

Hereford Ranch

Phone: 204-556-2626 Cell: 204-851-0496

If you like our steers you’ll love our bulls”

Lyle & Lorie Rober ts

Don, Diane and Family Hereford & Black Angus Bulls and Females

$ "%



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300 purebred cows providing superior genetics for your breeding programs!

Box 100, Clearwater, MB R0K 0M0 Ph: 204-873-2430 5 miles North of Clearwater on PR# 342

KTCT Polled Herefords

Keith & Cheryl Troop

RR 4, Box 58 Portage La Prairie MB R1N 3A4

P: (204) 252-2787 F: (204) 239-6294

Herefords Today Spring 2011


MNH Herefords

Martin & Nell Chobotar Box 385, Vita, MB ROA 2K0 Ph: 204-425-3820

Ph: 204 763 4459 Rae, Stephanie, Fax: 204 763 4008 Stephen & Sarah Cell: 204 573 9529 Kopeechuk Andrew & Tiara Kopeechuk Ph: 204 573 9529

Site 520 Box 7

Brandon, MB R7A 5Y5


Polled Hereford & Commercial Cross Cattle, Grain & Hay

Triangle Acres Floyd and Pam Price Box 120 Westbourne, MB R0H 1P0 (204) 274-2508

Herefords Today Spring 2011


By Chris Poley

Bull sales are fun…it has been a long time since we have had bull sales with as much action as this spring. I had forgotten just how much fun it is to be a part of this industry when times are good. This spring, both the purebred breeder selling bulls and the commercial breeders buying them are smiling. For good reason, purebred breeders have been selling more bulls for more money. Finally getting some payback for all of their extra effort and expense involved in producing bulls and commercial breeders are willing to give more; with proof in the sale ring that their reward is there, not just promises that things will get better. We have definitely entered unprecedented times, strong cattle prices coupled with strong grain prices and a high Canadian dollar. It is definitely refreshing to see primary producers having a reason to smile. We are starting to see things happening that many people said would never happen again. Abandoned cow yards getting restocked with cattle and grain farmers, as well as other investors, calling and wanting to put money into beef cows. Just the other night when I went to town to vote, I had a neighbor who farms about seven thousand acres, two horses and a dog, tell me he was considering adding a herd of two hundred and fifty cows to his operation. It has got to be good because even bankers have heard about what is going on and are encouraging people to borrow money and buy cows; I’m not sure where their head were when you could buy the best cows walking for seven hundred dollars; well actually, I know, but I’m supposed to keep my thoughts clean in this article.

be a country that competes on a quantity scale, but we dam sure can continue to produce the best product in the world. Just as breeders need to be diligent in the quality of bulls they supply, commercial breeders and yearling grass producers need to be conscientious of females that are turned out with a bull, to supply the demand for our product. We can be our own worst enemies sometimes but we all have a choice in our own operation’s. In today’s world of traceability and linking to consumer back to the producer, the producers who breed superior product will be the ones who are long term successful. Ones who try to take advantage of the situation and make a quick buck breeding and selling garbage, better not throw away their, “get rich quick books,” because they will soon need to find something else to do. For now, get cows and calves out to green grass, turn out those new herd sires and enjoy beauty of spring. Spring is a time of promise and not since 2002 have cattle headed out in spring with so much promise.

One of our biggest challenges going forward will be overcoming one of human’s biggest downfalls … greed! Purebred breeders need to keep their knife in a handy spot so they will not forget where they put it. Quality not quantity, Canada will never Herefords Today Spring 2011


Under the Gavel

Ulrich Hereford Ranch

ANL Polled Herefords/Wheatland Cattle Co. “Focus On The Future” Bull Sale March 31, 2011 Alameda, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. and Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 8 Yearling Hereford Bulls 7





Two Year Old Hereford Bulls

Simmental Flush

Simmental Yearling Bulls

Wheatland Synergy Bulls

Pen of 3 Commercial Heifers

Averaged . .$3,562.50

Averaged . .$3,042.86

Averaged .$40,000.00

Averaged .$10,136.36

Averaged . .$5,812.50

Averaged . .$3,154.17

52 Lots Grossed $378,225.00 and Averaged $7,274.00

High Selling Hereford Bulls

Lot 1 - ANL Haroldson’s 83T Eli 61X sired WLB Eli 10H 83T was purchased by Arthur Polled Herefords, Alameda, SK for $8,500.00. Lot 2 - ANL 83T Eli ET 19X sired by WLB Eli 10H 83T was purchased by Lazy T Cattle, Carievale, SK for $4,600.00. High Selling Simmental Flush

Lot 25 - The right to Pick of the Herd flush was purchased by Lynn Wood and Terry Hrynkiw, Alameda, SK for $40,000.00. High Selling Simmental Bulls

Lot 30- Wheatland Bull 83X sired by Wheatland Bull 680S was purchased by Rust Mountain View Ranch, Turtle Lake, ND for $25,000.00. Lot 41 - Wheatland Bull 64X sired by T178 HR was purchased by Diamond M Ranch, Estevan, SK for $25,000.00.

5th Annual Bull & Female Sale February 21, 2011 Lethbridge, AB Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 32.75 Two Year Old Bulls 14

Registered Bred Heifers


Registered Bred Cows

Averaged . .$3,165.00

Averaged . .$1,707.00

Averaged . .$1,553.00

55.75 Lots Grossed $141,525.00 and Averaged $2,539.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 119W - AGA 114L General 119W sired by AGA 13G General 114L was purchased by Heritage Ranching, Medicine Hat, AB for $4,600.00.

Lot 32W - AGA 114L General Whopper 32W sired by AGA 13G General 114L, ¾ interest was purchased by Esterman Herefords, Wellfleet, NB for $4,300.00. High Selling Registered Bred Heifers

Lot 16W - AGA 26T Miss Jarrod 16W sired by CC 77J Jarrod 26T was purchased by Dugdale Ag Co. 2000 Ltd., Vulcan, AB for $2,300.00.

Lot 112W - AGA 26R Miss Hammer 112W sired by LFF 5L Jackhammer 26R was purchased by Dugdale Ag Co. 2000 Ltd., Vulcan, AB for $2,300.00. High Selling Registered Bred Cow

Lot 35 - AGA 97J Miss Red Extra 35R sired by AGA 22B Brigader 97J was purchased by Mark Law, Cypress River, MB for $1,900.00.

Lot 32 - Wheatland Bull 97X sired by Wheatland Bull 680S was purchased by Beshears Simmentals, Winchester, IN for $17,000.00.

Lot 34 - Wheatland Bull 60X sired by STF Unanimous UP26 was purchased by Arrow Creek Simmentals, Rossburn, MB for $17,000.00. Herefords Today Spring 2011


Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale February 26, 2011 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Results 20 Hereford Yearling Bulls 4

Hereford Two Year Old Bulls



Averaged . .$3,500.00

24 Hereford Bulls Grossed $78,750.00 and Averaged $3,423.91

28.75 Charolais Yearling Bulls 2

Averaged . .$3,408.00

Charolais Two Year Old Bulls

Averaged . .$4,080.00

Averaged . .$3,900.00

30.75 Charolais bulls Grossed $125,100.00 and Averaged $4,068.29

Gelbvieh Yearling Bulls

Gelbvieh Two Year Old Bulls

Averaged . .$2,865.00

Averaged . .$4,050.00

22 Gelbvieh Bulls Grossed $65,400.00 and Averaged $2,972.73

Standard Hill Connection Angus and Hereford Bull Sale March 13, 2011 Maidstone, SK Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson

Sale Results 8.5 Hereford Bulls 46

Angus Bulls

Averaged . .$3,016.30

54.5 Lots Grossed $168,750.00 and Averaged $3,096.33

Hereford High Selling Lots

Lot 56 - SHPH 274S Baron 66W sired by Remitall Sultan 274S, 1/2 interest was purchased by Robert Gristwood, Loon Lake, SK for $4,700.00.

Lot 60 - SHPH 7S Powerplay 102W sired by Square-D Pat 2N 7S was purchased by Manchester Farms, Senlac, SK for $4,300.00.

Lot 57 - SHPH 41R Tower 86W sired by Hinterland Architect 41R was purchased by Albert Morin, Edam, SK for $4,200.00. Angus High Selling Lots

75.75 Total Lots Grossed $269,250.00 and Averaged $3,554.46

Lot 26 - Standard Hill Extreme 42X sired by G A R Predestined was purchased by Darren Clifford for $4,100.00.

High Selling Hereford Yearling Bull

Lot 71 - McCoy 60U Jetstream ET 95X sired by C&T 12R Bobcat ET 60U, 1/2 interest and full possession was purchased by Les Schick, Ormiston, SK for $6,100.00.

Lot 24 - Standard Hill XL 92X sired by S A V Net Worth 4200 was purchased by Colin Balan, Bonnyville, AB for $4,000.00.

53rd Annual Medicine Hat Spring Bull Show & Sale

High Selling Hereford Two Year Old Bull

Lot 83 - McCoy 30N Applause ET 99W sired by GHC Never Look Back ET 30N was purchased by Twin View Polled Herefords, Strathclair, MB for $4,500.00. High Selling Charolais Yearling Bull

Lot 22 - Beck’s Torch 034X sired by Beck’s Ricky Bobby 10S was purchased by Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek, SK for $5,100.00. High Selling Charolais Two Year Old Bull

March 14, 2011 Medicine Hat, AB Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 62 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 2

Yearling Hereford Bulls

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 36- RA McCoy 83U Vintage 48X sired by ZTM McCoy 34R Verdict 83U was purchased by Claude & Kim Paradis, Storthoaks, SK for $4,000.00.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

High Selling Gelbvieh Yearling Bulls

Lot 39 - ZTM McCoy 29T Bluegrass 64X sired by ZTM McCoy 301P Trademark 29T was purchased by Miller Farms, Avonlea, SK for $4,000.00.

Lot 58 - ZTM McCoy 178S Wallstreet 55W sired by ZTM McCoy 5P Signature 178S was purchased by Rocky Valley Ranch, Lake Alma, SK $4,300.00.

Averaged . .$4,326.00 Averaged . .$4,875.00

64 Lots Grossed $277,950.00 and Averaged $4,343.00

Lot 33 - Beck’s Star 947W sired by LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld was purchased by Mark Dombrowsky, Avonlea, SK for $4,000.00.

High Selling Gelbvieh Two Year Old Bull

Averaged . .$3,529.41

Lot 80A - YV 81N Silver Standard 20X sired by SNS 109L Silver Stone 81N was purchased by Glass Land & Cattle Co., Chaplin, SK for $5,500.00. Lot 66 - LBH 39T Sterling 138W sired by CC 77J Sterling 39T was purchased by Misty Valley Farms, Maidstone, SK and Mark Law, Cypress River, MB for $12,500.00. Lot 86 - PAHL 3S Westpoint 40W sired by PAHL 90P Spade 3S was purchased by SNS Herefords, Airdrie, AB for $11,500.00.

Lot 69 - LBH 45S Aster Lad 196W sired by LO 931N Aster Lad 45S was purchased by Stauffer Farms, Eckville, AB for $9,500.00.

Lot 48 - BBSF 4S Washington 406W sired by BP 29M Admiral ET 4S was purchased by Ayrey Hereford Farms, Evesham, SK for $8,000.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Wilson Lees Value Added Bull Sale April 8, 2011 Kisbey, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Results 2 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 1

Yearling Angus Bull

30.84 Yearling Hereford Bulls

Averaged . .$2,700.00

Averaged . .$2,400.00

Averaged . .$3,427.37

33.84 Lots Grossed $113,500.00 and Averaged $3,354.02

High Selling Bulls

Lot 9 - Haroldson’s Trump 16R ET 32X sired by Harvie Raftsman 16R, 2/3 interest was purchased by Topp Herefords, Grace City, ND and ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, SK for $12,500.00.

Lot 13 - Haroldson’s Cruise 122L ET 26X sired by Remitall Online 122L was purchased by Crone Herefords, Hardisty, AB for $5,300.00. Lot 35 - Glenlees 743 General 17X sired by CRR About Time 743 was purchased by Spring Mountain Stock Farm, Beaverlodge, AB for $5,300.00.

7th Annual Ranch Ready Bull Sale March 24, 2011 Mankota, SK Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock

Sale Results 26 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 20

Yearling Hereford Bulls

Averaged . .$4,038.00

Averaged . .$3,610.00

46 Lots Grossed $177,200.00 and Averaged $3,852.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 20 - DON 24P Super Dandy 15W sired by Donorah 77J Super Lad 24P was purchased by Glass Land & Cattle Co., Chaplin, SK for $10,250.00.

Lot 21 - Donorah 9N Dandy Lad 50W sired by DON 3G Dandy Lad 9N was purchased by Little Poplar Grove Herefords, Forestburg, AB for $7,750.00. Lot 1 - BR 52U Standard 181X sired by DBHR 129S Unlimited 52U was purchased by Church Ranch, Balzac, AB for $7,100.00. Lot 3 - BR 33H Lad 20X sired by F-R 8020 Lad 33H was purchased by Square D Herefords, Langbank, SK for $6,500.00.

Lot 24 - Donorah 631S Sunshine Lad 44W sired by YV 232N Sunshine Lad 631S was purchased by White Farms, Shaunavon, SK for $6,000.00.

Stockman Select Bull Sale March 29, 2011 Moose Jaw, SK Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Results 7.66 Yearling Hereford Bulls

Averaged . .$4,478.00


Averaged . .$3,371.00


Two Year Old Hereford Bulls Angus Bulls

Averaged . .$3,717.00

51.66 Lots Grossed $188,850.00 and Averaged $3,656.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 27 - Triple A 1T Weatherman 73W sired by Triple A Max’s Turbo ET 1T was purchased by Marcel & Linda Ruest, Admiral, SK for $9,400.00.

Lot 1 - Triple A 1T Chrome 66X sired by Triple A Max’s Turbo ET 1T, 1/3 interest was purchased by Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK for $7,300.00.

Lot 11 - Triple A 329J Willy 38W sired by JNHR Standard Lad 329J was purchased by Diamond J Cattle Co. Inc., Makwa, SK for $5,600.00.

111th Annual Calgary Bull Sale March 2 & 3, 2011 Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 45 Angus Bulls 4

Charolais Bulls


Gelbvieh Bulls


Hereford Bulls

Averaged . .$4,593.33

Averaged . .$2,400.00

Averaged . .$2,400.00 Averaged . .$4,248.78

173 Bulls Grossed $741,300.00 and Averaged $4,284.97

High Selling Hereford Bulls

Lot 84 - LBH 39T Sterling 53W sired by CC 77J Sterling 39T was purchased by Upstream Ranch, Taylor, NE for $21,000.00.

Lot 14 - YV 232N Silver Stone 923W sired by AGA 167L Silver 232N was purchased by Misty Valley Farms, Maidstone, SK for $17,500.00.

Lot 18 - YV 232N Silver Edition ET 943W sired by AGA 167L Silver 232N was purchased by Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch, Okotoks, AB for $15,000.00.

Lot 111 - FE 18S Aster Lad 37W sired by LO 931N Aster Lad 18S was purchased by Pahl Livestock Ltd., Medicine Hat, AB for $15,000.00.

Lot 22 - EHF 6S Britisher Lad 11W sired by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S was purchased by MN Herefords, Airdrie, AB for $10,500.00.

Lot 27 - BP 144P Standard Lad 50W sired by K 68L Standard Lad 144P was purchased by Sky Track Ranch, Lloydminster, SK for $10,000.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


JoNomn Hereford Ranch Bull & Female Sale

Harvie Ranching 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2011 Olds, AB Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

February 17, 2011 Clyde, AB Auctioneer: Travis Rogers

Sale Results 44 Two Year Old Bulls 4


Three Year Old Bulls

Purebred Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$3,269.00

Averaged . .$3,175.00 Averaged . .$2,222.00

73 Lots Grossed $212,106.00 and Averaged $2,905.00

Sale Results 21 Yearling Hereford Bulls 23 9

Charolais Bulls

Simmental Bulls

Averaged . .$4,186.00 Averaged . .$3,887.00

Averaged . .$2,744.00

53 Lots Grossed $202,000.00 and Averaged $3,811.00

High Selling Bulls

High Selling Bulls

Lot 9 - JNHR Bandit 664W sired by Bannerlane Ribstone STD 42P was purchased by Seutter Cattle Co., Sherwood Park, AB for $6,900.00.

Lot 28 - Harvie T-Bone 121X sired by Harvie DAN T-Bone 196T was purchased by Brian Jackson, Rocky Mountain House, AB for $5,750.00.

Lot 21 - JNHR Red Britisher 821W sired by FA 121M Britisher 224S was purchased by Brost Land & Cattle Co., Irvine, AB for $10,000.00.

Lot 26 - JNHR Dandy 777W sired by FE 32P Dandy Returne 82T was purchased by Joe Scherloski, Gerald, SK for $5,000.00. High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 37 - Harvie Traveler 85X sired by Harvie Traveler 69T was purchased by Coulee Crest Herefords, Bowden, AB for $8,100.00.

Lot 30 - Harvie Ricochet 32X sired by Harvie DAN Ricochet 167U was purchased by Jim Rosenburg, Clear Lake, IA for $5,750.00.

Lot 69 - JNHR Brit Lass 814W sired by FA 121M Britisher 224S was purchased by Ayrey Farms, Evesham, SK for $3,250.00.

Holloway Farms Ltd. First Annual Production Sale February 24, 2011 Castor, AB Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Lot 62 - JNHR Brit Lass 731W sired by FA 121M Britisher 224S was purchased by Ayrey Farms, Evesham, SK for $3,000.00.

WLB Livestock Spring Bull Sale March 29, 2011 Douglas, MB Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Sale Results 12 Hereford Bulls 18

Simmental Bulls

High Selling Hereford Bull



Averaged . .$3,525.00

Averaged . .$3,205.00

Lot 23 - WLB Home Page 83T 40X sired by WLB Eli 10H 83T, full possession and 1/2 semen interest was purchased by Scott Mannle, Whitewood, SK for $6,700.00. High Selling Black Simmental Bull

Lot 2 - WLB Bull 462P 365X sired by Wheatland Bull 462P was purchased by Shane Prill, Wichita, KS for $5,500.00. High Selling Red Simmental Bull

Sale Results 25 Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 6 - WLB Bull 743T 352X sired by Wheatland WLB Maverick 743T was purchased by Glen Aldentaler, Britton, SD for $5,500.00.


Purebred Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$2,802.00

Averaged . .$1,700.00

Open Yearling Heifers

Averaged . .$1,450.00

Commercial Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$1,315.00

30 Lots Grossed $78,050.00 and Averaged $2,602.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 42W - Wabash 69 Ribstone 42W sired by RH Standard Ribstone Lad 69S was purchased by Battle River Ranch, Marsden, AB for $7,300.00.

Lot 34W - Wabash Homefire 34W sired by Wabash 12 Homerun 47P was purchased by Mock Ranch, Consort, AB for $5,300.00. High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 21W - Wabash Stella 21W sired by Wabash 88S Sandstone 47T was purchased by JoNomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB for $1,700.00.

Lot 32W - Wabash Rhoda 32W sired by Wabash Sandman 111S was purchased by Bannerlane Herefords, Livelong, SK for $1,700.00.

Lot 9W - Wabash Stella 9W sired by Wabash 88 Sandstone 47T was purchased by JoNomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB for $1,700.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Nature brought us two things this calving season, LOTS of snow and LOTS of bull calves… 80% bull calves to be exact. These guys are sired by Alliance, Ransom, and Quantum, and they do look good, so keep us in mind this fall if you are in need of a bull. We are also excited by the two bulls pictured, who are working in our pastures this year. They are developing into tremendous herd sires, and we feel more will be heard from them in the future!

Owned with Moorehaven Farms

If you are in the area this summer, stop by for a visit … We would love to show you around.

Craig & Doreen Flewelling Curtis, Erin, Nathan & Avery Flewelling Box 428, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Ph: 403.224.2111 Fax: 403.224.2204 • Website Updated • Herefords Today Spring 2011


32nd Annual Bulls Eye Sale Sale Results

32 Lots Grossed $114,300.00 and Averaged $3,572.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 5 - C 23S Walter 28W sired by 13N Silver Britisher Lad 23S was purchased by Jean Lamson, Hanna, AB for $5,400.00.

Lot 16 - Tide-Creek 1S Classy X Lad 22W sired by Triple-A 59K Scooter 1S was purchased by Terril Pierson, Wardlow, AB for $5,100.00. Lot 36 - Pieran Cass Lad 50W sired by Tide-Creek 28H Nisku Lad 11N was purchased by Tide-Creek Ranch, Jenner, AB for $5,100.00.

March 12, 2011 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Brent Carey

Sale Results 31 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls Yearling Hereford Bull

March 7, 2011 Lloydminster, SK Auctioneer: Dan Skeels

Sale Results 7 Polled Hereford Bulls 12

Horned Hereford Bulls

High Selling Polled Bulls

Lot 102 - K-Cow Wanted 737W sired by K-Cow Shooter 3S was purchased by Rafter BT Farming, Dewberry, AB for $5,900.00.

Lot 99 - STRL 409 Beauvallon 713W sired by Justamere 25E Fashion 409U was purchased by Vegreville Colony, Vegreville, AB for $4,000.00. Lot 115 - PHF 78S Lariat 78W sired by LPG 329J Aster Lad 78S was purchased by Turtle River Ranch, Mervin, SK for $5,200.00.

Averaged . .$3,398.00

Averaged . .$2,000.00

Lot 112 - KTD Red Domino Lad 19W sired by Dunrobin 70N Sandman 82R was purchased by Phil & Susan Howard, Vermilion, AB for $4,100.00.

2nd Annual Carlrams Ranching Moving On Bull Sale

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 114 - Square-D Canyon 128W sired by GHR Taurus 4J 42T was purchased by Blaschuck Land & Cattle, Chaplin, SK for $5,750.00.

Lot 137 - OVHF CK 69T Wages 7W sired by Harvie Traveler 69T was purchased by Jason & Jill Kress, Kendal, SK for $4,600.00.

56th Annual East Central Bull Sale March 18, 2011 Veteran, AB Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog


Yearling Bull

Averaged . .$2,942.00

19 Lots Grossed $59,800.00 and Averaged $3,147.50

32 Lots Grossed $107,350.00 and Averaged $3,354.00

Sale Results 27.75 Two Year Old Bulls

Averaged . .$3,500.00

High Selling Horned Bulls

Regina Bull Show & Sale


Lloydminster ’s 92nd Annual Bull Show & Sale Pride of the Prairies

March 22, 2011 Brooks, AB Auctioneer: Ross Annett

February 11, 2011 Cut Knife, SK Auctioneer: Louis Balog

Sale Results 28 Two Year Old Bulls 4


Hereford Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$1,800.00

28.75 Lots Grossed $90,650.00 and Averaged $3,153.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 23 - ACE Scully Lad 16W sired by Dunrobin 200L Scully 25R, ž interest was purchased by Brent Smith, Carmangay, AB for $4,300.00.

Lot 1 - PWC 82K Kaptain 70W sired by C 82F Micks Kaptain 82K was purchased by Roworth & Cameron, Czar, AB for $4,000.00.

Lot 26 - Diamond-T 29S Lad 12W sired by Diamond-T 124J Lad 29S was purchased by Doug Fawcett, Consort, AB for $3,900.00.

Averaged . .$2,375.00

32 Lots Grossed $115,950.00 and Averaged $3,623.00 Commercial Heifers

High Selling Bulls

Averaged . .$3,202.00

Averaged . .$3,802.00

Averaged . .$1,160.00

Lot 12W - Carlrams 174S Ribstone 12W sired by SGC 76P Royal Amigo 174S was purchased by Hillsvale Colony, Cut Knife, SK for $8,500.00.

Lot 33W - Carlrams 28T STD Rip 33W sired by SNS 3M Big Red Dandy 28T was purchased by Holt Colony, Irma, AB for $8,000.00.

Lot 103W - Carlrams 174S Duracell 103W sired by SGC 76P Royal Amigo 174S was purchased by Lakeview Colony, Unity, SK for $5,750.00. High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 53W - Carlrams 174 Hugo Pride 53W sired by SGC 76P Royal Amigo 174S was purchased by Neal Church, Calgary, AB for $2,900.00.

Lot 64W - Carlrams 16S Spark 64W sired by ZZB 32P King 16S was purchased by Randy & Robin Flicek and George Kolylak, Neilburg, SK for $2,500.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


2011 Fraser ’s Total Performance Bull Sale

Pine Butte Ranch

16th Annual Production Sale February 19, 2011 Kamloops, BC Auctioneer: Larry Jordan

March 21, 2011 Brooks, AB Auctioneer: Ross Annett

Sale Results 24 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 56

Angus Bulls

Averaged . .$3,663.00 Averaged . .$4,388.00

80 Lots Grossed $333,650.00 and Averaged $4,171.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 25 - DW Silver 30S Lad 107W sired by DW Silver Moon Lad 30S was purchased by Sandum Farms, Hussar, AB for $5,500.00.

Lot 12 - DW Standard 268P Lad 58W sired by LBH 73L Standard 286P was purchased by Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Douglas Lake, BC for $4,400.00.

Lot 18 - DW 77J Super Lad 86W sired by CC 129D Superman 77J was purchased by Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Douglas Lake, BC for $4,400.00.

Sale Results 30 Two Year Old Bulls

30 Lots Grossed $108,600.00 and Averaged $3,620.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 24 - Pine Butte Double MO LE 119W sired by AGA 46E Britisher 32T was purchased by Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Douglas Lake, BC for $5,100.00.

Lot 30 - Pine Butte MO LE Domino 177W sired by Pine Butte 5N Domino Lad 91T was purchased by Mike Bayliff, Alexis Creek, BC for $4,600.00. Lot 21 - Pine Butte Stanmore Lad 97W sired by AGA 46E Britisher 32T was purchased by Frolek Cattle Co. Ltd., Kamloops, BC for $4,300.00.

12th Annual Midwest Horned Hereford Sale

MJT Cattle Co. Ltd. Hereford & Angus 17th Annual “Back to Basics” Bull Sale February 12, 2011 Edgerton, AB Auctioneer: John Blacklock

Sale Results 34 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 70


Two Year Old & Yearling Black Angus Bulls

Two Year Old Red Angus Bulls

Averaged . .$4,200.00

Averaged . .$3,625.00 Averaged . .$3,438.00

121 Lots Grossed $454,961.00 and Averaged $3,760.00


Purebred Black Angus Heifers

Averaged . .$1,611.00


Commercial Open Heifers

Averaged . .$1,070.00


Commercial Bred Heifers

High Selling Bulls

Averaged . .$1,475.00

Lot 311 - MJT Total ET 311W (Magnum) sired by MJT Century 264P was purchased by Langford Herefords, Texico, NM; Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB and Perks Ranch, Rockford, IL for $20,500.00.

Lot 332 - MJT Total ET 332W (Kilo) sired by MJT Century 264P was purchased by Langford Herefords, Texico, NM; Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB and Perks Ranch, Rockford, IL for $13,000.00.

Lot 356 - MJT Sky Lad Jr 356W sired by MJT Sky Lad 182S was purchased by Evergreen Farms, St. Paul, AB for $9,000.00.

Lot 379 - MJT Sky Lad 379W sired by MJT Sky Lad 182S was purchased by 4 Hearts Cattle Co. Ltd., Vermilion, AB for $7,100.00.

Averaged . .$3,620.00

February 10, 2011 Lloydminster, SK Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 34 Two Year Old Bulls 2



Heifer Calves

Averaged . .$3,297.00

Averaged . .$2,575.00

Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$2,172.00

Commercial Heifers

Averaged . .$1,563.00

43 Lots Grossed $132,450.00 and Averaged $3,080.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 17 - MHN 11S Lad 2W sired by Windimuir 37N Lad 11S was purchased by YT Bar Ranch, Czar, AB for $6,000.00.

Lot 9 - LO 931N Aster Lad 27W sired by MN 30L Aster Lad 931N was purchased by Lindsey Franklin, Marwayne, AB for $5,250.00.

Lot 51 - STR 603S Wrangler 908W sired by STR 303N Shawnee 603S was purchased by Reid Nichols, Heinsburg, AB for $5,200.00. High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 38 - River Bridge 33T Lass 25X sired by C 4R Transformer 33T was purchased by Corbiell Herefords, Cluny, AB for $3,100.00. High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 14 - LO 140S STD Lad 19W sired by SGC 124N Standard 140S was purchased by Misty Valley Farms, Maidstone, SK for $3,400.00.

Lot 24 - MHN 32S Standard Lass 21W sired by MN 30L STN’D Domino 32S was purchased by Misty Valley Farms, Maidstone, SK for $2,500.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Anderson Family Herefords 29th Annual Production Sale February 22, 2011 Lethbridge, AB Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 37.5 Two Year Old Bulls

Averaged . .$4,211.00

37.5 Lots Grossed $157,900.00 and Averaged $4,211.00

High Selling Bulls

Lot 108W - FA Harland Britisher 108W sired by CJH Harland 408, ž interest was purchased by Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK and Keith Davies, Lacorey, AB for $11,000.00. Lot 28W - FA Harland Britisher 28W sired by CJH Harland 408 was purchased by Conway Herefords, Foremost, AB for $7,700.00. Lot 39W - FA 39S Britisher 39W sired by Bannerlane 251N Standard 39S was purchased by Dugdale Ag Co. 2000 Ltd., Vulcan, AB for $6,500.00.

Misty Valley Farms 35th Annual Production Sale February 9, 2011 Maidstone, SK Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 44 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 36




Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$3,214.00

Averaged . .$1,990.00

Averaged . .$2,150.00

Commercial Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$1,518.00

83 Lots Grossed $222,250.00 and Averaged $2,678.00

High Selling Bulls

February 5, 2011 Lloydminster, SK Auctioneer: John Blacklock

Sale Results 331.5 Bulls (All Breeds)

Averaged . .$1,000.00

Lot 12 - MVF 610S Silver STD Lad 106W sired YV 232N Red Silver Lad 610S was purchased by Diamond J, Makwa, SK for $5,100.00. Lot 31 - Bar-OM 106 Standard Lad 604W sired by AGA 21M Stanmore 106S was purchased by George Larre, Paradise Hill, SK for $5,000.00.

Lot 1 - MVF 106S Stan Blanche Lad 3W sired by AGA 21M Stanmore 106S was purchased by Finely Cameron, Lions Head, ON for $5,000.00.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 72 - MVF 21R Standard Domino 512W sired by MHH 826M Stan Lad 21R was purchased by Errol Verbeek, Evansburg, AB for $4,600.00.

Averaged . .$3,475.00

331.5 Lots Grossed $1,151,962.50 and Averaged $3,475.00


Horned Hereford Bulls


Registered Red Angus Heifers


Commercial Heifers

High Selling Bull

Averaged . .$3,270.00

Averaged . .$1,830.00 Averaged . .$1,475.00

Lot H400 - H70-Quantock PT 400W sired by H70-Quantock FR 244P, ½ interest was purchased by Working Genes Ranch and Lindsay Franklin, Marwayne, AB for $7,500.00.

Bannerlane Sale #12 February 8, 2011 Livelong, SK Auctioneer: R.C. (Bob) Balog

Sale Results 25 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 7

Heifer Calves

Commercial Heifer Calves

Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Sale



Bred Hereford Heifers

Averaged . .$3,434.00

Averaged . .$2,571.00

Purebred Heifer Calf

Averaged . .$1,300.00

Commercial Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$1,478.00

33 Lots Grossed $105,150.00 and Averaged $3,186.00


Commercial Heifer Calves

High Selling Bulls

Averaged . . . .$968.00

Lot 2 - Bannerlane 232 Extra STD 13W sired by BBSF 6P Sport 232S was purchased by Kozlinski Ranch, Provost, AB for $6,400.00. Lot 3 - Bannerlane 232 Extra Dom 15W sired by BBSF 6P Sport 232S was purchased by 3L Cattle Co., Naicam, SK for $5,000.00. Lot 9 - Bannerlane 232 Extra Gen 60W sired by BBSF 6P Sport 232S was purchased by Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Douglas Lake, BC for $4,800.00. High Selling Heifer

Lot 23 - Bannerlane 598R Miss STD 5W sired by JNHR Standard Lad 598R was purchased by Jesse Bannerman, Mervin, SK for $3,900.00.

Lot 74 - MVF 21R Standard Lass 541W sired by MHH 826M Stan Lad 21R was purchased by YV Ranch, Airdrie, AB for $3,500.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Call Herefords Today at 306.934-9696

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Lundar ’s 43rd Annual Bull Sale

74th Annual Williams Lake Bull Show & Sale

April 16, 2011 Lundar, MB Auctioneer: Buddy Bergner

Sale Results 8 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls 11 5




2 5


Yearling Hereford Bulls

Yearling Simmental Bulls

Yearling Saler Bulls

Two Year Old Angus Bull

Two Year Old Gelbvieh Bull

Averaged . .$3,512.50

Averaged . .$2,482.00

Averaged . .$2,980.00

Averaged . .$2,550.00

Averaged . .$2,600.00

Averaged . .$4,100.00

Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls

Averaged . .$3,150.00

Yearling Hereford Heifers

Averaged . .$1,370.00

30 Lots Grossed $88,402.00 and Averaged $2,946.73 Yearling Saler Heifers

Averaged . .$1,400.00

Total Sale Grossed $98,052.00 and Averaged $2,650.00

High Selling Two Year Old Hereford Bulls

Lot 26 - Mil-Wray Con 42W sired by Meadow-Acres Connected 13K 86R was purchased by Ruth Zahcrodny, Gypsumville, MB for $4,100.00.

Lot 12 - DEVG Western Star 103W sired by Elm-Lodge Abby Tazman 11T was purchased by Stan Miller, Lundar, MB for $4,000.00. Lot 29 - Rawcliffe 7P Pride 4W sired by Taleco 122L 37U Owen 7P was purchased by Ron Jonsson, Moosehorn, MB for $4,000.00. High Selling Yearling Hereford Bull

April 14 & 15, 2011 Williams Lake, BC Judge: Wayne Pincott Auctioneers: Wayne Pincott and Wayne Jordan

Sale Results 7 Hereford Yearling Bulls 41

Hereford 2-Year Old Bulls

Hereford Show

Grand Champion Bull

Lot 131 - LFH Talent 18T 32W sired by LFH Talent 279R 18T was purchased by Silverado Cattle Co., Okotoks, AB for $4,000.00. Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Lot 128 - LFH Trident 279R ET 5W sired by GH Rambo 279R was purchased by Fraser Ranching, Williams Lake, BC for $3,400.00. Bull Calf Champion

Lot 13 - Tlell SS X-Man 1X sired by TE Taumata Superstar was purchased by Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC for $4,100.00. High Selling Bull

Lot 122 - DEANFIELD 96K Standard 3W sired by JHR Standard Lad 96K was purchased by Motley Farms and Quentin and Erin Motley, Czar, AB for $7,100.00.

36th Annual Vanderhoof Invitational Bull Sale

April 9, 2011 Vanderhoof, BC Auctioneers: Wayne Pincott and Wayne Jordan

High Selling Simmental Bull

High Selling Saler Bull

Lot 43 - SLS Rio PLD BLK Rolex 505X sired by NJF Rio Grand 1R was purchased by Interlake Land Farms, Lundar, MB for $2,600.00. High Selling Gelbvieh Bull

Lot 48 - BRW Winchester 4W sired by LJSA T-Mack 470P ET was purchased by Interlake Land Farms, Lundar, MB for $4,100.00.

Averaged . .$3,293.90

130 Bulls Grossed $400,350.00 and Averaged $3,079.62

Lot 8 - FBF 49T XXL Man 65X sired by Blair-Athol He Da Man 49T was purchased by Jon Macarrell, Domain, MB for $3,700.00. Lot 36 - WILC Rookie sired by LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F was purchased by Norman Lussier, Lac Du Bonnet, MB for $4,500.00.

Averaged . .$3,142.86

Sale Results 8 Hereford Yearling Bulls 2

Hereford Two-Year-Old Bulls

Averaged . .$2,575.00

Averaged . .$2,600.00

56 Bulls Grossed $139,950.00 and Averaged $2,499.00

High Selling Hereford Bulls

Lot 73 - Tlell 8N Red Tide 21X sired by Tlell 29F Red Cedar 8N was purchased by Oistein Vannebo, Prince George, BC for $3,700.00.

Lot 70 - Tlell 19K Xpert 14X sired by Tlell 517 Banger 19K was purchased by Jack and Nel Welsh, Vanderhoof, BC for $3,500.00.

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Sandhill Farms Annual Production Sale April 1, 2011 Haviland, KS Auctioneer: Jim Birdwell, Fletcher, OK

Sale Results 72 Yearling Bulls 13


Registered Cows

Commercial Heifers

Averaged . .$4,590.28

Averaged . .$6,115.38 Averaged . .$1,562.50

125 Lots Grossed $472,500.10 and Averaged $3,780.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - SHF Kennedy 502R X36 sired by PCR 286 Mr. Advisor 502R was purchased by Mark O’Reilly, San Louis Obispo, CA for $18,000.00.

Lot 73 - SHF Miss Progress S03 ET sired by SHF Progress P20 and her calf, was purchased by Courtney Kinnear, Joshua, TX and Andy Glaze, Gilmore, TX for $15,000.00. Lot 3 - SHF Keeper 4037 X127 sired by THM Durango 4037 was purchased by Diamond J Farms, Beaver, OK for $10,000.00.

Lot 10 - SHF Excellent R117 X181 sired by SHF Rib Eye M326 R117 was purchased by Ravin Creek Ranch, Huron, SD for $9,000.00.

3-D-L Polled Herefords Daryl & Linda Kirton 30018 Townshipline Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1Z4 Phone (604) 856-5755 Fax (604) 856-5749 Email Visit

Patrick & Karen Huestis 420 Short Road Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 8A7 Tel: 604-852-4745 Fax: 604-852-5060

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Abby Hill Farms Graham and Neil Green

R.R. #3, Richmond, Ontario K0A 2Z0 25 km. Southwest of Ottawa

(613) 838-2877


• Hereford Cattle - Belgian Horses •

Bruce & Gayle Brillinger

Ph: 905.836.4439 16947 Warden Ave. R.R. #3 Cell: 905.758.1511 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 Email:

EJM Farms

Watch for the

Back to Basic’s Sale Each Fall

Earl & John McEachren

4252 Century Dr. R.R. #4 Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 Ph/Fax: (519) 287-2547

Bar-J-M Herefords John & Barbara Mastine Sarah Darraugh

Box 98, Whitney, ON K0J 2M0 Phone (613) 637-5316 Fax (613) 637-2970

R.R. #3 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7


Located West of 127 & 60 Jct. on Hwy 60

We welcome your visit – Bulls & Females for sale at all times

Tel: (613) 764-3493 Fax: (613) 764-1572

Bradley Farms Gary Bradley


David Lasby Gwen Morphy 519-925-1681 519-925-6824 # 667019 - 20th Sideroad, Mulmur Twp. E-mail:

Registered Polled Herefords

Jay Bradley

1799 County Road 16, Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0

Herefords Today Spring 2011



Kirby Polled Herefords

Peter & Carol Kirby 6034 Wellington Road 26 RR 5 Belwood, ON N0B 1J0 (519) 855-6424


Gary & Norma Jean Boose P.O Box 25, Nobleton ON L0G 1N0 Phone 905-859-0497 • Fax 905-859-2365 • • •

Check out our website at

Bill & Joanne Moore Dale, Stacey & Curtis Hewitt (519) 853-8984 14459 Dublin Lane R.R. #3 Phone: (519) 853-0663 Acton, Ontario Fax: (519) 853-3340 L7J 2L9 email:

Little Creek The Bosnjak’s Polled John, Vera & Kerri Herefords

138 Sixth Concession Rd RR3 Burford ON N0E 1A0 (519) 449-2696 David, Sarah, Owen & Grady (519) 449-2176 Steven, Erin, Benjamin & Noah (519) 449-9968

Herefords Today Spring 2011


C a rd I n d e x BREEDERS

Ferme Wilgor Farms



Gordon McGibbon 8426 Chemin des Sources Mirabel, QC J7N 3B1

Phone: (450) 562-6313 Fax: (450) 562-2479 Michael Wilson, Manager: (450) 562-5112

Kim Harder

Box 280 Clavet, Saskatchewan Canada S0K 0Y0 Phone: (306) 257-3904 Cell: (306) 341-3904

“Pictures for cattlemen by a cattleman”

Chris Poley Auctioneer Box 252 Waldheim, SK, S0K 4R0

Cell (306) 220-5006

DALE STITH Auctioneer

Ph: (918) 760-1550

100 Silverleaf Drive Harvest, AL 35749

Wha t are you w aiting for? Your Spots Right He re !

Herefords Today Spring 2011


Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0 Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441


C a rd I n d e x


For All Your Insurance Needs

Livestock – Farm – Commerical – Personal Lines


Box 340, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 Ph: 306-489-2258 Fax: 306-489-2053 Cell: 306-483-7311 E-mail:

Hereford America

C u s t o me r S e r v i c e P ro g ra m

North America’s Largest Privately Owned Hereford Newspaper

Marc & Jill Hotchkiss Byron & Pauline Bayers 13823 Beaver Creek Place Reva, SD 57651 Ph: 605•866•4495 Cell: (Marc) 605•490•1513 Fax: 605•866•4494

Custom Collection

Private Storage

Phone (403) 226-0666

Box 1650 Swift Current, SK Canada S9H 3W5 Ph: 306.773.4121 Fax: 306.773.1811 1.800.563.5888 Email: Located on No. 1 Hwy West of Swift Current

Canadian Farm Insurance Services Inc.

Phone: (403) 337-0052 Cell: (780) 853-7067 Fax: (403) 337-0052 Toll Free: 1-877-909-3276


Suite 310, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Commercial Personal Lines Farm Livestock

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.

Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: E-mail:

SERVICES OFFERED: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection

Herefords Today Spring 2011



155 King Edwards St. Paris, Ontario, Canada N3L 3E3 Phone (519) 442-3106 or (519) 442-6242 Toll Free (877) 442-3106 Fax (519) 442-1122

Specializing in Purebred Livestock Transportation Canada USA Mexico

Advertising Deadlines & Editorial Calendar...

Winter Issue - Herd Bull Issue Spring Issue - Distaff/Female Issue Summer Issue - Early Sales & Prospects Fall Issue - Late Sales & Shows Advertising Rates (All rates + GST )

Full Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page Card Ad (Annual)

January 3 April 25 July 16 September 10

$950.00 $550.00 $350.00 $250.00

Yearly contract discount 15% (Card Ads Exempt).

For more information contact:

Bryan Kostiuk Editor (306) 934-9696 or (306) 292-7763 Cell Ted Serhienko Marketing (306) 933-4200 or (306) 221-2711 Cell Craig Flewelling Marketing (403) 224-2111 or (403) 556-0515 Cell

Subscription Form

We appreciate your interest in Herefords Today and hope you have enjoyed this issue. To receive further issues, please fill out the following subscription form and return it along with your payment (prices listed below) to:

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Herefords Today Spring 2011


3DL Polled Herefords

Abby Hill Farms Alameda Agencies Alta Genetics AM Ranching Animal Heath Centre ANL Polled Herefords Aqua Hollow Ranch Arklow Angus AXA Polled Herefords

Bar-H Land & Cattle Co. Bar-J-M Herefords Bar RZ Polled Herefords Bird Hill Farms Blair Athol Polled Herefords Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. Bradley Farms Brendale Acres Breton West Herefords Brillinger Farms BuyAgro

C&T Cattle Co. C.L.L. Holding Ltd. Canadian Cattlemen Canadian Farm Insurance Catalyst Cattle In Motion Cattle Pics By Kim H. Cedarwood Polled Herefords Charlton Farms Chestermere Herefords Coppertone Farms Craigs Ranching Co. Crittenden Polled Hereford

Dallas Farms Davis Rairdan Embryo Transplants Doenz Ranches Ltd. Dorbay Polled Herefords Double Duece Acres Double F Cattle Co. Double J Polled Herefords DTHF Herefords Earlybird Farm Polled Herefords EJM Farms Ferme Wilgor Farms Flewelling Cattle Co. Flyer Cattle Co.

Genex Glenlees Polled Herefords Glennethy Farms Grant Rolston Photography Greenridge Farms Grosvenor Farms Guilford Hereford Ranch GWG Polled Herefords

H.S. Knill Company Haroldson's Polled Herefords HBM Polled Herefords Hereford America J Bar B Polled Herefords Jo Nomn Hereford Ranch Johner Stock Farm JVJ Polled Herefords

A d ve r t i s e rs I n d e x 55

56 57 57 42 57 IBC 36 56 41

36 56 30 10, 41 5 57 56 56 30 56 55 2 36 57 57 57 57 56 56 36 30 55 36 OBC 30 57 31 56 36 36 36 42

41 10, 56 56 49 42 6 7 42 56 42 56 42 36 57 3 56 57 56 30 30 36 36

K-Cow Ranch Kirby Polled Herefords KTCT Polled Herefords

30 57 42

Mannle Polled Herefords Marbren Farm McCoy Cattle Co. Medonte Highland Polled Herefords MJT Cattle Company Ltd. MNH Herefords Moorehaven Farms Murphy Ridge Farms

37 57 9 1 31 42 57 55

Lakeford Polled Herefords Lamport's Polled Herefords LCI Herefords & Angus Lemondale Polled Herefords Leveldale Polled Herefords Little Creek Polled Herefords Lock Farms Lockspur Livestock Hereford Ranch LV Farms Lyons Polled Herefords

NBG Polled Herefords NCX Polled Herefords NJW Polled Herefords North Bluff Farms Inc. Old Burchill Farm

Parkvista Hereford Farm Poley, Chris Prairie Rose Stock Farm

Rawcliffe Grange Stock Farm Remax Remitall West Richardson Ranch River Valley Polled Herefords Rolling Acre Farms Roselawn Polled Herefords RSK Farms

Sampson's Thunderbird Ranch Scott Alta Farms Polled Herefords Section 7 Ranch Sky Track Ranch Spring Mountain Stock Farm Square D Polled Herefords SS Cattle Co. Inc. Standard Hill Polled Herefords Stith, Dale Stockmens Insurance

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. Taboo Polled Herefords The Cliffs Farm Polled Herefords Thornbank Farm Polled Herefords Thurston Livestock Tlell Polled Herefords Topp Herefords Triangle Acres Vanden Boer Polled Herefords Warnyca Land & Cattle Watergrove Ranches Wild Oak Farms Wilson Polled Herefords Wunderbar Polled Herefords

Herefords Today Spring 2011


30 30 31 57 42 57 37 42 37 57

57 31 56| 55 37 36 56 31

43 57 11, 31 15 IFC 56 43 43 31 31 37 37 31 37 31 30 56 57

10, 17, 35 57 19 43 57 15 8 43 37 37 31 57 41 37

Comin g Events

Herefords Today Published by:

Herefords Today Ltd.

#4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Our Staff

Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Ted Serhienko - Marketing Craig Flewelling - Marketing Mina Serhienko - Controller Debbie Thiessen - Circulation Ashley Brown - Production Tiffany Peters - Production Beryl Campbell - Production Kailey Pirlot - Design Treena Ballantyne - Accounting Published 4 times/year - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Many advertisers in Herefords Today are choosing to use digital photos rather than glossy prints in their advertising. Herefords Today is not responsible for quality of photo reproduction or printing on any digital photos supplied and will not be held liable for financial compensation or discounted advertising as a result of poor reproduction quality of digital photos. All digital photos supplied for use in Herefords Today will be used at the advertiser’s risk. Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Publications Mail Agreement: 40021107 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Herefords Today Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Email:

JUNE 6 11 19 21-22

Pasture Ready Bull Sale Saskatchewan Hereford Association AGM Manitoba Angus Field Day T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament

Saskatoon, SK Swift Current, SK Russell, MB Saskatoon, SK

JULY 2-3 6 6-7 16 22 27-30 27-30 28-Aug 1 29-31

OJHA Beef-A-Rama Alberta Hereford Association AGM Keith Gilmore Foundation Charity Golf Classic Summer Herefords Today Deadline Manitoba Summer MOE Show Canadian Hereford Association Annual Meetings Bonanza Agrifair MOE Show Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup

Ennismore, ON Hanna, AB Hanna, AB

AUGUST 11 13 16-20 18 19-21 25-28 25-28 25-28 26-27 27

Northwest Saskatchewan Annual Cattleman’s Field Day Southeast Saskatchewan MOE Field Day Expo Quebec MOE Show Northern Alberta Hereford Club Field Day Expo Cookshire MOE Show Bulkley Valley Exhibition Expo Ayer’s Cliff MOE Show Sainte Marie Expo Kent MOE Show Dundas MOE Show MHA Field Day (hosted by AM Ranching and Batho Farms)

31-Sept 4 Interior Provincial Exhibition MOE Show

SEPTEMBER 1-5 Expo Shawville MOE Show 2-5 Expo Brome MOE Show 4 Orangeville Show 9 BCHA AGM 9-11 Salmon Arm Fair MOE Show 10 EJM Hereford Dispersal 10 Fall Herefords Today Deadline 12-19 Richardson Ranch Online Auction 16 River Valley Polled Herefords “Genetic Designs VII” Sale 17 Elm Lodge Source for Success 18 Autumn Alliance Sale 22 Lindsay Show 24 Carp Show 24 NB Beef Expo MOE Show 24-25 Windsor Exhibition MOE Show

OCTOBER 7-9 Expo Boeuf MOE Show 8 Remitall West-Harvie Ranching Production Sale 8-10 Martime Fall Fair MOE Show 15 ANL and Guests Production Sale 15 C&T Cattle Co. Take the Next Step Sale 16 Blair-Athol/Haroldson’s and Friends Sale 17 Square D Herefords Production Sale 22 Twin View Herefords Production Sale 30 Red, White & Proud Hereford Sale Herefords Today Spring 2011


Harding, MB Saskatoon, SK Saskatoon, SK Abbotsford, BC Neepawa, MB Cut Knife, SK Wapella, SK Quebec City, QC Hardisty, AB Cookshire, QC Smithers, BC Ayer’s Cliff, QC Sainte-Marie de-Kent, NB Dundas, PE Oak Lake, MB Armstrong, BC

Shawville, QC Brome, QC Orangeville, ON Salmon Arm, BC Salmon Arm, BC Glencoe, ON

Tlell, BC Newburgh, ON Indian River, ON Orillia, ON Lindsay, ON Carp, ON Sussex, NB Windsor, NS Victoriaville, QC Olds, AB Halifax, NS Steelman, SK Kisbey, SK Alameda, SK Langbank, SK Strathclair, MB Saskatoon, SK

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