Herefords Today Winter 2011

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Herdsire Issue

Winter 2011

Canadian Publication Mail Agreement #40021107


Volume 9 Issue 1

RVP STAR 533P Can-Am ET 57U

NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET

STAR-Lake Dandy 614R

STAR SLS Walk This Way 179W

RVP 6056 Xcalibur 51X

STAR 2013 Battle Cry 45S

As the cattle cycle changes to an accelerated market, the most important tool required is a “genetically designed” herd sire to add value to your program. Whether you need a new sire for spring breeding or looking to find a new prospect this fall, we can fill your needs. Calving ease, power with performance, highly maternal or a combination of all three, stop by and we will give you the tour.

Remember in a “bull market” you need a bull!

Elwyn, Donald & Pauline Embury 240 Embury Rd., RR 1, Newburgh, ON K0K 2S0 Cattle Office: (613) 378-2701 Fax: (613) 378-1646 Res: (613) 378-2224 Phil Brown Res: (613) 395-4664 Cell: (613) 848-8707

BW: 5.1 WW: 56.7 YW: 82.6 Milk: 30.2 TM: 58.5

Gold Trophy Sire • 2009 Canadian Allstar Sire of the Year • 2006 Senior Bull Calf Champion at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair 2006 Senior Bull Calf Champion & Grand Champion Bull at Agribition Trait Leader for WW, TM and MPI For semen inquiries please contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

MHPH Ms 101S Dainty 123U Heat Daughter

Heat daughter in production

BW: 5.5 WW: 52.8 YW: 80.9 Milk: 24.2 TM: 50.6 Silver Trophy Sire, 2009 Canadian National Grand Champion Bull 2009 Eastern Canadian National Grand Champion Bull 2009 Canadian Allstar Grand Champion Bull For semen inquiries please contact Genex.

Plan to Join us on Sunday, September 18, 2011 for the Autumn Alliance Sale XXIX

Herefords Today Winter 2011


C&T 102S Titan 29X

C&T 102S Volt 58X

SOD: WTK 100C Mentor 103S BW: 6.2 WW: 47.1 YW: 75.8 Milk: 16.8 TM: 40.4

SOD: DXB 75A Tango 2J BW: 6.4 WW: 51.1 YW: 87.7 Milk: 18.9 TM: 44.5

PCL C&T xcaret 83T 13X

C&T 12R Belle 1X

Eli/Keno BW: 5.1 WW: 54.0 YW: 86.4 Milk: 19.1 TM: 46.1 Our exciting Eli son owned with Phantom Creek. He will be service sire to select females in our fall sale. Class winner at CWA 2010.

Herefords Today Winter 2011

Canuck/Governor BW: 6.7 WW: 57.3 YW: 96.2 Milk: 11.3 TM: 40.0 Thank you to Don Richardson - Tlell Polled Herefords, BC for purchasing Belle at the CWA National Sale.


Herefords Today Winter 2011


In This Issue Bear’s Corner

An Undeniable Passion


A Junior Article

New Technology

Connecting To The World

Show Highlights

Canadian Western Agribition CWA Commercial Show Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Farmfair International Expo Boeuf Bridgedon Fair MOE Show Lloydminster Stockade Roundup NB Beef Expo Denver National Western Stock Show Seaforth MOE Show Saskatoon Fall Fair Manitoba Livestock Expo Medicine Hat Pen Show

The Real World

Our Commercial Market Place

Under The Gavel

Auction Action




40 48 58 66 70 71 74 78 79 88 90 94 95


98 Herefords Today Winter 2011


2010 Agribition Reserve Bull Calf Champion Sire: Remitall Heater 161U

Dam: Haroldson’s WLC 68M Katrina 33P BW: 4.8 WW: 47.3 YW: 77.6 Milk: 20.2 TM: 43.9

Wilson-Lees Value Added Bull Sale April 8, 2011 2:00 pm GBT’s Sale Barn, Kisbey, SK Selling 12 Yearling Polled Hereford Bulls.

Blair-Athol Major Rock 6X S: Blair-Athol 13K Major 101N D: Blair-Athol 19M Pebbles 22S BW: 8.1 WW: 52.5 YW: 89.1 MM: 17.9 TM: 44.2

RU BA NO Limit 202W

S: Remitall Route 66 ET 346R D: Remitall Excel 2S BW: 5.2 WW: 56.1 YW: 87.1 MM: 17.5 TM: 45.6

Blair-Athol Correction 73W S: Blair-Athol 65F On Line 13K D: Blair-Athol 6L Deanna 30S BW: 3.8 WW: 42.8 YW: 77.2 MM: 20.8 TM: 42.2

The top end of our 2010 calf crop. Bulls with hair, muscle and growth. All coming out of hard working, functional, good uddered, heavy milking cows. Several of these bulls are designed to breed your heifers.

2 Two-Year-Old Proven Herdsires. These are not leftovers but are big rugged sires used in our herd last year. Blair-Athol 61 Progressive 3X S: Blair-Athol Pure Luck 61S D: RU 65F Lasalle 37L BW: 1.8 WW: 36.3 YW: 63.5 MM: 17.3 TM: 35.3

Blair-Athol 80P Remake 59X S: LaGrand Reload 80P ET D: Blair-Athol 13 Kisses 17T BW: 6.3 WW: 51.7 YW: 90.0 MM: 22.9 TM: 48.8

1 Black Angus Yearling Bull. An embyro purchased from the Remitall Dispersal. Lots of size and bone in this rascal. Sires Represented: Route 66, Online 13K, Patriot, Heater Reload, Major, Pure Luck, Rock Payment Plans Available.

All bulls semen tested and can be left free of charge until May 15. Volume Buyer Discount.

Call today for your catalogue or more details. Herefords Today Winter 2011


Herefords Today Winter 2011


Februar y 26, 2011 at 1:00 PM

Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK

80 Bulls On Offer

LOT 71 - ZTM 95X SIRE: C&T 12R BOBCAT ET 60U BW: 2.8 WW: 41.4 YW: 74.9 MM: 17.1 TM: 37.8

LOT 79 - ZTM 138X SIRE: MCCOY 58G WARRANT 7U BW: 3.9 WW: 46.4 YW: 81.8 MM: 22.7 TM: 45.9

LOT 72 - ZTM 105X SIRE: RU 20X GALAXY 58G BW: 1.8 WW: 41 YW: 80.2 MM: 23.6 TM: 44.1

LOT 61 - ZTM 16X SIRE: SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 BW: -0.7 WW: 54.4 YW: 73.9 MM: 19.5 TM: 42.2

LOT 66 - ZTM 46X SIRE: C&T 12R BOBCAT ET 60U BW: 5.5 WW: 51.6 YW: 89.9 MM: 18.3 TM: 44.1

LOT 81 - ZTM 30W LOT 59 - ZTM 6X SIRE: MCCOY 55M ABSOLUTE 49S SIRE: SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 BW: 3.7 WW: 52.4 YW: 105.1 MM: 17.3 TM: 43.5 BW: 2.6 WW: 54.2 YW: 84.7 MM: 21.9 TM: 49

LOT 74 - ZTM 113X SIRE: SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 BW: 2.4 WW: 51.7 YW: 88.8 MM: 23.8 TM: 49.7

Selling Hereford, Charolais and Gelbvieh Yearlings and Two-Year -Old Bulls For more information on Charolais bulls contact:

306.436.4564 Gary & Donna Beck Wade & Cynthia Beck Mark & Tami Beck Box 5, Lang, SK S0G 2W0

The Nicholas Family - Box 479, Milestone, SK SOG 3L0 Gary & Florence - 306.436.4301 Chad & Carrie - 306.436.2086 Fax - 306.436.4613 Herefords Today Winter 2011



An exciting part of the 150th Anniversary National Hereford Show for Nancy and I was seeing the many animals that were sired by WLB bulls.

WLB Eli 10H 83T

33 head were shown representing 7 WLB bulls. These 33 head were responsible for; • Reserve Grand Champion Female • The Red Coat Grand Champion Bull • 7 Division and Reserve Division Championships • Winners of both Junior and Senior Get of Sire classes • 13 class winners • 10 second places • 10 third or fourth places

We would like to recognize and thank the progressive breeders that did a super job in presenting these entries at the 150th Anniversary National Hereford Show.

Aspen Lane Polled Herefords, Flewelling Cattle Company, Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, ANL Polled Herefords, HiCliffe Farms, Greenridge Farms, Glenlees Farms, Double J Polled Herefords, Meadow Acres Polled Herefords, Brost Land and Cattle Co., KLR Polled Herefords, NCX Polled Herefords, C&T Cattle Company, Phantom Creek Polled Herefords WLB sires represented at the 150th Anniversary Hereford Show were:

WLB Shapley 50S 40U

WLB Eli 10H 83T WLB Quaker 10H 21T WLB Lumber 72M 213S TA-BAR WLB Formula 035J

WLB Shapley 50S 40U WLB Global 72M 50S WLB Fresh 035J 7M

We thank the Saskatchewan Hereford Association for doing an excellent job in organizing such a great event. Congratulations Buddy, Frances, and Lance Leachman for winning the RBC Supreme Champion Bull.

Way to go Big-Gully!

WLB Fresh 035J 7M

WLB Quaker 10H 21T

WLB Global 72M 50S

WLB Square 7M 85R

Herefords Today Winter 2011


TA-BAR WLB Formula 035J

On March 29 you will find our Bull Sale is definitely



See Bull Video and Catalogue Online at or Call WLB for your Mailout Version. Our sales staff have acted on behalf of buyers in the past with great buyer satisfaction.You are invited to give myself or one of these qualified cattlemen a call. Bill Biglieni H-204 763 4697 C-204 729 7925 Wilf Davis H-204 834 2479 C-204 841 0211 Dennis Ericson-780 361 9347 Jerry Kanewischer-403 382 9374

Herefords Today Winter 2011


You Ought To Know. . . …it’s time to open our eyes about numbers…EPD’s. For the past decade or more, associations have preached and promoted the use of expected progeny differences to the point that some breeders totally believe that these numbers are “be all, end all” solutions in breeding cattle. It seems in the Hereford breed, the numbers first and most looked at…are birth weight, milk, then marbling and ribeye area. In order for this editorial to make any sense, I would like to analyze the most dominant bull in the Hereford breed over the last two decades. He virtually changed the style of Herefords and over eighty percent of the herds carry his influence…some two and three fold. His registration number is C02356049 and is in one hundred and forty-eight herds, with six hundred and fourteen daughters in production. Of the fifteen EPD traits listed on his pedigree, he is a trait leader for eight traits…WW, YW, TM, MCE, SC, MPI, FMI, and REA. Now on the above listed traits, he is over double and a bit on birth weight at 7.7 (calving ease is in the bottom 1%), his milk is 2 points over average, a trait leader on ribeye and sits in the bottom 10% for marbling, with the lowest accuracy of 73%. Folks, this bull put the Hereford breed back into the game. In the past decade, the birth weight EPD has eliminated some very good breeding bulls from being a part of our genetic base. Actual birth weights are taken in several ways – visual guess, tape, drive-by weight, horseback weight, bar weight, bathroom scale and some even use a calf scale. When a bull calf is born, he is assigned a birth weight pedigree estimate which is used in marketing, since many of the top bull calves do find homes before fifteen months of age. There are adjustments due to the age of dam. Since research gurus believe that old cows and young cows do not milk as well as cows in the prime of their lives (5 years is generally believed to be prime), adjustments for the mother’s age is added to the birth weight. First calf heifers younger than 2.7 years of age, receive an added birth weight adjustment, but gestation length does not come into play for any adjusted weights. Since the proof of a program which is improving and moving forward is indicated by the replacement heifers, the calves automatically have added birth weight numbers, simply because most programs calve at twenty-four months or less. Thus, if the numbers are too high, these new genetic packages get passed by because of an estimated number. Granted, over the last several years the numbers have improved or shall we say stabilized. There is a huge difference between visual and numerical which we see at sale barns throughout the country. Hereford feeder calves will sell with the best of them but they need bone, frame, hair and lots of “go” in them and since there are fewer Hereford sired calves in the system, they get sorted. The good calves can go into any pen, while those fine boned, calving ease sired calves get sorted into pens with all the other calving ease sired calves in other breeds. The sort comes with price discount, low weaning

Herefords Today Winter 2011


weight and an unhappy customer who chooses to use a different breed. We must never take out of sight the fact that a majority of the calves topping the feeder sales carry a degree of white face influence and the most sought after feeder calf is the buckskin. Due to the declining cattle inventories, the market place is demanding heavier carcass weight which will bode well for continental sires. As we concern ourselves with an estimated number in the first column, we forget that we are in the beef cattle business where pounds at weaning and pounds at yearling are the two factors that drive profit for the cow/calf producer and feedlot operator. But to increase those numbers, we generally (if not always) need to increase birth weight. (I have never seen a mouse grow up to be an elephant.) Lessons can be learned from the past. If you look back thirty or so years, when the majority of cows in the commercial sector were Hereford and the Charolais bull was introduced into the industry, the buckskin steer got his start. Some Hereford cows would consistently produce light weight “companion calves,â€? yet that same cow mated to a Charolais bull would bring in a calf that was thirty percent or heavier under the same conditions. Although hybrid vigor is a factor, the sire of the calf did not have an eighty pound birth weight and that added bone and skeletal shape gave surface of body mass for additional pounds. In the years ahead as our North American cow herd starts expansion, we will again see a growth in the purebred sector based on supply and demand. A few breeds will expand more than the others, solely on demand promotion and common sense. As a breed, Hereford needs not to be painted into a corner simply by single trait selection. Our breed has many things to offer to the livestock industry but they have to be analyzed visually. Just for a point of interest, four Hereford bulls have been selected Supreme at the RBC Supreme Challenge at Agribition, a record which most other cannot claim. The judges each year hail from other breeds, visually selecting the best individual and although we relate Herefords for their maternal traits, only bulls have dominated. The current average birth weight expected progeny difference on the four Supreme Champions is 8.0‌..go figure!

I Just Thought... You Ought To Know!

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Selling bulls at Lundar and Manitoba Hereford Association Sale. Bulls also for sale by Private Treaty.

We are real proud to welcome Pilgrim into our bull battery. MJT Pilgrim 19U

S: Remitall Pilgrim 93P MGS: RUT 55G South Cheyenne 142K Doug, Jayne, Kaitlin and Adam Troop

Box 1, Site 400, RR 1, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 (204) 728-3345

Herefords Today Winter 2011



About Time - Sons Sell

Global - Sons Sell

George & Annette Lees Ph: 306.455.2612 Fax: 306.455.2177

Major - Sons Sell

Corey & Tasha Lees Emma, Kyla & Becca Ph: 306.455.2714 Email: Herefords Today Winter 2011


Many of the major events in Canada climax with various all breed shows as a highlight to close the event. These shows have proven to be a crowd favorite, obvious by the increase in attendance on supreme show day. Each supreme championship comes with more than bragging rights, as the show committees work hard to ďŹ nd sponsorship and/or prizes to go along with the supreme champion title. In year 2010, in addition to being the 150th Anniversary of the breed, Herefords captured the most supreme championships in the modern era.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


The RBC Supreme Challenge is the most sought after win of the registered beef cattle industry in Canada. Douglas (Buddy) and Francis Leachman with son, Lance, made the Hereford breed proud in its 150th year by capturing the supreme bull title at Agribition. Their Agribition and Lloydminster Grand Champion, Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U sired by KSU Bounty Hunter, who himself was an Agribition reserve champion, also achieved Canadian Allstar Grand Champion status. Hereford bulls have won the RBC Supreme previously in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Douglas R Leachman joins the list of names that have bred an Agribition Supreme Champion, along with Eivend and Joyce Eggen, Jay Holmes, and Bar Pipe Farms.

Parkvista Hereford Farm, Kelly and Angie Feige, Parkside, Saskatchewan showed the Supreme Champion Bull at Saskatoon Fall Fair with TDM Mercedes 26U, a March 24, 2008 son of KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R. Bred by Trevor Davies, TDM Mercedes was Reserve Champion Bull at Lloydminster and Agribition.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Triara Wide Load 391W, a January 16, 2009 son of CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S, was selected as Supreme Champion Bull at Expo-Boeuf, Victoriaville, Quebec. The bull is bred by Triara, Melbourne, Quebec and co-owned with Jean Tetreault, Ferme Mahjam, Bonsecours, Quebec.

Bradley Ulysses 401U, an April 1, 2008 son of BNC OL Head Honcho ET 77P, was selected Reserve Supreme Champion at Expo-Boeuf, Victoriaville, Quebec. The bull is bred and owned by Bradley Farms, Casselman, Ontario.

PGG SD Northwestern ET 1U, a March 7, 2008 son of Remitall Super Duty 42S, was selected Supreme Champion at the Interior Provincial Exhibition, Armstrong, British Columbia. Bred by the Platinum Genetics Group, the bull is owned by Kootenay Polled Herefords, Surrey, British Columbia and North Blu Farms Inc., Aldergrove, British Columbia.

Earlybird 199S Detonator 1X, a January 1, 2010 son of CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S, was selected Supreme Champion overall breeds at the New Brunswick Beef Expo, Sussex, New Brunswick. The calf is bred and owned by Allyson and Gordon Raymond, Earlybird Farm, Waterford, New Brunswick.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Thunder-Brook Nine Inch Nails 8W, a January 9, 2009 son of LaGrand Reload 80P ET, was named Supreme Champion Bull at the Maritime Fall Fair, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The bull is bred and owned by Thunderbrook Farms, Brian and Joan Trueman and Family, Amherst, Nova Scotia.

Thunder-Brook 62J Nina 4N, a January 17, 2003 daughter of STAR SS Thunder LT 62J with Thunder-Brook 125L Styxx 8X, a February 5 daughter of RT DCC Key Master 125L, at side, was selected Reserve Supreme Champion at the New Brunswick Beef Expo, Sussex, New Brunswick. The pair was declared Grand Champion at the breed show and is bred and owned by Thunderbrook Farms, Brian and Joan Trueman and Family, Amherst, Nova Scotia.

Caylynne Brown, daughter of Phil and Catherine Brown, Springbrook, Ontario was selected as Reserve Champion Showperson at the 2010 National Junior Beef Heifer Show at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Doug & Wanda Mann Box 1256, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X4 P: (306) 773-7136 or (306) 773-4121 F: (306) 773-7136 E:

Congratulations to K-Cow Ranch and Barefoot Polled Herefords! Thank you for using NCX Genetics.

K-Cow Jake 291U

NCX Miss Whiplash 3W

Dam: NCX Miss Jackie 291U 2010 CWA Grand Champion Bull

Dam: NCX Miss JR Pacifica 590P 2010 Grand Champion Hereford CWA Junior Beef Extreme Challenge

Dennis and Andrea Babiuk Box 102, Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0 P: 780.657.2270 C: 780.603.1079 F: 780.657.2778

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Selling bulls at the

Regina Bull Sale March 13, 2011 as well as Private Treaty. JJPH 910J 36N Arsenal 744T

HF 4L Beyond 36N x JJPH 23C Dynamo 719G 5.8 49.2 81.4 21.6 46.2

View them at

Box 84, Lampman, SK S0C 1N0 Blair, Laurel and Ashton Email: Ph: 306-487-2624 • Fax: 306-487-3105 Dustin, Kirsten & Brenna Ph: 306-487-2557 Darnell Ph: 403-915-0623

Meadow-Acres Prominent ET 34U

SR CG Hard Rock 5073 x MS Choice Victor 102G 102M 6.4 57.6 89.6 19.0 47.8

Blair-Athl The Big Show ET 62P

Wheatland Stout 930W

Remitall Keynote 20X x GK Rock Steady 35A 5.3 46.0 81.0 18.3 41.3

2010 Agribtion Grand Champion Wheatland Bull 680S x TNT Top Gun R244 2.5 39.2 72.8 3.5 23.1

Meadow-Acres 29F Torch ET 118W CS Boomer 29F x MS Choice 102G 102M 5.1 44.5 76.7 21.6 43.9 Herefords Today Winter 2011








CED CEM BW WW YW MM SC IMF REA FAT BMI CEZ BII CEB 2.7 1.98 2.4 51.6 79.3 19 1.1 0.22 0.31 0.001 23 17 21 28 15% 20% 20% 15% 25% 30% 10% 5% 25% 50% 1% 15% 1% 1%

Herefords Today Winter 2011



BW: 3.4 WW: 55.6 YW: 86.9 Milk: 15.7 TM: 43.5

Sire: KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 Dam: SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 MGS: MM RSM STOCKMASTER 512 Born Feb. 7, 2009

BW 82 lbs 205 Day WT. 716 365 Day WT. 1297 REA 14.18" Marb 4.63 SC 40 cm REA +0.40 Marb +0.26 SC +1.5 High selling bull at $28,000.00 in the 2010 Sandhill Farms bull sale.

Two full sisters to Wonder W18 are in production and are both performing exceptionally with ideal udder quality. Semen Price: $100.00 per straw, No certificates required. Minimum 10 straws per order.

Canadian orders contact Br yan Latimer - 403-556-0301 US orders contact Kevin Schultz - 620-546-4570

Bryan and Annette Latimer Box 16 Site 2 RR 4 Olds, AB T4H 1T8 Ph: 403-556-2960 or 403-556-0301 Fax 403-556-3160 E: W:

SHF Governess 236G L37 - Dam of Wonder She has produced over 25 progeny at Sandhill Farms.

Kevin and Vera Schultz 2048 280th Ave. Haviland, KS 67059 Ph: 620-995-4072 or 620-546-4570 E: W: Herefords Today Winter 2011


Bobby Hull Mike Goodine Bear Island, NB 506-363-3224

San Jose Del Yaguari Pablo Zerbino Montevideo Uruguay

Herefords Today is very pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 campaign year. This annual compe00on spotlights breeders that promote the Hereford breed.

We understand the effort it takes to bring our breed to the forefront of the public eye. We truly appreciate the efforts of each individual who par0cipates in the “Canadian Allstar” compe00on. If you see females or bulls you like, we encourage you to pursue them and obtain their gene0cs for your program so that you too will become a “Canadian Allstar” contender.

Harvie Traveler 69T PC02895589

Sire: Kairuru Aberdeen 03 0047 Born: February 21, 2007

BW: 6.0 WW: 68.4 YW: 108.6 MM: 19.0 TM: 53.2 Breeder: Ian S Harvie, Olds, AB Owners: Johner Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK Becker Polled Herefords, Alder Flats, AB Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB The Traveler Syndicate


Melbourne, QC

1. Harvie Traveler 69T 2. CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 3. GH COL Pa+on 20P 4. WLB Global 72M 50S 5. LaGrand Reload 80P ET

6. WLB Eli 10H 83T 7. KSU Bounty Hunter 611 8. Remitall Super Duty 42S 9. Harvie Ra sman 16R 10. STAR Bright Future 533P ET

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U C02915925 Sire: KSU Bounty Hunter 611 Born: March 5, 2008

BW: 8.2 WW: 64.7 YW: 102.4 MM: 22.1 TM: 54.5 Breeder: Douglas R Leachman, Maidstone, SK Owner: Douglas R Leachman, Maidstone, SK

GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W C02936674

Sire: Churchill Yankee ET Born: January 12, 2009

BW: 3.5 WW: 65.1 YW: 100.7 MM: 18.9 TM: 51.5 Breeder: Adams Hirsche, High River, AB Owner: Parkvista Herefords, Parkside, SK Herefords Today Winter 2011


Triara Wide Load 391W PC02923364

Sire: CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S Born: January 16, 2009

BW: 2.5 WW: 54.2 YW: 90.8 MM: 20.8 TM: 47.9 Breeder: Triara, Melbourne, QC Owners: Triara, Melbourne, QC Ferme Mahjam, Bonsecours, QC

Palsson Xclama)on Point 7X PC02945053

Sire: Square-D Tortuga 953T Born: March 1, 2010

BW: 4.1 WW: 49.0 YW: 78.4 MM: 13.9 TM: 38.4 Breeder: Brent P Palsson, Carp, ON Owner: Brent P Palsson, Carp, ON

FCC Twenty X 20X PC02941357

Sire: WLB Shapely 50S 40U Born: March 8, 2010

BW: 5.2 WW: 52.7 YW: 88.2 MM: 16.2 TM: 42.5 Breeder: Flewelling Ca1le Co., Bowden, AB Owners: Flewelling Ca1le Co., Bowden, AB, Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON, Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC

Hill’s Rockwood ET 149X C02944372

Sire: UPS TCC Nitro 1ET Born: January 14, 2010

BW: 4.7 WW: 54.2 YW: 89.3 MM: 13.8 TM: 40.9 Breeder: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON Owner: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Clayridge Hemi 5X PC02943985

Sire: Remitall Super Duty 42S Born: January 15, 2010

BW: 6.6 W: 51.9 YW: 85.5 MM: 16.4 TM: 42.3 Breeder: Bird’s Hill, Jacksonville, NB Owners: Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK, Stephen & Chris0ne Myer - Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK

Elm-Lodge Twi*er ET 70W PC02932845

Sire: Harvie Traveler 69T Born: April 4, 2009

BW: 6.5 WW: 58.4 YW: 97.1 MM: 20.6 TM: 49.8 Breeder: Grant Elmhirst, Indian River, ON Owner: Grant Elmhirst, Indian River, ON

SHPH 274S Baron 66W PC02930842

Sire: Remitall Sultan 274S Born: April 26, 2009

BW: 6.9 WW: 58.6 YW: 92.8 MM: 22.1 TM: 51.4 Breeder: Anton Myer, Maidstone, SK Owner: Anton Myer, Maidstone, SK

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Triara Weldon 294W PC02923350

Sire: CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S Born: February 9, 2009

BW: 4.3 WW: 39.8 YW: 80.7 MM: 18.9 TM: 38.8 Breeder: Triara, Melbourne, QC Owners: Ryan & Kyle Lee Cork, Sawyerville, QC

Bradley Ulysses 401U PC02911256

Sire: BNC OL Head Honcho ET 77P Born: April 1, 2008

BW: 6.5 WW: 51.2 YW: 79.2 MM: 18.9 TM: 44.5 Breeder: Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON Owner: Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON

Dan Dex 20P Reminder 118U C02911161

Sire: GH COL Pa1on 20P Born: January 18, 2008

BW: 3.7 WW: 41.2 YW: 67.8 MM: 19.1 TM: 39.7 Breeder: Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC Owner: Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC

Hi-Clie Xcel 64X PC02940538

Sire: TA-Bar WLB Formula 035J Born: March 28, 2010

BW: 5.9 WW: 42.3 YW: 68.8 MM: 19.0 TM: 40.2 Breeder: James F Millham, Esterhazy, SK Owner: Sydney Perlinger, Outlook, SK

Herefords Today Winter 2011


MH Miss Rambo 050 1ET 43129901

Sire: MH Rambo 757 1ET Born: March 28, 2010

BW: 5.7 W: 59 YW: 93 MM: 20 TM: 50 Breeder: Loren Mrnak, Bowman, ND Owner: Mrnak Herefords, Bowman, ND

Hill’s Delilah 146X PC02941037

Sire: Harvie Ra!sman 16R Born: January 1, 2010

BW: 4.2 WW: 48.9 YW: 75.0 MM: 20.8 TM: 45.3 Breeder: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON Owner: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON

JJPH 512R Kovi 15X PC02945270

Sire: WLB Eli 10H 83T Born: February 19, 2010

BW: 5.1 WW: 50.1 YW: 81.4 MM: 19.8 TM: 44.9

Breeder: Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK Owner: Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK

Elm-Lodge 78T Wild Thang 73W PC02926387

Sire: CC CX United 52S ET Born: April 6, 2009

BW: 1.3 WW: 56.4 YW: 84.8 MM: 16.3 TM: 44.5 Breeder: Grant Elmhirst, Indian River, ON Owner: William E Robinson & Grant Elmhirst, Indian River, ON

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Fieldstone Sweet P 100W PC02944807

Sire: HB Star Ba1le Ground 2013 Born: April 7, 2009 EPD’s Unavailable

Breeder: Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON Owner: Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON

RSK 2N Ms Princess ET 24W PC02928257

Sire: Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N Born: February 25, 2009

BW: 4.3 WW: 51.9 YW: 87.5 MM: 22.6 TM: 48.5 Breeder: Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Owner: RSK Farms, Brandon, MB

Triara Encore 892U PC02912314

Sire: Golden-Oak 4J Maxium 28M Born: January 7, 2008

BW: 3.7 WW: 50.9 YW: 76.2 MM: 17.6 TM: 43.0 Breeder: Triara, Melbourne QC Owner: River Road Farms, St Francois-Xavier, QC

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Hill’s Li*le Jewel 107P PC02854970

Sire: Hill’s Journeyman 22J Born: April 2, 2004

BW: 4.6 WW: 29.7 YW: 50.7 MM: 10.8 TM: 25.6 Breeder: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON Owner: Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON

SOUC Cassidy 6T PC02894361

Sire: Remitall Online 122L Born: January 6, 2007

BW: 4.7 WW: 56.2 YW: 95.3 MM: 15.7 TM: 43.8 Breeder: Ferme Soucy, Drummondville, QC Owner: Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC

WLB 36N Beth ET 452S PC02886431

Sire: HF 4L Beyond 36N Born: February 4, 2006

BW: 7.3 WW: 50.6 YW: 90.3 MM: 23.8 TM: 49.1 Breeder: WLB Polled Herefords, Douglas, MB Owner: Caylynne Brown, Springbrook, ON

• Points are accumulated throughout the show season at Canadian “Mark of Excellence” shows. • Points are allocated to the top five placings in class on the basis of 5-4-3-2-1. • Divisional Champions are allocated an addi*onal 10 points for Champion and 5 points for Reserve. • Grand Champions are allocated 20 bonus points and Reserve Grand Champions, 10 bonus points. • The Na*onal Show - All points are doubled. • In the case of a *e, the higher placing at the Na*onal Show declares final placing.

• In cases where calves are shown alone and then again with the mother, points will only be awarded to the mother's placement. • All show results must be submi+ed to Herefords Today indica*ng the top five placings in each class shown and all champions declared. Registra*on number and ta+oo of each animal must be sent with your submission. All results must be submi+ed by December 1, 2010.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Herefords Today Winter 2011





Semen Price CDN: $25.00/ Unit Minimum 5 Units $100.00/Certificate

For Semen Inquiries Contact: Haroldson’s Polled Herefords

CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC COW STAY MPI FAT REA MARB 0.8 4.4 50.0 79.6 24.2 49.2 0.7 0.5 29.1 -1.2 156.4 189.5 0.64 0.02

Chad Wilson Box 372, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 Ph: 306-739-2643 Fax: 306-739-2902 Cell: 306-577-1256


T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Ted & Mina Serhienko - Chris Poley 4 3342 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306.933.4200 Ted’s Cell: 306.221.2711 Chris’ Cell: 306.220.5006 Email:


Semen Price CDN: $25.00/ Unit Minimum 5 Units $100.00/Certificate

For Semen Inquiries Contact: Haroldson’s Polled Herefords Chad Wilson Box 372, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 Ph: 306-739-2643 Fax: 306-739-2902 Cell: 306-577-1256

CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC COW STAY MPI FAT REA MARB 1.1 2.0 39.4 77.5 18.9 38.6 2.9 0.4 -5.3 0.4 146.2 0.000 0.65 0.07


T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Ted & Mina Serhienko - Chris Poley 4 3342 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306.933.4200 Fax: 306.934.0744 Ted’s Cell: 306.221.2711 Chris’ Cell: 306.220.5006 Email:


Semen Price CDN & U.S.:

$25.00/ Unit Minimum 5 Units $100.00/Certificate



For Semen Inquiries Contact: Section 7 Ranch

Alain & Karen DeCorby Box 268, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0 Ph/Fax: 306-645-2019

Topp Herefords

Ryan & Prairie Topp 1157 83rd Ave NE Grace City, ND 58445 Ph: 701-674-3152 701-674-3694 Fax: 701-674-3692

CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC COW STAY MPI FAT REA MARB 3.4 1.6 54.8 81.6 22.8 50.2 -3.0 0.9 50.8 -0.8 158.6 0.043 0.15 -0.06 Herefords Today Winter 2011

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Ted & Mina Serhienko - Chris Poley 4 3342 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-933-4200 Fax: 306-934-0744 Ted’s Cell: 306-221-2711 Chris’ Cell: 306-220-5006 Email:

Karl & Karen Lischka Box 14, Steelman, SK S0C 2J0 P: 306.487.2670 • F: 306.487.2793 Karl: 306.487.7794 • Karen: 306.487.7793 Allan Hjertaas: 306.452.8427 31

EPDs: CE: 1.5 BW: 3.0 WW: 54.1 YW: 81.6 M: 21.4 TM: 48.5


Semen Prices

US Packages Available on Request

CDN Packages

50 units $2000.00 (No Cert.) 25 units $1250.00 (No Cert.)

Typical Walk Hard x Rasputin daughter Calving Ease, Performance and Style!

Wally & Jackie Mitchell and Family Box 782, Killarney, MB ROK 1G0 (P) 204.523.8713 (E) (C) 204.534.8204 Herefords Today Winter 2011


$50.00/Unit $50.00/Cert. Min. 5 Units

Semen Price

$70/Unit - Min. 10 Units No Certifiacates Volume Discounts Available Contact Owners

2011 Senior Champion Denver National Stock Show BW: 5.0 WW: 61.6 YW: 104.7 M: 23.1 TM: 53.9

Owned with: Taboo Polled Herefords, Nobleton, ON and Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Irvine, AB

Coalition Daughter

2010 CWA Class Winner, High Selling Heifer Calf at the 2010 Right Combination Sale to Lakes Ranch Ltd. for $8,500.

Coalition Son - BBSF 52U Excel 39X 2010 CWA - 2nd in Class Owned by Fenton Ranch.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Full sister to Coalition

2010 CWA - 2nd in Class, High Selling Bred Heifer at the 2010 Right Combination Sale to Lakes Ranch Ltd. for $10,000.

NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W U.S. National Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion

NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W




NJW P606 Daydream 73S Dam of Trust

BW: 4.9 WW: 61.0 YW: 98.4 Milk: 24.0 TM: 54.5

Everyone Needs a Little Confidence — Put some TRUST into your program!

• Breed leading genetics with extra pigment, shape, style, eye appeal and balance! • Dam is a beautiful, elite P606 daughter backed by a great cow family known for superb udders and the ability to produce at the top every year! • Denver 2010 Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion. • Full sister was the high selling bred heifer in the 2010 NJW production sale! • Act. BW 88 lbs.; adj. WW 716 lbs.; adj. YW 1,185 lbs.

For Semen Inquiries please contact... River Valley Polled Herefords

Elwyn, Donald & Pauline Embury 240 Embury Rd., RR 1, Newburgh, ON K0K 2S0 Cattle Office: (613) 378-2701 Fax: (613) 378-1646 Res: (613) 378-2224 Phil Brown Res: (613) 395-4664 Cell: (613) 848-8707

NJW Polled Herefords

Full sister to Trust - High selling bred heifer in the 2010 NJW Production Sale

Ned & Jan Ward 247A Decker Rd., Sheridan, WY 82801 Ph: (307) 672-3248 Ned’s Cell: (307) 751-8298 Jan’s Cell: (307) 751-9470 Email: Herefords Today Winter 2011


T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Ted & Mina Serhienko Chris Poley (306) 220-5006 4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Phone (306) 933-4200 Fax (306) 934-0744 Email Visit

517U sired calves will begin arriving at the farm in early February

Buddy, Frances, Lance and Tyler Leachman Box 535, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 Phone/Fax: (306) 893-2879 Buddy Cell: (306) 893-7001 Lance Cell: (540) 382-5342 E-mail: 12 miles north of Maidstone on Highway 21 We Welcome Your Visit Anytime! Herefords Today Winter 2011


Saskatoon, Saskatoon, SK SK July July 27 27 -- 30, 30, 2011 2011 Visit Visit for for entry entry forms forms and additional information. information Entry Deadline May 15, 2011. 2011 Watch for your complete registration package coming in the Spring Junior Hereford Newsletter. Newsletter

For More Information Contact the Co-Chairs: Kaitlyn Reid Julia Pawlitza Phone: (306) 373-6100 Phone: (306) 689-2597 Email: Wacey McCaw Lexie Girodat Alexis DeCorby

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Global x Tracker

Quaker x Hallmark

Glenlees 50S Sunfire 34X

Hi-Cliffe Q Wilma 153W

1st in class - National Show Reserve Hereford Champion at the CWA Junior Beef Extreme

CWA Reserve Junior Champion

Formula x Frontline

Hi-Cliffe Xcel 64X

CWA Junior Calf Champion Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Canadian Allstars

HMS Hi-Cliffe Carmen and Brenda Millham, Hunter, Morgan and Sydney Box 382, Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 306-867-4231





BW WW YW MM TM 5.1 45.7 85.3 19.4 42.3

GRO-JDL Temptation 303T 303W 2010 Reserve Intermediate Yearling Heifer Champion

Semen Price: $60/Unit • Minimum 5 Units $500.00/10 Units • No Certificates Necessary

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Ted & Mina Serhienko - Chris Poley 4 3342 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306.933.4200 Fax: 306.934.0744 Ted’s Cell: 306.221.2711 Chris’ Cell: 306.220.5006 Email:

Grosvenor Farm

Gwen Morphy RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 Ph: 519.925.6824 Fax: 519.925.0116

Herefords Today Winter 2011

Iris Creek Farms

Bruce & Heather Ribey & Family RR 4, Paisley, ON N0G 2N0 Ph: 519-832-6221 Fax: 519-389-5430


D & S Livestock

David & Shirley Lasby RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 Ph: 519.925.1681

Eli x Governor • CWA Class Winner Thanks to Aspen Lanes Polled Herefords for purchasing “GHC 83T Ebony 3X at the CWA Sale. Thanks to Fossay Beef Farm and Cooper Blaine for purchasing our Good As Gold Sale entries.

Motion x Channing • CWA Junior Champion Female Thanks to Haroldson’s Polled Herefords and ANL Polled Herefords for purchasing “Unity.”

Bulls for sale on farm.

Marvin and Janet Stocki Box 89, Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0 Ph: 204-372-6642

Kevin Stocki Ph/Fax: 204-372-6811 Cell: 204-739-3843

Palsson Ameena 5X Top selling calf at the Pick of the Valley Sale to Kyle Dufault. 953T x Pacific Palsson Classy 1X Sold to Elmlodge at the Pick of the Valley Sale. Part of their Royal string. 953T x Paycheck

Palsson Xclamation Point 7X Square-D Tortuga 953T x Elm-Lodge Pacific 36P Sold to Laura Cox and Marilyn Naismith. Brent, Jen, Lane and Tom Palsson Carp, ON 613-256-7053

Thanks to Dufaults, Laura Cox, Naismith Farm, Elm-Lodge, The Gleichs, Jim Beachell, The Howies and all our supporters in 2010.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


We are a family farm in southeastern Saskatchewan that breeds for complete cattle using the top genetics to be found through AI sires and embryo transplants. We also strive to offer our contribution of those top genetics worldwide through the sales of semen and embryos.

Clayridge Hemi 5X

Hemi is the Senior Bull Calf Champion of the SE Sask Zone show 2010, the Grand Champion Hereford bull at the Manitoba Livestock Expo 2010. He is a star in the making sired by Remitall Super Duty and out of as solid a cow as you are going to find. He has great muscle and strong stature. Here is a chance at taking the front edge of the wave. Semen available in 2012. Packages of 20 straws for $800 No Certificates

Tlell 199S Xplosive 18X

Xplosive is the Bull Calf Champion at Farm Fair 2010. He is sired by Stamina and has huge potential. He has great shape and feet. He has been putting it all together and will be heard from in big ways in the future. Semen will be available soon. Packages of 30 Straws for $1500 or $75/Straw Minimum of 5 No Certificates

Private treaty bulls for sale and consignments at the Regina Bull Sale, March 12 and 13, 2011. Thankyou to all our customers this past year. Look for us to be out again this year. Cliff Knutson 306-532-4515 • Adam Knutson 306-435-6525 • Steven Knutson 306-435-8079 • Mark Knutson 306-532-4277

Herefords Today Winter 2011 39

Celebrating 150 Years November 26, 2010

Judge: Rob Hamilton, Cochrane, AB

Herefords Today Winter 2011





Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Skelton Cattle Co. and Geoffrey Skelton, Winfield, AB with Skelton KCJ Gold Sunrise 5X by K-Cow Jake 291U 2. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 893U Bell 628X by Triara Unleashed 893U

Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Six South Acres Ltd., Milestone, SK with SSAL Mercedes 14X by OVHF Universal 30U 2. Glenlees Farms, Arcola, SK with Glenlees 129T Dawne 103X by Remitall Timekeeper 129T Split 3 (8 Shown) 1. Hi-Cliffe Farms, Esterhazy, SK with Hi-Cliffe Xcel 64X by TA-BAR WLB Formula 035J 2. Haroldson’s Polled Herefords, Wawota, SK and Wooden Shoe Polled Herefords, Blackfoot, ID with Haroldson’s Janelle 4T 28X by Haroldson’s WLL Anchor 4T

Split 4 (9 Shown) 1. Greenridge Farms, Fisher Branch, MB with GRH 83T Ellie 30X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB 40U Shania 72X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

Split 5 (10 Shown) 1. Glenlees Farms, Arcola, SK with Glenlees 50S Sunfire 34X by WLB Global 72M 50S 2. Remitall-West, Olds, AB and Square D Herefords, Langbank, SK with Remitall West Polly 26X by Remitall Super Duty 42S

Split 6 (8 Shown) 1. Remitall-West, Olds, AB with Remitall West Marvel 24X by Remitall Online 122L 2. Haroldson’s Polled Herefords, Wawota, SK; JVJ Farms, Wakaw, SK and OJJ Cattle Ranch, Ririe, ID with Haroldson’s JVJ Roxy 45P 11X by NJW FHF 9710 Tank 45P

Split 7 (9 Shown) 1. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and Amanda and Justin Bacon, Prairie Grove, AR with Harvie Ms Firefly 50X by Harvie Ladies Man 4L 2. Glenlees Farms, Arcola, SK with Glenlees 101N Pearl 14X by Blair-Athol 13K Major 101N Split 8 (9 Shown) 1. Crittenden Bros., Imperial, SK with GHC-TABOO Miss Sarah 25X by GHC-TABOO Coalition 52U 2. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 154U Miss Tamara 8X by Harvie OVHF Walk Hard 154U

Split 9 (7 Shown) 1. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and DAN Polled Herefords, Valley City, ND with Harvie Dan Ms Firefly 20X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB 40U Shania 83X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U Split 10 (7 Shown) 1. Remitall-West, Olds, AB; Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON and BNC Polled Herefords, Demorestville, ON with Remitall Marvel 4X by Remitall Online 122L 2. Johner Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK and Morrison Land & Cattle Co., St. George, ON with JSF GH Katey 2X by Elm-Lodge Ghost 12U

Split 11 (6 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH Ms 102S Goldie 1022X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S 2. Mrnak Hereford Ranch, Bowman, ND with KMK Miss Rambo 02 by MH Rambo 757 1ET

JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Hi-Cliffe Farms, Esterhazy, SK with Hi-Cliffe Xcel 64X by TA-BAR WLB Formula 035J

Herefords Today Winter 2011


RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Haroldson’s Polled Herefords, Wawota, SK and Wooden Shoe Polled Herefords, Blackfoot, ID with Haroldson’s Janelle 4T 28X by Haroldson’s WLL Anchor 4T

SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH Ms 102S Goldie 1022X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S

RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and DAN Polled Herefords, Valley City, ND with Harvie Dan Ms Firefly 20X by Harvie Traveler 69T


Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Leveldale Polled Herefords, Douglas, MB with Leveldale Wildcat 18R 29W by Leveldale Resistol 15L 18R 2. C & T Cattle Co., Arcola, SK and Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with C & T 86S Desiree 109W by ANL 36N Shilo 86S

Split 2 (10 Shown) 1. Greenridge Farms, Fisher Branch, MB with GRH 12T Unity 32W by GRH 152M Motion 12T 2. Hi-Cliffe Farms, Esterhazy, SK with Hi-Cliffe Q Wilma 153W by WLB Quaker 10H 21T Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Remitall-West, Olds, AB and Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, ID with Remitall Pearl 10W by Remitall Route 66 ET 346R 2. Crittenden Bros., Imperial, SK; Taboo Polled Herefords, Nobleton, ON and Lakes Ranch Ltd., Vancouver, BC with GHC-TABOO Miss Dew 21W by GHC Volume III ET 139S Split 4 (6 Shown) 1. Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB with FCC 533P Marie 3W by STAR Bright Future 533P ET 2. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB 83T Ellie 28W by WLB Eli 10H 83T

JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Greenridge Farms, Fisher Branch, MB with GRH 12T Unity 32W by GRH 152M Motion 12T

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hi-Cliffe Farms, Esterhazy, SK with Hi-Cliffe Q Wilma 153W by WLB Quaker 10H 21T TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB; South Alder Farms and North Bluff Farms Inc., Aldergrove, BC with Harvie Ms Nylon 102U by Harvie Ladies Man 4L and her calf, Harvie SAFNBFI Ms Nylon 95X by Harvie DAN Ricochet 167U 2. JDL Cattle Co. and Grosvenor Farm, Shelburne, ON with JDL Janice 80P 312U by LaGrand Reload 80P ET and her calf, JDL Janice 6662 215X by RU Stocker 6662 Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB 50S Gloria 35U by WLB Global 72M 50S and her calf, WLB Lego 83T 90X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, SK and OJJ Cattle Ranch, Ririe, IL with ANL 145R Carolina 85U by Grandview 7OAKS Sonora 145R and her calf, ANL RH X-Factor 17X by Allendale Robin Hood


Split 1 (3 Shown) 1. WLB Livestock and Anthony Biglieni, Douglas, MB with WLB 7M Fran 82S by WLB Fresh 035J 7M and her calf, WLB 69T Just Lovely 84X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with HG 7N Processor Gal 83T by HF 45F Processor 7N and her calf, JJPH 213S Advantage 36X by WLB Lumber 72M 213S

Herefords Today Winter 2011


SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB; South Alder Farms and North Bluff Farms Inc., Aldergrove, BC with Harvie Ms Nylon 102U by Harvie Ladies Man 4L and her calf, Harvie SAFNBFI Ms Nylon 95X by Harvie DAN Ricochet 167U

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE WLB Livestock and Anthony Biglieni, Douglas, MB with WLB 7M Fran 82S by WLB Fresh 035J 7M and her calf, WLB 69T Just Lovely 84X by Harvie Traveler 69T



Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Johner Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK with JSF 69 Kodiak 47X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Remitall-West and Misty River Polled Herefords, Olds, AB with Remitall West Luger 53X by Remitall Precision 455P

Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB with Harvie Straight Shooter ET 149X by GHC Volume III ET 139S 2. McCoy Cattle Co., Milestone, SK with McCoy 7U Forecast 138X by McCoy 58G Warrant 7U

Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Flewelling Cattle CO., Bowden, AB and Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON with FCC Twenty X 20X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U 2. Blair Athol Farms, Arcola, SK with Blair Athol Braveheart 43X by Remitall Heater 161U

Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. C & T Cattle Co., Arcola, SK with C & T 12R Vision 27X by GHC Canuck 12R 2. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 213S Advantage 36X by WLB Lumber 72M 213S

Split 5 (7 Shown) 1. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 83T Inception 21X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. Remitall-West, Olds, AB and Dorbay Polled Herefords, London, ON with Remitall West Expresso 19X by Remitall Sleep Easy 68U

Split 6 (8 Shown) 1. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and Chittick Family Farms, Mayerthorpe, AB with Harvie High Roller ET 66X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB and NCX Polled Herefords, Brosseau, AB with FCC 40U Catalyst 13X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U Split 7 (6 Shown) 1. C & T Cattle Co., Arcola, SK and Phantom Creek Livestock, Swift Current, SK with PCL C & T Xcaret 83T 13X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Irvine, AB with BBSF 52U Xcel 39X by GHC-TABOO Coalition 52U

Split 8 (4 Shown) 1. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB Bingo 50S ET 4002X by WLB Global 72M 50S 2. Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB with FCC 40U Sprint 6X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

Split 9 (4 Shown) 1. Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP Drako 404X by NS Lakes Kilo 002 2. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH 40U Inspector 120X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

Split 10 (8 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH 102S Voltage 106X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S 2. Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB, DAN Polled Herefords, Valley City, ND and HBM Polled Herefords, Kincardine, ON with Harvie Dan Ranch Hand ET 3X by Harvie Sensation 26S

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB Bingo 50S ET 4002X by WLB Global 72M 50S YEARLING BULL

JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB and Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON with FCC Twenty X 20X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Blair Athol Farms, Arcola, SK with Blair Athol Braveheart 43X by Remitall Heater 161U

SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and Chittick Family Farms, Mayerthorpe, AB with Harvie High Roller ET 66X by Harvie Traveler 69T

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. Remitall-West and Misty River Polled Herefords, Olds, AB with Misty River Protocol 21W by Remitall Triplecrown ET 139T 2. Glenlees Farms, Arcola, SK and Charlton Farms, Weyburn, SK with Glenlees ECV 75R Tonic 89W by GHC Rattler 75R

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. NBG Polled Herefords, North Gower, ON and The Wonderer Syndicate, with NBG 69T The Wonderer 36R ET 3W by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB; Remitall Farms Inc., Olds, AB; Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON; Anita Doktor, Spruce Grove, AB and Ebbeck Family Farms, Australia with Remitall Alliance 503W by Remitall Super Duty 42S

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL NBG Polled Herefords, North Gower, ON and The Wonderer Syndicate with NBG 69T The Wonderer 36R ET 3W by Harvie Traveler 69T

Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB and Skelton Cattle Co., Winfield, AB with K-Cow Jake 291U by K-Cow Nacho Man ET 36N 2. WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB Shapley 50S 40U by WLB Global 72M 50S RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB; Remitall Farms Inc., Olds, AB; Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON; Anita Doktor, Spruce Grove, AB and Ebbeck Family Farms, Australia with Remitall Alliance 503W by Remitall Super Duty 42S TWO YEAR OLD BULL

Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Irvine, AB, Crittenden Bros., Imperial, SK and Taboo Polled Herefords, Nobleton, ON with GHC-TABOO Coalition 52U by GHC Volume III ET 139S 2. Standard Hill Polled Herefords and Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 2N Beefman 28U by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB with WLB Shapley 50S 40U by WLB Global 72M 50S BREEDER’S HERD Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB and Skelton Cattle Co., Winfield, AB with K-Cow Jake 291U by K-Cow Nacho Man ET 36N

GET OF SIRE WLB Livestock, Douglas, MB

JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Flewelling Cattle Co., Bowden, AB PREMIER BREEDER Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Remitall-West, Olds, AB


Heading for Regina Bull Sale, March 12 - 13, 2011 More bulls sell on the farm April 9, 2011 Jim and Lori Duke Langbank, SK S0G 2X0 P: 306-538-4556 F: 306-538-2193 Jim C: 306-736-7921 Email: Herefords Today Winter 2011





Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Mrnak Hereford Ranch, Bowman, ND with MH Miss Rambo 050 1ET by MH Rambo 757 1ET 2. Mrnak Hereford Ranch, Bowman, ND with MH Medora 052 by MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET

Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK and Meteer Farms, Blue Mound, IL with Big-Gully 1117 Millady 194X by C Pure Gold 1117 2. Glenlees Farms, Arcola, SK with Glenlees KDY 743 Patty 5X by CRR About Time 743

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Mrnak Hereford Ranch, Bowman, ND with MH Miss Rambo 050 1ET by MH Rambo 757 1ET

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Triple A Herefords, Moose Jaw, SK with Triple A 122K Wichita 12W by Triple A 9715 Kickoff 122K TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

Split 1 (1 Shown) 1. ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, SK with ANL 243 Victoria 94U by TH SHR 605 57G Bismarck 243R and her calf, ANL 35U Victoria 59X by ANL C P606 Ulysses 35U MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Mrnak Hereford Ranch, Bowman, ND with MH Medora 052 by MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET

Split 1 (1 Shown) 1. Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP Miss Alana 16P by Wabash Sandstone 200L and her calf, XLP 2103 Thomaus 160X by DCC Thomaston 2103 ET


Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET 2. Triple A Herefords, Moose Jaw, SK with Triple A 122K Wichita 12W by Triple A 9715 Kickoff 122K

SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, SK with ANL 243 Victoria 94U by TH SHR 605 57G Bismarck 243R and her calf, ANL 35U Victoria 59X by ANL C P606 Ulysses 35U

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK with XLP Miss Alana 16P by Wabash Sandstone 200L and her calf, XLP 2103 Thomaus 160X by DCC Thomaston 2103 ET



Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. MJT Cattle Co. Ltd., Edgerton, AB with GH-Adams Nitro Design ET 377X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET 2. Triple A Herefords, Moose Jaw, SK with Triple A 1T Chrome 66X by Triple A Max’s Turbo ET 1T Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Braun Ranch, Simmie, SK with BR 52U Standard 181X by DBHR 129S Unlimited 52U 2. Lohner Herefords, Grenfell, SK with MLL 7122 Replay 338X by Churchill Star 7122 ET Split 3 (5 Shown) 1. MJT Cattle Co. Ltd., Edgerton, AB with MJT Freightliner ET 3X by Dunrobin 921J Century 61L 2. Braun Ranch, Simmie, SK with BR 129S Standard Lad 171X by DBHR 35N Standard Lad 129S

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Split 4 (5 Shown) 1. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 131X by KSU Bounty Hunter 611 2. Braun Ranch, Simmie, SK with BR 33H Classic Lad 9X by F-R 8020 Lad 33H

JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Section 7 Ranch, Rocanville, SK with S7R R117 Northstar 17W by SHF Rib Eye M326 R117

BREEDER’S HERD Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK

BULL CALF CHAMPION Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 131X by KSU Bounty Hunter 611

GET OF SIRE Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL MJT Cattle Co. Ltd., Edgerton, AB with MJT Total ET 332W by MJT Century 264P TWO YEAR OLD BULL

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Braun Ranch, Simmie, SK with BR 33H Classic Lad 9X by F-R 8020 Lad 33H YEARLING BULL

Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Maple-Dale Farms, Mount Forest, ON with Maple-Dale Masterplan ET 44W by GH Rambo 279R 2. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Jenran Wyatt Earp 13W by Churchill Rancher 592R

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Section 7 Ranch, Rocanville, SK with S7R R117 Northstar 17W by SHF Rib Eye M326 R117 2. MJT Cattle Co. Ltd., Edgerton, AB with MJT Total ET 332W by MJT Century 264P Split 3 (2 Shown) 1. Dallas Farms, Bowden, AB and Little Red Deer Hereford Farm Ltd., Innisfail, AB with Churchill Bronx 902W by Churchill Yankee ET 2. Brost Land & Cattle Co., Ltd., Irvine, AB and Peter Herefords, Langley, BC with GJP 14R Ribstone Lad 6W by TCF 4N Ribstone Lad 14R

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R

Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U by KSU Bounty Hunter 611 2. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U by KSU Bounty Hunter 611

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PREMIER BREEDER Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK

PREMIER EXHIBITOR Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK

Ted & Mina Serhienko ~ Chris Poley Phone: (306) 933-4200 ~ Fax: (306) 934-0744 Ted’s Cell (306) 221-2711 Chris’ Cell (306) 220-5006 ~ Herefords Today Winter 2011


Feeder Steers

Feeder Heifers

Reserve Champion Pen of 5 Feeder Steers Horsehill Land & Cattle, Edam, SK

Grand Champion Feeder Heifers and Champion Pen of 10 Bar Crossroads Ranch, Edam, SK

Reserve Champion Pen of 10 Feeder Steers Bar Crossroads Ranch, Edam, SK

Champion Pen of 5 Feeder Heifers Bar Crossroads Ranch, Edam, SK

Bred Replacement Heifers

Reserve Champion Pen of 5 Feeder Heifers Horsehill Land & Cattle, Edam, SK

Reserve Grand Champion Bred Replacement Heifers and Reserve Champion Pen of 5 Gordon & Sandy Gerrard, Southey, SK Herefords Today Winter 2011


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Congratulations to Gordon Stephenson on his recent induction into the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame. Gordon has been a long time promoter of Canadian genetics. He has served as President and Manager of Canadian Western Agribition; so it was only fitting that this award be given to Gordon at the opening ceremonies of the 40th anniversary of CWA. He currently holds the position of General Manager for the Canadian Hereford Association.

“Jock” John Robert Blacklock

Jock (John Robert) Blacklock was born October 13, 1921 in Maymont, SK and passed away peacefully on January 23, 2011 in Prince Albert, SK. Jock was predeceased by his beloved Mabel, two years ago, on January 30, 2009.

After growing up in Maymont during the thirties, Jock attended the University of Saskatchewan and graduated from the College of Agriculture in 1943. During a short illness at Saskatoon City Hospital, Jock met Mabel Barry, a nurse, and they married in June, 1946. After a brief time with the federal government’s Agriculture Department, Mabel and Jock decided to pursue an opportunity they saw for a new, young livestock auctioneer based in Western Canada. Following a ten-day auctioneering course in Iowa, Jock returned home and Blacklock Auction Service was established, followed by Saskatoon Auction Mart in 1961 and the development of a significant Purebred Hereford herd on their farm east of Saskatoon. In addition to his agriculture career, he served as a director and president of the Saskatoon Industrial Exhibition, was the reeve of the RM of Corman Park for one term and was a member of the U of S board of governors. Jock had been named a member of the Canadian Hereford Association Honour Roll, recognized by the Saskatchewan Livestock Association for his service to the industry and in 1994 was given a place of honour in an auction display at the Western Development Museum in North Battleford. Even with their demanding business concerns, Mabel and Jock were dedicated parents to their large family, active in the community and their church, and frequent hosts of large gatherings of friends and family on the farm. Jock retired in 1986 after selling the 35th Calgary Bull Sale of his career, and from there Mabel and Jock threw themselves into additional volunteer activities, a great interest in bird watching and time with their children and grandchildren. Jock was inducted into the Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame in 1995. Mabel and Jock moved to Prince Albert in October 2007 to Good Shepherd Villas so that they could remain together.

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LATIMER, Louis Taylor February 13, 1923-December 21, 2010

Louis passed away on December 21, 2010, following a brief illness.

Louis was born on February 13, 1923 on the family farm near Bowden, AB. He attended the Nesbit School and at the same time started his business career by trapping weasels, muskrat and coyotes until he had enough money to buy a Shorthorn heifer, which started a fabulous career of breeding purebred seed stock in four breeds, Shorthorn, Polled Hereford, Gelbvieh and Angus. Louis married Jean Winter on December 3, 1945. Their marriage was a partnership in both love and business. Together they raised six children and successfully built the Remitall herd. In 1954, Louis and his brother Carroll formed a partnership that continued for twenty years. When they dissolved their partnership in 1976, he formed a partnership with his two sons, Gary and Bryan.

Louis was very active in the Olds Agriculture Society, and twice had the honor of being President. Louis was active on many different boards, including the Calgary Stampede, Canadian Hereford and Shorthorn Associations.

He has received numerous awards during the years including; Hall of Fame at the NILE Exhibition 1979 (Billings, MT); Canadian Livestock Man of the Year 1987 (Denver, CO); American Shorthorn Association “Builder of the Breed� (Omaha, NB); Canadian Hereford Association honor Roll 1988; Alberta Angus Association Breeder of the Year; County of Mountain View Family Farm Award and was honored as a Pioneer by the Beef Improvement Federation on July 3, 2008. The Remitall name and its bloodlines are known world-wide and have made a great contribution to the cattle industry. Louis strongly believed in his family and attended many 4-H shows, Junior Livestock shows, hockey, soccer games, and many other events to show his support. He was always willing to share his knowledge of life with both his family and friends.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Bear’s Corner

The longer I’m associated

By Doreen Flewelling

with the beef industry and the older I get, the luckier I feel to have had the opportunity to meet so many interesting and intelligent women. Often the unsung heroes of our industry are the women, and in this column I hope to share some of their lives with you. They form a diverse and devoted group who can proudly claim the titles of wife, mother, career woman and then often become secretary, bookkeeper, farmhand, entertainment co-ordinator and shrewd business partner as well.

Larry and Florence Behnke were shocked, to say the least, when their teenage daughter, Juanita (Behnke) Elmhirst, announced that she wanted to fit cattle for a living! They did, however, realize they had had a hand in developing that passion. While raising four daughters, Larry taught his children they could do anything if they set their minds to it, and both Larry and Florence had passed on their love for cattle to Juanita. There was no turning back! As far as young Juanita was concerned, her College Diploma was earned just to appease her parents and a stepping stone to living her dream as a cattle fitter. As it turns out, her education has been a definite asset to her future as a business woman and an entrepreneur. Larry Behnke’s parents emigrated from Germany and settled on a farm near Petawawa, Ontario. Larry was born in Canada, but when he started school he could only speak German. The Behnkes raised Horned Herefords, and as well, Larry’s father, Wallace, started a logging business. He would hire a crew of men, assemble numerous teams of horses, and spend the winter months logging in Northern Ontario. In the spring, the logs were transported home on the Ottawa River. When Larry was 17, he started working off the farm as a butcher and eventually worked his way up to be the Manager of Steinburg Supermarket in Petawawa. Larry married his high school sweetheart, Florence Kenny. Florence had her teaching degree from Ottawa Teacher’s College, so after they married, she took a teaching position on the Petawawa Army Base. They built their first home next to Larry’s parents, but there was a much different future ahead. Larry was raised with Horned Herefords, but Florence

was raised on one of the largest dairies in Ontario, and as the second oldest of eight siblings, she had learned the dairy business firsthand. Her father passed away when she was 12, so her oldest brother quit school to manage the dairy. The Kennys milked 80 head of Holsteins by hand, with the help of hired men who would work in exchange for food and board. When Larry and Florence’s first daughter, Juanita, arrived in 1969, the couple realized they missed the farm life, and their ultimate goal became to raise their family in rural Ontario. They bought a farm along the Ottawa River next to the Kenny dairy and named it Flo-Lar Farms. Both Larry and Florence kept their offfarm jobs, and when Steinburg’s Supermarket relocated, Larry took a position in the Petawawa Post Office. The couple also helped out at the Kenny dairy and started a commercial beef herd of their own. Larry bought a Horned Hereford bull and crossed him with the Kenny Holstein heifers. He would then purchase all of the resulting heifer calves to build their commercial cow herd. “Boy could those cows raise great calves,” Juanita tells me. “They could easily wean 800 to 1,000 pound bull calves.” As time went on and the commercial herd grew, Larry decided they should purchase some purebred beef cattle so Juanita would have pedigreed heifers to show in 4-H. He wrote to all of the breed associations for information to help him decide which breed to choose. The ONLY association that answered his request was the Charolais Association! He purchased a Charolais bull; however, he encountered far too many calving difficulties. Trusted friends, Fred and Sally Reicheld, of Jarvis Hereford Farms (and Simmentals), sold Larry his first Simmental bull. He used the Simmental on the commercial herd and was so impressed with the bull

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4-H Holstein Heifer and All Canadian List Champion

that he decided to show him off at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair! “Dad had never been to a cattle show,” Juanita recalls. “After many phone calls to Fred, Dad purchased a brush and some show supplies (not knowing how to use them), put the bull in the trailer and headed to the Royal! The bull placed second in class, and the purebred Simmental operation grew from there.” Larry purchased a second bull from the Reichelds and profited selling semen across Canada. The Behnkes then partnered to import a Simmental bull directly from France, and before they knew it, Larry was the President of the Ottawa Valley Simmental Club, Florence was a Simmental Belle, and they were hosting their own production sales at the Hobbs Sale Barn in Ashton. They exhibited their Simmentals at numerous summer fairs that led up to the Toronto Royal each fall. Florence became the fitter of the family, and as Juanita remembers, “Mom was an excellent fitter and could wax leg hair like no other! It was during those years working at the fairs with Mom that my love for the show ring started.” Flo-Lar Farms also raised horse hay and exported it to New York. Florence and Juanita were in charge of cutting, raking and baling square bales, but they hired men to stack them. “Nothing made Dad prouder than when his daughters could bury the boys in the hay mow,” Juanita chuckles. “My sisters and I had no trouble building muscles. We also ran an All Breeds bull test during the winter, and we carried 25 or 30 pails of grain to the bulls both morning and night.”

Juanita’s Family

Larry and Florence accomplished their goals and raised their family with rural values. Larry passed away in 2009, but not before he shared his love for family and his love for cattle with his daughters. Florence is retired and still lives on their farm overlooking the Ottawa River. The four Behnke daughters grew up with a soft spot in their hearts for the livestock industry. Today, the youngest Behnke daughter, Jane, works for the Ontario Farmer Daily, a publication reporting on agricultural news throughout the province. She also raises Shorthorns and Simmentals near Glencoe, Ontario with her husband Reed Crawford. The second youngest daughter, Sally, and her husband Todd Bulmer have two sons, Shayne and Dakota, and live near Pakenham, Ontario. Sally co-manages a large Daycare and doesn’t live on a farm, but she still loves to come to the shows. The second oldest daughter, Tracy, is a Chartered Accountant in Russell, Ontario. Tracy and her husband, Kevin MacIntyre have one daughter, Morgan. They raise Angus and Simmental cattle. Morgan has also inherited the love of showing cattle. The eldest Behnke daughter, Juanita Elmhirst and her sisters remain close. “We talk on the phone almost every day,” she tells me. “We all meet at the Royal each fall, and we often end up showing cattle against each other. It’s great!”

The Big Fish is where Juanita grew up. The farm was located on the Ottawa River. Katie, Larry Behnke, and Owen

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4-H Simmental Heifer 53

When Juanita joined 4-H at 12 years old, she exhibited both beef and dairy. She showed Simmental heifers in the beef club, but she also joined the dairy club to show her Uncle Rick Kenny’s Holsteins. Juanita did so well showing Holsteins, that one of the heifers was nominated to the “All Canadian” list. Only six Holstein heifers per age category are nominated each year from across Canada to be named to this prestigious list. Her first attempt in a showmanship class is a memorable day! “We had the heifers lined up around the ring, and the judge was considering his options,” Juanita vividly recalls. “He stood in front of me to examine the animal ahead. As luck would have it, my heifer was in heat that day! She jumped on the judge and took him to the ground. That was an embarrassing experience and a day I will never forget. ”Juanita’s showmanship skills improved, and soon, when it came to the competitions, she was a force to reckon with. She became the first person ever chosen from Renfrew County to compete in the 4-H Beef Showmanship competition held annually at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair. By the time Juanita graduated from 4-H at the age of 21, she had been a member of the beef, dairy, vet, crop and home-economics clubs and she didn’t stop there. As a matter of fact, she finished by completing projects in 52 4-H clubs! “Going through school Mom was sure I would go to college and find a good job,” Juanita recalls. “So when I broke the news that I wanted to be a cattle fitter, I thought both parents had fainted. With a lot of persistence on my part, I attended the University of Guelph for one year and graduated from the Kemptville College the second year with an Ag Business Diploma.” In her last semester at Kemptville, Juanita received a call from James Hayes of Northern Fitting Service. James offered her a job. “And of course, without thinking, I accepted,” Juanita says! “My Dad pleaded with me, saying fitting cattle wasn’t a world for women, but I had to find out for myself!” James Hayes has been credited with training many young livestock fitters over the years. Just to name a few of his previous employees that have continued working in the industry: Robert (Chub) Lundago, Dave Lasby, Tim Massey, Anne Brunet, Greg Hill, and numerous others. Juanita was about to be added to that list. “I had briefly worked for James at the Royal,” Juanita recalls. “I should have known what I was in for! The first week he had me drive the standard transmission truck and trailer downtown through Toronto to the stockyards! Next I was teamed with another employee, Joanne Handley, and we would each take a truck and trailer filled with cattle and head off to the Ontario summer fairs. The fall was when the big shows started. One fall I trucked the cattle to the Brandon, Manitoba Fall Fair, then to the Toronto Royal Winter Fair, on to the Kansas City Royal, next to Omaha, Nebraska and finished in late November at the Regina Canadian Western Agribition.”

Northern Fitting Service also ran a service to calve embryo recipient cows of all breeds. “When it was calving season, I enjoyed going up to the barn and reading all the old Northern Fitting Service stall signs. Many of the people I idolized had been partners with James Hayes in the fitting service like Dave Hasson, Levi Jackson and Cyril Cook and here I was,” Juanita remembers. “I was living my dream! Working with James I got to meet many Hereford breeders. We worked at the Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords and Onondaga Farms sales.” Next Juanita accepted a position as Herd Manager for Wyecrest Simmentals near Brooklin, Ontario. She worked there for four years, and one year they exhibited 21 head of Simmentals at the Toronto Royal and came home with 27 Champion banners. The natural next step was for Juanita to start a fitting service of her own. One of her first clients was a family she had been introduced to by John Hill, Manager of Onondaga Farms. For the next twelve years Juanita fit and cared for the River Valley Polled Herefords show and sale cattle. “I had many great years working with Elwyn, Donald and Pauline Embury,” Juanita reflects. “Our friendship continues.”

Juanita knew who Billy Elmhirst of Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords was from 4-H functions, but she wasn’t particularly fond of the young man at the time. “Friends told me his family was the best part of him,” she chuckles. It was one year at Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, when Juanita and Billy started to cultivate a closer relationship. They finally realized they shared the same plan for the future. When they returned home to Ontario the relationship continued, but it was a long boring four hour drive from Peterborough to Pembroke

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where Juanita was living. Billy got tired of the commute and finally asked Juanita to marry him! “I couldn’t talk Billy into leaving his mother,” Juanita laughs, “so we married in 1996 and settled at ElmLodge!” Juanita’s parents gave them a Simmental cow for a wedding present, and keeping Juanita’s Simmentals became part of the wedding agreement. The newlyweds inherited a piece of the Elmhirst property and started to build a beautiful log home and farm-site near Billy’s parents, Mary and Grant. “Billy and I weren’t handy with tools, so it took us two years and lots of help from family and friends to build our house,” Juanita admits. “We lived in the house that is attached to Mary and Grant’s, and that was a blessing. I had spent most of my life working in a barn, and I didn’t know how to cook. I showed up for every meal, and Mary patiently taught me how to cook!” Juanita and Billy also operate a showing, fitting and boarding service. When necessary, they hire a crew to help manage the workload, especially on the show road. They accept all breeds, and one year in particular they looked after 100 head at the Toronto Royal and fit 150 head of cattle through the chutes. In 2002 they completed their show/sale barn in time to host the first “Source for Success” Elm-Lodge and guests Polled Hereford sale held annually in September. Their yard is built amongst a forest of Ontario maple, pine and cedar, and the fall foliage creates a beautiful backdrop to showcase the sale offering.

Our Show/Sale barn we built

As I mentioned, when Billy married Juanita he also inherited her Simmentals. On their first Anniversary (traditionally paper) he gave her a registration paper for a new Simmental cow! I guess that meant the “Simmis” could stay! With Mary and Grant’s patience, as Juanita puts it, they raise their Simmentals alongside the 90 Elm-Lodge Polled Hereford cows. Under the name of Indian River Cattle Company, they presently keep about 45 black and red Simmental females. Juanita does the registering and bookkeeping for the Simmentals. They have achieved considerable success in both breeds. As with the Polled Herefords, they have set their goals high to produce and supply predictable genetics to both commercial and purebred breeders in the form of herd bulls and replacement females. Three years running, 2005, 2006 and 2007, Indian River Cattle exhibited at the NABC (North American Beef Congress) held in London, Ontario, where they won both Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder banners. At the Toronto Royal Agricultural Winter Fair they have been named the Premier Breeder four years running, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 as well. In 2009 the National Simmental Show with 180 head in attendance was held at the Royal, and it was a special honor to win the Premier Breeder award that year. “Nothing makes a better cross than a Hereford/Simmental,” Juanita believes. “We have used them for recipient mothers, and I am sure we could sell a lot more as F1s.” Just in time for gift giving, Juanita and Billy have hosted an annual Christmas Internet Simmental Heifer Sale since 2008. One of the first internet sales in Canada, the goal was to sell heifers as 4-H projects for the following year. It has worked well with the Simmentals. They also offer a “cash and credit” Junior Incentive Program to encourage young breeders in the industry. To view Indian River Champion Simmental herd sires, females and sale offerings, visit their website at In the past 14 years, the two Elmhirst couples, Mary and Grant, Juanita and Billy, have celebrated numerous successes with their Polled Hereford cattle. They have exhibited across North America including Denver, Louisville and Regina. For ten years in a row

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Hockey and Soccer Parents

Katie and Owen competing head to head at Bonanza 2010

Elm-Lodge has been presented the coveted Premier Breeder banner at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair. Their proudest day came at the 2000 Royal when Elm-Lodge captured both Supreme Champion Bull and Supreme Champion Female over all breeds. Still a record, the female was Elm-Lodge Jubilee 42J, and the bull was Elm-Lodge Jurassic 13J. The following year, Jurassic was named the Reserve Junior Champion at the Denver National. Elm-Lodge Next Big Thing 3N was first shown at the Royal alongside his mother in 2003. His mother, Love Letter 15L was named the Grand Champion Female that year. One of four Elm-Lodge bulls leased to Semex, to date they have sold over 10,000 units of Next Big Thing semen into 15 countries, and he still wanders the pasture at home. Love Letter 15L is also the dam of Elm-Lodge Paycheck 11P, and he was a popular class Katie and Owen winner at the 2004 Toronto National show, Futurity Champion the same year and NABC Reserve Champion Bull in 2005. One of the current sensational bulls at Elm-Lodge is BF Flint 730T ET. Sired by BR Moler, Flint is the only Moler son in Canada. Flint is a flush mate to BF Flirtatious, the 2008 US Junior National Champion and the 2009 Denver Champion Female. The dam of Flint, Elm-Lodge 24 Karat 13K has mothered four champions at the US Junior Nationals and four Denver Division winners. As junior partners with Mary and Grant, Juanita and Billy bring a renewed enthusiasm and energy to the family operation, and the next generation is already bringing home the banners. Juanita and Billy are proud parents of two children. Owen is ten and Katie is eight years old. They spend a large part of their summer vacation making new friends

and exhibiting their cattle at 4-H and Junior Hereford and Simmental events, just as their parents and grandparents have done. This past summer they participated in the Junior National Hereford Expo held in Indianapolis, Indiana and the Canadian Junior Hereford Bonanza held in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Juanita says she is enjoying the ages they are right now because they still think Mom and Dad know best! “Since Owen was born he has had a love for anything with wheels, a loader or on rails,” Juanita says. “At the age of four he could back the trailer up, sitting on my knee. He spends hours in the tractor with Billy, either cutting hay or spreading manure. Billy can hardly wait until Owen can take over the tractor work.” Presently, Owen says he’s going Owen’s first cattle show to be a crop and chicken farmer like his Uncle Jason. In his ten year old wisdom, Owen can see that the computer feeds the chickens and plant crops make you lots of money! That leaves the winter for snowboarding! Eight year old Katie loves to sing and dance, but she loves animals even more. “Anything with a heartbeat will do,” Juanita notices. “When she was three, she wrote Santa a letter and asked for a pony. When Santa didn’t deliver, Katie didn’t forget. She refused to write him a letter the next year. Katie went right over Santa’s head to get action. She went to none other than her biggest fan… her Dad of course. He delivered with a beautiful white pony!” When the children were infant and toddler age Juanita was a little more house-bound, so she started teaching

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Owen and Katie showing at the Orangeville Junior Show with Simmentals

herself computer skills. First she designed the ElmLodge “Source for Success” sale catalogue and soon her talents were getting recognized. Last year she was hired to design 13 breeder sale catalogues and an Angus Directory. She designed the Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords and the Indian River Cattle Company websites, and her talents are being recognized there as well. Breeders are hiring her to design websites for their purebred operations. For those of you who have ever had anything to do with cattle photography for your sale catalogues or advertising campaign, you will understand what I am saying. It takes a special talent to photograph livestock. Your average point and click won’t do. You have to be artistic and patient…very patient, and have an eye for the perfect shot. Juanita has been the Elmhirst photographer for the past 13 years and she has the photographer’s touch. She has been hired to photograph or video for several breeds, at livestock shows, and has been commissioned as far east as the Maritimes. Juanita still loves to clip and show cattle, and she can do just about anything necessary on the farm. She is also the senior AI Technician (Billy is in his first year of training). Both Juanita and Billy are respected in Ontario and across Canada for their knowledge evaluating cattle. As a husband and wife team, they judged the Canadian Western Agribition Polled Hereford Show in 2004, and Juanita was a member of a three woman judging panel to choose the Red Coat Champions at the 2009 Agribition. Both Juanita and Billy have been fortunate in the livestock industry because of the people they have met and the experiences they have enjoyed. They have expanded their services to include sale management, ring service and consulting to assist the purebred industry. As a team, they keep diversifying their operation and making the most of their skills. Juanita has made the choice to allow her work, her hobbies, her holidays and her social life all to involve livestock. It was a decision that was easy to make, but she is working on Billy to take her away for a beach holiday. Just to try it out! Few people working 9 to 5 jobs have the luxury to say

they are passionate about their work. Juanita has a 24 hour-a-day career and remains as passionate about her choices as she was the day she broke the news to her parents that she wanted to fit cattle for a living. The Ontario government has a five-year, $2.5 million Premier’s Award Program for Agri-Food Innovation. Forty-four winners are chosen annually from across the province of Ontario for their vision and hard work in the Agri-Food Sector. Ontario’s Agri-Food Sector is one of the province’s leading industries, contributing more than $33 billion to the economy each year. In May, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food & Rural Affairs announced eight recipients from Eastern Ontario to each receive a $5,000 award for 2010. Indian River Cattle Company, Juanita and Billy Elmhirst were recognized amongst these outstanding individuals. Farmers can bid for livestock in the comfort of their own home by going online to Juanita and Billy were the first to sell an animal on this cost-effective, live online service. As quoted from the website, Your Next is an avenue for breeders to connect with like minded individuals who share their interests in good cattle. Their goal is to create a user friendly site to market and sell genetics that will improve each of their respective breeds. The website features photos, pedigree information and video footage of the purebred animals on offer. This system has broadened market exposure for Ontario’s quality livestock. On behalf of Herefords Today, congratulations on receiving the 2010 Ontario Premier’s Award! Two things have remained constant throughout Juanita’s life; her love of working with cattle of course, and also the people she has met are equally important. She has lifelong friends she made as a youth in 4-H, and more recent friends made throughout Canada, North America and Worldwide as a breeder in the livestock industry. Her goal for the future is to continue striving to succeed as a purebred breeder, even though it seems to be getting harder to accomplish. She hopes her children grow up healthy and happy and find their passion in life. “We would enjoy it if they would like to farm,” Juanita says, “but if they have other interests, we would certainly support them any way we can. I am very lucky to have married into the Hereford breed. I just love our ElmLodge “Source for Success” sale day because I get to be involved in the excitement of the crowd. I believe Hereford people show more enthusiasm come sale day, than in any other breed. Let’s keep it up!”

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Herefords Today Winter 2011





Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge Xtraordinaire 64X by BF Flint 730T ET 2. Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON with Fieldstone Dynamite 101X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Caylynne Brown, Springbrook, ON with CB 533P Foolish Flo 401X by STAR Bright Future 533P ET 2. River Valley Polled Herefords, Newburgh, ON with RVP 57U Oxygen ET 110X by RVP STAR 533P Can-Am ET 57U

JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Caylynne Brown, Springbrook, ON with CB 533P Foolish Flo 401X by STAR Bright Future 533P ET

RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION River Valley Polled Herefords, Newburgh, ON with RVP 57U Oxygen ET 110X by RVP STAR 533P Can-Am ET 57U INTERMEDIATE DIVISION

Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. RSB Cattle Company, Orillia, ON with RSB CLF 50S Gina 304X by WLB Global 72M 50S 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Xtra Perky 636X by TE Taumata Superstar

Split 2 (7 Shown) 1. Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with Grosvenor Ms Supreme 6662 205X by RV Stocker 6662 2. Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge 2P Xquisite 24X by BF Flint 730T ET Split 3 (6 Shown) 1. Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with JDL Janice 303T 201X by Grosvenor Titanium 80P 303T 2. Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON with Bradley Ms Rouge 201X by Bradley Ulysses 401U

Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Shady Birch Farm, Grafton, ON with Shady Birch Foxglove 5X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Gonna Getcha 604X by FHF 8403 Starbuck 19H Split 3 (8 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH Ms 40U Bethany 102X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U 2. Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON with WLL Picture Perfect 6X by WLB Global 72M 50S Split 4 (8 Shown) 1. Hill’s Hereford and Angus, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Delilah 146X by Harvie Raftsman 16R 2. River Valley Polled Herefords, Newburgh, ON with RVP S109 Pixie Girl 1X by GO 3196 Advance S109

INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with Grosvenor Ms Supreme 6662 205X by RV Stocker 6662

RESERVE INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge 2P Xquisite 24X by BF Flint 730T ET SENIOR DIVISION

Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Rock Bottom Farm, Consecon, ON with Rock Bottom Pretty 1191X by MHPH 24K Nebraska 314N 2. Marbren Farm, Coldwater, ON with MBF 102S Sugarbabe 117X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S Herefords Today Winter 2011


SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Rock Bottom Farm, Consecon, ON with Rock Bottom Pretty 1191X by MHPH 24K Nebraska 314N

RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Hill’s Hereford and Angus, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Delilah 146X by Harvie Raftsman 16R


Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge 64T Whimsical 83W by CC CX United 52S ET 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Winifred 204P 90W by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P

Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON with Fieldstone Sweet P 100W by HB STAR Battleground 2013 2. Trent Hill Farm, Hastings, ON with Elm-Lodge R11 Wink 69W by CC CX United 525 ET

JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge 64T Whimsical 83W by CC CX United 52S ET

RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON with Fieldstone Sweet P 100W by HB STAR Battleground 2013 INTERMEDIATE DIVISION

Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Marbren Farm, Coldwater, ON with MBF 120S Rita 323W by MHPH 13P Stryker 120S 2. Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with GRO-JDL Temptation 303T 303W by Grosvenor Titanium 80P 303T

Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Iris Creek Farms, Paisley, ON with ICF Titanium Gemini 211W by Grosvenor Titanium 80P 303T 2. Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON with WLL Whisper 21W by WLB Global 72M 50S

Split 2 (7 Shown) 1. Porter’s Polled Herefords, Tweed, ON with Porters 18L Envy 1W by FORC 29F Boomer 18L 2. River Valley Polled Herefords, Newburgh, ON with WLL Wish 4W by WLB Global 72M 50S

Split 3 (8 Shown) 1. Elzevir Hereford Farms, Flinton, ON with Elzevir BTS Pretty Woman 908W by CC CX United 52S ET 2. Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with JDL Janice 303T 210W by Grosvenor Titanium 80P 303T SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH Ms 533P Duchess ET 1291W by STAR Bright Future 533P ET INTERMEDIATE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Marbren Farm, Coldwater, ON with MBF 120S Rita 323W by MHPH 13P Stryker 120S RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Porter’s Polled Herefords, Tweed, ON with Porters 18L Envy 1W by FORC 29F Boomer 18L

RESERVE INTERMEDIATE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with GRO-JDL Temptation 303T 303W by Grosvenor Titanium 80P 303T SENIOR DIVISION

Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH Ms 533P Duchess ET 1291W by STAR Bright Future 533P ET 2. Caylynne Brown, Springbrook, ON with CB 36N Lady Dixie 112W by HF 4L Beyond 36N Herefords Today Winter 2011



(4 Shown) 1. Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with JDL Janice 80P 312U by LaGrand Reload 80P ET and her calf, JDL Janice 6662 215X by RV Stocker 6662 2. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with PCL Lady Luck 55S 16U by HF 59M Statesman ET 55S and her calf, MHPH 102S Voltage 106X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S


(6 Shown) 1. River Valley Polled Herefords, Newburgh, ON with Remitall Flower Girl 4T by STAR OBF Bogart 5L and her calf, RVP 122L Exotic Flower Girl 9X by Remitall Online 122L 2. Moorehaven Farms, Acton, ON with Shady-Birch Sunflower 8S by NS Keno 005 and her calf, Moorehaven Sunflower 118U 12X by MHPH 101S Umpire 118U

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON with JDL Janice 80P 312U by LaGrand Reload 80P ET and her calf, JDL Janice 6662 215X by RV Stocker 6662 RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with PCL Lady Luck 55S 16U by HF 59M Statesman ET 55S and her calf, MHPH 102S Voltage 106X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S


JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Palsson Hereford Farms and Naismith Farms, Carp, ON with Palsson Xclamation Point 7X by Square-D Tortuga 953T


(6 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH 102S Voltage 106X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S 2. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL CALF Dalmuir Farms, Lindsay, ON with Dalmuir XFactor 405X by Dalmuir WLB Universal 516U INTERMEDIATE DIVISION

(7 Shown) 1. RSB Cattle Company, Orillia, ON and Country Lane Farms, Innisfil, ON with RSB CLF 4S Quigley 214X by Bar-H Biltrite 4S 2. Dalmuir Farms, Lindsay, ON with Dalmuir Xtra 124X by WLB Global 72M 50S



(5 Shown) 1. Palsson Hereford Farms and Naismith Farms, Carp, ON with Palsson Xclamation Point 7X by Square-D Tortuga 953T 2. Dalmuir Farms, Lindsay, ON with Dalmuir XFactor 405X by Dalmuir WLB Universal 516U

RESERVE INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Dalmuir Farms, Lindsay, ON with Dalmuir Xtra 124X by WLB Global 72M 50S

SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON with MHPH 102S Voltage 106X by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T YEARLING BULL


INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL RSB Cattle Company, Orillia, ON and Country Lane Farms, Innisfil, ON with RSB CLF 4S Quigley 214X by Bar-H Biltrite 4S

Herefords Today Winter 2011


(3 Shown) 1. Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge Twitter ET 70W by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Jamie O’Shea, Lucan, ON and Wallace Pugh, Orangeville, ON with OSF-LIAN Ninth Wonder 49S 909W by McCoy 55M Absolute 49S

JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION BULL Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON with Elm-Lodge Twitter ET 70W by Harvie Traveler 69T

SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION BULL Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON, Country Lane Farms, Innisfil, ON and RSB Cattle Co., Orillia, ON with MHPH 102S Wyatt 301W by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S

RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION BULL Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION BULL Jamie O’Shea, Lucan, ON and Wallace Pugh, Orangeville, ON with OSF-LIAN Ninth Wonder 49S 909W by McCoy 55M Absolute 49S SENIOR DIVISION

(7 Shown) 1. Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON, Country Lane Farms, Innisfil, ON and RSB Cattle Co., Orillia, ON with MHPH 102S Wyatt 301W by MHPH 13P Stetson 102S 2. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T


(3 Shown) 1. Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON with Bradley Ulysses 401U by BNC OL Head Honcho 2. Porter’s Polled Herefords, Tweed, ON with Porter’s 68M Uncle Sam 2U by STAR America BNMHPH SS MKS 68M

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Porter’s Polled Herefords, Tweed, ON with Porter’s 68M Uncle Sam 2U by STAR America BNMHPH SS MKS 68M PAIR OF BULLS Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON BREEDER’S HERD Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON

GET OF SIRE Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON

JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON PROGENY OF DAM Grosvenor Farm and JDL Cattle Co., Shelburne, ON PREMIER BREEDER Elm-Lodge Polled Herefords, Indian River, ON

SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON with Bradley Ulysses 401U by BNC OL Head Honcho

PREMIER EXHIBITOR Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON


Full brother to Diesel 957U... Regina Bull Sale, March 12 - 13, 2011 Bulls sell at the South East Bull Sale on April 9, 2011 Jim and Lori Duke Langbank, SK S0G 2X0 P: 306-538-4556 F: 306-538-2193 Jim C: 306-736-7921 Email: Herefords Today Winter 2011


Herefords Today Winter 2011


n o i s s e Succ

A look across the horizon shows all there is to see for miles. The flat land is only interrupted by the houses and barns scattered through the fields. The sky shimmers a blue, cloudless vastness, as birds soar higher and higher into the air. The stillness encompasses the grass and Herefords. A glance to the north reveals the Moose Mountains where the cattle roam in amongst the vegetation. Welcome to this place, the perfect peace, Arcola, Saskatchewan. The year 2010 is very important for the Hereford breed, as it is the celebration of one hundred and fifty years of Herefords in Canada. Beginning with the arrival of the first Herefords in Guelph, Ontario in 1860, the popular breed spread throughout Canada. Impressively, it made its way to the prairies within fifty years, with the first registrations from Arcola in 1910. It was the start of something that would make an impression on the Hereford industry today. The generations of the Lees family have created Blair - Athol Polled Herefords over one hundred years, through hard work and a great family core. They have extended their sales to an international level over the decades. This year, we join in celebration with them as they rejoice in one hundred years of successful breeding. The first Herefords on the farm, owned by the Lees brothers, were horned. The horned herd, however, was dispersed in 1963 and replaced with fifty polled Herefords purchased from Texas. Only last fall, the final heifer directly descended from these cattle was sold. The hands of the farm were passed down to the brothers, Chris and Duncan Lees, by the seventies. In 1978, Blair – Athol sold a bull to Japan for an outstanding $25,000. A decade later, the brothers’ partnership was divided in 1985. Duncan, along side his wife, Val, continued at the home farm with Blair – Athol Polled Herefords. C and T Cattle Company is operated by Chris Lees and his wife, Tina. The animal that has been the single biggest impact on the herd, in Duncan’s opinion, is probably Remitall Keynote 20X. Semen purchased from this bull was used in the herd, resulting in heifers that won championships at Manitoba’s Ag Ex, as well as the First Lady Classic at Regina’s Agribition. The show herd continues to excel in the ring, including Blair – Athol being named Premier Breeder at last year’s Agribition. As well as using the farm for their personal success, the Lees family has always been a strong supporter of the Junior Herefords, and Bonanzas. Duncan and Val, having four children, Lynn, Arden, Jeff and Jarrett, who grew up in the Junior program, were always actively involved in their province’s team. All four children were successful in all aspects of the Junior shows, and earned themselves national honours and scholarships. Duncan Lees is a past president of the Canadian Hereford Association, and has had the honour of judging, nationally and internationally. To me as a Junior, Duncan is a knowledgeable cattleman and

Herefords Today Winter 2011


judging, nationally and internationally. To me as a Junior, Duncan is a knowledgeable cattleman and is willing to share his advice. Their home is always open to visitors. Val is a gracious host, a terrific cook, and a supportive mom. A visit to the Lees’ home includes great hospitality and entertaining conversations. If you’re lucky enough, you may get to taste Val’s delicious pies made from hand picked Saskatoon berries grown in the Moose Mountains. A stop in at Blair – Athol is sure to leave you with stories to tell. I, myself, can proudly say that Jeff Lees got my family to eat wild spearmint and live ants, found on our tour through the mountains to see the cattle. Regardless of the fear factor experience, I feel very privileged to know the Lees, and to share their enthusiasm for the Hereford breed.

So whether it’s the extremely dry and hot conditions of the summer months, with the risk of hail and tornados, or the winters with minus 45˚C and blizzards, the Lees family and the rugged Blair – Athol Herefords still stand strong. -Cassandra Gorrill

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Herefords Today Winter 2011




Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN 8U Vanilla 5X by JENRAN Troubador 8U 2. MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB with MJT Miss 102S Sydney 55X by GH Adams Neon Tracker ET 507T

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 19K Xquisite 25X by Tlell 517 Banger 19K 2. Limestone Stock Farm, Andrew, AB with Limestone X Jen 17X by Dunrobin Nacho 66U

Split 3 (5 Shown) 1. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Hailey 31X by DXB 35M Torque 26T 2. Limestone Stock Farm, Andrew, AB with Limestone X Cara 1X by Dunrobin Nacho 66U

2. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN 13T Brooke 913W by JENRAN Hillbilly Deluxe 13T

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Lilybrook Herefords Inc., Claresholm, AB with LBH 198T Miss Ribstone 344W by LBH 157K Ribstone 198T 2. Jonomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB with JNHR Felicity 823W by FA 121N Britisher 224S Split 3 (6 Shown) 1. Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 59M Aky-Breaky Heart 18W by GHC STAR Moose 59M 2. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Kiwi 3W by DXB 35M Torque 26T

YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Jonomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB with JNHR Sherri 565W by Bar-RZ 64N Stockton 43S

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Hailey 31X by DXB 35M Torque 26T

RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN 13T Brooke 913W by JENRAN Hillbilly Deluxe 13T RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN 8U Vanilla 5X by JENRAN Troubador 8U YEARLING HEIFER

Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Jonomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB with JNHR Sherri 565W by Bar-RZ 64N Stockton 43S


(2 Shown) 1. Glenrose Angus, Camrose, AB with Glenrose 1S Renae 66U by Glenrose 8E Sweepstakes ET 1S and her calf, Glenrose 83T Eli 92X by WLB Eli 10H 83T

Herefords Today Winter 2011


2. MN Hereford, Airdrie, AB with MN 26R Domino Lass 741U by MHH 22L Britisher Lad 26R and her calf, MN 6S Domino Lass 941X by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

(2 Shown) 1. Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 8N Ragamuffin 22R by Tlell 29F Red Cedar 8N and her calf, Tlell 199S Xplosive 18X by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Jenran Miss Luxury 409P by BCD 82H Mercedes 216M and her calf, JENRAN 8U Ginger 19X by JENRAN Troubador 8U

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 8N Ragamuffin 22R by Tlell 29F Red Cedar 8N and her calf, Tlell 199S Xplosive 18X by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Jenran Miss Luxury 409P by BCD 82H Mercedes 216M and her calf, JENRAN 8U Ginger 19X by JENRAN Troubador 8U



Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB with MJT Tank 32X by GH Adams Neon Tracker ET 507T 2. Tanga Herefords, Millet, AB with Tanga Cow Boss 28X by JNHR Standard Lad 5S

Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 199S Xplosive 18X by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. J Bar B, Warner, AB with J-Bar-B 279R Rebel ET 4X by GH Rambo 279R Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB with GH Adams Rambo Rascal ET 27X by GH Rambo 279R 2. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with Churchill Sterling 075X ET by HH Advance 8203U ET

2. Lost Lake Ranch, Rich Lake, AB with LLR 21P Silver STD Lad 87W by PHF 23H Prestone 21P

Split 2 (7 Shown) 1. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN Wyatt Earp 13W by Churchill Rancher 592R 2. Bar Pipe Farms, Okotoks, AB with BP 144P Standard Lad 50W by K 68L Standard Lad 144P

Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Jonomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde, AB with JNHR Unique Timber 715W by Remitall Timer 122T 2. Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc., Irma, AB with FE 34R Ribstone Dandy 132W by FE 42M Ribstone Dandy 34R

Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. MN Hereford, Airdrie, AB with MN 26R Std Lad 128W by MHH 22L Britisher Lad 26R 2. Carlrams Ranching Ltd., Cut Knife, SK with Carlrams 174S Duracell 103W by SGC 76P Royal Amigo 174S

Split 5 (7 Shown) 1. MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB with MJT Total ET 332W by MJT Century 264P 2. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Wideload 87W by DXB 35M Torque 26T

BULL CALF CHAMPION Richardson Ranch, Tlell, BC with Tlell 199S Xplosive 18X by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

Split 6 (9 Shown) 1. Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB with GH Adams 144S Bulge 138W by GH-Adams Shadow 144S 2. Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB with GH Adams 8S Valley Lad 319W by Maple-Dale 17N Smash 8S

RESERVE YEARLING BULL AND RESERVE CHAMPION BULL Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN Wyatt Earp 13W by Churchill Rancher 592R TWO YEAR OLD BULL

Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB with JENRAN Troubador 8U by C 4006 Domino 6029 2. MN Hereford, Airdrie, AB with 26R Aster Brit 24U by MHH 22L Britisher Lad 26R

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Jake 291U by K-Cow Nacho Man ET 36N 2. Bar Pipe Farms, Okotoks, AB with Anchor 44U by Anchor 49R

SENIOR CHAMPION BULL K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB with K-Cow Jake 291U by K-Cow Nacho Man ET 36N

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Adams Hirsche Herefords, High River, AB with GH Adams Rambo Rascal ET 27X by GH Rambo 279R YEARLING BULL

YEARLING CHAMPION BULL AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB with MJT Total ET 332W by MJT Century 264P RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bar Pipe Farms, Okotoks, AB with Anchor 44U by Anchor 49R

Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB with EHF 6S Aster Lad 35W by LO 931N Aster Lad 6S

BREEDER’S HERD Jenkins Ranche, Twin Butte, AB

Herefords Today Winter 2011


This was the third Hereford Genes Event held in conjunction with the Western National Hereford Show at Edmonton Northland’s Farmfair. What a success it has become. There were over 540 participants in the Rancher’s Choice Award. The format for this event is an entry fee of $400.00 per bull, and for this, the entrant receives five pairs of tickets to give to current or prospective customers of his/her choice. For each pair of tickets, one ticket goes into a draw with the lucky winner getting choice of any bull entered. You also receive four tickets for your crew, and this entitles them and your guests to a beautiful dinner, as well as tickets to the Ranch Rodeo. Everyone attending is eligible to submit their selection for the Rancher’s Choice Award. As this competition is primarily for yearling bulls, the organizing committee is looking at adding a calendar year bull and heifer calf class in the future. The Grand Champion of the Rancher’s Choice Award for 2010 was TLELL 42S SUPER DUDE 20W entered by Richardson Ranch of Tlell, BC. The Reserve Champion Rancher’s Choice Award went to JNHR UNIQUE TIMBER 715W, an entry of JoNomn Hereford Ranch of Clyde, AB. Tanga Herefords from Millet, AB were lucky to have their bull, Tanga Silverstone 17W, chosen by Ed Lange, a commercial producer from Millet, AB. Tanga Herefords received a cheque for $8000.00.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Victoriaville, QC October 8-10, 2010 Judge: Murray Andrews, Moose Jaw, SK FEMALES

HEIFER CALF 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Delilah 146X by Harvie Raftsman 16R 2. Maple Hill Herefords, Shefford, QC with Maple-Hill 4T Xelina 29X by Haroldson’s WLL Anchor 4T JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER

Split 1 1. Andre Beaumont, Ste Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier, QC with Beaumont 242 Miss Leg 271W by Feltons Legend 242 2. Andre Beaumont, Ste Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier, QC with Beaumont 19H Star Winter 19W by FHF 8403 Starbuck 19H

Split 2 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Whimsical ET 323W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Kyle Cork, Sawyerville, QC with Cork Vanessa 516W by WLB Ironman 035J 21M

SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Wisp 295W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with DAN DEX 20P Life 108W by GH COL Patton 20P JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Whimsical ET 323W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Wisp 295W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

TWO YEAR OLD MAIDEN FEMALE 1. Benjamin Alward, Riceville, NB with Triara Gracie ET 884U by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Andre Beaumont, Ste Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier, QC with Beaumont 50S Ultima 81U by WLB Global 72M 50S

TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with DAN DEX 20P Reminder 118U by GH COL Patton 20P and her calf, DAN DEX 893U Reminder 108X by Triara Unleashed 893U 2. River Road Farms, St Francois-Xavier, QC with Triara Encore 892U by Golden-Oak 4J Maxium 28M and her calf, RRF Eclipse 92X by Triara Unleashed 893U

MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Little Jewel 107P by Hill’s Journeyman 22J and her calf, Hill’s AXA Pioneer 150X by Harvie Raftsman 16R 2. Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with SOUC Cassidy 6T by Remitall Online 122L and her calf, DAN DEX 262L Cassidy 114X by Remitall Olympian ET 262L

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with DAN DEX 20P Reminder 118U by GH COL Patton 20P and her calf, DAN DEX 893U Reminder 108X by Triara Unleashed 893U

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE River Road Farms, St Francois-Xavier, QC with Triara Encore 892U by GoldenOak 4J Maxium 28M and her calf, RRF Eclipse 92X by Triara Unleashed 893U RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Delilah 146X by Harvie Raftsman 16R


BULL CALF 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Rockwood ET 149X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET Herefords Today Winter 2011


2. Bird’s Hill, Jacksonville, NB with Bird’s-Hill Xpectation 102X by Remitall Super Duty 42S

JUNIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Andre Beaumont, Ste Catherine de la Jacques Cartier, QC with Beaumont 50S Wisler 81W by WLB Global 72M 50S

SENIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Wideload 391W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Ryan Cork, Sawyerville, QC with Triara Weldon 294W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Wideload 391W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Ryan Cork, Sawyerville, QC with Triara Weldon 294W by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON with Bradley Ulysses 401U by BNC OL Head Honcho ET 77P 2. Amanda Bushey, Danville, QC with RWB Dunkin 14U by GH COL Patton 20P MATURE BULL 1. Maple Hill Herefords, Shefford, QC with Maple-Hill Tarzan 206T by C&T 005 Stubbs 8N

SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Bradley Farms, Casselman, ON with Bradley Ulysses 401U by BNC OL Head Honcho ET 77P RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Maple Hill Herefords, Shefford, QC with Maple-Hill Tarzan 206T by C&T 005 Stubbs 8N BREEDER’S HERD Triara, Melbourne, QC


HEIFER CALF 1. Truluck Livestock, Dover Centre, ON with Truluck Maxine 80P 101X by LaGrand Reload 80P ET 2. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with Miss WAL Starlight 101X by Harvie Traveler 69T YEARLING HEIFER

Split 1 1. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Winifred 204P 90W by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Miss Willow 204P 84W by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P

Split 2 1. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with Harvie Ms Timeline 16W by Otapawa Skymate 2046 ET 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Wynona 40T 29W by Harvie Triumph 40T

GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Truluck Livestock, Dover Centre, ON with Truluck Maxine 80P 101X by LaGrand Reload 80P ET RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with Miss WAL Starlight 101X by Harvie Traveler 69T


BULL CALF 1. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Xtar T 204P 1X by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P YEARLING BULL

Split 1 1. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Wallingford 204P 87W by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P Herefords Today Winter 2011


Split 2 1. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Winston 201N 37W by Haroldson’s GLF 122L 201N GRAND CHAMPION BULL Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T RESERVE CHAMPION BULL Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T

BREEDER’S HERD Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON

GET OF SIRE Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON

Biography: Dr. Colin Palmer is an Associate Professor of Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Palmer worked in mixed practices in Ontario and British Columbia and has owned/operated a practice in Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer along with his wife Kim and children Lauren, Emily and Carter run a herd of purebred Red Angus cattle under the KC Cattle Co. name.

Evaluating a Bull’s Ability to Breed

Many cattle producers forget that a satisfactory semen check (Breeding Soundness Evaluation) doesn’t guarantee that the bull is a breeder! In fact, most of you have probably realized by now that vets rarely, if ever, guarantee anything. It isn’t that we have signed some secret pact, but rather that there are so many factors beyond our control which can affect the success of our treatments or recommendations that it would be foolish for us to guarantee anything. Just because a bull has big testicles and large numbers of normal, motile sperm does not mean that he will sire any calves. Semen checks really only reflect what the sperm producing capability looks like on the day of the test. The odds are generally excellent that the semen quality will remain the same, but that is only if the nutritional and health status are consistent. Mental health is also an important component of the overall health status. That’s right, the bull’s mental health! Bulls that are stressed because of climate, fighting, pain and probably fear will have less than optimal semen quality. Late spring snow storms are known to cause a dramatic increase in the numbers of defective sperm which can show up within a day or two of the event, necessitating a retest at some later date. Mental and physical status can also affect a bull’s willingness, desire or ability to breed. I once watched an older bull demonstrate hind leg spasm as soon as he mounted a cow – he would just start quivering and slide right off, unable to complete the service. We suspected that the bull had severe lesions in his lower spine; however, X-raying the spine of an animal of that size is impossible, not to mention the fact that there is little that could be done to treat this bull.

On the Breeding Soundness Evaluation form there Herefords Today Winter 2011

is a category for sex drive and mating ability. Most bulls are sold as virgin yearlings or two-year olds so I just check off “Unknown.” With older, privatelyowned bulls, I may ask if the bull sired calves the previous year and how well he performed. In other words, was the calving season relatively short and did the bull in question sire lots of calves. There is a written recommendation on the form stating that owners should observe their bulls to make sure he is breeding. Often I will take the extra step to remind owners to keep an eye on their bull to make sure everything is working right. Our best estimates are that in multiple bull breeding situations, where no one has taken the time to really watch the bulls, as many as 1 in 10 bulls may not be a suitable breeder. In single sire mating situations, usually an animal that is unable or unwilling to breed is noticed within 1 or 2 heat cycles when cows that were thought to be bred come back in heat. Don’t forget, 1 or 2 heat cycles still represents a huge financial loss!

I recommend that breeding bulls be checked daily during at least the first 3 weeks after turnout and probably the first month or more. If this is not possible make it every 2 to 3 days tops. The first month is critical because 70 to 75% of the cows should get pregnant within the first 3 weeks of turnout. Things I like to check for are: 1) is he still alive ... if not a replacement is needed right away; 2) is he injured... if so how bad, can he breed, or will he recover this week, or this season etc.; 3) is he mounting and completing service; and 4) is he settling cows. With items 3 and 4 it can be tricky. Maybe there is another bull doing the work, maybe he is one of those “shy” bulls who only breeds at night. The best times to check are early morning


and early evening when they are more likely to be active, rather than when they are resting comfortably under a tree. Injuries and death of a breeding bull are most likely in the first month of the breeding season. You would probably be surprised to hear how many times we see young bulls that have injured their penises and must be culled after breeding 5 cows or less.

Every year I receive phone calls about bulls that appear to lack libido or the ability to breed. Most of the calls are either from veterinarians or from the seed stock producers who raised and sold the bull. Usually the animal has been reported to be totally disinterested in breeding or in some cases, his desire to breed seems lack lustre in the new owner’s eyes. Fortunately, we have an efficient way to check these cases out. It is called the serving capacity test, or in some circles the libido test, or service test. Done properly this test involves the haltering of a sturdy cow, preferably in heat but not necessary, in a short stocks. We usually sedate the cow so that she stands quietly and provide her with adequate lubrication. Proper restraint of the cow is important – bulls always chin-rest before attempting to mount and a big clue that they have a receptive partner is that she doesn’t move. Simply, putting a bull in a pen with a cow or tying a cow to tree is not the way to do this test. I have seen cases where bulls have been falsely labelled as nonbreeders because of a poorly done serving capacity test. Bulls are also sexually stimulated by watching other bulls, so we usually put a known breeder in with the cow first and allow the bull in question to watch through a fence. My personal preference is to have an ugly little cuss as the teaser bull because I think the little guys work up the test bulls even more. I’m not kidding! There is merit in my thinking as more dominant bulls do more of the breeding in multiple bull breeding situations and dominance is determined mostly by size and age. Test bulls should not feel threatened by either humans or other animals, so all handling must be quiet and deliberate; this is no place for a stock prod. Herefords Today Winter 2011

The test bull is given up to 20 minutes with the mount cow and if he completes at least a service or two, he is a breeder. More services than that indicates a higher serving capacity/ libido and greater odds that he will breed more cows at pasture. Choosing the bulls that score moderate to high in serving capacity/ libido has been shown to have positive effect on conception rates in the cow herd. Having said that, I don’t think there is anything more striking than finding a bull that has been kicking around an outfit for a few years that is physically unable to breed. Just think what it has cost to feed and house a bull like that.

The serving capacity test is pretty good for checking out breeding bulls greater than two years of age and has been shown to be predictive of breeding performance at pasture. Yearling bulls have a bit of a learning curve when they are first turned out and so serving capacity tests have not been shown to be predictive of their performance. All young bulls need a period of exposure to cycling females to develop their instincts as a breeder. It only takes a few cows; however, as we have utilized the serving capacity test to check out many 16 to 18 month old bulls that have been presented to us as substandard breeders and have proven that our testing method works. Your bulls are one of your most important investments. Keep ‘em healthy, treat ‘em right and check them frequently. Most importantly, make sure he is doing his job!


Pfizer Stockade Roundup Lloydminster, SK November 5, 2010 Judge: Shannon Eaton, Lloydminster, SK



HEIFER CALF 1. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 512R Kovi 15X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Magie 168X by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 512R Kovi 15X by WLB Eli 10H 83T

RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Magie 168X by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

YEARLING HEIFER 1. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with HF 83T Nighting Gal 54W by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Jenny 31W by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with HF 83T Nighting Gal 54W by WLB Eli 10H 83T RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Jenny 31W by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with HF 7N Processor Gal 83T by HF 45F Processor 7N and her calf, JJPH 213S Advantage by WLB Lumber 72M 213S

SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with HF 7N Processor Gal 83T by HF 45F Processor 7N and her calf, JJPH 213S Advantage by WLB Lumber 72M 213S


BULL CALF 1. Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 83T Inception 21X by WLB Eli 10H 83T 2. Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Eli 392X by WLB Eli 10H 83T

BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Double J Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with JJPH 83T Inception 21X by WLB Eli 10H 83T

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Eli 392X by WLB Eli 10H 83T

Herefords Today Winter 2011


YEARLING BULL 1. Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 274S Baron 66W by Remitall Sultan 274S 2. Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Powerplay 102W by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 274S Baron 66W by Remitall Sultan 274S

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 7S Powerplay 102W by Square-D Pat 2N 7S

TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 2N Beefman 28U by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N 2. Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK and Triara Superior Genetics, Melbourne, QC with Triara Unleashed 893U by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S

SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK with SHPH 2N Beefman 28U by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK and Triara Superior Genetics, Melbourne, QC with Triara Unleashed 893U by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S



HEIFER CALF 1. Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Thea 464X by H70 Quantock BH 344U 2. Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF 185S Dominette 23X by MJT Dunn 195S

TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Smoking Lady 1U by Triple-A Max’s Smok’n 27S and her calf, LF Cowboy Cut 20X by BCD 347P Patch 850U

MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Ayrey Hereford Farm, Evesham, SK with WA 59N Shenaye 87S by DBHR 86L Doc Domino 59N and her calf, WA 7S X-Plosion 25X by PHF 31N Smoothy 7S

SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Smoking Lady 1U by Triple-A Max’s Smok’n 27S and her calf, LF Cowboy Cut 20X by BCD 347P Patch 850U

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Thea 464X by H70 Quantock BH 344U

RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF 185S Dominette 23X by MJT Dunn 195S

YEARLING HEIFER 1. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET 2. Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Betts 404W by KSU Bounty Hunter 611

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with H70 Quantock Betts 404W by KSU Bounty Hunter 611

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Ayrey Hereford Farm, Evesham, SK with WA 59N Shenaye 87S by DBHR 86L Doc Domino 59N and her calf, WA 7S X-Plosion 25X by PHF 31N Smoothy 7S

TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U by KSU Bounty Hunter 611 2. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 517U by KSU Bounty Hunter 611


BULL CALF 1. Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 131X by KSU Bounty Hunter 611 2. Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Cowboy Cut 20X by BCD 347P Patch 850U

BULL CALF CHAMPION Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK with Big-Gully 611 Bounty 131X by KSU Bounty Hunter 611

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK with LF Cowboy Cut 20X by BCD 347P Patch 850U

YEARLING BULL 1. Ace Herefords Ltd., Senlac, SK with ACE Scully Lad 16W by Dunrobin 200L Scully 25R 2. Ayrey Hereford Farm, Evesham, SK with WA 49P Whistler 24W by LO 27J STD Lad 49P

JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Ace Herefords Ltd., Senlac, SK with ACE Scully Lad 16W by Dunrobin 200L Scully 25R

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Ayrey Hereford Farm, Evesham, SK with WA 49P Whistler 24W by LO 27J STD Lad 49P

Herefords Today Winter 2011


RESERVE SENIOR AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R BREEDER’S HERD Lock Farms Ltd., Macklin, SK

GET OF SIRE Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK PAIR OF BULLS Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK


Stuart, Sherri, Justin & Brittany Zoeteman Box 532 Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0 Ph (403) 553-2687 Fax (403) 553-2699 Bob & Fern Zoeteman Box 1288 Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0 Ph (403) 553-2162

Breton West Herefords Eugene, Norma & Leonard Poholka Box 325, Breton, Alberta T0C 0P0

Phone: (780) 696-3878 Fax: (780) 696-3777 Cell: (780) 621-8377 or (780) 542-0622 Email:


P.O. Box 338 Warner, AB T0K 2L0 Home (403) 642-2363 Fax (403) 642-2291


John, Brenda, Barclay & Jamie Lutz

Jo Nomn Hereford Ranch Norm & Joanne Parrent

Box 111 Clyde, AB T0G 0P0 (780) 348-5835

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Dave & Jean Prichard Box 394 Killam, AB T0B 2L0 780-385-2226

Dan & Shelly Prichard & Family Box 598 Killam, AB T0B 2L0 780-385-2298

Scott Alta Farms Bulls • Semen • Females • Embryos

Annual Production Sale

Second Saturday in October

2010 Canadian National Premier Exhibitor

Cattle Company Ltd.

Mick Trefiak (780) 755-2224 Fax (780) 755-2223 Cell (780) 842-8835 RR #1, Edgerton, AB T0K 1K0

Dennis & Andrea Babiuk

Box 102, Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0


Bryan and Annette Latimer

P o l le d H er e f o rd s

James & Shirley Scott

Breeding Stock for Sale

Ph: (403) 347-9848 RR 4 Red Deer, AB Fax: (403) 346-4732 T4N 5E4

Box 16 Site 2 RR 4 Olds, AB T4H 1T8 Ph: 403-556-2960 or 403-556-0301 Fax 403-556-3160 E: W:


Wayne & Lucie Sampson and Boys Box 11297, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B5 Phone/Fax: (780) 875-7453

4 miles west and 1 mile south of Lloydminster

Watergrove Ranches HEREFORD CATTLE

Selected for temperament, milk, feet, hair and easy-fleshing

Ronald & June Berg

Kevin & Joanne Fraser Garrett & Brandon Aurica Hawkwood Box 8, Site 3, R.R. #2 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A2 (403) 932-2406

Box 1963 Camrose, AB T4V 1X8

Visitors Welcome!

Ph. (780) 672-6292

Quality Seedstock Available

Herefords Today Winter 2011


NB Beef Expo



Split 1 1. Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird 199S 1P Bertie 2X by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S 2. Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB with Jay’s 035J Xcellence 1X by TA-Bar WLB Formula 035J Split 2 1. Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB with Jay’s 18L Miss X 8X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L 2. Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird RM 7R Roxy 23X by WD Red Mile ET HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB with Jay’s 18L Miss X 8X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L

RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird RM 7R Roxy 23X by WD Red Mile ET YEARLING HEIFER

Split 1 1. Thunderbrook Farms, Amherst, NB with Thunderbrook Wicked Witch 9W by RT DCC 20X Key Master 125L 2. Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB with Jay’s 35J Willow 6W by TA-Bar WLB Formula 035J Split 2 1. Stephen Goodine, Bear Island, NB with LRY 103S Crystal 201W by MHPH 118P Summit 103S 2. Meghan Black, Bloomfield, NB with Bird’s-Hill Four Star 392W by Elm-Lodge Thumbs Up 6T JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Stephen Goodine, Bear Island, NB with LRY 103S Crystal 201W by MHPH 118P Summit 103S

Sussex, NB September 25 & 26, 2010 Judge: Scott Matthews, Montreal, QC RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Meghan Black, Bloomfield, NB with Bird’s-Hill Four Star 392W by Elm-Lodge Thumbs Up 6T TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2009 CALF AT FOOT 1. Roy Goodine, Bear Island, NB with Goodine 103S Hailey 112U by MHPH Summit 103S and her calf, LRY 217T Bailey Lass 417X by Goodine 4L Brodeur 217T 2. Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird ST 13K Vicki 7U by CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S and her calf, Earlybird 28M 7U Max 14X by Golden-Oak 4J Maxium 28M

MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Thunderbrook Farms, Amherst, NB with Thunderbrook 62J Nina 4N by STAR SS Thunder LT 62J and her calf, Thunderbrook 125L Styxx 8X by RT DCC 20X Key Master 125L 2. Loon Point Herefords, Cambridge-Narrows, NB with Thunderbrook May 18M by LRY Bearcat 118H and her calf, Loon Point Xfactor 2X by NS Keno 005

SENIOR CHAMPION, GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION FEMALE Thunderbrook Farms, Amherst, NB with Thunderbrook 62J Nina 4N by STAR SS Thunder LT 62J and her calf, Thunderbrook 125L Styxx 8X by RT DCC 20X Key Master 125L RESERVE SENIOR AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Roy Goodine, Bear Island, NB with Goodine 103S Hailey 112U by MHPH Summit 103S and her calf, LRY 217T Bailey Lass 417X by Goodine 4L Brodeur 217T

Herefords Today Winter 2011




1. Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird 199S Detonator 1X by CCR Stamina ET 199S 2. Bird’s Hill Farm, Jacksonville, NB with Bird’s-Hill Xpectation 102X by Remitall Super Duty 42S YEARLING BULL 1. Grant Elmhirst, Indian River, ON, Chris, Roy and Steve Goodine, Bear Island, NB with Elm-Lodge Wizard 12W by KJ 2403 Recruit 966R GRAND CHAMPION AND SUPREME CHAMPION BULL Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB with Earlybird 199S Detonator 1X by CCR Stamina ET 199S

RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Grant Elmhirst;Indian River, ON, Chris, Roy, Steve Goodine, Bear Island, NB with Elm-Lodge Wizard 12W by KJ 2403 Recruit 966R BREEDER’S HERD Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB

GET OF SIRE Earlybird Farm, Waterford, NB

PREMIER BREEDER Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Jay’s Polled Herefords, Havelock, NB

Herefords Today Winter 2011



CHAMPION SPRING HEIFER CALF AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE with H W4 Mariah 0103 ET by Golden Oak Outcross 18U

RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING HEIFER CALF Tucker Cattle Co., North Platte, NE with TCC Ms Natalie 06 ET by TCC Orange County Chopper 70ET

CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF C&M Herefords, Nara Visa, NM with C&M New Mexico Lady 0011 by H5 9126 Domino 752 RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE with Churchill Lady 032X by Golden Oak Outcross 18U

CHAMPION FALL HEIFER CALF Delhawk Cattle Co., Earlville, IL with Delhawk WRB JTH Ida 0967 ET by CH Enuff Prophet 2913 RESERVE CHAMPION FALL HEIFER CALF Tyler Allen, Schulenburg, TX with GKB EJE Breeze 9106 ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Delhawk Cattle Co., Earlville, IL with PRCC GKB 6170 Miss Excel 150W by C Moler 6170 ET

RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING BULL CALF B&C Cattle Co., Miami, TX with B&C Top Gun 0154 1ET by GH Adams Top Gun ET 516T

CHAMPION SPRING YEARLING AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE with H GH Belvakay 9014 ET by GO Excel L18 RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING YEARLING HEIFER Upstream Ranch, Taylor, NE with UPS Miss Saga 9282 1ET by SR Saga 1137

CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE with GO Ms 7195 Advance W39 by HH Advance 7195T

RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Colyer Herefords Inc., Bruneau, ID with C Notice Me Nitro 9161 ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET CHAMPION COW/CALF PAIR Largent and Sons Inc., Kaycee, WY with L3 Rambo Lady Panda 843 by GH Rambo 279R

RESERVE CHAMPION COW/CALF PAIR Nolles Cattle Co., Bassett, NE with KLD 3060 Daisy D76 ET by BR Lansing 3060


RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL CALF Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK; Turkey Feather Ranch, Ada, OK; Kasey Herman, Skiatook, OK and BJ Herman & Sons, Edgerton, OH with STAR KKH SSF Kemosabe 47X ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET

CHAMPION FALL BULL CALF Four L Hereford Farm, Atwood, TN and Rogan Hereford Farms, Rogersville, TN with Four L RF 3126 Domino 9035 by Four L 767G Domino 3126 ET RESERVE CHAMPION FALL BULL CALF Four L Hereford Farm, Atwood, TN with Four L Dakota Dandy 9126W by MH Dakota 0230

CHAMPION YEARLING BULL Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE; Mark W Cooper, Willow Creek, MT and Churchill Cattle Co., Manhattan, MT with CL 1 Domino 955W by CL 1 Domino 637S 1ET

RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Behrends Farms, San Jose, IL with JBC Crane Victory 954 ET by CH Enuff Prophet 2913 CHAMPION SPRING BULL CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL MJT Cattle Co. Ltd., Edgerton, AB and Adams Hirsche, High River, AB with GH Adams Nitro Design ET 377X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET

Herefords Today Winter 2011

CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL CALF AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Delhawk Cattle Co., Earlville, IL and Happ Herefords, Mendota, IL with Delhawk Kahuna 1009 by CH Enuff Prophet 2913


RESERVE CHAMPION YEARLING BULL Jensen Bros., Courtland, KS and Dylan Evans, Lebo, KS with KJ DWE 968R Revise 051W by KJ C&L Pure Frost 645N ET

CHAMPION SENIOR BULL Sunset Ridge Herefords, Cumming, GA and Sladek Farms, Iowa City, IA with SLDK Vendetta V-9 ET by Ankonian Midas 72

RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR BULL Largent & Sons Inc., Kaycee, WY and Langford Herefords, Okmulgee, OK with L3 Winn Rambo 851 by GH Rambo 279R

RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL CALF Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB; Raymond Chitek and Chittick Family Hereford Ranch, Mayerthorpe, AB with Harvie High Roller ET 66X by Harvie Traveler 69T


CHAMPION SPRING HEIFER CALF Mallorie Phelps, Grandview, TX with Purple Vintage 25X ET by SR CG Hard Rock 5073

RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING HEIFER CALF Upstream Ranch, Taylor, NE and Landgren Ranch, Bartlett, NE with UPS Miss Nitro 0364 ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET


RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING YEARLING HEIFER Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE with H Venus 9070 ET by CRR About Time 743

CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Foggy Bottom Farm, Taneytown, MD with JB Remetee 213 by Purple Milsap 45S CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Buck Cattle Co., Madill, OK with Blacktop Vicky 028 ET by BR Moler ET RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI with MSU Keepsake 25X ET by Remitall Online 122L

RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI with MSU Keepsake 24W ET by BR Moler ET

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Colyer Herefords Inc., Bruneau, ID with C TMS CJC Raquel 906 by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Upstream Ranch, Taylor, NE with UPS Miss Nitro 9328 1ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET

RESERVE CHAMPION FALL BULL CALF Dale Kottkamp, Clayton, IN and Fraley Farms, Martinsville, IN with EKS 172R Sir William W51 by TH JWR SOP 16G 57G Tundra 63N

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE BULL Nichols Cattle Co., Ringwood, OK with NCC Spider Golden News 113W by SHF REM Newscaster 122L N34

RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE BULL Jensen Bros., Courtland, KS; Iron Lake Ranch, Athens, TX and Churchill Cattle Co., Manhattan, MT with CCC ILR GG Wallace 9177W ET by BR DM CSF Wallace ET


CHAMPION FALL HEIFER CALF Larson’s Polled Herefords, Clifton, TX with KCL 533 Flying Expectation ET by STAR Bright Future 533P ET

RESERVE CHAMPION FALL HEIFER CALF Jensen Bros., Courtland, KS with KJ BJ 544T Mistress 083W ET by CRR About Time 743

CHAMPION FALL BULL CALF Ryan and Sharon Breiner, Manhattan, KS and Millcreek Ranch, Alma, KS with MCR B Pure Prophet 9148ET by CH Enuff Prophet 2913

CHAMPION SPRING BULL CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, NE and Cory J Wood, Maysville, MO with H Richochet 0314 by TH 75J 243R Bailout 144U ET RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING BULL CALF Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK with STAR Legendary Details 319X by HCC Legacy S01 ET

CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL CALF Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK; Tennessee River Music Inc., Fort Payne, AL and Moss Land & Cattle LLC, Bow, WA with STAR Market Index 70X ET by RVP STAR 533P Can-Am ET 57U Herefords Today Winter 2011


CHAMPION YEARLING BULL; GRAND CHAMPION BULL AND SUPREME CHAMPION Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK; TCF & Company, Petoskey, MI; Tennessee River Music Inc., Fort Payne, AL and Buffalo Bend Farm, Lawrenceburg, TN with STAR TCF Shock & Awe 158W by STAR Bright Future 533P ET RESERVE CHAMPION YEARLING BULL Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK; TCF & Company, Petoskey, MI and Turkey Feather Ranch, Ada, OK with STAR TCF Lock-N-Load 300W ET by LaGrand Reload 80P ET


SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Crittenden Bros., Imperial, SK; Taboo Polled Herefords, Nobleton, ON and Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Irvine, AB with GHC-Taboo Coalition 52U by GHC Volume III ET 139S

CLASS WINNER - HORNED JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Triple A Herefords, Moose Jaw, SK with Triple-A Max’s Platinum ET 4X sired by Triple-A 87J Maximus 4M

CHAMPION CARLOAD OF BULLS Star Lake Cattle Ranch, Skiatook, OK

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL RLB Polled Herefords, Ionia, MI and BJ Herman & Sons, Edgerton, OH with SSF RLB Onkey 122L 949 850ET by Remitall Online 122L CHAMPION PEN OF THREE HEIFERS Baumgarten Cattle Co., Belfield, ND RESERVE CHAMPION PEN OF THREE HEIFERS K7 Herefords, Lockridge, IA

CHAMPION PEN OF THREE BULLS Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, ID

Jenran Wyatt Earp 13W Reserve Champion Bull - Farmfair


April 7, 2011, 1:00 pm at the Ranch Lunch at 11:30 am

All bulls are halter broke - Good dispositions - Semen Tested

Jenran 13T Brooke 913W Reserve Junior Female - Farmfair

Bob Jenkins 403-627-2428

Jen Jenkins & Jeff Henderson 403-627-3766 Twin Butte, AB (Right next to Waterton Park)

Herefords Today Winter 2011

(403) 631-3734 (403) 507-3018 (403) 556-5222

Gerry & Mack Hutton 1/2 Mile South of Box 13 Torrington, AB Torrington on T0M 2B0 HWY #805

For buyer assistance call Craig Flewelling: (403) 556-0515


It all Starts with a Good Catalogue but if it’s not in the Right Location,

No One Will See It!

Contact: Bryan Kostiuk 306.934.9696 Herefords Today Winter 2011


I am frequently asked for my thoughts on using social networking websites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter for marketing. Things change on the internet as fast as a kid with A.D.D. on a sugar rush. I usually count things on the internet in dog years. One day something is a good idea and the next there are ten more websites that have made it better. There are many websites that came before the ones I am writing about and cannot imagine that it will take long, for somebody to build a better mouse trap, so to speak. The truth about this type of marketing and the following websites is, as with everything else in life there are advantages and disadvantages. This article will get into the uses and applications of different formats and not the nuts and bolts of how each website is used. All are easy to navigate, very intuitive and user friendly. I straddle the fence (being of the age where while I was able to take computer classes in junior high and high school), but remembering when our school got their first computer and graduated before they installed the internet. This allows me a unique view to technology because like most of our readers I did not grow up with computers and the internet from an early age, but like our younger readers, I was at an age when it was easily learned. The older I get the less I like new tricks.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Facebook, without a doubt, is the king of all social networking sites. Relatively old in terms of the internet, with seemingly no end in sight. Harvard undergraduate, Mark Zuckerberg, helped found Facebook in his dorm room as a way for Ivy League students to keep tabs on one another. As of July, they now have 500 million active users, which roughly translates to one in every 15 people on the planet using it. There have been many articles written on privacy issues with Facebook, but I believe (very simply) that a: assume everything you put on the internet will be read by somebody you don't want to see it and b: if you are using Facebook as a marketing tool, there should not be pictures of you having a girls/guys gone wild weekend. The advantages of Facebook are many. Firstly, as with most social websites they are free to join and use, with their income being derived from advertising. It is easy to sign up personally or to create a business page. Facebook's slogan is "Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life." and to a large extent that is what it does. Facebook summed up is a digital phonebook, with pictures that automatically calls your friends when you do something. It is easy to post photos of sale animals, write short messages, create event pages for sales and with constant news feeds it allows updates to be sent to all your friends the minute that something changes. When a friend clicks that they like something all their friends are immediately notified and so on.

works best with small teasers of information and is very unwieldy for much more. It works best with links to more in-depth information else where. Another problem breeders seem to have with Facebook is that even though you can run out to the pasture, take a picture on your cell phone and have it seen on Facebook, in a matter of seconds, quality still matters. Professional quality photos are important any time you show your animal. Whether it be in a print ad, on a website or on Facebook the old line applies. "You never get a second chance at a first impression!" One of the websites becoming more popular for marketing cattle is YouTube. When you boil it down, YouTube is just a video sharing website, which users can upload, share, and view videos. It was created by former Paypal employees in February 2005. YouTube is the dominant provider of online video in North America, with a market share of around 43 percent and more than 14 billion videos viewed in May 2010. YouTube states that 24 hours of new videos are uploaded to the site every minute. It is estimated that by 2007 YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000. YouTube ranks as the third most visited website on the Internet, behind Google and Facebook. YouTube's advantages are like Facebook, it is free to upload videos, but unlike Facebook, you do not have

The disadvantages of Facebook is that most of the users are under age thirty, which cuts off a large portion of most breeder customer bases. While it is becoming more popular in purebred circles as a marketing tool, it will be hard to gain commercial cattlemen's interest. It is relatively easy to gain friends within your social circle but it is almost impossible to use as a primary internet marketing tool. Secondly, it Herefords Today Winter 2011


to register to watch most content. With its simple interface, it is easy for anyone with an Internet connection to post a video that a worldwide audience could watch within a few minutes. Users can then comment on the video. The videos can be embedded in your website easily adding another tool to your current website.

2006, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and currently has more than 175 million users. Twitter has 54 million monthly unique U.S. visitors. As of June 2010, about 65 million tweets are posted each day, equaling about 750 tweets sent each second. Twitter's motto is "The best way to discover what’s new in your world." and in some worlds I am sure it is. The advantages is it's free and easy to use like the others. Twitter is quick to setup and quick to update. This makes short messages like "just had champion bull" effortless and allows for almost instant communication.

The disadvantages are few and apply more to all forms of social marketing but especially this one. As with photos professional quality videos will help in marketing your program, poor videos will only hurt it. One of the things that are an advantage are also a disadvantage. YouTube videos are truly most valuable when used in conjunction with a website. Without a website or a sale catalogue to give further information, it is hard to show customers the whole picture. One of the other drawbacks to YouTube is that by my Ukrainian counting our industry is still about 35 to 40 percent on dial up. This makes all but the shortest videos frustrating or almost impossible to watch.

The problems with Twitter are that it is more difficult than Facebook to gain followers without actively pursuing them in some other format. Tweets, like texts, can be very short on detail and cause more confusion than clarity. With the current age demographic, you lose a large portion of customers because they don't text or are not used to receiving them.

Twitter is simply a blogging website that enables users to send and read other users' messages or tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default; however, senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other users' tweets - this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers. All users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, or through cell phones. Since its creation in

My conclusion is that these websites can be cutting edge marketing tools that have their places in complementing what some operations hope to accomplish with their marketing program. There is a time cost associated with the setup of these types of marketing, that in today's fast paced world can be hard to spend. Alone or even grouped together, they fall far short of tools such as websites but when added to a strong print and web based program, they can only add value.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Herefords Today Winter 2011


Seaforth Fair



Split 1 1. Tracey Haynes, Glencoe, ON with Miss WAL Rebella 201X by Harvie Tophat 92T 2. Tracey Haynes, Glencoe, ON with Miss WAL Xena 205X by Harvie Tophat 92T Split 2 1. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with Miss WAL Starlight 101X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Delilah 146X by Harvie Raftsman 16R HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Tracey Haynes, Glencoe, ON with Miss WAL Rebella 201X by Harvie Tophat 92T RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with Miss WAL Starlight 101X by Harvie Traveler 69T JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Fieldstone Farm, Rockwood, ON with Fieldstone Sweet P 100W by HB STAR Battle Ground 2013 2. Sandy Ridge Livestock, West Lorne, ON with SRF Wynonna 304W by SRF Southeastern 14S SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Les and Sherry Emke, Cargill, ON with EMK Miss Winnona 1W by WLB Global 72M 50S 2. Lian-Mor Polled Herefords, Orangeville, ON with Lian 49S Wilma 108W by McCoy 55M Absolute 49S JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Les and Sherry Emke, Cargill, ON with EMK Miss Winnona 1W by WLB Global 72M 50S

September 11, 2010 Seaforth, ON Judge: Patty Lasby, Campbellville, ON RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Lian-Mor Polled Herefords, Orangeville, ON with Lian 49S Wilma 108W by McCoy 55M Absolute 49S TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Georgia 134U by Grandview 7OAKS Sonora 145R and her calf, Hill’s AXA Augusta 147X by Harvie Raftsman 16R 2. DAN-DEE Farms, Durham, ON with G&E 2P Rockett 4U by Glenlees CL 151L Rigid 23P and her calf, DAN-DEE 18L Roxy Roller 1X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Sandy Ridge Livestock, West Lorne, ON with Bye-Vista Online 18R by Remitall Online 122L and her calf, Bye-Vista 18L Boomer Lass 18X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L 2. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Little Jewel 107P by Hill’s Journeyman 22J and her calf, Hill’s AXA Pioneer 150X by Harvie Raftsman 16R SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Georgia 134U by Grandview 7OAKS Sonora 145R and her calf, Hill’s AXA Augusta 147X by Harvie Raftsman 16R RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Sandy Ridge Livestock, West Lorne, ON with Bye-Vista Online 18R by Remitall Online 122L and her calf, Bye-Vista 18L Boomer Lass 18X by FORC 29F Boomer 18L


BULL CALF 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Rockwood 149X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET 2. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T BULL CALF CHAMPION Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Hill’s Rockwood 149X by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Marvel Lad 111X by Harvie Traveler 69T JUNIOR YEARLING BULL 1. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Wallingford 204P 87W by Remitall LAGRD Pounder ET 204P SENIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Winston 201N 37W by Haroldson’s GLF 122L 201N JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Lyons Polled Herefords, St. Thomas, ON with WAL Wonder 202W by Harvie Traveler 69T RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL EJM Farms, Glencoe, ON with EJM Winston 201N 37W by Haroldson’s GLF 122L 201N PREMIER BREEDER Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON PREMIER EXHIBITOR Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON

Herefords Today Winter 2011


By Chris Poley

What a difference a year can make! The “wish I had club” is full of new members; the “wish I would have believed and held on to my cows club,” and probably most fitting for many of you, the “wish I would have bought more cows when they were so cheap club.” However, I’m a strong believer in looking to the future and letting the past be the past. Before you do, put on your sun glasses because the future looks as bright as ever. The strong and strengthening cattle market we have been experiencing is just the beginning. We are experiencing things today that have never before been experienced in history; a strong cattle market coupled with strong grain prices and a par dollar. As we all know in the agriculture industry our fate is determined by supply and demand, and for once it is working in our favor. The truly good news is that I do not see the supply exceeding the demand anytime soon; as you all know, it takes more than two and a half years to get a heifer into production and have her production hit the food chain. With the population of the world growing every day and the world economy strengthening, many forecasters are predicting demand to keep pace with production. One article I read recently said that the world’s food supply will need to increase by 70% in the next forty years. Now that’s exciting and a little scary all at the same time. Having said all that, keep your head on straight and stick to the “when these cows have some value plan.” Many producers have held onto a large number of cows and some bulls way past their prime productive life, gave them a second chance or a third or a fourth because there was no salvage in them. They do now, so don’t let greedy thoughts take over from good management. Slaughter cows and bulls are at higher levels than they have ever been, so cut loose the dead weight to make room for more top producers. Many of you will say, “Well I have kept her this long and she is bred, so I’m not selling her,” and I agree with that. However, make a plan to have a dry field, as in a pasture with no bulls, and make sure it has good access so you can wean them early and take advantage of late summer hamburger trade.

Some of you may think, “Well I could breed them and stick them in an early bred cow sale in the fall and with this rising market, some sucker will buy them.” That is short sighted greed and does not help anyone; at sixty to seventy cents, kill them and take the marginal producers out of production and the whole industry gains, guess what, including you. As we are coming into bull sale season, I have a few comments, as you begin to go bull shopping. I recently had a visit with a young producer who runs a mixed farming operation alone with his father. He was telling me how they used to scrounge around for the cheapest bulls of any quality they could find and were frustrated every time they sold their calves. They nearly quit the business but decided to try something before they gave up totally. They went out that spring and bought the top bulls in the pens from the most reputable breeders in their area. Some six or seven years later, through the worst cattle market seen in years, they are pumped about the cow business. Their weights shot up immediately and now they have daughters of these bulls in prime production and when it comes time to sell, no more disappointed trips home from the sale barn. In fact order buyers and feedlots are now calling them to buy their calves, “and you know, they don’t even come out to look at them anymore, they buy them right over the phone.” Basically what I’m saying is be selective, buy the best bulls out of the pen and leave the bargain bulls behind; there is a market for those bulls every week. Also, deal with reputable breeders. A pretty good rule of thumb is if a breeder has been having a successful sale for years, the bulls must be good and the service must be great. Let the success of their program become the success of yours.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


November 11, 2010 - Saskatoon, SK Judge: Jay Holmes, Semans, SK


MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with MHPH Ms 24K Jade 1013P by Remitall Icon 24K and her calf, KLR Xtra 1X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U


Split 1 1. The Cliff’s Farm, Saskatoon, SK with TCF-KLR 131S Diamond 9X by GHC Volume II ET 131S 2. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 893U Bell 628X by Triara Unleashed 893U

Split 2 1. The Cliff’s Farm, Saskatoon, SK and KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with TCF-KLR 3S Southern Belle 1X by KLR Sonic 3S 2. The Cliff’s Farm, Saskatoon, SK with TCF 614 Miss Gemini 4X by WR Domino Lad 309 0614

YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION The Cliff’s Farm, Saskatoon, SK and KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with TCF-KLR 3S Southern Belle 1X by KLR Sonic 3S RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION The Cliff’s Farm, Saskatoon, SK with TCF 614 Miss Gemini 4X by WR Domino Lad 309 0614

YEARLING HEIFER 1. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with GH Adams Yankee Rose ET 109W by Churchill Yankee ET 2. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 64L Victra 262W by S & S Kodiak 64L

SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with MHPH Ms 24K Jade 1013P by Remitall Icon 24K and her calf, KLR Xtra 1X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 64L Suma 14U by S&S Kodiak 64Land her calf, Justamere 893U Suma 605X by Triara Unleashed 893U


RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 64L Victra 262W by S & S Kodiak 64L

TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 64L Suma 14U by S&S Kodiak 64Land her calf, Justamere 893U Suma 605X by Triara Unleashed 893U

Herefords Today Winter 2011


BULL CALF 1. KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with KLR Xtra 1X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U 2. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 893U Ace 653X by Triara Unleashed 893U

BULL CALF CHAMPION KLR Polled Herefords, Consul, SK with KLR Xtra 1X by WLB Shapley 50S 40U

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Justamere 893U Ace 653X by Triara Unleashed 893U

YEARLING BULL 1. Rocking G Land and Cattle Co., Gull Lake, SK with GH Adams Harlow 262W by CJH Harland 408

YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Rocking G Land and Cattle Co., Gull Lake, SK with GH Adams Harlow 262W by CJH Harland 408

TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R 2. Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Triara Unleashed 893U by CCR 57G Stamina 199S

GET OF SIRE Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB BREEDER’S HERD Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB PREMIER BREEDER Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB RESERVE SENIOR BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB with Triara Unleashed 893U by CCR 57G Stamina 199S

PREMIER EXHIBITOR Justamere Ranch, Dauphin, MB

SENIOR BULL CHAMPION, GRAND CHAMPION AND SUPREME CHAMPION BULL Parkvista Hereford Farm, Parkside, SK with TDM Mercedes 26U by KTD Domino Sky Lad 41R

Call for information on our heifer prospects.

Herefords Today Winter 2011



Polled Hereford • Red Angus • Grains Spence and Janice Jock Sutter Sutter 306-452-7894 Ph/Fax: 306-452-6343 Sally Sutter/Aaron Kamp Cell: 306-452-7888 306-452-8441 4 km North of Redvers on #8 hwy Box 414 Redvers, Sask., Canada S0C 2H0

JIM GENNY 306-445-5582 DICK 306-883-2437

GORDON SHELLEY 306-445-7950 ALBERT 306-441-7107

RR #3, North Battleford, SK S9A 2X4

PO Box 233 Maidstone SK S0M 1M0 Fax (306) 893-4722 Email Rick & Karen Johnston (306) 893-2231

GW G P o ll ed He re fo rd s

Robin, Michelle & John Hogberg Edsel & Lori Hogberg

Gordon & Wanda Gustafson Box 314, Imperial, SK S0G 2J0 Phone: 306-963-2638 Fax: 306-963-2649

Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0 Ph: 306.743.2840 Fax: 306.743.2842 Cell: 306.743.7490 Email:

Johner Stock Farm Red & Black Angus / Polled Herefords David & Arlinda Johner

Justin & Amber Johner (306) 893Box 52 Maidstone fax: email: (306) 893-4632 Annual Bull Sale 3rd Saturday in February

Jeromy & Arden Charlton Matthew, Jade & Andrew

P.O. Box 393 Weyburn, SK S4H 2K3

Ph: 306.842.6146 Fax: 306.848.0614 Cell: 306.861.3862

Visitors Always Welcome

4 miles north on Highway 35, 6 miles east, 1 mile north

Joe and Peggy Vey

Wakaw, SK Ph: 306-233-4736 C: 306-233-7384 F: 306-233-5562

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Lock Farms

Old Burchill Farm

Stan & Susan Lock Box 215 Macklin, SK S0L 2C0

Greg & Sentura Freitag


Section 7 Ranch

Horned Hereford Black Angus Black Baldie Heifers

Home: 1 (306) 753-2229 Cell: 1 (306) 753-7884 Email:

-Purebred HerefordsDayle & Dixie Martinson Tricia, Colby & Logan Phone (306) 458-2566 Fax (306) 458-2855

Box 73 Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 (306) 489-4500


Vanden Boer alpole Polled Herefords


Yes, we have cattle for sale! Bill & Marilyn (Mason) Vanden Boer Box 278, Manor, SK S0C 1R0 (306) 448-4701

Warnyca Land & Cattle Polled Herefords, Red Angus & Registered Seed

Tom & Bonnie Warnyca

Alain, Karen & Alexis DeCorby Box 245, Rocanville SK S0A 3L0 Phone/Fax (306) 645-2019

Scott & Maggie Mannle Box 101 Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0 Phone (306) 735-2981 Cell (306) 735-7180

S q ua r e D P o l l e d H e r e f o r d s

Jim, Mary & Harvey Duke

Langbank, SK S0G 2X0 Jim: (306) 538-4556 Mary: (306) 538-4693 Harvey: (306) 761-2810 Fax: (306) 538-2193



Herefords Today Winter 2011



Embryos for sale

Box 390 Montmartre, SK S0G 3M0 Phone: (306) 424-2670 Fax: (306) 424-2011 Email:


Class 1 1. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 33T Lulu 276X by Remitall Trust Fund 33T 2. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 12R Star Struck 195X by GHC Canuck 12R

Class 2 1. Roselawn Polled Herefords, Killarney, MB with Roselawn Piper 154U 43X by Harvie Walk Hard 154U 2. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 154U Miss Tamara 8X by Harvie Walk Hard 154U Class 3 1. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 69T Miss Magnolia 6X by Harvie Traveler 69T 2. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 69T Miss Madonna 1X by Harvie Traveler 69T

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 69T Miss Magnolia 6X by Harvie Traveler 69T

RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Roselawn Polled Herefords, Killarney, MB with Roselawn Piper 154U 43X by Harvie Walk Hard 154U YEARLING HEIFER

Class 1 1. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 80P Starstruck 49W by LaGrand Reload 80P ET 2. Steven Manns, Austin, MB with PBHR Legacy 81L 10W by WLB News 36N ET 453S

Class 2 1. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 2N Ms Princess ET 24W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N 2. Roselawn Polled Herefords, Killarney, MB with Roselawn Kate 87T 4W by Roselawn Jasper 121R 87T Class 3 1. Doug Troop, Brandon, MB with DTHF Willow 213W by GHC Volume IV ET 150S 2. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with Meadow-Acres 29F Ada ET 11W by CS Boomer 29F

SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Flyer Cattle Co., Brandon, MB with Double-U Miss Longitude 176S by Double-U Longitude ET 151L and her calf, Flyer-Cattle Maverick 9X by Remitall New Day 86U RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Richaud Stock Farms, Estevan, SK with Powerhouse Rose 25R by FCC 60G Maddux 4L and her calf, RSF 50R Rosebud 3X by Blair-Athol 26J Model 50R



YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 2N Ms Princess ET 24W by Wilgor 55K Northeastern OL 2N RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Doug Troop, Brandon, MB with DTHF Willow 213W by GHC Volume IV ET 150S

TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 79R Candice 258U by MAR 122L Rosco 79R and her calf, MAR 120U Ogre 233X by MAR 79R Ultra 120U

MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Flyer Cattle Co., Brandon, MB with Double-U Miss Longitude 176S by Double-U Longitude ET 151L and her calf, Flyer-Cattle Maverick 9X by Remitall New Day 86U 2. Richaud Stock Farms, Estevan, SK with Powerhouse Rose 25R by FCC 60G Maddux 4L and her calf, RSF 50R Rosebud 3X by Blair-Athol 26J Model 50R Herefords Today Winter 2011


Class 1 1. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 3K Max Million 56X by DXB 7C Blockbuster 3K 2. AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB with MAR 33T Shrek 46X by Remitall Trust Fund 33T

Class 2 1. Til-Toba Polled Herefords, Tilston, MB with Til-Toba Xaminer 3P 13X by Meadow-Acres Connected 13K 86R 2. RSK Farms, Brandon, MB with RSK 346R Absolute ET 21X by Remitall Route 66 ET 326R

Class 3 1. Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Clayridge Hemi 5X by Remitall Super Duty 42S 2. LV Farms Ltd., Midale, SK with LV Class Act 2X by Remitall First Class ET 113R

Class 2 1. Til-Toba Polled Herefords, Tilston, MB with GH Adams 179R Stanley 180U by FE 17L Stan Brit 179R 2. Flyer Cattle Co., Brandon, MB with Remitall New Day 86U by Remitall Super Duty 42S

BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Clayridge Hemi 5X by Remitall Super Duty 42S

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Til-Toba Polled Herefords, Tilston, MB with Til-Toba Xaminer 3P 13X by Meadow-Acres Connected 13K 86R

YEARLING BULL 1. Steven Manns, Austin, MB with Mil-Wray Al Connor 14W by MeadowAcres Connected 13K 86R 2. Flyer Cattle Co., Brandon, MB with DTHF Walk Tall 50W by Til-Toba Tug 5N 9T

YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Steven Manns, Austin, MB with Mil-Wray Al Connor 14W by Meadow-Acres Connected 13K 86R

RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Flyer Cattle Co., Brandon, MB with DTHF Walk Tall 50W by Til-Toba Tug 5N 9T TWO YEAR OLD BULL

Class 1 1. Roselawn Polled Herefords, Killarney, MB with Harvie OVHF Walk Hard 154U by Harvie Raftsman 16R 2. Doug Troop, Brandon, MB with MJT Pilgrim 19U by Remitall Pilgrim 93P


RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Til-Toba Polled Herefords, Tilston, MB with GH Adams 179R Stanley 180U by FE 17L Stan Brit 179R GET OF SIRE LV Farms Ltd., Midale, SK

PROGENY OF DAM AM Ranching, Oak Lake, MB




PUREBRED HEIFER SHOW (PEN OF 3) Grand Champion CD Land & Cattle - Doug Domolewski

Grand Champion Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.

Reserve Champion Bandura Ranches - Joe & Sandy Bandura

Reserve Champion Boundary Ranch



Grand Champion Happy Valley Ranch, Big Beaver, SK, sired by Brost Land and Cattle Co. Ltd. Reserve Champion Haraga Ranches - Tyler Haraga

Grand Champion Roen Ranch - Frances Hargrave Reserve Champion PR Ranch - Randall Pederzolli

PUREBRED BULL SHOW (PEN OF 3) Grand Champion Belvin Angus


Reserve Champion YV Ranch

Grand Champion Niwa Ranching - Louise Niwa

OPEN STEER JACKPOT 1. Aaron Miller 2. Coleman Nixdorff 3. Laurie Morasch

Reserve Champion Turner Ranches - Doug Turner

Herefords Today Winter 2011

SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Roselawn Polled Herefords, Killarney, MB with Harvie OVHF Walk Hard 154U by Harvie Raftsman 16R

4-H STEER JACKPOT 1. Laura Sawatzky 2. Riley Chalack 3. Nicona Brost


Abby Hill Farms Graham and Neil Green

R.R. #3, Richmond, Ontario K0A 2Z0 25 km. Southwest of Ottawa

(613) 838-2877


• Hereford Cattle - Belgian Horses •

Bruce & Gayle Brillinger

Ph: 905.836.4439 16947 Warden Ave. R.R. #3 Cell: 905.758.1511 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 Email:

EJM Farms

Watch for the

Back to Basic’s Sale Each Fall

Earl & John McEachren

4252 Century Dr. R.R. #4 Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 Ph/Fax: (519) 287-2547

Bar-J-M Herefords John & Barbara Mastine Sarah Darraugh

Box 98, Whitney, ON K0J 2M0 Phone (613) 637-5316 Fax (613) 637-2970

R.R. #3 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7


Located West of 127 & 60 Jct. on Hwy 60

We welcome your visit – Bulls & Females for sale at all times

Tel: (613) 764-3493 Fax: (613) 764-1572

Bradley Farms Gary Bradley

Registered Polled Herefords

Jay Bradley

1799 County Road 16, Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0


David Lasby Gwen Morphy 519-925-1681 519-925-6824 # 667019 - 20th Sideroad, Mulmur Twp. E-mail:

Phil and Sharon Zampino 705-436-2592

Ryan Brown 705-238-2336

Herefords Today Winter 2011



Kirby Polled Herefords

Peter & Carol Kirby 6034 Wellington Road 26 RR 5 Belwood, ON N0B 1J0 (519) 855-6424

Little Creek The Bosnjaks Polled John, Vera & Kerri Herefords

138 Sixth Concession Rd RR3 Burford ON N0E 1A0 (519) 449-2696 David, Sarah, Owen & Grady (519) 449-2176 Steven, Erin, Benjamin & Noah (519) 449-9968


Gary & Norma Jean Boose P.O Box 25, Nobleton ON L0G 1N0 Phone 905-859-0497 • Fax 905-859-2365 • • •

Check out our website at

Bill & Joanne Moore Dale, Stacey & Curtis Hewitt (519) 853-8984 14459 Dublin Lane R.R. #3 Phone: (519) 853-0663 Acton, Ontario Fax: (519) 853-3340 L7J 2L9 email:

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Under the Gavel

Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. and Guest Production Sale Sale Results: 18 Bull Calves 15




December 3, 2010 Irvine, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog

Yearling Bulls

Heifer Calves

Bred Heifers

Commercial Bred Heifers

High Selling Bull Calf

Averaged . .$3,250.00 Averaged . .$3,523.33

Averaged . .$1,800.00

Averaged . .$2,500.00

Averaged . .$1,510.83

Lot 24 - Bar RZ 59T X Man 28X sired by BBSF 13P Terrorist ET 59T was purchased by Coulee Crest Herefords, Bowden, AB for $6,500.00.

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 36 - BBSF 46P Wenzel 217W sired by PAHL 38J Papillon 46P was purchased by Garrett Ranch, Landis, SK for $6,000.00.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 47 - BBSF 52U Kashmir 62X sired by GHC-Taboo Coalition 52U was purchased by Coppertone Farms, Abbotsford, BC for $2,800.00.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 51 - BBSF 93N Nola 118W sired by Remitall Nation Wide ET 93N was purchased by Musgrove Enterprises, Jenner, AB for $3,000.00.

Lot 56- BBSF 235R Tabitha 208W sired by BBSF 2N Rancher 235R sold to Pahl Livestock, Medicine Hat, AB for $3,000.00.

Canadian National Hereford Sale November 25, 2010 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Results: 0.67 Mature Bull


Bull Calves


Bred Heifers


Heifer Calves



Averaged…..$2,450.00 Averaged…..$2,995.00

15.07 Lots Grossed $51,600.00 and Averaged $3,424.00

High Selling Bull

Lot 304A - Maple-Dale Masterplan ET 44W sired by GH Rambo 279R, 2/3 interest was purchased by Rocking G Land & Cattle, Gull Lake, SK for $4,500.00.

High Selling Bull Calves

Lot 303 - RSB CLF Quigley 214X sired by Bar-H Biltrite 4S, ¾ interest was purchased by Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK for $5,250.00.

Lot 302 – Clayridge Hemi 5X sired by Remitall Super Duty 42S, 2/3 interest was purchased by Standard Hill Polled Herefords, Maidstone, SK for $4,000.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 316 - SHPH 78T Hallmark 71W sired by SHPH 41R Peerless 78T was purchased by ANL Polled Herefords, Steelman, SK for $2,900.00.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 306 - Haroldson’s WS Jessica 4T 60X sired by Haroldson’s WLL Anchor 4T was purchased by Anita Doktor, Spruce Grove, AB for $4,500.00.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Adams Hirsche Herefords Bull Sale November 17, 2010 High River, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog

Sale Results: 29 Hereford Bull Calves 61 19

Hereford Yearling Bulls Hereford Herd Sires

Averaged . .$2,985.00

Averaged . .$2,415.00

Averaged . .$5,892.00

109 Hereford Lots Grossed $345,050.00 and Averaged $3,165.00

WLB Internet Sale Report November 11 to 15, 2010

Sale Results: 12 Heifer Calves

12 Lots Grossed $47,796.00 and Averaged $3,983.00

High Selling Heifer Calf

WLB 84X- WLB 69T Just Lovely 84X sired by Harvie Traveler 69T was purchased by Winchester Cattle Co., Manitoba for $10,700.00.

78 Angus Lots Grossed $147,450.00 and Averaged $1,890.00 62

Semen Lots

High Selling Herd Sire

Averaged . . . .$856.00

Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc.

Lot 5 - GH Rambo 279R sired by GH Neon 17N was purchased by Richard Peddy, Indian Head, SK for $21,000.00.

High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 100 - GH Adams Rambo Rascal ET 27X sired by GH Rambo 279R was purchased by Chris Rotello, Navsota, TX for $9,500.00.

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 177 - GH Adams 8S Valley Lad 319W sired by Maple-Dale 17N Smash 8S was purchased by Watergrove Ranches, Cochrane, AB for $4,900.00.

The Amigos Production Sale XII November 15, 2010 Medicine Hat, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog

Sale Results: 32 Long Yearling Hereford Bulls 6

Hereford Bred Heifers

Sale Results: 41 Yearling Bulls

Averaged . .$1,000.00


Commercial Heifers

Averaged . .$1,347.00

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 62W - FE 1S Gold Standard 62W by RH Gold Standard Lad 1S was purchased by Shane Truby, Durango, CO for $6,000.00.

High Selling Bull

Lot 166W - ½ interest in FE 29S Aster Lad 166W by LO 931N Aster Lad 29S was purchased by LO Herefords, Heinsburg, AB for $10,000.00.

Good As Gold Sale December 10, 2010 Brandon, MB Auctioneer: Gene Parks

39 Hereford Lots Grossed $118,600.00 and Averaged $3,041.00 26 Long Yearling Angus Bull Lots Grossed $97,650.00 and Averaged $3,755.00

High Selling Long Yearling Hereford Bull

Lot P54W - PAHL 207T Westbrook 54W sired by BBSF 46P Trooper 207T was purchased by Haraga Ranches, Skiff, AB for $6,100.00. High Selling Hereford Bred Heifer

Lot P57W - PAHL 16S Wendy 57W sired by Pieran 33M Plenty Lad 16S was purchased by Braun Hereford Ranch, Simmie, AB for $3,000.00.

Averaged . .$3,291.00

Averaged . .$2,077.00

82 Lots Grossed $220,050.00 and Averaged $2,684.00

Averaged . .$2,014.00

Hereford Heifer Calf

46th Annual Fall Hereford Sale November 9, 2010 Irma, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog

41 Bred Heifers

Averaged . .$3,234.00


Averaged . .$3,983.00

22 Lots Grossed $36,975.00 and Averaged $1,680.00

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 13 - MAR 33T Wendy 124X by Remitall Trust fund 33T was purchased by Wyatt Oulton, Windsor, NS for $1,800.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 3 - Leveldale Winniky 8T 42W by Leveldale Touchdown 15M 8T was purchased by Triple J Herefords, Whitewood, SK for $2,400.00. High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 5 - Leveldale X-Tra 65T 7X by Haroldson’s Reload 80P 65T was purchased by Rob Graham, Holland for $2,800.00.

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Justamere Sale of The Year 2010

LCI Doenz Ranches 37th Annual Production Sale

December 9, 2010 Neepawa, MB Auctioneer:Chris Poley

20 Lots Grossed $57,500.00 and Averaged $2,875.00

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 5 - Justamere 64L Victra 262W sired by S&S Kodiak 64L was purchased by Triara, Melbourne, QC for $13,000.00.

High Selling Two Year Old Cow

Lot 1 - Justamere 889R Bell 41U sired by Justamere 469M Kal 889R, ½ interest was purchased by C & P Holdings, Kelowna, BC for $3,400.00. High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 24 - Justamere 893U Bell 628X sired by Triara Unleashed 893U was purchased by Leveldale Polled Herefords, Douglas, MB for $4,400.00. High Selling Bull

Lot 48 - Zush Big Stake 16W sired by Hi-Cliffe 20X LT 51L was purchased by Pederson Farms, Neepawa, MB.

November 18, 2010 Warner, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog

Sale Results: 23 Hereford Bull Calves 10

Hereford Yearling Bulls

Averaged . .$3,065.00

Averaged . .$3,110.00

33 Hereford Lots Grossed $101,600.00 and Averaged $3,078.00

15 Angus Lots Grossed $37,575.00 and Averaged $2,505.00

High Selling Bull Calves

Lot 3 - LCI 107R Ribstone 25X sired by LCI 157K Ribstone 107R was purchased by Coulee Crest, Bowden, AB for $6,000.00.

Lot 2 - LCI BD 40U North Star 372X sired by R 0041 North Star 40U was purchased by Doenz Farms, Warner, AB for $6,000.00.

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 45 - LCI 68R Red Standard 201W sired by JNHR Red Standard 68R was purchased by White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB for $5,000.00.

Big Gully Farm Internet Sale Sale Results: 10 Heifer Calves

November 12-17, 2010 Maidstone, SK

4 Bull Calves

6 Bred Heifers

High Selling Heifer Calf

Averaged . .$2,590.00

Averaged . .$2,775.00

Averaged . .$3,166.67

Lot 3 - Big-Gully 1117 Millady 194X by C Pure Gold 1117 was purchased by Meeter Farms, Blue Mound, IL for $4,300.00. High Selling Bred Heifer

BW 4.1

Lot 20 - Big-Gully 47R Stan Fancy 223W by PDHR 20J Stanmore 47R was purchased by River Bridge Ranch, Maidstone, SK for $4,300.00. High Selling Bull Calf

JDH 10S Yankee 39X

WW YW MM TM REA Marb 53 88 22 48 0.47 0.04 Proudly Owned with: Remitall West, Olds, AB and Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB

Lot 12 - Big-Gully 611 Stan Hunter 318X by KSU Bounty Hunter 611 was purchased by Tom-Lyn Ranch, Lloydminster, SK for $3,100.00.

Yankee 39X has the pedigree and profile to sire calves that will excel in the pasture, feed-lot and show ring. He is pigmented and red to the ground with outstanding style and thickness. 39X will be our lead sire for the 2011 breeding season. Rob, Denise & Emily Flack 60 Wheeler Court Dorchester, ON N0L 1G2 Ph: (519) 268-2617

Herefords Today Winter 2011


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January 3 April 25 July 16 September 10

$950.00 $550.00 $350.00 $250.00

Yearly contract discount 15% (Card Ads Exempt).

For more information contact:

Bryan Kostiuk Ted Serhienko Craig Flewelling Cathy Brown

Editor (306) 934-9696 or (306) 292-7763 Cell Marketing (306) 933-4200 or (306) 221-2711 Cell Marketing (403) 224-2111 or (403) 556-0515 Cell Eastern Marketing (705) 327-1808

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Herefords Today Winter 2011


Fr e s h x B e y o n d

Seme n Pri c e: $25/Unit • $100/Cert. (Min. 5 Units)

BW: 5.6 WW: 49.2 YW: 78.6 Milk: 19.0 TM: 43.8 Owned with Moorehaven Farms & Star Lake Cattle Ranch

√ Re ser ve Juni or Champi on B ul l - 2009 National Show √ Added Extension √ Tremendous Eye Appeal √ Highly Maternal

S h ap l e y x B ey o n d

Seme n Pri c e: $25/Unit • $100/Cert. (Min. 5 Units)

BW: 5.2 WW: 52.7 YW: 88.2 Milk: 16.2 TM: 42.5 Owned with Moorehaven Farms

√ J un i o r B u l l C a l f Ch a m p i o n - 2 0 1 0 N a t i on a l S h o w √ Smooth Made √ Wide Based √ Maternal Brother to Quantum

S u p er D u ty x R e m i t al l L an d s l i d e

Seme n Pri c e: $25/Unit • $100/Cert. (Min. 5 Units)

BW: 6.2 WW: 51.7 YW: 91.9 Milk: 16.8 TM: 42.7 Owned with Remitall Farms, Moorehaven Farms & Anita Doktor

√ Re ser ve Juni or Champi on B ul l - 2010 National Show √ Tremendous Profile √ Added Length √ Plenty of Muscle

M ad d u x x F o r t u n e

Seme n Pri c e: $25/Unit • $100/Cert. (Min. 5 Units)

BW: 8.5 WW: 61.6 YW: 102.1 Milk: 20.1 TM: 50.9 Owned with Holmes Farms & Double J Polled Herefords

√ S u p r e m e C h a m p i o n B u l l - 20 0 4 A g r i b i t i o n √ Proven √ Powerful √ Profitable

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Shapley x Maddux

2010 Red Coat Classic Bull Calf Champion and selected by Norman Catto and friends, Argentina. Thanks to the SHA and all of the Red Coat Classic Sponsors for organizing this great event!

Inquiries welcome on Sprint 6X.

Pride x 102M Thanks to Crittenden Bros. Polled Herefords.

Shapley x Beyond Thanks to Sharden Polled Herefords.

Shapley x Beyond Thanks to Moorehaven Farms.

Shapley x 102M Thanks to NCX Polled Herefords. Craig & Doreen Flewelling Curtis, Erin, Nathan & Avery Flewelling Box 428, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Herefords Today Winter 2011


Shapley x Beyond Thanks to Anita Doktor. Ph: 403.224.2111 Fax: 403.224.2204

Joc elyn & Bill Barrett Dale Black

Box 9060 Woodstock, NB E7M 5C3 Dale Black’s Cell: 506.612.1232 Jocelyn’s Cell: 506.328.7011

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Check out our spring bull line up by Kane and Remitall First Class ET 113R Selling at...

Regina Bull Sale Moose Jaw Private Treaty at the Farm

LV Farms Ltd.

Dayle and Dixie Martinson & Family Box 43, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 P: 306-458-2566 C: 306-458-7772 F: 306-458-2855

3-D-L Polled Herefords Daryl & Linda Kirton 30018 Townshipline Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1Z4 Phone (604) 856-5755 Fax (604) 856-5749 Email Visit

Patrick & Karen Huestis 420 Short Road Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 8A7 Tel: 604-852-4745 Fax: 604-852-5060

Herefords Today Winter 2011


AM Ranching Albert, Michelle, Jay, Samantha & Levi Rimke Box 370, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Phone: 204-855-2534 Fax: 204-855-2534 Email: 4 1/4 Miles South of Oak Lake on Lansdowne Road

Box 1, Site 400, RR 1 Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 (204) 728-3345

Doug, Jayne, Kaitlin and Adam Troop



Marvin & Janet Stocki

Kevin Stocki

Ph (204) 372-6642 Ph/Fax (204) 372-6811 Box 89, Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0

Lockspur Livestock Visitors always welcome

25 minutes from Hwy 16 2 miles & 2 3&4 miles east of Junction 476 & 264 Elizabeth (Betty) Larsen Allen Larsen Box 1480 Ph: 204-773-3866 Ph: 204-773-3711 Russell, MB Fax: 204-773-2405 C: 204-773-6066 R0J 1W0

Cromer, MB Box 6 R0M 0J0

Hereford Ranch

Phone: 204-556-2626 Cell: 204-851-0496

If you like our steers you’ll love our bulls”

Lyle & Lorie Rober ts

Don, Diane and Family Hereford & Black Angus Bulls and Females

$ "%



#$$ " "

" "

$ " #"

' ## #!


300 purebred cows providing superior genetics for your breeding programs! Box 100, Clearwater, MB R0K 0M0 Ph: 204-873-2430 5 miles North of Clearwater on PR# 342

KTCT Polled Herefords

Keith & Cheryl Troop

RR 4, Box 58 Portage La Prairie MB R1N 3A4

P: (204) 252-2787 F: (204) 239-6294

Herefords Today Winter 2011


MNH Herefords

Martin & Nell Chobotar Box 385, Vita, MB ROA 2K0 Ph: 204-425-3820

Ph: 204 763 4459 Rae, Stephanie, Fax: 204 763 4008 Stephen & Sarah Cell: 204 573 9529 Kopeechuk Andrew & Tiara Kopeechuk Ph: 204 573 9529

Site 520 Box 7

Brandon, MB R7A 5Y5


Polled Hereford & Commercial Cross Cattle, Grain & Hay

Wally & Jackie Mitchell and family PO Box 782 Killarney, MB R0K 1G0 Ph: (204) 523-8713 Cell: (204) 534-8204

Located 3 mi. North of Killarney, 4 mi. West, 1 mi. North, 1 mi. West

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Triangle Acres Floyd and Pam Price Box 120 Westbourne, MB R0H 1P0 (204) 274-2508

C a rd I n d e x BREEDERS

Proven and Experienced BW WW YW MM TM


1.0 44.3 75.7 23.4 45.6

Semen $30/Unit

C&L Double Time 452M 9B

Sire: BT Butler 452M Dam: WBF Lady Dom F243 6T PREDICTABLE, PROVEN CALVING EASE High accuracy for low birth weight Upper 10 percent for birth weight in the breed High maternal with balanced growth

Kim Harder

Box 280 Clavet, Saskatchewan Canada S0K 0Y0


Economically important, longevity with fertility

Phone: (306) 257-3904 Cell: (306) 341-3904

Double Time is an excellent footed 11-year-old with complete pigment


Steven, Jill, Nicole, Alison, Austin & Curtis Folkman N250 Highview Road, Ixonia WI 53036 (920) 474-7403 Work (262) 781-1199 email:

Ferme Wilgor Farms Gordon McGibbon 8426 Chemin des Sources Mirabel, QC J7N 3B1


Phone: (450) 562-6313 Fax: (450) 562-2479 Michael Wilson, Manager: (450) 562-5112

“Pictures for cattlemen by a cattleman”

Chris Poley Auctioneer Box 252 Waldheim, SK, S0K 4R0

Cell (306) 220-5006

Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0 Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441


DALE STITH Auctioneer

Ph: (918) 760-1550

100 Silverleaf Drive Harvest, AL 35749

Wha t are you w aiting for? Y ou r S po t’ s R i g h t H e r e ! Herefords Today Winter 2011


C a rd I n d e x


For All Your Insurance Needs

Edwards livestock

· Livestock Hauling across Canada and USA. · Tri-axle semi’s and gooseneck · Livestock Sales trailers available. facility available for

Livestock – Farm – Commerical – Personal Lines


your elite purebred bull and female sales and commercial stock cow sales.

Box 340, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 Ph: 306-489-2258 Fax: 306-489-2053 Cell: 306-483-7311 E-mail:

Bruce Edwards Tisdale, Saskatchewan

Hereford America

C u s t o me r S e r v i c e P ro g ra m

North America’s Largest Privately Owned Hereford Newspaper

Marc & Jill Hotchkiss Byron & Pauline Bayers 13823 Beaver Creek Place Reva, SD 57651 Ph: 605•866•4495 Cell: (Marc) 605•490•1513 Fax: 605•866•4494

Custom Collection

Private Storage

Phone (403) 226-0666

• Complete In-House and On-Farm Services • • Accredited Export Center • • Donor and Recipient Facilities “The Home of Customer Service” and Management •

Toll Free: 1.877.686.8202 253147 Unit A, Bearspaw Rd. Calgary, AB T3L 2P5

Ph: 403.239.8882 • Fax: 403.239.8886 Email: • Website:

Cell: (306) 873-7779 Res: (306) 873-5049

Canadian Farm Insurance Corp.

Phone: (403) 337-0052 Cell: (780) 853-7067 Fax: (403) 337-0052 Toll Free: 1-877-909-3276


3rd Floor, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Commercial Personal Lines Farm Livestock

Box 1650 Swift Current, SK Canada S9H 3W5 Ph: 306.773.4121 Fax: 306.773.1811 1.800.563.5888 Email: Located on No. 1 Hwy West of Swift Current

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.

Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: E-mail:

SERVICES OFFERED: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection Herefords Today Winter 2011



155 King Edwards St. Paris, Ontario, Canada N3L 3E3 Phone (519) 442-3106 or (519) 442-6242 Toll Free (877) 442-3106 Fax (519) 442-1122

Specializing in Purebred Livestock Transportation Canada USA Mexico

3-D-L Polled Herefords

A d ve r t i s e rs I n d e x 105 91

A.X.A. Polled Herefords Abby Hill Farms Alameda Agencies Ltd. Alta Embryo Group Alta Genetics AM Ranching Animal Health Centre ANL Polled Herefords Aqua Hollow Ranch Arklow Angus Bar-H Land & Cattle Co. Bar-J-M Herefords Bar-RZ Polled Herefords Beck Farms Big Gully Farm Bird's Hill Blair-Athol Polled Herefords BNC Polled Herefords Bonanza 2011 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. Bradley Farms Brendale Acres Breton West Herefords Brillinger Farms C & L Hereford Ranch C & T Cattle Co. C.L.L. Holdings Ltd. Canadian Charolais Association Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. Catalyst Cattle Pics By Kim H. Cattlemen Cedarwood Polled Herefords Charlton Farms Chestermere Herefords Clay Enterprises Continental Cattle Carriers Ltd.

104 96 109 109 109 106 109 31, IBC 92 108 .

92 96 76 7 35 104 5 21 36 109 96 96 76 96 83 108 2 92 63 109 109 108 109 96 92 12, 76 39 109

Coppertone Farms Country Lane Farm Craigs Ranching Crittenden Bros. Polled Herefords

105 96 92 33, OBC

D & S Livestock Dallas Farms Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Doenz Ranches Ltd.

37 76 109 77

Earlybird Farm Edwards Livestock EJM Farms Elm Lodge Polled Herefords

104 109 96 30

Ferme Wilgor Farms Flewelling Cattle Company Flyer Cattle Co.

108 102, 103 106

Glenlees Polled Herefords Glennethy Farms Grant Rolston Photography Ltd. Greenridge Farms Grosvenor Farms Guilford Hereford Ranch GWG Polled Herefords

13 106 108 38, 106 37, 96 106 92

H.S. Knill Company Ltd. Haroldson's Polled Herefords HBM Polled Herefords Hereford America HMS Hi-Cliffe

109 3, 31 96 109 96 37

Iris Creek Polled Herefords


J Bar B Polled Herefords Jenkins Ranche Johner Stock Farm

76 82 92

Dorbay Polled Herefords Double Deuce Acres Double 'F' Cattle Co. Double J Polled Herefords DTHF Herefords

Herefords Today Winter 2011


96, 100 92 92 92 12, 106

JVJ Polled Herefords JoNohm Hereford Ranch

A d ve r t i s e rs I n d e x 92 76

K-Cow Ranch Kirby Polled Herefords KTCT Polled Herefords

76 97 106

Lakeford Polled Herefords Lamport's Polled Herefords LCI Herefords & Angus Lemondale Polled Herefords Leveldale Polled Herefords Little Creek Polled Herefords Lock Farms Lockspur Livestock Hereford Ranch LV Farms Lyons Polled Herefords

76 76 77 97 106 97 93 106 93, 105 97

Mannle Polled Herefords Marbren Farm McCoy Cattle Co. Meadow Acres Farms Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords MJT Cattle Company Ltd. MNH Herefords Moccasin Flat Ranch Moorehaven Farms Murphy Ridge Farms

93 97 7 19 1 77 106 82 97 105

NCX Polled Herefords NJW Polled Herefords North Bluff Farms Inc. NBG Polled Herefords

18, 77 34, 108 105 97

Old Burchill Farm


Palsson Herefords Parkvista Hereford Farm Phantom Creek Livestock Poley, Chris Porter’s Polled Herefords Prairie Rose Stock Farms

38 92 18 108 71 77

Rawcliffe Grange Stock Farm


Remax Remitall West Richardson Ranch River Valley Polled Herefords Rolling Acres Farms Roselawn Polled Herefords RSK Farms RSB Cattle Company

109 21, 77 6 34, IFC 108 32, 107 107 96

Sampson's Thunderbird Ranch Sandhill Farms Scott Alta Farms Section 7 Ranch Sky Track Ranch Spring Mountain Stock Farm Square-D Herefords SS Cattle Company Standard Hill Polled Herefords Stith, Dale Stockmens Insurance

77 20, 21 77 31, 93 93 77 44, 62, 93 77 6 108 109

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. Taboo Polled Herefords The Cliffs Farm Thornbank Farm Polled Herefords Thurston Livestock Tlell Polled Herefords Today's Publishing Topp Herefords Triangle Acres

31, 34, 37, 47, 49, 97 91 107 97 6 87 31 107

Vanden Boer Polled Herefords


Warnyca Land & Cattle Watergrove Ranches Wild Oak Farms Wilson Polled Herefords Winchester Cattle Company WLB Livestock Wunderbar Polled Herefords

93 77 97 104 107 8, 9 93

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Coming Events

Herefords Today Published by:

Herefords Today Ltd.

#4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Our Staff

Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Ted Serhienko - Marketing Chris Poley - Marketing Mina Serhienko - Controller Debbie Thiessen - Circulation Ashley Brown - Production Tiffany Peters - Production Beryl Campbell - Production Scott MacLean - Design Camille Penny - Design Kailey Retzlaff - Design Treena Ballantyne - Accounting Out in the Field

Cathy Brown Phone: (705) 327-1808 Published 4 times/year - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Many advertisers in Herefords Today are choosing to use digital photos rather than glossy prints in their advertising. Herefords Today is not responsible for quality of photo reproduction or printing on any digital photos supplied and will not be held liable for financial compensation or discounted advertising as a result of poor reproduction quality of digital photos. All digital photos supplied for use in Herefords Today will be used at the advertiser’s risk. Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Publications Mail Agreement: 40021107 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Herefords Today Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Email:

FEBRUARY 17 19 21 22 23-25 24 25-26 26


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9 12 14-15 16 18 23 26


6 24


6 11 21-22

JNHR Bull & Female Sale, Clyde, AB 16th Annual Pine Butte Ranch Bull Sale, Kamloops, BC Ulrich Hereford Ranch Spring Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB Floyd Anderson Family Herefords Sale, Aetna, AB Alberta Cattle Feeder’s Association Conference, Red Deer, AB Holloway Farms, Ltd. 1st Annual Production Sale, Castor, AB Ontario Hereford Association AGM, Ottawa, ON McCoy Cattle Co. & Beck Farms Bull Sale, Regina, SK

Calgary Bull Show & Sale, Calgary, AB 92nd Annual “Pride of the Prairies” Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster, AB Regina Bull Show & Sale, Regina, SK Standard Hill Polled Herefords, 1st Annual Bull Sale, Maidstone, SK Medicine Hat Bull Show & Sale, Medicine Hat, AB East Central Bull Sale, Veteran, AB Fraser’s Total Performance Bull Sale, Brooks, AB ANL/Wheatland “Focus on the Future” Bull Sale, Alameda, SK Bull’s Eye Sale, Brooks, AB Mankota Ranch Ready Bull Sale, Mankota, SK Dawson Creek Bull Sale, Dawson Creek, BC Lakeland College Bull Test Centre Sale, Vermilion, AB Source For Success Bull Sale, Indian River, ON Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK Harvie Ranching 2nd Annual Bull Sale, Olds, AB 4th Annual Stockman Select Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK WLB 7th Annual Spring Bull Sale, Douglas, MB Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, Brandon, MB Sandhill Far,ms Produciton Sale, Haviland, KS Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale, Carberry, MB Maritimes Bull Test Station Sale, Nappan, NS Cattleman’s Classic Multi-Breed Bull Sale, Virden, MB Souris Valley Multi-Breed Bull Sale, Melita, MB 24th Annual Moccasin Flat Ranch Spring Sale, Torrington, AB Wilson-Lees Annual Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK Yellowhead Hereford Club AGM, Vanderhoof, BC 35th Annual Vanderhoof Invitational All Breed Registered Bull Sale, Vanderhoof, BC Southeast SK Breeders 37th Annual Bull Sale, Langbank, SK 102nd Lacombe Bull Show and Sale, Lacombe, AB 74th Annual Williams Lake Bull Show and Sale, Williams Lake, BC Lundar Bull Sale, Lundar, MB Cattlemen’s Choice Hereford Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK MHA Bull and Female Sale, Brandon, MB Herefords Today Spring Female Issue Deadline Justamere 4th ION Bull Sale, Dauphin, MB New Legacy Hereford Breeders Sale, Listowel, ON Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Saskatchewan Hereford Association AGM, Swift Current, SK T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK

Herefords Today Winter 2011


Son Sells

Maternal Brother Sells

Son Sells

Son Sells

Maternal Brother Sells

Paternal Brothers Sell

Sons Of These Sires Sell:

Paternal Brother Sells

He Sells

25 Bulls Sell

• Tank 45P • Eli 83T • Robin Hood • Easy Deal 609 • P606

Sale Management

Karl & Karen Lischka Box 14, Steelman, SK S0C 2J0 P: 306.487.2670 F: 306.487.2793 Allan Hjertaas 306.452.8427

T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 P: 306.933.4200 F: 306.934.0744 Ted Serhienko: 306.221.2711 Chris Poley: 306.220.5006

AKJA 153X • BD: Mar. 18 BW: 88 lbs. • Outcross Heifer Bull Sire: GHC Rite-Weigh 49T

AKJA 115X • BD: Mar. 5 BW: 94 lbs. Sire: GHC Canuck 12R

AKJA 9X • BD: Feb. 1 BW: 96 lbs. Sire: DXB 16R Bruno 18U

BW: 1.7 WW: 44.3 YW: 65.9 M: 22.2 TM: 44.3

BW: 5.4 WW: 58.9 YW: 94.6 M: 12.9 TM: 42.3

BW: 5.1 WW: 61.6 YW: 95.6 M: 21.5 TM: 52.3

AKJA 46X • BD: Feb. 18 BW: 80 lbs. Sire: GHC Volume III ET 139S

AKJA 18X • BD: Feb. 6 BW: 70 lbs. Sire: GHC-Taboo Coalition 52U

AKJA 45X • BD: Feb. 18 BW: 93 lbs. Sire: GHC Cardinal 57T

BW: 2.3 WW: 49.8 YW: 81.8 M: 17.5 TM: 42.4

BW: -1.0 WW: 31.1 YW: 59.2 M: 17.5 TM: 33.0

BW: 3.5 WW: 50.2 YW: 78.2 M: 16.8 TM: 41.9

AKJA 182W • BD: Aug. 14 BW: 90 lbs. Sire: HUTH Westwind Steven S116

AKJA 185W • BD: Aug. 18 BW: 86 lbs. Sire: GHC Cardinal 57T

AKJA 184W • BD: Aug. 16 BW: 87 lbs. Sire: WR Victor R59 0708

BW: 3.5 WW: 49.2 YW: 80.4 M: 21.3 TM: 45.9

Fall Bulls

BW: 5.3 WW: 50.3 YW: 83.4 M: 15.5 TM: 40.7

BW: 2.0 WW: 32.9 YW: 57.5 M: 21.6 TM: 38.0

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