Box 85, Simpson, SK S0G 4M0 Rob Garner: Cell Phone: 306.836.2035 306.946.7946 Fax: 306.836.4440
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 1
Take Hwy 16 west to Hwy 43, go north about 65 km to Secondary #764, turn north for 5 km, farm west side of road
Saalee Day Phon nes Stan 403 704 0288 Ron 780 220 1840 Nansen 403 783 0349 Craig 403 783 1453
GEST CED BW WW YW PWG CEM MILK MWWT SC DOC STAY CW REA FAT MARB -1.0 4.5 4.9 64.3 114.4 50.1 6.2 25.1 57.3 0.8 25.2 N/A 34.9 0.67 0.01 0.02 HUNT MR JOCK 44J HU UNT-C CORNHU USKER NPM17 715 5886 HUNT KANDACE 19K RADS BLACK PRODIGY LE ESF 5201R NPF179115 57 MAGS KROSS CREEK
• 1-Way Silver Sands (FHF 63S) • 1-Way Golden Pride (FHF 3P) • Valley Reactor (LWB 19R) • 1-Way Lucky Seven (FHF 18S) • 1-Way Special Royal (FHF 22S) • 1-Way Stockwell (FHF 13S)
We used this bull on our fall females and also some females that were bred to calve in June, 2010. We got him in end of July and put him out. He is the sire to the 12 heifers that will be exposed March 26 - May 14, 2010. He is homo polled and homo black with large EPDs.
• 1-Way Polled Rayburn (FHF 126R) • 1-Way Stetson (FHF 106S) • 1-Way Polled Stardust (FHF 64S) • 1-Way Samson (FHF 10S) • 1-Way Sterling Seven (FHF 12S) Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 2
• CTCA Buckeye Bull 8261U (CTCA 8261U) • 1-Way Primo (FHF 150P) • 1-Way Touchdown (FHF 118T)
Also Selling...
• 450 Commercial Cow/Calf Pairs All Blacks • 60 Commercial Fall Bred Cows
• Pelletstown Newman - Horned/Import UK (100 doses) • 1-Way 2-B New - Newman X LIM 4E - Horned (350 doses) • 1-Way Polled Justice - Polled (2000 doses) • 1-Way Orion Jade - Horned (700 doses) • 1-Way Polled Jackpot - Polled (300 doses) • 1-Way Polled Kana - Homo Polled (400 doses) • 1-Way Crown Royal - Polled (750 doses) • 1-Way Just Macho - Homo Polled (500 doses) • 1-Way Golden Pride - Double Polled Heifer Bull (2000 doses) • 1-Way Polled Plato - Polled (150 doses) • 1-Way Extra Precision - Homo Polled/Europe Exportable (4000 doses) • 1-Way Poll Extra Joyau - Polled (400 doses) • Denison Polled Lance - Pub Son (500 doses) • Goldenview Krugerrand (4 packages of 5 doses) • WRC Punch (5 doses) • Polled Yukon (2 packages of 5 doses) • Texas Ranger Ted (5 doses) • Texas Ranger Primo (5 doses) • Harvest Olympus (3 doses) • Seven Forty Seven (5 doses) • Earthquake (5 doses)
40 0 Embrr yos Fro om Austraalia... • 2 CPLFK 575 X • 2 CPLFK 685 X • 5 CPLFJ 442 X • 4 DARFU 019 X • 2 DARFU 021 X • 10 DARFU 023 X • 4 DARFR 006 X • 5 DARFS 007 X • 5 DARFU 019 X • 1 DARFS 007 X
Dauphin Dauphin Highlander Mas Du Clo Collian-Park-Paris Mas Du Clo Geant Fan Fan Fan Fan Mas Du Clo
39 Exportablle Em mbr yo os Frrom Frrench Blo oodlines... • 5 HBF 40K X 1-Way Polled Kana X Louxor (French) • 4 HBF 40K • 5 LIM 4E X Justin 925 (French) • 2x5 LIM 4E X Coco (French) • 2x5 LIM 4E X Farfelu (French) • 2x5 LIM 4E X Pelletstown (English) • 5 EAFF 370L X 1-Way Crown Royal • 5 FHF 2K X 1-Way Crown Royal
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 3
Publisher & Advertising Sales Todays Publishing # 4 3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-933-4200 E-mail:
Viandes Selectionnees des Cantons Original Members
Junior Beef Expo Pride Of The Prairies Regina Bull Sale
CLA Office Update
20 23
Breed Improvement
Ontario News
The View Through My Windshield
16 19
Sale Results
Junior Report
Alberta News
Upcoming Events
Bryan Kostiuk Ph: 306-934-9696 .Fax: 306-934-0744 E-mail:
19 22 22
As In Every Issue
Saskatchewan News
TwäxÜà|á|Çz etàxáM
(All ads will be in full color)
Full Page..............$950.00 1/2 Page..................$550.00 1/4 Page.....................$350.00 Annual Card Ad.......$250.00
All Prices Plus GST
Yearly contract discount 15%
(Card Ads Exempt)
Cover Photo By Kim Harder
câuÄ|vtà|ÉÇ WxtwÄ|Çx WtàxáM Spring (Female Issue) Winter (Herd Bull Issue) Ad bookings by ...............January 5 Ad bookings by ........................... May 1 Ad copy by ......................... January 15 Ad copy by ....................................May 10 Fall (Show Preview/Late Sale Issue) Summer (Early Sale Issue) Ad bookings by ........................................July 20 Ad bookings by ...........................October 1 Ad copy by ..................................................August 1 Ad copy by ...............................October 10
BW: 2.3 WW: 44.4
YW: 85.0
MM: 22.0
MWWT: 44.2
Bryce & Nathan Allen RR 4 Box 189 Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 P: 705-924-2583 F: 705-924-3385 Nathan’s Cell: 705-761-9426 Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 5
Murray McCleary Fernando Dekeyser George Grant
By Anne Brunet-Burgess
Hello Limousin enthusiasts!
Bonjour, chers Éleveurs Limousin!
The Canadian Limousin Association office has been busy with numerous new projects since the new year, while continuing our prompt registry service that you expect from us.
L’Association Canadienne Limousin travaille sur plusieurs nouveaux projets depuis la nouvelle année tout en continuant de vous offrir un service rapide pour toutes vos demandes d’enregistrement.
Your CLA Board of Directors met in early March. After almost three days of productive discussions and brainstorming, we prioritized focus areas and made the “to do” list for the year. We are very pleased to include Brian Lee on the board. Brian replaces Warren Fuchs who tendered his resignation in December.
Breed Advancement – our #1 focus for 2010 In order to keep a strong presence in the industry and demark ourselves from the pack, breed improvement or breed advancement as I like to call it, is vital. Under the leadership of Bill Campbell, chair of the Breed Improvement Committee, several aspects of Breed Improvement are being looked at. What is your role? Your part is to provide information on your cattle. Herds that are enrolled are the backbone of our genetic evaluations and also provide additional information that will be very useful in the future. For those of you who have diligently provided us with information, we sincerely thank you and hope that you understand how important your contribution is. However, for those of you who don’t, we hope that you take a more active role in the future of our breed. If you have not been submitting information on your animals, I invite you to read Sean McGrath’s Breed Improvement article in this issue of the Voice. Re-connect with the high importance of Limousin animal information. Whole Herd Enrolment users received a quick reference sheet with their March statement. This laminated guide is meant to have by chute site or wherever you might need it while collecting information. If you need additional copies, please let us know. Also, a Breeders Manual is in the works and will be posted on our website at Paper versions will be made available upon request. New calving books will also be available and will be mailed to you with your WHE forms this fall.
En mars, le conseil d’administration s’est rencontré pendant trois jours. Nous sommes bien heureux que Brian Lee se joigne au groupe pour finir le terme de Warren Fuchs qui a donné sa démission en décembre dernier. Les discussions ont été très productives et ce ne sont les idées qui nous manquent! Donc la liste de « choses à faire » est assez longue.
L’Amélioration de la race – Notre priorité numéro 1 Il est important de se distinguer des autres races, et pour se faire, il faut être en mesure de démontrer nos qualités et travailler à corriger nos défauts. Bill Campbell est le directeur en charge du comité de l’amélioration de la race, ils ont passé au peigne fin tous les aspects de nos évaluations génétiques . Quel est votre rôle? Pour faire sa part et contribuer à l’avancement de la race Limousin, tous et chacun doit soumettre ses données. Seuls les troupeaux qui sont sur l’Enrôlement Total contribuent au calcul des EPD Limousin. Je tiens à remercier tous les éleveurs qui nous font parvenir leurs pesées et autres données pertinentes concernant leurs animaux. Pour ceux qui sont sur l’enrôlement mais ne participent pas aux programmes de performance, vous avez des options à considérer. Tel que mentionné dans le bulletin d’information d’avril, si vous avez des données de recueillies sur un formulaire autre que celui de l’Association Limousin, laissez nous y jeter un coup d’œil. Il est fort possible qu’on pourra s’en servir sans vous obliger à transcrire l’information. Nous sommes en train de compiler pour les éleveurs un guide pratique qui sera affiché sur notre site web en anglais et en français. Il sera aussi disponible sur demande. En parlant du site web, j’espère que vous remarquez qu’il y a maintenant une page en français. Il y aura aussi un nouveau calepin de vêlage, disponibles a l’automne.
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 6
Commercial Exposures
Pénétrer le secteur commercial
Limousin bull sales have been steady all over Canada. While we may not have experienced some phenomenal high sellers, the number of bulls moved has been quite solid for the majority of the sales. Considering that the National cow herd is down by 15%, I think it speaks volume about the position of the breed in the industry and the demand for our product.
Il semble que les ventes de taureaux Limousin ont été très consistantes partout au Canada cette année. À ma connaissance, il n’y a pas eu de prix exorbitants nulle part, mais le pourcentage de taureaux vendus est excellent quand on sait que le cheptel canadien est à la baisse de 15%. Donc malgré qu’il y ait moins de vaches à saillir, les taureaux Limousin sont en demande et la race garde sa place dans l’industrie.
I hope that you have found our commercial initiative helpful, such as our co-op ads in the Cattlemen magazine and the Limousin influence calf listing service on our website. Co-op Ads: We are continuing with another round of five issues, September and October 2010 then January, February and March 2011. Breeders who participated before were given the first right of refusal, but we are also opening up to new participants. If you are interested, please contact Anne at the CLA office. Commercial Calf Listing: With every transferred bull registration paper going to a non CLA member, we are including information about the free commercial calf listing and other useful things on our website. The flyer also includes a quick guide on “how to read and understand” information on a registration paper. In order to promote calves for sale, we have printed the list of calves available and distributed to interested parties at trade shows. Furthermore, all feedlots identified as offering order buying services have been contacted and made aware of this service should they be looking for Limousin cross calves.
Dates to Remember June 1 is the deadline to submit your performance information that will be included in the Fall 2010 Genetic Evaluation. July 31-August 2: National Junior Limousin Conference in Lloydminster. The Canadian Limousin Association Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with the junior events. Mark August 2, 2010 on your calendar, participate in our AGM at 9:00 am and stay for the junior show which is also later that day. Remember there are three vacant board positions to fill this year. October 3 to 10: International Limousin Conference in Mexico. The detailed program and registration forms are posted on our website under Events Calendar/ILC Mexico. If you intend to register for the entire program, please remember the April 30 deadline. We are also trying to customize a shorter program for Canadian breeders. More to come later. November 11 & 12: National Limousin Show and Sale at Farmfair in Edmonton.
L’Association Canadienne Limousin a entrepris deux initiatives qui visent seulement le secteur commercial. La première est la campagne de publicité dans la revue le Cattlemen et l’autre, le service gratuit de petites annonces de veaux Limousin d’embouche à vendre. La campagne de publicité: Nous continuerons avec une campagne en septembre et octobre 2010 et de janvier à mars 2011. Les annonces sont de type coopératif, nous invitons donc les éleveurs à participer. Vos coordonnées font ainsi partie de la publicité. Toute la communauté commerciale a accès à ces informations. Service de petites annonces : Depuis le 1er octobre dernier, notre site Limousin offre une option interactive offerte aux éleveurs ayant des veaux commerciaux à vendre. Ceux qui désirent informer les acheteurs de veaux d’embouche Limousin, n’ont qu’à inscrire leurs veaux sur le site. L’Association Canadienne Limousin se charge d’informer les acheteurs et de les encourager à visiter cette page du site où ils trouveront la liste des veaux à vendre. Ce service gratuit peut être utilisé pour ceux qui vendent leurs veaux de façon privée ou par enchères.
Dates à retenir Le 1er juin est la date limite pour nous remettre vos données qui seront inclus dans la ronde d’évaluation génétiques de l’automne 2010. Du 31 juillet au 2 août : Conférence Nationale Junior Limousin à Lloydminster en Saskatchewan. L’Association Canadienne Limousin tiendra son assemblée générale annuelle durant cet événement, soit le 2 août à 9hrs, avant le jugement des juniors. Vous faites donc d’une pierre deux coups en participant à l’assemblée et en supportant les jeunes éleveurs de demain. Lors de cette assemblée trois postes de directeurs devront être comblés. Du 3 au 10 octobre : La Conférence Limousin Mondiale au Mexique. Un programme détaillé et un formulaire d’inscription sont maintenant disponibles sur notre site web. Veuillez prendre note que nous avons aussi l’intention d’organiser un voyage forfait pour les éleveurs canadiens qui inclura certaines portions de la Conférence Mondiale. Détails à venir un peu plus tard. Les 11 et 12 novembre: Exposition et Vente Nationales Limousin, Farmfair, Edmonton, Alberta
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 7
# 13 - 4101, 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 1-866-886-1605 or (403) 253-7309 Fax: (403) 253-1704 CLA Executive Committee PRESIDENT Mike Geddes Phone: (519) 599-6776 Fax: (519) 599-1079 Email:
VICE-PRESIDENT Mary Hertz Phone: (403) 378-4190 Fax: (403) 378-3959 Email:
PAST-PRESIDENT TREASURER Jason Brock Darby Cochrane Phone: (819) 572-0092 Phone: (204) 855-2633 Fax: (819) 839-1270 Cell: (204) 573-6529 Email: Fax: (204) 855-2472 Email: Email:
CLA Directors Bill Campbell Phone: (204) 776-2322 Fax: (204) 776-2105 Email: Bryce Allen Phone: (705) 924-2583 Fax: (705) 924-3385 Email:
Stan Skeels Phone/Fax: (403) 843-6801 Cell: (403) 704-0288 Brian Lee Phone: (705) 340-5944 Fax: (705) 340-5205 Cell: (905) 447-5173 Email:
Rob Swaan Phone: (250) 747-2618 Fax: (250) 747-0436 Email:
Provincial Association Presi MARITIMES Mike Horsnell Phone: (902) 847-9615 QUEBEC Serge Dethier Phone: (450) 454-6456 ONTARIO Jeff Irvine Phone: (519) 837-2113 Cell: (519) 827-5123 Email:
SASKATCHEWAN Kevin Rea Phone: (306) 463-7950 Email: ALBERTA Wayne Burgess Phone: (403) 813-8416 Email: BRITISH COLUMBIA Erin Kishkan Phone: (250) 747-3836 Email:
MANITOBA Kevin Basso Phone: (204) 734-4797 Email:
CLA Staff OFFICE MANAGER Anne Brunet-Burgess Email:
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 8
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 9
ately Selling Approxim Pa 20 Cow Calf irs
most • Reds and blacks, years 8 2es ag d, are polle
ately Selling Approxim 8 Yearling Heifers
• All are polled black half sisters, most are
These cows are easy to work with, have plenty of milk and no bad udders. The bulls will be turned out April 15, 2010.
Selling 1 Two Year Old
• Red polled bull from the Willowcrest program, sired by KCCC Polled Lancer. His calves are coming unassisted.
Dwight and Catherine Koyle RR 3, Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0 P: 519.764.2697•C: 519.670.8314•F: 519.764.2071 Martin Koyle Cell: 519.860.0911•
Sale Management: Ritchie Bros. Cattle will sell after the miscellaneous items and before the large equipment.
June 5, Gibbons, AB at 10 a.m.
You can view the catalogue online in May at Contact: Betty Womacks 780 942 4140 Stan Skeels 403 704 0288
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 10
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 11
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 12
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 13
WHY? “Why?” is usually a very good question to ask in any farming or ranching operation. Asking why with the persistence of a three year old, often identifies new markets, changes old ways of doing things and provides affirmation of the things that are being done well. Many members ask the same question of Canadian Limousin Association (CLA) performance programs and why specific data is of use. Basically, CLA exists to serve the membership, and the membership exists to serve the beef industry with genetics. This is an exciting task because genetic improvements are additive (the next good bull adds to the previous sire’s impact) and multiplicative (one good bull can produce multiple calves). If we take a step back and look at how Limousin cattle and genetics are utilized in the industry and customer needs, it becomes more apparent why we might want or need to collect the information that we do. CLA serves as a collective database and was started by the originators of the breed in Canada. The TEAM concept (Together Everyone Achieves More) was in full force in these original leaders and they recognized that by collectively reporting and tracking pedigrees, they could search out and breed genetics to better serve the commercial industry and grow the Limousin breed in Canada. That very original concept has not changed; however, the technologies available and the dynamics and demands of the commercial sector have changed over time. Currently the Limousin Breed Improvement Committee (LBIC) spends a lot of time with technical advisory staff to develop programs and motions that are then put to the board of directors for approval and implementation by staff. Whole Herd Reporting For most of our commercial customers, fertility and longevity in the cowherd is the most important characteristic of profitability. Many studies point out that these traits are up to five times as important as growth. The only reliable method to measure sustained fertility is to record the breeding and production on each cow every year. This is the concept behind WHR and it is also why it is so important, if you choose to participate, to report on every cow each year and provide reasons for disposal of cows. This is vital to sort out whether cows left the herd for a fertility based reason, structural reason or as a function of market opportunities. Convenience Traits As the industry has evolved, customer cowherds have generally grown in size. Small cowherds are generally operated by folks with off farm income, and cow herd owners are aging. This customer dynamic is the key reason that the LBIC has focused efforts on collecting “convenience” traits such as calving ease score, disposition scores and udder scores. These are all pieces of information that can be used in evaluations to help select for the essential convenience traits that the commercial customer requires. While it is easy to appreciate that a person with 500 cows does not want to pull calves or milk out cows, it is also the very last thing someone with 50 cows wants to do when they get home from work. These types of convenience traits are key to maintaining and growing Limousin market share. CLA is building a “critical mass” of data on udder scores and other convenience traits in order to produce breeding tools that help members to serve the commercial industry with problem free genetics. Growth and Maintenance Growth traits are relatively self explanatory and are easy to see. More growth represents more gross revenue in most situations. One of the key issues with growth information is that it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to report both the good and the poor ones, to provide a reference for comparison in the genetic evaluation. There is no surer way of reducing the genetic prediction of a good animal than by not providing information on the poor animals in the group for comparison. Your customers’ customer (feedlot) is also very concerned with growth and growth rate, as this is a key profit driver and is reflected back into the price of weaned calves.
By Sean McGrath
The flip side of growth is maintenance cost. This is one of the two largest costs in most cattle operations. Research has estimated that over half of the energy used to produce a piece of beef was spent maintaining the cowherd that produced the calf. This is one of the main reasons behind collecting body condition scores and weights on cows. Identifying genetics that are productive, while maintaining condition and rebreeding consistently, is important to your customer’s success and ultimately your own. Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 14
Carcass and Ultrasound Carcass yield is one of the areas where Limousin cattle excel; although, there is a lot of variation within the breed. It is also an area with a tremendous amount of profit potential and significant discounts. Value differences between carcass animals can amount to several hundred dollars. This is why the CLA LBIC has put so much emphasis on ultrasound over the last several years. Quantifying carcass values of Limousin animals has several benefits. Discount carcasses in one market are often premium carcasses in another, so we are not identifying the perfect carcass bull in the breed. It is more important to quantify the genetics that meet your customers’ and their customers’ specific needs, with the understanding that the needs of each customer are unique. The Whole Picture For those who choose to take full advantage of CLA breed improvement programs, there is real opportunity to provide cattle that meet customer needs. The collective TEAM approach holds as true for the breed as it did in the beginning. Full participation in the program today provides quantitative/objective measures of female fertility, calf productivity, cow maintenance and end product characteristics. By pooling this information and combining it with pedigree data, Limousin breeders have and will continue to breed cattle to meet their changing customer needs and also have objective measures with which to promote specific bloodlines into positions where they can succeed in the industry.
Records (Last 5 Years)
Use / Potential Uses in Genetic Evaluation
Enrolled Females, Breeding Information
Stayability EPD, Gestation Length EPD, Heifer Pregnancy EPD, research and evaluation of fertility and sustained reproduction
Calving Ease
Calving Ease/Maternal Calving Ease EPD
Birth Weight
Calving Ease, Maternal Calving Ease, BWT, WWT, YWT EPD
Weaning Weight
Yearling Weight
Scrotal EPD
Docility Score
Docility EPD
Carcass EPD
Cow Weight
Mature Size, Maintenance Energy requirement EPD
Cow Body Condition
Mature Size, Maintenance Energy requirement EPD
Udder Score
Udder structure, convenience EPD
Hip Height
Mature Size EPD
Data as of March 4, 2010
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 15
...tells me that a good soaking rain in April or early May would put a new look to our pasture and hay land. It has been an enjoyable spring calving season but the warm temperatures are slowly eroding our moisture supply. The bull sale season has been amazingly successful and we must appreciate those producers who have “stuck it out” through the past seven years. Last spring’s drought in some areas coupled with soft markets have eliminated some of the smaller experienced producers lessening out cow herd population but the “John Wayne” enthusiasm still reigns in hopes of better markets ahead. Many have blamed the strong Canadian dollar, as the beaver soars and the eagle tries to keep its head above water, but this week the feeder markets have strengthened as the dollar hits par. Experts in the United States are now talking of a shortage in the supply chain and as long as many can remember, “supply dictates demand.” The scenario of fewer cows, less producers and more bulls in the marketplace has not altered the fact that the top quality sires offered are commanding as good or better a premium than it has been in the past. There is a strong demand for good bulls in virtually every beef breed and buyer trends remain unaltered. Pounds (weight) is still the number one selection factor followed by fertility (scrotal data) and birth weight. Good bulls with larger birth weights have been getting beat up this spring, which will lead to more “armchair scales” and “pickup window birth numbers.” Two year old bulls in most sales are treated like leftovers, as the yearlings lead in the marketplace and the polled factor seems to deem a greater importance as each year progresses. It seems more producers look at EPD’s but few understand them or use them, preferring weaning weight as a more important priority. Since the Limousin breed is noted and respected for adding muscle and carcass superiority, the female side is overshadowed and many times forgotten, all but in the purebred seedstock factories. The Limousin female, derived from a British influence mating, provides one of the top all around mother cows suitable for any environment (except regions near the equator) and any type of livestock operation. She is ideal in frame size and skeletal makeup, will contribute added pounds of muscle at weaning, while being a high foraging, low maintenance brood cow. Calving ease and birth weight are not a problem, simply because Limousin is the calving ease specialist of the continental breeds. The color of resulting offspring will be mainly solid, adding extra value to groups of feeders and stockers at the sale barn each fall. She will give you new born vigor in her calves, heterosis, outstanding mothering ability and as a bonus, yield more salvage dollars in the end. Limousin influence females are one of the best kept secrets in the industry.
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 16
Whether you are a leading seedstock producer or a cow-calf operator, the selection of your replacement females is the key to the success and longevity of your breeding program. Before you swing the gates open to green grass pastures, decisions should be made on the replacements that will forge your program forward and strengthen the youth of the cow herd. The ultimate goal of any cow herd is uniformity in all categories – frame size, body weight, color, udder type, fertility and maternal traits. To achieve such a goal, extremes must be eliminated without conscience, whether she comes from your best cow or your top cow family. Early born females usually have a higher degree of fertility, will cycle and conceive in a shorter time frame than the later born heifers. They will also regain body condition faster and rebreed to calve on a timely schedule as three year olds. Remember at all times, your best selection method is your visual judgement before you peruse the mountains of data which the association provides and you pay for. Since many purebred breeders use artificial insemination to add fresh added value genetics to the program, use the EPD tool to assure that the replacement females have balanced traits, thus the elimination of data extremes. Then comes the question, “I started with thirty replacements and now I’m down to seventeen, what do I do with the rest?” Eliminate them in whatever fashion you choose – feeding them out or shipping them. They will only eat the grass of the good replacements and as two’s, three’s or four’s, you will end up eliminating these females anyway – your first loss is your best loss! For those who want to do a little math, you will find that as a purebred breeder, fifteen percent of your cow herd brings in over seventy-five percent of your net revenue. In the next several months, the youth in the livestock industry will compete and display their projects throughout this country at 4-H achievement days, regional shows and junior shows. Show them you care about what they are trying to achieve, as they are the future of our industry. In sale catalogues, we find the footnote “she will make a great 4-H or junior project” yet sadly, only the parents attend these events. Plan to attend your local event and most importantly, the National Junior Limousin Conference in Lloydminster; you might be surprised what could happen. For those who like to ride in a cart and look for a little white ball, put June 22nd and 23rd into your plans. Thanks to the CLA for the sponsorship and support. “It’s a feel good event helping build our future.”
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 17
The OLA held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, March 13th at the Holiday Inn in Guelph, ON. The meeting was very well attended. Nathan Allen had completed two terms on the board and therefore, could not come back. However, John Post, Kevin Preston and Sheila Smart, who had completed one term on the board, all agreed to enter into a second term on the board and I thank them for doing so. I would also like to personally welcome Amanda Rosborough in joining the board as she accepted the remaining board position. Following the AGM, the OLA held a banquet in conjunction with the Ontario Simmental Association and the Ontario Charolais Association. At the auction held after the banquet, roughly $900 was raised, to be split 50/50 with the Ontario Junior Limousin Association. At the AGM, it was decided that the OLA Provincial show will once again take place at the Lindsay Exhibition on the last full weekend of September.
This year’s board is already working on another provincial sale. However, there are no details to report at this time. The Ontario Junior Limousin Association has been working diligently on a Field Day. Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 24th. A nine hole golf tournament has been planned for the morning. A farm tour has been planned for the afternoon, where you can visit Lloyd Den Stock Farms (Dennis and Doug Johnston), then on to Rail Line Farms (Paul and Christine MacIntyre) and ending up at Gibson Farms where a BBQ and social is planned. For more information, contact Melissa MacIntyre at 519 528 2423 or e mail at Wa atch fo or mo ore deta ails on the e OLA A website at www.o onttario olimo ousin.ccom. Jeff Irvine By: Melissa MacIntyre
Welcome to the warm weather and an end to another school year. One of the best parts about the warm weather in Ontario is the end of barn work as most of our herds are now on pasture and chore time is over! In January the OJLA met and elected our new executive for the upcoming year. Congratulations to those elected to office: President Brandon Hollingsworth Vice President Emily Gibson Secretary Abbey Gibson Treasurer Katie Hern Press Reporter Melissa MacIntyre We remind everyone that their memberships are now due for the 2010 year. Memberships are available from Abbey Gibson by calling 519 395 3634. We welcome all new members! We are promoting the National Junior Show in Saskatchewan to our members and hope to have a representation at the show this year. The Ontario juniors are beginning the preliminary planning of the National Junior Show in Ontario for 2011. Mark off the dates August 17th 19th, 2011 in Orangeville, Ontario. We welcome Nathan Allen and Mike Geddes as the co chairs of this show and look forward to working with them as we make preparations for the year ahead. Watch this column for regular updates as events progress for this show. Our first fundraising endeavor for this event is hosting a Field Day this year. On July 24th join us at Blackhorse Golf Course in Kinloss for a round of nine holes. There are fabulous prizes to be won and a great Bar B Q lunch for all participating. Anyone that does not want to golf will be shuttled to a couple of local attractions and some good shopping for the morning. Then we are off on farm tours of Lloy Den Stock Farms in Holyrood just five minutes down the road and Rail Line Farms which is only another five. Our final destination is Gibson Limousin and Trucking where we will enjoy some Ontario West Coast Hospitality, supper and golf award presentations. Junior activities of Team Judging, Photo Contest and Games will also take place to round out the day. So get your hay done, dust off your clubs and join the juniors for some Limousin fun. Email Melissa at to sign up or for more information. Our next meeting is at GENCOR, outside of Guelph, on April 27th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Enjoy your summer and we will see you at the Field Day!!
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The third Legacy Sale will be held on December 18, 2010 at Saskatoon Livestock Sales at 1:30 p.m. If you are interested in consigning bulls or females to this sale, please let Kevin Rea (306 463 7950) know at your earliest convenience. The National Junior Limousin Conference is being held in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan on July 31, August 1 2, 2010. For more information or registration forms please contact Lee or Dana Carpenter (306 544 2665). The following directors are on the junior committee; Chair Janet Hale (306 944 4945), Angela McKague (306 436 4640), Jay Bohrson (306 544 2800) and Scott Barr (306 242 3336). Also, thank you to Donna Bohrson for helping with the registrations. The CLA has a link to the SLA on their website ( Information on this show, the agenda, banquet and awards will all be posted in the next couple of weeks. Hotel rooms are booked at the Tropical Inn in Lloydminster under the Junior Limousin Association. Phone 1 800 219 5244 to reserve. We are happy to welcome Katelynn Tedford of Circle T Limousin at Estevan as Saskatchewan’s Limousin Queen. Her contact number is 306 634 4692. Canadian Western Agribition liaisons are Terry Hepper
(306 781 4628) and Bob Turner (306 621 2180). If you have any questions or suggestions, please talk to either of them. A block of rooms has been set aside at the Travelodge in Regina for Agribition 2010. These rooms will be released in October, so if you need a hotel room, please contact them directly at 306 586 3443 and quote Block ID 631276 CGSKLD or fax 306 586 9311. Congratulations to all the Saskatchewan Limousin breeders for the successful bull sales they held this spring. An excellent set of cattle were presented. Sale results are found in this issue of the Limousin Voice. Limousin influenced heifers and steers, shown by juniors in Saskatchewan at 4 H, fairs and local shows, are all eligible for awards from the Saskatchewan Limousin Association. Please contact Terry Hepper (306 781 4628) and let him know of anyone that deserves recognition. These young people are the future of the cattle industry in Saskatchewan and need to be applauded for all their hard work. Good luck to everyone participating in all the upcoming shows this summer.
GRAND CHAMION LIMOUSIN FEMALE William Pilgrim, Renfrew, ON with CJSL Wildflower 9070W by MAGS Seduction
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RESERVE GRAND CHAMION LIMOUSIN FEMALE Tyler Nostadt, Maidstone, ON with Koyle Tickle Brin DKP34W by Koyle Techumseh
For many Canadians who are asked about Quebec, the first thing that comes to mind is the Montreal Canadiens and ice hockey. For westerners, Quebec is the province where the Canadian Election is decided before the polls close. Although they brag about their western bred and raised steaks, few realize that the French have created most of the beef delicacies served throughout the finest white tablecloth restaurants, hotels and steak houses throughout the world. Chateaubriand, beef bourguignon, steak diane, beef richelieu, beef burgundy, boulettes, steak tartare and the true French Canadian holiday delicacy, tourtiere. Their quest for a unified sovereignty and their love for quality food and dining are underlying influences for the formation and development of one of Canada’s most successful branded beef programs. The idea and concept dates back to as early as 1996 but in 2001, a market survey conducted by Secor among four hundred consumers gave a clear direction of consumers’ expectations in the meat market. Ninety-six percent of the consumer’s first expectation was certainty of tenderness, followed by lean meat at eighty-eight percent and flavor and taste at eighty-two percent. In addition, seventy-nine percent of the consumers polled expected a guaranteed traceability factor, seventy-six percent wanted a certified meat and seventy percent required a meat free of growth hormones. The survey results guided entrepreneur Claude Laroche, Les Viandes Laroche in his approach to customer satisfaction and the formation of Viandes Selectionnees des Cantons (VSC) translated Townships Selected Meat. “My approach has been motivated by my desire to provide the Quebec bovine production with a new impulse. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I found it essential to help the market evolve. I drew my motivation from the challenge to help put a product into place, born from dialogue, a mutual vision and teamwork. Team spirit is a concept with values very dear to my heart. Besides, it is on the same team spirit that depends on the future of the Cantons Selected Meat because longing to contribute to its production, is subscribing to a multi-trade partnership, all sharing the same will and desire for quality.” – Claude Laroche Beef VSC is produced by a partner network consisting of one hundred and thirty breeders producing feeder calves, three participating feedlots, a packing plant, a distributor/processor and a chain of retailers throughout the province. There are also over forty associated members who supply either qualified bulls or replacement females. Each member of this chain works together with their partners to produce a high quality beef product for the consumer whenever he tastes it. The mandate operates on the principle that each link in the value chain must be a winner. Since demand exceeds supply of beef VSC, the consulting team in beef production VSC continues to recruit candidates interested in the challenge of excellence. This consulting team is also involved in enforcing the rules and specifications for that particular sector and these specifications are verified by an external agency for certification. The breeders and feedlots must complete an external audit to obtain a certificate of conformity to specification before they can contribute actively to the VSC chain. In order for retailers to sell beef VSC, they must obtain a certificate of accreditation and meet the requirements for advertising and traceability. The standards offered by beef VSC provide added value to the province of Quebec, its producers, economy and most importantly the consumers. The meat is bred, fed and processed in Quebec maximizing regional development, using locally grown feed, truckers and labor. Distance in moving product and supplies is reduced, hence, limiting the environmental impact. The chain links the rural and urban communities.
The meat is produced naturally using genetic selection and natural feed to achieve normal optimum growth. Traceability is a major element of the certification program. To do this, each link in the food chain is controlled up to packaging with the retailer. Traceability helps to know the origin of the cattle and all stages of their growth. Through the traceability factor, consumers are provided access to products of exceptional quality.
VSC provides origin and traceability guarantees which allow tracing the movement of known pieces of meat from farms to the retailers and effectively removing the non-standard product, whatever its location. Food security is a constant issue with rigorous control from farm to the retailer. The plants are subject to Canadian laws and are certified by HACCP.
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All the cow/calf producers undertake not to give any preventative antibiotic during the growth stage. When an animal is sent for finishing, feedlot operators are allowed to give antibiotics to those suffering from health problems. If an animal receives an antibiotic while in the feedlot, it is kept an additional one hundred and twenty days before slaughter. All the producers of VSC agree to give no growth hormones throughout the life of the animal they supply. In respect to the environment, the Townships Selected Meat corporation has adopted, for all stages of the value chain of its products, the principle that nothing justifies the continuation of activities that damage the environment. The selection criteria for VSC product is based on triple terminal hybridization. This choice is intended to benefit each partner’s maximum profitability generated through heterosis, the complementation of breeds and their effect on herd management. The two most used breeds of sire of calves are Limousin and Charolais, while the maternal side is preferred to be F-1 matings using terminal sires. Simmental and Gelbvieh sires are preferred on Angus females. Since docility is positively correlated to tenderness, the sires selected must demonstrate a satisfactory temperament. The birth weight of the bull selected must be in the average of the breed used or lighter.
Since the inception of Viandes Selectionees des Cantons, producer and consumer interest has increased weekly in a “win-win scenario.” Although the consumers pay a premium for VSC certified beef, they welcome the fact that they are purchasing a consistent cut of meat which is tender, healthy with oldfashioned beef flavor and comfortable with the fact that this is a natural, traceable product of Quebec. Since VSC is a chain of fair values, producer benefit goes hand in hand with consumer demand as they receive a premium for the product. Suppliers of bulls, in turn, benefit as the producer must purchase top quality sires to maintain the standards set by the team of consultants that are responsible for enforcing the specifications. Jason Brock, Danville, Quebec, a Limousin breeder and the past president of the Canadian Limousin Association, has operated a feedlot finishing cattle for the VSC chain. “One of the great benefits of being a part of VSC is the relationship between the producer, the feedlot and the packer (abattoir). The members of the chain benefit from the premiums for the product and get an education as to the type of product they need to produce. As a breeder of Limousin cattle, the increased demand is reflected in the sale of breeder bulls. Since the inception of VSC, the sale of Limousin breeding bulls has increased thirty to forty percent with a fear of a shortage of bulls that will suit specifications.” Denis Brouillard, Agronomist and advisor of beef production VSC reflects the success of the chain “The VSC value chain is the best thing to happen in the Quebec beef production for decades. It provides incentives of course but it also offers a market with precise goals and the means to reach them. It is redefining the whole genetic make-up that leads to profitability and easier herd management. Finally, it builds a link between each producer and the consumer. Producers take pride in satisfying the consumer each time VSC beef is served. Each of them is part of the success story. Denis Brouillard can be reached at Ted Serhienko December 2009
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March 13, 2010 Regina, SK Judge: Barry Young, Carievale, SK Class 1 1. Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK with Hi-ways Windswept by HSF Wat-Cha Swingers Club 2. Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK with Hiways Wide Load by Hiways Polled Titan JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK with Hi-ways Windswept by HSF Wat-Cha Swingers Club RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK with Hiways Wide Load by Hiways Polled Titan
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK with EMF Waylon by Carrousels Pure Power
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK with EMF Whistle Stop by RWK Renegade BEST PAIR OF BULLS Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK
Class 4 1. Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK with EMF Waylon by Carrousels Pure Power 2. Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK with EMF Whistle Stop by RWK Renegade
GROUP OF FIVE BULLS Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK
Pride of the Prairies March 7, 2010 Lloydminster, SK Judge: Geoff Anderson, Bethune, SK BULL CALF Class 5 Bull Born February 1 to 28, 2009 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Wiseguy 62W by RPY Paynes Rawhide 32R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Worker 57W by WULFS Realtor 1503R Class 6 Bull Born January 1 to 31, 2009 1. 4B Ranching Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with FBR Babeys Wiesers 6W by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Wildcat 40W by WULFS Space Ship 3223S
BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL 4B Ranching Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with FBR Babeys Wiesers 6W by WULFS Revolver 1219R
RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Wiseguy 62W by RPY Paynes Rawhide 32R PAIR OF BULLS Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK GROUP OF FOUR BULLS Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK
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After forty years of building the great Limousin breed, several of the founding families forge ahead towards the next anniversary. They have watched the breed grow and thrive, yet have experienced the pitfalls of development. We would like to share with you their thoughts, ideas and opinions in this informal round table gathering. Each family has influenced the Limousin breed through the production of quality seed stock, in addition to countless hours of voluntary time promoting the breed at board level or in the field.
Harvey Tedford is one of the co-owners of Circle T Limousin, Estevan, Saskatchewan. The Tedford family is an original founder of the Canadian Limousin Association and assisted in organizing and promoting the breed in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. In addition, Harvey worked for the Canadian Limousin Association as a commercial fieldman. In 1991, Harvey and Dawn were awarded the “Limousin Leader of the Year.” Mary Hertz, along with her husband Rick and three sons, runs a family operation, Ivy Livestock at Duchess, Alberta. The Hertz/Plumer family has been in the Limousin business for three generations. Ivy Livestock has been very successful in shows both on the national stage and the provincial arena. A strong supporter of the youth movement in agriculture, Mary is currently the Vice President of the Canadian Limousin Association. Lynn Combest is the owner of Combest Limousin Farm, located at Erskine, Alberta. In his youth, Lynn was very active in the show ring exhibiting cattle throughout Canada, promoting the Limousin breed. Lynn has judged all major shows in Canada and is a great supporter of the junior movement. He has been active at the board level and the “Combest ideas” are usually never shelved. Rob Garner, along with his wife Cindy and girls, operates Nordal Limousin and Angus located at Simpson, Saskatchewan. The Garner/McNally family is in its third generation in the Limousin breed and operates one of the largest purebred breeding herds in the nation. In 1992, Rob served as President of the Canadian Limousin Association and has judged all major shows throughout Canada. He was honoured to sort the cattle at the 40th Anniversary at Agribition in 2009. Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 23
Central Alberta was the centre of activity for the Charolais breed in the late 1960’s and as a young cattleman, just out of school, this flurry of excitement sure got my attention. While visiting with local Charolais breeders who had been to France to select cattle, they mentioned a red breed of cattle they thought had potential here in North America and that breed was Limousin. So in 1971, we applied for an import permit and were successful importing four heifers from France. In 1969, we began breeding our commercial cows to Limousin to begin our upgrading program. My dad, “Ben Plumer,” felt that the meat, muscle and carcass, along with the calving ease that the Limousin breed had to offer was what the Canadian beef industry needed, so he started importing from France and artificially inseminating his Hereford/Angus cross cows to Limousin bulls. He was very impressed with the crossbreds and the cows that he imported, so as a family, we never looked back. At that time, there were still quite a few of us in 4-H, so we did very well with our Limousin cross calves, taking the club and district champions for several years.
In 1969, Circle T Limousin was started by Ernest and Wilma Tedford. Ernest had visited the Brandon Research Station and was impressed with the carcass characteristics of the Limousin breed. He began breeding them through artificial insemination and of course, his interest in their carcass characteristics continued to draw him to the breed.
Canadian importation laws opened up and my father-in-law, Dave McNally, felt it was a good opportunity to introduce Limousin into his commercial herd. The breed’s ability to offer moderate birth weights with increased muscling, proved to be a popular choice in cross breeding programs.
We firmly believe that Limousin have a place in the livestock industry in Canada and have become very well accepted in the commercial industry, through the Limousin feeder calf sales and the feedlot industry. There was a great deal of interest in lean cattle with high cutability in Quebec and Ontario. In Eastern Canada, the smaller size feedlot industry was still viable and there was a great deal of interest because Limousin feeder calves produced more weight on the rail, with a higher dressing percentage and cutability. This meant that there was a lot of activity at the commercial cattle markets for Limousin feeder steers and heifers. It was also quite normal to see older Limousin females go as heiferettes and Limousin cull cows sell at a premium at local auction markets. The bottom line was that Limousin cattle were expanding and thriving because of economics. The cattle industry wanted higher dressing and higher yielding carcasses. This of course, was supported by the carcass competition at Canadian Western Agribition. There has been a vast improvement in the natural size of Limousin steers and a marked improvement in the average daily gain. We have also seen an improvement in the fertility and fleshing ability of bulls and females. We have been able to select for both growth and milk in our cattle and with the use of EPD’s, improve our herd and the bulls we offer to our customers. We Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 24
have been able to achieve this and still maintain the relative calving ease our customers expect. The number one attribute of the Limousin breed has been the ease of calving and thriftiness of Limousin cattle. A larger number of small cattle herds have owners who work off the farm and they simply demand that the cattle have calving ease and are active and healthy at birth. Some improvements we have seen are the fertility in both bulls and females. Scrotal size has improved to where it is acceptable to commercial cattlemen. Yearling heifers are cycling a lot earlier. Docility is another huge improvement. I believe, by breeders admitting that some of the bloodlines are higher strung than others and culling the ones that are, those breeders have improved the temperament of their cattle immensely. Structural correctness is another area that has improved the Limousin breed. Breed improvements: disposition, testicles, soundness and structure, as well as the polled gene.
An important change in the early years was the acknowledgement of the breed’s carcass capabilities. In 1974, my father-in-law, Dave McNally, joined up with the Burns Meat Plant and completed cutability testing through his finishing feedlot. This testing confirmed the Limousin carcass consistently yielded between 63% and 65%. A year later, the Canadian Limousin Association and Wilbur Stewart organized another test which took place in Quebec. This test also confirmed that Limousin was higher yielding than other breeds. These tests led to selling finished market animals on the rail instead of by the pound, making it possible for cattlemen to earn more money when shipping their animals. One of the biggest challenges and success in changing is the breed’s growth in scrotal size and maturity.
The major improvements made in the breed in the past forty years are fertility and testicle size, smoother muscle pattern which improved the calving ease, improvement of udders and leg structure, but the major change has been dispositions.
Raising cattle that calve easy, perform well and are feed efficient has helped our operation. We were able to sell bulls to commercial cattlemen and community leases after they saw how well our children’s cattle did in 4-H. The success of our children in 4-H and junior shows has kept them interested to where they are keen to keep competing and promoting Limousin. The passion they have for competition has taught them a great work ethic and has enabled them to meet and make friends across the country.
As we were raising commercial cattle, prior to breeding Limousin cattle, the breed has given us the opportunity to produce bulls for the ranching sector and seed stock for the local and international marketplace. Most importantly, it has added pounds to the calves we sell into the feeder market. An important part of the purebred business is not only the knowledge of raising and marketing purebred cattle, but also the many friendships and acquaintances established throughout the years.
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As most breeds got caught up in the frame score race in the 1980’s, we returned to more functional easy keeping cattle, but I am concerned that we are starting to breed them too small. It is a lot easier to breed frame out of cattle than it is to breed them bigger. The Limousin breed has gone through a transition period where goals have been changing in the show sector and the cattle industry in general. We have been through a frame size trend and are now in a trend of a more moderate frame size with muscle, fleshing ability and marbling playing a more important role. We still have to address the issue of commercial acceptance by the industry. In order to maintain our customer base, we need feedlot and packer acceptance. We require this base to show our customers that there is a profit in raising beef with a high dressing percentage. We need to be able to sell Limousin feeder calves at the local auction markets for a premium.
One of the major alterations came from the movement away from Fullblood Limousin. This allowed us to greatly improve disposition, structure and soundness, plus introduce the polled factor. As the polled factor became a major breeding focus, the black color was also introduced. The emphasis on scrotal size has been a major improvement for the breed; technology has also been an important breeding tool, as EPD’s have assisted in the selection of highly desirable traits such as birth weight and growth. We have culled for temperament, worked on scrotal circumference and capacity to try and develop a product that is more acceptable to the industry, without giving up the muscle that the Limousin breed is known for.
The association needs to do more to promote feeder calf sales in Canada. The biggest problem in Canada, currently, is the economics of the cattle industry. Prior to BSE in 2003, the Limousin cattle were still very well accepted and the commercial acceptance of Limousin influenced cattle remained strong. When BSE hit, the entire cattle industry changed and the Canadian packing and feedlot industry was severely affected. The emphasis quickly shifted to finishing cattle for export to the United States and the use of the American grading system with its emphasis on marbling. Consolidation in the packing industry, along with consolidation of auction markets, coupled with the shrinking feedlot industry has led to a decline in the competitive nature of the industry in general. It has become very difficult to produce cattle able to pay a premium in an industry which is non competitive. The key to success in the future is simply to improve the marketability of Limousin cattle. This will mean finding niche markets specializing in lean meat but at the same time, improve the fleshing ability and marbling of Limousin cattle. We need to be actively seeking out niche markets and making them accessible to our commercial bull customers.
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We must continue to breed and produce easy doing functional cattle with pay weight, while not forgetting the youth of the breed. We all must continue to promote our juniors, as they are our future. I would like to see more promotion applied to the female aspect of the breed. The best kept secret is what great mothers they are, with rich milk to raise a good calf. This I feel would make more money for the commercial cattleman on his female end of things, thus helping his bottom line and in turn, help the seedstock producer’s bottom line.
We need to re-establish the fact that the breed was highly respected for its heavy muscling capabilities. With the fact that the dominant breed of the mother cow in the beef industry is Angus, our breed is very well suited to complement this type of cow. With the proven calving ease of the Limousin breed, along with the breed’s moderate frame, Limousin has the ability to inject some highly desirable muscling for increased yield. To do this, we must promote the amount of muscling and depth that can be found in many of today’s herdsires that are being used in the commercial sector, with proven results of increasing lean meat yield. We must never forget the fact that today’s Limousin will perform in any feedlot, with competitive rates of gain.
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Anchor B Limousin Bull Sale March 19, 2010 Saskatoon, SK Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International Sale Results: 24 Yearling Bulls 4
Two Year Old Bulls
Averaged . . . . . .$3,345.83
Prime Limousin Club 25th Annual Bull Sale March 20, 2010 Westlock, AB Auctioneer: Barry Martens Sale Management: Prime Limousin Group Sale Results:
Averaged . . . . . .$2,612.50 28.5 Lots Grossed $76,100.00 and Averaged $2,670.00.
28 Lots Grossed $90,750.00 and Averaged $3,241.07. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 7 - Anchor B Great West sired by Wulfs Right Choice 8515R was purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $9,000.00. Lot 31 - LEC/BOHRS Sir Watson 89W sired by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ was purchased by Lakeroad Limousin, Worsley, AB for $6,750.00. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 35 - Anchor B Upstate sired by RPY Paynes Pipeline 15P was purchased by Glenn and Norma Cline, Dundurn, SK for $3,250.00.
East Country Limousin Bull Sale March 24, 2010 Veteran, AB Auctioneer: Dwayne Glasier Sale Management: Dryland Cattle Trading Corp. Sale Results: 16 Yearling Bulls
Averaged . . . . . .$2,597.00
Averaged . . . . . .$2,279.00
Two Year Old Bulls
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 13 - (1/2 Interest) Excel Polled Wanderer sired by Wulfs Realtor 1503R was purchased by Bercol Limousin, Legal, AB for $5,200.00. Lot 3 - DC Wild Wild West sired by DC Texas Holdem was purchased by Lazy S Limousin, Rimbey, AB for $5,000.00. Lot 12 - Excel Polled Western Star sired by Wulfs Realtor 1503R was purchased by Hillview Farms, Morinville, AB for $4,200.00. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 19 - Hillview Unknown RGK 411U sired by Hillview’s Polled Magnum was purchased by Stan Tissington, Grande Prairie, AB for $3,000.00.
91st of the s Annual nn l Pride i Prairies Prairi s Bull Bul Sale Sal March 8, 2010 Lloydminster, SK Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Results: 6 Lots Grossed $18,000.00 and Averaged $3,000.00.
37 Lots Grossed $89,400.00 and Averaged $2,416.00. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 41 - N. Slope Poll Whittaker sired by N Slope Poll Sambo was purchased by Kevin Stewart for $3,100.00.
High Selling Lot Lot 72 - RPY Paynes Wiseguy 62W sired by RPY Paynes Rawhide 32R was purchased by Stoney Creek Cattle Co., Lloydminster, SK for $6,100.00.
High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 19 - HUDS Polled Urgent Call sired by Anders NFL was purchased by Ed Rosenau for $3,700.00.
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Regina Bull Re i Bu l Sale
Highland H g and Bull Bul Sale Sal
March 14, 2010 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: D Bar L Livestock and By Livestock
March 20, 2010 High River, AB Auctioneer: Dan Skeels
Sale Results: 6 Lots Grossed $14,400.00 and Averaged $2,400.00. High Selling Lots Lot 149 - EMF Whistle Stop sired by RWK Renegade was purchased by Linda and William Emslie, White City, SK for $3,200.00. Lot 151 - EMF Waylon sired by Carrousels Pure Power was purchased by VT Ranch, Milestone, SK for $2,500.00.
XXIV Prairie Gold Limousin Bull Sale
Sale Results: 20 Two Year Old Limousin Bulls Averaged . . . . . .$2,825.00 27
Yearling Limousin Bulls
Averaged . . . . . .$2,500.00
Two Year Old Angus Bulls
Averaged . . . . . .$2,483.00
Yearling Angus Bulls
Averaged . . . . . .$2,843.00
60 Lots Grossed $158,000.00 and Averaged $2,647.00. Lot 44 - HSF Unleashed sired by Auto Dollar General 122R was purchased by Blueberry Valley Farm Inc., Fort St. John, BC for $4,200.00. Lot 50 - Highland Ulysse sired by EXLR Reload 230R was purchased by Brad Larkins, Vulcan, AB for $4,000.00.
April 10, 2010 Saskatoon, SK Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Results: Sale Averaged $2,300.00. High Selling Lots Lot 33 - CFLX Rulon 111U sired by GPFF Blaque Rulon was purchased by Geoff Anderson, Bethune, SK and Lee and Dana Carpenter, Hanley, SK for $5,250.00. Lot 16 - EDW Weekend Warrior sired by MAGS Sasquatch was purchased by Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON for $4,000.00.
Congratulations Alberta Limousin breeders for a solid bull sale season. We hope that our advertising endeavors have been helping promote the breed throughout the commercial community on your behalf. Atten ntio on Ju uniors We would like to inform you of an interesting new event in Olds, Alberta. The Olds Agricultural Society and Calgary Stampede are collaborating on a new venue to showcase youth in agriculture by combining traditional elements with innovative approaches for personal achievement and development. This year, under the new partnership and with the support of Alberta 4 H and Alberta Junior Beef Breed Associations, a much larger, intense and integrated competition will take place at Olds Agricultural Society from July 11 to 16, with the winners in several categories moving on to a Supreme Championship Final at the Calgary Stampede on Saturday, July 17. Over 250 competitors from across western Canada are expected to participate in this collaborative programming between Calgary Stampede and Olds Agricultural Society.
New w Cattle e Show w - Old ds Fall Cla assic, Octob berr 1st – 3rd, 2010 0! The Olds Agricultural Society Beef Committee is excited to launch the Olds Fall Classic. This all breed open show has been included in the RBC Beef Supreme Challenge, where all breed champions will be eligible to compete in the Supreme at Agribition. In order for a breed to have its own show, 20 entries must be present. Start planning now to showcase Limousin cattle in Olds in October. The e Albe erta a Limo ousin Asso ocia atio on is also o planning g the e fo ollo owing g events fo or thiis year: • Golf tournament: Frank Murphy is the director in charge and can be reached at 403.552.219.1 • We are pleased to be hosting the National Show & Sale at Farmfair in Edmonton. We are working with the Bonanza Group and the National Committee to organize this leading event. Be with us November 11th and 12th. • The ALA Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Pacesetter Sale again. Mark your calendar for December 4. This year’s location is Lloydminster. If you are interested in consigning cattle to the sale, please contact Bouchard Livestock at 403 946 4999.
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 29
Breeder Section Terry & Lynette Hepper Sara and Erin General Delivery, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0 306/781-4628
Box 2240, Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1X7 Phone (780) 963-9001 Fax (780) 963-7711 Cell (780) 220-1840
Kevin Rea 306/968-2469 Ken Rea 306/968-2923
The Rea Family Marengo, SK S0L 2K0
Quiet 7550 Arnold Road Chilliwack, B.C. CANADA V2R 4J7
Garry & Heidi 403-843-7785
Dreichel Farms
780-352-7526 Cell: 403-783-1107 Fax: 403-843-7781 RR#2, Bluffton, AB T0C 0M0
Dale & Carole Barclay Box 21, Erskine, Alta. Canada T0C 1G0
(403) 742-4825 (403) 742-3882 (403) 742-5916 DALE RICK TERRY
Terence, Gwen, Steven and Shane Box 56, Arelee, Saskatchewan S0K 0H0 (306) 237-4827 Fax (306) 237-4825
PAUL GUMPRICH Home/Fax: (604) 823-2466
Stan & Pat 204-855-2214 204-729-1772 Kyle & Erin 204-855-2633 204-724-0892 Darby & Kelly 204-855-2191 204-573-6529 Raising Limousin for over 30 years RR#1, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 Fax: 204-855-2472 • Email: Website:
Box 127, Erskine, Alberta T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-5211 Fax: (403) 742-6139 Cell: (403) 740-7621
70 Kennelly Rd. R.R. #2, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5 Email: Phone: 613 649-2313 Fax: 613 649-2983
Bill & Mary Anne Zwambag Nick, Andrew & Matt 41410 Glendon Dr , Glenco, ON N0L 1M0 Res (519) 287-3219 Fax: (519) 287-5248 www beezeeacres ca email:bzwambag@execulink com
Jason & Melissa Brock Chris & Kendra Liebrecht Glenn & Eleanor Brock PUREBRED LIMOUSIN PUR-SANG 399 Clairemont Ph (819) 572-0092 Danville, QC J0A 1A0 Fax (819) 839-1270 email: jbrock@blbfarms com
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 30
Specializing in Polled Fullbloods and Purebreds
Lionel & Sharon, Alicia, Riché, Melanie, Patrick, Brody & Diane Fouillard
P.O. Box 3, St. Lazare, MB R0M 1Y0
Home/Fax: (204) 683-2353
Cell: (780) 719-3894
Fouillard Limousin
H LIMOUSIN W The “Fuchs” Family A Bethune, Saskatchewan S0G 0H0 Purebred Red & Black Limousin Cattle Y Visitors Welcome Ed & Doreen (306) 638-4422 Warren (306) 789-8863 Darcy (306) 638-4800 Email: wfuchs@sasktel net
4250 King Rd. King City, ON L7B 1K4 Ray, Stacie, Will Meg & Liz Stanton Mobile: (416) 505-0707
Wanted: Harvest Olympus, Pub, Punch, Orion or Goldnview Krugerrand semen and embryos.
Mike Henry
017209 Grey Bruce Line R.R. #4 Tara, ON N0H 2N0 Ph: (519) 934-2023
Use a GOOD Limousin – Purebred & Fullblood
GERRY & RUTH GOOD R.R. #1 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0
Ph: (403) 337-2212 Fax: (403) 337-3278 email:
Cattle for sale privately at all times.
Box 159 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y1
Bernard & Mona 306/825-3550 Mark & Doris 780/744-2216 Scott & Jackie 306/825-4328 Brad & Janice 306/825-9321
780-879-2105 Bob, Dorothy, Colin and Glenda RR #1, Hardisty, Alberta T0B 1V0
# # )' # $& ! $( #
#')! "$)' # *%!$&# ( Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 31
McCallum Bros Limousin PAUL 519-764-2354 DAVE 519-762-5095 Fax 519-762-2392 Cell 519-870-5638 RR #1, Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0 mccallum bros@sympatico ca www elitebeefcattle com/mccallumbros htm
Dwight and Catherine Koyle (519) 764-2697 Martin’s cell: (519) 860-0911 Email: cdkoyle@gtn net Quality Limousin Seedstock
KEVIN PRESTON & FAMILY 705-277-1032 705-344-7438 (Cell)
613 Hwy 35 Pontypool ON L0A 1K0
FRITZ & SANDRA OTHBERG Ph: (506) 433-5245 Fax: (506) 433-9083
Lonny McKague Box 171, Ogema, SK SOC 1YO
(306) 459-2788 • (306) 459-7801
(306) 459 2202 (Fax) email:
1749 Route 880 Summer Field, NB E4G 2L3
Jim - Stephanie - Tiffany - Samantha - Stan - Sheila
Home of the Grass Country Bulls
Box 58 Rumsey, AB T0J 2Y0
Full Blood and Polled Limousin
FULLBLOOD • POLLED H C W Reuben & Lil Hickman (780) 467-3139 Cell: (780) 919-8223 RR#4, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3K4
FULLBLOOD LIMOUSIN BREEDERS 436394 43rd Line, RR #2 Embro, Ontario N0J 1J0 Phone/Fax: 519-475-4375 email:
Barry & Bev McCarty & Family 780-632-7433
(Jim) 403-368-2103
Box 122 Vegreville, AB T9C 1R1
Visitors Welcome
Rob, Cheryl, Erin & Jeff Swaan 4344 Hwy 97 S Quesnel, B C V2J 6P4
Tel: (250) 747-2618 • Fax: (250) 747-0436 mail:
The Rodgers
Art, Maria & Family Box 156, MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: (204) 685 2628 Fax: (204) 685 2597 Cell: (204) 856 3440 email:
K eep an eye on your Limousin Breed. Subscribe at www.l Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 32
Garry & Sheila Smart 137606 Grey Rd 12 RR#2, Meaford, ON CANADA N4L 1W6 Ph./Fax: (519) 538-4877 Cell: (519) 372-7459 “ I n d u s t r y A c c e p t e d E-mail: F o r O v e r 3 0 Ye a r s ” Kathleen Smart Ph: (519) 538-1008
Ron, Sheri, Payton and Colby Vogel Box 8, Site 18, RR 2 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K5 Phone: (403) 934-6097 Fax: (403) 263-0179 Purebred and Fullblood Black and Red Bulls and Females Email:
Mark Sugimoto & Family
2713 22 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB T1K 1J8 (403) 327 9327 (H) (403) 308 6171 (C)
Box 1352 Ph: (780) 623-2468 Lac La Biche, AB Fax: (780) 623-4169 T0A 2C0 Fullblood & Black or Red Polled
Breeders of polled purebred and fullblood Limousin
Bryce & Nathan Allen P.O. Box 189 Warkworth, Ontario K0K 3K0
Murray & Bev Stewart Box 1326 Tel: (403) 742-5226 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: (403) 742-5242 Imperial Ranch Ltd Cell: (403) 742-9813 E-mail: irl@telusplanet net
Tel (705) 924-2583 Fax (705) 924-3385
Nouvelles du Québec Le pic-nic Limousin aura lieu le 14 aout chez Réjean Bédard , Noble Limousin, 726 St-Angélique, St-Basile,Co Portneuf, QC G0A-3G0; son téléphone est le 418-329-3266; le programme de la journée n'est pas encore connu. Les ventes de taureaux de station d'épreuve avec moyenne Limousin: station St-Martin: moyenne Limousin:$3137.00 station Unique Limousin 1 :$2359.00 station Unique Limousin 2 :$2140.00 environ station Quyon: moyenne Limousin: $2693.00
Laurent Charron remet la bannière pour le meilleur taureau Limousin de la station lors de l'encan de Quyon à Diane Joly et Serge Dethier
La vente de femelles aura lieu à St-Hyacinte aux encans de la ferme le 16 octobre; détails à venir. Le conseil d'administration pour l’année 2010 : Serge Dethier , Président Michel Lapointe secrétaire trésorier Laurent Charron , propagandiste (fieldman) Directeurs: André Lussier, Marcel McDuff, Léo Gélinas, Réjean Bédard, Éric Ratelle, Daniel Enright, Jason Brock, Claude Lavallée Notre adresse de correspondance au Québec: Michel Lapointe 299 rue Dozois # 10 Granby, QC J2H-1H6
Taureaux de la station unique Limousin se sont vendus en février et en avril
Leo Gélinas, éleveur du taureau avec la meilleure valeur globale reçoit une bannière avec l’acheteur du taureau Marcel McDuff
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 33
Services Section “The Home of Customer Service”
• Complete In-House and On-Farm Services • • Accredited Export Center • • Donor and Recipient Facilities and Management •
Toll Free: 1.877.686.8202 253147 Unit A, Bearspaw Rd. Calgary, AB T3L 2P5
Ph: 403.239.8882 • Fax: 403.239.8886 Email: • Website:
Cus tomer S e rv i c e P r o g ra m
Canadian Farm Insurance Services Inc.
Phone: (403) 337-0052 Cell: (780) 853-7067 Fax: (403) 337-0052 Toll Free: 1-877-909-3276
HEATHER BARR 3rd Floor, 13220 St Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 hbarr@cfiinsurance ca www cfiinsurance ca Commercial Personal Lines Farm Livestock
108 Flett Drive Airdrie, Alberta T4B 1N2
Ph: (403) 948-3520 • Fax: (403) 948-2917
Email: don@donsavageauctions com www donsavageauctions com Auctioneering Sales Management
Chris Chri Pole Pol y Auctioneer
Custom Collection Private Storage
Phone (403) 226-0666
Box 252 Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0
Phone (306) 220-5006
Craig Flewelling AND GOOD BLACK COWS Box 727 Russell, Manitoba R0J 1W0
BRUCE 204 773 6695 Cell
204 773 3357 Home
CHRIS 204 773 0568 Cell
Consulting • Ring Service • Order Buying Craig Flewelling Box 428 Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Phone (403) 224-2111 Email: flewcc@xplornet com www flewellingcattleco com
Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0 Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441 Email:
BRIAN MCEWEN Plant Manager 5714-44th Street Tel. (780) 875-3362 (ext. 226) Lloydminster, Alta. T9V 0B6 Fax. (780) 875-3423
A Division of Bowes Publishers Limited
Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.
Kim Harder
Box 280 Clavet, Saskatchewan Canada S0K 0Y0 Phone: (306) 257 3904 Cell: (306) 341 3904
“Pictures for cattlemen by a cattleman”
Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, A berta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: E-mail: SERVICES OFFERED: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 34
Advertiser’s Index
1-Way Cattle Corp.
2, 3, 30
Alta Embryo Group Alta Genetics Amaglen Limousin
34 34 30
Bar 3R Limousin Bar-Dale Limousin Bee Zee Acres Bodell Limousin Bouchard Livestock International Bruce Stewart Livestock Transport Buck Creek Limousin
30 30 30 30 9 34 30
Canadian Cattlemen Magazine Cattle Pics By Kim H. Canadian Farm Insurance Services Circle G Farms Cochrane Stock Farms Combest Limousin Farm
34 34 34 30 30 30
Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants DC Farms Diamond C Ranch Don Savage Auctions
34 30 30 34
Eden Meadows Limousin Elian Limousin Empire Limousin Enright Farms Limousin Excel Ranches
30 30 30 30 8
Ferme A.T.J.C.L.A. Ferme BLB Farm Flewelling, Craig
30 30 34
Canadian Junior Report
McCallum Bros Limousin Merial Meridian Printing
32 11 34
Nordal Limousin & Angus
Othberg, Fritz & Sandra
Payne Livestock Pine Haven Farm Pinnacle View Limousin Poley, Chris Posthaven Limousin Prairie Pride Stock Farm Preston Acres Limousin
IBC 32 32 34 10 32 32
Red Coat Cattle Station Richmond Ranch Rocky View Livestock
32 32 32
SLA Skeels, Dan Smart Limousin Southbridge Limousin Stewart Limousin Stockmens Insurance
19 34 33 33 33 34
Fort Ellice Limousin Fouillard Limuosin
31 31
Gardiner Limousin Gerry Kuglin Photos Good Limousin Ranch Grant Rolston Photography Ltd. Greenwood Limousin
31 34 31 34 31
Highland Stock Farms High-Noon Limousin Hillside Farm Hi-Valley Limousin Hiway Limousin Hockridge Farms Hollee Limousin Horizon Limousin Hudson Limousin
IFC 12, 33 31 31 31 31 31 32 31
Ivy Livestock Ivy Ranch
31 31
Jan-Star Farms Jaymarandy Limousin Jones Cattle Co.
31 31 31
Karwandy Limousin Kensu Limousin Koyle Farms
31 Top Meadow Farms 31 10, 32 Triple “R” Limousin
Lakeridge Limousin Lisle Limousin Looma Limousin Lost Point Limousin
32 32 32 10
Maple Key Farms
33, OBC 32
Venture Livestock Ent Vogel Farms Limousin
34 33
Willowcrest Limousin Windy Gables Limousin
33 5, 33
By Lee Carpenter
Well hello again everyone! Hopefully spring calving was successful and your calves are now all out on the lush green grass! Also I hope everyone had success in marketing their good Limousin bulls this spring. Sit back here for a couple minutes though and see what’s new with your Canadian Junior Limousin Association. I will start off my report by telling you that after four years of dedication and commitment to the Canadian Junior Limousin Association, Evan Overand will no longer be sitting on the board as he is off to the land down under. Evan is going to Australia to work and we all wish him the best of luck and thank him for his positive attitude and willingness to help; have FUN Evan! With Evan stepping down, we have one available spot now on the board. We are looking for a young, enthusiastic junior Limousin member to sit on the board and help make suggestions and build on others ideas. If you know anyone or are interested yourself, talk to our board advisor, Mary Hertz (403) 378-4190. I would also like to extend our gratitude to Westgen for their donation of two hundred dollars to the Canadian Junior Limousin Association; we greatly appreciate your support to the industry and juniors alike. Last but not least, I would like to thank my sister, Dana, for writing my report for the last issue. However, she made one minor mistake; the dates for the National Junior Limousin Conference in Lloydminster, SK are July 31st, August 1st and August 2nd. We hope to see everyone out for this wonderful event. You will be receiving your entries in the mail soon and if for some reason you do not receive an entry package, call me at (306) 544-2665. I would also like to thank, on behalf of myself and the Saskatchewan juniors, all the farms, families and friends that purchased tickets on our prints as well as to those who contributed to our clothing auction at Agribition; your support is greatly appreciated. Also thank you to Leonard and Sandra Kestevan for donating five hundred dollars to the junior show, thank you! Well that’s it for this issue and if anyone has questions or concerns for the upcoming NJLC please give me a call, till next time remember to live, laugh, and love your cattle! Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 35
Published by:
1-Way Cattle Corp. Herd Reduction Sale, Cherhill, AB
2010 Livestock Market Association of Canada Competition,
Winnipeg, MB
CLA Deadline For Performance Data
Lost Point Limousin Cattle & Equipment Sale, Gibbons, AB
Our Staff
Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association Convention &
Saskatchewan Pasture School, Saskatoon, SK
Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Ted Serhienko - Marketing Chris Poley - Marketing Mina Serhienko - Controller Allison Porter - Production Manager Debbie Thiessen - Circulation/Accounting Beryl Campbell - Production/Design Michael Wheeler - Production/Design Bobbie-Jo Paysen - Production/Design Kailey Retzlaff - Production/Design Nancy Kelly - Accounting
T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK
Beef Improvement Federation Conference, Columbia, MO
Summer Synergy 2010, Olds, AB
Livestock Identification International Conference, Spruce
Today’s Publishing #4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744
AGM, Moose Jaw, SK
Eastern Marketing
Meadows, AB 24
24th OLA Field Day, Kinloss, ON
National Junior Limousin Conference, Lloydminster, SK
Limousin Voice Summer Deadline
Canadian Limousin Association AGM, Lloydminster, SK
Pique-Nique du Quebec / Quebec Fielday, St-Basile de
Cathy Brown - 705-327-1808 Published 4 times/year Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall
Portneuf, QC
Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Publications Mail Agreement: 40021107 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Today’s Publishing Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Email:
September 24
Highland Sale 16, Olds, AB
October 1-3
Olds Fall Classic, Olds, AB
Limousin Voice Fall Deadline
3-10 2010 ILC Conference, Expgua, Irapuato, GTO, Mexico 16
Fall Harvest Sale, Listowel, ON
High Noon Complete Dispersal, Moose Jaw, SK
Limousin Voice Magazine Spring 2010 • Page 36