Limousin Voice

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Limousin Voice

Herdsire Issue

Winter 2011

Volume 7 Issue 1

Robert Nimmo 15446 St. Andrews Rd., Caledon East, Ontario L7C 2R7 Tel: (905) 584 -4711 • Cell: (416) 580-5714 Fax: (416) 239-5493 Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 1

• 2010 Canadian Show Bull of the Year • Champion Limousin Bull, 2010 Stockade Roundup, Lloydminster, SK • Champion Limousin Bull, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK

SL Bullet Proof 903W

Owned with Straight Limousin

AUTO Waverly 602W

• Reserve Champion Junior National Female, Lloydminster, SK • Champion Limousin and 3rd Overall , First Lady Classic, Regina, SK

Greenwood PLD Ultra Fancy 2U • Champion Limousin Female, Stockade Round-Up, Lloydminster, SK • Supreme Grand Champion Female, Stockade Round-Up, Lloydminster, SK

Laura, Brittany, Katrina and Lindsey Papenhuyzen RR 4, Stony Plain, AB, Canada T7Z 1X4 H: (780) 963-9612 Brittany C: (780) 699-4266 Email: Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 2

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 3

Publisher & Advertising Sales Todays Publishing # 4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-934-9696 E-mail:


Bryan Kostiuk Ph: 306-933-4200 Fax: 306-934-0744 E-mail:

TwäxÜà|á|Çz etàxáM

(All ads will be in full color)

Full Page...................$950.00 1/2 Page....................$550.00 1/4 Page....................$350.00 Annual Card Ad...$250.00 All Prices Plus GST

Yearly contract discount 15% (Card Ads Exempt)

câuÄ|vtà|ÉÇ WxtwÄ|Çx WtàxáM

Spring (Female (Female Issue) Issue) Spring Ad bookings bookings by......... by.........April April 11 Ad Ad copy copy by................April by................April 99 Ad

Summer (Early (Early Sale Sale Issue) Issue) Summer Ad bookings bookings by......August by......August 11 Ad Ad copy copy by...........August by...........August 10 10 Ad

Fall (Show (Show Preview/Late Preview/Late Fall Sale Issue) Issue) Sale Ad bookings bookings by....October by....October 11 Ad Ad copy copy by.........October by.........October 10 10 Ad

Photo was taken at Andrew Ranches in Youngstown, AB s by Anne Burges

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No Gain Without Payne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carcass Win for Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Considering Limousin for Your Replacements . . . . Limousin Feeder Cattle Shine In Every Category . Supreme Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Junior Limousin Association Scholarship Elite Dam Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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.22 .30 .38 .44 .50 .73 .57

Canadian Western Agribition . . Royal Agricultural Winter Fair . National Western Stock Show . . Farmfair International . . . . . . Manitoba Livestock Expo . . . . . Saskatoon Fall Fair . . . . . . . . Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Sale Results . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shows & Sales

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.34 .46 .40 .52 .62 .64 .67 .69

CLA Office Update . . . . . . . . . . . . Alberta News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJLA Junior Report . . . . . . . . . . . The View From My Windshield . . . . Breed Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . The Real World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saskatchewan News . . . . . . . . . . . Quebec News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manitoba News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Breeder’s... Veterinary Perspective Ontario News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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.14 .28 .29 .32 .42 .45 .56 .58 .60 .65 .72 .80

As In Every Issue


Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 4








110 1417











0.75 19.2

Marb -0.03 2.34 (101)

We look forward to approximately 60 calves from this powerhouse in 2011. The Ransom x Made To Order has been very successful. We are excited to provide Warden calves for our bull customers evaluation.

We would like to thank Dave, Traci and Kage Sandilands for their purchase of a package of fullblood females. Dave has put together an elite herd of fullblood genetics from around the world. Look to DJS Limousin at 306-745-3438 for your fullblood requirements.

We would like to thank the Mitchell family of Virden, MB for their purchase of heifer calves. They have one of the most aggressive programs in Manitoba and are putting together some excellent genetics. To view their bull pen call 204-556-2683

We would like to thank the Lunn family of Calgary, AB for their initial purchase of Limousin females. They have caught the Limousin fever and are enthusiastic about the future.

Remember Our Annual Bull Sale February 28, 2011

Kelly and Norma Yorga (H) 306-263-4432 (C) 306-642-7023 (F) 306-263-4473 Box 14, Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 5

Jeffrey Yorga (H) 306-531-5717 (W) 204-793-7646 (F) 306-522-2218

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 6

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 7

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Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 9

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 10

CFLX Wild Card




Homo Polled Homo Black

MAGSWL Usual Suspect 538U





BW: 3.1 WW: 46 YW: 86 MA: 24 SC: 0.2

Homo Polled

2010 All American Futurity Supreme Champion Bull 2010 Kansas City American Royal Grand Champion Bull 2010 Louisville NAILE Reserve Grand Champion Bull 2011 Denver National Grand Champion Bull U.S. Triple Crown Champion Bull

Semen Prices for Wild Card and Usual Suspect

$80 per Straw • $75 per Straw for 10 Units • $70 per Staw for 20 Units • $60 per Straw for 30 Units

15 Stout Rugged Bulls Going To The 25th Anniversary Prairie Gold Sale April 9th Check out the bulls on line at

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 11

KEN-DOC Limousin

Ken Gillies (306) 382-2390 or (306) 221-1159

Edwards Limousin

Rob or Laird Edwards Ph: (306) 734-2624 Fax: (306) 734-2621

Stoneyview Limousin

Dale Turner (306) 374-6585 Bob Turner (306) 528-4510

Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Scott Bohrson: 403-370-3010

Sale catalogue online at Sale Consultant: Harvey Welter (306) 227-8684

Insurance available through: Stockmens Insurance Marjorie Blacklock (306) 931-0088

CLA Directors

# 13 - 4101, 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 1-866-886-1605 or (403) 253-7309 Fax: (403) 253-1704

CLA Executive Committee

PRESIDENT Mary Hertz Phone: (403) 378-4190 Fax: (403) 378-3959 Email:

VICE-PRESIDENT Bill Campbell Phone: (204) 776-2322 Fax: (204) 776-2105 Email:

TREASURER Darby Cochrane Phone: (204) 855-2633 Cell: (204) 573-6529 Fax: (204) 855-2472 Email: Email:

PAST-PRESIDENT Mike Geddes Phone: (519) 599-6776 Fax: (519) 599-1079 Email:

GENERAL MANAGER Anne Brunet-Burgess Email:


CLA Staff

Rob Swaan Phone: (250) 747-2618 Fax: (250) 747-0436 Email:

Stan Skeels Phone/Fax: (403) 843-6801 Cell: (403) 704-0288 Email:

Dale Turner Phone: (306) 374-6585 Email:

Brian Lee Phone: (705) 340-5944 Fax: (705) 340-5205 Cell: (905) 447-5173 Email: Lynn Combest Phone: (403) 742-5211 Fax: (403) 742-6139 Cell: (403) 740-7621

Provincial Association Presidents MARITIMES Mike Horsnell Phone: (902) 847-9615

QUEBEC Serge Dethier Phone: (450) 454-6456

ONTARIO Jeff Irvine Phone: (519) 837-2113 Cell: (519) 827-5123 Email: MANITOBA Kevin Basso Phone: (204) 734-4797 Email:

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 12

SASKATCHEWAN Kevin Rea Phone: (306) 463-7950 Email:

ALBERTA Wayne Burgess Phone: (403) 813-8416 Email:

BRITISH COLUMBIA Erin Kishkan Phone: (250) 747-3836 Email:

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 13

What a difference a year can make! The cattle business is rejuvenating itself with new enthusiasm from a better fall, when you, the producers finally pocketed some rewards for your efforts. The Limousin breed enjoyed a big part of the positive wave with solid purebred cattle sales from East to West and top recognition when competing against other breeds. The Canadian Limousin Association board of directors and staff are just as pumped as you are about a brighter future with considerable energy and resources being invested to ensure that Limousin leaves its mark in the industry while offering greater member service.

You would have read in the January 2011 newsletter that the board met in December and decided on numerous issues. The following is a recap of their decisions and what is happening at the CLA these days. Breed improvement Under the tireless efforts of Chairman Bill Campbell, we have made some significant strides towards accomplishing our simple goal: Get more data from Canadian Limousin cattle. Every undertaking of the Breed Improvement Committee and carried out by our genetic consultants and CLA staff, are aimed at encouraging Limousin breeders to submit information. You will remember the laminated quick reference sheets, the web based breeder’s handbook, the record books, the new sire summary etc.

New for 2011 – Recognition of Data Submission For 2011, we are pleased to give credit to those who do submit information on their Limousin cattle. The Elite Herd Program aims at identifying the herds that do total reporting of information for their animals and truly contribute to the advancement of the Limousin breed. It will be divided in four categories based on information submitted in 2011 • Platinum: herds that submit their BW, CE, WW, docility on every calf weaned, YW, SC, Ultrasound or carcass • Gold: herds that submit their BW, CE, WW, YW and docility • Silver: herds that submit BW, CE and WW • Bronze: herd on Whole Herd enrolment

The same performance information is what contributes to the Elite Dam Program. You will find in this issue of the Voice (and posted on the CLA website), a list of cows that have been identified as Elite in the breed. They meet the following criteria: • All Fullblood, Purebred, or percentage registered Limousin females on Whole Herd Enrolment • Must have raised at least 4 calves in the last 6 consecutive years (if 6 calves in 6 years, Super Elite Status is awarded)

Quelle différence ce qu’une année peu faire! L’industrie du bétail s’est rajeunie dans un nouvel enthousiasme grâce à un automne positif où vous, les producteurs, avez enfin empoché quelques récompenses pour vos efforts. La race Limousin a profité de cette onde positive avec des ventes pur-sang intéressantes de l'est à l'ouest du pays tout comme de victoires éclatantes lors de compétitions avec les autres races. Le Conseil d'administration et le personnel de l'Association canadienne Limousin sont optimistes comme vous l’êtes pour un avenir prometteur et nous investissons beaucoup d'énergie et de ressources afin de s'assurer que le Limousin fasse sa marque dans l'industrie bovine tout en offrant de meilleurs services à ses membres. Vous avez déjà lu dans le bulletin de janvier 2011 que le conseil s'est réuni en décembre et a pris des décisions sur de nombreux points. Ce qui suit est un résumé de ces décisions et de ce qui se passe à la CLA de ces temps-ci. Amélioration de la race Dans le cadre des efforts inlassables du président du comité Bill Campbell, nous avons fait des progrès importants vers l'atteinte de notre simple objectif: obtention de plus de données sur un plus grand nombre d’animaux Limousin canadiens. Chaque projet créé par le comité d’amélioration de race réalisé par nos conseillers en génétiques et le personnel de la ACL visent à encourager les éleveurs Limousin à soumettre leurs données. Toutefois pour que les données soient éligibles, le troupeau doit être enrôlé.

Nouveau pour 2011 – la reconnaissance de la soumission de données En 2011, nous sommes heureux de donner crédit à ceux qui partagent les informations de leurs animaux. Le programme de troupeau d’élite vise à identifier les troupeaux qui soumettent leurs données au complet et qui contribuent véritablement à l'avancement de la race du Limousin. Le programme sera divisé en quatre catégories, basées sur les renseignements soumis en 2011 • Platine : troupeau inscrit au programme d’enrôlement total du troupeau qui soumet lepoids à la naissance, la facilité au vêlage, le poids au sevrage, la docilité pour chaque veau sevré, le poids à un an, la circonférence scrotal, ultrasons ou carcasse • Or : troupeau inscrit au programme d’enrôlement total du troupeau qui soumet le poids à la naissance, la facilité au vêlage, le poids au sevrage, et la docilité • Argent : troupeau inscrit au programme d’enrôlement total du troupeau qui soumet lepoids à la naissance, la facilité au vêlage et le poids au sevrage • Bronze : troupeau inscrit au programme d’enrôlement total du troupeau

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 14

Must have above breed average EPD for Weaning Weight, Milk and Docility Must have below breed average EPD for Birth Weight

Congratulations to the owners of superior Limousin females.

Homozygous Status Effective January 1, 2011, homozygous status for polled and/or black will be incorporated on to the Canadian Limousin registration certificates. CLA members are to provide the office with DNA test results showing their animals have tested positive for homozygous polled and/or black. The results will be documented and will appear on the animal web search page and registration certificates can be reprinted as well if requested. The members requesting that service will be asked to sign a waiver, acknowledging the test providers disclaimer and releasing the CLA of all liability. The cost to include the information is $5 per animal, whether a new certificate is printed or not. • DNA results from all homozygous polled or black test providers are accepted • Each animal must have its own test results showing its homozygous status • Each member wishing to submit homozygous test results must sign a waiver • Progeny of two homozygous parents by test, must be parentage verified in order to get the homozygous recognition • American animals that are indicated tested homozygous polled and/or black as per their NALF registration certificate or as per their information on NALF’s website (animal search pages), will be granted the same status by the CLA. • $5 per animal will be charged to the member’s account for the service. The updated information will immediately appear on the internet and print on the registration certificate. Members are asked to indicate if they request a reprint of the registration certificate or not at the time of placing the service request. Old registration papers must be remitted to the CLA office in order to receive new updated ones.

New Breeders Directory The last breeders’ directory published in 2008 was a fund raiser for the juniors. It was widely distributed in Canada and became an important hand out to our international visitors. We are now out of directories and need to address that void for 2011. While the juniors have opted out of repeating the project, the CLA will publish an in-house version including all active CLA members (membership and administration fees paid as of March 1, 2011). There is no additional cost for members to be included in the new directory. We will be using your contact information that we have on file such as your farm/ranch name, owners, address, main and secondary phone numbers, email and website. It is your responsibility to provide us with current or additional information (such as your cell number, email, website etc).

Semen Listing Service A need for a one stop, quick listing of semen available has been identified by some members. You are now able to access that information on the CLA website. A newly designed page named “Limousin Semen for Sale” has been added to the menu. Got semen for sale? Simply email • the name of the bull • his registration number • a photo • a short description of 75 words or less, including price and contact information (email, telephone) • if you have a website, a link can be added as well. The listing fees are $50/bull. You must be a CLA member to enjoy this service.

Les mêmes informations de performance contribueront au programme de femelle d'élite. Vous trouverez dans ce numéro du Voice (et affichés sur le site web de la ACL), une liste de vaches qui ont été identifiées comme élite parmi le cheptel de la race. Elles répondent aux critères suivants •

• •

Une femelle pur-sang, fullblood ou à pourcentage Limousin inscrit à l’Enrôlement Total du Troupeau. Elle doit avoir élevée au moins 4 veaux (inscrit au registre Limousin) durant les six dernières années Elle doit posséder des EPD au dessus de la moyenne pour le poids au sevrage, la production de lait et la docilité. Elle doit posséder un EPD pour le poids à la naissance en dessous de la moyenne

Félicitations aux propriétaires des femelles d’élite Limousin supérieures.

Statut homozygote À partir du 1er janvier 2011, le statut homozygote pour polled et/ou noir sera intégré aux certificats d'enregistrement Limousin canadiens. Les membres de l’association doivent nous fournir les résultats des tests d’ADN montrant que leurs animaux ont testé homozygote pour le gène polled et/ou noir. Les résultats seront documentée et apparaîtront sur la page de recherche animale sur le web et les certificats d'enregistrement peuvent être réimprimés sur demande.

Les membres réclamant ce service devront signer une décharge libérant l’Association Canadienne Limousin de toute responsabilité et récapitulant les conditions émises par les fournisseurs de test d’ADN. Le coût de 5$ par animal vous sera chargé pour transcrire l’information sur le dossier de l’animal et inclut un nouveau certificat si vous le désirez. • • • •

Les résultats d’ADN pour les tests homozygotes polled et/ou noir sont acceptés de tous les fournisseurs Chaque animal doit avoir ses propres résultats de test Chaque membre souhaitant soumettre les résultats des tests homozygotes doit signer une décharge La progéniture de deux parents homozygotes (prouvés par test), doit être vérifiée par ADN, afin d'obtenir le statut homozygote Les Limousin américains qui sont démarqués homozygote polled et/ou noir sur leur registre de NALF ou selon leurs informations sur le site web de NALF (pages de recherche animale), recevront le même statut au Canada. L’inscription de la reconnaissance homozygote est au coût de 5 $ par animal (peu importe avec ou sans réimpression du certificat d’enregistrement). Cette information apparaitra automatiquement sur l’internet et peut être imprimé sur le certificat d’enregistrement immédiatement si le membre le désire. Les membres désirant une réimpression du certificat d’enregistrement doivent retourner le vieux certificat à l’association si non, l’information concernant l’homozygosité sera imprimé lors de la prochaine impression de l’enregistrement (par exemple lors d’un transfert)

Nouveau bottin des éleveurs Le dernier bottin Limousin publié en 2008 a servi de levée de fonds pour les juniors. Il a été largement distribué au Canada et est devenu un outil important à remettre à nos visiteurs internationaux. Nous avons maintenant épuisé les stocks et nous devons considérer un renouvellement en 2011. Les juniors ne sont pas en mesure de répéter leur projet de financement alors l’Association Canadienne Limousin publiera une version interne qui inclura tous les membres actifs de ALC (frais de membre et d’administration payés au 1er mars 2011). Nous utiliserons vos coordonnées que nous avons en dossier tel que votre nom de ferme/ranch, propriétaires, adresse, numéros de téléphone principal et secondaire, courriel et site web.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 15

Looking for semen for sale? Visit , click on “Semen for Sale”

Spring Bull Sale Preparation We would like to remind you of a few steps in preparation of your bull sales: • Make sure your bulls are registered before you sell them! Many animal shoppers are using the CLA website to look up pedigrees, performance etc. If your animals are not registered, your potential buyers will not be able to find them. You may register animals but wait for buyer’s information before the certificate is printed to avoid having to resend them to the office. • Once your animals are registered, you may submit a photo to have on their page. Adding a photo to the CLA web animal search pages only costs $5/animal. • The calendar of events is a great place to list your sale date and a quick link to a website or a small brochure. Submit your sale date yourself by entering the information at the bottom of the “events calendar” page. • Looking for more web traffic? The CLA website gets visited on average 100 times/day. You can purchase a banner ad that appears on the search pages (most frequented pages) for $150/month. Your ad is linked to your website or your web posted . • CLA material is available to include in your sale catalogue such as ads that aim at promoting benefits of using Limousin genetics or articles that have been published in the Voice. • Don’t forget we can supply you with posters, Limousin coffee cups and record books at no cost. Advertising campaign The board of directors has agreed to continue the Cattlemen Magazine co-op ad campaign. If you wish to be included in the Fall 2011 and/or Spring 2012 issues, please contact Anne at the office. Space is limited, the first right of refusal will be given to current participants. Did you know…

Ontario is hosting all national Limousin events in 2011? Starting with the National Junior Conference August 18-21 (Orangeville) the CLA Annual General Meeting on August 20 (Orangeville) and the National Show in Sale at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto November 3-6. Canadian Lim-Flex and American Lim-Flex rules are a bit different? The main difference being the progeny of two Lim-Flex animals mated together cannot be registered in Canada. One of our by-laws states that in order for an animal to be registered, one of the two parents must be at least 75% Limousin blood. That another benefit of being a CLA member is the access to health benefits via RanchPlan? Details on our website. That all Limousin A.I. sires need to be parentage verified to both parents and tested for Proto before semen can be sold? If you are planning on selling semen, make sure you are requesting your DNA tests by contacting the CLA office. If an animal’s EPD’s accuracy are too low to be a number value, they are expressed by PE (pedigree estimate). If that animal becomes a parent, its progeny will not receive EPD’s until both its parents have accuracies expressed in numbers.

Wishing you a bull season exceeding your expectations whether you are selling or shopping for your next herd sire!

Il est de votre responsabilité de nous fournir vos coordonnées à jour ou supplémentaires (telles que votre numéro de cellulaire, courriel, site web, etc.). Recueil de semence Limousin à vendre Nous avons maintenant une page web dédiée à la vente de semence de taureaux. Les gens qui ont de la semence à vendre peuvent lister l’information en faisant parvenir leur information à Nom du taureau Son numéro d’enregistrement ou tatou Une photo Une description en 75 mots ou moins incluant le prix et les coordonnées de la personne contact Si vous avez un site web, nous inclurons un lien Le service est réservé aux membres de l’Association Canadienne Limousin et coûte 50$ par taureau.

Préparation pour les ventes de taureaux En préparation pour les ventes à venir, voici quelques points à ne pas oublier : • Assurez-vous que vos taureaux sont enregistrés avant des vendre. De nombreux acheteurs d’animaux utilisent le site web de l’association pour rechercher les généalogies, la performance, etc.. Si vos animaux ne sont pas enregistrés, vos acheteurs potentiels seront dans l’impossibilité de les trouver sur notre site. • Une fois que vos animaux sont enregistrés, vous pouvez soumettre une photo qui apparaitra sur leur page web. L’ajout d'une photo sur les pages de recherche animale ne coûte que 5$ par animal. • Est-ce que votre date d’encan apparait au calendrier des événements? C’est un excellent endroit pour commencer la promotion. On peut y ajouter un lien et/ou une petite brochure. Vous pouvez soumettre votre date de vente vous-même en entrant les informations au bas de la page « calendar of events » • Vous cherchez plus de trafic internet ? Le site web de l’association reçoit en moyenne 100 visites par jour. Vous pouvez acheter un panneau publicitaire qui apparaît sur les pages de recherche (les pages les plus visitées) pour 150$ par mois. Votre annonce est liée à votre propre site web. • On vous rappelle qu’il existe du matériel de promotion sur la race Limousin. Celui-ci peut être inclut dans votre catalogue de vente tels que les annonces qui visent à promouvoir les avantages de l'utilisation du Limousin ou les articles qui ont été publiés dans le Voice. N'oubliez pas que nous pouvons vous fournir des posters, des tasses à café Limousin et des carnets de vêlage sans frais.

Campagne de publicité Le Conseil d'administration a convenu de poursuivre la campagne de publicité dans la revue Cattlemen Magazine. Si vous souhaitez figurer dans le numéro d'automne 2011 ou ceux du printemps 2012, veuillez communiquer avec Anne au bureau. L'espace est limité et le droit de priorité sera donné aux participants actuels.

Saviez vous que… • L'Ontario sera l’hôte de tous les événements nationaux Limousin en 2011. En commençant par la Conférence nationale des Junior du 1821 août (Orangeville), puis l'Assemblée générale annuelle de l’association le 20 août (Orangeville) et finalement le concours national et la vente nationale à la Royal Winter Fair de Toronto du 3 au 6 novembre. • Les règles canadiennes pour le Lim-Flex et celles pour les américains sont un peu différentes. La différence principale étant que la descendance de deux animaux Lim-Flex accouplés ensemble ne peut pas être enregistrée au Canada. L'une de nos lois prévoit que pour qu'un animal soit enregistré, un des deux parents doit être au moins 75 % de sang Limousin. Bonne chance avec vos ventes de taureaux!

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 16

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 17

Book Early for best selection Spring Delivery!

Thick, well muscled, quiet.

Call or email for complete listing.

E.John & Ena Post 7396 - 20th Sideroad, RR 2, Alma, ON N0B 1A0 Farm: (519) 846-9320 Cell: (519) 766-7178 Email:

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 18

Homo Polled

1½ Semen packages still available.

ROMN Justice x Greenwood PLD Rebecca (KLINT)

Thank you to Murphy Ranches for purchasing the walking rights of Xtra Charge and the Semen Syndicate for your excitement in this powerful Justice calf.

Greenwood PLD XOXO

Greenwood PLD Tidal Wave

EXLR Total Impact 054T

Homo Polled - $20/Straw

Black, Homo Polled - $30/Straw

Greenwood Limousin Owned by Pinnacle View Limousin

Bernard and Mona Payne Box 159 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y1 306/825-3550

Thank you to our 2010 fall supporters Headliner Sale, Edmonton, AB Pinnacle View Limousin Hollee Limousin Agribition Solid Gold Sale, Regina, SK Koyle Farms Top Meadow Farms ALA Pacesetter Sale, Lloydminster, SK Dynasty Limousin Taylor Richards

The Payne Family

Email: Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 19

Mark and Doris 780/744-2216 Scott and Jackie 306/825-4328 Brad and Janice 306/825-9321 Fax: 306/825-6943

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 20

CFSV Polled Majesty 312S

Richmond Wyatt SRD 48W

(EAFF Medallion 462M x SVL Polled Genuine 804L)

(Wulfs Space Ship x Top Meadow 303N)

“Here are some of our featured Lots”

WGL 1X - Jan 10/2010 - CJSL Time Traveller x Ivy's Utter Perfection. Black Double Polled PB

WGL 2X - Jan 8/2010 - CFSV Polled Majesty 312S x Greenwood Morning Glora. Polled Fullblood

WGL 3X - Feb 5/2010 - RPY Paynes Signal x Windy Misty. Red Polled PB

WGL 8X - Jan 18/2010 - HSF Wat-Cha Swingers Club x Windy Regan. Black Double Polled PB

WGL 9X - Jan 13/2010 - RPY Paynes Trilogy x Greenwood Pld Terrific. Black Double Polled PB

WGL 13X - Jan 7/2010 - CFSV Polled Majesty 312S x Clayton Miracle. Double Polled Fullblood - Full Sib to high selling yearling at Fall Harvest Sale to Y2K Land & Cattle Co. WGL 20X - Feb 20/2010 - Ivys Solid Gold x TMF 442M. Red Polled PB

WGL 23X - Feb 27/2010 - CFSV Polled Majesty 312S x Windy Renate. Polled Fullblood - Full Sib to 2008 Reserve National Champion Fullblood Female - Royal Winter Fair WGL 30X - Mar 10/2010 - CLLL New Direction x Highland Pop Star. Black Double Polled PB

WGL 31X - Jan 20/2010 - Wulfs Klint x CL Honey Buns Hour. Red Double Polled PB

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In the early part of the twentieth Century, a large scale colonization project was planned by two English Anglican ministers that eventually resulted in one of the largest colonization projects in Western Canada. Both had spent some time on the Canadian prairies; the Reverend G. E. Lloyd had fought in the militia during the Riel Rebellion and the Reverend I. M. Barr claimed to have farmed in the west and that he knew it well.

In April of 1903, around 1500 colonists arrived in Saskatoon carrying what possessions they had and virtually walked (often through mud and mire) to their new homes. Coming from industrial cities throughout England, they lacked the skills to handle ox teams or to hunt and arrived at the bleak and desolate site that the Reverend Barr had secured between the present-day Alberta – Saskatchewan border. The colonists turned to the Reverend G. H. Lloyd (who had worked so hard) to make good the shortcomings of his fellow cleric who had disappeared from sight after arriving in Saint John, New Brunswick, with no transportation arrangements made to move the colonists westward. Lloyd became their leader and the settlement that grew, so painfully, remembers him in its name – Lloydminster.

The majority of the colonists were townfolk: warehousemen, dressmakers, jewelers, laborers, etcetera; many of them had never driven a horse, let alone harnessed one to a plow. During the 320 kilometre trek north, their transformation into farmers began and for better or for worse, most of the people had found their free 160 acre homesteads. A young bricklayer and his wife, Robert and Jessie Payne, were part of this colony; a man who never was much of a farmer but walked to town every day, laid bricks and walked home again. He never owned a car and by 1938 his son George had taken over the family homestead. Towards the end of the ‘dirty thirties,’ in 1936, Bernard William Payne was born and by 1952 he had joined his father working the 980 acres of mixed farming and raising commercial cattle. Today, Bernie has a family farm that involves about 1500 acres of deeded land and 1800 acres of leased land, along with the purebred herd of Limousin cattle.

In 1908, the area in which the Payne family homesteaded was named by his grandmother Grace and to this day, it is known as Greenwood. Growing up, Bernie attended Greenwood school for “as long as he had to” and by age 12 was already interested in showing cattle through his involvement in 4-H. His early years were spent helping his father on their farm; helping his uncle deliver milk and supplies around Lloydminster, hauling all kinds of livestock and even selling cars.

Just six miles down the road lived a young girl whom he had known while growing up, but it wasn’t until after she had graduated university and was working as a secretary in Lloydminster, that he took a “shine” to her and married Mona Elizabeth Manley in 1956. They raised six children … all boys and now have five daughters-in-law, twelve grand children and six great grand children (one boy and five girls … can you believe that?). While their boys were growing up, Bernie coached them in hockey and was their leader in 4-H; a position he held for nineteen years at the district and regional level.

An active and community minded leader, organizing the formation of the Greenwood Community Centre, he is an ex-school trustee and belongs to the Lloydminster Elks club. He became a director of the Lloydminster Exhibition Association in 1974 and was actively involved in establishing the exhibition grounds to its impressive status of today. Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 23

In 1994, Bernie received the Lloydminster Lions Citizen of the Year award and continues his involvement in as many organizations and committees as possible.

Having grown up on a mixed farm, what made you go into purebred cattle? “Well, I always loved good cattle … it did not matter what breed. A good one was a good one you know! But when I was 16, I took my threshing wages and purchased three Herefords and later some Angus cows, building the herd up to approximately 128 head by 1972. We AI’d them to some exotic bulls, including Limousin. The Angus were small and being docked for carcass weight and having seen how well Limousin crossed with the Angus (through thickness) … we just never turned back.” Bernie chose to stay with Limousin because he felt he couldn’t get enough gain out of cattle in other breeds. They sold the black cattle in 1974, even though some of his friends thought he was “nuts!” Bernie and the boys established Greenwood Limousin that same year, naming it after the district in which they lived and after having won the Lloydminster district 4-H show with a Limousin steer.

Some of the first Greenwood Limousin cattle were purchased during a fishing trip. During a break in the ‘arduous’ job of catching fish, Bernie picked up a local newspaper and noticed an ad advertising Limousin crossbreds; we’re not sure if he caught any fish, but he brought home seven head of cattle. Not long after, the World Limousin Conference was held in Salt Lake City and they purchased two females to add to the growing herd. Greenwood Limousin continued to purchase the odd animal here and there but then started purchasing Limousin herds wherever they could. The reason … “because most herds had five or six good ones,” which they kept and resold those that they thought would not fit into their new herd. They continued their herd building by purchasing cattle from folks like the Browns, the Hayards, the Lloyd Denny herd, the Don Allen herd and the Spruce Lane herd. In 1978 they purchased Helix, their first herdsire and were off to the ‘races’ or better yet … the years of showing Limousin cattle had begun. 1978 was their first year at Canadian Western Agribition at which they won Champion Percentage Female. Today, Greenwood Limousin has shown and sold cattle throughout Canada and the US and extended their sales to countries such as Australia, Brazil, China, England, Ireland, Mexico and Scotland. Their showing career has garnered such accolades as Breeder of the Year in Alberta for three years and Saskatchewan for two; in 1993 they won Limousin Leader of the Year and the Saskatchewan Distinguished Breeder Award. Premier Breeder, Exhibitor, Get of Sire and Championship banners to numerous to mention and a true highlight … 1999 Canadian Limousin Association Distinguished Breeder Award.

Greenwood held their first production sale in 1982 and has held a sale consecutively up until BSE hit Canada and since then, have marketed through private treaty. The highest priced Limousin bull they have every marketed went to Texas and sold for $22,000.00, the high selling cow sold for $37,000.00 and went to Denver, CO. “I’ve had some great times selling and purchasing cattle … purchasing probably. There was the time I drove over to Bergman’s (in my half ton) expecting to buy two or three head and ended up purchasing thirty four. Obviously I had to get a trailer to haul them home, but there were only twelve people at the sale, due to a snow storm! Another time, when we were in Stettler, I bought a donkey and had to load him up in the trimming chute … raised a few eyebrows and got stopped a few times before we got him home … but he actually was one of the best purchases I made … he was great for halter breaking cattle”! Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 24

If you had a business highlight what would it be? “My first sale.” You were nervous? “Yes, I owed the bank $220,000.00; that was a lot of money back then! Well, it pretty near grossed what I owed and was my turn around.” He remembers his bank manager saying, “I think now, you know what you’re doing!” “He was a good manager, always worried about what we were doing. When I told him we were buying nine quarters of pastureland, he immediately said, ‘Be careful, if this thing gets dry and you have no grain to fall back on … where is it,’ he asked, … over at Islay … ‘well for goodness sakes … it’s been dry up there!’ He really cared! Anyway, I told him we had to have it and we got it, the old Nupar ranch.”

“Another big thrill was my purchase of Red Wattle hogs. We were in at the fair and this guy from Esterhazy had these little pigs, about two months old, for sale at $1000.00 a piece. They didn’t really look any different to me than any other hog but they had these little wattles on ‘em.” At supper that evening with Don Mazankowski (Minister of Transport, Deputy Prime Minister and Government House Leader during the Mulroney years); his wife, Lorraine, and friends Ray and Marie Neilson, decided to go into the hog business.

“Well Ray and Don were not interested but I partnered up with the girls and we went back to the barn and purchased all of them.” To shorten a fairly lengthy story (Bernie would be happy to tell you the whole story), they ended up purchasing “a whole bloody bunch” and started raising pigs. Apparently, the sows were slow farrowing and only had about five or six piglets at a time.

That was a wreck!

“There was good money in them” (‘$1000.00, $2000.00’) … we never put one ad in the paper and sold them right off the yard. One guy was at our livestock sale and bought twenty of them … he just had to have them … and gave us $9000.00!!” The Red Wattle hog partnership was lucrative for about two years and ended when Bernie felt the need to “get out.”

What was the biggest ‘pit fall’ in your life? “I’ve been in and out of a few. But the biggest wreck I had in my life was the day I went to town to put hail insurance on the land. It was hot that day, so I stopped for a few bubblies, well, enough so that I forgot about the hail insurance … it hailed the next morning. That was a wreck!”

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you still active in Greenwood, are the boys still with you? ...could not have done it without Are “Rocky has his own place, so it’s mainly just Scott, Mark and a little bit. Brad’s boys help and own some cattle over any of my family, on the farm or Brad, at Rocky’s. We all own our own cattle but share mutually in all the machinery. We all have our own individuality and are in the Limousin breed. fortunate to get along while doing so. I’m still active in the farm but at 74, my body is beginning to tell me to slow down some.” You’ve seen a lot of change in your time can you operate a computer? “No.” Well, how about the changes you are seeing in farming? “I worry about what’s going to happen in the next 30 years … like the cost of machinery, land, cattle … how are kids going to maintain everything? I do know that I could not have done it without any of my family, on the farm or in the Limousin breed.”

“I’d like to congratulate all breeders for taking Limousin to where they are today. It has been a great experience for all of us at Greenwood, particularly in meeting and working with so many wonderful people in this great breed.”

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Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 27

Koyle Techumseh 2008 National Champion Bull and back to back 2007 and 2008 Royal Grand Champion Bull Koyle Tickle Brin

One of his first progeny. Slapped 2010 Royal Grand Champion Female. D: EF Tickle My Fancy Dwight and Catherine Koyle RR 3, Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0 P: 519.764.2697•C: 519.670.8314•F: 519.764.2071 Martin Koyle Cell: 519.860.0911•

As we welcome a new year, we also bring forth change within the Alberta Limousin Association. We are very happy to welcome three new directors to the folds: Jackie Payne, Brittany Papenhuyzen and Mark Porter. We look forward to the vim and vigor that these people bring to our meetings. As always when we bring in new, it means that we have had to say good bye to some very dedicated people also. We offer our thanks to Sherry Christiansen, Debbie Fouillard, and Wanda Labuik. These three ladies gave immense time and efforts in making our association as strong as it is today. Ladies you are remarkable! During our AGM, which we held for the first time jointly with the Saskatchewan folks, a lot of fun and camaraderie was had as well as a very successful Pacesetter sale, which witnessed some record prices and some great cattle in the presentation. As a result of a railroad type election of officers we have the following slate: President – Wayne Burgess, Vice President – Carriann Johnson, Secretary – Barb Miller, and Treasurer – Donna Olson, and our Limousin Ambassador for the year is Shania Richards. We look

forward to serving our people and try to create as much interest as possible for the Limousin breed. Several changes are taking place in our approach to promotion this year, with our focus on the need to make Limousin more of a household discussion. We will be running billboard type advertising again this year, as well as more recognition to those who have been making Limousin work for them. The license plates have been a very popular promotional item and are still available by contacting any of our directors. Thank you once again to all of the 4-H members that are campaigning Limousin animals, we support you and wish you all the very best as you push towards a championship. Make sure your leaders let us know so that we can get a token of appreciation to you and – GOOD LUCK!!! As we go forward, be sure to watch the column for updates and times for some exciting events planned for the year. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL WHO ARE SELLING AND PROMOTING LIMOUSIN BULLS THIS SPRING.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 28

Sale Feature : Pick of the 2011 Spring Heifer Calf Cand Fall rop

Happy New Year Limousin friends! What a great year we just had in 2010! anks to the Saskatchewan Limousin Association for hosting our National Junior Limousin Conference in Lloydminster- it was a blast! is weekend was also our CJLA board meeting and AGM where the new CJLA board was announced. President: Cameron Olson (AB), Vice-President: Justin Burgess (ON), Secretary: Katelyn Tedford (SK), Treasurer: Dana Carpenter (SK), and Press-Reporter: Melanie Gollinger (ON). Jayden Payne (SK), and Tyson Hertz (AB), will represent the board as Directors at Large. Special thanks to Lee Carpenter for his time on the CJLA board and best of luck in your future endeavors. 2010 was great; we all know that - just look at the diversity on the CJLA board, truly representing each participating province! 2011 is going to rock your socks juniors- so I hope you’re ready for NJLC 2011 in Orangeville, Ontario! e conference will take place August 19-21 at the Orangeville Fairgrounds and the show committee is already hard at work planning for what I know is going to be an awesome show, so don't miss out! For 2011, the CJLA has 4 scholarships available! To apply, simply write an essay stating your involvement in the Limousin breed and submit it to Mary Hertz by October 1, 2011. ese scholarships are available for any Junior 15 years and older. I ask that you do yourself a favor and take part in the outstanding events that the Limousin breed has to offer in 2011- you will not regret it, trust me! Melanie Gollinger, Press Reporter

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 29

The 2010 Quality Beef Carcass Competition at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show (COFS) announced its winners on September 27th.

At a dinner meeting in Norwich, Tom Hern from Woodham, ON was named champion among the 15 other competitors. Having entered the champion animal, Hern receives $1000 in prize money. Held annually at COFS in Woodstock, the competition promotes meat quality and provides producers with an educational experience - in addition to some friendly competition.

“This competition continues to be a great opportunity for producers across the province to show off their animals and learn something,” says COFS Livestock Co-ordinator, Stefanie Nagelschmitz. “We are lucky to have a strong group of sponsors who put a lot of effort into the competition.” Carcasses were processed and graded at Norwich Packers by experienced beef grader, Dave Doughty. Doughty graded the competition in 2009 and is a well respected professional in the industry. Doughty judged carcasses based on a

Winning Rib Eye. Photo Paige Glover *Reproduced with the permission of the News Feed, the newsletter of the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association. Provided by Stefanie Nagelschmitz, Communications & Livestock Co-ordinator, Canada’s Outdoor Shows.

grid of marbling, carcass cutability, fat, rib eye area, colour and carcass weight. Hern’s Limousin cross was followed by David Scott in second, with Carl Wilcox in third, who both entered Pinzgauer cattle. The competition was stiff and diverse. Cattle ranged from Blonde d’Aquitaine, Piedmontese, Belgian Blue, Angus to Charolais. Among the other competitors were Gary and Shirley Betzner, Stan Brien, Bob Dale, Brian Dykstra, Paul Goodyear, Mike Hern, Bruce and Cathy Langstaff, Ken and Nancy Mills, Dan Parker, Dennis and Shari Robinson, Junior and Karen Van Geffen, as well as Greg and Jolene Wilson.

All cattle were on display during COFS, from September 14th to 16th and had 39,200 attendees. During the show, attendees used their best judgement to pick the winning animal using a mock scorecard for the chance to win free steaks from Norwich Packers. The Quality Beef Carcass Competition is proudly sponsored by AgriBrands Purina, BIO, the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association, Ontario Beef Farmer Magazine and Norwich Packers.

Limousin X, entered by Tom Hern, won the 2010 COFS Quality Beef Carcass Competition. Photo Paige Glover

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 30

Bulls and heifers sired by...

Double Black and Double Polled bulls by Rough Rider. 5 Full Blood - full siblings and ¾ siblings by Mashmalo with Moulin Rouge and Brooks Girl.

On Offer...

Two-Year-Old Bulls • Yearling Bulls • Open Heifers For more information or catalogues feel free to contact us.

• Rough Rider - Sire of the Year • Hiway’s Titan • Payne’s Game Day • Jaymarandy Tuff • Koyles Ripper

Len & Ruth Angus: 204-937-4980 Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Todd & Jay-Dean Smyth: 204-937-4384 Len’s Cell: 204-937-0274 Mark’s Cell: 204-281-5099 email:

Box 92, Minto, MB R0K 1M0

Bill & Lauren: 204.776.2322


Bulls Offered

• Red & Black Polled and Lim-Flex • Sired by ROMN TOW TRUCK, EXLR TOTAL CONTROL, RPY PIPELINE, AMAGLEN UMPIRE MAN, CAM TYCOON, and SAV FINAL ANSWER View Bulls At Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 31

... is showing exciting times for the years to follow. Although the building process of herd expansion should begin shortly, stabilization must be established in all sectors of the meat chain. This bounce in the market place has been long awaited for and will help clear financial backlog, which has been more prevalent in the seedstock industry in comparison to the commercial sector. As herd building begins, the largest part of expansion will occur in the commercial sector but in the same parallel, we will see a rise in livestock enthusiasts who will venture into the purebred sector. Several breeds will lead in new memberships, due to the simple fact that leaders in their respective breeds will promote future, fame and fortune. Simply put, we require a supply of progressive purebred breeders to supply seedstock in the pastures of the world. It is a known fact that the breeder population, since BSE, has been on a slippery down hill slope. Lessons can be learned from the fall markets. The industry is demanding larger carcass weights and leaning towards calves sired by continental sires for heterosis and a higher degree of performance. As much as all breeds look at the marbling and carcass values, we must remember that sixty percent of the beef consumed is ground and the largest share is marketed through the restaurant trade, with its largest market out of a drive-through window. It is a multi-billion dollar business and cannot afford to have supply shortages, no matter what the cost. Hence, we are going to have bigger carcasses whether you like it or not because of a greater demand for the cheaper cut of meat. The motto for 2011 should be to stabilize and promote all the great things that the Limousin breed can offer on the British cows through the grasslands of Canada. Calving ease, hybrid vigor, consistency of body shape, frame size and color, along with the most important factor that everyone keeps forgetting… that five letter word “yield.” It is a simple fact that you will get more live calves at weaning, heavier calves at weaning and most definitely, more yield out of a heavier carcass but if you do not tell your neighbors, commercial producers in your area or any place through the world, then we are going to waste a lot of ink and paper here. You are the breeders with the product for display; therefore, you control your own destiny.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 32

2011 offers many opportunities to position a program for the “bull years” ahead. With the price of kill strong and growing stronger, what a great time to make your cow herd’s average age lower by dispensing of those border line older cows that have occupied space in your pastures. Whether you are a purebred breeder or a cow/calf producer, proper herd and grass management are factors of successful margins. If expansion is in your plans, add young females (preferably by one sire) and select by quality not price. The phrase, “You get what you pay for” is never more true than in the quest of breeding cattle. One half of a cow herd is your herd bull (s). If you cheat yourself on your herd bull, you are cheating yourself on profit. For those who have a steady market of repeat clientele each spring, the addition of new genetics each year is essential to maintain and retain market share. Everyone thinks bringing in new A.I. bulls into a program is the herd bull answer, but that leads to a longer calving season, lack of uniformity in the calf crop and in some cases, open cows. The best remedy for that disease is a damn good walking bull. Now you can find them this year or wait until they get higher, you decide because you control your own destiny. Enjoy these times in the cattle business… they are fun and in most cases profitable. To those commercial producers who read my column, study the bulls and the programs of the advertisers in this issue. They are those who are true breeders, with a goal and a solid breeding program built to improve yours.

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Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Ken-Doc Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ken-Doc Xtra Sweet by Ivy’s Unrestricted Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Ellie 52X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Sassy 51X by RPY Paynes Dynamo 16U

JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Eye Opener 2X by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bombshell 21X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’

YEARLING HEIFER AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB and Saucier Cattle Co., Airdrie, AB with MAGS Wilhelmina by MAGS Savage SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Xtra Cool by Ivy’s Too Cool TRH 83T

RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Carpenters Cattle Co., Hanley, SK with RPY Paynes Watcher by WULFS Revolver 1219R RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Eye Opener 2X by WULFS Revolver 1219R YEARLING HEIFER

RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Ellie 52X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ SENIOR DIVISION

Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Xtra Cool by Ivy’s Too Cool TRH 83T 2. Ivy Livestock and Danny Hertz, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Xquisite DDH 28X by ROMN Justice

Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB and Saucier Cattle Co., Airdrie, AB with MAGS Wilhelmina by MAGS Savage 2. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with AUTO Waverly by AUTO Full Throttle Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Carpenters Cattle Co., Hanley, SK with RPY Paynes Watcher by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Will I Do 23W by WULFS Revolver 1219R

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 35


(4 Shown) 1. Ivy Livestock and Tyson Hertz, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Undress Me TRH 2U by Carrousels Nasdaq and her calf, Ivy’s Xterminator TRH 14X by CJSL Time Traveler 7051T 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD U R So Fine by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

(2 Shown) 1. Ivy Livestock, Brandon Hertz and Ron McKenzie, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s PLD Sweet Touch 4S by TMF Napolean 734N and her calf, Ivy’s Xtra Sweet BHM 4X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Ivy Livestock, Brandon Hertz and Ron McKenzie, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s PLD Sweet Touch 4S by TMF Napolean 734N and her calf, Ivy’s Xtra Sweet BHM 4X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Ivy Livestock and Tyson Hertz, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Undress Me TRH 2U by Carrousels Nasdaq and her calf, Ivy’s Xterminator TRH 14X by CJSL Time Traveler 7051T

JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Headliner 42X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ SENIOR DIVISION


Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T 2. Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB with HSF Xavier by Carrousels Pure Power

Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Stoneyview Farm, Lockwood, SK with Stoneyview Xceed by Stoneyview Royal Crown 2. Jones Cattle Co., Morse, SK with JCC Therock 17X by RPY Paynes Thunder 14T

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Hardline 20X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Hot Spot 25X by CLLL New Direction 394P



Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Headliner 42X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’

Split 3 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Backlash 6X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Wide Angle 9X by WULFS Shop Talk 2332S

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 36

SENIOR BULL CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Hardline 20X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ YEARLING BULL

(4 Shown) 1. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB and Straight Limousin, Logan, IA with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch 2. Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB with MAGS War Admiral by MAGS Savage

YEARLING AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB and Straight Limousin, Logan, IA with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch

RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB with MAGS War Admiral by MAGS Savage

BREEDER’S HERD Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK GET OF SIRE Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK

TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Universe 43U by MAGS Silver Spoon

PREMIER BREEDER Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Universe 43U by MAGS Silver Spoon

PREMIER EXHIBITOR Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK

A Gates bull is designed to work throughout the commercial industry. We work everyday to breed sound, functional, real-world cattle that excel up and down the production chain. We welcome you to check out our bull pen this spring!

Visit our website for a complete list of bulls available privately and customer incentives for making Gates Limousin your source.

Your call or visit is always welcome.

LVLS Weapon Hunt We have several high performance, feed efficient, functional sons by Weapon Hunt on

offer this spring. Plus, the best bull created to date at Gates Limousin is a Weapon Hunt son—GATS 003X! Give us a call on this big-time herd-sire prospect—he’s a true outliner.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 37

Bill & Mary Gates • Gary & Brandi Gates 250 Stillwater River Rd. • Absarokee, MT 59001 • 406/328-4393 •

Photo taken at Andrew Ranches By: Anne Brunet-Burgess, Canadian Limousin Association, General Manager

Since its arrival in Canada in 1968, the Limousin breed has held an important share of the market as a terminal breed. Statistics have proven time after time that carcasses containing Limousin genetics will achieve the highest yield and tenderness, without excess fat. More recently, you would have heard that Limousin excels in Residual Feed Intake. When compared to other breeds, Limousin bulls required less feed to achieve similar performance. According to a study at the Midland Bull Station, the difference was valued at over $59 per head in a feedlot scenario. But what about the Limousin female? Is her value beyond the feedlot? She is often overlooked by commercial herds as a replacement option but for some producers, there is nothing that can beat her as a mother.

For Ed, Dawn, Justin and Katey Darr, Limousin genetics have fit the bill as the terminal and replacement breed of choice for their one hundred and fifty cow herd for over thirty years. In fact, the breed has held an exclusive spot for the past 15 years in their Shoal Lake, Manitoba operation. The family received the Manitoba Commercial Limousin Breeders of the Year Award for 2010. When you ask them, why Limousin? They simply answer, “that is what you need to top the market.” They are now well known at their local Strathclair auction mart, and their product is appreciated by repeat buyers year after year. But what about the twenty heifers kept as replacements annually? “They are good mothers. Like any other breed, some are better than others but we like the calving ease, and fertility is not a problem.” The Darr family makes their first calf heifers calve at twenty four months of age and were proud to share with me that they all calved within three weeks last year. When selecting bulls, they focus on growth but keep a close eye on milk and calving ease as well, in order to select the best package possible. They commend Limousin seedstock breeders for working at increasing scrotal circumference, but elucidate that fertility in their Limousin herdsires or their females has never been an issue.

Jayme Reid from Tiverton, Ontario has never tried any other breed because he doesn’t want to fix something that is not broken. “I hesitate to bring in Angus or another breed that could compromise the muscle and thickness in my cattle.” Reid Farms keep one hundred and forty Limousin cows that are bred to red meaty, hairy Limousin bulls. “I like Limousin Photos provided by The Darr Family cattle with lots of hair and muscling throughout, not necessarily the traditional type, but cattle with depth and thickness. That kind of bulls produce the kind of finished cattle that have been topping the live market at Brussels Livestock for us.” Unlike the majority of beef producers, Jayme is not sold on polled genetics. “It seems that my selection criteria often come in a horned package.” Another undisclosed source involved with the Ontario beef market tells me that producers have to keep an open mind about where to use Limousin as a foundation. According to this well connected industry associate, the resulting product of Limousin females crossed with a Charolais bull could very well be exactly what the market requires. “The Limousin female will keep the calving ease and contribute to yielding, while the Charolais genetics will increase rapid gain.” Back in October, I had the pleasure of spending half a day with Tim Andrew of Youngstown, Alberta. Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 38

Back in October, I had the pleasure of spending half a day with Tim Andrew of Youngstown, Alberta. Andrew Ranches, a third generation family operation, is one of the largest herds of commercial Limousin females in Canada. On that beautiful fall day, we talked Limo while walking through pastures of several hundred pairs. Tim describes their location as the “West Texas of Alberta where it doesn’t always rain.” In his opinion, “The Limousin cow possesses the ultimate mothering ability; she brings longevity and carcass qualities in a moderate structure that survives under our conditions.” This family ranch, comprising of a father and two sons, makes their living by selling their top cattle in large groups in the spring and backgrounding the rest on grass for fall sales. “When fertility and temperament are part of the genetic selection, our Limousin females make superior mothers.” During our visit, I brought up crossbreeding and asked Tim if he felt that they were missing out on extra performance from heterosis. He answered, “We are getting all the performance that our resources can sustain and that our buyers are seeking. We are not interested in going backwards in muscle and carcass. As long as Limousin offers these qualities, we have no reason to consider anything else.” Limousin cross females also work in the west country of British Columbia. This is what Randy and Christy Saugstad, Saugstad Ranch, Big Creek, BC have to say: “We have about one hundred and fifty cows which are mostly Angus based with some Shorthorn and Hereford influence. We mainly use the Limousin as a terminal cross, but of the replacement heifers that we do keep; about half of them are Limousin cross. We really like the Limousin cross replacements for their good udders, good feet and legs, and great milking ability. We have had no calving ease issues or eye problems which has been really nice as well.”

While the terminal impact and the marketability of Limousin calves are second to none for commercial beef operations, the value of the heifer calves as replacements deserve a second look. Bull season is upon us and when selecting your next herdsire, keep in mind what he can contribute to your herd. Canadian Limousin animals come with genetic information on milk, docility and scrotal development, along with the standard performance and birth EPD’s. If you are curious about the production history of a bull’s dam, take a look at Under the animal search page, you will be able to access every animal within a pedigree and look up their calf production. This information could tell you the story you need to know about the maternal value of the bull you are considering.

Rediscover today’s Limousin, the one that will add to your bottom line whether you are selling calves or need to boost your herd’s maternal foundation. During an interview last year, Greg Appleyard, owner of Cattleland Feedyards, and a large cow/calf operator in Strathmore, Alberta summed it up as such, “No breed makes my cows more money than the Limousin breed.” For more information about the development of the Limousin breed in Canada or assistance in locating breeders, please contact the Canadian Limousin Association office at 1-866-886-1605 or visit our website at

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DIVISION III CHAMPION Mark Blake, Earl Park, IN with MJ Xtravaganza 1X by EF Main Stay 541M

DIVISION I CHAMPION Christopher Thomas, Boonsboro, MD with TASF Xtravagent 495X by LESF Asphalt 9N

DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION Chance Schilling, Edson, KS with Schilling’s Xtremejustice by Schilling’s Unafraid

DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION Corinne Harrison, Minier, IL with LMCC Scotch Cap 150X by CFLX Wild Card DIVISION V CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Austen Etherton, Dawson, IL with MAGS Wrigley by MAGS Sasquatch DIVISION V RESERVE CHAMPION Christopher Thomas, Boonsboro, MD with TASF Whiskey Lullaby 357W by EXLR Nasdaq 380R

DIVISION II CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wies Limousin Ranch, Wellsville, MO with WLR Tainted Love by WULFS Urban Cowboy 2149U DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION Katherine Hefner, Seminole, OK with CJSL 059X by MAGS Teal Paint

DIVISION III CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Xtra Sensual by DHVO Deuce 132R DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION Wies Limousin Ranch, Wellsville, MO with WLR Vickie Vale by MAGS Shyllo

DIVISION IV CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Wassail by DHVO Deuce 132R DIVISION IV RESERVE CHAMPION Linhart Limousin, Leon, IA with MAGS Whencesoever by DHVO Deuce 132R

DIVISION VI CHAMPION Lawrence Family Limousin, Anton, TX with LFL Upstage 8062U by DHVO Trey 133R

DIVISION VI RESERVE CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with SBLX Ultra 4566U by GPFF Blaque Rulon


DIVISION I CHAMPION Magic Mountain Limousin, Colton, OR with Magic Mountain X-Treme by JBRH Pale Rider

DIVISION IV CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Christopher Thomas, Boonsboro, MD with TASF Walks Alone 386W by EXLR Dakota 353G

DIVISION IV RESERVE CHAMPION Heart Felt Farms, Gettysburg, PA with KYLD Vegas 910W by KRVN Naskar 013N

DIVISION V CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with SBLX Why Wait by MAGS Savage

DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION Magic Mountain Limousin, Colton, OR with Magic Mountain X-tra by JBRH Pale Rider

DIVISION II CHAMPION JCL Land & Cattle, Welch, OK with JCL Ace of Diamond by DHVO Deuce 132R

DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION DJ Limousin, Port Orchard, WA with DJ Xpressway by DHVO Deuce 132R

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DIVISION VI CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wies Limousin Ranch, Wellsville, MO with MAGS WL Usual Suspect 538U by MAGS Sasquatch

GRAND CHAMPION CARLOAD Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO

DIVISION II CHAMPION Austen Etherton, Dawson, IL with EF Xcessive Force by D A Traveler 004 703


DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION Wies Limousin Ranch, Wellsville, MO with WLR Coldplay by B C Marathon 7022




DIVISION I CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Xustica by CHR Tucker 045T

DIVISION V CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Woodstock by DHVO Trey 133R

DIVISION III CHAMPION DJ Limousin, Port Orchard, WA with DJ Xplosive by DHVO Deuce 132R DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Xander by WULFS Titus 2149T

DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION Lawrence Family Limousin, Anton, TX with LFL X-Travagant 0021X by DHVO Trey 133R

DIVISION II CHAMPION Ryan Hefner, Seminole, OK with MAGS Xerafin by S A V Bismarck 5682

DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Xanthocomic by DHVO Deuce 132R DIVISION III CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Xesturgy by AUTO Black Dakota 129J

DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION DJ Limousin, Port Orchard, WA with DJ Xecutive Privilege by DHVO Deuce 132R

DIVISION IV CHAMPION Sennett Cattle Co., Waynetown, IN with Sennett Dream Girl 939W by S A V Bismarck 5682


DIVISION VI CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Unalienable by GPFF Blaque Rulon


DIVISION IV RESERVE CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Wild Ginger by DHVO Deuce 132R

DIVISION IV CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL JCL Land & Cattle, Welch, OK with CALO Brickyard 902W by Schilling’s Talladega

DIVISION IV RESERVE CHAMPION Tubmill Creek Farms, New Florence, PA with TMCK Galvanized 611W by EXAR Titlelist T011 DIVISION V CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Payday by WULFS Titus 2149T

DIVISION V RESERVE CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Wamaka by MAGS Scotland DIVISION VI CHAMPION Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO with MAGS Unparalleled by GPFF Blaque Rulon

DIVISION I CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL North American Limousin Foundation, Centennial, CO with TW Fire N’ Ice by Bohi Titlelist 7050T

DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION Wies Limousin Ranch, Wellsville, MO with WLR Thunderdome by DHVO Deuce 132R

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GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE BULLS Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO


Edits and What to Do About It... Not every record is used in genetic evaluation. This may come as a shock to some breeders, but it is a fact of life. Some data is just not useable in the genetic comparison of animals. One of the most useful pieces of information in the genetic evaluation conducted by AGI is that there is a file returned from the growth evaluation listing those animals that had all or a part of their records edited out of the genetic evaluation. This file has already helped to identify areas that can be addressed to improve the CLA evaluation.

The error file indicates several important things. The first is that the CLA pedigree file is very robust. In 40+ years, starting on paper and moving through a series of computer systems, CLA has done a great job in maintaining pedigrees on Limousin cattle. The second thing is that a lot of the data that is “edited” is simply due to the fact that no data was ever reported. In other words, if a weaning weight was not reported by a member, it would be stored in the system as a 0. The weaning weight would then be “edited” out of the evaluation of weaning weight. This is important to accurate evaluation, so that missing records are not unfairly compared to submitted records. Basically, when there is no data reported, it is not included in the evaluation. A further series of edits are applied to limit biological probabilities. As an example, calves with birth weights under 35 pounds may have their pedigrees included but will have their birth weight records edited out of the evaluation. This protects against data entry error affecting results, but it also protects against biological “flukes” such as a very early calf that happens to survive. It is not fair to compare the birth weight genetics of this calf with other normal calves. Edits also limit calves with extreme indexes in their group and groups that don’t exhibit any variation (eg: 20 calves reported in a group and all have a 95 pound birth weight). This prevents data errors from impacting the resulting EPD. As previously stated, the largest cause for records not being included is that data is not reported. By far the leading cause of record removal for cattle with birth, weaning and/or yearling data provided is the single animal contemporary group.

Genetic evaluation works by comparing animals raised in the same environment under similar conditions. It examines less/more, bigger/smaller types of relationship in performance. This is identical to what breeders do when they look at cattle, the evaluation just takes a lot more information into consideration. Because of this need to compare animals from the same conditions, restrictions are placed on age of measurement and age range within a contemporary group. In other words, a January born calf does not have its performance directly compared to a June born calf, even if they are from the same herd. Comparisons are made on animals of the same sex, raised in the same management group, and of similar age. Because of model adjustments and the similar environment, differences between animals in these “contemporary groups” are largely due to genetic differences. When comparing more or less relationships, it is vital to have at least 2 animals in the contemporary group. A calf raised by itself is not heavier or lighter than itself, and thus, its performance data cannot be used in genetic evaluation. Single Animal Contemporary Groups are the largest reason why animals with performance data reported are edited out of genetic evaluation.

By Sean McGrath

Because yearling performance is built on weaning performance, once a weaning record goes unreported or is edited out, the yearling information cannot be used. This is the second biggest reason behind single animal groups that yearling information is removed from the evaluation.

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Not every record, or every part of every record, can be used in genetic evaluation, but there are several things that can be done at farm level to try to have as much of your information included as possible.

1. Complete reporting – Where possible, it is extremely beneficial to report all data at each production stage. Reporting on more animals generally results in larger contemporary groups and also helps to prevent extremes in individual animal indexes.

2. Proper Management grouping – Because management groups are used for determining contemporary groupings, it is important that cattle that are managed together are reported in the same group.

3. Age Ranges – Try to weigh cattle in groups that are as large as possible at weaning and yearling and when calves are within the age limits of 160 to 250 days at weaning and 320 to 410 at yearling. Also try to allow at least 80 days between taking weaning and yearling weights on the same group of cattle.

4. Accurately report identification, age and recipient breed information for embryo calves. This is the biggest reason these calves have their performance data edited.

5. Check your CLA performance reports. Often mistakes such as misreporting a group or age range issues can be identified by checking over the performance reports issued by the CLA either in paper format or online. Checking these reports in a timely fashion can greatly help to improve the quality of data that goes into the evaluation. The accurate collection, reporting and entry of data is key to genetic evaluation. Providing reasonable restrictions on what data is included in the evaluation also helps to ensure that the information calculated is of the best quality possible. In part, because of these restrictions EPD’s are a useful tool that can be used in concert with common sense to direct a breeding program.


Hager Cattle Co., Karlsruhe, ND


Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO


Tubmill Creek Farms, New Florence, PA


Tubmill Creek Farms, New Florence, PA

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Magness Land & Cattle, Platteville, CO


Wulf Limousin Farms, Morris, MN

A group of straight Limousin cattle, from Wulf Limousin, was put on a feed trial against a group of reputable Red Angus/Hereford cross commercial feeders. The animals were fed for 174 days, starting in the Fall of 2009 through Spring 2010. The study was conducted by the University of Minnesota. The following table shows how the Limousin surpassed the commercial cattle for average gain, dry matter intake, feed conversion and dressing percentage. Item

Limousin Cattle

Initial Body Weight, lbs. Final Body Weight, lbs. Average Daily Gain, lbs. Dry Matter Intake, lbs/day Feed Conversion Dressing Percent

667 1375 4.07 20.4 5.01 64.4

RA x HERF Commercial Cattle 607 1293 3.94 21.0 5.33 61.9

This proves once again that Limousin excels in the feedlot and requires less feed than one of the most popular British crosses. Limousin calves for sale can be listed for free on the CLA website. For more information about the impact of Limousin genetics in a commercial herd or a feedlot operation, or for assistance with our free commercial calf listing service, please contact the Canadian Limousin Association at 1-866-886-1605, or visit our website at We would like to thank Wulf Limousin of Minnesota for sharing their data with us.

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By Chris Poley

What a difference a year can make! The “wish I had club” is full of new members; the “wish I would have believed and held on to my cows club,” and probably most fitting for many of you, the “wish I would have bought more cows when they were so cheap club.” However, I’m a strong believer in looking to the future and letting the past be the past. Before you do, put on your sun glasses because the future looks as bright as ever. The strong and strengthening cattle market we have been experiencing is just the beginning. We are experiencing things today that have never before been experienced in history; a strong cattle market coupled with strong grain prices and a par dollar. As we all know in the agriculture industry our fate is determined by supply and demand, and for once it is working in our favor. The truly good news is that I do not see the supply exceeding the demand anytime soon; as you all know, it takes more than two and a half years to get a heifer into production and have her production hit the food chain. With the population of the world growing every day and the world economy strengthening, many forecasters are predicting demand to keep pace with production. One article I read recently said that the world’s food supply will need to increase by 70% in the next forty years. Now that’s exciting and a little scary all at the same time. Having said all that, keep your head on straight and stick to the “when these cows have some value plan.” Many producers have held onto a large number of cows and some bulls way past their prime productive life, gave them a second chance or a third or a fourth because there was no salvage in them. They do now, so don’t let greedy thoughts take over from good management. Slaughter cows and bulls are at higher levels than they have ever been, so cut loose the dead weight to make room for more top producers. Many of you will say, “Well I have kept her this long and she is bred, so I’m not selling her,” and I agree with that. However, make a plan to have a dry field, as in a pasture with no bulls, and make sure it has good access so you can wean them early and take advantage of late summer hamburger trade.

Some of you may think, “Well I could breed them and stick them in an early bred cow sale in the fall and with this rising market, some sucker will buy them.” That is short sighted greed and does not help anyone; at sixty to seventy cents, kill them and take the marginal producers out of production and the whole industry gains, guess what, including you. As we are coming into bull sale season, I have a few comments, as you begin to go bull shopping. I recently had a visit with a young producer who runs a mixed farming operation alone with his father. He was telling me how they used to scrounge around for the cheapest bulls of any quality they could find and were frustrated every time they sold their calves. They nearly quit the business but decided to try something before they gave up totally. They went out that spring and bought the top bulls in the pens from the most reputable breeders in their area. Some six or seven years later, through the worst cattle market seen in years, they are pumped about the cow business. Their weights shot up immediately and now they have daughters of these bulls in prime production and when it comes time to sell, no more disappointed trips home from the sale barn. In fact order buyers and feedlots are now calling them to buy their calves, “and you know, they don’t even come out to look at them anymore, they buy them right over the phone.” Basically what I’m saying is be selective, buy the best bulls out of the pen and leave the bargain bulls behind; there is a market for those bulls every week. Also, deal with reputable breeders. A pretty good rule of thumb is if a breeder has been having a successful sale for years, the bulls must be good and the service must be great. Let the success of their program become the success of yours.

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Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle XS Fancy 38X by Auto Dollar General 122R 2. Watson Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON with WCC Money Honey 403X by Koyle Texas Hold’Em 22T

(6 Shown) 1. Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle Madame 3X by Carrousels Peak Power 2. Gibson Farms, Ripley, ON with EGL XOXO Kisses by WULFS Shop Talk 2332S SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle Madame 8X by Auto Dollar General 122R

Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Lisle Limousin, Lisle, ON with Airlie All Eyes On You 5X by Windy Polled Tiburon 2. Newlife Limousin, Harriston, ON with NLL Xtravigant by TMF Kodiak 210K


RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle Madame 3X by Carrousels Peak Power YEARLING HEIFER JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lisle Limousin, Lisle, ON with Airlie All Eyes On You 5X by Windy Polled Tiburon

RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle XS Fancy 38X by Auto Dollar General SENIOR DIVISION

(8 Shown) 1. Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON with Koyle Madame 8X by Auto Dollar General 122R 2. Rail Line Farms, Lucknow, ON with RLF 530X X-Baby by TMF Soho 160S

RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with WULFS Whereabouts 9129W by WULFS Realtor 1503R


(5 Shown) 1. Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with MAGS Winery by WLR Direct Hit 2. Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with WULFS Whereabouts 9129W by WULFS Realtor 1503R

JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with MAGS Winery by WLR Direct Hit

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Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Koyle Farms and Nostadt Stock Farms, Iona Station, ON; Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK with Koyle Tickle Brin 34W by Koyle Techumseh 2. Rock Creek Limousin, Renfrew, ON with CJSL Wildflower 9070W by MAGS Seduction Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON with Hollee Airlie Hard to Miss by Carrousels Pure Power 2. Loyal Line Limousin, Goderich, ON with Loyal Line Wonder Women by EXLR New Generation 071M

SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Koyle Farms and ON, Nostadt Stock Farms, Iona Station, ON; Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK with Koyle Tickle Brin 34W by Koyle Techumseh



(7 Shown) 1. Rail Line Farms, Lucknow, ON with RLF X-Man 573X by TMF Soho 160S 2. Lakeridge Limousin, Roseneath, ON with Lakeridge Xbox Dude by Lakeridge Tempo RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON with Hollee Airlie Hard to Miss by Carrousels Pure Power

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON with Hollee’s ULO by EXLR Limited Edition 622L and her calf, Hollee’s XCommunicator by Top Meadows Total Package 10T



(3 Shown) 1. Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON with Hollee’s ULO by EXLR Limited Edition 622L and her calf, Hollee’s XCommunicator by Top Meadows Total Package 10T 2. Red Maple Farms, Orono, ON with DKC Honestly 66U by WULFS Klint 5874K and her calf, Red Maple Xcaliber by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT

(1 Shown) 1. Rail Line Farms, Lucknow, ON with TMF Just Peachy 521S by WULFS Nobel Prize 3861N and her calf, RLF Peaches & Cream 566X by TMF Soho 160S

(4 Shown) 1. Elmgrove Farms, Elora, ON with Elmgrove Xtoni by Elmgrove Ralston 2. Elmgrove Farms, Elora, ON with Elmgrove Xandra by Posthaven Polled Tristan



(5 Shown) 1. Loyal Line Limousin, Goderich, ON with Loyal Line Waltzing Matilda by EAFF Rejuvinator 260J 2. Elmgrove Farms, Elora, ON with Elmgrove Wilma by CFSV Polled Excel 315S RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Lakeridge Limousin, Roseneath, ON with Lakeridge Xbox Dude by Lakeridge Tempo YEARLING BULL

(1 Shown) 1. Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Winchester by RPY Paynes Pipeline 15P

SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Rail Line Farms, Lucknow, ON with TMF Just Peachy 521S by WULFS Nobel Prize 3861N and her calf, RLF Peaches & Cream 566X by TMF Soho 160S

GRAND CHAMPION FULLBLOOD FEMALE Loyal Line Limousin, Goderich, ON with Loyal Line Waltzing Matilda by EAFF Rejuvinator 260J RESERVE CHAMPION FULLBLOOD FEMALE Elmgrove Farms, Elora, ON with Elmgrove Xtoni by Elmgrove Ralston

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PAIR OF BULLS Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON BREEDER’S HERD Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON

JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Winchester by RPY Paynes Pipeline 15P TWO YEAR OLD BULL

(2 Shown) 1. Y2K Land & Cattle Company, Caledon East, ON with Ivy’s Underpressure 43U by Ivy’s Shazam HTZ 15S 2. Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Universe 43U by MAGS Silver Spoon

JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Y2K Land & Cattle Company, Caledon East, ON with Ivy’s Underpressure 43U by Ivy’s Shazam HTZ 15S

PROGENY OF DAM Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON PREMIER EXHIBITOR Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON PREMIER BREEDER Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON with Bee Zee Polled Universe 43U by MAGS Silver Spoon

ZWS 43U • CPM0194346 • April 22/08 • Red • Polled S: MAGS Silver Spoon 1415S D: Belldoon Sweet Sue 27S

• Grand Champion Bull - Ontario Provincial Limousin Show, Lindsay, ON • Reserve Champion Senior Bull - Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON • Champion Senior Bull - Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK • Qualifier - RBC Supreme Beef Challenge, Regina, SK

We strive to pack every calf with muscle capacity, performance and fleshing ability. Come visit us or view our website for more information.

ZWS 58W • CPM0200178 • May 3/09 • Black • Polled S: RPY Paynes Pipeline 15P D: Belldoon Sweet Sue 27S • Reserve Champion Yearling Bull - Ontario Provincial Limousin Show, Lindsay, ON • Champion Yearling Bull - Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON

Bill & Mary Anne Zwambag Nick & Tanya • Andrew & Katharine • Matt & Kali 4140 Glendon Dr. • Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 Res: 519.287.3219 • Fax: 519.287.5248 email:

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Cottage Lake captures Lloydminster! The Papenhuyzen Family, Stony Plain, Alberta, owners of Cottage Lake Livestock, won the Supreme Champion Female honors at the Stockade Roundup Show in Lloydminster. Their entry was Greenwood PLD Ultra Fancy 2U, a February 2008 daughter of MNWS Frontier 507R and her February daughter at side, C.L. Xtra Fancy, sired by Wulfs Trailblazer 2329T.

Greenwood King of the Ring! At the Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Show, Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, was chosen for Reserve Champion Bull in the King of the Ring competition which features the best current year bull calves of all breeds. Their entry, Greenwood PLD Extra Charge 90X is a January 24, 2010 son of ROMN Justice.

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Little Zipper wins Harding! Harding Fair is considered by many as the most competitive summer show in Manitoba. BDM’S Little Zipper, a March 15, 2009 son of TMF Samurai 15S was named Supreme Champion Bull for Blaine, Diane and Ashley Mitchell, Mitchell Farms, Virden, Manitoba. BDM’S Little Zipper is pictured here winning the Manitoba Livestock Expo.

Olson wins Olds! Cameron Olson, Rockyview, Alberta showed the overall Purebred Grand Champion Female at the Alberta Provincial 4-H Beef Heifer Show at Olds, Alberta in early July. His entry, Ivy’s Temptation 50T sired by Lucky Me, showed with her calf by ROMN Justice. Cameron continued his win by exhibiting the pair to Grand Champion 4-H Female at the Canadian Junior Limousin Association National Conference in Lloydminster.

Hertz Brothers sweep Summer Synergy! The Purebred Beef Champion at the International Youth Livestock Supreme Championship was the entry of Brandon Hertz, Duchess, Alberta. His entry, Ivy’s PLD Sweet Touch 4S, is a January 9, 2006 daughter of TMF Napolean 734N and her January 10, 2010 daughter at side is sired by Wulfs Revolver 1219R. This pair went on to capture Grand Champion honors at the National Junior Show in Lloydminster.

The Supreme Commercial Beef Champion went to Tyson Hertz, Duchess, Alberta. His entry, EXLR Titalist 033U, a February 12, 2008 daughter of Carrousels Pure Power has a January 5th bull calf at side, Ivy’s Excessive Force, sired by ROMN Justice. In addition, Tyson achieved top aggregate status for the senior division for the third time, a feat that has never been achieved previously by a participant.

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Farmfair International 18th Bonanza Limousin Canadian National Gold Show November 12, 2010 Edmonton, AB


Judge: Garth Rancier, Killam, AB



Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD XOXO by MNWS Frontier 507R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Sassy 51X by RPY Paynes Dynamo 16U 2. Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivy’s Xclaim HTZ 40X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T Split 3 (4 Shown) 1. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with CL Xtra Touches by Greenwood PLD Rambo 2. Highland Stock Farms and Magness Land & Cattle Co., Olds, AB with HSF Xtravagant by AUTO Dollar General

JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD XOXO by MNWS Frontier 507R

RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Eye Opener 2X by WULFS Revolver 1219R



Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivys Xtra Cool by Ivys Too Cool TRH 83T 2. Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB with Richmond Xotic SRD 6X by RPY Paynes Marathon 47U Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, AB with RPY Paynes Bombshell 21X by Anchor B “The Shmooze” 2. Pinnacle View Limousin, Quesnel, BC with TMF Miss 2X by TMF Template 18T Split 3 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Eye Opener 2X by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xquisite by ROMN Justice

SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivys Xtra Cool by Ivys Too Cool TRH 83T

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 52

Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Highland Stock Farms and Saucier Cattle Co., Olds, AB with MAGS Wilhelmina by MAGS Savage 2. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with AUTO Waverly by AUTO Full Throttle Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood Wisteria Lane by MNWS Frontier 507R 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Anchor B Woke Up In Vegas by ROMN Made To Order Split 3 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Will I Do 23W by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with LAL Gwen Stafani by CLLL New Direction


(1 Shown) 1. Ivy Livestock, Brandon Hertz and Ron Mckenzie, Duchess, AB with Ivys PLD Sweet Touch 4S by TMF Napolean 734N and her calf, Ivys Xtra Sweet BHM 4X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Will I Do 23W by WULFS Revolver 1219R

RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood Wisteria Lane by MNWS Frontier 507R

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Ivy Livestock, Brandon Hertz and Ron Mckenzie, Duchess, AB with Ivys PLD Sweet Touch 4S by TMF Napolean 734N and her calf, Ivys Xtra Sweet BHM 4X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD X-Box by Greenwood PLD Rambo Split 3 (4 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Headliner 42X by Anchor B “The Shmooze” 2. DC Farms, Barrhead, AB with DC XXX by RPY Paynes Trilogy 26T

JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B “The Shmooze”


Split 1 (3 Shown) 1. Highland Stock Farms and Tubmill Creek Farms, Olds, AB with DVFC Natalie 414U by AUTO Dollar General and her calf, HSF Xistence by HSF Urban Legend 2. Golden Harvest Ranches, Sherwood Park, AB with Utopia SKL 40U by 1-Way Just Gorgeous and her calf, GHR Poll X’S and O’S by Bodell Polled Utmost Split 2 (3 Shown) 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD U R So Fine by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T 2. Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivys Undress Me TRH 2U by Carrousels Nasdaq and her calf, Ivys Xterminator TRH 14X by CJSL Timetraveler 7051T

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD U R So Fine by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T




Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T 2. Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB with Richmond Xecutive SRD 50X by RPY Paynes Marathon 47U Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B “The Shmooze” Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 53

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Headliner 42X by Anchor B “The Shmooze” SENIOR DIVISION

Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T 2. Excel Ranches, Westlock, AB with Excel Polled Xtreme Truck by ROMN Tow Truck 111T Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xtra Charge by ROMN Justice 2. Golden Harvest Ranches, Sherwood Park, AB with GHR Polled X-Pat by 1-Way Extra Precision

Split 3 (5 Shown) 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Hardline 20X by Anchor B “The Shmooze” 2. Ivy Livestock, Duchess, AB with Ivys Xterminator TRH 14X by CJSL Timetraveler 7051T Split 4 (4 Shown) 1. 4B Ranching Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with FBR Babeys Xpack 2X by ROMN Tow Truck 111T 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Wide Angle 9X by WULFS Shop Talk 2332S

YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB with MAGS War Admiral by MAGS Savage

RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Cottage Lake Livestock and Straight Limousin, Stony Plain, AB with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch


SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T

PREMIER BREEDER Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK PREMIER EXHIBITOR Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK

(5 Shown) 1. Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB with MAGS War Admiral by MAGS Savage 2. Cottage Lake Livestock and Straight Limousin, Stony Plain, AB with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch

Featuring our 2011 March Class Winning Pen March Pen Averages Age: 3/28/10 Frame: 6.2 Fat: 0.23 REA: 15.0 BW: 2.8 WW: 57 YW: 97 MA: 26 SC: 0.8 REA: 0.66 YG: -0.11 MB: -0.05

Bull Consultant: Herman Symens (605) 698-3087

BREEDER’S HERD Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK

SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2011 @ 1:00 PM CST


TO REQUEST A CATALOGUE, CONTACT: ROM’N Limousin Robert ‘Cookie’ & Mary Nielson 20129 450th Ave. (605) 203-0903 Arlington, South Dakota 57212 (605) 203-0904 Adam, Michelle & Greyson Nielson (605) 203-0733 (605) 203-0732 Check out our website for picture updates of sale offerings.


• 40 Yearling Bulls • 6 Top Yearling Replacement Heifers

ROMN Xpress Lane 101X Sire: Wulfs Titus MGS: ROMN Made To Order BW: 3.4 WW: 63 YW: 106 MA: 25 SC: 0.8 D0C: 18 CW: 50 REA: 0.89 YG: -0.17 MB: -0.11

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We trust everyone had a Happy Holiday Season, and that the calving season went well.

2010 Highlights

PaceSetter/Legacy Sale on December 4th, 2010 at Lloydminster was a tremendous success. High seller of the sale was 2010 homo polled bull Greenwood PLD Xtra Charge for $35,000.00. The high selling bred heifer was EDW Way Cool for $5,800.00 and Greenwood PLD Xactly was the high selling 2010 heifer for $3,500.00; an excellent set of cattle was exhibited. Thanks to all consignors, buyers and everyone who attended. The SLA annual meeting was held in Lloydminster on December 4, 2010. We had some new faces and had lively discussions on an array of topics. This year we are going to update the Saskatchewan Limousin Breeders Map. 2012 is the 40th Anniversary of Limousin cattle in Saskatchewan, and we will be starting to plan events in the coming months. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact any of the directors.

2011 Board of Directors

President - Kevin Rea Vice President - Terry Hepper Secretar y - Gwen Elian Treasurer - Leone Karwandy-Hagel Angela McKague, Janet Hale, Scott Barr, Bob Turner and Jay Bohrson The SLA would like to invite all Limousin and Commercial Breeders to attend the Bull Workshops in Yorkton on February 4th and Spiritwood on February 11th, 2011. Agribition 2010: The SLA would like to thank Roger Elanco for catering the Pizza Party after the show, and to the following Banner and Division Sponsors: Anchor B Limousin Top Meadow Farms Cochrane Stock Farms Bouchard Livestock International Eden Meadows Limousin Prairie Gold Group Elian Limousin J Yorga Farms Edwards Limousin Saskatoon Livestock Sales Saskatchewan Limousin Association HiWay Limousin Ken Doc Limousin Karwandy Limousin

Bouchard Livestock International was the Solid Gold Sale management. Saskatoon Fall Fair held a successful Limousin show in Saskatoon in November. Numbers were down, as this show overlapped the National Show in Edmonton, but an excellent set of cattle was on display. The SLA also sponsored the Steak Out. Katelynn Tedford, Saskatchewan’s Limousin Queen, handed out ribbons at the Agribition show, helped out at the Solid Gold Sale and was a special guest at the Pilgrim Dispersal Sale. If anyone is interested in having Katelynn attend your event, please contact her. 4-H - The SLA gave out stainless steel water bottles to any Saskatchewan young people that showed Limousin influenced animals. Winners at the Regional Level also receive jackets. If you know of anyone who deserves an award, please contact Terry Hepper (306-781-4628).

The SLA and the Saskatchewan Juniors hosted the Canadian Limousin Junior Show in Lloydminster at the end of July. A complete list of class winners was in the fall issue of the Limousin Voice. Thank you to everyone for helping to make it such a success. Thank you to the following:


Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Leonard & Sandra Kesteven Manitoba Junior Limousin Association McKague - Thomas Family Alberta Junior Limousin Association Top Meadow Farms Bouchard Livestock International Stoneyview Limousin Blairs.Ag Cattle Company Carpenter Cattle Company

Corman Park Vet Services Altabarr Farms Cottage Lake Promotions Elian Limousin Sobey’s Cowtown Al Weitzel Art Gallery Moody’s Equipment Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corp. Lloydminster Ag & Ex

All clothing sponsors - previously listed in the Limousin Voice


Laura Bodell Martin & Donna Bohrson Donna Babey Heather Barr Angela McKague Holley Lee


Flossie Bodell Marcella Hamilton Brandon Sparrow Greg Krupka Wayne Burgess Ivan Carpenter, Ringman

Laura Bodell


Leone Karwandy - Hagel

Entr y Packages/ Show Books/ Result Print Outs/ Registration

Donna Bohrson, Jay and Bev Bohrson Angela McKague for purchasing prizes and organizing awards Lucianne McKague for clerking the show and assisting with prizes - Payne and Coolidge Families for event and banquet assistance - Carpenter Family for organizing pizza night, games and registration bags - Donors, bidders and purchasers at live and silent auctions If we have inadvertently missed anyone who helped at the Junior Show, please accept our thanks; it was very much appreciated. 2011 Junior Show is in Orangeville, Ontario on August 19, 20 and 21st. It would be great to see some Saskatchewan young people attend. If the SLA can be of any help, please let us know.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 56

The Elite Dam award was revamped in 2010 with input from the Canadian Limousin Association board, the Breed Improvement Committee and our genetic consultant Sean McGrath. It was identified that the traits of importance in terms of high producing cows were birth weight, weaning weight, milk production and docility. The ideal female is described as one that calves every year without assistance, weans a big calf thanks to her high milk production and possesses a temperament that makes her pleasant to work with. This is a first attempt at rewarding the Limousin cows that fit that profile under modern measurements such as EPD’s. We expect the program to evolve in the future with your feedback and input. However, the starting criteria of the new revamped Elite Dam program are as follows:

GREENWOOD POLLED LOTTERY BWP 99L owned by Hutton Land and Cattle, ON HIGHLAND LUCY LUCSIOUS RAM 66L owned by Highland Stock Farms, AB ( HIGHLAND NEGLIGE AGM 102M by Highland Stock Farms, AB ( IVY'S POLLED ROXY HTZ 14R owned by Ivy Livestock, AB ( JYF PETAL JYF 446P owned by J.Yorga Farms, SK (

• All Fullblood, Purebred, or percentage registered Limousin females on Whole Herd Enrolment are eligible.

JYF PLATINUM JYF 417P owned by J.Yorga Farms, SK (

• Must have raised at least 4 calves in the last 6 consecutive years. If the female raised 6 calves in 6 years, she receives the "Super Elite" status.

JYF POLAROID JYF 419P owned by Bar 3R Limousin, SK

• Must have above breed average EPD for Weaning Weight, Milk and Docility.

KNIGHT'S BANGLE JWK 39B owned by Ivy Livestock, AB (

• Must have below breed average EPD for Birth Weight.

Congratulations to the 2010 winners: ALTABARR'S NUTMEG UAB 20N owned by Altabarr Farms, AB

*KEN-DOC JAQUELINE KGS 5J owned by Greenwood Limousin, SK

LOYAL LINE PAINTED LADY BLK 7P owned by Top Meadow Farms, ON (

ALTABARRS RAGEDY ANN UAB 25R owned by Altabarr Farms, AB

R & R MILKMAID 51P RRA 51P owned by R & R Acres, AB (

AMAGLEN NICE GIRL HNH 75N owned by Amaglen Limousin, MB (

R & R MILKMAID 53P RRA 53P owned by R & R Acres, AB (

ANCHOR B PLAYMATE MBH 19P owned by Top Meadow Farms, ON (

R&R MILKMAID 141R RRA 141R owned by R & R Acres, AB (

*AUTO HADRIEN 805H AUTO 805H owned by Blueberry Farms, BC

R&R MILKMAID 47R RRA 47R owned by R & R Acres, AB (

B BAR POLLED JEOPARDY BAL 9J owned by Eric Boon / leased by Anchor B Limousin, SK ( B BAR POLLED NICOLE BEA 4N owned by Eric Boon / leased by Anchor B Limousin, SK (

* R&R MILKMAID 64M RRA 64M owned by R & R Acres, AB (

CAM MIRABEL WGC 24M owned by Campbell Limousin, MB

R&R UNFOGETABL SUNST 116N RRA 116N owned by R & R Acres, AB (

* COLE 31K owned by Blueberry Farms, BC

TOP MEADOW 111M TMF 111M owned by Rail Line Farms, ON

EXCEL POLLED NEW ORLEANS XLR 358N owned by Excel Ranches, AB (

TOP MEADOW 543P TMF 543P owned by Top Meadow Farms, ON (

EXCEL POLLED RASPBERRY XLR 517R owned by Excel Ranches, AB (

* denotes Super Elite Status.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 57

Nouvelles du Québec • La vente de femelles de l’Association Limousin du Québec a eu lieu en octobre dernier. 32 têtes se sont vendues et six nouveaux acheteurs se sont procurés des femelles Limousin. • En novembre, un voyage à Toronto a été organisé avec 22 passagers sur 3 jours. Les participants ont assisté à la Royal Winter Fair et visité un élevage Limousin. L’activité sera répétée en 2011 et avec espoir d’augmenter le groupe à 50 personnes et étirer le voyage sur 4 jours. Cette année le concours national Limousin aura lieu en même temps et à la même place donc un événement a ne pas manquer. Les gens intéressés peuvent communiquer avec Laurent Charron pour réserver leur place. • L’Association des Éleveurs Limousin du Québec était présente à la journée bovine de l’Estrie le 20 janvier. Il y avait environ 70 éleveurs et 12 kiosques dont Limousin, Charolais, Angus et Blonde D'aquitaine. La journée se déroulait de 8h30 à15h30 avec 5 conférenciers discutant de système de manutention, réseau de commercialisation, préparation des veaux, comment gérer les ressources fourragères et alimentation à la dérobée. Laurent Charron, propagandiste a distribué des gants, carnets de vêlages et posters. Un prix de présence a aussi été offert et le gagnant de la chemise Limousin est M. Roger Marcoux de St-Isidore de Clifton. • L’assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association des Éleveurs Limousin du Québec a eu lieu le 22 janvier. Le conseil d’administration a été réélu en bloc, excepté pour M. Daniel Enright qui a remis sa démission par lettre. Nous profitons de l’occasion pour remercier Daniel pour son dévouement pendant plusieurs années au sein de l’association et celle de la station d’épreuve. Président : Serge Dethier Vice Président : Marcel McDuff Directeurs : Léo Gélinas, Réjean Bédard, André Lussier, Eric Ratelle, Claude Lavallée, Secrétaire : Michel Lapointe Propagandiste : Laurent Charron Le conseil d’administration de la station d’épreuve : Marc Rousseau (président), Serge Déthier (vice-président), Eric Ratelle, Yves Larocque, Jérome Poirier, Léo Gélinas, Marcel McDuff, Carmelle Caux (secrétaire). De la part de tous les éleveurs Limousin, un grand merci à tous ceux qui s’impliquent au roulement de nos organismes. Félicitations pour vos initiatives! Il est intéressant de noter que le nombre de membres Limousin a augmenté au Québec en 2010. • La communauté Limousin souhaite offrir ses sympathies à la famille Bruno Deschênes et Louiselle Lévesque de la Ferme des Peupliers. Leur fils Simon, âgé de 10 ans, est décédé tragiquement le 21 janvier.

Félicitations aux éleveurs Limousin qui sont mérités des grands honneurs cette année : Prix MÉRITAS RÉGIONAL PATBQ 2010, MÉDAILLE DE BRONZE: Ferme des Peupliers, Louiselle Lévesque et Bruno Dêchesnes. Prix de l'ORDRE NATIONAL DU MÉRITE AGRICOLE ENVIRONNEMENT 2010, prix de la Coop Fédérée à l'agroenvironnement à la Ferme EDPA de St-Édouard de Napierville. Cette ferme s'est également classée huitième au MÉRITAS RÉGIONAL PATBQ 2010. • Événements à venir : 19 février - Vente de taureaux de la station de St-Martin 19 mars – Vente de taureaux de la station de Quyon 16 avril – Vente de taureaux de la station Limousin (St-Hyacinthe) 13 août – Journée Champêtre à la ferme de Mario et Dany Simard à Ste-Sophie de Lévrard.

Bus tour to Ontario in November / Voyage en autobus en Ontario

Buyers at the Fall Female sale / acheteurs de femelles Limousin à l’automne

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 58

Estrie Beef Day / Journée Bœuf de l’Estrie

Quebec News •

The Quebec Limousin Association hosted a female sale in October. 32 lots were on offer. We are pleased to report that six new buyers acquired Limousin genetics that day. • A group of 22 breeders made it to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto in November. The three day trip also included a farm visit. We are trying to organize another bus tour for 2011 since the National Show and Sale are in Toronto this year. If you are interested in joining us for 4 days for farm visits and Royal time, please contact Laurent Charron • The association participated in a beef day in the Estrie region on January 20 with our Limousin booth. The program included 5 speakers, 12 booths including Charolais, Angus and Blonde d’Aquitaine. Approximately 70 beef producers were in attendance. Our door prize was won by Roger Marcoux of St-Isidore de Clifton. • We recently hosted our AGM where the board of directors of the Quebec Limousin Association remained the same with one exception. Unfortunately Daniel Enright tended his resignation and is no longer on the board. We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Daniel for his dedication to the association and his involvement in bull test station. President: Serge Dethier Vice President: Marcel McDuff Directors: Léo Gélinas, Réjean Bédard, André Lussier, Eric Ratelle, Claude Lavallée, Secretary: Michel Lapointe, Fieldman : Laurent Charron The Bull Test Station Board of Directors : Marc Rousseau (president ), Serge Déthier (vice-president ), Eric Ratelle, Yves Larocque, Jérome Poirier, Léo Gélinas, Marcel McDuff, Carmelle Caux (secretary ) On behalf of all Limousin breeders, thank you to those who volunteer their time towards the promotion of our breed and their involvement in our associations. It is interesting to note that the Quebec Limousin Association membership went up in numbers in 2010. • The Limousin family would like to express its most sincere sympathy wishes to Bruno Deschênes and Louiselle Lévesque of Ferme des Peupliers. Their son Simon died tragically on their farm on January 21. He was 10 years old.

We congratulate two Limousin breeders who have won some prestigious honors : Bronze Medal from PATBQ: Ferme des Peupliers, Louiselle Lévesque and Bruno Dêchesnes. 2010 Agri-environment Award to Ferme EDPA de St-Édouard de Napierville. • Coming events in Quebec : February 19 - St-Martin Bull Test Station Bull Sale March 19 –Quyon Bull Test Station Bull Sale April 16 – Limousin Bull Test Station Bull Sale (St-Hyacinthe) August 13 – Fielday at Mario and Dany Simard of Ste-Sophie de Lévrard.

Estrie Beef Day / Journée Bœuf de l”Estrie

Limousin Bull Test Station Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration de la station Limousin

Group of breeders on bus tour sporting their Limousin jackets / les éleveurs qui ont participé au voyage en autobus, ont montré leur beau nouveau manteau Limousin

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 59

Manitoba Limousin Association Commer cial Breeder of the Year

This year’s recipients of the Manitoba Limousin Association Commercial Breeder of the Year are the Darr Family of Shoal Lake, MB. Ed & Dawn, along with their two children, Justin and Katey, operate a mixed farm a mile south of Shoal Lake, just off 21 Highway. Their operation consists of 1700 acres, of which 700 acres is used for hay and grain rotation. Bale grazing is a very important part of the Darr’s winter feeding program. They combine this with the use of annual rye grass, corn grazing and stock piled forage to extend their grazing season considerably. The cattle operation consists of 150 Limousin cross cows. The cows are bred for April calving. For the last several years their bulls have been purchased from Diamond T Limousin and Jaymarandy Limousin. Ed and Dawn like to select their replacement heifers from within their own herd. Calves are weaned and backgrounded right at the farm. The Darrs were rewarded last spring for their hard work.

Manitoba Limousin Association Junior Ambassador

Congratulations to Cara, daughter of Les and Loree Wedderburn of Hidden Valley Limousin, for receiving the Manitoba Junior Limousin Ambassador Award at the Annual Manitoba Beef Breeds Banquet, January 8, 2011. Cara has been involved with the MJLA for several years. She has held the office of Treasurer for two years, Vice President and is the current President of the MJLA. She has attended three Canadian Junior Limousin shows; in Weyburn, SK; Portage la Prairie, MB and Virden, MB. She has participated in Junior shows at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair as well as Manitoba Livestock Expo in Brandon. She has also received the CJLA scholarship this year. Cara has participated in the Rivers 4-H Beef Club for five years and has selected a Limousin steer each year. She

when their Limousin cross calves topped the market at the Strathclair Auction Mart. Ed and Dawn are not only very particular about their cow herd; Ed is also very particular about his corn rows being absolutely straight. Congratulations to the Darr Family for their success with Limousin genetics and winning the prestigious award of Manitoba Commercial Limousin Breeders of the Year.

Left to Right: Travis Hunter, Dawn Darr, Ed Darr, Justin and Katey Darr.

has been involved in numerous fundraisers such as: highway clean-up, shining tractors before Ag Days, parking cars at Douglas Bull Test Station, and working at the 4-H booth at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair’s “Through the Farm Gate”. She has held the office of Vice President and President, as well as participated on various committees such as; interclub, promotions, and fundraising committees. Pictured at Right: Bill Campbell and Cara Wedderburn

Board Members:

Left to Right Back Row: Travis Hunter, Darby Cochrane, Bill Campbell, Leonard Gertz and Kyle Wright Front Row: Jay-Dean Smyth, Tracey Wilcox, Ashley Mitchell and Sherry Daniel

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 60

Our condolences to the following Limousin families who have recently lost a loved one: RADSTAKE, Richard Willem (Dick) of Ontario, passed away peacefully at Etobicoke General Hospital on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 in his 72nd year. Beloved husband of Eileen Radstake (Jantzi) for 42 years. Loving father of Cheryl and her husband Mike Reidt of Harriston and Judy and her husband Andrew Hutchison. Dick worked at United Breeders (Gencor) for 30 years and after he received early retirement in 1996, he spent much of his time making furniture and building special projects for family and friends. Dick was very involved with the Ontario Limousin Association when he was an active breeder. NORTH, Robert Vincent passed away at the Red Deer Regional Hospital on December 29th, 2010, at the age of 83. He is survived by his loving wife Jean; three daughters: Leslie (Reuben) Avila of Germantown, Tennessee, Karen (Rex) Nielsen of Edmonton, Sandy (Barry) Zimmerman of St. Albert; two sons Scott (Ina) of Jakarta, Indonesia and Frank (Susan) of St. Albert; seventeen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Bob retired from active farming in 1979 but continued to be involved in the cattle business and real estate business for several years under the BeeJay Limousin prefix. Simon Deschênes À son domicile le 21 janvier 2011 est décédé à l’âge de 10 ans et 11 mois Simon Deschênes, demeurant à St-Gabriel, fils de monsieur Bruno Deschênes et de madame Louiselle Lévesque de la Ferme des Peupliers, des éleveurs Limousin réputées au Québec. Simon Deschênes passed away of a farm accident at his home on January 21, 2011 at the age of 10 years and 11 months. Beloved son of Bruno Deschênes and Louiselle Lévesque of Ferme des Peupliers, well known Limousin breeders in Québec. The International Limousin fraternity was shocked to hear of the tragic death of Javier Saravia on January 19, 2011. Javier was the president of the Mexican Limousin Association and played an instrumental role in organizing the 2010 ILC Conference. Limousin breeders in attendance at the National Show in Edmonton may remember meeting his brother Daniel who represented their family cattle operation at Farmfair International. GARNER, Robert (Bob) Alexander Bob Garner of Simpson, SK passed away peacefully on January 24, 2011 surrounded by his family. Bob was born April 3, 1923, in the Flanderdale District, east of Simpson, SK. Growing up he attended school in Simpson, at the age of 18 Bob endured a severe injury to his knee, but this never restricted him in life. He lived his life doing what he loved; farming and raising livestock, using horses and his beloved border collie dogs. Bob was honoured by the Canadian Limousin Association for his early involvement and dedication to expanding the breed in Canada. His passion for farming lived with him to the end. Congratulations to the new parents: It’s another boy for the Payne Family of Lloydminster. Cole and Angie Payne welcomed their first son on January 18th, 2011: Cobi Bernard weighing 9.7 pounds. This is another great grandson for Bernard and Mona Payne of Greenwood Limousin.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 61

Manitoba Livestock Expo Limousin Show November 4, 2010

Judge: Owen Legaarden, Paynton, SK



HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Todd and Jay-Dean Smyth, Roblin, MB with Picking Peaches


RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Mitchell Farms, Virden, MB with HSF Xanadu RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Todd and Jay-Dean Smyth, Roblin, MB with MRA Scotch Bonnet

GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Mitchell Farms, Virden, MB with BDM’s Too Cute

RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Mitchell Farms, Virden, MB with BDM Hunter

GRAND CHAMPION BULL Mitchell Farms, Virden, MB with BDM’s Little Zippa PREMIER EXHIBITOR Mitchell Farms, Virden, MB

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 62

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Saskatoon Fall Fair


November 11, 2010 – Saskatoon, SK Judge: Dave Erixon and Krista Dust, Clavet, SK


Split 1 1. Ken-Doc Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ken-Doc Xtra Sweet by Ivy’s Unrestricted 2. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ms Stoneyview Xpresso by Anders Sniper

Split 2 1. Elian Limousin, Arlee, SK with Elian Polled Xceptional by Elian Polled Ninja 2. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ms Stoneyview Xtinguish by Stoneyview Royal Crown



Split 1 1. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Xceed by Stoneyview Royal Crown 2. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Xtra Time by Stoneyview Royal Crown

Split 2 1. Ken-Doc Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ken-Doc Lover Boy by Ivy’s Unrestricted 2. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Xcalibur by Stoneyview Royal Crown

SENIOR BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview U-Call by Anders Sniper BREEDER’S HERD Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

GET OF SIRE Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

PROGENY OF DAM Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

PAIR OF BULLS Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Ken-Doc Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ken-Doc Xtra Sweet by Ivy’s Unrestricted RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Elian Limousin, Arlee, SK with Elian Polled Xceptional by Elian Polled Ninja

YEARLING HEIFER 1. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Ms Woodward by Anders Sniper

BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Ken-Doc Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Ken-Doc Lover Boy by Ivy’s Unrestricted RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Xcalibur by Stoneyview Royal Crown YEARLING BULL 1. Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview U-Call by Anders Sniper

YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK with Stoneyview Ms Woodward by Anders Sniper Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 64

PREMIER BREEDER Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

PREMIER EXHIBITOR Stoneyview Limousin, Saskatoon, SK

Biography: Dr. Colin Palmer is an Associate Professor of Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Palmer worked in mixed practices in Ontario and British Columbia and has owned/operated a practice in Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer along with his wife Kim and children Lauren, Emily and Carter run a herd of purebred Red Angus cattle under the KC Cattle Co. name.

Evaluating a Bull’s Ability to Breed

Many cattle producers forget that a satisfactory semen check (Breeding Soundness Evaluation) doesn’t guarantee that the bull is a breeder! In fact, most of you have probably realized by now that vets rarely, if ever, guarantee anything. It isn’t that we have signed some secret pact, but rather that there are so many factors beyond our control which can affect the success of our treatments or recommendations that it would be foolish for us to guarantee anything. Just because a bull has big testicles and large numbers of normal, motile sperm does not mean that he will sire any calves. Semen checks really only reflect what the sperm producing capability looks like on the day of the test. The odds are generally excellent that the semen quality will remain the same, but that is only if the nutritional and health status are consistent. Mental health is also an important component of the overall health status. That’s right, the bull’s mental health! Bulls that are stressed because of climate, fighting, pain and probably fear will have less than optimal semen quality. Late spring snow storms are known to cause a dramatic increase in the numbers of defective sperm which can show up within a day or two of the event, necessitating a retest at some later date. Mental and physical status can also affect a bull’s willingness, desire or ability to breed. I once watched an older bull demonstrate hind leg spasm as soon as he mounted a cow – he would just start quivering and slide right off, unable to complete the service. We suspected that the bull had severe lesions in his lower spine; however, X-raying the spine of an animal of that size is impossible, not to mention the fact that there is little that could be done to treat this bull.

On the Breeding Soundness Evaluation form there

is a category for sex drive and mating ability. Most bulls are sold as virgin yearlings or two-year olds so I just check off “Unknown.” With older, privatelyowned bulls, I may ask if the bull sired calves the previous year and how well he performed. In other words, was the calving season relatively short and did the bull in question sire lots of calves. There is a written recommendation on the form stating that owners should observe their bulls to make sure he is breeding. Often I will take the extra step to remind owners to keep an eye on their bull to make sure everything is working right. Our best estimates are that in multiple bull breeding situations, where no one has taken the time to really watch the bulls, as many as 1 in 10 bulls may not be a suitable breeder. In single sire mating situations, usually an animal that is unable or unwilling to breed is noticed within 1 or 2 heat cycles when cows that were thought to be bred come back in heat. Don’t forget, 1 or 2 heat cycles still represents a huge financial loss!

I recommend that breeding bulls be checked daily during at least the first 3 weeks after turnout and probably the first month or more. If this is not possible make it every 2 to 3 days tops. The first month is critical because 70 to 75% of the cows should get pregnant within the first 3 weeks of turnout. Things I like to check for are: 1) is he still alive ... if not a replacement is needed right away; 2) is he injured... if so how bad, can he breed, or will he recover this week, or this season etc.; 3) is he mounting and completing service; and 4) is he settling cows. With items 3 and 4 it can be tricky. Maybe there is another bull doing the work, maybe he is one of those “shy” bulls who only breeds at night. The best times to check are early morning

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 65

and early evening when they are more likely to be active, rather than when they are resting comfortably under a tree. Injuries and death of a breeding bull are most likely in the first month of the breeding season. You would probably be surprised to hear how many times we see young bulls that have injured their penises and must be culled after breeding 5 cows or less.

Every year I receive phone calls about bulls that appear to lack libido or the ability to breed. Most of the calls are either from veterinarians or from the seed stock producers who raised and sold the bull. Usually the animal has been reported to be totally disinterested in breeding or in some cases, his desire to breed seems lack lustre in the new owner’s eyes. Fortunately, we have an efficient way to check these cases out. It is called the serving capacity test, or in some circles the libido test, or service test. Done properly this test involves the haltering of a sturdy cow, preferably in heat but not necessary, in a short stocks. We usually sedate the cow so that she stands quietly and provide her with adequate lubrication. Proper restraint of the cow is important – bulls always chin-rest before attempting to mount and a big clue that they have a receptive partner is that she doesn’t move. Simply, putting a bull in a pen with a cow or tying a cow to tree is not the way to do this test. I have seen cases where bulls have been falsely labelled as nonbreeders because of a poorly done serving capacity test. Bulls are also sexually stimulated by watching other bulls, so we usually put a known breeder in with the cow first and allow the bull in question to watch through a fence. My personal preference is to have an ugly little cuss as the teaser bull because I think the little guys work up the test bulls even more. I’m not kidding! There is merit in my thinking as more dominant bulls do more of the breeding in multiple bull breeding situations and dominance is determined mostly by size and age. Test bulls should not feel threatened by either humans or other animals, so all handling must be quiet and deliberate; this is no place for a stock prod.

The test bull is given up to 20 minutes with the mount cow and if he completes at least a service or two, he is a breeder. More services than that indicates a higher serving capacity/ libido and greater odds that he will breed more cows at pasture. Choosing the bulls that score moderate to high in serving capacity/ libido has been shown to have positive effect on conception rates in the cow herd. Having said that, I don’t think there is anything more striking than finding a bull that has been kicking around an outfit for a few years that is physically unable to breed. Just think what it has cost to feed and house a bull like that.

The serving capacity test is pretty good for checking out breeding bulls greater than two years of age and has been shown to be predictive of breeding performance at pasture. Yearling bulls have a bit of a learning curve when they are first turned out and so serving capacity tests have not been shown to be predictive of their performance. All young bulls need a period of exposure to cycling females to develop their instincts as a breeder. It only takes a few cows; however, as we have utilized the serving capacity test to check out many 16 to 18 month old bulls that have been presented to us as substandard breeders and have proven that our testing method works. Your bulls are one of your most important investments. Keep ‘em healthy, treat ‘em right and check them frequently. Most importantly, make sure he is doing his job!

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 66

Pfizer Stockade Roundup FEMALES

Lloydminster, SK November 5, 2010 Judge: Shannon Eaton, Lloydminster, SK

RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD R U So Fine by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T


JUNIOR HEIFER CALF 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Sassy 51X by RPY Paynes Dynamo 16U JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Princess 55X by WULFS Revolver 1219R

RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Sassy 51X by RPY Paynes Dynamo 16U SENIOR HEIFER CALF 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bombshell 21X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xquisite by ROMN Justice

SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bombshell 21X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Will I Do 23W by WULFS Revolver 1219R.

RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with AUTO Waverly by AUTO Full Throttle

TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with Greenwood PLD Ultra Fancy by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, CL Xtra Fancy by WULFS Trailblazer 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD R U So Fine by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, Greenwood PLD X-Factor by WULFS Trailblazer 2329T

RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xquisite by ROMN Justice. YEARLING HEIFER 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Will I Do 23W by WULFS Revolver 1219R 2. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with AUTO Waverly by AUTO Full Throttle

SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with Greenwood PLD Ultra Fancy by MNWS Frontier 507R and her calf, CL Xtra Fancy by WULFS Trailblazer

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 67



JUNIOR BULL CALF 1. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ 2. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD X-Box by Greenwood PLD Rambo JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Bail Out 54X by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’

RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD X-Box by Greenwood PLD Rambo

SENIOR BULL CALF 1. Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xtra Charge by ROMN Justice 2. Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T

SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK with Greenwood PLD Xtra Charge by ROMN Justice

RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK with RPY Paynes Elvis 34X by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T

BREEDER’S HERD Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK GET OF SIRE Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK PAIR OF BULLS Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK

YEARLING BULL 1. Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch

JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB with SL Bullet Proof by MAGS Sasquatch

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Veteran, AB at 1:00 pm

Want Your Herd in the BLACK?

Amaglen Bulls at the Manitoba Bull Test Station are black, double polled and are gaining from 4.34 to 4.9 lbs/day. Lot 454 - HNH 3X Wulfs Realtor son - full brother to one of our herd bulls Lot 455 - HNH 18X Wulfs Realtor son-out of a powerful Gentleman in Black mother Lot 456 - HNH 7X Ivy’s Smirnoff son - full brother to last year’s high selling/high gaining bull at the test Lot 457 - HNH 20X Ivy’s Smirnoff son – showing the consistency of Smirnoff Lot 458 - HNH 72X Cole Wulf Hunt son - maybe the only one in Canada this year Bull Test Sale - April 2, 2011 - Red and Black polled bulls at home by Wulfs Realtor, Wulfs Explosion, Ivy’s Smirnoff, Paynes Rawhide and others.

Thanks to the CLA for recognizing our Elite Dam, Amaglen Nice Girl HNH 75N

Check out for more information Ian, Bonnie & Glen Hamilton Ph (204) 246-2312 Amanda & Clint Seward Cell (204) 823-1240 Box 55, Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0

• Polled, Horned, Red & Black • 25 January Born Yearlings • 20 Two year olds • Progeny from Proven and AI sSires • Select Heifer Bulls Hudson Limousin

North Slope Farms

Bob & Dorothy Hudson Hardisty, AB 780-879-2105

Eugene & Sylvia Axley Czar, AB 780-857-2094 (ph/fax)

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 68

1st Annual Fall Harvest Limousin Sale

October 16, 2010 Listowel, ON Auctioneer: Dave Carson Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 14 Heifer Calves

Averaged . . . . . .$3,307.14


Averaged . . . . . .$2,655.26

11 1

Bred Cows

Bred Heifers

Cow/Calf Pair

Averaged . . . . . .$2,227.27

Averaged . . . . . .$6,800.00

45 Lots Grossed $128,050.00 and Averaged $2,845.56

High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 102 - TMF Miss 606X sired by EXLR Limited Edition 622L was purchased by Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK for $7,400.00. Lot 104 - TMF Miss 603X sired by ROMN Made To Order was purchased by Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK for $7,400.00. High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 144 - WGL Wish List sired by CFSV Polled Majesty 312S was purchased by Y2K Land & Cattle, Caledon East, ON for $5,000.00. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 129 & 129A - EXLR Jenna 020L sired by CFSV Polled Majesty 312S and her calf, KOYLE Madame 24X sired by FWLY Big Time was purchased by was purchased by Rayd Livestock, Kenilworth, ON for $6,800.00.

ALA/SLA PaceSetter Sale

December 4, 2010 Lloydminster, SK Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 3 Bull Calves 18 6



Bred Heifers

Cow/Calf Pairs

Heifer Calves

Averaged . . . . .$18,300.00

Averaged . . . . . .$2,927.77

Averaged . . . . . .$4,925.00 Averaged . . . . . .$2,010.00

37 Lots Grossed $157,250.00 and Averaged $4,250.00 Embryos

Grossed . . . . . . .$900.00

Total Sale Grossed $158,150.00

High Selling Bull Calf Lot 1- Greenwood PLD Xtra Charge sired by ROMN Justice was purchased by Murphy Ranch, Altario, AB for $35,000.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 23- EDW Way Cool sired by MAGS Sasquatch was purchased by Y2K Land & Cattle, Caledon East, ON for $5,800.00.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 37- RPY Paynes Spellbound 14S sired by ROMN Justice was purchased by Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK and Greg Stewart, Stettler, AB for $4,100.00 and her calf, RPY Paynes Bonnie 69X sired by Anchor B ‘The Shmooze’ was purchased by Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB for $2,900.00.

High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 11- Greenwood PLD Xactly sired by ROMN Justice was purchased by Taylor Richards, Lashburn, SK for $3,500.00.

High Selling Embryos Lot 40- Three Embryos sired by AUTO Dollar General out of RPY Paynes Party Girl 24P were purchased by Dynasty Limousin, Thorsby, AB for $300.00 each.

The Headliner All Breeds Sale November 13, 2010 Edmonton, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 10.5 Limousin Heifer Calves 3


Limousin Bred Heifers

23.5 1

Limousin Bull Calves

Other Live Lots

Averaged . . . . . .$7,495.24

Averaged . . . . . .$3,266.67

Averaged . . . . . .$4,750.00

Averaged . . . . . .$4,278.72

39 Lots Grossed $198,600.00 and Averaged $5,092.31 Limousin Embryo Lot

Grossed . . . . . . .$900.00

High Selling Bull Calf Lot 1- RPY Paynes Hardline 20X sired by Anchor B The Shmooze’ was purchased by Edwards Limousin, Craik, SK for $5,500.00.

High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 6- Ivy’s Xtra Sweet BHM 4X sired by WULFS Revolver was purchased by Y2K Land & Cattle Co., Caledon East, ON for $37,000.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 4- FL Polled Whitley sired by Greenwood PLD Rambo was purchased by Glen Page, for $5,300.00.

High Selling Embryo Lot 13B- Three Embryos of FBR Storm 3S x CFLX Wild Card were purchased by Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK for $900.00.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 69

Solid Gold Limousin Sale

“The Debutante Ball I” Sale

November 27, 2010 Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 1.5 Bull Calves 1


8 1



Bred Cow

Bred Heifer

Heifer Calves

Averaged . . . . .$11,200.00

Averaged . . . . . .$8,500.00

Averaged . . . . . .$2,400.00

Averaged . . . . . .$4,038.00

11.5 Lots Grossed $65,600.00 and Averaged $5,704.34 Semen Package

Embryo Packages


Grossed . . . . .$10,950.00

Averaged . . . . . .$1,895.00 Grossed . . . . . .$3,700.00

Total Sale Grossed $89,725.00

High Selling Bull Calf Lot 351- RPY Paynes Elvis 34X sired by ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T ½ interest was purchased by Rhett Jones, Morse, SK for $19,000.00.

High Selling Bred Cow Lot 357- Anchor B Night Club sired by Mine Polled Dry Dock was purchased by Ray-D Livestock, Kenilworth, ON for $8,500.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 358- Anchor B Wanna Dance sired by JYF Paladin was purchased by Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK for $2,400.00. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 359- Ivy’s Xtra Cool sired by Ivy’s Too Cool TRH 83T was purchased by Jan Star Farms, Tara, ON for $8,500.00.

High Selling Semen Package Lot 353- SL Bullet Proof semen package was purchased by Payne Livestock and Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK; Highland Stock Farms, Olds, AB; Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON; Loyal Line Limousin, Goderich, ON; Pinnacle View Limousin, Quesnel, BC; Fouillard Limousin and Dynasty Farms, Thorsby, AB; Bee Zee Acres, Glencoe, ON; Plains Limousin, Wainwright, AB; Triple J Farms, Whitewood, SK; Circle T Limousin, Estevan, SK and Karwandy Limousin, Cabri, SK for $10,950.00.

High Selling Flush Lot 354A- Right to flush RPY Paynes Pinup Girl 28P was purchased by Fieldgate Farms, Troy, ON for $3,700.00.

High Selling Embryos Lot 355B- Three Grade A Embryos sired by MNWS Frontier 507R out of TMF Too Much Fun 507T was purchased by Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON for $2,850.00.

December 11, 2010 Caledon East, ON Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Indian River Cattle Company and Venture Livestock Enterprises

Sale Results 0.5 Herd Bull 11

Cow/Calf Pairs


Bred Heifers




Open Heifers

Averaged . . . . . .$9,500.00 Averaged . . . . . .$4,136.36 Averaged . . . . . .$3,200.00

Averaged . . . . . .$3,980.77

Averaged . . . . . .$1,946.15

40.5 Lots Grossed $141,650.00 and Averaged $3,497.53


Semen Lot

Grossed . . . . . .$8,500.00

Total Sale Grossed $150,150.00

High Selling Bull Lot 1- Ivy’s Underpressure 43U sired by Ivy’s Shazam HTZ 15S ½ interest was purchased by New Life Limousin, Harriston, ON for $9,500.00. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 2- Y2K Trix 707T sired by Polled Reflection UZX 38R and her calf, Y2K X-clusive Deal 67X sired by Ivy’s Underpressure 43U was purchased by Edwards Limousin, Craik, SK for $10,400.00.

High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 16A- Y2K Uzette 897U sired by Y2K Smokestone 51S was purchased by Ron McKenzie, Forest, ON for $9,900.00.

High Selling Open Heifer Lot 17B- Y2K Wind Chymes 974W sired by Highland Nike was purchased by Steve Petroski, Golden Lake, ON for $2,900.00.

High Selling Cow Lot 9B- Y2K Umberlina 879U sired by Anders Rawhide was purchased by New Life Limousin, Harriston, ON for $3,700.00.

Royal Elite All Breeds Sale November 6, 2010 Toronto, ON Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Results 6 Limousin Heifer Calves 39 3 2 1

Other Live Breeds

Averaged . . . . . .$3,933.33

Averaged . . . . . .$3,176.92

45 Lots Grossed $147,500.00 and Averaged $3,277.78 Embryo Packages

Averaged . . . . . .$1,650.00

Flush Lot

Averaged . . . . . .$4,500.00

Semen Packages

Averaged . . . . . .$1,550.00

High Selling Limousin Heifer Calf Lot 32- Airlie All Eyes On You 5X sired by Windy Polled Tiburon was purchased by Black Rose Limousin for $5,900.00.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 70

Autumn Cattle Drive Sale Results 2 Bulls 4


11 4

December 4, 2010 Listowel, ON Auctioneer: Dave Carson

Cow/Calf Pairs

Bred Heifers

Open Heifers

Embryo Lots

Averaged . . . . . .$2,400.00

Averaged . . . . . .$1,975.00

Averaged . . . . . .$1,773.00

Averaged . . . . . .$1,327.00

Averaged . . . . . .$2,150.00

High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 13- Posthaven Polled Unweave sired by Posthaven Polled Sell-Out was purchased by DeJager Limousin Cattle Co., Rolling Hills, AB for $2,700.00. Lot 14- Posthaven Polled Watermark sired by Posthaven Polled Tristan was purchased by DeJager Limousin Cattle Co., Rolling Hills, AB for $2,700.00. High Selling Open Heifer Lot 32- DRA Miss Total sired by EXLR Total Control 065T was purchased by Nancy Lawrence, Durham, ON for $1,550.00.

43 Lots Grossed $74,900.00 and Averaged $1,742.00

High Selling Embryos Lot 8- 5 embryos of MTN Park Perfect Fleur sired by TMF Westwood 505W was purchased by Top Meadow Farms, Clarksburg, ON and Rayd Livestock, Kenilworth, ON for $375.00 each.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 9 & 9A- Posthaven Polled Tiffany sired by Goldenview Top Cat was purchased by Allan and Dorothy Martin, Listowel and her calf, Posthaven Polled Xodus sired by Posthaven Polled Sell-Out was purchased by Elmgrove Limousin, Elora, ON for $3,500.00.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 71

OL A Annual General Meeting Notice

Dear Ontario Limousin Association Members,

The OLA Annual General Meeting has been planned for Saturday, February 26th at the Grand River Raceway in Elora, Ontario. The meeting will commence at 10:00 am. We will break for a roast beef lunch buffet at 12 noon. After lunch, we have invited Chef Shawn Monaghan from the Ariss Valley Golf and Country Club to do a few cooking demonstrations on preparing various cuts of beef. Once Chef Shawn has finished his demonstrations, we will wrap up the general meeting portion and conclude with the annual auction. Hopefully, we can have everything done by 4:30 pm.

The Grand River Raceway is located at 7445 Wellington County Rd. 21, Elora. (519-846-5455 or Directions:

From Toronto: Take the 401 West towards London. From the 401, follow Highway 6 North through Guelph. Turn left onto County Rd. 7 just north of Marden. As you enter Elora (past Tim Horton’s), turn left at the first set of lights (County Rd. 21). Grand River raceway is on your right. From London: Take 401 East towards Toronto. From the 401, follow Highway 6 North through Guelph. Turn left onto County Rd. 7 just north of Marden. As you enter Elora (past Tim Horton’s), turn left at the first set of lights (County Rd. 21). Grand River Raceway is on your right.

Below is a short list of hotels, if you are planning on staying a night: The Village Inn (1 minute from raceway) 66 Wellington Rd. 7, Elora 519-846-5333 or

The Elora Mill Inn (3 minutes from raceway, little more pricey) 77 Mill St.W., Elora 519-846-9118 or

Comfort Inn (15 minutes from raceway) 480 Silvercreek Parkway, Guelph 519-763-1900 or

The cost of the lunch buffet will be $32.74 plus HST ($37.00 including HST). (Hold on to your receipt as you can claim this as a business expense).

Please RSVP to one of the following people by no later than Monday, February 7th: Sheila Smart – 519-538-4877 or

Amanda Rosborough –

Jeff Irvine – 519-837-2113 or

Lastly, we will be again having an auction of donated items to help raise money for both the OLA and the OJLA. Please consider donating an item to help in this cause. Hope to see you on February 26th, 2011.

From Kitchener-Waterloo: Take Highway 86 North, and then County Rd. 22 North at the Waterloo city limits. County Rd. 22 turns into County Rd. 18 and you will end up at the stop lights at Salem. Turn right (County Rd. 7), then turn right at the next set of lights (County Rd. 21). Grand River Raceway is on your right.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 72

The Canadian Junior Limousin Association is pleased to award a scholarship to Cara Wedderburn from Alexander, Manitoba. Cara has lived on a beef cattle farm, that specializes in raising purebred Limousin cattle, where she has come to appreciate the benefits of the Limousin breed. She is involved in the Rivers 4-H Beef Club, the Manitoba Junior Limousin Association, as well as the agriculture industry in general. She has participated in the Rivers 4-H Beef Club for five years and has selected a Limousin steer every year. Her involvement with the Manitoba Junior Limousin Association includes the treasurer position for two years, vice president, and she currently holds the position of president. She also participated in the planning and organization of the Canadian Junior National Conference held in Virden last year. She has also had the privilege of attending three National Junior shows in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, and Virden, Manitoba. The Limousin Breed has benefited Cara in many ways; it has provided her with many new friendships, knowledge of the cattle industry, as well as leadership and communication skills that will benefit me in my future. Cara is currently a student at Brandon University and taking a Bachelor of Arts and then going into Education.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 73

Breeder Section Box 2240, Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1X7 Phone (780) 963-9001 Fax (780) 963-7711 Cell (780) 220-1840

IAN, BONNIE AND GLEN HAMILTON CLINT AND AMANADA SEWARD Box 55 Ph: 204-246-2312 Darlingford, MB Fax: 204-246-2070 R0G 0L0E Email: MANITOBA

Kevin Rea 306/463-7950 The Rea Family Ken Rea 306/968-2923 Marengo, SK S0L 2K0

Quiet 7550 Arnold Road Chilliwack, B.C. CANADA V2R 4J7

PAUL GUMPRICH Home/Fax: (604) 823-2466

Stan & Pat 204-855-2214 204-729-1772 Kyle & Erin 204-855-2633 204-724-0892 Darby & Kelly 204-855-2191 204-573-6529 Raising Limousin for over 30 years RR#1, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 Fax: 204-855-2472 • Email: Website:


Terence, Gwen, Steven and Shane Box 56, Arelee, Saskatchewan S0K 0H0 (306) 237-4827 Fax (306) 237-4825

HT FARMS ENRIG LIMOUSIN 70 Kennelly Rd. R.R. #2, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5 Email: Phone: 613 649-2313 Fax: 613 649-2983

Jason & Melissa Brock Chris & Kendra Liebrecht Glenn & Eleanor Brock

Box 127, Erskine, Alberta T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-5211 Fax: (403) 742-6139 Cell: (403) 740-7621

Dale & Carole Barclay Box 21, Erskine, Alta. Canada T0C 1G0

(403) 742-4825 (403) 742-3882 (403) 742-5916 DALE RICK TERRY

PUREBRED LIMOUSIN PUR-SANG 399 Clairemont Ph (819) 572-0092 Danville, QC J0A 1A0 Fax (819) 839-1270 email:

Specializing in Polled Fullbloods and Purebreds

Lionel & Sharon, Alicia, Riché, Melanie, Patrick, Brody & Diane Fouillard

P.O. Box 3, St. Lazare, MB R0M 1Y0

Home/Fax: (204) 683-2353


Cell: (780) 719-3894

Fouillard Limousin Bill & Mary Anne Zwambag Nick, Andrew & Matt 41410 Glendon Dr., Glenco, ON N0L 1M0 Res. (519) 287-3219 Fax: (519) 287-5248

Terry & Lynette Hepper Sara and Erin General Delivery, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0 306/781-4628

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 74

4250 King Rd. King City, ON L7B 1K4 Ray, Stacie, Will Meg & Liz Stanton Mobile: (416) 505-0707

Wanted: Harvest Olympus, Pub, Punch, Orion or Goldnview Krugerrand semen and embryos.

Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 email:

Len & Ruth Angus: 204/937-4980 Len’s cell: 204/937-0274 Mark’s cell: 204/281-5090

Use a GOOD Limousin – Purebred & Fullblood

GERRY & RUTH GOOD R.R. #1 Ph: (403) 337-2212 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Fax: (403) 337-3278 email:

Cattle for sale privately at all times.

Box 159 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y1

Bernard & Mona 306/825-3550 Mark & Doris 780/744-2216 Scott & Jackie 306/825-4328 Brad & Janice 306/825-9321

780-879-2105 Bob, Dorothy, Colin and Glenda RR #1, Hardisty, Alberta T0B 1V0

# # )' # $& ! $( #

#')! "$)' # *%!$&# (

H LIMOUSIN W The “Fuchs” Family A Bethune, Saskatchewan S0G 0H0 Y Purebred Red & Black Limousin Cattle Visitors Welcome Ed & Doreen (306) 638-4422 Warren (306) 789-8863 Darcy (306) 638-4800 Email:

Mike Henry

017209 Grey Bruce Line R.R. #4 Tara, ON N0H 2N0 Ph: (519) 934-2023

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 75


Rob, Cheryl, Erin & Jeff Swaan 4344 Hwy 97 S. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P4

Tel: (250) 747-2618 • Fax: (250) 747-0436 mail:


Trevor Lloyd & Joan Atchison Atchison 204•854•2947 204•854•2510 Box 4 • Group 20 • R.R. #1 • Pipestone • MB

FULLBLOOD • POLLED H C W Reuben & Lil Hickman (780) 467-3139 Cell: (780) 919-8223 RR#4, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3K4


Mark Sugimoto & Family


Jim & Susan Butt 436394 43rd Line, RR #2 Embro, Ontario N0J 1J0 Phone/Fax: 519-475-4375 email:


KEVIN PRESTON & FAMILY 705-277-1032 705-344-7438 (Cell)

McCallum Bros Limousin

Ph: (506) 433-5245 Fax: (506) 433-9083

1749 Route 880 Summer Field, NB E4G 2L3

613 Hwy 35 Pontypool ON L0A 1K0

Lonny McKague Box 171, Ogema, SK SOC 1YO

PAUL: 519-764-2354 DAVE: 519-762-5095 Fax: 519-762-2392 Cell: 519-870-5638 RR #1, Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0


Garry & Sheila Smart 137606 Grey Rd 12 RR#2, Meaford, ON CANADA N4L 1W6 Ph./Fax: (519) 538-4877 Cell: (519) 372-7459 “ I n d u s t r y A c c e p t e d E-mail: F o r O v e r 3 0 Ye a r s ” Kathleen Smart Ph: (519) 538-1008

(306) 459-2788 • (306) 459-7801

Jim - Stephanie - Tiffany - Samantha - Stan - Sheila

Home of the Grass Country Bulls

Box 58 Rumsey, AB T0J 2Y0

Murray & Bev Stewart Box 1326 Tel: (403) 742-5226 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: (403) 742-5242 Imperial Ranch Ltd. Cell: (403) 742-9813 E-mail:

(306) 459-2202 (Fax) email:


2713 22 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB T1K 1J8 (403) 327 9327 (H) (403) 308 6171 (C)


(Jim) 403-368-2103

The Rodgers

Art, Maria & Family Box 156, MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: (204) 685-2628 Fax: (204) 685-2597 Cell: (204) 856-3440 email:


Ron, Sheri, Payton and Colby Vogel Box 8, Site 18, RR 2 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K5 Phone: (403) 934-6097 Fax: (403) 263-0179 Purebred and Fullblood Black and Red Bulls and Females Email:

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 76

Breeders of polled purebred and fullblood Limousin


Bryce & Nathan Allen P.O. Box 189 Warkworth, Ontario K0K 3K0

Ph: (780) 623-2468 Box 1352 Lac La Biche, AB Fax: (780) 623-4169 T0A 2C0 Fullblood & Black or Red Polled

Canadian 1 year

$35.00 plus GST

Tel: (705) 924-2583 Fax: (705) 924-3385

K eep an eye on your Limousin Breed Please check one of the following:

United States $50.00 USD

Farm Name: _____________________________

Name: __________________________________

International $50.00 USD


Address: ________________________________ City:______________ Province:______________

Postal Code: _____________________________

Phone #: ________________________________ Email: __________________________________

The Limousin Voice

#13, 4101, 19th Street, NE Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 403/253-7309 fax 403/253-1704 email:

Order Your Subscription Now!

Official publication of the Canadian Limousin Association.

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 77

Services Section C ust om e r S e r v i c e P ro g r a m

Custom Collection

108 Flett Drive Airdrie, Alberta T4B 1N2

Private Storage

Ph: (403) 948-3520 • Fax: (403) 948-2917

Email: Auctioneering Sales Management

Phone (403) 226-0666

Kim Harder

Box 280 Clavet, Saskatchewan Canada S0K 0Y0 Phone: (306) 257-3904 Cell: (306) 341-3904

“Pictures for cattlemen by a cattleman”

Craig Flewelling

Consulting • Ring Service • Order Buying Craig Flewelling Box 428 Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Phone (403) 224-2111 Email:

Phone: (403) 337-0052 Cell: (780) 853-7067 Fax: (403) 337-0052 Toll Free: 1-877-909-3276


3rd Floor, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Commercial Personal Lines Farm Livestock

Ch rii s P o l e y hr Auctioneer Box 252 Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0

Phone (306) 220-5006

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.

Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: E-mail:

SERVICES OFFERED: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 78

Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0 Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441


Advertisers index

1-Way Cattle Corp.

Alta Genetics Amaglen Limousin Anchor B Limousin

Bar 3R Limousin Bar-Dale Limousin Bee Zee Acres Bouchard Livestock International Bow Valley Genetics Ltd.

Campbell Limousin Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. Cattle Pics By Kim H. Cattlemen Circle G Farms Cochrane Stock Farms Combest Limousin Farm Cottage Lake Livestock

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. DC Farms De Jager Limousin Cattle Co. Diamond C Ranch Don Savage Auctions

Eden Meadows Limousin Edwards Limousin Elian Limousin Enright Farms Excel Ranches

Ferme BLB Farm Flewelling Cattle Co. Fort Ellice Limousin Fouillard Limousin

Gardiner Limousin Gates Limousin Good Limousin Ranch Grant Rolston Photography Ltd. Greenwood Limousin Gutek Farms

Hager Cattle Company Hi Way Limousin Highland Stock Farms Hillside Farm Hillview Farms Hi-Valley Limousin Hockridge Farms Horizon Limousin Hudson Limousin


78 68, 74 3

18, 74 74 49, 74 3, 12 78 73

31 78 78 78 74 74 74 2

78 27, 28 71, 74 20, 74 78

74 11, 12 74 74 28

74 78 74 74

75 37 78 75 78 19, 75 10

29 75 IFC 75 28, 71 75 75 76 68, 75

Ivy Livestock Ivy Ranch

8, 9, 10, 75 75

Karwandy Limousin Ken-Doc Limousin Kensu Limousin Koyle Farms

75 12, 13 75 28

J Yorga Farms Jan-Starr Farms Jaymarandy Limousin Jones Cattle Co.

Lakeridge Limousin Lazy S Limousin Lisle Limousin Looma Limousin

Maple Key Farms McCallum Bros. Limousin McKenzie Limousin Nordal Limousin North Slope Limousin

Othberg, Fritz & Sandra

Payne Livestock Pine Haven Farm Pinnacle View Limousin Poley, Chris Poplar View Stock Farm Posthaven Limousin Preston Acres Limousin

Red Coat Cattle Station Richmond Ranch Rocky View Livestock Rom'n Limousin

5 75 31, 75 75

75 20 76 76 76 76 8 7 68 76

IBC 76 17, 76 78 76 18 76

76 6, 76 76 54

Skeels, Dan Smart Limousin Southbridge Limousin Stewart Limousin Stockmens Insurance Stoneyview Limusin

78 76 76 76 78 12

Venture Livestock Ent. Voegel Farms Limousin

78 76

Y2K Land & Cattle Co


Top Meadow Farms Triple "R" Limousin

Wild Way Farm Willowcrest Limousin Windy Gables Limousin

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 79

OBC 76

77 77 21, 77


F ebruary

13 R & R Acres’10th Annual “Beefmaker” Limousin Bull Sale, Airdrie, AB

Published by:

15 Beef Bootcamp, Airdrie, AB

19 G. O. A. L. Conference for Junior Members, Saskatoon, SK

Today’s Publishing #4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744

26 Ontario Limousin AGM, Elora, ON

28 J. Yorga Farms Bull Sale, Flintoft, SK


11 Richmond’s Grass Country Bull Sale, Westlock, AB

Our Staff

17 Bar 3R Annual Bull Sale, Oyen, AB

17 deJager Limousin & Hirch Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale,

Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Ted Serhienko - Marketing Chris Poley - Marketing Mina Serhienko - Controller Debbie Thiessen - Circulation Ashley Brown - Production Tiffany Peters - Production Beryl Campbell - Production Scott MacLean - Design Camille Penny - Design Kailey Retzlaff - Design Treena Ballantyne - Accounting

Rolling Hills, AB

18 Anchor B Limousin 10th Annual Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK

19 Prime Club Bull Sale, Westlock, AB

19 Highland Stock Farms Bull Sale, High River, AB

23 East Country Limousin 7th Annual Bull Sale, Veteran, AB

25 Diamond T Limousin Bull Sale, Kenton, MB

26 Best West Limo Classic Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB

28-Apr 2 Manitoba Royal Winter Fair, Brandon, MB

30 Hager Cattle Company 5th Annual Sale, Bismarck, ND

Eastern Marketing


Cathy Brown - 705-327-1808


Published 4 times/year Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Jaymarandy Getting Back To The Basics Sale, Yorkton, SK


Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Publications Mail Agreement: 40021107

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to:

Today’s Publishing Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Email:

Spring Limousin Voice Deadline


Smart Limousin Bull Sale, Meaford, ON


Sixth Annual Home Grown Bull Sale & Open House, Minto, MB


Windy Gables Open House Bull Sale, Warkworth, ON





25th Annual Prairie Gold Limousin Sale, Saskatoon, SK Rom’n Limousin Annual Bull Sale, Madison, SD

Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Quebec Limousin Bull Sale #2, St-Hyacinthe, QC




Beef Improvement Symposium, Bozeman, Montana Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK

21-22 T Bar C Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK



CJLA Conference, Orangeville, ON

Limousin Voice Magazine Winter 2011 • Page 80

Sire: ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T Dam: IVY’s Polled Princess 1P 2010 National Champion Bull GEST CED BW WW YW CEM Milk MWWT SC DOC -2.8 16.1 -0.3 51.0 89.1 8.7 25.6 51.1 0.8 26.6 20 straws $1000 Owned with Jones Cattle Co.

Sire: JCL Lodestar 27L Dam: KAJO Sheryl Swoops 11H Homozygous Black - Sire of the 2011 Denver Grand Champion Pen GEST CED BW WW YW CEM Milk MWWT SC DOC -1.0 9.9 2.7 57.5 112.4 5.5 14.6 43.4 1.2 13.8 10 straws $1000 Owned with Stoney Creek, Jones Cattle Co. and Rayd Livestock

Sire: Mr SYES Gentleman 118M Dam: Wulfs Leaf Butterfly 1219R GEST CED BW WW YW CEM Milk MWWT SC DOC -0.8 3.7 5.4 55.3 96.6 8.3 27.6 55.3 0.2 12.5 10 straws $650

Sire: Carrousels Pure Power Dam: Wulfs Myrlene 2332M Homgozygous Black GEST CED BW WW YW CEM Milk MWWT SC DOC -1.3 10.6 0.6 56.6 97.6 7.6 16.4 44.7 0.9 17.3 10 straws $400

March 7, 2011 Selling 8 Stout Red & Black Polled Bulls Feature Bull - RPY Paynes Chance 66X Sire: Anchor B “The Shmooze” BW: 94 205 Adj. WT: 850 lbs. 10 Month WT: 1215 lbs. 10 Month Scrotal: 36cm

Birthdate: March 8, 2010

Rocky & Debbie Payne Box 1997, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1R5 P: 306.825.4056 • F: 306.825.4025 E:

der S: ROMN Made To Or el No F JY D:

S: S A V Networth 4200 D: Anchor B Playmate

S: TMF Polled Harmonica 777N D: Higland Jade 114J

S: TMF Tankard 206T D: Top Meadow 902P

S: WZRK Primestar 861P D: Wulfs Masterpiece 2107M

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