Smart Limousin 2023

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Smart Garry & Sheila Smart 137606 Grey Rd 12 Meaford, On N4L 1W6 Tel: 519-538-4877 Garry: 519-372-7459 Sheila: 519-379-4877 Limousin Since 1978


Thank you for joining us for our 25th Annual PrivateTreaty Sale. We are proud to present to you this selection of bulls and heifers from our 2021/22 calf crop.We offer you a combination of new and proven genetics using select AI sires as well as our own walking bulls.We have been breeding Limousin cattle for over 40 years, with predominately a fall and winter calving program and selling bulls and replacement females into the purebred and commercial markets.

The format of our sale is on a first come, first serve basis.Animals sell under the standard Canadian Limousin Association’s Breeders Guarantee. All bulls offered have passed a semen evaluation prior to sale day. Video clips of animals in the sale are available online through our website and Facebook page.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or to arrange an opportunity to see the cattle prior to sale day.

Contact Numbers:

Garry 519-372-7459

Sheila 519-379-4877

Mike McNally 519-377-2075

Garry & Sheila

Lot 1 GYS 39J

Smart Polled Johnson 39J

Aug 10, 2021 CPM4115983 Homo Polled Red

Hunt Credentials 37C ET

Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E

Jaymarandy Aphrodite

Smart Polled Tomboy

Dam: Smart Polled Xoctic

Smart Polled Peek-A-Boo

Male 93% LM

BW 91

39J was in our show string this past year. He will add frame and thickness with a moderate frame.

GEST CED BW WW YW -3 10 2.2 54 73
Lot 7 - GYS 64J Lot
Lot 6 - GYS 63J
Lot 1 - GYS 39J

Lot 2

Smart Polled Judd

Aug 15, 2021 CPM4118573 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs Ransom 3059R

Sire: Roman Tow Truck 111T

Romn Rita 28R

Willows Checkmark

Dam: Smart Polled Damzel

Smart Polled Ziva


If you are looking for frame and growth 41J has it! He is bred for making great females.

Lot 3

Smart Polled Jerome

Aug 18, 2021 CPM4118574 Homo Polled Red

Hunt Credentials 37C ET

Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E

Jaymarandy Aphrodite

CLLL Heisman 985S

Dam: Smart Polled Daisy

Smart Polled Yalena

43J is really thick and moderate framed, with a good birth weight.


Male 93% LM BW 90 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 9 1.3 55 82
Male 92% LM BW 91 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 10 2.0 57 78

Lot 4 GYS 44J

Smart Polled Justice

Aug 19, 2021

CPM4118575 Double Polled Red

Mr SYES Gentleman 118M

Sire: Wulfs Revolver 1219R

Wulfs Leaf Butterfly 1219

RPY Paynes Winchester 42W

Smart Polled Adalia

Smart Polled Nakita

This stout Revolver son will produce uniform thick calves.

Lot 5 GYS 61J Smart Polled Jagger

October 26, 2021

Carrousels MVP

Sire: CLLL Heisman 895S

CLLL Felicia

CPM4118581 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs Apostle T343A

Dam: Smart Polled Dallas Smart Polled Toffie

61J is a light birth weight bull that could be used on heifers or cows.

Male 92% LM BW 87 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 8 1.8 56 78
Male 94% LM BW 92 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 5 3.4 58 78

Lot 6 GYS 63J

Smart Polled James

Nov 1, 2021 CPM4118583 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs X Factor 7523X

Sire: Smart Polled Gotham

Smart Polled Yolinda

Willows Checkmark

Dam: Smart Polled Ellie 1E

Smart Polled Ziva

If you are looking for thickness, 63J is packed full with a moderate birth weight.

Lot 7 GYS 64J

Smart Polled Jasper

Nov 1, 2021 CPM4118584 Homo Polled Red

Hunt Credentials 37C ET

Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E

Jaymarandy Aphrodite

Smart Polled Usefriendly

Dam: Smart Polled Antoinette

Smart Polled Serina

64J is another Eveready son that will leave quality calves.

Male 93% LM BW 92 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 10 2.0 56 73
Male 94% LM BW 90 GEST CED BW WW YW -3 8 2.8 58 82

Lot 8

Smart Polled Jefferson

Dec 4, 2021

CPM4118818 Homo Polled Red

Ivy’s Unrestricted DDH 8U

Sire: Ken-Doc Lover Boy

EDW Romance

Smart Polled Adam

Dam: Smart Polled Essa

Smart Polled Bobbi

Sired by the 2011 Grand Champion bull at Agribition, 70J will leave calves with length and hip.

Lot 9

Smart Polled Kelvin

Jan 1, 2022

CPM4118693 Homo Polled Red

Smart Polled Escobar

Sire: Smart Polled Hemmingway

Smart Polled X-Star

RPY Paynes Marshall 39Y

Dam: Smart Polled Delila

Smart Polled Zetta 54Z

1K is the first Hemmingway son to sell! We are really impressed with his first 2 crops of calves. He could be used on heifers.

Male 93% LM BW 93 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 11 2.0 60 85
Male 93% LM BW 91 GEST CED BW WW YW -3 9 1.9 54 77

Smart Polled Karter

Jan 10, 2022

CXM4118694 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

Sire: Smart Polled Diesel

Smart Polled Unwritten

RPY Paynes Winchester 42W

Dam: Smart Polled Ziolet R&R Milkmaid 19L

4K carries traits on both sides of his pedigree for calving ease. He would work great to breed heifers to.

Lot 10 GYS 4K
Male 89% LM BW 91 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 12 0.1 52 73

Open & Bred Females

Lot 11 GYS 37J

Smart Polled Jennifer

Unrestricted DDH 8U

Ken-Doc Lover Boy

Lot 12 GYS 45J

Smart Polled Janice 45J

Aug 20, 2021

Homo Polled Red RPY Paynes Marchall 39Y Sire: Smart Polled Adam

Smart Polled Yosy

Smart Polled Diesel

Smart Polled Geranium

Smart Polled Dew Drop Et

Bred Mar 26, 2023 to Wulfs Ramjet 1509R

CPF4118572 Homo Polled
Aug 8, 2021
Female 93% LM BW 93 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 10 2.5 56 82
EDW Romance Willows Checkmark Dam: Smart Polled Erica ET Smart Polled Northstar Female 93% LM BW 81 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 8 2.0 51 73

Lot 13 GYS 49J

Smart Polled Jayla

Sept 10, 2021

CPF4118576 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs X Factor 7523X

Sire: Smart Polled Gotham

Smart Polled Yolinda

Greenwood PLD Zambuka

Dam: Smart Polled Barbie Smart


Lot 14 GYS 50J

Smart Polled Josephine

Sept 13, 2021

CPF4118577 Homo Polled Red

SY Polled Prospect

Sire: Anders Polled T.K.O.

Bodell PN Lady

RPY Paynes Marshall 39Y

Dam: Smart Polled Debbie

Smart Polled Ulonda

Female 93% LM BW 91 GEST CED BW WW YW -3 8 2.1 59 82
Female 92% LM BW 88 GEST CED BW WW YW -1 11 -0.3 31 35

Lot 15 GYS 51J

Smart Polled Judy

Oct 1, 2021 CPF4118579 Homo Polled Red

Ivy’s Bubba Watson HTZ24B

Sire: HLC DBCC Flatliner 05F ET

B Bar Polled Unique Richmond Avatar SRD 163A

Dam: Smart Polled Dawn

Smart Polled Savannah

Lot 16 GYS 55J

Smart Polled Joy 55J

Oct 3, 2021 CPF4118580 Homo Polled Red

Ivy’s Bubba Watson HTZ 10Z

Sire: HLC DBCC Flatliner 05F ET

B Bar Polled Unique

Romn Tow Truck 111T

Dam: Smart Polled Alexa

Smart Polled Norma

Female 93%
GEST CED BW WW YW -3 11 -0.2 55 76
Female 93% LM BW 89 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 11 0.4 57 82

Lot 17 GYS 65J

Smart Polled Jill

Nov 2, 2021 CPF4118585 Homo Polled Red

Credentials 37C ET Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E


Smart Polled Electric

Lot 18 GYS 66J

Smart Polled Jeannie

17, 2021

Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

Sire: Smart Polled Diesel

Smart Polled Unwritten

Smart Polled Dyson

Dam: Smart Polled Geneva

Smart Polled Amethyst

Double Polled Red

Richmond Colonel SRD 67C Dam:
Smart Polled Blessing Female 93% LM BW 87 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 11 1.5 59 81
GEST CED BW WW YW -4 13 0.0 53 78
Female 92% LM BW 79

Lot 19 GYS 69J

Smart Polled Jaylyn

Nov 25, 2021 CPF4118587 Double Polled Red

Hunt Credentials 37C ET

Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E

Jaymarandy Aphrodite

Polled Cinch

Smart Polled Fifi

Lot 20

Smart Polled Jive 72J

Dec 10, 2021 CPF4118589 Homo Polled Red

Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

Sire: Smart Polled Diesel

Smart Polled Unwritten

CLLL Heisman 895S

Dam: Smart Polled Gia

Smart Polled Candy


Smart Polled
Female 93% LM BW 93 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 8 3.2 55 73
Female 91% LM BW 87 GEST CED BW WW YW -4 11 1.8 57 82

Lot 21 SAF 3J

ST’s Polled Jazzy

Oct 28, 2021

CPF4118582 Double Polled Red

Ivy’s Bubba Watson HTZ24B

Sire: HLC DBCC Flatliner 05F ET

B Bar Polled Unique

Smart Polled Cinch

Dam: Smart Polled Fawn

ST’s Polled Phyllis

Lot 22 SAF 4J

ST’s Polled Jackie

Nov 11, 2021

CPF4118586 Double Polled Red

Hunt Credentials 37C ET

Sire: RPY Paynes Eveready 73E

Jaymarandy Aphrodite

Romn Tow Truck 111T

Dam: ST’s Polled YouWho

ST’s Polled Phyllis

Female 93% LM BW 88

GEST CED BW WW YW -4 12 1.0 52 74
Female 94% LM BW 117 GEST CED BW WW YW -3 4 4.9 59 86

Lot 23 GYS 2K

Smart Polled Khloe

Jan 3, 2022 CPF4115205 Homo Polled Red

Cole Architect 08A

Sire: RPY Paynes Diesel 37D EMF Poll Zill

Sevenstar 28R


Lot 24 GYS 16K

Smart Polled Kate

Feb 25, 2022 CPF4115206 Double Polled Red

Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

Sire: Smart Polled Diesel

Smart Polled Unwritten


Smart Polled Nancy

Smart Polled
Female 93% LM BW 95 GEST CED BW WW YW -2 4 4.6 70 97
Smart PolledYouWish
Willows Checkmark
Smart Polled
Female 93% LM BW 91 GEST CED BW WW YW -3 11 1.2 53 79

Lot 25 GYS 20K

Smart Polled Kira

Mar 2, 2022 CPF4118718 Homo Polled Red

LFLC Bank Account 701B

Sire: BLCC Grass Roots 70G

Greenwood Evelyn PYN 70E

B Bar Brick 5B

Dam: Smart Polled Gabby Smart Polled Antoinette

Female 93% LM BW 95 GEST CED BW WW YW -5 13 -0.2 60 84

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