From the Stauffers:
Welcome to our 14th Annual Charolais Bull Sale. With the up swing in the markets last fall to the helping hand of Mother Nature we have all seen what a difference a year can make. With that, good times are here so now more than ever is the time to invest in a Stauffer Bull and create value to your bottom line. We have to date one of the strongest bull pens on offer. Whether you are searching for top calving ease bulls to top performance or both we feel this years offering will make it easy for you. Our goal has been to have an offering of low birth weight, calving ease with high growth and performance as we can, which in turn would equal happy and satisfied customers. We continue to run our herd as close as we can to most commercial cow/calf operations, with minimal maintanence or fuss with the cows and stress free calving, extended grazing with less feed required. We only work our bulls as required for various ranch duties to ensure that you can enjoy the same. The past fall our bull calves were weaning in the second week of September and had some of the best pasture they have ever seen. Again this year these herd sire prospects have seen no creep feed. From weaning these bulls have excelled on our TMR (total mix rations), a high roughage based ration with free choice hay. With our management and feeding, the bulls you purchase can be fed the same after sale time with no increase or decrease in energy consumption, we want your herd sire to look as good or better after sale day for you. What you see is what you get with no hidden surprises. Thanks to all our repeat and past bull customers its been a pleasure seeing your calves at the auctions as well as seeing the pay days that you made from calves sired by our bulls. Most sale days can be busy ones, with our sale here at the farm and starting at 2 pm we have always made an effort to make it as easy and enjoyable as we can. If I can be of assistance with your herd sire selection please feel to contact me any time. Bulls are available for viewing anytime prior to sale day. Look forward to seeing you sale day!
FEATuRing… 36 chARolAiS YEARlingS 4 chARolAiS 2 YEAR olDS
Dwane & Dawn Stauffer RR 3, EckvillE, AB T0M 0X0 (403) 746-3115 cEll. (403) 588-3015 Email: stauffercharolais@platinum.ca www.stauffercharolais.com
Join uS FoR BBQ STEAk Following ThE SAlE!
Sale Staff… Auctioneer: Billy Fleming ............................................... 780-987-4610 cell 780-999-9790 Ring Side: Rod MacLeod ............................................ 403-226-0162 cell 403-540-7986 Patrick Cassidy ......................................... 403-556-3504 cell 403-599-7202
Hotels… Service Plus Inns ...................................... 403-342-4445 1-800-875-4667 Black Knight Inn ........................................ 403-343-6666
Field Buyer Reps…
Barry Neumier .............403-748-2381 cell 403-318-8222 Rimby Auction Mart cell 403-350-8222 Dean Edge ................................................ 403-704-0280 VJV Ponoka Auction Mart
Sale Day Phone… SAlE BARn
Dw nE’S cEll. DwA
19 mi.
RR 30
10 mi.
403-588-3015 1
18 mi.
HTA Durmax 642S mC306148 Durmax is our performance king, as he consistently adds performance and size to every calf he sires. He is a great breeding bull and has seen some heavy use here. We have a top group of herd sires out of Durmax that speak for themselves. His daughters are heavy milking, curly haired, top producing females. If you’re looking to make every calf count where it pays you should consider the Durmax herdsires. EPDs… bw 2.5 ww 37 BW: 104 lbs. 205 Adj. WW: 823 lbs.
yw 112 Gestation: E
milk 32.6 CE: U
Tm 51 Scrotal: 46 cm
STAuffer TA TAuffer S fully loADeD 89X Lot 1 Horned B.W. - 110 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 708 lbs WPDA - 3.14 lbs ADG - 3.55 W of Dam - 1531 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Sparrows Cossack 11L (P) Stauffers miss Janice 4R (P) Stauffers Miss Janice 31N
Lot 2 Horned B.W. - 96 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 732 lbs WPDA - 3.15 lbs ADG - 3.52 W of Dam - 1465 lbs. Age of Dam - 6
Lot 3
Feb. 5, 2010
Polled B.W. - 104 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 729 lbs WPDA - 3.10 lbs ADG - 3.43 W of Dam - 1610 lbs. Age of Dam - 9
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) Sparrows Cossack 11L (P) Stauffers miss Delta 72P (P) SFL 633 Miss Delta 31L
EPDs... BW: 3.2 WW: 38 YW: 87 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 25.5 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S eXpreSS mAXX plD 82X
STAuffer TA TAuffer S CATTlemen 85X SLL 85X
Lot 4 Horned B.W. - 102 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 821 lbs WPDA - 3.18 lbs ADG - 3.67 W of Dam - 1593 lbs. Age of Dam - 6
Chardel Blackhawk 633F (P) SFl 633 miss Express 2l (P) SFL 89A Miss Express 9E MILK: 29.2 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
Feb. 3, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) JSR Equity 17M (P) Stauffers miss Jazz 90P SFL 5G Miss Jazz 39L (P)
EPDs... BW: 2.6 WW: 41 YW: 97 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 26.6 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Stacked 83X 2
Feb. 3, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
EPDs... BW: 3.9 WW: 36 YW: 87 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 25.8 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S STACkeD 83X SLL 83X
Feb. 11, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
EPDs... BW: 5.7 WW: 41 YW: 99 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers fully loaded 89X
STAuffer TA TAuffer S SunDAnCer plD 72X Lot 5 Polled B.W. - 96 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 848 lbs WPDA - 3.51 lbs ADG - 3.96 W of Dam - 1448 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Jan. 29, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss Canilia 81R (P) Gerrard Canilia 50K(P)
EPDs... BW: 2.2 WW: 42 YW: 96 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 27.2 TM: 48 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Sundancer pld 72X STAuffer TA TAuffer S DurmAX plD 81X Lot 6 Polled B.W. - 84 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 685 lbs WPDA - 2.90 lbs ADG - 3.11 W of Dam - 1475 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
STAuffer TA TAuffer S nAvi nA STAr plD 71X
Feb. 3, 2010
Lot 7
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
Polled B.W. - 88 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 851 lbs WPDA - 3.39 lbs ADG - 3.45 W of Dam - 1510 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss lindsey 12S (P) SFL 633 Miss Lindsey 16L
EPDs... BW: 0.6 WW: 31 YW: 81 Sale Day Weight ________________
Lot 8 Polled B.W. - 90 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 789 lbs WPDA - 3.32 lbs ADG - 4.01 W of Dam - 1488 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
Jan. 28, 2010
SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss Derby 47S (P) SFL 633 Miss Derby 53K MILK: 29.2 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S overSizer plD 58X
Jan. 25, 2010
Lot 9
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
Polled/S B.W. - 114 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 916 lbs WPDA - 3.56 lbs ADG - 3.58 W of Dam - 1542 lbs. Age of Dam - 9
SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss louise 93S (P) Gerrard Louise 10K (P)
EPDs... BW: 2.3 WW: 38 YW: 91 Sale Day Weight ________________
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
EPDs... BW: 1.3 WW: 33 YW: 84 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 29.3 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S DurmAX 66X SLL 66X
Jan. 24, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G (P) SFl 5G miss Jane 66l (P) SFL 633 Miss Jane Doe 19J
EPDs... BW: 6.9 WW: 46 YW: 105 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 24.7 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
MILK: 28.8 TM: 52 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S WeSTern 59X Lot 10 Horned B.W. - 96 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 838 lbs WPDA - 3.38 lbs ADG - 3.7 W of Dam - 1542 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
Stauffers Western 59X
Jan. 24, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss Hardrock 39S (P) Stauffers Hardrock 26M
EPDs... BW: 2.8 WW: 36 YW: 87 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 28.2 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S full foCuS 56X Lot 11 Horned B.W. - 102 lbs Calving Ease - Easy Assist Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 882 lbs WPDA - 3.50 lbs ADG - 3.85 W of Dam - 1668 lbs. Age of Dam - 8
Jan. 21, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G (P) Stauffers Eyefull 20m SFL 633 Miss Eyefull 33K (P)
EPDs... BW: 2.7 WW: 36 YW: 88 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 28.3 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers full focus 56X STAuffer TA TAuffer S monopoly plD 51X Lot 12 Polled B.W. - 86 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 725 lbs WPDA - 3.04 lbs ADG - 3.76 W of Dam - 1525 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Jan. 19, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) HVA Romance 555R (P) HVA Gloria 551G (P)
EPDs... BW: 1.8 WW: 34 YW: 86 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 26.5 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers monopoly plD 51X
STAuffer TA TAuffer S BronCo plD 23X Lot 13 Polled B.W. - 92 lbs Calving Ease - Easy Assist Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 751 lbs WPDA - 2.90 lbs ADG - 3.12 W of Dam - 1443 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
STAuffer TA TAuffer S loTTo mAX plD 30X
Jan. 11, 2010
Lot 14
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P)
Polled B.W. - 96 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 813 lbs WPDA - 3.13 lbs ADG - 3.32 W of Dam - 1484 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
Shelco Made Easy 512R (P) Stauffers miss Jane 4U (P) Stauffers Miss Jane 61S (P)
EPDs... BW: 1.6 WW: 41 YW: 93 Sale Day Weight ________________
Jan. 13, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) Stauffers madison PlD 26U (P) Stauffers Madison 85M
EPDs... BW: 3.8 WW: 42 YW: 97 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 29.4 TM: 50 Scrotal _____________
MILK: 30.5 TM: 51 Scrotal _____________
STAuffer TA TAuffer S HeAvy A loADeD 50X Avy Lot 15 Horned B.W. - 98 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 802 lbs WPDA - 3.11 lbs ADG - 3.13 W of Dam - 1491 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Jan. 19, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss maria 86R (P) Stauffers Maria 113M
EPDs... BW: 3.2 WW: 40 YW: 98 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers Heavy loaded 50X
MILK: 29.2 TM: 49 Scrotal _____________
STauff T Tauff ErS Big iron PlD 47X Lot 16 Polled B.W. - 96 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 817 lbs WPDA - 3.08 lbs ADG - 3.86 W of Dam - 1511 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
Jan. 18, 2010
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss Dignity 59S (P) SFL 89A Miss Dignity 20D
EPDs... BW: 3.2 WW: 41 YW: 88 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 29.5 TM: 50 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Big iron PlD 47X STauff T Tauff ErS PlaT Pla inuM PlD 32X Lot 17 Polled B.W. - 86 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 798 lbs WPDA - 3.47 lbs ADG - 3.96 W of Dam - 1414 lbs. Age of Dam - 3
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo PLD 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers miss Classy 90T (P) SFL 633 Miss Classy 6K (P)
EPDs... BW: 1.4 WW: 39 YW: 97 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers Platinum PlD 32X
Jan. 13, 2010
MILK: 29.7 TM: 49 Scrotal _____________
JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET PMC308461 Used by AI for 2007 – 2009 breeding seasons. Used as an outcross Smokester was bred to some of our top cows to produce some excellent females, but we got mostly bull calves from him. The Females that we have are top end and stand out. We have some Smokester influenced herd bulls as well on offer which will offer you the same consistency that he has. We have had some of the highest selling bulls out of him over the years. This will be his last offering of herdsires! EPDs… bw 2.6 ww 43 BW: 96 lbs. 205 Adj. WW: 791 lbs.
yw 71 Gestation: E
milk 25.4 CE: N/A
Tm 47 Scrotal: 46 cm
STauff T Tauff ErS Big ChillEr PlD 79X Lot 18 Polled B.W. - 86 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 746 lbs WPDA - 3.01 lbs ADG - 3.92 W of Dam - 1404 lbs. Age of Dam - 3
Feb. 1, 2010
LHD Cigar E46 (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) JD Ms Commander B309 Stauffers Brown Noser 11R (P) Stauffers miss Carlo 110T (P) SRL Ms Carlo 2B (P)
EPDs... BW: 1.5 WW: 38 YW: 67 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 26.2 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Big Chiller PlD 79X 5
STauff T Tauff ErS SMokin aCES 74X Lot 19 Horned B.W. - 78 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 846 lbs WPDA - 3.37 lbs ADG - 3.23 W of Dam - 1620 lbs. Age of Dam - 8
STauff T Tauff ErS SMokin DiESEl 28X
Jan. 30, 2010
Lot 20
LHD Cigar E46 (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) JD Ms Commander B309
Horned B.W. - 108 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 941 lbs WPDA - 3.51 lbs ADG - 4.51 W of Dam - 1520 lbs. Age of Dam - 8
Willowvale Projector 90C Stauffers madison 85m SFL 89A Miss Fistfull 19F
EPDs... BW: 2.9 WW: 43 YW: 75 Sale Day Weight ________________
Jan. 13, 2010
LHD Cigar E46 (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) JD Ms Commander B309 Willowvale Projector 90C Stauffers ms Express 15m SFL 89A Miss Express 9E
EPDs... BW: 4.7 WW: 45 YW: 78 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 29.0 TM: 51 Scrotal _____________
MILK: 30.7 TM: 53 Scrotal _____________
STauff T Tauff ErS SMokE STorM 53X Lot 21 Horned B.W. - 115 lbs Calving Ease - Easy Assist Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 832 lbs WPDA - 3.23 lbs ADG - 4.27 W of Dam - 1560 lbs. Age of Dam - 3
Jan. 20, 2010
LHD Cigar E46 (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) JD Ms Commander B309 Cave Midas Touch 132M Stauffers miss Express 19T Stauffer MS Express 109P
EPDs... BW: 8.4 WW: 54 YW: 105 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 21.9 TM: 49 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Smoke Storm 53X STauff T Tauff ErS CoPyrighT PlD 27X Lot 22 Polled B.W. - 94 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 861 lbs WPDA - 3.2 lbs ADG - 4.1 W of Dam - 1391 lbs. Age of Dam - 3
Jan. 13, 2010
JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) Stauffers Smoke This 73U (P) Stauffers Moonstruck 90M Shelco Made Easy 512R (P) Stauffers miss Express 146T Stauffers Ms Express 15M
EPDs... BW: 2.1 WW: 46 YW: 80 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 28.3 TM: 51 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Copyright PlD 27X STauff T Tauff ErS BEarS Paw PlD 15X Lot 23 Polled B.W. - 80 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 727 lbs WPDA - 2.83 lbs ADG - 3.14 W of Dam - 1385 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
Jan. 9, 2010
JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) Stauffers bears Paw 58U (P) SFL 633 Miss Lindsey 16L HTA Durmax 642S Stauffers miss Delta 71U (P) Stauffers Miss Delta 72P (P)
EPDs... BW: 0.6 WW: 35 YW: 73 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers Bears Paw PlD 15X
MILK: 26.4 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
Shelco Made Easy 512r PMC300338
EPDs… bw -1.8 ww 45 BW: 90 lbs. 205 Adj. WW: 826 lbs.
yw 73 Gestation: E
milk 23.3 CE: U
Tm 46 Scrotal: 42 cm
Made Easy has surpassed all of our expectations that we could have imagined and he has been a cornerstone Sire in our herd for five years. First and foremost he has added to the Charolais breed easy calving and easy doing as well as thickness, excellent hair coat, short gestation, good tempermants and top carcass traits. His daughters are top milking females that are like peas in a pod. This years offering of Herdsires is the most we have had, as well as some of the best we have raised. Made Easy will be on display sale day. Thanks to all who have purchased semen and his sons. Semen is again offered for sale.
STauff T Tauff ErS MaDE EaSy 4X Lot 24 Horned B.W. - 80 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 700 lbs WPDA - 2.64 lbs ADG - 3.05 W of Dam - 1341 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
STauff T Tauff ErS MaDE EaSy PlD 22X
Jan. 4, 2010
Lot 25
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N
Polled B.W. - 90 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 777 lbs WPDA - 3.01 lbs ADG - 3.29 W of Dam - 1395 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
HTA Durmax 642S Stauffers miss Elle 64U (P) Stauffers Miss Elle 53R (P)
EPDs... BW: -1.1 WW: 35 YW: 77 Sale Day Weight ________________
Jan. 11, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N HTA Durmax 642S Stauffers miss Joy 45U Stauffers Miss Joy 31P (P)
EPDs... BW: 2.1 WW: 43 YW: 86 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 26.9 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
MILK: 25.5 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
STauff T Tauff ErS EaSy guiDEr PlD 112X Lot 26 Polled B.W. - 102 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal Sept. 11 WW - 749 lbs WPDA - 3.79 lbs ADG - 2.95 W of Dam - 1624 lbs. Age of Dam - 9
SLL 112X
Mar. 23, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G (P) SFl 5G miss Jamie 41l (P) SFL 633 Miss Jamie 23J (P)
EPDs... BW: 3.0 WW: 50 YW: 87 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 20.9 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Easy guider PlD 112X STauff T Tauff ErS EaSy MonEy PlD 109X Lot 27 Polled B.W. - 94 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 765 lbs WPDA - 3.54 lbs ADG - 4.33 W of Dam - 1686 lbs. Age of Dam - 10
SLL 109X
Mar. 11, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N Chardel Blackhawk 633F (P) SFl 633 miss Emerald 32k (P) SFL 89A Miss Emerald 1E
EPDs... BW: -0.6 WW: 45 YW: 78 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers Easy Money PlD 109X
MILK: 24.3 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
STauff T Tauff ErS TriPlE EaSy 106X Lot 28
SLL 106X
Mar. 5, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N
Horned B.W. - 104 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 756 lbs WPDA - 3.59 lbs ADG - 3.89 W of Dam - 1391 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Stauffers Request 102N (P) Stauffers miss Hardrock 91R Stauffers Hardrock 26M
EPDs... BW: 1.4 WW: 52 YW: 76 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 19.4 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Triple Easy 106X STauff T Tauff ErS EaSy BlEnDEr PlD 20X Lot 29 Polled B.W. - 88 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 866 lbs WPDA - 3.09 lbs ADG - 3.58 W of Dam - 1408 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
Jan. 11, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N Harvie Dirty Deeds 56R Stauffers miss Dignity 35U Stauffers Ms Dignity 39N
EPDs... BW: 0.8 WW: 44 YW: 71 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 22.3 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Easy Blender PlD 20X
STauff T Tauff ErS king Pin PlD 19X Lot 30
Harvie Dirty Deeds 56R Stauffers miss Jenny 55U (P) Stauffers Ms Jenny 123N (P)
EPDs... BW: 0.5 WW: 45 YW: 81 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers king Pin PlD 19X STauff T Tauff ErS MaDE EaSy 48X Lot 31 Horned B.W. - 88 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 738 lbs WPDA - 3.03 lbs ADG - 3.55 W of Dam - 1392 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
Jan. 19, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N HTA Durmax 642S Stauffers miss maria 12U (P) Stauffers Miss Maria 86R (P)
EPDs... BW: 0.3 WW: 44 YW: 89 Sale Day Weight ________________
Jan. 10, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N
Polled B.W. - 84 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 855 lbs WPDA - 3.33 lbs ADG - 3.71 W of Dam - 1409 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
MILK: 26.3 TM: 48 Scrotal _____________
MILK: 24.2 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
StaufferS Made eaSy PLd 3X Lot 32 Polled B.W. - 80 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 833 lbs WPDA - 3.18 lbs ADG - 3.07 W of Dam - 1421 lbs. Age of Dam - 2
Jan. 4, 2010
Moore’s Legacy 117L (P) Shelco Made Easy 512R (P) Shelco Doll 311N JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) Stauffers Miss Maia 84U Stauffers Maia 25M
EPDs... BW: -1.1 WW: 40 YW: 68 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 27.2 TM: 47 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Made easy PLd 3X
LeGL Navajo 135S PMC313434 The genetic giant! Navajo has been used since 2008 naturally. We had a large number of females out of him that made our heifer replacement pen. He will impress you with his length and overall depth. Navajo covers all the bases from rock solid footing, performance, depth of body, calving ease and spring of rib. We will have more Navajo’s for years to come! EPDs… bw 0.5 ww 36 BW: 106 lbs. 205 Adj. WW: 737 lbs.
yw 76 MiLk 24.3 Gestation: N CE: U
TM 43 Scrotal: N/A
StaufferS StiMuLuS PLd 37X Lot 33 Polled B.W. - 86 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 864 lbs WPDA - 3.36 lbs ADG - 3.69 W of Dam - 1485 lbs. Age of Dam - 3
Jan. 15, 2010
MNE Navajo 6N (P) LEGL Navajo 135S (P) LEGL Miss Raven 41G Shelco Made Easy 512R (P) Stauffers Miss Holly 89T (P) SFL 5G Miss Holly 44L (P)
EPDs... BW: 0.0 WW: 39 YW: 75 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 24.5 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
StaufferS Bear foot PLd 101X Lot 34 Polled B.W. - 76 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 718 lbs WPDA - 3.18 lbs ADG - 3.13 W of Dam - 1680 lbs. Age of Dam - 9
SLL 101X
Feb. 23, 2010
Stauffers Stimulus PLd 37X
MNE Navajo 6N (P) LEGL Navajo 135S (P) LEGL Miss Raven 41G Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G (P) SFL 5G Miss Jazz 39L (P) SFL 633 Miss Jazz 38J (P)
EPDs... BW: -2.2 WW: 34 YW: 66 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 27.1 TM: 44 Scrotal _____________
StaufferS KiNGS Court PLd 25X Lot 35 Polled B.W. - 98 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 861 lbs WPDA - 3.01 lbs ADG - 3.67 W of Dam - 1585 lbs. Age of Dam - 6
Jan. 12, 2010
HTA Durmax 642S Stauffers king Ranch 66U Stauffers Ms Dignity 90N Merit 94K (P) GCT Paige 55P (P) WPC Shagedelic 16K
EPDs... BW: 1.9 WW: 43 YW: 83 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 24.2 TM: 46 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Kings Court PLd 25X StaufferS PhoeNiX PLd 39X Lot 36 Polled B.W. - 86 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early Sept. 11 WW - 906 lbs WPDA - 3.21 lbs ADG - 3.49 W of Dam - 1658 lbs. Age of Dam - 9
Jan. 15, 2010
HTA Crown Prince 152L (P) Pro-Char Tremclad 19T (P) SOS Keepsake PLD 22N (P) Willowvale Projector 90C SFL 90C Miss Dancer 5L SFL 89A Miss Dancer 17D
EPDs... BW: -0.5 WW: 39 YW: 70 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 23.7 TM: 43 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Phoenix PLd 39X
Featuring 2 Year Olds StaufferS aGeNt PLd 34W Lot 37 Polled B.W. - 84 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Early 13/10/2009 WW - 766 lbs WPDA - 3.02 lbs ADG - 3.45 W of Dam - 1520 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
Jan. 19, 2009
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo Pld 207M (P) SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers Miss Delta 8R (P) SFL 016 Miss Delta 3K (P)
EPDs... BW: -0.5 WW: 35 YW: 84 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 25.4 TM: 43 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers agent PLd 34W StaufferS StaKe hoLder 101W Lot 38 Horned B.W. - 100 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal 13/10/2009 WW - 704 lbs WPDA - 3.22 lbs ADG - 3.68 W of Dam - 1540 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
SLL 101W
Feb. 23, 2009
Sparrows Durango 585P (P) HTA Durmax 642S HTA Bobbi Jo Pld 207M (P) Stauffers Request 102N (P) Stauffers Miss Jay 103S (P) SFL 4148 Miss Jay 9J
EPDs... BW: 2.9 WW: 46 YW: 100 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 22.3 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Stake holder 101W 10
StaufferS SoLid SMoKe PLd 74W Lot 39 Polled B.W. - 100 lbs Calving Ease - Easy Assist Gestation - Early 13/10/2009 WW - 816 lbs WPDA - 3.21 lbs ADG - 3.12 W of Dam - 1405 lbs. Age of Dam - 4
Feb. 4, 2009
LHD Cigar E46 (P) JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET (P) JD Ms Commander B309 SVY Freedom PLD 307N (P) Stauffers Miss Maria 56S (P) Stauffers Maria 113M
EPDs... BW: 3.8 WW: 38 YW: 69 Sale Day Weight ________________
MILK: 26.1 TM: 45 Scrotal _____________
Stauffers Solid Smoke PLd 74W
StaufferS reaSSuraNCe PLd 52W Lot 40 Polled/S B.W. - 88 lbs Calving Ease - U Gestation - Normal 13/10/2009 WW - 773 lbs WPDA - 2.99 lbs ADG - 3.04 W of Dam - 1531 lbs. Age of Dam - 5
MNE Navajo 6N (P) LEGL Navajo 135S (P) LEGL Miss Raven 41G Sparrows Cossack 11L (P) Stauffers Miss Janice 4R (P) Stauffers Miss Janice 31N
EPDs... BW: 0.9 WW: 37 YW: 72 Sale Day Weight ________________
Stauffers reassurance PLd 52W
Jan. 26, 2009
MILK: 22.8 TM: 41 Scrotal _____________
Past High Selling Stauffer Bulls 2008…
Stauffers Maverick 36t
Stauffer easyway PLd 25t
Purchased by… Douglas Lake Cattle Co., BC Sired by… Made Easy
Purchased by… Severs Farms, Rocky Mountain House, AB Sired by… Made Easy 11
Stauffers Bear Paw 58u
Stauffers Makin it right 3W
Purchased by… White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB Sired by… Smokester
Purchased by… White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB Sired by… Made Easy
Stauffers King ranch 66u
Stauffers Soo easy PLd 5W
Purchased by… White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB Sired by… Durmax
Purchased by… White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB Sired by… Made Easy
Stauffers roakafeller 21u Purchased by… Wendt & Murray Farms, Lloydminster, AB Sired by… Smokester
Stauffers Bonus PLd 31W
Purchased by… Kenny Vetsch, Blufton, AB Sired by… Durmax