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35 Angus Bulls ~ 10 Simm Angus Bulls (Profit Makers) 15 Open Yearling Angus Heifers ~ 10 Open Yearling Simm Heifers
View the catalogue online at Jim Grant & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 Phone/Fax: (306) 397-2541 Cell: (306) 441-3590 Email: Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Optimal Bovines Inc. Rob Holowaychuk 780-916-2628 Fax: 403-343-6133 #407, 4808 Ross St., Red Deer, AB T4N 1X5 Mark Holowaychuk 403-896-4990 Bob Toner 306-932-2180 Kirk Hurlburt 306-222-8210
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BW: 2.3
WW: 58
YW: 93
Milk: 17
TM: 46
HF Echo 112R
Proven: Sons show body mass and performance. 94T bull calves averaged $4,200.00 at Ballantyne’s Dispersal. Maternal: 187N one of the most thought of Supreme Champions won with Alaskan’s dam at side. Calving Ease: Disposition, great foot, scrotal, fleshing and growth. The perfect Angus sire, he has it all and can be used on heifers.
For Semen Sales Contact:
Tom Blacklock Box 145, Grandora, SK S0K 1V0 P: 306.668.2125 F: 306.931.3262 C: 306.230.9809
Halcyon Angus Farm John, Miriam & Kerry Buswell Box 126, Borden, SK S0K 0N0 306.997.4802
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2 0 1 1 76 111 116 128
36 55 72 84 93 102 106 108 120 134 139 144 145 148 149
UK ABERDEEN ANGUS YOUTH AMBA SS ADOR SHOW HIGHLIGHTS CWA Commercial Show Canadian Western Agribition Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Farmfair International Saskatoon Fall Fair Expo Quebec Manitoba Livestock Expo Denver National Western Stock Show Expo St. Hyacinthe Show Medicine Hat Exhibition Expo Cookshire Expo Ayers Cliff Expo Brome Expo Boeuf
168 Cover Photograph By:
Cattle Pics By Kim H.
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Saturday, April 9, 2011 • At the Ranch - Fir Mountain, SK • 1:00 p.m
Sons Sell
Sons Sell
Red and Black Bulls Sell
Sons Sell
First Sons Sell
First Sons Sell
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Fort Rock x New Day
Western Frontier x Widespread
Bears Claw x Dryland Max
View catalogue online at Sale Management T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (306) 933-4200
View preview on
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Thriller x Commander
Titan x Battle Cry
Simm x Angus General Lee x Commander
Thriller x Credit
Vision x Knight
Duralta Farms Inc.
Box 1058, Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1S2 Dave & Denise Dave & Pat Dwayne Phone: (780) 658-2619 Phone: (780) 658-2291 Phone: (780) 658-2049 Cell: (780) 208-4888 Cell: (780) 208-5667 Cell: (780) 208-2049 Fax: (780) 658-2666 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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55+ Black Bulls
February 17, 2011 at 1:30 pm Neepawa Ag-Plex Neepawa, MB • Sight Unseen Purchase Program • Free Board until April 1, 2011 • Free Delivery to Western Provinces View the catalogue online at
Please call or email for a catalogue Guest Consignors
DJ Cattle Co.: 204-354-2011 Legaarden Livestock: 204-546-3052 Topview Acres: 204-546-2150 Auctioneer - Brent Carey: 403-650-9028
S: SCC Retail Product 44T D: SCC Tibbie 33T BW: 2.7 WW: 48 YW: 84 MM: 19
S: HF Tiger 5T D: SCC Miss Kali Belle 2K BW: 2.1 WW: 51 YW: 87 MM: 18
S: S A V Final Answer 0035 D: Glen Islay Pride 4U BW: 0.8 WW: 41 YW: 75 MM: 16
GEIS Baloo 13’08
Thank you to KBJ Round Farms for purchasing 1/2 interest and possession plus Remington Land and Cattle for a semen share.
S: HF Tiger 5T D: SCC 4480 Pride 45M BW: 0.0 WW: 53 YW: 94 MM: 20
S: HF Tiger 5T D: VCF Remember 4R BW: 3.3 WW: 61 YW: 112 MM: 15
Brent, Dale & Kelsey Stewart
Box 908, Russell, MB R0J 1W0 204-773-2356 (h) 204-773-6392 (c) 204-773-3579 (f)
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Wilbar Eastwood 200X Bar-E-L Unforgiven 102U x Sandy Bar Advantage 43M BW: 2.1 WW: 42 YW: 74 Milk: 16 TM: 37
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Bar-E-L Unforgiven 102U
Wilbar Titleist 243X Wilbar Titleist 600T x Ebon Hill Liberty 13’01 BW: 4.6 WW: 35 YW: 61 Milk: 14 TM: 32
Wilbar Unforgiven 208X Bar-E-L Unforgiven 102U x Peak Dot Hobson 20N BW: 1.4 WW: 40 YW: 70 Milk: 22 TM: 42
Red Wilbar Hurricane 371X Red Ter-Ron Tornado 157M x Red SVR Numbero 37N BW: 1.1 WW: 34 YW: 64 Milk: 17 TM: 34
Red Wilbar Predator 315X Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T x Red Ter-Ron Tornado 157M BW: 1.9 WW: 22 YW: 46 Milk: 13 TM: 25
Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Red Wilbar Excursion 316X Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T x Red Six Mile Navigator 77N BW: 4.2 WW: 33 YW: 58 Milk: 14 TM: 31
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Annual Bull Sale
March 25, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch, Shaunavon, SK
Southland Brooklyn 64X
S: Southland Free Style 163U
Southland Hollywood 75X
MGS: Southland Overdrive 131K S: Southland Free Style 163U
Southland Stride 20X
S: Southland Free Style 163U MGS: Justamere Black Timber 721P
MGS: Northline Landslide 787N
Southland Trademark 11X
S: HF Xtreme 117U
MGS: Southland Jimmy Ray 170N
Shane Cadieux (306) 297-7781 or (306) 297-2904 email: 1 mile north of Shaunavon on Highway 37 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Thriller was sold for $57,000 at the Trowbridge and Guest Sale We would like to thank the following for buying in.... Bar-E-L Angus Esco Land and Cattle Harprey Farms Cottonwood Farms Hoffman Angus Norseman Farms
Tullamore Angus Arda Farms Freeway Angus Flesch Angus Timberline Angus Wooden Shoe Farms
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DFCC 32T Thunder 44X
Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion at CWA Full brother was high seller at last year’s sale $12,000 to Lock Farms. BW: 91 lbs. CWA weight: 1093 lbs. Sells March 25, 2011.
Eastondale Break Away 32’07
Reserve World Forum Champion Reserve World Forum Futurity Champion Sold 1/3 interest in Masterpiece for $25,000 to Neilson Land & Cattle. Sons topped our sale last year.
DFCC 32T Rebel 15X
BW: 78 lbs. CWA weight: 1094 lbs. Sells March 25, 2011.
For more details or catalogue contact Double ‘F’ Cattle Co. Kelly, Angie, Garret & Jacob Feige Parkside, SK 306-747-2376 306-747-7498
DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W
Senior Champion Bred Heifer at CWA 1/2 brothers and 3/4 brothers sell on March 25, 2011.
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Herd bulls designed by Ranchers for Ranchers
17TH ANNUAL BULL SALE with select females
Saturday, March 5, 2011
MRLA Economy x Ranchand
MRLA Economy x Dawson
at the ranch, Carievale, SK
• Semen Tested & Guaranteed • Sight Unseen Buyers Program can’t make it sale day, take advantage of our SUS purchasing
MRLA Economy x New Trend
MRLA 73T x Red BUF CRK Dynamics
• Large Sire Groups 1/2 & 3/4 brothers • Free delivery in Western Canada cost share to East (our trailer is most likely going right past your gate!)
MRLA 73T x Soder Canyon
MRLA 73T x Knight
For elite Simmental & Angus Genetics
Herd Bulls designed by ranchers for ranchers
306-928-2249 306-928-4820 306-928-4636 Cell: 483-8660
Cell: 483-8067
Cell: 483-7986
Red Soo Momentum x Red Forster Lakota
Mission Statement x New Trend
Representing 100 Simmental Bulls
MRL 111X
MRL 174X
45 Red Polled Simmental Bulls
40 Black Polled Simmental Bulls
Box 99, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 Fax: 306-928-2143 • Email:
For Catalogues, Videos Or More Information Please Contact Us.
15 Fullblood Fleck Simmental Bulls
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
12 Simm/Angus Bulls – Red & Black
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16th Annual JVJ 207X BY S A V PIONEER 7301
JVJ 60X BY S A V 004 DENSITY 4336
Bull Sale
Friday, March 4, 2011 • 1 pm Heartland Livestock, Brandon, MB
Selling 75 Yearling Black Bulls View the catalogue online at and
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Annual Bull Sale
APRIL 3, 2011 • 2:00 PM Alameda Auction Mart , Alameda, Saskatchewan
Yearling & Two Year Old Bulls • Semen Tested 100% Guaranteed
Red Chopper K Bellagio 39T
Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R
Sons Sell.
One of his finest sons, Chieftan sells!
TNTS Bank Statement T272
Red Majestic Chieftan R 120U
Sons sell.
is Champion sells along with his first sons.
SCC EXT Black Grammar
Red and Black Gene Carrier - Sons sell.
Red Majestic Triple reat 124T Sons sell.
Chad & Kim Levesque
Jeff & Connie Whitely
Carnduff, SK 306.482.3531 or 306.482.7825 (cell)
Milgrove, ON 905.659.4071 or 416.566.4258 (cell)
Sale Managed by: T Bar C Cattle Co. 306.933.4200 • View the catalogue online at Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Cowboys Mark Your Calendar For The
Eastondale Angus Annual On Farm Bull & Female Sale April 4, 2011 • 1:00 p.m.
Selling: 40 Yearling Black Angus Bulls & 10 Select Open Yearling Females
VK 95X
Duration X Bando 9074 (Full brother to high seller in last year’s sale)
Duration X Dryland Max (6 Duration sons selling)
Guest Consignor: Rockin Ox Angus Clint, Shelli & Georgia Oxtoby Whitewood, SK 306-434-7207
VK 15X
Dryland Max X Bruno (11 Dryland Max sons selling)
Also selling... 3 direct sons and 2 grandsons of the great GDAR Forever Lady 9136 cow
• carcass evaluated • bulls delivered to your yard • semen tested
Dale, Shelly & Erika Easton Box 410, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 Phone/Fax: 306-739-2805 Cell: 306-577-7456
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Sale Management:
Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing • call for presale DVD or catalogue • 4 generations breeding Angus cattle for over 65 years
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
5L Travlin Express 1892-6295 BW: -1.7 WW: +40 YW: +77 Milk: 21 REA: +0..37 +MARB: 0.21
7 Sons Sell
Be sure your cattle measure up... Use a Benchmark Bull
Sire: Red Basin EXT 45T5 Dam: Red Compass Dividend 467M BW: +2.1 WW: +51 YW: +93 Milk: +16 REA: +0.22 MARB: +0.12 BW: 89 lbs. 205 Day Wt.: 694 lbs. 365 Day Wt.: 1371 lbs.
Red Basin EXT 45T5
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BW: +0.3 WW: +59 YW: +114 Milk: +24 REA: 0.35 MARB: +0.46
8 Sons Sell
Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB 47 Black Yearlings, 28 Red Yearlings and 19 Long Yearling Black Angus Bulls
March 8, 2011
Benchmark sired steers shipped toWashington Beef, had a pay wgt. of 1438 Lbs had gained 4.32 lbs. per day and graded 4 % Prime and 92 % Choice . How do your cattle measure up ??
Doug & Mike Munton Telephone: (403) 327-9001 or (403) 394-4903 P.O. Box 997, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4A2 E-mail:
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 1:00 pm (CST) Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK
Offering 20 Red Angus Bulls First progeny sold in 2010 Red Roundup to SSS Red Angus. Thank you Dave, Mary Beth and family. Red EKW Dynofire 37X >
First progeny sold in 2010 Red Roundup to Brylor Ranch Thank you Bryan, Sherry and family. Red EKW Stately Lana 3X >
Have you recieved your catalogue? Call today to get yours.
Elmer K. Wiebe
Box 212, Hague, SK S0K 1X0 Ph: (306) 225-5720 Cell: (306) 381-3691 Fax: (306) 225-5863
View the catalogue online at Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Two Year Old
Crossfire can also make the RIGHT KIND! 16 daughters in production at EKW averaged a 102 Weaning Index in 2010 with 7 having sons in our 2011 Bull Sale. His progeny are wide based, deep bodied and stucturally correct. He has proven to be the RIGHT KIND!
BW: 98 lbs. 205 WT: 865 lbs. 365 WT: 1275 lbs. Yearling Scrotal: 39 c.m. Mature Scrotal: 44 c.m. EPDs: BW: 2.4 WW: 40 YW: 67 MM: 16 TM: 35
“Major League’s Unsung brother out of one of the best Rambo 502 daughters in the breed.” Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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S A V CARBON COPY 7664 S: S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 D:S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4546 BW WW YW MM TM YG CE MCE REA MARB 4.6 73 114 28 65 - 2.0 7.0 0.26 0.11
WW YW MM TM YG CE MCE REA MARB FAT 62 104 28 59 - 4.0 7.0 0.46 0.40 0.027
Many ¾ siblings to the lead off sire group at the 2011 S A V Sale.
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
FAT 0.004
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Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W 2010 Canadian Red Angus Show Bull of the Year. Full brother and many half brothers sell.
Big League x Rockafeller
Git-R-Done x Mambo
Ter-Ron Farms
Terry & Sharon Adams (780) 582-2109 Rob & Maureen Adams (780) 582-3720
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Red Redrich Cherokee 248U
2010 Canadian Show Female of the Year. Sire sold through Get-A-Grip sale. Son sells in sale - 248X.
Reload x Rancher
Reload x Titanic
HFX 136X
Big League x Fully Loaded
Selling 60 Bulls and 20 Open Heifers For catalogue or more information: “Your Herd Bull Source”
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Redload x DMM Flex
Lancer x Innovator
Redrich Farms
Bill & Tracy Dietrich (780) 889-2259
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Featuring sons sired by: King, Final Answer, Net Worth, Pioneer, 21AR Roundup and SYDGEN Mandate
Owned by Johnston Fertile Valley, SK; Basin Angus, MT and Schaff Angus Valley, ND
April 8th, 2011 at 1:00 pm Saskatoon Livestock Sales
• Complete Performance & Carcass Information Since 1989 • Deferred Payment Plan 60% Down Sale Day 40% December 1, 2011 No Interest • Sight Unseen Purchase Program It’s not right with us, until it’s right with you!
80+ Black Angus Yearling Bulls
9 Two -Year- Old Bulls originally selected for in-herd use
Dennis and David Johnston Conquest, SK S0L 0L0 (306) 856-4726 (306) 856-2027 Fax Dennis’ Cell (306) 227-2344 David’s Cell (306) 867-7959 Call or email for a catalogue.
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13th Annual On Farm Bull & Female Sale
New Date: Saturday, April 2, 2011 Approximately 60 Black Yearling Bulls & 15 Red Yearling Bulls
Goodeve, SK
Semen tested • Performance tested • Carcass data • Large groups of 1/2 siblings Delivery arranged • Haul your own bull $75 discount • Payment options
Approximately 35 Open Yearling Females
Females from proven, reputable cow families • The heart of the replacement pen Leave & Breed option • Payment options
Our offering represents out-cross genetics from proven bulls that walk our pastures. If change is on your mind, you should consider Crescent Creek.
Herd Bulls
Crescent Creek Pacesetter 16U • Crescent Creek Ideal 32U • Bronx Emblazon 58T Cudlore Money Maker 84U • Crescent Creek Emblazon 07T Red Crescent Creek Rambler 70P • Red TGA Rambo’s Image • Silver Dome Dynasty 19T
Sire: Bronyx Emblazon 58T MGS: Sitz Alliance 6595
Wes & Kim & Family
DTZ 109X
Sire: Bronyx Emblazon 58T MGS: GDAR Quantum 963
Sire: Bronyx Emblazon 58T MGS: Chico Kodiak 93K
The Olynyks
Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 Box 103, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 PH: (306) 876-4420 Ph: (306) 876-4400 Cell: (306) 728-8284
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Sale Consulatant Rob Holowaychuk Ph: (780) 916-2628
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Feeder Steers
Backgrounder Steers
Grand Champion Feeder Steers and Champion Pen of 20 Reed Andrew, Regina, SK
Grand Champion Backgrounder Steers and Champion Pen of 5 - Krazy K’s Red Angus, Francis, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Feeder Steers and Champion Pen of 5 - Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB
Reserve Grand Champion Backgrounder Steers and Champion Pen of 10 - Stoney Ridge Cattle Co., Southey, SK
Reserve Champion Pen of 5 Backgrounder Steers Stoney Ridge Cattle Co., Southey, SK
Reserve Champion Pen of 10 Backgrounder Steers Stoney Ridge Cattle Co., Southey, SK Champion Pen of 10 Feeder Steers Gordon & Sandy Gerrard, Southey, SK Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Feeder Heifers
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Bred Replacement Heifers
Reserve Champion Pen of Feeder Heifers and Grand Champion Pen of 20 - Reed Andrew, Regina, SK
Grand Champion Bred Replacement Heifers and Champion Pen of 5 - Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB
rs Reserve Champion Pen of 20 Feeder heife SK ore, Sentes Farm, Raym
Champion Pen of 10 Bred Replacement Heifers Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB
Open Replacement Heifers
Reserve Champion Pen of 10 Bred Replacement Heifers Mebs Ranch, Broadview, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Bred Replacement Heifers and Reserve Champion Pen of 5 - Gordon & Sandy Gerrard, Southey, SK
Bull Alley
Grand Champion Open Replacement Heifers and Champion Pen of 10 - Jeremy & Roxanne Knapp, Southey, SK
Grand Champion Pen of Angus Bulls Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB
Reserve Grand Champion Open Replacement Heifers and Reserve Champion Pen of 10 - Garvin Katchuck, Southey, SK lacement Heifers Champion Pen of 5 Open Rep they, SK pp, Jeremy & Roxanne Kna Sou
Open Replacement Heifers Reserve Champion Pen of 5 more, SK Ray m, Sentes Far
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Angus Bulls Remington Land & Cattle, Del Bonita, AB
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Market Steers
Show Only Replacement Heifers
Grand Champion Show Only 2010 Replacement Heifers Blairs West Land and Cattle, Drake, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Show Only 2010 Replacement Heifers - Norseman Farms, Kyle, SK Grand Champion Show Only 2009 Replacement Heifers, Vermeulen Farms, Ceylon, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Show Only 2009 Replacement Heifers - Rocking S Ranch, Nokomis, SK
Grand Champion Market Steer Justin Hall, Craven, SK
Grand Champion Carcass and Straight Bred Angus Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK
Grand Aggregate Winner and Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer - Holt Bros., Aberdeen, SD
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Prospect Steers
Prospect Heifers
Grand Champion Prospect Steer W-5 Livestock, White Fox, SK
Grand Champion Prospect Heifer Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Steer Rocking H Livestock, New Salem, ND
Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Heifer Lucky Springs Farms, Rocky Mountain House, AB
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Red Howe Ribeye 236X
Sire: Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R Reserve Junior Calf Champion
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April 6, 2011
Whitecap Endeavour 122X Sire: JWX Silver Buckle 524U
Son of the high selling Charolais bull in Canada 2009
Howe Farm Moose Jaw, SK Red Howe Hustle 31X
Sire: Red Lazy MC Hustle 18T Half brother to our high selling bull last year.
Whitecap Blockbuster 110X Sire: DWK Tillis Echo 3N
On Offer... 50 Red Angus Yearlings
Red Cockburn X-Rated 511X Sire: Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U
50 Charolais
Yearlings & Two-Year-Olds
Red Cockburn Xcaliber 529X
Rosso Primetime 38W Sire: Rosso Tumoe 47T
Rosso Innovater 19W
Sire: Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U
Sire: DWK Till’s Echo 3N
For more information contact: Howe Red Angus
Cockburn Red Angus
White Cap Charolais
Rosso Charolais
Mike Howe (306) 691-5011
Ward Cockburn (306) 799-4911
Mike Howe: (306) 691-5011 Doug Howe: (306) 693-2163 Dale Howe: (306) 693-2127
Darwin Rosso: (306) 693-2384 Kevin Rosso: (306) 693-8619
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Saturday, February 26, 2011 1:00 PM C.S.T. Optimum Genetics • Regina, SK
Beck's Torch 034X - Polled Ricky Bobby X The Game Birth WT: 105 lbs. 205 day wt: 825 lbs. EPDs: BW 1.8 WW 54 YW 98 TM 38 Beck's Quest 037X - Polled Ricky Bobby X Link Birth wt: 102 lbs. 205 day wt: 820 lbs. EPDs: BW 1.3 WW 45 YW 86 TN 40
Beck's Rupert 010X - Polled Panama X Wyoming Wind Birth wt: 101 lbs. 205 day wt: 778 lbs. EPDs BW 2.3 WW 45 YW 89 TM 41
85 Gelbvieh, Hereford & Charolais Bulls on Offer
Beck's Tobago 018X - Polled Panama X The Game Birth wt: 108 lbs. 205 day wt: 782 lbs. EPDs: BW 4.2 WW 53 YW 100 TM 40
Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. (306) 933-4200
Wade: 306.436.4564 306.436.7458 Box 5, Lang, SK S0G 2W0
Chad & Carrie 306.436.2086
View catalogue online at
Beck's Freeze 035X - Polled Rhapsody X Alliance Birth wt: 102 lbs. 205 day wt: 872 lbs. EPDs: BW 2.0 WW 62 YW 107 TM 47
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After 2 complete crops of females being in production and inputs comprising of water and grass, the pure genetic results of High Roller’s daughters have passed the ultimate test and have graduated him from “promising” to “program builder”. His progeny cover all the bases in our very demanding world of genetic beef economics where we know that every dollar invested demands two in return. We entered the Angus business very cautiously and have taken the time in doing our research in laying the ground work for what we are planning will be a long and rewarding tenure. High Roller is one piece to our ever growing program but he was our initial choice in this adventure and to see the numbers confirm what we here at the ranch already knew to be true is both gratifying and rewarding.
HF High Roller 79R
S: HF Free Wheeler 191N D: HF Tibbie 86K BW: 4.9 WW: 57 YW: 102 Milk: 34 TM: 63
Bull Sale Date: Contact us about our Black Angus and Hereford bulls. January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
Bar-H Land & Cattle Co. Langenburg, Saskatchewan S0A 2A0 (306) 743-2840 (306) 743-2842 fax
Robin, Michelle & John Hogberg Edsel & Lori Hogberg
40 miles east of Yorkton 9 miles south of Langenburg
HF Done Deal 64T
S: HF Done Right 125R D: Evening Tinge 99R BW: 1.8 WW: 45 YW: 82 Milk: 21 TM: 44
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Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Head North East and let us show you the way to more performance, and more profit.
Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 1:30 pm Edwards Livestock Center (7.5 Miles South of Tisdale on Hwy #35) Red Sires Including...
Red Geis Patriot Red Letter Icon 1R Red DKF Beef 37U Red Brylor Toast 30T Red LCB Lancer F442 Red Aspen Excel 89H Red Get-A-Long Arab 159 An impressive set of Black bulls sired by S A V Wall Street 7091, as well as grandsons of Gambles Hot Rod, Connealy Freightliner and G A R Grid Maker.
Sale will feature:
• 30 Red Angus Bulls • 30 Black Angus Bulls • 8 Black Maine Anjou Bulls Plus a select group of Red & Black Angus open heifers. Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. Ted & Mina Serhienko Chris Poley
Pasquia Red Angus
4 3342 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-933-4200 Fax: 306-934-0744 Ted’s Cell: 306-221-2711
Alvin & Marg Ginter Box 526, Carrot River, SK S0E 0L0 Phone 306-768-2966 Fax 306-768-3019
Chris’ Cell: 306-220-5006
Hall’s Cattle Co. Barry and Patty Hall RR 2, Craven, SK 306-775-2900 Cell 306-533-8416 View the catalogue online at:
Guest Consignor: OK Angus Ken & Brenda Tegstrom Melfort, SK Phone 306-752-1961 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Plan to attend the.... N.E. Source Bull and Female Sale April 2, 2011 1:30 p.m. at Edwards Livstock Center, Tisdale, SK
The Maines...
2010 CWA Grand Champion Bull Sons and brothers sell.
2010 CWA Reserve Grand Champion Female Brothers sell.
The Angus... sons of Wall Street out of our best cows.
Hall’s Cattle Company Barry, Patty, Megan & Justin Hall RR 2, Craven, SK S0G 0W0 Phone: 306-775-2900 Barry’s Cell: 306-533-8416 Email: Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Medicine Hat Feeding Company March 28, 2011 Selling 120 Top Quality Black Angus Bulls If it’s not right with you, it’s not right with us!
Kim Robertson
Double AA Bardolene 422N
Ph: 306.968.2637 Cell: 306.463.8405
Ryan Robertson Ph: 403.676.2142 Cell: 306.460.8269 Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0
Double AA Angus
Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0
Bill Dillabaugh Ph: 306.965.2554 Cell: 306.463.8461 Fax: 306.965.2634
Double AA Bardolier 610S
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Don Dillabaugh Ph: 306.965.2501
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November 25, 2010 Regina, SK
Black Angus Judge: Dave Longshore, Stettler, AB Red Angus Judge: Dale Dodgson, Sangudo, AB
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Split 8 (5 Shown) 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Quality 10X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK with Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10 by Wiwa Creek Fullback 19’07
Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK with Six Mile Beauty Queen 390X by Soo Line Kodiak 8050 2. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Pride 0404 by S A V Iron Man 8195
Split 9 (6 Shown) 1. Cresent Creek Angus, Goodeve, SK with Cresent Creek Rosebud 19X by Cresent Creek Pacesetter 16U 2. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tibbie 109X by HF Tiger 5T
Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Flesch Angus, Shelby, MT with FF Fantasy X110 by Connealy Revenue 7289 2. Hextall livestock, Grenfell, SK with HXL Errolline 052X by DUFF Encore 702
Split 10 (6 Shown) 1. Rockin Ox Ranch, Whitewood, SK with Rockin OX Eye Candy 95X by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 5T Wow 11X by HF Tiger 5T
Split 3 (6 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrosan, AB with Northline Girl Scout 703X by Young Dale Double T 103P 2. Michelson Land & Cattle, Lipton, SK with MICH High Class 108X by S A V Wall Street 7091
Split 11 (6 Shown) 1. Flesch Angus, Shelby, MT with FF Fantasy X15 by S A V Bismarck 5682 2. Symens Land and Cattle Co., Mission, BC with SY Xenia 1X by Young Dale Touch Down 36M
Split 4 (6 Shown) 1. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Mayflower 189X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Breed Creek Ranch, Mankota, SK with Breed Creek Flora 068 by Sandy Bar Direct 15U Split 5 (7 Shown) 1. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Favorite 0260 by Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M 2. Valentina Gabert, Fort Saskatchewan, AB with EXAR Princess 0155 by RITO 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon Split 6 (6 Shown) 1. Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK with Northern View Ruth 91X by BELL Net Return 3U 2. Smart Farms Angus, Moosomin, SK with SFL Blackcap Entense 35X by Sinclair Extra 4X13 Split 7 (7 Shown) 1. Diamond B Ranches Ltd., Livelong, SK with DBRL 4T Lady Monogram 19X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T 2. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tibbie 141X by HF Tiger 5T
Split 12 (6 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Blackbird 63X by HF Kodiak 5R 2. First Line Angus, Hagersville, ON with First Line Trinitee 14X by Just-Rock Solid 621P
JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK with Six Mile Beauty Queen 390X by Soo Line Kodiak 8050
RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Flesch Angus, Shelby, MT with FF Fantasy X110 by Connealy Revenue 7289
Split 13 (5 Shown) 1. Flesch Angus, Shelby, MT with FF Shoshone X5 by S A V Bismarck 5682 2. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Rosebud 0013 by HF Kodiak 5R Split 14 (4 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms and Continental Angus, Cochrane, AB; Dr. Gordon Atkins, Calgary, AB and Jim Walker, Guelph, ON with HF Erica 20X by Southland Exclusive 62U 2. J Square S Angus, Melville, SK with J Square S Blackcap 5X by HF Tiger 5T
INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Favorite 0260 by Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M
Split 15 (6 Shown) 1. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Hi Lite 27X by GDAR Game Day 449 2. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Pride 38X by S A V Pioneer 7301
RESERVE INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Diamond B Ranches Ltd., Livelong, SK with DBRL 4T Lady Monogram 19X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 2. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK and SSS Angus, Calgary, AB with Soo Line Annie K 9165 by Bar-E-L Thor 6T
SENIOR HEIFER CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Hi Lite 27X by GDAR Game Day 449
Split 5 (8 Shown) 1. Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK with EXAR Blackbird 9574 by EXAR Spartan 6225 2. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Top Lass 22W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S Split 6 (7 Shown) 1. Belvin Angus and Quinn Hamilton, Innisfail, AB and Duralta Farms, Vegreville, AB with Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09 by Belvin Rebel 33’05 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Six Mile Tibbie 901W by S A V Final Answer 0035
RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK with EXAR Blackbird 9574 by EXAR Spartan 6225
RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Blackbird 63X by HF Kodiak 5R YEARLING HEIFER Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Justamere Farms and Hollinger Land & Cattle, Lloydminster, SK with Justamere Black Pearl 908W by Sankey’s Lazer 609 Of 6N 2. RNR Flicek Black Angus, Neilburg, SK with RNRF Elena 85W by Remington Bandy 236S
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Werner Angus, Cordova, IL with DMM Miss Essence 63W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S
Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Catherine Callentine, Belgrade, MT with FF Ms Dream W154 by Connealy Revenue 7289 2. Soo Line Cattle Co. and Justin Morrison, Midale, SK with Schaff Blackcap 955 by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Werner Angus, Cordova, IL with DMM Miss Essence 63W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Hall’s Cattle Co., Craven, SK and Nordal Limousin & Angus, Simpson, SK with PHP Miss Diana 93W by S A V Wall Street 7091
SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W by Eastondale Break Away 32’07
RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Hall’s Cattle Co., Craven, SK and Nordal Limousin & Angus, Simpson, SK with PHP Miss Diana 93W by S A V Wall Street 7091
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. Michelson Land and Cattle, Lipton, SK and Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK with MICH Annie Angel 35U by G13 Steel and her calf, MICH SC Annie’s Angel 22X by S A V Wall Street 7091 2. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Northline Rachel 903U by Young Dale Double T 106P and her calf, Northline Pink 903X by Noble Acres Casanova 3J Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms and Continental Angus, Cochrane, AB; Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with HF Evening Tinge 193U by HF Free Wheeler 191N and her calf, HF Tiger 116X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB and Coul Angus, Scotland with Belvin Georgina 18’08 by Belvin Panther 21’04 and her calf, Belvin Georgina 18’10 by S A V Pioneer 7310
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MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT (6 Shown) 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tibbie 03T by Remitall Linebacker 204L and her calf, SCC Tibbie 3X by SCC Right Time 109U 2. Hall’s Cattle Co., Craven, SK with PSF Rosebud 12T by TC Grid Topper 355 and her calf, PHP Investor 12X by S A V Wall Street 7091
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Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tiger 213X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Rockin Ox Ranch, Whitewood, SK with Rockin OX Headliner 74X by R P 3RD Bushwacker Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. 20/20 Angus, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Touchdown 20X by SCC Touchdown 57T 2. J&S Cattle, Kenaston, SK with JS Rally 14X by SITZ Upward 307 Split 4 (9 Shown) 1. Southland Angus, Shaunavon, SK with Southland Thriller 83X by Southland Two Fitty 250T 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Thunder 44X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Michelson Land and Cattle, Lipton, SK and Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK with MICH Annie Angel 35U by G13 Steel and her calf, MICH SC Annie’s Angel 22X by S A V Wall Street 7091
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hamilton Farms and Continental Angus, Cochrane, AB; Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with HF Evening Tinge 193U by HF Free Wheeler 191N and her calf, HF Tiger 116X by HF Tiger 5T
Split 5 (8 Shown) 1. Michelson Land & Cattle, Lipton, SK with MICH Entourage 14X by S A V Wall Street 7091 2. Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB with Belvin Vindication 55’10 by GEIS Kodiak 12’07 Split 6 (7 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with DMM Trade Secret 36X by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB with Belvin Vengeance 26’10 by HF Tiger 5T
RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tiger 232X by HF Tiger 5T
INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Southland Angus, Shaunavon, SK with Southland Thriller 83X by Southland Two Fitty 250T
Split 7 (9 Shown) 1. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Kodiak 0022 by HF Kodiak 5R 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF EL Tigre 76X by HF EL Tigre 28U Split 8 (8 Shown) 1. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tiger 4X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK with Northern View Thunder 70X by Connealy Thunder
RESERVE INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Thunder 44X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 (10 Shown) 1. Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK with Wiwa Creek Escalade 93’10 by Wiwa Creek Escalade 815’08 2. Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tiger 232X by HF Tiger 5T JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK with Wiwa Creek Escalade 93’10 by Wiwa Creek Escalade 815’08 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
SENIOR BULL CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB with MVF Tiger 4X by HF Tiger 5T
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Representing these sires:
DEER RANGE FARMS P.O. Box 159, Stewart Valley, SK S0N 2P0
Travis Olson - 306.773.9872 Email: Gordon Olson - 306.773.7964 / Brent Eliason - 306.773.9109 Catalogue online at:
April 9, 2011 Spiritwood Stockyards • 2 pm
• Black and Red Angus Yearling Bulls • Two Year Old Bulls Select group of commercial replacement heifers. Herd Sires Represented: Double AA Old Post Brandolier Everblack Rancher 1T Sandy Bar Credence 43S Red Howe Dominor 22S Red SSS N. King 652T Lazy MC Hustle 18T Red Stuart Admiral 19T
Stuart Cattle Station David and Alice Stuart 306-397-2727
Mitch and Melissa Stuart 306-397-2260
Stuart Wicked 21W
High selling black bull to Kobes Bros.
Red Stuart Whiskey 69W
Four Bar X Ranch Kevin and Becky Anderson 306-883-2406 Hat Creek Ranch Boyd and Kristen Stuart 306-883-2970
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Four Bar X Ranch Bulls 2010 59
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RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK with Soo Line Kodiak 0022 by HF Kodiak 5R YEARLING BULL Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Southland Angus, Shaunavon, SK and Limestone LLC, Stillwater, OK with Limestone Blu Ray W661 by B C 7022 Raven 7965 2. South View Ranch and Blake and Brad Labatte, Ceylon, SK with SVR Obama 318W by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK and Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Hemi 176W by HF Hemi 151T 2. Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK; Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC and Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with EXAR Martahon 9291B by B C Marathon 7022 Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with HF Swagger 75W by HF Tiger 5T 2. Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK; Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK; Thomason Angus, Bethune, SK; Geoff Anderson, Bethune, SK; Shady Brook Angus, Lawrenceburg, TN and Limestone LLC, Stillwater, OK with Soo Line Motive 9016 by HF Kodiak 5R
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with HF Swagger 75W by HF Tiger 5T
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RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK; Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK; Thomason Angus, Bethune, SK; Geoff Anderson, Bethune, SK; Shady Brook Angus, Lawrenceburg, TN and Limestone LLC, Stillwater, OK with Soo Line Motive 9016 by HF Kodiak 5R TWO YEAR OLD BULL Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S 2. Remitall Farms Inc., Olds, AB; Schaff Angus Valley, St. Anthony, ND; Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, ID and Grandview Plantation, East Lansing, MS with S A V Prodigy 8101 by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Hand Hills Hutterian Brethren, Hanna, AB with HF Prowler 43U by HF Kodiak 5R 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Ring Creek Farm, Fairview, AB with HF EL Tigre 28U by HF Kodiak 5R
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Hand Hills Hutterian Brethren, Hanna, AB with HF Prowler 43U by HF Kodiak 5R BREEDER’S HERD Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB PREMIER BREEDER Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB
RED ANGUS FEMALES HEIFER CALF Split 1 (9 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, Monroe, WI with Red Northline Plush 122X by Red Northline Trueblood 341T 2. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L Lassie 166X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Sierra 281X by Red Six Mile Timberlake 180T 2. Cockburn Red Angus, Briercrest, SK with Red Cockburn Cora 546X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R Split 3 (8 Shown) 1. Ter Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Rachel 83X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red SSS Gold Edge 699X by Red Brylor Big Rock 85T Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Cora 312X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB and All Bull Holdings, Aldergrove, BC with Red Bar-E-L AB Meg 261X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U
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We are a family farm in southeastern Saskatchewan that breeds for complete cattle, using the top genetics found through AI sires and embryo transplants. We also strive to offer our contribution of those top genetics worldwide through the sales of semen and embryos.
Red Anchor 1 Hitch x Red Brylor SDL Pasquale He could be one of the best heifer bulls available this spring!
Check out our bulls for sale... • By Private Treaty • Red & Black consignments
Several bulls off the popular Remitall Playboy 4P and the now deceased Red Vikse Knight Rider 10U
to the Regina Bull Sale March 12 & 13, 2011
For Sale!
A special thank you to Lonestone Farms for adding the new herdsire prospect Red Clay 21X to their bull battery. He was the Reserve Champion Bull Calf at the Manitoba Livestock Expo. We would like to thank all bidders and buyers from last fall, your support is always appreciated! Cliff Knutson 306-532-4515 • Adam Knutson 306-435-6525 • Steven Knutson 306-435-8079 • Mark Knutson 306-434-7545
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Split 5 (7 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Brandy 15X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK and Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS with Red Wheel Topper 38X by Red Northline Atlantic City Split 6 (8 Shown) 1. Lazy MC Angus and Laurie Morasch, Bassano, AB and Corner Creek Angus, Edmonton, AB with Red Lazy MC CC Sparkle 3X by Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S 2. Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB with Red Cinder Biebird 18X by Red Cinder Smartin’ Up 132P
INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Rachel 83X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Brandy 15X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T YEARLING HEIFER
Split 7 (7 Shown) 1. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Patricia C 108X by Red Majestic Chieftan R 120U 2. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Copper Lady U110X by Red Majestic “UFC” R 116U
Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB and Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS with Red McRae Reba Lee 121W by Red McRae Vision 50T 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Gloria 746W by Red 5L Norseman King 2291 RESERVE INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Sierra 281X by Red Six Mile Timberlake 180T
Split 2 (7 Shown) 1. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK and Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK with Red Six Mile Cheta 702W by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Lakoto 16W by Red U-2 Big League 7136T
JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, Monroe, WI with Red Northline Plush 122X by Red Northline Trueblood 341T
SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lazy MC Angus and Laurie Morasch, Bassano, AB and Corner Creek Angus, Edmonton, AB with Red Lazy MC CC Sparkle 3X by Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S
RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L Lassie 166X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB and Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS with Red McRae Reba Lee 121W by Red McRae Vision 50T
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RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Gloria 746W by Red 5L Norseman King 2291
Split 1 (3 Shown) 1. Redrich Farms and Katelyn Dietrich, Forestburg, AB with Red Redrich Cherokee 248U by Red Ter-Ron Innovator 310R and her calf, Red Redrich Glory Road 248X by Red LCB Lancer 1202S 2. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Glesbar Cattle Co., Barrhead, AB with Red Glesbar Leah 029U by Red DMM Traction 98R and her calf, Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X by Red DMM Pump 118T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT
SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK and Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK with Red Six Mile Cheta 702W by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S
RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Lakoto 16W by Red U-2 Big League 7136T
Split 1 (2 Shown) 1. Lazy MC Angus and Laurie Morasch, Bassano, AB with Red YY Patty 701T by Crowfoot 4130P and her calf, Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U 2. Koru Cattle, Goodeve, SK with Red Koru Thelma 51T by Red Moose Creek Glycerine 33R and her calf, Red Koru Thelma 63X by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Glesbar Cattle Co., Barrhead, AB with Red Glesbar Leah 029U by Red DMM Traction 98R and her calf, Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X by Red DMM Pump 118T
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L LTD Edition 220X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U 2. Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Ribeye 236X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R Split 2 (10 Shown) 1. Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB with Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X by Red Wildman Rio Grande 520R 2. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L Avatar 54X by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Redrich Farms and Katelyn Dietrich, Forestburg, AB with Red Redrich Cherokee 248U by Red Ter-Ron Innovator 310R and her calf, Red Redrich Glory Road 248X by Red LCB Lancer 1202S
Split 3 (11 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Unleashed 24X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Gridmaster 34X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron X-Factor 011X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Red Clay Colt 21X by Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Split 5 (6 Shown) 1. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Kahuna R 1081X by Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R 2. Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Patriot 21X by Red Bar-E-L Paramount 13P
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L LTD Edition 220X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U
RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Ribeye 236X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R
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RESERVE INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB with Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X by Red Wildman Rio Grande 520R
SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Kahuna R 1081X by Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Ter Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron X-Factor 011X by Red TerRon Reload 703T YEARLING BULL
INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Ter Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Unleashed 24X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Red Northline Ignition 125W by Red Northline Rev 341R 2. Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Red Badlands Capacity 37W by UBAR High Capacity 224 Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Ter Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB; Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB and Damar Farms, Emerald, WI with Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W by Red TerRon Reload 703T 2. Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB with Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W by Red Cinder Pursuit 101S
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
YEARLING AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Ter Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB; Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB and Damar Farms, Emerald, WI with Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
RESERVE YEARLING AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB with Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W by Red Cinder Pursuit 101S TWO YEAR OLD BULL Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB with Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U by Red Lazy MC Stout 30S 2. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK and All Bull Holdings, Aldergrove, BC with Red Wheel Alliance 22U by Red Northline Atlantic City
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BREEDER’S HERD Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB PREMIER BREEDER Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB
SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB with Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U by Red Lazy MC Stout 30S
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK and All Bull Holdings, Aldergrove, BC with Red Wheel Alliance 22U by Red Northline Atlantic City
Recognizing Academic Excellence
Every year, through theAgribition Scholarship Program, Canadian WesternAgribition supports the educational efforts of young people who have been activeAgribition participants as an exhibitor in any of the livestock classes, 4-H events, grain and forage classes or as an active trade show participant. The scholarships are to cover expenses associated with the second or subsequent year of post-secondary education at a recognized institution in Canada or the United States.
Canadian WesternAgribition has recognized the achievements of seven post-secondary students from four Canadian provinces. They will receive a $1,000 scholarship towards their post-secondary education for the 2010-2011 academic year.
This year’s recipients are:
Ellen Hondl (Bowden,Alberta) is attending Olds College taking her BusinessAdministration/General Management/Accounting. Ellen has been involved with Canadian Agribition for one year. She has participated as a Purebred Salers Exhibitor. Erin Hepper (Edmonton,Alberta) is attending the University ofAlberta taking her Bachelor ofArts, majoring in Sociology. Erin has been involved with Canadian Western Agribition for ten years. She has competed in Team Grooming Classes, Junior Beef Extreme Challenge and exhibited in the Junior and Open Shows for the Limousin Breed. Jennifer Zingre (Cecil Lake, British Columbia) is attending the Grande Prairie Regional College taking her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Jennifer has been involved with the Canadian WesternAgribition for one year. She has competed in the Canadian National 4-H and Youth Judging Competition. Kelsey Dust (Humboldt, Saskatchewan) is attending the University of Saskatchewan taking her Bachelor of Science inAgribusiness. Kelsey has been involved with Canadian WesternAgribition for six years. She has competed in the Youth Showmanship, Team Grooming, Hereford Show, Sheep Show and Canadian National 4-H and Youth Judging Competition. Megan Roger (Balgonie, Saskatchewan) is attending the University of Saskatchewan in the College ofAgriculture, majoring inAnimal Science. Megan has been involved with Canadian WesternAgribition for ten years. She has competed in Team Grooming, Commercial Judging Competition and exhibited in Bull PenAlley. Melissa McRae (Brandon, Manitoba) is attending Lethbridge College majoring in CommunicationArt/Advertising & Public Relations. Melissa has been involved with Canadian WesternAgribition for eleven years. She has taken part in the JuniorAngus Shows, the Junior Simmental Shows, Youth Breed Showmanship Shows and exhibited in the Junior Beef Extreme Shows. Quinn Hamilton (Innisfail,Alberta) is attending the University of Lethbridge with a major in Bachelor of Science inAgriculture Studies. Quinn has been involved with Canadian WesternAgribition for seven years. She has competed in the BlackAngus Shows and in the RBC Supreme Show. Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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The Total Program 16th Annual Bull Sale Monday April 11, 2011 At the Headquarters, Lloydminster, SK
• Featuring Express Ranches Genetics • North America’s Largest Seed Stock Source
On Offer...
• 80 Angus Bulls • 5 Two Year Olds • 15 Fall Yearlings • 60 Spring Yearlings
• Semen Tested • Ultrasound Evaluated • Fully Guaranteed • Calving Ease with Growth Bred in for Generations Bulls Sired by Breed Leaders
EXAR Titleist T011
Justamere Farms Jon & Shelly Fox 306-825-9702 780-808-6860
BC Raven EXAR Titlelist To11 EXAR Spartan Justamere Stabilizer Justamere Right On Time Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon Sitz Upward Justamere Mindbender Justamere Bada Bing Stevenson’s Moneymaker
Sons Sell
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Express Ranches Main Office: 405-350-0044 67
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Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U Owned by: Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK
Black Show Bull of the Year
Highgrove Miss Middlebrook 3U Owned by: Gold Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON
Black Show Female of the Year Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Today’s Angus Advantage would like to congratulate the champions as well as everyone who promotes Canadian Angus at shows across the country and internationally.
Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W Owned by: Terry Adams and Rob Adams, Forestburg, AB; Keith Adams, Calgary, AB and Damar Farms, Strum, WI
Red Show Bull of the Year
Red Redrich Cherokee 248U Owned by: Katelyn Dietrich, Forestburg, AB
Red Show Female of the Year Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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2. Chantz Legaarden, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Annie K 44U by Jancliff Frontier 14R and her calf, 20/20 Foreman 6X by TC Foreman 016
BLACK ANGUS FEMALES JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Split 1 1. 20/20 Angus, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Miss Essence 33X by Jancliff Frontier 14R 2. RNR Flicek Black Angus, Neilburg, SK with RNRF Grace 092X by RNRF Unlimited Bond 227U Split 2 1. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL 03M Blackbird 24X by DMM Ambush 03M 2. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL 4T Lady Monogram 19X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION 20/20 Angus, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Miss Essence 33X by Jancliff Frontier 14R RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL 03M Blackbird 24X by DMM Ambush 03M SENIOR HEFIER CALF Split 1 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 5T Wow 11X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR 35P Oakleaf 27X by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 2 1. Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR 3K Lady Ann 14X by Mohnen Dynamite 1356 2. Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR 18U Lady Ann 10X by TC Freedom 104
MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Jennifer 1N by HF Rookie 16L and her calf, DBRL 4T Jennifer 8X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with EGGEN Fame Miss 8P by DMM Fame 15M and her calf, DFCC 32T Rebel 15X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07
RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR 35P Oakleaf 27X by S A V Net Worth 4200 YEARLING HEIFER Split 1 1. RNR Flicek Black Angus, Neilburg, SK with RNRF Elena 85W by Remington Brandy 236S 2. Cody Dillon, Lloydminster, SK with RNRF Annie K 993W by Langco Bond 26R Split 2 1. Elldem Cattle Investments, Saskatoon, SK with Justamere 1036 Swan 751W by EXAR King 1036 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Elldem Cattle Investments, Saskatoon, SK with Justamere 1036 Swan 751W by EXAR King 1036 RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with EXAR Miss Pat 83018 by HSAF Bando 1961 and her calf, Justamere 507U BLK Rubix 121X by Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with EXAR Miss Pat 83018 by HSAF Bando 1961 and her calf, Justamere 507U Blk Rubix 121X by Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Chantz Legaarden, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Annie K 44U by Jancliff Frontier 14R and her calf, 20/20 Foreman 6X by TC Foreman 016
BULLS JUNIOR BULL CALF 1. 20/20Angus, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Touchdown 20X by SCC Touchdown 57T 2. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Ambush 25X by DMM Ambush 03M
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TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with Justamere 406S Stablizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with Justamere 406S Stablizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL 20/20Angus, Paynton, SK with 20/20 Touchdown 20X by SCC Touchdown 57T RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Ambush 25X by DMM Ambush 03M SENIOR BULL CALF 1. Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR Final Answer 8X by S A V Final Answer 0035 2. Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR Dynamite 20X by Mohnen Dynamite 1356 SENIOR CHAMPION BULL CALF Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR Final Answer 8X by S A V Final Answer 0035
BREEDERS HERD Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK GET OF SIRE Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK PAIR OF BULLS Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK
RED ANGUS FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Avocet 96X by Red Northline Atlantic City 2. Jock Ockerman, Dewberry, AB with Red Jock Sam’s Peggy 4X by Red KBJ Sam’s Prospector 133Z
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL CALF Gord and Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB with GGRR Dynamite 20X by Mohnen Dynamite 1356 YEARLING BULL 1. Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with EXAR Marathon 9291B by BC Marathon 7022 2. Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB with GGRR Net Worth 11W by S A V Net Worth 4200
JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Justamere Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, SK with EXAR Marathon 9291B by BC Marathon 7022 RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB with GGRR Net Worth 11W by S A V Net Worth 4200
2. Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with Red H70 Quantock 43 MS 785W by Red SSS N.K. 43R JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE April Ockerman, Dewberry, AB with Red Wheel Heather 8W by Red SVR Gangster 14S RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB with Red H70 Quantock 43 MS 785W by Red SSS N.K. 43R
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Patriot 21X by Red Bar-E-L Paramount 13P 2. Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Tulsa 10X by Red Northline Atlantic City
BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Patriot 21X by Red Bar-E-L Paramount 13P HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Avocet 96X by Red Northline Atlantic City
RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Jock Ockerman, Dewberry, AB with Red Jock Sam’s Peggy 4X by Red KBJ Sam’s Prospector 133Z YEARLING HEIFER 1. April Ockerman, Dewberry, AB with Red Wheel Heather 8W by Red SVR Gangster 14S Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK with Red Wheel Tulsa 10X by Red Northline Atlantic City BREEDERS HERD R&M Cattle Co. Ltd., Kitscoty, AB GET OF SIRE R&M Cattle Co. Ltd., Kitscoty, AB PAIR OF BULLS R&M Cattle Co. Ltd., Kitscoty, AB
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As an added attraction this year, we are offering 15 two-year-old heifers with baby calves at foot and 5 yearling heifers from the heart of our program. These females are developed in a practical manner that will ensure their long term productivity.
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The strength in founding this great nation in part and parcel relied upon agriculture, as homesteads were established across the breast of the country and through decades, became the family farm which would be cultivated and passed on from generation to generation. Although the family farm is rapidly becoming a thing of the past as urbanization takes its foothold and many sons and daughters move to establish new lives in major centers, there are still families whose roots in agriculture and the family farm remain deep…the Hamiltons are those proud of their roots. Like many of the early settlers, they migrated from the British Isles to other colonies under British rule in the late1800’s. In Canada, many started their new lives in Upper Canada which is now the province of Ontario, then chose to head west, some working with the railway while others on harvest excursions. The family originated in Scotland, migrated to Canada in the early 1890’s and worked in Ontario, before making the journey west to settle their homestead property in an area near Carnduff, Saskatchewan. J.AL Hamilton and Jennie (nee Dafoe) planted their roots and raised five sons, the oldest Stewart Hamilton who would be an eminent influence for the years to follow. The life of a pioneer was one of difficulty… breaking new sod, building a farmstead and coping with effects of hot dry summers and cold, harsh windblown winters. In 1937, after seven consecutive crop failures in the “dirty thirties,” the Hamilton family pulled up stakes and moved eastward, settling near the small Manitoba village of Glenboro located on what is known as the “Red Coat Trail.” (The “Red Coat Trail” is an 800 mile route that approximates the path taken in 1874 by the North-West Mounted Police in their quest to bring law and order to the Canadian West.) Glenboro is a village with a population of 650 and located about 80 kilometers southeast of the city of Brandon. History records that the explorer and geographer David Thompson passed through the area in 1798 and made note of the quality of the soil. After the federal Homestead Act was passed in 1880, many settlers arrived in the area, including a number of Icelandic settlers, between 1889 and 1894. Although the village of Glenboro is small in size, it has been the home town of several notable people. Ab Gowanlock, McDonald Brier National Curling Champion in 1938 and 1953; John Harvard, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba; R.W. Lawson, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada and Scott Young, journalist, sports reporter, novelist and radio and television broadcaster (Hockey Night in Canada). He is the father of Neil Young, singer-songwriter and two time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (Most of us would remember him as Buffalo Springfield or Crosby, Stills & Nash & Young.) In agriculture, the prominent program we have all gotten to know is that of the Hamilton family and Hamco Cattle Co. Stewart Hamilton attended the University of Manitoba, taking pre-med and during World War II, worked as a permit teacher in one of the small one-room classroom schools that were dotted throughout the province. In 1944, Stewart enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and completed his training just as the war was coming to a close. In 1950, Stewart Hamilton purchased what is known as the home farm, with the help of Veterans Land Act which enabled soldiers to get established upon returning home. That same Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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year, he married Eva Smith, who was a school teacher in Glenboro. Ross Hamilton, a younger brother, purchased property across the road from Stewart and even though they each owned their own farms, they worked together in cropping and sharing equipment. Stewart and Eva had grown through the great depression and hard work was not unfamiliar to the newly wedded couple. They operated a mixed farm, milking cows and shipping cream for weekly cash flow. They raised five boys and three girls. The eldest, Heather resides in Lorette, Manitoba with her husband Gus Hacault, and they have two children. The eldest son is Albert, a member of Hamco with his wife Gail, who is a teacher, has three sons. Travis, who is in business in Virginia; Trent, an assistant manager with Canada Safeway in Kenora and Ian, who works in the mining industry in Northern Manitoba and in his off time helps out at the ranch. Glen, a partner in Hamco, with his wife Carleen (who works on the farm and delivers most of the bulls) has two daughters. Larissa is a 2009 Agri-Business graduate from Assinboine Community College and is currently working full time on the farm. Jennalee is in the hair styling field and also helps out on the farm. The next two sons are both Veterinarians (both WCVM 1980 graduates); Ron and his wife Anne Marie have four boys and he practices out of Steinbach, Manitoba. David is a partner in Hamco and also a partner in a 12 veterinarian practice that operates out of clinics in Morden, Winkler, Pilot Mound, Glenboro and Killarney. David and Shelley, an Animal Health Technician, also own and operate Embryo Genetics Ltd., a full service embryo transfer company that provides ET services throughout Manitoba, Southern Saskatchewan and North Dakota. David still works full time as a Veterinarian and along with ET services, works for numerous clients in the dairy and beef industry in Manitoba. He still enjoys providing veterinary service for a wide range of herds and cherishes the relationships he has developed over his 30 years in practice. They have two children, Derek who is completing his business degree at the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. Derek will enroll in the Chartered Accountant program this spring, working with the BDO Winkler office. Julie is completing her final year in high school and will attend the University of Manitoba this fall. The youngest son, Rick, and his wife, Sharon, run a commercial cow/calf/grain operation west of Glenboro. Janice has her degree in Sociology and is the executive director for the Manitoba Council of International Cooperation in Winnipeg and the youngest, Lorna, married a teacher, Steven. They reside in Regina with their three children. Lorna is a Chartered Accountant and is the controller with Cooperators Insurance Co. In 1968, Stewart Hamilton expanded his 30 cow cream shipping herd and constructed a new dairy – complete with a freestyle barn, milking parlor and slatted floors. With growing boys and lots of help, Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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the Hamiltons started milking more Holsteins, starting with sixty and grew to eighty-five milking females. Stewart was very active in community and provincial affairs. He was founding director and charter member of the Manitoba Dairy Milk Producers Marketing Board; a charter member of the Glenboro Credit Union and founding director of Mound Milk Transport - a milk transportation co-operative.After her children were older, Eva returned to teaching until her retirement and was active in many community organizations.
Red Manitoba Explosion 60J – Top selling bull in Hamco’s 1999 sale for $8500.
In 1983, Glen, Albert and their father, Stewart, incorporated the farm under Hamilton Holsteins and in 1989, Stewart retired and the two sons, Glen and Albert bought out Hamilton Holsteins. By 1995, with growing young families and years of seven days a week, twice a day, the quota and cows were sold to start a new chapter for the Hamilton family farming operation. That same fall, they purchased two hundred and fifty commercial crossbred beef cows to use the feed and help the tax situation. In addition, they purchased the first registered Red Angus cow with Dean McLaren, from McKnight Cattle Company, Red Girvinmere Rose 473D. The purchase of Red Tiara of Tag-ALong 57T from Buck Valley Ranch was a springboard for the years to come. With a veterinarian in the Red Mac Goldie 57G – company experienced Red Bieber Mimi 3418 – Mimi is one of the foundation donor cows Foundation donor cow with in embryo transfer, (mother of Red Manitoba several animals in the herd and Explosion 60J) and several embryos and offspring sold. 57T, the mother of the females and bulls in the herd. famous Red BVR RabStar 56C, was put into the donor program with outstanding results. She has produced forty-seven progeny of which twenty-five were at Hamco. They also selected females from Kinared Stock Farm, Circle C Red Angus and a large group of females in the flood year (1997) at the Bieber Red Angus Mature Cow Herd Dispersal in Leola, South Dakota. The best of the Bieber cows, along with the Canadian purchases, were flushed and embryos were implanted into the commercial cows. Since, Hamco Cattle Co. has purchased breeding stock from Brylor Ranch, Towaw Cattle Co., Ringstead Ranch, Prescott Cattle Co., Don McKenzie and Cumnock Red Angus. In addition to the red herd, the Hamiltons established a smaller black herd that originates from donor cows purchased from Youngdale Angus, Black Meadows Angus and Mountainview Farms. They have purchased several key herd sires from Prairielane Farms, including the outstanding CAA Elite sire, Prairielane Ideal 1418-0051 and 3 bulls from Peak Dot Ranch.
Red Hamco Mr. Indeed 226S – Pictured as a yearling – A Towaw Indeed 104H bull currently walking their pastures.
Red Brylor RSTD High Capacity 800M – Hamco purchased this $21,000 syndicated bull from the Brylor and Ringstead programs.
Red SSS Equal 508N – Proven herdsire purchased from the historic Fineline Dispersal – Many sons in the upcoming 2011 sale.
Prairielane Ideal 1418-0051 – CAA Elite sire with many progeny in the herd and many sold in Hamco’s yearly bull sales.
Hamco Cattle Co. hosted their first bull sale on the farm in 1998, with 25 bulls which were all the result of the embryos transfer program. The Hamco program is geared to the commercial industry and they do not have the time to exhibit their product at shows or exhibitions. On March 19,2011 the Thirteenth annual Hamco Bull Sale will offer twenty-five two year olds and approximately one hundred yearling bulls. The sale is held in the sale barn on the farm. They have a large number of repeat buyers and have sold bulls into many top commercial herds. Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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The Hamilton Family Farm has grown into a large operation, planting four thousand acres of crop land (oats, barley, canola, wheat and three hundred acres of corn silage) twenty five hundred acres of pasture land and eleven hundred acres of hay land. Alfalfa is rotated throughout the crop land and prime hay is marketed to dairies in Manitoba and the United States. In addition to the hay exports, Hamco exports much of the straw that is harvested off the crop lands to United States markets. The cow base is made up of five hundred and forty registered breeding females. Four hundred and twenty are Red Angus and one hundred and twenty are in the Black Angus herd. They continue to use A.I. and embryo transfer along with a powerful group of walking bulls. The yearling heifers are synchronized and bred A.I. and the cows are A.I’d for the first month, prior to bull turn out. Each fall, the yearling bulls are put on a home performance test to get them ready for the annual spring bull sale and to accumulate data on the sires in the program. Albert, Glen and Larissa take care of the duties of the farming and feeding side of the operation, while David and Larissa are active in the genetics and marketing of the Hamco program. David makes most of the selections and breeding decisions. An operation of this scope could not be successful without a core of support staff. The Hamiltons employ three full time men, Cory Manning, Stewart Bertram and Mark Abbey, as well as a couple of seasonal employees. Hamco Cattle Co. was selected 2008 Manitoba Angus Breeder of the Year. In addition to the large workload in running this family farm venture, the Hamiltons are very active in off-farm and community affairs. Albert has been a member of the board of Keystone Agricultural Producers since 1994, serving on the executive for three years. He also serves as Chairman of Glenboro Development Corporation. Glen has served on the board of Glenboro Co-op for twenty-five years, being president for ten years. Larissa is a 4-H leader of Glenboro 4-H Beef Club, after being a member for twelve years. Larissa has recently been elected to the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Angus Association. Both Glen and Albert serve on Church Council and remain active curling in the winter. (In their younger years, they were very active in baseball.) Dr. David Hamilton currently serves on the board of directors of the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association. He has served 9 years on the board and was President of Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners in 1994, six years on the board of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners from 1997 to 2003; President of Manitoba Veterinary Services District Veterinary Association and a member of Manitoba Veterinary Services Commission from 1982 to 1987. In 1999, Dr. Hamilton was awarded the Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners – Veterinarian of the Year. Shelly works full time as an Animal Health Technician and was awarded the Manitoba Animal Health Technician of the year in 2008. The success of Hamco Cattle Co. is based on the roots and goals of the family farm – roots that were planted decades prior. These goals, ethics and traditions have been carried forward by the generations which follow. Using new day technology and old fashion principles, Hamco Cattle Co. and the Hamilton family have become one of Canada’s finest farming and seedstock operations.
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DJ Cattle Co. is operated by Dallas and Lynne Johnston of Brookdale, MB. The farm is located 3 miles south of Brookdale and 1 ½ miles west. It was the original farm of Dallas’ grandparents Oscar and Myrtle Swanson and then later Dallas’ parents, Millen and Mona Johnston. Dallas, Lynne and their children, Ryan and Candace, moved to the farm in the fall of 1998 from St. Norbert, MB, which is part of the city of Winnipeg. Dallas had always loved the farm, spending numerous summers helping his grandfather as a young teenager and then later, helping his parents with the farm chores once they took over. Dallas has a full time job at Manitoba Hydro and has been there for 23 years and Lynne has worked seasonal for the last 6 years. Ryan and Candace were both involved in 4H, Ryan for a couple of years until hockey took over and Candace for 9 years. Candace has stayed involved with the beef shows having joined the Junior Angus Association in 2004. The cow herd used to be a Hereford/Simmental cross and an Angus bull was =irst used on heifers for calving ease. Dallas’ dad, Millen, bought the =irst Angus female at the Keystone Klassic from Laird and Joyce Senft in 1999 and followed the next year with the purchase of a bred heifer from Grant Wilson again at the Keystone Klassic sale. These 2 females were the start and the foundation of our black herd. Dallas then purchased a couple of heifer calves in the following years at Keystone sales and also purchased were 2 heifer calves from HI Diamond Angus in Okotoks, AB. Other females were purchased from Swindon Ranch of Alexander, MB. As the purebred Angus herd grew, DJCC consigned bulls to Douglas Test Center for 3 years and topping the sale on one occasion. DJCC consigns a small group of bulls to the Steward Cattle Co. Bull Sale with this being the third sale in February 2011. DJCC consigns females to the Keystone Klassic and are very proud of the success juniors have had showing heifers with the DJCC pre=ix culminating with Naomi Best winning Champion Angus Female at the 2010 All Breeds Junior Show. In 2006, Dallas’ parents moved to Neepawa and Dallas and Lynne took over their Angus herd. Currently there are 35 purebred cows and another 10 commercial cows. This is where they would like to be for numbers, as that is enough work with both Dallas and Lynne having off farm full time jobs. Dallas has served on the Provincial Angus Board for the past 3 years. He has helped out on various committees and quite enjoys the challenges involved with this. The Johnstons are grateful for all the friends they have made in the cattle business and hope to make many more in the years to come. DJ Cattle Co. would like to thank the MAA for this award and are truly grateful to have received this honor.
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Ken Barlow is a third generation Angus cattle farmer. His grandfather, William Barlow, brought his herd of Angus cattle when he moved to Canada in 1906, settling in Davidson, Saskatchewan. His father, Fletcher Barlow, moved to Manitoba in 1945, purchasing a section near Moorepark and bringing an Angus herd with him. Ken has raised Angus cattle since he was 12 years old. In 1968, he married Joyce Daum and together, they continued on the tradition of raising Angus cattle on the Barlow farm near Forrest, MB and grew the family to include three daughters; Veronica, Norine and Crystal. Like many farmers, Ken has also worked off the farm. He worked at McKenzie Seeds for ten winters, drove a school bus for Rolling River School Division for ten years and served on the Minnedosa Hospital board for seven years. He was a faithful 4-H father and played fastball for many years, Dinally retiring at the age of 52. Over the years the cow base was always Angus. Ken experimented with Limousin and Hereford bulls for cross breeding. The experiment was short lived and he restored Angus as the bull of choice. Angus bulls have been “the man” for the past 25 years. Ken’s business philosophy is micro economic and he chooses to support local producers by purchasing bulls and cows from neighboring breeders. In the past 25 years, many bulls have be purchased from Manitoba based Angus Breeders. The Barlow farm is a mixed operation. Ken presently runs a base herd of 70 Angus cows and two bulls. The largest base herd was 95 cows. Though it is a mixed operation, Ken is always quick to mention cattle Dirst, grain second. The grain operation has 500 acres of cropland seeded to canola, wheat, and oats. Keeping the needs of the cows foremost in mind, he also has about 300 acres of barley, hay and pastureland. Ken has used the Langford Community Pasture for pasture land every summer since 1967. He has always liked Black Angus and the many great attributes which Angus are famous for. In Ken’s opinion Angus cows are the best mothers, calve easily, are the best meat (in fact if you ask him Manitoba beef is better than Alberta), have resistance to pink eye, are top grade every time, easy to look after and require less feed than other more gluttonous breeds. In Ken’s opinion, Angus cows should be the recognized as the supermodels of the bovine world. Three years ago, his family tells us that Ken Dinally got the Angus-loving “son” he didn’t know he wanted after (his daughters moved away to the city!). Ken’s new neighbor moved from The Netherlands to Canada to realize his dream of raising cattle. Now, after 100+ years of Angus, associated with the Barlow family name, Ken has been able to impart his cow wisdom, love of the breed to a new generation of farmer. For all of these reasons, Ken Barlow was chosen as the Manitoba Angus Association’s 2010 Commercial Producer of the Year. Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Split 4 (9 Shown) 1. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Patricia C 108X by Red Majestic Chieftan R 120U 2. Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON with Kemp Brothers Ms Zara 6X by DUFF New Attraction 6110
FEMALES HEIFER CALF JUNIOR DIVISION (11 Shown) 1. Alchemy Angus, Sunderland, ON with Alchemy Xception 10X by S A V Adaptor 2213 2. Upper Glen, Georgetown, ON with Upper Glen Grand June 18X by Upper Glen Sirius Black 8T INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Premier Livestock, Brunner, ON with Baby Black Lookin Great by B C Lookout 7024
Split 5 (7 Shown) 1. Upper Glen, Georgetown, ON with Upper Glen Blackbird 2X by S A V Bismarck 5682 2. Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor Erica 4X by S A V Mandan 5664 Split 6 (7 Shown) 1. Serenity Livestock, Fergus, ON with Red Serenity Rebello 101X by Red DWAJO All Star 10T 2. Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON with WLL Kalli 1X by TC Stout 407
JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Alchemy Angus, Sunderland, ON with Alchemy Xception 10X by S A V Adaptor 2213 RESERVE INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Erica Eileen 575X by S A V Bismarck 5682 SENIOR DIVISION
RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Upper Glen, Georgetown, ON with Upper Glen Grand June 18X by Upper Glen Sirius Black 8T INTERMEDIATE DIVISON (11 Shown) 1. Premier Livestock, Brunner, ON with Baby Black Lookin Great by B C Lookout 7024 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Erica Eileen 575X by S A V Bismarck 5682
Split 1 (7 Shown) 1. Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with Baby Black Lo Anne by B C Lookout 7024 2. Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON with WLL Kalli 18X by DUFF New Attraction 6110
SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Gilchrist Farms, Lucknow, ON with GF Evening Tinge 1X by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C
Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor’s Edam 16X by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. Drumore Farms, Port Dover, ON with DRM Prime 25X by B C Lookout 7024 Split 3 (8 Shown) 1. Gilchrist Farms, Lucknow, ON with GF Evening Tinge 1X by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C 2. Tullamore Angus, Caledon, ON with Thistle Ridge Flora 5X by Legend Lane EXT 822U
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with Baby Black Lo Anne by B C Lookout 7024
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2. Loupen Cattle Ranch, Acton, ON with Glen Lovat Sandy 2W by Harron Hamlet 21R
2. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Patricia R 110W by Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R
(6 Shown) 1. Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON with Kemp Brothers Ms Blackcap 54W by Angus Hills Executor 22L 2. Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with EXAR Queen Idelete 5929 by EXAR Spartan 6225
Split 3 (6 Shown) 1. Bailey Acres, Port Perry, ON with Bailey Acres Barbara 3W by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. Four Mac Farm, Beachburg, ON with ESE Elba 05W by EXAR Tiger T659
Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Gold-Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON with Red Vancise Princess 534W by Red SSS Joe Cool 441S 2. Harprey Farms, Proton Station, ON with Harprey Miss Middlebrook 5W by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 4 (6 Shown) 1. Premier Livestock, Baby Black Angus, Randy Fryfogel, Brunner, ON with Smith View Ginger 1W by Legend Lane Revolution 505 2. Hill’s Hereford and Angus, Rockwood, ON with TREV Wild Fire Bessie 8W by Ankonian Wild Fire 96
JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON with Kemp Brothers Ms Blackcap 54W by Angus Hills Executor 22L
INTERMEDIATE YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor’s Flora 19W by S A V Mandan 5664
SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Premier Livestock, Baby Black Angus, Randy Fryfogel, Brunner, ON with Smith View Ginger 1W by Legend Lane Revolution 505 RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with EXAR Queen Idelete T439 by EXAR Spartan 6225
RESERVE INTERMEDIATE YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Harprey Farms, Proton Station, ON with Harprey Barbara 67W by Bar-E-L Rainman 172R
Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Harprey Farms, Proton Station, ON with Harprey Barbara 67W by Bar-E-L Rainman 172R 2. Maxim Red Angus, Puslinch, ON with Red Maxim Skyla 316W by Red Majestic Seismic N 114S
Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with PFLC Blackbird 5W by S A V Final Answer 0035 2. Annabob Farms, Ariss, ON with Red Arway Roberta 15W by Red Brylor Master Plan 17M
Split 2 (8 Shown) 1. Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor’s Flora 19W by S A V Mandan 5664
Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Kemp Brothers Farm, Blackstock, ON with Kemp Brothers Miss Rosebud 3W by S A V Net Worth 4200
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
RESERVE SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION FEMALE Hill’s Hereford and Angus, Rockwood, ON with TREV Wild Fire Bessie 8W by Ankonian Wild Fire 96
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Reserve Champion Junior Yearling Female and Champion Bred and Owned in the Junior National Beef Heifer Show at the Royal Winter Fair 2009
Joe Cool was our selection out of the 2007 Triple S Bull Sale. He has proven to be a powerful and consistent breeder. Siring cattle that are deep ribbed and thick with tremendous hind quarter. His progeny have been proving themselves in both the pasture and the show ring, and have been very well accepted by both commercial and purebred cattlemen.
S: Red SSS Joe Cool 441S MGS: Red GNG Chief 140J BW: 98 WW: 676 YW: 1235
S: Red SSS Joe Cool 441S MGS: Red Stewart Pathfinder 5L BW: 94 WW: 757 YW: 1240 Special thanks to Hurlbert Livestock, SK for the purchase of Red Vancise Wide Load 406W.
Home: 705-445-0407
S: Red SSS Joe Cool 441S MGS: Red LMAN RD Copper Rob 1607H Full Brother sold to Serenity Livestock, ON
President, John Vancise Jr. Stayner, ON Cell: 705-351-2442
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TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT (5 Shown) 1. Doug Wingrove, and Gold-Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON with Highgrove Miss Middlebrook 3U by B C Matrix 4132 and her calves, Gold-Bar Miss Middlebrook 109X and Gold-Bar Miss Middlebrook 1091X by B C Lookout 7024 2. Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with Legend Lane Bardetta 824U by Legend Lane Revolution 505 and her calf, PFLC Final Answer 4X by S A V Final Answer 0035 MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT (3 Shown) 1. Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON with RRR Forever Lady 0604 by EXAR New Look 2971 and her calf, ESE Raven 22X by EXAR Raven 81071 2. Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with Falcon Forever Lady 801S by Twin Valley Precision E161 and her calf, PFLC Forever Lady 8X by S A V Adaptor 2213
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE; SUPREME CHAMPION ANIMAL Doug Wingrove and, Gold-Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON with Highgrove Miss Middlebrook 3U by B C Matrix 4132 and her calves, Gold-Bar Miss Middlebrook 109X and Gold-Bar Miss Middlebrook 1091X by B C Lookout 7024
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with Legend Lane Bardetta 824U by Legend Lane Revolution 505 and her calf, PFLC Final Answer 4X by S A V Final Answer 0035
RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Loupen Cattle Ranch, Acton, ON with Loupen NW Edwin 6X by S A V Net Worth 4200
(5 Shown) 1. Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor’s Mandate 18X by S A V Mandan 5664 2. Triara, Melbourne, ON with Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R
BULL CALF JUNIOR DIVISION (4 Shown) 1. Upper Glen, Georgetown, ON with Upper Glen Sirius Black 15X by Upper Glen Sirius Black 8T 2. Loupen Cattle Ranch, Acton, ON with Loupen NW Edwin 6X by S A V Net Worth 4200
INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor’s Mandate 18X by S A V Mandan 5664
JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Upper Glen, Georgetown, ON with Upper Glen Sirius Black 15X by Upper Glen Sirius Black 8T
RESERVE INTERMEDIATE BULL CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, ON with Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R
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Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Crusader C 126X by Red Majestic Chieftan R 120U 2. Gilchrist Farms, Lucknow, ON with GF Mercedes 6807 Xcalibur 17X by D H D Traveler 6807
Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Hill’s Hereford & Angus, Rockwood, ON, Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK, Will Stafford, Rockwood, ON with Soo Line Kodiak 9211 by HF Kodiak 5R 2. Hawthorne Farm, Mitchell Hennekan, Mountain, ON with Hawthorne Dateline 35W by Earley Dateline 2M
Split 2 (11 Shown) 1. Baby Black Angus, and Mill Bar Angus, Brunner, ON with Baby Black EXT Thick by S A V Bismarck 5682 2. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Kahuna R 1081X by Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R
SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Baby Black Angus, and Mill Bar Angus, Brunner, ON with Baby Black EXT Thick by S A V Bismarck 5682
Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor Predominent 10W by S A V 004 Predominant 4438 2. Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Kryptonite 1102W by Red Majestic Seismic N 114S
JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON with Brantnor Predominent 10W by S A V 004 Predominant 4438
SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with CQS Bando 2008 by SAF 598 Bando 5175
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Semex Alliance, Ariss, ON with Red Gold-Bar Unique JW 1113U by Red DWAJO Jokers Wild 47S PAIR OF BULLS Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON BREEDER’S HERD Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON GET OF SIRE Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON JUNIOR GET OF SIRE JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON PREMIER BREEDER Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON
RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Majestic Livestock, Millgrove, ON with Red Majestic Kahuna R 1081X by Red Majestic Rubicon N 124R
YEARLING BULL JUNIOR YEARLING BULL (1 Shown) 1. Tullamore Angus, Caledon, ON with Young Dale Grandeur 110W by Young Dale Trogan 41T
PREMIER EXHIBITOR Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Hill’s Hereford & Angus, Rockwood, ON, Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK, Will Stafford, Rockwood, ON with Soo Line Kodiak 9211 by HF Kodiak 5R TWO YEAR OLD BULL (6 Shown) 1. Paradise Farms, Caledon, ON with CQS Bando 2008 by SAF 598 Bando 5175 2. Semex Alliance, Ariss, ON with Red Gold-Bar Unique JW 1113U by Red DWAJO Jokers Wild 47S Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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with guest consignor Swan Lake Farms
March 28, 2011 at the farm - Grenfell, SK
60 Powerful Full Fleck Bulls Sell
60 Red and Black Simmental Bulls sell!
30 Registered Red Angus Bulls sell!
35 Red, Black and Full Fleck Heifers sell!
5 Registered Red Angus heifers sell!
Swan Lake Farms Ltd.
Greg Goudy Box 357 Stoughton, SK S0G4T0 306.457.2959
~ Visitors Always Welcome! ~
Family owned and operated since 1970
Located four miles East of Grenfell and one mile North off the Trans Canada Highway Box 818 Grenfell, SK S0G2B0
Sale Barn: p: 306.697.3582 Richard: p: 306.697.3038 c: 306.697.7298 Mark: p: 306.697.7203 Ken: p: 306.697.2474 c: 306.697.7204 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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BLACK ANGUS FEMALES HEIFER CALF Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Northline Girl Scout 703X by Youngdale Double T 10P 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Six Mile Lassie Lee 63X by S A V Bismark 5682 Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Echo 266X by DUFF Encore 702 2. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Queenette 9X by TC Foreman 016 Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Blackbird 63X by HF Kodiak 5R 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Rosebud 37X by HF Kodiak 5R Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB with LFE BA Grace 51X by S A V Bismark 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Erica 20X by Southland Exclusive 62U
RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Northline Girl Scout 703X by Youngdale Double T 10P
RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Quinn Hamilton, Innisfail, AB with Belvin Lady Blossom 1409 by Belvin Rebel 3305
YEARLING HEIFER Split 1 (5 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Miss Essence 63W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Hollinger Land and Cattle, Lloydminster, AB with Justamere Black Pearl 908W by Sankeys Lazer 609 Of 6N Split 2 (5 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Miss Essence 61W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB with Avelyn Hottie 7209 by Gambles Hot Rod Split 3 (5 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Top Lass 22W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Quinn Hamilton, Innisfail, AB with Belvin Lady Blossom 1409 by Belvin Rebel 3305
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT Split 1 (2 Shown) 1. Michelson Land and Cattle, Lipton, SK and Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK with MICH Annies Angel by G13 Steel and her calf, MICH SC Annies Angel 22X by S A V Wall Street 7091 2. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Northline Rachel 903U by Youngdale Double T 106P and her calf, Northline Pink 903X by Noble Acres Casanova 3J Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB; Continental Angus and Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with HF Evening Tinge 193U by HF Free Wheeler 191N and her calf, HF Bengal 116X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Mabel and Gavin Hamilton, Innisfail, AB and James Arnott Coul Angus, Scotland with Belvin Georgina 18’08 by Belvin Panther 21’04 and her calf, Belvin Georgina 18’10 by S A V Pioneer 73’01 MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT
HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB with LFE BA Grace 51X by S A V Bismark
YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Top Lass 22W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
(4 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus and Angela Northey, Bashaw, AB with DMM Diamond Mist 8F by Red Flying K Patriot 11C and her calf, DMM Iron Spirit 40X by Red U-2 Big League 544R 2. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tibbie 03T by Remitall Linebacker 204L and her calf, SCC Tibbie 3X by SCC Right Time 109U
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SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2011 1:00 P.M. Thorlakson Freeyards, Airdrie, AB
4.5 Miles East of Airdrie on #567 & 2 Miles North on RR 284
Bulls can be viewed at Red Rock Red Angus
BEISEKER RED ANGUS Peter & Maxine Schmaltz R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4
(403) 912-1025
RED ROCK RED ANGUS John, Karen, Jim, Laurie Brigan & Families R.R. #2, Site 8, Box 8, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4
(403) 948-5215
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
(403) 948-5412
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SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Michelson Land and Cattle, Lipton, SK and Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK with MICH Annies Angel by G13 Steel and her calf, MICH SC Annies Angel 22X by S A V Wall Street 7091 RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB; Continental Angus and Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with HF Evening Tinge 193U by HF Free Wheeler 191N and her calf, HF Bengal 116X by HF Tiger 5T
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tiger 15X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Tiger 80X by HF Tiger 5T Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Iron Spirit 40X by Red U-2 Big League 544R 2. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Wilbar Angus, Dundurn, SK with DMM Trade Secret 36X by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S
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BULL CALF CHAMPION Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Roar 16X by HF Tiger 5T
RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tiger 15X by HF Tiger 5T YEARLING BULL Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus and Reich Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Creed 75W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S 2. Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK with EXAR Marathon 9291B by B C Marathon 7022 Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB and Lorenz Angus Farms, Markerville, AB with Belvin Wanderlei 25’09 by Belvin Rebel 33’05 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with HF Swagger 75W by HF Tiger 5T
Split 3 (6 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Roar 16X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB with HF Bengal 116X by HF Tiger 5T Split 4 (6 Shown) 1. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Wyatt Hiller, Edmonton, AB with DMM Junction 1X by DMM Ambush 03M 2. Remitall Farms, Olds, AB with Remitall F Solid 2X by S A V Prodigy 8101
RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB and Lorenz Angus Farms, Markerville, AB with Belvin Wanderlei 25’09 by Belvin Rebel 33’05
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Miller Wilson Angus and Reich Angus, Bashaw, AB with DMM Creed 75W by Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S 2.Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB and Tellier Bar LD Ranch Ltd., Bonnyville, AB with GJP Black Voodoo 86U by Red GJP 106P Sir King 106S Split 2 (4 Shown) 1. Remitall Farms, Olds, AB; Grandview Plantation, Senatobia, MS; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, ID and Schaffs Angus Valley, St. Anthony, ND with S A V Prodigy 8101 by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Ring Creek Farm, Fairview, AB with HF EL Tigre 28U by HF Tiger 5T
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Remitall Farms, Olds, AB; Grandview Plantation Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, ID and Schaffs Angus Valley, St. Anthony, ND with S A V Prodigy 8101 by S A V Net Worth 4200
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Lakedell Agricultural Grounds, Westerose, AB
40-45 Bulls • Yearlings and Two-Year Olds 20-25 Females • Cow/Calf Pairs • Purebred and Commercial Open Heifers Ger-Ris Angus Chris and Gerry Monea 780-352-2717
Zaniabar Angus Bill Abbot 780-312-4707
Thank you to the buyers and bidders in our 2010 sale, making it a huge success!
Douglas J. Henderson & Associates Ltd.
Ph: 403-782-3888 Cell: 403-782-3849
Rombil Angus
K-Deen Angus Bayshore Angus
Dan and Heather Rominick 780-388-3333
Nagib (Jim) Krameddine 780-387-6050
Sandra Harris 403-741-9542
Acquire the Angus Advantage at the 14th Annual Triple A Bull and Heifer Sale Monday, April 4th, 1:00 pm Johnstone Auction Mart – Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
For catalogue call (306) 757-6133 Auctioneer: Scott Johnstone (306) 693-4715 Ring Service: Mark Stock (403) 357-8104
Predictable, dependable Angus genetics are selling. 55 black bulls, 10 red bulls and 25 open heifers sell.
Arm River Red Angus
(306) 567-4702
Irving Angus
(306) 587-2523
Nu Horizon
(306) 336-2245
Bell Angus
(306) 345-2052
Willowview Angus
(306) 359-6100
CSI Angus
(306) 781-2244
Valley Lodge Cattle Co. (306) 771-2305
Wilmo Angus Ranch
(306) 345-2046
XLB Angus
(306) 734-2741
Hi Low Angus
Glen Gabel Angus
(306) 536-1927
Staple K Angus
(306) 266-4610
(306) 731-2940
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Split 4 (7 Shown) 1. Blairs.Ag Cattle Company, Lanigan, SK with Red Blairs Sandy 201X by Red Corner Creek Cash 2R 2. Hips Red Angus, Sherwood Park, AB with Red Hips HRH Sara 80X by Red Ter-Ron Nickelback 62U
RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Ty Dietrich, Forestburg, AB with Red Redrich Tess 270W by Red Moose Creek Temper 4S TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION BULL Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK and Chute Creek Ranch, Penticton, BC with Justamere 406S Stabilizer 507U by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S
HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Rachel 83X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
BREEDER’S HERD Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB
(2 Shown) 1. Redrich Farms and Katelyn Dietrich, Forestburg, AB and Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB with Red Redrich Cherokee 248U by Red Ter-Ron Innovator 310R and her calf, Red Redrich Glory Road 248X by Red LCB Lancer 1202S 2. Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB and Glesbar Cattle Co., Barrhead, AB with Red Glesbar Leah 029U by Red DMM Traction 98R and her calf, Red DMM Glesbar Barn Dance 35X by Red DMM Pump 118T
PREMIER BREEDER Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB
RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Sierra 281X by Red Six Mile Timberlake 180T YEARLING HEIFER
RED ANGUS FEMALES HEIFER CALF Split 1 (4 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, New Glarus, WI with Red Northline Plush 122X by Red Northline Trueblood 341T 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Wendy Jane 451X by Peak Dot Predominant 135S
Split 1 (8 Shown) 1. Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK and Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK with Red Six Mile Cheta 702W by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S 2. Ty Dietrich, Forestburg, AB with Red Redrich Tess 270W by Red Moose Creek Temper 4S
(2 Shown) 1. Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and A1 Land & Cattle, TX with Red YY Patty 701T by Crowfoot 4130P and her calf, Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U 2. Glenrose Angus, Camrose, AB with Red Glenrose 7M Countess 41T by Red Lakeford Kapton 7M and her calf, Red Glenrose 103R Countess 45X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R
Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Rebecca 21W by Red U2 Big League 544R 2. Viske Family Farm, Donalda, AB with Red Viske SK Lynn 68W by Red TerRon Fully Loaded 540R
Split 2 (6 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Rachel 83X by Red TerRon Reload 703T 2. Six Mile Ranch Ltd., Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Sierra 281X by Red Six Mile Timberlake 180T Split 3 (7 Shown) 1. Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB with Red Lazy MC CC Sparkle 3X by Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S 2. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Brandy 15X by Red TerRon Reload 703T
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and A1 Land & Cattle, TX with Red YY Patty 701T by Crowfoot 4130P and her calf, Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK and Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK with Red Six Mile Cheta 702W by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Redrich Farms and Katelyn Dietrich, Forestburg, AB and Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB with Red Redrich Cherokee 248U by Red Ter-Ron Innovator 310R and her calf, Red Redrich Glory Road 248X by Red LCB Lancer 1202S
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 (6 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Unleashed 24X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB; NCJ Cattle, Coalhurst, AB; A1 Land and Cattle, TX and Semex, Guelph, ON with Red Lazy MC Honkey Tonk 11X by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U
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RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron X-Factor 011X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Red Northline Ignition 125W by Red Northline Rev 341R
Split 1 (3 Shown) 1. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Red Northline Ignition 125W by Red Northline Rev 341R
(2 Shown) 1. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB with Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U by Red Lazy MC Stout 30S 2. Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Wheeler Stock Farms, Saskatoon, SK and All Bull Holdings, Aldergrove, BC with Red Wheel Alliance 22U by Red Northline Atlantic City
2. Arntzen Angus, Sedgewick, AB with Red Goad Harpoon 724W by Red Vikse TA Canadian 24T Split 2 (3 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron Real Deal 01W by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Red Northline Revolver 656W by Red Northline Rev 341R
Split 2 (2 Shown) 1. Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron X-Factor 011X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 2. Redrich Farms and Katelyn Detrich, Forestburg, AB with Red Redrich Glory Road 248X by Red LCB Lancer 1202S
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB and Keith and Joan Adams, Calgary, AB with Red Ter-Ron Real Deal 01W by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
BULL CALF CHAMPION Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB with Red Ter-Ron Unleashed 24X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB and Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB with Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U by Red Lazy MC Stout 30S
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RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Wheeler Stock Farms, Saskatoon, SK and All Bull Holdings, Aldergrove, BC with Red Wheel Alliance 22U by Red Northline Atlantic City BREEDER’S HERD Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB PREMIER BREEDER Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB
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November 12, 2010 – Saskatoon, SK
Black Angus Judge: Jon Fox, Lloydminster, SK
Red Angus Judge: Mike Howe, Moose Jaw, SK
Split 1 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Hot Girl 37W by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 2. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with RSKY Jubilee 9021 by DUFF New Attraction 6110
Split 1 1. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Blairs Untouchable 113X by DUFF New Generation 6107 2. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL 4T Lady Monogram 19X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T Split 2 1. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Bandura Tilda 22X by S A V Masterpiece 5289 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 5T Wow 11X by HF Tiger 5T HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Bandura Tilda 22X by S A V Masterpiece 5289 RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 5T Wow 11X by HF Tiger 5T
Split 2 1. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Triple L Dianne 45W by WAT-CHA Thrillseeker 3T 2. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with JD CH Georgina 8W by S A V Mandan 5664 YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Triple L Dianne 45W by WAT-CHA Thrillseeker 3T RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with JD CH Georgina 8W by S A V Mandan 5664
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Davis Shadoe 7350 by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C and her calf, Davis Genflo Shadoe 001 by B C Bailout 702-7 2. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Wright’s Avocet 810U by Red Wrights Get R Done 62S and her calf, Wrights Lead Time 60X by Wrights 477 Lead Time 813U MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Jennifer 1N by HF Rookie 16L and her calf, DBRL 4T Jennifer 8X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with Eggen Fame Miss 8P by DMM Fame 15M and her calf, DFCC 32T Rebel 15X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07
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RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Ambush 25X by DMM Ambush 03M YEARLING BULL 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with HF Hemi 176W by HF Hemi 151T 2. Bar CR Angus, Perdue, SK with FCR Full Extent 1W by S A V Net Worth 4200 SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Davis Shadoe 7350 by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C and her calf, Davis Genflo Shadoe 001 by B C Bailout 702-7
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with HF Hemi 176W by HF Hemi 151T RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Bar CR Angus, Perdue, SK with FCR Full Extent 1W by S A V Net Worth 4200 TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Southland Free Style 163U by Southland Free Ride 68R 2. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Bar-E-L Unforgiven 102U by S A V Net Worth 4200
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Southland Free Style 163U by Southland Free Ride 68R RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Bar-E-L Unforgiven 102U by S A V Net Worth 4200 BREEDER’S HERD Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK CHAMPION PAIR OF BULLS Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB PREMIER BREEDER Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK
RESERVE SENIOR AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Jennifer 1N by HF Rookie 16L and her calf, DBRL 4T Jennifer 8X by DBRL 03M Titan 4T
PREMIER EXHIBITOR Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 1. Diamond B Ranches, Livelong, SK with DBRL Ambush 25X by DMM Ambush 03M 2. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Thunder 44X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 Split 2 1. Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK with DFCC 32T Rebel 15X by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 2. J&S Cattle, Kenaston, SK with JS Blizzard 10 by HF Tiger 5T Split 3 1. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Bandura Masterpiece 9X by S A V Masterpiece 5289 2. Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Bandura Reputation 15X by S A V Net Worth 4200
You said, “2-year-olds are able to service more cows; therefore, I can buy fewer of them” You said, “2-year-olds know what they are doing; therefore, I have a tighter breeding season, resulting in a shorter calving season and with fewer open cows” You said, “2-year-olds maintain their body condition better during breeding season, and require less pampering in the winter than yearlings who are still growing” We have heard you and responded… We are reserving our entire 2010 bull calf crop to be offered in 2012 as 2-year-olds!!! We at Bar CR are totally committed to meeting the needs of the Commercial Cattleman, with our top performing, low maintenance type of bulls. We look forward to serving you better in 2012!
Linda Froehlich Doug Crozier Box 8, Perdue, SK S0K 3C0 306-237-4896 306-221-4088 (C)
BULL CALF CHAMPION Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB with Bandura Masterpiece 9X by S A V Masterpiece 5289 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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RED ANGUS SHOW YEARLING BULL 1. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Wrights Swagger 906W by Red Towaw Intregrity 17M 2. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Prairieland 226W by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
FEMALES HEIFER CALF Split 1 1. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Wrights Finesse 6X by Red WEBR Doc Holiday 2N 2. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Cora 320X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T Split 2 1. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blair’s Sugarland 5X by Red Towaw Integrity 17M 2. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blair’s Kirsten 11X by Red Bieber Makin Hay 9913 Split 3 1. Spittalburn Farms and Dean McAvoy, Perdue, SK with Red Spittalburn Bayberry 1X by Red Towaw Indeed 104H 2. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blair’s Golden 202X by Red Corner Creek Cash 2R HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Spittalburn Farms and Dean McAvoy, Perdue, SK with Red Spittalburn Bayberry 1X by Red Towaw Indeed 104H RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blair’s Sugarland 5X by Red Towaw Integrity 17M YEARLING HEIFER Split 1 1. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Hana 250W by Red Wilbar Replica 836T 2. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Wrights Bridget 950W by Red Towaw Intregrity 17M Split 2 1. Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK and Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Lon Of Two M 13W by Red Northline Rev 341R 2. Blair’s.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red WSF Ms Yankee 13T 12W by Red Brylor/WSP Karweik 1P
YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK and Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Lon Of Two M 13W by Red Northline Rev 341R RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Hana 250W by Red Wilbar Replica 836T TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. T&S Farms, Rose Valley, SK with Red T&S Roseanne 76U by Red Soo Line Gladiator 5062 and her calf, Red T&S Roseanne 38X by Red U-2 All Star 8108U SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE T&S Farms, Rose Valley, SK with Red T&S Roseanne 76U by Red Soo Line Gladiator 5062and her calf, Red T&S Roseanne 38X by Red U-2 All Star 8108U
RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Prairieland 226W by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
BREEDER’S HERD Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK GET OF SIRE Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK PAIR OF BULLS Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Wrights Easy Deal 5X by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S 2. Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Excursion 316X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T BULL CALF CHAMPION Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Wrights Easy Deal 5X by Red Six Mile Sakic 832S RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK with Red Wilbar Excursion 316X by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK with Red Wrights Swagger 906W by Red Towaw Intregrity 17M
PREMIER BREEDER Wilbar Farms, Dundurn, SK PREMIER EXHIBITOR Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK
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Expo Quebec
Quebec, QC August 18, 2010 Judges: Cole and Jill Harvie, Olds, AB FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Barrons Lass 6X by S A V Pioneer 7301 2. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Barrons Queenette 5X by S A V Pioneer 7301 HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Barrons Lass 6X by S A V Pioneer 7301
MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Badlands Lakme 54R by Red Badlands Mr Beef 805 and her calf, Red Barrons Mulberry 7X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P 2. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with SANE L.O. Queenette 201S by Connealy Lead On and her calf, Barrons Queenette 5X by S A V Pioneer 7301
RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Barrons Queenette 5X by S A V Pioneer 7301 JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Lakme3 12W by Red Gold-Bar Tidal Wave 218T 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 319P Blackbird 502W by SANE 317J Survivor 319P SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 416 Pride 120W by TC Rito 416 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE ADM Black Kerrie 103W by Woodhill Admiral 77K YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 416 Pride 120W by TC Rito 416 RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Lakme3 12W by Red Gold-Bar Tidal Wave 218T TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Soo Line Lass 8190 by GEIS Blackman 224’05 and her calf, Barrons Lass 6X by S A V Pioneer 7301 2. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Soo Line Dana 8129 by GEIS Blackman 224’05 and her calf, Barrons Dano 4X by Soo Line Entourage 8419
YEARLING BULL 1. Benoit Beauregard, St-Jude, QC with Red FBA Winny Sly 8W by Red S Sly 26S 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200 YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Benoit Beauregard, St-Jude, QC with Red FBA Winny Sly 8W by Red S Sly 26S RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Soo Line Lass 8190 by GEIS Blackman 224’05 and her calf, Barrons Lass 6X by S A V Pioneer 7301 RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Badlands Lakme 54R by Red Badlands Mr Beef 805 and her calf, Red Barrons Mulberry 7X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200 MATURE BULL 1. Jean-Francois LeBlond, Armagh, QC with JD New Dateline 151N by Vermilion Dateline 7078
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Mulberry 7X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161 BULL CALF CHAMPION Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Barrons Mulberry 7X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S RESERVE SENIOR AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Pauld’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200 BREEDER’S HERD Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC PREMIER BREEDER Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Wayne Gallup, Melbourne, QC
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2010 Saskatchewan Commercial Producer Of The Year locally, on what seems almost every day of the year, being a great service provided for the community, as he won't say no and he is always more than eager to help sort the cattle. In other words when you like cattle and people as much as this family does, it sure does not seem like work, and that's a great job!
The 2010 Saskatchewan Angus Commercial Producer of the Year award goes to the Doerksen family of Herbert. The award is shared by Trevor, Sarah, Derek and Matt who all work hard towards making everyday ranch life happen. Since moving back to the farm over 10 years ago this hard working family most importantly enjoy the rural lifestyle. The Doersken's live 20 minutes north of Herbert and have been surrounded by excellent friends, family and best of all neighbours. With over 100 head of Angus based cows and the aspirations of growing the herd, the realization of the work and effort to grow things along is there. Starting from scratch has made the ride all the more enjoyable. The herd was originated from neighbours and good friends, Archie and Rosemary Gannon and a quality set of cows put them in the right direction. The Gannon family has been instrumental in helping the boys along in so many ways as Derek and Matt will take on orphan calves that are twins and feed and care for them. This, the boys say, has been a great source of income and a start for their own Angus herd. The Gannon’s have also been excellent with the boys helping them get started with 4-H which the boys thoroughly enjoy. The herd is calved in early April, with branding being the May long weekend which includes many friends, family and neighbours as well. With two young boys that love to get dirty and work you know that they will be anchoring the branding’s in the future to come. Bulls have been purchased from Wiwa Creek Angus, Forsyth Ranch and Beverly Hills Angus and when selecting Trevor likes lots of length, muscle and hair on the bulls. Amongst the other traits of easy fleshing, calving ability and performance are the reasons why the Doerksen family like the Angus breed and the abilities it offers. Replacements are selected from the herd with all the convenience traits Angus offer in mind. Trevor hauls cattle
Sarah works part time as a dental assistant in Swift Current and when she is not working she is taking the kids to school sports or other community activities which the boys are involved in. If you have ever met Derek and Matt you will instantly realize the energy that runs through these two firecrackers, they are always in the midst of the work and are happy to help out. They are a pair of extremely capable young men that have a real love for cattle, horses, farm life and people. Huge smiles are almost always on their faces and with lending a hand on the farm feeding cows, calves, horses or just about anything else you can think of one can only admire the drive they have. Parental influence is not the driving force on their work habits either, they just love to do it. 4-H is big time for the Doerksen family as Trevor and Sarah are always there to help and the boys act like it's Christmas when they are working with the cattle. With only two years of 4-H under their belt, these boys will be heard from in the future. Matt earned Reserve Champion Steer at the Swift Current Regional 4-H show last summer with his home raised steer, while brother Derek won his class with his home raised steer. In fact, five of the 12 steers in the Championship Class were all from the Doerksen herd and sported the family brand. While selecting cattle for the show ring is the last thing that crosses Trevor’s mind, his satisfaction comes from the fact that his goals of raising cattle with muscle, length, hair and eye appeal is in fact being accomplished. A sign that Angus do a lot of things right! Congratulations to the Doerksen Family on being awarded the 2010 Commercial Producer of the Year!
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Manitoba Angus Association Fall Gold Show Manitoba Livestock Expo November 6, 2010 - Brandon, MB Judges: Barry and Rob Young, Carievale, SK
RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Princess Annie 14W by DMM Posi Traction 57P
HEIFER CALF Split 1 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Pride 31X by SCC Retail Product 44T 2. N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB with N7’s Heroine 5X by S A V Net Worth 4200 Split 2 1. M & J Farms, Russell, MB with MJ Rosewall 1X by S A V 004 Density 4336 2. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Queenette 9X by TC Foreman 016 Split 3 1. DJ Cattle Co., Brookdale, MB with DJCC Rosebud 11X by Young Dale Touchdown 36M 2. J Square S Angus, Melville, SK with J Square S Blackcap 3X by S A V 004 Density 4336
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB with N7’s Heroine 10U by TC Stout 407 and her calf, N7’s Outlook 26X by B C Lookout 7024 MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tibbie 03T by Remitall Linebacker 204L and her calf, SCC Tibbie 3X by SCC Right Time 109U 2. M & J Farms, Russell, MB with Remitall Annie 543T by W C C Precision E161 J239 and her calf, MJ Facebook 9X by Remitall New Dimension 597U
YEARLING HEIFER 1. N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB with N7’s Zara Lisa 42W by B C Lookout 7024 2. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Princess Annie 14W by DMM Posi- Traction 57P
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tiger 21X by HF Tiger 5T 2. N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB with N7’s Outlook 26X by B C Lookout 7024 Split 2 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tiger 15X by HF Tiger 5T 2. Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK with Northern View Thunder 70X by Connealy Thunder
HEIFER CALF CHAMPION M & J Farms, Russell, MB with MJ Rosewall 1X by S A V 004 Density 4336 RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Queenette 9X by TC Foreman 016
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE M & J Farms, Russell, MB with Remitall Annie 543T by W C C Precision E161 J239 and her calf, MJ Facebook 9X by Remitall New Dimension 597U
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tibbie 03T by Remitall Linebacker 204L and her calf, SCC Tibbie 3X by SCC Right Time 109U
YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB with N7’s Zara Lisa 42W by B C Lookout 7024
BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB with SCC Tiger 15X by HF Tiger 5T
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RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK with Northern View Thunder 70X by Connealy Thunder
YEARLING BULL 1. South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK with SVR Obama 318W by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. J Square S Angus, Melville, SK with MJ Escalade 2W by Remitall H Rachis 21R
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION BULL South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK with SVR Obama 318W by S A V Net Worth 4200 RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION J Square S Angus, Melville, SK with MJ Escalade 2W by Remitall H Rachis 21R MATURE BULL 1. Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB and Geis Angus, Barrhead, AB with Geis Baloo 13U by HF Kodiak 5R SENIOR BULL CHAMPION Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB and Geis Angus, Barrhead, AB with Geis Baloo 13U by HF Kodiak 5R PAIR OF BULLS Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB BREEDER’S HERD Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB GET OF SIRE Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB
RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Blairs. Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with WSF Miss Yankee 13T 12W by Red Brylor/WSP Karweik
Split 1 1. Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB with Red McRae’s Reba 92X by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U 2. Wraz Red Angus, Wawota, SK with Red Wraz Skija 77X by Red Dimler Indeed 105R Split 2 1. Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Birdie 3X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R 2. Blake’s Red Angus, McCord, SK with Red Blake’s Miss Trophy 41X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB with Red McRae’s Reba 92X by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Birdie 3X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R YEARLING HEIFER 1. Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB with Red McRae’s Reba Lee 121W by Red McRae’s Vision 50T 2. Blairs. Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with WSF Miss Yankee 13T 12W by Red Brylor/WSP Karweik
BULLS BULL CALF Split 1 1. Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Gridmaster 34X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R 2. Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB Red McRae’s Top Cut 78X by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U Split 2 1. Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Red Clay Colt 21X by Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R 2. Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Red Chopper K Bankroll 5X by Red TNTS Bank Statement T272 BULL CALF CHAMPION Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK with Red Howe Gridmaster 34X by Red Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Clay Enterprises, Wapella, SK with Red Clay Colt 21X by Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R YEARLING BULL 1. Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Red Chopper K Sugar Ray 16W by Red LCB Hoss A444N 2. Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Badlands Capacity 37W by UBAR High Capacity 224
PREMIER BREEDER Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, MB
YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB with Red McRae’s Reba Lee 121W by Red McRae’s Vision 50T Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Red Chopper K Sugar Ray 16W by Red LCB Hoss A444N
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RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Chopper K Red Angus, Carnduff, SK with Badlands Capacity 37W by UBAR High Capacity 224
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PREMIER BREEDER Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB
BREEDER’S HERD Bridgeway Farms, Wawota, SK
Consigning to the
6th Annual Equinox Angus Bull Sale March 21, 2011 Weyburn Livestock Exchange Weyburn, SK Desmond & Chantelle Rasmussen Box 822, Radville, SK S0C 2G0 Ph: 306-869-2801 Cell: 306-869-7151
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Many of the major events in Canada climax with various all breed shows as a highlight to close the event. These shows have proven to be a crowd favorite, obviously by the increase in attendance on supreme show day. Each supreme championship comes with more than bragging rights, as the show committees work hard to find sponsorship and/or prizes to go along with the supreme champion title.
The Angus breed has swept the Agribition Classic for a full decade. The show has always been the lead show to start off the week, featuring the ver y best yearling heifers from twelve breeds and evaluated by a panel of five judges. In 2010, Miller Wilson, Bashaw, Alberta, teamed with Werner Angus, Cordova, Illinois, and captured the coveted title with DMM Miss Essence 63W, February 12, 2009 daughter of Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S. DMM Miss Essence 63W is not new to the Agribition limelight as she and her mother, DMM Miss Essence 21R, won the 2009 RBC Beef Supreme Challenge.
In 2009, the First Lady Classic added a futurity segment to this long running feature event. To be eligible to show these two year old heifers with their natural calf at foot, they had to compete in the First Lady Classic the previous year. In 2010, MICH Annie Angel 35U sired by G13 Steel, with her SAV Wallstreet 7091 daughter at foot, was declared Reser ve Grand Champion for Michelson Land & Cattle, Lipton, Saskatchewan and Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, Saskatchewan. Two days later, this two year old pair was named Grand Champion Female in the Black Angus show and a top ten finalist in the RBC Supreme Beef Challenge.
Since its inception in 2005, Angus have captured the top honor for six consecutive years. In 2010, an American Junior from Belgrade, Montana, exhibited the winning entry. Catherine Callantine’s FF Ms Dream W154, a March 4, 2009 daughter of Connealy Revenue 7289, was selected as Grand Champion Female.
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At Farmfair International in Edmonton, Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, Alberta, captured the Supreme Champion Breeders Herd on the heels of winning this prestigious honor the year prior. 2010 marks the third time that Miller Wilson Angus has won the one of a kind event.
Dakota Wilson, Bashaw, Alberta, won the Grand Champion Female in the Junior Futurity with her entry Red Glesbar Leah 029U, a 2008 daughter of Red DMM Traction 98R and her Januar y bull calf at side, Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X sired by Red DMM Pump 118T. It was the second consecutive year that Dakota has captured this honor.
Legends of the Fall Champion Bull was won by Ter-Ron Farms and Keith and Joan Adams, Forestburg, Alberta, with Red Ter-Ron X-Factor 011X , a Januar y 26th son of Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T. Legends of the Fall Champion Heifer was won by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, Alberta. Rob and Gail’s winning entr y was HF Erica 20X, a Januar y 7th daughter of Southland Exclusive 62U. Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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The Grand Champion in the 2010 National Junior Beef Heifer Show was exhibited by Sara Jobin, Durham West County. Her entr y, Bailey Acres Barbara 3W is a February 1st daughter of S A V Net Worth 4200.
Grand Champion Showperson was Scott MacDonald, Puslinch, Ontario, representing Hamilton-Wentworth County.
Kelly and Angie Feige captured the Lloydminster Stockade Lady Competition with DFCC 5T Wow 11X, a daughter of HF Tiger 5T born Januar y 21, 2010. This power ful heifer calf, a week later was reserve at the Cinderella Classic at Saskatoon Fall Fair.
Bandura Ranches, Duchess, Alberta won the Senor Challenge at Saskatoon Fall Fair. This interbreed competition for bull calves was taken by Bandura Masterpiece 9X, a Januar y 9th son of S A V Masterpiece 5289.
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Red Lon of Two M 13W, a Januar y 5, 2009 daughter of Red Northline Rev 341R was exhibited by Connor Tetzlaff, son of Randy and Kim Tetzlaff, Viscount, Saskatchewan. This power ful bred female also was declared Grand Champion Female in the Angus Show.
Stewart Cattle Co., Russell, Manitoba, exhibited Reser ve Champion at the CIBC Little Lady Classic. Their entr y, SCC Queenette 9X was a January 30th daughter of TC Foreman 016.
Colby MacQuarrie, Miltonvale Angus, Winsloe, Prince Edward Island, captured the Supreme Champion Female honors at the Maritime Fall Fair in Halifax. His entr y, Esker View Polly 3U was a daughter of S A V Net Worth 4200.
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Thank you to Vos Farms, Plainfield, ON for purchasing
Justamere Black Pearl 908W Bulls and Females for sale at the farm
Hollinger Land and Cattle Box 276, Neudorf, SK S0A 2T0 H: 306-748-2704 Chad’s Cell: 780-808-8259 Trevor’s Cell: 306-728-8422
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The word “Weczeria” (pronounced veh CHE rya) is a homage to Daniel and Nicole Walker’s roots. Daniel is of Ukrainian ancestry and Nicole is of Polish ancestry; together they chose Weczeria, the Ukrainian word for “evening meal.” Although the restaurant’s cuisine is not Ukrainian, the couple’s heritage influences their preference for local ingredients and their desire to feed people the way they were fed growing up, how good Ukrainians feed people: with heart and hospitality. Weczeria has long been a dream for chef-owner Dan Walker. He was born in Selkirk, Manitoba, an hour north of Winnipeg. His father was a manager with the Hudson Bay Company and shortly after Dan was born, the family moved to La Ronge, in Northern Saskatchewan where he spent most of his youth. After a stint in the construction industry, Dan enrolled in the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts in Vancouver in 1996 and attained a cooking diploma. Following school, Dan worked at restaurants in Vancouver, Whistler and along the west coast but after six years, he chose to return to his family roots in Saskatoon. “I was tired of the rat race in Vancouver.” Nicole grew up in Yorkton before moving to Saskatoon with her family. While attending the University of Saskatchewan, Nicole found the service industry as a pastry chef, where she met Dan working in the same hotel. Nicole’s experience at the best hotels in the city and her success in supervisory positions gave her an eye for detail and a disposition for superb service. After three years of marriage, when timing and location were perfect, Dan and Nicole set in motion the launch of Weczeria in Saskatoon in 2006. This quaint restaurant is located in the Empyreal Building in the Broadway district. The Empyreal building was constructed in 1910, when it served as a lumber yard from the 1920’s to 1950’s. The restaurant is situated in what was the office of the
Dan Walker - Chef/Owner lumber yard. Weczeria is a night restaurant with a seating of twenty eight. On the weekends, Dan and Nicole have two seatings; while during the week, they have one and one-half seatings with Sunday designated for family time, as the couple have two children, one three years and the other six months of age. “The problem we are having is a good problem but we turn away forty to fifty people on each of our weekend evenings.” They are currently in the process of relocating to a new location less than a block away. What makes Weczeria unique is Dan Walker focuses on local product and local suppliers. All product he uses, is sourced through farmers markets grown locally in Saskatchewan, with the exception of leafed vegetables in winter months, which are sourced from a local organic supplier, grown in British Columbia. Through Nicole’s great aunt, Weczeria’s beef alliance began with Benlock Farms. Benlock Farms is one of Canada’s oldest Angus herds in Saskatchewan established by Ben and Alberta Mae Blacklock and is located in the Grandora area, minutes west of Saskatoon. After Ben’s passing, son Tom took over the home farm and Angus herd but the outbreak of BSE forced him to seek alternative marketing methods. After locating a federally inspected
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abattoir, Tom developed Benlock Angus Beef, marketing his product through the farmers market. Upon building a regular customer base, Benlock’s Angus Beef was discovered by Dan Walker and several other restaurants. “Tom’s Angus beef is fantastic…it’s proven by our customers,” Dan Walker states. Because the menu changes subject to seasons and producer supply, the daily menu is written on a chalkboard listing the entrees available. There is always beef, chicken and fish on the menu and from time to time, game will be added (elk, bison, wild boar, pheasant and even duck depending on the season). Dan says, “Beef is our best seller and we serve several cuts. Flat Iron steak is a favorite with our customers; although, supply is limited as there is only so much of that particular cut on a steer and Tom gets many requests from his customers. We also serve a hanger steak cut, a rib eye, a strip and possibly our second favorite is short ribs. For many of our customers, it is an education in dining as you don’t see flat iron steak, hanger steak or short ribs on menus in dining establishments.” Benlock supplies Dan with portion sized cuts on a weekly basis so they can plan the week menu selection. The Angus beef is eighteen to twenty months of age and aged for Dan’s requirements. Tom and Dan have started a new pilot project…Angus-Wagua cross beef as a specialty item for Weczeria and the first to be sold through a dining room restaurant in Saskatchewan. The first beef will be available by
Lindsay, Tom & Dan the end of February. Tom states, “It’s guaranteed to be good because it is half Angus!” In addition to Werczeria’s, Benlock Angus beef is served at Giuseppi’s, the Park Café, Boffins Club and the University of Saskatchewan (Marquis Hall). The walls of Weczeria are lined with pictures of their local suppliers and pictures of suppliers are used in their advertising. The restaurant is fully licensed with Chef Dan making the wine selections. “We carry a hundred bottle list, all Canadian sourced mainly from British Columbia and Ontario, with a third being special order which you will not see in any package stores. All the beer we serve is brewed in the city at several microbreweries.” Their clientele ranges from politicians, doctors, lawyers, professors to university students from the campus nearby. The average price for an evening meal for two ranges around one hundred and twenty-five dollars which has three courses and a bottle of wine. Dan states, “My friends and fellow chefs in Toronto and Vancouver think our prices are ridiculously low.” He adds, “Weczeria enjoys a steady stream of regulars who love what we do. We want to enliven people’s experience. You’re not coming here to just feed yourself.” Dan Walker is the first Saskatchewan chef to win the “Gold Medal Plate” award, a culinary competition featuring the best chefs and wines in the country. Dan has been invited to the National Arts Council in Ottawa this spring to cook for eighty
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Pictures Of Their Suppliers people featuring Saskatchewan food products and later travel to Toronto for the Canola Council representing Saskatchewan food. Weczeria is a dining experience which is brought to life by entrepreneurs who believe in their heritage, our province, people and local producers who produce the finest food in the world. Using their high set of standards… they serve only Angus beef. You can find them at Photography by Kim Harder
Letter to the Editor
I have three problems. One is disp ersal sales; in my opinion dispersa l is a word that should be used once in a lifet ime. There are words for a sale suc h as production sales because people are using dispersal sales and two years down the road they are advertising ano ther sale. In my opinion people that are having these sales should not be entitled to register cattle for 10 years, whi ch includes relations or related. The second thing is identification of animals. All this is doing is keeping more men and women employed, and it me aning that as producers, it is cos ting us more to buy these tags and put them in. All it is helping is the person who doesn’t know anything about cattle. Doctors, law yers and feedlots can buy cattle that are tagged and the producer has to stand behind them which I don’t think this is right because we as producers sho uld not be responsible after they leave the farm. If the consumer thinks that it is safer to buy beef, they are wro ng. My third comment is false advertis ing. People are advertising straight Canadian Cattle, where one or two lines are straight Canadian and the rest is not. In my opinion the Angus Association sho uld come up with some rules and guidelines. In my opinion these three problem s just boil down to greed. I do not care if this letter means not selling another female or bull. Yours Truly, Walter Brown Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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RESERVE FALL HEIFER CALF CHAMPION McPhee Red Angus, Lodi, CA with LJL Julian 84 by Beckton Julian P040 G2 CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER J6 Farms, Gibbon, NE with WR Betty 9035 by WEBR Dr. Phil RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION HEIFER Damar Farms, Strum, WI with Damar MiMi W085 by TPIE Lakota II 1086
CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER High Summit Cattle Co., and Cody Kluser, John Day, OR with Santiam’s Lakota V10 by Lorenzen Cherokee 4602
RESERVE SPRING HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Pieper Red Angus, Hay Springs, NE with Pie Boteet 0309 by Red Northline Trueblood 341T
RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER Majestic Meadows, West Friendship, MD with JKC FAF Mercedes 103W by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
JUNIOR BULL CALF AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL TC Reds, Ringle, WI with WEBR TC Card Shark 1015 by WEBR Doc Holiday 2N RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION NBar Cattle Co., Russell Springs, KS with HSCC Lightning McQueen 3X by Majestic Lightning 717 SGMR FALL BULL CALF CHAMPION Hammar Farms, Rock, MI with HAMF Little John W8 by LMAN King Rob 8621
CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE BULL High Summit Cattle Co., John Day, OR with NCAR Red Mulberry 914W by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS with Red Spittalburn Bayberry 1X by Red Towaw Indeed 104H
SPRING BULL CALF CHAMPION Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Leonard Tufty, River Quebarre, AB with Red Northline Wise Guy 56X by Red SVR Gangster 14S
RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION BULL Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB with Red Northline Ignition 125W by Red Northline Red 341R CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL Coley Cattle Co., Birmingham, IA with Coley’s Wheatland 992W by Perks Chateau 309R
RESERVE JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Sierra 281X by Red Six Mile Timberlake 180T FALL HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Solution Genetics, Cushing, IA with SLGN Peeks Wild Child 9202W by SLGN Solution 66S
RESERVE CHAMPION SPRING BULL CALF Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and C&D Red Angus, Taber, AB with Red Northline Chuck Norris 305X by Red SVR Gangster 14S
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BLACK ANGUS FEMALES SPRING HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lindsey Pugh, Louisville, OH with SCC Royal Blackbird 031 by OSU Currency 8173
RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, WI with Red Northline Jesse James by Red SVR Gangster 14S
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB; Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB and Glesbar Angus, Barrhead, AB with Red Northline Fat Tony 605U by Red SVR Gangster 14S
RESERVE SPRING HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Cherry Knoll Farm, West Grove, PA with Cherry Knoll Ark Pride 017 by G 13 Stand Out
WINTER HEIFER CALF CHAMPION J6 Farms, Gibbon, NE with GF Evening Tinge 1X by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C
RESERVE WINTER HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Craig Stockdale, Waynetown, IN with Gookins Danielle 128 by JSAR Mr Rodman 38HKR
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB; Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB and Bar-E-L Angus , Stettler AB with Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U by Red Lazy MC Stout 30S
RESERVE SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Lindsey Grimes, Hillsboro, OH with SCC Nellie Girl 980 by SCC PVF Striker 612
PREMIER BREEDER Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB PREMIER EXHIBITOR Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB
CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Sydney Schnoor, Chowchilla, CA with Limestone Della Lass W410 by BC Lookout 7024
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RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HEIFER Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, OH with Gambles Shadoe 5069 by BC Lookout 7024 122
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RESERVE WINTER BULL CALF CHAMPION Avery Bates, Manhattan, MT with SSCO Dateline Twenty Ten X003 by WMR Dateline 210 SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Cherry Knoll Farm Inc., West Grove, PA with Cherry Knoll Product 9073 by Connealy Final Product JUNIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Malson Angus & Herefords, Parma, ID and Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, ID with Malsons Savannah 27W by LCB Powerball 3106R
RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF CHAMPION Weaver Angus Farm, Peoria, IL with WAF Marathon by BC Marathon 7022
SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Barragree Cattle Co., Absarokee, MT; Sarah Fuller, Twin Falls, ID and Pembrook Cattle Co., Fairview, OK with JAF Over the Limit 14U by EXAR Pit Boss 409
RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION Kade Patton, Frankfort, IN with RCL Barb 9515 by EXAR Lutton 1831 SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Katelyn McCoy, Imbler, OR with EXAR Winnie 8455 by BC 7022 Raven 7965 RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Sterling-Hunter, Bath, MI with Champion Hill Lucy 6874 by Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C CHAMPION COW/CALF PAIR Douglas Satree Angus, Montague, TX with DAJS Martha 171 by DAJS Drover L111 RESERVE CHAMPION COW/CALF PAIR Green Angus Ranch, Hardin, MT with Green Miss Thunder 8988 by Connealy Thunder
INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Satree Angus, Montague, TX; Jennifer and Matthew Ewing, Rushville, IL with DAJS Shockwave 612 by Gambles Hot Rod RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE BULL Express Ranches, Yukon, OK with EXAR Pro V One 9962B by EXAR Titlelist T011
RESERVE SPRING BULL CALF CHAMPION Express Angus Ranches, Yukon, OK and Dameron Angus Farm, Lexington, IL with Dameron First Impression by S A V Brilliance 8077 WINTER BULL CALF CHAMPION Gamble Angus Farm, Clinton, TN and Silveira Bros., Firebaugh, CA with Gambles Silveiras Hot Hand by Famous 7001
BLACK ANGUS BULLS SPRING BULL CALF CHAMPION Mercedes Danekas, Wilton, CA and Steven Pozzi, Petaluma, CA with PT Magic Man 1410 by Plainview Lutton E102
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB and Ring Creek Farm, Fairview, AB with HF El Tigre 28U by HF Kodiak 5R
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE BULLS Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Cherry Knoll Farm Inc., West Grove, PA and Britney Creamer, Montrose, CO with Lazy JB Top Shelf 9000 by WK Uptown RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL Blue Sage Acres Ranch, Emmett, ID; Jones Stewart Angus Ranch, Washington, KS and The Opportunity Consortium, Emmett, ID with BSAR Opportunity 9114 by BSAR Design Doctor 0910
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CLASS WINNER – MAY HEIFER CALVES Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blairs Foxy 63X by Red Ringstead Kargo 215U
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CLASS WINNER – APRIL HEIFER CALVES Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, Monroe, WI with Red Northline Plush 122X by Red Northline Trueblood 341T
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB; Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB and Glesbar Angus, Barrhead, AB with Red Northline Fat Tony 605U by Red SVR Gangster 14S
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CLASS WINNER – MARCH HEIFER CALVES Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK with Red Six Mile Ms Umpire 312X by Red Six Mile Aviator 217P
CLASS WINNER – FEBRUARY HEIFER CALVES Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB with Red Brylor Miss Bonita 82X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
CLASS WINNER – JANUARY HEIFER CALVES Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK with Red Blairs Sugarland 5X by Red Towaw Integrity 17M
CLASS WINNER – MARCH YEARLING HEIFERS Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB and Carrousel Farms, WI with Red Northline Ruby 607W by Red Northline Rev 341R
CLASS WINNER – FEBRUARY YEARLING HEIFERS Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB and Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS with Red McRae’s Reba Lee 121W by Red McRae’s Vision 50T
CLASS WINNER – MARCH BULL CALVES Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB with Red Bar-E-L Ltd Edition 220X by Red Wheel Alliance 22U
CLASS WINNER JANUARY BULL CALVES Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB with Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X by Red DMM Pump 118T
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CLASS WINNER PEN OF THREE BULLS Mountain View Farms, Swan River, MB
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Deadline to get your ad in the next issue is: Spring Female Issue • April 10, 2011
4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 E: Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Bryan Kostiuk Chris Poley Ted Serhienko Cathy Brown Dory Gerrard
306.934.9696 306.220.5006 306.221.2711 705.327.1808 403.227.5632
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UK’s Aberdeen Angus Youth Ambassador: Jessica Denning My Angus study trip continued… In the Early Issue, I wrote about my experience so far at Belvin, Cudlobe and JPD Angus. After writing the feature, I visited Glen Islay Angus, helped at the Georgian Angus Premier Sale and went to a 4-H show with Harprey Angus. I also went to Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show, as well as helping JPD Angus at Brampton Preview Show. After three thoroughly enjoyable weeks with JPD Angus, I left Ontario and flew to Calgary with Jon Duivenvoorden where we attended the Canadian Angus Association meeting and Education Day. I enjoyed meeting the Canadian Angus Association fieldman and office staff and found this day very interesting with topics for discussion including; Commercial Auction Programs, Marketing, The Tag Program, Breed Development and The Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Program. Once the meeting was over Canadian fieldman, Brian Good drove me to Doug and Linda Henderson, sales consultants and breeders of DJH Angus. At DJH Angus, I was intrigued by Doug’s library where I spent many hours researching the history of the Angus breed, genetics and breed development. Over the following two weeks, I typed footnotes for sale catalogues and visited many herds such as Chico, CCL, Atlasta, Angus Acres and Coldstream Angus with Doug. I also visited The Alberta Parklands, Hardisty Bison Pound and Rafter Six Ranch with Christa Henderson, as well as watching Edmonton Oilers versus Phoenix Coyotes play hockey with Doug, Kyle and Byron Henderson. I really enjoyed watching the hockey game and soon became familiar with the sport, as Andrew and Peyton Henderson are also keen and enthusiastic hockey players. Toward the end of my stay, I helped Linda with transferring pedigree papers and went to the Black Magic Sale, before travelling down to Remington Cattle Company, Del Bonita. I could not believe how isolated the ranch at Remington Cattle Company was, let alone how much land the Albertan ranch covered; 21,000 acres, accommodating 2500 head of cattle. Over the next couple weeks I fed all show cattle which comprised of both Simmental and Angus cattle. The next Angus herd I stayed with was Earl and Debbie Scott of Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield, AB. Here they breed black and red Angus, as well as custom feed Holstein bulls for Alta Genetics. My task over the first few days was to work on 2 red Angus heifer calves, which would be later shown and sold at Red Roundup in Red Deer, as well as helping out with daily feeding, TB, blood and semen testing the Holstein bulls for diseases such as IBR,
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Brucellosis and BVD. At Red Roundup, I led one of Scott Stock Farm’s heifers in both show and sale ring. By late October, I saw the first snowfall and the temperature plummet to -5ºC and went to Olds Auction Market, which was much smaller than our local Auction Centre back home. Earl Scott and I took a red Angus heifer to Balzac Meat Abattoir before going to Alta Genetics, where I saw some very impressive and powerful Red Angus bulls. I also attended the Chickadee Red Angus Dispersal with Earl and Jon, as well as visiting The Rocky Mountains at Banff. Banff was a beautiful area and we certainly picked a good clear day to go! During the last week of my stay at Scott Stock Farm, I luckily managed to see a moose, which I had been desperately hoping to see whilst in Canada. Earl and Jon took me to Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, where I saw some great cattle with all round performance and really admired their heifer calves. Before leaving the SSF, we had 21 heifers to preg’ check, Holstein bulls on both Earl and Jon’s feedlots were inspected and heifers needed to be dropped off at Olds Auction Market. Earl and I met with Brian Good at that well known Canadian favourite café, Tim Horton’s at Red Deer and I was taken to Farmfair International to help Miller Wilson Angus. Miller Wilson had 14 head of Black and Red Angus and did incredibly well, winning the Junior Futurity and Reserve Champion classes. I was really impressed with Miller Wilson’s team work and ability to fit cattle; I was certainly working amongst some of the best cattle fitters in the country! My last month in Canada seemed to soon pass by and by the time I returned back to Remington Cattle Company, it was mid November and freezing cold again! I worked on 13 head of show cattle that were later shown at Agribition. I was amazed at just how large the Canadian Western Agribition show was and once again met many Angus breeders from around Canada, as well as International cattle breeders. I am now working for Sacombe Simmentals, in Hertfordshire, England as stockperson; although I am working with a different breed, my passion for Angus remains and I will continue to help my parents show their cattle, at the larger shows. I travel home once a month to see my family and friends and work on our show cattle as well as 5 purebred Angus and Angus cross calves which will be shown at my local Young Farmers Club Rally in May. Throughout my study trip, I stayed with some very welcoming, kind families and worked with some superb cattle. I have been very impressed with the quality of the Angus breed, in particular, the depth of body, excellent feet and legs and picture perfect udders. I was also impressed with the high level of showmanship and cattle fitting skills amongst the stockmen that I have worked with along the way. I am extremely thankful to all who made me feel very welcome and hope to return to Canada again soon.
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Bear Hills Angus BOB MCTAVISH • LORRAINE GILCHRIST Box 340, Asquith, SK Phone 306.329.2463
Purebred & Commercial
Black Angus & Limousin
20/20 ANGUS
Wes & Kim & Family
Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 Phone (306) 876-4420
Box 103, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 Phone (306) 876-4400 Cell: (306) 728-8284
Annual Bull Sale ~ 2nd Monday in April
Currie Angus Farm Ltd.
ills Angu erly H s for the Long Run Bev Genetics Shane Castle
Quality Black Angus Breeding Stock
Clint Currie and Family
Box 415 Swift Current, SK S9H 3V8 Phone: (306) 778-2181 Cell: (306) 741-7485
Box 113 Paynton, SK S0M 2J0 (306) 895-2153
Owen • Bernadette • Chantz •
PO Box 93 Paynton, SK S0M 2J0 306 • 895 • 2024
Donn & Karen Kraynick & Family Box 1657 Canora, Sask. S0A 0L0 home (306) 563-4406 cell (306) 562-7776 email
Performance is a Must!
Bill: 306-577-8192 Scott: 306-455-2390 Shaun fax: 306-577-5194
P.O. Box 58, Arcola Saskatchewan S0C 0G0
c7Angus ircle
Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0
2.5 miles North of truckstop between Paynton & Maidstone
“a quality brand”
(306) 567-4702
“T he O ly nyks ”
Bob & Shonda Toner P.O. Box 3 Kelfield, SK S0K 2C0 (306) 932-2180
Ralph Oberle
Box 399, Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0 Phone (306) 297-2304 Fax (306) 297-2381
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Halcyon Angus Farm
Double Bar D Farms (since 1970)
Breeders of Red Angus and Simmental Cattle
Richard Dimler & Sons Box 818, Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0
Richard Ph/Fax (306) 697-3038
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JOHN, MIRIAM & KERRY BUSWELL Box 126 • Borden, SK • S0K 0N0 • 306.997.4802 • • •
Ken (306) 697-2474 • Mark (306) 697-3289 4 miles east of Grenfell on Trans Canada Hwy and 1 mile north
Visitors Always Welcome
Forsyth Ranch Ltd. Moorleey andd Mel Forsyth
33006.784..22666 ((hh)) 306.66772.662299 (c)
Mark annd Claiirree Forsyth
33006.784..22552 ((hh)) 306.77884.784444 (c) B Boox 100,, H Herbeerrt,, SK S S00H H 2A0
Johner Stock Farm Red & Black Angus / Polled Herefords
David & Arlinda Justin & Amber Johner Johner (306) 893-2714 (306) 893-2667 Box 52 Maidstone fax: email: SK, S0M 1M0 (306) 893-4632 Annual Bull Sale 3rd Saturday in February
Gerlei Angus
Gerald & Lorelei Kary & Family
Ph: 306-424-2332 Fax: 306-424-2718 Box 540, Montmartre, SK S0G 3M0
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Red Angus and Simmental Cattle Box 99, Carievale, SK • S0C 0P0 E-mail:
Jim (306)928-4636 Dave (306)928-2249
Lee (306)928-4820 Fax (306)928-2143
The Stamp Of Quality Simmental Genetics For Over 25 Years
Peak Dot Ranch Ltd.
Box 105, Wood Mountain, SK S0H 4L0 Terry Moneo Carson Moneo 306-266-4303 306-266-4414 Clay Moneo Scott & Mia Turner 306-266-4411 306-266-2056 Fax: 306-266-4930 Email: www.peakdo
Ringstead Ranch Ltd Rick & Deb Cones Owners
Box 31, Millarville, AB T0L 1K0 Res: 403-931-3276 Fax: 403-931-3295
Grant Mills SK Ranch Manager
Box 82, Drake, SK S0K 1H0 Cell: 306-365-8086 Res: 306-364-4715 Ranch/Fax: 306-363-4820
Glenn & Mel Sisson
Brian McCarthy & Family
(306) 873-4882 (306) 873-4890 RR #1, Ridgedale, SK S0E 1L0
Annual “Black Pearl” Sale
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Box 467, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 Phone (306) 435-3590 Cell (306) 435-7527 Website:
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WILBAR FARMS Dundurn, SK Bryan & Tracey Willms (306) 492-2161 Jud & Betty Willms (306) 492-4651 Registered Angus Since 1963
Purebred Registered Red Angus
The Kereluiks
Box 278, Sheho, SK S0A 3T0
Mitch Allan and Ann Michael 306.849.2112 306.849.4638 306.955.6553 “Add a Touch of Heritage to Your Herd”
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Expo St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe, QC July 23, 2010 Judge: Sebastien Belanger, St-Jean-de-Dieu, QC
FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Xilia Ursula Dynamic ANG 6X by GDAR Game Day 449 2. Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Vaupre Xelda 2X by Red Bar-E-L Touchdown 100T HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Xilia Ursula Dynamic ANG 6X by GDAR Game Day 449 RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Vaupre Xelda 2X by Red Bar-E-L Touchdown 100T JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE GD Ruth 411W by GDAR Game Day 449 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 319P Blackbird 502W by SANE 317J Survivor 319P SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wendy TR Dynamic ANG 5W by Rafal King Dynamic ANG 7R 2. Guy Noiseux, Marieville, QC with RAN Wess 448W by GAR Predestined YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE GD Ruth 411W by GDAR Game Day 449 RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wendy TR Dynamic ANG 5W by Rafal King Dynamic ANG 7R TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wil-Dorr 404P Ursula 12U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, Xilia Ursula Dynamic ANG 6X by GDAR Game Day 449
2. Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Vaupre Uriam 1U by Red 5L Travlin EXP 1892-6295 and her calf, Red Vaupre Xelda 2X by Red Bar-E-L Touch Down 100T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with DAN DEX 410H Pride 9R by F A R Krugerrand 410H and her calf, DAN DEX 405S Pride 211X by SANE 4E SURV 319P 405S 2. Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Geis Samarie 6’01 by Red TKP Bodacious 693 and her calf, Red Vaupre Xaui 1X by Red Brylor SDL Redwood 217S SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE; RESERVE SUPREME ANIMAL Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wil-Dorr 404P Ursula 12U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, Xilia Ursula Dynamic ANG 6X by GDAR Game Day 449 RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC with DAN DEX 410H Pride 9R by F A R Krugerrand 410H and her calf, DAN DEX 405S Pride 211X by SANE 4E SURV 319P 405S
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161 2. Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Vaupre Xavi 1X by Red Brylor SDL Redwood 217S BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Les Entreprises Vaupre, Farnham, QC with Red Vaupre Xavi 1X by Red Brylor SDL Redwood 217S JUNIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Guy Noiseux, Marieville, QC with RAN Net Worth 448W by S A V Net Worth 4200 2. Guy Noiseux, Marieville, QC with RAN Topper 442W by FC Grid Topper 355 SENIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 174M Commander 209W by SANE 317J Commander 211T 2. Ferme Benoit Beauregard, St-Jude, QC with Red FBA Winny Sly 8W by Red S-Sly 26S YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 174M Commander 209W by SANE 317J Commander 211T RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Guy Noiseux, Marieville, QC with RAN Net Worth 448W by S A V Net Worth 4200 TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200 SENIOR CHAMPION, GRAND CHAMPION AND SUPREME CHAMPION BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200 BREEDER’S HERD Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC PREMIER BREEDER Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC
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Beverly Hills Fandango 404
LLB Iceberg 523S
Check out our new website at
Merit Bull Sale, March 28, 2011 Merit Sale Barn, Radville, SK
Trent & Janelle Liebreich Radville, SK PH: 306.869.3156 Trent’s Cell: 306.869.7207 E:
Emile and Sandra Carles Castlerock Marketing View the catalogue online at Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Silas Chapman
Dan Hitchner
High River, AB Phone: 403-333-2626
Box 728, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742-6297
RR #1 Red Deer, Alberta T49 5E1
Brian & Judy Sutter P: (403) 887-4147 C: (405) 505-7073
Bobby Miller P: (403) 341-0592
Jay & Lenore Davis & Family Phone: 403-546-2299 Fax: 403-546-3074 Box 184, Acme, AB T0M 0A0
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Blake Chapman (403) 742-3829
w w w. c h a p m a n c a t t l e . c o m
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Ericson Livestock Services Dennis & Shelley Ericson RR #2, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1W9
Ph. (780) 352-7630
R ound
"A Total Program for The Total Industry"
Breeding 300 Functional Black Angus Females
Visitors Welcome
Minburn Angus (1945)
Danny & Conna Warrilow and Family Box 39 Minburn, AB T0B 3B0 Phone/Fax (780) 593-2205
Cattle Company Ltd. STO C K FA R M
Robert & K aren Harris Box 179, Islay, AB T0B 2J0 P:(780) 744-2236 F: (780) 744-2190
Mick Trefiak (780) 755-2224 Fax (780) 755-2223 Cell (780) 842-8835 RR #1, Edgerton, AB T0B 1K0
Robin Selte Brad Tkacik Scott Woodruff Herdsman
Robert & Gail Hamilton
Box 11, Site 15, RR 2 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A2 Ph: (403) 932-5980 Cell: (403) 540-3186
Box 291 Darwell, AB T0E 0L0
John & Tammy
Dolliver & Family
Box 788 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 403.742.3939
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
C: 780.916.5299 P: 780.892.2635
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Reserve Champion Bandura Ranches - Joe & Sandy Bandura
Grand Champion Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.
Reserve Champion Boundary Ranch COMMERCIAL OPEN HEIFERS EARLY SPRING Grand Champion Happy Valley Ranch
Grand Champion Roen Ranch - Frances Hargrave Reserve Champion PR Ranch - Randall Pederzolli PUREBRED BULL SHOW (PEN OF 3) Grand Champion Belvin Angus
Reserve Champion Haraga Ranches - Tyler Haraga
Reserve Champion YV Ranch
OPEN STEER JACKPOT 1. Aaron Miller 2. Coleman Nixdorff 3. Laurie Morasch
Grand Champion Niwa Ranching - Louise Niwa Reserve Champion Turner Ranches - Doug Turner PUREBRED HEIFER SHOW (PEN OF 3)
4-H STEER JACKPOT 1. Laura Sawatzky 2. Riley Chalack 3. Nicona Brost
Grand Champion CD Land & Cattle - Doug Domolewski
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Biography: Dr. Colin Palmer is an Associate Professor of Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Palmer worked in mixed practices in Ontario and British Columbia and has owned/operated a practice in Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer along with his wife Kim and children Lauren, Emily and Carter run a herd of purebred Red Angus cattle under the KC Cattle Co. name.
Evaluating a Bull’s Ability to Breed
Many cattle producers forget that a satisfactory semen check (Breeding Soundness Evaluation) doesn’t guarantee that the bull is a breeder! In fact, most of you have probably realized by now that vets rarely, if ever, guarantee anything. It isn’t that we have signed some secret pact, but rather that there are so many factors beyond our control which can affect the success of our treatments or recommendations that it would be foolish for us to guarantee anything. Just because a bull has big testicles and large numbers of normal, motile sperm does not mean that he will sire any calves. Semen checks really only reflect what the sperm producing capability looks like on the day of the test. The odds are generally excellent that the semen quality will remain the same, but that is only if the nutritional and health status are consistent. Mental health is also an important component of the overall health status. That’s right, the bull’s mental health! Bulls that are stressed because of climate, fighting, pain and probably fear will have less than optimal semen quality. Late spring snow storms are known to cause a dramatic increase in the numbers of defective sperm which can show up within a day or two of the event, necessitating a retest at some later date. Mental and physical status can also affect a bull’s willingness, desire or ability to breed. I once watched an older bull demonstrate hind leg spasm as soon as he mounted a cow – he would just start quivering and slide right off, unable to complete the service. We suspected that the bull had severe lesions in his lower spine; however, X-raying the spine of an animal of that size is impossible, not to mention the fact that there is little that could be done to treat this bull.
On the Breeding Soundness Evaluation form there
is a category for sex drive and mating ability. Most bulls are sold as virgin yearlings or two-year olds so I just check off “Unknown.” With older, privatelyowned bulls, I may ask if the bull sired calves the previous year and how well he performed. In other words, was the calving season relatively short and did the bull in question sire lots of calves. There is a written recommendation on the form stating that owners should observe their bulls to make sure he is breeding. Often I will take the extra step to remind owners to keep an eye on their bull to make sure everything is working right. Our best estimates are that in multiple bull breeding situations, where no one has taken the time to really watch the bulls, as many as 1 in 10 bulls may not be a suitable breeder. In single sire mating situations, usually an animal that is unable or unwilling to breed is noticed within 1 or 2 heat cycles when cows that were thought to be bred come back in heat. Don’t forget, 1 or 2 heat cycles still represents a huge financial loss!
I recommend that breeding bulls be checked daily during at least the first 3 weeks after turnout and probably the first month or more. If this is not possible make it every 2 to 3 days tops. The first month is critical because 70 to 75% of the cows should get pregnant within the first 3 weeks of turnout. Things I like to check for are: 1) is he still alive ... if not a replacement is needed right away; 2) is he injured... if so how bad, can he breed, or will he recover this week, or this season etc.; 3) is he mounting and completing service; and 4) is he settling cows. With items 3 and 4 it can be tricky. Maybe there is another bull doing the work, maybe he is one of those “shy” bulls who only breeds at night. The best times to check are early morning
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and early evening when they are more likely to be active, rather than when they are resting comfortably under a tree. Injuries and death of a breeding bull are most likely in the first month of the breeding season. You would probably be surprised to hear how many times we see young bulls that have injured their penises and must be culled after breeding 5 cows or less.
Every year I receive phone calls about bulls that appear to lack libido or the ability to breed. Most of the calls are either from veterinarians or from the seed stock producers who raised and sold the bull. Usually the animal has been reported to be totally disinterested in breeding or in some cases, his desire to breed seems lack lustre in the new owner’s eyes. Fortunately, we have an efficient way to check these cases out. It is called the serving capacity test, or in some circles the libido test, or service test. Done properly this test involves the haltering of a sturdy cow, preferably in heat but not necessary, in a short stocks. We usually sedate the cow so that she stands quietly and provide her with adequate lubrication. Proper restraint of the cow is important – bulls always chin-rest before attempting to mount and a big clue that they have a receptive partner is that she doesn’t move. Simply, putting a bull in a pen with a cow or tying a cow to tree is not the way to do this test. I have seen cases where bulls have been falsely labelled as nonbreeders because of a poorly done serving capacity test. Bulls are also sexually stimulated by watching other bulls, so we usually put a known breeder in with the cow first and allow the bull in question to watch through a fence. My personal preference is to have an ugly little cuss as the teaser bull because I think the little guys work up the test bulls even more. I’m not kidding! There is merit in my thinking as more dominant bulls do more of the breeding in multiple bull breeding situations and dominance is determined mostly by size and age. Test bulls should not feel threatened by either humans or other animals, so all handling must be quiet and deliberate; this is no place for a stock prod.
The test bull is given up to 20 minutes with the mount cow and if he completes at least a service or two, he is a breeder. More services than that indicates a higher serving capacity/ libido and greater odds that he will breed more cows at pasture. Choosing the bulls that score moderate to high in serving capacity/ libido has been shown to have positive effect on conception rates in the cow herd. Having said that, I don’t think there is anything more striking than finding a bull that has been kicking around an outfit for a few years that is physically unable to breed. Just think what it has cost to feed and house a bull like that. The serving capacity test is pretty good for checking out breeding bulls greater than two years of age and has been shown to be predictive of breeding performance at pasture. Yearling bulls have a bit of a learning curve when they are first turned out and so serving capacity tests have not been shown to be predictive of their performance. All young bulls need a period of exposure to cycling females to develop their instincts as a breeder. It only takes a few cows; however, as we have utilized the serving capacity test to check out many 16 to 18 month old bulls that have been presented to us as substandard breeders and have proven that our testing method works. Your bulls are one of your most important investments. Keep ‘em healthy, treat ‘em right and check them frequently. Most importantly, make sure he is doing his job!
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While In Ontario Make Plans To Visit The Following Breeders... DARYL & KATHY FAUGHT 282 Durack Line Cobden, Ontario K0J 1K0
Home 613.646-7303 Cell 613-312-2007
Black Angus registered males and females
Manager Jim Smith Home: 905.649.8581 Cell: 905.706.2666
John Lennox 1060 Colombus Road West, Brooklin, ON L1M 1P5 Phone: 905.655.4231 Email:
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
Brad & Sarah Buchanan Res. 519-824-4354
7234 Wellington Rd 30 R.R. #1 Ariss, ON N0B 1B0
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1060 Bruce Saugeen TLINE RR #5 Paisley, ON N0G 2N0 Ph: (519) 389-4329 Fax: (519) 353-4031
Specializing in Calving Ease & Carcass Quality R.R. #2, Allenford, ON N0H 1A0 Phone (519) 934-2882
#111334 11th Line East Garafraxa RR #2, Orton Ontario L0N 1N0
Ph: 519-928-3083
Fax: 519-928-9972
Bill & Sylvia Jackson 12201 Torbram Road Caledon, ON L7C 2T4 905.843.1236 Breeding stock always available by private treaty & various consignment sales.
Rick Stull RR# 1 Georgetown, ON Ph: (905) 877-8145 • Cell: (905) 703-0503
Breeders of quality Angus Cattle
W I L L O W S I D E FA R M Ron, Nancy, Brett & Mike Cochrane 6706 - 10th Line, R.R. #3 Thornton, Ontario L0L 2N0 Phone/Fax: (705) 458-4056 Visitors Alway s We l c o m e
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Expo Cookshire Cookshire, QC
August 21, 2010
Judge: Olivier Isabel, St-Romain, QC
FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Jason Morse, Hatley, QC with Red Sonmar Tender Heart by Red Brylor Stringer 29S 2. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Jason Morse, Hatley, QC with Red Sonmar Tender Heart by Red Brylor Stringer 29S RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Beebe Plain Wanna Be 7W by Triara Triumph 14T SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot Predestined Aleta 49W by GAR Predestined 2. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot WF Lady Sandy 1W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot Predestined Aleta 49W by GAR Predestined RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot WF Lady Sandy 1W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Seny Nika 206U by BC Matrix 4132 and her calf, Beebe Plain Xing 5X by WilMar Lori’s Alliance 7T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red D-Bar Lambda 17R by Red GP Catalyst 025 and her calf, Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red BarE-L T-Bone 26T SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red D-Bar Lambda 17R by Red GP Catalyst 025 and her calf, Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Seny Nika 206U by BC Matrix 4132 and her calf, Beebe Plain Xing 5X by Wil-Mar Lori’s Alliance 7T
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 1734L Cortachy Boy 4X by Dunlouise Cortachy Boy D137 2. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 112N Pendleton 3X by Harb Pendleton 765 JH BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 1734L Cortachy Boy 4X by Dunlouise Cortachy Boy D137 RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 112N Pendleton 3X by Harb Pendleton 765 JH
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
YEARLING BULL 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Easy Rider 98W by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T YEARLING CHAMPION BULL AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Easy Rider 98W by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Jimmy Ward, Sawyerville, QC with Manasan By Design 67U by Genetics By Design 049 SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Jimmy Ward, Sawyerville, QC with Manasan By Design 67U by Genetics By Design 049 BREEDER’S HERD Bagot Angus, Gould, QC PREMIER BREEDER Bagot Angus, Gould, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Bagot Angus, Gould, QC
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Expo Ayer’s Cliff Ayer’s Cliff, QC
August 28, 2010
Judge: Daniel Dextradeur, Granby, QC
FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Jason Morse, Hatley, QC with Red Sonmar Tender Heart by Red Brylor Stringer 29S 2. Blair Allnutt, Brome, QC with Black Lane Annie 1X by Young Dale Touch Down 36M HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Jason Morse, Hatley, QC with Red Sonmar Tender Heart by Red Brylor Stringer 29S RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Blair Allnutt, Brome, QC with Black Lane Annie 1X by Young Dale Touch Down 36M JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Beebe Plain Wanna Be 7W by Triara Triumph 14T SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot WF Lady Sandy 1W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 2. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot Predestined Aleta 49W by GAR Predestined YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot WF Lady Sandy 1W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot Predestined Aleta 49W by GAR Predestined
TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Seny Nika 206U by BC Matrix 4132 and her calf, Beebe Plain Xing 5X by Wil-Mar Lori’s Alliance 7T MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red D-Bar Lambda 17R by Red GP Catalyst 025 and her calf, Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red D-Bar Lambda 17R by Red GP Catalyst 025 and her calf, Red Glenburn Rosa 2X by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Shane Young, Ogden, QC with Seny Nika 206U by BC Matrix 4132 and her calf, Beebe Plain Xing 5X by Wil-Mar Lori’s Alliance 7T
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 1734L Cortachy Boy 4X by Dunlouise Cortachy Boy D137 2. Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 112N Pendleton 3X by Harb Pendleton 765 JH BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 1734L Cortachy Boy 4X by Dunlouise Cortachy Boy D137
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Bagot Angus, Gould, QC with Bagot 112N Pendleton 3X by Harb Pendleton 765 JH YEARLING BULL 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Easy Rider 98W by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T YEARLING CHAMPION BULL Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Glenburn Easy Rider 98W by Red Bar-E-L T-Bone 26T
TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S 2. Jimmy Ward, Sawyerville, QC with Manasan By Design 67U by Genetics By Design 049 SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL Jimmy Ward, Sawyerville, QC with Manasan By Design 67U by Genetics By Design 049
PREMIER BREEDER Bagot Angus, Gould, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC
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While In Manitoba Make Plans To Visit The Following Breeders...
kmore Angu o“Registered Black Angus” s Jack & Barb Hart
Phone/Fax (204) 476-2607 Cell (204) 476-6696
General Delivery, Brookdale, MB R0K 0G0 Annual Cattleman’s Connection Bull Sale First Friday In March
S i m m e n t al & A n g u s
Quality Purebred Red & Black Angus Genetics Annual Bull Sale - 2nd Last Saturday In March Albert & Gail Hamilton 306.827.2358 ph/fax
Glen & Carleen Hamilton 204.827.2002 ph •
Dr. David & Shelley Hamilton 204.822.3054 ph/fax 204.325.3635 cell
Box 1179 Russell, MB R0J 1W0
Miles & Bonnie Glasman
Phone: 204-773-3279 Toll Free: 1-866-711-5495 Cell: 204-773-6275 Fax: 204-773-3980
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
NANCY HOWATT & FAMILY Performance Tested Herd
PH/FAX (204) 242-2550 Box 306 Cell (204) 825-8292 Manitou, MB R0G 1G0
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Expo Brome
Brome, QC September 3, 2010 Judge: Barry Stewart, Mountain, ON
FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Erica Eileen 575X by S A V Bismarck 5682 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Evergreen ET 561X by HF Kodiak 5R HEIFER CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Erica Eileen 575X by S A V Bismarck 5682 RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Evergreen ET 561X by HF Kodiak 5R JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE GD Ruth 411W by GDAR Game Day 449 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 319P Blackbird 502W by SANE 317J Survivor 319P SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 416 Pride 120W by TC Rito 416 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Tibbie 306W by B C Lookout 7024 YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Service Animal Noiseux, St-Pauld’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 416 Pride 120W by TC Rito 416 RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Tibbie 306W by B C Lookout 7024 TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE N.W. Jestress 129U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, SANE JIP Jestress 218X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
2. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wil-Dorr 404P Ursula 12U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, Xilia Ursula Dynamic ANG 6X by GDAR Game Day 449 MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Rose Pearl 1L by CCCC Gold 68G and her calf, Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Pauld’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 65D Pride 125N by BT Direction 65D and her calf, SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
YEARLING BULL 1. Benoit Beauregard, St-Jude, QC with Red FBA Winny Sly 8W by Red S Sly 26S 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Pauld’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200 YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Benoit Beauregard, St-Jude, QC with Red FBA Winny Sly 8W by Red S Sly 26S RESERVE YEARLING BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200
SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Triara, Melbourne, QC with Rose Pearl 1L by CCCC Gold 68G and her calf, Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R
TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Service Animal Noiseux, St-Pauld’Abbotsford, QC with SANE N.W. Jestress 129U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, SANE JIP Jestress 218X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 22K Net Worth 217U by S A V Net Worth 4200 BREEDER’S HERD Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Xcelorator 571X by S A V Bismarck 5682 BULL CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161 RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Xcelorator 571X by S A V Bismarck 5682
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
PREMIER BREEDER Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC
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Victoriaville, QC October 9, 2010 Judge: Murray Andrews, Moose Jaw, SK FEMALES HEIFER CALF 1. Kevin and Tracy MacIntyre, Russell, ON with XCEL Esker Lady GaGa 101X by BCC-JCL Emblazon 038-287 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Polly 558X by S A V Bismarck 5682 HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Kevin and Tracy MacIntyre, Russell, ON with XCEL Esker Lady GaGa 101X by BCC-JCL Emblazon 038-287 RESERVE HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Polly 558X by S A V Bismarck 5682 JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE GD Ruth 411W by GDAR Game Day 449 2. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Wendy TR Dynamic ANG 5W by Rafal King Dynamic ANG 7R SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Kevin and Tracy MacIntyre, Russell, ON with JD Phyllis 12W by EXAR Lutton 1831 2. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with TREV Wild Fire Bessie 8W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96
TWO YEAR OLD MAIDEN FEMALE 1. Ferme Louber Senc, Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, QC with Louber Blackiover 641U by RRDA Overload 2437R TWO YEAR OLD COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Kevin and Tracy MacIntyre, Russell, ON with JL Countess 8072 by B Hills FRL Duration and her calf, XCEL Bailout 107X by S A V 5175 Bando 1024 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE N.W. Jestress 129U by S A V Net Worth 4200 and her calf, SANE JIP Jestress 218X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161 MATURE COW/CALF PAIR WITH 2010 CALF AT FOOT 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Rose Pearl 1L by CCCC Gold 68G and her calf, Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 65D Pride 125N by BT Direction 65D and her calf, SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Kevin and Tracy MacIntyre, Russell, ON with JD Phyllis 12W by EXAR Lutton 1831 RESERVE YEARLING HEIFER CHAMPION Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with TREV Wild Fire Bessie 8W by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 65D Pride 125N by BT Direction 65D and her calf, SANE 125N Jipsey Earl 117X by Dunlouise Jipsey Earl E161
BULLS BULL CALF 1. Ferme Clevely, Cleveland, QC with Red Clevely Colin 104X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P 2. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R
BULL CALF CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION BULL Ferme Clevely, Cleveland, QC with Red Clevely Colin 104X by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P RESERVE BULL CALF CHAMPION Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R
SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE; RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION ANIMAL Triara, Melbourne, QC with Rose Pearl 1L by CCCC Gold 68G and her calf, Triara Xcelorator 571X by SITZ Upward 307R Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
YEARLING BULL 1. Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Soo Line Kodiak 9211 by HF Kodiak 5R 2. Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200
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YEARLING BULL CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Hill’s Polled Herefords, Rockwood, ON with Soo Line Kodiak 9211 by HF Kodiak 5R RESERVE YEARLING BULL CHAMPION Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC with SANE 125N Net Worth 216W by S A V Net Worth 4200 TWO YEAR OLD BULL 1. Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S 2. Darryl and Lori Chalmers, Shanty Bay, ON with TJF Freedom 172U by Western Freedom 505
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MATURE BULL 1. Triara, Melbourne, QC with Triara OT26 Above Par 666T by SS Objective T510 OT26 2. Raynald Noiseux, Marieville, QC with Sir Zig Zag Loto Dynamic ANG 3S by Loto Navigator Dynamic ANG 1L SENIOR BULL CHAMPION Gary and Janet Taylor, Cookshire, QC with Red Wheel Gangsta 37U by Red SVR Gangster 14S RESERVE SENIOR BULL CHAMPION Darryl and Lori Chalmers, Shanty Bay, ON with TJF Freedom 172U by Western Freedom 505
Let us be your eyes and do your es: bidding for you at the following sal Mar.
St Anthony, ND Feb. 12 - Schaff Angus Valley Sale - Virden, MB 5 - Mountain View Final Chapter
na, SK Mar. 13 - Regina Bull Sale - Regi Sale - Yorkton, SK Mar. 22 - East Central Bull Power
Sale - Midale, SK Mar. 24 - Soo Line “On Track” Bull Sale - Leross, SK Mar. 27 - Best of the Breeds Bull
And Female Sale - Goodeve, SK Apr. 2 - Crescent Creek Angus Bull stone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK Apr. 4 - Triple “A” Bull Sale - John ale Sale - Wood Mountain, SK Apr. 6 - Peak Dot Ranch Bull & Fem Yorkton, SK Apr. 9 - Blue Collar Bull Sale Laird & Joyce Senft Fort Qu’ Appelle, SK Home: 1-306-332-4823 Laird’s cell: 1-306-331-7587 Joyce’s cell: 1-306-332-8706 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
BREEDER’S HERD Triara, Melbourne, QC PREMIER BREEDER Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC PREMIER EXHIBITOR Service Animal Noiseux, St-Paul-d’Abbotsford, QC
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Under the Gavel 24th Chinook Classic Angus Sale
Chickadee Red Angus Dispersal Sale
October 27, 2010 Taber, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International
October 29, 2010 Innisfail, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.
Sale Results 26 1
Open Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,744.23
Sale Results
Bred Cow
Averaged . . . .$2,750.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,575.00
Embryo Lots
Averaged . . . .$2,250.00
41 Lots Grossed $83,500.00 and Averaged $2,036.59 High Selling Bred Heifer
Lot 1 - Red C.D. Reved Up 7’10 sired by Red Northline Rev 341R was purchased by Becky Domolewski, Taber, AB for $3,100.00
The Amigos Production Sale XII November 15, 2010 Medicine Hat, AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog
Black Angus Cows/Bull Calves Averaged . . . .$5,900.00 Red Angus Cows/Heifer Calves Averaged . . . .$4,534.00
Black Angus Cow/Heifer Calves Averaged . . . .$4,117.00 Red Angus Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,607.00
Black Angus Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,538.00
Angus Bull Calves
Averaged . . .$2,500.00
Semen Lots Grossed $20,572.00 High Selling Red Angus Bred Heifer Lot 36 - Red YY Aster 663S sired by Crowfoot Logic 4019P was purchased by Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $10,000.00 High Selling Red Angus Bull Calf Lot 9A - Red YY Expeditor 3X sired by Red YY Explorer 825U was purchased by Crowfoot Cattle Co., Standard, AB for $9,250.00
Sale Results 26
Long Yearling Angus Bulls
Averaged . . . .$3,755.00
Long Yearling Hereford Bulls
Averaged . . . .$3,234.00
Hereford Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,014.00
Hereford Heifer Calf
Averaged . . . .$1,000.00
26 Long Yearling Angus Bull Lots Grossed $97,650.00 and Averaged $3,755.00 Commercial Heifers
Averaged . . . .$6,283.00
112 Lots Grossed $489,200.00 and Averaged $4,368.00
High Selling Heifer Calf
Averaged . . . .$5,700.00
Red Angus Cows/Bull Calves
24 36
Lot 20 - Diamond T Daisy-V.Y.- 9909 sired by Vermilion Yellowstone was purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK for $6,000.00
Red Angus Herd Bulls
High Selling Red Angus Herd Bull Lot 1- Red YY Dsgn King 522R sired by Red 5L Norseman King 2291 was purchased by Double Bar D Farms, Grenfell, SK for $8,500.00 Lot 2 - Red Ter-Ron Wallace 142W sired by Red Soo Line Mr H0904 7076 was purchased by Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB for $8,500.00
Averaged . . . .$1,347.00
39 Hereford Lots Grossed $118,600.00 and Averaged $3,041.00
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Atlasta Angus 5th Annual Bull Sale & Seriously Black Select Female Sale December 11, 2010 Sylvan Lake, AB Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Management: DJH & Associates
BC Angus Northern Highlights Sale
October 9, 2010 Vanderhoof, BC Auctioneer: Wayne Pincott Marketing Agent: Castlerock Marketing Sale Results
Sale Results
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$1,527.00
63.5 Yearling Bulls
Averaged . . . .$3,025.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,377.00
Two Year Old Bulls
Averaged . . . .$2,800.00
Averaged . . . .$1,267.00
Heifer Calf
Averaged . . . .$4,500.00
Bull Calves
Averaged . . . .$1,550.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,779.00
Embryo Lot
Averaged . . . .$1,350.00
39 Lots Grossed $68,150.00 and Averaged $1747.00
106.5 Lots Grossed $313,500.00 and Averaged $2,943.66 High Selling Yearling Bull
High Selling Bred Heifer
Lot 13 - Atlasta Russ 120X sired by Brookmore Networth 12U, ½ interest was purchased by Swartz Angus, Water Valley, AB for $6,300.00 Volume Bull Buyers: Coldstream Ranch, Vernon, BC and Stunstrum Ranching, Cessford, AB
Red Moon Goldie 16W sired by Red Northline Crush 59R was purchased by Heart of the Valley Angus, Courtney, BC for $4,000.00
High Selling Heifer Calf Choice of the 2011 Atlasta Angus heifer calf crop was purchased by Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, MB for $4,500.00 High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 92 - KFC 7549 Briar 9717W sired by Connealy Freightliner was purchased by Willow Springs, Westbridge, BC for $4,500.00
Crooked Creek Angus Reduction Sale 2010
High Selling Heifer Calf Red Moon Pralee 15X sired by Red Northline Crush 59R was purchased by Heart of the Valley Angus, Courtney, BC for $3,000.00 High Selling Embryo Lot Three embryos from a future to flush HF Echo 101N was purchased by Prime Time Cattle, Vanderhoof, BC for $1,350.00 High Selling Bull Calf CTF Oscar Princess Freedom 28X sired by Gumbo Gulch Freedom 44S was purchased by Rae Ann & Scott MacDougall, Vanderhoof, BC for $2,000.00
Cudlobe Farms 11th Annual Bull Sale 2010
December 1, 2010 Ponoka, AB Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management : Optimal Bovines Inc.
Real Bull for Real Cowboys December 8, 2010 Stavely, AB Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.
Sale Results 83
Bred Females
Averaged . . . .$1,550.00
83 Lots Grossed $128,600 and Averaged $1,550.00 2 Semen Lots Averaged $1,675.00.
Sale Results 102 Yearling Bulls 5
Two Year Olds
Averaged . . . .$3,517.00 Averaged . . . .$4,220.00
High Selling Semen Lot 1 - 10 Straws of Crooked Creek Jumbo 26K sold to Walter Brown, Carlyle, SK for $1,750.00 High Selling Females Lot 65 - NJA Dewdrop 18M sired by Bon View New Design 1407 was purchased by Ken Sutton, Ardrossan, AB for $5,000.00 Lot 53 - NJA Dewdrop 43S sired by KMK Alliance 6595 I87 was purchased by Ken Sutton, Ardrossan, AB for $5,000.00
107 Bulls Grossed $379,800.00 and Averaged $3,550.00 High Selling Bulls Lot 11 - Cudlobe Ultimate 9X sired by G A R Ultimate was purchased by K Deen Angus & Needmore Angus, Wetaskiwin, AB for $6,400.00 Lot 5 - Cudlobe Total 34X sired by TC Total 410 was purchased by Granum Colony, Granum, AB for $6,000.00 Lot 33 - Cudlobe Total 59X sired by TC Total 410 was purchased by Harold Eaton, Cranbrook, BC for $5,800.00 Lot 6 - Cudlobe Total 58X sired by TC Total 410 was purchased by Prairielane Farms, Souris, MB for $5,400.00
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Hi Low & Bell Angus Celebration Sale
December 15, 2010 Moose Jaw, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Castlerock Marketing & Optimal Bovines Inc. Sale Results
Keystone Klassic/Red Coat Advantage Angus Sale December 4, 2010 Brandon, Manitoba Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
Sale Results 17
Black Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . $2,138.24
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . . .$994.00
Black Bred Heifers
Averaged . . .$2,403.34
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,450.00
Red Bull Calf
Averaged . . .$5,400.00
Bred Cows
Averaged . . . .$1,690.00
Red Cow/Calf Pair
Averaged . . .$2,650.00
Red Heifer Calves
Red Bred Heifers
Averaged . . .$2,051.92
67 Lots Grossed $101,902.00 and Averaged $1,520.93
. . .$1,611.67
High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 62 - Bell Pride 38W sired by Bell 9074 Bando 19T was purchased by Johnson Livestock, Pebbles, SK for $2,100.00 High Selling Bred Cow Lot 60 - Bell Eugenie Erica 2S sired by Northern View Elixir 70P was purchased by Glen Gables, Regina, SK for $3,000.00
Hamilton Farms Feature Female Sale 2010 Cochrane, AB December 13, 2010 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$2,355.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$5,048.00
Cows/Heifer Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$7,985.00
Averaged . . . .$3,476.00
132 Lots Grossed $652,700.00 and Averaged $4,945.00 Embryos
139 Commercial Heifers
High Selling Black Heifer Calf Lot 111 - SCC Tibbie 58X sired by HF Tiger 5T, consigned by Stewart Cattle Co., was purchased by TSN, Shawn Birmingham, Brandon, MB for $4,000.00 High Selling Black Bred Heifer Lot 123 - Brookmore Tibbie 132W sired by S A V 004 Density 4336, consigned by Brookmore Angus was purchased by Battle Lake Farm, Carberry, MB for $3,900.00 High Selling Red Bull Calf Lot 201 - Red Riley’s Transformer 64X sired by Red Hamco Sol 309U, consigned by Riley’s Red Angus, was purchased by Sid Wilkenson, Ridgeville, MB for $5,400.00
Sale Results
62 Lots Grossed $131,300.00 and Averaged $2117.74
Averaged . . . .$1,032.00 Averaged . . . .$1,261.00
High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 20A - HF Blackbird 63X sired by HF Kodiak 5R was purchased by Skylynn Ranch, Vale, OR and Clinton Laflin, Dwight, KS for $30,000.00 High Selling Bred Heifer
High Selling Red Cow/Calf Pair Lot 202 & 202A - Red-S Bayberry 111U sired by Red Bar-E-L Referee 205R, consigned by S-Red Angus was purchased by Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB and her calf, Red-S Bayberry 111X sired by Red S-Sly 26S was purchased by Mona Johnston, Neepawa, MB for $2,650.00 High Selling Red Heifer Calf Lot 206 - Red Ramrod Princess 035X sired by Red Howe Bold Edition 80T, consigned by Ramrod Cattle Co., was purchased by Tom and Hillary Bennie, Waskada, MB for $2,200.00 High Selling Red Bred Heifer Lot 228 - Red Hamco Carmella 368W sired by Red Chopper K Top Design 64R, consigned by Hamco Cattle Co., was purchased by Jeff Fraser, Melita, MB for $3,150.00
Lot 51 - HF Tibbie 233W sired by HF Kodiak 5R was purchased by Ring Creek Angus, Fairview, AB for $13,500.00
Blairs.Ag Cattle Company Internet Sale
High Selling Cows Lot 1 - HF Erica 26T sired by HF Kodiak 5R was purchased by Skylynn Ranch, Vale, OR for $22,000.00 Lot 20 - HF Blackbird 97S sired by HF Free Wheeler 191N was purchased by Skylynn Ranch, Vale, OR for $15,000.00 Lot 33 - HF Tibbie 176S sired by BWB Traveler 110P was purchased by Boss Premier Cattle, Chappell, NE for $11,000.00
November 23 to 27, 2010
Sale Results 15
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$4,720.00
15 Lots Grossed $70,800.00 and Averaged $4,720.00
High Selling Embyos Lot 101A - Wilbar Ruby 955N by Connealy Consensus was purchased by Finley Brothers Cattle Co., Miami, OK for $1,300.00/embryo
High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 2 - Red Blair’s Lass 209X sired by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T was purchased by Mann Ranch, Piedmont, KS for $9,500.00
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Diamond B Ranches Dispersal December 16, 2010 Saskatoon, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
Angus Results
High Selling Angus Cow/Bull Calf Pair Lot 79 & 79A - DBRL 4336 Della 28S sired by S A V 004 Density 4336 was purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK and her calf, DBRL Titan 29X sired by DBRL 03M Titan 4T was purchased by Glendor Acres, Moose Jaw, SK for $13,000.00
Bull Calves
Averaged . . . .$4,100.00
High Selling Galloway Herd Bulls
Heifer Calf
Averaged . . . .$1,500.00
Herd Bulls
Averaged . . . .$7,290.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,654.35
Bred Cows
Averaged . . . .$2,350.00
Cow/Steer Calf Pair
Averaged . . . .$2,750.00
Lot 216 - Diamond B Uniden 55U sired by Diamond B Protocol 45P was purchased by Joseph Noonan, Zehner, SK for $4,600.00 Lot 218 - Diamond B Universe 97U sired by Diamond B Rob Roy 61R was purchased by Geordawn Farms, Orangeville, ON for $4,600.00
Cow/Heifer Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$5,114.29
High Selling Galloway Bred Cow
Cow/Bull Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$7,181.08
133 Lots Grossed $642,150.00 and Averaged $4828.20 4 48
Averaged . . . .$1,250.00
Units of Semen
Averaged . . . . .$1,79.17
Total Angus Sale Grossed $655,750.00 Galloway Results
Lot 160 - Diamond B Theresa 88T sired by Diamond B Protocol 45P was purchased by Ken & Elaine Pare, Tompkins, SK for $2,200.00 High Selling Galloway Bred Heifer Lot 175 - Diamond B Betsy 99W sired by Diamond B Mozart 16M was purchased by High Hope Cattle Phelpston, ON for $4,250.00
Herd Bulls
Averaged . . . .$4,125.00
High Selling Galloway Cow/Heifer Calf Pair
Lot 158 & 158A - Diamond B Utopia 63U sired by Diamond B Mozart 16M was purchased by High Hope Cattle, Phelpston, ON and her calf, Diamond B Utopia 89X was purchased by Fred Noad, Alix, AB for $7,200.00
Heifer Calf
Averaged . . . .$1,700.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,842.31
Bred Cows
Averaged . . . .$1,665.00
Cow/Heifer Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$3,964.71
Cow/Bull Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$6,516.67
61 Lots Grossed $181,950.00 and Averaged $2,982.79 24
Averaged . . . . .$361.25
Units of Semen
Averaged . . . . . .$51.30
High Selling Galloway Cow/Bull Calf Pair Lot 205 & 205A - Diamond B Paulene 33P sired by Brass Ring Keeper was purchased by One Earth Farms, Saskatoon, SK and her calf, Diamond B Xray 117X sired by Diamond B Mozart was purchased by BOA Farm, Wildendurnbach, Austria for $10,500.00
Total Galloway Sale Grossed $194,365.00
The Headliner All Breeds Sale
Total Combined Sale Grossed $850,115.00
November 13, 2010 Edmonton, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International
High Selling Angus Bull Calf Lot 57A - DBRL Alaskan 30X sired by HF Alaskan 94T was purchased by Lyle & Doreen Klatt, Paradise Valley, AB for $5,600.00
Sale Results
High Selling Angus Herd Bull Lot 137 - HF Alaskan 94T sired by HF Kodiak 5R was purchased by Benlock Farms, Grandora, SK and Halcyon Angus Farm, Borden, SK for $12,000.00
Angus Heifer Calves
2.5 Angus Bred Heifers 28.5 Other Live Lots
High Selling Angus Bred Heifer
Averaged . . . .$3,912.50 Averaged . . .$14,560.00 Averaged . . . .$4,592.98
39 Lots Grossed $198,600.00 and Averaged $5,092.31
Lot 132 - DBRL 94T Bride 4W sired by HF Alaskan 94T was purchased by Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $8,300.00
Embryo Lot
Averaged . . . . .$900.00
High Selling Angus Heifer Calf
High Selling Angus Bred Cow Lot 30 - DBRL RT Tibbie 15U sired by Leachman Right Time was purchased by Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK for $4,300.00 High Selling Angus Cow/Heifer Calf Pair Lot 131 & 131A - Sandy Bar Bride 74T sired by Valley Blossom Lightening 706P was purchased by Grant Lodge Farms Ltd., Edam, SK and her calf, DBRL 4T Bride 16X sired by DBRL 03M Titan 4T was purchased by High Hope Cattle, Phelpston, ON for $12,700.00
Lot 21 - HF Rosebud 37X sired by HF Kodiak 5R was purchased by Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB for $4,700.00 High Selling Angus Bred Heifer Lot 27 - Red Six Mile Lakoto 16W sired by Red U-2 Big League 7136T was purchased by Glengary Red Angus, Cherhill, AB for $18,000.00
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Koran Stock Farm Dispersal Sale 2010
November 15, 2010 Vermilion, AB Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc. Sale Results 1 40 7 22 86
Masterpiece Sale 2010 November 24, 2010 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.
Sale Results 8
Averaged . . .$10,413.00
Averaged . . . .$3,800.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$4,000.00
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,774.00
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$3,249.00
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$1,650.00
Averaged . . . .$3,050.00
Bred Cows
Averaged . . . .$1,675.00
Semen Lots
Averaged . . . .$3,100.00
Averaged . . . .$2,924.00
Embryo Lots
Averaged . . . .$2,473.00
Cow/Calf Pairs
59 Lots Grossed $245,150.00 and Averaged $4,155.00
155 Lots Grossed $374,600.00 and Averaged $2,417.00 High Selling Bull Calf
High Selling Bull
Lot 90A - Red Koran 559X sired by Red Koran 52U was purchased by Sunday Farms for $4,000.00
Lot 103 - Geis Baloo 13’08 sired by HF Kodiak 5R, ½ interest was purchased by KBJ Round Farms, Clyde, AB for $27,000.00
High Selling Cow
High Selling Heifer Calf
Lot 32 - Red Koran Omega 247R 552 sired by Red KBJ Shining Armor 408J was purchased by Crescent Creek Angus, Goodeve, SK for $3,200.00
Lot 118 - Belvin Lady Blossom 3’10 sired by S A V Final Answer 0035 was purchased by Crooked Creek Angus and Valentina Gabert, Fort Saskatchwan, AB for $9,000.00
Northern Select Sale 2010 November 20,2010 Camrose, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.
High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 130 - PHP Miss Diana 93W sired by S A V Wall Street 7091, 2/3 interest was purchased by Nordal Angus, Simpson, SK for $5,600.00
Royal Elite All Breeds Sale
Sale Results 2
Bull Calves
Averaged . . . .$2,700.00
November 6, 2010 Toronto, ON Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International
Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$2,072.00
Cow/Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$4,050.00
Bred Cows
Averaged . . . .$2,600.00
Sale Results
Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$1,564.00
Angus Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . .$3,213.33
Angus Bred Heifers
Averaged . . .$3,350.00
Other Live Lots
Averaged . . . .$3,307.14
71 Lots Grossed $133,075.00 and Averaged $1,874.00
High Selling Heifer Calf
45 Lots Grossed $147,500.00 and Averaged $3,277.78
Lot 22 - Red Dwajo Miss Endura 56X sired by Red Soo Line Revolution 8084 was purchased by Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS for $4,700.00 High Selling Bull Calf
Embryo Packages
Averaged . . . .$1,650.00
Semen Packages
Averaged . . . .$1,550.00
Flush Lot
Averaged . . . .$4,500.00
Lot 51 - GGRR Final Answer 8X sired by S A V Final Answer 0035 was purchased by Next Year Cattle Co., Edberg, AB for $4,400.00
High Selling Angus Heifer Calf
High Selling Bred Heifer
High Selling Angus Bred Heifer
Lot 48 - Lookout Allegra 39W sired by Lookout Pacesetter 258M was purchased by Remington Land & Cattle, Del Bonita, AB for $3,800.00
Lot 18- Sunset Edelia 1W sired by B C Lookout 7024 was purchased by ADA Cattle Co., Dunrobin, ON for $4,100.00
Lot 2- ESE Echo 12X sired by DUFF New Attraction 6110 was purchased by Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK for $7,400.00
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T-Bar Ranch & Top Rung Red Angus Herd Dispersals December 3, 2010 Brandon, MB Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
High Selling Red Cow/Heifer Calf Pair Lot 167 & 167A & 167B - Red Top Rung Cyt 7S sired by Red Cyt Lead-Pine 14P was purchased by Crest View Livestock Farms, Pansy, MB and her calves, Red Top Rung Mulberry 7X and Red Top Rung Mulberry 8X were purchased by Reid Farms, Brandon, MB for $4,550.00 High Selling Red Cow
Sale Results 31
Black Cow/Bull Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$2,601.00
Black Cow/Heifer Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$2,409.00
Lot 151 - Red Fabulous Annie 12R sired by Red Ubar Grand Prix 102, ½ interest was purchased by Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB for $2,500.00
Black Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,375.00
Black Cows
Averaged . . . .$1,125.00
High Selling Red Bull
Black Bull Calves
Averaged . . . .$1,275.00
Black Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . . .$950.00
Lot 189 - Red Top Rung LP 46U sired by Red Brylor Lead-Pine 83L was purchased by Jim Mekkes, Portage La Prairie, MB for $2,800.00
Red Cow/Bull Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$2,133.00
Red Cow/Heifer Calf Pairs
Averaged . . . .$1,921.00
Red Bred Heifers
Averaged . . . .$1,294.00
16.5 Red Cows
Mountain View Farms Complete Dispersal
Averaged . . . .$1,291.00
Red Heifer Calves
Averaged . . . . .$895.00
Red Bulls
Averaged . . . .$1,650.00
175.5 Lots Grossed $323,625.00 and Averaged $1,844.02 Semen
Grossed . . . .$1,236.00
Grossed . . . . .$600.00
Recipients Carrying Embryos
Grossed . . .$4,950.00
Total Sale Grossed $330,411.00
December 20, 2010 Virden, MB Auctioneer: Brent Carey and Steve Dorran 501 Lots Grossed $1,570,275.00 and Averaged $3,135.00 High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 289A - MVF Pride 38X sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 was purchased by Debus Cattle Company, Brunner, ON for $10,250.00 High Selling Cow
High Selling Black Cow/Bull Calf Pair Lot 58 & 58A - T-Bar ND 208 161N Favorite 96U sired by T-Bar N Design 208 Venture 3S was purchased by Cal and Joyce Von Bargen, Sifton, MB and her calf, T-Bar New Answer Lad 6X sired by S A V Final Answer 0035 was purchased by Garibaldi Farms, Gladstone, MB for $4,500.00 High Selling Black Cow/Heifer Calf Pair Lot 51 & 51A - T-Bar N Design 878 Fav 24S sired by Bon View New Design 878 was purchased by TSN Livestock, Brandon, MB and her calf, T-Bar Alli ND 878 Favor 103X sired by T-Bar Alliance 6595 SS 31U was purchased by Triple V Ranch, Melita, MB for $3,250.00 High Selling Black Bred Heifer Lot 66 - T-Bar Georgina in Focus 320W sired by Mytty in Focus was purchased by Cal and Joyce Von Bargen, Sifton, MB for $1,650.00 High Selling Red Cow/Bull Calf Pair Lot 163 & 163A - Red Top Rung Cyt 12U sired by Red Cyt Lead-Pine 14P was purchased by Magnusville Farms, Riverton, MB and her calf, Red Top Rung Mulberry 9X sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P was purchased by Robert Korchak, Sifton, MB for $3,850.00
Lot 86 - MVF Tibbie 102S sired by MVF VRD Dateline 913P was purchased by Max Harris, Caledon, ON for $22,000.00 High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 1 & 1A - MVF Tibbie 813P sired by GDAR SVF Traveler 234D was purchased by Platinum Prairie Angus, Meadow Lake, SK and her calf, MVF Tibbie 151X sired by HF Tiger 5T was purchased by Boss Premier Cattle, Chappell, NE for $14,500.00 High Selling Herd Sire Lot B - MVF Dateline 68U sired by MVF VRD Dateline 913P was purchased by Mokelky Holdings, Lampman, SK for $9,500.00 High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 46 - MVF Tibbie 19W sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 purchased by Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC for $6,000.00 Lot 88 - MVF Tibbie 424U sired by MVF Dateline 345R was purchased by Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC for $6,000.00 Lot 404 - MVF Beauty 44W sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 was purchased by Nielson Cattle Co., Craig, SK for $6,000.00 High Selling Embryos Lot 173I - MVF Ellen 26N x HF Tiger 5T was purchased by Circle 7 Angus, Shaunavon, SK, for $1,000.00.
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By Chris Poley
What a difference a year can make! The “wish I had club” is full of new members; the “wish I would have believed and held on to my cows club,” and probably most fitting for many of you, the “wish I would have bought more cows when they were so cheap club.” However, I’m a strong believer in looking to the future and letting the past be the past. Before you do, put on your sun glasses because the future looks as bright as ever. The strong and strengthening cattle market we have been experiencing is just the beginning. We are experiencing things today that have never before been experienced in history; a strong cattle market coupled with strong grain prices and a par dollar. As we all know in the agriculture industry our fate is determined by supply and demand, and for once it is working in our favor. The truly good news is that I do not see the supply exceeding the demand anytime soon; as you all know, it takes more than two and a half years to get a heifer into production and have her production hit the food chain. With the population of the world growing every day and the world economy strengthening, many forecasters are predicting demand to keep pace with production. One article I read recently said that the world’s food supply will need to increase by 70% in the next forty years. Now that’s exciting and a little scary all at the same time. Having said all that, keep your head on straight and stick to the “when these cows have some value plan.” Many producers have held onto a large number of cows and some bulls way past their prime productive life, gave them a second chance or a third or a fourth because there was no salvage in them. They do now, so don’t let greedy thoughts take over from good management. Slaughter cows and bulls are at higher levels than they have ever been, so cut loose the dead weight to make room for more top producers. Many of you will say, “Well I have kept her this long and she is bred, so I’m not selling her,” and I agree with that. However, make a plan to have a dry field, as in a pasture with no bulls, and make sure it has good access so you can wean them early and take advantage of late summer hamburger trade.
Some of you may think, “Well I could breed them and stick them in an early bred cow sale in the fall and with this rising market, some sucker will buy them.” That is short sighted greed and does not help anyone; at sixty to seventy cents, kill them and take the marginal producers out of production and the whole industry gains, guess what, including you. As we are coming into bull sale season, I have a few comments, as you begin to go bull shopping. I recently had a visit with a young producer who runs a mixed farming operation alone with his father. He was telling me how they used to scrounge around for the cheapest bulls of any quality they could find and were frustrated every time they sold their calves. They nearly quit the business but decided to try something before they gave up totally. They went out that spring and bought the top bulls in the pens from the most reputable breeders in their area. Some six or seven years later, through the worst cattle market seen in years, they are pumped about the cow business. Their weights shot up immediately and now they have daughters of these bulls in prime production and when it comes time to sell, no more disappointed trips home from the sale barn. In fact order buyers and feedlots are now calling them to buy their calves, “and you know, they don’t even come out to look at them anymore, they buy them right over the phone.” Basically what I’m saying is be selective, buy the best bulls out of the pen and leave the bargain bulls behind; there is a market for those bulls every week. Also, deal with reputable breeders. A pretty good rule of thumb is if a breeder has been having a successful sale for years, the bulls must be good and the service must be great. Let the success of their program become the success of yours.
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It all Starts with a Good Catalogue but if it’s not in the Right Location,
No One Will See It!
Contact: Bryan Kostiuk 306.934.9696 Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Card Index
Sale Staff
6015 Park Place, Taber, AB T1G 1E9 Canada Phone: (403) 223-8009 ~ Fax: (403) 223-5805
Box 1409 Crossfield, AB, T0M 0S0 Office: (403) 946-4999 Geoff Anderson Cell: (306) 731-7921 Scott Bohrson Cell: (403) 370-3010 Tyler Libke Cell: (306) 544-7633 Brian Bouchard Cell: (403) 813-7999
Ken Friesen - Owner
Ph: (604) 855-0027 Cell: (604) 854-0361 Fax: (604) 855-1026
Abbotsford, BC
Email: Website:
Scott Brady - Purebred Manager
Ph: (250) 457-9315 Fax: (250) 457-9317
Box 196, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
Frank & Dianne Strimbold
P.O. Box 111 Topley, BC V0J 2Y0 (250) 696-3672
Tanya Belsham
P.O. Box 1025 Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Home: (250) 845-3050 Cell: (250) 845-8474
S q ua r e D P o l l e d H e r e f o r d s Jim, Mary & Harvey Duke Langbank, SK S0G 2X0 Jim: (306) 538-4556 Mary: (306) 538-4693 Harvey: (306) 761-2810 Fax: (306) 538-2193
Craig Flewelling Consulting • Ring Service • Order Buying Craig Flewelling Box 428 Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Phone (403) 556-0515 cell Email:
Ferme Wilgor Farms Gordon McGibbon 8426 Chemin des Sources Mirabel, QC J7N 3B1
Phone: (450) 562-6313 Fax: (450) 562-2479 Michael Wilson, Manager: (450) 562-5112
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
DORY GERRARD P: (403) 227-5632 RR# 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 C: (403) 302-1016
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Card Index
Sale Staff Photography Services For All Your Insurance Needs
C h r i s P o l ey ey Auctioneer
Livestock – Farm – Commerical – Personal Lines
Box 252 Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0
Phone (306) 945-2242
Box 340, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0 Ph: 306-489-2258 Fax: 306-489-2053 Cell: 306-483-7311 E-mail:
Cell (306) 220-5006
Kim Harder
Box 280 Clavet, Saskatche wan Canada S0K 0Y0
Phone: (30 6) 257-3904 Cell: (306) 341 -39 04
“Pictures for cattlemen by a cattleman”
Mark Stock Box 89, Hazelet, SK S0N 1E0 (306) 678-4811 Cell (403) 357-8104
Ring Service & Livestock Service
“The Home of Customer Service” • Complete In-House and On-Farm Services • • Accredited Export Center • • Donor & Recipient Facilities & Management •
Toll Free: 1.877.686.8202
Box 410 Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0
253147 Unit A, Bearspaw Rd. Calgary, AB T3L 2P5
Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441
Ph: 403.239.8882 • Fax: 403.239.8886
Website: Cus tomer S e rv i c e P r o g r a m Custom Collection Private Storage
Phone (403) 226-0666 Box 1650 Swift Current, SK Canada S9H 4G6 Ph: 306.773.4121 Fax: 306.773.1811 1.800.563.5888 Email: Located on No. 1 Hwy West of Swift Current
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Card Index Canadian Farm Insurance Corp.
Phone: (403) 337-0052 Cell: (780) 853-7067 Fax: (403) 337-0052 Toll Free: 1-877-909-3276
HEATHER BARR 3rd Floor, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Commercial Personal Lines Farm Livestock
Edwards livestock
· Livestock Hauling across Canada and USA. · Tri-axle semi’s and gooseneck · Livestock Sales trailers available. facility available for your elite purebred bull and female sales and commercial stock cow sales. Bruce Edwards Cell: (306) 873-7779 Tisdale, Saskatchewan Res: (306) 873-5049
Livestock TRANSPORT Box 727 Russell, Manitoba R0J 1W0 Res: 204-773-3357 Cell: 204-773-6695 or 701-330-1662
BRIAN MCEWEN Plant Manager 5714-44th Street Tel. (780) 875-3362 (ext. 226) Lloydminster, Alta. T9V 0B6 Fax. (780) 875-3423
A Division of Bowes Publishers Limited
it Insurance Brokers MerSpecialize in Livestock and Farm Insurance
G l e n n Sm i t h
2 0 M ai n S t . N . U n i t 7 PO Box 8 79 Wat e rdow n, O N L 0R 2 H0 Ph one ( 905) 690- 688 8 Fax ( 9 0 5 ) 6 9 0 - 4 2 2 9 C e l l ( 4 1 6 ) 5 2 6 - 5 4 2 8
Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: E-mail: SERVICES OFFERED: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection
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Card Index April 8, 2011 - 2:00 pm GBT’s Sale Barn - Kisbey, SK Only 60 Miles North Of The Border Largest Polled Hereford Sale In Canada Volume Buyer Discount Yearling & Two Year Old Hereford Bulls Blair Athol Polled Herefords Duncan Lees: 306•455•2619 Jeff Lees: 306•577•1375 Haroldson’s Polled Herefords Chad Wilson: 306•577•1256 C & T Cattle Co. Chris Lees: 306•455•2605 Kurt Lees: 306•577•9112
Windy Ridge Ultrasound
Glenlees Polled Herefords George Lees: 306•455•2612 Corey Lees: 306•455•2714
Rod & Sherri Wendorff
Box 1023, Raymond, AB T0K 2S0
Rod Cell (403) 330-3000 (403) 752-4066 ph/fax UGC Certified Carcass Ultrasound Over 15 years of experience Seedstock & Feedlot
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Although he’s been lurking for a while, the bear has turned into a bull in the past four to five months. This turn around is occurring despite all the negative factors listed by the analysts – namely high feed prices, rising production costs and a strong Canadian currency. The theory of supply and demand is the factor which propels industry and commerce forward and that theory has not changed in agriculture, since the beginning of mankind. In 2010, the Canadian economy has shown a growth rate among the best in the developed world, while during this segment of time, several major countries are struggling to keep afloat in the current world financial recession. Tight supplies and increasing exports have spurred prices with a forecast for our inventories to stabilize in the current year and hopefully, rebuilding will begin the following year. Our Canadian beef cow supply has again ebbed a little over 5% of the previous year and is down 17% from the peak of 2005. Producers continued to market breeding heifers rather than retaining them to build herds, as breeding heifer numbers fell by 2.3%. The largest declines in beef cow numbers were led by British Columbia and Quebec. During this decline, 2010 cattle exports seem to have stabilized and showed an increase of over 3% than the previous year. Our neighbors to the south have continued to see a reduction in the beef herd, with experts stating that the U.S. cattle herd is the smallest since 1973. Beef replacement heifer numbers were down 2.2 %, indicating that there is little to no interest in expanding or even stabilizing the national herd size. Retention of dairy heifers for breeding has increased, while dairy cow slaughter has decreased. Slaughter of beef cows was up 10.8% over the previous year. U.S. analysts predict that 2011 per-capita beef supplies will be the lowest since 1952 and pork supplies the smallest since 1976. On the trade side of the equation, Ag-Canada reports that Canadian beef exports from January to July 2010 were up 16% compared to the same period the year previous. With Columbia and Panama signing free trade agreements with Canada and the agreement with China, expanding our export markets establishes a bullish attitude in our red meat industry. Although Canada’s economic picture is very healthy, the American economy is slow to rebound with several right-wing analysts believing that the recession has not reached bottom, as reflected in the numbers of unemployed. Eating habits have been altered as many families are dining at home rather than using restaurants. Ground beef is the most popular beef item for consumers preparing meals in their home, representing 60% of all in-home beef servings. In the food service sector, ground beef represents the largest
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share of volume at 63%, while the steak category takes the largest share of dollars at 42%. Limited service restaurants (McDonalds, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Subway, etc.) all account for over 40% of all the beef served in commercial restaurants. Despite the economic situations, North Americans continue to consume the most popular protein – beef. (Sources: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and Canfax) The last four months in 2010 have given all who struggled since BSE, a new rekindling of hope. This bounce in the market will not stop the old, experienced cowboys who plan to quit or retire, as a matter of fact, it might spur them to do so; a scenario we have seen in the past half decade. One of the most asked questions is, “How will this bounce in the market place affect the spring bull sales?” The fact that there are plenty of bulls to sell this spring is a given and the higher priced salvage on experienced bulls could help glut of bulls available but we have less cows, period. The bulls that will sell should bring a higher net dollar to the purebred producer, if the breeder advertises the product, does some homework and most importantly, has performance bulls. We have evidenced this past fall that stockers with a higher degree of pay weight, having lots of bone and hair, brought premium prices no matter what breed or color they were. Due to tight margins and high priced feed grain, feedlot operators require heavy carcass weight steers on the hook to make these high priced feeders pencil, as he gets the same price for his brisket and blade as he gets for prime cuts. The demand for ground beef will lead the way as the pipeline gets replenished in the years to follow. The recent National Western Stock Show in Denver revealed that Angus breeders in Canada are on the right track, worrying more about the product than the paper. (A portion of the credit needs to be applied directly to the recent World Angus Forum hosted by Canada.) Although all the successes were more often in the sale ring, the demand for thick, rugged, performance bulls was evident. Hats off to all who took the initiative, time and expense to promote Canadian Red and Black Angus for their individual programs and all of the breeders in Canada. The progressive leadership displayed by those who exhibited and those who attended should not be overlooked. The spring of 2011 will be a turning point in many programs, breeder or commercial. The years to follow will be full of excitement and regrowth. Sires and breeding females will cost more and all must remember that it takes twenty-seven months or more from conception to the hook. New genetic bloodlines will add heterosis in most cases within a program or breed. Now is the time to get poised and prepared for the world ahead. Just remember that members of the “wish I had club” are everywhere and some of those members are friends of yours!
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Advertiser’s Index 151 130 130 130
Abacus Angus Alameda Agencies Ltd. Alta Embryo Group Alta Genetics Animal Health Centre Arda Farms Arklow Angus Arm River Red Angus Arntzen Angus Arthurs, Rick & Linda Arthurs, Sara & Family Arway Angus Atlasta Angus
136 165 165 165 165 100, 136 136 97, 130 136 95 95 142 136
Bailey Acres Bandura Ranches Bar CR Angus Bar-E-L Angus Bar-H Land & Cattle Co. Bar DK Angus Bayshore Angus Bear Hills Angus Beasley Ranching Beck Farms Beiseker Red Angus Bell Angus Benchmark Angus Benlock Farms Beverly Hills Angus BJ Cattle Co. Black Ridge Angus Farm Blair Athol Polled Herefords Blairs.Ag Cattle Co. Border Butte Angus Bouchard Livestock International Boundary Angus & Simmental Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. Bowerman Bros. Breed Creek Angus Ranch Brendale Acres Brookmore Angus Bryces Bar B Ranch Bruce Steward Livestock Transport Buck Lake Ranch Burnett, Bryce
142 25 103, 130 IFC 50 130, 135 97 130 136 49 95 97 21 2, 3 130 47, 136 130 167 OBC 136 92, 164 115 166 44 172 142 18, 146 130 166 66 130 163
C & T Cattle Co. Cadillac Stock Farms Callaway, Marilyn Canadian Cattlemen Canadian Charolais Association Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. Canadian Gelbvieh Association Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society
167 142 100 166 71 166 101 164
Canadian Simmental Association Castle Rock Marketing Cattle Pics By Kim H. Cattle Visions Chapman Cattle Company Chopper K Red Angus Circle 7 Angus Clay Enterprises Clegg Angus Cockburn Red Angus Crescent Creek Angus Cripps Cattle Co. Crossway Angus CSI Angus Currie Angus Farm Ltd.
105 20 165 90 136 19 130 61 136 45 32, 130 136 46 97 130
D & K Black Angus Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Dayora Farm Deer Range Farms Delar Cattle & Quarter Horses Diamond T Cattle Co. DKF Red Angus Double ‘F’ Cattle Co. Double AA Angus Double Bar D Farms Double D Angus Douglas J Henderson & Associates Ltd. Drumore Farms Dudgeon Livestock Dunford Royal Cattle Company Duralta Farms Inc. Dwajo Registered Angus
142 166 142 59, 130 136 136 130 14 54 92, 131 70 18, 97 142 142 83, 142 7 137
Early Sunset Ranch Eastondale Angus Edwards Livestock EKW Red Angus Express Ranches
1 20, 131 166 22, 23, 131 67
Ferme Wilgor Farms Fleury Cattle Company Flewelling, Craig Forsyth Ranch Ltd. Four Bar X Ranch
164 160, 161 164 131 59
GBS Angus Farm GBT Angus Genetic Horizons Genex Cooperative, Inc. Gerlei Angus Gerrard Livestock Services Ger-Ris Angus Get-A-Long Stock Farm Gilchrist Farms Gleenlees Polled Herefords Glen Gabel Angus Glen Islay Angus Glesbar Cattle Co. Gold-Bar Livestock
131 40 90 27 131 164 97 137 17, 142 107 97 142 137 142
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Advertiser’s Index
Graham Red Angus Grant Rolston Photography Ltd.
142 165
Halcyon Angus Farm Hall’s Cattle Co. Hamco Cattle Co. Hamilton Farms Haroldson’s Polled Herefords Harprey Angus Farms Harron Farms Hartford Bros. Hat Creek Ranch Heatherlea Angus Hi Low Angus High Tree Cattle Hollinger Land and Cattle Howe Red Angus
2, 131 52, 53 80, 146 137 107 142 143 143 59 143 97, 131 131 115 45
Irving Angus
J & S Cattle J. T. Livestock Ltd. JAS Red Angus Jentech Ultrasound Services Johner Stock Farm Johnson Livestock Johnston/Fertile Valley JPD Farms Jsquare Angus Justamere Farms Ltd.
8, 131 137 83 166 131 24 30 143 70 67, 131
Kay Dee Angus KBJ Round Farms KC Cattle Co. K-Deen Angus Keith Wise Truck Lines Inc. Kembar Farms Kenbert Acres Kenray Ranch KFC Farms Koran Stock Farm Kuntz Farms
115 137 131, 139 97, 137 166 146 131 131 164 137 131
Lauron Red Angus Lazy MC Angus Lee’s Cattle Company Leela Farms Lewis Farms Ltd. LiveAuctions.TV Locust Grove Angus LRL Cattle Co.
95 25, 137 90, 91 143 31, 137 166 143 131
M & J Farms Macks Red Angus Majestic Livestock Mantei Farms Maple Ridge Acres Mar Mac Farms Marin Cattle Presentation Maxim Red Angus McCoy Cattle Co.
146 143 143 40 131 33, 146 166 143 49
McGowan Farms McMillen Ranching Ltd. Meridian Printing Merit Cattle Co. Merit Insurance Brokers Miller-Wilson Angus Minburn Angus MJT Cattle Company Ltd. Mountain View Farms MWC Investments Inc.
137 16, 132 166 135 166 41, 137 73, 137 137 42, 43 137
NCJ Cattle Co. Nesset Lake Angus New Dimension Cattle Co. New Force Consultants Noad’s Red Angus Nordal Limousin & Angus Norseman Farms Northern View Angus Nu-Horizon Angus
25 44 137 150, 166 138 6, 132 48, 132 70, 132 97, 132
Oak Manor Angus Ockerman Angus OK Angus Optimal Bovines Inc
143 70, 138 52 1, 20, 70, 73, 75, 153
Paradise Farms Parkwood Farm Pasquia Red Angus Peak Dot Ranch Ltd. Poley, Chris Poplar Meadows Prairielane Farms
143 70 52, 132 132 165 164 146
Red Rock Red Angus Red Rose Angus Redrich Farms Reich Angus Ranch Remax Remitall West Remmington Land & Cattle Right Cross Ranch Ring Creek Farms Ltd. Ringstead Ranch Ltd. Rockin Ox Angus Rolling Acres Farms Rombil Angus Rosso Charolais Royal Angus Farm Ruby Cattle Company
95, 138 132 29 136 166 171 138 40 138 132 20 164 97 45 26, 132 90
Sandy Bar Ranch Saskalta Schaff Angus Valley Scotch Line Farms Scott Stock Farm Semex Alliance Six Mile Ranch Ltd. Skeels, Dan Skinner Farms
28, 132 54 164 143 138 34, 35 5 165 132
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Sons on offer from GDAR Game Day 6284, SVR Networth 3400, Sandy Bar Direct 15U and S A V Final Answer 0035.
We will be selling forty yearling and two year old Black Angus bulls on Monday March 28th in the 13th Annual
We will also be selling yearling and two year old red bulls on Tuesday April 12th in the 21st Annual
306.478.2470 H • 306.774-4348 C • 306.478.2480 F
Smokey Valley Farms Soo Line Cattle Co. South Shadow Angus South View Ranch Southland Angus Spring Creek Simmentals Spring View Ranch Spruce Grove Cattle Co. Spruce Ridge Stock Farms Spruce View Angus Ranch Square D Polled Herefords SSS Red Angus Standard Hill Angus Staple K Angus Steen Agencies Stewart Cattle Company Stock, Mark Stockmens Insurance Stuart Cattle Station Stuart, Mitch & Melissa Sunny Grove Angus Sunrise Angus Sunset Ridge Red Angus Swan Lake Farms Ltd.
132 176, IBC 115 15 12, 13 132 132 133 146 138 164 138 133, 150 97 167 10 165 167 59 59 110, 133 143 146 92
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. T Bar K Ranch Tambri Farm Ter-Ron Farms Today’s Publishing Tower View Farms
7, 26, 49, 52 133 143 29, 138 157 143
Transcon Livestock Corp. Triple L Angus Tullamore Farms Twin Heritage Farms
92 9, 133 143 133
Upper Glen Angus
Valley Blossom Ranch Valley Lodge Cattle Co. Vancise Cattle Co. Inc. Vikse Family Farm
28 97 87, 143 138
Ward’s Red Angus Western Angus Wheeler’s Stock Farm White Cap Charolais Wilbar Farms Willowside Farm Willowview Angus Wilmo Angus Ranch Windy Ridge Ultrasound Windy Willows Farms WRAZ Red Angus
3 138 160, 161 45 11, 133 143 97 97 167 75 133
XLB Angus
Y Coulee Land & Cattle Co. Y3 Bar Livestock YY Chickadee Farm
133 51 138
Zaniabar Angus
97, 138
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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#4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Ph:(306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744
Advertising Deadlines & Editorial Calendar... Winter Issue Herd Bull Issue Spring Issue Distaff/Female Issue
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April 10, 2011
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August 21, 2011 October 15, 2011
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Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011
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Schedule Of Published by:
Today’s Angus Advantage #4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Our Staff Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Ted Serhienko - Marketing Chris Poley - Marketing Mina Serhienko - Controller Debbie Thiessen - Circulation Ashley Brown - Production Tiffany Peters - Production Beryl Campbell - Production Scott MacLean - Design Camille Penny - Design Kailey Retzlaff - Design Treena Ballantyne - Accounting
Out in the Field Cathy Brown Phone (705) 327-1808 Published 5 times/year - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Fall Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Publications Mail Agreement: 40021107 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Today’s Angus Advantage Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Email:
February 12 17 25 26 26
Shaff Angus Valley Bull Sale, St. Anthony, N.D. Stewart Cattle Co. & Guests Black Angus Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Early Sunset Ranch Annual Production Sale, Edam, SK Lewis Farms 26th Annual Bull Sale, Spruce Grove, AB Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co., 2nd Annual Bull Sale, Regina, SK
March 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 12 12-13 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 22 24
Remington Bull Sale, Del Bonita, AB Cattleman’s Connection Bull Sale, Brandon, MB Ward’s Red Angus & Guests 3rd Annual Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK McMillen Ranching 17th Annual Bull Sale, Carievale, SK Mountain View Farms, Complete Dispersal, The Final Chapter, Virdin, MB R-Plus Simmental Bull and Female Sale, Estevan, SK Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Benchmark Angus Making the Grade Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB Mar Mac Farms Annual Bull Sale, Brandon, MB Bar-E-L Annual Bull Sale, Stettler, AB LLB Angus Bull and Female Sale, Erskine, AB Cattlemen’s Bull Event, Saskatoon, SK Regina Bull Sale, Regina, SK Standard Hill Connection Black Angus & Polled Hereford Bull Sale, Maidstone, SK Black Pearl Bull & Female Sale, Tisdale, SK KBJ Round Farms Bull Sale, Clyde, AB On Target Bull and Female Sale, Barrhead, AB Tools of the Trade Bull Sale, Dundurn, SK Angus for the Future Bull and Female Sale, Westerose, AB - POSPONED 6th Annual Ter-Ron & Redrich Get a Grip Red Angus Bull and Select Female Sale, Forestburg, AB Johnson Livestock 5th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Peebles, SK Bone Creek Ranch Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB Duralta Farms 6th Annual Bull Sale, Vegreville, AB Bowerman Bros. & Nesset Lake Angus Annual Black Angus Bull & Female Sale, Meadow Lake, SK Lords of the North Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Signature Series 15th Annual Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB Minburn Angus 14th Annual Production Sale, Minburn, AB Hamco Cattle Co. 13th Annual Angus Bull Sale, Glenboro, MB Deer Range Farms Angus Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK 6th Annual Equinox Angus Bull Sale, Weyburn, SK East Central Bull Power Sale, Yorkton, SK Lee’s Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale, Brush, Co. U2Ranch Bull Sale, High River, AB Soo Line Cattle Co. 9th Annual On Track Angus Bull Sale, Midale, SK
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Schedule Of 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 28
Double “F” Cattle Co. and Wright Livestock Annual Bull Sale, Prince Albert, SK Southland Angus Annual Bull Sale, Shaunavon, SK Thistle Ridge Bull Sale, Taber, AB 3rd Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK Buck Lake Ranch 1st Annual Production Sale, Strathmore, AB Prairie Grass Red Angus Bull Sale, Airdrie, AB Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK Everblack Angus Bull Sale, Vermillion, AB 49th Parallel Black Angus Bull Sale, Mankota, SK Rancher’s Choice Black Angus Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB Double Bar D Farms 11th Annual Bull and Female Sale, Grenfell, SK Merit Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Radville, SK
April 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 16
Crescent Creek Angus 13th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Goodeve, SK N. E. Source Bull & Female Sale, Tisdale, SK Dunford Royal Bull Sale, Listowel, ON Lauron Red Angus & Guests 20th Annual Bull Sale, Olds, AB Eastondale Angus Annual On Farm Bull & Female Sale, Wawota, SK 14th Annual Triple A Bull and Heifer Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Windy Willows Git ‘R Done Bull and Female Sale, Hodgeville, SK Blairs.Ag Pursuit of Excellence Bull Sale ’11, Sedly, SK Buy The “Beef” Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB 21st Annual White Cap/Rosso Charolais/Howe/Cockburn Red Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Peak Dot Ranch Bull and Female Sale, Wood Mountain, SK Norseman Farms Bull and Female Sale, Kyle, SK Johnston/Fertile Valley Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Wilson-Lees Value Added Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK Branding The Best Angus Bull Sale, Spiritwood, SK Six Mile Ranch 36th Annual Bull Sale, Fir Mountain, SK 5th Annual Blue Collar Bull Sale, Yorkton, SK Justamere The Total Program 16th Annual Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Working Shifts Bull Sale, Virden, MB The Select Genetics Sale, Herbert, SK Youngdale Bull Sale, Carnduff, SK Top Cut Bull Sale, Mankota, SK Black Harvest Annual Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK Standard Hill Connection Black Angus & Polled Hereford Bull Sale, Maidstone, SK South View Ranch Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Ceylon, SK Your Choice Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK Short Grass Angus Bull & Female Sale, Aneroid, SK Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK
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85 Bulls On Offer March 24th, 2011 At the Ranch Midale, SK
HF Kodiak 5R - 40 Sons and Grandsons on offer
Soo Line Kodiak 0147 - HF Kodiak 5R x Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M BW: 2.6 WW: 44 YW: 76 MM: 20
Soo Line Kodiak 0148 - HF Kodiak 5R x Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M BW: 2.6 WW: 44 YW: 76 MM: 20
Soo Line Kodiak 0101 - HF Kodiak 5R x Bon View New Design 878 BW: 4.2 WW: 57 YW: 96 MM: 18
Soo Line Annie K 6271 Dam of Soo Line Kodiak 0147 and Soo Line Kodiak 0148
Today’s Angus Advantage, Winter 2011