2014 July Staff Newsletter

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T-O District



2014 July STAFF

K A I T L Y N ‘S

Lt. Governors ’s To Do list BEFORE Summer Board 1. July 5th- Reports, Newsletters, and Articles are due! 2. July 5th- 1st Committee Meeting Minutes Report is Due 3. July 31st- Send all staff members your Divisional Roster 4. Make sure that all your Clubs are paid for the 2013-2014 Year. 5. Start Selling your 500$ worth of ad’s 6. Pack for a great weekend! Follow Texas-Oklahoma Key Club @todistrictkeyclub Like us on Facebook at Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District

Vision Partners The U.S Army Nickelodeon Landscape Structures

Co-Partners Hershey Track and Field Rustic Pathways Preferred Charities • Children’s Miracle Network • March of Dimes • UNICEF


Secretary Samuel’s “Keys” to Success Dear LTGs, I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer! You all I know are working diligently to help T-O succeed. The monthly reports by clubs have been great and the numbers are good, but we can still have many more reports. I encourage you to get more clubs to report, I know it is difficult yet explain to them why reporting is important and if you need any help explaining or a club needs training feel free to contact me. I would be glad to help! My goal is to have over 100 reports once schools begin and hopefully it will grow even more. I want to thank you all for informing club secretaries about different information and encouraging clubs to report, I have gotten many new reports from clubs, some which haven’t been actively reporting. Keep up the good work! Also remember if you ever need any help I am here for you. I am not only here for club secretaries but to you as well. Hope you have a great summer!!!

Samuel Kinnin

LTG Checklist:   

Encourage clubs to report over the summer Make sure to have clubs update COCI Get involved by joining T-O Secretary Page on Facebook and the Remind 101 system Email resources to all clubs

In this issue:       

Task of the Month COCI Top 5 Service Projects Monthly Vlog Info Feedbacks Announcement Resources

Announcement: I will be gone July 10-25 to a mission trip, therefore I will not have access to the phone or internet. If you need anything please ask Governor Kaitlyn Wilson or I can get back to you when I get back. Katie will be updating the secretary page on Facebook and the website posts will be on a timer so clubs can have access to important info even though I will be gone.

Important Information

Be sure to remind clubs to update their club officer contact information on the District Website. It is important that they do this ASAP! Resources: (click on the links)


Monthly Reporting Video Tutorial T-O District Key Club Secretaries Page District Website Remind 101 Point System Secretary Blog

I have sent out all the feedbacks to the LTGs and Regionals. Every month I will be sending the feedbacks of the clubs to you so you can see who is reporting and who is not within your division. I hope you enjoyed seeing them and if any clubs have any questions or need help you can tell them to ask me. For this next month, the feedbacks will be out later than usual due to my trip. They should be out around the 25th.

Task of the Month: The Task of the Months will be posted by the 7th of each month. You can access them at the District website. Vlogs:

I will be sending out vlogs which covers updates and FAQs over monthly reporting. You can find them at the District Website under secretary blog. Please distribute the vlogs to your clubs in your division.

Top5 Service Projects: I will be posting the Top 5 Service projects from the reports at the website so be on the lookout!

Upcoming: I will be making a presentation for the secretary forum at FTCs, I will distribute it to you all soon.

Hey, Texas Oklahoma District Board! I hope y’all are having a fantastic summer and enjoying yourselves! First off, I would like to y’all know that I am extremely excited for ICON and to meet a few of you there. Thanks for the great job you have been doing, keep it up and let me know if there is ever anything you need from me! It is extremely important that you contact your club presidents and/or treasurers to make sure they have created a budget to show their supporting Kiwanis club October 1st. If they are having trouble making their budgets then you can refer them to the “How to Make a Budget” article on the district website. If you ever need help with anything be sure to let me know! Make memories this summer! Yours in Service, Colin Gonzalez Texas Oklahoma District Treasurer Key Club International Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com tokeyclub.com


Emily’s Epistle LTG CHECKLIST ☑ sign up for my District Board Remind 101 (see below)

☑ send me any Key Club photos! ☑ send me your newsletter if you want feedback ☑ submit articles by the 5th of the month if you’re assigned

CONTACT INFO T-O Editor Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-284-3234

NEWS & UPDATES TOKeyClub.com Text @DistBoard to 512-982-9275

Good Day T-O District Board! This past month we had our first Staff Meeting; STAR! There was an ample amount of productive discussion, idea sharing, as well as bonding time. We have so many new and interesting ideas for this Key Club year. We hope to bring ya’ll a fabulous year. Feel free to ask me any questions, express concerns, or just to chat. I’ll see ya’ll lovelies soon at Summer Board! Stay Awesome Ya’ll, Emily Zhao

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Cont act

Phone :

21 462071 1 4

E mai l :

Bobbythakkar99 @gmai l . com

CONTACT T-O Governor

us T-O Treasurer


(214) 236 - 3271

(325) 998 - 6240

(817) 583 - 1171




T-O Convention Liaison

T-O Administrator




T-O Editor



T-O Secretary

(512) 284 - 3234

(806) 881 - 7486

(830) 733 - 0008






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