2014 October Club Newsletter

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T-O District 2014 OCTOBER

Cover by Jersey Village





! An update from your International Trustee
 Barry Seng

(484) 661-9120


Reminders • The International Board is meeting the

first weekend of October. The official agenda is located on the website. Please review the agenda and contact me if you have any questions! • The Youth Opportunities Fund

Application is due OCTOBER 15! • Are you participating in Trick-or-Treat

for UNICEF? Help Key Club ELIMINATE MNT by trick-or-treating with your friends! You can find the boxes on the Key Club store. • Get ready for International Convention!

ICON will be in Indianapolis with Circle K and Kiwanis. Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis with the KFamily! The official logo is this update.

Barry Seng

(484) 661-9120


The District and Governor’s Project Completion forms are now available on www.tokeyclub.com!

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @todistrictkeyclub, and on Facebook at Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District!

Be sure to order your UNICEF Boxes at the following link! https://store.kiwanis.org/Product/Trickor-Treat-for-UNICEF-KI920142696.htm#sthash.9Pq2Xj0G.bdhyfDLk.d pbs • • • •

What have I done? 7 out of 12 Regional Visits are complete Working on Winter Board Planning for Convention 2015 The Staff has been updating all of the resources on the website

Secretary Samuel’s “Keys” to Success What up T-O! I hope you all are having a great school year and are excited to do more service this year! Remember to make sure that your club reports every month to show what you as a club are doing. I can’t wait to see all the good work that clubs across Texas and Oklahoma are doing this school year! If you ever need any help filling out the report, have any questions, or need anything what so ever don’t be afraid to ask me. I am available through many forms of communication. I am so excited that the school year has started although I still wouldn’t mind relaxing like in the summer. I know this year will be awesome! Make sure to check out all the resources and tools available! Yours in Service, Samuel Kinnin

ATTENTION!! If there is any reports you forgot to turn in or didn’t turn in, you can still send it in! Even if they are from April or May! Remember even if you didn’t do much it is better to send in a report than no report at all!!!

In this issue: -

COCI MUC UNIEF Project Feedbacks Reporting tools Top 5 Project Information

Updates and Info Reporting Tools New Sample Pages: There are new sample pages up under secretary resources! The Sample Activity Sheet has been updated and is now available. Then there is a Sample Agenda if you ever need to look at it for reference for club meetings. The Sample Main Page and Sample Minutes Page have already been out on the site. http://tokeyclub.com/resources/secretary/ Monthly Vlogs: Every month I make a video that covers updates and answers FAQs to help club secretaries. These videos are available on the website under secretary blog. They can be found at http://tokeyclub.com/category/sec-blog/. Remind 101 and Facebook Page: Remember to join the Facebook group of T-O Key Club District Secretaries in order to connect to other secretaries and get reminders. Also there is a remind 101 found on the feedbacks that you can sign up for to get reminders. Monthly Report Tutorial Video: There is a step by step video on reporting just look it up on the website under secretary resources. Additional Help: There are countless other resources just look at www.tokeyclub.com

Top 5 Projects:


Remember to look up the Top 5 Service Projects! The clubs with awesome projects from their reports will be featured on the website! Look under Secretary Blog to see all the Top 5 Service Projects. They are posted around the 25th of each month!

Remember to look at your feedbacks to help you with reporting. All the feedbacks are sent out around the 15th of the month. The comments are anything that could be improved on little or big. Use the feedback to help you with your next report. Also remember to look at the links at the bottom of the feedbacks to use for additional help! If you ever have any questions let me know!!!

Additional Information Trick or Treat for UNICEF: Key Club partners with UNICEF to help people all over the world. Trick or Treat for UNICEF is a project that raises money through collection boxes which can be ordered by clubs. The organization is a great way to help others! The organization helps kids get medical attention in areas that are less developed.

Membership Update Center is now open! Make sure to go to the Membership Update Center to update your members for the 2014-2015 school year! Start getting your members to pay their dues and do the application so you don’t have to worry about getting your dues paid!

Here is some additional Information!

Howdy Key Clubbers! I hope y’all are excited to welcome our new Convention Liaison, Andrew Loh! I know he will do a fantastic job with his new job on board. Keep in mind YOF grant applications are due by October 15th, be sure apply for the grant (its free money for your club to do a project with). Email me with any questions you may have. Encourage your treausrer to be prepared to pay the club dues by October 24th so that they may receive Early Bird dues which has to be received by November 1st. Yours in Service, Colin Gonzalez Texas Oklahoma District Treasurer Key Club International Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com tokeyclub.com


Emily’s Epistle EDITOR CHECKLIST ☑ sign up for my Editor’s Remind 101 (see below)

☑ send me any Key Club photos! ☑ read, read, read the Tex-O-Key & Club Newsletter ☑ submit articles and newsletters by the 5th of the month

CONTACT INFO T-O Editor Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-284-3234

NEWS & UPDATES TOKeyClub.com Text TOEd to 512-982-9275

Good Day Key Clubbers I hope school has been treating you all well this past month! By now, hopefully you are in the swing of things and have adjusted to the school and extracurricular life. Please do not become too overwhelmed! Take a break whenever you need one. The District Staff will be having a Fall Board Meeting near the end of October. We will have plenty of things to talk about and update for you! If you are not aware already, newsletters created by the District Staff for you, club members, are called Club Newsletters (you’re reading one right now!). This year, Club Newsletters will be published bimonthly, or every other month. Be on the look out for future Club Newsletters to keep updated by the District Staff! Stay Awesome, Emily Zhao

LOH’S LIAISON LORE BEGIN FUNDRAISING FOR DISTRICT CONVENTION 2015!! The District Board is working hard to ensure that DCON 2015 is one for the books! You don’t want to miss out, so don’t delay! If you need fundraising ideas, just ask! I hope y’all participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF during this month and keep serving our homes, schools, and communities! Greetings, my fellow Key Clubbers. My name is Andrew Loh, and I will be serving as the 2014-2015 Convention Liaison. I am a senior at Mansfield High School in Mansfield, TX and I love going on adventures, meeting new people, and of course, serving my community. During my term, I plan on placing emphasis on the forums at DCON and revamping the activities so that we can make DCON 2015 the most memorable convention yet! Please, feel free to contact me for whatever reason you may have!



Andrew Loh (682) 551-6461 CL@TOKEYCLUB.COM


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Cont act

Phone 21 462071 1 4 E mai l bobbythakkar99@gmai l . com

Kaitlyn Wilson

(214) 236 - 3271 Governor@tokeyclub.com





Samuel Kinnin

Colin Gonzalez

(325) 998 - 6240 Secretary@tokeyclub.com

(817) 583 - 1171 Treasurer@tokeyclub.com





Emily Zhao

Andrew Loh

Bobby Thakkar

(512) 284 - 3234 Editor@tokeyclub.com

(682) 551 - 6461 CL@tokeyclub.com

(214) 620 - 7114 Bobbythakkar99@gmail.com




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