2014 September Staff Newsletter

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T-O District 2014 SEPTEMBER




He l p T oda y

Key Leader Key Leader is a weekend leadership program for high school students that consists of workshops, campfires, hanging out with friends, and much more interactive and engaging activities! Contact Rene Ford at tokeyleader@gmail.com if you have questions or concerns!

WHO? WHEN? WHERE? November 14th to 16th, 2014

Pineywoods Baptist Camp, Woodlake, TX

- interact with Key Clubbers from across the T-O district - create lasting bonds with new friends - participate in team-building activities - develop and hone leadership skills - engage in interactive group discussions - an overall positive and meaningful experience!


1. Go to www.key-leader.org/registration 2. Filter by city, state, or date to find the event 3. Click “Register� button at the bottom

Join their Facebook at T-O Key Leader 2014!

COST? $200/student and $115/ facilitator. Cost includes all meals, lodging, and program materials. - $25 scholarship from Kiwanis International Foundation for Key Club members - $30 scholarship from T-O Kiwanis - Use kleader at checkout for T-O Scholarship - Use kleadersf at checkout for Student Facilitator - Use KeyLeader at checkout for Chaperone - Check with your local Kiwanis, cubs, school, businesses, or other community organizations for help



ANY student in 9th to 12th grade


News Bites from Barry


Updates 

Remember to sign up for a phone call with me to discuss your division or committee, issues, and goals.

The Fall International Board Meeting is next month! Please let me know if there is anything that you would like presented at the meeting.

Please keep sending me your favorite service projects. Email me a description of the project, a reason why it’s your favorite, and some pictures. I will send out a compiled newsletter of all the projects!

Welcome Back to School I hope you are all ready for the new school year and, most importantly, the new Key Club year. Use this time to recruit new members to make your home club stronger. By utilizing the resources on keyclub.org and these tips, people will be begging to join Key Club:  Guest speakers at meetings  Bring a friend to a service project  Plan a Tshirt day when members wear their favorite KC shirt to school  Play games at your meetings  Have food at meetings and events There are hundreds of other ideas, but the most important tip is to have fun while serving your community!

Barry Seng



Kaitlyn’s Keynotes

Lt. G’s To Do List for September Be sure to Promote! August 1. How to Pay your dues for the Eliminate SLP 2014-2015 Year Subcommittee (Membership Update Center) Application is Due 2. COCI (District Website) th September 5 – Reports, 3. PCM’s, FTC’s, and other Articles, and Newsletters events Due 4. K-Family Relations th September 15 - Make 5. Goals and Progress sure you have all your 6. Youth Opportunities Fund officer Contact Application information 7. District Website, Facebook, September 29th- 1st Ad Instagram , and Twitter Page must be sold 31st-

Secretary Samuel’s Keys to Success September 2014 LTG Newsletter Hey T-O Board,

I hope everyone is enjoying their first week or few weeks of school. I am excited to start my senior year and make as big of a difference in my community and school as I can. I would like to wish you luck as you plan your divisional events and let me know if you need anything from me. Also, let me know of any divisional or regional events so I can try to go. Remember to send out all the resources to club secretaries, encourage clubs to report, and learn how to report so you can help others. I hope you all have a great month and once again if there is anything I can do to help you with something or answer any questions you have let me know.

Yours in Service,

Samuel Kinnin Task of the Month The Task of the Month will be posted around the 7th of each month on the District website under secretary blog. Remember to send the Task of the Month out to your clubs

In this issue: -

LTG To-Do List Resources COCI Task of the Month Top 5 Service Projects Monthly Vlog Feedbacks

Top 5 Service Projects: - FTC Resources - Feedbacks

I will be posting the Top 5 Service projects from the reports at the website so be on the lookout! Remember to remind clubs to look at them because they are some great project ideas.

Updates and Information Remind clubs to update their COCI as soon as they can! They log onto the website and update their officer information for the new year. The advisor should have the login info. If the club lost their password have them email Walt


Monthly Report Feedbacks

Remember to look at your emails. I sent resources for your secretary forum for FTCS. I sent a presentation, sample pages, and blank pages. If you need any advice let me know.

Remember to look at your emails for feedbacks from your regions and divisions! The feedbacks will help you see who is reporting in your division

LTG Checklist:        

Be on the lookout for new resources Encourage clubs to report Make sure to have clubs update COCI Look at your feedbacks for your divisions Get involved by joining T-O Secretary Page on Facebook and the Remind 101 system Plan FTCs and plan a secretary forum Email resources to all clubs Send out all reminders to the club secretaries or direct them to the site

FTC Secretary Forum Ideas Make it fun by doing an ice breaker, playing a game, giving out prizes and candy, etc. Have them fill out report as a group to give them an example on how to report. Have a round table discussion in which secretaries can share with each other tips and discuss ideas to make reporting easier Show resources and videos on reporting and secretary info Show the presentation or make one to show on reporting

Monthly Vlogs Make sure to show the secretaries and officers in your division my secretary update. It goes over updates such as resources and FAQs on reporting.

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL KEY CLUBBERS!! I know not all of us are happy to be back at school but enjoy your time be happy and remember Key Club is back in full swing! Check out the back-to-school package Bobby Thakker and I created it is up on the district website and has a plethora of club resources. The official opening date for the MUC has not yet been released. However, it will open sometime the first week of September and this would be the time when clubs can begin finishing their club rosters, printing invoices, and paying dues. Yours in Service, Colin Gonzalez Texas- Oklahoma District Treasurer Email: ColinGonzalez.KC@gmail.com

Important Dates: MEMBERSHIP UPDATE CENTER OPENS THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER Before/ On: November 1st (Early Bird dues) Before/ On: November 30th ( Dues deadline) On/ After: December 1st (Deadline for late dues) On/ After: February 1st (Suspended) Before/ On: September 1st (Inactive) Get your club treasurer these dates ASAP If your club treasurer does not know how to operate the Membership Update Center: Check out this step-by-step video tutorial on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV47UE5uas


Emily’s Epistle LTG CHECKLIST ☑ sign up for my District Board Remind 101 (see below)

☑ send me any Key Club photos! ☑ send me your newsletter if you want feedback ☑ submit articles by the 5th of the month if you’re assigned

CONTACT INFO T-O Editor Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com 512-284-3234

NEWS & UPDATES TOKeyClub.com Text DistBoard to 512-982-9275

Good Day T-O District Board, It’s back to school season! School has already started for some and has yet to begin for others. The start of school also brings about homework, extracurricular activities, and impending stress. Don’t stress too much and always remember the fun in Key Club. The start of school is also the perfect time for Key Club membership! Get to promoting Key Club by publicizing the Club Newsletters and especially the Tex-O-Key. The August/ September Tex-O-Key will be posted this Friday. Be on the look out for it and read, read, read it! Good Luck With School, Emily Zhao


ARTICLE Assignments Andrew Loh Aysha Moneer Bailea Branum Diana Ramos Jocelyn Sanchez Kaitlyn Johnson Kendall Tipton Margaret Inzinga Robi Von Barnett


/ CL UPDATE / September


Ashlyn Salvato 806.881.7486 CL@tokeyclub.com

/ Events / September 1, 2014

Days until DCON!

$500 Amount of ad money you are REQUIRED to sell.


Club and officer application will be sent out.

September 5, 2014 LTG forum presenters and topic will set.

September 29, 2014 First ad needs to be sold.

November 29, 2014 $350 worth of your ads need to be sold.

January 2, 2015

Weeks until all $500 is due. All $500 of ads is DUE!

2,000 Approximately how many people attend District Convention!

$25,000 If raised, Walt will shave his head!

Reminders & Tips •If you have an upcoming PCM or FTC make sure you mention District Convention! Give a presentation over ways to start fundraising, talk about what DCON is and show pictures, or even give members the chance to talk about their DCON experience. •Visit a local business and ask for ads at least once a week. •Do not reveal the District Convention theme until we give you the thumbs up. •If you have any ideas or suggestions for Welcoming Activity, please notify Rachel Islin.

Goal s

3Cre ateNe w graphi cse ach montht o PromoteKe yCl ub

Iwi l lal so t akere comme ndati ons‌ So i fyouwant somecus t om graphi cs thatcandi re ctl yre l ate t o yourschool ,so youma yl ooke ve nmore prof e ssi onal .The nyou cane mai lmewi thde t ai l s

4He l pan yboardme mbe ror me mbe rwi thgraphi cs,te ch, oran ythi ng Icando!

Cont act

1 Organi zi ng andde ve l opi ng theBoardandSt af f 2Re de si gntheTO We bsi tet o ane we xt ant

F rom You. . .

Iwoul dl ovet o re ci e veandpi cture sor vi de of rom you,andyour cl ubs.E ve ni fyouthi nki t mi ghtbee ve nali ttl e he l pf ul .Youshoul dse nd i ti n.

So ge t re ady.

Phone : 21 462071 1 4 E mai l : Bobbythakkar99 @gmai l . com

 60,000 --- The number of mothers and babies whose lives are stolen each year because of MNT.  9 --- The number of minutes from now that a mother or child will die of MNT.  34 --- The number of countries still at high risk for MNT.  $110 million --- The amount of money that we must raise to eliminate MNT.  2015 --- The year that we must raise this money by.  $1.80 --- The amount it costs to vaccinate one mother and her future babies.  61 million --- The number of lives we will help save or protect if we meet our goal.

CONTACT T-O Governor

us T-O Treasurer


(214) 236 - 3271

(325) 998 - 6240

(817) 583 - 1171




T-O Convention Liaison

T-O Administrator




T-O Editor



T-O Secretary

(512) 284 - 3234

(806) 881 - 7486

(830) 733 - 0008






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