september 2013
editor’s update
from tashrima hossain
SEPTEMBER 2013 What’s up, T-O? The back to school season is one of the most active seasons of the year. From COCI to due payment to Fall Training Conferences a n d Fa l l R a l l y, t h e busyness certainly crosses over to Key Club. Be sure to stay on top of tasks because your actions now will affect the remainder of your Key Club year. As always, you must fill out your monthly report.
However, September also brings with it a few other responsibilities: Organization- now that school has begun again, meet with your fellow officers and regroup Recruitment- welcome n e w m e m b e r s, a n d teach them about being a Key Club volunteer
Formalities- complete COCIs and due payment FTCs- (plan to) attend your region’s FTC to learn more about serving in your position Fall Rally- register, promote, and attend! Enjoy- YOLO, so make the best of the present, and have a great year!
this MONTH’S checklist
① Welcome new Key Club members, and teach them the basics of serving their homes, schools, and communities ② Read the most recent July/August Tex-O-Key issue, available on the T-O website now ③ Attend your Region’s Fall Training Conference, or learn more details about when/where it will be held ④ Watch the T-O website for article assignments, to be made available on September 15th ⑤ Change your profile picture and cover photo to show your support for Fall Rally ⑥ Join us at Fall Rally in Arlington, Texas, on September 28
Tashrima Hossain T-O District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com 713-505-2252