EDITOR’S UDPATE from Tashrima Hossain
Hey Texas-Oklahoma! As the summer quickly comes to an end, it is important that we begin our preparations for the 2013-14 academic year. There certainly is a lot of Key Club work to be done. Like any other month, your club needs to complete their monthly report to document August’s activities. In addition, with the start of a new school year, it is imperative that your club begins recruiting new members at Freshman Orientation/any other start-of-school activities. Make new members feel welcome, and be sure to teach them the Key Club basics at your first meeting. Don’t forget to also continue submitting quality publications. Your work just may be published for everyone to see in the next Tex-OKey, to be published on August 25. Enjoy the rest of summer, and always stay committed to service!
August Checklist ① Contact your LTG to learn more about their upcoming Fall Training Conference ② LEARN GRAPHIC STANDARDS! Request help from your LTG, if needed ③ Submit articles, newsletters, and bulletins to both Usman and myself ④ Schedule events involving the entire Kiwanis Family ⑤ Recruit new club members ⑥ Teach your new members the Key Club basics at the year’s first meeting ⑦ Read the Tex-O-Key on the 25th
Communication is KEY!
Tashrima Hossain T-O District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com 713-505-2252