2020 January/February Tex-O-Key

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tex o key V O L U M E











zuplift Summit International Preparatory

Key Club

Table of Contents FROM THE STAFF Note From The Editor


Message from the International Trustee


Updates from the District Staff


Message from the Governor

08 Mansfield Lake Ridge High School


Ways to Spread the Love (Service Ideas)

A Word From Our Committees


Contests & Awards




Mansfield High School

Cinco Ranch High School


LEDCON Promotion


Key Club Partners


Contact Information


visit the t-o key club website at




Note from the Editor Hello Key Clubbers! It is t minus 2 months until LEDCON and everyone on the board is stoked! I hope everyone has been doing well in 2020. with celebrations of the new year (and Lunar New Year). I have been working on grading all editor assignments and LTG assignments, along with preparing these newsletters. Within the next few months, expect a club update from me to all of you editors! Additionally, I will do a second training regarding the editor related awards for the second time since LEDCON is approaching. As always, please text me through Remind or email me if you have any questions regarding editor duties or any other subjects. I am grateful as ever to be working with you all and thank you for being part of the amazing Texas Oklahoma district.

Since February is the month of love, I hope you express and receive lots of love, in all of its forms. Whether that be romantic love, friendship love, or love for your community, it is time to give love to the world. Lastly, remember: you are so loved, capable, and inspiring. Have an amazing year and I will see you all in April!

Make sure to click the link below to grade this newsletter.

TEX-O-KEY FEBRUARY FEEDBACK I promise I will take your feedback into consideration. For example, someone suggested a pink, purple, red theme for February and look where we are. :) Yours in Service, P.S. Please follow my remind bt texting @toedit to 81010 if you haven't already.

Vivian Thai


Letter to the Editor Mansfield Legacy High School 39S says: I see you've been doing great work with the rest of the district board lately to plan for LEDCON. I was wondering if there will be any kind of specialized events planned for the editors in the district, as in forums or training? I am looking forward to this year's convention! Vivian Thai District Editor answers: Awesome question! There will be 2 forums specifically for club editors, one for the entire editor position and one dedicated towards newsletters. The editor forum will present all the information and resources you need as an editor; this forum is especially recommended for editor-elects. The newsletter forum will give tips and tricks into making a stellar newsletter and much more. Both of these forums are fun and helpful and I'm looking forward to LEDCON too!

Riddle of the Month What do you call two birds in love?



UPDATE To the Texas-Oklahoma District,

Happy New Year! I hope the year of the rat has been treating you well. As we get further and further into the year, we get closer and closer to the end of the Texas-Oklahoma 2019-2020 Key Club term. As the year wraps up, I encourage you all to start transitioning into the next term, or for people like me, life after Key Club. As always please feel free to reach out for any help or just to talk if you need to. Recently I got the chance to visit the Texas-Oklahoma District Board for the first time. I got to join the rest of the board at the January Board meeting in Irving, Texas from January 3rd to the 5th. I had so much fun while learning an incredible amount about the ins and outs of the TexasOklahoma District. Throughout the weekend we talked in detail about

LEDCON in April, broke into committee meetings, discussed issues facing certain divisions, and held a discussion with board members interested in running for higher office. My favorite part of the weekend (by far) was the 11:00 PM Whataburger visit not only because I had never been, but because we accidentally managed to take over the restaurant and have a full-blown photoshoot (check my Instagram for pictures @alexiskhenry). I cannot wait to join the TO District, once again next time at LEDCON.

For other trustee work, I have been assisting Governors into transitioning mode for the next Key Club term. We hope to leave a strong foundation for the following District Boards so they can do more for the Districts than we were able to this past year. I have also been involved in LEDCON planning. I am going to be presenting a forum at Texas-Oklahoma LEDCON on Key Club International structure, running for higher office, and ICON information. Recently, I have been talking with candidates about their potential plans for running for office within the Sistrict of Ohio, Kansas, and Texas-Oklahoma. I am wishing the best of luck to all of the candidates for District and International office.

As Public Relations Committee chair, these last months have been consisting of committee calls, collecting pictures from each District’s fall rallies, working with the ICON Committee to create the theme release campaign and promotional video scripts, and completing other directives. Look for more user-generated content from the International Board very soon. Can’t wait to see you in April!

Contact Information Phone: (813) 297-7663 Email: alexishenry38@gmail.com Instagram: @alexiskhenry

Yours in Service and Friendship, Alexis Henry 2019-2020 Key Club International Trustee Ohio, Kansas, and Texas-Oklahoma Districts Public Relations Committee Chair



Hey Key Clubbers! Can y’all believe that LEDCON is almost here! This term has been going by so fast. Right now I am working on the second round of website grading for the distinguished website award. Once the grading has been finished, feedback will be sent out again to clubs who have asked to receive feedback. Make sure to be looking out for some more LEDCON posts, videos, and information coming out to prepare for one of the best weekends. Can’t wait to meet all of y’all at LEDCON and I hope that everyone is starting off the new year great and continues doing

Lacey Thomas

amazing things this year!

Tech Producer

Hey T-O! I hope you are all excelling this 2020! I can’t believe it’s already been a month of2020. I recently released the Top 25 clubs list for the 3rd quarter (found on thewebsite). Congratulations if your club made it! If you didn’t, then don’t worrybecause you still have one more quarter to go! I have seen tremendous growth inthe amount of service over the past few months, and that would not be possiblewithout your hard work and dedication. There has also been a great increase in thenumber of clubs reporting every month, so kudos to you all. If your club hasn’tbeen submitting reports, then please reach out to me so I can help you guys getstarted! I am here to help you succeed, so if at any time you need help, please feelfree to contact me at secretary@tokeyclub.com! I wish you guys all the best for thisupcoming month and keep up the phenomenal work!

Kareena Patel District Secretary

Hey everyone! Congratulations to everyone who received the YOF grant, and thank you to all of you who applied! I can’t wait to see what service projects you each complete with your clubs to serve your local communities. On December 31, I sent out the first official delinquent dues notification to all clubs who have not yet paid dues. If your club hasn’t paid dues, your faculty advisor and president should have received this email. If your club is

Kareena Patel District Secretary

Vivian Thai District Editor please contact me immediately so we can work together to resolve any

struggling to log in to the Membership Update Center or with paying dues, issues. I also sent out my second update to all club treasurers a few days ago, so if you did not receive it, please email me asap at treasurer@tokeyclub.com.

Katherine Chao District Treasurer


Thank you all for your continuous dedication, and I hope you all keep up the great work!

HE DISTRICT STAFF ASHNA PATEL District, and happy new year! I hope Hello the mighty Texas - Oklahoma you all had an amazing Christmas Break filled with family fun, laughter,


and memories to take into 2020.

As you all may or may not know, registration opened for our 2020 Leadership, Educational, District Conference on January 13th. Make sure to register early! Early Bird registration ($165) ends March 23rd and regular registration ($200) opens March 24th. Everything related to LEDCON can be found on our Texas - Oklahoma website under the “LEDCON info” tab. Please also take a look at my Call To Conference packet linked here.

We have made some exciting changes to our Conference this year. Friday night, opening session, you will not be required to wear formal

Dillion Grisham Convention Liaison

clothing. Us, as a board, have decided that y’all will get to wear our LEDCON T-Shirt that we provide with your registration fee! This is a way for us to look united and show inclusiveness. See what I did there?? With all of that being said, I can NOT wait to meet you all at LEDCON 2020 and I am so excited to be hosting this Conference. If you have any questions, please email me at cl@tokeyclub.com. Lights, Camera, Service!



UPDATE What is up TO? It’s Ashna Patel, your District Governor! I hope everyone had an amazing new year. This year my resolution was to find meaning in service. Now I know that sounds so basic, however I thought about it and I honestly don’t the real meaning of service. Although it’s a month late in the year, I ask you to make a resolution to serve others. We started of the year with our Winter Board Meeting where we finalized important information regarding LEDCON, forums and membership. In February, I will get to meet with Lieutenant Governor Elects and help train them into their positions for the 20-21 service year. Throughout the next months, we will also be posting Governor Project challenges as well and District Project Challenges to help clubs receive more points towards monthly reports! Updated information regarding those are available on our social medias. We are also working to work with Events Public Relations to promote LEDCON. Which reminds me!

Can y’all believe we’re three months away from Leadership and Education District Conference? TheTexas Oklahoma District Staff and I are super excited to host the 71 st Annual LEDCON at the Sheraton inDallas, Texas. We are looking forward to meeting with Key Clubbers around the district to celebrate ayear full of service, friendships and memories. From informational forums to learn about your upcomingpositions to dancing it out at the Governor’s Ball, this year’s LEDCON will be the best one yet. RegisterEarly for $165 by March 23, 2020. Prices increase to $200 after March 23, 2020. Register as soon aspossible for the best seating areas! Also, did you know we have over 30 Contests and Awards for clubsas well as individuals? Check out the website under resources and codes for the guidelines for thecontests and awards. From Super Smash Bros. to Impromptu Writing, we provide various opportunitiesfor all our members to participate and get recognized for your hard work. I look forward to seeing theSuper Smash Bros. tournament at Leadership Luncheon. For more information on how to attendLEDCON, contact your Lieutenant Governor. Feel free to reach out to me for further questions!

Contact Information Phone: 832-403-1630 Email: governor@tokeyclub.com


Together in Service, Ashna Patel District Governor

1. Bake goodies for those around you, including the local homeless shelter, nursing home, and women's shelter! Make sure to include a homemade Valentine's Day card 2. Participate in kindness challenges or create your own! February is perfect for #28DaysofKindness. 3. Create Valentines for veterans, deployed troops, or the VA. 4. Read books about love to children at your local library. 5. Set up a Valentine's craft and card making event at the children's hospital. 6. Make Valentine's Day themed care packages for a local hospital. 7. Participate in Love Letters for Literacy.

y a D s s ' a e e n d i t I n e e l c Va rvi Se



Contests and Awards Committee CHAIR:





person, their emails have been added so clubs can ask questions. We also turned most binder and physical turn in contests like District Project, Governor’s Project, Outstanding Officer Awards, Most Improved Club, and more into online jotform applications. They are easy to understand, quick to complete, and simple to turn in! The LEDCON information on contests has been updated to include all resources you will need to register including a complete checklist of every contest and a letter to show how registration will be set up. Currently, we are working on getting everything ready for contest registration at LEDCON. We want to make sure our advisors have as efficient a check-in as possible. It will include turning in The Contest and Awards Committee

brainstorming ideas to make it better each

WINBO we revised the last changes to the

year. Our committee has been accomplishing

code for this year and added detailed rubrics

amazing things in this second semester, and

to the Outstanding Officer Awards. On

we can’t wait to see our district at LEDCON!

contests that are graded by a specific


contests in organized lines and we are

has been up to a lot since the last update. At

District Project Committee CHAIR:





Winter Board meeting. Your club can find the District Project patch and award criteria on T-O’s Insta! Speaking of the District Instagram be sure you are keeping your eyes peeled for the District Project challenges that are being posted. They are super fun and interactive! For January be sure to take a picture in front of your local library and tag us using the hashtag JanKeyReaders. If your club does not have an instagram then email ltg12@tokeyclub.com (yep that’s me) the submission with the subject bar being (MONTH, District Project, CLUB NAME, DIVISION) with your club’s information in Hello T-O! My name is Madison and

the underlined sections. I can’t wait to

I am the District Project Committee Chair.

see all of your lovely photos! I hope that

For those of you who don’t know this

you all submit an application for either

years district project is Key Readers! We

the District Project patch and Award, due

are so excited because the district

April 9th!

project criteria just got passed at our



Events Public Relations Committee CHAIR:





promote this amazing experience!! For the next couple of months, you’ll see updates from the Texas-Oklahoma’s social media platforms regarding major dates, times, and events regarding your L-E-DCON! In addition to the previous statement, to incorporate our Hollywood theme, we’ll be working on showcasing members and their experience with the key club from all submitted HOTO articles! There are so many wonderful people who have bonded from this experience and have grown since they’ve joined Key Club, and your district wants to recognize their time serving their home, school, and community! Keep an eye out because you or one of your friends may be featured!!Anyways! I hope to see you all at Hello hello!! It’s Sharlene, your Event Public Relations chairwoman here again!! I hope you and your clubs are going to be attending this year’s Leadership and Education Conference! I know I am for sure, and your EPR committee is working hard to


this year’s Leadership and Education Conference! Stay tuned for more to come!

General Public Relations Committee CHAIR:





clubs. We had two committee meetings where we were able to brainstorm and execute some great ideas. Committee members created a TikTok introducing the TO committees; our username is @tokeyclub. Go check it out! Currently we’re working with the district project committee to promote Key Readers; most recently we posted the January challenge. We will continue this collaboration as we head into Key Readers Week! Look out for posts about this on our Instagram- @tokeyclub. For information about contests and awards check our ‘contests’ Instagram highlight. If you don’t see information about a contest or award that you’re interested in, send us a DM! We have also just posted a meme on our twitter At the district winter board meeting

account- @tokeyclub. Make sure to follow us

General Public Relations presented our social

there to see our upcoming polls! Lastly, send

media stats with the board! We discussed

us photos through Instagram DM that you

ways to improve our outreach and how to use

want to be featured on our social media! We

our feedback in a positive way; this included

would love to see what your club is up to.

making changes so that we can better reach



Governor's Project Committee CHAIR:





there are many ways to get involved. We want Key Clubbers to know that so we can create a Culture 4 Caring all across our district! In January, we posted a C4C challenge. There were two parts: do something to show appreciation to nurses, janitors, or office staff and make a Linus Blanket. We are continuing to create Instagram challenges and would love to see the participation level grow. We also would like to encourage clubs to apply for the Governor’s Project Award at LEDCON. The award will be given to the club who puts forth the most effort on the Governor’s Project. More information can be found on the website. I hope to see more of your hard work as we create a Culture 4 Caring all Hello T-O! Your Governor’s Project Committee has been working on promoting our Governor’s Project, Culture 4 Caring. If you haven’t heard of it, it includes doing anything that shows caring or inclusion toward others. This project is very broad and


across T-O. Thank you!

Kiwanis and International Relations Committee CHAIR:





tvolunteering with your K-families for a chance to be on the big screen at LEDCON! We’re excited to look through your photos and see the great things y’all are doing.

Hey T-O! Kiwanis and International Relations has been working hard to make a graphic for y’all to look out for. Make sure you’re checking the Instagram and



Membership Committee CHAIR:





and every club in TO, each package specially crafted to specifically benefit clubs while observing different challenges that they have. After our Winter Board Meeting earlier this month, we have been working as a collective unit to put these packages together and help clubs get more members with tons of different recruitment techniques. After we push the packages out, we will look forward to the next Key Club year and evaluate which clubs suffered the biggest member losses. After we compile a list, we will have a call with each president from those clubs and discuss potential techniques to get that member count back up to where we know it can be. We are here to help, and feel free to contact myself or the District Howdy TO! Your membership

about recruitment and how to tackle your

ever to get you guys resources that will help


you recruit and retain members better than ever! We are putting the finishing touches on recruitment packages to send out to each


Treasurer, Katherine Chao, with any questions

committee has been working harder than

Regulations, Elections, and Credentials Committee CHAIR:





parliamentary procedure form. We have a few things coming downthe pipe as far as amendments to our bylaws such as modernizing the language, changing the amendment process, and more! During Winter Board, we created a social media information sheet to help collect vital information from candidates about their online presences. This willh elp the committee ensure that the bylaws are being followed for the next election. Additionally,we are extremely excited to serve you and your clubs very soon at LEDCON as after all it is you, the member, that make all of this possible. Finally, I’d like to thank my committee for being so flexible and always putting their all Hey T-O! Over the last little bit, the REC committee has been preparing itself for

into the work they do. Thank you all for reading!

LEDCON. Thisi ncludes things like creating materials for aspiring district officers, tidying up revisions to the bylaws, and filming for our



Welcoming Committee CHAIR:





has composed a collection of activities and has calculated the budget for these respective activities. We plan to finalize this budget and then present it to our staff to determine whether or not these activities are appropriate for the upcoming LEDCON. These past few months we have worked hard to prepare the right activities that help in celebrating our wonderful year of service. We plan to continue these efforts by receiving permission on these activities and then purchasing and planning the layout for our Welcoming Activity. We are currently striving to reach an environment that will help everyone feel welcome and prepared to meet their peers in service such that we can have an amazing experience at the Welcoming Avticity and LEDCON as a whole. We hope you will join us at the end of this Key Club year to Greetings fellow Key Clubbers,

celebrate the accomplishments of our TexasOklahoma Key Club community. Thank you.

As said in the past update, our main goal as the welcoming committee is to create an environment in which all of our Key Club members can feel welcome to enjoy and celebrate their year of service. As of now, our


Sincerely, The Welcoming Committee


FESTIVE SERVICE IDEAS! Be a STAR at contests & awards registration by coming in prepared! You MUST check-in at LEDCON for the following contests and awards. All forms, the Code of Contests and Awards, and other resources can found on the T-O District website under the LEDCON tab in the LEDCON Resources Dropbox.


Major Emphasis Award


Theme Contest

Ringed Binder

Physical award

Major Emphasis Involvement

Printed and filled out Jotform

Report cover sheet Traditional Scrapbook Contest Physical scrapbook Generic itemized cost form glued/taped inside cover Non-traditional Scrapbook Contest Physical scrapbook Generic itemized cost form

Single Service Award Ringed Binder Key Club Single Service Report Club Video Award DVD of video Generic itemized cost form Distinguished Club Award Annual Achievement Report Form

glued/taped inside cover Club Poster Award (Digital)


Printed digitally-created poster Entry form Club Poster Award (Non-Digital) Hand created poster on paper Entry form

Club T-Shirt Award Physical Club T-shirt Oratorical Award Name of participant (limited to 1) Talent Contest Name of performer(s) (1 act limit)

*Refer to the Code of Contests and Awards for more details about contest and award participation, eligibility, and requirements

Info on equipment and act Impromptu Essay Award Name of participant (limited to 1) T-O Quiz Bowl Award Name of participant (limited to 2) Super Smash Bros Contest Name of participant (limited to 2)



Be a STAR at contests & awards registration by coming in prepared! The awards listed below all require the submission of online forms due BEFORE LEDCON. All forms, the Code of Contests and Awards, and other resources can found on the T-O District website under the LEDCON tab in the LEDCON Resources Dropbox.

All Outstanding Club Officer Awards

Governor's Project Award

Submit online jotform (Due by

Submit online joftorm (Due by

April 9)

April 9)

Oustanding Faculty Advisor Award Submit online jotform (Due by April 9) Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award Submit online jotform (Due by April 9) Hall of Fame Submit online jotform (Due by April 9) Club Newsletter Award Share newsletter with District

Outstanding Rookie Club of the Year Submit online jotform (Due by April 9) District Project Award Submit online jotform (Due by April 9) Leader of Leaders Award Send Leader of Leaders form to Regional (Due by March 31) Sandy Nininger Award

Editor on Google Drive (Due by

Apply for Leader of Leaders

April 9)


Distinguished Website Award

Most Improved Club Award

Submit website links to Tech

Submit online jotform (Due by

Producer (Due by Dec 1 or 30 days

April 9)

after chartering; No submissions after March 15)

Tex-O-Key Reporting Award Submit articles and photos to the District Editor throughout the year Membership Growth Award All clubs in good standing automatically made eligible



My foot lifted off of the rock and I

various water bottles and plastic bags

suddenly felt myself falling, falling, falling;

that were scattered throughout the park,

the impact of my feet slamming against

interrupting its natural ambiance.

the edge sent a shock throughout my body, further emphasized by the splash of

As volunteers began to slowly

brown creek water that left a multitude of

trickle into the foyer, the volunteer

specks on my glasses. Needless to say, I

coordinator began handing out trash

did not land that jump.

bags and picks, assigning us as either garbage hunters or gatherers. In following

Just two hours ago I had been

the various park trails, we had quickly

sitting on a ledge, picking at the concrete

exhausted the supply of trash within the

cracks while waiting for my friends to

first hour. With this development, the

show up to our volunteer shift. It was the

volunteer coordinator encouraged us to

Thanksgiving break of sophomore year, a

go off trail and explore the park, picking

notably slow point of the semester, and I

up trash wherever we could find it. After

opted to change my monotonous

a couple minutes of aimless wandering,

schedule by signing up for a park clean-

my friends and I noticed a faint, white

up. Oliver Nature Park was a sight,

silhouette nestling deep in the bushes,

painted in various shades of red, orange,

guarded by a wall of branches and

and yellow by the fluttering leaves

thorns. Not one to shy away from a

slipping off the branches. However, the

challenge, I pulled my hoodie over my

picturesque scenery was marred by the

head and tightened the drawstrings,


envisioning the soft fabric as a sort of

abandoned trash floating atop the

armor. Ducking my head, I pushed myself

water’s surface. On one occasion, we had

through the biggest gap in the thorns that

come across a cluster of ping pong balls,

I could find, coming to a halt once I had

in which we extracted them one by one

broken past the thick barrier between the

with our trash picks before chucking it

trail and the hollow area of the woods.

across the water into the trash bags.

Wielding my trash pick, I carefully

Despite independently traveling to collect

extracted the plastic bag from the tree’s

trash, our group never broke too far apart,

clutches, once again bracing myself to

lingering in an area until the last person

break past the wall of thorns. I emerged

was ready to travel on.

on the other side, triumphantly holding up the bundle of plastic; the bag was secure

Then came the rock, practically our Everest. This one was suspended in the

After venturing off a little more, the


middle of the creek, a large distance

whole group came together, deciding to

away from two nearby rocks. The leap

clean up as much of the creek as

seemed doable, nonetheless, if we were

possible. We ducked under the bridge

to gain enough momentum and

and stared in awe at the long, winding

confidence to make the jump. The first

body of water that lay before us, marked

person to attempt it was a senior; he took

by the large rocks that assembled a path

a breath before walking back as far as

for us to travel on. And there we went,

the rock’s surface area would allow

hopping from rock to rock to reach the

before leaping off the ledge. The group

collectively exhaled when he landed

of exploring the hidden depths of the

firmly on the second rock, motivating

park was. Key Club has been an outlet for

everyone else to give it a try. Watching

me to be able to lend myself to the

nearly everyone stick the landing, it only

community, carrying unique memories of

made sense for me to try as well, right?

each event with me. Two years later, I can still say that Oliver Nature Park is the most

Not quite. My feet landed on the

vivid volunteer experience that comes to

dip of the rock that was slightly

mind when I think of the club; the

underwater, creating a splash that

experience was a near flawless balance

sprayed both me and the volunteers

of responsibility and freedom to enjoy

who’d believed they had jumped safely.

myself, showing me that service truly is

My body tipped and I crashed into the

the root of unity, whether it be with others

first jumper. There was a brief moment of

or simply creating a connection with our

silence before we all erupted with

surroundings. As my time in Key Club is


coming to a close, I hope to motivate others to take on the challenges that

The creek expedition marked the end of the park clean-up, as we all

service may present, and to overcome any obstacles (creek rocks included) together!

trudged up the steep sides of the surrounding area to escape back into the main foyer. This event was exhausting, but I couldn’t deny how exhilarating the thrill


Holly Jolly LILY

It’s that time of year again, time for the holiday cheer! With the jolly spirit going all around, Uplift Summit Key Club volunteered at the annual Mission Arlington Christmas Store. Mission Arlington provides an assortment of gifts ranging from babies to teens for those who are unable to give their little bundle of joy a little something during this season of giving. It’s a sight to behold as “the store” is bustling with shoppers, helpers, and more! With so much to do, Key Clubbers hopped from station to station to help every shoppers.

As the morning began, the chilly air nipped the line of volunteers and shoppers waiting outside. With so many places to be, volunteers were grouped into different stations. These being child care, restockers, helpers, and gift-wrappers. For those in child care, they assisted in watching over the shoppers’ kids while they went to get their little ones their gifts. With so many shoppers, you could say child care was a bit hectic with so many little kids running around. As for restockers, these volunteers helped with restocking the shelves with gifts donated from the Arlington community as well as bringing in boxes of donated gifts from the warehouse. It was a hefty job as you had to run back and forth to bring all the donated toys outside and back into the shop. Helpers assisted with shoppers in getting the perfect gift. As toys were limited, each parent were allowed to get one large gift and two small gifts for each child. Furthermore, as Christmas Store was open to anyone, English is not a first language for some. Thus, our volunteers used their multilingual skills to make sure no shopper was left behind! From










Spanish to Arabic, every shopper was able to shop happily! Last of all, gift-wrappers tied everything together by gift wrapping the shoppers’ gifts to give it a finishing touch. Some gifts were abstractly shaped, so volunteers had to be creative in their wrapping skills. For example, sometimes the gifts were spherical, thus, we wrapped them like large candies!

I was able to do a multitude of jobs, from a restocker, to making complimentary gifts for moms, and gift-wrapper. As a restocker, I worked with my fellow member Ugbad Ibrahim in restocking every shelf and organizing them to look more appealing to our shoppers. With so many gifts to stock into the shelves, you never knew which one to place onto the shelves! Later, I was moved to making complimentary gifts for moms, which were gift bags filled with jewelry from earrings to bracelets. My last job was a giftwrapper, where I conversed with parents of how their experience was and wrapped their gifts as best as I could. As there were so many gifts to wrap, I brought some help. Arturo Cornejo was my right hand man in wrapping easier gifts while I worked on the more abstractly shaped packages. Needless to say, we were able to wrap so many gifts for so many shoppers that day.

All in all, Mission Arlington Christmas Store was a success as I

was able to bring joy to so many parents and kids all around DFW. I highly suggest any new and old members to attend this event as it is one to remember. Even if the work is hard, being able to spread joy to so many people in such a small way is something to look forward to.


Project 5 BRITNEY




One of our past Key Club officers




community. We were already familiar with

signed us up for the Youth Opportunity

helping the homeless because Key Club

Fund Grant. We received it and had some

volunteers at the soup kitchen regularly.

remaining money this year. With that

Therefore, after getting the items, the

money, our sponsor went to the grocery

officers had to first organize the

store and bought some items. She bought

donations and bags. Some of the officers

food like Vienna Sausage, different

stayed back afterschool and counted

flavors of crackers, and more. We also

how many drawstring bags we had and

had people and Key Club members give

categorized the items. Then, we picked

us generous donations. These donations

the date and was ready to take on this

included shampoo, conditioner,

project. On that day, the officers

toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash, etc.

organized and laid out the items that we

We got these items so that we can start

were gonna put in the bags before our

Project 5.

meeting started. After the meeting, we had Key Club members stay after to

Project 5 is a project where we


assemble the bags. Each officer stood

make bags for the homeless. We did this

behind each of the items to ensure that

so that we can give back to the

each bag would get them. Then, each

member walked along the table as the

distribute to the homeless how they

officers put the items into the drawstring

please. Finally, we organized the bags on

bags. These items were canned food,

the cart and rolled it to our sponsor’s

crackers, pudding, toiletries, etc. Next,

room so that it can be delivered. The next

they moved down the table like an

morning, we took the bags to the soup

assembly line. After they got each item,

kitchen called Some Other Place. The

they closed the bag and put it onto a

people there were able to distribute the

cart. We continued this until all 200 bags

bags to the homeless. All of this was

were filled. We also made separate

possible due to our fellow members’ due

ZipLoc bags with feminine hygiene

to our fellow members’ donations and

products. We did this so that the people

grant. We were able to help the homeless

that are in charge of this project can

and give back to our community which is what Key Club is about.


Sibshop's Significance LILIAN






Two years ago, if you were to ask me what a Sibshop was, I probably would have looked at you with a confused expression for a very long time. However, it is now a word that I look forward to hearing whenever I can. This special Mustang Key Club event has opened my eyes to a different perspective to our community and the people in it. Here is a story about the significance of an eyeopening event.

Sibshop is an event that many communities take part in. This project brings siblings of special needs together to do many activities including making

seen are fifteen and below. The church

crafts, playing games, and talking about

does this for the parents that have the

the good and the not so good things

difficult twenty-four hour job with these

about being siblings with a special needs

kids and deserve one night off to relax

kid. In Mustang, Oklahoma, there is a

and do what they please. Besides having

church that hosts a Sibshop for kids of all

the siblings as guests, the people there

ages, but most of the ones that I have

also welcome the special needs kids with .


open arms. I have had the pleasure to

surprised, yet curious. When I went into

work with both groups of children and

the unknown environment, there were

each and every one of them are

many kids that I had not seen before. I

blessings. My first experience volunteering

was able to spend a lot of time playing

at a Sibshop was with the special needs

games, making crafts, and especially,

kids. At first, I was nervous about how it

creating memories. One of my more

would be like. I did not want to do

recent memories includes a shy, yet

anything wrong to upset the children or

bubbly little girl. Some of the other

the people running the event. However,

volunteers and I were able to play fun

my worries went to rest when the group

games with her and nothing made me

started coming in. The volunteers had to

happier than seeing her smile and get

line up and each kid would pick “buddies�

excited. We played a game of dodgeball

to have for the night. I met many great

with paper, made airplanes, took fun

people. They were all eccentric, sweet,

quizzes, and talked about her brother. Her

and polite. I enjoyed the fact that all they

brother happened to be there, but not in

really wanted was someone to keep them

the same group. I could tell she was very

company. Although it was a difficult job

mature for her age because she talked

keeping them in eye-sight at all times, it

about how her brother gives her troubles

was easy to spend time with people with

sometimes, but she loves him very much.

so much energy and life.

Times like those truly remind me of how

More recently, I have been able to

pure and good children are.

spend more time in the actual Sibshop. In the beginning, I always saw a multitude of

Overall, I am privileged to have the

kids show up, but half of them were

opportunity to step out of my comfort

usually not seen for the rest of the night.

zone and have my eyes opened to

When I was offered to go help in another

different experiences. My memories at

section of the building, I was very

the Sibshop arenever ending and unforgettable.






Promotion LIAISON





Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.

Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect.

Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways.

The U.S. Army empowers tomorrow’s leaders by offering advanced schooling for today’s top careers. Not only that, programs like the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and March2Success.com allow students to go to college debt free and excel in the classroom with helpful academic resources.



Up with People strives to develop a sense of social responsibility in their Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming participants through hands on community service. Service projects are students with information about how they can be a part of integrated into each city visited during the semester. By volunteering to social change, make a difference and encourage others to meet the specific needs of each community, participants develop insight join in the effort. into how different cultures address social and political challenges.

Squads Abroad is a program of Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS), the world's leading expert in international volunteering. Since 1995, CCS has empowered more than 35,000 volunteers to improve child health and educational outcomes around the world.

currently presents two major campaigns each year that Kiwanis Gives Online is powered Nickelodeon by Access Development, a teamencourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces friendly crowdfunding platform just for Key Club. It specializes in helping Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by your club achieve its fundraising goals through a convenient turnkey, active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get online fundraising service. Kiwanis leading Gives Online not only creates and Dirty campaign to educate kids, families and teachers about manages your entire campaign(s), but also provides seeks a reward to anyone what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways. making a donation.


PREFERRED CHARITIES & COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.

Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that culture of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.

UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation.

K Corps is Kiwanis International’s youth exchange program for Key Clubbers. It’s a great opportunity to experience a unique culture, provide service, make lifelong friends, and see spectacular sights half a world away! Participants are hosted by Japanese families, and scholarship opportunities are available.

Project Happiness inspires and empowers club members to create greater happiness within themselves and their communities addressing the bullying issue at its core. The Key Club Guide to Project Happiness shares exercises, discussions, games and tools based on Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to re-wire the brain for happiness. Why does happiness matter? Happier people enjoy life.


































Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District



Key Club International







ADMINISTRATORS Administrator Kenyon Black - Administrator@tokeyclub.com Assistant Administrator (Finances) Ryan Edmoundson - AAFinance@tokeyclub.com Assistant Administrator (District Events) Kelly Poland - AAEvents@tokeyclub.com










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