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tex o key V O L U M E
I S S U E 3
Cypress Ridge High School
Mansfield Legacy High School
FROM THE STAFF Note From The Editor
Message from the International Trustee
Updates from the District Staff
Fall Rally!!
Spooky Service Ideas
A Word From Our Committees
District Project Ideas
How We Helped WeHelpTwo
San Angelo Central High School
Major Emphasis Project
Contact Information
39 Mansfield Timberview High School
visit the t-o key club website at
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Happy October, Texas-Oklahoma!
The past months have passed by so quickly! First and foremost, I would like to show you all the newsletter participation rate trend since April. Check out the next page for the bar chart! Despite the lack of increase from May to July, look how far we've gone since April. I am beyond proud of y'all. Watching the names of new clubs pop up with newsletters and other submissions honestly make my month, every single month.
It may just be me, but I think the dramatic increase in the participation rate between July and August could be credited to the editor trainings! As some of you know, I hosted 2 editor trainings in August through Zoom and got to actually see your faces. Check out the next page for my first training during the school year. I hope you all enjoy this newsletter's content because it has some exciting things, like our impact on the lives of two very important people (with the help of WeHelpTwo) and some fall related service ideas.
Additionally, want to give you all a mini pep talk since school has started and the chaos has just begun. Remember to put your health first, both physical and mental. Don't let work consume all your time because that will most likely make you unhappy and exhausted. STAY HYDRATED! You need to be able to take care of yourself before you find the time to serve others. Everyone knows the purpose of Key Club is to serve communities and help out those in need; However, if you are unwell or have other urgent matters, Key Club will wait for you.
As a junior, a lot of my Key Club friends are stressing out about PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP classes, IB classes, DC classes, and a plethora of other draining coursework. You have made it this far and you can keep on going. This all sounds incredibly cheesy but I believe we all need a reminder to take a step back and take a breath. We can do it, guys!
Make sure to click the link below to grade this newsletter.
TEX-O-KEY OCTOBER FEEDBACK I promise I will take your feedback into consideration. For example, someone suggested more club articles on these newsletters so here we are with a couple more than last time!
Yours in Service,
Vivian Thai
Riddle of the Month
drop a pumpkin?
Letter to the Editor
you Jadance Black (Elgin High School Key Club) asks: What advice can you share for editor's who are just starting off and have no idea what to do or use to make newsletters or articles?
First off, I would recommend them talk to the editor that preceded them. Someone with firsthand experience may be able to help them or train them. If your LTG holds RTC, make use of them! Hopefully, the presentations at those meetings will help you out. If those two suggestions are not options, then reach out to me! My remind code is @toedit (text this to 81010) and I will be happy to help with any questions. My email is editor@tokeyclub.com and I can totally answer questions through email as well. Furthermore, make sure you know of your resources. For example, tokeyclub.com has a section called "Editor Resources" that contains all the rubrics that editors need. The June Tex-O-Key that I published on Issuu has a page on the duties of an editor. My YouTube channel has a few helpful videos as well.
Hi Texas-Oklahoma!
The International Board has been really busy these past weeks, and so have I when it comes to our sistricts. In this letter I will also include some important reminders and what’s to come next from the Key Club International Board.A new initiative that Key Club International has developed is the Trustee Independent Committee. This is a project or some form of community service is exclusive to each sistrict. After consulting with all of the Governors we have decided on a mental health project. This project is divided into three parts: Advocacy, Partnership, and Public Relations. I have been struggling to come up with a name so if you have any ideas please feel free to contact me.
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund of the Kiwanis Children’s Fund which provides grants to Key Club and Key Club members for scholarships and service opportunities. Do you have a really great service project in mind, but your club does not have all of the funds? The International Board wants to do everything we can to get you the money for the project so please, fill out the application.
As some of you may know, this year’s KCI Committees are Executive, Global Outreach, Public Relations, District and Member Resources, and International Opportunities. Each committee's report can be found using this link. Remember you can always contact the chairs for any input!
Key Clubbers share a special Halloween tradition… Trick or Treat for UNICEF. This has been a project to help raise money for Maternal-Neonatal Tetanus. For the month of October, Key Clubber try fill their TOT box with donations. Here’s the best part… the boxes are free! There are so many ways to get involved so please contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information.Please always remember that I am a resource for anything you may need so feel feel to contact me. Happy Spooky Season!
Contact Information Phone: (813) 297-7663 Email: alexishenry38@gmail.com Instagram: @alexiskhenry
Yours in Service and Friendship, Alexis Henry 2019-2020 Key Club International Trustee Ohio, Kansas, and Texas-Oklahoma Districts Public Relations Committee Chair
UPDATES FROM TH Hey TO! I am currently working on our LEDCON release video so be on the lookout for that after fall rally. Speaking of fall rally, don’t forget to register if you plan on attending! We will also be releasing a call to convention, dress code, and code of conduct video as LEDCON nears. Website due dates are nearing so make sure that if your club has not made one yet to start now. It may be due November 15th but it does take time and it is worth it to have a chance of winning the distinguished website award. I will be releasing a graphic soon to remind you all and hope that everyone is having a great start of the school year!
Lacey Thomas Tech Producer
Hey sunshines! It’s your Convention Liaison, Dillion here. I hope the school year is treating you well; Junior year has been great so far. I want you ALL to come to Fall Rally to find out our theme, hang out with key clubbers from all over T-O, and to ride your service bodies off! I’m currently working on making our LEDCON welcoming activities the best! Your LTGs have already received their assigned forums and are perfecting their presentations so we can provide you with the best LEDCON. I can’t wait to see you all at our Conference.
Yours in service and friendship,
Dillion Grisham
Dillion Grisham
Convention Liaison
Happy fall everyone! In late August, I sent out my first update to all club treasurers with information on club treasurer duties, the Membership Update Center (MUC), and the YOF Grant. If you are a treasurer and you did not receive this email, or if your club doesn’t have a treasurer, please contact me and let me know as soon as possible! Recently, I’ve been finishing up the fundraising guide and promoting the YOF Grant as much as possible. As a reminder, the YOF Grant application is due soon on October 15 at 10:59pm CT, and your club should definitely apply if you
Kareena Patel District Secretary
haven’t already! In addition, the Membership Update Center is open! The early-bird dues deadline is November 1st and turning in your dues early will
Vivian Thai District Editor
earn your club extra points to become a top 25 club! Refer to my club treasurer update for my presentation on how to access and update the Membership Update Center. If you come across any problems with the
Katherine Chao
MUC or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
District Treasurer Yours in service, Katherine Chao
Hope everyone has been having a great school year so far!! Fall has
started and brought mildly cooler weather with it! I am so ready for sweater weather! In these past couple of months, I have finished and published the newest edition to the Jolly Book of Wisdom that I had promised. This is a guidebook created for club secretaries that goes through all of the duties of a secretary and answers questions on how to be the best secretary, submit reports and many other things. The monthly report submission rate has been on an upward trend since May. This is a great achievement that I was able to achieve with the help of you guys reporting! I can not emphasize enough how important it is for clubs to report. Remember if your club doesn’t report then the district has no way to account for your club’s activities. It is never too late to start reporting! If your club currently does not submit reports, please reach out to me at secretary@tokeyclub.com to get started!! Thank you
Kareena Patel
for all your hard work, and keep up the service in your home, school,
District Secretary
and communities!
Yours in friendship and service, Kareena Patel District Secretary 2019-2020
What is up, T-O?
School has officially started! How were y'all's first meetings? I am super excited to see y'all at 2019 Fall Rally in Frontier City, Oklahoma! Personally, I am super excited to reveal the LEDCON theme! Don't forget to register before October 11th and I can't wait to see y'all! In October, I'll also be doing my Gov Tour! I'm super excited to see all of you there as well. With all of these events coming up, don't forget to inform LTGs about new officer information so that we can get that information to Key CLub International! As far as what I've done, I have worked on installing new LTGs for about 5 divisions. In addition, we sent out our first C4C challenge! I would like to personally send a thank you to all who participated. Other than that, feel free to contact me for any
Ashna Patel
questions and I look forward to meeting you all at Gov Tour and Fally
District Governor
TOGether in service, Ashna Patel District Governor
FALL RALLY My apologies for the Fall Rally announcement on the previous TexO-Key! We have our location updated and there will be ONE Fall Rally for Texas-Oklahoma Key Clubbers this year!
PERKS OF GOING TO FALL RALLY! DCON theme reveal meet Key Clubbers from other divisions cute t-shirt with admission have a blast with your friends at Frontier City a.k.a club bonding!
Ask local churches if they need help decorating or Contact your local hospital
setting up for Halloween
This Thanksgiving, give to
and ask if they need
events. Some churches
those in need! With your club,
volunteers for any special
have Halloween
raise donations and put
Halloween events,
together warm Thanksgiving
especially for their younger
meals. Deliver these to the
homeless or others in need in
Reach out to your
your area,. Make sure you
nearest senior care
check with authorities and
and help them
stay safe before you take on
decorate or make fall
this project.
crafts with the seniors! This is a great way to brighten up
their day and create a warm, environment this autumn.
In addition to giving the homeless food, you
can also give out socks and other necessities as the weather cools
Host a clothing drive specifically targeted towards winter clothes, and donate them to a family shelter! With the weather getting chillier, people will appreciate warm clothes.
Send out thoughtful cards. For those who may not be home during Thanksgiving, a handwritten and heartfelt card may cheer them up. Sending cards to soldiers overseas is a great idea!
Contests and Awards Committee CHAIR:
presented at WINBO, the theme contest at LEDCON, and how to best promote the District/International contest to get the most club participation. We think it will be most effective to work closely with the GPR committee to do weekly contest posts on Instagram, including small summaries, registration guides, and Q&As. We are also working on sending out an email to all of the District Board on how to get the contests out there through newsletters, email, and club visits. The update will also include a list of all contests with simplified summaries for LTGs to refer back to when their clubs This month the Contests and Awards Committee is working on the final few contest revision ideas to be
have questions.
District Project Committee CHAIR:
project. I’m so glad that you guys are here and are working hard to improve your clubs. Your District Project committee is working hard on new ideas for you guys to get involved with Key Readers. Make sure you are watching the T-O instagram story and staying up to date with everything that is going on. New ideas on Key Readers will be posted on the instagram page soon!
Happy Fall T-O! I hope all of you are doing well and you are also participating in this awesome district
Events Public Relations Committee CHAIR:
working hard to promote Fall Rally (which it is A BLAST). We’ve illustrated so much material for this event and October we’ll be dropping some videos and a ton of posts for it! Fall Rally is one of the biggest Key Club events you as a Key Clubber can be a part of! You can meet other members, LTGs, and the district staff with the same heart of service as you! Also, if you attend, you can be among the first to know what your Leadership and Education District Conference’s theme is going to be! That’s the big update for now, and we’ll see you there!
Hello hello!!! My name is Sharlene Garcia and I’m your chairwoman for Event Public Relations! My committee has been
General Public Relations Committee CHAIR:
4 Caring challenge. We partnered with the governor's project committee to promote the first Culture 4 Caring challenge!! We were able to promote this challenge through the district Instagram, TOkeyclub. People who participated in the challenge and used the hashtag #keyclubc4c1 were recognized on our Instagram page. GPR will be posting these challenges monthly. Our second big project was promoting fall rally! We have been posting a series of highlights and feed posts to encourage clubs to register for fall rally.
This month, the general public relations committee has had two big projects! The first project was the Culture
Governor's Project Committee CHAIR:
everyone to complete. For September, the challenge was to write a nice note to another student at school. We loved seeing pictures from across the district of people participating in this challenge. In the coming months, we would like to see that participation increase. We are also planning a service project to work on at Fall Rally, so stay tuned!
Hello T-O! The Governor’s Project Committee has been working on monthly challenges to be posted on Instagram for
Kiwanis and International Relations Committee CHAIR:
way we’re trying to succeed in this is by starting an every other month Instagram challenge. These challenges will be something super simple, for example, sending in a picture of you or your club going to a Kiwanis meeting. We’re also working on making a Google sheet with each LTG of Kiwanis with the Key Club LTG next to them for easier access to their information to help bridge the gap between organizations.
Kiwanis and International Relations is working on building closer ties with not just Kiwanis, but the entire K-family. One
Membership Committee CHAIR:
to send out to clubs before the middle of October. We want you all to find success within your clubs to the greatest extent possible, and the best way to do this is to get NEW MEMBERS! Our guides will be really effective in helping you all recruit new members, and we want to ensure that we are doing everything we can to help you both recruit and retain members. Make sure you're reaching out to people at lunch, your friends, and at local businesses to push the idea of key club for them. Change in our communities starts with our drive to succeed, and we must make sure that every person in our Hey TO! Your membership
schools have heard of, considered, and
committee has been working as hard as
hopefully joined Key Club! Be on
ever to provide quality recruitment
the lookout for our guides to be out soon,
resources for you all! This month , we have
and let's get out there and recruit some
been working on PowerPoints and guides
new members!!
Regulations, Elections, and Credentials Committee CHAIR:
prominent changes is changing all references of DCON to LEDCON (Yes, it will take time to get adjusted to but it will always be DCON in my heart). We’ve also been talking about the alteration of some district committees such as allowing club members to serve on them as well! We’re also working on making a feedback form for members to fill out in order to ensure that our Bylaws reflect the needs of everyone! Thanks for reading this update! I’m looking forward to seeing these changes and all of the hard work of our committee come to fruition! So far the REC committee has been focusing on revising the Bylaws after the changes we made at the Summer Board Meeting! One of the more
Welcoming Committee CHAIR:
all of our Key Clubbers can feel welcome to enjoy and celebrate their year of service. As of now, our committee has composed a collection of activities that we feel acclimate well with the theme. Amongst these, we are finding the budget for these activities and determining what of those fit best with our celebration of this year. Soon, we will be finalizing these activities so that we can be ready for a great Welcoming Activity. We hope you will join us at the end of this Key Club year to celebrate the accomplishments of our Texas-Oklahoma Key Club community. Thank you. Greetings all T-O Key Clubbers, Sincerely, As the Welcoming Committee, our main goal is to create an environment in which
The Welcoming Committee
DISTRICT PROJECT IDEAS COURTESY OF LTG KASANDRA SCHROEDER DIVISION 8 The Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District Project KEY Readers. Here are some ideas (same as the previous Tex-O-Key) that you can utilize to participate in the District Project!
Shelve books at your local library. Join the library's teen advisory board where teens help plan or volunteer at events. Host a book drive and suggest students bring a used or new book. Stock books at your Kiwanis's Little Library if they have one. If not, suggest building one! Talk to local elementary or middle schools about reading to their students. You can even plan a weekly or biweekly time so that your club can regularly visit the schools. Have a pen-pal relationship with elementary or middle school students where you talk about books! Start a book club. Compile a list of books to read and students can vote on a book to read each week. Encourage students to participate in reading challenges, such as the summer reading challenges at your local library!
FEATURING: Cyril from Kenya
Cancer is a bad word, no matter where you live. In the U.S. we can hope, even expect that a tumor will be removed, and cancer neutralized, but in Kenya, not so. 27-year-old Cyril, was diagnosed with a transfemoral tumor in 2012. It was removed, but the doctor took the rest of his leg as well. With a family to support and no way to work, Cyril became depressed. His body survived cancer, but his dreams did not.
That is when We Help Two and its partner clinic became a part of Cyril’s story. They provided a new leg and the training to use it. He is now on working again and happy to be supporting his young family.
FEATURING: Ali Muhammad from India
Badipora is a town in Kashmir. It sets on the famous Silk Road which connects Europe to Asia. It was travelled by silk merchants for centuries. 62-year-old. Ali Muhammad lives in Badipora but he doesn’t travel anywhere. His leg had to be amputated because it was crushed in a road trac accident. He sits – all day – every day – and watches the rest of the world pass him by on the bustling Silk Road.
BUT because of the Hope Disability Centre and We Help Two he was given a new prosthetic leg. He already has got the hang of it and plans to use his new mobility to continue working to support his family.
Child's Play JANET
We observe, sprawled on the grass
Inside the George W. Hawkes
with the midsummer heat beating on our
library, volunteers ran crafting stations for
necks. Another stranger’s laughter roars
kids to make paper crowns and
to a crescendo. Merriness among all in
bookmarks. After wiping down tables, we
this pocket of life in town. One would be
adorned them with glue sticks, colors,
surprised to find out we were actually
white paper, and decorative sparkly foam
working—during vacation, no less. But
paper cutouts. Kids intermittently visited
Uplift Summit Key Club doesn’t stop for
the stations, only to be welcomed and
the summer. On July 3rd, club members
ushered by volunteers. Once plopping
volunteered at Light Up Arlington: the
down in any empty seat, they could color
annual Independence Day celebration in
to their hearts’ content. At some point,
downtown Arlington. Festivities lasted
someone opened the door and a gust of
from 3 to 9 p.m.
wind blew the pieces of foam paper across the floor. Members scrambled to
clean the little pieces up, ensuring to never let the incident happen again.
Another built a ship. Others balanced on the cylinder blocks like gymnasts, and some dueled each other like swordsman.
Eventually, members were instructed to help with the imagination
There certainly was no shortage of creative talent among them.
playground just outside. This play area was constructed entirely by children using
Soon enough, Key Clubbers signed
only blue foam blocks. Volunteers were to
out for the night, but the fun wasn’t over.
ensure that all blocks remain in the
Right next to the library was a neon
designated area, but mostly, it was the
bubble bus. We joined the mass of people
perfect excuse to enjoy the free
taking photos and videos, enjoying every
festivities. Live performers sang on stage
minute of it. In retrospect, there was
just a few feet away from us—the music
nothing special about it. It is childish,
intermixed with the smell of food in the
really, to have an unwavering fascination
air. A sight to see. I remember seeing him
with something so simple and seemingly
out of the corner of my eye; a young boy
meaningless, but there we were. The tiny
walked away clutching a bright blue
spheres floated in the air, glistened in the
mass: a block from the playground. I
disappearing sun—had we ever seen so
shuffled to him, asking him to return it. He
many? Perhaps. But perhaps it was being
must have gotten carried away in the
a part of something grand. That night, the
excitement of it all; really, all the kids did.
community vibrated together. Another
One of them built a car out of the blocks.
successful Key Club event.
The Chronicles of My Key Club Journey BRIAN
As I embark on my third and final
kicked out, I decided to rejoin the club in
year in Key Club, I think that it’s important
my sophomore year with a new motivation
to reminisce and remind myself of all the
to redeem myself. During my freshman
memories, the good and the bad, that
year, I had the mentality of volunteering
amalgamate to form the beautiful mosaic
being a chore and a waste of time that I
that is my Key Club experience and
could be using to do homework or catch
ultimately, a large chunk of my high
up on Netflix. However, after finally
school experience as well. If I’m being
attending a few events, I found my
completely frank, my introduction into the
community of peers that I felt
world of Key Club was no smooth one; in
comfortable around and made
fact, I was a fairly inactive member. In my
volunteering enjoyable. Soon enough, I
freshman year, I probably attended two
found myself getting excited to volunteer
meetings in the entire school year and
every weekend alongside my newfound
went to absolutely no events, resulting in
friends. My sophomore year was also the
me being swiftly kicked out at the end of
year that Hurricane Harvey devastated
the fall semester. It took me the entire
the Houston area. I vividly remember that
spring semester to get over this bitter
at the first meeting of the year, President
taste in my mouth that being booted out
Brandon Kang mentioned that through Key
Club we could work together to create a direct impact on Hurricane Harvey victims. However, after coming to accept
that it was ultimately my fault for being
As someone whose house got flooded and was living at their grandma’s house
Finally, socials benefit our club by
that by recording all the hours, making
bringing together our community. They
the minutes, and submitting the monthly
provide a space for a large group of
reports that I was helping put Cypress
students who all share a love for service
Ridge on the map as a school that can
to get together and celebrate their
compete with the prestigious. Being on
changes to the world. Icebreakers,
the officer board and working alongside
games, and awards are all ways for
such passionate souls motivated me to
members to get to know each other and
better serve my community and reminded
support our successes. This is the main
me of why I continue to volunteer through
reason why not only our Key Club, but
Key Club. As my last year in high school begins, I will never forget to utilize my
My junior year in Key Club was by
past experiences of service to better the
far my most fun. As secretary, I really felt
entire club’s volunteering experience to
a strong sense of community between my
ensure that they find their own passion for
local Key Club and the district and felt
Finding the Key to Ov MARIYAM
Cy Falls Key Club witnessed a busy month in July. From coming up with event ideas for community service projects, to organizing social events, coordinating with the officers to take charge of the events, forming a plan to effectively carry out the events, and updating the agenda to keep the members well informed, this month was one heck of a ride for several reasons. It was only due to proper communication among the officers and the sponsor and collective team effort of distributing the tasks efficiently, Cy Falls Key Club was successful in overcoming these obstacles.
Our first problem over the summer was organizing a meeting where the officers could discuss Key Club community project ideas and social events, talk about how we can achieve Key Club’s goals in the upcoming school year, and plan our Key Club booth at the freshman orientation at our campus. To receive our officers’ feedback on these issues and arrive with a plan that will address all these topics, we decided to have an officer meeting. But, little did we know that all of us had conflicting schedules such as summer school, summer vacation, internship and work hours, family events, athletics, band practice, no means of transportation, etc. due to which we could not decide when and where to meet with all the officers present at the meeting. To overcome this obstacle, and to ensure that all the officers could attend the meeting we decided
vercoming Obstacles
to have a video conference on the Zoom app at a time which was convenient for most of us. This solution solved the problem and we were able to discuss future Key Club plans and how we can effectively implement our ideas to ensure our club’s success. For the officers that were unable to attend the meeting, we made sure that we recorded the minutes at the meeting so that we could share the information discussed to them. By doing so, this helped us ensure that we all were on the same page.
In addition to that, we were faced with situations where some officers could not attend the events and keep track of members who attended the events, so to resolve that problem, members were advised to upload a picture of themselves at the event and email it to our official Key Club email.
Despite all of the challenges we have encountered this summer, we were able to overcome it with effective communication and collective group effort. What makes Key Club special is the officers’ initiative to step up, take charge, and no matter how severe the problem is, we always manage to come up with a solution that will not only address the problem but will also ensure that the club is running smoothly and meeting its goals.
Alex's Lemon KIANA
Since the beginning of summer our club has been looking for more ways to get involved and broaden our impact and cooperation with other organizations and schools, so we decided to join with the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is a foundation dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by raising money through a lemonade stand. There are many ways one can choose to participate in the fight for this cause. The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation allows you to work together with friends, family, and peers to raise awareness, money, and spirits!
This summer the Summit High School Key Club got together to join the fight. From July 11th to 13th, we stood outside in front of a large strip mall in Mansfield and offered free lemonade to shoppers. We advertised by posting digital fliers on several social media platforms and by holding up posters explaining the cause and what we offer. For those who didn’t have cash on them but wanted to give we we had a QR code ready so that they could readily give
nade Stand
online. Although the lemonade was free everybody that got lemonade donated whatever they could. People donated that didn’t want lemonade, people drove up to us, handed us money and drove off, people donated and stayed to enjoy a fresh cup of lemonade and a conversation with us. On the second day the driver of a large delivery truck stopped in the middle of the road just to give some money! I was astounded by the number of people who were willing to give when you give them a chance to. In the end, the hours in the heat became worth it because excellent results were produced. On the first day about $260 was collected. On the second day that number shot up to a little over $600 and on the third day not only did we reach our goal of $1200 but we surpassed it making a total of $1330!
Through ALSF we were able to connect with other people, raise money and help further develop childhood cancer research. Overall I am very thankful for the opportunity to join the fight and all the experiences gained. And to think, this was all possible thanks to a determined little girl and a lemonade stand!
Learning the Important Things BIANCA
Key Club gives students the
This past May, our officer team
opportunity to learn and grow in
prepared for the annual event with the
personality and mentality over the course
same vivaciousness and excitedness as
of the school year. It especially builds the
we always do and I was hit with a massive
character of the officer team, as each
wave of responsibility. It’d been the first
individual student works on adjusting into
event I’d ever had to participate in
taking on new leadership roles and
facilitating, and I’d never realized how
responsibilities. Earlier this year, I was
much preparation and planning went into
able to fully come to an understanding of
making these events happen.
what Key Club means to me and how much self-management I need to have in
I’d been thrust into a position of
order to continue with my position in the
selling tickets, making flyers, designing
posters, interacting with others, promoting events, and so much more. I Every year our club hosts an event
by the name of “Paws and Relax”, in
forgot to do something? How would I be
which we bring puppies from the Fort
able to balance school and the role I play
Bend Animal Shelter and allow students
in this organization? What if I wasn’t able
to sit down and play with them after
to keep up with my responsibilities and
school as a means of de-stressing before
end up disappointing the team?
spring finals and AP exams.
was both terrified and excited. What if I
All these doubts swam in my mind,
In the end, we weren’t able to host
but fortunately I had no time to think
the event due to weather complications,
about any of them due to how fast paced
but nevertheless, I enjoyed every second
the event needed to be planned. There
that went into planning and seeing the
was absolutely no time to sit and stress
event develop. Not only was I able to
about all that had to be done. I simply
grow closer to the officers, but I was able
had to suck it up and do my very best.
to learn more about what a historian does and how they contribute to an officer
Turns out, I was worrying for no
team. The event brought a new meaning
reason! I’d been more than capable of
to Key Club, and it stands as one of the
contributing to the team, and most
main reasons I’m beyond thrilled for the
importantly - I loved it. I’d been reminded
coming school year and the memories
of what Key Club meant to me and how
and experiences that will come with it.
excited I was to be an officer this coming year.
Tik Tok and Key Club MATTHEW
Tik Tok is a social media monster
Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat, was
with over a million users globally, that
unique to our Key Club and brought in a
bases their content on short clips with
large number of new members into the
overlaying sound. Tik Tok has been a large
growing Cypress Ridge Key Club family.
part of social media in the last few months and apart of this This may not
Tik Tok has also been a large part in
seem to initially closely tie to Key Club. As
bringing the clubs within our division
Public Relations officer of the Cypress
together along with the workers of the
Ridge Key Club, I chose to use the app to
Houston Food Bank. The aspect of a
reach out to other high schoolers about
newly created app bringing together two
Key Club through “Tik Toks”. I attempted
generations, that are usually pitted
to recreate viral videos to reach out to
against each other is a new concept to
incoming freshman through the use of a
take in and revolutionary in thought. The
comedic "Tik Tok” with the audio
explanation of a Tik Tok and the concept
“Obsessed” by Mariah Carrey. Through
of it, fascinated the older gentleman
this video, I garnered laughs but also
directing my group during Houston Food
interest in Key Club. This year at freshman
Bank. His genuine excitement to film
orientation, my Tik Tok was able to bring
something with us and post it for the
ninety-five incoming freshman into the
world to see made the effort and work I
Key Club booth and giving us their
put forth into the role of Public Relations
contact information. The use of social
for my Key Club, focusing on the Website
media in a non-traditional format, like
and Social Media pages.
Tik Tok’s boom in popularity and its
This concept and sight is what I get to
ability to capture the attention of multiple
witness through my job as Public
generation over a simple concept of a
Relations, where even Key Club alumni
short video with audio playing over to
reach out to me and compliment the
portray many different forms of
social media pages. These interactions
entertainment, ranging from Comedy to
between former and present peers and
Dance to Art, is truly a sight to behold
even different generations makes
and an example of how technology and
everything I do worth it. Follow us on Tik
social media in a non-generic form can
Tok! @CRHS_Keyclub
be used to bring people together.
Humans of Texas-Oklahoma (HOTO) KATELYN
Every person has a story. Whether it’s a dark tale of a triumphant victory or a dynamic story of a happy ending, every person must come to terms with the demons and achievements that occur throughout this crazy journey we call “life”. For me, my life has never been a cakewalk. Because I was hospitalized for over 6 months to treat my medical condition, I was forced to drop a grade as I had missed too much school already. In doing so, my life completely changed. All of my friends left, making the poor excuse of “it’s just not right anymore.” The one friend I made in the hospital died due to complications in surgery. My family
make friends, worrying they would only
could only visit every once in a while as
turn around and leave me in one way or
they had to work and attend school
another. As I traveled down the never-
themselves. My condition only slowly
ending hallways, terror pumping through
improved, forcing me to stay longer than I
my veins, I passed a room with an open
had ever wanted. Essentially, I had hit
door labeled “Key Club Meeting Here!”. At
rock bottom.
the time, like many others, I had assumed
When I finally came back to school,
it was a group of teenagers who oddly
I had no friends, no place to go, and no
liked to make keys together. I slowly
one to ask for help. I was too scared to
entered the room, terrified I was doing
the wrong thing and would be kicked out.
plays a part in who we are. Key Club is
Immediately, I was surrounded by a few
the home where love resides, where
key clubbers welcoming me to the first
memories are created, and where
meeting of the year. For the first time in a
laughter never ends.
very, very long time, I felt genuinely welcomed. I felt like I could call this place my home.
To define my Key Club experience over the past four years would easily be a huge injustice. Words cannot
For the past four years of my high
measure the true passion and
school experience, I have never seen us
appreciation I feel towards Key Club. It
key clubbers as friends. We are not
gave me a home when I had none. It
friends who casually see one another
offered me the best friends I could ever
when we either need or want something.
ask for. It even gave me the opportunity
In Key Club, we are a family. A family of
to give back to those who had hit rock
crazy aunts, long-lost cousins, favorite
bottom. Therefore, quantifiably, Key Club
uncles, and loving relatives. Each of us
could never be measured in my book. The
carries baggage that we must deal with,
good it serves, the drive it creates, and
but somehow, we all deal with it together.
the love it sparks all come together to
We see Key Club as our home. Not the
create an immeasurable good to the
traditional four walls, fancy door, and
world around us. Key Club demonstrates
patterned windows style. Key Club is the
to all those that your story does not
metaphorical home that hosts family
define who you are. It is what you do with
reunions where us strangers come
that story that determines who you will
together on a weekly basis and catch up,
a time where that baggage no longer
Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.
Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect.
Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns each year that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways.
The U.S. Army empowers tomorrow’s leaders by offering advanced schooling for today’s top careers. Not only that, programs like the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and March2Success.com allow students to go to college debt free and excel in the classroom with helpful academic resources.
Up with People strives to develop a sense of social responsibility in their Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming participants through hands on community service. Service projects are students with information about how they can be a part of integrated into each city visited during the semester. By volunteering to social change, make a difference and encourage others to meet the specific needs of each community, participants develop insight join in the effort. into how different cultures address social and political challenges.
Squads Abroad is a program of Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS), the world's leading expert in international volunteering. Since 1995, CCS has empowered more than 35,000 volunteers to improve child health and educational outcomes around the world.
currently presents two major campaigns each year that Kiwanis Gives Online is powered Nickelodeon by Access Development, a teamencourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces friendly crowdfunding platform just for Key Club. It specializes in helping Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by your club achieve its fundraising goals through a convenient turnkey, active, playful events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get online fundraising service. Kiwanis leading Gives Online not only creates and Dirty campaign to educate kids, families and teachers about manages your entire campaign(s), but also provides seeks a reward to anyone what they can do to help protect the planet in fun, mindful ways. making a donation.
PREFERRED CHARITIES & COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.
Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that culture of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.
UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education and safe water and sanitation.
K Corps is Kiwanis International’s youth exchange program for Key Clubbers. It’s a great opportunity to experience a unique culture, provide service, make lifelong friends, and see spectacular sights half a world away! Participants are hosted by Japanese families, and scholarship opportunities are available.
Project Happiness inspires and empowers club members to create greater happiness within themselves and their communities addressing the bullying issue at its core. The Key Club Guide to Project Happiness shares exercises, discussions, games and tools based on Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to re-wire the brain for happiness. Why does happiness matter? Happier people enjoy life.
Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District
Key Club International
ADMINISTRATORS Administrator Kenyon Black - Administrator@tokeyclub.com Assistant Administrator (Finances) Ryan Edmoundson - AAFinance@tokeyclub.com Assistant Administrator (District Events) Kelly Poland - AAEvents@tokeyclub.com