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I hope everyone that is back in school is prepared and excited for the year ahead. This year all of you serve on the district board and have an opportunity to make a difference, not only in your community but in your district. Last year I served as a Lt. Governor and met so many incredible students, Kiwanians, and people. I urge you to make the most of your term because I promise you the more you put into your clubs and position, the more you will get out come April. As October approaches don't forget to apply to the Youth Opportunities Fund. YOF is grant for your club's service project ranging from $100-$2000. The possibilities of projects are endless but the deadline is October 15th. Apply online at .
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Additionally this fall means Trick or Treat for UNICEF is back; don't forget to inform your clubs to order their boxes to use on Halloween. This is a simple but great fundraiser for The Eliminate Project that can save the lives of millions.
Yours in service, Ian MacDonlad
Fall Rally - Please use the Fall Rally banner on all your social media ( and get a Fall Rally profile picture from Brendon ( If you are for sure attending Fall Rally, please e-mail Megan to RSVP. We need to know who will be there.
Social Media Challenge - The General Public Relations committee has been Hosting a Social Media contest to get clubs to share pictures and stories about service. We've had very low participation so far and need more people to post! It's membership recruitment season which means this is the perfect time to do it! The flyer is attached to this e-mail.
MUC - The membership update center opened today! That means clubs can officially pay their dues for the 2015-2016 year NOW. If your club needs any instructions on how to pay dues, hopefully you have some experience to help them out. If not, they can look on the website or e-mail our District Treasurer.
Crystal’s Resignation - Unfortunately Crystal has decided to resign. If you have someone in your division interested in applying for district secretary, an application should be available on the District Website within two weeks.
Y'all are all awesome leaders. I know that it's getting harder to balance everything, but what you do for our organization is so, so important and you are empowering teenagers to change the world. If you ever, ever, ever need anything, the Staff is here to help you. Our jobs are to be resources for you and for your clubs.
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Yours in Service, Rachel Iselin
~ Obtain al new officer contact information and contact them at least once every two weeks. - Check up on how they’re doing- don’t be afraid to actually call
them! A personal visit in your spiffy red polo and shiny name badge really does make a statement. Don’t be afraid to ask from help from the District Staff or your Regional Advisor!
~ Plan a training conference or a large division/region
social this fall. - Use the resources provided by the staff to keep your clubs updated. Make sure to invite Kiwanians.
~ Work diligently on the committee assigned to you throughout the year. ! - Chairpersons keep in constant contact with your staff member and regionals.
- Make sue to be working between committee meetings so that you are getting things done efficiently.
~ Plan visits with each of your clubs. - Bring your club visit sheet. - Wear your spiffy red polo and khakis (or nice jeans). Enhance K-Family Relations - Kiwanis, Circle-K, Builder’s Clubs, K-Kids, Aktion Club! - Attend as many Kiwanis Club meets as possible! - Promote the Governor’s Project and send out the Governor’s Project survey to clubs! ~ Reply to all Staff emails to acknowledge you received
them. ~ Turn in your newsletter and monthly report on time. - This way District Staff is able to review your progress throughout the year AND you can keep your divisions updated with newsletters.
~ Encourage membership growth to reach our goal of
18,500 members so that we can contribute more service hours to the K-Family. ~ Make it your goal to not only maintain but improve your division! ~ Begin planning your DEC and after your LT. G elect has been elected begin working with them.
You’ve survived the start of a new school year! I hope school has been treating you well so far. I strongly commend you all for continuing to commit to your LTG duties while school is in session. The school year can get pretty rough! But don’t let it bring you down—we, the staff, are here for you! Club Budget: In the beginning of each school year, all clubs should create a club budget. This is the duty of a club’s treasurer. It is imperative that a club knows how it will use its funds and where those funds are coming from. Go here for more information:
Membership Recruitment Package: Our Membership and General Public Relations committees have worked diligently to produce a Membership Recruitment Package for all clubs to utilize. This is an excellent resource for your clubs to start off recruiting members on the right foot. Please be sure to widely publicize it! Check out this awesome resource here:
As always, please let me know if you ever have any question, comments, or concerns! I would love to help you out in any way that I can. Best of luck in school!
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Yours in Service, Emily Zhao
I hope you guys are as excited for Fall Rally / October as I am! It’s crazy that we are almost halfway done with our terms! It feels like just a month a go I met some of you guys at Lieutenant Governor Training. Last month I sent you guys a list of all the clubs in your division and the feedback they received. If that is something you guys found helpful please let me know. It took quiet a bit of time to do, but if it helped you guys in any way it was worth it! I can’t wait to see you all at WinBo!
SEPTEMBER ARTICLES Aisha ValleQuinones, Glory Holland, Ivan Hinojosa, Jiya Willis, Keeunda Cole, Nolan Ford,
Linda Co, Tiffany Hang Trevor Huis In’t Veld Wen Liu Zavdiel Anderson
OCTOBER ARTICLES Amber Liu, Dajah Brooks, Ian Sims, Jacquelyne Hernandez, Laura Carter
Lexi Durbin, Mason Woods, McCrey Guillory, Ruben Enriquez, Samantha Hull
Yours in Service, Matthew Riley
FROM MEGAN REYNOSA Happy Autumn District Board! AUTUMN IS HERE AND I AM ALIVE! Fall is my absolute favorite season for many reasons, Key Club is starting, school has begun, and Fall Rally is fastly approaching! With this being said, I need to know from you guys if you are attending by the 27th of this month. I hope I will see most of you there and I can’t wait to ride a bunch of roller coasters with you guys! Reminder: ALL District Board members go for free! Announcement: Any District Board member who cannot attend the rally itself must buy a ticket through their club as your club is now responsible for your ticket.
Ways To Promote Fall Rally: (Courtesy of EVP) At your PCM’s & FTC’s - Emphasize the importance of bringing our District together and making new friends! Also tell them that they will hear the theme of DCON before anyone. Emails - Provide a countdown in your weekly club emails as it will boost excitement and T-O moral! Instagram/Facebook/Twitter - Utilize Brendon’s flyers, they come in all shapes and sizes for every social media website! (Tbt photos are encouraged!) Cover Photo - Use the cover photo that Brendon will make with your provided picture and one reason why you’ll be attending Fall Rally!
September 25th - Order form & money/check must be sent to Walt October 3rd - Fall Rally October 24th-25th - Fall Staff Board Meeting Ad Sales Deadlines: $300 - November 5th $500 - January 8th (First day of WINBO) ALL ad forms must be sent to Jeff by mail
Yours in Service, Megan Reynosa