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1. Table of Contents 2. Messages 5. DCON Invites 7. District Convention 19. Looking Forward & Back 29. Letters to the Editor 31. Resources 33. Contact Information
- The word “SPY”
comes from the French word, “espionage”. Ian Fleming, who wrote the original James Bond novels, worked for British naval intelligence during the war.
Many spies must keep their cool in casinos, while they stealthily try to find the bad guy's top secret files, often located on a computer with a high security passcode. Can you solve this riddle and gain access to the computer? Three playing cards in a row. Can you name them with these clues? There is a two to the right of a king. A diamond will be found to the left of a spade. An ace is to the left of a heart. A heart is to the left of a spade. Now, what are the three cards?
EDITOR’S CORNER Check out the suggested article prompts for the month of october on the District Website! www.tokeyclub.com Text “@1516editor” to 81010 to receive reminders of upcoming events and deadlines from the District Editor!
Be sure to like “Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District” on Facebook to join in on all of the fun!
! Greetings, T-O Secret Agents!
I hope you guys are as excited and prepared as I am for DCON! With DCON rapidly approaching, it looks as if the Key Club year is about to come to an end… but there is still work to be done! If any club editors are on the fence about whether or not to enter in one of the editor related contests such as the Linda and Gary Hicks outstanding club editor award, or the club newsletter award, I highly recommend you go for it! Although you may not receive the award, this is a great way to recap your year and see how you have grown as a club editor! Also, this February I plan on releasing the 2015 - 2016 Project Booklet to the entire district. This booklet is compiled of all the project submissions I have received since December from all of you members from around the Texas-Oklahoma District! I am sure that this booklet will not only prove itself useful to the new and upcoming clubs but also to every other club in the District! This project booklet will have many projects split into three categories: easy, medium and hard. The project ideas will also go into detail of how long the events should take to plan, the materials needed and a general description. So, be on the lookout for this resource, I am sure it will be very helpful to you guys!
Now, like I’ve mentioned previously, the Key Club year is almost up, but that doesn’t mean we are done! We still have a few months to fit in some extra projects and help out those in need! Lets finish the year with a bang! I look forward to receiving your final few newsletters and articles throughout the rest of this year!
GOVERNOR’S GREETINGS !!Good day, T-O Key Clubbers and Happy Lunar New Year! A month has already flown by and 2016 is definitely in full swing. With this New Year is so many amazing opportunities for us to get engaged and to do more for our community. As we move forward in the year, I urge you to look toward planning in projects to complete our district and international initiatives. Much of the first semester is all about organizing our clubs and getting ready for the rest of the year, but we are now only 3 months away from DCON and time is running out! On an International Level, our Preferred Charities are March of Dimes, Children's Miracle Network, and UNICEF! The month of March is dedicated to March of Dimes as Marches for Babies take place across the nation. Look for the March for Babies in your local area and get your club together to volunteer. Also happening in March is the IHOP National Pancake Day. You can go in and get a free short stack, yes, but this is also an amazing opportunity to donate to one of our partners in service. Lastly, UNICEF if a worldwide organization famously known for The ELIMINATE Project. That project is not yet completely finished, so you can still look into contributing to saving the lives of mothers and children worldwide.
At the District Level, we have our District Project and the Governor's Project. The District Project is the Conversation on Conservation. This is all about making the environment better and going green. Ways to do this is to start a recycling program at your school, spending time to pick up trash in part, fundraising for a wildlife organization, or starting a club garden. The Governor's Project is all about K-Family Konnections and the bond we share within our sister organizations and with our parent organization, Kiwanis. Our Kiwanis clubs offer us so much financial support, you probably don't even think about how much they have invested into your club to help you be successful. Take these next few months to thank them and to spend some time with them, giving back to the community through them.
With over 17,000 members, we are almost at our goal of 18,500 before #TODCON2016! If we reach this goal long before convention, it will be the first time in a long time that the goal has been met before the last minute deadline. Let's make history and let this year be one for the books. Thank you all for your service and for all that you do!
Greetings T-O District,
This past month I had the opportunity to visit the TO District at their winter board meeting and I had the chance to see the incredible things your board has planned for District Convention. I hope to meet you all this year in Dallas as we celebrate the end of the Key Club year. District Convention is an opportunity to celebrate everything, you as a district, have accomplished. Key Club is not only the largest student organization in the world, but the largest family. Branch out with the members of your club and interact with the hundreds of other Key Clubbers from around Texas and Oklahoma. Every one of you has a unique Key Club story. Share your story with those you meet and make lifelong friends. I can never thank you enough for your dedication and service to your homes, schools, and communities. If your club is looking for a service project with Children's Miracle Network, come out and help IHOP with National Pancakes Day, register online (here).
I hope to see you all again in Atlanta, Georgia for the 2016 International Convention.
Yours in Service, Ian MacDonald
Icon 2016
Atlanta Georgia
Hello T-O Key Clubbers!
basics of key club to public speaking to event planning. Learn from our district board This year has been filled with service that how you can grow in leadership, improve you’ve done all around your communities. Why not celebrate all the work you’ve done? your club, and much more! Fellow members, I have the honor to invite This bulletin includes important information you to the 67th annual District Convention on how to register, requirements for attendwhere all your achievements will be celeing, and descriptions on what will be hapbrated in a weekend where the mission of pening at DCON. After reading this bulletin, service is accepted. be sure to look through the rest of the resource package where you can find code of For three days and nights with over 1,000 Key contest and awards, candidacy forms, Club members at the well-known Sheraton patch requirements, etc. If you have any Hotel in Dallas, you will learn new ways to questions, please feel free to contact your help the community, interact with other lieutenant governor or myself. We hope to members around the district, and make unforgettable memories. Included will be many see at DCON 2016 on April 21st-24th!
fun activities, exciting and informative forums, and a variety of contests in which anyone can participate! I hope that you strengthen your passion in becoming a servant leader throughout the weekend. We will help you find that passion through informative forums ranging an immense amount of topics from learning the
Yours In Service, Megan Reynosa Convention Liaison Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club International
On behalf of the Texas-Oklahoma District Board of Key Club International, I cordially invite you to attend the 67th Annual District Convention from April 21st-24th, 2016 in Dallas, Texas.
Regardless of if this will be your first DCON or your fourth, your District Board has been working tirelessly to make this convention one unrivaled by any before it. To miss out on this experience will be to deny yourself the From the West End, to the JFK Memorial Pla- opportunity of a lifetime, so register Alpha Sierra Alpha Papa in order to qualify for the za, to Reunion Tower, Dallas is a hub of culture and activity. As the 9th largest city in the highest security clearance level we have to United States and the No. 1 visitor and leisure offer. destination in Texas, there are few better ... . . / -.-- --- ..- / .. -. / -.. .- .-.. .-.. .- ... --..-- / - . -.. places for the biggest and best district con- - .- ... .-.-.vention in all of Key Club International. But of all the things to experience in Dallas, I can Yours In Service, guarantee you that #TODCON2016 is the place to be.
This year’s convention theme, “... . .-. ...- .. -.-. . ---... / -- .. ... ... .. --- -. / .- -.-. -.-. . .--. - . -..”, is all about daring to change the world. With innovative forums, intense contests, and immersive convention sessions, your club will be caught in the crosshairs of Key Club and given all the tools to be successful agents of service.
Rachel Iselin District Governor Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club International
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Photo Credit: West Brook
1. Lexi Cepak 2. Meghana Thota 3. Linh Nguyen 4. Mitchell Merbach 5. Stephanie Tran 6. Mackenna Shull 7. Lillian Trinh 8. Lexi Cepak 9. Andriana Contreras
Photo Credit: Cy-Fair
Fondest DCON Memory By: Lexi Cepak, North Crowley
From being inspired by guest speakers to dancing with hundreds of other Key Clubbers, DCON is full of great memories. By attending District Convention two years in a row, I have met lots of amazing people, bonded with my fellow officers, and had lots of fun.
One of my fondest memories from last year’s DCON was my experience at one of the forums I attended. For our icebreaker, we were forced to discuss various topics with the people around us. I had a fun time talking about politics and other things while meeting new people, especially because I went to the forum alone. I didn’t know anyone in the room, and before the icebreaker, I felt really awkward sitting in a room of absolute strangers. However, the girl that sat next to me really inspired me. Since we were both class of 2016, she gave me an extra bracelet she bought from a vender outside that said the money would contribute to the education of children in foreign countries. I was taken aback by her random act of kindness because I wasn’t expecting it, and it made my experience really special. Another memorable moment from my trip last year was the award ceremony. My whole club sat at a round table and ate dinner while watching the usual DCON ads and voting in polls. I could feel the anticipation in the air. Jordan Peyton and Sara Al-Midany went up on stage first for their non-traditional scrapbook’s first place win. Next, I walked on stage to accept a second place trophy for my newsletter, The Panther Post. Soon, it was time for the award we had all been waiting for – the top clubs. We held our breath. It felt like a million names had been listed, and as the announcer called off names higher and higher up on the list, we began to feel nervous. We all looked around the table. “Did we not make the top twenty clubs this year? How could we not make it?” When they got to the top five, we began to feel disappointed. “Somehow, we blew it!” we all thought. The next thing we knew, we were listed as the number three club in the district. We all leaped up from our seats and celebrated. It was an exhilarating experience. We were all filled with joy to know that our hard work had, in fact, paid off. Although I only listed two, I have had innumerable amazing experiences. Both of my trips to DCON have given me the fondest experiences of my life.
By: Meghana Thota, Cy-Fair
So, you’ve been invited to DCON (aka the best thing ever)? Well…you, my friend, are in for one of the best weekends of your life! From the forums, to the talent show, and to the dance, DCON is a super fun service filled weekend! But if this is your first time to attend, you probably have a ton of questions just like I did freshman year. I have summarized what exactly happens at DCON and tried to answer the FAQs. I hope this clears up doubts for newbies and hope to see you at DCON 2016!
What is DCON? DCON is occurring this year from April 21-24th in Dallas at the Sheraton Hotel. It is a huge convention where Key Clubbers from all over the Oklahoma-Texas area meet to share their love of Key Club, show off their achievements in the past year, and have fun with people who have the same ideas and beliefs as them! During the weekend, there are many informational workshops and forums, award ceremonies, competitions, and the Governor’s ball. DCON offers great ways to learn more about Key Club and how to better yourself as a leader in your community!
Is there a dress code? There is in fact a dress code at DCON and it is mandatory that every Key Clubber follows it. It is important that Key Clubbers represent themselves and their school well. The exact dress code guidelines can be found online on the district website. But during the convention, dress code is casual, formal, and professional attire depending on the day and events occurring.
How much does it cost? The convention attendance fee is $150 per Key Clubber. The early registration fee is $120. Clubs are in charge of paying for hotel rooms and transportation to and from as well. The total it costs our club is usually around $300 on average. Clubs can fundraise through car washes and bake sales to lower this cost if they choose to!
What are forums? Forums are informational sessions where a club, officer, or T-O board member focuses on a topic such as icebreakers, duties of officers, or fundraiser ideas. They are very helpful and offer ideas to clubs on how a club can become better throughout the year.
What is the Service Fair? The Service Fair occurs on the first day of DCON as Key Clubbers arrive to the convention. The Welcoming Activity gets Key Clubbers pumped for the entire weekend. Clubs show off their service throughout the year to other clubs and offer a myriad of new ideas and events. In order to participate, clubs must fill out a form and make a trifold showcasing their service.
I hope this gave you a greater insight into what exactly DCON is! On the district website, there are many more resources and articles dedicated to DCON that are very useful for anyone aspiring to attend DCON. I recommend everyone to check them out! Hope to see you at DCON!
Answer: Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades
13 The convention of all conventions is coming up everyone! DCON is in the midst, and it’s only a matter of time before the might T-O District family is under one roof and celebrating By: Linh Nguyen, Garland another year of service again. Although this event is always a great experience, much work is needed to raise money so that everyone who wants to go can attend. Here are some tips on how to maximize money though easy fundraiser and advertisements.
Dollars for DCON
Make creative Advertisements: Have your officers or other dedicated members make creative advertisements for all events. Having a wide variety will capture the attention of people and get them excited for any upcoming events. Be sure to advertise for events a minimum of two weeks prior to events and have multiple people post about events on different days. Putting up flyers around school, along with posting on social media and video announcements are all great ways to advertise.
Fundraising night at a local restaurant: Many restaurants are always willing to donate a portion of their profit to people in need. Be aware that some restaurants give 10% while others may give 50%. Take things into account like the average price of a meal, popularity of the restaurant and the best day to conduct the fundraiser within the days given toy you. It’s best to ask a number of restaurants months ahead and plan them throughout the year.
Movie Night: Have everyone snuggle up and watch a popular movie! Be sure to check out if you have the legal rights to show the movie first before you have the fundraiser! You can presell tickets and increase cost of attendance at the door in order to encourage people to come! A good way to make some extra cash is to presell money with food included or have concessions at the actual event.
Sports Tournament: Tournaments are always a big fundraiser that rakes in a lot of money! Pick sports that everyone can participate in like Ultimate Frisbee or Dodge Ball in order to attract as many people as possible. The best way to sign up teams is by giving them an envelope with their team name on it and a set of rules for each player so there are no issues on the day of the tournament about rules. Encourage teams to sign up quickly and on time so you can make brackets for a tournament increasing the cost of signing up by a certain date near the day of the tournament. Teams can turn their money in together and also know what the rules are before attending the event. Try and have basic medical aid there and wither ask the HOSA club if some members can be on standby or ask for someone with basic medical care to supervise the event.
All of these fundraisers can be done throughout the year on multiple occasions! With the proper planning ahead of time, you can definitely raise enough money to be able to part with the rest of T-O in April. See you at DCON!
Photo Credit: North Crowley
The Fun Awaits
By: Mitchell Merbach, West Brook
As District Convention (DCON) 2016 draws closer, so does the stress of preparing for it. Along with your typical suitcase packed with weekend essentials and more, one must also prepare for the various events and contests that comprise DCON.
One of the first things one must do to prepare for DCON is to pack a suitcase with the necessary items. You must have enough outfits to last the entire four-day weekend. Your wardrobe must also follow the code of conduct for District Convention. Such outfits include several articles of formal attire, clothes to relax in, gym or swim wear, and, most importantly, your Key Club shirt! Remember: no one is allowed to wear clothes that reveal too much skin. The hotel in Dallas that hosts Key Clubbers is an ever changing environment, so bring a light jacket if you get cold easily.
Another important aspect in DCON preparation is fundraising, an easy way for your club to not only raise money but also help others that wish to attend with less financial stress. Some of the many things one can do to raise money for DCON is host a bake sale, sell snacks, participate in a car wash, or hold a penny drive. This year, our club decided to sell popcorn to raise the money for a bus and lower the room prices at the hotel. Another important aspect of DCON which demands preparation is contest entries. Before arriving to Dallas, one must have all contest items if he or she wishes to compete. Binders, especially the secretary binder, take all year to complete. And after one finishes the binder, one must also review the binder’s contents one last time and add any necessary finishing touches. You can always read the Code of Contest to view the requirements for some of the contests. Be sure to ask yourself: is my contest entry the best it can be?
However, there are much more than contests available at DCON; there are also a multitude of forums and bonding activities. Many senior students are going over every detail to make sure they win a scholarship for their strides in community service. Get ready for a fun and eventful weekend in Dallas! District Convention 2016 is right around the corner, and there is no time to waste. With early registration ending on March 25th, now is the time to gather all of the necessary resources needed to attend District Convention.
Turning a Weekend into a Year
By: Stephanie Tran, Jersey Village Last year as a first timer to DCON, I was overwhelmed with everything that the weekend in Dallas had to offer, and I wasn’t able to do every single thing I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong, I did enough to have an amazing weekend and have that trip be the highlight of my second semester; but there are some things I wish I had done also. Firstly, I did not come near to exploring the hotel and the mall as I should have. I mean really, a mall with a food court connected to your hotel is basically a dream come true for all of us lazy people. I spent way too much time in my room and didn’t take advantage of the easy adventures my friends and I could have experienced trying to figure out our way around the mall and the way back. Not only that, but I wish I went outside and saw the city more. I specifically remember those couple of hours we spent out in the city walking around as a club for dinner. The sun was dimming, the heat had lessened, and the scenery brought peace to a mind cluttered with responsibilities and stress. Scattered around the city are various pieces of art, fountains of running water, and opportunities for selfies, groupies, or even regular scenic pictures. Enjoy Dallas and the change in environment before going back home, don’t let it go to waste. You can keep those memories and pictures to help you cope with the year you have to wait until next DCON! Dallas isn’t the only thing that makes DCON great though. It also provides the opportunity to get close to Key Clubbers in your high school, in your area, and even Key Clubbers you’ll have to wait a year to meet again! DCON squishes us all into one hotel, leaving you no excuse to not meet and connect with someone who miles away, or even states away. Now, here comes my biggest regret, and one I intend not to do twice. Yes, I met a lot of people and spoke to many of them; however, I didn’t bother asking for their contact information for once that weekend was over, and most of the time, I don’t see them again for the rest of the weekend through the flood of different people that I also wanted to meet. My biggest tip for me and whoever is reading, is to connect with as many people you meet at DCON. Seek them out, strengthen your bonds, and who knows, maybe you’ll meet the best friend you never knew you were missing, or even your next love. Make that weekend last for the year until you see them again at the next DCON, and turn that year into many more in the future by opening up to anyone and everyone you meet and finding a way to contact them after the DCON dream passes by once again.
Photo Credit: Jersey Village
The 7 Essential Steps to having an amazing DCON By: Mackenna Shull, Cypress Ranch
DCON first-timer? DCON veteran trying to outdo last year’s experience? Whoever you are in regards to DCON, these seven essential steps will help to ensure your DCON experience is memorable, and you will happily go home with what is commonly referred to as PDD or “Post-DCON Depression” (and the inspiration to go make a positive change in your school, community and even the world).
1) Meet new people. As we have always been told, but have always found difficult to truly grasp the concept of, Key Club is an international organization. DCON is a fantastic way to see the true scope of Key Club’s spirit of service towards the global community. Seeing and getting to know high-school students from all over Texas and Oklahoma, all committed to serving those in need both through physical volunteering or donations, is extremely powerful. Just don’t get too overwhelmed! 2) Choose relevant forums. Just like a car, each Key Club has multiple parts that have their own unique, special functions that when combined with the other parts help lead to the successful running of the club. No matter what role you play in your club (president, secretary, member, etc.), embrace it! Attend forums that help YOU add to your home club and to the global K-Family! 3) Participate in service projects. During DCON, there are a variety of different service projects offered, so get involved. Whether it is getting locked in “jail” to raise money for those less fortunate or rocking a yuda band to help raise money for a high school-er in a less developed country to go to college, there is a service project for you. 4) Take note of amazing service. DCON is a great place to, not only celebrate a successful year of service, but also to gain inspiration for the next year. Take note of the service projects done by other clubs, as seen in the scrapbooks, service fairs, etc., and try to implement your favorites through your home club. You can always add your own little twist to give the service project your home club’s special flair. Also, the Key-Note Speakers always have bits of advice to carry home with you! 5) Participate in contests. DCON is a time for not only celebrating service and volunteering, but also the other talents that you may possess that can be used to bring the Key Club motto: “Caring: Our Way of Life” to full fruition in your community. DCON contests, such as the talent, scrapbook, poster, digital poster, essay and speech contests, help us to identify and fine-tune those skills. Maybe you are good at Public Speaking? Dancing? Music? Whatever your skill, Key Club teaches us to use these skills to spread joy and to serve those who need our help the most. 6) Be silly. DCON really is a celebration. In other words, a gigantic party, so…. HAVE FUN! There are so many games and activities available to you, including a ball at the end, so smile, laugh, meet new friends, enjoy the company of old ones and savor every moment. 7) Get some sleep. This is probably the most overlooked step, but probably the most important: Have fun, but remember DCON is a four-day adventure that is a flurry of energetic excitement. Make sure you have enough energy to experience it to the greatest extent!
Photo Credit: Cypress Woods
I discovered a wonderful world of service within my home school, Cypress Woods. I have become a part of and shared that world with a helping hand among my fellow members, friends, and By: Lillian Trinh, Cypress Woods family through the discovery of Key Club. However, last year I have experienced a larger scale of the world full of kindness during my encounter with District Convention, also known as DCON.
DCON and Me
DCON is once upon a dream where I was a guest, who was captivated by the speakers at the conference as I learned about the true meaning of service and the discovery of how service can make dreams come true. It was truly astonishing how even though we are just one division within a bigger subcategory, we all have a common goal: service above self. Our division 3 consists of smaller subcategories: 3W, 3E, 3N, and 3S, which hold numerous of others schools filled with Key Clubbers who are ready to serve and build the community. Even though there are many separate divisions, we are all called to meet on this one day, this one day where many different school Key Clubs occupy one large auditorium, this one day that saved three hundred babies’ lives with our donations, and this one day when we shared our thoughts, reflections, hard works, and dedications to Key Club. Moreover, during DCON I entered the conference with an open mind and an outgoing personality; I was ready to meet new people. I met a guy named Tim and his friends as they came up to me and asked me to join their group after seeing how much fun I was having with my friends in one of the games we played. When the game ended, he approached me, introduced himself and complimented on how I engaged the game with such enthusiasm. We began to converse casually, and the next thing you know, we were sharing laughs and discovering our common characteristics and traits. In fact, I admired Tim’s confidence in how he approached me, a stranger and how he had the guts to invite me to meet his friends. Our confrontation made me realized that Key Club is not only about serving the community; it’s also about reaching out to others, developing relationships and connections, and helping individuals and the community thrive as one; we build others as we build ourselves. In fact, when I see an individual in needed, I offer a helping hand because after all, one act of kindness can go a long way. Service does not have to be assigned within an event; service can be performed anywhere at any time. One individual can make a difference in another individual’s life just by an act of service above self. Performing services in Key Club and outside of the club has brought me the memorable feeling of how an act of kindness can make a difference in another’s life. In my life, the greatest feeling I have experienced is serving my community and the people around me.
How to: Enjoy DCON By: Lexi Cepak, North Crowley
District Convention is an event I have been looking forward to all year. This will be my third year to attend and I can’t wait to return. I love every part of District Convention – meeting new people, attending forums, and bonding with my club. Since this will be the final District Convention I will be able to attend, I have some advice for newer members on how to enjoy District Convention to the fullest. For me, one of the most rewarding experiences at DCON is always getting to meet new people. I find it inspiring to be surrounded by Key Clubbers that truly want to make a difference in the world. Key Clubbers are the friendliest group of people I have ever met. However, as a meek DCON newbie, it might be difficult to leap into a new environment and start socializing. Socializing with people from other clubs is not something to be afraid of. I have never met anyone at District Convention that didn’t seem interested in talking to me. Everyone likes a good game of cards. Plus, what do you have to lose? Making new friends is enjoyable, but in order to get the most out of District Convention, DCON attendees must also attend some forums. Ice breakers, although not my favorite, have introduced me to some amazing people. Plus, they provide opportunities to learn new things. Before District Convention, I didn’t know much about my job as editor, but DCON equipped me with the experience I needed in order to preform my duties to the best of my abilities. Now, I feel confident that I can teach our incoming editor everything he or she needs to know so they don’t feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by their new position. Exploring the hotel is a great experience. Pressing all of the elevator buttons is also a pretty fulfilling part of District Convention, especially if you can convince people that they’re being transported to another dimension in doing so. This, however, is not recommended when there is lots of traffic in the lobby!
Photo Credit: North Crowley
District Convention, an annual event Key Clubbers all over the Texas and Oklahoma District look forward to By: Adriana Contreras, Cy-Fair for months. People all across the district gather in Dallas, Texas at the Sheraton Hotel to celebrate service. In this article, I am going to tell you how to make the most of this incredible weekend, all in 600 words or less. I have attended DCON twice in my entire High School career, this year would be my third. Personally I think I am pretty qualified as a DCON expert, if I may say so myself. The first way to make DCON a great experience, doesn’t necessarily start in Dallas. The ride is essential to set the mood for the entire weekend. Whether you are riding a charter bus, school bus, or car inviting other schools to rent a charter or ride with you is a great way to make new friends, to get pumped for DCON, and cut costs for your club on the charter! Once you actually arrive in Dallas and you settle in and get all your schedules ready for the entire weekend, make a schedule to where you attend as many forums and other events as possible! DCON only happens once a year, and each yeah the forums are different and something new happens every year! Make the most out of your stay to learn and improve on your leadership skills and just have fun! Attend every breakfast, lunch, and dinner the convention provides! First of all, the food is incredible and super fancy. Secondly, it’s a great way to meet new people and bond over your love for service. Although, there are some times where the convention does not provide food for certain meals on specific days. When they don’t, grab your club and sponsors to get together and go out to eat. The Sheraton is close to some amazing restaurants, so why not get together and eat? This is also another of many opportunities to invite other clubs to come join you! Lastly, don’t ever, and I mean EVER skip the Governor’s Ball. This casual party is the ultimate highlight of DCON, great music, cool people, and yummy snacks. It is truly and extraordinary night you can’t miss! Next, when you don’t have a forum or other DCON related event, utilize that time to meet new people, that’s what DCON is all about, meeting new people and celebrating service! Even if you had a busy time, use that spare time between dinner and curfew to hang out with your club and other people you have met! The hotel has plenty of areas to hang out on different floors without breaking code purple!
Living DCON to the Fullest
FEATURED IN THIS SECTION 1. Ife Babatunde 2. Kidus Negesse 3. Teresa Pham 4. Kidus Negesse 5. Winnie Lu 6. Courtney Brumbalow
Photo Credit: North Crowley
Resolutions for Key Club (and students, too!) By: Ife Babatunde, Garland
Hey Key Clubbers! So when a new year comes, people like to say “new year, new me”. But what about resolutions and goals for our local club here? Resolutions that we should all have as a whole? More like “new year, new club” or “new year, new student”! Here are ten new year’s resolutions that I have in mind for Key Club and just students in school in general: 1. Stop procrastinating. Have you ever planned to procrastinate? Like you tell yourself that you will do it the night before its due...meaning you actually scheduled for when you would put it off. Definitely something we should leave in 2015! If you finish a project earlier than you thought you would, then consider yourself ahead. 2. Commit yourself to getting good grades. Don’t stress yourself out with too many activities and extracurricular that you allow your grades to slip. Create a balance and prioritize tasks. 3. Don’t do it all. It’s better to concentrate on a few things and excel in them than if you join every sport, activity and club that you can cram into your schedule. If you can’t, don’t feel like you have to join and participate in every service project available. Do what you can so that you will feel content with helping out, not that you are obligated to! 4. Keep a calendar. This is the first step to becoming organized! You always have to start from somewhere and this is an easy place to start. Mark down when things are due and when certain events are so that you can see it all laid out and it will be easier to meet deadlines. 5. Take standardized tests early. How will you know if you need to go back and study harder if you don’t even take the test? Take the SAT and ACT early to give yourself plenty of time in case you need to retake it and it will make college applications faster and easier! And many things can affect your test score on any given day, including the state of your health, and you can’t plan not to get the flu or food poisoning. 6. Do your research. Don’t just blindly choose a college to go to. Research and make sure it is exactly what you’re looking for, and it doesn’t hurt to visit as well! 7. Try something new. Think of a service project and tell one of your fellow officers. Go out in your community and help out without getting “points” or “hours” for clubs. Bake for the firefighters in your community. Just try something new and you may gain a new perspective and learn something while meeting new people! 8. Be excited about going to college. Wherever you go to college, you’re going to meet new people, learn new things, and have a great time. College will definitely be something to look forward to, so you might as well have a great attitude about it! 9. Listen to those who were you years ago. Students in college that were in your position have the best advice because they’re been there, done that. 10. Banish the self-doubt. Doubting your own abilities only holds you back from achieving what you want to achieve. The key to successfully achieving these goals and resolutions is confidence and what’s better to kick off the New Year than a huge dose of self-confidence?
Photo Credit: North Crowley
25 Favorite Service Project
There's nothing as heartbreaking as seeing the person who raised you, fed you, laughed with By: Kidus Negesse, North Garland you, cried with you, and loved you start to forget your very existence. Unfortunately, this has been true for many families across the world who have been plagued by Alzheimer’s. This form of dementia has destroyed the lives of our elderly, and, as a result, Key Club worked with the Alzheimer’s Association to fundraise and contribute to research in 2015. After talking to our former LTG, Sabrina Palma, we realized that with a proper level of campaigning at events, we could easily meet our goal for the fundraiser. For example, at the Labor Day Parade, we created small flyers and posters and passed them around and posted them up on walls. Many were intrigued at the thought of high school students campaigning for a disease and subsequently decided to contribute to our noble cause. A couple of the people we spoke to had also been indirectly affected by Alzheimer’s. In person, they described the distressing effect that Alzheimer’s had on their families, and it only further legitimized our mission. One lady talked about her life with her mom - they were very close early on, but as the mom’s form of dementia progressed, she began losing sight of who her daughter was and felt heartbroken. From simply talking to people at this event, we were able to garner almost a third of our goal. At school, our Key Club created a poster to advertise our Alzheimer’s mission. For people who contributed to our mission, we awarded them with a free shirt to continue advertising our goal. From this, we soon raised over $1000 to contribute to Sabrina’s donation to the Alzheimer’s Association. Lastly, in order to make the most of DCON, it all starts with YOU! Have a great attitude and live this experience to the fullest! This experience is truly one of a kind and if you follow all of these tips, you can have the best DCON memories ever! DCON 2015-16 is approaching fast and I hope to see you all there!
Photo Credit: North Garland The Alzheimer’s Walk at the Champion Forest Baptist Church was one of my first and one of the best volunteering By: Teresa Pham, Cypress Creek places I participated in. There were many things that made me tired during the event but at the end of the day, I had lots of fun participating in the event and hanging out with my friends during the event.
Northwest Houston Alzhemier’s Walk
On the day of the NW Houston Alzheimer’s Walk, I was pretty tired waking up at 7 AM; even though I wake up at 6 AM every morning for school but hey, it’s the weekend. Anyways, with Google Maps, I arrived at the Walk at about 7:45 AM. When I first arrived I was lost. I arrived at the far right of the church but it turns out that it was at the far left (my bad...). When I finally arrived to the place for the Key Club “sign in” before I could sign in, my friends found me and I forgot to sign in. Instead of signing in, my friends dragged me to the parking lot to help them get signatures for helping out and donating to the hospitals near here for people diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It was really weird at first to just keep stopping people from entering the event and asking them, “Would you like to help or benefit people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? All you have to do is sign this paper and you’ll get a sticker too!” And the people replying, “I already signed it; No thanks; etc.” or the people just walking away while we’re talking or to put it bluntly, ignoring us. After the 1½ hour of asking people for signatures, the event finally started and my group of friends and I were the ones that had to cheer in the beginning when the people can choose to either do another lap or go home. We were holding signs and along with the cow we made friends with, cheered them on. Although we were cheering for about 1-2 hours, it felt like the day was almost ending and the next day was about to start because after EVERYONE finished walking, I felt like I couldn’t even talk anymore. At the end of the event, I called my dad and he drove me home. Even though at the end of the event my throat started to hurt and I was very tired, it was a fun event because I got to hang out with my friends and I experienced new things with the event that I have never experienced before. It is another event that I would like to go to again.Lastly, in order to make the most of DCON, it all starts with YOU! Have a great attitude and live this experience to the fullest! This experience is truly one of a kind and if you follow all of these tips, you can have the best DCON memories ever! DCON 2015-16 is approaching fast and I hope to see you all there!
Only a day after what some consider the most joyful time of the year, a tornado outbreak struck the By: Kidus Negesse, North Garland communities of North Texas and, for a short while, the spirit of our community was ruined and families were shaken. Texas, the mighty state it is, showed incredible resilience throughout the tragedy, and Dallas and Collin Counties are both in the process or repairing their respective communities and the broken hearts. Many types of volunteering services came to the aid of our area, and they helped in renewing the spirit of Texas. While I was home resting with family, my phone kept screaming weather alerts but, like always, I disregarded the messages. After the electricity in Rowlett went out, however, I realized that tornado warnings were being sent out to all phones in our area. With the lack of basements in North Texas, my family and relatives were forced to reside in the bathtub. The house shook and rushing winds were gusting outside, but in a couple of minutes, everything stopped. A quick look outside revealed a hazy, orange-green sky that was all too reminiscent of a recent tornado. It is complete luck that it missed my house and the rest of my neighborhood. It’s scary to think that in a span of a few minutes, the tornados could’ve wrecked everything I’ve known and could’ve taken the lives of my loved ones. This simple fact is true for all families who were spared by that monster of a storm that struck on the 26th. For families who were too busy to help with the aftermath of the disaster, there were passive ways that they could get involved. One such method was a fundraiser started by the restaurant “Raising Cane’s”, which set out to donate 100% of its sales to nearby aid to bolster the relief efforts of the community. The Red Cross, one of the most widely known humanitarian organizations, led many volunteers to provide food and shelter for the affected families in Garland and Rowlett. Chick-fil-A also had volunteers deliver food at no charge to shelter centers in the damaged communities. Anyone with working eyes is able to see the bonds that hold all areas of North Texas together. Yes, the tornados led to millions of dollars in destruction. Yes, the tornados took the lives of many valuable members of our communities. And yes, the tornados caused a dent in our security. But in spite of all the disaster, strength and close bonds were a vital part in reviving the spirit in our area.
Disaster Struck
Photo Credit: Cypress Falls
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Recently, the officers and I from Cypress Falls Key Club went over to our Builder's Club at Labay Middle By: Winnie Lu, Cypress Falls School to do a little service project together! This service project included decorating the bottoms of childrens' socks with puffy paint (paint that expands when dried) to prevent them from slipping on smooth floors. We were first introduced to this service project at the Region 12 Fall Training Conference as we made these socks alongside other clubs in our region. To get our middle school counterparts excited about service, we brought tons of socks, puffy paint, and cupcakes to their last Builder's Club meeting of the fall semester.
Konnecting in Service
When we first arrived, all eyes, of course, went to the cupcakes, but they were definitely intrigued by the colorful paints we were bringing in as they indicated a fun meeting ahead. To start, we recited their Builder's Club pledge and explained the service project to them. Then, we passed out a pair of socks to each person and a few bottles of paint to each table. The officers and I decided to split up and have a few of us at each table to not only decorate a pair of socks ourselves, but to also converse with the Builder's Club members and build a bond! The majority of them were interested in hearing more about Key Club and got excited at the idea of continuing service into high school. After a cupcake break, everyone ended up decorating a second pair of socks and had a great time bonding over unique designs. We ended up decorating around 80 pairs of socks to donate to a children's hospital. Afterwards, we went around the school and went into the classrooms and offices to collect their recycling boxes. To conclude the meeting, we played some holiday movie trivia! These students look forward to their Builder's Club meetings every other week and the service projects they do at each because they're both fun and giving acts. Simple projects like these can have a huge impact without even leaving the classroom. Our Builder's Club does simple projects such as creating soda floats for the school janitors, creating Red Ribbon Week posters, creating recycling bins, etc. It makes a huge difference to have Key Club members at Builder's Club functions because it allows the middle school students to see what their journey leads to and that there is already a club in high school that is welcoming them in. After all, they are the future of Key Club!
Polar Express Story Time By: Courtney Brumbalow, North Crowley
On Friday, December 4, North Crowley Key Clubbers Daisy, Olivia, Jailine , Yeralsy, Daisy’s little sister, and I attended the Barnes & Noble Polar Express Storytime. We all came prepared in our Christmasthemed pajamas. Everyone arrived around 6:45 pm. When everyone we were told what we were reading (the Polar Express), what we were serving (cookies and cocoa), and what the children would be doing after (coloring sheets). There was a big turnout. There were way more children and parents than at the usual Storytime, which was really great! Around 7:00 pm, it was time for the story to be read. I was chosen to hold the storybook while the story was read. A person dressed very similar to the conductor read the story; he even had the facial hair! The guy really did a good job of holding the attention of the children. After the story was read, Yerasly, Olivia and Jailine served cookies and cocoa while I passed out work sheets and Daisy passed out bells. After Daisy and I passed out the bells and worksheets, I joined the other key clubbers while they served the last of the cookies and cocoa. There was an accident with the cookies and cocoa, and I helped clean it up while the children colored their worksheets. In addition to the usual coloring activity, the conductor allowed children to take pictures with him, which the parents loved. About 7:30 pm, Santa came out and greeted the excited children. The children happily sat on his lap and told what they wanted for Christmas. After they took pictures with the big jolly guy. After the children were done with Santa, The Key Clubbers and I snapped a quick photo with Father Christmas. After the pictures with Santa, the Key Clubbers and I sung Christmas songs. Since we weren’t very familiar with certain songs, we invited a volunteer onto the stage to help us sing the songs. The kids really enjoyed hearing us sing, and some of them even tried to sing along. About 8:00 pm, the children and their parents started to leave. The Key Clubbers and I departed, but not before we snapped a selfie with our cardboard Santa beards. We then all left after having a good time exploring the fun aspects of the classic Polar Express! I hope Barnes & Noble holds an event like this next year. Barnes & Noble really seems to take an interest in their community, and I love volunteering at all of their various events.
Photo Credit: North Crowley
Q: Dear Editor, if there were times that of the month that 10 articles were not completed, is there a way to make them up in the future? What is the best part about District Editor? We have someone who is interested in being a District Editor. What do you believe is the most important skill that they should hone? - Sophia Tran, North Garland!
Hey, Sophia! If you do not turn in 10 articles per month, there is no way to make up for those lost points. Although, if you do lots of service projects you can accumulate enough points to get you ahead of clubs who do turn in 10 articles per month, but there is not an alternative assignment or any extra credit that makes up for those specific lost points.
The position of District Editor comes with many rewarding features! I would say the best part of being the District Editor would have to be all of the people you meet! When I became District Editor I received the privilege of meeting people from across the District, which gave me the opportunity to make life long friendships! Also, if you have someone who is interested in applying for District Editor, one of the most important skills they can obtain to help prepare themselves for the position is TIME MANAGEMENT! I hope this helped!
Q: Are we supposed to keep up with how many points we
receive from getting our pictures, questions, fun facts and riddles, and articles featured in your newsletter? - Lexi Cepak, North Crowley
Yes! You need to be sending proof of all of that to the District Secretary in your monthly reports under the "club publicity"! The only thing you do not receive points for are the fun facts and riddles.
RICT EDITOR Q: Dear Editor, do you have any tips for getting
people excited about running for the position of editor at the club level? - Lexi Cepak, North Crowley
Hey, Lexi! This varies from club to club. Besides from verbally hyping up the position, you can possibly offer forums where you educate members on what exactly falls under the roles and duties of a club editor. You may also want to allow a few students to shadow you, that way they can see if they really are ready for the position. Besides doing this you can always talk about the amazing opportunities that this position has brought to you throughout your years!
I'm really curious about your position as District Editor. About how many newsletters do you grade every month? How many articles do you have to read? - Lexi Cepak, North Crowley
Honestly, it depends on the month! Over the summer I received significantly less newsletters and articles than I do now. Over the Summer I only received about 40 newsletters per month per clubs, but now I receive about 80-90 newsletters from Lieutenant Governors and clubs that I check out! Now for the articles, there are too many to count! If every other club sends me 10 articles there are already a ton! If you have any other questions about the role as District Editor I would be happy to answer your questions!
Email your questions to EDITOR@tokeyclub.com!
Updated July 11th, 2015
Photo Credit: Mansfield High School
2015-2016 2015-2016 Club Club Newsletter Newsletter & & Article Article Guidelines Guidelines 2015-2016 2015-2016 T-O T-O District District Editor Editor Matthew Matthew Riley Riley
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Overall Overall
Email newsletters newsletters and and articles articles to to editor@tokeyclub.com editor@tokeyclub.com •• Email Newsletters and and articles articles are are due due on on the the 5th 5th of of the the following following month month •• Newsletters Tex-O-Key themes themes will will be be posted posted bimonthly bimonthly 55 days days following following the the publication publication of of •• Tex-O-Key aa Tex-O-Key Tex-O-Key Suggested article article prompts prompts will will be be published published the the 5th 5th of of every every month month •• Suggested The Tex-O-Key Tex-O-Key will will be be published published bimonthly bimonthly on on the the 10th 10th of of the the 2nd 2nd month month •• The
Format Format
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Club Club Newsletters Newsletters
You may may submit submit 11 newsletter newsletter max max per per month month to to be be graded graded by by the the District District •• You Editor Editor 20 points points max max per per newsletter newsletter ••20 Criteria ••Criteria -- quality quality content content -- follows follows graphic graphic standards standards -- table table of of contents contents & & page page numbers numbers -- upcoming upcoming deadlines deadlines and and events events -- DCON DCON advertising advertising (after (after theme theme isis announced) announced)
District Governor Rachel Iselin
! Email: governor@tokeyclub.com
District Treasurer Emily Zhao
! Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com
District Secretary Lily Nguyen
Email: secretary@tokeyclub.com
District Editor Matthew Riley
! Email: editor@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaison Megan Reynosa
! Email: cl@tokeyclub.com
District Administrator Walt Roetter Email: administrator@tokey club.com