The Early Bloomer :: May 2019

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Early Bloomer

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MAY 2019


Birds, Bees & Butterflies

seven acres of inspiration


It's Pollinator Time! May is a perfect time to add plants to your garden that will attract Mother Nature’s helpers — the all important pollinators. Did you know that birds, butterflies and bees are responsible for assisting over 75% of the world’s flowering plants? Without them, humans and wildlife would have a dull, colorless existence — and eventually perish! You can be as ambitious as you want — by transforming an entire backyard or simply filling a few containers with flowers, shrubs and herbs that will entice birds, butterflies and bees to linger. Read on to learn how to create your own pollinator habitat.



Give Mother Nature a helping hand. Plant nectar- and pollen-rich flowers

Go organic

The most important step you can take

Many pesticides are toxic to bees and

is to plant a pollinator-friendly garden.

other beneficial wildlife. An organic

Choose nectar- and pollen-rich plants like

approach is both safer and more effective.

zinnias, marigolds, cosmos, penstemon,

There's no need to use powerful poisons.

scuttleria, scabiosa, gaillardia, salvia,

In the short term they may provide a

and lantana. Different flower colors and

quick knock-down to the attackers, but

shapes will attract different pollinators.

they also kill beneficial organisms. In

Try selecting plants that also flower at

the long term, you expose yourself, pets

different times of the year to provide

and wildlife to toxic chemicals and risk

nectar and pollen sources throughout the

disrupting the natural ecosystem that

growing season. Plant them in clumps

you and your garden inhabit. If you must

or grouped together in pots, rather than

apply pesticides, apply them carefully and

single plants, to better attract wildlife.

selectively. To protect pollinators, do not

Don’t forget plants like dill, fennel and

use pesticides on open blossoms or when

milkweed that butterfly larvae feed on.

bees or other pollinators are present.

Provide shelter

Provide food and water

Butterflies, bees and other wildlife need

Once you’ve planted a pollinator garden

shelter to hide from predators, get out of

to provide pollen and nectar, consider

the sun, and rear their young. If letting a

adding special feeders to help attract and

part of your lawn or garden grow a bit wild

sustain wildlife. Bees, birds and butterflies

for nesting pollinators is not optimal, try

all need water. Install a water garden,

planting a pollinator garden that includes

a bird bath or a catch basin for rain. To

nesting boxes (wooden boxes

keep unwanted predators like mosquitos

with proper-sized holes drilled

at bay, periodically change out the water.

into them), and varying heights

You’ll soon be rewarded with frequent

of plants, flowers and trees for

and glorious shows by

pollinators to find refuge.

Mother Nature.



Natural Attraction

Following are plants and flowers to attract local pollinators!

Abutilon Alyssum Aster Basil Blanket flower (Gaillardia) Butterfly bush (Buddleia) Coontie palm Coreopsis Cosmos Cuphea Dianthus Dill Duranta Dutchman’s pipe vine


Fennel Firebush (Hamelia patens) Geranium Hibiscus Hollyhock Hyssop Lantana Lavendar Marigold Marjoram Milkweed (Asclepias) Mint Nasturtium Oregano Parsley

Passion Vine Pentas Porterweed Plumbago Rosemary Rudbeckia Ruellia Sage Salvia Scabiosa Skullcap (Scutteleria) Thyme Verbena Wild Coffee Yarrow Zinnia


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Rock City Gardens is proud to sponsor and support May Pops, featuring the Brevard Symphony Orchestra. Proceeds from this afternoon alfresco event help to advance technology, enhance facilities, and elevate patient care at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, benefitting all who need the hospital's services. 7


May Flowers



» IMPATIENS Available in violet, orange, red, salmon, white, and coral, these favored warm-weather flowers perform best in shade and will grow in height up to 12”. Perfect for a garden border, hanging baskets, and stunning container gardens.

» CUPHEA This low-maintenance pollinator attractor loves the sun and comes in a mix of fun colors. Birds, bees and butterflies like color, so take your pick from Firecracker with its red and purple bloom, Fairy Dust Pink, and the purple and white Mexican Heather.





as needed




April showers bring May flowers – and they are definitely shining bright at Rock City Gardens. These are just a few of the flowers and plants sharing their love this month.



» CELOSIA A tall beauty, it reaches up to 24” in height. Our vibrant red, Dragon’s Breath series will add dramatic color to your garden beds or as the center of attention in a container garden. MAINTENANCE: Easy LIGHT: Full


» HIBISCUS These sub-tropical big bloomers need little introduction. They perform beautifully in garden beds throughout the summer or planted in large pots for brilliant accents to outdoor spaces. Available in fabulously fun colors like Fire Cracker, First to Flirt, Starlette, Social Butterfly and Disco Diva. Easy! LIGHT: Sun or Shade MAINTENANCE:

Our friendly garden associates will happily help you select just the right flowers for your springtime garden .


How do I create a butterfly garden? The best butterfly habitat is a diverse landscape. To transform a portion of your yard into a butterfly garden, you’ll need the basics: butterfly-attracting flowers, large flat rocks, a water source, and at least one tree or shrub. First choose a location with partial sun that is sheltered from the wind. You may already have a site that contains a few trees or shrubs, which are important for butterflies to nest at night and cool off during the day. If you’re using containers for your garden, choose large pots because plants that attract butterflies need space to sprawl. Next, remember the rocks! Just one or two flat rocks positioned in the sun afford butterflies a place to bask in the morning when it’s cooler. Since butterflies cannot drink from open water, provide them with a "puddle" by filling a container, such as a birdbath, with wet sand where they can perch and drink safely. If your site naturally collects shallow water puddles, you’re all set. Finally, plant nectar plants such as aster, black-eyed Susan, butterfly bush, cosmos, ironweed, purple coneflower, marigold and zinnia. Also add food plants for the larvae (caterpillars), including dill, fennel, milkweed, or parsley. Different butterfly larvae feed on different plants, so research which butterflies are native to our region, such as Polydamas Swallowtail and Giant Swallowtail. Visit Rock City soon for the best plant selections!


Gifts that keep giving! Finding the best surprises for mom, grandma, caregivers, teachers, and others who are extra special to you and your family need not create stressful searches. One trip to our Garden Boutique and you’re done! Unique gifts, beautiful container gardens, and home and garden accessories ensure the extraordinary people in your life receive a gift that keeps on giving. When you visit, don’t miss, among so many beautiful plants, our small flowering trees of colorful hibiscus, gardenia, ixora, Texas sage, and tibouchina. They're fun, and will thrill even the most discerning. For the full Rock City Gardens' experience, let her choose with a thoughtful gift certificate!


SpringtimE ActivitieS AT R O C K C I T Y G A R D E N S

Succulent Garden Workshop Our March Succulent Garden Workshop quickly sold out. Twenty lucky participants experienced a hands-on demonstration by our talented designer, Elaine Erlanger. Each attendee took home a gorgeous potted succulent garden.

Art Stroll in the Gardens On the first Sunday in April our garden gates were open wide as more than 400 attendees enjoyed our Art Stroll in the Gardens. From exquisite handmade jewelry to fine paintings and pottery, local artisans displayed their works of art throughout our gardens. Watch for news about this popular event returning next season!

Air Plant Wreath Workshop Our May Day Air Plant Wreath Workshop was a hands-on opportunity to create a beautiful summertime wreath. Under the direction of Rock City designers, each participant created a grapevine wreath adorned with Tillandsia air plants. They each took home the perfect dĂŠcor to greet the summer months.

Starlight & Sneakers We have a special place in our heart for the non-profit organizations who serve so many deserving individuals in our community. ARC of Indian River County hosted their annual Starlight & Sneakers fundraiser at Rock City Gardens on April 25th. It was a night of dinner and dancing under the stars to benefit disabled adults. We’re honored to host this special event each year.

How Does Your Garden Grow? National Pollinator Week is coming up June 17th – 23rd to raise awareness for endangered pollinators. These hard-working animals help pollinate over 75% of our flowering plants and nearly 75% of crops. Without them, wildlife would have fewer nutritious berries and seeds, and we would miss their delicious and healthy fruits, vegetables, and nuts — not to mention chocolate and coffee — all of which depend on pollinators! To learn more, tap into podcasts and videos at


seven acres of inspiration

9080 U.S. Hwy 1 Wabasso, Florida 32970 772.589.5835

Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm © 2013-2019 Rock City Gardens

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