nd design a e e th v i in t objec nd enhance my skills
icatio y Commun n io h echnolog s T a F n io h s gra of Fa ebb,Kan Institute h l a C n o ti a N 76001 adesh-1 r P l a h c Hima 463810 91-9882 m gmail.co tabannift@
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n educatituote Of Fashion Technology Insti National n r of Desig ation Bachelo ic n Commu Fashion 3rd year r-VI Semeste
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Go G Minions ) initiative fest, (A group e college visual th in p u t from A stall pu ur skills o ll a g signing. in showcas ing to graphic de dis merchan . paign m a c d Logo /A Event (NGO) Youthlink n campaig d A / o g Lo nnai HIT,Che ile fest Aotomob
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