Anatolian Voice Issue 33

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I S S U E 33 O F THE


i n th is issue ottom an pal aces hagia soph ia

ISSN 2156–2059

CONTENTS Issue 33 V olu m e 1 1 2011

34 Ottoman Palaces

18 Hagia Sophia

12 Kültür Ocağı President’s Letter  3

Political Enlightenment Event

Schedule of Events  4

Consular Corps of Michigan Gala

Letters to the Editor  4

Festival of Treats Celebration

Open Book  5

Jewish-Turkish Relations Lecture Kurban Bayramı and Fundraiser

Turkish Tent at LebFest 2010

History of “Turkey”

Independence Day Trip

Lebanese-American Dinner

General Assembly

Republic Day Ball

Children’s Day Celebration

Turkish Kitchen  42

Father’s Day Picnic

Editor’s Letter  43

Victory Day Celebration İftar Dinner



S Since June 13, 2010, we have organized 19 key events and activities exceeding all our planned targets. We could not have done it without you. We established 9 committees totalling 20 new volunteers; collaborated with ethnic groups; received significant and valuable donations; and our membership numbers increased remarkably. With our new income we started to renovate the TACAM Cultural Center. Excitingly, TACAM will become a financial sponsor and mentor to send American students to Turkey for educational experiences not found here. As communicated regularly, our key TACAM strategies are to increase the voice of Turkish-Americans, educate our key stakeholders (youth, members, media, politicians), engage and develop membership and improve the TACAM Cultural Center. To implement these, we need your support and kindly ask you: 1. To pay your dues for the 2011 membership period within the next two weeks (see the form on page 15) 2. To promote TACAM and bring two new members to double our membership numbers for 2011 3. To support one event or activity each year by joining a committee, giving a lecture on an area of your expertise, volunteering yourself and your children or sponsoring an event! Only together can we make a difference within the Turkish-American community! We need to act now to effectively implement our plans with the mind-set and perseverance Atatürk brought to the Republic of Turkey. The reward is great and our State has many “Atatürks” like yourself ready to act. By supporting TACAM, you become part of a national advocacy organization that allows TACAM to impact key opinion leaders and policy makers on the issues like promoting positive Turkish sentiments, to championing human rights and strengthening ties with other ethnic groups. In addition, your support funds Turkish language preservation, promoting our rich Turkish heritage and furthering the education of our future leaders. (Continued on page 14.)

Feridun Bek 2010 – 2011


f or up-t o-dat e i n f orm at ion v i s i t ta c a m . org

schedule of events







TBA Dinners with Lebanese and Chaldean groups Ongoing Byzantine Exhibition at the U of M TBA Conference with Dr. Husevin Bağcı

6 Saturday Republic Day Ball 7 Sunday German Jews in Turkey Discussion 19 Friday Property Development Fundraiser and Kurban Bayramı

30 Thursday Dinner with Lebanese Council

23 Sunday Lecture on Child Discipline Techniques





12 Saturday Lecture on the ancient city of Ephesus; Valentine’s Day night 26 Saturday Macedonian Reception

11 Friday Celebration of Diversity at Plymouth Canton School 14 Friday Lecture with Nurhan Atasoy on Ottoman Gardens

23 Saturday Children’s Day Celebration

1 Sunday General Assembly The 2011-2012 Board will be elected in May and will have events following election. Please visit online for the latest event news.

letters to the editor The Anatolian Voice is interested in what you have to say. Tell us what you liked and disliked by adding your unique knowledge and experience to the discussions in each issue. Please send your letters or e-mails to the Anatolian Voice, po Box 3445, Farmington Hills, mi, 48333–3445, or at As always, please let us know of births, surgeries, job promotions and other community news — you are our first link!



f or more pho t o g r a ph s v i s i t ta c a m . org

Community News

Mr. Cengiz Ucer, dear son of Erol and Aysel Ucer, died from a massive heart attack in May 2010. Mr. Ucer was 41 years old. He is survived by his wife Karin and his two sons, Aydin and Lucca. TACAM sends its sincere condolences and sympathy to the Ahmed and Ucer families, and appreciates your thoughts during their difficult time. Atilla and Ece Yaprak’s son Tolga was married in August 2010. Tolga and his wife are now expecting a child and have moved to the United States. Onur Karabulut and Özlem Özkaya are also expecting a child soon.

Tyler Conley (13 years old), son of Elif Conley, received a Great Lakes Honor scholar. Didem Hepaktan was promoted to the restraints supervisor position at Ford Motor Company. Didem will be on assignment at Ford of Mexico for the next three years to establish the restraints product development activity there. Mine Özalp, along with a her team from GM, received a US patent for a 3D road scanner invention that recreates all the bumps and grooves of a road surface as a computer model to enable virtual durability testing of cars. Cansu, wife of Tim Tucker, will be holding Turkish cooking demonstrations at Whole Foods in Rochester Hills to complement her site

TACAM thanks Doğan Köylüoğlu for his large donation of books to our collection.

Turkish Tent at LebFest 2010

Independence Day Trip



TACAM and the Turkish American Student Alliance (TASA) joined in solidarity with the Lebanese Chamber of Congress at the invitation of John Akouri to participate in Michigan’s annual Lebanese Festival from August 6 – 8. We read coffeefortunes, served culinary delights, sold hand-made Turkish goods and provided educational activities for kids and adults.

From July 2 – 4, 2010, a delegation of board members and community volunteers met with the Turkish General Consul Kenan İpek and the Leaders of the Turkish-American Associations in Chicago. Each day we had a litany of events meant to bolster and foster an ongoing relationship with members of one of our closest Turkish-American communities outside of Michigan.

open book


open book

Mr. Nevzat Ural, the beloved father of TACAM’s Past-President Leylâ Ahmed, passed away in July 2010 in Turkey from colon cancer.

open book

Father’s Day Picnic


General Assembly and Children’s Day Celebration W R IT TEN BY EROL A HMED

Turkish-Americans and friends of Turkey from around Michigan gathered on Sunday April 25, 2010, to celebrate National Sovereignty and Children’s Day at the Cultural Center. The event was attended by dozens of families eager to celebrate a weekend of exciting events in Michigan. The older class of the TACAM Turkish School, led by the 2009 Vice-President Beste Windes, gave a presentation about the importance of the day. The younger class of the school, led by volunteer Özgün Ulupınar, took the stage for a dance performance. Following the children’s program the community met Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard and Fran Brennan, a representative of Congressman Mark Schauer. TACAM received a proclamation from Governor Jennifer M. Granholm, who designated April 23, 2010, as “International Children’s Day,” and a proclamation from the city of Ypsilanti. Another gathering took place on April 24, when a group of children met with Congressman John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who celebrated with ATAA Civic Engagement Director Yenal Küçüker and TACAM Grassroots committee chair Gökhan Özalp. During our General Assembly, TACAM membership gathered to cast their votes for the new board. We voted down an increase in membership dues, while extending the executive board term to two years; and finally, changing eligibility to be on the board to include a 90-day prior membership. 6

open book

The Father’s Day Picnic was held on June 20, 2010: We had over 80 people attend this yearly event at Kensington Metro Park. Everyone had the opportunity to enjoy the lamb şiş, homemade börek, salad, rice, desserts and ayran. We filled the day with activities for children and their dads: trivia games, races, three-legged runs, a wheel barrel competition and an egg-spoon race. We had a piñata filled with candy that was quickly tattered by our energetic children. The adults had another chance to get together with other TurkishAmerican families, too.

open book

Political Enlightenment Event by the Poolside


Honorary Consul of Michigan to Turkey, Nurten Ural, graciously opened her home for a thoughtprovoking gathering of community members for politics and networking on July 23, 2010. Students, adults, the politically-savvy and the arm-chair pundit shared and gained valuable insights into how to influence policy, political decision making and practices in a neutral, non-partisan setting. The event was co-sponsored by the Turkish American Students Alliance (TASA).

Consular Corps of Michigan Gala Reception W R IT TEN BY A SLI YA SHIN

Victory Day Celebration and 襤ftar Dinner


Zafer Bayram覺 (Victory Day) celebrations were in full force on August 28, 2010, at the Cultural Center. Our community celebrated the victory of Turkish troops in maintaining the sovereignty of our nation. August also saw the passing of Ramadan, and we provided a full and delicious selection of sundries to break the fast.

Nurten Ural, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Turkey, attended the first annual Gala Reception celebrating the affiliation of EMU with the Consular Corps of Michigan on October 22, 2010. This international event, honoring the foreign consuls, chambers of commerce, and cultural institutions of the countries, promoted international partnerships. TACAM President Feridun Bek, EMU Professor of Criminolgy Donna Wilson and Consul of Mexico, the Hon. Vicente Sanchez-Ventura and his wife enjoyed nice conversations throughout the night.

open book


open book

Contribution of the Expelled (heimatlos) German Jewish Professors to the Turkish Republic’s University Reform of 1933 W R IT TEN BY EROL A HMED

A packed auditorium anticipated the lecture about to unfold on November 7, 2010, at Rackham Auditorium in Ann Arbor. The scholar Mesut İglim delved into his decades of research on the interesting and complex creation of Turkish-Jewish identity during the 1930s and 1940s in Turkey. A panel of University of Michigan academics — Profs. Bonner, Konuk and Lindner — provided the insight and issues surrounding the study of that time. Professor Konuk clarified the complex and contested relationship of Jews in Turkey, while Professor Bonner situated the narrative in a larger inter-religious history and Professor Lindner contextualized earlier as well as contemporary Ottoman practices. The reception afterward allowed all parties to debate and discuss the issues of the lecture.

Festival of Treats Celebration


The Şeker Bayramı or “Festival of Treats” is celebrated by Muslims at the end of Ramazan, the fasting month for Muslims. Community members gathered on September 11, 2010, to wish each other a joyous Bayram, “Bayramınız mübârek olsun!,” at the Cultural Center in Wixom.


open book

open book

The Country Turkey and Thanksgiving W R IT TEN BY EROL A HMED

TACAM and Professor Sumer Pek organized a special treat for families with kids. This informative lecture entertained the children about Turkey and the history of the turkey-bird. Over the centuries, the turkey-bird has travelled around the world, migrating from one continent to another, but still, it is best known in America. The bird turkey is so respected in its country of origin, that it has become a symbol of a most celebrated historic event: Thanksgiving.

Property Development Fundraiser and Kurban Bayram覺

Lebanese-American Dinner



Among the Turkish American associations in the United States, TACAM is one of the few that owns a building to serve as a gathering place for its members. On November 19, 2010, TACAM hosted a fund raiser for improvements to the Cultural Center in Wixom. We observed Kurban Bayram覺, as well, with the evening rounded out by the musical performance of Demir Ceylan.

In order to engage with the Lebanese-American Community, TACAM sponsored an event with a dinner invitation. The Lebanese Consul, President of the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and approximately 20 further leaders of that community joined together. TACAM leaders delivered speeches regarding Turkish-Lebanese relationship and further documents were distributed.

open book


open book

Republic Day Ball


TACAM celebrated the 87th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic on November 6, 2010, to a sold crowd of dignitaries, community members and friends of the Turkish community in Michigan. With the leadership of our Grassroots Committee, we received proclamations from Governor Granholm and the cities Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and


open book

Wixom. Our event had more than double the attendance in comparison to the previous years. We had eight Foreign Consuls joining us with the support of our Honorary Consul Nurten Ural. We invited a fabulous singer from Germany, Demir Ceylan, and gained $8,000 net revenue for TACAM. It was a stellar event for the most important date of the year.

open book

Kültür Ocagı ˘

Serkan and Gaye Özdemir’s top picks


6 !0 7




1 3 2 12

kültür ocağı

t op pick movie

1 Eyvah Eyvah







Haliç’te Yas¸ayan Simonlar

Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar

Kayıp Gül By Serdar Özkan

A novel delving into the world of the state apparatus and a man involved intimately in it. Starting as a security guard, the life of the main character unravels in tandem with the state.

BKM Mutfak team, using an unattempted narration in Turkish cinema, is trying to be the first by fitting 9 different stories and genres into one film. The movie is directed by Özan Acıktan.

The curious lives of others is what interests the protagonist in this novel — people tattooed, pierced and different, who live within and without the city.







Istanbul Hâtırası By Ahmet Ümit

From Byzantium to Istanbul: 8000 Years of a Capital

Lukus Hayat Directed by Haldun Dormen

One more time, Commissioner Nevzat solves a crime! This book promises much to those eager to discover the city in the footsteps of a detective.

To celebrate the selection of İstanbul as the European Capital of Culture, Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM) presents the peerless history of İstanbul from its founding until today with over 500 works.

When two robbers, Riza and Fıstık, crash into the ball of a wealthy family, the ensuing episodes reveal the difficulties of the 1930s and the confrontation of the public about Westernization in a Turkish theatre classic.







17th Adana Altın Koza Film Festival September 2010

Ezel Directed by Uluç Bayraktar

Adımı Kalbime Yaz Tarkan

More than 200 movies are presented in the festival. The opening ceremony begins with the movie “Piyanosu Olmayan Kadın.”

“Ezel” has become a phenomena for TV lovers. Written by Kerem Deren and Pınar Bulut, it is about Ömer, who has been betrayed by his lover and friends, who think him for dead, when he has actually returned with revenge in mind.

Tarkan’s new album consists of eight new songs and five remixes. The lyrics of the songs belongs to Tarkan, Sezen Aksu, Yıldız Tilbe, Günay Çoban, Özan Colakoğlu, Mithat Can Özer, and Gülsah Tutuncu.

kültür ocağı


open book

TACAM Activities 2010 – 2011

Committees 2010 – 2011

Our Open Book on pages 5 – 11 has our events, but here are some events TACAM held with other organizations.

Advocacy and Grassroots Committee Leader: Ümit Menemenci and Gökhan Özalp Communicate proactively with politicians and media on Turkish-American related matters.

June 13, 2010 Vision 2010+ Strategy Workshop All board, committee leaders and Michigan Turkish professors met to define the strategies and activities for 2010 and 2011. September 22, 2010 Grassroots Meeting with State Representatives Our event leaders had meeting with 20 state representatives, especially regarding the allegations of the Armenian Genocide. October 15 – 17, 2010 International Festival in Southfield This event promoted Turkey and engaged with ethnic groups. Prof. Dr. Sumer Pek delivered an educational Turkey-presentation to over 200 Americans and the TACAM Folklore Group performed as well. November 6, 2010 Student Outreach with General Consul Fatih Yıldız Student Outreach Chair Berk Koprulu organized an event with 40 students to talk with Turkish General Consul Fatih Yıldız and Honorary Consul Nurten Ural. January 2011 Property Improvement, Phase 1 We started to renovate the TACAM property with Mr. Fatih Tanrısever (F. Tanrisever Company Inc.) and Mr. Ismail Kıraç. January 16, 2011 Vision and Strategy Workshop The TACAM Board, committee leaders and volunteers joined this workshop to review the TACAM activities and committee development actions for 2011+. January 22, 2011 Lecture: Your Child’s Development The Bulgarian Cultural Center Detroit, Oakland County Family Services and Farmington Hills Mom’s Club joined the Bulgarian and Turkish Families to enjoy a lecture from Kris Kasperski, M.Ed. and TACAM.


open book

Education Committee Leaders: Asst. Prof. Mehmet E. Yaya and Suzan Arslantürk Develop and teach a curriculum for the Turkish School for adults and children. Student Outreach Committee Leader: Berk Köprülü Engage students in Turkish affairs and local politics. Committee to Establish a “Turkic Studies Program” at the University of Michigan Leader: Prof. Dr. Sumer Pek Raising an endowment of about $10 million to create Turkic Studies Program. The Anatolian Voice and Communication Committee Leader: Erol Ahmed Develop the Anatolian Voice Newsletter and provide Internet-based communications. Membership & Public Relations Committee Leaders: Aslı Yashin, Mine Taşçı and Prof. Dr. Ece Yaprak Undertake public relations activities for TurkishAmericans and expanding membership. By-Laws Committee Leader: Özlem Falkiewicz Develop a proposal for revised TACAM By-Laws with membership input. Organizational Development & Strategic Implementation Committee Leader: Mark Arfert Support all committees with target and process approaches, and ensure strategic implementation. TACAM Building Improvement Committee $4,000 secured to renovate the TACAM Cultural Center with experts and volunteers.

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I am enclosing a check for my membership dues for this calendar year. Your membership will begin after payment is processed and last until the end of the calendar year. Please make checks payable to tacam and mail to: tacam Membership, po Box 3445, Farmington Hills, mi, 48333-3445. ◯

$150.00 Family (including children under 18)

$75.00 Single Adult  >  (qty. _______

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P i l g ri m s , co s s a ck s a n d cl e ric s con v e rg e at t h e m a n y h a l l s of p r ay e r i n t h e H a g i a S oph i a


A RT IC L E S 33 • 11


A Matter of Faith The Restoration of the Hagia Sophia

From 1847 to 1849 nearly 800 craftsman converged on the aging structure of the Hagia Sophia. This would mark the most ambitious restoration of the church-turnedmosque. Ordered under Sultan Abd端lmecid, the restoration was guided by the Swiss-Italian architect-brothers Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati. This overhaul of the structure happened at a moment in the Empire when the Sultan declared the beginning of sweeping reforms to bring the Ottomans closer in line with Europe. The restoration attempted to showcase a gem, if not the Gem, of the Ottoman Empire. The Hagia Sophia was a landmark known and respected by people across Europe and the Ottoman lands. We revisit this 1,651-year old masterpeice in a selection of colored lithographs created directly after the restoration in London around 1852 from the original drawings of Chevalier Caspard Fossati.

Written by Erol Zafer Ahmed




feature articles

The Hippodrome

The unpaved area in front of the Hagia Sophia was a old site of chariot races during the Byzantine Empire. The Hippodrome gave a generous breathing space for this large structure. Yet crowded homes hedged the Hagia Sophia at this time, later to be demolished in the twentieth century, as people moved to more fashionable districts in the City.

feature articles


The Historic City

Looking out from a minaret at the Hagia Sophia towards the historic peninsula. In the distance, the Sulemaniye Mosque and Nusretiye mosque are in the distance, as are the towers of Galata and Beyaz覺t. This view encompasses the majority of the historic city of 襤stanbul (Stamboul) as well as the area around Galata, and some of the walls of the outer court of Topkap覺 Palace.


feature articles

Topkapı Palace

Another panoramic view from the Hagia Sophia overlooks the residence of the Sultan until the 1850s with the Gate of Salutation (Bâb-üs Selâm) near the center of the image. We can see the areas outside of traditional İstanbul — Üsküdar, Beşiktaş and Tophane — which would soon fill up as the city expanded.

feature articles


Ottoman Bureaucracy

Facing the Marmara Sea, a now demolished Civil building hints to governmental activities once located by the Hagia Sophia. The audacious Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) is off in the distance. The far-off perspective helps dwarf the Blue Mosque and increases the splendor of the restoration, even though the Blue Mosque was much closer to the Hagia Sophia.


feature articles

The Restored Nave

In all its splendor the main chamber, or nave, of the Hagia Shopia displays the delicate work of architects, craftsman and officials. The space is crowded from people celebrating the successful restoration work.

feature articles


Pilgrims and Ascetics

Windows illuminate a group of children listening (or day dreaming) at the words of a devout teacher, while a man off to the right wanders the structure with his cane. Both he and the students are seeking answers and hoping to find them inside the Hagia Sophia.


feature articles


feature articles



feature articles

Muhteşem İstanbul Sarayları 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Mimarisi

Ser Mimar-ı Devlet-i Hümayun

Balyan Ailesi D

Written by Garo Laçin


1 II. Mahmud (1808-1839) devrinde başlayan batılılaşma hareketlerinin her yönden artması mimari alanda da kendisini göstermiştir. Bu alanda hakettikleri büyük bir üne kavuşan meşhur Balyan ailesinin katkıları unutulamaz. Ailenin atası, 18ci yüzyılda Kayseri’nin Derevenk köyünden gelip, İstanbul’a yerleşen yapı ustası Merametçi (yapı onaran) Bali Kalfadır (d. ? – öl. 1803). Onun hakkında bilinen tek şey, restorasyondaki mahareti yüzünden III. Selim tarafından saraya kabul edilmiş olduğu ve oğlu Krikor’u bu dalda çok iyi yetiştirmiş olmasıdır. Bali Kalfa 1803 de ölmüş ve Üsküdar Ermeni mezarlığında gömülmüştür. Batılılaşma hareketlerinin serbest olduğu bu devirde Balyanlar, babadan toruna geçen eşsiz maharet ve ustalıkla, batının Rococo, Baroque ve Empire sanatını, doğunun Osmanlı motifleriyle birleştirip, güzellikte emsalsiz bir üslup meydana getirmiş ve İstanbul’a her biri birbirinden güzel, muhteşem saraylar, kasırlar, yalılar, köşkler, konaklar, câmiler vb. kazandırmışlardır. Uzun yıllar Osmanlı Devleti Saray mimarlığı görevinde olan bu aile, meydana getirdikleri emsalsiz eserlerden dolayı her Padişah tarafından takdir edilmiş ve sayısız nişan ve

takdirnamelerle mükafatlandırılarak, kendilerine devlet mimarlığının en yüksek derecesi olan Ser Mimar-ı Devlet -i Hümayun (Devlet Başmimarı) ünvanı verilmiştir.

2 Krikor Amira Balyan [Baliyan] 1767–1831 Bali Kalfanın oğlu mimar Krikor, babasının ölümünden sonra III. Selim (1788–1831) tarafından Hassa Mimarlığına yükseltildi. Mimarlığı yanısıra, III. Selim’in özel danışmanı oldu. II. Mahmud (1808–1838) devrinde Hassa-ı Şahâne Mimarı mevkiine yükseltildi. Başlıca eserleri Aynalıkavak Kasrı, Bağ-ı Ferah, Beşiktaş Sarayı, Çağlayan Kasr-ı Hümayun, Nüsretiye Kasrı, Taksim Topçu Kışlası.

feature articles


Aynalıkavak Kasrı Arz odası

Aynalıkavak Kasrı İlk olarak I. Ahmed devrinde (1603–1617) yaptırılmış (1613) ve IV. Mehmed (1648–1687) zamanında yanarak tekrar yaptırılmıştır. Venedik Cumhuriyetinin, III. Ahmed’e (1703–1730) hediye ettiği Kristal aynalarla donatıldığı için Aynalıkavak adı ile anılmıştır. Saray, III. Selim (1788–1807) tarafından yıktırılarak yerine mimar Krikor Balyan’a Has Bahçe Köşkü inşa ettirilmiştir (1791).


feature articles

Bağ-ı Ferah

Eski Beylerbeyi Sarayı Beylerbeyinde, I. Ahmed (1603–1617) zamanında padişahın yazlık sarayı olarak yaptırılmış ve Sevkabad Kasrı adı verilmiştir. Buraya, IV. Mehmed zamanında da çok rağbet edilmiş, yeniçeriler tarafından yakılınca, II. Mahmud tarafından 1832 yılında mimar Krikor Amira Balyan’a ahşap olarak yeniden yaptırılmıştır. Etrafını çeviren meyva ağaçlarından, bilhassa kiraz bağlarından dolayı saray, Bağ-ı Ferah adı ile anılmıştır. Abdülmecit devrinde çıkan bir yangınla kaderine terkedilmiştir (1851). Uzun müddet harap bir şekilde bırakılmış olan bu saray, Sultan Abdülaziz tarafından yıktırılarak (1864) yerine mimar Sarkis Balyan’a kargir olarak bugünkü Beylerbeyi Sarayı yaptırılmıştır.

Aynalıkavak Kasrı

Aynalıkavak Kasrı

Arz odasının tavan süslemeleri

Aynalıkavak Kasrı Divanhanesi

Aynalıkavak Kasrı Divanhanesinin tavan motifleri

feature articles


Beşiktaş Saray-ı Hümâyun Bu saray, II. Bayezid (1481–1512) devrinde, bugünkü Dolmabahçe Sarayının yerinde yapılmıştır. Zamanla köşkler ilave edilmiş ve her bir ilaveden sonra değişik adlarla anılmıştır. Saraya, ilk olarak Kaptanpaşa Yalısı denmiş, sonra Cağaloğlu Yalısı adını almış ve son olarak da Has Bahçe denmiştir. İlk köşk ilavesi I. Ahmet (1603–1617) tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Şair Nef’i, bu köşkte IV. Murad’ın (1623–1640) huzurunda “Siham-ı Kaza” (Bela okları) adli hicivlerini okurken Saraya yıldırım düşmüş, bir anlık korkuya kapılan Padişah kitabi parçalayarak Nef’i’yi Edirne’ye sürmüştü. Saray, IV. Mehmed zamanında gelişerek bir “yazlık sarayı” haline gelmiş ve adına Cağaloğlu Yalısı denmiştir. Onun devrinde şiir ve müzik saraya hakim olmuştu. Buhurizade Mustafa Itri, güftesini Nef’i’nin yazdığı Segah makamındaki meşhur bestesini IV. Mehmed’in huzurunda bu sarayda icra etmişti. “Tut-i mucize güyem ne desem laf değil Çerh ile söyleşemem ayinesi saf değil Ehl-i dildir diyemem sinesi saf olmayana Ehl-i dil birbirini bilmemek insaf değil Beli yarim beli dost, beli mirim beli dost Beli ömrüm beli dost”


feature articles

Zamanla saraya ilave edilen köşkler şunlardır: IV. Mehmed’in yaptırdığı kısmın onarımından sonra Çinili Köşk adı verilmiş, I. Mahmud, 1717 yılında Kasr-ı Dilara’yi ve 1748 yılında da İftar Köşkü’nü (Bayıldım Kasrı) yaptırmıştır. III. Selim, Hassa mimarı Krikor Balyan’a ilave olarak annesi Mihrişah Sultan için Kasr-ı Cedid’i, ayrıca Kasr-ı Hümayun-ı Kebir, Kasr-ı Hümayun-ı Tacidari, Sahilhane-i Hümayun Kasrılarını yaptırmıştır. Butun bu yapılar ahşap olup her biri birbirinden daha süslüydü. II. Mahmud zamanında çıkan bir yangında bir çok kasır kül olmuş, II. Mahmud, yanan kasıları yıktırıp mimar Krikor Balyan’a yeni bir saray yaptırarak buraya yerleşmiştir. Tahta gecen Sultan Abdülmecid, 1853 yıllında Beşiktaş Sarayı’nı yıktırıp yerine mimar Krikor Balyan’in oğlu Garabed Balyan’a bugünkü Dolmabahçe Sarayı’nı yaptırmıştır. Bugün, bize Beşiktaş Sarayından, onun güzelliğini anlatacak sadece birkaç gravür kalmıştır.

Beşiktaş Sarayı

Beşiktaş Sarayı

feature articles


Çağlayan Kasr-ı Hümâyun Kâğıthane’de, III. Sultan Selim tarafından mimar Krikor Balyan’a yaptırılan kargir meşhur Sa’dabad Sarayını II. Sultan Mahmud yıktırıp yerine ayni mimara Çağlayan Kasrı’nı yaptırmıştır. Adını,

önündeki çağlayanlı havuzdan alan bu saray, Abdülaziz devrinin sonuna kadar kullanılmış, sonra da kaderine terkedilerek bakımsızlıktan harap olmuş, nihayet 1930’dan sonra da yıktırılmıştır.

Nüsretiye Kasrı Tophane Kasrı

Tophane’de Nüsretiye Camii yakınındadır. II. Mahmud tarafından 1826 yılında mimar Krikor Balyan’a yaptırılmıştır. 1897 Osmanlı-Yunan savaşının antlaşması bu köşkte imzalanmıştır. Salon duvarları yaprak motifi kabartmalarla çevrilmiş,

aralarındaki duvarlar madalyonlar içinde manzara ve Nature Morte resimleriyle süslenmiştir. Empire ve Neo-Renaisance üslubunda, iki katlı ve teraslı olarak yapılmış olan bu kasır halen “Harp Malülü Gaziler Cemiyeti” olarak kullanılmaktadır.

Sarayburnu Sarayı

Defterdarburnu Sahil Sarayı

Sarayburnu’da, 1875 de yanmıştır.


Akıntıburnu Sarayı Bir zamanlar Arnavutköydeydi.

Konu dışı olarak mimarın yapmış olduğu diğer eserler: (III.) Selimiye Kışlası Davutpaşa Kışlası Maltepe Kışlası Rami Kışlası Taksim Topçular Kışlası Balmumcu Köşkü Nüsretiye (Tophane) Camii Kumkapı Meryem Ana Kilisesi Darbhane-i Amire I. Mahmud (Topuzlu) Su Bendi Bahçeköy Valide Bendi Paşakapısı


feature articles

Beyazıt eski ahşap Serasker Kulesi, yeniçeriler tarafından yakılınca yerine mimarin küçük kardeşi Senekerim Balyan tarafından bugünkü kargir Beyazıt Yangın Kulesi yapılmıştır. Referanslar Taksim, Çelik Gülersoy, 1986 Osmanlı Mimarlığında Batılılaşma Dönemi ve Balyan Ailesi, Pars Tuğlacı, 1981 Türk Musikisi Güfteler Hazinesi, Cilt 2, Sadun Aksüt, 1993

Çağlayan Kasrı

Nüsretiye Kasrı

(Devamı var...) feature articles


The Turkish Kitchen Ke stâne Şeke r Candied Che st nu t s

Ingredients Fresh chestnuts

½ kg

Water Sugar Vanilla Bean

2 cups 1 cup 2 whole beans

Known in French as marron glacés, candied chestnuts are a sweet delicacy enjoyed best during the end of fall and the beginning of winter when the nut is ready to harvest. Either Michigan or Italian chestnuts will do, but be sure to pick firm ones. The cooking process last four days. day one Peel the outer hard shell from the raw chestnuts, leaving the fuzzy inner shell in-tact. Place the peeled chestnuts in boiling water and cook for 10 – 15 minutes, or until tender. Turn off the heat and carefully remove the hot chestnuts from the pot. Working quickly, peel off the fuzzy inner shell, leaving only the flesh of the cooked chestnut. Be careful not to crush or break the chestnuts during this process. Dipping the chestnuts in cold water briefly before peeling will help keep your fingers from burning.

day two Prepare a vanilla-infused simple syrup by gently boiling 2 cups of sugar with one cup of water and adding fresh vanilla beans that have been cut lengthwise. Cook until the sugar dissolves. Place the chestnuts and the syrup in a large pot and bring to a boil for five minutes. Then let rest for an hour. Bring to a boil again and let rest overnight. day three – four Repeat the process of boiling and cooling twicea-day for days three and four. On the fourth day, place the candied chestnuts and syrup in little jars and store at room temperature for up to two weeks.

Afiyet olsun! Written by Leylâ Ahmed 42

anatolian voice

Editor’s Letter  last word It is official: the Anatolian Voice has been approved and has received an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). This designation provides our magazine with a unique 8-digit identifier: a sort of Social Security number for serial publications. You can see the number on this page, as well as the front and back cover of the magazine. An ISSN provides an easy way for libraries and institutions, including the Library of Congress, which accepted our application for the ISSN, to catalog, collect and distribute our issues more easily. As the Magazine grows in content and publication, the adoption of a unique identifier will help with the status of the Anatolian Voice. I would like to welcome the 2010 TACAM board, who have already produced a wide variety of events for our members and community. The events for 2010 as well as 2011 can be seen at the beginning of this issue. Of particular interest, and which I am very excited to see the board commit to, are the few culturally- and historically-minded programs produced by the board. We had events ranging from Jewish-Turkish identity during World War II; a curious tale about the origins of Turkey and turkeys; the sponsoring of student-initiatives in Ephesus; as well as the visit of the distinguished scholar Nurhan Atasoy to Michigan. It is both refreshing and promising to see a wide spectrum of events that help mirror the broad but focused approach of the Anatolian Voice. As we pull our resources and efforts together, we can educate, enlighten, delight and inform ourselves and the community around us with thoughtful and provocative lectures, events and discussions. And of course, we will continue to deliver and enlighten our readership to be more global citizens aware of the past and present to shape a more unified future.

+ anat oli an voice m ich ig a n t ü rk - a m e r İ k a n k ü lt ü r de rn e ğ İ i s s u e 3 3 volu m e 1 1 I S S N 2 15 6 – 2 0 59

e di t or - i n - ch i e f Erol Zafer Ahmed content Editor Jason Windes con t ri b u t or s Garo Lacin, Gaye Özdemir, Serkan Özdemir, Tim Tucker, Aslı Yashın p ub l i s h e d b y The Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan po Box 3445, Farmington Hills, mi, 48333–3445 p  248  438  8580  f  248  626  8279 e a d v e rt i s i n g w i t h u s Contact tacam for advertising details or visit online at

ta cam g ove rning b oard 2 0 10 – 2 0 1 1

e x e c u t i v e b oa rd of di re c t ors p re s i de n t Feridun Bek v ice - p re s i de n t Ümit Menemenci t re a s u re r Berk Köprülü s e cre ta ry Tim Tucker pa s t - p re s i de n t Leylâ Ahmed b oa rd of di re c t or s 2 0 0 9 – 2 010 Adnan Ateş Özlem Falkiewicz Güner Sarıoğlu Sümer Pek Mehmet Yaya b oa rd of t r u s t e e s Cenk Hepaktan 2012 Alev Küsefoğlu 2012 Gökhan Özalp 2012 Hurol Ulupınar 2012 Beste Windes 2012 Serkan Özdemir 2011 au di t com m i t t e e Ferid Ahmed 2012 Didem Hepaktan 2012 Mine Özalp 2012 Birsel Küsefoğlu 2011 ¶

erol zafer ahmed 2005 – 2011 Editor-in-Chief

anatolian voice


Issue 33 — Volume 11

Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan

Ottoman Palaces  —  Hagia Sophia

The Anatolian Voice is a Publication of the Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan

on t h e co v e r Dolmabahçe Palace, when completed, rivalled most palaces in Europe. Its opulence and mix of architectural styles was the work of a distinguished line of Armenian architects to the Sultan. Story on page 34.

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