HH SUNDAY, JULYJULY 12, 12, 2015 SUNDAY, 2015 Sunday, July 23, 2017
Tips Tipsand andtools toolstotoguide guideyou youthrough throughthethehome homebuying, buying,selling sellingand andremodeling remodelingprocess process ATATHOME: HOME:Tips Tipsforforsellers sellers a special publication from Missoulian Advertising
Before Beforethe theyard yardsign signgoes goesup up By By LeeLee Enterprises newspapers andand TheThe Associated Press Enterprises newspapers Associated Press
M M Down Payment Assistance being offered
any may believe thethe start of of selling a house begins when thethe “For Sale” goes upup in the yard. ButBut really, thethe process begins several any may believe start selling a house begins when “For Sale” goes in the yard. really, process begins several steps before a yard sign and a picture in the newspaper. Here areare sixsix moves to make before putting your house onon thethe market. steps before a yard sign and a picture in the newspaper. Here moves to make before putting your house market.
Get Getinspected inspected through Montana Board of Housing 11 55 Find Findananagent agent
SetSet up interviews with several realreal estate up interviews with several estate agents before choosing Here are are some agents before choosing Here some of the questions thatthat thethe National Associaof the questions National Associationtion of Realtors recommends: of Realtors recommends: What kind of marketing proposals does What kind of marketing proposals does thisthis Realtorenvision? Realtorenvision? What’s thethe average time on market? What’s average time on market? How does thethe brokerage support its its How does brokerage support Realtors? Realtors? Is Is thethe Realtor a a Realtor full-time or part-time full-time or part-time professional? professional? How longlong have they How have they been in the realreal estate been in the estate industry? industry? How often How often would they expect would they expect to hold an open to hold an open house? house? How How longlong is an is an agent’s agent’s listing listing contract? contract?
By the Montana Board of Housing
Know Knowyour yourmarket market
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TheThe National Association of Home National Association of Home Inspectors recommends checking with your Inspectors recommends checking with your state to see if home inspectors are are licensed. state to see if home inspectors licensed. NAHI recommends checking thethe credentials NAHI recommends checking credentials andand professional affiliations with anyone professional affiliations with anyone before letting them check your home. TheThe before letting them check your home. standard inspection usually includes: standard inspection usually includes: Home exterior Home exterior Building foundation Building foundation Exterior home walls Exterior home walls Roof coverings, flashing andand gutters Roof coverings, flashing gutters Roof support structure Roof support structure Attic Attic Basement Basement Insulation quality Insulation quality Garage Garage Electrical Electrical Visible interior andand exterior plumbing Visible interior exterior plumbing Central air and heating system Central air and heating system
Tell Tellyour yourneighbors neighbors
Word-of-mouth. It still works, especially Word-of-mouth. It still works, especially when it comes to selling homes. YouYou never when it comes to selling homes. never know whowho is looking — friends, friends of of know is looking — friends, friends friends andand family members. friends family members. Be suresure to help your Realtor andand helphelp Be to help your Realtor yourself when you’re selling. yourself when you’re selling. Make suresure youyou let your acquaintances Make let your acquaintances know your house is going on the market. know your house is going on the market. Make suresure youyou include thethe things youyou lovelove Make •include Have a things minimum 620 credit score, and about thethe house or the location. about house or the location. •a link Occupy the property as a primary residence. Be suresure to include to the listing or or Be to include a link to the listing deferredany down This assistance information about open houses. any information about open houses. is offered in the form of a second
ontana Board of Housing adds a 0% mortgage In addition to requesting a competitive In addition to requesting a competitive market analysis, a report prepared by your market analysis, a report prepared by your payment option to its low rate, 30 year first mortgage loan with NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS that is due and payable Realtor of comparable areaarea properties, herehere Realtor of comparable properties, program through the MBOH Plus Program! upon the sale of the property on the payoff of the first mortgage are are some other important questions to consome other important questions to consider with your agent: sider with your agent: loan. Often buyers can afford a monthly payment but they What is the average number of days on on Show off the space in your house. What is the average number of days Show offprograms the space in your house. struggle to save enough money for a down payment Iftoother down payment assistance (DPA) sound too thethe market? This willwill indicate howhow quickly If If walls andand rooms have tootoo many personIf you’re looking sell a house, you’re market? This indicate quickly walls rooms have many personIf you’re looking to sell a house, you’re and to pay closing costs. Many of these borrowers face an good to be true, they probably are! Be sure to compare interest thethe average property sells. alized things, likelike pictures or knickknacks, probably looking for afor new In addition average property sells. alized things, pictures or knickknacks, probably looking a new In addition What is the median home price? This tellstells it makes itbeing difficult for for prospective buyers to to getting current loanloan payoff amounts, it’s it’s of costs and What is the the median home price? This itfees makes it difficult prospective buyers to getting current payoff amounts, “affordability gap”, difference between what they can to afford rates and the amount rolled into your youyou where thethe “middle of the market” is. is. seesee themselves in ain house. alsoalso a good ideaidea to pick youryour banker’s brain. where “middle of the market” themselves a house. a good to pick banker’s brain. to purchase anddoes the cost of homes in their area. This program loan amount. Chances are, they Make far outweigh those of the MBOH What the competitive market suresure closets andand storage rooms feelfeel Mortgage lenders have an excellent feelfeel What does the competitive market Make closets storage rooms Mortgage lenders have an excellent Plus Program. is offeredanalysis statewide and provides $6,500 of deferred funding tolocal suggest for for pricing? Remember, you open, notnot stuffed fullfull of junk. for local housing markets. They underanalysis suggest pricing? Remember, you open, stuffed of junk. for housing markets. They undercancan ask anyany price youyou want, butbut thethe longer Rent a storage unitunit or downsize before stand successful price points, as well as as ask price want, longer Rent or downsize before stand successful price points, as well Potential homebuyers should contact aa storage participating mortgage help fill that gap. a property sitssits on the market, thethe tougher it it listing a home. loanloan programs thatthat maymay helphelp potential a property on the market, tougher listing a home. programs potential lender to find out if they qualify for the program. For a These current cancan be to Consider a staging expert. home buyers. besell. to sell. Consider a staging expert. These home buyers. What is the average days-on-market for for if you’re looking to move outout of oflenders visit the designers cancan help prepare a home for for selling To be eligible for MBOH Plus Down Payment ProgramAnd, the list of participating Montana Board of Housing What isthe the average days-on-market And, if you’re looking to move designers help prepare a home selling price range? the the area, downsizing or upsizing, a lender by arranging furniture, decluttering a house, my price range? area, downsizing orat upsizing, a lender by arranging furniture, decluttering a house, borrowermy must: website Are there anyany incentives thatthat could be be cancan helphelp youyou findfind a new loanloan program andand or even renting furniture andand other items Are there incentives could a new program or even renting furniture other items Alloptions loans Board of Housing are • Qualify for aFor 30-year, fixed-rate firstormortgage through determine offered? example, a home warranty aor a what options are available to to by Montana thatthat helphelp modernize a home or increase its its offered? For example, a home warranty determine what arepurchased available modernize a home orserviced increase flooring allowance thatthat maymay entice buyers? make thatthat nextnext flooring allowance entice buyers? make step. by either Montana Boardappeal. Montana Board of Housing instep. state ofappeal. Housing Servicing or the
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