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Camas Allison-Bunnell, Danh Alsaiari, Lyndon Amon, Maiti Anderson, Candace Andrews, Raiden Archer, Sydney Archibald-Wilson, Somasundaran Arens, Peyton Arledge, Behula Asuncion, Monroe Ayers, Elise Baker, Stormy Bakker, Matthew Baldridge, Tanner Baldry, Elise Barrett-Catton, Claire Bastedo-Adams, Aileen Beaton, Claire Becker, Leia Behunin-Harsell, Matilda Beltz, Owen Berens, Katharine Berkoff, Gabriel Bernosky, Allana Bickford, McKinley Biddulph, Charles Bingham, Benjamin Blackwell, Emma Blakely, Cooper Blunt, Alexandra Boese, Hannah Bossert, Kaitlyn Boucher, Grant Bowditch, Elizabeth Bowles, Kaylie Braae, Carson Brandt, Ella Brinkman, Hannah Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Nicholas Brown, Wyatt Brown, Flora Brownell, Veronica Buck, Wyatt Burns, Stuart Butler, Alyssa Byington, Walker Cady, Jarron Caplis, Andi Carnes, Kathleen Castleberry, Siera Castonguay, Gregory Chambers, Wren Cilimburg, Llwyn Clark-Gaynor, Nathan Cleaver, Daynen Clouse, Zinnia Collins, Aidan Condit, Simon Conkle, Sydney Cooper, Ashlynn Crow, Trenton Crowe, Robert Crowley, Layne Cuebas, Keyvonna Dahl, Emma Davis, Hunter Davis, Madison Dean, Bridger Deden, Ella DeGrandpre, Nathan Dellinger, Lily DeLorenzo, Eric Denning, Robert Deschamps V, Cole DiNoia, Cade Donovan, Isabella Duff, Louis Edera, Jessica Eichenlaub, Dallas Eyster, Ravynn Fife, Trevor Fike, Kathryn Fitzpatrick, Connor Flanagan, Addison Fleming, Thomas Fortunati, Alora Fradkin, Payton Fuller, Dylan Fullerton, Arica Fuss, Solveig Gallego, Elizabeth Giammona, Matthew Gow, Sylvie Graham, William Grant VI, Cole Hage, Allison Halverson, Kaitlyn Harmon, Richard Harris, Kennedy Harrison-LaRocque, Devin Hawk, Kadin Hawley, Jackson Heileson, Bryce Henderson, Mark Herzog, Lucia Heutmaker, Colter Hilmo, Dylan Holst, Ashonte Hoyt, Hanna Huang, Matthew Huppert, Haleigh Irwin, Chloe Jarvis, Jason Jarvis, Alyssa Johnson, Coles Johnson, Konnor Johnston, Malik Jungers, Chloe Kearns, Drekin Kelly, Jonathan Kenworthy, Sawyer Keyes, Aliyah Kipp, Katherine Kirgis, Shelby Kitch, Matthew Knight, Sarah Kronner, Anna Kurz, Alyssa Larsen, Mira Larson, Loran Leake Jr., James Ledford, Henry Ledyard, Sadie Leistiko, Caleb Lenear, Liza Littig, Matthew Littman Roeder, Ernesto Llanes Stitt, Stewart Long IV, Davien Longtine-Stetson, Sylvia Luceno, Davantae Lucero, Samuel Lund, Kylie Lunday, Benjamin Macrow, Samoa MaeaCabral, Kristopher Maier, Serina Mangan, Sarah Manning, Lane Mannix, Randy Many Guns, Elizabeth Martin, Angela Matthews, Kelli Maunder, Kennedy Max, Marias McAdams, Moira McBurney,
Hellgate class of 2019 Bruce McCubbin, Kade McCulloch, Kaya McCutcheon, Jayden McDonald, Burke McGowan, Judah McLain, Simon McMahon, Quinn McQuilkin, Adelaide Miller, Miles Miller, Mazeric Minjares, Rebecca Minton, Addy Mohorcich, Stephanie Moonen, Mia-Kilanna Moreland, Kinley Munden, Jade Murphy, Mackenzie Nash, Kayla Nelson, Tristan Nerison, Taylar Nesman, Arianna Nguyen-Haberneski, Maya Nguyen-Haberneski, Dawson Nichols, Zara Noonan, Kingsley Nuzzo, Trevor Olean, Skyler Olson, Allen Osterhout, Colt Owens, Elijah Owens, Gabrielle Paiz, Alexander Palmer, Angelo Paoli, Brennen Pappas, Wren Parks, Amy Parsons, Claire Parsons, Zoe Peach-Riley, Emma Peasley, Rivers Perry, Jake Peruzzi, Alice Petasek, Drako Phillips, Madison Provo, Grace Ravesloot, Jaiden Resner, Fisher Richardson, William Richman, Sophia Richter, Logan Riddle, Ailey Robinson, Julia Roemer, Grant Rosbarsky, Nathan Roske, Liam Ruby, Shaila Rupp, Zachary Sandberg, Nicole Schaller, Cooper Scharfe, Katherine Scheuch, Sydney Schmidt, Kayden Schneider, Tia Schumacher, Marly Scolatti, Dare Scott, Sullivan Scott, Calvin Servheen, Ingrid Shannon, Luke Sippel, Lucy Sirrs, Sophia Skillestad, Noah Skrivseth, Ethan Slater, Gabrielle Smart, Brandon Soules, Jackson Sproull, Cade Squires, Cory Stalling, Michael Standing Rock, Tobias Starkel, Elise Stearns, Happy Steichen, Ella Steinberg, Mattie Steinberg-Case, Nikolas Stewart, Kine Stimac, Ember Stratton, Bradie Strauch, Autumn Stubbs, Keziah Sundheim, Madeline Swanberg, Erin Szalda-Petree, Benjamin Tai-Brownlee, Vanova Taylor, Tanner Terzo, Alexa Thomas, Skyler Trahan, Samuel Triepke, Sidney Triepke, Saeyde
Troupe, Sophia Tumbleston, Jason Upton, Lexi Vick, Dawson Wahl-Meixner, Wyatt Walker, Jade Warburton, Emma Webster, Josse Weimer, Kaitlynn Weimer, Luca Wellenstein, Lisette Wells, Finnian Westenfelder, Max Wiese, Anna Willis, McKell Wilson, Savannah Wilson, Matthew Woldstad, Ian Wolf, Kobe Wolfe, Hannah Worden, Henry Wright, Dylan Yonce, Aaron Young, Jacob Young
Scholarships, awards Camas Allison-Bunnell: Steve and Jodi Allison-Bunnell, parents. All-State Orchestra; District Solo & Ensemble Superior Rating (Violin and Viola); Into the Woods Concertmaster; Les Miserables Concertmaster; Missoula Youth Symphony Concertmaster; Missoula Youth Symphony Soloist Competition Winner; Montana State Science Fair Gold Ribbon; State Solo & Ensemble Superior Rating (Violin); Varsity Letter Award Music. Peyton Arledge: Dave and Carol Arledge, parents. Academic All-State; Billings Clinic Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Scholarship; Montana State University Salsbury Scholarship; National Honor Society. Aileen Beaton: Charlie and Barbie Beaton, parents. Academic All-State Award; Gonzaga University Academic Scholarship-$50,000/four years. Katharine Berkoff: David Berkoff and Shirley Gustafson, parents. All-American Swimming; All-American USA Swimming Scholastic; High School State Swimming Champion; Junior Pan Pacific Swimming Championship – Silver; NHSC Female National High School Swimmer of the Year; North Carolina State University
Athletic Scholarship – Full Ride; USA Swimming Junior Nationals West Champion; USA Swimming World University Games Team. Wyatt Brown: Dorothy Morrison and Barry Brown, parents. Academic Letter Awards; Colorado School of Mines Merit Scholarship Montana State University Merit Award; Montana State University Premier Scholarship; Montana State University Sletten Family CE/ CET Scholarship; Montana University System Honor Scholarship; National Honor Society; University of Utah Academic Commendation; Varsity Letter Award Basketball; Varsity Letter Award Tennis. Wren Cilimburg: Rick and Amy Cilimburg, parents. Claremont McKenna College Achievement Award $60,000/four years; National Merit Scholar Finalist; National Honor Society; Varsity Letter Award Cross Country; Varsity Letter Award Track and Field. Daynen Clouse: Shawn and Nancy Clouse, parents. Ben Hardin Memorial 4-H Scholarship-$750; Boise State University Gem Scholarship-$60,000/four years; Business Professionals of America National Conference Qualifier; Business Professionals of America Chapter President; Montana Model United Nations Conference Top 3 Country; Montana State University Premier Scholarship-$2,500; National Honor Society; Personal Finance Challenge State Champion; University of Montana Academic Achievement Award-$12,000/four years. Aidan Condit: Kevin and Nancy Condit, parents. Academic All-State Swimming; All-State Swimming; Long Island University-Brooklyn Athletic Swimming Scholarship-$40,000/four years; National Honor Society; Rotary Youth Leadership Camp.
Ella DeGrandpre: Kate Lindner and Mike DeGrandpre, parents. All-State Cross Country; All-State Track and Field, National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Qualifier; University of Massachusetts Athletic-Cross Country/Track Scholarship-$32,000/ four years; University of Massachusetts Out of State Honors-$14,000/four years. Kaitlyn Harmon: Shawn and Amy Harmon, parents. National Honor Society. Haleigh Irwin: Kirsten and Cody Green, parents. University of Montana Academic Achievement Award-$6,000/four years; University of Montana Billie Merila Scholarship-$29,000/four years; Varsity Letter Award Band; Varsity Letter Award Softball; Varsity Letter Award Volleyball. Konnor Johnston: Reidun Johnston and Randall Johnston, parents. Montana State University Honor Scholarship-$2,500; Montana State University Jack and Isabel Haynes Scholarship-$2,500; Normanden Lodge Scholarship-$2,000; National Honor Society; Top 25 Senior Delegate. Liza Littig: Marco and Christine Littig, parents. Lewis and Clark College Grant-$50,000/ four years; Lewis and Clark College President’s Scholarship$112,000/four years. Matthew Littman Roeder: Hatton Littman and Cameron Johnson, Matt and Helen Roeder, parents. Lewis and Clark College Pioneer Scholarship-$68,000/ four years; Montana State University Premier Scholarship-$1,500; High Honor Roll; National Honor Society; Westminster College Founder’s Scholarship-$68,000/ four years. See Hellgate, PAGE E2
About this section This special Missoulian section contains graduation information from western Montana area schools. School officials were invited to send us the names of their graduating seniors, lists of scholarships and awards, profiles of top seniors and class photos. Some schools sent all the information while others were able to partially fill requests. The information here is not complete. Many students received scholarships after the newspaper’s print deadline. Students who earn scholarships from several schools only receive money from the institution they choose to attend unless awards are personal and can be applied to any school. Tandy Neighbor, editor of the Class of 2019 section, can be reached at 406-523-5205 or
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