SINCE 1870
150 Celebrating 150 years of serving western Montana
A journey through history and beyond
tOmmy martInO/missoulian
we juxtapose an “average” home today in the rest of us are babes in the woods. t’s a brave and scary new world out Missoula Valley that costs $338,000? And that The telephone had yet to be invented when there. But then, when wasn’t it? within a five-minute drive in any direction are That history has chosen a year called the first Missoulian newspapers rolled off the other dwellings that reflect living standards of a press. In recent springs, first-graders at Bonner 2020 to render the future so unclear School have been invited on guided walks to the century and more ago? seems like the cruelest of ironies; that We would love to zap into the future that Bonner-Milltown History Center, where they is, if you don’t recall the past. is now those early Missoulian newspapermen, get a chance to make a call on a working rotary In this special section we mark the 150th guys like Frank Woody and Washington phone. Dialing is a foreign concept to them, anniversary of what became the Missoulian, McCormick in the 1870s and Arthur Stone and requiring a finger motion like no other they’ve Montana’s oldest continuous newspaper. Martin Hutchens later on. Could they come to experienced and may never again. Frankly, we In just the past century and a half we can, grips with news delivery methods of the 21st should be more amazed than we are when our and should, reflect on pandemics every bit century, the unceasing search for models that 2-year-olds get their pudgy hands on our smart as overwhelming as COVID-19, on political attract readers in a competitive digital world phones and deftly swipe up Super Why or ABC and social unrest that match the current scene and still make money enough to pay the hired rancor for rancor, on wildfires too destructive to Mouse apps. hands? One that offers hope to those who would Consider the shack on West Front Street believe, and on wars that put everything else to open a paper made of paper on their breakfast that produced the first newspaper in Missoula. shame. tables each morning to scan, devour, cuss Is it with pride or consternation, or both, that We’ve also seen incredible advances in and nod at what local journalists technology and medicine, lifedeemed worthy to spend their time changing works of art and music, producing the day or the week the fruits of all that unrest that before? challenge our biases and ignorance, So where do we go from here? and an appreciation of the fragility When we dispense of Hindsight of the natural world that generations 2020, what can we say about have sweated to instill. Foresight 2021? What can we learn Now consider the indigenous that helps us keep our wits about among us, including local tribes that us, even as we strap masks over our have generously contributed to this mouths and noses? look-back on a history otherwise Maybe it’ll help to remember we constrained by the sideboards of don’t live in a time bubble. Things Euro-American mores. will get better, things will get Disease? Social change? Natural worse, things will get better again. disasters? War? Reverence for Guaranteed. Because when since nature? As the Séliš-Ql̓ ispé Culture 1870, when since time immemorial, Committee gently suggests in a Staff posed in front of the Daily Missoulian building. 1912. Archives did they not? series of beautiful essays herein, the & Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana
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