Degree Project Model

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final model

weeks 64

view from artist lofts facing West looking down Bishop Allen Dr. At night, the hill transforms as a public ‘walk-upcinema’ during Theater performances that are projected above the Flex-space’s large display screen.

weeks 65

weeks 66

the civic gesture A large staircase invites the city at large to participate in civic connectivity.

playful spaces The building’s rooftop is programed with multiple play spaces for all ages and varied activities.

moments of leisure The building’s northern end is programmed with private and public spaces for play or rest.

weeks 67

safe public spaces The intersection of Prospect and Bishop Allen services five bus lines and is currently difficult for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to navigate. New turn lanes, mediums, and anchored resting places create saver arrangements for these users and for the incoming students who will inhabit the new building program.

weeks 68

rooftop view, a sense of place When visitors walk up the Civic Stair they’re awarded with 360 degree panoramic vistas that engender a civic sense of place.

weeks 69

Retail-to-street relationship View facing south down Prospect St. The building’s morphology insinuates and gestures multiple nodes. Here, an internal bend marked with a tree draws attention to the retail entry. The geometry also affords the sidewalk/street more public space, possibly even the reading of a plaza, for commerce to flow in, out, or around this area.

weeks 70

a neighborhood feeling View facing east down Prospect St from the adjacent and bucolic neighborhood. A large and potentially brooding mass (of the theater) is balanced by anchoring a park and multi-story residential unit at the end of this vista. The view, as seen and felt from a quiet neighborhood, moves past the quiet elevation of the Theater and is drawn towards a landscape and housing project that echoes the local vernacular.

weeks 71

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