CONSTITUTION of S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association”

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CONSTITUTION of S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association”

The document explains the rules, roles, regulations, aims, objectives for the members of SAAA [SVIT (Sardar Vallabhabhai Institute of Technology, Vasad, Gujarat) Architect’s Alumni Association] Year 2016 - 2017 - 2018

Ar. Taha Padrawala (President) Ar. Vineet Matai (Vice president) Ar. Avani Mistry (General Secretary) Ar. Shailesh Patel (Joint Secretary) Ar. Ronak Patel (Treasurer)

CONSTITUTION of S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association”

Rules and Regulations

The rules & regulation shall come in force and effect and govern the association from 1st July, 2016. S.V.I.T. Architects Alumni Association is a collective body of alumni of College of Architecture, SVIT, Vasad. Apart from serving as a base for information about alumni, its aims to initiates programs and organizes events which are important to architecture profession, alumni, faculty as well as students. 1. NAME: The name of Association Shall be S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association” 2. OFFICE: The office of S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association” shall be in Vasad within municipal limits. 3. PRESENT ADD.: The registered office of the association shall be at present S.A.A.A. “SVIT Architect’s Alumni Association”. Seating president address or Hon. secretary's address. 4. OBJECTIVES: The objects of the Association shall be 1. To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students of our college and between the Alumni themselves. 2. To encourage the formation of Chapters as a means to increase participation of Alumni. 3. To encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of our college so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of their Alma Mater. 4. To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students. 5. To extend every possible help to the college authorities for overall progress of the institution. 6. To maintain the honour and dignity of the Architects & profession. 7. To uphold the interest of Academics & Architects Practitioners. 8. To promote Cooperation amongst members 9. To promote Brotherhood & Social life among the members and their families. 10. To alleviate the difficulties and problems of the members in matters concerned with professional aspects. 11. To arrange the lectures meeting at least once in a month. 12. To promote sports & cultural activities for the benefit of the members and their families. 5. METHODS: For the attainment and furtherance of the objects, the association may: 1. Arrange from time to time congress, lectures, discussions, demonstrations, exhibitions on profession of Architecture & Engineering and their allied branches. 2. Maintain library and Association office. 3. Raise the money in such a manner as the Association think fit & Collect Subscriptions & donations for the purpose of the Association. 4. Invest any money of the Association not immediately required for any of the objects in such a manner as may from time to time be determined by the Executive committee of the Association. 5. Purchase, take lease or otherwise acquire, hold, manager, let sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of movable or immovable properties of every description and exercise all the rights or privilege necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Association and in particular any land building, furniture household or other effects. utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, in the interest of the Association sell, demise. let, hire out, transfer or otherwise dispose off the same. 6. Erect, maintain, improve or alter and keep in repair any building of the purpose of the Association.

6. ELIGIBILITY REGARDING MEMBERSHIP: 7. ACCOUNTING YEAR: The accounting year of the Association shall be Calendar year. 8. SUBSCRIPTION: All member shell have to pay entrance fee and Annual fee as decided from time to time. 9. CATEGORIES OF MEMBERS: 9.1 Ordinary Member: Who Pay Regularly yearly subscription for the Calendar year. 9.2 Life Member: Who Pay life membership subscription as decided by the association from time to time. 10. REGISTER OF MEMBERS: The Association shall maintain the membership register and in this register. the names of the members of the Association with their addresses. Qualification, Birth-date. Date of Joining the Association, Reg. No. etc. shall be incorporated by the Hon. Secretary in Consultation with Treasurer and shall be verified Iron, time to time. 11. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP 11.1 Payment of each year subscription by the- member shall entitle the member. all the privileges of membership of the Association for that year. 11.2 All the members shall have the right to attend and take part in discussion at all general meetings. Lectures. Demonstrations organised by the Association. 11.3 All the members shall have right to attend Technical Conference organised by the Association. 11.4 All members shall enjoy any other privileges that may. hereinafter be conferred, by Association from time to time. 11.5 Not withstanding anything to contrary here in. above stated, any member who has not paid all his/her• dues of the Association-including the subscription of the current year - shall neither vote. nor contest. nor propose nor attend second in any meeting. 12. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: MEMBERSHIP MAY BE TERMINATED 12.1 BY RESIGNATION A member may at any time resign from his/her membership giving 3 days’ notice in writing. to the hon. secretary. The resigning member shall pay all dues against his/her name if any. 12.2 BY REMOVAL OF NAME on account of non-payment of subscription after due notice. if subscription remains unpaid for three months inspite of one reminder under certificate of posting. his/her name may be terminated. 12.3 BY REMOVAL OF NAME ON UNDESIRABLE CONDUCT If the conduct of a member be deemed by the Executive Committee, prejudicial to the interest of the Association. The Executive Committee shall refer the matter to the General body for the Action.

12.4 Those members who wish to discontinue their membership for the next year. shall inform. in witting to the Hon. Secretary on or before 30th November of the year. failing to do so. he/she will have to pay fee for the next year. 13. READMISSION: 13.1 Any member who has ceased to be a member under 12.1 & 12.2 as above. can be readmitted on fresh application made by him/her and on payment of fresh entrance fee and membership fee and outstanding dues. if any. 13.2 A member whose name has been removed under 12.3 as above. can be readmitted on expiry of 2 year & thereafter on a fresh application being made for readmission and supported by a good conducts certificate in the intervening period from 5 members of the Association. 13.3 Dormant member any members remaining absent for more than a year with prior notice and proper reason shall have not to pay membership fee for that period and has not to pay re-entrance fee on rejoining or as decided by executive committee . 14. MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION: The general control management and direction of policy and affairs of the association shall be vested in a body styled as 'Executive committee. 15. COMPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE: The Executive Committee shall be composed of: 15.1 Office Bearers: A. President B. Immediate Past President C. Vice President D. Honorary Secretary E. Honorary Treasurer 16. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE POST: The member to contest shall be eligible only if, he/she/has attended more than 60% in regular meeting in preceding one year and is a member of association for preceding 2 years. 17. POWER AND FUNCTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 17 .1 The Executive committee will administer the affairs of the Association with the rules & regulation of the Association. 17.2 The Executive committee shall have the right to appoint a special committee if & when found necessary and to delegate some of the powers to such committee which shall be responsible to the Executive Committee. The president & hon. Secretary shall be the ex-official members of such committee. 17 .3 It shall decide the policy matters and present in the house for the approval.

17.4 It shall consider the membership application, case of disqualification, termination, readmission etc. 17 .5 It shall consider and approve the accounts presented by the Hon. Treasurer. The annual report and accounts of the year shall be submitted to all the members in the general body meeting for the approval. 18. TERM OF THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The term of the Executive committee shall be for a one year. 19. DUTIES AND POWER OF THE OFFICE BEARERS A ... PRESIDENT: 19.A.1 Shall be the Chairman o! all the meetings of the Executive Committee. 19.A.2 Shall preside all the meetings and Prepare Agenda for meeting of the Association. 19.A.3 Shall guide and control the activities of the Association. 19.A.4 Shall in addition to have his ordinary vote, have a casting vote in case of equality of votes. 19.A.5 Can direct Hon. Secretary to call a meeting of the Executive committee or a regular meeting, close meeting, Special meeting or a General body meeting or a 'requisite meeting. 19.A.6 Shall prepare agenda for the meetings. 19.A. 7 Shall supervise the accounts and approve all the bills for payment. B ... IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: 19.B.1. Shall supervise the activities of the Association and guide the office bearers. 19.B,2. Shall assist the office bearers in day to day activities of the Association. 19.8.3. Shall be election commissioner or current year. C... VICE PRESIDENT: In absence of the President, the vice president shall be the chairman and as such. Will have the same duties and powers as are vested in the president. D ... HONORARY SECRETARY: 19.D.1. Shall be in charge of the office including its records. 19.D.2. Shall conduct all the correspondence and circulate agenda of meeting. 19.D.3. Shall co-ordinate conference. lectures and demonstrations. 19.D.4. Shall organise and arrange Executive committee and General meeting. 19.D.5. Shall write correct minutes, excluding discussion of the proceedings of all meetings

19.D.6. Shall maintain an up-to-date register and presence of all the members of the Association. 19.D.7. Shall look after and maintain the movable and immovable properties of the Association. 19.D.8. Shall prepare the Annual reports. 19.D.9. Shall generally work under the guidance of the president. 19.D.10. Shall make arrangement to honour the guest & speaker. 19.D.11. Shall prepare addressograph of the members of the Association. E ... HONORARY TREASURER: 19.E.1. Shall receive all the money of the Association and deposit them in the bank a-proved by the Executive Committee to the credit of the Association. 19.E.2. Shall be responsible for the collection of all the subscription and contributions. He shall also maintain the membership list. 19.E.3. Shall dispose off all the bills for payment as approved by the president. 19.E.4. All the vouchers shall be signed by the Treasurer and Countersigned by the president or Hon. Secretary. 19.E.5. Shall be responsible for keeping an up-to-date account books posted up-to-date. 19.E.6. Shall prepare an annual statement of account and a balance sheet. showing a financial position of the Association and submit if for adoption by the Executive committee. 19.E.7. The annual statement of accounts and balance sheet will be put forward in the annual general meeting for the final approval of the general body. 20. BANK ACCOUNTS AND OPERATIONS: The banking A/c shall be operated in any bank as may be decided by the Executive Committee Association in any manner of deposit. The A/c shall be operated upon by the Treasurer Jointly with either President or Hon. Secretary. 21. ELECTION PROCEDURE: All the office bearers are proposed by the executive committee are to be approved by general board. If any post of office bearers are not approved by the G.B.M. and if there is a contestant from the floor then election will take place of the post only. The last date of receiving nomination shall be 10 days prior to the election meeting. i.e. The election shall be finished before the expiry of the term. Withdrawal shall be 5 days before the date of election.

The rules and regulations regarding election will be announce by the president or returning officer at the time of election. if the nomination papers are not received, the nominations shall be invited at the time of annual general meeting. All the posts are honorary and no office bearer will receive any remuneration or compensation or honorarium in any way for any service rendered to the Association. 22. MEETING: 22.1 Executive Meeting: The Executive meeting will meet last Wednesday of every month, time and place as may be determined by the president. 22.2 Regular Meeting: (a) All the Regular meeting of Association will be held on 1st and this Wednesday of every month. All meetings shall begin and end properly at regular set time. Notice of the Regular meeting along with the agenda shall be informed or circulated to all the members of the Association before three days. prior to the Regular meeting day. (b) Resolution to be passed should be taken on agenda. 22.3 Business Meeting: The business meeting will be held on 1st Wednesday of the month no lecture will be planned as far as possible in the business meeting. 22.4 Special Meeting: The Special meeting of the Association may be called by the president when necessary. Prepare the notice of the special meeting, setting for the purpose, time and place thereafter shall be given to each member of the Association by mail or by phone. 22.5 Annual General Body Meeting: An annual general body meeting of the Association shall be held in January at a time and place decided by the Executive Committee, at which presenting the final reports of the retiring officers, Annual report of the Activities of Association, annual statement of account and balance sheet etc shall be read and newly elected officers shall be installed. 22.6 Requisitioned Meeting: A meeting of the Executive committee may be requisitioned by 1/3rd of its members in writing a general body meeting of the Association may be requisitioned meeting shall discuss the specific agenda for which it is requisitioned. The requisitioned meeting of the general body or the Executive committee shall be held within 7 days’ notice. If, there is no quorum within 30 minutes of the time of the requisitioned meeting, the requisitioned meeting shall stand dissolved. There shall be no requisitioned meeting for the same purpose for a period of 6 months from the date of dissolution of such as requisitioned meeting. 23. QUORUM: Quorum for the general body meeting shall be 1/4th of the total membership of Association on that day before the start of the meeting. • Quorum for the Executive committee shall be 4 out of which two will be executive committee members other than officer bearers. If for the want of quorum, the meeting is adjourned, the same can take place after 1/2 an hour. provided a notice is given to that effect regarding the venue, time and date an agenda will be the same. The business so transacted in non-quorum meeting shall be legal. 24. GENERAL PROCEEDINGS OF MEETINGS: 24.1 Minutes of all the meetings shall be correctly kept and shall be confirmed only at the next regular meeting. Rough proceedings to be written at the time of the meeting, while, if it is subsequently found

that the minutes are not properly recorded or there is anomaly in noting, the same can be amended by a majority vote. 24.2 No proposal and/or resolution, accepted or rejected at a meeting, shall be considered, within six months of its acceptance or rejection, unless, more than half of the total numbers of member’s present vote in favour its consideration. • 24.3 The President of the• meeting may adjourn a meeting, if he considers it necessary and particularly, if the majority of members are in favour of adjournment. At the recalled meeting only unfinished business of the agenda of the meeting shall be transacted. 24.4 No business shall be transacted at Special or requisitioned meeting other than for which the meeting is called for. 25. VOTE OF NO-CONFIDENCE: 25.1 Vote of No-Confidence can be moved only in requisitioned meeting when vote of no-confidence is passed against, the whole Executive committee by 2/3 majority of members present. The General body shall select 5 members to conduct the affairs of Association, till fresh election takes place. These five members shall arrange to hold the fresh election within 30 days from the day of their selection. 25.2 When vote of no-confidence is passed by 2/3 majority of members present against any committee members, executive committee will filled the post by Co-Opting. 26. AMENDMENT: This constitution may be amended, the rules and regulation may be altered, amended or repealed at regular meeting or Annual general meeting of association at which a quorum is present by 2/3rd majority of members present in person and voting. No Amendment shall be put to vote, unless written notice, there off, stating the proposed amendment, shall have been mailed or delivered personally to each members at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote on proposed amendment is to be taken. 27. ARBITRATION: If there is any dispute amongst members of Association it should be solved by Arbitration only. 28. JURISDICTION: Anand Court Jurisdiction. All the money received by the way of membership or other means shall remain with Association and shall be the bank. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution passed at the general body meeting called tor the specific purpose, giving due notice of 21 days. The resolution shall be considered as passed by 3/4th majority of total members enrolled. On dissolution the assets and liabilities will be disposed of as per the resolution of the general body meeting passed by a simple majority. This constitution has been read out, accepted & adopted by the general body meeting members held at CoA, SVIT, Vasad on Dt. 1st July,2016 and shall be applicable with effect from 1st July,2016. SIGN: President Secretary Ar. Taha Padrawala Ar. Avani Mistry -------------------------x-----------------------------------x-----------------------------x-------------------------x---------------------

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