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PARAMETRIC DESIGN In architectural discourse, parametric design is controversial. But what is Parametric design in architecture? Patrik schum­ acher as one of experts in Parametric design, defines it as “ all architectural elements and complexes are parametrically malleable. This implies a fundamental ontological shift within the basic, constituent elements of architecture. Instead of classical and modern reliance on rigid geometrical figures – rectangles, cubes, cylinders, pyramids and spheres – the new primitives of parametricism are animate geometrical entities – splines, nurbs and subdivs. ” In 21st century, technology is running human’s life. The human’s needs and norms are more complex. Architecture as one the most tinfluencial designs need to respond to complex issues. Parametric design gives the oppportunity to designers to create unlimited shape and form and methods. According to Schymacher ,“ Parametricism seems to organise the increasing diversity and complexity of social institutions and life processes within the most advanced societies. It aims to establish a complex variegated spatial order, using scripting to differentiate and correlate all elements and subsystems of a design. “ In 19 th century Industrial revolution, affected architecture language normously. Now in 21 century it is the envi­ ronemrtal issues that dominate the architectur.Parametric design is a great approach for finding new solutions to envi­ ronmental issues within the built environement. In this chapter I looked at two buildings that are designed by Parametric design.The innovations that are possible through Parametric design saved great amount of energy and time in these projects.



Flight Assembled Architecture is the first architectural installation assembled by flying robots.This has been done entirly free from the touch of human hands. The installa­ tion is an expression of a rigorous architectural design by Gramazio & Kohler and a special robotic system by Raffaello D’Andrea. The base of this project is on algo­ rithms . “ Flight Assembled Architec­ ture consists of over 1.500 modules which are placed by a multitude of quadrotor helicopters, collaborating according to mathematical algo­ rithms. These algoritms translate digital design data to the behavior of the flying machines. ants unfolds as model in 1:100 scale.” (

In this way, the flying vehicles, together, extend themselves as “living” architectural machines and complete the composition from their dynamic formation of movement and building performance. Within the build, an architectural vision of a 600m high “vertical village” for 30’000 inhabitants unfolds as model in 1:100 scale. This newly founded village is located in the rural area of Meuse, taking advantage of an existing TGV connection that brings its inhabitants to Paris in less than one hour. It is from this quest of an “ideal” self-sustaining habitat that the authors pursue a radical new way of thinking and materializing verti­ cality in architecture, Flight Assembled Architecture.


Gantenbein Vineyard Facade, Fläsch (Switzerland), 2006 Gramazio & Kohler This project is designed based on the simple concrtete skeleton filled with bricks. The masonry was used as a temperature buffer, as well filtering the sunlight for the fermentation room behind it. The bricks are designed offset so that daylight pen­ etrates the hall through the gaps between the bricks. These bricks are designed in a way to avoid direct sunlight in to the space. Also Polycarbonate panels are mounted inside the . panles to protect against wind. In This project the robotic production method enables the designers to lay out thousounds of bricks precisely according to programmed parametersat the desired angle . The technology of paramet­ ric allowed designers to construct each wall based on the desired light and air exchange for each wall. In the meantime it genrated a texture to the entire facade. This allowed us to design and construct each

The wall elements were manufactured as a pilot project in the research facilities at the ETH Zurich. The walls transported by lorry to the construction site, and installed using a crane. Because construction was already quite advanced, was only three months before assembly on site. This made manufacturing the 72 façade elements a challenge both technologically and in terms of deadlines. As the robot could be driven directly by the design data, without our having to produce additional implementation drawings, the designers were able to work on the design of the façade up to the very last minute before starting production.

For the manufacturing process for the 400 square metre façade, automated process was used inorder to apply the two-component bonding agent. The reason is each brick has a different rotation, every single brick has a different and unique overlap with the brick below it, and the one below that. The automation in Load tests revealed that the bonding agent was so structurally effective that the reinforcements normally required for conventional prefabricated walls were unnecessary. This peoject is a successfull example in Parametric design. .




The furniture designed for “Urban Adapter” is based on a digital parametric model. At its core the model utilizes explicit site information and program­ matic data to interact with its environment. That way the model’s DNA structure is capable of produc­ ing a variety of unique furni­ ture results. Parametric design gives this opportunity to the designer to explore unlimted options.-­ In a larger scale, this design may be considered as a build­ ing or part of a building.



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