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Japanese Program Flow Chart

Students enter the Japanese program based upon their language proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students with previous knowledge or language experience who are not currently enrolled in a Japanese course at TAS will need to take a placement test.

To complete the 3rd year proficiency requirement, students must complete one year of an Upper School course at the Japanese 3 proficiency level or higher.

The IBSL Japanese B exam may be taken in junior or senior year; this is a one-year course. The IBSL ab initio exam (IB Diploma students) may be taken in senior year only; the maximum level of study is Japanese 3.


Duration: 1 year

Credit: 1

Grades: 10-12

Prerequisites: Japanese 2 + teacher recommendation

Homework: Moderate

In this course, previously learned vocabulary and structures are reinforced. Students learn to express their opinions and exchange information in a more sophisticated manner and make the Japanese language relevant to their daily lives. Students’ understanding of how the language functions is expanded thus providing the opportunity to become more confident in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The stress is on continued authentic communication, cultural awareness, and relying on Japanese for comprehension. An additional 79 KANJI symbols related to the unit topics are introduced.

Texts: Genki 2; additional teacher-selected materials



Duration: 1 year

Credit: 1

Grades: 11-12

Prerequisites: Japanese 3 + teacher recommendation

Homework: Heavy

This course continues to develop language skills in Japanese through a communicative approach. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities relate to a broad range of topics. The activities are based upon authentic materials and situations that require thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Emphasis is placed on comprehending more complex authentic oral and written communication and responding appropriately and intelligently both orally and in writing. An additional 93 KANJI symbols related to the unit topics are introduced. Students who enroll in this course are required to take the according external AP Japanese Language and Culture exam or IBSL Japanese B exam near the end of the school year.

Texts: Genki 2; teacher-selected readings and materials in accordance with AP / IB curriculum guidelines

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