7 minute read
Health and Physical Education
Duration: 1 year
Credit: 1
Grade: 9
Homework: Light
The co-educational HPE program is designed to provide each student with experiences in fitness, water polo, self defense, health and a variety of team sports. The program emphasizes team concepts and strategies as well as developing and improving fundamental motor skills. Students will develop social and personal responsibilities associated with participation in team sports. They will also learn how to monitor and maintain a healthy level of physical fitness. Health topics include first aid & CPR, human sexuality, current health issues, and nutrition. All health units encourage students to acquire the skills and attitudes that will assist them in managing their lives and relationships in a responsible and healthy manner.
Physical Education Grade 10
Required: Selection of two courses below
Duration: 1 each semester
Credit: 0.5 each semester, total 1
Grade: 10
Homework: Light
Through the co-educational HPE program, students will learn how to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle through their engagement in their choice, where possible, of a variety of physical activities. All grade 10 students will take a required human sexuality unit within their chosen HPE elective during semester 2.
* The same course can not be taken twice.
This course will be covering an introduction to strength training, ropes course (confidence course) and aquatics. In the confidence course, we will be growing as a group through various team building exercises. We will explore our comfort levels by challenging ourselves with low, medium and high level elements. The course will help us gradually grow our confidence by challenging our comfort levels in a safe space. Students with an extreme fear of heights should consult with a PE teacher. In the aquatics unit, we will be covering boating, kayaking, survival swimming and rescue techniques. We will continue to build on our foundation of fitness that will help us maintain a healthy lifestyle.
This course will be covering introduction to strength training, social dance, Brazilian jiu jitsu, tennis, and social dance. We will gain a better understanding of our body, our comfort levels and ways to challenge ourselves physically and mentally. We want to be comfortable with being uncomfortable within a safe space as this provides us with the opportunity to grow and develop. We will continue to build on our foundation of fitness that will help us maintain a healthy lifestyle.
This course will be an introduction to a variety of recreational sports including Volleyball, Basketball, Pickleball, and Floor Hockey. Students will continue to develop their skills and have ample time to play the above sports with their peers. As with all of our course offerings, fitness will be a component to class and students should expect to sweat during class.
*The above three classes (UHPE02, UHPE03, and UHPE04) are the only classes that can be taken as Sports for Credit.
In this course students will learn techniques from various dance styles such as jazz, hip hop, ballet, and theatre dance with an emphasis on modern dance. Students will learn to manipulate space, time, and energy in creating dances. An emphasis will be placed on improving individual levels of fitness.
(Please see Performing and Visual Arts Department for other Dance courses.)
This course is open to students who want to continue to learn about and improve their personal fitness. It is also open to junior/senior transfers who need to fulfill TAS HPE requirements. Students will work towards personal fitness goals, develop a personalized fitness program and develop a greater understanding of the wide range of fitness-related activities in which they can participate. These activities include: weight training, plyometrics, and cardio-respiratory workouts. Students will also develop an awareness of health-related aspects of fitness training such as sports injuries, posture analysis, physiological affects of exercise on the body, and nutrition.
Sports For Credit
In recognition of the time and effort expended in athletic activity during practices and games, sophomore students who are involved in TAS JV or Varsity Sports teams may choose to use their HPE class time (only UHPE02,03,04) as a free period during the sports season.
Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.
Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary, because health is worth more than learning.
Thomas Jefferson
The below courses are available for any 11th or 12th grade student, if space allows.
Duration: 1 semester / 1 year
Credit: 0.5 or 1
Grade: 10-12
Homework: None
Duration: 1 semester / 1 year
Credit: 0.5 or 1
Grade: 10-12
Prerequisite: No previous dance experience is required, but a desire to explore a variety of dance forms is necessary
Homework: Light
Duration: 1 semester / 1 year
Credit: 0.5 or 1
Grade: 10-12
Homework: Light
Duration: 1 semester / 1 year
Credit: 0.5 or 1
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisite: Fitness Training (ULSK03)
Homework: Light
This course will take a deeper look into strength and conditioning performance aspects by teaching students how to measure exercise performance parameters and develop exercise prescription. Topics of study will include: assessment of aerobic/anaerobic capacities, modes of strength and conditioning training (i.e. interval, circuit, non-linear, linear training), proper warm-up and cool down practices, program design for muscular strength, power, hypertrophy, and flexibility, as well as sport medicine theory and pre/rehabilitative processes (i.e. pre-screening, risk classification, back to play, etc.)
Physical Education Electives For Grade 12
Duration: 1 year
Credit: 1
Grade: 12
Homework: High
The Sport, Exercise and Health Science IB and Honors course is the study of physiological and biochemical responses of the human body to exercise. This course introduces the physiology of exercise with an emphasis on topics in metabolism and muscle physiology. It describes the acute effects of exercise and the influence of chronic exercise training on various functional systems in different populations (age and gender) and under different environmental conditions. Ergogenic and nutritional factors are considered from a physiological perspective.
IB students are required to sit the external IB examination in addition to completing an internal assessment research project that includes a literature review, study design, data collection, data analysis, and results and discussion of your findings.
Honors students will conduct a review of literature in which the subject matter will be narrowly focused on a specific issue in exercise, sport or health science. Students will be able to select from a list of preselected topics or, if approved, a self-selected area of interest.
Support Services
Duration: 1 semester or 1 year
Credit: None
Grade: 9 - 12
Prerequisite: Student Resources Team (SRT) recommendation only
Homework: None
Academic Support is a highly individualized program that is based on the educational needs of each student. Instruction may be provided in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, notetaking, test preparation, meta-cognition, planning, and time management. In most cases, parental permission, individualized evaluation and implementation of either an Individualized Learning Plan or an Individualized Accommodation Plan are required for participation in the program. Speech-Language therapy may also be a part of the class in certain cases. (see Speech/Language Therapy Services USSS09)
(A component of the Academic Support Class)
Homework: None
Speech-language therapy is an individualized program that supports students’ communication skills. Speech-language therapy can support a student’s speech, spoken language, written language, fluency, voice, or social communication skills. Parental permission, completion of a speechlanguage evaluation, and implementation of an Individualized Learning Plan are required for participation in this course. Interventions are taught by a licensed speech-language pathologist.
Requests for independent study must begin with an agreement between the student and an instructor who is willing to supervise, support, and evaluate the student; they will propose coursework, projects, and homework load.
Online Opportunities
Upper School students have the option to take courses online through two partner programs: Pamoja and Global Online Academy (GOA). Students interested in pursuing a GOA or Pamoja course should speak with their academic counselor prior to course registration. Additional fees may be associated with taking these courses. Details of these fees will be shared with families before a student registers for a course.
Full IB Diploma Candidates who wish to take a language or social science course that is not offered as part of the diploma program at TAS may choose to do so through the online provider Pamoja. Any student choosing to enroll in a Pamoja course must take an additional free period to provide a time during the school day to complete coursework.
Global Online Academy
Global Online Academy (GOA) is a consortium of independent and international schools that offer courses online. TAS is a member of the Global Online Academy (GOA), a consortium of independent and international schools that offer courses online. These courses present students with the opportunity to take a wide range of elective subjects and provide them with global connections and modern learning skills. GOA supplements our course catalog for additional learner-centered experiences with peers in different countries. While the workload in GOA courses does vary (roughly 5-6 hours per week), class participation is mandatory, and students are required to do project-based assignments with partners and small groups. The course(s) and credit(s) will, in most cases, appear on the transcript along with the other classes taken at TAS and will be counted towards the GPA. To register for a GOA course, the student will be interviewed by the Site Director to assess if GOA is a good fit and manageable with the student's overall course and co-curricular commitments.
We recommend using this form to make a tentative plan for the student’s four-year academic experience that will fulfill TAS graduation requirements, provide appropriate rigor and challenge, establish a strong record for admission to and success in college, and ensure that appropriate foundation courses are taken to qualify the student to take desired advanced classes.
Courses beyond requirements count as additional courses
CUMULATIVE CREDITS: (22 minimum for TAS Diploma)