目錄 Contents 4 6
局長的話 A Message from the Commissioner 展覽這件事 Notes from the Curator
關於展覽 About the Exhibition
玩藝 Art Play
36 58 74 94
造街 Building the Street 樂齡 Golden Years
共遊 Playing Together 綠活 Green Life
122 展覽空間 Display Space 135 推廣活動 Events
152 主視覺設計 Visual Design 155 工作團隊 Work Team
A Message from the Commissioner
Dr. Yung-feng Chung
Commissioner, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
The 2018 Taipei Design and City Exhibition presented
network of people, things, and the city itself. This year,
與文化的族群聚集在此,許多人選擇留在這裡生活, 上,期待透過設計讓臺北向上提升,在不斷地碰撞、激
the city in its many guises, the whole an intimate Japanese designer Teruo Kurosaki was invited to be
part of the Taiwan–Japan joint curation. Revolving
exhibition comprised five themes: Art Play, Golden
Green Life. Case studies of designs from Taiwan and
of the various aspects of design. Videos, interactive
around a central thematic of Taipei All Inclusive, the
Years, Building the Street, Playing Together, and
abroad were used to demonstrate the importance
experience devices, and multimedia displays enabled
面之意義。利用影片、互動體驗裝置及多媒體展示,讓 大眾通過參與及探索的方式參觀學習,加深對創新社會
設計概念的理解。開放式的展場空間,也讓人與人、人 與空間達到恰到好處的距離,時而能細細品味、時而能 開懷體驗。
visitors to take part in and explore the exhibition and so deepen their understanding of innovative social design. The exhibition’s open floor plan allowed optimal interaction and appreciation of the space. Visitors could choose to hold back and savour the experience or dive right in.
A city is not just a place where we live; it is also the
and nurture dreams. Through people-oriented social
夢想的能量泉源。透過以人為本的社會設計理念、逐步 使設計成為改變城市創新的協力。
source of power that enables us to weave memories design concepts and by gradually constructing a life experience with equality and tolerance for all, we can make equal cultural rights and social inclusion a
Taipei is a friendly and inclusive city. It attracts people from all over Taiwan and countries, cultures, and ethnic
reality, turning design into a collective force for urban innovation.
groups around the world. Many of them choose to stay and live here, which helps to keep Taipei so lively. As Taipei moves towards becoming a sustainable, livable city, we hope to use design to improve the urban streetscape. In the unceasing hustle and bustle of daily life, there are glimmers of nascent design consciousness.
Notes From the Curator
黑崎輝男 Teruo Kurosaki
Director of Flowstone Creative Industries Co,. Ltd
自產業革命之後,出現了產品設計、工業設計、建築設 計及生活設計等等,「設計」逐漸在我們的日常生活中 發酵。如同本次展覽特別邀請來臺分享的日本知名建築
no boundaries. What this means is that design can be presented through a variety of different fields.
When I was invited to act as co-curator of the 2018
function and meaning of design through the lens of
本次受邀擔任 2018 臺北設計城市展策展人,從「共融」
basic needs. The whole city should incorporate design
part of our daily life, just as in the traditional cultures
ceremonies, are integrated into daily life. This comes
Taipei Design and City Exhibition, I reflected on the “inclusiveness”. Design is not just about meeting
concepts because design is an intimate and inseparable
of Taiwan and Japan poetry and art, including tea
是非常接近的。為體現「共融」本質,本次展場空間即 是臺北與日本團隊共同合作設計,讓彼此能夠跨越時間 與空間的既有界線,互相交流。
very close to contemporary design philosophy. In order to embody the spirit of “inclusiveness”, the exhibition space was co-designed by the Taipei and Japanese teams to enable us to transcend the boundaries of space and time and communicate with each other.
Many instances of Japanese design were on display
舉辦農夫市集,開辦 NORAH 雜誌,還有二手衣物市集
of land in Tokyo’s Omotesando was used to design
at the exhibition. For example, a fragmented piece
Raw Tokyo,讓資源再利用的環保概念慢慢發酵,也帶
a market which showcases a wide variety of mobile
farmer’s markets, launching NORAH magazine,
stands for food, furniture, construction, etc. Holding
and the secondhand clothing market Raw Tokyo— these are all ways of slowly nurturing the concept of reusing resources, while also promoting the trend for
Since the Industrial Revolution, product design, industrial design, architectural design, and lifestyle design have emerged, and design has gradually become an integral part of our daily life. Just as exhibition participants and renowned Japanese architects Kengo
secondhand fashion. Injecting design into everyday life in this way is the design philosophy that this exhibition is trying to promote. The goal of this Taiwan–Japan collaboration was to learn from one another and to continue to forge ahead in urban design.
Kuma and Toyo Ito are not limited to architectural design but also design furniture, so design itself has
Notes From the Curator
王玉齡 Yu-Ling Wang
Manager of Blue Dragon Art Company
2018 年臺北設計城市展邀請到知名日本設計大師黑崎輝
It is worth mentioning that during the exhibition a
fields, with Japanese architects Kengo Kuma and
男(Teruo Kurosaki)共同策展,身為 IDÉE 品牌及自由
number of lectures were given on design-related
Toyo Ito and Karin Kungwankitti of the Thai Creative
design ideas relating to architecture and cities. Shin
值得一提的是,展覽期間舉辦多場設計相關領域講座, 邀請日本建築設計師隈研吾、伊東豊雄,泰國設計創意 發展中心 Karin Kungwankitti 來臺談論建築與城市中的
and Design Center coming to Taiwan to discuss Fukumori, director of Shobu Gakuen, a support centre for persons with developmental difficulties, also came to share with us stories of Shobu Gakuen residents on quests to find self-worth and discover their talent. By sharing experiences from all walks of life, the
exhibition conveyed the possibility of communication
architecture, and space.
and the integration of diverse cultures through design,
Design in Taipei is not just about improving the
people can live together in harmony. It is also about
樂地共同居住,更能讓人與人、人與城市之間的情感關 係更加緊密。在籌備展覽的過程中,可以發現臺北擁有
environment and raising standards of living so that helping people have closer emotional relationships with others and with the city. During preparations for
the exhibition, it became clear that Taipei has good
of innovative design on urban society here speaks for
改變有目共睹,從政府機關、民間組織到每一位市民的 也很願意為永續城市發展來努力。身為一位臺北人,很
史人文和創意產業並存,更是多國人士聚集的國際城市, 在國外旅居 15 年的我,最後還是選擇回到臺灣,不只是
這裡有我愛的家人與朋友,更重要的是在這裡可以好好 生活和工作。期待未來的臺北,朝更好的方向前進。
urban policies and public facilities, and that the effect itself. From government bodies and NGOs to ordinary citizens, there is general recognition that it is important for Taipei to work towards the goal of becoming a livable city, and the will exists to make it a sustainable one. As a native of Taipei, I’m delighted to have had the opportunity to take part in the 2018 Taipei Design and City Exhibition. Taipei is a place where the arts and the creative industries exist side by side. It is also an international city that brings together people from
Renowned Japanese designer Teruo Kurosaki was
all around the world. After living abroad for 15 years,
invited to co-curate the 2018 Taipei Design and City
finally I decided to return to Taipei, not just because my
Exhibition. As founder of the IDÉE brand and the
loved ones and friends live here, but, more importantly,
Freedom University, he has introduced Japan to a great
because in Taipei you can live well and work well. I hope
deal of world-class design and has brought with him a
that, in the future, Taipei will only continue to get even
concise aesthetic that marks a return to life’s central
core. The 2018 exhibition’s use of designs from Taiwan and abroad presented in interactive displays enabled visitors to understand how in every kind of living environment, personal background, professional field, and aspect, design has existential meaning.
關於展覽 About The Exhibition
臺北市政府自 2012 年起舉辦設計城市展,宗旨強調設
計對於當代城市發展的貢獻與重要性,理解臺北市民共 化願景。
「臺北共融- 2018 臺北設計城市展」,以「共融」為
設計使得各年齡層、性別、職業、身份背景與族群的人 們,回歸往來交流的本質。而臺北作為多元文化包容的
容器,更期待能同時具備友善、包容、創新、傳承的面 向,讓所有人在這裡共創美好生活。本展企圖從生活中
的多元議題,討論。透過設計,將人與人之間、人與城 市之間,打造共融互助的連帶關係,創造永續宜居的城
人和長者同住,引入外界講師開設各式活動與課程,進 參與且重獲自我價值。而當家屋、街區,以至城市中各 種場域,帶入美學與共融設計後,有多少空間和人因此 產生變化?如同〈造街〉主題展區呈現街區廢棄空間改 造後作為活動據點,社區居民可在此進行互動交流;或
活化公、私有小型閒置空間,提供新的可能性。〈共遊〉 主題即針對公有空間設施如公園遊具等進行創意改造, 讓所有人都能夠享有遊樂樂趣。但這股創新能量能否延
續?〈綠活〉主題展區則談論為了共同面對的未來,我 們應如何施展設計的力量,使城市永續發展。
〈綠活〉五大議題,希望透過國內外案例分享與呈現, 讓人們理解設計在各種層面中都有其存在意義。例如,
區從學校、美術館、民間等三種美學教育系統來討論, 透過互動展品和活動體驗,引導人們思考美學扎根的必
待本次「臺北共融- 2018 臺北設計城市展」汲取臺灣 市思考的是如何設計、為何設計。期待設計所引發的各 種可能性,產生相互瞭解及碰撞的空間與契機,打造所 有人共融的宜居城市。
Aimed at highlighting the important contributions
design, it may encourage the elderly and help them to
of design within the scope of contemporary city
regain their self-worth. When inclusive aesthetic design
development, the Design and City Exhibition has been
is brought into houses and neighborhoods across the
held by Taipei City Government since 2012. Based on
city, how does this affect these areas and the people
an awareness of the value of this city jointly created
who live there?
by Taipei citizens, the exhibition consolidates social
Similarly, the Urban Aesthetics and Design section
awareness and further broadens the cultural vision of
showcases once abandoned spaces that have been
reclaimed and renovated for interaction between local residents. New possibilities from repurposing unused
The Taipei Design and City Exhibition 2018 centers
spaces are also shown in this section. Does this
on the theme of inclusivity and explores ways design
innovation have the momentum to continue?
brings people of all ages, genders, occupations,
At the Inclusive Playground Design section we aim
backgrounds and ethnicities back to the essence of
to discuss about the creative reformation of public
urban interaction that takes place when individuals
facilities such as playground equipment, which allows
gather together in a city.
everyone to enjoy the happiness of playing in an more
As Taipei continues to foster cultural diversity, we
inclusive way.The Resource Reallocation and Recycling
look forward to a future where all people are able to
section discusses ways to bring use of design into the
create a wonderful life for themselves with friendliness,
future and make the city sustainable.
tolerance, innovation and continuing traditions. This exhibition looks at a variety of issues arising in ordinary
In an inclusive city, all people are able to take part in
life; through design, we establish a close interpersonal
dialogue and to see themselves reflected in the city.
relationship between humans and the city, thus creating
We hope that the Taipei All Inclusive—Taipei Design
a sustainable city.
and City Exhibition 2018 will draw on experience from Taiwan and abroad to interpret contemporary
By presenting cases from Taiwan and abroad, we help
social phenomena and explore the how and why of
visitors to understand the significance of design at
design in Taipei and cities around the world. We look
every level of life. To reinforce these ideas, we raise
forward to the wide range of possibilities opened up by
questions such as: "Is artistic sense important?" and
design, creating spaces and opportunities for mutual
"Does it have to be cultivated?" The Aesthetics and
understanding and cross-pollination, and building a
Art Education section investigates three art education
livable city where all people are included.
institutions: schools, museums and private institutes. The interactive installation and scheduled events guide visitors to consider the possibility and necessity of an educational grounding in the arts. For the Age-Friendly Design section, outside lecturers have been commissioned to provide a range of activities and lectures on age-friendly design that look at improving the living environment and introducing a new mode of living by encouraging students and young people to co-habit with the elderly. Through the award
展場平面圖 Floor Plan 4 號倉庫 Warehouse No.4
A 服務台 Reception B 玩藝 Art Play
C 造街 Building the Street D 樂齡 Golden Years
A - 服務台
B - 玩藝 Art Play
美學教育扎根計畫-國小美術課再設計 Aesthetics and Art Education Program: Redesigning Primary School Art Courses
Retro White Cabin
Urban Archipelago Project
Commune 2nd
Freedom University
Taipei Fine Arts Museum: Children’s Art Education Center
The Children's Art Museum in Taipei
Youji no Shiro
啊!設計 Design, Ah!
Arkki 建築設計學院
Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth
The Human Trap
C - 造街 Building the Street 西區門戶計畫
自由大學 綠色游擊
Green Guerillas
世田谷設計 ‧ 實作學校
Setagaya School of Design and Practice
D - 樂齡 Golden Years 陽明老人公寓
Yangming Apartment for Seniors
Rock Ye Nai
Redevelopment of Western Taipei
Heart of Zhongshan - Zhongshan Shuanlian Linear Park Project
Shobu Gakuen
Tanpopo Kaigo
5 號倉庫 Warehouse No.5
E 共遊 Playing Together F 綠活 Green Life
G 融聚 Inclusive Space H 多元活動區 Events
E - 共遊 Playing Together
南機場幸福三ㄕ ˊ 銀行
Nanjichang Food Bank
Pick Food Up
Foodsharing Taiwan
Healthy City Farm Project
No More Cookie-Cutter Parks
Inclusive Butterfly Playground
Tenri Station Plaza (CoFuFun)
Yoro Park―Site of Reversible Destiny
Parque Gulliver
扌合生態廚房 享食臺灣
Taipei Smart Eco Community
Raw Tokyo
Rotary PlayGarden
Re-think Food Project
Magical Bridge Playground
F - 綠活 Green Life 剩布計畫
Clothing Recycling Project
Eco Tano Workshop
Deploy Demi-Couture Too good to go
G - 融聚 Inclusive Space H - 多元活動區 Events
4 號倉庫 Warehouse No.4 14
美的感受力是無法維持的,故美學教育環境成為培養美感的 至要關鍵。臺灣過去的術科教學往往流於學習知識與媒材技 法,大多數人在僵化的教育體制下,缺乏體驗與掌握美感要 素的機會。為此,教育部於近年更推動美感教育課程推廣計
臺北市也推動各式講座、研習營、實驗教學等,透過美學教 育扎根計畫,媒合學校專業美術教師和藝術家,設計至少 40 則具創新與設計性的教案,並視執行狀況逐步調整內容,期 望透過多元教學方式將美學素養向下扎根。
玉,自中小學教育系統(具普及性與平等性)、美術館(大 眾的美學場所)、民間美術才藝班(富資源與動機的學習)
等三個面向看臺北與國際的美學教育扎根如何做起,運用豐 富的藝術資源將美學課程再設計,引導孩童培養多元開放的 美學觀念。
Aesthetics and Art Education Beauty is instinctual: everyone can sense what is
who will co-design at least 40 lesson in innovation
beautiful. However, the native aesthetic sense is
and design. Materials are tailor-made to fit real
not enough, which is why art education is the key to
classroom situations, and it is expected that such
cultivating our aesthetic sense.
multi-disciplinary approaches will enable arts education to really take root.
In the past, arts classes in Taiwan were based on the transmission of knowledge and the learning of
The Aesthetics and Art Education section starts
technique, and most people lacked the opportunity
by looking at the cultivation of aesthetic sense and
to experience and master the fundamentals of art.
everyday aesthetics lesson plans and examines
To address this problem, the Ministry of Education
three aspects of aesthetic education in Taipei and
has set up an arts education promotional program
abroad: primary and secondary schooling (universal
aimed at completely revolutionizing arts education―
and open to all), art museums (public venues)
from teacher training to learning and experiencing in
and private art schools (resource-rich, motivated
the arts classroom.
learning). Arts courses are being redesigned with a wealth of artistic resources to help students
Lectures, conferences, and experimental classes
to develop a diverse and open-minded sense of
are being developed by Taipei City Government,
and the program matches art teachers and artists
美學教育扎根計畫- 國小美術課再設計
Aesthetics and Art Education Program: Redesigning Primary School Art Courses
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2017
Art can be part of everyday life, and education can be brought up to date.
在美術課程長期僵化的狀況下,學童缺乏體驗性課程, 也缺乏當代藝術的認識與複合媒材的接觸,讓人對美的
體驗與感受下降。臺北市政府文化局自 2017 年開始推
動美學教育扎根計畫,決定從翻轉學校美術教育,從教 材與教師重新打造超好玩美術課。
Art education in Taiwan has long been rigid and inflexible, leaving students lacking in actual experience and knowledge of contemporary art and multi-media art productions. This has led to a decline in aesthetic sensibility among the public. Since 2017, Taipei City Government has been promoting the Aesthetics and Art Education Program with the aim of overhauling art education in school and designing
interesting art courses.
由臺北市政府文化局發起的「美學教育扎根計畫─國小美術課再設計」,自 2017 年起,號召 20 位不同領域的當代
藝術創作者,進入 8 所臺北市國小校園,與 16 名專業美術教師一同開發,設計出 40 則有創意、有啟發、前所未有 的美術課程。2018 年也將啟動第二期計畫,設計 32 堂色彩美學課程,從小積累美感體驗!
超 • 特別美術課
此計畫開發符合國小三至六年級之美勞教案,相關參考資料與影音資訊一應俱全,加上各個教案的延伸建議,預計 提供老師們彈性的教案補充,或是靈感上的刺激與轉換,讓孩童在動手實現對藝術的想像,同時激盪出更多美術課 堂上的創意時光。 ____
Flourishing Art The Aesthetics and Art Education Program: Redesigning Art Courses in Primary School was initiated by Taipei City Government in 2017. Twenty contemporary artists from different disciplines were invited to work in eight Taipei elementary schools and develop 40 creative, innovative and brand-new lesson plans with 16 other art teachers. In 2018, in the second phase of this program, they are designing 32 color aesthetic courses to cultivate students' aesthetic sense.
Custom-made Art Courses This program is designed to complement the curriculums for grades 3 to 6. All necessary reference materials and audio-visual resources have been made all available. Each lesson plan is accompanied by in-depth suggestions for implementation in order to provide students with the opportunity to use their artistic imagination and enjoy creative time in art classes. ____
臺北市立美術館-兒童藝術教育中心 開啟孩童的想像之窗 Taipei Fine Arts Museum: Children's Art Education Center 臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2014
The Window of Imagination
臺北市立美術館(以下簡稱北美館)於 1983 年首創美
術教室,自 2001 年後引進兒童藝術教育展,開啟於遊
樂中學習的風氣。之後更順應當代藝術教育潮流,自行 策辦探索式藝術展,加強觀眾的主動參與,為臺灣藝術 環境的重要培育場所。
In 1983, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) set up an art classroom, and in 2001 started the children's art exhibition to introduce the idea of learning through play. Since then, in line with contemporary art trends, the TFAM has continued to curate art exhibitions that allow visitors to explore for themselves, thus encouraging audience participation. This has made the TFAM an important site in Taiwan for the cultivation of artistic talent.
北美館兒童藝術教育中心(以下簡稱兒藝中心)致力於將藝術教育融入生活,結合時代精神,也成為教育推廣工作 者自由揮灑的創作空間。從美術教室到兒藝中心,順應了當代藝術教育趨勢轉型,其建構歷史也展現了北美館的發 展縮影。
兒藝中心於 2014 年正式啟動,如同送給孩童的禮物般,打造出一個啟發創造力及探索藝術表現的空間,盡情享受藝
術帶來的無邊想像。展覽立基於北美館藏的藝術家作品,從色彩建構、風格、互動等面向出發,透過觀察與行為累 積等美術館體驗,帶領孩童學習用多視角觀察世界,探索對未來的想像。
這次美術館不再被動等候,而是帶著典藏作品主動出擊!本次取材自抽象藝術家胡坤榮創作《春之祭》,打造幾何、 抽象的立體空間,跳脫過往藝術作品的表現形式,改變平面繪畫在空間上的邏輯,形成嶄新的視覺意象。抽象藝術 家,換人做做看囉! ____
Mission The TFAM Children's Art Education Center is dedicated to integrating art into daily life, in line contemporary thinking, and it has also become a space where people working to extend education can have free rein. Both the art classroom and the Children's Art Education Center are good examples of the history of contemporary art development within TFAM.
The Gift The Children's Art Education Center officially opened in 2014. It was intended to be a gift to children: creating a space that inspires creativity and explores artistic expression, a place where children can enjoy the boundless world of artistic imagination. The exhibition is based on artworks by a wide range of TFAM artists. Through aspects such as color construction, style, and interaction, and by experiencing art museums through observation and action, children learn how to observe the world from multiple perspectives and imaginatively explore the future.
In-depth Art Education Rather than passively waiting, the museum is being proactive by exhibiting "The Rite of Spring" by abstract artist Hu Kun Jung, which builds abstract three-dimensional space, shrugging off traditional art forms by transforming twodimensional surfaces into three-dimensional shapes, thus creating a completely new kind of image. Here comes the new abstract artist. ____
The Children's Art Museum in Taipei
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2003
Seeing alternative aesthetics
鈴女士創立於 2003 年。希望透過參與展覽體驗的
方式,推廣美學概念給在藝術領域的兒童與社會大 眾,讓他們能在美學的領域中接觸及獲得對於自身 生活的感觸,引發藝術創作的想法。
Lin Chien-Ling, Founding Director of the Children's Art Museum in Taipei, wants to use exhibitions to promote aesthetic thinking among children and beginners in the art field. As visitors develop their own sense of aesthetics, they deepen their 24
thinking about artistic practices.
蘇荷兒童美術館經由策動無數熱心家長與美術專業教師十年的努力而創立,概括了一個全民美術再教育的可能性, 以美術館公共化為目標,使兒童美術館成為美術教育研究的資源與材料,也提供一個美術教育工作者以此觀摩學習 的平臺。
館內有許多展覽都有實際操作的與情境體驗的設施及課程。透過互動,讓兒童與家長能以親身體驗的方式感受美學。 藝術不同於其他的學科,並不需要定律與規則,所以沒有一定的標準答案。讓孩童以不同角度欣賞藝術、 思考藝術
的機會,鼓勵以多元角度、獨特的觀點,融入個人的生命經驗來與藝術對談,不但能啟發思考,也可以從練習中了 解每個人都能對藝術、對生活,有不同的想法與詮釋。 ____
Background The museum was founded after ten years of efforts by countless parents and professional art teachers. In order to popularize art museums among the public, the Children's Art Museum has become a resource for studies of art education. It also serves as a platform for art educators.
Interactivity Many exhibitions in the museum have hands-on and experiential features and classes. Interactive learning is used to enable children and adults to learn about art through personal experience. Art is different from other disciplines in that it is not bounded by laws and rules; thus, there are no definitive standards or answers. By enabling children to appreciate and reflect on art from a number of different perspectives, they are encouraged to adopt a unique and multi-faceted approach that blends individual life experience and art criticism. Not only does this shed light on how we think about art; it also enables them to learn through practical application that everyone has their own way of thinking about and interpreting life and art. ____
Youji no Shiro 日本 Japan,神奈川 Kanagawa │ 1991
Youji no Shiro are committed to provide children with
Childhood safe haven
童能夠在具有同時具有美感又能夠啟發、創造力的環境 中成長。
a place where they can expand their boundaries in an aesthetic and creative environment.
「幼兒之城」在日本全國已擁有 460 家幼稚園或托兒所的設計實績,每棟建築物都具有獨創性,都依照各自的地理 環境有著不同的設計特色。但是在這些設計裡面,依然能找到一些共同的風格與設計。
不使用過於豐富的色彩裝飾與塑料玩具,是這些幼兒園設施設計的共同風格。例如位於長崎的 Obama 幼兒園設計成
純白色挑高空間,搭配質地溫潤的木質地板與原木色桌椅,藍天、白雲和海,則透過整面無遮擋的玻璃牆一覽無遺。 比起總是盯著五顏六色的鮮豔牆面,這裡的孩童從小就從建築與自然的融合中看見美的平衡。
在熊本的 Daiichi 幼兒園同樣為純白色建築,有趣的是中庭並無屋頂遮蔽,天井的設計讓這個區域只要下雨就形成一 個大水坑,是孩子們心中的樂園,不管是雨天、雪天還是晴天,都可以盡情享受戶外玩耍的樂趣。
在建築材料上堅持使用木頭,鐵,玻璃等自然素材,整體構造也避免過度依賴空調和照明設施。希望材質本身無可 取代的觸感,溫度,味道,讓孩子們在日常接觸中,自然而然地培養美的感受與感性思維。 ____
Local Adaptation Youji no Shiro have designed 460 kindergartens across Japan, each building having a unique design to fit into the distinctive local environment. The designs do, however, share some common features.
Aesthetic Education Starting from Facilities One common feature is that all the kindergartens eschew excessively colorful decoration and plastic toys. For example, the kindergarten in Obama, Nagasaki, was designed with pure white walls, a high ceiling, a warm wooden floor and wood-colored tables and chairs. One side is made entirely of glass, and through it the eye sees a clear blue sky, white clouds and the ocean. Instead of staring at brightly colored walls, children spend time in an environment that unites architecture and nature. The Daiichi, Kumamoto, kindergarten is also mainly white. The roofless atrium allows rain to fall inside the patio, where it forms puddles that become part of the kids' playground. Whether in rain, or snow or sun, children can always enjoy the pleasure of playing outside.
Natural Origins Youji no Shiro only use natural materials like wood, iron and glass, and try to avoid air conditioning and artificial lighting. They want to use the materials' unique textures, warmth, and smells to naturally cultivate children's aesthetic sense and perception in daily life. ____
Design, Ah! 日本 Japan,東京 Tokyo │ 2011
《啊!設計》為日本 NHK 國營電視臺推出的一檔孩童
Bringing design to children in daily life
節目,其中的「啊 Ah」,是日文學習中的第一個音。 這個為孩童量身設計的教育節目,利用豐富百變的動態 的角度來詮釋生活中常見之物。
Japan's NHK television network broadcasts a children's educational program called Design Ah! The program uses moving images to introduce children to the use of dots, lines and plans in basic design. It also looks at common everyday objects from a new perspective.
節目策畫為日本知名設計師佐藤卓,平淡無奇的生活用定格動化的活潑創造意想不到的新意。透過「啊」這個能夠 讓孩童簡單記憶的發音,將設計與生活物件的美學帶進教育中。
透過節目中淺顯易懂的內容,循序漸進地一步一步引領觀眾走進設計的世界。每集節目雖然只有短短的十五分鐘, 卻包含了「設計的觀察」、「素描」、「拆解」、「訪問名家設計師」等等不同的單元,讓孩童對身邊的物體産生 更進一步的認知。
節目邀請來自不同領域的設計師,例如平面設計師、燈光設計師、建築師、産品設計師等。以各個領域的專業角度, 轉化成孩童理解的語言,將專業設計師眼中所見到的世界說給孩童們聽,讓他們知道這個世界很多東西都是被設計
出來的。新奇是孩童對於世界認知的本性,藉由集結眾多設計師的作品與發想,讓家長與孩童重新發現日常生活中 那些設計的美妙與美學的展現。透過引導,激發孩童對世界的好奇心與想像力,從觀察開始,自微小而重要的地方 開始美感體驗歷程。 ____
Planning The program was created by renowned Japanese designer Taku Satoh who brings surprising ideas to daily life through stop motion. This program brings the aesthetics of design and everyday objects into children's education.
Program Structure With its easy-to-understand contents, the program gradually guides its audience through the world of design. Each episode is only fifteen minutes long but includes different sections such as Looking at Design, Sketching, Deconstruction, and Interviews with Famous Designers. The program improves children's understanding of the objects around them.
Professional Input Designers from various fields take part, such as graphic design, lighting design, architecture, and product design. The program uses elements from different professional design fields to make design concepts understandable to children. By describing the world as it is perceived by professional designers, the program helps children to understand that most of the man-made objects in the world have been carefully designed. Children are naturally curious about the world. By bringing together the work and thinking of a wide range of designers, the program helps children and parents to rediscover the wonder and beauty of design in daily life. In this way, it stimulates children's curiosity and imagination and encourages them to experience aesthetics even in everyday objects that may seem unimportant at first glance. ____
Arkki 建築設計學院
Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth 芬蘭 Finland,赫爾辛基 Helsinki │ 2001
Arkki 為專為孩童及青少年而設的建築學校,學生年齡
Environmental awareness starts from construction
介乎 4 至 19 歲,是正規教育體制外的非營利組織。
Arkki 教育孩童與青年們觀察周遭環境的能力,致力於
Arkki is a school of architecture for children and young people run by a non-profit organization and not part of the formal education system. Students vary in age from four to nineteen. Arkki trains young people to observe their surroundings, and works hard to guide the students to establish a good relationship with the environment.
ARKKI 的設計課程,屬於課後自由參與的活動,不是一般習以為常的「資優」課程。透過分齡規劃的模式,啟發不
芬蘭南方半島-豌豆島在 2012 年重新建設的計畫中,芬蘭政府邀請市民一同參與。此計畫總共六個團隊參與,除三
個專業團隊外,還有約 100 位 3 到 17 歲來自 Arkki 的孩童及青少年組成。從實際走訪、認識地理歷史環境到參與規
劃,透過年齡層的分工讓孩童有機會真正投入與居住環境有關的公共建設。 ____
Education Design programs at Arkki are extracurricular, not the typical "advanced" courses laid on for gifted students. Students gain knowledge and learn skills through hands-on practice and experimentation that is tailored to suit their age group. The programs not only promote children's abilities to think about and deal with two-dimensional figures but also extends this to three-dimensional spaces and environment concepts.
Public Participation In 2012, the Finnish government recruited members of the public to take part in the renovation of Hemesaari, an area to the south of Helsinki. Six teams took part: three professional teams, and 100 participants aged from 3 to 17 from Arkki, the School of Architecture for Children and Young People. Children went on field trips to learn about the site's geographic and historical importance and took part in planning. The program enabled children to participate in a public construction project that was relevant to their living environment. ____
The Human Trap (Människofällan)
瑞典 Sweden,斯德哥爾摩 Stockholm │
讓人顯現內心本性和遊樂的地方 A place to play and discover your inner self
Evelina Kollberg (1990- ),瑞典雕塑藝術家,擅長運用
特殊鉤針技巧創作。其創作理念是呼應生活環境,回應 在地與人的連結,所有人皆能體驗接觸,鼓勵人們和作 品建立關係。「The Human Trap」就像公園裏看到的
期望人們因爬行穿越而停留在作品裡頭時,彷彿進入一 個與自我獨處的時空,能夠靜心思考與自我對話。
Swedish sculptor Evelina Kollberg (b. 1990) is adept at creating art through her unique crochet techniques. Everyone can experience connections, so her creative philosophy is to respond to the living environment and to the connection between the land and the people and so encourage people to establish relationships with the work. The Human Trap is like a playground tunnel for adults. The artist hopes that as visitors crawl through and linger within the work, they will enter into a solitary space-time where contemplation and self-dialogue becomes possible.
藝術家以棉線材質與勾針手法,創作出這座編織型雕塑。以鮮豔的色彩吸引人們感受作品材質與人之間互動的變化, 賦予了織品新的生命與人們的認知,而柔軟編織的結構也讓各年齡層都能安心體驗。 ____
Materials and methods The artist used cotton fiber materials and crocheting to create this woven sculpture. Vibrant colors draw visitors in to experience changes in the way they interact with texture, giving the woven work new life and recognition. The soft woven structure allows people of all ages to experience it. ____
什麼是你心目中的理想生活與街區樣貌?過去城市運用巨大的地標、建 築來彰顯自身的企圖心與權力,追尋著高效率的生活步調,豎立的不只
是高聳的建築,而是人與人之間更多難以跨越的隔閡。如今,我們不再 只關注建築物大小,而是重視空間的美感與互動性,希望從城市街區美 學設計作為改變的第一步,拉近人與城市生活空間的距離。
臺北於 1982 年起實行都市設計機制,針對不同地區與人文環境,研究
符合在地設計的準則及執行方式,強調重建、整建及維護三方並重。為 保存歷史建物及整合城市景觀,進行區域景觀改善工程,或是活化古蹟 或老舊空間,以設計角度和特色個性彰顯地方特色魅力,創造城區再生 的機會,也從居民的生活中看見空間的活化、互動與開放性。
升了凝聚力,老舊小區的生命力也得以重新喚起。以藝術設計或活動方 式翻轉街區既定生活樣貌,將城市面貌煥然一新,人與人之間牽連在一
起,吸引人們對己身生活環境投入更多關注,付諸行動改善街區,也使 城市中的空間能夠活化和永續。
Urban Aesthetics in Street Design H o w d o yo u s e e yo u r d re a m l i fe a n d i d e a l
area's unique charm, the project gave cities the
neighborhood? In the past, cities used great
opportunity for regeneration. The effects of the
landmarks and architecture to demonstrate their
spatial activation, interaction and opening up can
power and ambition. However, with today's fast-
also be seen in the lives of residents.
paced lifestyles, massive buildings no longer represent power but rather point to ever greater
Urban aesthetic street design centers on design
social alienation. Nowadays, we do not focus merely
standards of taste and individuality, using innovative
on the size of buildings, but also on their beauty and
construction to increase cohesion and revitalize old
the spatial interaction they create. It is hoped that
districts. The city was given a new image through art
by redesigning the urban street aesthetic, we can
design activities that toppled fixed ideas―building
reduce the distance between people and the city.
connections between people to raise awareness of their living environment and inspire them to take
Taipei's urban design was implemented in 1982,
action to make the city vital and sustainable.
using customized guidelines and an implementation model that adapted to local characteristics and cultural environments, with a particular emphasis on rebuilding, constructing and maintaining. A regional landscape improvement project was initiated to maintain historical architecture and integrate cityscapes. By revitalizing heritage buildings and historical spaces and using designers' insight and local characteristics to bring out each
Redevelopment of Western Taipei
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2016
Redesign of western district
轉運樞紐 , 也是人潮往來最密集的地方 , 然而長期以來
「以車為本」的交通規劃概念 , 加上周邊重大公共工程
的持續擾動 , 使得人行動線與環境品質未能盡如人意, 以北門重現作為西區門戶推動的核心將過去複雜的叉路
單純化,除了改善周邊交通車流外,同時創造了北門地 景廣場,在這個交通繁忙的地段,重現了臺北舊有的歷 史意象。
Taipei Main Station had always been the hub and the most crowded place of Taipei. However, the "car oriented" traffic system and the public infrastructure had made this area disturbing for the pedestrians. This project started from North Gate as the first step to transform the complex traffic into the simple crossroads; by creating a plaza, the old time Taipei historical feeling had been revealed in this traffic area.
年臺北車站周邊的大型工程擾動讓它變成人們難以親近的大工地,許多歷史、街區文化也被複雜、密集的交通動線 所淹沒。「西區門戶計畫」期望讓臺北車站地區不僅是轉運樞紐,而是將過去埋沒於車水馬龍的文化資產有了重見 天日的可能,不但再現當地居民對於過去的記憶,更對市民與外國朋友來說成為更加友善的都市門戶。
西區門戶計畫著重「市民參與」,藉由多場市民參與活動、工作坊、專家學者座談會及國際研討會等方式來達成規 劃與公民參與兼備的整體發展。不只讓過去被人們遺忘的北門、臺灣總督府鐵道部以及三井倉庫再次共存在人們的
生活之中,當地居民對於「地方空間意義」的探索與溝通才能落實有品質、效率的參與式規劃設計,創造出空間意 義的脈絡性。 ____
Reborn of the Old City The west of Taipei is the origin of the Taipei history. In the past 30 years, disturbing constructions around Taipei main station kept people away from that area; thus, the history and culture of this area were somehow ignored due to the condensed and complex traffic. The "Redevelopment of Western Taipei" project was planned to reveal the covered culture of the area around Taipei main station, recall the story of old time, and moreover, demonstrate the city image of kindness for both residents and foreigners.
Citizen Participation The Redevelopment of Western Taipei project was focusing on citizen participation. By holding workshops and seminars, the project achieve the development that concentrate both planning and participating. It allowed people to recall the old memory of the North Gate, Railway Division of Taiwan Governor-General's Bureau of Transportation, and Mitsui Warehouse that can be part of our life again. Therefore, the meaning of local space with quality and efficient planning can be conveyed as the timeline being created. ____
心中山-中山雙連帶狀公園改造計畫 Heart of Z ongshan Z ongshan Shuanlian Linear Park Project
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2018
New Z ongshan, Heart of Z ongshan
Twenty years ago, after the MRT underground project of the red line, a unique linear park was remained in the
Zhongshan area. Surprisingly, the development of this
and local stores blended with modern and historical
behind the railway become the city museum mixed
Shuanlian Linear Park Project not only reorganize
area was succeeded beyond expectation. Arts venues
features enable this area being remarkable. The street
with modern and historical atmosphere. The Zhongshan
the linear area but also create a new communication platform for different industries and users through public space design.
狹長的帶狀公園分為「心中山舞台」、「遊人啡飲」、「月光森林」、「舞動廣場」、「探索食光」、「星橋坡動」、 「雙連晨市廣場」等 7 個主題生活區塊,供民眾在市區也能踏青休憩,找到一塊放鬆自己的綠蔭廊道,同時也能提 供周邊特色文創、餐飲商家舉辦展演,增加當地生活機能的公共場域。
此計畫順著中山雙連帶狀公園往南北延伸,往南接至臺北車站與西區門戶計畫,往北則連通花博園區,透過帶狀空 間改造,串聯臺北重要開放空間,讓城市生活美學在線形中流動,也串起相鄰區域發展的脈動,形成城市生活廊帶 難得的呼吸道。 ____
7 Life Styles The long and narrow linear park is divided into 7 theme district including, "Stage of Heart Zhongshan", "Coffee Tour", "Moonlight Forest", "Dancing Plaza", "Food Exploration", "Bridge of Stars" and "Shuanlian Morning Plaza" Plus, the performance and exhibition of the surrounding stores and restaurant, people can enjoy in the well life-functioned public space in the city center.
Connections of the Cities Zhongshan Shuanlian linear park is situated in a critical location that southbound of it is Taipei main station and the Redevelopment of Western Taipei project, northbound of it is the Flora Expo Park. Through the linear park transformation project, city features in Taipei is well connected and it propose inspirations to neighborhood areas of valuing aesthetic life. ____
新富町文化市場 U-mkt
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2017
New life in an old market
原本的場域意義,因為空間定位的丕變而面臨轉換。經 修復後,由忠泰建築文化藝術基金會經營,進行建築再 場,希望透過適當的文化資產活化模式與運作機制再設
計,漸進式地回應在地社會需求,並延續場所精神,為 老市場建築尋找更積極且足以持續發展的公共意涵。
The structure housing the Xinfu Market is a municipally designated historical building from the Japanese colonial era. Since restoration, it has been under the management of the Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture. After re-design, repurposing and nine years of operations, the building was transformed into the U-mkt. Local social needs are met with a model that revives cultural assets and redesigns operational mechanisms in line with the spirit of the site, in search of a more proactive and sustainable public role for this old market building.
新富市場建築整體風格簡潔、少有裝飾,並且擁有很強的機能性,例如它的馬蹄形平面,在全臺公設市場中相當罕 見,不只創造了一個流暢的購物動線,獨特的中央天井,也同時滿足了市場內部通風與採光的需求。
用輕木構造搭建,其半透明的厚牆本身同時也具有收納、動線、照明以及展示的功能,延伸出數個適合獨立作業的 工作空間。
的平臺,以人物、市場、土地為藍本,用料理、傳承故事與「手路」的傳遞為媒介,透過不同主題的學程編排,將 菜市場裡裡外外的學問經驗帶進人們的生活當中。 ____
Architectural Highlights With few embellishments, the U-mkt is simple in style and strongly functional. For instance, not only does the horseshoe-shaped layout—rarely seen in public markets in Taiwan—create a linear flow for shoppers, but the unique central lightwell also provides ventilation and natural lighting to the interior of the market.
Spatial Redesign The new market was co-designed by Yu-Han Michael Lin and Behet Bondzio Lin Architecten. In order to leave the original structures of the historical building untouched, the design utilizes a light wooden construction that has storage space, room to move, lighting and display functionality, as well as capabilities for extending into several work spaces for independent work.
Advanced Food Education Place "Dining Table School" and "Alley School" are two places in the market that continue and pass on the traditions of the local market. As a sharing platform, it uses people, the market and the locale as scripts, and cuisines, stories and classic family dishes as intermediaries. It uses different themes and lessons to bring knowledge into people's lives. ____
Retro White Cabin
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2014
A repair café that connects the community
從出版和展場設計起家的團隊,2013 年因臺北市政府 文化局委託經營的師大生活圈社區營造基地─「雲和小
協助下,與社區巡守隊一起經營這個空間,以分享工具 為宗旨,希望打造成里民共用的家具修理站。
Managed by the group Our Green Map, the Retro White Cabin is a space for sharing. Originally an organization for publishing and venue design, Our Green Map officially entered the area in 2013, when it was tasked by the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs with managing the Yunhe Living Room―the Shida Life Community Construction Headquarters. Upon completion of that project, they began to operate this space in collaboration with Community Patrol, assisted by the Gufeng Village Representative. They provide a platform for sharing repair tools in a communal furniture repair station for area residents.
空間由駐站志工管理,並教導居民如何使用最適當的工具進行維修。人們接受小白屋幫助之後,便思考自己能提供 什麼幫助給社區,於是越來越多人參與,並提供自己家中的閒置工具。也有志工開設課程「分享自己的專長」。
古風小白屋建立定期作業系統,週六早上會有維修師傅駐場,免費提供維修工具和場地,週日早上則讓街坊一起學 習做木工,平日有時也開設簡易手工藝品或環保肥皂班等工作坊。
現代社會人與人相對疏離,然而只要有空間,透過修理和工具,好玩的事情就會意想不到的發生;人與人的關係就 開始連接,好像你拿東西來修,談著才知道對方住在自己附近,於是年輕的、年老的;專業的、業餘的,都能交流 和連繫起來。從工具分享互惠,建立社區特色與社區公共性。 ____
Management The space is managed by resident volunteers who also advise local residents on which tools to use for each type of repair. Residents who have received assistance from the White Cabin often contemplate ways in which they might give back to the community, resulting in more people getting involved and donating unused tools, etc. Some volunteers also hold courses to share expertise.
Education The Retro White Cabin has set up a system where a maintenance expert is onsite every Saturday morning, providing tools and a venue for free repairs. On Sundays, local residents learn carpentry together. From day to day, there are also workshops on simple handicrafts and making ecologically friendly soap.
Community connection In today's society, people are alienated from each other, but that distance can be bridged when fun things happen unexpectedly: for example, using tools and making repairs in a designated space. Maybe someone brings something in to repair, and you find out that you live right next door to each other. In this way, exchanges and connections spring up between the young, old, amateurs, and professionals. A community's identity and communal spirit is constructed through tool-sharing and reciprocity. ____
Urban Archipelago Project
臺灣各地 Throughout Taiwan │ 2015 to 2017
Moveable landscapes within a city
「城市浮洲計畫」是從 2015 年開始,由共感地景創作|
ArchiBlur Lab 在城鄉之間所進行的一項實驗建築計畫。
動、生長與聚集的漂移「建築」,透過這樣的建築形式 與市民交流,讓社會重新思考設計的可能性,經由在不 同地域範圍移動,讓城市產生多變的地景樣貌。
The Urban Archipelago Project began in 2015 as an experimental urban and rural architectural project by ArchiBlur Lab. It is an attempt to design and construct architecture that can move, grow, and accumulate within the gaps of the urban developmental texture. The possibilities of design can be rethought through exchanges with members of the public about using this type of architectural form, which produces an everchanging landscape by moving to different geographical areas.
在游擊介入場域的過程中,會透過採集與重整歷史檔案、口述訪談劇本、文字書寫、物質研究、老照片修復、紀錄片、 社區地景紋理脈絡調查…等,進一步將採集的檔案再重新置入城鄉的場域中,可能是廢棄的校園、地方活動中心、 植物繁長的空地、地方文物館…等,呈現所採集的地景脈絡中可見與不可見的關係,也讓接續的創作實踐,建立在 連結土地、連結不同關係的縱向與橫向多層次發展上。
穿透了教育、環境測量、美學展演等領域意義的浮洲建築,以多樣的模式呈現。位於臺北城南的「名人畫報屋」、「家 庭故事屋」、「時光攝影棚」為即時性的展演空間,讓藝術跳出白盒子用更開放的方式融入環境。 ____
Community connections In the "guerrilla" intervention process, archives collected through re-organized historical archives, transcribed oral interviews, written texts, substantive research, restored old photos, documentaries, investigations into the community landscape, etc., will be reinserted into arenas in towns and villages. On abandoned school campuses, in regional activity centers, overgrown open spaces and regional museums, visible and invisible relationships are revealed within the context of the landscape. The realization of continued creativity is constructed, connecting the land and various relationships with multi-layered vertical and horizontal developments.
Site significance The architectural archipelago gains insight into the significance of educational, environmental, and aesthetic performance arenas and presents them through a range of methods. In southern Taipei, the Celebrity Poster House, Family Story House, and Photographic Studio of the Past have become impromptu performance spaces where art can transcend the white cube and integrate with the environment in a more open manner. ____
Commune 2nd
日本 Japan,東京 Tokyo │ 2017
態,並逐漸的沒落著。Commune 2nd 便是誕生在這個
A fusion settlement in the city margins
開發商無法處理的畸零地。由於都市開發的法規與市 民高漲的意識,畸零地只能一直被保留為原來的使用型 背景下的新興休閒複合空間。
In a quiet laneway behind the Tokyo's Omotesandō Avenue lie a number of marginal plots of land which, due to urban development regulations and rising public awareness, can only be preserved for their original function and cannot be developed. Instead, the plots have gradually become derelict. Commune 2nd is an emerging fusion leisure space born against this backdrop.
其是東京在快速的開發步調出現了許多荒廢的畸零地,不但浪費了都市的空間,無人管理的荒廢地更在各處出現。 日本設計大師黑崎輝男意識到這個問題,將畸零地設計成市集,不但解決畸零地問題,更創造結合當地特色的創意 聚集地。
2017 年開幕的「COMMUNE 2nd」為延續 2016 年底結束營運的「COMMUNE 246」市集,走的是更加貼近社會的 風格。由黑崎開辦市集,再加上設計大師隈研吾設計打造的美食餐車聚落,以及特定主題的創意市集。這裡複合了 論壇、授證課堂、創客基地、特色市集與美食聚落,除了作為新興工作型態的實驗基地。
Commune 2nd 重視「食物」、「學習」和「工作」的要素,重視垃圾減量,並導入綠色能源,將連結城市與人群的「餐 點與餐車」作為空間的主體。同時,也期望能夠成為讓有趣的人們集結,啟蒙城市與人群並創造文化的場域。 ____
Re-building marginal land The term "marginal land" refers to small or irregularly shaped plots which are often found between buildings or communities in rapidly developing modern urban areas. In particular, a number of such spaces have appeared in Tokyo owing to the city's rapid pace of development. Not only is this a waste of urban space, but these unmanaged wastelands have emerged everywhere. Recognizing this issue, Japanese master designer Teruo
Kurosaki has repurposed some of these spaces as marketplaces—not only solving the problem of marginal land, but also constructing creative gathering places with local color.
Business model Commune 2nd opened in 2017 as a continuation of Commune 246, which worked even more closely with the community but ended operations at the end of 2016. Launched by Kurosaki, with gourmet food trucks designed by design master Kengo Kuma, and thematic craft markets, the site combines lectures, classes, maker bases, specialized markets and a gourmet village, in addition to serving as an experimental base for up-and-coming work style.
Concept Commune 2nd emphasizes the key elements of food, learning, and work, as well as the reduction of waste with the introduction of green energy. The food and food trucks that connect the city with its people have become the main element in this space. At the same time, it is hoped that such spaces will become interesting gathering places that inspire the city and its people to create culture together. ____
Freedom University
日本 Japan,東京 Tokyo │ 2009
A field of learning that returns to the original intent
"Maximize learning, free living" is the theme of Freedom
培育出具有個性、能夠創造環境的人才。2009 年創校
of the intellect, in the hope of nurturing individuals who
地,課程規劃非常獨特,很能刺激知性的生命力,希望 至今,已推出約 200 種原創課程,合計超過 10,000 名 學員在此修課。
University. The unique curriculum stimulates the vitality can contribute to the environment. Since it was first established in 2009, Freedom University has launched some 200 original courses, with over 10,000 students studying here.
位在東京表參道這塊城市畸零地,緊鄰攤車市集 Commune 2nd,透過都市微小空間的營造,建立兩層樓的自由學 習環境。除提供創新課程影響都市上班族的永續學習概念,更藉由小空間的出租讓創新團隊能夠進駐。
並以今後的生活方式、工作模式等作為主軸,推出各種因應時代需求的主題課程 ; 孕育知性與創造性的同時,鼓勵學 員勇於行動,並善於從經驗中學習。
招生的課程資訊隨時張貼在官網首頁,鼓勵人們在任何時刻只要發掘自己喜歡的、想學習的項目,就能立刻進入學 習模式 ; 有感覺就訴諸行動,是成為自由大學學生的起點。包羅萬象的課程,從如何有效擦皮鞋到小資戀愛學,自由 大學講求最貼近生活的學問為課程要旨。 ____
Space The university is situated on marginal land in Tokyo's Omotesandō area adjacent to the Commune 2nd marketplace. Two levels of free learning environment are provided within the urban micro-space. In addition to providing innovative courses that embody the concept of continuing learning for urban commuters, it also provides small spaces for rent to innovative teams.
Educational concept The mission of the Freedom University is to return everyone to the original intention behind learning and to approach each learning opportunity equally. Various thematic courses respond to the needs of the times by going beyond our past frameworks for learning arenas. Present and future lifestyles and work modes serve as a main axis. While nurturing intellectualism and creativity, the university inspires students to act with courage and to learn from experience.
Coursework Up-to-date course enrollment information is posted on the official website to encourage people to sign up and enter a learning mode immediately if they find a subject they like and want to learn about. Acting on intuition is the starting point for students at Freedom University. With an all-encompassing curriculum—from shoes polishing to white-collar romance—the most important mission of Freedom University is to disseminate knowledge that is relevant to living. ____
世田谷設計 • 實作學校
Setagaya School of Design and Practice 日本 Japan,東京 Tokyo │ 2004
Redevelopment of a school building
世田谷設計實作學校為接續閒置校舍,規劃而成的新複 合設施。由於空間規劃以民間主導的方式運用行政公部
門的建築,經營方面也採取獨立核算的商業模式,因此 於設立初期即備受矚目,成為東京都內著名的廢校活用 案例。
The Setagaya School of Design and Practice is a new multi-purpose facility created in a vacated school building. Attracting much attention from its inception, the community-led plan for reusing a public administrative building with an independently accountable business model has become a well-known case for reuse of vacant buildings.
世田谷設計 • 實作學校的舊址為池尻中學,在日本少子化的衝擊下,2004 年廢校後,礙於現行法令規範下,學校 一旦被列為廢校,將面臨國有財產無法轉售的窘境而讓廢校形同廢墟。因此後續與世田谷區簽訂定期租約,由「設 計・實做學校」株式會社負責營運。
校舍在保留原貌的最低限度內進行改造,原校址的三層樓空間進駐了 40 多家小型工作室及創作團隊。而校園建築的 長廊、緊密的教室隔間及共用的會議空間也為新進駐的團隊帶來更密切的交流機會。
以「振興產業」、「地域交流」及「觀光據點化」為營運基礎,目前空間主要提供的服務內容為:提供辦公室空間、 創業支援、「設計・實做」體驗與交流機會、空間租借、與地方社區的聯繫等。此外,亦附設店鋪、咖啡廳等空間。 讓空間以更低的費用承租,吸引新創團隊與藝術人士進駐。 ____
Background The Setagaya School of Design and Practice was formerly the site of the Ikejiri Middle School. Subsequent to the school closure in 2004 as a result of Japan's declining birthrate, the school was classified as a "defunct school," the equivalent of a derelict site, and laws governing state property meant it could not be sold. As a result, a lease was signed with the Setegaya District, and the School of Design and Practice Company Ltd. is responsible for its management.
Reconstruction The school campus has been minimally renovated to preserve its original appearance. The third floor of the building is home to over 40 small studios and creative teams. The school structure's corridors, its closely-partitioned classrooms and common conference spaces provide intimate opportunities for exchange with newly arriving groups.
Operational guidelines With a basis in industry revitalization, regional exchange, and making a tourist hotspot, the main services provided in the space currently include: providing office space, start-up assistance, design/practice experience and exchange, space rental, and community links. In addition, spaces have been designated for a gift shop, café, etc. Affordable rental costs are a draw for innovative teams and artists. ____
Green Guerillas
美國 United States,紐約 New York │ 1973
Guerilla teams greening the city's neighborhoods 綠色游擊為美國紐約的園藝團體。透過 Guerilla(游擊)
的形式,在一些空置的土地、甚至是私人物業作園藝佈 置。 游擊園藝的背後有著深層的社會意義,他們利用
「社區園藝」這個方式,來收回城市的土地,讓城市的 街區更加穩定及綠化。
Green Guerillas is a horticultural group based in New York that creates gardens on vacant land and private property. "Guerilla gardening" has deep social significance. They reclaim urban land by building community garden in order to make the city's neighborhoods sustainable and green.
游擊園藝為利用城市中被遺棄或忽視的土地進行綠化行動。游擊隊園丁通常以糧食作物或審美植物為重點來營造街 區。他們播種及建設綠地,努力使荒廢地更具吸引力,並推動人們共同解決環境問題。
綠色游擊招募超過 800 名志工、數名員工與企業和私人贊助商,藉由各種不同的方式與工具,包括蔬菜的種子、花盆、 表土和塗鴉來改變紐約的市容。當看到空地時,就結合社區居民的時間與力量,請當地商店或店家捐贈蔬菜種子, 創造一個新的農場和花園。
團隊包含技術面、組織架構、舉辦活動、合作服務等項目,同時他們也著手推動青年計劃,鼓勵城市的食物安全與 食物種植計畫。同時,與園丁組織合作,從技術面、組織架構及舉辦活動等進行全方位的綠化整合。 ____
Guerilla gardening Guerilla gardening utilizes abandoned or neglected urban land to carry out "greening" action. Guerilla gardeners usually focus on food crops or aesthetically pleasing plants. They plant and establish green areas, endeavoring to make abandoned land more attractive and to motivate everyone to work toward resolving environmental issues together.
Unifying the community Green Guerillas has recruited over 800 volunteers, has several employees, and has received corporate and private sponsorship. They use various techniques and tools, including vegetable seeds, flower pots, top soil, and graffiti, to change New York's look. When they see a vacant lot, they consolidate the time and efforts of community residents and ask local stores to donate vegetable seeds to create a new urban farm and garden.
Diversity in cooperation The team works on technical aspects, organizational structure, events organization, and cooperative services. They are also involved in promoting youth projects, encouraging food safety and food planting projects. At the same time, they work with gardening organizations to undertake a comprehensive greening effort through technology, organizational structure, and events. ____
根據內政部戶政司統計指出,臺灣老年人口已達總人口 14%,從高齡化
社會正式進入「高齡社會」,而臺北老年人口佔 16.58% 更是六都之冠。
生活起居變得更方便安全;或是從高齡集體住宅,逐漸採用青銀共居、 住宿交換計畫等各種居住與生活模式,為邁入高齡化社會的臺灣尋求更 多可能性。
包容性及可及性的都市環境,並能促進活躍老化的城市。世界上已有國 家針對此問題開發解決之道。例如日本除了有養老中心之外,還有照護
高齡特殊需求者的機構,培養他們多元能力,藉由各種藝術、工藝活動 繼續活力人生,同時發揮自我價值。這些制度不僅活化與流通不同世代
之間的溝通,也讓高齡者能夠時時保持思考的活力,不僅在生理上獲得 照護,心理上也能夠健康發展。
Age-Friendly Design According to statistics from the Department of
promotes "active aging." For example, in Japan, in
Household Registration, the elderly now make up
addition to care homes, special institutions have
as much as 14% of Taiwan's total population, which
been set up to meet the needs of elderly people,
means Taiwan has officially turned from an "ageing
enabling them to cultivate a wide range of abilities
society" into an "aged society". Taipei's elderly
and maintain vitality through art and craft activities,
population is more than 16.58% of the total, which is
and at the same time fostering a greater sense of
the highest among Taiwan's six municipalities.
self-worth. These institutions not only enhance inter-generational communication, but also enable
In order to build an inclusive and accessible society
the elderly to keep their minds active; they not only
that maintains the dynamism of the city, Taipei has
provide physical care, but also ensure psychological
been tackling the politics and social aspects of
the elderly care problem. This includes promoting design that makes life more convenient for seniors, and setting up trans-generational housing exchange programs, rather than focusing on elderly care homes. According to the WHO, an "age-friendly city" is an inclusive and accessible urban environment that
Yangming Apartment for Seniors
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 1997
An inclusive connection
between young and old
大多數的老人公寓或長照中心多著重於長者的生活照 顧、醫護服務,讓長者能夠過著安穩的生活,然而從荷
蘭誕生的「青銀共居」概念,已開始在臺灣萌芽。將居 住條件放鬆的情況下吸引年輕人與老年人共住,不僅解
決年輕人的居住問題,同時也創造兩個跨世代族群交流 的機會。
Most nursing homes and care centers focus on assisted living and health care for the elderly. Recently, "co-housing," where young people live together with the elderly, has been gaining wider recognition in Taiwan. Co-housing solves young people's housing problems and elderly people's care needs at the same time. It also stimulates exchange and interaction between the generations.
陽明老人公寓推行的青銀共居計畫與文化大學合作,學生只要每月騰出 20 小時陪長者們唱歌、聊天、玩桌遊或進行
3C 教學等交流活動,就能以較低的房租入住公寓套房,一來解決青年的經濟壓力,年輕人也可藉此提早了解老化, 長者也能分享生命經驗,營造出世代共融的生活空間。
學生除了能與長者分享科技用品的知識與當代的潮流,陽明老人公寓也經常舉辦各種促進大家感情的活動,如摺紙、 插花、書法等。這些需要技巧的創作是閱歷豐富的長者們拿手的,長者一步步地教導著年輕人,從基本的技巧到純 熟的手藝,讓兩個不同的世代有了新的結合。
及發揮所長的機會,不僅增加社會參與、提升生命價值,也讓學生有機會提早接觸長者、認識老化,搭建兩個世代 交流的平台,達到青銀雙贏局面。 ____
Regulation The Yangming Apartment for Seniors has developed a co-housing project to provide affordable accommodation for students at Chinese Culture University. Students promise to spend 20 hours a week with their senior housemates: singing, cooking, showing them how to use electronics, etc. The shared space enables the young people to learn about long-term care, while the seniors get the opportunity to share their experiences.
Activities In addition to sharing knowledge about electronics products and contemporary social trends, the students can also be a source of laughter and energy for the old people. To get their relationship off to a good start, many activities are held in the apartment, such as origami and calligraphy, and this sparks the exchange of ideas between the generations: seniors can teach the young people, and the latter can learn from the seniors' life experience in activities which take skill and patience. A new kind of interaction between the two generations then emerges in this shared space.
Delaying the Effects of Aging Through co-living project, the Yangming Apartment for Seniors provide senior citizens with an opportunity to share the life stories and show off their talents in a way that increases their social participation and improves their standard of living. It also allows young people to gain insight into the lives of seniors and further creates opportunities for communication between the generations. ____
Rock Ye Nai
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2017
The "Old School" life of rock
高齡現象需要「照護」和「幫助」解決,過於安逸及封 閉的日子反而讓長者與人群脫節,更嚴重則對於日常生
活失去動力。然而搖滾爺奶提倡「老是一件美好的事」, 認為長者並不是衰老的族群,與小孩、青年沒有差別都 在各自人生中不斷成熟,致力陪著這些成熟的大人族群 找到自我價值並創造社會參與的機會。
Aging society has been a notable issue recently, h o w e v e r, m o s t p e o p l e s t i l l c o n s i d e r a g i n g i s phenomenon that need to be "taken care of" or "helped". Having an extremely comfortable and isolated life may allow elders lose their direction of life. The idea of Rock Ye Nai is "Old is beautiful". It indicates the elder is in the stage of being mature instead of being senile; which help them to discover the value of self-worthiness and create the opportunities of social participation.
以搖滾的「解放」概念希望讓長者為自身發聲打破大眾對於他們弱勢、需照護的印象,提供長者繪本說書技巧訓練, 透過表演、遊戲的方式不但吸引孩童的興趣,更讓長者在互動的過程活動筋骨,目前以幼兒園、友善咖啡館等作為 服務的實驗場域,進行銀髮人力活化的需求發聲,同時體現「老有所用」的精神。
自身生命的意義,甚至討論到一般人不願面對的疾病、死亡等議題,讓長者互相分享人生經驗與故事中的體悟,對 於生命的挑戰長者並不脆弱也不是全智全能,彼此都需要勇於正視各自的人生。 ____
Young Rocking Soul The project proposes the rocking concept of "unleash", expecting the elders to unleash their inner self and break the stereotype of weak and vulnerable. It also provides the training of storytelling for the elders, through the performances and games, the elders could not only allow themselves being healthy but also bring happiness to the children. So far, the performance is mostly taking place in kindergarten and friendly café for vitalizing the elder power, and also express the concept of "Old but Useful".
Study Group In the picture book study group, the elders could not only acquire the skills of storytelling but also receive the issue the books convey. It may further allow the elders to rethink the meaning of life and other topics which general people wouldn't think about like death and disease. To share the experience of their own life story is not a way to reveal vulnerability nor omnipotent; it is a way to face their true self. ____
Shobu Gakuen 日本 Japan,鹿兒島 Kagoshima │ 1973
Home of unique creation
社會設計要從不同的觀點去考量各種族群的需求。身心 障礙的人和大家一樣會成長成人,所以普遍的機構都以
然而在菖蒲學園裡,教育和訓練並不是他們唯一重視 的,比起這些他們更注重創造一個可以讓身心障礙者, 發掘他們喜愛事物的環境。
Social design required to consider the needs of each group of people from different perspectives. Disabled people age and grow like everyone else, therefore, the purpose of general facilities is to support disabled people being prepared to behave and act like normal people as they return to normal life. However, Shobu Gakuen does not only focus on education and training, they further emphasize on creating a proper environment for patients to discover the thing they truly loved.
自 1973 年,菖蒲學園的活動一直都是以菖蒲工作室為核心。停止外部機構給予的代工工作,菖蒲學園專注於創造一
個可以給他們的身心障礙者,透過木作、燒陶、染色工藝、紡織、刺繡、紙作、繪畫、植栽、烘焙和其他創作,來 表達自己的空間。他們成功地達成目標,讓身心障礙者從「接受幫助的一方」轉變成「創造及產出的一方」,而這 也成為深根於當地社區的獨特社會福利。
對菖蒲來說,支撐的本質在於發掘這些人純淨、與生俱來的能力,並培養他們對世界的獨特見解。他們提供一個在 更巨大的社會中,可以支撐他們生活環境的生態系統,同時向現代社會傳達,這種純粹創作表達的必要性。 「一股驚人的巨大能量,如同滴水穿石般,經由他們的動人姿態,一點一滴匯聚。」 ____
Life is making Since 1973 Shobu Gakuen`s activities have been centered on Studio Shobu. Doing away with programs that provided work subcontracted from outside sources, they focused on creating an environment in which our clients can express themselves through woodwork, ceramics, dyeing, weaving, embroidery, paper making, painting and drawing, gardening, baking and other crafts. They have made it their goal to shift from a culture of receiving, being given things, to creating and providing, bringing into being a distinctive form of social welfare that is rooted in the local community.
Sanctuary To us the essence of this support is to recognize the pure, innate abilities that these human beings possess and to foster their unique understanding of the world. Shobu Gakuen provides an eco-system that supports a living environment within the larger society, at the same time as communicating the necessity of this type of innocent creative expression within contemporary society. "An astonishing volume of energy is generated, little by little, through their beautiful actions. Just as little by little, drop by drop over many years, water droplets make a hole in a large rock." ____
蒲公英介護中心 Tanpopo Kaigo
日本 Japan,愛知 Aichi │ 2004
Helping the elderly rediscover their lust for life
面臨老人人口比率高達 27% 的日本,養老機構與制度也 不得不日益重視,正當大多養老院著重於長者的生活舒
適、看護隨時照料,日本的蒲公英介護中心則提出與其 讓長者過得安逸舒適,更應該讓他們燃起對於生活的熱 情與執著,才能有動力讓自己的生活更加健康精彩。
In Japan, elderly people account for 27% of the population, so the country has to think carefully about nursing homes and the elderly care system. While most nursing homes focus maintaining a comfortable living environment and round-the-clock care, at the Tanpopo Kaigo the philosophy is that their role is to awaken the seniors' passion and love for life. This positive attitude can provide them with a heathier and more meaningful life.
力地生活,除了有許多設備能泡溫泉、水中活動、上陶藝課等 250 種活動,看護中心內發行著裏頭專用的貨幣,只 要參加復健課程並做好生活事項變能獲得貨幣,當作給自己努力生活的犒賞。
當長者完成復健課程或是簡單的生活課題,如運動 10 分鐘、早上自己起床梳洗,就可以獲得幾百到幾千不等的貨幣, 而長者可以拿這些貨幣到設施內的餐館或商店消費,有趣的制度設計讓長者每天都很期待自己生活的瑣事。
每個老人找回年輕時拼命賺大錢的熱血,當積蓄累積到幾十萬的程度時,就可以購買看護陪同的外出行程,像是到 百貨公司逛街、到神社參拜、甚至是替親朋好友掃墓也在範圍之內。 ____
Introduction Many people consider nursing homes places lacking energy and hope. But Tanpopo Kaigo in Japan uses special management measures to encourage its senior residents to live energetic lives. Apart from their hot springs and many facilities for water activities, they also provide residents with more than 250 activities. The nursing home even issues its own special currency: seniors can earn "money" by attending rehabilitation sessions and completing selfcare chores.
Earn Your Keep When a senior completes a rehabilitation session or easy chore, such as 10 minutes of exercise and getting washed and dressed, they get a certain amount of "money" which they can use to shop in stores or dine in restaurants. The system makes residents look forward to completing their daily chores.
Shopping Heaven In addition to buying snacks and goods, the money can be also used for gambling, and there are even gambling zones in the nursing home. This brings back memories of striving to earn money when they were still young. If they save up a larger amount, they can purchase a trip, accompanied by care workers, to go shopping in a department store, pray in a temple, or go tomb-sweeping for relatives and friends. ____
5 號倉庫 Warehouse No.5
往往設置於社區之間,滿足了居民的日常需求,散步、遊憩或集會。使 用公園設施的人們從孩童到老年人或特殊需求者都有,根據統計,臺
北有超過 800 處的公園公共設施用地,2016年起也積極推動擺脫罐頭
同樂的遊樂場。甚至整個園區內符合特殊需求者的遊樂設施,都有足夠 的數量能夠因應,讓更多人共遊。遊戲是每個人的權利,而非福利,期 許臺北越來越能夠成為讓所有人都能夠一同玩樂歡笑的城市。
Inclusive Playground Design In fast-paced Taipei, parks are free spaces where
Outside Taipei, inclusive playgrounds have been built
people can relax, usually located in residential
in many different countries, including Japan, the
neighborhoods in order to enable people to stroll,
United States, and Spain. Moreover, an increasing
relax and meet others. A wide range of people use
number of facilities are being especially built for
park facilities, including children, senior citizens and
people with special needs in order to allow everyone
people with special needs.
to enjoy playgrounds. Playing is a right, not a privilege. We hope that Taipei will become a place
According to statistics, Taipei has over 800 parks.
where everyone can have fun.
Since 2016, the government has been replacing "cookie cutter" playgrounds and focusing on park advancement by working together with local organizations and designers to come up with ideas for diverse playground facilities. In-depth experimentation facilitates the design of inclusive playgrounds that are suitable for everyone.
No More Cookie-Cutter Parks 臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2016
Unique, inclusive playgrounds
臺北市政府文化局 106 年選定大同區的建成、景化、朝
陽和樹德公園,以及中山區的中安、永盛公園,總共一 大五小共六座公園,結合市民參與和共融理念,推動藝
術設計導入鄰里公園遊戲場的「公園不再大眾臉」計畫。 Which park is the most special? Which the most fun? Jiancheng, Jinghua, Zhouyang, and Shude Parks in Datong District, and Zhong'an and Yongsheng Parks in Zhongshan District bring artistic design to the No More Cookie Cutter Parks Project by consolidating community participation and inclusivity. Neighborhood parks are brightened by setting aside standard-issue playground facilities, and by enabling grown-ups to accompany their kids in parks to play and grow together.
邀請當地孩童及身心障礙小朋友一起參與改造工作訪來設計公園,結合跨領域專家與公民團體的建議,在八組臺灣 在地年輕設計團隊的整合與努力下,打造出臺灣原創設計的六座共融式遊戲場。
靈感,發展出鈕扣獅為主題的遊樂場 ; 「中安公園」則呼應周邊因視障按摩店群聚,從音樂的角度切入,打造視覺、
聽覺和觸覺兼具的音樂森林遊具。「樹德公園」經過特殊技法的手工編織與共融式設計,讓孩童在任意攀爬編織遊 具時也不會受傷。「景化公園」透過動手與動腦的飛碟遊具設計讓孩童發揮想像力與夥伴們一起冒險探索。「永盛
公園」設計大型的共融遊具,遠看以為是靜態雕塑品走近才發現是公園遊具,無論各種姿勢躺、趴、坐、站,各族 群都能遊玩。
擺脫單一型態的罐頭遊樂器材,透過設計滿足在地各族群使用者的多元需求,並共同討論型塑出合宜的公共空間, 融合在地文化,讓公園不再只有單一面貌,而是能創造出與親友野餐、玩耍或是存留人生重要回憶的場所。 ____
Fielding suggestions Local children and children with disabilities were invited to participate in renovation workshops to design the park. Six original Taiwan-designed inclusive playgrounds were constructed through the combined efforts of eight teams of young designers, consolidating suggestions from community groups and experts across disciplines.
Localization A playground design was developed for each park that combines local characteristics and resonates with the local culture. For instance, buttons serve as an inspiration for the Button Lion playground in Chaoyang Park, located in “Button Alley� in Dadaocheng, while a musical forest playground in Zhong'an Park has visual, auditory and tactile appeal and uses music as a point of departure in response to the nearby massage parlors run by visually impaired masseurs. Meanwhile, Shude Park uses a special handweave technique and inclusive design to enable children to climb throughout the playground without fear of injury.The flying saucer play apparatus in Jinghua Park is designed
to get hands moving and brains working by giving children a space where they can use their imagination to explore the apparatus together. The large-scale play apparatus in Yongsheng Park is designed to be inclusive. From afar it looks like an artistic sculpture, but when up close you see that it is play equipment. Children of all abilities can play with it in any position: lying, crouching, sitting, standing.
Features Moving beyond the standard cookie-cutter playground equipment, design is being use to meet the diverse needs of various local groups, and suitable public spaces are being shaped through discussion. By integrating local culture, parks are no longer uniform in appearance, but instead create an arena where family and friends can picnic, play, or spend times that they will want to remember forever. ____
Inclusive Butterfly Playground
臺灣 Taiwan,臺北 Taipei │ 2018
A colorful park that initiates inclusive play
互動參與,傾聽使用者的需求共同規畫經營。舞蝶共融 遊戲場除了滿足孩童遊玩基本的需求外,亦囊括視障及
身障等各種障別,是座全方位的遊戲場。提供家中有特 殊孩童的家長更多機會帶孩子與一般小朋友共同遊樂。
The inclusive playground policy has been actively promoted by the government in recent years. Managed and planned through community exchange and involvement, and by listening to the needs of users, the Inclusive Butterfly Playground is a comprehensive playscape that has been designed to be barrier-free to those with visual or physical disabilities, giving parents with children with special needs more opportunities to bring their children to play with non-disabled children.
舞蝶共融遊樂場設置了輪椅鞦韆、視覺地圖等裝置設計,讓身障朋友享受盪鞦韆的樂趣,視障朋友也可以在遊戲場 中暢遊無阻 。其他遊具的設計,包含鞦韆、沙坑與旋轉盤等也都將各族群的使用納入考量。
園區的設施包含了「音樂敲擊遊具」、「輪椅及多樣化鞦韆」、「沙坑」、「八種玩法毛毛蟲遊具」、「共融旋轉盤」、 「觸覺地圖」及「全方位攀爬網」提供孩童各方面的刺激和娛樂選擇。
戲,讓遊樂場中的親子互動變得更為親密,並非做出只讓身障孩童能夠遊玩的裝置,而是成為區隔身障孩童與其他 孩童的互動的橋樑,讓孩童在玩樂的童年中跨越彼此的差別。 ____
Universal design The Inclusive Butterfly Playground is equipped with wheelchair-friendly swings, visual maps and other devices that enable those with physical disabilities to enjoy play. Visually disabled children are also able to move around the playground without obstruction. Other facilities, including a swing set, a sandbox and a merry-go-round, also take into consideration the needs of various groups.
Stylized playscape Park facilities include musical percussion play, a wheelchair and multi-use swing, a sandbox, "caterpillar play," an inclusive merry-go-round, and a tactile climbing net, providing various exciting and fun choices for children.
Inclusive environment With insect and flower themes, the colorful, vivacious and clean environment has interesting multi-player playground facilities to encourage intimacy in parent–child interaction by allowing grown-ups to participate in children's games. The facilities were designed not only for children with disabilities but for all children, building an interactive bridge so that children can transcend difference through play. ____
Tenri Station Plaza (CoFuFun)
日本 Japan,奈良 Nara │ 2017
A white inclusive space in front of the station
擊。「CoFuFun」為日本奈良天理站前的站前廣場,是 由Nendo 設計團隊結合城市的歷史脈絡,以純白的階梯 重新詮釋巨石墳塚,並將其打造成適合多種用途的公共
The traveler's first impression of a city often comes from the plaza in front of the railway station. CoFuFun is a multi-functional public structure created by Nendo Design Studio for the Tenri Station Plaza in Japan. The structures incorporate the city's historical background and reinterpret the meaning of its ancient tombs.
「CoFuFun」能營造一種歡樂的氛圍,讓參觀者在這個空間中能下意識地哼著一首快樂的歌,也讓城市的門面多一 份故事與討論。
建築上使用特殊工法,製作出有別一般的無樑柱空間,引入混凝土預製組件式設計,除節省空間外也讓建設過程的 速度和精準度提升,更帶來建築物的個體變化及結構穩定度。層遞式等多種建法,將飛碟安置在四個不同的高度, 以降低噪音對空間的影響。
團隊將遊樂場、休息空間與可用來舉辦活動的舞臺都加到空間裡,讓場域更為多元。並加入了提供孩童遊玩的設施 「柔軟古墳」、「研鉢古墳」,還有由複合空間組成的「Information & Lounge 古墳」,依據不同用途為空間量身
打造外型,構思機能與造型的完美融合。 ____
Design Concept The alphabet spelling, "CoFuFun", in addition to alluding to the inspirational Kofun (ancient tombs), the phrase "fufun" in Japanese evokes a kind of unconscious humming. It also brings in the "co-" of "cooperation" and "community", as well as – of course – "fun" itself. The design team wants CoFuFun to have a happy atmosphere and be a space where visitors will unconsciously hum a happy tune, as well as providing a new story and representation of the city.
Architectural style A beam-less space was built using a special construction technique precast concrete molds. The pre-formed parts are pieced together like building blocks using the same massive cranes used to build bridges. Large spaces can be formed without the use of columns or beams, and because of the round shape the well-balanced structures offer stability against forces applied from any direction.
Inclusive space The CoFuFun's different levels serve a variety of purposes: they're stairs, but also benches for sitting, fences to enclose playing children, the cafe and stage roofs, which floods the plaza with light. This variety creates an environment that encourages visitors to explore and spend time in different spaces within the plaza. It perfectly combine conceptualized function and style. ____
Yoro Park―Site of Reversible Destiny
日本 Japan,岐阜 Gifu Prefecture │ 1995
An art space that transcends the imagination
能夠融入體驗與美感的公共空間已成為趨勢。養老天命 反轉地是一個佔地面積遼闊的體驗型藝術公園。由曾榮
及他的伴侶,根據對 30 年後未來的想像,所設計建造 的一件巨大藝術品。
Public spaces that blend the experiential and the aesthetic are a growing trend. Yoro Park―The Site of Reversible Destiny is an expansive experiential art park. Winner of numerous national and international awards, it is a great work of art designed and constructed as part of an imagined world 30 years into the future by world-renowned Japanese artist Shusaku Arakawa and his partner poet Madeline Gins.
公園內的作品由主館「極限相似之家」與「橢圓形園野」兩個部分所構成。「橢圓形園野」裡,有分割「極限相似之家」 的 9 個亭子房舍等散列其中,也有成對的小丘和窪地,及繞 148 個彎的周遊路線及大大小小的日本列島。
所有的藝術品不僅可以用來觀賞,還可以親身體驗,到裝置中彷彿進入到獨特空間。令人的平衡感和遠近感產生混 亂的奇特感受,身處其中就如同探險一般。特殊的建築構造,讓所有人都能盡情享受挑戰奇異空間的刺激。
園區的設計讓人思考建築、遊樂場與藝術的界線,三者既具歧異性又被融合成一個整體時,帶給人們一個對空間的 新想像與體驗,也賦予公園更多的可能性。 ____
Thematic presentation The park consists of two sections: the main structure, Critical Resemblance House, and Elliptical Field. Nine pavilions and gazebos—fragments of Critical Resemblance House—are scattered throughout Elliptical Field, as well as pairs of hillocks and depressions, and an intricate network of 148 paths and representations of the Japanese archipelago in varying sizes.
Art and experience To arrive at an installation is to enter a unique space. The artworks are not only to be viewed but also to be experienced firsthand. A strange, confusing sense of balance and depth is created; immersion in the space is akin to being on an expedition. The unique architectural construction allows everyone to fully enjoy the excitement of confronting an alien space.
Breaking boundaries The design of the park provokes reflection on the boundaries between architecture, playgrounds, and art. When three such disparate entities are integrated into a unified whole, it imparts a new way of imagining and experiencing space, and endows the park with more possibilities. ____
Parque Gulliver
西班牙 Spain ,瓦倫西亞 Valencia │ 1990
讓人置身小人國的綠地公園 Immersed in Lilliput within a verdant park
J. Swift 的著名小說《格列佛遊記》為藍圖所設計的孩 童遊樂場 ; 巨大的格列佛被綁在地上,而身體的許多部
位如頭髮、腰帶、衣服、都被設計成遊樂的設施,頓時 大人小孩都像是小人國裡的人民,在格列佛的身上盡情 穿梭玩樂。
Playgrounds always suggest imagination and story. Parque Gulliver is a children's playground based on the renowned Swift novel Gulliver's Travels. A giant Gulliver is tied to the ground, and parts of his body―his hair, belt, and clothing―are playground apparatus. Adults and children alike are immediately transformed into Lilliputians, frolicking as they climb over Gulliver.
瓦倫西亞市議會於 1990 建造完成,由 Rafael Rivera 與畫家 Manolo Maratin 所一同執行,即便這座遊樂場已算是相
格列佛公園為在瓦倫西亞市最大的都市綠地杜里亞花園當中,作為一個防洪目的的綠地,公園同時也具有擔任排水 系統的功能,能夠排除雨水,避免在大雨後雨水積在地層表面。
隨著 80 年代法律對於遊樂場過度規範,導致人們只剩下安全卻平淡無奇的遊樂場,格列佛公園的建造希望喚起民眾
的想像與童心。不只讓大人小孩進入小人國的幻想時光,也喚醒 70 年代的記憶。有著許多太空船、衛星塔、機械人
主題的公園,各式各樣的樓梯、繩索、山洞、小山丘等東西皆能讓人們感到印象深刻。是一個各年齡層都能享受其 中的共融公園。 ____
Installation history Commissioned by the Valencia Municipality and completed by Rafael Rivera and artist Manolo Maratin in 1990, this playground is quite old, yet its design still attracts attention and continues to be loved by both tourists and residents.
Environmentally friendly Parque Gulliver is situated in Turia River Gardens, the largest green space in Valencia Municipality. The parkland also prevents flooding by functioning as a rain drainage system, thus draining water from the surface after heavy rain.
A return to childhood The legal overregulation of playgrounds in the 1980s left everyone with safe but ordinary playgrounds. The construction of Parque Gulliver was intended to reawaken the imagination and childlike innocence. Not only can adults and children alike enter a Lilliputian fantasy, but it also awakens memories of the 1970s. Parks with elements such as spaceships, satellite towers, robots, and steps, ropes, caves and hills, all make a deep impression. This is an inclusive park that can be enjoyed at any age. ____
Rotary PlayGarden 美國 United States,聖荷西 San Jose │ 2015
A playful ecological classroom on garden grounds
公園除了提供公共遊樂,結合在地的自然生態更能提供 家長與孩童最精確的環境教材。扶輪遊樂園是扶輪集團
在聖荷西的一個超過百年的遺產計畫,也是年齡 2 至 5 歲孩童的理想的共融遊樂場所。
In addition to providing public recreation, the local natural habitat of the park provides materials for accurate environmental education for parents and children. The Rotary PlayGarden is a centennial gift to the community by the Rotary Club of San Jose, as well as an ideal inclusive playground for children aged 2 to 5.
扶輪集團透過募款及在地居民的支持,在聖荷西這個人口密集的都市環境裡,讓瓜達盧佩河周遭設立的自然生態保 護區重新規劃整建,提供可以讓居民及遊客放鬆遊樂的無障礙園區。
園區因應其所在的環境生態優勢,為青少年們舉辦環境多樣化的教育課程及講座。例如「綠色昆蟲大隊」、「廢棄 物回收工坊」及「小蜜蜂觀察營」等,都是其透過連結地方生態作出的基礎環境意識教育課程。
除了提供了更小尺寸的遊樂設備滿足時常被忽略的低齡孩童,園區也規劃陰涼的野餐區和小草地,讓當地大人與小 孩能夠共同使用遊戲場域。是環境營造、地方教育與共融空間的整合典範。 ____
Utilization of urban green spaces Through fundraising and local support, the Rotary Club has enabled the re-zoning and construction of the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy ecological reserve in San Jose, a densely populated urban environment, to provide residents and visitors with a relaxing barrier-free garden area.
Ecological education To take advantage of being situated in a natural habitat, the PlayGarden holds a diverse range of youth-oriented educational courses and lessons. Beginning Environmental Explorers (BEE), C.H.I.R.P. (Community Home School Investigators of the River Park), and Green Team Explorers are all educational courses with a foundation in environmental consciousness that link with the local ecology.
Barrier-free space In addition to providing smaller play equipment for younger children, the park has also set aside a shaded picnic area and a grassy area, providing a co-playscape for adults and children. It is a model for integrating environmental construction, local education, and inclusive spaces. ____
Magical Bridge Playground 美國 United States,帕羅奧圖 Palo Alto │ 2015
A Mother's playground project
尤其對身心障礙的孩童,更是不可或缺的交流場域。然 而在過去,共融式的公園卻大大匱乏。魔法橋遊樂場成 立於這樣的背景下,一個身心障礙孩童的母親致力於為 女兒一樣的孩子開發全新的遊樂園,一個讓所有人能跳 脫身心靈障礙並且盡情享受的園地。
Playgrounds can be the best place for children's physical activity and socialization, and are indispensable social arenas for children with physical or mental disabilities. In the past, inclusive parks were scarce. It is against this backdrop that the Magic Bridge Playground was established. The founder is a mother of a child with disabilities who was committed to developing a new playground for children like her daughter, a place where everyone can play with abandon, whatever their abilities.
魔法橋遊樂場的落成,同時也成為美國國內創新遊樂園的先鋒。每個設施都經過規劃,滿足身心障礙的人們各式各 樣複雜的需求。例如「遙遙鞦韆」平面狀的鞦韆座,讓孩童能在玩樂時訓練平衡感。「巨型娃娃屋」則讓孩童透過 辦家家酒遊戲,融入團隊與家庭。
有著特殊需求的孩童通常在社交能力上也有些障礙,戶外活動能夠增進孩童與他人互動的能力,促進心靈健康。在 遊玩過程,若孩童能夠克服困難與突破身體障礙,將會對自信心的提升有莫大的幫助。而從事戶外活動也能夠維持 孩童們的心血管方面的健康。
了已經開始運作的「帕羅奧圖遊樂場」更有四個其他地區的計畫在募款規劃中。期待透過社群,帶出公共空間的共 融意義。 ____
Facility design The Magic Bridge Playground is at the forefront of innovative playgrounds in the United States. All the facilities and equipment were planned to satisfy the complex needs of children with disabilities. For instance, the flat seats of the bucket swings help children develop a sense of balance while playing, and playing house in the custom two-story playhouse allows children to become part of a team and family.
Physical and emotional benefits Children with special needs often face obstacles in their socialization. Engaging in outdoor activities enables children to interact with others and promotes emotional health. Children who overcome difficulties and break through physical obstacles in the process of play will increase their confidence, while engagement in outdoor activities also helps to maintain cardiovascular health.
Future plans At present, Magic Bridge is continuing to operate as a foundation, in the hope of increasing public awareness about prioritizing inclusive playgrounds and promoting special interest groups' right to play through fundraising efforts. In addition to the fully operational Palo Alto Magic Bridge Playground, fundraising and plans for four playgrounds in other districts are on-going. It is hoped that the significance of inclusivity in public spaces will be highlighted through community participation. ____
你知道嗎?生產一支 200 克的手機,竟需耗費 10 倍的資源(2 公斤的
原料)。在消費文化高度發展之下,社會講求快與便利,卻忽略對生活 周遭的人們與環境的關懷。根據 Global Footprint Network 計算,需要
至少 1.5 顆地球,才能支撐起目前的經濟體系。資源浪費越趨嚴重,臺 灣有些人開始關注資源再利用及永續問題。如臺北就有里長設計出一套
制度使多於物資能夠物盡其用,同時也幫助弱勢族群的生活問題。而為 了避免食物浪費,民間也開始出現惜食計畫、剩布利用等活動。
和臺灣同為資源匱乏的小國荷蘭,企圖打造循環經濟城市,此概念也間 接影響臺北施政理念,例如推動綠建築從環保建材到促進人體健康的空
間設計,或將廢棄物轉換為再生資源等,希望在城市建設的同時,也顧 及環境與人們的永續發展。
藉由「綠活」主題討論分享從臺北到不同國家的設計師、個人、以及 團體為行動主體,從各種資源如食材、服裝等消費端產生的剩餘品為 主,不同文化背景的方案設計者對於議題的認知,及其所提出的具體 解決辦法。
Resource Reallocation and Recycling Do you know that it takes up to 2 kg of raw
The Netherlands, a country with limited resources
materials to manufacture a 200 g cellphone?
like Taiwan, is trying to build a "circular economy,"
Nowadays, in our highly developed consumer
and this has had an effect on ideas about
cultures which only value efficiency and
governance in Taipei, including promoting green
convenience, somehow we forget to care for the
building and converting trash into usable resources,
environment where we live.
which boosts environmental sustainability all while continuing to develop the city.
According to the Global Footprint Network, we would need at least 1.5 Earths to have enough
In the Green Life section, we will focus on
resources to continue consuming at our current
solutions to resource wastage and bring together
rate. As the problem of resource wastage worsens,
ideas from designers, members of the public
some people in Taiwan have started thinking
and organizations from different countries and
about re-use and sustainable development. For
professional fields.
example, a borough chief in Taipei designed a comprehensive resource allocation system w h i ch al s o h elp s u nde rp rivile g e d g ro ups. Nongovernmental organizations have implemented food-saving and clothing reuse projects.
Taipei Smart Eco Community 臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2018
Creating a green family
對全球暖化、氣候與生態變遷等種種現象,為了達到經 濟發展與環境保育之間的平衡,以發展出友善對待土地 環境的智慧生態社區理念,希望城市中的食衣住行能與 生態環境友善共處。
In the face of natural phenomena like global warming and ecological change, people try to strike a balance between economic development and environment protection. This is the origin of the smar t eco community concept: to develop a way to both care for the environment and promote urban development.
自 2015 年開始推動第一期的示範計畫,透過競圖、舉辦工作坊及研討會的方式集結各地有志一同的專業人士及居民
共同參與。期望以外部真實意見的支撐結合內部平臺整合的形式持續推動「智慧城市」、「田園城市」及「社區營造」 的架構。
舉辦工作坊與討論會,徵求教育、設計、在地社區等各界以智慧應用、生態環境、人文藝術及社區創生為主題,提 出符合在地特色與需求,且具財務與工程可行性的解決在地問題規劃設計方案。
逐步推動及落實可行的智慧應用與生態環境的具體改造方案。未來透過跨域治理導入智慧運用與生態環境,營造創 新、節能、低碳、環保、永續及人性化的智慧生態社區,邁向「宜居永續城市」願景。 ____
Beginnings Phase one of the demonstration plan started in 2015 and brought together professionals and residents by designing competitions and holding workshops and seminars. The government gathered suggestions and ideas from the public and integrated them to further promote the ideas of "smart city", "garden city" and "community reorganization".
Many Heads are Better Than One Through workshops and seminars, the government sought advice from specialists in education, design, and local community fields to focus on topics including smart applications, the environment, art, and community creation. It came up with a plan for dealing with local problems in a way that takes into account local characteristics and needs, and has financial and engineering feasibility.
A Livable and Sustainable City The government is gradually promoting and implementing feasible smart applications and specific transformation plans for the environment. In the future, we will introduce smart application and environment measures through cross-domain governance, and create a smart ecological community of innovation, energy conservation, low carbon, environmental protection, sustainability and humanity, and move towards the vision of a "livable and sustainable city". ____
Healthy City Farm Project 臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2005
Planting a garden city
活照護」出發,提供以人為本的全人、全家、全程服務, 並營造健康生活型態,以公共衛生護理人員的角色,充 分發揮提供教育者、資訊提供者、健康諮詢者及資源連 結等角色。
Wanhua Healthcare Center is committed "localized life care" by combining resources from public and private institutions, schools, non-governmental organizations and prestigious local representatives to provide a human-oriented service for residents. The healthcare center also plays a role as educator, information provider, health consultant and resource allocator.
萬華區健康服務中心以打造高齡友善環境與健康永續生活圈為主軸,利用閒置的屋頂空間,建置悠活萬華 - 食育農
這項計畫大部分為附近居民的自發參與,成員有時也會帶著家人前來體驗,互相交流心得或邀集大家種植菜苗。除 利用公有閒置空地進行大改造,設置菜園提供市民朋友認養,也在各級學校屋頂及公有建物屋頂建置綠屋頂,增加 建物綠覆率,以降低極端氣候帶來熱島效應的高溫影響,目前田園基地面積共有 10 萬 2,420 平方公尺、參與人數共
2 萬 7,808 人。其中綠屋頂約 17,704 平方公尺、參與人數共 4,611 人。 ____
The Green Roof Wanhua Healthcare Center prioritizes building a senior-friendly and healthy living environment. The center has used idle roof space to build U-life Wanhua Food Farm, where seniors are encouraged to volunteer to maintain the farm and improve their physical health at the same time.
The Green Project Most of the participants in the Green Project are resident volunteers. People can also bring their family along to share in the experience of planting and farming. In addition to the public space for growing vegetables, rooftops on schools and other public buildings are also being used to increase the ratio of green cover and so reduce urban "heat island" effects. Currently the garden areas cover a total of 102,420m2 and have 27,808 participants, of which 17,704m2 are green roofs with 4,611 participants. ____
南機場幸福三ㄕ ˊ 銀行 Nanjichang Food Bank
臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2013
A community bank of love and care
個地方小社區,提出全臺首例整合「食物、實物及時間」 的三「ㄕ ˊ」銀行,集中募集、管理弱勢者需要的食物 和民生用品。
Many of the low-income residents and elderly people living in the Nanjichang community need more care and supplies than other people. The borough chief for the Zhongqin neighborhood (Zhongzheng District) came up with the concept of 3 SHI, a project to centralize management of food and supplies for underprivileged people. (3 SHI represents the words food, supplies, and time, all of which contain the sound
“shi” in Mandarin.)
Community Collaboration
庭每個月發給 500 點數的存摺本,可以去取領取實際的
been committed to community services: delivering
生活物資,當巡守隊、協助社區義賣、社區的送餐服務 等等。
For more than a decade, Nanjichang residents have food to the elderly, taking care of students after school, volunteering in the library, doing neighborhood night patrol and picking up litter. These are things that everyone can do, even old people and the unemployed.
Instead of waiting for help, they are actively helping
理,提供給需要的長輩孩童。例如 2017 世界大學運動
others and helping to make their community better.
在南機場的續食餐廳「書屋花甲」辦理惜食活動,希望 食材能幫助需要的人。
閱、夜間巡守、環境整理等工作,都仍是許多接受社福 援助的長者或失業家庭有能力為社區貢獻的事。他們不 只是等待接受援助,更能與社區一同成長。 ____
Operational Model This system combines the concepts of the food bank and the time bank. Each underprivileged family is given 500 points per month, which they can use to buy day-today supplies and community services. Services include neighborhood patrols, charitable support and food delivery.
Spare Food Cuisine The community collects unwanted ingredients and cooks them up to provide meals to those in need in the community. For example, after the 2017 World Universiade kitchens in the Athletes' Village contained plenty of spare food, so the community collected these ingredients and held philanthropic food-saving drives in the Housebook60 restaurant in Nanjichang.
Eco Tano Workshop
臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2014
Trendy Ximending slow-fashion
weaving workshop
在「快時尚」低價、新鮮、時髦的行銷策略下,人們對 於衣物的慾望如同一個無底洞。然而,位於臺北西門町 的「田野間」工作室卻反其道而行,在潮流品牌一級戰 區推廣「慢時尚」的舊衣編織課程,期望喚起人們對於 愛物惜物、永續利用的反思。
The "fast fashion" trend has given people an insatiable appetite for low-priced, brand-new, chic clothing. However, Ximending's Eco Tano Workshop is turning this trend on its head―promoting "slow fashion" by holding weaving workshops and urging people to practice frugality and sustainability.
田野間的舊衣編織課程有別於坊間固定的課程模式,針對每位學員的需求,依照舊衣原有的特色做出不同的變化, 例如:飛鼠褲改造成裙子、不易穿搭的網狀上衣可以改造成好用的網袋;以及利用裁剪與編織,讓舊衣的改造充滿 無限可能。除了延長布料的使用壽命,人們更能透過手作延續回憶。
劣質的衣物不只使用壽命短,更常對環境帶來危害。因此田野間帶領學員們觸摸、拆解舊衣,教導學員觀察衣物的 紡織與車縫、使用的材質為天然纖維或化學纖維,也希望學員未來能夠選購環保材質的衣料。
除了編織課程,田野間也舉辦接觸土地的活動,依照時節帶人們體驗自然,如:食物的種植與醃漬,或以天然植物 萃取色素染製織品。期望透過慢活的課程讓人們能夠更珍惜環境資源。 ____
Flexible Planning The Eco Tano Workshop workshops are different from other workshop with fixed curricula in that they are fully customized for every student. Old clothes are full of potential; they have a range of possibilities. For example, harem pants can be turned into skirts, and mesh tops can be turned into mesh bags. In addition to prolonging the lifespan of fabrics, this enables people to hold onto their memories by repairing old clothes.
Environmental Education Poor-quality clothes not only have short lifespans but also harm the environment. At Eco Tano Workshop, students touch and take apart old clothes to see if the condition of the fabric and whether the materials are made from natural or artificial fibers. In addition, they encourage students to buy clothes made from environmentally friendly fabrics in the future.
Back to the Field In addition to the weaving courses, Eco Tano Workshop also organizes activities to return to nature. According to the season, people make foods such as pickled green plums or use natural plant dyes to color fabrics. It is hoped that this "slow fashion" course will help people to cherish environmental resources. ____
Clothing Recycling Project
臺灣 Taiwan ,彰化 Changhua │ 2016
社區手作與二手衣物的再生計畫 Community hand-craft and clothes recycling project
臺灣自 2012 年開始跟上了快時尚的風潮,大大增加了
「衝動購物」的可能,也改變人們對衣物的看法,購買 衣物成了一種享樂的過程,而非滿足實際需求的行為。 更導致消費者輕視商品價值並隨意拋棄。然而再生產品
(Upcycling Product)即是一種更積極的解決方式,賦 予產品全新生命的同時,也減輕了消費行為造成的環境 負擔。
Since 2012, Taiwan has been moving towards "fast fashion" consumer trends, which increases the likelihood of impulse buys. Shopping has become an entertainment activity rather than the satisfaction of actual needs, which has led consumers to value products less. Promoting "upcycling" (using old or discarded materials to make something useful or beautiful) is a pro-active way to address this problem. Reusing old products also reduces the harm caused to the environment by consumer activities.
「今秋藝術節」是由鹿港在地藝文企業與在地組織自 2015 年起所共同發起的民間年度重要表演藝術節慶。剩布計畫
則是「今秋藝術節」的系列活動之一。其延長身邊物品的使用性,與再生產品出發點一致,於是邀請參先生主持「剩 布計畫」,推出聯名商品。
完成的成品會在藝術節活動期間販售,捐出衣褲者甚至能分辨出哪個袋子是自己所捐出的,再生產品與市面上新製 品的差異,還有一個重要的連結,就是每個再生產品都還能夠帶出屬於自己的故事。
此計劃蒐集民眾穿不到的衣服、牛仔褲,號召有裁縫經驗的家庭婦女重回社區,透過合作化生產,將剩布再製成有 用的布織品,除了社區媽媽得到合理的報酬,世代之間也有了彼此合作共事的機會,更獲得了成就感。 ____
Project Origins The Lukang Arts Festival is an important annual art festival held in Lukang by local art corporations and organizations since 2015. One of the festival's events is the Clothing Recycling Project. Prolonging the lifespan of everyday objects is consistent with the upcycling philosophy. 3 Shirt Design was asked to host the Clothing Recycling Project and launch co-branded products.
Handmade Goods Finished products will be on sale during the art festival. People can even see if they can tell which bags were made from the clothes they donated. An important part of the upcycling concept is that every upcycled product has its own story.
Community Participation Unwanted clothes such as denim jeans are collected and homemakers with tailoring experience work together to transform them into useful textiles. Not only can homemakers earn a decent wage; it also enables people of different generations to collaborate and have a sense of achievement. ____
Foodsharing Taiwan
臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2016
Localization of international
leftovers project
「剩食」成為國際關注的環境問題之一,我們每天平 均丟棄的食物竟然超過 300 萬噸,這個數量能夠堆成
60 棟 101 大樓!來臺灣學中文的德國人 Stefan Simon
發現臺灣也有嚴重的剩食問題後,決定引進他在德國 參與的拯救剩食運動,致力於拯救不需要和被過度生 產的食物。
Waste food has become an international environmental concern. On average, we throw away 3 million tonnes of food every day, enough to fill Taipei 101 sixty times. Stefan Simon had participated in a food saving project back home in Germany. On coming to Taiwan to learn Mandarin, he noticed that Taiwan also has a serious food waste problem, so he decided to bring the food saving project to Taiwan in order to save unneeded and overproduced food.
「享食運動」是一個發展自德國各地,擁有數萬名志願者、數千家合作商店及數百個共享冰箱的非政府活動。2012 年從柏林開始,至今已經發展成為一個國際運動。德國、奧地利、瑞士和許多國家合計擁有超過 20 萬的會員在參與 這場運動。
享食臺灣建構了一個開放的網路平臺,讓有大量食物賣不出去的店家,可以將剩食的資訊分享到平臺上;而想要搶 救剩食而自願參與這場運動者,就能在平臺上看到自己生活圈附近的剩食訊息,進而前往領取。
組織更希望能透過教育推廣食品浪費的議題,並告訴大眾可以做些什麼來減少食物浪費,並過上善用資源生活,也 因此,他們經常提供活動或去學校辦理講座讓孩童接觸剩食議題的概念。 ____
Organization Development "Foodsharing" is a non-governmental movement originating in Germany in 2012 which to date works with tens of thousands of volunteers, thousands of cooperative stores, and hundreds of shared fridges across Germany. It began in 2012 in Berlin, and has since become an international movement. More than 200,000 participants from many countries, including Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, are taking part in the project.
Sharing Platform Foodsharing launched a public internet platform where food retailers and producers can post surplus food information. Volunteers taking part in the project receive the information and collect food in their neighborhood.
Food Waste Education The organization is dedicating raising awareness about food waste. By holding events and giving lectures in school, they are teaching people how to reduce waste and make better use of food resources. ____
扌合生態廚房 Pick Food Up
臺灣 Taiwan ,臺北 Taipei │ 2016
Extraordinary delicacies
from ordinary ingredients
七年級的黃尹宣赴義大利攻讀慢食碩士,回臺後創辦 Pick Food Up 扌合(讀音:手和)生態廚房,推廣剩食 運動;定時舉辦「剩食餐會」,推廣將剩食與格外品(食 物分級後難以賣出的產品)再次使用製作餐點,並盡可 能使用自然素材當作食器、餐具。
Yin-Xuan Huang earned a master's degree at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy. On returning to Taiwan, she started the business Pick Food Up, which is dedicated to using leftover food, holding periodical food-share meetings, promoting food made from leftovers and off-grade ingredients, and using cutlery made from natural materials.
相較於歐美,臺灣的剩食運動正起步,商業化仍有困難,除一般大眾對於剩食的認識不足,多以捐贈即期品方式處 理,加上剩食食材難以長期穩定機制取得,成為臺灣剩食運動推行上的困難點。
扌合生態廚房主要透過甜點的方式來呈現剩食再造的成果,因為點心類的食品更能打入日常文化或節慶的情境中, 讓更多人認識格外品的價值,與食材、食物多元的樣貌。
重視從生產到用餐之後的每個環節,除了製作推廣加工後的食材,更推動剩食與格外品的知識宣導,期望人們認知 到蔬果也是大自然中的生物,原本就有生長奇異。但市場的分級與標準制度下,那些外觀不佳、形狀特殊的,依舊 能成為餐桌上色香味俱全的美味料理。 ____
Leftover Market Compared to many western countries, the concept of food sharing is still in its infancy in Taiwan: there is a long way to go to commercialize this idea. Some of the challenges that need to be overcome are that people don't know enough about food sharing, and that leftover resources still come mostly from one-off donations rather than long-term stable supplies.
Production Process Pick Food Up mainly focuses on making sweets and dessert, which are better suited for day-to-day snacks and for festivities. In this way, people learn more about the value of off-grade products and the wide range of ingredients.
Increasing Public Awareness of Food At Pick Food Up, every part of the process is important, from food production to enjoying the finished delicacy. In addition to promoting the idea of using up leftover food, they also try to publicize the concept of food sharing and information about off-grade ingredients, which because of their peculiar appearance may not meet food-grade requirements, but can still be used to make delicious food. ____
Raw Tokyo 日本 Japan ,東京 Tokyo
Second-Hand Clothing Can Also Set Trends
當代城市物資滿溢,即使是仍然可以吃的狀態但卻被 丟棄的食品很多,剩食問題已經在世界上引發關注。
我們穿著的衣物也同樣面臨大量生產浪費的問題,於 是 Raw Tokyo 成立,將焦點放在大量生產的衣物當中 來成立市集。
Food waste has attracted attention around the world as huge amounts of surplus food are being thrown away. The clothes we wear also lead to a lot of waste production. Raw Tokyo was founded to set up a market to sell mass-produced clothes.
Raw Tokyo 為新型態的跳蚤市集,於每個月的第一個週六和週日匯集東京各地的複合品牌二手店鋪齊聚一堂,將最 原汁原味的東京品味,傳遞到新的主人手上。
二手市集秉持著資源循環、再利用的精神出現。賣家透過販賣自身不需要的物品,讓渡給需要的買家,減少地球資 源消耗。同時又能選擇到符合自己需求的精品,市集同時將來自各地的人湊在一起,活絡了社區。
與懷舊精神的人們前來挖寶朝聖。市集同時不定時的舉辦走秀活動,吸引人們以二手服飾作出新潮的搭配,讓舊衣 新穿的潮流得以延續其環保意義。 ____
Business Model Raw Tokyo is a new kind of flea market: it takes place on the first Saturday and Sunday of every month, and thrift shops all around Tokyo bring authentic Tokyo style to potential new owners.
Exploring the Problem Second-hand markets are a way of practicing recycling and reuse: sellers prevent waste of resources by selling unneeded things to buyers who want them. People gathering together to exchange their unwanted products also dynamizes the community.
Creating a Trend The market mainly specializes in vintage clothing. Some of the products may not be entirely new, or may have defects, but vintage clothing lovers from all around the country still come here to search for bargains. Occasionally, catwalks are set up in the market to demonstrate the latest fashion trends and promote the concept of eco-friendly clothing. ____
Re-think Food Project
日本 Japan ,東京 Tokyo
Joyous farmers' market
關注到在日本日常生活中有高達 25% 比例的食物耗損與
浪費,日本設計大老黑崎輝男於 2015 年發開啟「重新
思考食物計劃」(Re-think Food Project)。 該計劃團 隊成員找尋合作農友提供無法銷售的蔬果,邀請廚師處 理食材,並舉辦自由、免費的食物分享活動。
Seeing that up to 25% of food in Japan was being wasted, in 2015 Japanese designer Teruo Kurosaki initiated the Re-think Food Project. Participating members cooperate with farmers to provide unsold ingredients and invite professional chefs to prepare dishes for free food events.
而以設計師角度而言,本計畫實踐目的與價值除了解決剩食問題之外,最重要的概念是提倡自由以及平等。在分享 活動上,不分年紀、國籍、職業、階級,接能自由免費的提供食物、拿取食物。
團隊更會邀請歌手、塗鴉等藝術創作者一同參與,把剩食處理的食物分享活動,轉化帶有派對般歡欣的活動形式, 藉此吸引人潮關注食物議題。
市集目前約有百攤左右的攤位數,且攤位多元性極高,除了新鮮的蔬果、小農加工農產品之外,還有許多二手衣物、 古董雜貨、工藝器具、手工藝品等,市集也有行動咖啡車、熟食區、座位區等規劃,讓民眾除了逛市集之外,更可 以坐下來即刻享受友善農業的食品。 ____
Development Concept Weekly farmers' markets provide stable opportunities for farmers to earn a living. In this way, farmers can put all of their efforts into growing crops. From a designer's point of view, this project not only solves the problem of leftover food, but also promotes freedom and equality. The food sharing events are open to all: whatever your age, nationality, occupation or social class, everyone is allowed to provide and receive free food.
Entertainment The team also invites singers, street artists and other performers to participate at the events, using a party atmosphere to draw attention to food waste.
Comprehensive Planning TO date, the farmers' market consists of about a hundred stands. Besides fresh fruit, vegetables and processed agricultural products, there are also second-hand clothing, vintage antiques, craft utensils and art craft products. Food trucks and a deli section sell ready-to-eat food, and there is a seating area, so people both do their shopping and also sit down to enjoy fresh agricultural food. ____
Deploy Demi-Couture 英國 United Kingdom ,倫敦 London │ 2006
Sustainable custom clothing brand
英國作為時尚潮流大國,發展出許多快時尚的服裝品 牌。旅英臺灣設計師潘貝寧於 2006 年創立的 DEPLOY
品牌,在追求時尚與兼顧環保之間,提供了新的解答。 並且以「客製化方式做永續服裝設計」為品牌理念。
As a major fashion powerhouse, the UK has nurtured numerous fast fashion clothing brands. Bernice Pan, a Taiwanese designer who studied in the UK, set up DEPLOY in 2006. The brand brings a new solution to the twin challenge of pursuing fashion and staying eco-friendly. Sustainable custom clothing is their core brand value.
提供消費者單件服裝的多樣性,延長服裝可穿期限,DEPLOY demi-couture 藉著增加消費者購買服裝之價值,以達 到降低浪費的訴求。透過品牌闡述力求環保與時尚間實踐平衡的想法。
本花費較高,但對於保護整個生態環境來說,這僅僅是最基本的做法而已,她跑遍針織、紗、布、染整、成衣等, 各類紡織工廠近 50 家藉此細心觀察,服飾究竟在哪些環境條件下生產、廢料如何處理等問題。
環保概念,講究的是單件服裝的多重變化性。設計師潘貝寧創作的衣服能像積木一樣,拆解、組合成新的面貌。一 件外套,拆掉袖子可以變身洋裝;再把上、下半身分開,又變成一條可分開搭配的襯衫和裙子,十分巧妙。 ____
Brand Concept By providing customers with a wide range of single-piece garments and extending clothing lifespan, DEPLOY demicouture achieves their goal of reducing waste by making clothing more valuable to customers. They use their brand image to strike a balance between fashion and eco-friendliness.
Choice of Fabrics DEPLOY uses fabrics made out of coffee grounds to make stiff suits, and all-natural silk and cotton to make exquisite dresses and shirts. Even if the prices are quite high, this is simple the most basic way to protect the environment. Pan went to nearly 50 textile factories—including knit, yarn, cloth, dye, and garment factories—to observe manufacturing processes and see how waste is dealt with.
Multiple Uses The eco-friendly clothing is all about creating more ways to wear a single garment. The clothes that Bernice Pan designs are like LEGO in that they can be deconstructed and put together to create new looks: take the sleeves off a jacket, and it becomes a dress; separate the top and bottom, and it can become a shirt and a skirt. The creativity is mind-blowing. ____
菲律賓 Philippines,馬尼拉 Manila │ 2007
Building a luxury brand from rags
位於馬尼拉的巴雅塔斯是菲律賓最大的貧窮區之一,在 地的婦女在此逐漸發展出一套非正式的家庭手工業―利
家用的方式。2007 年,Reese Fernandez-Ruiz 來到巴 雅塔斯,與其他夥伴共同創立「Rags2Riches」,爲在 地婦女提供公平進入市場的機會與技能。
Located in Manila, Bayatas is one of the largest poverty-stricken areas in the Philippines. Women there have developed an informal handicraft cottage industry, making and selling rag-rugs and dishrags from recycled rags to supplement their income. In 2007, Reese Fernandez-Ruiz came to Bayatas and cofounded Rags2Riches to provide local women with opportunities and skills to compete in the market.
她們的作法為,邀請菲律賓頂尖的設計師與在地工匠合作,一同藉由升級回收物、過多庫存品與土生土長的布料創 造出環保道德的時尚與居家配件,他們也開發了獨特的工作方式,讓這些大部分是媽媽們的工匠可以在家裡工作。
不完的庫存衣物等廢棄的布料升級回收,手工編織為手提包等時尚單品,讓這些產品不只擁有美麗的外表,同時也 兼具公平正義及環境永續的價值。
自營運以來,爲當地的婦女創造了更多的收入,使他們能夠開始計劃更好的未來。與過往相比,R2R 工匠們的平均 收入增長了大約 54%,創造相對穩定的生活,因此也爲她們帶來前所未有的安全感。不僅為當地婦女創造財富,也
為時常令人詬病過度浪費的時尚產業,帶來創新的樣貌。 ____
Implementation R2R's approach is to invite top Filipino designers to work with local artisans to create eco-friendly fashion and home accessories from upcycled clothing, excess inventory, and indigenous fabrics. They have also developed a unique system that allows the artisans, who are mostly mothers and homemakers, to work at home.
Eco-Friendly Materials Every quarter, they add up the working hours of each artisan and translate them into products and job orders. Combining fashion and local handcraft skills, they create eco-friendly fashion and home accessories from upcycled clothing, overstocked cloth, and indigenous fabrics. The products both look good and also embody the value of fairness, justice, and environmental sustainability.
Women's Employment R2R helps local women supplement their income, enabling them to prepare for a better future. On average, R2R artisans increase their income by 54%, bringing them a stability and sense of security they have never felt before. R2R is not only bringing wealth to local women, but also giving the fashion industry—which is typically seen as a wasteful industry—a clean, new image. ____
Too good to go 英國 United Kingdom ,倫敦 London │ 2015
人手一臺手機拯救即期食品 Tap to save surplus food
歐洲有許多餐廳都有食物浪費的問題,快速飲食帶來食 物的剩餘及浪費,而智慧手機的興起與普及也讓剩食問 題能夠透過 App 平臺連結需求者及餐廳或店家,讓每日 的剩食資訊能夠最即時的解決。
The European fast food culture means that restaurant food waste and food surplus are common problems. However, a new smartphone app can solve these problems by uploading information about leftovers and food surplus to an online platform so that people can get up-to-date, real-time information.
由兩位 25 歲的英國人 Jamie Crummie 和 Chris Wilson 共同發起「Too Good To Go」(簡稱 TGTG)應用程式,於 2015 年底於丹麥率先推出。他們嘗試處理即將進垃圾桶的剩餘食材,讓餐廳有機會將這些即將捨棄的美味,用平易 近人的價格提供給有需要的人。
App 網絡
透過 App 平臺,除了減少浪費的剩餘食材,使用者也可以透過 App 捐款,TGTG 會利用這些捐款購買剩食餐點,然
後提供給當地的慈善機構,以幫助有需要的人。為促進永續,TGTG 甚至為合作餐廳提供可裝入 1 公斤食物的環保
現在 TGTG 已經拓展到歐洲 6 個城市,包含:丹麥、德國、瑞士、法國、挪威和英國,這也讓英國一躍成為最大的 服務市場,解決數萬筆剩食的問題。 ____
Concept and Development The app, "Too Good To Go" (TGTG) was designed in 2015 by two young Britons, Jamie Crummie and Chris Wilson, and first launched in Denmark. They wanted to save food that would otherwise be thrown away and distribute it to people who are truly in need for a reasonable price.
App Network Users can also donate money through the app, and TGTG will use the money to buy leftovers and surplus food for local charities. TGTG even offers an eco-friendly take-away box that can hold up to 1 kg of food from partner restaurants.
International Development TGTG has already expanded to six cities in European countries: Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, France, Norway and the United Kingdom. The UK has become the largest service market, and tens of thousands of food waste cases have been resolved. ____
展覽空間 Display Space 122
展覽空間 Display Space 124
展覽空間 Display Space
展覽空間 Display Space 128
展覽空間 Display Space 130
展覽空間 Display Space
展覽空間 Display Space 134
活動地點 Place │松山文創園區五號倉庫
Warehouse No.5, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
將討論議題與人們對城市的文化情感加以結合、發散,讓所有人能夠深入體會及探討本次展覽核心概念, 進而推動共融能量,運轉臺北城市未來的無限可能性。
特別規劃 7 場專題講座及 4 場工作坊,讓參與者在過程中更能看見臺北與各國設計人才,以多元創新的 方法營造屬於各地的宜居城市。除了各界專業人士的交流,更在實際體驗的過程中,認識並進一步瞭解 改變城市與生活的設計秘密,促進對城市的認同感。
Thematic forums of "Taipei All Inclusive" start from the core issues and further out-reach to the urban future plans with individual lectures. Through the workshops, we aim to combine citizens' cultural emotion toward the city and spread out the energetic representation, enabling all the audiences to comprehend the core concept of this exhibition. Thus, the forums will further promote the inclusive power and revolve the infinite possibility of Taipei's future. 7 lectures and 4 workshops are organized for the audiences. Diverse and innovative approaches to establish livable cities applied by local and international talents in design will be presented to the participants during these events. Besides the professional exchanges, they will further understand the secret to alter urban cities and the lifestyle; the sense of belonging and recognizing will be boosted as well.
時間表 Schedule 講座 Lecture 講座 Lecture 講座 Lecture 講座 Lecture 講座 Lecture
9. 28(五) 15:00-16:30
9. 29(六) 14:30-16:30
9. 30(日) 14:30-16:30
10. 6(六) 14:30-16:30
10. 7(日) 14:30-16:30
講座 Lecture
10. 13(六)
工作坊 Workshop
10. 14(日)
工作坊 Workshop
10. 14(日)
講座 Lecture
10. 20(六)
工作坊 Workshop
10. 21(日)
工作坊 Workshop
10. 21(日)
Dialogue with the Environment: The Design Aesthetic in Architecture 講者 Speaker:隈研吾 Kengo Kuma 設計 . 共融 . 生活
Design, Inclusion, Life
講者 Speaker:張基義 Chi-Yi Chang、黑崎輝男 Teruo Kurosaki 、鍾永豐 Yung-Feng Chung 跳島 – 城市異想
Jumping Island-Whim of City
講者 Speaker:伊東豊雄 Toyo Ito、林洲民 Jou-Min Lin 臺北 vs 曼谷文化創意經驗
Taipei vs Bangkok, Experience of Culture and Creation
講者 Speaker:Karin Kungwankitti、吳俊銘 Jun-Ming Wu、周琍敏 Jasmine Chou 說個好故事 – 城市創意空間開發
Telling a Good Story-Development of Creative City
講者 Speaker:Karin Kungwankitti、林洲民 Jou-Min Lin 大手拉小手 – 樂齡好快活 Senior Life of Happiness
講者 Speaker:張美美 Mei-Mei Chang、福森伸 Shin Fukumori 來來來 – 來找生活裡的顏色 Finding Color in Your Life
講者 Speaker:黃美鈴 Mei-Ling Huang 共遊美學編織工作坊 Weaving Workshop
講者 Speaker:織築 Knitting Space 明日社會 – 打造永續城市
Society of Tomorrow- Building A Livable City
講者 Speaker:李得全 Te-Chuan Lee、何宗翰 Tzung-Han Ho 旗幟大變身 - 手做編織提袋
Flag Recreation- Bag Weaving Workshop
講者 Speaker:田野間 Eco Tano Workshop 打造城市綠連結
Building Green Connection among Cities
講者 Speaker:郭又甄 You-Zhen Guo、馮小菲 Xiao-Fei Feng
講者陣容 Speakers 講座
Karin Kungwankitti 泰國創意設計中心 TCDC 創意空間發展與網絡策略總監 Director of Thailand Creative & Design Center 伊東豊雄 Toyo Ito 日本知名建築師 Renowned Japanese architect 吳俊銘 Jyun-Ming Wu 臺北市政府文化局文創發展科科長 Division Chief of Cultural & Creative Development Division, Taipei City Government 李得全 Te-Chuan Li 臺北市政府副秘書長 Deputy Secretary-general of Department of Taipei City Government 何宗翰 Tzung-Han Ho 易境永續設計顧問有限公司創辦人 Founder of Greenjump Sustainability 林洲民 Jou-Min Lin 臺北市政府都市發展局局長 Commissioner of Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government 周琍敏 Jasmine Chou 松山文創園區執行總監 Executive Director of Songshan Cultural and Creative Park 張基義 Chi-Yi Chang 臺灣創意設計中心董事長 Chairman of Board Directors of the Taiwan Design Center 張美美 Mei-Mei Chang 臺北市政府社會局副局長 Deputy Commissioner of Department of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government 黑崎輝男 Teruo Kurosaki 日本知名設計師暨策展人 Renowned Japanese designer and curator 隈研吾 Kengo Kuma 日本知名建築師 Renowned Japanese architect 福森伸 Shin Fukumori 菖蒲學園園長 Director of Shobu Gakuen 鍾永豐 Yung-Feng Chung 臺北市政府文化局局長 Commissioner of Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
田野間 Eco Tano Workshop 郭又甄 You-Zhen Guo 舞春食農工作室共同創辦人 Founder of Mangia Fa Studio 馮小非 Hsiao-Fei Feng 上下游創辦人 Founder of News&Market 黃美鈴 Mei-Ling Huang 蘇荷兒童美術館教師 Teacher of the Children's Art Museum in Taipei 織築 Knitting Space
活動花絮 Event Photos 由共同策展人黑崎輝男帶來的日本茶文化〈Tea For Peace〉,以相聚品茶的活動讓臺 北市政府市長柯文哲與民眾一同共襄盛舉,於開幕週傳達設計帶來的共融意象。
At a Japanese tea ceremony (Tea For Peace) organized by co-curator Teruo Kurosaki, Mayor of Taipei City Government Wen-Je Ko joined members of the public to enjoy tea together, in a potent image of inclusiveness for the opening week.
活動花絮 Event Photos 由臺北市政府文化局所策辦以「設計、共融、生活」為主題,邀請各國、各領域知名
設計師共同分享設計經驗,包含策展人日本設計大師黑崎輝男、日本知名建築師隈研 吾、臺灣創意設計中心董事長張基義、臺北市政府文化局局長鍾永豐討論各自心中的 設計理念與見解。
In line with the theme "Design, Inclusionm Life" planned by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, we invited famous designers from various countries and fields to talk about their experience in design. Curator and Japanese design master Teruo Kurosaki, renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, chairman of the Taiwan Design Center Chi-Yi Chang, and director of the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs Yung-feng Chung discussed design concepts and shared their insights.
活動花絮 Event Photos 論 壇 活 動 邀 請 來 自 日 本 建 築 設 計 大 師 伊 東 豊 雄、 泰 國 創 意 設 計 中 心 總 監 Karin
Kungwankitti、易境永續設計顧問有限公司創辦人何宗翰、臺北市政府副秘書長李得全 與臺北市政府都市發展局局長林洲民一同交流都市設計的執行經驗與深刻見解。
Among those invited to the forum to share their experience in and insights into urban design were Japanese architect and designer Toyo Ito, director of the Thailand Creative & Design Center Karin Kungwankitti, founder of Greenjump Sustainability Tzung-Han Ho, Taipei City Government Deputy Secretary-General Te-Chuan Li, and commissioner of the Taipei City Government Department of Urban Development JouMin Lin.
活動花絮 Event Photos
會中各族群彼此往來交流的意義與解析,跳脫一般對於不同自身族群的想像,而是以 更加智慧、溫柔的角度去感受、體會,認知到每個人都有其純真自然的天賦。
Shin Fukumori, director of Shobu Gakuen in Japan, and deputy commissioner of the Taipei City Government Department of Social Welfare Zhang Meimei spoke in depth about the interaction between different communities. Steering clear of conventional stereotypes, instead they took a more intelligent and sympathetic approach, recognizing that every person has their own natural talent.
活動花絮 Event Photos 於展覽期間邀請於古風小白屋活動的居民舉辦互動工作坊,重現古風小白屋在巷弄修 理站的樣貌。透過親自動手的修理體驗,以及修理達人親切大方的維修經驗分享,其
溫暖的互助與情感交流,使其不僅僅是賦予損壞或老舊物品新生命,也讓街區故事與 記憶融入觀眾的觀展體驗與生活之中。
Visitors to the exhibition were invited to take part in interactive workshops held by residents of the Retro White Cabin, reproducing the look of the Retro White Cabin in the alleyway repair station. With experienced repair personnel sharing their expertise, this hands-on exercise generated a sense of friendly collaboration and heartfelt interaction. It didn’t just give new life to damaged and outdated objects; it also brought together stories and memories of the neighbourhood and made them part of the visitors’exhibition experience.
駐點解說各種即期食品、食材的誕生以及製作到後續諸多原因導致浪費拋棄的過程, 不僅讓觀眾經由與團隊的實際互動與現場實物認識剩食運動,更擺設許多美味可口的 剩食甜點給民眾品嘗,運用味覺細細體會從剩食變身而成的美味甜點。
Pick Food Up, which specializes in reusing leftover ingredients, also came to promote the leftover food movement. Team members were on hand to explain all about a variety of perishable goods, from ingredient origins and manufacturing processes to the reasons leading to food waste. Visitors were able to talk to the team and look at the on-site examples of food waste, as well as sampling the many delicious desserts laid out for everyone to enjoy. It was a vivid and delicious demonstration that leftover ingredients can still be used to create tasty food.
活動花絮 Event Photos
紅色的水果會讓人感到甜,而綠色則讓人聯想到酸…?因為有了視覺感官, 一睜開 眼睛,就從色彩開始認識我們的周遭環境與生活大小事。由蘇荷兒童美術館的美術 教師引領孩童認識色彩,感受色彩變化的魅力,也一同創作屬於自己的繽紛作品!
Why do red fruit look sweet, while green fruit look tart? Because of our visual sense. As soon as you open your eyes, you start using colour to interpret your surroundings and your daily life. The fine arts teacher at The Children's Art Museum in Taipei helped children understand colour and appreciate the charm of colour variation so that together they could create their very own colourful works of art.
活動花絮 Event Photos 共遊美學編織工作坊邀請到樹德公園中編織遊具的創作者「織築」,親自解說編織遊
中的布旗撤下做為課程材料利用,由展出單位「田野間」帶領大家動動雙手,將展場內 的展品變化出全新樣貌,在活潑有趣的課程中織起彼此的共融連結。
The Weaving Workshop invited Knitting Space, the creator of Shude Park’s woven play apparatus, to explain in person the creative process and techniques that went into the work and to teach visitors how to weave a beautiful and stylish round cushion. On the last day of the exhibition, the promotional banners in the hall were all taken down and used as demonstration materials in a lively and fascinating class led by the Eco Tano Workshop, who got everyone weaving away to transform the banners into something completely new. In the process, they also wove us all closer together.
主視覺設計 Visual Design
Logo 視覺設計
宣傳動畫 Animation 「城市,是文化的容器。」
覽主題主軸。在平面視覺中透過造型轉換融合與線條變化,構築出城市裡人與空間的不同關係,帶出城市共融意象。 企圖透過宣傳形象片,闡述在一座城市中,如何透過設計串連人們生活的主要精神。 “City is a container of culture.” Produced by Whitelight Motion, which extends the graphic design of five sectors into motion graphic adding the animated presentation. Based on the five sectors of the exhibition, Whitelight Motion illuminate the graphics through its shapes and lines to compose the different relationships between people and the city reflecting the inclusiveness of the city. It aims to express how design connects people’s life in the city through this promo video.
工作團隊列名 Work Team 臺北共融 - 2018 臺北設計城市展 展期 : 9/26( 三 )-10/21( 日 ) ,10:00 - 18:00 地點 : 松山文創園區 4 號與 5 號倉庫
指導單位|臺北市政府 主辦單位|臺北市政府文化局 策畫執行|蔚龍藝術有限公司 總策劃|鍾永豐 規劃團隊│李麗珠、劉得堅 、李秉真 、吳俊銘 、蕭慧芳、許元齡 、方詩涵 策展人|黑崎輝男、王玉齡 執行團隊|毛瑞馨、尹睿蔙、吳宣頤、李紅逸 、李奕寰、林律嘉 、姚翔仁、程郁喬、楊子弘、鄭郁雯 空間設計|直學設計、中島康一郎 視覺設計|川人整合設計工作室 動畫製作|白輻射影像 數位科技|忻旅科技 展場製作|翰聲國際藝術創意 協力單位|伊芙琳娜.庫爾巴禮、一口規劃設計顧問有限公司、扌合生態廚房、古風小白屋、田野間、共感地景創作、社團法人臺北市臻 佶祥社會服務協會、享食臺灣、胡坤榮、恆安照護集團、南機場幸福三ㄕ ˊ 銀行、參先生、搖滾爺奶、新富町文化市場、萬華區健康服 務中心、綠點點點、臺北市立美術館、臺北捷運公司、蘇荷兒童美術館、日比野設計、日本廣播協會、Arkki 建築設計學院、菖蒲學園、 臺北市政府都市發展局、Commune 2nd、IID 世田谷手作學校、左腦創意 Left Brain、景澤創意、天理站前廣場 、養老天命反轉地、臺北 市政府地政局、生東京、農夫市集、Too good to go、第二計劃、泰國創意設計中心、織築、伊東豊雄建築設計事務所、隈研吾建築都市 設計事務所、臺北市政府社會局、臺灣創意設計中心、臺北松山文創園區、臺北市政府秘書處、易境永續設計顧問有限公司、上下游、舞 春食農工作室 ____ Taipei All Inclusive – Taipei Design and City Exhibition 2018 Date Sep 26 (Wed.) – Oct 21 (Sun.),10:00 - 18:00 Venue Warehouse No.4 & 5, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Adviser | Taipei City Government Organizer | Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government Implementer | Blue Dragon Art Company Chief Planner | Yung-Feng Chung Planning Team | Li-Jhu Li, Te-Chien Liu, Bing-Zhen Li, Jyun-Ming Wu, Hui-Fang Xiao, Yuan-Ling Xu, Shih-Han Fang Curator | Teruo Kurosaki, Yuling Wang Executive Team | Ruei-Shin Mao, Jui-Hsuan Yin, Hsuan-Yi Wu, Hung-Yi Lee, Yi-Huan Li, Lu-Chia Lin, Hsiang-Ren Yao, Yu-Chiao Chen, Yang Tzu Hung, Yu-Wen Cheng Space Design | Ontology, Koichiro Nakajima Design Visual Design | Kawatodesign Motion Video | Whitelight Motion Application Technology | Revtel Tech Exhibition construction | Han Music Partners | Evelina Kollberg, Ecoscope, Pick Food Up, Retro White Cabin, Eco Tano Workshop, ArchiBlur Lab, Jenjishiang Social Service Association, Foodsharing Taiwan, Hu Kun Jung, Taipei City Hang-An Seniors' Home Multiple Long-Term Care Services, Nanjichang food Bank, 3 Shirt Design, Rock Ye Nai, U-mkt, Wanhua District Health Center, Taipei City Government, Our Greenmap, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation, The Children's Art Museum in Taipei, HIBINOSEKKEI, NHK, Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth, Mangia Fa Studio, Shobu Gakuen, SHOBU, Department of Urban Development,Taipei City Government, Commune 2nd, Ikejiri Institute of Design, Left Brain, Vision Union, Tenri Station Plaza CoFuFun, Yoro Park, Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Governmnent, Raw tokyo, Farmer's Market @ UNU, Too good to go, Plan b, TCDC, Knitting Space, Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects, Kengo Kuma and Associates, Department of Social Welfare,Taipei City Government, Taiwan Design Center,Songshan Cultrual and Creative Park, secretariat, Taipei City Government, GREENJUMP SUSTAINABILITY, Do You A Flavor, Buy Directly From Farmers, News & Market _____
書名:2018 臺北設計城市展 展覽專輯 發行日期:2018.12
發行地址:11008 臺北市信義區市府路一號 發行電話:886-2-2720-8889 發行人:鍾永豐
執行企劃:李麗珠、劉得堅、李秉真、吳俊銘、蕭慧芳、許元齡、方詩涵 責任編輯:蔚龍藝術有限公司
美術設計:川人整合設計工作室 定價:新臺幣 $300
GPN:1010702410 ISBN:978-986-05-7881-2(平裝) ____________
臺北設計城市展展覽專輯 . 2018 / 李麗珠等執行企劃 . -臺北市 : 北市文化局 , 2018.12 面 ; 公分 ISBN 978-986-05-7881-2( 平裝 ) 1. 設計 2. 臺北市 960
2018 臺北設計城市展 展覽專輯
臺北市政府文化局 出版