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Taipei Fringe Festival臺北藝穗節

藝穗節是自由的;藝穗節是天馬行空的;藝穗節青春充滿活力;藝穗節是場處處驚喜的冒險。 臺北藝穗節是一個不審核企劃、自由開放且歡迎新興表演者參與的表演藝術節慶。每年夏天,各種充滿活力的表演將出現在日常的生活空間內,無論是古蹟廟宇、藍色公路、咖啡廳、青年旅館、正規劇場等,都會有演出發生。臺北藝穗節是喜歡新鮮、熱愛表演藝術的你,不能錯過的盛會! The Fringe is a non-juried egalitarian arts festival targeted at new and experimental artists. Every summer historic temples, blue apartment buildings, coffee-houses and youth hotels alike are filled with alternative performances full of creative energy. As a lover of the performing arts, this is a feast that you can’t afford to miss.
