2022 台北國際合唱大賽 Taipei International Choral Competition - 賽程手冊 Program Book

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目錄 Content 藝術總監的話 Message from the Artistic Director


策劃團隊 Organizer


日程表 Time Schedule


國際評審 International Jury


參賽團隊資訊 Participant Information A21. 少兒組 Children Choir


A22. 樂齡組 Senior Choir


B21. 同聲組 Equal Voice Choir


B22. 混聲組 Mixed Choir


C21. 民謠 / 傳統音樂組 Ethnic/Traditional Music


C22. 當代音樂組 Contemporary Music


C23. 重唱及小型合唱團 Vocal Ensemble


T. 台灣作品組 Taiwanese Compositions


O. 開放曲目組 Open Category


V. 虛擬合唱團組 Virtual Choir


財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education


贊助人名冊 Sponsor


感謝名單 Acknowledgement


工作人員名單 TICF Team


藝術總監的話 Message from the Artistic Director 新冠肺炎疫情爆發至今已經第三年,全球疫情日益趨緩,世界各地的生活步調逐漸恢復正常,已經開始舉辦不同規模的實體音樂 活動;台灣在全民一同努力之下,也跟上了世界的腳步,慢慢地走回生活常軌。經過審慎評估與仔細規劃之後,今年的台北國際 合唱音樂節將以「實體線上、雙向並進」的方式,推出一系列精彩的節目以饗樂迷。 實體活動方面,我們安排了台北國家音樂廳的四場經典音樂會和台中中山堂的一場巡迴音樂會,演出團隊包含七個優秀的台灣合 唱團和來自菲律賓的民答那峨大學合唱團(University of Mindanao Chorale)。目前疫情未歇的情況下,能夠在睽違三年之後再度邀請 到國際合唱團隊來台,真的非常難得、非常讓人期待。另外值得一提的是閉幕音樂會《布蘭詩歌》,台北愛樂合唱團將與享譽國 際的台灣指揮林勤超、知名聲樂家王典、范孟帆、陳翰威和台北愛樂青年管弦樂團共同演出,以這個「招牌作品」來慶祝台北愛 樂合唱團的五十週年。除了這五場音樂會之外,今年的指揮大師班、青少年節慶團、兒童節慶團,將在 Gábor Hollerung、Anthony Trecek-King、于善敏三位老師的指導下實體舉辦,提供大家學習、進修的管道。 今年的合唱節不只有精彩的實體音樂會和研習課程,線上活動也非常豐富。我們安排了四場線上音樂會,匯聚來自印尼、愛爾蘭、 波蘭、西班牙巴斯克、烏克蘭的頂尖團隊,透過網路展現他們的精彩歌藝;其中邀請到二支傑出的烏克蘭合唱團,以歌聲跨越戰 火藩籬,讓國內樂迷透過其特色作品,對他們國家文化有更深的認識。線上活動的另一項重頭戲是台北國際合唱大賽,總共吸引 來自菲律賓、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、中國、香港、澳門、台灣的 42 支合唱團隊報名參加線上競賽,將於 10 項分組賽中帶來 84 隊次的賽事,由 10 位國際專業評審進行線上評比,並於最後角逐大獎賽總冠軍殊榮。另外還有二場線上合唱萬象講座,邀請來 自美國和匈牙利的國際師資,以深入淺出方式探討不同的合唱議題,不論海內外學員都能免費參與線上課程。 過去廿幾年來,每年夏天的台北國際合唱音樂節都是全球合唱人矚目的焦點。這三年新冠肺炎疫情席捲全球,合唱節也因為這前 所未有的挑戰,大幅更動了原本的計畫,蛻變成了全新的型態。感謝台北愛樂同仁們的創意、堅持、行動力,更感謝台灣音樂界 眾多夥伴的支援,許多國際友人的幫忙,企業夥伴的贊助,以及文化部的支持。只有在最艱難的時候,才會看見最光輝的人性; 因為疫情,我們得以親身感受各界夥伴們的溫暖援手和樂迷的無私關愛。讓我們一同以音樂為世界祝禱,祈願全球各地的音樂人 能繼續攜手同心,為社會帶來更多的正面能量,為大眾帶來更多的前行勇氣。


It is the third year now since the COVID-19 pandemic happened. This summer, as the world is starting to transit from the pandemic to the endemic phase, people around the globe are getting back to their daily norm, and a lot of music activities are happening physically after a long while. Taiwan, as part of the international community, is on the way, too. Therefore, the 2022 Taipei International Choral Festival (TICF) is proud to present several series of exciting activities on-site, and many on-line events as well. First of all, the 2022 TICF is presenting four premium concerts in the National Concert Hall in Taipei, and one premium concert in the Chung-Shan Hall in Taichung. The internationally renowned “University of Mindanao Chorale” from the Philippines will perform on both stages alongside with seven distinguished Taiwanese choirs. These concerts are definitely not to be missed. Another highlight is Carl Orff ’s “Carmina Burana” in the final concert. Taipei Philharmonic Chorus is going to team up with the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra to perform this monumental piece under the direction of the marvelous Maestro Chin-Chao Lin. This concert also marks the 50th anniversary of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In addition to the concerts, there will also be three on-site week-long workshops: conducting masterclasses with Maestro Gábor Hollerung, festival choir for youth with Dr. Anthony Trecek-King, and festival choir for children with Professor Shan-Min Yu. The other major component of 2022 TICF is the on-line events. Four concerts will be streaming on the TICF YouTube channel during the festival, showcasing six outstanding choirs from Indonesia, Ireland, Poland, Basque Country (Spain) and Ukraine. Also streaming on the TICF YouTube channel, is the on-line edition of the Taipei International Choral Competition. This year, we are welcoming 42 choirs from eight countries/areas, competing in 10 categories of competitions with 84 entries of performances. Our 10 international juries will share their wisdom on-line, and choose the Grand Prix Champion from all the participants. Further more, Maestro Hollerung and Dr. Trecek-King will each offer an in-depth on-line lecture aiming on elevating the choral workmanship for singers and conductors. I am confident that 2022 TICF will be an experience of a lifetime. TICF has been a prestigious cultural event for more than two decades. Even though we’ve been through a lot during the pandemic, our team managed to transform the structure and contents of the festival with enormous creativity and courage, and abundant help from fans and colleagues. Please allow me to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who stands by us. Together, through choral music, let us bring more positive energy to our society. May the world be as one.

藝術總監 Artistic Director


策劃團隊 Organizer 藝術總監

Dirk DuHei, artistic director 杜 黑 先 生 榮 獲 第 一 屆 國 家 文 化 藝 術 基 金 會 文 藝 獎、 第 八 屆 金 曲 獎 最 佳 製 作 人、 中 國 文 藝 協 會 九十四年榮譽文藝獎章,並曾出版傳記『樂壇黑面將軍』,更多次應邀擔任國內外重要聲樂、合 唱等比賽活動之評審。 美國伊利諾大學合唱指揮碩士班畢業並進入博士班,1981 年返國,1983 年接任台北愛樂合唱團指 揮至今。1988 年創立「財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會」,主辦「台北愛樂國際合唱音樂營」、「台 北國際合唱音樂節」及「樂壇新秀」等活動,2018 年創辦「台北國際合唱大賽」,開啟國內首度 舉辦大型國際合唱賽事之濫觴,對於合唱音樂推廣及國際交流,培養優秀音樂人才等不遺餘力。 多年來積極致力於開拓國人合唱音樂作品,製作之『映象中國』專輯獲得第八屆金曲獎「最佳古典音樂唱片」、「最佳演唱人」 及「最佳唱片製作人」等三項大獎;與作曲家錢南章老師長期合作,『馬蘭姑娘』獲第九屆金曲獎四項提名並獲「最佳作曲人」; 許雅民大型劇場合唱作品『六月雪』更獲第十一屆金曲獎「最佳作曲人」、「最佳古典唱片」提名,為台灣合唱音樂加入新血 脈;2001 年出版之錢南章『佛說阿彌陀經』為佛教 2500 多年來的首部安魂曲,獲得第十三屆金曲獎「最佳宗教音樂專輯」、「最 佳作曲人」兩項大獎;2012 年首演之錢南章大型國樂合唱作品『十二生肖』獲得第 25 屆傳藝金曲獎最佳藝術音樂專輯、最佳 專輯製作人、最佳錄音三項提名肯定,更受邀於北京國家大劇院八月合唱節及香港光華新聞文化中心第十一屆「台灣月」盛大 巡演。 目前擔任財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會、台北愛樂合唱團、台北愛樂室內合唱團、台北愛樂青年管弦樂團、愛樂劇工廠及台北 愛樂歌劇坊藝術總監。

Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997, is devoted music education and choral music. Although born in China, he received his Master of Music in conducting at the University of Illinois, U.S.A., and then returned to Taiwan to become actively involved in choral directing. Since 1983 Dirk DuHei has been the permanent Music Director and conductor of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan. This foundation has over these years been involved in presenting hundreds of famous artists and ensembles, both local and foreign. And the foundation has successfully promoted for international cultural exchange such as the “Taipei International Choral Festival”, “Taipei Philharmonic Summer Festival”, “Taipei Philharmonic International Music Workshop”. Dirk DuHei contributes to the musical life of Taiwan by premiering new pieces and organizing educational performances and seminars. He has often been invited to be a member of the jury at prestigious international choral competitions (Fulda, Germany; Riva Del Garda, Italy; Budapest, Hungary; Sydney, Australia; Hong Kong to name a few). From England to Australia, Korea to the U.S.A, Dirk DuHei and his chamber choir have performed at various international festivals with enormous success. He is currently Artistic Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Chamber Choir, Youth Choir, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Theater, and Taipei Philharmonic Opera Studio.



古育仲 YuChung John Ku, music director 指揮家古育仲為美國辛辛那提大學音樂藝術博士,主修指揮。常年受邀於世界各地指揮演出,包括 美、加、俄、中、港、澳、日、韓、菲、印、奧、匈、義、保加利亞、波蘭…等。除指揮外,也常 於各國擔任大師班指導老師,並多次出任國際音樂比賽評審,包括世界合唱大賽、新加坡國際合唱 大賽、峇里島國際合唱大賽、釜山國際合唱大賽…等十餘項賽事。古博士現為台北愛樂音樂總監暨 指揮,台北國際合唱音樂節暨合唱大賽音樂總監,世界合唱理事會理事,國際合唱聯盟亞太執行委 員會成員,世界合唱冠軍賽聯合發起人,亞洲合唱協會創會理事,國際合唱指揮聯盟創始會員,台 灣合唱協會常務理事,夢蓮花讚頌合唱團指揮,並任教於國立臺灣藝術大學及中國文化大學。

Dr. Yu-Chung John Ku is the Music Director of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, an executive board member of Taiwan Choral Association, the conductor of Dream Lotus Chorus, and an assistant professor in National Taiwan University of Arts and the Chinese Culture University. He is also a member of the World Choral Council, a member of the Asia-Pacific working committee in the International Federation for Choral Music, co-founder of the World Choral Championship, one of the founding directors of the Asian Choral Association, and one of the founding members of the International Choral Conductors’ Federation. Dr. Ku has conducted concerts around the world, including Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Hong-Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Macao, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, U.S.A., and so on. He is an adjudicator in the World Choir Games, Bali International Choral Competition, Busan International Choral Festival, Singapore International Choral Competition, and several other competitions around the world, and has led master classes and workshops in many countries. Dr. Ku received his DMA from the College-Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, and holds a master degree from Temple University.


丁達明 Ferdinand Ta-Ming Ting, executive director 現任台北愛樂文教基金會執行長。1990 年加入台北愛樂合唱團,隨團巡迴世界各地 20 餘國演出。 1992-1993 年任台北愛樂合唱團執行秘書,製作多場音樂會及台北愛樂合唱團首次赴美國巡迴演出 (1993)。1999 年起擔任台北愛樂文教基金會資深經理及合唱節經理,負責製作「台北國際合唱音樂 節」,策劃台北愛樂室內合唱團國際巡演。曾製作許常惠歌劇《國姓爺鄭成功》(1999)、流行音樂劇 《Making Tracks 鋪軌》(2001) 於國家戲劇院演出,「樂壇新秀甄選 - 鋼琴大賽及聲樂大賽」(2000, 2002, 2004)、「台北愛樂夏日音樂節」(1999, 2001, 2003, 2007) 、「台北巴赫音樂節」(2010, 2012) 等大型活動。 2014 年法國 TOURS 國際合唱大賽評審。

The executive director of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation. Ferdinand Ting joined Taipei Philharmonic Chorus and Chamber Choir since 1990, and has toured with choir in more than 20 countries. Since 1999, he was the senior manager of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation, and has been serving as the festival director of Taipei International Choral Festival, producing and promoting many concerts, shows, operas, musicals, competitions, festivals and international concert tours. Ting was invited as the jury member of Florilège Vocal de Tours International Choral Competition 2014 in France.


日程表 Time Schedule 7.30 Sat. 14:00

A21. 少兒組 CHILDREN CHOIR 01. Taipei Fuhsing Private School ─ Primary School Choir(Taiwan) 臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學─小學合唱團(台灣) 02. NV Chorale(Singapore 新加坡) 03. National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan) 國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣) 04. Yunlin Elementary School Children's Choir(Taiwan)雲林國小兒童合唱團(台灣) 05. Taipei Fuhsing Private School Choir(Taiwan)台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團(台灣) 06. Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp A(Singapore 新加坡) 07. CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)(Hong Kong)中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣)(香港) 08. Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp B(Singapore 新加坡) 09. St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(Hong Kong)聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團(香港) 10. Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A(Singapore 新加坡)


A22. 樂齡組 SENIOR CHOIR 01. Zi-En Choir(Taiwan) 建中子恩合唱團(台灣) 02. Nei-Hu Community College Chamber Choir(Taiwan)內湖社區大學混聲合唱團(台灣)


B21. 同聲組 EQUAL VOICE CHOIR 01. National Tainan First Senior High School Choir(Taiwan)國立臺南一中合唱團(台灣) 02. Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團(台灣) 03. Yuet Wah College Choir, Macau(Macau)澳門粵華中學合唱團(澳門) 04. Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣) 05. Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣) 06. The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣) 07. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣) 08. Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港) 09. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)


V. 虛擬合唱團組 VIRTUAL CHOIR 01. Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣) 02. Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣) 03. CLSU MAESTRO - SINGERS(The Philippines 菲律賓) 04. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 05. Voices of St. Paul's Co-educational College(Hong Kong 香港)


B22. 混聲組 MIXED CHOIR 01. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣) 02. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 03. Desheng School (International) Chamber Choir(China 中國) 04. National Chung Hsing University Choir(Taiwan)國立中興大學合唱團(台灣) 05. Cantabile Chorale(Indonesia 印尼) 06. Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣) 07. St. Paul's Co-educational College - Senior Mixed Voice Choir(Hong Kong 香港) 08. Feixiang Choir(Indonesia 印尼) 09. Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers(The Philippines 菲律賓) 10. Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港) 11. PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY(Indonesia 印尼) 12. Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣) 13. Vocalista Harmonic Choir ISI Yogyakarta(Indonesia 印尼)


7.31 Sun. 14:00

C22. 當代音樂組 CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 01. Cantabile Chorale(Indonesia 印尼) 02. The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣) 03. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 04. Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港) 05. CHUMMY CHOIR(Hong Kong 香港) 06. Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣) 07. Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir B(Singapore 新加坡) 08. Sacred Heart Canossian College Choir(Macau)嘉諾撒聖心英文中學(澳門) 09. National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan) 國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣) 10. St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(Hong Kong)聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團(香港) 11. Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣) 12. Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣) 13. Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A(Singapore 新加坡) 14. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣) 15. St. Joseph's College Chamber Boys' Choir(Hong Kong)聖若瑟書院室內男聲合唱團(香港)


C23. 重唱及小型合唱團 VOCAL ENSEMBLE 01. St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(Hong Kong 香港) 02. St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Mixed Voice Ensemble(Hong Kong 香港) 03. St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Girls' Ensemble(Hong Kong 香港) 04. Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers(The Philippines 菲律賓)


O. 開放曲目組 OPEN CATEGORY 01. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan) 台大合唱團(台灣) 02. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 03. CHUMMY CHOIR(Hong Kong 香港) 04. National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣) 05. Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣) 06. Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)

8.01 Mon. 14:00

C21. 民謠 / 傳統音樂組 ETHNIC / TRADITIONAL MUSIC 01. SURIA CHOIR(Malaysia)陽光合唱團(馬來西亞) 02. National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣) 03. Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團(台灣) 04. The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣) 05. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣) 06. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 07. PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY(Indonesia 印尼) 08. Nibun Chorus(Taiwan)尼布恩合唱團(台灣) 09. Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣) 10. Sinapalan Elementary School - Sinapalan Choir(Taiwan)希娜巴嵐國小合唱團(台灣)


T. 台灣作品組 TAIWANESE COMPOSITIONS 01. Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣) 02. National Tainan First Senior High School Choir(Taiwan) 國立臺南一中合唱團(台灣) 03. CHUMMY CHOIR(Hong Kong 香港) 04. Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣) 05. National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣) 06. Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣) 07. The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣) 08. Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團(台灣) 09. National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣) 10. Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣)



8.02 Tue. 19:30

大獎賽 Grand Prix Competition


頒獎典禮 Award Ceremony 6

國際評審 International Jury 馬克.安東尼.卡皮歐 Mark Anthony Carpio |菲律賓 The Philippines 卡皮歐在菲律賓大學獲得了合唱指揮碩士及鋼琴學士學位。2001 年,他被選為接替菲律賓瑪德利加合唱團的 創辦人安德列拉.薇內拉希昂擔任該團指揮。從那時起,他帶領這個已經屢獲殊榮的合唱團更上一層樓,包 括曾在多項著名的合唱比賽中獲得冠軍,例如 2007 年在義大利阿雷佐舉辦的「第十九屆歐洲合唱大獎賽」。 卡皮歐曾受邀於新加坡、韓國、台灣、馬來西亞、美國、加拿大和立陶宛等地的著名國際合唱組織中發表專 題演講。他還曾為檳城愛樂合唱團、美國合唱指揮協會亞利桑那分會、哥倫比亞布拉姆斯合唱協會、加拿大 大橋合唱協會、以及明尼蘇達大學德魯斯分校舉辦了線上講座。 卡皮歐經常與菲律賓合唱指揮協會、菲律賓文化中心和國家文化藝術委員會合作。他也擔任了安德列拉.薇內拉希昂歌唱藝術基 金會主席,領導並推動了許多合唱音樂的發展計劃。卡皮歐曾在世界各地的合唱節及比賽中擔任評審,並曾於兩年一度的「安德 列拉.薇內拉希昂國際合唱節」及「第一屆亞洲合唱大獎賽」中擔任評委會主席。卡皮歐曾受邀擔任晶晶兒童合唱團、迎曦女聲(中 山女高校友合唱團)、台北愛樂青年合唱團、青韵合唱團,以及第一屆印尼青年合唱團的客席指揮。他還曾指揮由黃鸝鳥男童合 唱團、黃鸝鳥男聲合唱團及極光之聲少女合唱團所組成的聯合合唱團。 Mark earned his master's degree in Choral Conducting and bachelor's degree in Piano from the University of the Philippines. In 2001, he was selected to succeed the founder of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Andrea O. Veneracion, as choirmaster of the group. Since then, he has led the already much-awarded choir to even greater heights, including placing first in several prestigious choral competitions, such as the 19th European Grand Prix for Choral Singing (Arezzo, Italy) in 2007. Mark has been invited to give keynote addresses by prestigious international choral organizations in Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, the USA, Canada and Lithuania. He has also given online workshops for the Penang Philharmonic Chorus, the University of Arizona ACDA Graduate Chapter, the Coral Brahms Colombia, Bridge Choral Collective Canada, and the University of Minnesota Duluth. Mark regularly collaborates with the Philippine Choral Directors Association, the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts. He heads the Andrea O. Veneracion Sing Philippines Foundation, in spearheading several choral music development initiatives. Mark has adjudicated in different choral festivals and competitions around the world and has been the chairman of the board of jurors of the biennial Andrea O. Veneracion International Choral Festival and the 1st Asia Choral Grand Prix. Mark has been invited as guest conductor of the Crystal Children's Choir, Taipei Ladies Singers, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir, the Ching-Yun Choir and the 1st Indonesia Youth Choir. He also directs the Consortium of Voices, consisting of the Kilyawan Boys Choir, Kilyawan Male Choir and the Voces Auroræ Girls Choir.

安布羅茲.裘比 Ambrož Čopi |斯洛維尼亞 Slovenia 裘比(b. 1973)1996 年畢業於盧比安納音樂學院,主修作曲與鋼琴,師事 Dane Škerl,並於 Uroš Rojko 門下完成 碩士學位。裘比對聲樂的啟蒙來自於擔任盧比安納 Tone Tomšič 學院合唱團指揮 Stojan Kuret 的助理及身為 Ave 室 內合唱團歌手期間。 作為一名年輕教師,裘比鼓勵學生創作合唱音樂,並成為現今斯洛維尼亞最年輕一代作曲家的指導者。通過 他的合唱團,他激發了新作品的創作,他與有抱負的作曲家和創作者的合作也有豐碩的成果。裘比的原創作 品收錄在四張 CD 中,並經常出現在世界各地的舞台上;其作品樂譜由 Astrum 和 Sulasol 出版。裘比指導許多斯洛維尼亞合唱團,並 在國內比賽(15 個金牌)和國際比賽(26 個第一名)中取得了令人羨慕的成績。目前他指揮 KGBL 室內合唱團和 APZ UP 合唱團, 兩者均在斯洛維尼亞頂級合唱團中名列前茅。2014 年,他獲得了斯洛維尼亞音樂領域的最高獎項 Gallus 金牌獎,以及享有盛譽的國 家級獎項普列舍仁基金獎。裘比經常受邀擔任各種合唱活動和比賽評委,並以講師身分參與國內外合唱音樂研討會。 Studied composition and piano at the Ljubljana Academy of Music and graduated in 1996 in the composition class of Dane Škerl; he completed his post-graduate studies in the class of Uroš Rojko. He gained first knowledge of vocal music as an assistant of the conductor Stojan Kuret in the Academic choir Tone Tomšič in Ljubljana and as a singer of the Chamber Choir Ave. Already as a young teacher he would encourage his students to create choral music and in time, he became the mentor of Slovenia’s youngest generation of composers. With his choirs, he has stimulated the creation of new works and his collaboration with aspiring composers and creators always proves prolific. His original works, recorded on four CDs, regularly appear on stages around the world. His compositions are published by Astrum and Sulasol. Čopi has led many Slovene choirs and achieved enviable results at home competitions (15 gold plaques) and internationally (26 first places). Currently, he conducts the KGBL Chamber Choir and APZ UP, both ranking among the top Slovenian choir ensembles. In 2014 he was awarded with the Gallus Medal, the highest award in the field of musical activity in Slovenia and a prestigious national award Prešeren Fund Prize. Ambrož Čopi is regularly invited to act as a member of the jury at various choral events and competitions and often involved in choral music seminars at home and abroad as a lecturer. 7

T.J. 哈潑 T.J. Harper |美國 USA 哈潑博士為美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯羅耀拉瑪麗蒙特大學音樂系副教授、合唱活動指導及系主任。哈潑博士 所指導的合唱團曾在其指揮下於美國合唱指揮協會(ACDA)及全國音樂教育協會(NAFME)的年度會議上進 行演出。哈潑博士是美國及國際首屈一指的指揮、培訓師資及講師,於阿根廷、智利、中國、哥斯大黎加、 古巴、德國、香港、印尼、義大利、馬來西亞、墨西哥、南韓、西班牙、斯里蘭卡、瑞典、台灣、泰國及委 內瑞拉都曾留下足跡。 哈潑博士取得南加州大學音樂藝術博士學位,並以優異的成績畢業。哈潑博士曾任 ACDA 國際指揮交流計劃總監,現為 ACDA 國際 事務委員會主席,並擔任國際合唱聯盟(IFCM)董事會成員。 T. J. Harper is Associate Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities, and Chair of the Department of Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA. Choirs under the direction of Dr. Harper have performed at regional and national conferences for the National Association for Music Education (NAf ME) and the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). He has received invitations as conductor, clinician and lecturer throughout the United States and internationally in Argentina, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, and Venezuela. Dr. Harper received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Southern California where he graduated with honors. He was the Chair of the ACDA International Activities Committee, the past Director of the ACDA International Conductors Exchange Program, and most recently was a Board Member for the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM).

金喜徹 Heechurl Kim |韓國 Korea 金喜徹為中國瀋陽大學音樂學院教授、濟州國際合唱音樂節暨研討會和濟州世界青年合唱音樂節暨比賽的藝 術總監。他致力於分享來自韓國及世界各種專業合唱團的演出,並通過舉辦合唱研討會向社會大眾傳播專業 合唱教育及合唱音樂的訊息。 他在 1997 年到 2015 年間擔任韓國世界展望會兒童合唱團的音樂總監暨指揮。通過超過 1000 場的演出,使他在 音樂上的能力得到了廣泛的認可,同時他還擔任了韓國世界展望會兒童合唱音樂節的藝術總監直到 2015 年, 並透過國際演出及工作坊,宣傳合唱教育的重要性。他指揮韓國果川市女聲合唱團超過十年,並為業餘女聲合唱團出版了以韓國 作曲家的音樂所製作的專輯和影片。此外,他還曾擔任中央大學音樂學院教授等工作,積極培訓年輕指揮家。2019 年,他為了分 享和平的信息,聚集了來自韓國及朝鮮的青年,成立了韓國青年合唱團。現任韓國國際合唱協會副會長、韓國教會音樂協會理事、 聯合歌手合唱團音樂總監、春松基金會董事會成員暨音樂總監、春松兒童合唱團音樂總監、聯合國教科文組織濟州協會副會長、 延世音樂學院指揮、明成教會合唱團指揮。 Heechurl Kim is the professor of music school of Shenyang University in China and the artistic director of Jeju International Choir Festival & Symposium and World Youth Choral Festival & Competition in Jeju. He works for sharing performances of various and professional choirs from Korea and abroad and for spreading out the professional choral education and choral music which including messages through the choral symposium to the society. From 1997 to 2015, he worked as the conductor as the music director of World Vision Korea Children's Choir. He was recognized his musical ability through having more than 1,000 performances and he also worked as the artistic director for World Vision Korea Children's Choral Festival until 2015 and has been publicized the importance of choral education through performances and seminar/workshops in abroad. He performed with Gwacheon City Women’s Choir for more than 10 years and published records and videos which made with Korean composers' music for amateur women's choir. Also, he trained younger conductors as professor of Chung-Ang University music school and others. Currently, he is the vice-president of Korea International Choral Association, board member of Korea Church Music Association, music director of United Singers, board member and music director of Chun-Song Foundation, music director of Chun-Song Children’s Choir, vice-president of UNESCO Jeju association, conductor of Yonsei Music Academy, and conductor of Myungsung church choir. In 2019, he gathered youth from South Korea and North Korea and founded Korea Youth Choir with the purpose of sharing message of peace. 8

迪奧朵拉.帕羅薇琪 Theodora Pavlovitch |保加利亞 Bulgaria 帕羅薇琪教授是保加利亞索菲亞國家音樂學院的指揮系主任。在她的藝術生涯中,曾與職業的保加利亞國家 電視台合唱團及瓦西里.阿諾多夫索菲亞室內合唱團共事,在她的指揮之下,合唱團於國際比賽中屢獲殊榮, 除了經常受邀參加許多高水準的國際音樂節演出,也曾在電視、廣播節目中演出,並曾於 25 個國家舉辦巡迴 音樂會。自 2005 年起,帕羅薇琪擔任了古典 FM 廣播電台合唱團的指揮。她曾於 2007 及 2008 年指揮世界青年 合唱團,該團被聯合國教科文組織授予「和平藝術家」的稱號,以表彰他們透過音樂,作為一個跨文化的對 話平台上所獲得的成就。她也曾與台北愛樂室內合唱團、莫斯科柴科夫斯基音樂學院室內合唱團合作舉辦音 樂會及大師班,也曾於義大利、德國、比利時、希臘和其他國家指揮各地的合唱團。帕羅薇琪教授經常受邀於世界各地擔任國際 合唱比賽的評審、指揮及講師,包括了歐洲 27 個國家、美國、日本、俄羅斯、中國、香港、台灣、南韓、以色列、阿根廷等。 帕羅薇琪教授因其藝術成就曾獲獎項包括了: - 保加利亞文化部長授予的國家獎項「黃金世紀之星」 - 國際合唱聯盟授予的「國際合唱傑出貢獻獎」 - 保加利亞文化部、教育部、保加利亞合唱團及古典 FM 廣播電台等多項特別獎 Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch, PhD, is Head of Conducting Department at the National Academy of Music – Sofia, Bulgaria. In her artistic life she has worked with the professional Bulgarian National TV-choir and Vassil Arnaudov Sofia Chamber Choir (under her batton the choir has won prestigious awards at international competitions and has taken part in many high-level international festivals, in TV and radio-programs, concert tours in 25 countries). Since 2005 Theodora Pavlovitch is conductor of the Classic FM Radio Choir. In 2007/2008 she conducted the World Youth Choir, honoured by UNESCO with the title Artist for Peace, recognizing the WYC's success as a platform for intercultural dialogue through music. She has also worked on concerts and Masterclasses with the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir, the Chamber Choir of Moskow State Conservatory ‘P.I. Tchaikovski’ and leading choirs from Italy, Germany, Belgium, Greece and other countries. Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch is frequently invited as a member of Jury-panels at a number of international choral competitions, conductor and a lecturer at prestigious international events in 27 European countries, the USA, Japan, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, Argentina. For her artistic achievements Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch has been awarded - Golden Century Star - National Award bestowed by the Minister of Culture of Bulgaria; - Special Award in Recognition of Extraordinary Service to the International Choral Community by IFCM; - A number of Special Prizes by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Bulgarian Choir’s Union and Classic FM Radio.

蘇珊珊 Susanna Saw |馬來西亞 Malaysia 於馬來西亞致力音樂教育,積極推廣合唱的蘇珊珊老師,為美國西敏寺合唱學院音樂教育碩士(主修合唱)。 現任馬來亞大學(UM)音樂學院與馬來西亞藝術學院(M.I.A.)講師與合唱指導,她所帶領的 M.I.A. 女聲合唱 團曾多次在國際賽事中贏得金獎。蘇珊珊於 2007 年在吉隆坡成立了 Young Choral Academy(青年合唱學院),使 合唱愛好者能進一步接觸聲樂與合唱教育。同時致力於將柯大宜教學法引進馬來西亞,提升當地音樂教學水 準。她在 2019 年 8 月於馬來西亞砂拉越首府古晉舉辦第 24 屆國際柯大宜研討會,透過這次活動讓東南亞地區 進一步認識柯大宜教學法的理念。蘇珊珊也是馬來西亞合唱大會 (MCE) 的創始人和總監,該組織自 2002 年以 來舉辦了多場研討會與國內外合唱節。 從 2007 年起,蘇珊珊便定期接受德國國際文化交流基金會邀請擔任亞太區與世界合唱比賽評審,而後也接受國際合唱聯盟(IFCM) 聘任加入亞太合唱執委會,也在 IFCM 的支持下,擔任國際合唱指揮聯合會(ICCF)和亞洲合唱協會(ACA)董事會成員,及 CHORALSPACE 學院顧問委員。她積極參與各類音樂教育活動並擔任講者,推廣 21 世紀有成效的音樂教學。目前擔任國際柯大宜 協會、世界青少年合唱藝術家協會及馬來西亞音樂教育協會副主席。 Susanna Saw is an active music educator promoting music and choral education in Malaysia. She obtained her Master in Music Education (Choral Focus) from Westminster Choir College, U.S.A. She is currently a Lecturer and Choir Director at the Faculty of Music at University of Malaya (UM) and the Malaysian Institute of Art (M.I.A.), where she conducts the M.I.A. Ladies Chorus, which has won many Gold Medals from various international competitions. In 2007, Susanna established the Young Choral Academy in Kuala Lumpur, a venue for choral lovers to learn more about vocal and choral education. She was instrumental in bringing the Kodály Teachers’ Training Course to Malaysia to improve local standards of classroom music teaching. She organised the 24th International Kodály Symposium in August 2019, in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, and through this, hopes to bring more awareness on the Kodály teaching philosophy to the Southeast Asia Region. Susanna is also the Founder and Director of the Malaysian Choral Eisteddfod (MCE), which organized various symposium, national and international choir festival since 2002. From 2007 on, Susanna has been regularly invited by the Interkultur Foundation, Germany, to be a member of the Jury for the Asia Pacific and World Choir Games. Susanna has been appointed a Working Committee for the Asia-Pacific Choral Council, under the auspices of the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM), Board Member for International Choral Conductor’s Federation (ICCF) and Asian Choral Association (ACA), as well as the Advisory Board of CHORALSPACE Academy. Susanna is also an active speaker at various Music Education events promoting effective music teaching in the 21st century. She is currently the Vice-President for the International Kodály Society, World Youth and Children Choral Artists' Association, and the Malaysian Association for Music Education. 9

譚秀英 Jennifer Tham |新加坡 Singapore 譚秀英為新加坡 SYC Ensemble Singers 合唱團(前身為新加坡青年合唱團)指揮,這是一個致力演繹當代作曲家 作品的合唱團,她也為多所高中和大學合唱團,以及其受邀在加拿大、法國、匈牙利、日本及台灣指揮的其 他合唱團帶來了同樣的當代音樂渲染力。她為澳洲、印尼、日本、韓國和波蘭的合唱指揮和音樂教育家開設 了有關精研演繹當代音樂排練技術的工作坊。由於其對形塑新加坡文化藝術的傑出貢獻,譚秀英被新加坡總 統授予象徵國家最高藝術榮譽的新加坡文化勳章。 在青年音樂家協會的支持下,譚秀英擔任了亞洲南太平洋合唱音樂研討會藝術總監(2001 年),並擔任其所屬包含合唱診療所、 合唱指揮工作坊系列以及柯大宜亞洲研討會的藝術總監,後者與李斯特藝術學院的柯大宜學院(匈牙利布達佩斯)保有密切合作。 她曾在南洋藝術學院(新加坡)教授合唱教學及指揮,並於新加坡、阿根廷、丹麥、愛沙尼亞及瑞典的合唱大會及研討會上擔任 主席及講師,並曾於立陶宛合唱團和立陶宛文化部主辦的夏季合唱指揮課程擔任首席講師。譚秀英於國際合唱聯盟所屬之亞太工 作委員會協調組織亞太合唱峰會,並管理亞太青年合唱團。她代表新加坡參加世界合唱理事會,自 2004 年起擔任世界合唱比賽評 委,並自 2003 年起擔任中國、芬蘭、法國、德國、印尼、韓國、日本、波蘭和美國等地舉辦之合唱音樂節評委。 Jennifer directs the SYC Ensemble Singers (Singapore), a choir devoted to the work of living composers, and brings the same contemporary sensibility to high school and university choirs, and other choirs she has been invited to conduct, in Canada, France, Hungary, Japan and Taiwan. She has given workshops to choral conductors and pedagogues in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Poland on rehearsal technique that prepare their ensembles for performing contemporary music. For her role in shaping Singapore’s cultural landscape, she was awarded the Cultural Medallion, the nation’s highest arts accolade, by the President of the Republic of Singapore. Under the auspices of the Young Musicians’ Society, Jennifer was Artistic Director of the Asia South Pacific Symposium on Choral Music (2001) and its offshoots, the First Aid for Choirs and Conductors Workshop Series, and the Kodály Seminar Asia for music pedagogues, the latter in collaboration with the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy of Fine Arts (Budapest, Hungary). She taught choral pedagogy and conducting at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (Singapore), and has chaired and spoken on panels and conferences and symposia in Singapore, Argentina, Denmark, Estonia and Sweden. She was Principal Lecturer at the Lithuanian Conductors’ Summer Academy, hosted by the Lithuanian Choral Union and the Ministry of Culture. For the International Federation for Choral Music, Jennifer co-coordinates the Asia Pacific Working Committee which organises the Asia Pacific Choral Summit and manages the Asia Pacific Youth choir. She represents Singapore on the World Choir Council, serving on jury at the World Choir Games since 2004, and at independent festivals in China, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Poland and the USA since 2003.

安東尼.特列切克 - 金 Anthony Trecek-King |美國 USA 特列切克 - 金博士是一位在國際上享有盛譽的合唱指揮家、學者、教育家及媒體人物。他熱衷於透過探索社會 議題,同時在情感上能令人感同身受的曲目設計,來培養在藝術上表現傑出的合唱團體,並以此來挑戰藝術 家和觀眾們的思考與感受。特列切克 - 金博士最近剛被任命為哈特福德大學哈特學院的合唱音樂副教授及合唱 活動主任,同時他也擔任了韓德爾及海頓協會的常任指揮。 在他指導下的合唱團曾獲得了普立茲獎(周龍《白蛇傳》)、葛萊美獎(波士頓現代管弦樂團計畫《奇幻的狐 狸先生》),並曾榮獲美國總統藝術委員會頒發的國家藝術與人文青年計畫獎藝術類(波士頓兒童合唱團)。特列切克 - 金博士曾 與各種藝術家和團體合作,包括了歌手小萊斯利.奧多姆、歌手梅琳達.杜立德、舊金山交響樂團合唱團、熾天使合唱團、指揮 家凱斯.洛克哈特、作曲家約翰.威廉斯、指揮家吉爾.羅斯、指揮家賽門.海爾賽、大提琴家馬友友,以及人聲樂團滿室牙齒等。 他曾在許多世界知名的場館領銜演出,包括了波士頓交響樂廳、華盛頓特區甘迺迪中心、紐約市卡內基音樂廳、倫敦皇家阿爾伯 特音樂廳和雪梨歌劇院。除了他在指揮上的工作之外,他目前還擔任了 KNVO 90.7 頻道的古典廣播節目「沉默的卡農」主持人,也 曾出現在獲得艾美獎提名的 WGBH 電視台連續劇「歌唱吧」中,並曾兩度獲邀於波士頓 TED 開講。 Dr. Anthony Trecek-King has cultivated an international reputation as a choral conductor, scholar, pedagogue, and media personality. He is passionate about cultivating artistically excellent ensembles that explore socially relevant issues through emotionally immersive programs, challenging both artists and audiences to feel and think. Dr. Trecek-King has recently been appointed as both an Associate Professor of Choral Music and Director of Choral Activities at The Hartt School, University of Hartford and a Resident Conductor with the Handel and Haydn Society. Ensembles under his direction were integral to projects that have won a Pulitzer Prize (Madam White Snake, Zhou Long), received a Grammy (Fantastic Mr. Fox, Boston Modern Orchestra Project), and earned the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award from Presidential Committee on the Arts (Boston Children’s Chorus). Dr. Trecek-King has worked with a variety of artists and ensembles including Leslie Odom Jr., Melinda Doolittle, the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, Seraphic Fire, Keith Lockhart, John Williams, Gil Rose, Simon Halsey, Yo Yo Ma, and Roomful of Teeth. He has led performances in world-renowned venues including Boston Symphony Hall, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., Carnegie Hall in New York City, Royal Albert Hall in London, and the Sydney Opera House. In addition to his conducting work, he is currently the host of the classical radio show “The Silent Canon” which airs on KNVO 90.7. He has also be seen on-air and online on the Emmy nominated WGBH television series Sing That Thing, and two TEDx Boston talks.


翁佳芬 Chia-Fen Weng |台灣 Taiwan 國內傑出合唱指揮,長年活躍於樂壇,以深刻雋永的音樂詮釋聞名。擅長演繹各時代合唱作品,排練規劃力 求效率,為合唱團員營造難忘的演出體驗。歷年來積極委託作曲家譜寫新作並付諸首演,致力於台灣合唱教 育紮根與推廣,擘畫合唱與學術研討會議,多次受邀擔任國內外合唱比賽與節慶之評審。畢業於台灣師範大 學音樂研究所,主修管弦樂指揮,師事張大勝教授。1987 年開始其專業合唱指揮生涯。1989 年赴美,於德州 奧斯汀大學(U. T. Austin)主修合唱指揮,師事畢奇教授(Dr. M. Beachy),1995 年取得音樂藝術博士學位(DMA)。 1996 年返國任教於國立中山大學音樂系及研究所,並兼任於國立台灣師範大學音樂系研究所指揮組,擔任高 雄室內合唱團藝術總監,為台灣合唱協會理事長、美國合唱指揮協會(ACDA)永久會員及世界合唱聯盟(IFCM)會員。 Dr. Chia-Fen Weng is one of the most active and outstanding choral conductors in Taiwan. She employs profound interpretation on an extensive choral repertoire and premiers many new Taiwanese commission works. She dedicates herself to choral educations and development of her country and has been invited to be the jury or lecturer at international choral festivals and competitions. Born in Taipei, after graduating from National Taiwan Normal University, Chia-Fen Weng attended UT at Austin in USA to study with Dr. M. Beachy and received her D. M. A in Choral Conducting in 1995. In the following year, Dr. Weng returned to Taiwan and started teaching at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung. In 2000, she also becomes a part-time conducting faculty at National Taiwan Normal University. She is a passionate and committed teacher of conducting and strongly believes in a creative approach to learning and teaching. In 2002, Weng, with several music colleagues, founded Kaohsiung Chamber Choir and has worked with the choir since then. Under her enthusiastic professional directions, KCC becomes one of the best choruses in Taiwan. She contributes to the musical life of southern Taiwan by organizing choral activities and concerts. Dr. Weng is currently the president of Taiwan Choral Association, also a life member of ACDA and IFCM.

尹義重 Eui-Joong Yoon |韓國 Korea 2017 年 11 月,指揮尹義重接任韓國國家合唱團藝術總監,憑藉著精湛的指揮,使他成為韓國合唱音樂界具有 領導地位的指揮之一。尹義重於美國辛辛那提音樂學院取得合唱指揮碩士及博士學位,師從 Earl Rivers 博士。 留學期間,尹義重擔任辛辛那提文藝復興合奏團及 CCM 音樂會合唱團的成員及助理指揮,使他累積大量演出 曲目與經驗。回國後,他曾在韓國多個城市合唱團擔任指揮,也曾在其他職業合唱團擔任客席指揮。 2005 年起擔任韓國最大的城市合唱團─昌原市合唱團藝術總監和指揮長達 10 年。以出色的領導能力,使合唱 團被昌原合唱聯盟授予「昌原合唱代表」的稱號,也曾主持昌原市合唱大獎賽。而後接任水原市合唱團藝術總監,以其他精湛的 音樂性和表現,廣受水原市民喜愛。尹義重在國際舞台上也非常活躍,曾在 2004 年應邀赴美國鹽湖城國際合唱音樂節擔任講師及 演出。他也曾應邀於 2004 年德國、2008 年奧地利、2010 年中國、2012 年美國辛辛那提的合唱奧林匹克大賽,以及 2012 年世界合唱 聯盟於中國北京舉辦的合唱高峰會等活動擔任評審,並曾於 2014 年於印尼雅加達舉辦的全國教會合唱音樂節,及 2015 年、2016 年 第二屆新加坡國際合唱音樂節中擔任講師及評審。現為韓國國家合唱團藝術及執行指揮,並致力於向全世界推廣韓國合唱音樂。 In November 2017, conductor Yoon Euijoong was inaugurated as the Artistic Director of the National Chorus of Korea. With his great sense of musicality and exquisite conducting, he is one of the leading conductors of choral music in Korea. Yoon studied at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music for his masters and doctoral degrees in choral conducting, where he was mentored by Dr. Rivers. After returning, he conducted in many different city chorales in Korea. He also conducted in other professional choirs as a guest conductor. Since 2005, Yoon has been serving as the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Changwon City Chorale, the largest city chorale in Korea for 10 years. With his great leadership abilities, the choir was awarded the title of 'Choir of Changwon' at the Choral Federation of Changwon. With his achievements, Yoon later on became the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Suwon City Chorale. Yoon is also very active internationally. In 2004, he was invited to the International Choral Festival in Salt Lake City to teach in seminars and to perform. He was also invited as a judge for the Choir Olympics in Germany in 2004, the Choir Olympics in Austria in 2008, the Choir Games in China in 2010, the Choir Olympics in Cincinnati in 2012, the Choral Summit by the IFCM in Beijing in 2012, and was invited as a jurist and lecturer in 2014 for the National Ecclesiastical Choir Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the 2nd Singapore International Choral Festival in 2015 and 2016. He is now the Artistic Conductor and the Executive Conductor at the National Chorus of Korea and is putting forth great efforts to show the talent of Korea's choral music to the world.


參賽團隊資訊 Participant Information A21. 少兒組 Children Choir 臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學 ─ 小學合唱團 Taipei Fuhsing Private School - Primary School Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

莊嘉琪 Chia-Chi Chuang, conductor 曲目 Program

.尹詩涵 作曲,李孟峰 編曲:今年夏天 Music by Shih-Han Yin, Arr. Meng-Feng Lee: This Summer

.Ko Matsushita: Everyone Sang

NV Chorale |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.姚敏 作曲,吳侹緯 編曲:小小羊兒要回家 Music by Min Yao, Arr. Americ Goh: Little Lambs Wish to Return Home!

.Ko Matsushita: Autumn and Cosmoses

國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團 National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

盧怡伶 Yi-Ling Lu, conductor 曲目 Program

.林福裕 作曲,黃俊達 編曲:一的炒米蔥 Music by Fu-Yu Lin, Arr. Chun-Da Huang: Poprice Song

.Darius Lim: A Puppet's Dream


雲林國小兒童合唱團 Yunlin Elementary School Children's Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

劉姿伶 Tzu-Ling Liu, conductor 曲目 Program

.蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song

.荒山亮 作曲,黃俊達 編曲:太極玄 Music by Huang Shan Liang, Arr. Chun-Da Huang: Tai Chi Xuan

台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團 Taipei Fuhsing Private School Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李沛絨 Pei-Jung Lee, conductor 曲目 Program

.Eleanor Daley: An Irish Blessing .Darius Lim: The Water Dance of Lluvia

Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp A |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Ko Matsushita: 信じる Shinjiru (To Believe) .Jacob Narverud: Dominus Vobiscum

中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣) CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay) |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

蘇銘江 Ming-Kong So, conductor 曲目 Program

.Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina .Levente Gyöngyösi: Confitemini Domino


Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp B |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan: Pong Pong Piyangaw .Arr. Daniel Elder: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團 St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

朱安麗 Anne Chu, conductor 曲目 Program

.李偉安:這地球 Warren Lee: This Earth of Ours

.Josu Elberdin: Cantate Domino

Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.姚敏 作曲,吳侹緯 編曲:小小羊兒要回家 Music by Min Yao, Arr. Americ Goh: Little Lambs Wish to Return Home!

.Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina


A22. 樂齡組 Senior Choir 建中子恩合唱團 Zi-En Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

魯以諾 Enoch Luu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Hyo-Won Woo: Arirang .Jacob Narverud: Sisi Ni Moja

內湖社區大學混聲合唱團 Nei-Hu Community College Chamber Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

紀景華 Jing-Hua Kee, conductor 曲目 Program

.Eric Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby .黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: A Storyteller Who Walked into the Crowds


B21. 同聲組 Equal Voice Choir 國立臺南一中合唱團 National Tainan First Senior High School Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宣榳菲 Ting-Fei Hsuan, conductor 曲目 Program

.石青如:如果明天就是下一生 Ching-Ju Shih: If Tomorrow Were the Next Life

.石青如:褒忠讚歌 Ching-Ju Shih: Ode to Bozung

PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor 曲目 Program

.Zoltán Kodály: Túrót eszik a cigány .吳聖穎 編曲:榮耀頌 Arr. Muni Takivalit: Ualjaiyoi

澳門粵華中學合唱團 Yuet Wah College Choir, Macau |澳門 Macau 指揮

何卓毅 Cheok-Ngai Ho, conductor 曲目 Program

.石青如:如果明天就是下一生 Ching-Ju Shih: If Tomorrow Were the Next Life

.逃跑計劃 作曲,高至凡 編曲:夜空中最亮的星 Music by Escape Plan, Arr. Zhi-Fan Gao: Brightest Star in the Night Sky


屏中海洋男聲合唱團 Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

黃錦蘭 Chin-Lan Huang, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Mark Hayes: Danny Boy .Music by Jim Papoulis, Ed. Francisco J. Núñez: Libertatum

迎曦女聲 Taipei Ladies Singers |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

翁建民 Chien-Min Weng, conductor 曲目 Program

.Henrik Colding-Jørgensen: Osanna! .鄭朝方 作曲,張舒涵、鄭朝方 編曲:老屋 Music by Chao-Fang Cheng, Arr. Shu-Han Chang and Chao-Fang Cheng: The Old House

八角塔男聲合唱團 The Octangle Male Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李建一 Chien-Yi Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.Brant Adams: Musica .Arr. Rollo Dilworth: Walk in Jerusalem

台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.周鑫泉:金門(童謠風) Hsin-Chuan Chou: Kinmen

.Arr. Ethan Sperry: Ramkali


樂粹青年合唱團 Music Essence Youth Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

杜志聰 Chi-Chung To, conductor 曲目 Program

.Music by Alan Menken, Arr. Jonathan Palant: Proud of Your Boy .Vicki Tucker Courtney: A Song

國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Jeff Funk: Shenandoah .Ruth Morris Gray: O Vos Omnes


B22. 混聲組 Mixed Choir 台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.Damijan Močnik: Ευχή .Javier Busto: Himno a la Virgen

國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.林家慶 作曲,蔡昱姍 編曲:祝你幸福 Music by Chia-Ching Lin, Arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: I Wish You Happiness

.Albert Tay: Laudate Dominum

Desheng School (International) Chamber Choir |中國 China 指揮

Clarence Tan, conductor 曲目 Program

.Ko Matsushita: Ave Maria .石青如:如果明天就是下一生 Ching-Ju Shih: If Tomorrow Were the Next Life


國立中興大學合唱團 National Chung Hsing University Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李俋利 Yi-Li Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.Rupert Lang: Agneau de Dieu .黃俊達:告別 Chun-Da Huang: Farewell

Cantabile Chorale |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Bagus Satrio Utomo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Felix Mendelssohn: Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe .Bagus S. Utomo: Jubilate Deo

沂風室內合唱團 Yi-Phone Chamber Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor 曲目 Program

.石青如:世界恬靜落來的時 Ching-Ju Shih: When the World Quiets Down

.Kirby Shaw: Too Hot to Samba

St. Paul's Co-educational College - Senior Mixed Voice Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

Apollo Wong, conductor 曲目 Program

.John Bennet: All Creatures Now .廖梓丞:信 Jason Liu: Credo


Feixiang Choir |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Cherly Susanti, conductor 曲目 Program

.Antonín Dvořák: Napadly písně .Cherly Susanti: Daemon Irrepit Callidus

Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers |菲律賓 The Philippines 指揮

Daniel Dumas, conductor 曲目 Program

.Beny F. Castillon: Kruhay .Giedrius Svilainis: Laudate Dominum

樂粹青年合唱團 Music Essence Youth Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

杜志聰 Chi-Chung To, conductor 曲目 Program

.伍卓賢:呼吸 Cheuk-Yin Ng: HuXi

.Jim Papoulis: We Are the Voices

PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Bana Hafis Muhammad, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Josu Elberdin: Soleram .Josef Rheinberger: Abendlied, Op. 69, No. 3


微光合唱團 Halo Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Vaclovas Augustinas: Tykus Tykus .Tine Bec: Ave Maris Stella

Vocalista Harmonic Choir ISI Yogyakarta |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Athitya Diah Natalia Monica, conductor 曲目 Program

.Z. Randall Stroope: Christi Mutter .Tadeja Vulc: O Sapientia


C21. 民謠 / 傳統音樂組 Ethnic/Traditional Music 陽光合唱團 SURIA CHOIR |馬來西亞 Malaysia 指揮

鄒慧敏 Huei-Min Chau, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Geneviene Wong: Di Tanjong Katong .Arr. Yeo Chow Shern: Medley of Baba and Portugese Songs

國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團 National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

盧怡伶 Yi-Ling Lu, conductor 曲目 Program

.蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song

.高竹嵐:我身騎白馬 Chu-Lan Kao: Me, Riding a White Horse

PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor 曲目 Program

.吳聖穎、唐佳君 編曲:尊貴的誓言 Arr. Muni Takivalit and Jia-Jun Tang: Papumanguaqan

.吳聖穎、唐佳君 編曲:輕輕地唱 Arr. Muni Takivalit and Jia-Jun Tang: Qisaceqalj


八角塔男聲合唱團 The Octangle Male Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李建一 Chien-Yi Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Mack Wilberg: Cindy .簡銘耀 作曲,張舒涵 編曲:愛的真諦 Music by Ming-Yao Chien, Arr. Shu-Han Chang: Love is...

台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.蔡昱姍 編曲:鬼湖之戀 Arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Dalupalring

.Ko Matsushita: 狩俣ぬくいちゃ (Chorus of Karimata Village)

國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.蔡昱姍 編曲:天空落水 Arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Rain from the Sky

.Arr. George G. Hernandez: Rosas Pandan

PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Bana Hafis Muhammad, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Ken Steven: Hela Rotan .Arr. Bagus Syafrieza Paradhika: Kicir Kicir


尼布恩合唱團 Nibun Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

陳俊志 Chun-Chih Chen, conductor 曲目 Program

.陳羿婷 編曲:從此刻起 Arr. I-Ting Chen: From Now On

.南王系之歌 Song of Puyuma

微光合唱團 Halo Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Samo Vovk: Ta Na Solbici .鄧雨賢 作曲,張舒涵 編曲:望春風 Music by Yu-Xian Deng, Arr. Shu-Han Chang: Craving for the Spring Wind

希娜巴嵐國小合唱團 Sinapalan Elementary School - Sinapalan Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

張渝姍 Yu-Shan Chang, conductor 曲目 Program

.張渝姍 編曲:思念故鄉 Arr. Yu-Shan Chang: Missing Home

.張渝姍 編曲:布農 Arr. Yu-Shan Chang: Bunun


C22. 當代音樂組 Contemporary Music Cantabile Chorale |印尼 Indonesia 指揮

Bagus Satrio Utomo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Bagus S. Utomo: Maha Kali .Bagus S. Utomo: Malin

八角塔男聲合唱團 The Octangle Male Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李建一 Chien-Yi Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.Kevin A. Memley: Locus Iste .Eric Whitacre: Lux Aurumque

國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李一凡 Yi-Fan Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.蘇屹:戲為六絕句—水 Yi Su: Six Quatrains Composed Lightheartedly - Water

.蘇屹:戲為六絕句—白楊 Yi Su: Six Quatrains Composed Lightheartedly - Poplar


樂粹青年合唱團 Music Essence Youth Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

杜志聰 Chi-Chung To, conductor 曲目 Program

.伍卓賢:春天的日記 Cheuk-Yin Ng: Diary of Spring

.Arr. Robert DeCormier: Let Me Fly

CHUMMY CHOIR |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

阮慧玲 Viola Yuen, conductor 曲目 Program

.Viola Yuen: Sanctus – Excerpt from Mass .Viola Yuen: Agnus Dei – Excerpt from Mass

微光合唱團 Halo Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Andrej Makor: Spaseniye Sodelal .Tine Bec: Deliver Me, O Lord

Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir B |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Levente Gyöngyösi: O Vos Omnes .Tadeja Vulc: O Sapientia


嘉諾撒聖心英文中學 Sacred Heart Canossian College Choir |澳門 Macau 指揮

張曉荔 Lilik Juniwatie Sutiono, conductor 曲目 Program

.Music by Stephen Foster, Arr. Susan LaBarr: Under the Willow .Ola Gjeilo: Ave Generosa

國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團 National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

盧怡伶 Yi-Ling Lu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Ken Steven: O Ina Ni Keke .Tobin Stokes: Koosen

聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團 St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

朱安麗 Anne Chu, conductor 曲目 Program

.謝基信:天空 Gershom Tse: Above

.Sydney Guillaume: Koudjay

屏中海洋男聲合唱團 Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

黃錦蘭 Chin-Lan Huang, conductor 曲目 Program

.Music by Jeffrey L. Ames and Randall Johnson, Arr. Chin-Lan Huang: Festival Gloria Fanfare .松本望:Finale from 天使のいる構図

Nozomi Matsumoto: Finale from Composition Where Angel Exists


迎曦女聲 Taipei Ladies Singers |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

翁建民 Chien-Min Weng, conductor 曲目 Program

.Sarah Quartel: Agnus Dei .Dan Forrest: Psalm 8

Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A |新加坡 Singapore 指揮

Nicolette Foo, conductor 曲目 Program

.Péter Tóth: Ubi Caritas et Amor .Ko Matsushita: Ave Regina Cœlorum

台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.Ēriks Ešenvalds: Northern Lights .Józef Świder: Laudate Pueri Dominum

聖若瑟書院室內男聲合唱團 St. Joseph's College Chamber Boys' Choir |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

鄭智山 Chi-Shan Chris Cheng, conductor 曲目 Program

.李旻禧:其實星星並不遙遠,只要你願意踮起腳尖 Man Li: Tiptoe for the Reachable Stars

.劉聖賢 編曲:天烏烏 Arr. Shen-Hsien Liu: Ti O O


C23. 重唱及小型合唱團 Vocal Ensemble St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir |香港 Hong Kong 曲目 Program

.Arr. Zoltán Kodály: 'Mid The Oak Trees .Gershom Tse: The Vesper Sparrow

St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Mixed Voice Ensemble |香港 Hong Kong 曲目 Program

.Orlande de Lassus: Matona, Mia Cara .Ēriks Ešenvalds: Stars

St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Girls' Ensemble |香港 Hong Kong 曲目 Program

.Franz Biebl: Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) .Darius Lim: Cries From A Distant World

Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers |菲律賓 The Philippines 指揮

Daniel Dumas, conductor 曲目 Program

.Felix Mendelssohn: Jagdlied, Op. 59, Nr. 6 .Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Hodie Christus Natus Est


T. 台灣作品組 Taiwanese Compositions 迎曦女聲 Taipei Ladies Singers |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

翁建民 Chien-Min Weng, conductor 曲目 Program

.林松樺:看一隻鳥仔 Sung-Hua Lin: Look at A Bird

國立臺南一中合唱團 National Tainan First Senior High School Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宣榳菲 Ting-Fei Hsuan, conductor 曲目 Program

.石青如:如果明天就是下一生 Ching-Ju Shih: If Tomorrow Were the Next Life

CHUMMY CHOIR |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

阮慧玲 Viola Yuen, conductor 曲目 Program

.劉志明:求主援助 Chi-Ming Lau: Pity Me, Lord


國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.呂金守 作曲,艾爾柏汀 編曲:油桐花 Music by Kim-Siu Lu, Arr. Josu Elberdin: Yu Tung Fa

國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團 National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

盧怡伶 Yi-Ling Lu, conductor 曲目 Program

.黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: A Storyteller Who Walked into the Crowds

微光合唱團 Halo Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目 Program

.羅思容 作曲,張舒涵 編曲:白雲之歌 Music by Si-Rong Lo, Arr. Shu-Han Chang: White Clouds

八角塔男聲合唱團 The Octangle Male Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

李建一 Chien-Yi Li, conductor 曲目 Program

.劉毅:戇囡仔 Yi Liu: Silly Kid


PUZANGALAN 兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor 曲目 Program

.吳聖穎、唐佳君 編曲:只想讓你知道 Arr. Muni Takivalit and Jia-Jun Tang: Heiyoin

台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.趙菁文:於焉 Ching-Wen Chao: Thus

沂風室內合唱團 Yi-Phone Chamber Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor 曲目 Program

.石青如:褒忠讚歌 Ching-Ju Shih: Ode to Bozung


O. 開放曲目組 Open Category 台大合唱團 National Taiwan University Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

連芳貝 Tracy Lien, conductor 曲目 Program

.Eric Whitacre: Cloudburst

國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Saunder Choi: Leron, Leron Sinta

CHUMMY CHOIR |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

阮慧玲 Viola Yuen, conductor 曲目 Program

.江克滿:愛之歌 Keman Jiang: Song of Love


國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團 National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

盧怡伶 Yi-Ling Lu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Arr. Ruben Federizon: Gamgam na Periko (The Parrot)

迎曦女聲 Taipei Ladies Singers |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

翁建民 Chien-Min Weng, conductor 曲目 Program

.Dan Forrest: Psalm 8

微光合唱團 Halo Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目 Program

.金承志:我歌唱的理由有很多 Cheng-Zhi Jin: For Many a Reason I Sing


V. 虛擬合唱團組 Virtual Choir 屏中海洋男聲合唱團 Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

黃錦蘭 Chin-Lan Huang, conductor 曲目 Program

.陳永淘 作曲,黃俞憲、黃錦蘭 編曲: 離開台灣八百里 Music by Yong-Tao Chen, Arr. Yu-Hsien Huang and Chin-Lan Huang: Sailing Away from Home

沂風室內合唱團 Yi-Phone Chamber Choir |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor 曲目 Program

.蔡旭峰:迎風的塹影 Hsu-Feng Tsai: City in the Wind, Lady in My Wink

CLSU MAESTRO - SINGERS |菲律賓 The Philippines 指揮

Jezreel Dave Leybag, conductor 曲目 Program

.Music by Ryan Cayabyab, Arr. Christopher Borela: Paraiso


國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團 Y.S. Chorus |台灣 Taiwan 指揮

宋知庭 Chi-Ting Song, conductor 曲目 Program

.Eric Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby

Voices of St. Paul's Co-educational College |香港 Hong Kong 指揮

Apollo Wong, Anne Chu, conductor 曲目 Program

.Mark Hayes: While I Breathe, I Hope



財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 1988 年,一群熱愛音樂的企業家和音樂家,有鑒於國內音樂環境仍有開創及發展空間,亟需結合更多力量推動,因而成立以推廣 音樂、提昇國內音樂普及化為宗旨的「財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會」。成立之初主要支持 1972 年創立的台北愛樂合唱團,為期 使合唱藝術有更多元表演空間,陸續成立兒童合唱團、室內合唱團、青年合唱團、婦女合唱團及市民合唱團,結集各年齡層的合 唱愛好者,讓高水準的合唱樂音聲傳國內外。2003 年起為建構全方位表演藝術環境,陸續成立愛樂劇工廠、青年管弦樂團、少年 樂團及台北愛樂歌劇坊等常態組織,成為具有合唱團、管弦樂團、音樂劇團、歌劇工作坊及統合製作大型國際藝術音樂節的全方 位機構。 本會對引進國外優秀團體,培養國內音樂人才不遺餘力。1996 年起舉辦之「台北國際合唱音樂節」已成為亞洲最大合唱盛事之一; 曾邀請包括英國泰利斯學者、美國香提克利、德國司徒加室內合唱團、瑞典史旺宏歌手、匈牙利 Cantemus 兒童合唱團、拉脫維亞 Kamēr 合唱團等國際知名合唱團體來台演出,每年吸引逾萬人聽眾欣賞,開拓國內合唱新視野。每年暑期同步舉辦之「台北國際合 唱音樂營」亦為國內合唱人士最熱衷參與的活動之一,開設包含合唱音樂營、基礎指揮班、指揮大師班等課程,曾邀請參與之國 際音樂家及指揮家不計其數,每年平均吸引來自台灣及中港澳、日本、新加坡等超過千人以上合唱愛好者參與。2018 年起舉辦「台 北國際合唱大賽」,為台灣大型國際合唱賽事之濫觴,邀集國內外知名指揮擔任評審,賽事選定國人原創合唱作品作為指定曲, 藉此拓展國人作品至世界各個角落,鼓勵更多國人作曲家投身合唱曲創作,展現台灣成熟的合唱實力。 本會所屬之台北愛樂合唱團及台北愛樂室內合唱團屢獲國際知名藝術節、音樂節及場館邀演,包含美國紐約下一波藝術節、明尼 蘇達世界合唱大會、奧立岡巴赫音樂節,澳洲墨爾本藝術節、雪梨世界合唱大會、拉脫維亞國際音樂節、新加坡華藝節、北京國 家大劇院八月合唱節等,足跡遍及世界逾三十餘個國家城市,使台灣音樂文化於國際舞台發光發熱。 為拓展國內音樂表演新視野,本會致力於西方大型經典曲目之推廣,首演包括奧福《布蘭詩歌》、冼星海《黃河大合唱》及巴赫《B 小調彌撒》、《聖約翰受難曲》、《聖馬太受難曲》等作品;節目製作方面,引進百老匯音樂劇《鋪軌》及中國大型經典舞台劇《立 秋》來台,並自製中文音樂劇《上海 ‧ 台北-雙城戀曲》、經典十年民歌音樂劇《微風往事》、親子音樂劇《老鼠娶親之公主不 想嫁?》等,以中文演唱的現代音樂劇形式,受到觀眾熱烈迴響與肯定。鼓勵國人創作方面,本會長期與錢南章教授合作,發表《馬 蘭姑娘》、《佛說阿彌陀經》、《十二生肖》等大型合唱及管弦作品;亦邀請許雅民、馬水龍等當代作曲家與之合作,發行之【映 象中國】、【馬蘭姑娘】、【六月雪】、【佛說阿彌陀經】、【十二生肖】、【印象台灣 II】等專輯屢獲得金曲獎提名及獲獎肯定。 本會長期以來獲得政府、企業及社會大眾之肯定與支持,2008 年獲台北市政府藝響空間計畫支持,擴大了營運空間。我們將珍惜 各界關懷,戮力以赴,為台灣音樂的扎根、成長及邁向國際繼續貢獻心力。


董 事 長|李詩欽 董








榮譽董事|丁盧明秀、孫鵬萬、高英武、陳敏芳 顧


行政群 執












專 案 經 理|簡宸緯



執 行 企 劃|林鈺珊、陳詠莉






Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education In 1988, perceiving that Taiwan's music environment still had great potential for development, a group of music-loving industrialists and musicians founded the "Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education" in order to promote musical activities and to further raise the cultural standards of Taiwan. The foundation started with supporting the renowned Taipei Philharmonic Chorus on their mission of elevating the performance quality and promoting local musicians through choral music. Later on, the foundation created groups such as the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Children's Choir, Youth Choir, Youth Orchestra, Youth Ensemble, Musical Theater, and Opera Studio, each with the identical goals of performing and promoting music in Taiwan. The Foundation has been making great efforts in introducing outstanding international performers to Taiwan, and in promoting talented Taiwanese musicians. For the last three decades, the Foundation had continuously introduced fabulous groups and musicians, such as Chanticleer, Inner Mongolian Youth Choir, King's Singers, Tallis Scholars, Youth Choir Kamer, Kamnerchor Stuttgart, World Youth Choir, English Chamber Orchestra, Asia Youth Orchestra, The Real Group...etc, to name a few. The Foundation also keeps bringing new visions of programing to the audience, including Taiwanese premiere of many masterpieces, such as Brahms's “Ein Deutsches Requiem", Orff 's "Carmina Burana", Fanshawe’s "African Sanctus", Britten’s “War Requiem”, and Bach’s “Mass in B Minor”, “St. John’s Passion”, “St. Matthew’s Passion”. Additionally, in order to encourage Taiwanese composers, the Foundation keeps in long-term collaboration with composer Chien Nan-Chang, as well as several composers of younger generation, such as Lee Che-Yi, Jan Tien-Hao, Shih Ching-Ru, Huang ChunDa, to name a few. Together, they have presented many choral-symphonic pieces, such as “The Maiden Malan”, “The Twelve Animal Signs of Chinese Zodiac”, “Jail as my Hotel”...etc; several productions of original musicals, such as “Hocubu”, “Zelandia”, “Love Stories of Two Cities”...etc; and more than 100 choral octavos in different setting. For cultivating talented young Taiwanese musicians, the Foundation has been collaborating with young musicians in the beginning stages of their music careers, and at has held activities such as “Young Stars Concert Series”, “Youth Musicians Series”, “Rising Stars Festival”, among others. In addition, the Foundation holds the annual “Taipei International Choral Festival” every summer since 1996, in which, famous international choral masters are invited to give masterclasses, workshops, lectures, and concerts. Through these intense classes, Taiwanese musicians and audience get to experience world-class music activities and to enhance their musical skills, knowledge, and appreciation. Furthermore, the artists from all around the world can have a glance to the abundant cultural aspects of Taiwan. The festival is the event that continually brings stimulation to the local music fields, as well as in Asia. While the level of local music quality continues to rise, the Foundation also devotes valuable time to bringing Taiwanese music to the international stage. Since 1992, the Foundation has been supporting the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir in concert tours all over the world, performing in more than 30 countries, in several prestigious international events, such as the “World Symposium on Choral Music”, “Oregon Bach Festival”, “Festival Vancouver”...etc. Wherever they have been, they have always left the audiences with impressions of brilliancy. This in term helps Taiwan gain a greater recognition in the international choral world. Only with the long-term support of the public and local enterprises can the “Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education” reach such high achievements. The Foundation will surely make more efforts in the future to develop local musical performances while simultaneously making its music available to the international stage.


財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 2022 贊助人名冊 Sponsors of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education 藝企夥伴


文化部 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 臺北市政府文化局 財團法人英業達集團公益慈善基金會 財團法人永真教育基金會 財團法人王道銀行教育基金會 財團法人邱再興文教基金會 中華民國真如苑佛教會 李凱萍 莊南田

石文君 何燕燕 吳華芬 周光燦 林大毅 林坤賢 林彩荔 張文正 張麗純 莊富枝 陳怡如 陳惠珠 黃美玉 楊宜娉 楊黃美幸 詹佳真 劉容燕 蔣小娟 欒珊瑚

榮譽贊助人 上海商業儲蓄銀行文教基金會 中國建設銀行台北分行 台灣康寧顯示玻璃股份有限公司 兆豐國際商業銀行 名喬建設股份有限公司 財團法人台灣新光保全文化藝術基金會 財團法人林伯奏文教基金會 財團法人勇源教育發展基金會 許遠東先生暨夫人紀念文教基金會 台北市婦女合唱團 大湖愛樂合唱團 台灣雅樂合唱團 台北愛樂婦女合唱團 台北愛樂市民合唱團 台北愛樂市民女聲合唱團 財團法人中技社 亓 甯 王玉麟 王采伶 李佳霖 杜月娥 林榮豊 柯瑞美 徐婉芬 梁吳蓓琳 陳惠智 陳蕙芳 程立敏 葉清美 葉寶鳳 劉信雄 鄭金卑 謝伯毅

愛樂之友 卜家玫 干美珍 干學金 方秀美 王敏慧 王復民 王嘉雯 王蔓玲 曲芳儀 朱月玲 朱怡潔 江陳美惠 吳玉美 吳妍妍 吳杏如 吳倩雯 呂錦雪 巫秋香 李文美 李文健 李海晏 李淑怡 李淑嬌 李清秀 李燕珠 辛美慧 阮美芳 卓芬玲 周聰美 官惠萍 林月珠 林玉卿 林敏珩 林淑女 林淑芬 林雪華 邱大環 邱秀美 邱慧娟 邱壘顥 洪家茵 洪鳳凰 胡幼峰 唐梅玲 馬婉瑜 高孔廉 高永和 高治華 張婉琪 張涵玲 張曾淑芬 張琪雪 許玉玲 許秀明 許峻榮 連玉鈴 陳佩芬 陳怡君 陳怡萍 陳欣欣 陳湘予 陳華美 陳寧欣 陳麗玲 曾慧芬 曾寶琴 程伶芳 程淑芳 黃清吟 黃凱華 黃舒伶 黃壽英 楊秋滿 楊莉慧 楊舒貞 楊麗敏 廖惠瑛 廖翠雲 趙建國 趙 琳 劉稟洪 劉翠溶 劉燈桂 潘真理 蔣希麟 蔣家興 鄧慧慧 鄭純如 蕭淑貞 賴玉釵 賴明珠 賴香蓮 謝麗娟 蹇婷婷 鍾蓮芳 簡立欣 羅雪卿 羅惠珠 龐淑芬 嚴淑雲 安瑟美膚整形外科診所 柏薇菈美容事業有限公司 皇榮貿易股份有限公司 旗哥牛肉湯 鳶尾花集工作室

方鶯珍 王靜婷 江俊德 吳淑美 李文華 李滋男 周宜靜 林宜慧 林惠玉 俞 華 夏語婕 高珍惠 張慧美 陳又嘉 陳香梅 陳麗珠 程淑琦 黃 蓉 葉 明 鄞麗如 蔡玉琴 鄭雅文 賴毓珊 簡麗惠 蘇秀蘭

王中詩 王瓊熔 何啟英 吳毓玲 李妙麗 李劍美 周芳瑜 林美秀 林欽齡 施麗英 徐素惠 高淑端 張 鶴 陳玉樺 陳 茜 陶曼馨 黃玉書 黃瀅潔 葉棃嬋 劉宜蘭 蔡 怡 鄭雅文 戴忠毅 魏秀溫 蘇昌美

王永文 矢建華 何 嬿 吳碧蘭 李治芬 李劍華 周雪玲 林美惠 林瑟偵 柯美琴 徐澤倩 屠世天 曹先進 陳安心 陳淑姬 單豫庸 黃秀美 黃麗珠 詹維康 劉宥清 蔡政玉 鄭錚錚 戴惠芳 魏 媞 蘇南萍



達豐公關顧問股份有限公司 奧圖碼科技股份有限公司 財團法人育芝文教基金會 甘良生 安 琪 林碧翠 孫慧芳 馬維楓 郭志超 陳美娟 謝明珠

財團法人邱再興文教基金會 王 謙 王光明 李翼文 林行憲 林嘉勲 林碧嬌 邱秋林 姚啟甲 姜長安 施振榮 洪敏弘 張順利 許勝傑 黃少華 楊明憲 楊麗芬 葉曉甄 劉如容 鄭鐘英 上海商業儲蓄銀行文教基金會 台灣交通大學校友總會 彥陽科技股份有限公司 達盈管理顧問股份有限公司


王宗明 石文菁 佟韻玲 吳應南 李建華 李劍輝 周華針 林桂霞 林嘉彬 柯雪卿 翁康友 康子溱 梁麗群 陳佘玉珍 陳雪如 喻 安 黃彥綾 愛樂人 鄒如軒 劉素燕 蔡秋蘭 鄭蘭英 謝小姐 羅文琪

王 珞 任和平 利敏玉 呂素蓮 李秋瑰 李慧敏 周慧雯 林素玉 林謙純 柯燕甯 馬可華 張秋蓮 莊皓雲 陳秀卿 陳惠芳 曾仙媚 黃美雯 楊金娣 廖淑苓 劉菊梅 蔡翠敏 蕭從文 謝佩芬 羅敏儀

感謝名單 Acknowledgement

文化部 外交部 馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處 Manila Economic and Cultural Office 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 國家表演藝術中心國家兩廳院 國立臺灣博物館 國立臺北教育大學音樂學系 林玲慧 主任 Tolosa Choral Competition 財團法人英業達集團公益慈善基金會 財團法人永真教育基金會 財團法人王道銀行教育基金會 上海商業儲蓄銀行文教基金會 中國建設銀行臺北分行 中華民國真如苑佛教會 台灣康寧顯示玻璃股份有限公司 協眾國際股份有限公司 氧顏森活 GREENCONUT 綠果 新光人壽保險股份有限公司 艋舺教會 和逸飯店 HOTEL COZZI 中華電信股份有限公司 渴望會館 台北商旅 Les Suites Taipei 大來商旅 菲律賓航空 中華航空 翡冷翠文創

MUZIK 連士堯 MUSICO 音樂圈 PAA 表演藝術聯盟 PAR 表演藝術 李秋玫 張震洲 中央社 趙靜瑜 William Yen 中國時報 李欣恬 中央廣播電臺 江昭倫 吳祝育 民生@報 陳小凌 自由時報 凌美雪 威傳媒 蘇松濤 聯合報 陳宛茜 新網新聞網 麻念台 郭士榛 華人世界時報 應瑋漢 漢聲廣播電台 董幼雲 錢大同 麥卡貝網路電視 台視新聞 三立新聞

歐開合唱團 蝦米視障人聲樂團 木樓合唱團 亞特愛樂合唱團 台北愛樂市民合唱團 台北愛樂市民女聲合唱團 台北市婦女合唱團 台北愛樂婦女合唱團 大湖愛樂合唱團 台灣真如苑合唱團

許世青 老師 洪良一 老師 施綺年 老師 新竹縣嘉興國小暨義興分校合唱團 陳翰威老師 迎曦女聲 翁建民老師 青韵合唱團 鄭為之老師 師韻合唱團 李卿雲 老師 法吉歐利合唱團 林慧玲 老師 東吳校友合唱團 蔡榮杰 先生 華岡唱友合唱團 莊 偉 先生 台大校友合唱團 羅仲智 先生 內湖社區大學合唱團 紀景華 老師 四分溪合唱團 許世青 老師

國防部示範樂隊 國家交響樂團 台灣合唱協會 張明昌 先生 王冠東 先生 周定國 先生 戴忠毅 長老 徐 鏞 先生 張維君 老師 邱君強 老師


微光合唱團 徐惠君 老師 台中室內合唱團 楊宜真 老師 國立台中教育大學校友總會 香頌合唱團 莊敏仁 老師 台中藝術家合唱團 莊璧華 老師 林世恆 老師

2022 台北國際合唱音樂節 Taipei International Choral Festival

藝術總監 Artistic Director

黑 Dirk DuHei

攝影 Photography

平面設計 Graphic Designer

邑 Yi Chen

周定國 Ting-Kuo Chou 王冠東 Kuan-Tung Wang

顧問 Advisor

會計 Accountant

杜明遠 Ming-Yuen Du 劉葳莉 Willy Liu

曾淑華 Shu-Hua Tseng

字幕 Subtitles

李婉瑜 Wan-Yu Li 出納 Cashier

音樂總監 Music Director

林慧蓉 Hui-Jung Lin

秘書 Secretary

舞台監督 Stage Manager

洪瑩庭 Ying-Ting Hong 趙敏淳 Min-Chun Chao

古育仲 YuChung John Ku 行政總監 Executive Director

丁達明 Ferdinand Ta-Ming Ting

張如怡 Louise Chang 張紋綺 Rita Chang 劉冠伶 Kuan-Ling Liu

策劃顧問 Administrative Counselor

陳治宇 Charlie Chih-Yu Chen

舞監助理 Assistant Stage Manager

專案經理 Project Manager

許智崴 Chih-Wei Hsu 廖珩 Heng Liao 李嘉烜 Jia-Xuan Li

陳玲莉 莊馥鴻 簡宸緯 林鈺珊

Lily Chen Fu-Hung Johnson Chuang Vincent Chien Yu-Shan Lin

接待 Receptionist

張芷瑄 Phoebe Chih-Hsuan Chang 全可凡 Vicky Chuan

企劃執行 Project Coordinator

陳詠莉 Yung-Li Chen 林宛萱 Wan-Hsuan Lin 余庭安 Ting-An Yu

文稿翻譯 Translator

票務推廣 Tickets Promotion

節目冊總編輯 Chief Editor

劉宜欣 Stella Liu 羅健航 Chien-Hang Lo

王舒慧 Ester Su-Huei Wang

張維君 Wei-Chun Regina Chang 翁建民 Chien-Min Weng

錄音 Sound Recording 公關 Public Relations

林友真 Yeou-Chen Lin 王羿文 I-Wen Wang

王昭惠 Chao-Huei Wang 錄影 Video Recording

風爵影像 WIND Image 媒體宣傳 Media Relations

陳佳妤 Chia-Yu Chen

燈光音響 Light & Sound

捷韻實業有限公司 CHIEH YUN CORP.


合唱營助理 Choir Staff

陳奕蓁 Yi-Jhen Chen 劉珈伶 Chia-Ling Liu 志工 Volunteer

陳冠廷 陳明均 陳茉莉 賈月敏 徐慧芳 許惠芬 黃苒芸 黃采婕 黃燕玲 紀麗莉 林麗雯 王昭雯 吳秀菁

Kuan-Ting Chen Ming-Jun Chen Mo-Li Chen Yueh-Min Chia Hui-Fang Hsu Hui-Feng Hsu Jan-Yun Huang Tsai-Chieh Huang Yen-Ling Huang Li-Li Ji Li-Wen Lin Chao-Wen Wang Hsiu-Ching Wu

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