Taito Group
page 2
Organizations & Activities
page 4
Courses & Workshops
page 6
Basic Education of Arts
page 12
page 14
Business Services
page 18
page 20
Crafts Tourism
page 22
Taito Shop
page 26
Traditional Collections
page 30
page 32
page 34
page 36
Ta i to G ro u p Crafts in Life, Products and Services Taito Group is a nationwide service and expert organization whose aim is to promote crafts culture both as a skill and a source of livelihood. We offer both enthusiasts and expert craftspeople wide-ranging opportunities to develop their skills and get to know the field of crafts and the traditions within it.
Nanna Bayerin keramiikkaa. Nanna Bayers keramik.
Studio Jaffe / Marjo Jaffe-Pelkonen
The organization is composed of the Finnish Crafts Organization Taito and 21 regional crafts associations. These associations run approximately 140 Crafts Centres spread all around the country.
A Network of Crafts Skills • creativity • skill • entrepreneurship • sustainable development
The organization’s target is to promote sustainable crafts with an emphasis on creativity, quality, responsibility and life-long learning. The purpose of our activities is to increase well-being and the importance of crafts as a visible part of Finnish culture and international cooperation. Taito Group’s services are used annually by almost two million customers, crafts enthusiasts and professionals. This publication presents Taito Group’s activities and services. Welcome to the inspiring world of crafts!
As s o c i a t i o n s Versatile Meeting Places for Crafts
Crafts Centres are versatile meeting places for people who are passionate about crafts culture, developing their skills and entrepreneurship within the field. The venues of these centres vary from traditional, cosy weaving workshops to comprehensive crafts complexes and resorts. Taito Group’s services include training and courses, crafts guidance and workshop activities. Basic Education of Arts includes Crafts Schools which are an important part of our activities. Our services also include exhibitions, various events and seminars, as well as the sale of materials, tools and ready-made crafts products. Taito Business Services, aimed at entrepreneurs in the field, include training, consulting and marketing services. In addition, the Finnish Crafts Organization Taito publishes the TAITO Magazine, issued six times a year, and various guidebooks and other publications within the field.
Crafts Centres www.taito.fi
Co u r s e s skills • learning • spending time together breaking away from the hassles of life • being creative
courses & workshops
Our Courses are Extremely Popular Our courses, clubs and workshops provide creative activities related to crafts and manual skills, performed together with other people. Crafts associations offer an extremely versatile course selection. The courses are open for everyone. They are organized year round and some of them are implemented in cooperation with adult education centres and study centres. The supply of courses is presented on the associations’ websites and service brochures. The associations offer various benefits for their members which include private individuals, companies and communities.
Crafts associations www.taito.fi
Cu s to m - m a d e Co u r s e s
Break Away from the Hassles of Life with your Friends Custom-made courses are all about having fun together, getting away from your busy life and being creative. You can choose the theme from our selection of courses, or your course can be custom-made according to your group’s wishes. Crafts associations also offer further vocational training. Training programmes are planned together with our partners and can focus, for example, on strengthening competence, or they can be aimed at immigrants, or consist of employment and entrepreneurial training.
Crafts associations www.taito.fi
courses & workshops
work for your hands • beauty for your eyes • well-being for your mind
Crafts associations also offer further vocational training. Training programmes are planned together with our partners and can focus, for example, on strengthening competence, or they can be aimed at immigrants, or consist of employment and entrepreneurial training.
We av i n g
Weaving is a fun and practical hobby. It helps you to keep fit and stimulates your mind, and you can adorn your home with the products you make. Workshops provide the necessary tools, materials and expert instructors. The looms are ready-set with basic wefts, and crafts advisors guide you in the daytime. Almost all our associations have workshops for weaving. At the Crafts Centres in your area, you can also inquire about other workshops.
Crafts associations www.taito.fi
courses & workshops
Weaving is a great hobby.
Starting Weaving • Make an appointment. • Discuss matters concerning weaving and beginning to weave with the advisor. • When you go to the Crafts Centre, the advisor will show you the premises and tools and help you to get started. • Design your patterns and colours, choose your materials. • Start weaving. • Ask for advice when necessary. • Enjoy yourself. • Take pleasure in the end result.
Ta i to C ra f t s S c h o o l s
The Taito Crafts Schools all over Finland provide education in crafts in line with the Basic Education of Arts curriculum for 4–16 year old children and young people, as well as adults. These Crafts Schools teach the different stages of crafts, from design to implementation. The starting points for these studies consist of the students’ individual experiences, working with their hands, producing products and their self-expression. The education develops the students’ knowledge, skills and readiness in the different sectors of crafts culture, while strengthening their personality and aesthetic selection ability and encouraging creative problem solving. The associations’ 17 Crafts Schools have approximately 3,600 children and young people and 500 adults. Children and young persons are also offered various holiday courses and camps, and afternoon activities are organized for children.
Basic Education of Arts
Basic Education of Arts for Crafts The study units include article design and manufacture, textile and clothing design and manufacture and environmental design and construction. The studies comprise early learning, basic and advanced studies. The scope of the general syllabus is 500 hours and that of the broad syllabus 1,300 hours. Taito Crafts Schools also offer education in crafts for adults in line with the Basic Education of Arts curriculum.
J oy i n C re a t i o n
Tekemisen iloa -malliston tuotteissa käytetyt kotimaiset, laadukkaat materiaalit kestävät aikaa ja kulutusta, ja ovat osa onnistunutta kokonaisuutta. Mallistoon liittyviä kursseja ja työpajoja järjestetään taito- ja käsityökeskuksissa.
The Finnish quality materials used in the products of the Joy in Creation collection (Tekemisen iloa) are time and wear-resistant and form a part of a well-designed whole. Crafts Centres organize courses and workshops for making the products in the collection.
The Joy in Creation collection offers crafts enthusiasts models and ideas for interior decoration that are full of personality and easy to adapt to the maker’s own needs. The collection is renewed annually. In addition to nationwide collections, Crafts Centres have a diverse range of collections belonging to individual crafts associations.
Crafts Centres www.taito.fi
C ra f t s C l a s s i c s
Finnish crafts classics include, for example, rag mats, products woven with weft that is made from narrow strips of woven cotton, linen tablecloths, woolly socks, sheath-knives and baskets and dishes made of birch bark. Different decades have had their own favourites and different areas of Finland have their own regional designs. What classics have in common is that they are utensils and have been manufactured throughout decades on courses, in craftspersons’ workshops and small-scale industry.
Crafts Centres www.taito.fi
Rag mat, the dearest of mats.
Ta i to B u s i n e s s S e r v i ce s entrepreneurship • research • reports • product assessments product information • marketing • networks
18 Kuva: Nina Dodd
Kuva: Tomi Aho
Kuva: Tomi Aho
business services
TAITO START is tailored for those planning to become crafts entrepreneurs. It helps you to analyse your business idea and its feasibility. With Taito Start you’ll get your ideas rolling. TAITO PRODUCT ANALYSIS helps you to find out your products’ commercial possibilities and development needs. The assessment will provide reinforcement for your ideas and give you confidence in marketing your products and services. TAITO PRODUCT INFORMATION is a service that helps you to make your products ready to sell and ensures that your product information and packaging meet legal requirements. TAITO MARKETS 1 is your first step towards successful marketing measures. Customer segmentation and a marketing plan provide a boost to successful and methodical marketing. TAITO WEB START guides you in utilising e-mail, your own website and web store so that they serve your business in the best possible way and strengthen your business image. TAITO TEST MARKETING helps you to investigate the commercial strengths and weaknesses of your product. The service results in wide-ranging feedback, which will help you to further develop your products, encourage you and give you confidence in the possibilities offered by resale. TAITO NETWORK is the marketplace for crafts products and services online at www.taitoverkko.fi.
www.taito.fi www.taitoverkko.fi
Fa i r s a n d E x h i b i t i o n s
Crafts associations, in cooperation with fairs organizers, stage national and regional crafts fairs. The most famous of these are the Finnish Handicrafts fair and the Käsityömessut and Kätevä fairs. The associations also have their own regional crafts sales events and markets in the summer and before Christmas. In addition, the associations arrange collective departments for entrepreneurs at national marketing events and international fairs. The strong Finnish crafts know-how is also displayed at other national and regional culture-oriented exhibitions.
Meeting places for crafts entrepreneurs and customers.
C ra f t s & To u r i s m
Crafts Centres always have something new and inspiring for tourists. The traditional methods of manufacture and natural materials of articles, as well as the designs that have been shaped by generations, are a record of local culture and history. Active tourists can participate in various courses and return home with something they have experienced and made with their own hands. Lively regional events add colour to their visit. The most famous Crafts Centres for tourists include Kenk채vero in Mikkeli, Verkaranta in Tampere, Taitokortteli in Joensuu, the House of Crafts Loftet in Vaasa, the House of the Tasihin in Lappeenranta, Kaarakan talo in Sein채joki and Kankuri in Kokkola.
crafts tourism
Fascinating tourist attractions for crafts throughout the country.
Eve n t s
crafts tourism
Crafts associations organize various cultural events concerning crafts all over the country. Crafts markets, Christmas villages, summertime marketplaces and autumn events offer diverse entertainment and programmes, demonstrations of skills by craftspersons, opportunities to spend time together in a fun and leisurely way, product demonstrations and selling. These events are fun for both tourists and locals. Taito Week is the Taito Group’s nationwide theme week which is celebrated annually in April on or close to the name day of Taito with various themes. Another nationwide event is the atmospheric Flowing Light (Valo virtaa) event for Crafts Schools, celebrated in the autumn.
Products with an Individual Touch for Everyday and Celebrations, in Cooperation with Finnish Crafts Entrepreneurs Taito Shop Aivia Jyväskylä Taito Shop A-paja Kouvola Taito Shop Hamina Hamina Taito Shop Helsky Helsinki Taito Shop Joensuu Joensuu Taito Shop Joroinen Joroinen Taito Shop Joutsa Joutsa Taito Shop Juva Juva Taito Shop Kainuun Pirtti Kajaani Taito Shop Kangasniemi Kangasniemi Taito Shop Kerimäki Kerimäki Taito Shop Kuopio Kuopio Taito Shop Leppävirta Leppävirta Taito Shop Loftet Vaasa Taito Shop Maakari Oulu Taito Shop Mikkeli Mikkeli Taito Shop Mäntyharju Mäntyharju Taito Shop Pieksämäki Pieksämäki Taito Shop Pori Pori Taito Shop Pirkanmaan Kotityö Tampere Taito Shop Saarijärvi Saarijärvi Taito Shop Savonlinna Savonlinna Taito Shop Tahko Nilsiä Taito Shop Varkaus Varkaus Taito Shop Venny ja Jussi Iisalmi Taito Shop Viitasaari Viitasaari
Taito Shop is the largest marketing chain for Finnish crafts and it offers locally made products with a personal touch that stand the test of time. The crafts associations have 26 Taito Shops all over Finland.
Other Crafts Shops of the Associations
The Crafts Centres’ shops offer wide ranges of materials and products.
Gullkrona Parainen Turku www.gullkrona.fi Ihanien tavaroiden kauppa Herra Hakkaraisen talo Sastamala www.taitosatakunta.fi Kankuri Shop Kokkola www.taitokeskipohjanmaa.fi Kenkävero Mikkeli www.kenkavero.fi
The Crafts Centres’ shops offer wide ranges of materials and products. Crafts Centres generally have either a shop or a sales point where crafts materials and products can be purchased. Some of the shops focus specifically on tourism and tourist products, as well as products made by crafts entrepreneurs in their area.
Rustoopuori Seinäjoki Lapua Tuuri www.taitoep.net Taito-kauppa • Tasihinin talo Lappeenranta www.taitoetelakarjala.fi
TAITOKESKUS LUHTI Rovaniemi www.taitolappi.fi
Tradition as I nspiration
traditional collections
Tastes and Memories from Different Regions Tradition and regional culture are the inspiration and source of creativity for many of the crafts associations’ traditional collections.
Ta i to Wo r l d
Crafts producers apply international influences freely and naturally and interpret them in new ways. Crafts are being promoted all over the world in many different ways and by many different organizations. The Finnish Crafts Organization is also involved in these activities. International exhibition exchanges, fairs, various events, seminars and workshops are a natural part of the organization’s operations. In addition, cooperation takes place through different product development projects. The Finnish Crafts Organization is a member of the following international organizations, among others: World Crafts Council, the International Organization of Folk Art, the European Folk Art and Craft Federation and the Nordic countries’ crafts organization Nordens Hemslöjdsförbund.
Ta i to G ro u p
Helsinki www.taito.fi lOCAL ASSOCIATIONS: Taito Etelä-Karjala Lappeenranta • Joutseno Taavetti • Parikkala • Savitaipale www.taitoetelakarjala.fi Taito etelä-pohjanmaa Etelä-Pohjanmaan käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Seinäjoki • Alavus • Isokyrö • Kauhajoki Töysä • Vaasa • Ähtäri www.taitoep.net TAITO HELSKY HElsingin käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Helsinki www.helsky.net Taito Häme Lahti www.taitohame.fi Taito Itä-Suomi Mikkeli • Savonlinna • Varkaus Pieksämäki • Leppävirta • Kerimäki Kangasniemi • Juva • Mäntyharju Joroinen www.taitoitasuomi.fi TAITO KAINUU Kajaani • Paltamo • Puolanka Ristijärvi • Vaala www.taitokainuu.fi Taito Keski-Suomi Jyväskylä • Joutsa • Saarijärvi • Viitasaari www.aivia.fi Taito Keski-Pohjanmaa Kokkola • Kalajoki • Kannus • Sievi www.taitokeskipohjanmaa.fi Taito Kymenlaakso Kouvola • Hamina • Kausala • Virojoki www.taitokymenlaakso.fi taito lappi Rovaniemi • Pello www.taitolappi.fi Nylands hantverk TAMMISAARI • Porvoo www.nylandshantverk.net
Taito Pirkanmaa Tampere • Hervanta • Kangasala • Lempäälä Mänttä-Vilppula • OrivesiPirkkala • Tesoma Vesilahti • Vilppula • Virrat • Ylöjärvi www.taitopirkanmaa.fi Taito Pohjois-Karjala Joensuu • Ilomantsi • Kitee • Lieksa Nurmes Tohmajärvi www.taitopohjoiskarjala.fi Taito Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Oulu • Kuusamo • Oulainen Pudasjärvi Pulkkila • Raahe www.taitopohjoispohjanmaa.fi taito SatakunTa satakunnan käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Sastamala • Pori • Huittinen • Kankaanpää Noormarkku • Rauma www.taitosatakunta.fi TAITO savo kuopion seudun käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Kuopio • Karttula • Nilsiä • Varpaisjärvi Juankoski • Tuusniemi • Siilinjärvi • Maaninka Suonenjoki • Vesanto • Tervo www.taitosavo.fi Taito Uusimaa Hyvinkää • Hakunila • Havukoski • Hiekkaharju Hyrylä • Järvenpää Klaukkala • Korso • Lohja Mäntsälä • Orimattila www.taitouusimaa.fi taito Varsinais-Suomi varsinais-suomen käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Turku • Laitila • Loimaa • Paimio • Perniö Pöytyä • Raisio • Salo www.taitovarsinaissuomi.fi taito Ylä-Savo ylä-savon käsi- ja taideteollisuus ry
Iisalmi • Kiuruvesi • Lapinlahti • Pielavesi Sonkajärvi www.taitoylasavo.fi Åbolands hantverk Parainen • Turku • Kemiö www.gullkrona.fi Österbottens hantverk Vaasa www.loftet.fi
The Thinking Crafts Magazine
The TAITO Magazine is full of inspiring crafts and topical information. Six times a year it delivers traditions and new trends, activities and food for thought. It is published by the Finnish Crafts Organization Taito.
The Finnish Crafts Organization also publishes teaching material, research and reports for the crafts and design field. Find out more about our publications on the taito.fi website.
Experience something with all your senses, something significant and unforgettable. Taito Group offers you wide-ranging0 opportunities to expand your skills and get to know Finnish handicraft traditions. Welcome to the world of skills !