2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival June 30 - July 8

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The 2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival is not only the annual flagship event of the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society but also a summer cultural feast encompassing art, music, dance, film, and theater. This event is graced by the presence of 14 artists and music groups from Taiwan and Canada to showcase their talent. Other than live performances, the event also features engaging activities like the “Taiwan Tourism Exhibition”, “Artist Corner”, “Free Healthcare Consultation”, “Face Painting” and “Taiwanese Goumet Food”.

Over the past 33 years, the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society has been committed to organizing a series of diverse cultural events, including exhibitions, performances, senior activities, workshops, and lectures to enrich our community with exciting cultural experiences. Art inspires minds, breaks barriers and promotes creativity and cultural diversity. We hope to ignite interest in art, cultivate more artistic talents and make more contribution to the development of the cultural and artistic communities in both Taiwan and Canada.

I’d like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the supporters of the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society, including donors, sponsors, volunteer and committee team, as well as all participants. The success of this event would not be possible without your support.

2023【台灣加拿大藝術文化節】不僅是台加文化協會一年一度的旗艦活動,更是是一場包括 藝術、音樂、舞蹈、電影、戲劇的夏日文化藝術饗宴。今年我們很榮幸邀約到14個來自台灣 及加拿大的藝術家、表演團體亮麗登場,戶外現場活動還有「台灣觀光旅遊展」、「藝術家 走廊」、「整脊及中醫義診」、「兒童畫臉」、「台灣小吃」等豐富有趣活動,全方位展現 兩地的多元文化特色及藝術的無限魅力。

33年來,台加致力於舉辦一系列多元化的文化藝術活動,包括展覽、演出、金齡長者活動, 各類工作坊和講座等,為鄉親提供豐富精彩的文化饗宴。相信藝術的力量能夠啟迪人們的思 想,打破隔閡、促進文化多元性和藝術創新,引領社會的進步,是一個連結過去與未來的重 要紐帶,我們也希望通過這些活動,激發更多人對藝術的興趣,培養更多的藝術音樂人才, 為兩地藝文界的發展做出更大的貢獻。

在這個特殊的時刻,我衷心感謝所有支持台加文化協會的您們,無論是捐助者、贊助商、義 工和行政團隊,還是所有參與各種活動的朋友們。正因為您們的支持和參與,台加文化協會 才能走到今天,繼續打造屬於台灣人的榮耀。

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Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society convinced that culture is the soul of a city. Since its establishment 33 years ago, it has brought together the strength of Taiwanese here and from Taiwan to convey the beauty of Taiwanese culture.

It is a great honor to host the Taiwanese Canadian Culture Festival and invite performance groups of different ethnicities to perform together, fully demonstrating the outstanding contributions made by the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society to the development of multiculturalism in Canada. With the Taiwanese team as the main axis of performance, such a great opportunity to let the world see Taiwan.

With the joint efforts of sponsors, donors, the support of the Taichung City Government and hard-working volunteers, the 2023 Taiwanese Canadian Culture Festival once again completed the arduous task and presented remarkable results. Welcome everyone to experience the century-old traditional cultural heritage, use this Taiwanese spirit to move the world.

台加文化協會深信文化是城市的靈魂,成立33年以來,匯集海內外台灣人的力量,在溫哥 華傳遞台灣文化的美好。

很榮幸藉著舉辦台加藝文節,邀請不同族裔的表演團體共同演出,充分展現台加文化協會 積極對加拿大多元文化發展做出的卓越貢獻,以台灣團隊為表演主軸,更足以讓台灣走出 國際,走入加拿大溫哥華,讓世界看見台灣。

2023年台加藝文節在贊助商、捐款人,台中市政府的支持和無私奉獻的義工朋友們的共同 努力之下,再次完成艱巨任務,呈現斐然成績,歡迎大家一起來感受百年傳統文化底蘊的 力量,用這份台灣精神來感動世界。

2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival

Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society

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Taiwan Taiwan Explore Explore








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BC 30069 ⼊住南園⼈⽂客棧 漫遊城⼭林間的舊⼭線⾃⾏⾞ 清晨單⾞遊⽇⽉潭
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Acknowledgements 敬致謝忱

Founder's Circle

Shing-Kuo Shih & Karen Shih 施興國 & 廖純如

Monica Tsai 蔡雅玲

Patron's Circle

Steve Wang 王正輝

Joanne Chen 陳佳圓

Festival Lover

Steven Chang 張亦凱 Jim Chen 陳俊銘

連淑惠 廖純真 李川信

Performers & Artists 藝術家及表演嘉賓

Paper Artist 紙雕藝術家

Hung Hsin-Fu 洪新富

Atayal Taiwan First Nation M-yu Dancers 泰雅原舞工坊:

Ya-Ling Huang 黃雅玲 Yu-Chu Chou 周玉珠

Hsiao-Wen Lin 林曉玟 Shao-Jyun Shih 史少君

Li-Cheng Liu 劉力誠 Chia-Chang Hsu 許家彰

Jui-Chu Ma 馬瑞竹 Yun-Ya Peng 彭筠雅

Wei-Chieh Liu 劉緯傑 Chun-Chieh Lin 林春節

Ching Chang 張靖

Taiwan Yangqin Orchestra台灣揚琴樂團

Ying-Ciao Liao 廖盈蕎 Yu-Ju Liu 劉泑汝

Wei-Ling Wang 王瑋琳 Yun-Ju Hsieh 謝昀汝

Jin-Tong Wu 吳謹彤

Jin Yu Yuan Puppet Theatre 金宇園掌中劇團

團長: Chin-Tung Chao 趙金統

操偶師: Tzu-Chun Chao 趙子淳

You-Jie Cai 蔡友傑

Ming-Chih Huang 黃明志

配樂師: Xiao-Ruo Zhang 張筱若

行政: Yu-Ching Wang 王玉卿

Mike Alexander

TCCS Line Dance XL The Band

Da Space Fitness Studio Tawahum Bige

Mozaico Flamenco Brazilian Swag

West Coast Chicago Orchid Ensemble

Moving Forward Dance Group

Taiwanese Canadian Ensemble

Vancouver Pops Orchestra & Choir

Western Canada Taiwanese Artist Society


蔡佳杏 盧月鉛 江碧媛 汪詠絮 周德旭

廖武藏 李綠萌 羅世長 魏芳玉 簡志雄

郭永興 蔡霞芬 莊玲珍 袁幼婷 黃斐琳 葉玉霞 葉憲年 董籬

More Appreciation 特別感謝





Taiwan Yangqin Orchestra台灣揚琴樂團 Chuan-Po Chung 鐘泉波團長

Telus Community Fund

Elaine Hsieh 謝依霖

Formosa Association of Student Culture Ambassadors (FASCA)

The Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society respectfully acknowledges that 2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival takes place on the traditional, unceded lands of the Coast Salish people, including the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-waututh Nations.

Thanks to everyone who joined us, all the performers & artists, TCCF committee and all the volunteers who made it possible! Extra big thanks to our incredible sponsors and supporters.

感謝所有義務參與的表演嘉賓、藝術 家、義工,由於您們的無私付出,成就 本次的台加藝文節!對於疏漏或因截稿 未及登載者,仍致萬分感謝!

2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival 28

Paper Magician: Hsin-Fu Hung

Master Hsin-Fu Hung - Paper Crafts Workshop | Free

June 30 | Fri | 1:20 PM & 6:10 PM

July 1 | Sat | 11:30 AM & 3:20 PM

July 2 | Sun | 11:30 AM & 2:50 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Hsin-Fu Hung creates life out of thin paper. Over the years, the Taiwanese national treasure has been invited to Vancouver by the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society on multiple occasions, including the International Children’s Festival. Deftly wielding a pair of scissors, Hung is able to snip out dragonflies and sycamore flowers within seconds. In 2023, the paper magician will once again wow Canadian kids and adults alike through the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival’s virtual program.

Every year, municipal governments in Taiwan distribute free lanterns to the public in the days leading up to the Lantern Festival. In the beginning, those plastic lanterns were powered by batteries. Today, all lanterns are made of recyclable synthetic paper and LED light bulbs free of mercury. Starting in 1994, one-thirds of the lanterns given out by the municipal governments were designed by Hung with easy-to-follow DIY instructions.

As an artist, Hung believes the joy of papercraft should be free for all. Therefore, he made his unique design patterns and production processes an open-source code. Inspired by the traditional binding method for Buddhist texts, Hung is also the patent holder for a specialized binding technique for 3D books. In 2013, Hung united more than 200 high school students to bind together 148 handwritten cards that totalled at 106 meters. This culmination of his invention made history as the world’s longest 3D book in Guinness World Records.

To date, the paper artist, businessman, and inventor has shared his love for papercraft and Taiwanese ecology to audiences in metropolitans like New York, Paris, Berlin, Munich, and Moscow. His next stop? Vancouver. Don’t miss out Hung’s nature-inspired paper art that is sure to impress.

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Taiwan First Nation M-Yu Dancers

Indoor Concerts:

June 30|Fri|7:30 PM |

Outdoor Performances:


June 30 | Fri | 1:30 PM, 2:50 PM & 6:10 PM

July 1 | Sat | 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM & 4:50 PM

July 2 | Sun | 12:40 PM & 3:40 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

To inherit the wisdom and traditional culture of the Atayal, their ancestors used the natural rhythm of the body, traditional live percussion, and singing combined with dance performance to create a close-to-mother culture for the tribal children. The environment allows the blessings of the ancestors to continue, with the purpose of inheriting and preserving the music and dance of the aboriginal people. With the traditional, beautiful sound and natural roots, the unique music and beauty of the aboriginal ethnic group is released. The group was invited to perform in New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan and other large-scale festivals in Taiwan. They worked together to achieve the goal of preserving and promoting the culture of aboriginal music and dance drama. The group developed traditional songs and chants to present the unique characteristics of Atayal and display the music and dance of aboriginal ethnic groups. To promote cultural transfer, we will uphold the excellent performance of the past and encourage the members to continue their earnest efforts to carry forward the localization of Taichung on an international stage, realizing the true meaning of passing the torch.

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Jin Yu Yuan Puppet Theatre

June 30 | Fri | 2:00 PM, 3:20 PM & 7:00 PM

July 1 | Sat | 12:00 PM, 3:40 PM & 5:40 PM

July 2 | Sun | 12:20 PM, 2:20 PM & 5:20 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

The Theatre was founded by Chin Tung Chao, who has performed, since his childhood, traditional hand puppet shows at temples nationwide with his father. At that time, he was fascinated with the popular puppet shows on television. Hence, he has determined to learn, promote and spread this traditional culture and founded Jin Yu Yuan Puppet Theatre in 2008. He has applied the computer animation technique in the photo studio in addition modern laser technology, Sichuan face-changing, marionette flying stunts to the open-field shows and recreated large-scale wooden puppets shows. The Troupe is also active in the pop-music circle and had helped produced MV for Huang Fei, a Taiwanese song singer, and featured MV jointly with Zhenlan Temple of Dajia.

He has insisted in promoting Taiwanese puppet theatre culture despite hardships in various environments in reality and the Troupe had been invited to perform the shows in several countries such as Japan, Vietnam, Canada, Bulgaria and China among others. Recent plan includes the production of 36 puppet shows of filial act to promote filial piety. Puppet show is not just for entertainment but a legacy of technique of promoting the traditional Taiwanese culture of loyalty, filial piety, integrity and righteousness. Since 2018, the shows have been brought as a charitable tour to various hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages and schools in remote areas.

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Taiwan Yangqin (Dulcimer) Orchestra

Indoor Concerts:

June 30|Fri|7:30 PM | ANNEX

July 1 | Sat | 2:00 PM & 4:30 PM|ANNEX

Outdoor Performances:

July 2 | Sun | 11:30 AM & 4:40 PM|Vancouver

Art Gallery North Plaza

Established in 2002, the Taiwan Yangqin (Dulcimer) Orchestra keeps moving towards its vision of “Setting base in Taichung, glorifying Taiwan, and marching to the international arena.” Up to now, it has had more than 300 performances in various counties and cities in Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and America. Whose efforts and achievements have deeply affected the mainland China and the United States, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau, Switzerland, Japan and other places with the establishment of the dulcimer orchestra in these countries., and also exported Taiwanese traditional music materials for adaptation or novel creations, contributing to the promotion of Taiwanese music art and the spread of the dulcimer orhcestra.

Since 2008, throughout the mainland China (currently with more than one hundred dulcimer orchestras), Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Singapore and other places, dulcimer orchestra has been established one after another, and jointly perform and share the musical scores with us. Taiwan dulcimer orchestra has become the bellwether in terms of the dulcimer orchestra.

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Orchid Ensemble

Indoor Concerts:

Strings Unlimited - Taiwan Yangqin Orchestra meets Orchid Ensemble

June 30|Fri|7:30 PM |


Established in 1997, the JUNO nominated Orchid Ensemble is acclaimed as “one of the most adventurous groups uniting Eastern and Western musical traditions” (Georgia Straight). The trio is made up of internationally renowned musicians Lan Tung (Taiwan/Canada) on the erhu/Chinese violin & vocals, Dailin Hsieh (Taiwan/Canada) on the zheng/Chinese zither, and Jonathan Bernard (Canada) on percussion, including the marimba. The ensemble regularly commissions and premieres new compositions. It has embraced a variety of styles in its repertoire, ranging from Taiwanese and Chinese music, World Music, New Music to Creative Improvisation. Its highly regarded interdisciplinary productions fuse music, dance (contemporary, aerial, flamenco, Chinese…etc), visual arts, and media arts.

Mozaico Flamenco

July 1|Sat|12:30PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Mozaico Flamenco had its beginnings in Los Angeles in 1972. Over the years it has evolved into Vancouver’s renowned Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy, established in 2002. The name “Mozaico” honors the mosaic of students from different backgrounds, ages, abilities and circumstances that are drawn to flamenco and are welcomed into the Mozaico community.

Cyrena Huang came from Taiwan, a flamenco dancer and teacher of Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy and performs occasionally at the Kino Cafe. She has been exploring flamenco cello, performing in the White Rock Flamenco Festival and Vancouver Flamenco Festival with local flamenco dancers, singers and guitarists, and in the productions Poemas de Alegria and Cafe de Chinitas at the Vancouver International Dance Festival. She has won a grant to work with choreographer and flamenco dancer Andrea Williams to choreograph and perform a flamenco piece to the Unaccompanied Cello Sonata by Zoltán Kodály.

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TCCS Line Dance

June 30|Fri|2:20PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

We are a group of dance loving moms with our own ideals. While taking care of our family, we also love ourselves. Hence, we found a happy place, the TCCS’s line dance for us to en-joy dance, chat, get together, and share our lives. Inviting you to join us! Take action! Your life won’t be ordinary anymore.

Da Space Fitness Studio

June 30|Fri|3:50PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Da Space Fitness Studio offers K-pop, Jazz, Hip Hop, Zumba, and Fitness Workout. Our mission is to create a pleasant and inclusive community where everyone gets to have fun while being active. Regardless of age, we will support our clients in reaching their potential.

Dance Performance:

*K-Pop Dance Party*

South Korean pop music with famous girls groups: Blackpink, New Jeans, and Somi.

*Zumba®️ Together*

Zumba®️Classic Latin Music vs Mandopop music

Presenter: Pinky Wang (Zumba Education Specialist); Da Space Dance Team

2023 TCCF Designer T-Shirt

Designer: Maguy Lee Credit : Hsin Fu Hung

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XL The Band

June 30|Fri|7:30PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

XL The Band is a Western Canadian Music Award nominated hip hop/ jazz/ alternative fusion project featuring 2/3rds of 4x JUNO Award winning Vancouver group Swollen Members. The members of XL have decades of live experience rocking audiences of tens of thousands on festival main stages, playing in orchestras, and winding up jazz clubs. XL have had their songs and music videos streamed over 3,000,000 times, have been selected to perform at multiple prominent festivals, and have European and North American touring lined up in support of their debut album release Opus No. 1.


Prevail / Vocals

Dr. Liesa Norman / Vocals, Flute, Piano, Rhodes

Rob The Viking / Production, Keys, Vocals

Neph / Vocals

Tawahum Bige

July 1|Sat|2:00PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Tawahum Bige is a Łutselkʼe Dene, Plains Cree spoken word poet and hip-hop artist from unceded Musqueam, Squamish & Tsleil-Waututh Territory (CKA Vancouver). A Two Spirit, Nonbinary Scorpio-moon’s angst guides them to tell their most soul-rending truth to you, to self and to power with an abundant love and reciprocity with the land. Their single, Connect2Spirit, charted #1 on Indigenous Music Countdown in June 2022. Having opened for Kimmortal and Vivek Shraya, Tawahum’s also performed for Talking Stick Festival for several years. They also have a book of poems called Cut to Fortress! Find them online @Tawahum on streaming platforms, Instagram, Twitter and more. His debut hip-hop album, Bottled Lightning, emerges May 5th, so keep those ears keen!

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Moving Forward Dance Group (MoFo)

July 1|Sat|4:00PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Established during the pandemic, Moving Forward Dance Company was created purely out of the love to dance. Beginning with outdoor classes following the necessary restrictions at the time, MoFo (for short) is currently a 3 level training intensive that offers mentorship all year round.

Directed by Ken Yung, with the assistance of Brandi Yung and Jancee Custodio, MoFo offers a fun way for dancers of all levels to improve their craft. Whether that be filming dance concept videos, choreographing, or performing live, Mofo’s main goal is to show everyone that they can be a dancer too, and have a lot of fun while doing it!

West Coast Chicago

July 1|Sun|6:30PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

West Coast Chicago is a group of musicians who share a mutual admiration for the legendary rock band CHICAGO. Each player is dedicated to recreating the sound, energy, and intensity of every song musically and vocally. Within their repertoire, you’ll find hit after hit, and Chicago has a dizzying number of them. The multimedia show is a combination of video, graphics, and texts, heightening the audience experience and complementing the stories behind the lyrics.

West Coast Chicago will appeal to all ages, especially to those who were listening to the radio and buying Chicago albums during their peak years in the ’70s and ‘80s. Indeed, West Coast Chicago truly is “A Celebration Of The Music Of Chicago” Don’t miss this phenomenal tribute to CHICAGO!

A legacy of Rock, Horns, & Hits!

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Taiwanese Canadian Ensemble

July 2|Sun|1:30PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Taiwanese Canadian Ensemble is a multi-instrumental ensemble looking to introduce and share lovely Taiwanese folk tunes in Canada. Our group comprises Taiwanese and Canadian violinist, violist and cellist who have performed all over British Columbia and beyond. As a classically trained group, we aspire to explore the background and meaning behind each song in order to present the most authentic style to you. It is our mission to touch the audiences in Canada with programs which contain our favourite old but gold music selections.

Brazilian Swag

July 2|Sun|2:40PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Brazilian Swag is a dance group composed of young dancers that came together and decided to share their passion for dance with the community. Bringing their culture performing Brazilian rhythms and dances. They all became Zumba®️ Instructors but each of them also brings a historical background in the dance field and other activities like Capoeira, and you can check this mix in their performances with Abalaê Capoeira bringing the roots of Brazil with love and passion.

Kids Zone -Taiwan Paper Craft , Face Painting & Coloring

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Vancouver Pops Orchestra & Choir

July 8|Sat|7PM

Vancouver Playhouse

The Vancouver Pops is made up of recreational musicians in our community with a passion to practice and perfect our craft as performers. Our goal is to provide a fun, progressive, and uplifting music-making environment for all members of the recreational music community. Vancouver Pops hosts ensemble programs for beginners, intermediates, and advanced-level participants. Ultimately, they aim to produce enriching, inspiring, and entertaining performances for our members and audiences.

This year’s Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival invites Vancouver Pops Orchestra & Choir to perform a concert featuring Hollywood and Disney music plus a special multilingual song cycle by Christopher Tin (2-time Grammy Award Winner in 2011), with songs sung in Swahili, Farsi, Japanese, Maori, Sanskrit. Come enjoy an evening of symphonic and vocal music from Aladdin, Mulan, The Mummy, Avatar, Tangled, and more.

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Taiwan Tourism Exhibition

June 30, July 1 - 2|Fri- Sun|Free

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Taiwan Tourism Exhibition in Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival has been very popular and loved by participants and it has successfully promoted Taiwan’s tourism. Thanks for the support of Taiwan Tourism Bureau, China Airlines and Signet Tour Co. “Taiwan Tourism Exhibition” is back to 2023 TCCF again.

Entering the post-epidemic era, Taiwan is moving forward on several fronts. These include enhancing digitalization, attraction diversity and service levels. These efforts are all geared toward making Taiwan an increasingly attractive Asian tourism destination.

Taiwan’s natural features, culture and technical development all support inbound tourism. Visitors can experience a wide variety of traditional celebrations, religious practices and ethnic cultures. Taiwan welcomes friends from all over the world. Regardless of age or interests, an attractive itinerary awaits. Discover Taiwan and enjoy a new and interesting travel experience!

If you plan to visit Taiwan, please come to the “Taiwan Tourism Exhibition. You can get the first-hand travel information such as Taiwan sightseeing, flights, food, and more...

Taiwanese Gourmet Food

When thinking about Taiwan tourism, we can not forget to mention Taiwanese food, especially all kinds of special snacks. Snacks are a very distinctive part of Taiwanese culture, including pearl milk tea, salty crispy chicken, grilled sausages, tea eggs and wheel cakes, among others. Taiwanese snacks have had enduring popularity and have led trends across the world, making them an important reason for tourists to visit Taiwan.

Taiwanese snacks and tea stalls will be set up at the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival, so that people who come to enjoy performances and exhibitions will have the opportunity to taste delicious snacks and tea drinks and purchase well-known Taiwanese snacks and accompanying gifts. With the “Taiwan Tourism Exhibition”, participants can not only fell the beauty of Taiwan through amazing performances, but they can also havel the taste of Taiwan through delicious food.

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Atayal Taiwan First Nation Hand-Weaving Workshop

June 30 | Fri | 12:00 PM & 3:50 PM

July 1 | Sat | 1:00 AM & 4:50 PM

July 2 | Sun | 1:30 PM & 5:00 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

limited to 15 participants per session on a firstcome-first -serve | $5 material fee is payable prior to the workshop

Mike Alexander

June 30, July 1 - 2|Fri - Sun|Exhibition

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Indigenous Arts Workshop

June 30 | Fri | 2:50 PM & 5:10 PM

July 1 | Sat | 2:20 PM & 6:10 PM

July 2 | Sun | 12:40 PM & 4:10 PM

limited to 15 participants per session on a firstcome-first -serve | $5 material fee is payable prior to the workshop

Mike Alexander is an emerging Anishinaabe visual artist and writer originally from Swan Lake First Nation in Treaty #1 Territory, currently residing on the traditional and unceded lands of the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc. Adopted out to a non-Indigenous family shortly after birth, Mike is a 60’s Scoop survivor, a second-generation Residential School survivor who grew up in Winnipeg, having no connection to his community, language or culture until his early 20’s. Mike is currently practicing as a full time, internationally collected artist.Since 2015, his large acrylic paintings have received four solo exhibitions in Vancouver, Victoria, and Kamloops as well as participation in several group shows across Canada and the United States.

Mike identifies very strongly with his Ojibwe roots as a student of the Woodlands School of Art. He celebrates his ongoing transformation and reclamation of culture using art as a process of decolonization and cultural revitalization.

Skwachàys Lodge Aboriginal Hotel and Gallery

Canada’s first Indigenous Arts Hotel. Located in Vancouver’s historic downtown, the Lodge combines exceptional hospitality amongst 18 one-of-a-kind guest designed by local Indigenous artists and Vancouver interior designers tell stunning visual stories about First Nations culture and feature original artwork created by the participating artists. http://skwachays.com/

2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival 40 Artist Corner

Artist Corner

Western Canada Taiwanese Artist Society Joint Exhibition

June 30, July 1-2

|Fri- Sun|Free

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Western Canada Taiwanese Artists’ Society (WCTAS) was established in July, 2005 by our former president, Ms. Lu Yueh-Chien. Our objective is to offer artists from Taiwan a chance to liaise, observe and learn from one another. We aim at promoting Taiwanese art and culture by strengthening art and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Canada. We also strive to maintain the inheritance of Taiwanese artistic concepts among promising young people. The 80 members of the Society, met by chance here in beautiful Vancouver, are all from Taiwan. We brought with us diverse life experience and special achievements. Most of us are professional painters; All of us have been deeply influenced by Taiwanese culture during our formative years and in our education. Our works include Oriental and Western painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, ceramics, photography, design, sculpture and mixed media application. Vancouver has furnished us with a platform to explore artistic creation from a multi-cultural angle. Through the fusion of Eastern and Western artistic principles and international cultural perspectives, we have experimented in achieving a timeless and unique creative spirit. Although we work with diverse media in different styles, our works share the common feature of a “Taiwanese character”. The Society encourages free and diversified productions, and organizes regular exhibitions both locally and abroad. We hope to continue our experiment in the unique creations of multicultural artistic styles with a “Taiwanese feature”. We hope also to play our part in encouraging cooperation and exchange between international art groups.

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Free Healthcare Consultation

July 1 - 3|Fri - Sun|Free

Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza

Thanks for the free healthcare consulation services generously provided by “Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial” and ” Century Healthcare”.

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2023 TCCF - Online Taiwan Cinema

The Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival will cooperate with the” Taiwan Film & Audiovisual Institute(國家電影及視廳文化中心)” this year to screen 3 feature films online: “The Most Distant Course 最遙遠的距離”. “Cloudy 順雲”and “Heavy Craving 大餓” .Additionally, 1 short film, “Mama Pingpong Social Club 媽媽桌球” will also be screened, which not only discusses family affection and love, but also covers the issue of women’s self-worth. We would like to introduce the cultural characteristics and advantages of Taiwanese films through film appreciation, media advertising and other activities, and also hopes to introduce Taiwan’s social and humanistic characteristics to Canadians.

《The Most Distant Course 最遙遠的距離》

July 4 (Tue) 8 PM - July 6 (Thurs) 8 PM (PDT)|113 min | Director: Jing-Jie Lin

《Cloudy 順雲 》

July 5 (Wed) 8 PM – July 7 (Fri) 8 PM (PDT)| 90 min| Director: WANG Ming-Tai

《Mama Ping Pong Social Club 媽媽桌球 》

July 6 (Thurs) 8PM - July 8 (Sat) 8 PM (PDT) | 26 min |Director:Chuang Shiang-An

《Heavy Craving 大餓》

July 6 (Thurs) 8 PM - July 8 (Sat) 8 PM (PDT)| 90 min | | Director: Pei-Ju Hsieh

FREE for registration audiences. To register, please fill in the form https://forms.gle/opwi8et-


You will receive another e-mail reminders with the access instruction before screaming time begins.

Only available for audience in Canada/USA. Anyone outside of the permitted areas will not be able to access the movie links. Please register by 5:00pm, July 2, 2023.

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Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society

Organizer of the 2023 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival



www.tccs.ca | info@tccs.ca | 604-267-0901

2023-2024 TCCS Board of Directors

2023-2024 台加文化協會理事會

Chairperson 理事長 Tiffany Lin 林芬宏

Vice Chairperson 副理事長 Margaret Hsieh 謝孟瑾

Secretary General 秘書長 Joyce Chang 張妍婕

Treasurer 財務長 Shing Her Tyan 田興和

Director 理事 Monica Tsai 蔡雅玲

Director 理事 Victor Lo 羅廷瑄

Director 理事 Anna Lien 連淑惠

Director 理事 Joanne Chen 陳佳圓

Director 理事 Phil Chang 張京樺

Director 理事 Maguy Lee 李佳慧

Director 理事 Ken Shih 施畊宇

Director 理事 Yasmin Chen 陳韻玲

Director 理事 Jason Huang 黃俊傑

Director 理事 Lucy Lu 盧月鉛

The TCCF Committee 台加藝文節籌備小組

Chair 籌備會主席

Deputy Chair 籌備會副主席

Legal Advisor 法律顧問

TCCF Emcees 活動主持

Committee Members 籌備成員

Joyce Chang 張妍婕

Anna Lien 連淑惠

Yasmin Chen 陳韻玲

Ken Shih 施畊宇

Victoria Chang 張伶銖

Shing-Kuo Shih 施興國

Angela Lo 陳端華

Joanne Chang 蔡雅香

Eric Wei 魏嘉宏

Jason Hsu 徐培晏

Caroline Chuang 莊淑芬

Ben Wu 吳振彬

Lisa Tsai 蔡月琴

Tiffany Lin 林芬宏、 Monica Tsai 蔡雅玲

Steven Chang 張亦凱、 Margaret Hsieh 謝孟瑾

Josephine Chen 陳怡萍

Jessica Chou 周家儀、Jerry Liu 劉肇瑋

Ginny Huang 金妮

Kevin Tyan 田興和 Victor Lo 羅廷瑄

Joanne Chen 陳佳圓

Maguy Lee 李佳慧

Lucy Lu 盧月鉛

John Lin 林漢章

Phil Chang 張京樺

Jason Huang 黃俊傑

Esther Lin 林挺睦

Jim Chen 陳俊銘

Karen Shih 廖純如 Steve Wang 王正輝

Yuan-Yin Lo 周元英

Tina Lin 林秋菊

Jennifer Lan 藍文秀

Joel Lee 李禹樵

Yvonne Chuang 莊怡芬

Michael Wu 吳振邦

May Wang 王文娟

Thomas Huang 黃國章

James Lan 藍祺煌

Lillian Chien 簡麗燕

Vivian Lin 林庭薇

Amy Hsiung 熊惠珠

Lisa Tseng 曾莉香

Argon Dai 戴志耕

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