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biological, or psychological, and do not have the means to live a decent life. (Androniceanu. A, 2017, p67-82). It creates a positive impact on people’s perception of the city. Cities continuously

working to improve and design their social welfare system to better respond to the needs of their residents, including new migrants.


Consequently, the fact is the social welfare system is facing a deep crisis all over the world. Because this sector does get that focused on the governments that it should have it. The social welfare system has the power that can improve a city, country, or even the world image and its people's living standards. According to the WORLD ECONOMIC forum, during this Covied-19 pandemic Governments across the developed world have responded to the COVID-19 crisis by making welfare states vastly more generous to enduring the risk of income and help those people who have been worst affected.

2.10. Example of Implementation of Places Branding/Marketing Strategies

In this context, the researcher wants to demonstrate how city marketing strategies work in the perception of the city except for the social welfare system, cause this sector has never been used in the city marketing strategies. The researcher has been chosen two different cases of branding and marketing because they concern different aspects: economy, education, culture, and tourism. These aspects are the key actors of the city in this research. The cities are Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, which is connected with the economy, culture, and tourism aspects, on the other hand, Glasgow in Scotland, which is connected with the education aspect.

The first case is devoted to Dubai. This city brand itself and the way to develop its economic, cultural, and tourism sectors. It is considered as one of the earliest implementation cases of marketing strategies for a city. Dubai was a city of sand; its economy was dependent only on oil and trade. Dubai has invested billions of dollars in marketing to discover this problem and decided

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