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Take Five local magazine content
Each month we put together a range of fun and entertaining content to fit in with your magazine's theme and readership.
Of course, some franchise holders may wish to use some of these ideas to produce their own content: interviews, profiles, trivia and quizzes, competitions, infographics, etc... all of which goes towards making each magazine unique.
Plus, if you have any great ideas for content for your magazine, please let us know, and we can work together on this. .
Trivia and quizzes: Create fun trivia questions and quizzes for your readers to test their knowledge on various topics, such as history, pop culture, sports and more.
Historical profiles: Profile famous historical figures or events, and provide interesting facts and stories about their lives.
Lists and rankings: Create lists and rankings of interesting and fun topics, such as the top 10 most bizarre historical facts or the 25 best movies of all time.
Interviews: Conduct interviews with experts in various fields, such as historians, authors or trivia experts, to provide insights and interesting stories.
Interactive features: Include interactive features in your magazine, such as games or puzzles that engage your readers and keep them coming back for more.
Infographics: Use infographics to convey interesting data and information in a visually appealing way.
Reviews: Review books, movies, music and other forms of media that relate to the themes of your magazine.
Opinion pieces: Include opinion pieces on current events or cultural phenomena that relate to your magazine's themes.
Fun facts: Provide interesting and fun facts about various topics that your readers might not know.
Timeless classics: Feature classic literature, films, or other media that have stood the test of time and continue to be beloved by audiences.
Why a digital publication?
Digital publications are easy to access, can be updated after they have been published and offer many features print publications cannot.
Take Five is easy for your readers to access.
Once published, you can blast YOUR magazine out to your readers via email or through social network followers, in a format viewable on any digital device. It matters not if your audience is on their computer, looking for something to read on their mobile phone or tablet: readers won’t have any trouble reading YOUR digital magazine, if it’s designed correctly. Plus, nine times out of ten, or closer to 99/100, your readers will have their smart phone with them and so they will already be carrying YOUR magazine with them, anywhere that they may go.
There’s no need to find extra space in your bag, back pocket, airline carryon, or worry about misplacing your copy.
If you can access the internet or download our magazine, you now have your very own issue of Take Five...
There will always be a place for great newspapers and magazines but costs are much higher and logistics more difficult.
Take Five carries an advantage unique to its platform: interactive features through links to other internet content. While it's impossible to drop video, websites, email links and audio into a printed magazine, Take Five offers all this plus you can also track analytics based on how your readership interacts with your magazine. You can expand your magazine and it's content through video by adding stories, tips, ideas, and more..
Take Five offers your reader a chance to engage and linger longer over the content they are consuming and encourages them to continue reading.
This is just one example, yet it’s a great illustration of the advantages of digital magazines. There is so much to be gained and gleaned from this modern-day format. You just have to tap into its capabilities. Enjoy...