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American's Mobile Ph Usage and Habits
According to Review.org:
'In the US, up to 47% of us would say we’re “addicted” to our cell phones— it’s no wonder with a dazzling array of unlimited data plans and new smartphones every year.
We surveyed Americans 18 and older about their phone habits and behaviors. And like Narcissus staring into an endless pool of reflection, most of us can’t live without our cellphones in sight for very long—if at all."
You can be sure that if this is the case in the USA, that the United Kingdowm wont be far behind.
74%: felt uneasy about leaving the phone at home.
71%: say they check their phones within the first ten minutes of waking up.
53%: say they have never gone longer than 24-hours without their m
47%: consider themselves 'addicted" to their phones.
70%: check their phones within five-minutes of receiving a notification.
64%: use their phone on the toilet!
61%: have texted someone in the same room as they are.
48%: say they feel a sense of panic or anixity when the 45 po