Taleonline lucy

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Hi! My name is Lucy and I’m a clover. I am 11 years old. I’m from Ireland but I live in England. I’m green and I’ve got beautiful blue eyes. I think that I’m funny and very nice. I look very sweet, but in fact I’m not so sweet! I like a lot reading horror stories because they are interesting. I don’t like watching romantic films. My favourite food is pizza and I don’t like macaroni. I love the two ribbons that I wear on my head. They are very special for me because they were a present of my late mum. In my free time I go for a walk or I make cakes. I’ve got a lot of friends. They think that I’m very original. I like a lot the TV programmes of Ecology. People say that I transmit luck because I’m a clover of four leaves, but I don’t believe in these things

Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a pretty small clover, called Lucy. She lived happily with her father under a mushroom in a forest in Ireland. One day Lucy and her father were having fun together when suddenly a man who was walking in the forest saw Lucy and he decided to take her. He believed in luck and Lucy was a clover with 4 leaves, so she was supposed to transmit good luck. Lucy was very scared because she didn’t understand what was going on. The man put the clover in his pocket and there he kept Lucy. It was dark and she couldn’t breath. Later that day, Lucy was sleeping inside the pocket when she heard a voice shouting “I’ve won! I’ve won the lottery!”. Lucy woke up and that dark place started to move, she heard footsteps and a door opening. Suddenly there was light and she fell down on some green grass. It was a nice place with other plants and flowers but she felt bad and tired, hungry and thirsty. She closed her eyes and thought she was going to die… Lucy opened her eyes … There was a unicorn in front of her and a strange plant next to her. The unicorn started to speak: - “I’m Ralph the Unicorn and this is Doctor Mary. You were dying, I saved you and brought you here”. -“Here? Where is ‘here’?” asked Lucy. “This is an enchanted forest in Yorkshire, England. How are you feeling? Doctor Mary has treated your wounds.“ Ralph the Unicorn told her. - “I’m fine, but I have a little headache”. - “ You should rest. In an hour our Queen will come to visit “. Then, Ralph asked Lucy who she was and why she was alone in that garden. - “ I’m Lucy, I live in a forest, in Ireland, with my father because my mother died when I was six. She gave me these ribbons from UK (she said pointing at them) I miss my dad. I don’t remember anything. We were playing together and then it was dark…

Violet was the Queen of the enchanted forest. She was a beautiful butterfly with colorful wings. She had magical powers. She could make dreams come true. She was intelligent and everyone adored her.

Then, Violet took Lucy for a ride. Lucy was flying with the Queen above the beautiful green forest and she could see all those magical animals, plants, flowers, mushrooms, houses… Suddenly she saw a mushroom similar to her house in Ireland. She asked the Queen if she could live there. -“Ok, but you will have to ask the clover who lives there. He is Tommy. He is a nice clover but he is always very sad”. The Queen Violet said. -“Why? “- Lucy asked surprised. -Because he has only got three leaves and he thinks he isn’t worth it. He is alone and he has no friends. Then, Lucy thought that she could make him happy and be her friend. But she also wished her father was with her.

By Madre sacramento 1st of ESO Illustrations by Canigó A

Chapter 2

Lucy stepped off Violet and went to meet Tommy. She asked him if she could live with him. Tommy got so nervous and he was that puzzled that he did not know what to say. Then, he looked right into her eyes and replied: “Sorry, I can’t”. Lucy wanted to know why. And Tommy answered not very politely: “I’m sorry. I don’t want to live with you. And I’m telling you. Don’t ask again.” Lucy got so upset and disappointed. She ran away to a nearby river. Tommy shouldn’t have talked to her that way. He didn’t need to. She started reckoning about if there was someone who she could live with. Someone to share life and a place together. She would die otherwise. Tommy had second thoughts about what he had told Lucy. He regretted being so rude. Anyway, Lucy needed some time to think about it, but she finally decided to go and live with him. Tommy asked for a second chance, he had been so nasty. He was sorry that she didn't have anywhere to go, any food to eat...She accepted his apologies and they went to bed. At night, Envy broke in the house. Envy was an ugly bad toad which wanted to kidnap Lucy. As she was a four leaves clover Envy was willing to have a big break.

He wanted to revenge against the Queen. He took her away and brought her to his hideout; an underground cave at the bottom of the lake.

In the morning, Tommy woke up and couldn’t find Lucy anywhere. He looked for her everywhere. He thought she might need some help, or might be in danger, or God knows what. He was getting so desperate. He even began to blame himself: “It’s my fault, I was so rude with her before”. Late in the afternoon, He was drowning his sadness with lots of Coca-Cola. He was starting to burp inevitably. All of a sudden, someone knocked his door. “Who can it be now?” gasped between disgusting burps. It was an emissary from the Queen informing that an outlaw called Envy had kidnapped Lucy. Envy was threatening to kill Lucy if she didn’t accept his conditions. Those were to resign from the throne and declare Envy as the new King and Leader of the forest. If not, he would kill Lucy, to kill a four leaves clover would mean poverty and misfortune for all the inhabitants of that magic land.

Tommy knew about Envy. He had been in prison. He was dangerous. He was a criminal. A bad soul. But now Tommy was determined to do something good. He was going to save Lucy.

By IES C Illustrations by Montseny School

Chapter 3

Tommy had heard rumours about Envy being seen by the lake. He decided to go to the lake and there he asked to a magic eel to help him to reach the bottom of the lake. The eel was called Rufus and he had beautiful blue scales and she could throw electric rays by means of two long and powerful tentacles.

He also had a scar down the eye. Tommy rode on Rufus and they swam to the bottom of the lake. When they arrived, they saw that Envy was out of the cave where Lucy was, and they took the chance to rescue Lucy.

When Envy got back, he saw that Lucy wasn't there and he got scared first, and then he got so furious, so that made him more dangerous than ever. On the way to the surface, Envy caught them up. He attacked them. Rufus could dodge the first poisonous spits by the evil Envy, but he was finally touched. He could barely reach the shore of the lake. Tommy and Lucy had made it out, but Envy was right after them. And the brave Rufus was seriously hurt and wasn't able to protect them anymore.

Tommy had to face Envy in order to save Lucy, who was not feeling very well. Tommy had never been brave, neither confident, but it was the time to be, even if it was once in a lifetime. Lucy's life was at sake. And he had started to feel something about her.

Envy threw some dangerous spits against Tommy; luckily he could jump aside and avoid them. He tried to counterattack but all he could do was to throw small rocks to him, which barely cause any damage to that bad chap there. Lucy took the chance to run away and go and ask for help. He went for Queen violet and his men. The powerful and pretty butterfly came out of the blue and spread her wings. It was finally the end of Envy. That was the last of his bad deeds. Being so grateful, Violet gave Tommy a present. It was an enchanted drink which made Tommy have one more leaf. Now, he was a lucky and ever happy clover, same as Lucy. They both could start living together.

By IES B Illustrations by Montserrat School

Chapter 4

Lucy and Tommy became really good friends. They spent a lot of time together and they discovered that they loved playing cards and that they were both really lucky. Their games were always very tight and exciting. One sunny morning Lucy and Tommy went swimming. It was very hot and the water was so clean and fresh that they decided to jump from a rock into the river. It was fun and they jumped several times. Suddenly, Lucy noticed that one of her ribbons had fallen into the river. The current was very strong and they could see how it quickly disappeared down the river. They ran along the shore, but the ribbon was out of sight. Lucy was very sad because her late mother’s ribbons were something really special to her. -

Don’t cry, Lucy. We’ll find your ribbon, said Tommy as he jumped onto a big trunk. Come with me, remember we’ve got four leaves!

They sailed down the river for a long time. Lucy was looking at the water when she saw that its colour was changing. It was brown. She put her hand under the water and tasted it. She was amazed because the water was hot chocolate. A moment later, a pink fish jumped onto Tommy’s lap. He was very hungry and the fish looked so yummy that he bit it.


Lucy, I can’t believe it. It’s marshmallow!





Lucy. It’s amazing!

It was the most colourful village they had ever seen. They stopped the trunk to walk around. It was a candy village and absolutely everything was sweet and bright. They were delighted and couldn’t help starting to eat. The problem was

that they couldn’t stop. Finally, they fell on the chocolate floor. They were so ill and exhausted that they couldn’t move. Tommy told Lucy that perhaps they had ran out of luck and they were going to die. But Lucy opened her eyes and saw four nice clovers looking at them with their beautiful eyes.


Hello. We’re Rufus, Michelle, Natasha and Freddy. Don’t worry. You’ll feel better soon. It’s just that you have eaten too much candy. We, clovers, can’t eat very much. We’re very slim and if we get fat we die. But, tomorrow you’ll be fine.

In the morning Tommy and Lucy told their story to the four clovers and they volunteered to go with them on a boat to look for Lucy’s ribbon. So, they sailed down the river again. Suddenly, they saw a hurricane approaching and in a minute the boat was sucked by the eye of the hurricane. The boat was spinning and everything was black. They were terrified but after a while the boat was sailing on a sea of white clouds. The view was stunning. The sun was shining and it was very quiet and peaceful. Late in the afternoon Natasha could make out The Big Ben and The London Eye. - It’s London. My mum’s home town! - said Lucy with delight.

By IES D Illustrations by Madre Sacramento School 6th grade

Chapter 5

The group split in two. Tommy went to the London Eye together with Rufus and Michelle, and Lucy along with Natasha and Freddy went straight to the Big Ben. Those were the first places they thought of searching. “It’s wonderful” shouted Tommy full of joy. It was bigger, better more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. They had to look for the ribbon in every cabin. Lucy’s ribbon could have landed thereafter been sucked by the eye of the hurricane. They had to be careful not to be seen by any human, it may be trouble for them as human beings are into four-leaf clovers. Unfortunately, the research didn’t give any results. The ribbon wasn’t there. They just hope the other group was luckier. Lucy and her clover mates reached the Big Ben. The Big Ben was the sea of the British Parliament. A place not easy to search, not even for a clover. They made it to get in. As they were close enough, they could see that Lucy’s ribbon was hanging from the top of the tower. “Oh my god” screamed Lucy. “This is not going to be easy”. There were guardians everywhere. It was a kind of fortress. They needed a plan. And they needed it fast. Tommy and the others joined them. Together they were stronger and could organize a diversion to distract the guards. Natasha, Rufus, Freddy and Michelle were going to throw some golden rocks to the soldiers standing at the gates of the tower, then once they caught their attention, the clovers would show themselves. The soldiers would try to get them thinking that having the clovers in their hands would give them luck and wealth.

Now the guardians went away, Tommy and Lucy took the chance to sneak in. They made their way to the top of the tower and climbed up to grab the ribbon. They got it. The plan to escape was to parachute from there.

“Yahoooo” cried like a baby Tommy. And Lucy couldn’t even share a word as she was feeling so happy to get the ribbon back. That made her think of her mother.

It was time to get back to the enchanted forest. Now Tommy and Lucy could start a new life together. But when they arrived there, Queen Violet had an expected surprise for Lucy. By using her magic powers and influences. She found out where Lucy’s father was. And she brought there.

“Dad, dad…it’s been so long” that is all Lucy could say between tears. She had missed him so much all this time. They all could live happily ever after under the protection of Violet and her enchanted forest. What started as a tragedy ended as a happy story anyway isn’t Lucy a lucky clover? By IES A

English Day 2014 Mascota guanyadora “Lucy” Autora Anna Caballero Centre Escola Madre Sacramento (6è)

Centres participants: Escola Canigó Escola Montseny Escola Montserrat Escola Madre Sacramento IES Sant Just

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