CONTRIBUTORS Editor in Chief Director responsible Writing Jobs Kadir ÖZBEY Graphic Design Adem AKÇORA ADVERTISING Galeri Ajans Web Design Talha ŞEŞKA Publication Type Local Term Place of Publication Renkvizyon Maatbaa Anadolu Mah. Karlıdağ Cd. No:32 Yıldırım / BURSA / TÜRKİYE Place of Directors Galeri Ajans Reklam Pazarlama Medya Mahmudiye Mah. Sanayi Cad. No : 19 16400 İnegöl / Bursa / Türkiye
KADİR ÖZBEY Editor in Chief
Greeting you with respect, We are pleased to greet you with a new publishing again while we continue leading Inegol furniture sector. Inegol succeeded being one of the most important industry areas that comes to minds when it comes to furniture and in this season, one more elegant and ergonomic products than the other will try to get a place in the world market. Together with foreign trade network’s development, Inegol furniture started breaking into the market from different areas. And from now on, it will continue having the most useful models that fit the bill.
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We recommend you to follow Inegol furniture sector closely where you can find any kind of products and we offer you Inegol Expo Bulletin publishing that we prepared for you. Kadir ÖZBEY
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Satışta başarıyı tek başına iyi bir ürün, iyi satıcılar ve yüksek prim garanti etmez. Sürdürülebilir satış başarısı için şirketin hedef ve kaynaklarıyla uygun bir şekilde kurgulanmış bir satış stratejisi şarttır.
Ferit AYBAR kimdir? Ankara doğumluyum. Evli bir çocuk babasıyım. İş hayatına Gıda Sektörü ile eğitimlerimi bitirdikten hemen sonra ulusal bir zincirde yönetici yardımcısı olarak başlamamla olmuştur. Daha sonraları almış olduğum yurt dışı eğitim ve sektörel bilgilerimi, deneyimlerimi mesai arkadaşlarımla zaman içerisinde paylaşmaya başlamıştım ki şirket bünyesinde bu olayın fark edilmesi ile asaletim onaylanıp yöneticilik görevime başladım. Ayrıca bu süreçte şirket içi eğitmenlik görevimi de devam ettirdim. Daha sonra farklı sektöreler de çalışma şansım oldu. Sektörel tecrübelerimin ortak noktaları olan satış ve pazarlamadaki bilgi birikimimi çalıştığım şirketlerde hem şirket içi eğitimlerde hem de seminerler vererek bilgi aktarımlar devam ettiriyorum. Eğitimlerim ise sigorta, bilişim, turizm, mobilya, gıda ve gayrimenkul sektörlerin saha satış ekipleri, mağaza içi satış personellerin eğitimlerini; ayrıca hızlı satış teknikleri, yaratıcı satış eğitimleri kapsamaktadır. Birçok Üniversitede ve sivil toplum kurumlarında da kişisel gelişim seminerleri vermekteyim. Müşteri sadakat kartları, Crm uygulamaları, sistem yöneticiliği ve kurumsallaşma projelerinde de yer almaktayım. Ayrıca, çeşitli yerel gazetelerde ve sektörel dergilerde köşe yazılarım halen devam etmektedir. İnsan Kaynakları ve personel yöneticiliği derneğinde de çalışmalarımı ve projelerimi de sürdürmekteyim. Satış stratejileri oluşturulurken nelere dikkat edilmeli? Satışta başarıyı tek başına iyi bir ürün, iyi satıcılar ve yüksek prim garanti etmez. Sürdürülebilir satış başarısı için şirketin hedef ve kaynaklarıyla uygun bir şekilde kurgulanmış bir satış stratejisi şarttır. Şirketin güçlü yönleri ve hedefleriyle uygun olarak müşteri segmentleri belirlenir. Her segmentin ayrıştırıcı özellikleri, potansiyel değeri ve beklentileri değerlendirilir. Hedeflenecek belirlenir, müşteriye sunulan değerlerin müşteri açısından çekicilik, kişi veya kişilere özellik değerlendirmeleri yapılır. Müşteriye sunulan hizmet ve ürünler rakiplerden doğru yönde farklılaşmamışsa satış ekibi oldukça zorlanır. Hedeflenen müşteri segmentlerine belirlenen değer önerilerini hangi
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satış kanallarıyla sunulacağı bu çalışmada belirlenir. Tüm alternatifleri müşteriye ulaşım maliyetleri, müşterilerin farkındalığı, hizmet desteği, müşteri odaklılık açılarından değerlendirilir. Satış süreçleri, satış sisteminin kalbidir. Satış süreçleri olası müşteri yaratmakla başlayan, satışın kapatılmasına ve müşteriyi elde tutmaya kadar giden satış adımlarıdır. Her adımın nasıl atılacağı belirlenmelidir. Temel satış süreçleri olan olası müşteri yaratma, potansiyel müşteri değerlendirme, ihtiyaç analizi, teklif ve satış kapatma süreçleri şirketinize adapte edilmelidir. Satış şemasının belirlenmesi de önemli bir konudur. Her şirketin pazardaki durumu, müşteriye önerdiği değer paketi, güçlü ve zayıf tarafları farklı olduğu için bu şirkette çalışacak satıcıların sahip olması gereken satış becerileri de farklılık gösterir. Genel satış becerileri dışında şirketin seçeneği satıcılarda öne çıkması gereken satış becerileri her iş kolunda, her şirkette ve hatta müşteri segmentleri bazında değişir. Fiyat rekabeti yüksek emtia niteliğinde bir ürün satan bir satıcıyla, kompleks hizmet satan bir satıcı, büyük müşterilerle stratejik bir ilişki geliştirmek zorunda olan bir satıcıyla, perakendede satış yapan satıcının öne çıkması gereken satış becerileri ve profilleri birbirlerinden oldukça farklıdır Aslında stratejisinin içinde hepsi ayrı ayrı incelenirse mutlaka sonuç olumlu olur. Mobilya satışı zor mudur? Kısa ve net olmak gerekirse ZORDUR. Aslında Satışın her alanı zordur. Mobilya pazarlamak ise, biraz daha ikna edici, güven verici olmalı, hem marka değerin hem de satıcının güçlü olmasıyla da zor kısmı kolaylaşabilir hale getirilir. Mobilya sektörü artık seri üretimde çünkü talep ve istekler artmış durumda, isteklerin önüne geçmek, üretici için bir zorluk haline gelse de çözüm kolay bulanabilmektedir. Sektörü toptan ve perakende olarak ikiye ayırırsak avantajlar ve dezavantajları da ortaya çıkarmış oluruz. Konu başlıkları ile anlatmaya çalışırsak: Düşük sabit giderler, kurulum masraflarının azaltılması, stok maliyet ilişkisinin ayarlanması, tahsilat problemleri toptan satış-
FERİT AYBAR’a SORDUK lardaki dikkat edici hususlardır. Perakende Satışlarda ise: Peşin para ve mağazada az maliyetli ürünlerin yüksek karlı satışları, konsinye ürün satışı gibi konularda avantaj sağlanırken, yüksek sabit giderler, pazarlama giderlerinin fazla olması ve rekabet ortamının da çoğalması olması dezavantaja çevirebilir. Sonuç olarak: Perakendede yüksek rekabet oluşmasının temel nedenini anlamak için toptana göre avantaj ve dezavantajlarını kıyaslamanız yeterli olacaktır. Toptan satışta, satış-tahsilat dengesini çok iyi kurmalı ve yönetmelisiniz. Diğer türlü sürekli satış yaparken, tahsilat yapamazsanız batma tehlikesi yaşayabilirsiniz. Bu tehlikenin temel nedeni nakit akışınızı kontrol edememeniz olacaktır. Perakende de bazı ürünlerden iyi karlar etmek zorundasınız. Stok riski taşımasanız bile belirli satış hacimlerine ulaşamazsanız, zamanla anapara azalma gösterecektir. Çünkü sabit giderleriniz her zaman var olacak ve siz büyüdükçe artmaya devam edecektir. Bazı firmalar işin hem toptan, hem de perakende tarafında bulunmaktadır. Eğer perakende tarafı güçlü ise bunu yapmak en karlı ve iyi olanıdır. Çünkü toptan yaptığınız için satın alım gücü artacak ve mağazalarınızda yüksek karlarla satabileceksiniz. Aynı zamanda pazara yön verme şansınızda doğacaktır. Mobilya sektöründe, Marka değerine önem veriliyor mu? Bu soruya genel anlamda cevap vermek isterim. Marka olmak, ancak marka yaratıcı değerlere sahip olarak mümkün olabilir. Net ayırıcı özellikler ortaya koyarak, Süreklilik sağlayarak, ürün veya hizmetimize rakiplerinizde olmayan ve müşterilerinizin hoşuna gidecek artı özellikler ekleyerek, Yaratıcılığı geliştirerek, zaten olması gereken değerlere sürekli sahip çıkarak, Koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyetine gerçekten sahip oluruz. Öncelikli müşterini memnuniyetini sağlamak, müthiş ayırıcı ve marka oluşturabilen bir özelliktir. Böyle bir özelliğe erişmek üzere çalışmalar yapmak güçlü bir performanstır. Ürünün veya hizmetin kalite, fiyat ve talep dengesini kontrol altında tutarak, kendinizi her zaman müşterilerinizin yerine koyarak, değerlendirmeler yaparak, profesyonel ekiplerle bütünleşmiş pazarlama iletişimi
sistemini kurar ve başarıya bir adım daha yaklaşmış olursunuz. Plansız ve odaklanmamış reklam harcamalar ile tesadüfî başarılar marka olmaya yetmez. Başarılı markaların ortak özellikleri, tutarlı bir şekilde pazarlama iletişimi yapıyor olmaları, Müşterinin zihninde belirgin ve tutarlı mesaj ile ön planla yer almaları, Uzun bir süreçte faydayı açık ve net mesajlarla bir biçimde iletiyor olmaları da firmayı öne geçirmektedir. Bu tür çalışmalara start verirken önce yakın çevrenizde, sonra şehrinizde, daha sonra bölgenizde ve ülkenizde artık yavaş yavaş marka olabilirsiniz. Ya da mevcut durumu koruyup şirketimizi devam ettiririz, her zaman örnek verdiğimiz gibi dünyaca ünlü markalar yada ülkemizdeki şirketler halen marka değerlerini koruyup yatırım yapıyorlarsa bizimde dikkat etmemiz gereken ve yatırıma hazır olduğumuzu unutmamız gerekir. Siz farklı sektörlerde ve mobilya sektörlerinde eğitimler veriyorsunuz, eğitim mecburi bir hal aldı mı? Tabii mecburiyet değil, eğitimlerde karşılaştığımız yöneticiler kendilerini çok geliştirmiş ve yetenekli insanlar hatta kendileri bile şirket içi eğitimleri veriyorlar. Zaten şirket sahipleri artık çok bilinçli önceleri biz firmalara teklif götürdük, şimdi ise bizleri buluyorlar. Bunun nedeni ise dışardan bir gözün olmasıdır. Fakat en önemlisi bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır sözünü unutmamak gerekir. Herkes değişik konularda farklı tecrübelere sahipler bizlerde eğitimci olarak bilgi eksikliği için değil, mevcut duruma ne katabiliriz için orada oluyoruz. Kısaca satış ve pazarlama konularında şirketler biraz daha gelişmiş ve bu konulara özen göstermesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyim. Mobilya Türkiye’de çok önemli bir sektör halinde geldi çok kaliteli ve büyük şirketler var. Yurt dışında bazı firmalarımız bizi iyi temsil ediyor. Rakamlara vuracak olursak bu kadar çok üretenimiz varken bayii sayımız ve yurt dışı temsilcimiz çok az sayıda bulunmaktadır. Sektörel araştırmalar ve veriler Ülkemizin üretim konusunda iyi yerlerde ve kazanç yüzdelerimizin artışı Dünya’da fark edilir durumda olması sevindiriyor. Umarım daha iyi markalar daha iyi kazançlar elde eder ve kazanırız.
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Choosing Furniture CoLour
onsumption is an important factor affecting the economy of our society and life styles of people. Things we have, in a way, determine how other people see us and what they think about us. Objects possessed are a part of people’s personal definitions and represents the position of them in other people’s eyes. Products of furniture industry have lots of cultural and personal messages for the society. So as to understand these messages, you should know the language of the colours. Furniture that is designed well and that has right colours will be useful for its buyer in his social life and home life. Furniture consumers prefer features like originality, spirituality, personality, balance and harmony. Consumers think that how they decorate their house is in a way how they express theirselves and they want to be satisfied about it. Preferring right colours is very important when it comes to assigning a meaning and a value to the furniture. Not using colours would be contradictory to the trends dominating today and would be considered as marginal. Today, people live in a world where fast improving technology is dominant. The trend coming into existence in connection with this tiring life style and technology exhaustion has created a much more complicated and prosperous home decoration idea. In the past, people used to move a lot and used to choose their furniture taking care of this situation. Neutral colours used to be preferred because objects in these colours could be used easily in new places. Level
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of income used to be low in the past, and so consumers of those times used to avoid making decoration faults that would cause additional costs. People used to think that colours and furniture should be functional. In contrast, in 2000, consumers began demanding colour combinations and much more complicated designs. The idea to express the life styles by this combination abundancy has become dominant. In the past only elite rank used to have furniture designs made, but in due course it became a trend. It
was just the first pace of a major trend according to which the decoration reflects and even re-creates the identities. If the choices we make from our clothes to colours of our cars express us, why not so do our houses? In the past only rich people used to prefer different and various colours in their homes but today people who buy house for the first time do the same. From now on, people who buy house for the first time prefer decorating their houses with various colours.
Which colours are preferred today and will be preferred over the next few years in furniture? Which colours is the follow- up this trend? Some guesses are being made but it seems that attractive colours will continue to be used in decoration of houses and will reflect personal styles for a long time.
and comfort to your house is preferred in recent years. Another colour that is mostly preferred is orange. Orange is used in decoration of many houses today as it is a fresh, lively and enjoyable colour.
Red is a passionate, exciting and romantic colour. It makes the house tempting by giving elegance and warmth. Red colour is being used increasingly in interior decoration.
Another reason for choosing extraordinary and complex colours is that the consumers would like to make their houses seem completely different from the others. Soft tones from the dark to the light makes offices comfortable and relaxing, colourful furniture you have at home welcomes you politely when you come home after a tiring day. Being open- minded about new trends, ideas and colours in furniture choice gives anybody the opportunity to use the language of the colours and express themselves.
Blue is used in furniture but it is usually preferred as supporting colour. Blue colour is not in the forefront. Eaude-nil began to be used again. This colour is defined as a bridge from green to blue. This colour that brings peace
It should not be forgotten that “Cleanliness is next to godliness” and the colour of your furniture is to reflect your personality in the best way to the people who visit your house.
The most popular combination is the mixture of light blue and green. Inspiring and wonderful yellow may be added to these colours because yellow is a neutral colour that easily adapt to our colours.
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Invitation to Furniture Forum from Tatary Representative T
urkey Representative of Republic of Tatary, Aidar Gashıgullıninvited Mayor of Inegol Alinur Aktas. Mr. Gashıgullın, invited Aktas to Furniture Forum that will be
held in April 2015 in Tatary and asked for support of Mr. Aktas for this organization. Me. Gashıgullın indicated that the relationship between Tatary and Russia Federation and Republic of Turkey has improved recently. Mr. Gashıgullın stated that
the trading volume between two countries is 27 million dollars and the current trading volume has reached 3 billion and said that Turkey’s investments in Tatary have reached 2 billion dollars. Mr. Gashıgullın, said “our president of the republic visited Turkey this year. We visited Antalya, Mersin and Adana. President of Republic of Tatary was among the committee that came on December, 1 with Head of State of Russia Federation Viladimir Putin. We would like to sustain our relationship.” Mayor Alinur Aktas said that they made a day- trip to Tatary in 2012 with businessmen from Inegol. Mr. Aktas stated“ Visa has been taken off between two countries and some treaties of commerce have been signed, and all these shows that some important progresses will be covered in a region like Russia. I thank him for his visit and also wish him success and convenience in his works.”
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Country Style Home Decoration
you are much more pleased in a place that is comfortable, cozy, warm and friendly and which dominated by pastel or earth colours, decorated with furniture having sophisticated details,
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your style is probably Country. Contrary to what most of us know, Country style decoration is not composed of dark colours. It is a style that is dominated by pastel or earth colours and that has colours
right from the nature. It is quite easy to turn your house into a living area that is simple but elegant, simple but very comfortable, but the colourful pastel by means of Country style. It is enough to know some important tips.
Colours: You can be inspired by trees, flowers and the sky that you may see when you look through your window in choosing the colours. And when you wear them off in sunlight, you have the colours appropriate for Country style. You can combine them with white, cream or earth tones. Your focusing on a single colour palette in pastel tones will give wonderful results. Sofas are pretty wide and comfortable. It is possible to improve your comfort with plenty of colourful pillows. Fabrics: Cotton, flax and wool fabrics are mostly preferred in sofa and chair upholstery and in pillows. You can easily choose the one that appeals to your soul from plain, striped, plaid or the one with floral patterns. Furniture: Colourful wooden materials are usually preferred. Natural wooden products, walnut mahogany are the ones that are mostly used. Also mat and bamboo furniture can be used in especially winter gardens, terraces or anywhere in the house, and it created a smart and elegance atmosphere. Accessories: Accessories made of ceramic and soil, wrought iron ornaments will help you carry out your home decoration. Hand-workmanship is quite important in country style furniture. Smooth lines are applied in a way so as not that it will not disturb eyes.
You can paint the walls in light colours to create a spacious and airy environment. I advise you to choose the colours from the same colour palette. If you want to make contrast, you should balance the ratio so as not to cause any complexity. Three points not to forget should be simplicity, spacious and frank.
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Engraving W
ood engraving can be defined as cutting the wood, carving and shaping it. Wood engraving art dates back to ancient times. Sculptures made of wood were found in the pyramids in Egypt. This branch of art was encountered in Turkmenistan in Turkish history and spread through Andalusia, Asia, Europe, and Africa combining together Islamic patterns. Wooden patterns are usually seen in countries like Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. In researches made, sculptures and works with engraving ornaments belonging to Turks living in Middle Asia before Islam were found. Wide publicity was given to wood engraving
in decoration of architectural works made in countries where Seljuk Empire dominated. Art of engraving has remained permanent for many years especially in Turkmenistan.
Although tile art was considered to be important in the period of Anatolian Seljuk, art of engraving still remained significant. During Ottoman Empire, wood engraving art peaked. Patterns of flowers, nature and animals were used for ornamental motives. Inner and outer parts of the architectural monuments were decorated by the masters of this art. Engraving has been commonly used in Inegol Furniture, too. Furniture products shipped to domestic and international market have put the wood carving art into people’s lives. The progress and amelioration of the sector leaded commencing mass production. Though this caused engraving, that is a branch of craftsmanship, be pushed into the background, the following process continues with CNS technology. On the other hand, cast products made of polyester polyurethane and engraving motives continue to take place in furniture.
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What is a Canvas Table? We
make use of tables so as to fill the gaps on the wall. Tables are significant parts of home and office decoration. Canvas table is a right choice for the ones choosing a modern style while decorating.
Unlike other tables, Canvas Tables are prepared by stretching onto a frame made of oven- dry 3 cm thick and 4 cm wide wood, which is also called Italian chassis. It is prepared on a material similar to canvas fabric used by painters by the method of digital printing. The material used has a unique
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tissue, and this created a different atmosphere. Canvas Fabrics both look like original tables because of its own natural tissue and its being mate, and it also absorbs the lamplight we turn on in the evenings in our houses, so prevents flashing on tables.
How is it used?
You can apply more than one table dividing the image selected for canvas prints into pieces. The tables prepared can provide unity when hanged on the wall side by side and it creates a strong decoration appearance. It is important that you should measure the sizes according to the shape of the place while choosing Canvas Tables. Another important point while choosing table is your selecting pictures, photographs and printings that carry out your home decoration. Colour toning can be made on the pictures you choose for Canvas Tables. In other words you can adjust or change the colours. Even tissue- lamination works can be applied on Canvas Tables. In this way you can get very elegant tables carrying out your decoration style.
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What To Care About While Buying Furniture T
urkey Furniture Manufacturers Association (MOSDER), explained the points to be taken into consideration while buying furniture: “ıf you want to buy high quality furniture, you should choose branded furniture. The most important suggestion for the couples that will marry is that they should prefer ergonomic and minimal furniture if they will hire a house…” Turkey Furniture Manufacturers Association (MOSDER), gave advises to young couples that will get married and shop furniture; and people who want to change their furniture about the points to be cared about while buying furniture. MOSDER specifies that the first detail to be cared about is the quality of the product and the point whether the product is made of materials harmful to human health or not and then customers should take into consideration the compliance to customer safety, preferring branded products and production documents in accordance with the standards
Which wood is the steadiest? MOSDER stated that if you choose baked beech, elm, oak, birch, walnut and teak wood, you can use these products for many years thanks to durable and rugged construction of these trees. If you want your furniture fabrics to be high quality, you should choose fabrics in conformity with EkoTeks and TSE EN standards, so this will make your life easier and you will be able to use them for many years thanks to their quality. What are the advantages of branded furniture? Branded furniture companies perform works and activities within the frame of some specific systems, standards, social responsibilities and quality standards and this provides safety for the customers. After sales service is among the reasons for preference by the confidence it provides to the customer during exposure time. On the other hand, price- quality relationship the branded company tenders creates perception of trust.
Points to take into consideration when buying furniture Cupboard doors should be closed well. Drawers should be able to be pulled and pushed easily. Inside of the drawers should be clean; (chips, twigs etc. should not be present.) Centre point support is to be present in long shelves. Sliding doors and cupboards shouldn’t squeak and should be able to be pulled and pushed easily. Long-doors should be well supported with sturdy hinges. The furniture construction should be sturdy and safe. The corners of the inner surfaces should be smooth. Table legs should be strong and be fully compatible with each other.
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Points to take into consideration when buying fabric covered furniture Session part of the furniture should be comfortable and backrest should be smooth and flush. Seat frame work must be strong; should not squeak or swing. Seat frame work and corners should be covered well with fabric. Corners should be well combined and bonded. Sewing and bindings should be smooth. Patterns should be centred and lines should be compatible with seams. Cushions should be flexible, and fully compatible with the sofa. Sofa and buttons on the seat should be sewed safely. Items that will always be used must be sturdy and woven tightly. The parts that can be removed for cleaning should be made of a product that will not tear. Sitting balance must be provided for each position well.
Some useful furniture shopping tips for couples that will marry MOSDER, gives advises about the points to be cared about while buying furniture to couples that will marry. Ergonomic, high quality products made of environment- friendly materials may be preferred. Size of the house they will accommodate should be taken into consideration. It is important to buy furniture according to the intended use and to prefer trustworthy companies. It is better to prefer functional furniture that has little modules and demountable products. According to the materials used in the production process of the furniture, it is important to question whether chemicals that may be harmful to health were used or not.
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Home Concept of Modern Life A
lthough Loft Style started to be popular in 1980s, roots of this style dates back to mid- 60s. Buildings in industry areas of New York were emptied because of the fact that big buildings were needed and these areas became desolated towards mid- 60s. Mostly artists like painters, sculptors preferred these cheap settlements that they can use as both studio and dwelling thanks
to their being wide enough and old industry areas became an art gallery and a housing zone. In short, loft style came into existence as a result of the fact that desolated industry areas became housing zones, namely urban transformation, then it spread through Europe. So these kind of architectural products and decorations bear the traces of industrial view.
General characteristics of places of this style: * Places bear the traces of industrial areas and even storehousefactories. * Usually raw surfaces like brick and concrete are used. * There are a little door and partition walls, there are wide, open spaces& nbsp (non- breaking spaces); and high ceilings. * Cast iron joinery big windows and wide glass surfaces are present. * Equipment of ventilation and firefighting are left out * Track lights, floor lamps and metallic pendant lighting are preferred as lighting elements. * Large scale modern furniture, libraries and shelves are used in decoration. * Large scale tables are hanged on the wall and sculptures are used as accessories.
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Loft style was first a cheap dwelling selection but within the time it developed as a part of the modern architecture and today dwellings in this style are quite expensive. In this transformation, important factors are that these kinds of places provide wide and flexible spatial buildings corresponding to the modern city life of today and people feel wannabe for the bohemian life of the users at the beginning. Now loft style is used to create modern places usually having high ceilings, big windows, and rough surfaces as one of the interior design styles in new buildings.
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Home Concept of Modern Life
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The First Furniture Museum of Turkey is opened in Inegol T
he first furniture museum of Turkey, Inegol Furniture and Wood Industry Museum is opened by Minister of Forest and Water Prof. Dr. Veysel Eroglu. The first furniture museum of Turkey, Inegol Furniture and Wood Industry Museum, which is prepared by Inegol Municipality and the volunteers in three years, is opened with the ceremony to which Minister of Forest and Water Prof. Dr. Veysel Eroglu attended. Besides Mr. Eroglu, Governor of Bursa Munir Karaloğlu, AK Party Bursa deputy Hüseyin Şahin, Mayor of Inegol Alinur Aktas, many association presidents and many guests attended to the opening. Inegol Janissary Band made a gorgeous show in the opening.
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Minister Mr. Eroglu made a speech and said “ Such a museum is opened for the first time. Inegol has a special role in wood and wood industry. Inegol is a province that proved itself all around the world and we can call Inegol as the capital of furniture. I sincerely congratulate everybody that contributed to the opening of this museum. All materials about Ottoman navy used to be shipped from here. From that time on, Inegol is the capital of furniture and wood industry. In recent times furniture industry and wood industry have developed rapidly. Now export value is 2 billion dollars. 20 % of it is made from Inegol. Furniture sector and wood industry are both assumed as a single sector by the ministry. Turkey started up in seedling production. We
grew up 401 millions of seedling last year. We plant approximately 500 million of seedling every year. We have planted three billion 250 million seedling in last ten years. While number of the forests decreases around the world, this number has increased in Turkey. Forestlands have increased by 9 million acres. Wood volume in the forests used to be 1 billion 200 million cubic meters, now it has exceeded 1.5 billion cubic meters. Forests in Turkey is developing and ameliorating. The seedlings that our ancestors had planted became 400- years- old plane trees. I hope the seedlings we plant today will be an exorbitant fortune in the future. Trees are being used for more than 2 thousand materials. So their raw material, wood is very
important. We protect and enhance the forests. We are decisive to use them as a means for development our country and for especially improvement of the sector. So this museum is really nice. The museum is great for promoting Inegol and in the sense of natural beauties. People who come here to buy wood will see these beauties. We hope Inegol will develop and enhance more.” Governor of Bursa Mr. Karaloglu expressed that Inegol is one of the most important provinces of Bursa and added “Inegol is one of the most important furniture manufacturing centres not only in Turkey but in the world. We are bringing this furniture and wood museum that will reflect the adventure of furniture industry in this important province and that will show the background and history of furniture culture into service. We hope this museum increases the interest in furniture among the young people living in Inegol and Bursa. Inegol is a city that provided timber and that produced oars for Ottoman army 600 years ago. Ottoman army was grateful to Inegol. Abundance of Ottoman navy is on this city. Inegol is the furniture centre. Such a museum in such a province means a lot. Good luck with it.”
Mayor of Inegol Aktas said, “Inegol on which a great civilization was born, that led the way hundreds of times throughout history, that is the cradle of the production and trade and that is an entrepreneurial, pioneer town with historical and cultural riches is now bringing in something new. Every province, every city in our country has significant features but Inegol has really prominent features. Although it wasn’t the capital to Ottoman Empire, it is located smack-dab in the middle
point of Sogut, Domanic, Bilecik and Yenisehir. Inegol meets 16 percent of Turkey’s furniture export, 30 percent of domestic market’s furniture export with production plant of more than 2 million square meters and with more than 2 thousand companies.” After the speeches, Mayor Alinur Aktas presented a table to Minister Mr. Eroglu. People who worked voluntarily for the foundation of the museum are presented thank you plaque.
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Vintage Decoration V
intage means reusing the materials used in old times. You can see the vintage effect in your house mostly in accessories. To create vintage style decoration, you can bring nostalgic materials together and make your house look completely different. The aim of vintage decoration is not to turn style of your house into the style of old times, but to use vintage objects in harmony. Vintage style of decoration is mostly seen in hobby corners and bedrooms of the houses. White, pink, green, blue and brown colours are used in vintage decoration examples for the style baring the traces of 1920- 1950. Walls are in light colours in vintage decoration. Lace comes to the minds when it is about vintage. You can use laces while making vintage decoration easily if it is suitable for your style. The atmosphere of your room will change immediately. We can see lace details in decorations in recent seasons. Laces mostly seen on coffee tables and on beds are among important details of vintage decoration.
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Pointed legged tables, sofas and thick lining are prominent. Vintage style is usually preferred in objects, not in furniture. Wallpapers are absolutely used. You can create the vintage atmosphere of those years in your house using especially flower patterned and pink white coloured flower patterned wallpapers. You can choose beds with bed net in bedrooms. You can prefer laces in your bed covers. You can bring your photographs into the forefront using white frames. You are so lucky if there are sewing machines inherited from elders. As we stated below, what is important in vintage decoration is to bring the old and the new periods together in harmony.
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Wallpaper and Furnıture Combınatıon
ombination in home decoration has always various patterns in harmony with other furniture in been important for especially women. It is your house. It will be more useful for you to work possible to see that this is valid when it comes to through in this direction. wall colour and furniture or fabrics for furnishings. It will be possible to make a home decoration Each woman cares about each detail’s being that does not strain your eyes thanks to the in harmony in their homes. So they care about harmony of wallpapers that help you make joyful not only colour combination but also pattern areas for living rooms, bedrooms and kid’s rooms combination. You can create a style particularly and furniture. In this respect it is important that you retro style in which there are wallpapers that have create a moderate harmony. 58 İNEGÖLEXPObulletin
You should be more careful while making your choices as using the same patterns in both wallpapers and furniture would be a very wrong decision. Otherwise you will make a decoration that strains both your and your guests’ eyes, which will not make you satisfied.
As you will need a new decoration in a short time if you make a mistake in home decoration, you should be more careful about this and you should avoid making decorations that will satisfy neither you nor your guests and in which you will not feel comfortable.
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İç Mimar | Çağıl
İç Mimar | Çağıl DUMAN
Yılda 47 Proje Z
eka faktörünün giderek hız kazandığı günümüz iş dünyasında,çalışanların maddi beklentilerinden ziyade çalışma ortamının ferahlığı,her gecen gün ihtiyaç duyulan bir olgu haline gelmiştir. Yurt dışında ve Türkiye de çok çeşitli tarzlarda yaptığımız dekorasyonlar ve projeler, beraberinde ciddi bir alıcı kitlesine hitap etme niteliği kazandırdı. Genellikle Proje bazlı bazı dekorasyonlarda kullanmış olduğum ergonomik,çevre faktörlerine uygun ve insan sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkilemeyen tasarımlar,bu meslekte ilerleme kat etmek adına büyük bir önem taşıyor. Günümüzün tasarım çizgilerine bakarsanız doğanın organiğinden fışkırmış gibi duran free form çizgilerle baş başayız. Bu mimariden içmimarlığa, endüstri tasarımından modaya her yerde var. Bu tür free formlarla tasarımlarınızı yönlendirdiğinizde, tasarımı yaparken ve tasarımı hayata geçirirken teknoloji sizin ilham kaynağınız ve yardımcınız oluyor. Artık bilgisayar teknolojileri olmadan bu tarz tasarımları yapmanız imkansızken aynı zamanda bu tür tasarımları kullanılır hale getirebilmek içinde bilgisayar teknolojilerine bağımlısınız. Meseleyi uzmanlaşmış olduğumuz, ticari alanlar olarak ele alırsak, malzeme tercihini oluşturan öğeler; mekan ve markanın kurumsal kimliği, markanın odaklandığı müşteri grubu, markanın ürettiği ürün cinsi ve mekanda elde edilmek istenen atmosferdir. Doğal ve sentetik her tür malzemeyi kullanırken, malzemenin nihai işleniş yöntemindeki değişikliklerle farklılığa ulaşmak tercih ettiğimiz bir metot. Bununla birlikte; vallchromat, barrisol, bencore, corian, imibeton gibi malzemeler ile led ve smd led aydınlatmalar, vertigo görüntü sistemleri ve bunları tamamlayıcı teknolojik ürünlere ilgimiz çok yüksek.
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INEGOL FURNITURE SALES AND MARKETING COMMITTEE Inegol Furniture Sales and Marketing Committee namely IMOSPAK has been carrying on its activities effectively since 2010. Our Mission Being individuals present in Inegol sales and marketing sector, our mission is to be above the standards of Turkey and be a sample model. Also we aim bringing sales and marketing personnel working in the furniture sector that is the locomotive sector of the Inegol economy and enabling getting in touch. We have been contributing to our knowledge with the trainings we got and seminars we attend regularly. Our intention is to relay the data as clear and complete as possible to the institutions we work
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for. As marketing staff we are the face and the vision of Furniture companies in the real market. Contribution to the amelioration and development of both the institutions we work for and the Inegol Furniture is one of our fundamental duties. We have been contributing to our knowledge with the trainings we got and seminars we attend regularly. These trainings, seminars and social activities will increasingly continue. IMOSPAK is holding the most dynamic and active individuals of Inegol together. In this sense, we aim coming together under a single roof as the people loving Inegol Furniture sincerely. Chairman of the Board Serhat Gürel