Holy Trinity South Chatham Parish Magazine May 2009

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Parish of Holy Trinity South Chatham Church of England & Methodist

Monthly Magazine May 2009 “… here to offer Christ in every home.”

St Alban’s Blue Bell Hill

St David’s Lordswood


St William’s Walderslade -1-

CHURCH STAFF Rev. Marilyn Ilyas

Team Rector Not available Mondays 26 Mayford Road, Lordswood, ME5 8SZ 660922 Rev. John Currie Team Vicar Not available Fridays 18 Marion Close, Walderslade, ME5 9QA 684888 Rev. Philip Wootton Team Vicar Not available Fridays 29 Keefe Close, Blue Bell Hill, ME5 9AG 660087 Rev. Melvyn Cooke Link Methodist Minister 6 Cox Gardens, Gillingham, ME8 6BF 364705 Captain Neil Thomson Accredited Lay C.A. Minister Anglican Readers

Local Preacher Pastoral Assistants Parish Evangelists

Val Butler Sarah Hassell Roger Hill Rose Robinson Sylvia Wrigglesworth Mandy Harris Mike Gibbs & Sheena Gibbs

Worship Leader

Ann Benger Susan Currie Mary Horwell Bob Tarrant Rosemary Thomson

Church Bookings

Denise Lee


St David’s


St Alban’s 868461

Wendy Baxter

Barbara & Dave Till ay

Julian Spinks

Cliff Lowdell

Sarah Buxton

Richard Curzon

Karl Simmons

Mike Wareing

Visit our website at www.southchatham.org


Redemption Now? Comedian/actor Ricky Gervase, in an interview with the Independent newspaper last October commented, “Redemption’s my favourite thing. I never understood, growing up, why someone was more forgiven because he failed, and of course as you get older you think, well, great.” Gervase is known for comic characters who are essentially failures in life. He says, “Playing screwed-up people is more interesting. I think comedy is about empathy and I don't think people want to see unfeasibly handsome, successful people doing well. It's boring." That bit of empathy is important: we identify with the point of failure; we long for some form of redemption. What about the sense of the unfairness of redemption? Why should we be forgiven more because we’ve failed more? Christians especially are so used to talking about forgiveness in our prayers that we forget how outrageous it is. Justice demands people get what they deserve. If God forgives that means God is not just or fair. In May we will be approaching difficult issues like this in three workshops led by outside speakers under the title Dilemmas and Choices. The first deals directly with what is involved in forgiving and remembering. Our speaker, Rev Gordon Oliver – who says he has had lots of opportunities to learn (often the hard way) what it means to forgive and to be forgiven – will ask, ‘Forgiveness is basically unfair – so can it ever be right?’ In the second talk Jennifer Rees Larcombe will look at: ‘Suffering – how do we understand it and how can we discover redemption through -3-

it?’ Jennifer has known suffering and healing both in herself and in those she has ministered to. She speaks of being profoundly convinced that God mends bruised and broken lives today and is able to carry out a work of restoration through faith in and dependence on Christ. Many find themselves in a situation of broken marital relationships. From the church, the voices they have heard often have been ones of condemnation. Rev Liz Walker is deeply concerned about how divorced people are treated and cared for, and in her workshop will ask, 'What does the church today have to say to those who are divorced?' Her answer involves a fresh look at Biblical texts and reflection on pastoral practice. (For details of all three Dilemmas and Choices sessions, see page 23 in this magazine.) In the December magazine I wrote about my visit to Israel and Palestine and about people working towards reconciliation there. It was inspirational to see so much happening in such unpromising territory. In our country things on the surface are more settled, but the deep need for redemption is very great indeed. It requires courage to deal with these harder issues of life and faith so that we might be more deeply reconciled within ourselves, with one another and with God. Jesus came to bring reconciliation to the world: we count on his blessing as we struggle to find redemption now. Rev. Phil Wootton (Team Vicar)

Apology to Kath Darrall In last month’s magazine Profile, we quoted Kath’s answer to ‘Have you ever had a profound spiritual experience’ as ‘ expecting a card from the Queen?’ This should have been in answer to ‘Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?’ We apologise unreservedly to Kath. -4-


Editor: Rev. John Currie (******) Sub-Editor: Ann Benger (******) .uk (Please send articles as Word documents).

ALL MAGAZINE ARTICLES TO BE RECEIVED BY THE FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Church ‘Notice Board’ Collators: Ron Robson St Alban’s Sylvia Wrigglesworth St David’s Ann Benger St William’s Distribution: Kath Winnett Kay Young Mavis Buckingham

LUNCH CLUB AT ST DAVID’S Fridays from 12.30 onwards

St Alban’s St David’s St William’s

May 15 June 19 July 17

Magazine advertisements: Ann Benger (******) Email:

cost: £3.00 (for dinner, dessert, tea/coffee).

Weekly Notice Sheet Neil Thomson (******) Email: noticesheet@southchatham.org

Contact numbers: St David’s Church: 666716 Judy Tarrant: ******

The views expressed inside this Magazine are not necessarily those of the Parish. The Parish accepts no responsibility for any items advertised in this magazine.

Front cover artwork designed by Jillian Allonby OBE and used with her kind permission.


Everyone welcome

POLICE SURGERY Come and meet your Community Police Officers in the Coffee Break at St William’s Church May 7th during the morning and between 6.00 - 7.30pm in the evening This is an opportunity for you to raise any concerns you have about local policing issues. An officer of the Walderslade Neighbourhood Policing Team will be available to see people individually on a first come, first served basis.

PAPER SKIP AT ST WILLIAM’S 1st May, 5th June, 3rd July, 31st July, th 4 September, 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December

The recycling skip will be unlocked Saturday & Sunday mornings on these weekends or during Coffee Break on weekdays. (Not Thursdays) The skip will generally remain at St William’s for a week from the above dates. Thank you to everyone who collects or donates paper, magazines, books etc. for the monthly skip. Last year we raised £2,200 from our recycled paper!


St William’s Church

You are invited to come and enjoy -

St. William’s Strawberry Fair

St. William’s Church Walderslade Saturday 20th June 11 am - 4pm Fun for all the family Sideshows Cakes for sale Lunches and special Strawberry Cream Teas Celebrating Community Festival



St David’s Chapel an oasis of peace in the midst of a busy world

Mondays: 10 am-2 pm Tuesdays: 10 am-12 noon Thursdays: 9.30 am-3.30 pm Fridays: 10 am-2pm


Every 2 n d and 4 t h Friday in the month From 10 a.m - 1.30 p.m Come in and relax

a nd enjo y a coffee, t ea, o r o t h er r e fr e s h m e n t s i nc lu din g sw e et and s a vou ry sn a c k s

at St David’s Church

BEREAVEMENT POP IN at St David’s Church 10.15 - 11.45 a.m. on May 1st Come and have a cup of tea, meet and chat with others in a similar situation. Everyone welcome. Just pop in.


Prayers Please Raise to God in Prayer … those that have asked for our prayers and are named in each of our churches’ intercession books If there is anyone that you would like prayer for, please ring: Rose Robinson Denise Lee Wendy Baxter

St Alban’s St David’s St William’s

****** ****** 867194 or ******

Their names will remain in the book for one calendar month. Please let us know answers to prayers so that we can praise God. … our Clergy Team and their families: Marilyn Ilyas, John and Susan Currie, Philip Wootton, Melvyn Cooke … for those in authorised ministries: Ann Benger, Val Butler, Susan Currie, Mike and Sheena Gibbs, Mandy Harris, Sarah Hassall, Roger Hill, Mary Horwell, Rose Robinson, Bob Tarrant, Neil and Rosemary Thomson, Sylvia Wrigglesworth and also for those in training: Rosemary Thomson, Debbie Oliver and Kate Cross … those considering baptism or recently baptised: Isabella Hawden, Isabelle Tyler

… those who have recently been bereaved especially the families and friends of Tracey Mantle, Eileen Motton, Florence Steward, Frederick Miller, Robert Meaney, Paul Clements, Tony Owens, Delcie Hallinan, Paul Clements, Peggy Harding, Lily Groombridge, Sandra Hall, Betty Smith, Bill Kemmenoe, Margaret Brett, Robert Collins, Rosina Lock, Dorothy Joyce, Allan Fox, Christopher Green, Albert Hubbard, and Amy O’Sullivan ... the ministries in the local hospitals, hospices, health centres, schools, prisons, barracks and to the Crematorium staff.

Lord, we place all these people into your loving care. Amen. - 10 -


Fellowship of Prayers

Christian Aid Week

Small groups meet regularly on:

10–16 May 09 A collector’s prayer Father God, remind me again of your love for the poor, for the marginalised, and the oppressed. I want to follow your example and make a difference with my time and my prayers, through collecting and donating so that a glimpse of heaven is seen on earth, as hope replaces despair and peace overcomes violence. Fill me with your spirit and strength, so that your name will be glorified this week and forever. Amen.

Saturday evenings St David's Chapel 7.00 p.m. Contacts: Dave Till (******) & Bob Tarrant (******)

Monday mornings St Alban’s 10.00 - 10.30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month Contacts: Rev. Phil Wootton 660087 Kath Winnett ******

Sunday afternoons St William’s 2.30 p.m. First Sunday of the month Contact: Rev. John Currie (684888)

Please support us in your prayers, let us know of anything you would like us to pray about or, better still, join us.

Services at

HARROW COURT Bromley Close, Lordswood 8 p.m. on Tuesdays 19th May 16th June Everyone is welcome

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Parish Profile

This month I interviewed Neville Broom who worships at St Alban’s Church Could you please explain your role in the Church? Until recently I was the Church Warden. I have been the Parish Treasurer, and I serve on the ECC. I assist with anything I can, from sidesperson, counting monies, the Christmas Fair and other occasion, to making teas. I am completing the Listening Skills course and helped at the Children’s Summer Club. I am also Coordinator for our Parish Cycle Ride for the Churches Together. Age: I am 57 years old. Married: Yes, to Carrie for 25 years. Children: I have three children, James 24, Rebecca 22, Sarah 17 and a lovable Grandson Oliver, born last October. Where are you from? Born in Calcutta, our family moved to London in 1962 following the death of my Mother, who had been a family Doctor. My Grandfather was a Londoner. What is your favourite food? A tasty Shepherds Pie. What do you watch on television? Factual programmes, current affairs and some sport. What is your favourite film? I am going through a Harry Potter stage at present. - 12 -

What music do you listen to? Probably Country and Western and Big Band sounds. What is your day job? An Office Administrator. Can you describe yourself in three words? Sympathetic, dependable and caring. What is your Church background? In Calcutta with my parents, we went to the 7 day Adventist Church, which was based on Bible study with our Sabbath on a Saturday. I was a Catholic between ages of 10 to 18 and was confirmed in St Georges Cathedral at the Elephant and Castle. I married Carrie in a United Reform Church. I first attended St David’s for about 10 years and have been worshiping at St Albans for over 7 years. Do you have a favourite hymn, why? Just ‘A closer walk with thee’. This meaningful hymn also brings back memories of my Mum. Do you have a favourite Bible reading? John 11, verses 25 and 26. ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’ Where do you see yourself in ten years time? I’d hope to be enjoying a happy retirement with my family and sharing life with Oliver. Is there one thing you can tell us that not many people know about you? I have been a marathon runner, starting with the Lordswood run, one in Dublin and six London Marathons, completing the last run in 3 ½ hours. I have been determined to win a medal for each of my children, which I was pleased to achieve. Valerie Hobson

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Not all the marks come out The lorry driver was quite nice about it. I had stopped at the traffic lights… but he hadn’t. So we were surveying the dent in my new car’s tailgate. ‘It’s them autumn leaves, yer know. Sorry an’ all that, mate.’ I phoned my insurance company. These days all transactions are done by telephone. Within a few minutes came a call from a repair firm. ‘We’ll bring you a courtesy car,’ the girl told me, ‘then take your car for repair, mend it and bring it back. It won’t cost you anything.’ What joy. The trouble was that I was setting off on holiday next day. Not to worry, they would call me and fix a suitable time to do the job. I gave them my holiday phone number. The car was still driveable so I set off happily for my brother’s home. But when I reached it, I found him distraught. Quivering, Alan sat over a coffee. He greeted me as though I were back from the dead. O, yes, they’d called him about my insurance. ‘Carbash Company here. It’s about your brother’s accident. We’re ready to pick his damaged vehicle up. When will it be convenient?’ Our Lord’s disciples were just as surprised when he walked in on them (John 20:19), for they hadn’t understood his hints as to what would happen after the crucifixion. So certain were they that his crucifixion had been final and irrevocable that they were sitting worrying about how to live without him. Their welcome was tremendous when he finally arrived. When the repair company brought my restored car back, it looked like new. No sign of damage at all. But for the resurrected Jesus things were different. His hands still bore the prints of the crucifixion’s nails. His price for restoring our souls. We owe him only our praise. - 14 -

St Alban’s Housewives’ Fellowship Alternate Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. May 13 May 27 June 10 June 24

Mr Uden London Marathon Mrs Sharman How to wear a sari Outing to Boughton Monchelsea church and village Dr Julian Spinks Confessions of a GP Secretary: Jean Boorman ****** Leader: Helen Palmer ******

New members are always welcome

Service of Healing and Wholeness   


a monthly midweek morning service an opportunity to seek God for ourselves and on behalf of others a simple, quiet service, with the offer of individual prayer with the laying on of hands and/or anointing with oil St Alban’s Church, Thursdays at 10.30 a.m. May 21st, June 18th, July 16th August 20th September 17th October 15th November 19th December 17.


Everyone is welcome

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The Cracked Pot A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots of water to his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologise to you.” “Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?” “I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master’s house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful wild flowers along the path.” Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it somewhat. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologised to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master’s - 16 -

table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.” Each of us has our own unique flaws. We’re all cracked pots. But if we will allow it, the Lord will use our flaws to grace His Father’s table. In God’s great economy, nothing goes to waste. So as we seek ways to minister together, and as God calls you to the tasks He has appointed for you, don’t be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge them, and allow Him to take advantage of them, and you, too, can be the cause of beauty in His pathway. Go out boldly, knowing that in our weakness we find his strength, and that ‘in him, every one of God’s promises is a ‘yes’’. Published by Trinity Methodist Church, Basingstoke in Trinity News from a story sent in by Deborah Harris.

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May 1

Bereavement Pop In

10.15 a.m.

St David’s

May 2

Breakfast Barbecue

8.00 a.m.

St David’s

May 3

Glad to be Grey

2.30 p.m.

St David’s

May 3

Prayer for St William’s

2.30 p.m.


May 5

St David’s Group

7.45 p.m.

St David’s

May 5

Lydia Fellowship

8.00 p.m.

18 Marion Close

May 6

St William’s Group

8.00 p.m.

62 Mayford Road

May 8

Oasis Coffee Morning

May 10

Start of Christian Aid Week

May 10

10.00 a.m.

St David’s

Dilemmas & Choices (Forgiveness)

4.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 11

Messy Church

3.30 p.m.

St William’s

May 12

Prayer Visiting

6.45 p.m.

St David’s

May 12

Management Committee

7.45 p.m.

29 Keefe Close

May 13

St William’s Book Club

8.00 p.m.

27 Woodlands

May 15

Lunch Club

12.30 p.m.

St David’s

May 16

St David’s Sale

10.00 a.m.

St David’s

May 16

Listening Course

10.00 a.m..

St Alban’s

May 17

Dilemmas & Choices (Suffering)

4.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 18

Prayer Visiting

7.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 19

House Group Leaders’ Meeting

8.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 20

Service Leaders & Preachers

8.00 p.m.

29 Keefe Close

May 21

Service of Healing & Wholeness

May 21

10.30 a.m.

St Alban’s

Worship Workshop

7.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 21

Ascension Day Communion

8.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 22

Oasis Coffee morning

10.00 a.m.

St David’s

May 24

Dilemmas & Choices (Divorce)

4.00 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 26


7.45 p.m.

St Alban’s

May 27

St William’s Petals

7.30 p.m.

St William’s

May 28

Christian Aid Count

7.00 p.m.

St William’s

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St David’s

Date Time Service

Time Service

May 3 09.30

Holy Communion

May 10 09.30

All Age Worship


Holy Communion


Holy Communion


Morning Worship

May 17 09.30

Holy Communion


Holy Communion

St William’s Time Service 08.00

Holy Communion


All Age Worship Fellowship Time Morning Worship

09.30 10.30

All Age Worship Fellowship Time Sung Communion


Holy Communion


All Age Worship Fellowship Time Morning Worship

10.30 May 24


Holy Communion


Morning Worship


All Age Worship


All Age Communion Fellowship Time


BCP Communion


All Age Worship Fellowship Time

7.30 p.m. Wellspring At St David’s

May 24

May 31 09.30

All Age Communion


All Age Communion

Holy Communion in St William’s Chapel every Wednesday morning at 7.30 a.m. - 19 -

Marcus and Suzanne Walton in Nepal Marcus and Suzanne took the opportunity of a last minute holiday to Thailand. The timing and opportunity meant that they could both have time off together whilst working around each other’s work commitments. Bangkok is a three hour flight from Kathmandu. They enjoyed the luxury of 24 hour hot and cold running water, and electricity. They spent some of the time with their Nepali language book and the remainder enjoying the Resort and beach. Their return to Kathmandu plunged them straight into a hectic schedule. Like most people working in the field they have to give funding proposals a high priority. Because of the Global Economic Crisis, UMN is struggling to get sufficient funds to pursue their work beyond July. Suzanne had a four hour trek to one of the sub-health posts where they met with the Female Community Health Volunteers and did two days training with them. By the time this training is over she will have been away from home for over eight weeks. Marcus remained in Kathmandu for a further three days and then travelled back to Butwal. Whilst they were away, 125 houses burnt down in the area where UMN has been working with a partner organisation, in a community split by conflict. It seems that a fire spread quickly between the houses made of wood, other natural materials and mud. Marcus initiated UMN’s response to this disaster. As a result they have been given food, mosquito nets and technical support in terms of rebuilding the properties in such ways as to reduce the risks of fires spreading. Marcus has not yet been able to go to the community, but hopes to do so soon after returning to Butwal. Nepal is still having 16 hours of power cuts a day and water is in very short supply, especially in Kathmandu. There were no winter rains and the monsoon won’t start for another 2 or 3 months. In the last two days there have been a few thunder storms but, as yet, no rain of any - 20 -

significance. The main river through the city is virtually dry and the smells are foul. Marcus and Suzanne would value your prayers for:  peace and stability in the country,  continued safety in their travels, and for the two of them as they make arrangements for their four month Home Assignment starting in June. Plans are coming together but they still need to sort out things like flights, and explore options for transport now that they no longer have a car of their own. Marcus and Suzanne Walton send their love and best wishes as they serve with BMS World Mission Working for: United Mission to Nepal. Post Box 126. Kathmandu. Nepal Ron Robson

Collectors for Christian Aid

Christian Aid Week 10–16 May 09 If you can help by giving your time to deliver or collect envelopes, please contact Susan Currie on 684888. This is an important week for concentrating on the world’s underprivileged and gives people outside our churches opportunities to make a difference by giving what they can. Christian Aid believes in life before death

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Dilemmas and Choices – a series of three talks addressing some of the harder issues of

life and faith: 10 May Forgiveness Gordon Oliver will address the question: ‘

Forgiveness is Basically Unfair – So Can It Ever Be Right?’ 17 May Suffering Jennifer Rees Larcombe will consider how we understand suffering and whether it can be redemptive 24 May Divorce Liz Walker will ask, 'What does the church today have

to say to those who are divorced?'

All three talks are at St Alban's on Sunday afternoons, from 4.00 to 5.30pm, including time for discussion and refreshments

COFFEE BREAK AT ST WILLIAM’S Monday to Saturday 9 am - 1 pm (Closed Thursdays) Come and join us in the Darrall Hall for tea, coffee and light refreshments and Ploughman’s lunch every Tuesday from 12.00 noon - 1.30 p.m. The Chapel is open during these times for reflection and prayer.

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Messy Church A time for primary school aged children and their families to enjoy creative fun, a meal and a chance for reflection together on the first Monday of each month.

Come and join in the fun at

St William’s Church, Walderslade Mondays May 11th, June 1st, 6th July

3.30pm – 6pm only £2 per person For more information please contact Kate Cross ****** - 24 -

Hospital Lane Dental and Implant Clinic

A first‐class dental clinic right on your doorstep. For all of your dental needs. Dental Implants, Same‐day Replacement Single or Multiple Teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Tooth Whitening, Orthodontics, Single‐Visit Ceramics, Gum Treatments, Intra‐venous Sedation, Root Canal Treatments, Dental Imaging, On‐site Laboratory.


Lord Lees Grove, Blue Bell Hill 01634 842566 email: reception@hospitallane.com Situated on the Lord Lees Roundabout by Junction 3 of the M2, adjacent to the long‐stay car‐park. Open Monday—Saturday. Easy on‐site parking.

BLYTHSWOOD CARE Urgently needed: Clothing, Bedding, Towels, Footwear Knitted clothes Saucepans for those in need in Serbia and Romania. Please deliver to St William’s Church (mornings only) or direct to Blythswood Care, The Jasmine Centre, 32A Riverside, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Medway City Estate. ME24DP : 01634 291411

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Pentecost Nine days after the Ascension of Jesus, and 49 days after his crucifixion, the Jews were doing what they always did this time of year, preparing for the Feast of Ingathering, or Harvest. It was held 50 days after the Passover, and with it, life in Israel looked set to return to normal, with Jesus well on the way to becoming just a memory. So no one paid any attention to a small group of Jesus’ disciples who had gathered in a house in Jerusalem. There were only about 120 of them, and they were quiet and kept to themselves. The Jews, if they thought about it at all, would have assumed they were still grieving their lost leader. But the disciples, far from grieving Jesus’ death, were eagerly awaiting for him to send them a present…. Though they did not understand exactly what it might be. All they knew was that Jesus was alive, and that before he had ascended to heaven, he had told them to go to Jerusalem and wait there together for “the gift my father has promised” (Acts 1:4) He had said: “stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49) These disciples, though they did not know it then, were already acting as the future church – the ecclesia, which literally means ‘called-out ones’. For those disciples stuck together, together they waited for God’s blessing. As with them, so with us today: even though each conversion is intensely personal, we are not converted to be alone in our faith. Far from it! We are not saved to solitude, but to a life in the fellowship of the Church. Jesus has ordained that his followers, TOGETHER, be his family on earth, his witness to the world. But it has never been a family built on likeness – the believers in the house that day came from very different backgrounds – from right-wing conservatives (Matthew) to radical left-wing zealots (Simon). There were some straight-forward fishermen and even women, for good measure. From the day of its birth, Jesus’ family would include all kinds of people who would find their unity in him.

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The first thing the disciples did was to get down to the business of praying. They did not try and unite themselves by long discussions with each other. It was the “joining together constantly in prayer” (verse 14) that brought them together. The 19th Century London pastor FB Meyer expressed well what awaited those disciples “The task that awaited that little group was one of unparalleled difficulty. …They were to disciple all nations, speaking different languages, scattered over the vast Roman Empire, which extended from the Atlantic to the Far East. … They were to substitute Christianity for paganism, as the foundation of a new type of civilization. …In fact, humanly speaking and without exaggeration, it depended on that tiny group of unknown and ordinary men and women, whether the Incarnation and Death, the Resurrection and Ascension, of the Son of God would obtain the audience and acceptance of mankind.” Today the Christian Church faces the same challenge – of making Christ known. We can do “business as usual” in our strength and by our resources. But great manifestations of God’s saving, healing and restoring power come only as God’s people “stay for the Spirit” and “wait for the gift” as Jesus commanded (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4). Each of us would do well to “ask, seek and knock” for God’s fullness day by day, if we are to enjoy his full anointing of power on our lives and ministry. We all ‘leak’, and need the continual in-filling that comes from abiding, persistent prayer. It was out of the context of prayer that this incipient church in Jerusalem was preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. For God’s fullness in our lives and awakening in our church today we must believe that he is able and willing to fulfill his highest purpose for us. He wants to give us his “good gifts,” namely, his Holy Spirit in fullness. That day in Jerusalem, when the Holy Spirit arrived in all his fullness, Peter stood up and preached the first ever Christian sermon to the astonished Jews in the city. So - the Jesus their rulers had crucified at Passover was not dead after all! That Jesus WAS the Messiah, and he was alive! 3,000 were converted that same day. In the power of the Spirit, the Church was born – and growing fast! Roger Roberts, senior pastor of International Baptist Church in Brussels

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NOTICE BOARD St William’s Church Easy Access We now have two quotations for the building work and we hope that by the time you read this we will have received our third quotation so that we can seek final approval for the work from the Diocese. Petals Petals is a flower arranging club that has been running since last September. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Williams, during term time. The cost is £5.00 per meeting, to include all materials and refreshments. We include traditional and modern arrangements covering a variety of designs, arranging skills and methods, both for beginners and those with some experience of flower arranging. On 27 May we are making a modern arrangement of flowers in plaited bear grass and palm leaves. Our evenings are very informal and friendly and we are always pleased to welcome new members. If you wish to join us or would like some more information, please ring: Marina 683909 or Jean 865087 Jean Bassett

If you have anything for inclusion in the June Notice Board for St William’s, please ring Ann on ****** or

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NOTICE BOARD St Alban’s Church We thank God for winning the battle over the double yellow lines parking restrictions at St Alban’s which we have been fighting for nearly two years. We had just about given up after the first level of appeal to the Tonbridge and Malling Council was lost. Alan Robinson decided to appeal that final decision using the Council’s own Appeal process and won at the final appeal. Alan said that when he reviewed the file he was surprised at the number of Parishioners who had entered into communication with the Council on the subject. So a big thank you to Alan and all those from St Alban’s who wrote to the Council. Normal parking restrictions will be resumed as soon as possible and may possibly have resumed by the time you are reading this. Dilemmas and Choices is a series of three talks on Sunday afternoons (10, 17 and 24 May) tackling some of the harder issues of life and faith. See page 23 in this magazine for details Blue Bell Hill Village Fete. takes place on Saturday 13th June. The afternoon is always fun, with a variety of stalls and exhibitions on the Green at St Alban’s. Spirituality Safari: Saturday 18 July. This event, spread across various churches in Chatham and Rochester, will give participants the opportunity to explore a range of Christian spiritualities as they journey through the day. At St Alban’s, we intend to set up a prayer labyrinth as our contribution to this event. Other venues will host workshops on Franciscan and Celtic spirituality, prayer with your senses and with the Scriptures. 19th July is the date for the St Alban’s Strawberry Tea’, a wonderful way to spend a summer Sunday afternoon consuming cold/hot drinks, strawberries with cream and that perennial favourite, locally baked cakes. Picture yourself enjoying the day and make a note in your Diary before that moment passes! Please contact Ron Robson on 01634 ****** or email ********.fsnet.co.uk if you have any Notice Board items for next month.

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NOTICE BOARD St David’s Church Dementia Awareness Seminar This was a very useful session, run by Chris Bostock, explaining the types of dementia, the different ways these affected behaviour and where help and support could be accessed. More than 60 people attended, from a variety of interest groups and all agreed it was well worth coming.

Community Information Cafe Look out for this exciting new initiative on 28th June! There will be a chance to find out about the many and varied support groups in the local area for all kinds of situations. So whether advice is needed about young children’s needs or how to tackle relationship breakdowns, or information about what help is available when illness strikes – pop in for a relaxing cuppa or snack and see what is on offer. More details later. Dates for your diary – see notice sheet for details May 2nd – Breakfast Barbecue July 4th – Games evening

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TRUDY ALLEN A professionally trained Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Hairdresser For an appointment in the comfort of your home Please telephone Medway (01634) 864035


Plumbing, Bathrooms & Kitchen Installations Kevin Jones Tel: 01634 843041 07734 921925

MEDWAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS LTD Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons 24 Hour personal service Private Chapels of rest Floral Tributes Monumental Masons Prepaid Funeral Plans 303 Walderslade Road, Walderslade, ME5 0NU Tel: (& FAX) 861422

(Ample Parking at rear)

- 31 -

Hiring of church premises Do you need to hire a hall for a special occasion, a regular meeting or a one off event? Have you considered hiring one of our three churches subject to availability?

St Alban’s, Bluebell Hill (above) St David’s, Lordswood, St William’s, Walderslade Village, For further information, please contact Denise Lee 01634 ******.

- 32 -

A.D.Y. PLASTERING Skimming over artex Ceilings repaired/renewed Rendering Studwalls/Coving Tanking Also specialists in cellar conversions Free Estimates & Advice (t) 01634 831217 (m) 0774 070 2596 (e) adyplastering@hotmail.com

- 33 -


Servicing and Repairs at a time convenient to YOU

01634 580400 07903247181 Unit 8, Railway Street Industrial Estate, Railway Street, Gillingham ME71YQ

NEW KITCHENS Individually manufactured in our own local factory. Installed by experienced tradesmen Including Gas (corgi) & electrics (part P) SHOWROOM FACILITY

Tel. 07888822535 or 01795437770 Safe, Simple & Natural Male & Female Hair Removal Facials with Blended Oils Neck & Shoulder Massage 01634 668845 11 PANTON CLOSE, LORDS WOOD, ME5 8PP

ST DAVID’S COFFEE MORNING AND SALE SATURDAY, 16TH MAY 10 a.m. - Noon St David’s Church, Lordswood - 34 -

T & S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Maintenance & Repair Works All Aspects of Interior/Exterior DIY For Your Home & Garden Minor Works Larger Works New Projects ~ Real Wood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting Plumbing Carpentry Decorating Fascia & Sofits Roofing Minor Electrical Works Landscaping/Gardening & Decking ~ For a Free No Obligation Quote Please Call Tim 01634 730837

VILLAGE IRONING & CLEANING SERVICE Hate ironing? Hate cleaning? Let me help! Village Ironing & Cleaning Service 520 Maidstone Rd Bluebell Hill Village

Free ironing collection and next day delivery. Smoke-free environment Competitive rates and 10% O.A.P discount. Contact Sarah on 01634 666522 or 07765 407983 for a professional and friendly service. - 35 -

(ophthalmic opticians & contact lens practitioners) 6 Ashdown House, Walderslade Centre, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 9LR

Tel: Medway 682595

PROFESSIONAL GARDENER Reliable and trustworthy 25 years experience in horticulture City & Guilds qualified Excellent references available if required Any gardening jobs undertaken (big or small) Please ring Lester : 01634 310699 Evenings 07920 104549 Days . LET US HELP YOU GET THROUGH YOUR LOSS

Funeral Directors



01634 842095

01634 853917

30/32 Luton Road, Chatham, Kent

8/10 Duncan Road, Gillingham, Kent


01634 851133 68 Balmoral Road, Gillingham, Kent

We’ll guide and assist you through all the funeral arrangements. Call us 24 hours a day. - 36 To advertise here please telephone Ann Benger Tel:


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