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Slowing Down Faster Than the Speed of Light

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Slowing Down Faster Than the Speed of Light


Visiting Southeast Asia’s first tachyon chamber in Chiang Mai

by Amy Poulton

"I’ll come and get you in 20 minutes,” Toam says as she closes the door.

I shuffle my head against the pillow and try to relax. I’m lying on a mattress in the middle of the floor, a circular plate below and golden bars of a prism meeting in a point above me, with a crystal balanced at the pyramid’s peak. In each corner of the room there are more crystals, positioned at differing levels and measured to the exact millimetre. The fan above me whirs. I contemplate the room’s décor. Birds sing outside. I can’t help but giggle a little to myself.

This is Southeast Asia’s first tachyon chamber, a facility which claims to harness powerful healing tachyon energy from the universe.

“The energy cannot penetrate the atmosphere,” explains Toam, who runs Sote Wellness Haven where the chamber is located, a 10-minute drive from Chiang Mai.

“There’s an oscillator attached to a satellite and a receiver in the chamber itself. A wormhole is created, so what happens up there happens down here at the same time. The energy is faster than light and is ‘conscious,’ which means that it works on whatever you need.”

This is the attraction of the mysterious tachyon: the reported balancing and healing powers, both for the people who use it and the environment the chamber is located in. Toam reveals how initially they planned to open the chamber in Bangkok, but were advised by the makers of the equipment to choose Chiang Mai, which was more in line with the Earth’s ‘acupressure points.’

The first session lasts for 20 minutes (payment by donation), with reports of any longer being too intense. The full tachyon treatment lasts six cumulative sessions of 20 or 30 minutes, with frequency of sessions being every day or every other day.

Toam is hesitant to discuss other clients’ experiences in the chamber, partly for confidentiality purposes, but also because she wants me to experience the chamber for myself first, so that my experience is without bias.

“Around 100 people have tried the chamber since we opened it in January, all with very different experiences. Some have a set intention, others are looking for spiritual insight, others still are just curious. People fly from neighbouring Asian countries or Russia. More foreigners come here for the chamber than Thai people.”

Of course, tachyon treatment is not without controversy. The very existence of the tachyon is strongly denied by many physicists, who maintain that particles which travel faster than the speed of light do not exist because this would break the laws of physics. At present, tachyons are considered by many to be only hypothetical.

Yet, after my initial chuckle, I certainly experienced something powerful myself in the chamber: a deep relaxation, an inward journey more intense than any meditation or yoga session, and even visions.

As Toam eloquently describes, as I emerge a little dazed, what I had was ‘an energised nap.’

“The tachyon chamber is good for people and good for the Earth. We are so out of balance now,” Toam sighs and I certainly agree that this much is true.

Everything is energy; thoughts, love. Just because we can’t see, touch, or measure something, does that mean it doesn’t exist?

Whether my tachyon experience was genuine, or an excellent example of the placebo effect, taking 20 minutes out of one’s day to slow down, meditate and rebalance is something we could all do with including in our daily routines to improve physical and mental health.

Sote Wellness Chamber, 80 26 Chom Doi Tambon Chang Phueak, Chiang Mai.

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