2014 january your health

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YourHealth Tallahassee


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Cheers! We made it through 2013


ello again, my lovely readers. Well, we’ve made it through the wilderness, somehow we made it through ... OK, I won’t break into song. But with this issue, I must recognize that we have, indeed, made it through another year. I don’t want to wax philosophical about how 2014 will be full of changes and opportunities. While that’s probably true, I have writers who have more interesting things to say on that topic than I. I do, however, have a fascination with New Year’s Eve. It’s incredibly interesting to see our whole community, and to an extent, the world collectively celebrate the passage of time. There’s no political ties or religious bickering. It is just simply a reason to celebrate, and for that I love the holiday. On New Year’s Day, though, comes crunch time when resolutions are in full swing. For that, Tricia Dulaney has offered tips on sticking to your resolutions. This is your year, readers. Treat it as such. But this issue isn’t just about tough love. If you’re looking for a relationship this year, we’ve got tips on getting back into dating. Whether you’re newly divorced, widowed or always the bridesmaid, I’m sure you’ll find some sage advice in Erin O’Donnell’s story. We’ve also got a piece by Kenya McCullum on dealing with shame and recognizing your worth. This is your year, readers. Physically, spiritually, emotionally — you’ve got this. Until next time,

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Get the skinny on the Greek yogurt fad, find ways to create a peaceful home and get tips for healthier hair. COVER AND COVER STORY PHOTOS BY GLENN BIEL/DEMOCRAT


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A Live for a

change Reflect on life rather than letting it pass you by By Lisa Love, MSW, ISW “Living for a Change, LLC”

A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION has more defined parameters, and thus it’s a black or white situation, a polarized dynamic. Truth be known, we either fail or succeed, end of story and better luck next year. Or is it?


s we welcome the New Year, the age-old tradition is to celebrate and set New Year’s resolutions. Naturally, we also reflect on our journey through 2013. Both of which are dynamic with respect to “living for a change,” each with their own twist toward failure versus success. A New Year’s resolution has more defined parameters, and thus it’s a black or white situation, a polarized dynamic. Truth be known, we either fail or succeed, end of story and better luck next year. Or is it? And how long do we have to wait until we can definitively say we succeeded? Yes, the answer to that is another year — 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days until the clock strikes midnight and one second the following year. Wow — really?! How many of us can say, we have succeeded at meeting our New Year’s resolutions? How many of us can even remember we set them until we do the dastardly deed that steeps us into the doom of failure? Obviously, after a night’s worth of exhausting cheer and celebration, many of us have a swing in memory. It’s not baseball folks, and there are no second chances on a resolution — strike one, you’re out until next year. Some of us have even bah humbugged the tradition — we may know we need change, but fear the failure. Yet, our illustrious conscience tells us we have still experienced the desire to change, allowing our mind to feel the anxiety to change, and the impending, inevitable outcome. Perhaps it’s time to take

another perspective — an existential perspective, one that has meaning, one that allows us to be human — and experience our life as it is, meaningfully; thus, allowing us to transition and change without the impending anxieties of dread and doom or fear of failure. How do we do that? How do we start “living for a change?” My answer to you is through a creative process of reflection. Reflecting can open a whole new door of opportunity and success. It is the door of awareness and opportunity toward exploring the meanings and values of our experiences. In essence, it is the exploration of the self regarding our needs and desires, our gains and losses, our challenges and successes, the changes along the journey, and the opportunities yet to come. As we reflect, we experience a host of emotions and thoughts to varying degrees.

Whether the experiences were positive or negative, how these emotions and thoughts are processed becomes integrated into behaviors. Awareness of the impact of these experiences on our emotions, thoughts and behaviors is key toward being able to grow and live a fulfilled, healthy, balanced and resilient life. Often we are unaware and continue to go through each following day without reflection, but rather with automation. Whether it is positive or negative experience, it is still change, which requires a reflection and adjustment. The days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, and before we know it, another year is upon us. This may lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, resentments, being overwhelmed, losing sight of plans, lack of resolve and emptiness. Life is in a constant state of change, each day presenting anew, and each

We cannot redo yesterday, nor can we predict what tomorrow holds, but we can embrace “living for a change” each day.

day leaving a past. We cannot redo yesterday, nor can we predict what tomorrow holds, but we can embrace “living for a change” each day. Our experiences are change — good, bad or indifferent it is still change. How we accept and adjust to the change determines whether we live in state of dis-ease, disease, dysfunction or with responsibility and resiliency.

Each change offers an opportunity for choice — a choice toward impact, reaction and consequence. In essence, there is no impending dread of doom, no fear of failure, just the insight to succeeding at embracing a healthy, balanced sense of self with growth and resiliency. Join me in “living for a change!” What are you reaching for rather than waiting for?

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By Kenya McCullum

Don’t let a toxic feeling overwhelm your life


“Women are so busy now since many families can’t survive without two incomes, a lot of women feel shame that they don’t give enough attention to their children.”


ou have a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. You frequently feel depressed because you think everything you do is wrong and you’ll never be good enough — no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try. This is the manifestation of shame, which can be instilled in us at a young age or developed during adulthood. In many cases, shame is directly related to our desire to please other people and the feeling that we don’t measure up.

“Usually when people feel shame, they feel a sense of not being able to meet somebody’s expectations and that they’re not giving enough,” said Alla Branzburg, LCSW, psychotherapist. “They feel they actually present an image that is not approved by others. For example, women are so busy

nowadays since many families can’t survive without two incomes, a lot of women feel shame that they don’t give enough attention to their children.” In addition to worries about family time, Branzburg says that women may also feel shame because they fail to meet certain family expectations by doing things such as marrying someone their fam-




ily doesn’t approve of, pursuing a career instead of being a full-time mom, or even pursuing the “wrong” career. Another common cause of shame is being subjected to emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Whatever the cause, Branzburg says that shame can have devastating effects on our life. “Shame is a very toxic feeling. It’s a toxic substance and it permeates every single cell of our being, so it’s something we really need to work to fight off,” she said. “And when shame becomes chronic, it may affect a person’s whole life and functioning.”


Overcoming shame

Whether you’ve been battling shame since childhood, or you’ve just developed these feelings, you can get past it. The following tips can help you alleviate your shame. Get support. Although you may have friends and family you can speak to about your feelings of shame, they probably don’t have the expertise to help you work through it. By working with a good therapist, you can start to understand why you feel shame and get practical strategies for overcoming it. Also, joining support groups with people tackling the same issues can be helpful since it

will show you that you’re not alone. Ignore what other people think. Since a lot of shame is based on the thoughts and expectations of others, by putting more weight on your own opinions of yourself, you can alleviate feelings of shame. “It’s important to really understand when we feel ashamed, it often is coming through our imagination of what other people are thinking,” said Dr. Friedemann Schaub, author of “The Fear + Anxiety Solution.” “When you’re on an island by yourself walking along the beach and you trip, you don’t feel any shame because nobody’s watching you and you don’t imagine someone calling you a klutz. It’s only possible for us to really feel ashamed if we’re putting other people into the mix, and in some ways, the shame is a sign for you that you’re making their opinions more important than your own.” Show yourself compassion. Shame can cause the harsh thoughts we have about ourselves, as well as our negative self-talk. In order to soften the way you treat yourself, you need to show yourself some compassion. One way you can do this is by really looking at

the things that make you feel shame and create a plan to change those feelings. Forgive yourself for the things you’ve done wrong. Work on letting go of the past and the shame that past experiences created. When you can do that, you show yourself the kindness that allows you to free yourself from the shackles of shame.

Shame and guilt are often lumped together, but they are not quite the same. While shame can be the result of feelings of not being good enough, guilt is often associated with very specific events. “When you are feeling guilty, you usually feel guilty about something you’ve done wrong. And when you feel ashamed, it’s more of a feeling that there’s something wrong with you,” said Schaub. “So the guilt says, ‘I made a mistake’ and the shame says ‘I am a mistake.’ ” Guilt can act as a way to figure out what you need to change in your life. “I believe that guilt is, at its best, like a red flag that says, ‘hey, you have to come back and look at the situation because there’s something for you to learn from it,’ ” Schaub said. “But then at some point when you learn from it, you need to have compassion and understanding for yourself, accept that nobody is perfect, and be willing to let it go.”

tallahassee.com/health 15


ith catchy fundraisers and hands-on advocacy, Gerry Phipps promotes spay and neuter surgeries to cut into the Tallahassee area’s proliferating population of unwanted or neglected pets.

From that singular act of “Did you know that four years ago there were 10,500 compassion for an unclaimed animal, Be The intakes at the local animal Solution, Inc. was born. shelter, and 57 percent had “I’ve always had a pasto be euthanized,” Phipps sion for helping neglected said during a recent inand unwanted animals,” terview. “Now it’s 7,250 intakes and only 44 percent Gerry said. “This time I had put down. A big part of that the thought that if we could convince people to get their is programs like ours. But pets fixed we could make the shelter has improved a difference.” tremendously, too.” Bud-nipping, she called A self-described “outlaw” in one of Tallahassee’s it. Like sheriff ’s deputy Barney Fife in the Andy most prominent families, Griffith show, Gerry Gerry Phipps never felt that a vigorpictured herself ously proas a grassmoted roots activWith some estimates spay and ist. Marranging as high as neuter ried in cam1991 to paign Tim might Phipps, so-called “community cats” nip the now and an uncounted number number manager of dogs, animal control of potenof Ayavalwon’t be a quick fix. tial shelter la Plantacandidates in tion, she kept the bud. At first, a mostly low though, her quest for profile as a stay-at-home sponsors of a vouchermom with two sons and a based outreach program revolving collection of resfailed to gain traction. “I cue dogs and cats. One day in North Caroli- kept getting denied,” she said. “Doors began to open, na, that all changed when with time, as we proved Gerry and Tim came upon our worth.” a stray dog by the road. Eventually, Gerry broFinding there was no local kered partnerships with a organization to care for the number of organizations pooch, they took it back to involved in animal issues. Tallahassee for treatment She organized bake sales, and eventual adoption.


18 Your Health Magazine | January 2013

dog washes and special events like Spay-Ghetti dinners and Tally Top Pet, which alone raised $40,000 in its first three years. Altogether, 17 local veterinarians have agreed to charge BTS as little as $39 to neuter cats and $79 for dog spays that normally cost about $250, thanks in part to a partnership with the Leon County Humane Society. And she began knocking on doors. “She’s a very compassionate person, highly motivated and willing to get involved,” said Andy Seltz, the county director of animal control who accompanied her into what she called “some pretty rough places.” Residents would crack the door “this much,” Gerry said, holding her hands a few inches apart, and suspiciously ask what she wanted. When she explained that spay/neuter vouchers were free or low cost to eligible pet owners, the cracks widened. “At first, I was pretty nervous,” she said. “But then I found it’s not hard giving away money. The majority of people Leon County Animal Control and I visited were on some kind of financial assistance. They just couldn’t afford to care for their pets.” With some estimates ranging as high as 25,000 so-called “community cats” and an uncounted number of dogs, animal control won’t be a quick fix. Gerry, for one, remains unfazed. “My goal is to put the rescue services out of business by preventing unwanted litters,” she said. “We have all the tools needed to get the job done.”

MAKING PROGRESS In just over six years, Be The Solution, Inc. has grown from a single billboard urging spay and neuter surgeries to a full-time, nonprofit corporation that in 2013 alone provided an average 215 vouchers monthly to qualified residents. Now boasting a Tallahassee Mall thrift store, special fundraisers, youth-oriented education programs, partnerships and grant support from a number of local, state and national organizations, Be The Solution has become a major player in reducing the community’s unwanted litters. “They play a big part, absolutely,” said Erica Leckington, the city’s director of animal services. “Along with several other programs for people in need, they’ve helped us reduce our intakes by more than 1,000 over last year.” Since opening in 2007, Be The Solution has paid for more than 7,300 surgeries. A surplus van recently acquired from the city of Tallahassee and the Animal Shelter Foundation will take lowincome seniors and others without transportation to participating veterinarians. With a goal of reducing shelter intakes to 5,000 or fewer in 2014, pet euthanasia for lack of space may finally end. “Most people around here are pretty pet-friendly,” said Andy Seltz, the county director of animal control. “When they find out there’s a solution they can afford, it’s just a matter of spreading the word.”


Located two doors down from Barnes & Noble in the Tallahassee Mall Tuesday through Thursday vouchers and boutique: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday - vouchers: Noon to 3 p.m. Saturday - boutique: Noon to 5 p.m.


1400 Village Square Blvd., Suite 3-306 Tallahassee, Florida 32312 Phone: 545-2043

Gerry Phipps and her dog Aang spend time together in the Tallahassee Mall at the Be the Solution boutique thrift store. The money raised goes towards spaying and neutering of animals. GLENN BEIL/DEMOCRAT tallahassee.com/health 19


Studies show that conventionally farmed foods can significantly add to the level of toxins in our bodies. GREEN BEANS: RON CHAPPLE



ou want to know that the foods you put in your shopping cart are grown, handled and processed without the use of harmful chemicals. But the idea of switching over to organic or all-natural foods often comes with a higher price tag. So is it worth the extra cost? According to nutrition experts, the answer is a resounding “yes.” “Personally I don’t want to eat anything that’s been sprayed with fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides,” said Jill Welch, a wellness coach whose health and nutrition services can be found at www.TheKitchenGoddess.com. “That’s really hard for our body to process.”

Making the


By Leigh Farr

When it comes to food safety and flavor, organic may be your best option

20 Your Health Magazine | January 2013

SHOPPING TIPS When shopping for organic foods and beverages, look for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s USDA organic seal. To display this seal, organic foods must comply with USDA standards. A product that is 100 percent organic can carry the USDA seal, whereas a product that is 70 percent or more organic can display the phrase “made with organic ingredients” but the seal may not be included. Any product with less than 70 percent organic ingredients cannot use the USDA seal, but the organic items may be listed. Don’t have the funds to completely overhaul what you put in your shopping cart? Here are 12 organic must-haves. Known as the Environmental Working Group’s “dirty dozen” list, these foods tend to be sprayed with pesticides more than others so they’re the most important organic foods to buy:


» Peaches » Strawberries » Nectarines » Apples » Spinach » Celery

» Pears » Sweet bell peppers » Cherries » Potatoes » Lettuce » Imported grapes

“These foods are either heavily sprayed or have a thin skin,” said Welch. “You might be better off buying something with a thicker skin if you can’t get it organic, like an orange or a banana. There might be some residue there, but it’s not going to be like lettuce or greens or strawberries.”

Studies show that conventionally farmed foods can significantly add to the level of toxins in our bodies. In the “Annals of Internal Medicine,” researchers reported that people who eat organic foods have far less exposure to pesticides. Harsh chemicals used to ward off bugs and bacteria have been linked with health problems, including cancer and hormone disruption. Although organic foods have not been shown to have greater nutritional content, they may reduce your long-term risk for health problems.

in ways that shun the use of synthetic chemicals. “By putting all these chemicals in our food source they go into our groundwater and we’re just inundated with these chemicals,” said Welch. “So what’s good for the Earth is good for us too.” Instead of using harmful chemical pesticides to get rid of pests and bacteria, organic farmers use natural pesticides or insects and birds to reduce pests. And in place of using chemical fertilizers to help plants grow, organic farmers apply natural fertilizers instead.

Organic advantage

Organic vs. all natural

While some people include organic foods in their diet to avoid harsh pesticides, others simply enjoy the flavor and the way they feel after eating them. “Once you’ve gone natural, it’s really hard to go back,” said Welch. “You don’t enjoy those artificial flavors at all. It doesn’t feel good to your body and doesn’t taste good to your palate.” More and more Americans are adding organic foods to their diet. In fact, 4.2 percent of all food and beverage sales in the U.S. involve organic products, according to the Organic Trade Association. Whether supplementing their diet or completely going organic, three-fourths of shoppers buy organic foods and beverages, reports The Hartman Group in their “Organic and Natural 2012 Report.” Organic foods refer to fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat that are farmed and processed

Harsh chemicals used to ward off bugs and bacteria have been linked with health problems, including cancer and hormone disruption.

So what’s the difference between organic and all natural? A food that is labeled organic must comply with USDA standards, whereas an “all natural” product may be grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, but has not received USDA certification. The phrase “all natural” on food labels may mean there are no artificial ingredients, but it doesn’t mean the product complies with the government’s strict standards for organic foods. “Even if it’s not organic, as long as there aren’t any chemical additives or food coloring or preservatives then that can be called natural,” said Welch.


Reach a

hypnotic state T Hypnosis isn’t just for the Las Vegas entertainment circuit

22 Your Health Magazine | January 2013

hink back now ... How many times have you been hypnotized this week? You may say “None. I was hard at work! No time for the ‘trance-thing.’ ” And yet, wasn’t there that period near the end of last Sunday’s sermon? How about that long haul to Jacksonville with the moody jazz in the background. And on the long run through the woods where you didn’t even feel tired? Each of those is a kind of hypnotic state — a mental phenomenon that neuroscientists are still hard-pressed to explain. The Mayo Clinic tells us that a hypnotic state may be not so much ‘mind numbness,’ as hyper-attentiveness. One theory currently suggests that when the conscious mind is relaxed and is told it can ‘takes a little time off,’ the subconscious mind, usually a behind-the-scenes player, begins to intensely focus and communicate directly with the hypnotist. It is in the subconscious where memories are stored, where habits and patterns develop and even where pain is experienced. And that subconscious level of our mind is very suggestible — no smarty-pants


By Marina Brown


conscious mind to inhibit the naivety of the subconscious. This theory might explain how Las Vegas entertainers need only suggest to a hypnotized subject that he lives in a barnyard to have him clucking like a hen or trotting like a horse. Yet hypnosis is also a legitimate therapeutic modality in use since the 1700s. Treatment of addictions, anxiety disorders, phobias, the pain of childbirth, and some say, to access repressed memories has brought hypnosis into accepted practice. It is currently used to provide non-drug relief to thousands of patients. Let’s say you’ve tried to stop smoking without success. In a hypnotic state, a therapist may suggest that every time you pick up a cigarette you will be overcome with a feeling of nausea. Or perhaps he will suggest that your willpower has now greatly increased and when you see a cigarette you will simply walk away. You may not remember the exact suggestion, but it is likely your interest in cigarettes will abate. Kurt LaRose, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Clinical Hypnotherapist in Tallahassee, uses hypnosis in his practice. He is skeptical about ‘discovering forgotten memories’ however, and points out that without special care, a therapist could inadvertently implant ‘false memories.’ But he does believe in the efficacy of hypnosis. LaRose uses a technique employing a lowered voice, having the patient focus on one small center — in his case, a single touch at the base of the thumb and leading the patient through varying levels of consciousness. It is in the state of relaxation and suggestibility that he ‘reframes’ or ‘restates’ information for the patient. There may not be an ‘aha’

Choose a reputable and skilled hypnotic practitioner when you ‘turn your mind over to somebody else.’

awakening, rather the person may now express a different understanding or renewed confidence. Instead of “I hope I can stop smoking,” he is likely to state, “I can stop smoking,” — but post-hypnotically, believe it enough to actually do it. Is there a placebo effect at work in hypnosis? Do we believe something will alleviate our symptom — and so it does? LaRose says that studies show there to be up to a 40 percent placebo effect with certain medicines and he doesn’t discount that phenomenon as being of actual value in all patient’s recoveries. But just remember, he says, choose a reputable and skilled hypnotic practitioner when

you “turn your mind over to somebody else.”

Don’t worry, you’re still in control

So there you are at the fancy singles bar, chatting with a handsome new friend with strangely mesmerizing eyes. But wait you say ... what’s with those eyes? With the soft, low tones he’s using. Is this guy going to hypnotize me? The answer is a question: Do you want to be hypnotized? Clinicians tell us that no one can be hypnotized unless they believe another person can do it and that they are willing participants. Even people who have been filmed falling into trances when they were handed flyers by a street

hypnotist were likely not truly hypnotized; perhaps they were suggestible subjects to begin with and believed the flyer that told them they would immediately fall into a trance. The same holds true for doing things against your will. Though hypnosis is a “special mental state,” one retains control over his own actions with the ability to accept or reject the suggestions. Do you expect to howl like a monkey on stage at a comedy club when under hypnosis ... well then you likely will. But if the same entertainer tried to get you to do something unsafe or morally objectionable, you could nix it with no problem. Snap! You are no longer sleepy! tallahassee.com/health 23


By Elise Oberliesen


ext time you hit the snooze button, ask yourself: Did I get good sleep? When it’s time to hit the sack some people drift into a delightful slumber all night long. But that’s not the case for nearly 10 percent of Americans who toss and turn from reported chronic sleep issues, according to the CDC. But with a few sleep suggestions, soon you could be on your way to more restful sleep that leaves you refreshed. » Now before you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, consider getting an ample dose of sunlight, said William Kohler, M.D., Medical Director with the Florida Sleep Institute. “Bright light in the morning helps reset our biological clock,” which he says, helps us sleep better. The best time to look into the light depends on sunrise, but he generally recommends between 6 to 7 a.m. » Whether you want to warm up or rev up, watch the clock before brewing a late

Fall asleep more easily — without counting sheep

Drift into a sleepy mindset 26 Your Health Magazine | January 2013


afternoon cup of tea or coffee. Caffeine can have stimulating effects several hours after you’ve consumed the beverage, said Kohler. » Try to avoid nicotine and TV before hitting the sack. Or you may grow to regret it. “The emotional (TV) content could make it more difficult to get to sleep because sometimes it triggers anxieties,” said Kohler. » Keep a regular sleep schedule and opt for 7 to 8 hours each night. Establish a “wind down period before bed” and keep the lights low. While the room may seem dim, he says luminosity from TVs or computers can inhibit production of melatonin — the hormone produced in the pineal gland responsible for unleashing a drowsy feeling followed by sleep itself. We know poor sleep causes daytime sluggishness, and for women it may hurt the heart because of increased inflammation, according to research published by lead author, Aric Prather, Ph.D. at the University of California, San Francisco, in a study comprised of women and men with heart disease. “Poor sleepers tend to participate in other negative health behaviors that can lead to heightened inflammation,” said Prather. Those include less activity and poor diet — which contributes to weight gain — a known risk factor in heart disease. What about stress? For many, stress interferes with sleep. But it may have more far-reaching effects. “A large amount of research suggests that stress, and the biological systems activated by stress, can lead to more inflammation,” said Prather. Something he said

While the room may seem dim, luminosity from TVs or computers can inhibit production of melatonin.

correlates with heart disease. Maybe it’s time to add more relaxation breaks to your day. Consider deep breathing for three to five minutes throughout the day or listening to soothing music while driving home from work. Relaxation techniques boost your ability to cope with daily stressors and just might stop some of that tossing and turning. Exercise works too. Need extra motivation to take that Zumba or spinning class tomorrow night? High levels of activity help some sleep better, according to research in the SWAN sleep study that followed 359 middle-aged women and was published in the journal “Sleep.” Women in the vigorous exercise category reported fewer sleep interruptions and more ease getting back to sleep.

Still can’t catch your Zzzzs?

First, ask yourself: What’s keeping me up at night? If stress and anxiety keep the wheels turning in your head long after bedtime, cognitive behavioral therapy might do

the trick. Consider a therapist experienced with sleep or anxiety issues. Sometimes, simplicity works best. Kohler asks some patients to write down all their troubles on paper before their head hits the pillow. For some, it prevents random thoughts or worries from interfering with sleep. Is melatonin right for you? Compared to prescription medications, Kohler said melatonin most likely is not habit-forming, but more research is needed. Work with your doctor to determine the right dosage, which Kohler said could range from one to 20 mg. “The timing of melatonin has been studied and some people need up to five hours prior to sleep,” he added. Stubborn sleep issues may require a sleep study to determine the cause. Prather said women with heart disease might consider an evaluation for obstruc-

tive sleep apnea, which causes airflow restriction and a periodic lapse in breathing during sleep. Tried everything and still can’t sleep? Your doctor might prescribe a hypnotic class of medications called benzodiazepine or non-benzodiazepines. While these medicines may work for some people, both medications can become habit-forming. Never mix any benzodiazepines with alcohol.

Caffeine can have stimulating effects several hours after you’ve consumed the beverage.



January 18, 8 to 10 p.m. The concert features Richard Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier Suite, Tchaikovsky’s first piano concerto and the fourth movement from Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 at Ruby Diamond Concert Hall on FSU’s campus. For more information, visit www.tallahassee symphony.org/concerts-and-events. To purchase tickets, call the FSU Box Office at 644-6500 or visit www.tickets.fsu.edu.


January 11, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cycling for a Cure will benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Type 1 Diabetes research. The event will be held at Sweat Therapy Fitness in The Manor at Midtown. There will be food, children’s activities, music guest appearances and more. For more information or to register, go to www.cyclingforacure2014.com.


January 26, 4 to 6 p.m. PROJECT Trio is a passionate, high energy chamber music ensemble of three virtuoso composers and performers. The performance takes place at Opperman Music Hall on FSU’s campus. Artist Series Passports can be used for admission. Single tickets are $23, $5 for students with proper ID and free for children 12 and under accompanied by an adult. Tickets are available online at www.theartistseries.org or may be ordered by phone at 224-9934.


Gail Alexander and Karyn Shafer enjoyed their time on the dance floor at the first annual Purple Craze event. Purple Craze is a fun, over-the-top purple extravaganza benefiting Alzheimer’s Project Inc. MIKE EWEN/DEMOCRAT FILES 30 Your Health Magazine | January 2013

January 31, 7:30 to 11 p.m. Purple Craze is an extravaganza benefiting Alzheimer’s Project, Inc. The event features a purple-themed costume contest, music by DJ Greg Tish, live and silent auctions and custom drawings by local artist Pattie Maney. The event takes place at the Tallahassee Automobile Museum, 6800 Mahan Drive. Tickets are $35 beforehand and $40 at the door. For more information, visit www.alzheimersproject.org.


January 28, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Toastmasters provides a supportive, positive learning environment where every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills. Attend the open house to learn more about how you can foster self-confidence and personal growth at IHOP, 2225 N. Monroe St. For more information, visit www.seminole.toastmastersclubs.org.



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