10-14-21 Dadeville Record

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FAITH God is the same yesterday, today and forever



Dadeville Public Library hosts mini art show

Playoff implications add to Reeltown rivalry


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Serving the Dadeville & Lake Martin area since 1897


VOL. 125, NO. 41



Grant application could develop workforce BY CLIFF WILLIAMS Staff Writer


Tallapoosa County commissioners Emma Jean Thweatt, left, T.C. Coley and John McKelvey speak before Tuesday’s meeting.

Tallapoosa County might be getting a grant that would help bring industry to Tallapoosa, Coosa, Randolph, Chambers, Lee and Bullock counties. Lake Martin Area Economic Development Alliance executive director Chad Odom told the Tallapoosa County Commission at its Tuesday meeting there is a grant

application due Oct. 19 he would like to see Tallapoosa County apply for. “We have been going back and forth in the Lake Martin EDA deciding on projects to apply for,” Odom said. “It’s one of those long shot grants and will be great if we get it.” Odom said in checking with the Alabama Extension Service at Auburn University saying he would be applying for a grant, another opportunity came up.

“We ended up getting included in a regional submission that would create, if funded, a regional transit for workforce development, money for broadband, money for site improvements on industrial parks and other things,” Odom said. “It was fortuitous that I made the call because with Auburn University being the applicant we might have a shot at getting some projects funded. By ourselves it was just going

to be showing I could write a grant. I’m happy to inform you that we will be applying for this.” Commissioners approved a non-committable letter of support for the application. Odom said the grant, if approved would be in multiple phases. The first round would be between $200,000 and $500,000 for a feasibility study See GRANT, Page A2

Camp Hill passes $100 employee vaccine incentive By SIRI HEDREEN Multimedia Reporter




By JAKE ARTHUR Multimedia reporter


usicians in Dadeville have a new home today. The Dadeville Performing Arts Center had its grand opening Thursday to the sound of Appalachian dulcimers and washtub bass. “Our slogan is ‘create

music with friends,’” said board president Kim Walls, a former music education professor at Auburn University. “I think it’s a wonderful way for the community to come together.” The Performing Arts Center is just one in a number See CENTER, Page A2


TOP: Mickey Tarpley, Kim Walls, Jeri Looney and Jim Cahoon cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Dadeville Performing Arts Center. ABOVE: Kim Walls plays Appalachian dulcimers at the grand opening of the Dadeville Performing Arts Center. MIDDLE: Kim Walls, Jeri Looney and Jim Cahoon cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Dadeville Performing Arts Center

Woodyard-Hamilton honored by school board association By SIRI HEDREEN Multimedia Reporter The Tallapoosa County Board of Education congratulated one of its own Monday on her selection onto the Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) All-State school board,


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which recognizes up to five individuals across the state. Matilda WoodyardHamilton was nominated and elected from a pool of three other candidates — Gail Holley in Lanett, Joey Holley in Elmore County and Clare Weil in Montgomery County See HONORED, Page A2

Lake Martin

Lake Levels


Reported on 10/13/21 @ noon


Board vice president Michael Carter (left) and president Carla Talton (right) congratulate Matilda WoodyardHamilton on being named an AASB AllState board member at the Tallapoosa County Board of Education meeting Monday.

Employees of the Town of Camp Hill will be paid $100 for getting vaccinated for COVID-19 after the town council voted to approve the incentive last week. Mayor Messiah Williams-Cole made the recommendation after bringing up the idea at a previous council meeting last month, stressing the community’s vulnerability to even a few cases of COVID-19 given its size. The town is the first municipality in Tallapoosa County to incentivize coronavirus vaccination. In a letter recommending the resolution to the council last week, Williams-Cole also emphasized — underlined, in bold and italics — his decision is “not political in nature.” “My responsibility as mayor, first and foremost, is to ensure and promote the public welfare,” he wrote. “My responsibility as a supervisor to the town’s employees is to ensure that in the course of their jobs they have all the tools to succeed in a safe environment, so that they can make it home to their families ... here lies an opportunity for us to influence and prayerfully mitigate the effects of this virus.” Under Camp Hill’s Resolution 2021-12, an employee is eligible for the $100 incentive when they’ve been fully vaccinated for two weeks. The one-time pay increase also extends to those vaccinated for COVID-19 before the resolution was passed. Camp Hill joins the Alabama cities of Mobile, Foley and Fairhope, all of which passed similar resolutions within the past two months. By incentivizing the COVID-19 vaccine rather than punishing the unvaccinated, the laws are able to get around Alabama’s “vaccine passport ban,” enacted by the state legislature earlier this year, which prevents state entities and municipalities from requiring vaccination as a condition of employment. While paying those who get vaccinated, Camp Hill’s resolution does not change anything for those who refuse. In his letter to councilmembers, Williams-Cole promised to “ensure that no employee is discriminated against, punished, fired, and/ or negatively (affected) by this resolution. In addition, employees will not be asked to show vaccination status as this program will be strictly voluntary on the behalf of the employee.” The next Camp Hill Town Council meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 18 via Zoom.

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