Sept. 23, 2009

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WEDNESDAY September 23, 2009


Volume 54, No. 4

First issue free, additional copies $1

Union approaches contract agreement Joey Berumen Staff Writer

Seven years ago, when the Cerritos College union was formed, there was merely a faculty senate. During the consequential seven years, both the union and the district have made collective efforts to compromise and come to an agreement on a collective bargaining agreement that both sides seem fit. The collective bargaining agreement is essentially the bill of rights for the faculty union. While other community colleges have already had a contract with their respective unions for years, it seems

that the time is now for Cerritos College to implement a fair and acceptable contract that would benefit professors. The pre-existing faculty handbook, which was the extent of any kind of contract framework, was also added into the new contract that is expected to be signed within the next few years. Last spring, the two sides agreed to go into mediation, which simply means that there would be a mediator to assist both sides in coming to a conclusion. This proved to be a great asset to the negotiations. On Aug. 31, both sides, with help from the mediator, finally came up with the framework for an agreement.

“Even though I have only been here for a week, I’ve made a commitment to work openly with the faculty union,” Cerritos College President Linda Lacy said. Having representatives of the faculty union present during crucial decisions is something that many feel is essential to the well being of the union. This is something that many feel the past president, Dr. Noelia Vela, did a horrendous job of during her tenure. “In previous years, the faculty union tended to find out about decisions made, after the fact,” said Ted Stolze, president of the faculty union. As a result of rigorous planning and negotiating,

both sides agreed to establish a safety committee. The two parties agreed that some of the facilities at Cerritos College were not adequate for either a professor to do his job or a student to learn. “Our teaching conditions are also the students’ learning conditions,” added Stolze, who has been the president of the union for the past two years. The new committee allows faculty to bring any safety concerns they may have to be reviewed by the safety committee board. The board is made up of three members of the union and three representatives of the district.

Blood results are in!

See Union Page 2

Cerritos invites leaders Alnas Zia

Staff Writer

Let the sucking begin: Nurse Elizabeth DeMartino watches nursing major Joshua Molino’s blood being drained out by the ALYX machine.

Michael Agudo/TM

Cerritos gives 50 more pints than last semester Daniel Sandoval Staff Writer

1,056 lives will potentially be saved thanks to everyone who donated blood at Cerritos last week according to Rob Torrez, Senior Field Manager for the American Red Cross. 352 pints of blood were obtained from students and others last Monday through Wednesday. “We beat last time by about 50 units,” Torrez said enthusiastically. Cerritos Clubs did a phenomenal job bringing people into the donation area. Torrez called the student support phenom-

enal and wanted to emphasize how much impact club involvement had on the high turnout Clubs have been involved in recruiting donors for over five years. The Club that signs up the most people to at least go to the donation area and inquire about donating will receive a prize. The winner receives the Crystal Drop Award during the Activities Awards Banquet and a pizza party for their club Torrez said. Rewarding donors and people that aid Red Cross efforts is nothing new. They have offered rewards to clubs for years now

in Cerritos and always have individual incentives for donors Torrez said. Aside from being able to feel good about what you’ve done, and some free refreshments after the donation, the Red Cross usually offers an extra perk to get more people thinking about donating. “They gave us a free appetizer at Mimi’s Café,” Crystal Garcia, zoology major said describing a thank-you gift she received last week for donating blood. Many times gifts take the shape of gift cards, event tickets, and even frequent donor points. This frequent donor points program gives back to donors by allowing them to

collect points toward purchasing anything in the Red Cross online store. You can purchase anything from shirts to emergency preparedness kits with your points and can expect them to reach anywhere in the U.S. two to three weeks later. “The more you give the more you get,” Garcia added. She has been part of the points program for a while and says it’s nice to receive things for doing a good deed. The next blood drive at Cerritos will be this November 17 through the 19 but the Red Cross has other centers open all the time. For more information visit or call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.

The presence of local leaders may soon grace Cerritos College, as efforts are underway to invite leaders from all around the country to speak to students at Cerritos. Commissioner of External Affairs Juan Guerra said that the ASCC is planning to reach out to community leaders who would shed light on the current economic situation and what they are doing to counteract the problem. “We have set this goal because we know that students have been in some way impacted by the economic crisis, and the leaders can provide a bigger picture of what is going on in our community and may also offer some advice,” Guerra said. The initial efforts have been targeted towards mayors, vice mayors, city managers, councilors and other influential personalities from the cities surrounding Cerritos College. Guerra is also looking towards community representatives, such as Congresswomen Grace Napolitano and Linda Sanchez, to talk to a larger audience than the student body at Cerritos College. Both of these women have visited Cerritos College before to speak about various topics. ASCC President Oscar Franco has initiated this effort by inviting the mayor of Downey, who showed interest in this idea. “We are trying to give this idea a shot by inviting local leaders, and eventually the state and national leaders to Cerritos. We want these leaders to motivate the students and talk about leadership,” Franco said. Franco has big plans about this idea but nothing has been solidified yet. He is starting things at the grassroots level but hopes that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama too would someday visit Cerritos. “It is possible, you never know,” he said.

2 - NEWS

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 •

NCRA awards 95K to court reporting club Court reporting receives funding for its program. Jose Martinez Staff Writer

The National Court Reporters Association awarded $95,000 to Cerritos College Judicial Reporting, Broadcast Captioning and C.A.R.T. Day program club, in order to train students in captioning and C.A.R.T. reporting. The club was awarded for Broadcast Captioning and Communication Access Real-time Translation. Micki England, court reporting club adviser, stated that in order to make an appointment, Vikki Morgan, professor of court reporting professor, had to join the captioning funding boot camp program all the way in Washington D.C. “We were very thrilled when we were informed that the Cerritos College Court Reporting Program was selected for the award,” England said. As of Jan. 1, 2006, and thereafter, 100 percent of the programming distributor’s new video programming must be provided with captions. Video programming distributors must provide closed

captioning for new Spanish language video programming that is being distributed and exhibited on each channel during each calendar quarter. As of Jan. 1, 2010, and thereafter, 100 percent of the programming distributor’s new non-exempt Spanish language video programming must be provided with captions. Captioning benefits not only the hearing-impaired but also the ESL students. With these new requirements also come new possibilities, new classes will be offered by Cerritos College such as: • basic captioning, • advanced captioning, • post-production caption ing and • real-time only captioning. These new classes will be offered starting Jan. 11. The program is expected to be a short program, maybe two semesters, in order to get the certification to start working as C.A.R.T. The news was received last May so all of it had to happen as quick as possible, with little time to plan it. The school has a good amount of teachers that are experienced in the field of captioning. “The outstanding court reporting program at Cerritos

College puts us in a good position to become the top captioning training center on the west coast. With the infusion of the grant money, we can now put our plans into action,” said Mary Balmages, associate professor of Court Reporting. This is one of the main goals that the club has in mind. There are a few captioning centers in the east coast but there are none in the west. The program hopes to keep up with the new software and system in order to become the top captioning center on the west coast. The caption multimedia on campus will then start hiring its own students to provide this and have other college’s transcriptions done. “We were extremely hopeful. We wrote letters to congressmen and women, asking to approve us for the award,” said Celina Murillo, Court Reporting Club president. Murillo has three years of experience, she would like to invite students on joining this brand new branch that shows many new opportunities for well developed English and/or Spanish speaking students.

Michael Agudo/TM

Concentrated on reporting: Court reporting majorJoy Ringer, is hard at work typing away on her stenotype machine.

Cabinet focuses on Homecoming events Jesus Ruiz

Staff Writer

It was a busy week for the ASCC Cabinet last Monday as it works to help students and relieve them of stress with many upcoming activities. It announced many of its upcoming events, one of them being Constitution Day. It will be held on Sept. 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Falcon Square and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Social Science Building patio. This is in commemoration of the day the

Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787. Clubs and programs will be out there with tables to advise the campus students about their services. There will also be games for students to enjoy. There will be a Constitution quiz to earn Show Pride points. Students are also encouraged to wear red, white and blue shirts to honor the event. The Cabinet also announced that pregame football reception tickets for Oct. 3 are now available. Students can get tickets for family mem-

bers as well, but tickets are limited. One must have a ticket to be able to enjoy some of the pre-game snacks before the game, such as hot dogs and nachos. Students with their Cerritos College I.D. can get into the game for free. The Cabinet also seeks to remind club organizations that floats will be available as of Sept. 21 starting at 8:30 a.m. at the food court for floats. The official advisors of the club and two club members must be at the drawing of numbers and coming up with ideas after the

floats theme is announced at the Homecoming Kick-off Luncheon on Thursday at 11 a.m. The ASCC also had the time to welcome two new members to its committee: Sunil Neupane as Commissioner of Financial Aid and Alnas Zia as Financial Aid Commissioner Assistant. At top of their topics, the committee received guest speaker Dr. Bryan Reece, former faculty senate president and currently Dean of Social Sciences, who was available to join meeting to discuss more about the iFALCON campaign.

New senators look to contribute to the campus Tito Benavides

Staff Writer

The first ASCC Senate meeting was held on Sept. 16, ushering in another chapter of new faces and fresh ideas for this semester’s elected body. First time senator Joseph Silva, recently elected as senate liasion, has his sights set on what he can do as an ASCC Senator.

“I hope to address any issues between the students and faculty, especially right now with our economic issues. Our biggest issue will be funding and where funds will be going.’’ Silva hails from Virginia and plans on attending UC Berkley in the future. He has experience working with unions and organizing union activities and plans on applying his expertise as an effective

mediator for both staff and students this semester. Suzette Vega would like to use her first term as senator to further inform the student body of all the benefits they may be entitled to. “I would like the students to be more involved, especially the people that have been here only one semester. Also, let them know all the benefits Cerritos College has to offer.” Vega plans on receiving her de-

gree at Cerritos College for liberal arts before pursuring her academic career at Cal State Long Beach. She plans on proposing an electronic bulletin board to replace the old paper method. She also plans on using her reallife experiences in her position as senator. “I came into this campus feeling that anything was possible because of all the hurdles and challenges that

Ortiz trains for next fight with Cerritos wrestling team Ortiz uses Cerritos as a stepping stone in preparation for his fight on Nov. 21 Andrea Mora

Staff Writer

Juan Ramos/TM

Huntington Beach Bad Boy: Tito Ortiz stretches as he prepares to train with the Cerritos College men’s wrestiling team in order to prepare for his next fight.

I had to overcome, being so young, being a woman, all the hurdles that we all go through. It taught me so much. “I am a firm advocate that education is valuable and is the foundation of everything we do but I think it also needs to be incorporated with what we learned in the real world as far as its theory and its practice and when we combine those is when, I think, we have the most success.”

With a record of 15-1-6, it is no wonder why Tito Ortiz is considered to be a great fighter. Born Jacob Christopher Ortiz, he grew up in Huntington Beach, Ca., which gave way to his nickname, the Huntington Beach Bad Boy. His parents separated when he was young. To keep from getting involved in a life of gangs and drugs, Ortiz joined wrestling as a sophomore at Huntington Beach High School. On Sept. 15, Ortiz was at Cerritos College. Most people were not aware of his visit, but for those who were aware, wondered about his appearance on campus. Ortiz is no stranger to Cerritos College. This was his second visit during the week; he has been here several times prior to last weeks visit. The head coach of the men’s wrestling team, Don Garriott, coached Ortiz when he attended Golden West Community College. He comes to help and support his former coach, usually to prepare for a fight.

“I want to get back to the basics,” Ortiz said. Wrestling with the team allows him to do so. He said that he came to get his legs and heart in shape in preparation for his upcoming fight against Mark Coleman. His fight is scheduled to occur on Nov. 21 in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, which is his main focus at the moment. With his fight lingering in the near future, Ortiz takes every step necessary to get back into shape. This will be his first fight since his back surgery that took place on Oct. 6, 2008. He says that this is the first time he is able to wake up with no back pains and it feels great. He also said, “I am about 75 percent ready but hopefully I’ll be 100 percent ready by the time the fight arrives.” Ortiz has had a successful fighting career. This will be his 13th year fighting, Ortiz has been a five time defending UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. “You are here for two years. Make the best of it. It’s what you put into it, it’s what you get out of it,” he said. His further comments were, “When you help a kid to be successful, it’s worth it, the rest of it is BS.”

Union: Faculty moves closer to new contract agreement

Continued from Page # 1 Although there have been many positive steps taken to get the issues resolved, there are still many obstacles to overcome before a contract is signed. Perhaps one of the biggest issues is the state of the part-time professors on campus. During the recent economic cuts, some part-time professors at Cerritos College are beginning to feel a lack of job security. “We have had to lay off three different professors this semester,” said Dianne Keenan, chair of Economics & Women’s Studies Department. With some professors unsure if they will even have a job next semester, it is easy to see how this would affect students. The lack of the positions that are offered to part-time professors is a direct result of the diminishing number of classes that are going to be offered in the near future. With the tough economic times that don’t seem to have an end in sight, it is predicted that only half the amount of classes that were offered the second half of the last summer session are going to be available for students this upcoming summer. Another issue that has materialized is the exact process in which Cerritos faculty would be evaluated, who would evaluate them and under what guidelines. It is still unclear how exactly this is going to be done. However, it is just one of the many issues that have seemed to haunt the two sides in their collective effort. With both sides agreeing to close negotiations for the year, and with circumstances ever-changing, it is truly a large task that lies ahead.

A&E - 3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 •

Go with

the Flow

Art gallery allows observers to let emotions flow with terror in this gallery.

lery. “I like the creativity of it, and the combination of different meRosie Hernandez xxxx Staff Writer dias,” commented Rachel every Calderon Navarro, arts major, about tiny detail. It was James Enos’ piece. like a “Where’s Waldo” game. The Cerritos College art gallery held Enos’ piece is a 3-D module of differOther artists featured were: a reception of “Over/Flow” on Sept. 15 ent “physical pathways.” * Roni Feldman, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. introducing stuGalileo Gonzales, computer anima* Alexandra Grant, dents and faculty to the art pieces it had tion major, said, “I enjoyed (‘Extra lives’) * Matthew Green, to offer. because I am a huge game fan.” * Aiko Hachisuka, The art was based on current world Kael Greco’s “Extra Lives” piece was * Simmons & Burke and issues such as environment conditions, of hacking classic video games. Char* Jody Zellen. economic issues and acters were multiThe art gallery is open Mondays social status. That plied to uncountable through Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to is why “horror vanumbers where they 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays cui,” which literally shouldn’t be. I like the creativity of it, and Wednesdays. means “fear of emp“You Can Live and the combination of “Over/Flow” will be featured until tiness,” works perForever in Paradise different medias. Nov. 5. fectly as the gallery’s on Earth #2,” was a Admission is free. byline. featured art piece Rachel Navarro Chris Jordan, All photos by Tim Dickerson/TM Art major that caught the visiKael Greco and Jators’ attention. Photo above: Untitled by Aiko son Salavon are just a Hatchisuka The piece was few of the artists that filled with vibrant Photo right: “Where do had the opportunity colors and clippings bad folks go when they to have their artistic talents displayed. die?” By M.M. Green of movies, people, celebrities, animals Spectators enjoyed the marvelous and other things. creations that were displayed in the galIt took more than one look to spy

TBDM ‘deflorates’ the meaning of death metal AD PROOF:

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Proof Due Back By: 08/06/09 4pm Ad #: 105419-b-10916-6x6 Deadline To Pub: 08/06/09 5pm First Run: 08/10/09 Publication: CA Com. College Pub. Section: ROP Specs: 6 x 6

  

Approved as is. Approved with revisions. Revise and resend.

Initial _________ Date __________

Gustavo Rangel

DESIGNER CHECKLIST: Arts Editor  Phone/Dept. #  Color/Font/Size  Logo/Art  Ad Key  Mandatory Info  Address  Slug Correct  Website The Black Dahlia  NotesMurder Section  Programs Initial:

released a new CD on Sept. 15 under PROOFER CHECKLIST: the title ‘Deflorate.’  School Name  Spell, Grammar Deflorate Programs Punctuation under was released  Phone Number  School Logo record label ‘Metal Blade’  Web Address  Name Matchand is  Ad Key  School Address the fourth studio album from The Dept. Number Mandatory Info  Slug  Optional/Misc. Black Dahlia Murder.  Sign Off Docket  Notes Section CD seems to be a lot more This Spot Color melodicInitial: fromProofer the others with a higher pitch from the guitars. The drums seem more rhythmic to the songs, as compared to the other CD’s have more of the blast beat kind of tone. The vocals, I can’t say much about cause it sounds about the same, not much changed in that part. Designer

CD Review Deflorate

Artist: The Black Dahlia Murder Label: Metal Blade Rating: HHHHI This album is the first to introduce new guitarist Ryan Knight who replaced John Kempainen. I think it was an excellent idea to replace him; this new guitarist gives the band more of an eeriness to the melodies that makes it even more brutal. The album comes with 10 new tracks that just make it a symphony of death metal. • Black Valor

• Necropolis • A Selection Unnatural • Denounced, Disgraced • Christ Deformed • Death Panorama • Throne of Lunacy • Eyes of Thousand • That Which Erodes the Most Tender of Things • I Will Return TBDMs lyrics for these songs bring more beauty to the side of death, for example ‘I Will Return’ is about cryogenic freezing. The album art isn’t as scary as the ones from the previous album, but it does look wicked awesome. I give this album four stars for the total brutality, and this could have easily been five stars, but have to dock one off for the album art.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 •


Now online at 8

Clubs are the key to success Despite all the budget cuts and all the economic adjustments Cerritos has been forced to make, it still manages to provide exciting and fun student activities. So why is it that students don’t take advantage and participate in clubs, club activities, or even in student activities? Though it is very stressful and can be frustrating to have to deal with classes and homework, or personal problems, it doesn’t hurt a student to participate in an event that is provided by students to students. The Associated Students of Cerritos College makes a tremendous effort to enable students to forget about stressful classes and every-day worries. Whether it is through allowing them to build floats during homecoming, running for homecoming queen or Mr. Cerritos, participate in Hoe Down Days, or simply by getting a burger from In-N-Out, it manages to give students the relaxing time they deserve. Although community colleges don’t offer as many student activities as certain high schools do, other community colleges don’t offer as many activities as Cerritos currently offers. Now more than ever, students should take advantage of school activities. Take for example Welcome Back Day, where the ASCC rents In-N-Out

trucks that hand out meals with a burger, soda and chips included. Imagine a hot day when you just got out of a stressful class, and are extremely hungry. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a freshly cooked burger, cold soda and some delicious chips for lunch? You don’t even have to buy it! All it takes it just to have your activity sticker on your I.D. and show it at the front of the line in order to receive your meal. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy a free meal on a hot day? How hard is it to participate in something like that? Not hard at all. So participate! Students need to take into consideration the time, effort, and money that it takes to put together events for students to enjoy. They need to get involved and begin participating in school activities. Not only does it enable a student to get to know other students on campus as well as faculty, but it also looks good on his transcripts when they transfer. If the ASCC is still trying its hardest to provide fun activities for students, then the students need to get more involved and participate. One has to keep in mind that the ASCC can easily stop providing funds for activities and use that money instead for other useless things such as campus beautification.

Most Popular Read stories online

• Football team gets revenge • Falcons make it 45 in a row

Most Commented Share your comments online

• Obesity, a serious problem on campus • ‘Bioshock 2’ coming in November • Free yourself from sugar

Guest Editorials

Read these opinions from other college papers at

• Stop whining-we have it good Palomar College, The Telescope • Foothill will not censor De Anza College, La Voz • Should healthcare be reformed? No El Camino College, The Union

Online Poll

Vote online at Illustration By Moses Lopez

Letters to the editor are welcome. They may be submitted both online and in person. In all cases, letters must be signed with real names before they will be considered for publication, either online or in print. Campus-related issues are given priority. Letters may be edited for length, though online versions tend to include full content, as long as it is not libelous or in poor taste. You may deliver letters to FA 42 or contact the editor by e-mail at

Graffiti in restrooms is uncalled for



Keep your notes on paper, not on restroom walls.

Editorials express the views of the Executive Editorial Board. Other opinions express the view of the author and are not to be considered opinions of the publication’s staff, the Editorial Board, the advisers, the Cerritos College Associated Students, the college administration or the Board of Trustees. Production and printing of Talon Marks is partially funded by the Associated Students of Cerritos College. Facilities and academic supervision are provided by the Department of Journalism. Newsroom offices are located in the Fine Arts Building, Room FA42. Cerritos College is located at 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 Telephone numbers: (562) 860-2451, ext. 2617 Fax (562) 467-5044 Vol. 54 © 2009 Talon Marks

Faculty Adviser Rich Cameron Instructional Aide/Lab Aide Alicia Edquist/Werner Gomez

Staff Writer

any people may have the assumption that all women’s restrooms are graffiti-free and that only guys like to write on public surfaces. It may be hard to believe, but there are women who also get excitement from writing on the restroom stalls. It’s pretty pathetic that college women think that it’s “cool” to write childish literature while they take care of business in the

Talon Marks is a First Amendment publication.

Frances Perkins

restroom. Can somebody let me know where there is a restroom on campus which contains a stall with no graffiti? If you feel the need to pull out a pen or marker and write your personal feelings on a stall, you seriously need to buy yourself a diary.

Editor-in-Chief Rick Gomez Online Editor Tim Dickerson News Editor Elieth Koulzons Production Manager Ernesto Gomez Multimedia Editor Ashley Aguirre Sports Editor Sobukwe Ramsey/ Mark Murray Arts Editor Gustavo Rangel Opinion Editor Megan Winters Staff Writers Tito Benavides, Ivonne Burciaga, Janelle Carter, Bobby Chichester, Natalie Costello, Katelyn Eicher, Frank Gonzalez, Da’Juan Henry, Rosie Hernandez, Prableen Kaur, Jose Martinez, Sheila Olaiz, Nicholas Ortiz, Orlando Pardo, Frances Perkins, Ivanhoe Ramon, Carmen Rodriguez, Jeanmichel Rodriguez, Jesus Ruiz, Daniel Sandoval, Alnas Zia Photographers Michael Agudo, Kylie Anderson, Susan Munguia, Eduardo Navarrette, Ivette Orenos, Lizeth Silva, Dana Turner Designers Kylie Anderson, Joey Berumen, Mar’shon Blackwell, Gregory Horsey Jr., Andrea Mora, Juan Ramos

door nobody can see them. Grow up.

I think I can speak for the majority of the women and say that we don’t care what drama you are dealing with personally, and I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who’s

•Yeah, I’m very school-spirited • No, I’m only here for classes • No, I don’t have time

Last Week’s Poll Vote online at

What should Linda Lacy address as president? • Keep accreditation at bay 33% • Reinstate cancelled classes 33% • Beautify the campus 12% • Other 22%

tired of staring at your “cool” catch phrases or sayings. All who participate in this pathetic pasttime, please do us all a favor and keep a diary so that you can vent on the pages and not in

??????? ? ? ? ? ?C ???????

I’m sure that there are plenty of women

Fall 2009 STAFF

out there reading this and remembering all those times they’ve knelt down to write a sentimental note on a waist basket, which contains soiled tampons! Seriously, who’s face needs to be that close to a waste basket? We do not want to spend our time on the toilet reading how heartbroken you are. A restroom is where you go for one particular reason and that is to use it. But no, some women just have not grown out of their phase. Many seem to believe that it is fun to draw lopsided hearts with initials in them on restroom doors, because behind the closed

Do you participate in school activities and clubs?

the college’s restrooms.

Free Speech Zone

What do you think are the benefits of joining a club on campus? Compiled by: Ashley Aguirre Photos by: Gustavo Rangel

Jeremiah Jakes

Yvette Rodriguez

business major

dental hygiene major

Danyal Fields

“You learn different stuff about the school, the people and the programs.”

“Yes, it helps them. It looks good on transcripts and helps keep social.”

“They would be beneficial if people knew more about the clubs and what they’re about.”

Benny Boy

Hector Garcia

Karina Valderrama

business major

psychology major

“I think they are because they are filling the gap between finding yourself and not finding yourself.”

“You can learn a lot, for example. the QSA is not only about gay people.”

“It’s a way to interact with other students and get invloved in a community setting.”

film major

biology major


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 •

at a Glance

Women’s soccer finds winning solution Mark Murray


Water Polo Men @ El Camino 4:15 p.m. Women @ El Camino 3 p.m. Volleyball vs. Fullerton 6 p.m.


Volleyball @ Long Beach 6 p.m.


Wrestling @ Modesto Tournamnet 9 a.m. Volleyball @ San Diego Mesa Tournament Football @ Long Beach City 6 p.m.


Volleyball vs. Los Angeles Trade-Tech 6 p.m.


Soccer Men @ Mt. San Antonio 4 p.m. Women @ Mt. San Antonio 6 p.m.

Co-Sports Editor

Ruby Leon scored twice while Miranda Madrid and Elizabeth Vazquez also tacked on tallies, powering the Cerritos College women’s soccer team to a 4-0 victory over Palomar College on Friday in its first home game of the season. An unconvincing first half failed to yield any goals, but a flurry of shots opened up the flood gates for Cerritos in the second half. Madrid opened up the scoring less than a minute into the second half, when she found herself on the receiving end of a Vanessa Monreal cross. It took another 22 minutes for Cerritos to double its lead. Jessica Ortiz played a through ball over the defense to Leon, who finished off the play by chipping onrushing goalkeeper Chelsea Vallier. Leon scored again eight minutes later after receiving another ball over the top of the defense from Nancy

Gandarilla and slotting it into the bottom left corner. Elizabeth Vazquez finished off the scoring by hammering home her first goal of the season. Leon penetrated into the box and dropped the ball back to Vazquez, who tucked her shot just inside the far post from the top left corner of the box. The convincing finish was in stark contrast to a mediocre first half in which Madrid headed a ball over the crossbar of an open goal and Daniela Mendez’s attempt from eight yards out was turned away by Vallier. “We didn’t play well in the first half,” head coach Ruben Gonzalez conceded. “In the second half, we went with the lineup we had against Cosumnes River that played well for us. That worked out well.” The biggest change in the lineup in the second half was Leon, who moved from a central midfield role to striker. According to Gonzalez, “Ruby was trying to do too much, so we decided

to take some of the responsibility off of her shoulders and let her concentrate on scoring goals.” For Leon, the move to striker in the second half was a perfect fit as she scored two goals once she moved up top and partnered with Gandarillas. “I’m real comfortable playing forward, so it wasn’t a big deal,” Leon said. “[Gandarillas and I] have a good connection.” The lineup change also opened up space for Ortiz to control the middle of the field. “The first half we were rushing a little too much,” Ortiz noted. “In the second half it was my responsibility to slow things down a little.” Despite the slow start offensively, the Cerritos defense continued to prove why it has yet to allow a goal this season with strong play for the full 90 minutes. “We’re very excited about not giving up a goal yet,” Gonzalez said.

Juan Ramos/TM

Inswinger: Nancy Gandarilla crosses the ball for Cerritos.

Wrestling team starts off strong

Results Last Wed. 9/16

Water Polo Women vs. Rio Hondo W 19-2

Daniel Sandoval

Staff Writer

Last Fri. 9/18

Soccer Women vs. Palomar W 4-0 Water Polo Women vs. Santa Rosa W 14-5 Women vs. Fresno City W 17-3 Volleyball vs. Glendale (AZ) L 25-23, 19-25, 24-26, 23-25 vs. SD Mesa W 25-19, 25-21, 25-21

Last Sat. 9/19

Water Polo Women vs. Riverside L 6-7 Women vs. American River W 14-2 Volleyball vs. Bakersfiled L 23-25, 25-20, 20-25, 12-25 vs. Victor Valley W 20-25, 25-18, 20-25, 25-22, 15-9 Football vs. Long Beach W 47-10 Cross Country Men @ Fresno Invitational, 4th place Women @ Fresno Invitational, 6th place Wrestling vs. Rio Hondo W 34-6 vs. West Hilss W 36-9 vs. East Los Angeles College W 36-7 vs. Santa Ana L 9-23

Last Tues. 9/22 Soccer Men vs. Orange Coast W 9-0 Women vs. Taft W 3-1

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Juan Ramos/TM

Crunch time: Chester Woolen tackles Long Beach’s Daveon Barner for a loss in the first half of Cerritos’ 47-10 Crosstown Cup victory on Saturday .

Falcons bring back cup different receivers as he threw to 6 different players. Michael Willie led all receivers with six receptions including a touchdown. Cerritos faced two lackluster opponents in its first two games and head coach Frank Mazzotta had concerns heading into Saturday’s game. Mazzotta explained that every team hits a low spot where things don’t go its way. “We really beat ourselves up in last year’s game. We don’t want to hit our low spot. I thought it was going to be scary tonight but (Cerritos) did a nice job. (Cerritos) was very responsive.” In terms of hitting a low, the only thing low in Saturday’s game was the points Cerritos allowed. Despite the late fourth quarter touch-

Rick Gomez Editor-in-Chief


Revenge could not have been any sweet-

One season ago, the Cerritos College football team fell short to rival Long Beach City College in the “The Crosstown Cup” 28-24. But this time around, Cerritos avenged its loss and regained possession of the trophy defeating LBCC, 47-10, on Saturday night and improves to 3-0 for the season. The Falcons displayed another stellar offensive performance racking up 525 total yards, 360 from the passing game. Chris Morales threw 20-26, three touchdowns, and one interception for 315 yards. Morales had no problem connecting to

down allowed by the second-string defense, the Falcons allowed one field goal early in the game. The defense had a crucial goal-line stand in the first quarter that kept the momentum for Cerritos after scoring in the opening drive for the third straight game. “(Cerritos) started slow but were really good at responding to what the coaches asked of them,” Mazzotta said. Vikings’ Kevin Lubner connected with wide receiver Darrius Young for a 31-yard pass to Cerritos’ two-yard line to set up a first and goal. The defensive line stuffed two runs up the middle, one for loss to set up a third and goal. LBCC ran a fade route intended to Young that went over his head and was incomplete before settling for a field goal.

The first shots of the season were fired last Saturday by the Cerritos College wrestling team. It took second place at the Mount San Antonio team duals losing to Santa Ana, 23-9, for first place. The team placed first last season, but a few close matches didn’t go its way. Four of the seven matches lost to Santa Ana in the finals were lost by two points or less. The Falcons still managed to go 3-1 this dual meet. Their first was a 34-6 victory over Rio Hondo College. They followed that with two more wins over West Hills College (36-9) and East Los Angeles College (36-7). “I was really pleased with the freshman guys,” head wrestling coach Don Garriott said. Two promising freshmen, Anthony Duarte and Jose Lopez, went 4-0 in their first matches of the season. Returners Jose Lopez and Caleb Gerl also went 4-0 in their matches. Coach Garriott seemed pleased with his team’s performance, saying it did well even though there are still athletes working to reach their optimal weights. “This was an opportunity to get matches in,” Garriott added. The more matches his team gets in the more he will be able to observe the team wrestling live, and make adjustments before more important matches approach. Cerritos wrestling’s next matches will be this upcoming weekend at an individual tournament up north in Modesto, Ca. This will be an individual competition rather than a team tournament, which means it will showcase the accomplishments of each athlete rather than the entire team.

Sports Briefs Water Polo

Women: Cerritos won three out of four games over the weekend at the Chaffey Tournament to push its record to 8-1. The Falcons won big against Santa Rosa, Fresno City and American River. However, they fell just short in a heartbreaking 6-7 loss to Riverside in a rematch of last year’s semifinal game. The team opens up conference play with a trip to El Camino on Wednesday. Men: The men’s water polo team had the last week off. The Falcons will resume play on Wednesday when they visit El Camino for their first conference match of the season.

Cross Country

Men: The Cerritos College men’s cross country team finished fifth out of 21 schools at the Orange Coast Classic on Saturday. Patrick Schwab (21:12.71) was the top finisher for Cerritos, followed closely by teammate Gabriel Hilbert (21:17.95). Women: The Falcons finished in fourth place out of 18 teams on Saturday at the Orange Coast Classic. Sophomore Erika Sandoval led the Falcons by finishing in 22nd place out of 176 runners.


The wrestling team started its season with a sec-

ond place finish at the Mt. SAC Duals. The Falcons were unable to take down Santa Ana after they defeated Rio Hondo, West Hills and East Los Angeles College.

after beating San Diego Mesa and Victor Valley, while falling to Glendale and Riverside.


Women: Cerritos defeated Palomar, 4-0, on Friday and Taft, 3-1, on Tuesday to remain undefeated. The team continues to hold on to the No. 1 spot in the country. The Falcons begin conference play on Tuesday at Mt. San Antonio College.

The football team reclaimed the Crosstown cup by destroying Long Beach, 47-10, on Saturday. Quarterback Chris Morales threw for three touchdowns and 315 yards in the victory. Next up for the undefeated Falcons is Ventura College, away, on Saturday.


The Falcons split four games over the weekend in the San Diego Mesa Invitational. The team is now 2-2


Men: The defending state champions demolished Orange Coast, 9-0, at home on Tuesday. The team hopes to carry the momentum from the victory into the start of conference play on Tuesday at Mt. SAC.

6 - LIFE

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 •

Transcontinental Love

Ashley Aguirre Multimedia Editor

Since the deportation of her husband Nicolas Cadin, Xandria Guzman Cadin, English major, has lived a life marked by strenuous legal battles, thousands of dollars worth of legal fees, calling cards and trips to Colombia. “We spent $10,000 throughout the year and I’m a student, I don’t have m o n e y ,” said the 22-yearold Cerritos College student. The mon-

etary and emotional costs tied to balancing being a student and wife to a man who lives more than 3,000 miles away may seem excessive, but Guzman Cadin won’t have it any other way. “I’ll be damned if my relationship is going to fail because someone got [deported]. If it’s going to fail, I rather it be on our terms,” she said. While many couples struggle to keep relationships with partners that are no more than a hundred miles away, Guzman Cadin and her husband have used modern technology to maintain their relationship the best they can. “We talk everyday via phone cards or the Internet. I am so thankful for the technology that is available to us. It can be frustrating at times when the phone connection is bad, but we have a definite will to stay in contact and know that ultimately he will be back,” she said.

Chapter I: Illegal love

She remembers being 14 years old and initially being taken aback by the strange foreign student in her French class who painted his nails with whiteout and listened to Guns ‘N’ Roses on his cassette player. “We did not become closer until I was 16 and we had anothe r

French class together. find out until last year. My entire famWe had many similar interests and the ily knew, except for my parents. Everyone pure luck of constantly being seated next to knew better than to tell my mom because each other. she’d flip her lid. Not now, but then. Now “We particularly connected on a project they love him and couldn’t see me with anywe did on Descartes and the fact that we one else,” she said. were both reading ‘On the Road’ at the same Chapter II: Marriage & Citizenship time. With the encouragement of mutual Obtaining her parents’ approval was friends, we started dating in June of 2004, only one in a series of many ongoing obstaand married in July of 2005,” she said. cles they’d encounter within their marriage. When the two were still only dating, she “As soon as we got married, I sent in already understood that his status as an il- our marriage license to get our certificate legal immigrant in the U.S. was a big issue, and we were sent all this paperwork about not only legally, but becoming a legal citizen in also for her parents. the U.S. and he applied for “My mom was citizenship,” she explained. freaking out that I they soon found My mom was freak- out What had an illegal imwas that a political asying out that I had an lum case filed by Cadin’s migrant boyfriend. illegal immigrant boy- mother on behalf of her son She was saying, ‘he friend. She was saying, when he first immigrated to can’t get a job and he can’t do this,’ but ‘he can’t get a job and the U.S. at the age of 15 was they didn’t know he can’t do this,’ but they going to complicate their him, so she just didn’t know him, so she marriage case even further. didn’t think it was “Because he already had just didn’t think it was the best choice,” she a previous case going, we the best choice. explains. had to put them together, Xandria Guzman Cadin Knowing it’d be so I had to work with my English Major difficult to obtain mother-in-law’s lawyer. It her parents’ approvdidn’t feel right from the al to wed, the sumstart, but I just kept workmer after graduating with him” she said. ing from Millikan In Jan. 2008, they were High School in Long Beach, she and Cadin granted a marriage case interview and aceloped. cording to a verbal notification given to “The day after I turned 18, I got my mar- them by their lawyer, their marriage was riage license. We were living in Catalina Is- considered valid. land and that’s where he proposed to me. What their lawyer failed to do was pres“He asked, ‘When should we do this?’ ent them with the actual document that and I said, ‘Well, Wednesday is my day proved it was valid. off.’ We got married on a cliff and Chapter III: ‘Til deportation does us part then went and had tequila after,” Guzman Cadin was relieved when she she recalls with a smile. saw a notice in the mail last October from Fearing disapproval the U.S. Department of Justice containing from her parents, they what she believed would be a temporary kept their marriage green card. a secret for three However, when she opened that letter, years. everything changed. “They “I opened the letter by myself in hopes d i d n’t of running down to the kitchen where Nicolas was making breakfast, to give him the good news, but that wasn’t what happened,” she said. The letter turned out to be a notice of deportation. Her husband was to be deported back to his native country, Colombia, not because of their marriage case, but because of the political asylum case that had been filed in his name and n o t

only denied, but denied repeatedly each time it was appealed thereafter. “I started bawling. My thoughts raced back to all the close calls that we had and how each time that he wasn’t sent back it felt like a little triumph, but now it all had come crashing down. I started to think about moving to Colombia,” she said. She made the decision to stay in the U.S. and continue the legal battle they had begun three years ago. She then contacted the lawyer to see what her next step should be and was told that there was nothing she could really do. Upset, frustrated and discontent with the response she had received from her lawyer, she refused to give up and sit around doing nothing and sought new legal counsel. “I met with another lawyer thinking I would hear the same thing, instead I was told that my lawyer messed up. I was hysterical. Every time we had met with our previous lawyer, he asked for $1,500 or $3,000 for paperwork,” she said.

Chapter IV: New legal counsel

Guzman Cadin experienced a growing bit of confidence after learning from her new lawyer that her husband’s political asylum case should have never been a factor because his mother filed it when he was still a minor and can’t count against him. According to her lawyer, her husband should be back in the U.S. by next year. “This lawyer is really great. I also found out that if our old lawyer had taken the document proving that our marriage case was valid to Immigration Services, we could’ve stopped his deportation,” Guzman Cadin said. There still exists one major area of complication. Because he was deported, a 10-year ban from the U.S. has now gone into effect and must first be waived before he can return. “Now we have to prepare a waiver package and present that our marriage is valid and prove that our other lawyer messed up,” Guzman Cadin said. “But within the next year I know Nicolas will be home. The lawyers that I am working with now assure me that things will go smoothly, the only thing I can do now is wait.”

Chapter V: What the future holds

While she waits, she’ll be returning to Colombia for the fourth time this year. She spent two months in the summer with her husband in the city of Barranquilla and in January, she was able to meet her husband’s father, brothers and various members of his extended family for the first time while exploring Bogotá, Colombia’s capital. “It’s kind of bittersweet because it’s not on my terms. I always wanted to visit there because my husband’s from there, but I always get to that point where I remember it isn’t vacation, I’m only visiting. “I’m dreading that moment where I’m at the airport having to say goodbye again,” she said of her travels. Upon her husband’s return, she hopes that they will both be able to finish up a few more classes at Cerritos before transferring to a university. “I hope that we’ll be able to teach English and travel on our own terms. I know things can only get better once he is home.”

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