1 minute read

craft your message

industry, community, the world, etc. and why it matters.

Case Study: Cloud Apartments, Picture of Curtis Wong, Founder

This step is about relationship building. These days, a LinkedIn connection or Twitter follow can lead to coverage. Think of the ways that you can engage with your ideal publication and their reporter or journalists. What are they currently writing about / covering and what have they covered? It’s important to consider their audiences as well as for you to craft your message as to why they should cover or break your story. You may also offer them an exclusive as the pitch angle pick up the phone on the first ring. Make their job working with you as easy as possible.

Other considerations are to work through a proper deadline and other terms, to protect the relationship for your client.

Tools for a Media Kit: Photos, story, facts, messaging. These are all needed BEFORE YOU start the process of giving a media exclusive.

If you earn the opportunity to get an exclusive, your job has really just begun. The key is to make sure that the reporter has all of the resources, facts, figures, personnel, photos, etc. that they need. Your job as a publicist or person who is interacting with the media for this short period of time is to accommodate their needs both in real time and with ease. For example, when they call you,

A collaborative space for Chicago creatives to meet, network, uplift and create together.

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