tame TIMES
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
A FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS Volume 05, 1 April 2014, Week 14
Delivered every Tuesday
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
A fresh approach to excellence tame TIMES’ FIFTH BIRTHDAY NEWSPAPERS ALBERTON
Hammanskraal News
read the full story on page three. enter our birthday cometition, sponsored by:
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tame TIMES
Alberton en Verwoerd
1 April 2014
A Note from the This week’s issue is a real feel-good issue. Not only do we have lovely activities for the school holidays on page 11 and great competitions on page 14, but today we are also celebrating tame TIMES’ 5th birthday. To top it all off we received this lovely poem from a 13 year old girl named Amy, that she wrote to her best friend: We are friends I got your back, you got mine I’ll help you out anytime To see you hurt To see you cry Makes me weep and wanna die And if you agree to never fight It wouldn’t matter who’s wrong or right And if a broken heart needs mend I’m here till the end
Dr. H.F. Verwoerd en sy vrou Betsie Veral die jonger mense sal nie weet dat daar ’n verbintenis is tussen Alberton en dr. H. F. Verwoerd, die Suid-Afrikaanse Eerste Minister wat in 1966 vermoor is, nie. Verwoerd het aan die Herenigde Nasionale Party (HNP) behoort. Dié party moet nie met die HNP van baie jare later verwar word nie. In die 1948-verkiesing staan hy as kandidaat in die Albertonse kiesafdeling. Die party het ook geweet dat dit belangrik was om in minstens twee Randse kiesafdelings ’n deurbraak te maak as hulle die helfte van die parlementêre setels wou hê. Die keuse het op Brakpan en Alberton geval omdat albei dorpe ’n geskiedenis van teenkanting teen die Unieregering gehad het. Verwoerd was ’n goeie keuse omdat sowel hy as sy vrou, Betsie, die Afrikaners in Alberton met hulle charismatiese persoonlikhede bekoor het. Verwoerd was deeglik bewus daarvan dat hy nie in Alberton hond haar-af sou maak nie, maar hy moes een van die hoof- VPkandidate (Marais Steyn) goed besig hou
Enjoy your week, and I hope you enjoy reading this issue.
Mnr. Marais Steyn in die aanloop tot die verkiesing. Steyn was een van die min Afrikaanssprekende parlementslede wat in die res van die destydse Transvaal invloed kon hê en omdat hy nou gedwing was om sy aandag baie op Alberton toe te spits, was dit tot voordeel van die HNP in die breë. Hoe nader die verkiesingsdag gekom het, hoe benouder het Steyn geraak. Hy het ’n sug van verligting geslaak toe hy verneem dat hy sy setel met ’n geringe meerderheid van slegs 171 stemme behou het. In dié verkiesing is die regering van Smuts egter verslaan en saam met Klasie Havenga se Afrikanerparty is die NP gevorm wat die regerende party sou wees. Vir sy ywer is Verwoerd as senator aangestel en in 1950 word hy minister van Bantoesake. Dit is interessant om te weet dat Marais Steyn ook kort daarna by die NP aangesluit het. Die Verwoerds se spoor in Alberton is gesien deur die stigting van onder meer die Elizabeth Verwoerd-damesklub en die voorstad Verwoerdpark.
Vir enige inligting oor die Alberton-erfenisvereniging kan u Beverley-Ann Small by 011 869 9417 bel of die skrywers van hierdie tweeweeklikse berigte by 083 380 4072, of per e-pos by dgrobler@mweb.co.za, kontak
VLU: Sonskyn se sterre skyn weer Die VLU se twee Voorsitsters, Jeanette Botha (Uittredende) en Dini Jansen (Nuwe) het wonderlik presteer by die jaarlikse Streekskonferensie te Drie Riviere. Jeanette het as afskeid vele inskrywings ingedien en baie goeie punte behaal. Dini het uitgestaan by die blomme en met eerste plek in albei afdelings, nl Middelbaar en Ope weggestap. Die VLU wil hulle albei graag bedank vir die wonderlike leiding en voorbeeld wat hulle stel. Alice Goosen se eerste plek in Colbertborduurwerk, die ander dames wat
2de en 3de plekke behaal het, sowel as dames wat bydraes gelewer het met hul inskrywings in verskeie afdelings, het dit moontlik gemaak dat die VLU Sonskyntak die Blomme afdeling en die Algemene afdeling wen. Jeanette het as afskeidsgeskenk ‘n pragtige nuwe vaandel vir die tak ontwerp en gemaak. Wat ‘n wonderlike hoogtepunt vir Jeanette om na 28 jaar uit te tree, waarvan sy 25 jaar op die bestuur gedien het. Die VLU wens jou geluk en voorspoed toe by die Brooklyntak in Pretoria.
Dini by Middelbare afdeling :“Herfsgenot”
* Die inhoud van hierdie berig word deur die skrywers verantwoord en is nie noodwendig die mening van tame TIMES nie.
Alice het eerste plek met haar Colbertborduurwerk behaal.
Jeanette by die nuwe vaandel wat sy ontwerp en gemaak het.
Alberton SPCA wants to hear your ideas It is well known that the SPCA does not receive any government funding for the work they do in the prevention of cruelty to animals. They are reliant on the general public for support. Alberton SPCA has monthly fundraising meetings to discuss ideas and organise events. One highlight on their events calendar is the Dog Walks at Dukelinds Dog Park at Rietvlei, as well as their open days. But the SPCA would like to know what you would like them to organise. Email your fundraising ideas to albertonspca@yahoo.co.za. In addition,
if you would like to help on a fundraising subcommittee, send your details to them as well. The SPCA often need volunteers to help with contacting companies or promoting events. If you are unable to assist in fundraising, the SPCA would like to motivate you to perhaps sponsor a kennel, get a MySchool card or become a member of Alberton SPCA, contact them for more information on this. The Alberton SPCA would also like to thank their supporters because without their supporters they would not be able to do the essential work they do.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Eddie Kok eddie@tametimes.co.za
Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 18 March 2014 Deadline: Thursday 13 March 2014 at 14:00
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
tame TIMES
1 April 2014
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No fooling around
It’s tame TIMES’s Birthday!
April 1st 2009 the community of Alberton and Johannesburg South woke up to what many might have thought was an April’s fool joke – a brand new community news paper. A fresh approach to local news. 34 000 households received this new paper. Five years later, almost three more than a million readers are reached through-out Ekurhuleni, Limpopo, Northwest and the Northern part of Gauteng. Two Alberton business men, Brian Blignaut and Riaan Jonker shared a dream of a local newspaper that will not only carry local news but will also interpret national and international news and trends in a free newspaper. With four staff members, who multi tasked, the first year was a 24/7 operation with many a tear and battle scars to show – where every day was a steep learning curve. As quickly as the staff contingent grew – currently 250 people – so did the editions. tame now boast with 7 ABC certified titles eg Alberton, Johannesburg South, Bedfordview -Germiston, Boksburg, Thokoza, Katlahong and Vosloorus. During 2013 Media24 saw the huge potential of the tame team and acquired an interest in the tame group. With them on board the idea of expanding the title took flight. First with the acquisition of a substantial interest in Leseding News covering Rustenburg, Brits and Hartebeespoort, then with Hammanskraal News – covering the larger Hammanskraal Districts and the latest paper to join the tame team is Rise n Shine covering all four districts of Limpopo eg Capricorn, Vhembe, Mopanie and Waterberg. In November 2012 tame Times bought their corporate head office in Michelle Avenue – many resident’s driving past will notice that there we burn the midnight oil many a night to bring the now 12 ABC certified papers to print. The hard work paid off and tame Times
tame TIMES would like to thank all their loyal readers and advertisers for supporting them through the first five years. tame TIMES looks forward to the next five years building on these relationships and making them stronger.
tame TIMES
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you’d be a fool not to
read tame times received the award for the Best Print Media in Ekurhuleni in 2012 and 2013. Tame Times was also a finalist in the Sanlam MDDA Best Established Small Independent Commercial Newspaper category in 2012. As tame Times takes pride in the relationship with the communities they serve we have created a Citizen Journalist platform where readers can send in stories and photos which will either be published on our very interactive
website, on our Facebook page or even in the paper. We are celebrating our 5 th birthday and invite you to come and share this joyous occasion with us. Come and view our offices to see how the newsroom and design offices function or to bring us a story, letter or photo that you want to be published. You’d be a fool not to read tame Times!
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tame TIMES
Enjoy life again In February this year, Martin Gouws opened the doors of Blue Paper Owl Counselling Services, the start of his dream of helping people to enjoy life again. After retiring in 2004, Martin decided it is time to do what he always wanted to do, to help people overcome problems and fears, and to help husbands and wives, parents and children to communicate effectively and maintain healthy relationships. He then became a qualified counsellor, approved by the Blackford Centre for Counselling. “We are a small client centred counselling centre, we care about people and we have a very strong confidentiality policy.” said Martin. “The aim of Blue Paper Owl Counselling Centre is to provide a quality and affordable counselling service to the people from the South of Johannesburg and Alberton areas.” Their services covers a wide range of issues from marriage and relationships to depression, stress, anger related problems, hypnotherapy and more. They do specialise in two main fields namely husband abuse
and parental guidance classes. Blue Paper Owl is situated at 59 Gazelle Road, in Rispark. For more information or to book an appointment visit www.bluepaperowl. co.za, email: martin@bluepaperowl.co.za or phone them on 011 943 3473 or 071 973 4389.
KUNSWERK: Marcelle Schwarze is die enigste kerswas kunstenaar in Afrika.
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@tametimes or @tametimesktv
Sisters coming together The Highveld & Swaziland District Women’s Auxiliary held their 44th annual meeting at the Northfield Methodist Church on 14 and 15 March. The theme for this year’s meeting was ‘The Armour of God’. Ladies from across the Highveld district attended the meeting and enjoyed the business side as well as the Bible quiz. Amongst the speakers were Margie Kolver from One More Generation and Rhino South Africa, Rev. Luvuyo Sifo and Deacon Dr Vernon van Wyk.
A HELPING HAND: Martin Gouws offering a helping hand to those in need of advice.
Kerswas kuns die enigste in Afrika
Wie sou kon raai dat Alberton die enigste kerswas kunstenaar op die Afrika kontinent huisves? Marcelle Schwarze van Randhart het vir 3 jaar met die idee rondgeloop om kunswerke met kerswas te skep, en het sy uiteindelik in 2009 haar idee prakties begin uitvoer. “Ek hou daarvan om dinge te doen wat ander mense nie doen nie” het sy gesê, “almal skilder met verf en daarom het ek besluit om iets nuuts te probeer.” Terwyl sy haar navorsing gedoen het, het Marcelle besef sy is die enigste persoon in
1 April 2014
Afrika wat kerswas kuns doen, en daar is ook maar net ‘n paar mense in die wêreld wat hierdie vorm van kuns doen. Vandat sy haar webblad in November 2013 begin het, is daar alreeds meer as 3 390 mense wat haar webblad besoek het wat wys dat daar baie belangstelling in hierdie kuns is. Marcelle beplan om later vanjaar haar eerste uitstalling te hou. Vir meer inligting besoek haar webblad www.waxpaintings.net of per e-pos Marcelle.schwarze@gmail.com
Back: Liz Elke, Maureen Kukla, Daphne Clack, Mary Ellerbeck, Meryl Kennelly, Margaret Luppnow, Kathy Hartley, Johnette Ribeiro. Front: Maureen Mildenhall (past District President), Sheila Railson (District Secretary), Judy Allen (District President), Mary Stierlin (District Treasurer). Photo Supplied
1 April 2014
tame TIMES
Pop Up Cinema - 28 March Outdoor Movie Entertainment presents The Lion King. Pop Up Cinema takes you back to when the movie was only part of the attraction. Bring your blankets and pillows, your family and friends (and a little nostalgia) and relive the magic of your drive-in days with a movie in a picture-perfect picnic park. Venue: Rietvlei Zoo Farm & Lifestyle Centre Time: Gates open at 17:30, movie starts at 19:30 Cost: R75-Adults, R40-children, under 3 years old free Buy tickets on line via EFT,Credit card or cash ticket: Cha telle Strydom 082 579 0873, LindyDe Jonge 082 8469265 Simpson’s little learner academy www.popupcinema.co.za Easter Egg Hunt & Night Market4 April Come and enjoy cupcake decorating fun. Food stalls 17:00, Live Band, line dance floor open! E-mail: marita@lidohotel.co.za to get a free egg for kids and for more info. Enjoy
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tame TIMES Cupcake Decorating Fun!! Contact: Marita 082 349 9924 / or sms 078 0049 131
Brigitte 084 456 1587 Natashia: 082 946 2321 E-mail: conference@difc.org.za
Brackendowns police open day – 5 April Brackendowns police would like to invite all members of the community to their open day. The goal of this open day is to educate children and the community about what the police’s responsibilities and functions are. Venue: Brackendowns Station - 88 Letaba Street, Brackendowns
Cana Coffee Café Bible Teaching (Bilingual) with a difference. If you love Jesus but can do without the status quo, formalities and politics of the current church then Cana Coffee Café is the place to be. We are the market-place church. The Gospel, after all, is supposed to be Good News, period. All the teachings are based upon the Bible as the only authority of God. Young ladies, moms and grannies all welcome. We have a teaching, we eat and chat together and go home. When: first and third Wednesday of every month – Where: De Landauer Family Restaurant, Van Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton North – Time: 10:00 to 12:00. Lunch serves at R40 per head. (Free lunch for one lucky lady) For more information contact: 081 576 7680
Badplaas vakansie Die Alberton aftree-oord nooi alle senior burgers uit na die Rotary Oord Badplaas vir ‘n lekker wegbreek in April. Die bus vertrek op 20 April om 07:00 vanaf die Alberton aftree-oord en keer weer terug op 27 April. Die vakansie sluit verblyf en drie etes per dag in, asook gratis ingang tot alle geriewe by die Aventura Badplaas met daaglikse vervoer. Daar is steeds ‘n paar kamers beskikbaar. Kom saam en ontspan in ‘n veilige omgewing met pragtige natuurskoon. Kontak Kallie by 084 657 1611 of Dez by 084 553 5584/ 011 869 1544 vir meer inligting. Destiny in God - 12th International Creative Arts Worship Conference - 1 – 5 July 2014 Hosted By Dr’s HL & PN Bester With Local Teachers: Dr H.L. Bester and Pastor W. Du Plessis With International Teachers: Bishop C. Hardy, Pastor Gorden Merk, Wesley Brainard, Rabbi Y’Israel Ben Avraham, Pastor Freddie Moore For more information contact: Office 011 827 5046
Solidariteit Helpende Hand Alberton Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Albertontak hou binnekort weer hul maandelikse byeenkoms. Alle belangstellendes en afgetredes is hartlik welkom. Die tak vergader elke tweede Saterdag van die maand. Tyd: 09:00 Plek: Sha-Mani Lodge, 28 Doncasterstraat, New Market Datum: Saterdag 12 April Vir enige navrae kontak Judi by 083 454 7326
SPCA Sunset Adventure Dog Walk – 5 April The Ekurhuleni Region of SPCA’s is holding another Sunset Adventure Dog Walk at Boksburg City Stadium, Jubilee Road, Boksburg. The gates open at 4pm and entrance is R30 per adventurer and R10 per dogventurer. Food and drinks will be on sale. On the day you can donate dog food, dog blankets and second-hand leads and collars for use in our outreach programmes.
Get connected Phone 011 862 8500 Twitter @tameTIMES FACEBOOK find us on facebook
Website www.tametimes.co.za CONTACT THE EDITOR ON stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za
tame TIMES
Response on the Ekurhuleni State of the City Address Izak Berg writes: Positives: Residents of the EMM enjoy a better standard of life today because the economic growth is higher today as before 1994. The number of ratepayers contributing to the coffers has grown resulting that the EMM can increase their budget in catering for the poorest of the poor (black & white). The reserves and cash flow of the EMM is very healthy if not the healthiest of all municipalities and Metro’s in South Africa. Ekurhuleni is very fortunate that we can borrow monies in assisting the Metro in budgeting for capital projects in the formerly disadvantaged areas because the interest rate is much lower today as before 1994. The gross fixed investment has gone up from 15% of the gross domestic product (GDP) to 19% resulting in the EMM being able to give dignity to its residents by giving them quality running water, doing away with pit toilets and giving free electricity to the poorest of the poor residents (black & white). This is why the EMM has an influx of people of 2.5% as indicated by the Mayor. People go where there is service delivery but it is putting strain on the current ratepayers of the EMM and service delivery. The fact that the EMM has the least of service delivery protests of any Metro in South Africa is also an indication that the EMM is successful in delivering basic services to its residents. Negatives: The current account deficit is up since 1994, a dollar cost twice as much as before 1994 which is putting strain on the EMM budget on goods that needs to be imported for service delivery whether it is done by the EMM or their subcontractors. Private businesses investment as a proportion of total investment has dropped from more than 70% to less than 65%, the EMM needs to relook at their contribution charges regarding new developments (reducing it) in making sure that businesses relocate to the EMM. The proportion of disposable income that households can save has dropped to zero, this is due to the increases of electricity and rates and taxes since 2000 and also the increase in the fuel price since 1994 and now the levying of e-tolling fees. The annual savings in the country have dropped from 17% of GDP to 14%. Unemployment has grown faster than jobs since 1994 and the unemployment rate in the EMM is much higher than the national rate. The fact that the number of discouraged work seekers has risen creating an atmosphere for disaster if one looks at what is currently happening in Egypt and other countries with high unemployment rates. Government expenditure as a share of the GDP is up from 27% to 33% since 1994. The number of
employees in the EMM has increased by 22% since 2000 but the quality of service delivery has not increased by the same percentage. Ratepayers are paying for quality service delivery and they are entitled to it. The EMM has levied an area cleansing levy since July 2013 collecting close to R4 million per month which can create close to 2000 informal jobs and improve the cleanness of the city, but this program has yet to be implemented although the charges are levied. Fraud and corruption is still not under control in the EMM and it takes too long in bringing the culprits to book if at all. The EMM gives the impression that it is not serious about fighting fraud and corruption. Investigations conducted by the Internal Audit Department of the EMM are taking also too long to complete resulting in the EMM losing millions through fraud and corruption. The positive side on most of the negatives or shortcomings is that it can be rectified in a relative short time. Shame: SA has inherited a Shame called apartheid (Germany has inherited a shame called Adolf Hitler and so has many countries in the world) but what is remarkable is how we as South Africans have dealt with it. The fact that the majority of South Africans (black and white) are GOD fearing people played a role and with the quality of leaders who created an atmosphere in ending apartheid (credit must go to Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu and FW de Klerk). If you are a GOD fearing nation GOD will never abandon such a nation. The abolishing of apartheid freed all the people of South Africa (black and white) creating the rainbow nation (just a pity that I can’t find the colours white and black in the rainbow). The president and leader of the ANC Jacob Zuma has brought a toxic shame to South Africa (as indicated in the release of the Nkandla report by the public protector) and it’s shameless in how the ruling party is still trying to protect him in instead of removing him from power. One only has to look what happened to Mubarak, Gaddafi and Hussein when they became more important than their countries and one can only pray that South Africa will be spared such actions. How was it possible for Zuma and Malema in removing Mbeki but the ANC who is more than 100 years old can’t remove Zuma. This is not good for South Africa and one can only say it is a blessing that Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu is not with us anymore to see what they have fought for and sat in jail or exile for, for so many years are destroyed by one person.
Account troubles at Ekurhuleni Municipality My account suddenly went up by R18 000.00 in June last year. I immediately logged the issue with the council. The problem was when the house was built in 2008, the water meter guys did not submit information and then liquidated. I bought the house in 2011. The council decided to lump all charges for the previous owners onto my account. Month after month I followed up. Two weeks ago I was handed over to very incompetent attorneys! Good luck trying to explain anything to them in English. Last Friday I took leave once again and went into the council offices! An hour later I had so many apologies from counter person to supervisor to accountant for not having sorted this out. Charges on my account was reversed and cleared. Then, load shedding. Only thing is my electricity did not come back on. After 11 phone calls to the emergency number someone finally came out at 8.39pm on last Saturday night. Call centre is absolutely useless. Can’t spell or pronounce street addresses, and cannot take down correct contact numbers. The technician who came out informed me my electricity had been cut for nonpayment and there was nothing he could do. I said I would prove that my account was cleared, his reply was; “Sorry you need to wait till the following Monday”. I am a single Mom with a 3 year old, I had a defrosted freezer of rotten food and were not able to stay in my own house. I went back to them again that Monday and finally, after I had threatened them, my power came back on. P’d off resident of Alberton.
‘n Boodskap van Tannie Trixie Aan al my lojale lesers, dankie vir die e-posse. Ek nooi almal uit om aan my gesprekke deel te neem en julle oogpunte ook te gee. Julle insette word waardeer. As daar enige ander onderwerpe is wat op die hart lê, stel dit voor dan praat ons in die volgende kolom daaroor. E-pos na amymae. campbell@tametimes.co.za dan sal sy dit aanstuur na my.
Send your letters to: stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za
Concerned widow’s writes: contribution? Our plea is to get all widows whose late husbands were in the metal industry together so we can demand what is rightfully ours and what our husbands worked for. All widows who have applied with metal industry please submit copies of all relevant documents between Mondays - Fridays from 09:00 till 15:00 at 30 Austin Street. Eden Park. You are also welcomed to contact Mrs Magdelina Julius on 083 344 2971 or Caylin Julius 076 779 6399. Let’s stand together.
Ek is seker dat julle al kon aflei dat ek en Gysie nou al vir baie jare getroud is, ek het self al ophou tel, maar ek ken hom nou al baie jare. Maar wraggies het ek noudie dag iets van hom uitgevind wat ek na al die jare nie geweet het nie. My ou Gysie, lieflike Gysie, is doodbang vir naalde maar spesifiek wanneer daar bloed getrek moet word. Maar laat ek nou eers verduidelik. My en Gysie se tyd stap al aan en ons moes ons versekering en medies mos nou finaliseer. Daarvoor moes ons bloed laat trek sodat hulle kan vasstel dat ons darem nog gesond is. Gysie is natuurlik die man, en baie braaf om eerste te gaan sodat hy my hand kan vashou wanneer dit my beurt is. Maar die arme man is so verskrik dat die gawe verpleegstertjie nie eens ‘n aar in sy arm kan kry nie, sy kry uiteindelik so effense aar in sy hand maar net daar is Gysie spierwit. My dierbare man slaan toe mos in sweet uit, van sy kroontjie tot sy toontjie. Wat dit nog erger maak is dat sy bloed toe besluit om op te raak want daar kom toe nie eens ‘n druppeltjie bloed uit nie. Ons besluit toe dat hy dalk maar ‘n glas water moet drink en so rukkie moet lê sodat hy darem net weer ‘n bietjie kleur terugkry. Ek sit intussen dat hulle solank my bloed trek, en twee minute later het hulle al die bloed wat nodig is. Die verstomme verpleegstertjie trap suutjies nader aan Gysie vir nog ‘n probeerslag. Dié keer probeer sy die ander arm, maar geen bloed maak ‘n verskyning nie. Die derde gaatjie word toe in die ander hand gesteek en uiteindelik kry hulle die bloed wat nodig is. Ou Gysie, nogsteeds so wit soos ‘n spook en papnat gesweet, stap met 3 gaatjies daar uit, dit is net pleisters waar jy kyk. Tip: Dit is goed om klein geheimpies vir jouself te hou, want dit is baie interessant om na soveel jare jou maat nog steeds te leer ken en nuwe dinge van mekaar te ontdek.
Natuurlik is dit nie maklik as ons anders besluit as Hy nie, maar niks sal ooit kan maak dat ek en jy nie langer sy seun of sy dogter sal wees nie
Metal industry: what happened to our late husband’s contribution? We are widows from different walks of life. We all made application to the metal industry (MIBFA) and all received letters stating the amounts that was due to us from our late husband’s surplus provident fund. Later we were told that we do not qualify because our husbands died before 2008. That brought us to the conclusion: we need to get all the widows together and demand what is rightfully ours. How can the metal industry issue letters with amounts and later tell us there is no money for us? What happened to our late husbands’
1 April 2014
Die verhaal oor die verlore Seun wat in Lukas 15 opgeteken is, is vir my ‘n kosbare vertelling oor die karakter van God. Dit is ‘n baie bekende verhaal, maar in ‘n neutedop is die pa en sy twee seuns saam in besigheid. Die jongste seun besluit om ‘n beroepsverandering te maak, uit die boerdery uit, na die vermaaklikheidsbedryf en selfs sy toekomstige aandele te laat uitkoop. Hierdie jongman se lewe gaan deur ‘n paar fases en hy word die “geur van die dag” tot sy geld opraak en dan vergeet die wêreld
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weer dat hy bestaan. Hy eindig weer op by ‘n boerdery, maar die keer boer hy sonder aansien vir iemand anders. Die karakter van God word deur Jesus klokhelder uitgebeeld wanneer die pa van hierdie jongman hom inhardloop en omhels, vir hom nuwe klere gee en selfs ‘n ring aan sy vinger steek. So is God met elkeen van ons. Natuurlik is dit nie maklik as ons anders besluit as Hy nie, maar niks sal ooit kan maak dat ek en jy nie langer sy seun of sy dogter sal wees nie. Met ope arms ontvang Hy ons weer by die huis.
1 April 2014
tame TIMES Easter Egg Hunt & Night Market4 April Come and enjoy cupcake decorating fun. Food stalls 17:00, Live Band, line dance floor open! E-mail: marita@lidohotel.co.za to get a free egg for kids and for more info. Enjoy Cupcake Decorating Fun!! Contact: Marita 082 349 9924 / or sms 078 0049 131 SPCA Sunset Adventure Dog Walk – 5 April The Ekurhuleni Region of SPCA’s is holding another Sunset Adventure Dog Walk at Boksburg City Stadium, Jubilee Road, Boksburg. The gates open at 4pm and entrance is R30 per adventurer and R10 per dogventurer. Food and drinks will be on sale. On the day you can donate dog food, dog blankets and second-hand leads and collars for use in our outreach programmes. Brackendowns police open day – 5 April Brackendowns police would like to invite all members of the community to their open day. The goal of this open day is to educate children and the community about what the police’s responsibilities and functions are. Venue: Brackendowns Station - 88 Letaba Street, Brackendowns Destiny in God - 12th International Creative Arts Worship Conference - 1 – 5 July 2014 Hosted By Dr’s HL & PN Bester With Local Teachers: Dr H.L. Bester and Pastor W. Du Plessis With International Teachers: Bishop C. Hardy, Pastor Gorden Merk, Wesley Brainard, Rabbi Y’Israel Ben Avraham, Pastor Freddie Moore For more information contact: Office 011 827 5046 Brigitte 084 456 1587 Natashia: 082 946 2321 E-mail: conference@difc.org.za Solidariteit Helpende Hand Alberton Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Alberton-tak hou binnekort weer hul maandelikse byeenkoms. Alle belangstellendes en afgetredes is hartlik welkom. Die tak vergader elke tweede Saterdag van die maand.
tame TIMES Tyd: 09:00 Plek: Sha-Mani Lodge, 28 Doncasterstraat, New Market Datum: Saterdag 12 April Vir enige navrae kontak Judi by 083 454 7326 Neon dance party – 11 April Alberton methodist church is hosting a under 13 youth dance on Friday 11 April. They strive to provide a safe and controlled enviroment for kids to let loose a bit. All music is strictly listened to before the party. It will be great fun. Everyone welcome. Date: 11 April Time: 19:00 until 21:30 Venue: Alberton Methodist Church, 17 Heidelberg Rd, Newmarket Contact: James on 083 590 5271 or email lillostrobot@gmail.com R20 per ticket, tickets available at the door Walkerville Agricultural Show12&13 April There is a great line up for the 2014 Walkerville show, a new permanent playground has been installed at the showground’s. There will be jumping castles, a sky-rocket launcher and a paint ball tunnel. The popular conservancy stand will also focus on children’s activities. The Rabbit Society invites all youngsters to bring their pet bunnies along on 13 April at 12:00 to be judged in a fun pet category. Two book launches will take place: Tim Hartwright’s “Gauteng Hikes and Trails” features Perdeberg Mountain and Warren Schmidt’s posters and book on reptiles and amphibians is a must for all nature lovers. The outdoor stage will be packed with karate demonstrations, Ronald McDonald’s puppet show, snake show, Junior Miss and Mr Walkerville as well as live singers, fashion shows, fun auctions, Miss and Mr Walkerville, bag-pipe and marimba bands. DJ’s and an evening of Karaoke will end off the Saturday entertainment. There will be ox wagons, livestock exhibits and lots of stalls showing agricultural and “green” products. The popular rabbit and poultry displays will be back The Conservation stand has great new skulls and skeletons to show, snakes to curl around you and spiders to crawl all over you. There will be dog shows and horse events, vintage cars, nearly 100 stands, and exhibits in the hall. Vaal Radio 90.6 and the Remax Hot Air Balloon will be present. If you are exhibiting your handcrafts, artwork or home produce please bring them to the hall on 10 April between 9:00 and 19:00. Judging will take place on Friday morning before the show opens. Open Saturday 9am till late and Sunday 9am till 4pm. Only R30 per car.If you have any
queries please e-mail info@walkervillesa. co.za or show@walkervillesa.co.za
Autism awareness day Join the Ernie Els Centre for Autism for a 3km fun walk and family picnic at Rietvlei Zoo Farm on Saturday 12 April. The purpose of the event is to raise funds to support the centre and to raise Autism awareness. Bring picnic baskets, chairs and gazebos and have some fun! Time: 10:00 to 16:00 Entrance fees: R30; R20 for children under 12-years; R10 for pensioners. An extra cost of R10 to participate in the fun walk. All proceeds will be donated to the charity. Extra activities include: a train, ponies, tractor – and cart rides, putt-putt and a farmyard. Food and market stalls will be available. Entrance can be paid on the day. Groups must preferably book in advance. Contact Claire on 011 484 7254 or e-mail her at claire.youngman@ernieels.com for more information, or to book.
Page 7 Master your driving MasterDrive, a national provider of advanced driver training has opened its Johannesburg K53 Training Academy and Practice Yard for learner drivers at Rietvlei Farm. This practise yard provides a safe and convenient learning venue. Learner drivers can practice their parking and other manoeuvres while parents enjoy a cup of coffee at the nearby restaurant. Learners can practice in their own vehicles or book a lesson with one of MasterDrive’s instructors. Other driving schools are welcome to enquire about the yard’s use This compliments MasterDrive’s existing efforts to reduce the carnage on SA’s roads, and as the market leader in defensive driving. Anne Bourne, owner of MasterDrive Rietvlei Zoo Farm said,” We contribute to traffic safety while promoting driver training for learner drivers. Company fleets whose drivers lack experience can also sign up for the ‘remedial lessons’ as they assist with getting novice drivers up to speed.” A variety of professional training services are offered: Defensive driving for passenger, commercial and HGV, roll over prevention, hijack prevention, 4X4 off road, driver assessments, code 8 simulator training. MasterDrive is offering six complimentary driving courses for qualified drivers for more information contact Lauren on 0861 100 618 or www.masterdrive.co.za.
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1 April 2014
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Your house over the Easter holidays
Feel secure, with IP security cameras
The cameras also have motion detection and will instantly notify you via email if anything is detected
What are they? They are cameras that make use of your home WiFi and Internet, enabling you to watch them from your computer or smartphone 24/7 from anywhere in the world, providing you with peace of mind. The cameras are commonly used with your Telkom ADSL but also work comfortably with a 3G wireless router, supplied from most cellphone and computer shops. How they work? Plug and play cameras, such as our indoor cameras, typically take five minutes to set up, and in that time you will be able to view the
cameras on your computer or smartphone (up to 16 cameras per page). Up to 4 people can view the camera at once. You will also be able to see the cameras at night as they have infrared night vision. The cameras also have motion detection and will instantly notify you via email if anything is detected - the email will include photographs to show you what activated the cameras, as well as a quick link to access the cameras live. These photographs can also be uploaded to a dropbox folder (online storage) so should your computer or smartphone be stolen, a copy of the photographs will still be available. Indoor cameras also have a small speaker and microphone.
The Brackendowns SAPS would like to sensitize the community about house breakings, as we are approaching the Easter holidays.
Advantages over conventional CCTV equipment: • The advantage over conventional CCTV equipment is that they don’t require any other equipment to function and can be viewed from your computer’s browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome etc. • They don’t require a DVR box with many channels, or BNC cabling connecting to the camera. Contact Uchoose Property Marketing, Andy on tel: 011 867 2205, Cell: 082 327 9372 or Email: importing@uchoose.co.za.
CPF Crime Prevention Tips: Bullying at Schools Learners who are being bullied will more likely not speak about it. But they may show behaviour that will give educators and family a clue of what is happening. There may be other reasons they act like this, but watch out if a learner : • is afraid to walk to or from school, or continually changes their route to school. • is unwilling to go to school and is absent often or feels ill all particularly in the morning before school. • begins doing poorly in his/her school work. • becomes withdrawn. • as unexplained scratches and bruises. • becomes distressed and anxious, or stop eating. • is different in some way from his/her peers e.g. being handicapped. Being of a different race group from most of the children in the school, or being smaller than most of the children in the school.
Leave at a time when the street you live in, is quiet
Do not leave lights on during the day
Arrange with a friend to frequent your house while you are away
Do not leave garden tools or ladders lying outside in your garden
Fox Security dedicated officer Brackendowns An off duty reaction officer from Fox Security assisted with the recovery of an H 100 Hyundai truck that was stolen from Stallion Raceview Motors, Ring Road East on Monday 24 March at 06:00. Three males, driving a silver grey Volkswagen GTI, stole the truck from Stallion Raceview Motor stand. The truck was recovered by an off duty reaction officer just up the road from the stand. The suspects manage to flee. Stallion Raceview Motors would like to thank Johan, the off duty officer from Fox Security.
police open day
Brackendowns police would like to invite all members of the community to their open day. The goal of this open day is to educate children and the community about what the police’s responsibilities and functions are. Venue: Brackendowns Station - 88 Letaba Street, Brackendowns Contact: Warrant Officer Jenette Makhubela 011 617 5639 or Sgt Lindi Moloi 084 861 2004
DAMAGE: The inside of the Hyundai truck was damaged in the process.
S.W.S Security recovers stolen goods
Weekly arrests Brackendowns SAPS: Attempted murder: Reckless and negligence driving: Malicious damage to property: Shoplifting: Theft of cellphone: Assault: Possession of Suspected stolen property: Intimidation: Fraud:
At 08h39 on Tuesday 25 March, the S.W.S reaction team received an alarm from one of their clients in Verwoerdpark. On arrival they saw the client’s father in law speaking to a man who was standing outside the client’s premises. When the reaction officers asked who he was he said that he was waiting for someone to come pick him up but when our reaction officer searched the bags he had with him, he found house numbers, a post box cover and light covers. He immediately asked the control room to inform the police of the situation and when they arrived on scene they arrested the man and a case was opened by the client who also arrived at the premises. RECOVERED: S.W.S reaction with the stolen goods.
emergency numbers Police station
Alberton: 011 861 6800 /6821/6822/6823 Brackendowns: 011 617 5612/ 5613
Alberton: 082 407 5226 Brackendowns: 083 411 1144
Alberton: 083 923 1967 Brackendowns: 082 967 7986
send us your stories, or become a citizen journalist
www.tametimes.co.za or our mobi site tametimes.mobi
Emergency services Central room 011 458 0911
Fire station 011 907 9214 / 9215/ 9216
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1 April 2014
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Heal your body from head to toe
Diabetic patients and their eyes We have all heard of the condition called diabetes mellitus, and most people know the effect it can have on the body, but do we know what effects diabetes can have on one of your most valuable assets, your eyes? Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common disorder characterized by sustained hyperglycaemia of varying severity secondary to lack of diminished efficacy of endogenous insulin, or in human language as “Wikipedia” would describe it- condition in which a person has a high blood sugar level. DM can cause renal, vascular, ocular, neurological and other complications. Some of these conditions can cause irreversible vision loss and it is very important to monitor your eye health annually at an ophthalmologist or optometrist. The most prevalent cause of legal blindness between the ages of 20 and 65 years is Diabetic retinopathy (DR). Diabetic Retinopathy exhibits features of both microvascular occlusion and leakage, and can cause irreversible retinal damage. You are
at a higher risk to develop DR if you have diabetes for more than 10 years, have poor metabolic control, poor pre-pregnancy control of diabetes, if you have hypertension or if you are obese. It is important that all diabetic patients undergo an ocular screening with their optometrist and those with risk factors for visual loss should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Having your eyes reviewed annually and optimal control of diabetes and associated risk factors, would minimize your chances of developing DR drastically. To book your retinal photography call us at The Eyewear Boutique (Alberton) at 011 869 9705 email info@eyewearboutique.co.za
Ocular complications include - Blurred vision (unstable refraction), - Retinopathy (retinal problems), - Iridopathy (increased iris transillumination),
- Reduced corneal sensitivity, - Accelerated senile cataracts, - Glaucoma and more.
Dr Nicole Puchner from Docs@Work is a local Chiropractor in Alberton who is passionate about improving the overall well-being of her patients. Dr Puchner’s chiropractic approach is wellnessorientated, neurologically based and holistic. She intricately assesses each patient as an individual, so that she can correct the underlying cause of physical discomfort, rather than merely treating the symptoms. According to Dr Puchner, Chiropractics is much more complex than most people realise: “We are not bone crunchers. Every adjustment is very specific and stimulates a complex nervous system response. The important factor is that the adjustment has the power to alter the body’s physiology so that it can return to a healthy normal state,” Dr Puchner explains. When a
patient experiences physical discomfort, illness or pain, it can often be traced back to an interference in the nervous system (comprising of the brain, spinal cord and nerves), which causes the body to malfunction. The nervous system connects every part of the body with the brain and serves as a vital communication system between the two. When any part of the system is interrupted, the communication is compromised and the body cannot function properly. Dr Puchner aims to correct the point of interference with the help of advanced testing and physical adjustments. In the end, the patient’s body should be aligned, selfregulating and healthy. Dr Puchner identifies three main types of stress that build up over time to cause interference: Physical – the birth process itself, falls, car accidents, injuries, repetitive strain, poor sleep habits, poor posture, altered tone, foot pronation. Chemical – food allergies/intolerances, poor diet, processed foods, exposure to chemicals or environmental toxins. Emotional – stress, negative and anxious thoughts, depression, past traumas that still affect you. Dr Puchner emphasises that health care is a partnership; thus 50% of healing comes from the doctor and 50% from the patient’s lifestyle and co-operation. It is therefore preferable to book follow-up sessions, rather than booking a once-off consultation. This will enable the doctor to monitor your improvement and to adjust your body accordingly, until it is healed. Dr Puchner urges each person to have a chiropractic assessment, even if you feel fine, to identify potential interference points early on. Interferences that are left untreated can have devastating health consequences later in life. Prevention is therefore better than cure.
Invest in your long-term health today by making a booking with Dr Puchner. She adjusts people of all ages; from new born babies, to the elderly: Practice: Docs@Work Address: 99 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton. Tel: 011 869 1904 E-mail to: reception@neurochiro.co.za
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1 April 2014
Goeie begin vir Dinamika wintersport Amy-Mae Campbell
Vanjaar se Super 12-reeks waaraan Hoërskool Dinamika se rugby-, hokkie-, en netbalspanne deelneem, is in volle swang. Die wedstryde wat tot dusver gespeel is, dien as uitspeelrondtes ter voorbereiding vir die semi-finaal en finale sportsbyeenkomste wat in April plaasvind. Die wen-skole van die uitspeelrondtes sal in April kompeteer vir eerste plek. Na afloop van die sportsbyeenkomste teen Jan Vijoen en Hoërskool Bergsig bevestig die uitslae dat Dinamika sover goed vaar: Uitslae van Donderdag 20 Maart se sportsbyeenkoms teen Jan Viljoen: Netbal: O/14 A wen 38 - 8 O/15 A wen 16 - 9 O/16 A wen 52 - 2 O/17 A wen 18 - 14 1ste Span wen 38 - 21
Hokkie: O/14 A wen 8 - 0 O/15 A wen 4 - 0 O/ 16 A wen 10 - 0 Tweedes verloor 0 - 1 1ste Span wen 1 – 0
Dinamika se eerste rugbyspan wys hulle het veggees teen Dinamika se eerste netbalspan verdedig voluit teen Bergsig. Bergsig se eerste rugbyspan.
Uitslae van Donderdag 27 Maart se byeenkoms teen Hoërskool Bergsig: Rugby: Hokkie: 1ste Span Wen 22 – 16 1ste Span 2de Span Verloor 7 – 3 2de Span O/16A Wen 69 – 0 O/16A O/15A Wen 26 – 10 O/15A O/14A Wen 36 -7 O/14A Netbal: 1ste Span O/17A O/16A O/16B
Wen 34 – 17 Wen 21 – 7 Verloor 20 – 19 Wen 17 - 14
O/15A O/15B O/14A O14B
Wen 2 -1 Verloor Gelykop 0 - 0 Wen 1 - 0 Wen 6 – 4 Wen 23 – 12 Verloor 10 – 4 Wen 29 – 14 Verloor 21 – 10
Dinamika se ondersteuners lei die eerste hokkiespan in op Een van Dinamika se eerste span hokkiedogdie veld. ters oppad na die doelhok.
Drie van die bestes Drie van Laerskool President Steyn se spogatlete het aan die SAkampioenskappe deelgeneem en drie welverdiende medaljes verower. Danksy dié atlete se uitmuntende prestasies is die Gauteng-span ook aangewys as die wenspan van die nasionale byeenkoms. President Steyn spog met twee bronsmedaljes en ‘n goue-medalje. Die items waarin President Steyn uitgeblink het, was Hekkies en Verspring. Bernice Viljoen het twee bronsmedaljes in die dogters o/12 75m – en 150m hekkies verower. Bernice is tans die derde beste 0/12 hekkiesdogter in die land. Danielle Leonard is die enigste atleet in die skool en van Alberton se Laerskole wat ‘n SA-kampioen titel gewen het. Danielle het eersteplek verower in dogters o/13 verspring, met ‘n ongelooflike sprong van 5.34m. Danielle is die nommer een verspringatleet in die land. Lehané Marais behaal derdeplek in die dogters o/13 75m
Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq twitter.com
Steyntjies presteer op die rugbyveld
‘n Groepie van Laerskool President Steyn se seuns is gekies vir die Oosrandse-rugbyspan. Die spannetjie gaan binnekort aan die o/12 en o/13 Goue Leeus proewe deelneem.
BLITSVINNIG OP DIE ATLETIEKBAAN: L. Marais, B. Viljoen en D. Leonard saam met die trotse adjunkhoof en hoof van sport: mnr. A. McMaster. hekkies uitdunne. Sy het nie die finaal gehaal nie, maar haar tyd plaas haar onder die top 12
o/13 hekkiedogters in die land. President Steyn is oor die maan met hul atlete se puik prestasies.
Water filled fun Kenton Primary School held a fun filled watersports day on Thursday 27 March to raise funds for the school. WATERSLIDE: Pupils from Kenton Primary took a break from school and enjoyed the waterslides.
GOUE LEEUS WERD: R. Steyn, J. Steyn, R. van Staden (afwesig), D. du Plessis, R. Bernard, C du Toit, H. Pieterse.
1 April 2014
Kaskar pret
Basic horse care and riding Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve Horse Trails will be hosting a basic training day of horse care and riding during school holidays for 9 to 15 years olds. The day will run from 9:00 to 15:00 and will include a morning snack, lunch and drinks. The following training will be included:
- How to be around horses, how to approach them safely, catch them, what to look out for to tell how they are feeling, etc. - How to groom a horse. - How to tack and untack a horse. - What is a bridle and saddle, why do we use them, how to take them apart, clean them and put them back together. - We will also do a basic riding lesson of walking and trotting. - A normal trail ride into the nature reserve The following date 9 April is available and only six people per day can be accomodated. The cost per child is R400. For more information please contact Samantha Derham on joburghorsetrails@gmail.com or 071 068 2793.
Leerders van Laerskool Randhart neem deel aan die kaskardag. Laerskool Randhart het op Dinsdag 25 Maart hul jaarlikse Kaskardag gehou, en weereens was dit ‘n reuse sukses. Elke graad het in hul klasgroepe deelgeneem en dit was ‘n baie goeie spanbou oefening. Die klas, in elke graad, wat die meeste rondtes om die baan gedoen het, het as wenners weggestap. ‘n Aantal van 980 kinders het hierdie jaar aan die kaskardag deelgeneem.
Dance to be wild Dance to be Wild is an initiative by leading South African and International Ballroom, Latin American and Freestyle dancers. Dance to be Wild, held a freestyle competition at the Braamfontein recreation centre, were many dancers from around the country entered to support against Rhino poaching. All proceeds have gone to Rhino Rehabilitation The dance initiative aims to empowering South African children to take ownership of their wildlife heritage through the beauty of dance as well as enhancing social skills development and cohesion at grass roots level. It also focuses on providing an effective platform for South African and international dancers to contribute to the effective sustainability of wildlife resources. Tatijana Ignjatov and Vesna Ignjatov both supported this event, and went an extra mile by making rhino outfits. Tatijana took first places for Freestyle and Slow in u/9 champ section. Vesna came third for Freestyle and Slow in u/9 champ section.
RHINO DANCERS: Tatijana and Vesna Ignjatov.
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1 April 2014
Five Nominations for East Rand Stereo
East Rand Stereo’s Pedro Fernando and Francois Van Rensburg East Rand Stereo is no stranger to the MTN awards; in 2010 the radio station won their first award which was in the “Adjudicators Special Commendation” category. In 2011 East Rand Stereo bettered the previous year’s performance by winning yet another award in the category
“Best Promotion/Stunt/Event/:Noncommercial.” Two more awards were secured in 2012. “We are extremely excited about these nominations & wish to add a few more MTN awards to our existing accolades,” said Angeline Marokoane - News & PR: East Rand Stereo. The announcement of the finalists was made on YouTube by CEO of the MTN Radio Awards; Lance Rothschild. “The overall quality of the entries was excellent and competition at the top of the categories was extremely close. One thing that has been noticed and even commented on by the various adjudicators is the standard of radio in South Africa, which is excellent and most certainly on a par with some of the best radio elsewhere in the world. I certainly believe that the MTN Radio Awards has contributed to an increased focus on excellence and has raised the overall standard of the industry,” said Rothchild The awards evening promises to be the highlight of the radio industry and will be hosted on 12 April 2014 at the Sandton Convention Centre.
Ghoema musiek toekennings by Carnival City
East Rand Stereo was nominated in the following categories are: Best Day Time Show – 12-3pm ‘Midday Show’ presented by Francois Van Rensburg (Mon-Friday live from our satellite studio at Emperor’s Palace from 12:00pm to 15:00pm) Best News and Actuality Show 12-3pm ‘Midday Show’ presented by Francois Van Rensburg (Mon-Friday live from our satellite studio at Emperor’s Palace from 12:00pm to 15:00pm) Best Music Show – East Rand Stereo TOP 40 presented by Pedro Fernando (live from our satellite studio at Emperor’s Palace every Saturday from 16:00pm to 19:30pm) Best Weekend Show – East Rand Stereo TOP 40 presented by Pedro Fernando (live from our satellite studio at Emperor’s Palace every Saturday from 16:00pm to 19:30pm) Best promotion or stunt – Cuppa for CANSA event of 19 October 2013
Die room van die Afrikaanse musiek bedryf sal, op 13 April by die Big Top Arena in Carnival City, vir die 13de jaarlikse Ghoema Afrikaanse Musiek Toekennings bymekaar kom. Die Ghoema Toekennings is ‘n gesogte viering van die Afrikaanse taal en musiek. Die aand sal gebind word deur optredes van Suid Afrika se voorste sangers. Elvis Blue, Kurt Darren, Riana Nel, Joshua na die Reen, Corlea Botha, Jay, Joe Foster, Burgert Botha en meer kan verwag word. Ghoemas sal in 25 kategorieë toegeken word om prestasies van die afgelope jaar te vereer. Die toekennings sal op Sondag 20 April om 20:00 op kykNET uitgesaai word. Die Ghoema Afrikaanse Musiek Toekennings 2014 begin om 17:00. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket tussen R100 en R150 elk. Bespreek vroegtydig.
Family times reinvented
We are sure the Sunday Buffet Menu will be a welcomed addition to the good food offering and family atmosphere now synonymous to Dros Alberton. Dros is a restaurant which upholds the values around the family and the community; in Alberton we have seen Dros display this through various sponsorships within the community such as the recent donation of profits to a local school’s rugby team. Another example of Dros’ involvement in the community is the newly introduced Sunday Buffet which is sure to redefine Sunday lunch and create new and lasting memories for the family. tame TIMES was invited to the restaurant to experience the new addition to their menu after having experienced buffets before, we were pleasantly surprised by the variety offered and the home cooked feel of the offering. Served from 12:00 – 15:00 and boasting over 20 dishes including dishes Like Curry-Fish, Ox Tounge, Lamb Tripe, Beef Roast, Samp, Malva Pudding, Chocolate Mousse, Koeksisters & Munch Munch more, the buffet did not fall short of pleasing our varied tastes.
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Gardening & Rubble removal
Page 13
1024 storage
AD BUILDERS AND HANDYMAN SERVICES Building, Plumbing Roof repairs, pools 072 525 2253
To advertise call 011 862 8500 or visit us at
MGA RUBBLE Garden refuse and rubble removal 1 ton load Andy 072 652 0827 RED ANT GARDEN SERVICES *Industrial and Domestic *Housing, Complexes *Weekly Maintenance Service *Once Off Cleanups *Other Tasks on request Michelle Louw 082 924 7514
Annique Rooibos Produkte Anna-Marie 082 440 1790 www.rooibosproducts. co.za
1005 Aerial/DSTV
Pooltech Repairs Timers,pumps,filters. Sand changes Wynand 082 391 7518
1008 CLEANING ACT CARPET CLEANERS Carpets, lounge suites, spot removal, FREE deo Owner supervision Tinus 082 765 8392
tame TIMES
BR CLEANING SERVICES Once-off Spring / Full Cleaning, Windows / Carpets, All in oneHomes, Flats and Offices. 011 973 1466 / 082 935 9653
CLEARVIEW DSTV Inatallations, PVR, alignment and CCTV Andy 072 652 0827
1009 UPHOLSTRY All re-upholstry l/suit, d/room, car seats, and Riempies, etc, Bullnose pelmets & headboards 084 318 8029
PROPERTY TO LET 3004 GARDEN COTTAGES/FLATS RACEVIEW ALBERTON Open plan lounge and kitchen. Cover and secure parking with own gates. Big bedroom with BIC. En suite bathroom. No children or pets. Deposit and secure keys R4 000. Rent, including W/E R4 500 pm Available 1st May 2014 Phone: Johan 083 612 7586 Rene 083 268 7927
3005 FLATS ALBERTON NORTH 2 x FLATS TO LET 2 bedroom on first floor R4 300 pm 3 bedroom on first floor R4 800 pm Available immediately 083 395 0420 NEW MARKET 1 Bed flat R3 300 pm 083 566 2004
3007 TOWNhouse /cluster
1 April 2014
5002 LOANS
7008 SALES
SALES MANAGERS 25 Reps / Man. Needed to start Imm. Own Car Ess, No Exp, Full training, App Set by Co. R12000 to Start / Comm / Inc / Med / Petrol inc. Call: 011 609 2119 OR Sms Name, Area, Age 076 806 4140
BEST DEBT FINANCE LOANS SAME DAY PAYOUT Apply via fax or email Tel: 011 869 5553 or bestdebtalberton@ gmail.com
7016 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTEd Zimasa, Sleep out Full time 078- 505 -2439 Noziyanda, Sleep out Full time 071- 749- 2956 Sylvia, Sleep out Full time 071- 057- 9676 Nobuhle, sleep in /out Full time /part time 079- 322- 2953 Always, Sleep out part time 071- 239- 0312 Jane, Sleep out full time/part time 073- 680- 3082
tame TIMES
1 April 2014
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tame TIMES
Die Blou Meul vier 60 jaar
Die Blou Meul Buitelugwinkel, vier op 1 April hul sestigste bestaansjaar, maar op Saterdag 29 Maart het hulle reeds met die feesvieringe begin. Dit was ‘n dag vol opwinding en hope promosies. Van Die Blou Meul se verskaffers het die dag saam met hulle kom vier. Webber het hul wye reeks braaiers uitgestal en selfs
gewys hoe pizza, brood en koek met ‘n Webber braaier gebak kan word. Nog verskaffers daar was onder meer Max Recourses met hul Smart LEDZ, Leisure Quip, Seagull Industries en die bekende Loutjie Louwies het wenke oor visvang gedeel. Die bestuur van Die Blou Meul wil graag
die gemeenskap bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning deur die laaste 60 jaar, en vir die jare wat nog voorlê. Vir meer inligting oor hul produkte en dienste, kontak hulle by tel: 011 907 1107/8 of e-pos: bloumeul@mweb.co.za. Of besoek hulle by Die Blou Meul winkel, 43 Van Riebeeck Ave, Alberton Noord.
Alberton Angling Club results Seniors: Hein Kerstholt (59 fish, 1008.800 points), Mark Oosthuizen (36 fish, 664.700 points), Errol Viviers (36 fish, 598.200 points) Veterans: Basie Viviers (34 fish, 588.050 points), Mark Slabbert (18 fish, 353.750 points), Dennis White (15 fish, 237.400 points) Ladies: Melanie Viviers (30 fish, 472.00 points), Jana de Wet (visitor) (10 fish, 180.55), Monica Cloete (9 fish, 145.200 points) Juniors: Nathan Oosthuizen (6 fish, 88.20 points), Andrew Kerstholt (1 fish, 12.900 points) Mini juniors: Melande Viviers (3 fish, 43.050 points) Mini mini juniors: Daizy van Zyl (2 fish, 25.600 points), Troy Terry (1 fish, 13.200 points), Merliza Viviers (1 fish, 12.650 points) Overall winner, Jackpot winner and Officials prize winner: Hein Kerstholt with 1008.800, he also caught all 4 species which includes a yellow of 0.410 kg for the officials prize. R1000 prize for biggest barbel over 5 kg during afternoon session:
Aberton Athletic Club results 2 Km Ladies: Courtney Sequira 11.38, Ansone Bezuidenhout 12.40, Theresa De Oliveira 13.22, Nicole Gilogley 13.28 4 Km Ladies: Barbara Luckemeyer 19.01, Karen Kitching 20.07, Rene Swart 20.19, Lynn Dunn 20.24, Tarryn Honeyman 20.24, Shene Swart 21.02, Chantall De Oliveira 21.05, Caren Van Vuuren 21.46, Jenny Swart 25.41, Michelle Webster 28.15 2 Km Men: Michael De Oliveira 10.28, Jamie Gilogley 11.38 4 Km Men: Antonie Mans 15.36, Kevin Venter 15.37, Avril Barkhuizen 15.46, Paulus Jacobs 16.01, Siphiwe Matau 16.18, Andries Venter 17.25, Alan Bezuidenhout 19.37, Rynhardt Bezuidenhout 19.52, Justace Somo 20.07, Chris Lotter 20.26, Johan Swart 20.26, Warren George 21.45, Andre Visagie 22.30 8 Km Men: Andre Venter 27.24, Arthur Beeming Jnr 29.10, Sifiso Ngcobo 30.21, Glyn Rynhoud 30.30, Michael Brandon-Kirby 30.32, Johan Van Tonder 32.29, Niel Cillie 33.13, Cobus Van Niekerk 33.13, Gert Bezuidenhout 35.40, Phillip Webster 37.26, Miles Le Roux 38.00, Riaan Naude 38.05, Koos Coetzee 45.15.
Alberton Junior Rugby Club BIGGEST FISH IN THE POND: Dave Anset with a barbel of 11.015 kg Mark Slabbert with a barbel of 6.220 kg caught just before cut off time.
Biggest fish and pool draw: Dave Anset with a barbel of 11.015 kg.
The Alberton Junior Rugby Club will start with their 2014 season on Wednesday 9 April. All juniors aged 8 – 18 are welcome to join the club. The club practices on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 18h00 at the Alberton Rugby Club. For more information contact Lukas Swart at 082 854 3680.
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tame TIMES
1 April 2014
New route proves to be successful Amy-Mae Campbell
Runners completing the final stretch towards the finish line. See results at http://jhac1904.wix.com/jhac On Sunday 30 March the Johannesburg Harriers Athletic Club (JHAC) hosted the 68th Jackie Gibson Marathon and the second Allan Ferguson Half-Marathon. This year was the first time that these marathons were held at Rietvlei Zoo Farm, and the new route was very popular indeed. More than 3500 eager runners gathered at Rietvlei Zoo Farm bright and early on Sunday morning to participate in one of two races: the 21 km Allan Ferguson HalfMarathon, and the 42 km Jackie Gibson Marathon. Relaxed runners could partake in a 5 km fun run too. The overall winner of the 21 km Allan Ferguson Half-Marathon Open Men item was Derocious Makhobalo (representing Sports Connection) with an impressive time of 66:32. The top woman in the 21 km Allan Ferguson Open Women item was Christine Kalmer (representing Boxer) with a time of 78:04.The overall winner of the 42 km Jackie Gibson Marathon Open Men item was Siyabanga Dingile – DQ (representing Nedbank) with a time of 2:30:41; and the overall winner in the women’s category of this item was Gillian Sieling (also representing Nedbank) with a time of 3:08:15. The runners departed from Rietvlei Zoo Farm at 06:00 and travelled through Liefde and Vrede, towards Aspen Hills. From there the runners headed south and downhill towards Klipriver Road and ran along Swartkoppies Road for a few kilometres, before going uphill again on Impala Road. From here the runners could regain their energy with a comfortable downhill run on Klipriviersberg, back over Aspen Hills and Swartkoppies Road, from where they headed back through Liefde and Vrede to finish at Rietvlei Zoo Farm.
First in her division Jordan Le Roux from the Kenshikai Karate Organisation competed at the Kyokushinkaikan Full Contact Karate Tournament hosted in Khatlehong recently. The 3rd Dan black belt student competed in the Ladies Open Weight Division in full contact fighting and placed 1st in her division. Le Roux is currently in training for the International Knockdown Tournament events this year which include USA in September, the United Kingdom in October and European Championships in Bulgaria in November. Jordan’s next local Full Contact Tournament Event is set for 31 May in Thembisa. Le Roux trains under the tutelage of Sensei Shaun Burgess.
FREE GIFT: Receive a FREE karate suit on enrolment with this voucher. Offer ending 10th April 2014.
Brackenhurst Dojo Brackenhurst Methodist Church, Toinette Street, Brackenhurst, (across the road from Orion Primary School) 082-856-6860 . www.sakenshikai.com MONDAYS: 4:45pm – 5:30pm 5:30pm – 6:15pm
Jordon Le Roux with came first in the Ladies Open Weight division at the Kyokushinkaikan Full Contact Karate Tournament.
WEDNESDAYS: 4:45pm – 5:30pm 5:30pm – 6:15pm CLASSES IN: Self-Defense, Non-Contact, Semi-Contact, Full-Contact Fighting also incorporating Ground Work. Weapons, Kata, Syllabus and Cross-Fitness Training included.
43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995
R1399 99
Burn Out or Pressure On the surface, the recent news from England does not bode well for their national game. I refer to the “Trott” incident, where the press led everyone to believe he left the Australian tour for reasons akin to a “stress-related” illness. The player himself in an interview refuted these reasons and said he was in fact suffering from “burn-out”. This is surely not just an issue for England’s cricketers then, as this will become a world cricket problem; and this is why I believe they have only scratched the surface of the problem. I praise Trott for his honesty By Craig Norris and explaining why he walked away from one of the most respected series in world cricket. One can only sympathise with the ECB because they have dealt with issues of stress in national players before, notably Marcus Trescothick and Steven Harmison, so it was easy for them to resort to that as a reason. Are we as South African cricket supporters thinking that this issue brought, which I believe the premature retirements, of Kallis and Smith as well? Perhaps our national players time it right, but we will never know. The fact of the matter is that Professional Burn-Out is a very real and very common problem among top sportsman who are in the public eye on a daily basis. The modern professional sportsman spend an enormous amount of time away from home, either travelling or training and YES, it does eventually take a toll on their life and it also affects people in corporate industries, so why not a sportsman. Often we lose sight of the fact that these sporting heroes are in fact just human beings exactly like you and I, with perhaps a little more talent or desire in their chosen pursuit. They feel emotions, they get tired, fatigued, listless and lethargic at their work place, but the difference is, we have a way of getting over our problems, we take a day or two off to recover. Maybe the boss takes a little work load away from us. This is not the case with these cricketers who are expected to perform at the same highly demanding level every single day and in every single competition; and that on its own, is exhausting and mentally draining. The sports seasons of professionals are too demanding and too long and I fear that this “burn-out” phenomenon may become more prevalent among other top sportsman. The corporate sponsors treat them like commodities to be traded and utilized at their whim; and the human element is very often absent. I agree that the potential of earning big money in the game today is huge, but at what cost to the individual. Whether the actions of Jonathan Trott are considered betraying team trust, or whether the press and players wish to criticize him, the fact remains that his honesty about the issue and his decision to leave the tour, may have done more good for the future of the game and its management of people than harm. Regards and thank you