tame TIMES
two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
SAPS keep roads safe over Easter Delivered every Tuesday
Volume 05, 29 April 2014, Week 18
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Albertonian wins top award
Stephanie Conradie
P6 Goue Leeus wys veggees SAPS and EMPD keeping our roads safe over the Easter holiday.
The road block itself was a success as there were no incidents, only a panga was recovered from a taxi driver and it was confiscated. On Thursday 17 April Alberton SAPS officers were out in full force making sure that everybody reach their destination safely. A cluster road block was held on the N3 South, next to the Roodekop extension 31, whereby all six stations from the area were requested to send members to participate under the
command of Lt Colonel Maswanganyi. These stations include Alberton, Brackendowns, Elsburg, Germiston, Primrose and Berdfordview SAPS. The road block itself was a success as there were no incidents, only a panga was recovered from a taxi driver and it was confiscated.
The SAPS received good responses from drivers feeling that these road blocks help to deter bad driving on our roads. The metro police joined the road block and fines were issued for different traffic offences. The management of Alberton SAPS would like to thank everyone who participated in the road block.
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tame TIMES
A Note from the Dit voel behoorlik soos ‘n warboel van vakansie dae, kort weke en lang werksure hierdie maand. Maar ek hoop almal het die af dae geniet en veilig gereis. Alberton kweek behoorlik uitblinkers, op bladsy 6 en 7 spog ons met die presteerders, onder andere Mnr SA Top 50 finalis Johann Herbst, en top student Danielle Moutsatsos. tame TIMES wens hulle alle sterkte toe met die toekoms. Onthou om enige goeie, of slegte, nuus met ons te deel. Stuur dit aan Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za Lekker lees!
Shop at the SPCA second hand store The Alberton SPCA has a wonderful second hand shop that operates purely on second hand donations. A variety of items such as books, clothing, cutlery, crockery, baby items and generally anything in working or wearing order, are for sale in the shop. The SPCA relies on the kind generosity of the community for these donations in order to raise funds for the day to day operation and running of the Alberton SPCA. They also run a flea market at the Alberton SPCA every Saturday selling the donated items. The SPCA also welcomes other donations such as empty printer cartridges, old newspapers, magazines, cardboard and paper for recycling. Donations from the community go a long way in helping the SPCA with their mission in helping furry friends in need.
You can also help Alberton SPCA in the following ways: Sponsor a kennel for R110 per month, become an annual member for only R50 and receive regular updates on the Alberton SPCA and a monthly newsletter. They are always in need of office stationery, cleaning products for the kennels and cattery, dog food, cat food, overalls, first aid kits, fire extinguishers and so much more. Over the Easter period the SPCA received a great deal of stray animals which is attributed to many factors. Remember to check your local SPCA for your lost pet and to report it missing, if you have not already done so. (please use the SPCA logo with this article) Animals up for adoption: Looking for a new pet to love? Visit the Alberton SPCA in Lincoln Road, General Alberts Park or call them on 011 907 1568.
Up For adoption
ADOPT: Jack Russell, male, 1 year old and a Foxy, female, 1 year old. These two were brought in together. They are lovely dogs that are good with children and other dogs.
29 April 2014
Alberton vier halfeeufees in 1954 Deur Annel Meyer
Alberton het in November 1954 sy halfeeufees gevier. Een van die eerste items op die feesprogram was ’n swemgala by die plaaslike swembad. Meer as 150 swemmers het met mekaar meegeding, insluitend mej. Natalie (Toy) Myburgh wat op veertienjarige ouderdom (in 1954) Suid-Afrika op die Statebondspele in Vancouver, Kanada, verteenwoordig het. Op Vrydagaand, 5 November, is Leonie Stevens in die stadsaal as die Feeskoningin gekroon. Die stadsaal was keurig met gekleurde linte en ballonne versier en die dorp se parkeafdeling het op die verhoog ’n miniatuurfontein, omsoom deur blomme, opgerig. Leonie se kroon was ’n tiara met pêrels, ontwerp deur die Richelieupêrelfabriek in Voortrekkerstraat en een van haar pryse was ’n elektriese rooster, geskenk deur die Fuchs-fabriek. Van hier af het die feesvieringe na die Reading Country Club verskuif waar meer as 400 mense die feesdans bygewoon het. Die volgende dag, die Saterdag, het ’n vlotoptog deur die strate plaasgevind, beginnende aan die bopunt van Du Plessisweg. Op die voorste vlot was Leonie Stevens en haar prinsesse, Maria van Wyk en Rena Burger. Ander vlotte is ontwerp en was verteenwoordigend van die Rooikruis, die Scouts and Girl Guides, skole en kerke in Alberton asook een van die dorpsraad. Die vlotte het uiteindelik almal by Grewarpark bymekaargekom waar die eregas, dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, die dorp in ’n toespraak gelukgewens het. Na kooruitvoerings deur die plaaslike skole het die destydse Heidelbergse Onderwyserskollege ’n demonstrasie van vrystyloefeninge gegee. Later die middag het Eskader 40 van die Lugmag met drie vliegtuie in formasie oor die feesgangers gevlieg. Toe die skemer toesak, het die groot vleisbraai begin. (’n Mens soek mos altyd geleentheid om te braai, dan nie?) Klaarblyklik is meer as 7 000 lb. (3 175 kg) heerlik gebraaide boerewors gratis uitgedeel en die stadsraad het tien osse en vyf varke
Natalie (Toy) Gillespie (née Myburgh) in haar jongdae (Foto: Knysna-Plett Herhald) vir die heuglike geleentheid geskenk. Die vieringe is voortgesit met ’n verskeidenheidskonsert in die stadsaal met onder meer klavieruitvoerings, sang en selfs ballet. Na die konsert is daar heerlik gedans tot die vuurwerkvertoning buite begin het. Om tienuur het dominee Sandenburgh van die NG kerk in Van Riebeecklaan (die Eeufeeskerk) die feesvieringe met gebed afgesluit. (Daardie tyd het selfs nie ’n groot fees ’n vroeë bedtoegaantyd gekeer nie!) Indien daar nog enige Alberton-inwoners is wat dié feesvieringe onthou, sal die AlbertonErfenisvereniging graag van u wil hoor. Vertellings en foto’s sal baie welkom wees. Stuur dit per e-pos aan Daan en Yvonne Grobler by dgrobler@mweb.co.za. As u nie die ou foto’s digitaal kan omskep nie, laat weet Daan gerus en hy sal die foto’s by u kom haal en digitaal omskep. Wees gerus dat alle foto’s en ander dokumente met die grootste sorg gehanteer en aan u terugbesorg sal word.
Vir enige inligting oor die Alberton-Erfenisvereniging kan u Beverley-Ann Small by (011) 869-9417 of die skrywers van hierdie tweeweeklikse berigte by 083 380 4072, of per e-pos by dgrobler@mweb.co.za kontak.
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Mini Doberman, 3 - 4 years old, male. He has a lovely temperament and will fit in well with slightly older children and other dogs do not seem to be a problem.
Verdere interessante wetenswaardighede oor die geskiedenis van Alberton kan u kry op die webblad albertonheritage.co.za of albertonerfenis.co.za. Veral Graad 4-leerders en hulle ouers kan met die oog op die skooltaak in Sosiale Wetenskap met vrug daarvan gebruikmaak.
Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie Stephanie.Conradie@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Rudi Geldenhuis rudi@tametimes.co.za
Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell amymae.campbell@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Mike Muller: 083 463 9107 mike@tametimes.co.za
Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 6 May 2014 Deadline: Thursday 1 May 2014 at 14:00
www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
tame TIMES
29 April 2014
Page 3 18/2014
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3 D
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Page 4
tame TIMES
Autism Awareness Day
29 April 2014
Amy-Mae Campbell @Amzymaeq twitter.com
The Ernie Els Centre for Autism held an Autism Awareness Day on 12 April at Rietvlei Zoo Farm. The aim of the event was to create autism awareness and to raise funds for the Centre. According to Claire Youngman, Development Director at the Ernie Els Centre for Autism, there is not enough centres in South Africa that are specialised enough to cater for autistic children. Recent statistics show that 1/68 children are born autistic; indicating that this developmental disorder is on the rise. “Every child with autism is different; from extreme severe, to less severe. Autistic children battle in school and there are limited autism specific schools,” said Youngman. All the families that took part in the event wore blue to show their support for those living with autism, as April is National Autism Awareness Month. The families all participated in a 3km fun walk, which the children enjoyed immensely, and picnics afterwards. One of the fathers,
WALKING FOR A CAUSE: Ernie Els Centre for Autism members with Toni Mackrell and families getting ready for the fun walk. whose child suffers from lower functional autism, expressed his gratitude towards the organisers for arranging the fun day: “We haven’t had this. Today is the first time in six years that we could come out like this. It is nice to have [this fun day] as a parent with your child. Today he can just run around; everyone understands. It is a wonderful
initiative,” the father concluded. The Ernie Els Centre for Autism would like to ask anyone who is interested in making a donation to help them raise funds, to contact the Centre on 011 484 7254 or visit their website at TEAM WORK: Even dogs were wearing www.ernieelscentre4autism.co.za blue to show support. for more information.
Makrosafe enabling the community Makrosafe is a well known company based in Alberton, and companies nationwide have sent employees to Makrosafe to further their skills by attending the Makrosafe 10 day Health and Safety Certificate course. But from April this year, Makrosafe decided that they wanted to develop skills within the community. They will source individuals to attend the course and help them further a career in Health and Safety. “We even take people that has no experience or other qualifications, to attend this course. In partnership with the Waltfin Trust Fund, we offer subsidies to those who cannot afford the costs,” said Christopher Guy, Quality and Training Manager at Makrosafe. Ockie Fourie, course facilitator, explained that the course consists of theoretical as well as practical classes. The course content covers all the basics needed, from understanding what Health and Safety is to what is expected when implementing a Health and Safety Programme in the workplace. Makrosafe will also offer support to the individuals after they complete the course by placing their CV’s on the Makrosafe talent search website in order for individuals to gain some exposure. For more information about the Makrosafe Health and Safety Certificate, contact Christopher Guy on 011 865 7685, e-mail christopher@makrosafe. co.za or visit www.makrosafe.co.za.
Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Ouma en Oupa-projek skop in die volgende paar weke af met ondere andere die Toontoffel-projek, asook bederfdae vir bejaardes. Die Helpende Hand Alberton-tak het reeds hul Toontoffel-pakkies bestel wat aan bejaardes uitgedeel sal word om te brei, en sal sorg vir warm voete gedurende die winter. Die Toontoffel-pakkies bestaan uit wol, breinaalde en ʼn patroon om die toontoffels te brei. Michelle Burger, nasionale projekorganiseerder van die Ouma en Oupa-projek sê dat breisessies ook gebruik kan word om tieners of ander jongmense te leer hoe om te brei. “Die jongmense leer dan weer die oumas en oupas om te SMS of iets soortgelyks,” sê sy. Sou enige belangstellendes, jonk en oud, ook graag wil brei of wol wil skenk, kontak vir Mysi by 083 442 2259. The first community group that will benefit from the Makrosafe Health and Safety Certificate course
- Limited availability Applications close 9 May 2014
Contact MAKROSAFE Holdings (Pty) LTD 0861 444 777 Accredited By
Helpende Hand se ouma en oupa projek
Endorsed By
29 April 2014
tame TIMES
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tame TIMES
Alberton models graduate Stephanie Conradie
stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za On 5 April, Alberton Figures Modelling Agency held their Showcase and Graduation event at Brackenpark Hall. The theme for the event was to wear any outfit starting with an ‘F’. There were fairies,
french maids, flapper girls, fitness pro’s, fairy tale princesses, flamenco dancers, fortune tellers , flower power – the creativity was endless. Each course was judged separately for the best dressed for both the
BEST DRESSED: All the best dressed winners in both the junior and senior classes.
the AAA School. “I loved studying at the AAA School and never for a moment imagined that I would receive the AON Award for best overall student. It’s a little overwhelming, but hopefully it will spur me on to achieve real-world results when I enter the working environment,” said Danielle. In addition to the AON Award, Danielle also won the Roger Sinclair Trophy for the Top Advertising Student, and the JWT Award for the Top Account Management Student. Right: Dani Ettridge, AON Business Unit Head, with Danielle Moutsatsos, AON Top Student of year award winner.
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Paasproduksie lewer opbouende boodskap
junior and senior classes. Tieghan GriffinCoetzer, who is currently the Intern for the Alberton branch, came in at a respectable 2nd place. Well done to all the participants – you did yourselves proud.
INTERN: Tieghan Griffin-Coetzer the current intern at Alberton Figures Modelling Agency.
Albertonian wins top award The AAA School of Advertising recently held their graduation ceremonies in both Johannesburg and Cape Town, where a new pool of creatively talented students was unleashed into the world of marketing, advertising and design. Danielle Moutsatsos from Alberton walked away as the top overall student across both campuses, she graduated with a BA degree in Marketing Communications. Danielle is the recipient of the highly sought after AON award which rewards her with a R35 000 purse to visit an agency of her choice anywhere in the world. Furthermore, AON will provide R12 500 worth of books and study materials to
29 April 2014
Doxa Deo Meyersdal het op 18 April hul jaarlikse Paasproduksie aangebied, hierdie jaar met die tema “Profeet soek ‘n vrou”. Hierdie produksie, van hoë-staande gehalte, het almal wat dit bygewoon van ‘n opbouende boodskap voorsien, terwyl hul ook kon skaterlag waar die verhaal in ligte luim oorgedra was. Die karakters soos Hosea, Gomer, Joshua en Celeste vertel ‘n ou storie op ‘n moderne manier en raak mens se hart aan met relevante boodskappe vir vandag. ‘n Herhaling van die produksie sal plaasvind op Sondag 4 Mei om 18:00 in die Doxa Deo Meyersdal Auditorium. Toegang is gratis en word oopgestel vir die hele gemeenskap. Enige navrae kan gerig word aan 011 867 5954 / elize. barnard@doxadeo.co.za.
29 April 2014
Cause of Pollution at Alberton Dam
POLLUTION: Oil spillage contaminating the Alberton Dam water.
On 8 April tame TIMES reported on the state of Alberton Dam and the concerns it raised in the community. Metro Parks commented that the biggest cause of pollution into the Alberton Dam was due to stormwater. tame TIMES visited the dam area and the companies surrounding the area and found that the companies above the dam area are also a big problem as none of them have oil pits and when washing their trucks the oil runs into the dam. People using the dam facilities are also contributing to the pollution when leaving their rubbish lying around. It seems as if vandalism is also a big concern. The Ekurhuleni Municipality advised that the Environmental Research Management Department is in the process of doing environmental compliant inspections in the industrial area above the dam to determine if substances are contaminating the dam water. They are also inspecting the sewer system to determine if that might also be contaminated.
Alberton model makes Mr SA Top 50
tame TIMES
Page 7
Joshua na die Reën Op Saterdagaand 10 Mei tree “Joshua na die Reën” wat 14 April vereer is met 2 Ghoematoekennings, (Beste Nuweling van die Jaar en Beste Kontemporêre-album deur ‘n manlike kunstenaar van die jaar) by die NG-Kerk, Hennie Alberts straat, Brackenhurst op. Die liedjie, “ Lig op die Horison” het gou groot welslae behaal en word bykans elke dag op RSG gespeel. Die musiek is van hoogstaande gehalte en vind byval by oud en jonk. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is R60 vir volwassenes en R45 vir kinders onder 12. Die konsert begin om 19:00 en daar word heerlike aandetes en pannekoeke te kope aangebied vanaf 18:00. Besprekings is noodsaaklik. Skakel die kerkkantoor by 011 867 3623 of Carlien by 082 257 1407.
Jak de Priester - 16 Mei
the glen
Aanhangers, en nuuskieriges, van die kunstenaar Jak de Priester kan uitsien na ‘n uitstekende aand saam met hom, ten bate van ‘n goeie saak. Kairos Teater, ‘n inisiatief van MES, bied ‘n aand van goeie musiek aan in samewerking met Doxa Deo Meyersdal. Die gewilde kunstenaar gaan optree en opbrengste van die geleentheid sal aangewend word vir MES se projekte onder behoeftiges van Johannesburg en Doxa Deo se projekte in Alberton. Almal, jonk en oud, is welkom om hierdie aand te kom geniet. Die City Lounge Koffiewinkel sal ook oop wees op die perseel. Datum: Vrydag 16 Mei Plek: Doxa Deo se Ouditorium. Kaartjies: R100per person Kontak: Elize: 011 867 5954 / elize.barnard@doxadeo.co.za.
Dros celebrates Easter Over the Easter weekend Dros invited the Easter Bunny to celebrate Easter with them. They shared over 600 Easter eggs with children and families visiting Dros during the Easter holiday.
Johann Herbst hoping to make a change through the Mr SA title. Johann Herbst from Brackenhurst is one step closer to his dream when he was announced as one of the top 50 finalists in line for the 2014 Mr SA title. Johann is a vibrant 26 year old audit clerk at Ernest & Young. He is a motivated go-getter and he is currently working on his Masters Degree in Commerce. “I leap at opportunities every chance I get, as most opportunities only come around once in a lifetime. All glory is to God for providing me with opportunities daily, and blessing me with the strength to accept and excel in my job and my personal life,” Johann said. When asked what his contribution will be if he should become Mr South Africa, Johann answered: “I will take my life experience , skills and qualities and share it with all South Africans and especially people who have not been so privileged. And to do my best to make a difference in young and old’s lives. I will make it a priority to motivate, educate, inspire, giving hope to, help, and develop the men in South Africa, and ever more the citizens of South Africa”. If there any companies or individuals who would like to contribute sponsorships or donations they can contact Johann on 0713560220. To vote for Johann during the Mr SA competition, SMS: MRSA 110 to 47439. (VAS rates apply, R3 per sms)
CELEBRATING: The Easter Bunny celebrating Easter with the staff from Dros in Alberton.
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29 April 2014
tame TIMES
Gogo dies in taxi
Stephanie Conradie
stephanie.conradie@tametimes.co.za At 12:00 on 23 April a taxi driver drove into the grounds at the Alberton police station with a dead body on the back seat. The driver informed the police that he was passing the taxi rank when a marshal stopped him and gave him an older female passenger travelling from Alberton to Tokoza. While driving, he looked back to ask the passenger for money, only to find the older female gasping for air. Paramedics were called to the police station and the passenger was declared dead. An inquest was opened and the body taken to government mortuary for further investigation.
An older female passenger passed away while in the taxi on her way home.
Safety tips: during a hijacking • Your life and those with you must be your priority. Resisting the hijackers may cause them to become violent. Remember possessions can be replaced, a life cannot. • The hijackers are probably just as scared and nervous as you are. They may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol which may make their actions more unpredictable. • Don’t panic or do anything the hijackers may not be expecting. Do not scream or make sudden movements, such as motioning with your hands. • Keep your hands where the hijackers can see them. This will assure them that you are not reaching for a weapon. Do not raise your hands above your head as they may think you are attracting attention of other people.
• If they order you out of the car wait for them to open the door or do it slowly with one hand, keeping the other where they can see it. • Slowly move away from the car so that you cannot be perceived as a threat to them. • Listen carefully and make sure you understand what the hijackers are saying and follow their orders. •Do not reach for or motion towards items they may demand such as wallets etc. Rather tell them where they are and wait for them to get it themselves or they may tell you to hand them over. • Be honest- if you have a firearm on you and they ask, tell them you have. Finding out or suspecting you have lied to them may unsettle them and lead to them becoming violent. Tell them honestly how to deactivate any alarms or immobilisers or do it yourself as ordered.
Help us find: Tumela Gomo
Missing Gino Sizwe Maphumulo
Fire station 011 907 9214 / 9215/ 9216
Emergency services Central room
23 drunk drivers apprehended in Ekurhuleni
Intensified Easter operations which commenced in earnest on Thursday (17 Apr) from mid-day in all the three operational regions of Ekurhuleni, have thus far resulted in the arresting of suspected drunken drivers, speedsters, pedestrians drinking in public and issuing of numerous citations for moving violations. Two fatalities have been recorded in Ekurhuleni since 17 April. One took place at 05h10 on Friday 18 April at the intersection of Snake and Dube streets in Benoni and the other occurred at 05h30 on Sunday, 20 April at the intersection of North Rand and Rondebult in Boksburg. Road users have been, for the past weeks, reminded by way of education campaigns, of the importance of obeying the rules of the road in order to avoid unnecessary loss of limb and life. Static and roving roadblocks targeting hazardous locations in respect of accidents, smashand-grabs and other crimes have been the order of the day. Taverns were also targeted with the aim of ensuring that patrons don’t drink in public as well as making certain that they comply
with the conditions of their permits. Twenty-three arrested suspected drunken drivers included thirteen in Vosloorus, four in Kempton Park, three in Daveyton and one in KwaThema. Thirty speedsters were arrested in Brakpan, Benoni and Kempton Park areas. 434 fines were issued to motorists for exceeding the speed limit in locations identified as hazardous due to speeding. Overall, 1,123 speed fines were issued Ekurhuleni-wide. Twelve persons ended up behind bars for drinking in public (drinking and walking) in Kwa-Thema, two for being in possession of fake driving licenses and one for impersonating a police officer. Officers are ready for the high volumes of traffic expected on our freeways coming into Ekurhuleni and those passing through. The monitoring of our main routes is underway and motorists are urged to travel within the speed limits, to observe safe following distance, to adjust their speed according to prevailing conditions, to exercise patience when caught in traffic snarl-ups and to generally be considerate to all other road users.
011 458 0911
Brackendowns CPF Meeting
The next Brackendowns CPF meeting will take place on 26 May due to public holidays this month. Meetings take place at the Ekurhuleni West College at 18:30.
Alberton North: 082 407 5226 Brackendowns: 083 411 1144
Police station Alberton: 011 861 6800 /6821/6822/6823 Brackendowns: 011 617 5612/ 5613
Brackendowns SAPS arrests She went missing on 25 August 2013 from the Germiston area. She is 36 years old and likes shopping, she frequents EC Qumbu rural area. Her clothing worn at the time is unknown. She is Xhosa speaking. If you have any information contact Sgt Buthelezi at Alberton SAPS on 078 623 2995 or 011 861 6800.
Gino (18) went missing on 21 April 2014 from his home in Witteboom Street, Brackendowns. UPDATE: Gino was found over the weekend and was returned home safely.
Case of intimidation................................................................2 Assault GBH............................................................................2 Housebreaking and theft........................................................3 Possession of drugs...............................................................3 Possession of house breaking implements .........................2 Fraud........................................................................................1 Theft ........................................................................................1 Shoplifting ..............................................................................1
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29 April 2014
29 April 5 May
49 16
259 9
239 9
Ellis Brown Creamer 1kg
Take 5 Juice 1.5 Assorted
Golden Sun Cooking Oil 2Lt
Banana’s 1kg
599 9
Kellogs Cornflakes 500g
Monster 500ml
Rama Brick 500g
Sparletta 2Lt
Biltong Per Kg
Country Fresh Ice- Cream 2Lt
Golden Cloud White Flour 2.5kg
Montic Milk 6x1Lt
9 9 2 For
Biggi Microwave Popcorn
Ricoffy 750g
Crosse & Blackwell Mayonnaise 750ml
Yum Yum Peanut Butter 400g
319 9
99 Pepsi 2Lt
Babysoft Toilet Tissue 9’s
OK White Or Brown Bread
Bingo Hand Washing Powder 2Kg
Liqui-Fruit 1Lt
Lux Soap 200g
Handy Andy 750ml
99 Select Rice 2kg
Wizz Mop Each
E&OE - Terms and conditions apply * While stocks last
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29 April 2014
29 April 2014
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29 April 2014
Mall of the South- will it be paid parking? Anonymous writes: The article on Mall of the South was very for pensioners on Wednesday only. interesting and looks great. An interesting Well let us see if they will get my deserved point that is not mentioned -are they going support. to charge the shoppers for parking and at Waldo Marcus from Zenprop said, “The Mall of the South will charge for parking however what rate? My wife and I were frequent shoppers at the tariff structure has not been determined The Glen as well as supporting the various yet. We can however confirm the pay system eateries but since the introduction of paid will be state of the art to ensure a trouble free payment and use of the parking structure. parking we have not eaten there at all. We drive through to Greenstone where we We also believe the location and profile of can shop and eat for the grand total of R2 for the mall lends itself to a well maintained and the day, and that is for anybody who supports secure parking environment which will attract certain shops during the week, and not only a fee to guarantee quality.”
MSC Cruise dissapointment Ruth Maboe writes: In response to the article dated 25 March 2014, ‘Do your homework before going on a MSC Cruise’. For my 10 year anniversary I decided to surprise my hubby with a Khaya FM MSC Cruise, a 3 day tour from Durban to the Portuguese Island. I could just imagine the Portuguese Island with my toes in the warm sand while basking under the Portuguese sun. It was supposed to be a dream holiday just as it was advertised. From the beginning of the tour it was just partying, partying and more partying, I did not mind because I was looking forward to
Ek dink vanoggend aan die effek van ‘n bietjie tyd op my eie lewe. Dit bring perspektief en help vorm, baie maal, vir my die groter prentjie. Dit is asof tyd mens die vermoë gee om jouself binne gebeure te plaas. Ek dink dit is ook so m.b.t. Paasfees. Groot Lydensweek, Goeie Vrydag en Opstandingsondag is so oorweldigend dat
Learners at R650 Pick-up & Drop-off GUARANTEED PASSES! TEL: 011 869 7362 WHATSAPP/CELL: 082 839 0521
Deposit Excepted R500
the Island. On D-day of the Island, excitement was in the air. We put on our best beach wear and waited anxiously to be set off to the Island, when suddenly an announcement: “We sadly announce that due to the weather conditions we are unable to visit the Island”, my heart sank, the announcement went on and on about how they are taking pre-cautions not to endanger people’s lives. Then I hear that even on the previous tour the same thing happened, the boat just ‘parked’ on the Portuguese sea but there was no ‘landing’ onto the Island.
ek eers ‘n dag of wat daarna mooi tot verhaal kom. Die paasgebeure bestaan uit so baie mikroverhale. Een daarvan is hoe die dissipels in die aand waarop Jesus gevange geneem is vol vrees en onsekerheid uitmekaar gehardloop het, maar ‘n oogknip later lees ons dat hulle weer bymekaargekom het in ‘n bovertrek. Ons lees hoe dat hulle weer bewus geraak het van Jesus as die Messias. En soos tyd verloop word die warboel en trauma van hulle Paasfees juis die verhaal van God se ingrypende genade. Neem ‘n oomblik om aan jouself te dink in die paasverhaal en hoe jy deur die kruis tot gesant van God omskep is.
tame TIMES
Haai mensies, my verjaarsdag is om die draai! Ek het hierdie jaar vir Gysie gewaarsku dat hy die datum bloot net moet ignoreer, want van oudword wil ek niks weet nie! Miskien sal dit ‘n sielkundige effek op my hê, waar my brein dan glo ek is nog dieselfde ouderdom. Wie weet? Dalk stuit dit die nare oudword in sy spore. Gysie dink ek is onnosel: “ Wat gaan dit nou help? En buitendien, as jy verjaar, verjaar jy. Mens kan die tyd nie keer nie,” sê hy so ewe nostalgies. Ek het die volgende lysie opgestel, wat volgens my die sleutel is tot langer jeugdig bly: • Verbeel jou jy word so oud soos jy wens jy was. Ek glo dat ‘n mens so oud kan wees soos jy voel. Is jou houding in die lewe nie belangriker as die werklike ouderdom nie? Ek glo so. • Wees spontaan en impulsief soos jongmense. • Miskien is dit bietjie drasties om te maak asof jy glad nie verjaar , maar moet nie aanvaar dat die ekstra nommer beteken dat jy nou ouer moet optree nie. • Vra die gaste by jou verjaarsdagfunksie om vir jou te komplimenteer en te beklemtoon hoe jonk en gloeiend jy lyk. Dit is miskien bietjie voor op die wa, maar dit sal jou goed laat voel en dalk as genoeg mense dit sê, sal jy dit aanvaar. • Onthou dat verjaar en oudword nie noodwendig beteken dat jy ‘n jaar minder oorhet om te leef nie, want almal stap ‘n unieke paadjie. Ek gaan hierdie stappe volg op my volgende verjaarsdag en kyk of dit werk. Groetnis!
St Therese Catholic Church Being the month of Mary, the rosary will be prayed at our shrine in the church grounds every Tuesday at 19:30. All welcome! Venue: St Therese Catholic Church, 7 Fick Road Florentia. Contact: 083 335 8445 Die Biltong Man by die Dorpsmark – 3 Mei Tommy die Biltong Man van Ellisras, wil net sy kliënte wat hom altyd ondersteun by sy Amcare stalletjie, in kennis stel dat hy op 3 Mei wildsbiltong en droë wors gaan verkoop by die Dorpsmark in 2de Laan, Florentia by die Redwing Kwekery. As iemand dalk vooraf wil bestellings plaas, is hulle welkom on Annette te skakel by 082 613 1574. Moedersdag Tee – 10 Mei Moedersdag is ‘n viering ter ere van moeders, moederskap, en die invloed van moeders in die samelewing. The Long Fight Against Cancer hou ’n Moedersdag Tee om fondse in te samel vir mammas wat teen kanker baklei. Datum:10 Mei 2014 Tyd: 10:00 – 13:00 Vermaak: Dawie Rotteveel en Metgesel Plek: NG Kerk Brackendal Kaartjies: R100.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting: Sonja Blignaut - 083 411 1754 ; Sonika Schlebusch - 073 884 4775; Mart Olckers - 083 704 2102 of Suryka Pretorius - 084 749 7802. St Catherine’s Founders Day St Catherine’s Founders Day invitation to all past pupils and parents. Date : 16 May Time : 09:30 – 12:30 Place : 31 Piercy Ave, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston Contact: marketing@stcatherines.org. za or 011 827 4102 Brackendal Kunsmark – 17 Mei Stalletjies met handgemaakte items. Mooi goed, ougoed, speelgoed, huisgoed, lekkergoed, nuwe goed en geskenke vir oud en jonk. Kontak: Sonja Tel: 0834111754 Epos: sonblig@gmail.com Tyd: 9:00 – 12:00 Klipwerf Orkes – 7 Junie Die Klipwerf Orkes kom kuier in die Alberton Burgersentrum. Kaartjies is R200 per persoon en sluit ‘n driegang maal in. Fondse gaan aan minder bevoorregte kinders. Kontak Vasthi – 082 379 8685 vir meer inligting en om jou kaartjies te bespreek. Tyd: 18:00
14 April May 2013 29 2014
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Spelers sê dankie
Dinamika se 0/15 hokkie span wil graag vir ICS: Illungile Consulting Services bedank vir die borg van hul hemde. Hoërskool Dinamika se 0/15 hokkie span met hulle geborgde hemde.
Kenton Primary enjoys netball tournament
Kenton Primary’ s U/12 Netball Team participated in the 2014 Margate Sports Tournament earlier in April. 36 Teams from all over the country participated in the tounament, consisting of netball, hockey and rugby. Each netball team
played 5 matches per day at the UGU Sports and Leisure Centre. The days consisted of highly competitive matches and intensive coaching by Louise du Plessis, Coach of the SA Senior Protea Team in New Zealand in 1999, the Commonwealth Games in Manchester 2002, as well as Umpire at many international matches. Callista Pearce from Kenton Primary was awarded a Certificate for the best player in her team. A special thank you to Spur Brackenhurst for meal vouchers, NFAST for tog bags and Driconeq Germiston for water bottles.
Page 13
Brackenhurst Primary excels in sport Brackenhurst Primary School ended their first sportterm on a high note, and more victories are yet to come. In the first term, the school finished second in the Inter Area Athletics Championships, and 12 of their athletes qualified to go through to the Alberton Championships. Jodell Tantijj and Savannah Badendiek both played at the district Netball trials and Jodell Tantijj has made it through to the Gauteng trials. Brackenhurst Primary is also the only Primary School to participate in a high schools Touch Rugby league. All teams from the school won their respective divisions. Their new chess season is starting in the second term and will run through the third term, they will be competing against other schools in the Alberton area. NETBALL TALENT: Jodell Tantijj and Savannah Badendiek played at the district Netball trials.
BRAIN GAMES: The new Brackenhurst Primary junior and senior Chess teams.
29 April 2014
Netbal: Dinamika en NWU Vaal Open Dayso much on offer Marais Viljoen
Op 15 April het die netbalspanne van Hoërskool Dinamika en Hoërskool Marais Viljoen teen mekaar te staan gekom in die Ekurhuleni Distrik Liga. Die 0/14A, 0/16C en 0/19A spanne van
Hoërskool Dinamika het hul wedstryde gewen, en Hoërskool Marais Viljoen se 0/14B, 0/14C, 0/15A, 0/15B, 0/15C, 0/16A, 0/16B, 0/17A, 0/17B, 0/19B spanne het hul wedstryde gewen.
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The popular NWU Vaal Open Day is around the corner. Mark 17 May in your diary, and come visit the Vaal Triangle Campus to get a taste of being a university student. The Open Day is free of charge and offers you the opportunity to learn more about the different study options the University has to offer, and much more. There will be information stalls for all the faculties – Economic Sciences and Information Technology and Humanities. There are more than stalls. You can also ask your questions about all the following aspects of NWU Vaal student life: accommodation in residences, bursaries and loans, how to finance your studies, facilities available for students with disabilities, as well as support services such as the Learning and Research Commons, the Department for Student Counselling and Development (SCD), the Directorate Academic Development and Support (ADS), the Writing Centre, the Reading Centre and the student governing bodies. You can also gather information about the various selection tests and find out which admission requirements are valid for 2014. After you have asked all your questions, you are welcome to go explore the beautiful campus, or you can visit the different residences that will be open for viewing. Come and listen to River FM (the NWU Vaal’s own radio station) broadcast from the
Student Centre or have your picture taken by one of the Student 24/7 journalists. If you are interested in attending NWU Open Day, please visit their Facebook page – NWU Vaal First Years 2015 or send an e-mail to comms@nwu.ac.za (With your name, contact details, school and field of interest). For more information visit www.nwu.ac.za to learn more about the Open Day and the Vaal Triangle Campus.
open day 23 May 2014
09h00 - 11h00 Preschool - Johnstone Rd 09h00 - 13h00 Junior School - Milner Rd 12h00 - 15h00 Senior School - St Andrew’s Ave Find out about our exceptional academic, sporting and cultural achievements. Modern boarding facilities from Grade 8-12. A nurturing environment to facilitate each girl to find her niche. Bus service to and from Northern, Eastern and Southern Suburbs.
St Andrew’s Ave, Senderwood, Johannesburg Tel: 011 453 9408 l www.standrews.co.za
Arrow 21010
22 April 2014
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Dear Julius Malema
SA Police Service vs DA Julius Malema, leader of the EFF.
The SAPS has approached the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) stating their concern about the images of police shooting at a person with the DA’s Gauteng premier candidate Mmusi Maimane voice over which states, “the police are killing our people.” The SABC previously felt that the advert would incite violence and banned it from being broadcast, however after going through consultative processes with the DA and SABC, ICASA managed to broker an agreement which saw the ad back on screen. The SAPS have now thrown their voice behind the banning of the advert through a letter to the SABC informing of their intention
to complain. The DA has quickly pointed out the fact that the police’s complaint falls outside of the 48 hour period provisioned by the rules governing election advertisements. “The law is clear, the regulations are clear, that should be the end of this complaint,” said DA’s Nick Ferreira. The police argue the part of the advert where Maimane says “the police are killing our people” with images of a policeman shooting at a person, would invite violent acts against the members of the SAPS. Do you think the SAPS has a valid concern? Is the DA’s time-frame argument a way of ignoring the real issue? Send us your views at voice@tametimes.co.za .
President meet Ekurhuleni Afrikaans community
President Jacob Zuma with Neil Diamond, ANC Task Team Head Ekurhuleni. Members of the Afrikaans speaking community in Ekurhuleni joined a large group of Afrikaners from across Gauteng at the Voortrekker Monument on Wednesday 23 April. This was a very rare occasion where the President met with the Afrikaans community to discuss nation building and celebrating 20 years of democracy. President Zuma addressed the Afrikaans community as part of the ANC election campaign and run up to Freedom Day celebrations on 27 April marking 20 years of Freedom and Democracy in South Africa. The President said “This momentous
occasion which takes place under the theme South Africa – a better place to live in, is a celebration of what South Africa has achieved as a nation”. Neil Diamond of the ANC suburban task team headed the Ekurhuleni delegation to the Voortrekker Monument. Diamond said it is a privilege as an Afrikaner to hear the President speak on the holy ground of the Afrikaner. “We have come along way since 1994 and I am proud to be an Afrikaans speaking South African,” he said. On this day in 1994, South Africans of all races cast their votes in the first ever democratic election, giving birth to our freedom and constitutional democracy. South Africa has since transformed; we are a people united by our love for our country and our common goal of working towards a better life for all. We celebrate the change that was brought by a people united to attain freedom. Diamond concluded by saying everyone must be encouraged to take the opportunity to celebrate 20 years of freedom and democracy, reflect on the progress we have made as country and work together to move South Africa forward.
Extracts from Gayton McKenzie’s open letter to Julius Malema Julius, you and I are not “revolutionaries”. We both know that. We both shop at the same Louis Vuitton and Gucci shops. We both have watches worth hundreds of thousands. We wear more money on our wrists than a miner at Marikana will ever hold in his hands. This week you had the audacity to say that you wear Louis Vuitton to “inspire the poor”. But the poor get nothing out of you wearing flashy clothes. For people like us to call ourselves revolutionaries is an insult to history’s real revolutionaries. Patrice Lumumba is rolling in his grave. Thomas Sankara wants to get out of his grave and take back his words that have found their way onto your whisky-swilling tongue. If simply wearing a beret makes you a revolutionary then my mum and all her friends have been revolutionaries for far longer than you. When the doors of government’s treasury were slammed in your face you went immediately to the poor with your cap in hand, promising them the world, when you needed their money to pay for your tax problems. You want to nationalise the mines, but that will take huge amounts of public money to sustain, with no guarantees of profit… Nationalisation is not woodwork. Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla upgrade was wrong
on all fronts. But you also took taxpayers’ money to demolish a R3 million house in order to build a R16 million house in Sandton. Your own EFF commissar Andile Mngxitama criticised you for this very thing three years ago You speak to no one with respect. Anyone who disagrees with you must know that a choice insult is already on its way from you. When the Public Protector went for you, you had nothing good to say about her. When the same Public Protector went for Jacob Zuma and Pansy Tlakula, you hailed her work. How stupid do you think we are? Most of your erstwhile comrades in the ANC remain too scared to say anything against you, because they know that they stole with you, right alongside you. You know all their secrets. You are inculcating an attitude of taking instead of contributing and working. Our youth do not need that Our youth need to be empowered educationally and financially to grow this country. For most of my younger years I was surrounded by conmen and thieves. But you are the biggest thief I ever met. You, truly, are the Con-mander in Thief. I wish Kenny would take South Africa into his confidence over the real reasons why he left EFF. Yours truly Gayton McKenzie, Patriotic Alliance President
Is Gryton’s letter a desperate attempt for relevance or do you think he is sincere? Send us your views at voice@tametimes.co.za
SABC rejects EFF TV advert
Meanwhile in another TV advertisement related squabble, The SABC has denied banning an advert of the Economic Freedom Fighters, saying that the advert was not banned but had in fact been rejected on the grounds that the advert incited violence. “We did not ban the advert, we rejected the advert; there is a difference,” public broadcaster spokesperson Kaiser Kganyago said, “they submitted it, we looked at it, and we found that we couldn’t put it on air.” Kganyago explained that among other things, the slogan “destroy e-tolls physically”
Build up to elections 2014: see next week for more.
used on the advert incited violence. Julius Malema said the SABC should allow people to judge for themselves which party to vote for instead of banning advertisements. According to Malema the advert was meant to be aired on 20 April, but it was not and blamed the SABC’s decision on the fact that EFF was not ANC; an allegation which Kganyago denied.
29 April 2014
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Gavin 082 823 2440 083 708 6050 r7000 vir die week.
Die NG Kerk in Brackendal is tans op soek na die dienste van ‘n orrelis en musiekbegeleier vi ons oggend en aanddienste. Iemand om die musiekleiding te neem binne die gemeente. Die persoon moet ‘n klein sanggroep kan afrig vir optredes tydens erediense en Sondagaande die jeug kan bystaan met orkes begeleiding, asook enige ad-hoc versoeke. Tel: 011 900 3556 Fax: 086 600 6137
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TRUCK FRIDGE MECHANIC Specialising in Thermo King & Carriers. Minimum 5yrs experience. E-mail C.V. to Lauren: vulindlelaacc@ gmail.com
7016 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTEd Jane Sleep in/out Full time 073- 680- 3082 Anastacia Sleep out Full time 078- 616- 4149 Mirriam Sleep in Full time 079- 447- 9240
Win a Mother’s Day hamper for your Mom! All you need to do is visit www.tametimes.co.za and register as a Citizen Journalist and upload a photo of you and your Mom along with your favourite saying from your Mom!
Mother’s Day hamper includes • Cut, blow-dry and ½ head of foils from B’dazzled hair valued at R750. • Back & neck massage from Niki (the beautician at B’dazzled Hair) valued at R250. • A hair product hamper valued at R600. • A hamper from On Time Arrangements valued at R200 - consisting of a 25cm Plush Chilli Character, Lindt Chilli Chocolate and Ferrero Rocher chocolates. • A R500 gift voucher from On Time Arrangments to be used for flowers or hampers or towards flower arranging classes.
Total prize value : R2300
Maria Sleep out Part time 072- 222- 3574
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Swimming is a key life skill! Our children are our most precious gifts and as parents we want to make sure that they healthy and gina@littleducks.co.za are always happy, SAFE! Office: 011 435 2381 | Gina: 083 241 8825
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English Medium School: Baby - Gr R
Ladies & Children Cnr Chelverton & Asher Streets, Alan Manor, Mondeor, 2091
011 941 1211 011 941 1212/76
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We offer jumping castles, tables and chairs, p/packs, cakes and cupcakes. We deliver.
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* Open from 06h00 – 18h00. * Transport provided. * After school supervised homework. * The school is licensed and registered with the Gauteng Health Departments. * Entire School has 24 hour CCTV monitoring
Contact Christina 011 683 7448 / 082 404 1777 076 733 1595 24 De Villiers Street, Turffontein.
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29 April 2014
Seeff Easter Sports & family Real wild life experience Festival: 8000 attendees
* Photo taken by Darryl Putter Photography. Thanks to Waterstone College and Seeff the south has been the talk of many people and all for good reasons. The Seeff Easter Sports and Family Festival was a great success with a total of 8000 people attending. The two day festival that took place on 19 April and 21 April at Waterstone College had live music, sport, food, a craft market as well as kiddies entertainment. With hot artists like Matthew Mole and Shaun Jacobs performing, the festival could only be thriving. Other artists that entertained the crowds were Justin Serrao, Adam Fantastic, Faz and the Firecrackers as well as Waterstone College school band to name but a few. The
acrobatic air show also proved to be popular with everyone. Over 600 soccer players and netballers participated. Grey College from Bloemfontein defeated Waterstone College in the final of both the U/15 and U/19 competitions, while Waterstone beat Mondeor in the U/19 netball final. Michael Darby, Waterstone College Director said, “We would love to thank the 8000 people who attended over the two days, as well as all the sponsors who made the event possible. We look forward to welcoming the participating schools back, with some new teams too, in Easter 2015.”
* Photo taken by Darryl Putter Photography.
Laurelle Williams @laurellewilliam twitter.com
NOW OPEN: Clr Chris Vondo cuts the ribbon to the Animals of the Amazon at Joburg Zoo.
Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo’s latest offering has taken a visit to the zoo to new heights. Not only will they have access to a Big 5 experience but the opportunity of a very close but safe encounter with Amazonian reptiles, primates, fish and amphibians from south and central America – an experience very rarely seen in the wild. The media launch took place last week where MMC for Community Development, Clr Chris Vondo, officially opened the Animals of the Amazon exhibit. As media got out of their cars they were welcomed by the roaring of the lions, they then soaked up the morning sun and got to experience the Amazon first hand. The completion of the Mayan-themed exhibition centre is spell bounding. The breath-taking showpiece commences with colourful and captivating exhibits of gigantic Yellow anacondas, Amazon-tree boa constrictors, Honduran Milk snakes, Columbian rainbow Boa’s followed by a tour through a breathe- taking aquarium boasting grinning Pacu showing their full set of teeth swimming with other red-data fish species. This leads into the arachnids section that boasts Curly-hair tarantulas, Costarican tiger rump spiders, green iguana, Seba shorttailed bats, moustached Emperor Tamarin monkeys and the commonly referred to, ‘Jesus Christ lizard’ which has the ability to run on the surface of water. Frogs also rule, with the Poison dart frog and Black and Green and Blue dart frogs, a seasoned photographer’s dream come true.
Many of the species seen at the Animals of the Amazon exhibit are on the World Conservation Unions (IUCN) red data listing due to the threats of climate change, irresponsible farming and the disruption of their natural habitat for commercialization. Clr Vondo went on to say, “The Animals of the Amazon exhibit will also afford schools, the public and tertiary medical institutions the opportunity to study the exotic animalspecies and provide residents, many of whom will probably never get the opportunity to see these species in the natural habitat, the once-in-a-lifetime experience to view these amazing exhibits.” Another highlight of the day was visiting Joburg’s Zoo new arrival, Forest, the African leopard. With him added to the Zoo’s family, they can boast to have the Big 5 at the zoo. It was only Forest’s second day in the enclosure so at first he was very shy but then came out and made all the photographers day by striding up and down for all to see his magnificent beauty.
29 April 2014
tame TIMES
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101 years of experience Renault Team Germiston Meet Team Germiston
Ndu Ngwenya
ndu@tametimes.co.za With a combined industry experience of over 100 years, Team Germiston has all the expertise to assist clients with all the intricate decision-making which can be associated with purchasing a motor vehicle and the service and maintenance thereof. The management team at McCarthy Renault Germiston; fondly known as Team Germiston, manages the dealership on the corner of Refinery Road and Jack Road under the leadership of Jenny Duvenage with passion and an unwavering loyalty towards the customer. Team Germiston is geared towards making all current and future customer experiences at all levels smooth and painless.
Jenny Duvenage has been in the motor industry for 30 years in which she has diligently executed responsibilities linked to the various positions she has held over the years. Today as the Jenny Duvenage Dealer Principal at McCarthy Germiston, Jenny captains Team Germiston and is dedicated to making sure that the team remains sharp and clear on the objective which is customer satisfaction. What Jenny Duvenage adds to the team: aside from the industry knowledge and experience which capacitates the training and development of team members, Jenny believes in positive management, not being unnecessarily overbearing, but being there to help direct the team towards reaching its full potential. Jenny believes the 200250 (retail and fleet) units sold monthly is an indicator that the team is moving in the correct direction. Customers can be assured of: Competitive deals, care and understanding. A customer centred experience driven by an understanding of the customers motoring needs and backed by years of experience.
Trevor has been in vehicle sales since 1997. Having won the prestigious Club of Diamonds (Renault SA Award) since 2008, Trevor believes his experience works in proTREVOR MOHAN viding motivation, positivity and energy. Over the past 17 years he has grown to be a team player and professional deal maker. What Trevor adds to the team: As the founder of the name “Team Germiston,” Trevor believes in his coined acronym TEAMTogether Everyone Achieves More. Customers can be assured of: dedicated and committed to excellent customer service. The best deal for the customer at all cost. “I believe diamonds are formed under pressure and that’s what we sell; Diamonds, Renaults.” JP has been in the industry since 2009 and over the five years has learned the value of customer satisfaction. What JP adds to the team: as believer in people satisfacJP Mathee tion and leading from the front, JP seeks to motivate and lead by example. Customers can be assured of: The extra mile. Purchasing a car is a big decision, JP believes the client must be afforded the all the necessary time and effort. “Without people we have no business”
Jaco has been in car sales since 1998 and has a wealth of experience collected over his 16 years in the industry What Jaco adds to the team: ExperiJACO DE VILLIERS ence, motivation and the will to sell. Customers can be assured of: Good service. A relationship orientated approach to sales and assurance that every query will be dealt with as an individual query. “It’s not about making money now but building lasting relationships” Theunis’ experience in service spans over 33 years in which he has picked up valuable experience and knowledge through various positions and responsiTHEUNIS KRUGER bilities. What Theunis adds to the team: Experience and knowledge Customers can be assured of: Customer service in line with the customer service index (CSI) “Loyalty is everything; if one is not loyal to the company going to work will be a nightmare. And loyalty also spills over to how we deal with customers”
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tame TIMES
29 April 2014
Goue Leeus wys veggees Stephanie Conradie
Ruaan Lerm druk ‘n drie vir die Goue Leeus. Alberton Rugby Club het Saterdag vir goeie vermaak gesorg toe hulle die Vodacom Cup wedstryd tussen die Goue Leeus en die Steval Pumas aangebied het. Die Pumas het die eerste helfte domineer en hul bonus-punt drie na net 29 minute se spel gedruk. Met ‘n halftyd telling van 38-5, in die Pumas se guns, het dit gelyk of die Goue Leeus nie meer ‘n kans staan nie.
Die Leeus het die tweede helfte egter volstoom begin toe flank Stephan de Witt binne die eerste 5 minute die tweede drie vir die Leeus gaan druk. Voordat die Pumas hul laaste drie vir die wedstryd kon druk het die Goue Leeus se Ruaan Lerm, Hugo Kloppers en Ruhan Nel nog drie drieë gaan druk. Willie du Plessis kon egter net een van die vyf doelskoppe tussen die pale deur skop.
Junior rugby The Alberton Junior Rugby Club has already started practicing for the 2014 season. All juniors (age 8 – 18) are welcome to join the club. They practice on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 18:00 at the Alberton Rugby Club. Contact Lukas Swart at 082 854 3680 for more information.
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Met ‘n eindtelling van 48 – 27 het die Pumas as wenners weggestap, maar die Goue Leeus het hul veggees in die tweede helfte bewys. Die Leeus se lynstaanwerk was ook baie goed en het die Steval Pumas se lynstaan goed ontwrig. Op 3 Mei speel die Goue Leeus in die kwartfinaal teen die Cell C Haaie XV op Kings Park in Durban, en hul veggees sal saam met hulle daarheen toer.
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Aberton Athletic Club time trial results 2 km Ladies: Chenel Labuschagne 9.33, Marika Ackermann 9.52, Courtney Sequira 10.30, Ansone Bezuidenhout 12.04, Nicole Gilogley 13.14. 4 km Ladies: Tania Blignaut 16.46, Lynn Dunn 19.29, Tarryn Honeyman 19.29, Sarah Roffe 20.40, Judy Van Dyk 21.03, Shene Swart 23.21, Jenny Swart 24.34, Michelle Webster 30.05. 2 km Men: Ethan Hartsink 9.12, Werner Dunn 10.00, Luke Hartsink 10.14, Jamie Gilogley 10.31, Wilfred Hartsink 11.07. 4 km Men: Sifiso Ngcobo 13.06, Arthur Beeming Jnr 14.57, Michael Harbinson 14.57, Avril Barkhuizen 15.54, Paulus Jacobs 15.58, Kobus Aucamp 16.28, Andries Venter 17.17, Alan Bezuidenhout 18.15, Rynhardt Bezuidenhout 18.36, Chris Lotter 19.48, Warren George 21.02, Koos Coetzee 22.34, Dave Johnson 34.14. 8 km Men: Andre Venter 27.55, Michael BrandonKirby 30.30, Niel Cillie 31.50, Johan Van Tonder 32.34, Andre Cosso 37.02, Gavin Pansegrouw 38.56.