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two time winner of the annual Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media

A FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS Volume 05, 03 June 2014, Week 23

Delivered every Tuesday

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Bracken High shows support Stephanie Conradie

The learners of Bracken High School show their support towards the missing Nigerian Girls. The kidnapping of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls on 14 April has made worldwide headlines. Bracken High School learners recently assembled together during their breaks to create awareness of the plight suffered by the girls who were abducted by a militant group, Boko Haram, from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. Bracken High learners also

signed the petitions submitted by the Gauteng Department of Education. Boko Haram militants swept into Chibok and abducted the 276 girls from the school. While 57 escaped, according to the state government, most are still missing, and Boko Haram has threatened to sell them “in the market.” The campaign #BringBackOurGirls has

taken over social media platforms as well as news platforms. It has been trending on Twitter for almost two months now, and on Facebook more than 211 000 people ‘Liked’ the Bring Back Our Girls page. On Monday 26 May, the Nigerian government’s chief of defense staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, said that they had found

the girls but they could not tell the parents where they were and that they cannot use force to rescue them. From 26 May – 1 June South Africans supported Child Protection Week to raise awareness around the rights of children as articulated in the Children’s Act of 2005. See page 12 for more.

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Toastmaster champions New champions were crowned at the Alberton Toastmasters Annual Club Competition. Veli Ndaba won the English International Speech Contest and Ronnie Martin won the Evalution Contest. At the area competition Veli came in third and Ronnie in second when competing in their respective competitions. If you are interested in honing your skills in listening, thinking and speaking, contact Wendy Losper at wendylosper@ or on 083 655 1916.


A Note from the Children are gifts to this world, in the Bible Jesus also says “Let the children come to me and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.” Last week was National Child Protection Week, and we were exposed to many incidents where children were abused and neglected. We need to realise that children are a gift to this world and it is our duty and responsibility to look after them. More on Child Protection Week on page 12. I urge you to report any child abuse incidents that you know of. Blessings

Inkleurpret by die Dros

MASTERS: Veli Ndaba and Ronnie Martin

Veterinary Nurse wanted The Alberton SPCA seeks the services of a Veterinary Nurse who is registered with SAVC. The primary function will be humane euthanasia. Please forward your CV to by 15 June. Any applications after this date will not be considered.

TOP 10: Die top inkleurders Dros in Alberton het hul tweede inkleurkompetisie deur April en Mei gehou en op 28 Mei is die wenners gekies. Die top tien beste inkleurders is na die Dros genooi vir die groot trekking, derde plek was ‘n R100 bewys, tweede plek was ‘n R300 bewys en die wenner, Su-Rika Roos (tweede van links) het met kamp toerusting weggestap.

Distribution: Alberton: 35 000 JHB South: 24 500 Bedfordview & Germiston South: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Stephanie Conradie

Journalist: Amy-Mae Campbell Production Manager: Stephen Davey Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 Shane Stander 071 671 7264 Mike Muller: 083 463 9107

Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 10 June 2014 Deadline: Thursday 5 June 2014 at 14:00 FInd us on Twitter and Facebook

Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.

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Fire hydrant still not fixed

DANGER:The open hole. For two years the Fire Hydrant in Illovo Street, Brackendowns, has been leaking water, and the Ekurhuleni Municipality shows no interest to repair the leak. After continuous complaints from residents, someone finally came out two weeks ago, but they only pumped the water out of the (almost 10 feet deep) hole. The next day it was filled with water again. “This is unsafe, unhealthy and unpleasant,� one of the residents said. There is a similar hole like this in Mayberry Park as well, and residents in the area told tame TIMES that multiple bodies has been removed from the hole. Ekurhuleni Customer Care Area Manager, Stephen Notwha, was not available to comment on this matter.

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03 June 2014

Green fundis: Enter Eskom eta Awards For 25 years Eskom has been encouraging energy efficiency by celebrating those who have made substantial savings in their businesses, homes, schools and communities through the Eskom eta Awards. The 2014 awards are now open and Eskom wants you to enter! If you are a clean energy innovator or a homeowner who has reduced your household consumption by installing energy efficient technologies this could be your chance to win big. Eskom believes that good work in this area

should be rewarded which is why winners could take home a whopping R30 000 and runners up the tidy sum of R5000. Finalists also receive wide-spread publicity on their projects in an effort to share their innovative work and encourage others to follow suit. Entries can be submitted in the following eight categories: industrial, commercial, young designers, innovation, residential, energy efficiency awareness, and community and energy savings in households. Get cracking and ensure your entries reach

Eskom before 8 August 2014. To learn more, visit the eta Awards website: or email am@ In addition to the Eskom eta Awards, this year the Energy Efficient Lighting Design Competition is running. Eskom is challenging engineers, interior designers, DIY-homeowners and other artistic souls to design (and build) a lamp prototype that not only works, but makes use of energy-efficient technology, such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), light-

emitting diodes (LEDs), fibre optic, or any energy-efficient lighting system or product suitable for residential application. The prize value is R200 000 in three categories, namely for students, professionals and secondary school learners. The closing date for entries is 15 August 2014 and this year’s theme is ‘Celebrating 20 years of democracy.’ For more information on specifications, evaluation criteria and entry forms, visit, or send an e-mail to

EPIC Foundation receives epic award

A New York dream

On 27 May, Thaba Ya Batswana hosted their annual Mountain Tea, where they also rewarded the EPIC Foundation with the Community Award. The founder of the EPIC Foundation, Alta McMaster, explained that they help people that find themselves in any crisis. “We want to help rape victims and people in shelters, we even help young girls, who can’t afford dresses for their matric farewell,” she said.

An aspiring young model, Tieghan Ann Griffin-Coetzer from Alberton, is the youngest contestant to qualify for the International Modelling and Talent Association (IMTA) Convention in New York taking place in July. Tieghan participated in The National Intern Finals for Figures Models SA that took place on 17 May. The first three places of Figures models are sponsored to go to New York. Tieghan came in fourth at the event, the result being an official invite to attend the IMTA Convention in July. “It has been an incredible journey and I have watched my child become a confident loving young lady. She really is excited to be in the running for the IMTA Convention. It is a tremendous honour to be chosen to go and it says a lot about her future potential as a model to be chosen as the youngest contestant,” Emma Griffin-Coetzer commented on her daughter’s journey thus far. Tieghan is now looking for sponsorship to make this dream become reality. If you are an interested in sponsoring this young model to go to New York, contact Emma Griffin-Coetzer at 084 588 1080 or .

HUMBLENESS: Reuben Louw, Co-owner at Thaba Ya Batswana, with Alta McMaster, founder of the EPIC Foundation.

DREAM BIG: Tieghan Ann Griffin-Coetzer, the youngest contestant to qualify for the IMTA Convention in New York.

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Ek en Gysie het hierdie naweek besluit dat dit hoog tyd is om by ‘n gym aan te sluit! Ons belowe ons kinders elke maand dat ons van plan is om aan te sluit, maar ons kom net nie daarby uit nie. Om een of ander rede klink die idee van oefen nie altyd opwindend nie; veral as mens al ‘n heupvervanging agter die rug het. Maar nou-ja, Gysie se hartaanval ‘n paar jaar gelede het my laat besef dat ons plan moet maak. Ongelukkig sal Gysie nie ver vorder op sy eie nie, so ek het ingestem om saam met hom te dieet. Ons het nou al besef dat van uitstel net afstel kom, so ek het Gysie hierdie naweek by die gym in gesleep. Om

die hele proses nog meer humoristies te maak, dring die instrukteur daarop aan dat ek en Gysie onsself weeg en op ‘n gevorderde rekenaarprogram aandui hoe gereeld ons oefen. Tussen af en toe, gereeld en “couch potatoe” is Gysie toe heel vernederd om die laaste opsie te kies. Wie is ons om vir die instrukteur te lieg? Hy hoef net een kyk te gee om te weet dat ons twee nie lief is vir enige vorm van moeite nie. Ons sal maar sien hoe dit gaan, maar ek is trots op ons vordering! Tip: Van uitstel kom afstel. As jy weet dat daar belangrike planne is waarby jy en jou metgesel nog moet uitkom, kry dit so gou moontlik gedoen. Die eerste tree is altyd die moeilikste, maar daarna is die bal darem aan die rol gesit.

Barmhartige Samaritaan Mnr. Tienie Herbst skryf: Ek was onlangs betrokke in ‘n erge ongeluk op die hoek van Clinton en Padstow Strate. Die personeel van die Clinton hospitaal het baie spoedig reageer en my gehelp. Ek wil net graag baie dankie sê aan Dr. R. Maloney en die personeel van Clinton Hospitaal se ongevalle afdeling. Hulle het my voorwaar op die hande gedra en hulle was baie

vriendelik en hoflik, ek dank hulle ook vir hulle professionele hulp. Ek dank ook my Vader Skepper, Koning van konings, dat Hy my lewe gespaar het. Baie dankie ook aan die Alberton Suid gemeente dat hulle my in hul gebede gehou het. Ek is ewig dankbaar.

NG Brackendal sê dankie NG Brackendal wil baie dankie sê aan die Alberton gemeenskap en tame TIME lesers vir die wonderlike ondersteuning by hul kunsmark op die 17 Mei. Daar was omtrent 30 stalletjies gewees - die een met mooier goed as die ander ‘n ware lus vir die oog en sommer net ‘n fantastiese lekker kuier oggend. Daar was soveel versoeke dat hulle die mark weer moet hou en dit word beplan vir die nabye toekoms. JOLLIFIKASIE: Die kunsmark was ‘n lekker saamkuier oggend

Richard Holberson, ‘n Pastoor van die Presbyterian Church in Amerika het oor die ontwikkeling van Christendom die volgende tydslyn geskets: “Christianity started on Palestinian soil as a relationship with a man who had the name Jesus. It moved over onto Greek soil and it became a philosophy. It proceded further onto Roman soil and it was made into an institution. It came to British soil and it became a culture. When it got to American soil it was made into an enterprize.

tame TIMES Free Tax Workshops - June The South African Revenue Service would like to invite all interested parties to a series of free tax education sessions to be held at the Alberton Branch Office. Income Tax Intermediate – 10 June, 09:00 – 11:00 VAT Intermediate – 17 June, 09:00 – 11:00 E-filing (Individuals) – 24 June, 9:00 – 11:00 Food & Crafters Stalls -Winter Night Markets Spa gifts and prices for dad – dance floor open. Dates: 6 June, 4 July and 1 August Time: 18:00 – 21:30 Venue: The Roadhouse – Live Band Contact: or landline 087 751 3868. Jeugtalent Optrede – 6 Junie Jeugtalent optrede met Colla Voce Jeugkoor, Inge Kuhn, Willie Naude, Tiaan Strauss, Karolien Lempke, Manus Kleynhans en Dewald Henning – vind plaas by die NG Kerk Alberton Suid. Op die hoek van Phantom en Goldwing straat,. Kostes: R100.00 per persoon . Tyd: 18:30 vir 19:00 Kontak: 083 232 0359 Die Biltongman by die Dorpsmark – 7 Junie Tommy die Biltongman van Ellisras sal weer wildsbiltong & droeë wors verkoop, Saterdag 7 Junie vanaf 9:00 tot 13:00, by die Dorpsmark te Redwing Kwekery, 2de Laan, Florentia. Hoop om u daar te sien. Vir verdere navrae of om bestellings te plaas kontak Annette 082 613 1574.

Ons het pas Hemelvaart gevier en gaan binnekort Pinksterfees vier, beide feeste wat baie naby verbind is aan die persoon van Christus Jesus. Beide feeste wat gedenk dat die verlossingswerke van Jesus vir Sy kerk versoening gebring het, maar ook beide feeste wat ten diepste elkeen wat in Hom glo op ‘n persoonlike vlak met die persoon van Jesus verbind. Hemelvaart en Pinkster vier God se ingryping in die wêreld, maar ook is dit die feeste wat vier dat ek en jy Sy kerk is deur die inwerking van Sy Gees. Geniet die fees.

Alberton SPCA Potjie Competition – 7 June A Potjie Competition to be hosted at Alberton Cricket and Hockey Club from 13:00 till late. All proceeds will be split between the hosts and Alberton SPCA. 2 people per team, R100 per team and potjie will be sold at R40 per plate. There will be 3 judges from each NPO. For more information contact 011 907 1568. SPCA Outreach Program in Thokoza – 8 June Alberton SPCA will be running an Outreach Program in Thokoza on 8 June from 10:00

03 June 2014 – 14:00. Giving animals leads, collars, blankets, kennels and bowls Animal dipping / Tick and flea powdering / Shoo Fly Giving food Rabies vaccinations and deworming Educating the community on how to care for their animals For this program The SPCA is asking the general public to assist with donations of any of the above items and invite any VETS to come through and assist them on this day if possible? They will also accept cash donations for this cause for spaying / neutering, micro-chipping, tagging animals in need. Broken Wings ladies tea – 28 June Broken Wings Association for Adults with Disabilities is having a Ladies Tea in June and Manuel Escorcio will be performing live. Make sure to wear your prettiest or craziest shoes. Date: 28 June Time: 10:00 Cost: R100 per person Venue: Alberton Civic Centre, Alwyn Taljaard Avenue, Alberton Contact: Marietjie on 011 869 3415 Country dag – 7 Junie Maritza Botha ‘n oud leerling van Hoërskool Marias Viljoen het breinskade opgedoen na ‘n nek operasie. In 2004 Maritza was in a car accident. The impact caused an upper back and neck injury. She was in constant pain for 7 years until a surgeon at PTA EAST Netcare presented a solution. Maritza (Ritzy) was desperate for pain relieve and agreed to the operation.‘n Fondsinsameling saam met As a result of her brain injury, Maritza was retrenched. So, in an effort to ensure she gets the best possible care, we are raising funds to cover her medical expenses that the medical aid is not covering to give her a change for a full recovery. Clive Bruce, Juan Boucher, Colin Dee, Ampie Volschenck, Herbie van Herbie and Spence, Roelf du Plooy, Yolandi Oberholser word op 7 Junie gehou. Alle fondse word aan die ‘Ritzy Rehab Fund’ geskenk. Kontant kroeg, Hamburgers en Worsrolle, kamp stoele welkom. Pryse vir best dressed couple. Tyd: 14:00 Plek: 2 Shy, 5 Drift Road, Kliprivier GPS: 26° 25’ 28’’S 28° 5’ 50’’E R50 per persoon Kontak: Cindy 082 920 1992

Reward offered for lost ring I write this letter hoping for a miracle. I lost my husband on 1 February this year, which left me bereaved and heartbroken. On 3 May we would have celebrated our 56th wedding anniversary. To add to my sorrow and heartache I lost my engagement ring that is of great sentimental value to me, somewhere in the Brackenhurst or Alberton area. I pray with all my heart that the person that found it will see this letter and please kindly contact me at tel: 011 900 2681. There will be a reward for the founder.

send your notices to:

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Failed armed robbery leaves one injured Stephanie Conradie On 28 May an armed robbery took place in Charl Cilliers Street in Alberton North. The 42-year-old victim was followed from the Standard Bank by three armed males in a white GTI. The victim was shot in his legs with a .45 ACP hand gun and taken to hospital by Netcare 911. The robbers fled the scene without the money as they grabbed the wrong bag from the victim’s vehicle. The victim’s 17-year-old daughter was an eyewitness, but could not see the robbers’ faces or the vehicle registration number. An unknown neighbour contacted the Alberton SAPS who arrived at the scene shortly after the incident.

Domestic workers unite against crime On Sunday 18 May the Alberton SAPS ran a crime awareness campaign in Verwoerdpark. Domestic workers from the area joined forces with the Police, and distributed pamphlets from door to door with safety tips on hijackings, children’s safety at home and in public places and housebreakings. This Social Crime Prevention project was organised by Sgt Mgedezi supported by Communication officer Sgt Nkuna, Sector Manager W/O Ngobeni and the Acting Vispol Commander Captain Matlou. The Acting Station Commander Lt Col Maswanganyi thanked all the officers and the domestic workers for taking time on a Sunday to commit and helping to fight crime.

Flying Squad arrests drug suspects The Alberton SAPS Flying Squad managed to arrest six suspects on drug-related crimes on Friday 23 May. Dagga and Nyaope, to the value of around R800, was found on the suspects. All the suspects were arrested at Phumula after observing them from a distance. The Acting Station Commander Lt Colonel Maswanganyi thanked everyone for their effort in keeping Alberton area drug free and again appealed to the community to keep those tips coming.

FIGHTING CRIME: Captain Matlou (left back) and W/O Ngobeni (in the striped blue shirt) with the domestic workers of Verwoerdpark who participated in the awareness campaign.

Missing person

BUST: Arresting officers Sgt M.P. Hlela, Const S.S. Zulu, Capt F.R. Mathebula(commander), Sgt B. Makuleni and Sgt E.S. Khumalo with the six suspects.

Farewell Col Arikum Fox Security For the past year Col Arikum served her duties at Brackendowns SAPS, and as of 2 June she resumed her duties at the Elsburg SAPS. Last Thursday Col Arikum received the Woman in Leadership in Law Enforcement Award, at the ceromony hosted at Gold Reef City. It is with a heavy heart that Brackendowns bid Col Arikum has taken over at Elsburg her farewell, all the best SAPS for the future. Later in June Col van Vuuren from Alberton will take over the reigns in Brackendowns.

hunts copper thief

On 21 May, around 16:35, Reaction and Tactical Officers of Fox Security working in Meyersdal noticed a man in Grey Villea Street running with a bag. The man was confronted by the reaction officers and it was discovered that the bag contained 32 x 30cm pieces of new copper water pipes. The suspect admitted that he did steal the copper pipes from his work place. The suspect was detained at Brackendowns SAPS for possession of suspected stolen property.

THE PROOF: The stolen copper pipes

Christopher Robin Holmes (known as Chris) is 22 years old. He was last seen on 18 May at around 15:00 in 6th Avenue, Alberton North. He was wearing black jeans, black/white jacket and black bed shoes. He is a slender white male with short dark hair and brown eyes. He has piercings in both ears and have tattoos on both his hands. Contact Sgt Buthelezi at the Alberton SAPS on 078 23 2995 or 011 861 6800.

CPF Tips - Avoid being followed from the bank The Alberton CPF would like to urge people to follow these safety tips when leaving a bank: - When you go to the bank, make an appointment in a safe area where you are not seen by the public. - Request assistance from your security company or the CPF to escort you home. - Do not draw large sums of cash. Rather use internet or cellphone banking or do an EFT transfer inside the bank. - Always watch out for suspicious characters inside or outside the bank. - When leaving the bank ensure that you are not being followed.

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Hoërskool Alberton: Top sport onnies Onderwysers van Hoërskool Alberton het onlangs verskeie sport prestasies bereik.

Mev. L. Coston is aangestel as die 0/18B Oos-Gauteng Hokkiespan bestuurder.

Mnr. Zac Aucamp is aangestel as die afrigter vir die Leeus 0/19 span.

Mnr. C. Basson is aangestel as die 0/19 Goue Leeus Skolespan se spanbestuurder.

Dinamiese gemeenskapsopdrag Stephanie Conradie Hoërskool Dinamika se Graad 10 groep moes onlangs ‘n Lewensoriëntering opdrag uitvoer waar hulle ‘n verskil in ‘n gemeenskap maak. Die leerders is in groepe van 11 ingedeel en moes tussen hulle besluit wat hul projek gaan wees. Een van die groepe het besluit om die Moffatview Voedingskema in Johannesburg Suid te ondersteun. “Ons het gehoor dat hier mense in nood is en ons het toe besluit om hulle te help. As jy hulle omstandighede sien dan waardeer jy wat jy het,” het Jason van der Merwe, een van die leerder gesê, “hierdie is nou meer as net ‘n skool projek vir ons”. Dié Voedingskema het twee jaar gelede begin en, onder leiding van Vicky Sepp, voer hulle kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 18 maande tot 15 Jaar oud. Drie maal per week maak hulle seker die kinders kry ‘n gebalanseerde ete van proteïne, stysel en groente. Die 11 leerders van Dinamika het gehelp kos voorberei, hulle het met die kinders gespeel, hul gesigte geverf en ook vir hul pakkies met speelgoed en lekkers daarin gemaak.

03 June 2014

Bracken High hosts rugby day

LINE OUT: Lock Tristan competes for the ball. Bracken High School hosted Highlands North for Golden Lions rugby matches on Saturday 24 May. Bracken High won two out of three matches. Congratulations to the Bracken and Highlands North rugby boys for demonstrating great sportsmanship on the day.

Allie speel netbal vir Gauteng

Auditions: Cantare Children’s Choir

Die leerders besig om kos voor te berei.

Auditions will be taking place from 4 June 20 June. Come and join this internationally recognised choir. For appointments contact 011 9085616 or 073 232 0941.

Baie geluk aan Yvonne Ndima van Hoërskool Alberton wat die 0/18 Gauteng Netbalspan gehaal het. Mooi so Yvonne.

03 June 2014

Ekurhuleni medium term budget speech

Ndu Ngwenya Clr Moses Makwakwa (MMC for Finance) gave his Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework budget speech for the 2014/2016 to 2016/2017 periods, the speech was delivered at the Ekurhuleni’s Germiston Council Chambers on Thursday 29 May. This was a speech which was accepted by the ANC and NFP while the DA found it was not acceptable as, according to several speakers, it ignored the real issues. Clr Makwakwa noted this speech as one to be remembered as it falls in the same year that we celebrate 20 years of South Africa’s democracy. He also thanked the South African public who showed their faith in the ANC during the Country’s May 7 Election. According to the Finance MMC, the Med-Term budget has been crafted to address, among other things, sustainable and continual service delivery, acceleration of service delivery in areas where there were none, creating an environment which advances the City’s objective of being the preferred destination for growth and development. The speech highlighted a few advances by the City, including: the findings of the South African Cities Network State of the City Report, which found Ekurhuleni to be part of the five largest Metros which account for 60% of the national economy, and Moody’s Credit Rating Agency showing confidence in the City by maintaining its Aa3za grading. The expenditure budget for the period 2014/15 is R28 Billion and will be informed by the following contributors; R4 billion from assessments rates, R12 billion from electricity sales, R1 billion from refuse collection, R4 billion from water and sanitation, R5 billion from government grants and R2 billion from other revenue. Tariff increases which will affect Ekurhuleni’s residents over the same period are as follows: 7.5% on assessment rates, maximum of 7.6% on electricity, an increase of 8.1% on water, 8% on sanitation, a maximum of 7.1% on residential refuse removal while the increase for businesses will be 6%. In terms of the spending of the budget, the City’s plan factors in the following: R10 billion for bulk water, electricity, and sewer services, R2 billion for repairs and maintenance, R5 billion for personnel costs, R1 billion as a provision for bad debts, R2 billion for depreciation, and R8 billion for general and grant expenditure.

Finance MMC:Clr Moses Makwakwa.

the glen

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Fn i ance

From savings despair to dream holiday delight – R100 at a time

Saving means different things to different people. But for most South Africans, the word still conjures up negative sentiments such as grudge, guilt and despair. That’s because savings automatically translates into a sense of self-deprivation. There seems to be a notion that one first has to give up a certain item of luxury or reward in order to free up money to save. But this needn’t be the case, and saving can in fact become a part of your life, with minimal effort. How can you achieve this? … Suggests you either jot down your daily shopping purchases as you make them, or assess your bank statements at the end of the month. In this way you can best see where you’re spending your money. This exercise is likely to shock you when you see exactly how much you’re spending, and where your hard-earned money is going. While many consumers complain that they don’t have any money to spare at the end of the month, they will often easily spend money on non-essential items. A couple of Steers burgers in a month would set you back say R200, you’ll buy a new pair of shoes on sale for R200, you’ll pick up a quick take-away coffee on your way to work, and of course the latest CD by your favourite artist for R150 – and already you’ve spent around R600. So while we readily spoil ourselves, if we break down our purchases, it becomes much easier to find even just R100 extra a month. You can achieve a lot by saving R100 per month, calculations show that by putting away R100 in a savings product at a realistic fivepercent interest rate, you’ll have saved R1 227 by the end of year one. That increases to R6 781 after five years, and R15 436 after ten years. A saving of R500 a month shows even better results: it grows to R6136in year one, R33 907 by year five and R77 182 by year 10. This shows you that you don’t have to put away a lot every month to save. By just cutting out small items, you can grow your savings substantially. Niek Rheeder financial planner for Sanlam Contact him: nrheeder@

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03 June 2014





• The right to be cared for by parents, family or caregivers. • The right to have enough food to stay healthy. • The right to have the best health care possible. • The right to be protected from harm, to have shelter and feel safe. • The right to an education. • The right to have special care if you are disabled. • The right to speak out and be heard. • The right to be protected from people who hurt you. • The right to be protected from all kinds of physical and mental violence, injury or abuse. • The right to be treated with special attention if you are in trouble with the law. • The right to be protected from situations of armed conflict. • The right to be protected against neglect, abuse, and degrading punishment by parents or caregivers. •The right to play and not do adult work. • The right to be protected against child labour. • The right to be protected

against all forms of sexual abuse. • The right to be protected against harmful substances and drugs.

What is child abuse? Sexual abuse: • To have sex with a child under the age of 18. • To sexually molest a child: touching their private parts or making them touch an adult’s private parts. • Showing a child pornographic material. Physical abuse: • Hitting, burning, strangling- anything that hurts a child. Emotional abuse: • To yell at, threaten or degrade a child. Neglect: • Not cleaning, clothing, feeding or caring for a child.

Howtoprotectyourself? • Tell someone: If you are afraid -tell someone you know well and trust. • Abuse must NEVER be a secret. • REPORT IT if someone has abused you. • Keep telling people until someone believes you.

protectachild,wearagreenribbon! AGAINST CHILD ABUSE: Back: Mr Adenaya, Kim Agoro, Adebiyi Olcutole, Teresa Van Staden, Vincentia Ngobese, Yushene Rajikar, Mrs Adenaya and Onicah Khose. Front: Molne Kunka, Sgt Mothibi and Elizabeth Mampame. Following the shocking video of a toddler gagged and tied up with masking tape at a crèche in Rosettenville, Champions Crèche requested Women & Men against Child Abuse (WMACA) to give a talk on child abuse. Other ECD (Early Childhood Development) centres in the area were invited to the Booysens crèche as well as Booysens SAPS VEC (Victim Empowerment Centre) members. Vincentia Ngobese, WMACA operations manager explained the safety measures ECD’s need to take and went on to say that every behaviour has a meaning. If a child is crying non- stop or being naughty there is a reason as to why they are acting like that. “If you isolate a child during teaching- it is considered a crime as they have a right to an education. Rather ask the child to check if the other children are doing their work or give them a task to do in the class,” Ngobese said. “You as the teacher need to be bigger and maturer in the situation.” It was stated that the owner of the Rosettenville crèche has been put on the Child Protection Register. This is a list of people who have been found unfit to work with children. It was explained to the teachers that no matter what culture or religion you are, hitting a child is considered a crime with corporal punishment being banned in 1996. “If you suspect a child is being abused, you may report it. If you know a child is being abused, you must report it. “Failure to report is a criminal offense with a woman recently receiving 15 years in jail due to this,” Ngobese said. Ngobese added that when you see a bruise, blood or sore on a child, one must not ask who did this you but rather ask what happened then take the child to the hospital and

tell the parents to meet you there. “Also, don’t act like a medical practitioner as this will only traumatise the child further. Don’t hire a person who has a history of sexual offense or domestic violence as a teacher,” Ngobese concluded. For more information on WMACA please visit Safety measures ECD’s need to take: - They need to have a safety committee. - Legal documents- children’s diary, registers (sign in and out), break duty rosters need to be kept especially for communication with a parent. - Access control of who comes in and out of school. - Incident report book- in case a child gets hurt during break or at school. The principal needs to know about it and take responsibility. - Fully stocked First Aid kit and staff members who are trained in First Aid. - Medication consent form- if a parents wants the teacher to administer medicine it must be recorded in the diary as a consent form. The medicine must have the name on and be locked away. - Indemnity forms must be signed for trips and excursions. - If the school has a feeding schemethey must have a vendor contract that complies with health and safety measures. Must not accept donations of old food. - Their building must have an electricity compliant certificate as well as working fire extinguishers. - Teachers must monitor when children go to the bathroom.

Are our children pr

Springshouseofhorrors: #Bringbackourgirls: Residents were up in arms last week when reports surfaced about the so-called “House of Horrors”. Beeld reported last week that five children, between 2- and 16-years-old, were allegedly held hostage by their 36-year-old father, who is a local businessman in Springs. The children were allegedly gruesomely tortured and abused. They have allegedly never left the house, or even gone to school. The neighbours only found out about the children for the first time on 26 May, when the 11-year-old boy who escaped the house begged them for help - Beeld “House of Horrors”. RESCUED:Four of the five House of Horrer children.*Photo taken by Beeld.

On 14 April this year, more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in the small northern town of Chibok, in the northeastern state of Borno. The girls were abducted by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. A few of the girls have escaped, but the remaining girls are still being held captive. Rumours are circulating that the girls are being married off to militants. Defence chief Air Marshal Alex Badeh announced on Monday night that the military has located the girls, but offered no way forward. “We can’t go and kill our girls in the name of trying to get them back,” he said. President Goodluck Jonathan and Nigerian government officials have joined forces with other countries, such as the US, to help bring the girls home.

CIVILIANS: All over the world people are actively involved in protests to urge the Nigerian government to find the girls.

14June May 2013 03 2014


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03 June 2014

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03 June 2014

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Second place for Le Roux Louis The King bags

three awards

Gauteng Knockdown fighter, Jordan Le Roux, 3rd Dan Black Belt from the Kenshikai Karate Organisation recently competed in Ulundi, KZN at the IKO Kyokushinkai Provincial Tournament Event and placed 2nd in her Ladies Open Weight Division. Le Roux is currently in training to compete in the United States in September, the United Kingdom in October and Bulgaria in November, all in no padding Full Contact IFK Kyokushinkai Hosted Tournament Events. Le Roux is coached by her instructor Sensei Shaun Burgess. For any queries with regards to training venues in your area please contact 082 856 6860. BLACK BELT: Jordan Le Roux receiving her trophy

Golfers add to team SA’s medal tally The South African junior golf team claimed two gold medals, a silver and a bronze at the Africa Youth Games on Thursday 29 May to help boost the Team South Africa’s medal tally in Botswana to a record high of 77. Ekurhuleni’s McClatchie and Eleonora Galletti took 10 shot lead over Nigeria into the final round of the Team Competition at Gaborone Golf Club and combined for a six stroke victory on 448 to win gold for Team South Africa. McClatchie added another gold medal when he won the Boys Competition. The 17-yearold from Serengeti Golf and Wildlife Estate finished six shots ahead of fellow South African Hennie du Plessis on winning score of one-under-par 212. Galletti, meanwhile, added the bronze medal to their growing tally when she took third in the Girls Competition with rounds of 79, 76 and 78. Fellow Gauteng golfer, Shawnelle de Lange completed the final round in 78 strokes. “We are incredibly proud of our victory and to have contributed four medals to Team South Africa’s overall medal count, The greens at home are quite different to ones at Gaborone Golf Club and we had to work

Turffontein Racecourse welcomed the cream of the Highveld racing fraternity on 28 May as it played host to the 2014 Racing Association Highveld Feature Season Awards. The event which is hosted by the Racing Association in conjunction with Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Limited is an important day in the calendar for those passionate about horseracing. Stakeholders from across the broad were awarded as owners, breeders, jockeys and work riders were all rewarded for their contribution to the sport of horseracing for the 2014 season. Again, it was Louis the King who stole the show having recently won all three legs of

the coveted SASCOC Triple Crown. ‘LTK’ as he has affectionately been dubbed took home the title of Champion Horse of the Season as well as Champion Three Year Old Colt and Champion Colt. Trainer Geoff Woodruff left smiling not only due to LTK’s landslide list of wins but due to the Woodruff Stable’s other successes which included Champion Trainer of the Season as well as Yorker’s title win of Champion Older Horse and Champion Middle Distance Horse. Not far behind in the silverware collection was Wilgerbosdrift Stud who was awarded Champion Breeder of the Season and Champion Owner of the Season through nominee Mary Slack.

Other winners on the evening were: Champion Two Year Old Filly: Majmu (Aus) Champion Two Year Old Colt/Gelding; Banaadeer (Aus) Champion Three Year Old Filly: Athina Champion Three Year Old Colt/Gelding: Louis the King Champion Older Horse: Yorker Champion Sprinter: Copper Parade Champion Middle distance Horse: Yorker Champion Stayer: Louis the King Champion Sand Specialist: Uncle Tommy Champion Work Rider: Chamu Mabaya Champion Apprentice: Akash Aucharuz

Champion Breeder of the Season: Wilgerbosdrift (Pty) Ltd (Nominee: Mary Slack) Champion Jockey of the Season: Robbie Fradd Champion Trainer of the Season: Geoff Woodruff Champion Owner of the Season: Wilgerbosdrift (Pty) Ltd (Nominee: Mary Slack) Horse of the Season: Louis the King Youngest Colour Holder: Anthony Paul Peter Young Owner with Most Winners: Jarryd Wernars Biggest Winning Margin: Lady Casey owned by Julia Moffatt Notable Number of Winners in Relation to Size of Stable: David Nieuwenhuizen Dedication to Equine Welfare: Bev Seabourne

Eleonora Galletti along with her team, SA golf team members, added a total of four medals to South Africa’s collection at the Africa Youth Games in Botswana. Photo by: Sascoc Images. really hard to adjust to the pace here, but in the end, it paid off,” said ” McClatchie.

South Africa’s young 7s score gold

South Africa had a full run of victors against Kenya (the region’s Nanjing 2014 Games representatives) in the U18 African 7s Championships at the African Youth Games in Botswana. South Africa’s Under-18 Sevens team managed to run all the way to the victory without conceding any points against them, while they scored a combined183 points from their various opponents. South Africa beat Kenya 30-0 and Madagascar 52-0 on day one. Ivory Coast forfeited their fixture granting South Africa a great start to the tournament. On Day two South Africa were involved in Semi-final action against Namibia, whom they

beat 41 – 0. In the final game South Africa played against Kenya. Leading up to the final against South Africa, Kenya had faced Madagascar, whom they beat 24-0. Kenya lost their second game to South Africa with a score of 0-30. On day two they Kenya met up with Zimbabwe in their semifinal, and earned they chance to face South Africa again with their 17-12 victory. In the final game, South Africa was even more determined to make a statement against Kenya, who will be the African representative at the Junior Olympics later this year. South Africa emerged as tournament winners after beating Kenya 60-0. The team also won gold in the 2013 Australian Youth Olympics.

Timothy Woodruff, Tiaan vd Vyver, William Nsele, Geoff Woodruff and Louis vd Vyver. For the full list of winners please go visit

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Lions break their losing streak

03 June 2014

Uni cyclists at Thaba Trails

BRAVE: These two uni-cyclists weren’t scared to attempt the Thaba Trails.

DEFENCE: Bulls centre Jan Serfontein running into Lions defence by Alwyn Hollenbach and Marnitz Boshoff. Photo by Christiaan Kotze

Stephanie Conradie With a victory of 32 – 21, the Lions made sure to crash the Vodacom Bulls’ hopes of making the Super Rugby playoffs. The Bulls had to win all their remaining games, with bonus points, if they wanted to make this Super Rugby season a success.

But the Lions would not allow the Bulls to win them on home grounds and thanks to a flawless kicking performance from Marnitz Boshoff, who scored 22 points on the night, the Lions dominated the match. This victory for the Lions also broke a losing streak of seven games, after they started te season with four wins in a row. The Lions now moved off the bottom

of the Super Rugby log, taking them to 13th place with their fifth victory of the season. It was clearly a victory built on passion, from the kickoff the Lions showed that they were in it to win it. The Super Rugby tournament will be put on hold for the next month while the Springboks, All Blacks and Wallabies play their International tours.


We have certainly been entertained for five weeks with the Indian IPL Cricket, which has seen the unlikely KKR Franchise overcome, the Kings XI Punjab in the final on Sunday. Wow, what a spectacle it has been. West Indian off spinner, Narine chose to play for KKR in the IPL final ahead of his commitments for a West Indian training camp and has thus been excluded for selection By Craig Norris to the West Indies team for the immediate future. I have often sat and wondered where the future of cricket is headed to. It is rather concerning that the ICC have decided that the big three in India, England and Australia would have total control in the decision making of the game. I totally disagree with this and believe that all the Test playing nations should have an equal input in the deciding of the game going forward. Surely, South Africa as a major cricketing nation must have a say, considering the fact that our Proteas have arguably dominated the rankings in recent times, as well as being the number one team for a couple of seasons. On top of this, we as a country have proved to the world that we can host major sporting events, especially the Soccer World Cup which is the number one event in the world, regarding crowd attendance at games as well as television viewership. However, were we promised or given massive lump sums of money from the ICC that would keep the game in this country moving forward as long as CSA gives the ICC their support? Perhaps we will never know the answer to this. I fully understand that India are by far the dominant cricketing nation and huge revenue is brought in through crowd attendance and lucrative television sponsorships, but one needs to be careful of giving these three nations

too much dominance. On the playing front, all does not seem to be rosy for England at the moment. Over the past couple of weeks, the Director of the England and Wales Cricket Board, Paul Downton, has made mention through the media as to why Kevin Peitersen was axed from all English cricket teams. Pietersen in return has given his version of events, as well as made it known to Mr Downton that he has a superb record whilst representing England. One of the world’s most renowned cricketer’s in Geoff Boycott has certainly backed ‘KP’, as Pietersen is known to his fellow playing colleagues. It is such a shame because it sounds like he is still very passionate about setting records for his adopted nation. The administrators in the English game have not accepted any responsibility for Pietersen in terms of managing the player and I believe they have failed big time here. Cricket fans across the world will now be starved of watching a great Test player, although at times was quite controversial. You need to watch this space, as my feeling is England is on a downward spiral. Swann and Trott depart during the Ashes Series, Pietersen is axed; and another England great in Graham Gooch get’s shown the door. By the time you read this article, the appointment of the Proteas captain will have been announced. A couple of weeks ago I stated that AB De Villiers will be the new skipper, with Faf Du Plessis as his assistant. Let’s hope that the new skipper will get the support of the current crop of players for the Sri Lankan tour which is around the corner; and a visit to Zimbabwe for an ODI Series which includes one Test Match, before tackling the West Indies in the New Year. I look forward to the long days of the real thing; and that is Test Match cricket.

Thaba Trails hosting the SA XCO Champs was pleased to see that the reputation of Thaba Trails did not stop these two unicycle riders from enjoying the beauty of this MTB Gem in the South. The preparation of the trails steadily moves forward as the 4,5km trail is tweaked and prepared for the Nationals in July. On the same trails, Thaba Trails Club will be hosting the Gauteng XCO Championships on 12 July. The preparation and building of mountain bike trails has to take into consideration the terrain. Rain storms can so quickly destroy well designed trails when the environment is ignored. Therefore making use of natural substances such as rocks, trees, small bushes and the elevation of the land is a vitally important consideration There will be XCO races catering for all age groups at the South African Championships as well as the Provincial Championships and the youngest age category will be the Nippers who are aged 9 and 10 years, while the Sprogs are aged 11 and 12 years old. All local riders in these ages can contact Wendell Bole at 082 900 0749 for special preparation for these future events. Coaching clinics will be held on Saturday mornings at Thaba Trails. If you are interested, ask your parents to make the call mountain biking is fun.

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