tame TIMES
Delivered every Wednesday
Volume 02, 23 April 2014, Week 17
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Liebenberg-saak skuif na Hooggeregshof Retief Liebenberg, wat teregstaan op die dubbele moord van Poena Visser en sy pa, Dewalt Visser, se hofsaak skuif na die Hooggeregshof. Dit volg nadat die familie versoek het dat die saak Hooggeregshof
toe skuif. Die Benoni-landdroshof wag nog vir die Hooggeregshof om te bevestig op watter datum Liebenberg se verhoor daar sal begin. Liebenberg, wat op R50 000-borgtog vrygelaat
MOORD BESKULDIGDE: Retief Liebenberg.
is, het op Woensdag 16 April vlugtig in die Benoni-landdroshof verskyn om te hoor wanneer en waar hy verhoor sal word. Die staat het hier aan streeklanddros Ian Cox gesê dat Liebenberg op twee klagte van moord in die Hooggeregshof verhoor sal word. Die datum van Liebenberg se verhoor sal na verwagting op 17 Junie bekend gemaak word. Volgens Poena se familie het hulle private regsverteenwoordiger ook versoek dat die staat hulle saak weer oopmaak vir verdere ondersoek. Volgens Dimitri Shokkos, Poena se halfbroer, wil hulle seker maak dat alle fasette van die saak deeglik ondersoek is. Die staat het in die hof genoem dat die ballistiese verslae, onder andere, weer bestudeer sal word. Liebenberg se regsverteenwoordiger, Marius van Wyngaardt, het in die hof saamgestem met die hof se besluite en hy sal intussen ‘n regsverteenwoordiger vir sy saak in die Hooggeregshof reël. Volgens Shokkos is die familie baie verlig dat die saak Hooggeregshof toe skuif, omdat hulle glo dat dit onafhanklik staan van die Benoni-area waar Liebenberg vandaan is. Daar was verlede jaar spekulasie rondom die regverdigheid van Liebenberg se saak. Volgens Beeld het Cox met een van Liebenberg se hofverskynings verlede jaar beweer dat polisie- en hofamptenare ingemeng het in die ondersoek na die dubbele moord op die twee slagoffers. Ondersoekbeampte, Peter Mbonani, het verlede jaar getuig dat polisie en howe ingemeng het, waarop Cox streng reageer het: “Ondersoeke sal op die hoogste moontlike vlak gedoen word, want dit is nonsens,” het Cox volgens Beeld gewaarsku. Na hierdie bewerings het Visser se familie besluit dat hulle gemakliker sal voel as die saak na die Hooggeregshof toe skuif, om te verseker dat Liebenberg, na bewering, nie die saak privaat kan beïnvloed nie. “Ons wil net hê dat geregtigheid moet geskied,” het Shokkos op 16 April buite die hof gesê. Liebenberg se ma en verloofde is sedert die begin van sy hofsaak twee steunpilare, wat met elke verhoor aan sy sy sit. Volgens Liebenberg se ma is dit spanningvol as die saak so uitgestel word, maar hulle is tans nie bereid om verder kommentaar te lewer nie.
Page 2 BIG PLANS: Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni Mondli Gungubele explaining the Aerotropolis project to the members of the Ekurhuleni Business Initiative forum at Lakeside Mall in Benoni.
23 April 2014
tame TIMES
Aerotropolis project underway Amy-Mae Campbell
According to the Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Mondli Gungubele, the Ekurhuleni government is officially in the process of planning Africa’s largest business airport: the Ekurhuleni Aerotropolis. Gungubele attended the Ekurhuleni Business Initiative forum meeting on Monday, 14 April in Benoni, and laid out the government’s plan of action. According to Gungubele, they
are currently in the process of identifying constraints in Ekurhuleni that need to be addressed, such as service delivery challenges, in order for the Aerotropolis project to work. Gungubele aims to have the planning process completed within six months from now, after which they will draw up a master plan. The Aerotropolis project forms part of the 2025 Growth and Development Strategy, which states that the local government must work towards creating opportunities within their communities. The aim is to develop the O.R. Tambo International Airport into the largest airport city in Africa and to connect the whole of Ekurhuleni through this airport centre. Gungubele believes that this airport city will create many job opportunities in Ekurhuleni, which in turn will have a positive impact on the economy: “South Africa is a maturing country. We must work together to strengthen society and build on this maturity. As government we do our best, so the community can do the rest,” Gungubele said. The Ekurhuleni Aerotropolis is a long-term endeavour, which the government aims to have completed by 2025.
Sjoe, wat ‘n voorreg en uitdaging om hierdie titel langsaan my naam te skryf. Vir dié van julle wat met Chantal Thurlby gekommunikeer het, sy is ongelukkig nie meer deel van tame TIMES nie en het die taak van redakteurwees aan my toevertrou. Ek sien baie daarna uit om die Boksburg gemeenskap te leer ken. Ek glo dat ‘n koerant ‘n betroubare inligtingsplatform moet wees en ek hoop dat al my lesers my eerste uitgawe voorwaar sal geniet en waardevol sal vind. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am both excited and intimidated to write “Editor” next to my name. It is with a heavy heart that I greet my senior- Chantal Thurlby. I have learnt so much from her and I hope that this first edition will reflect that. I am very excited to get to know the Boksburg community and to share your stories. I hope that this edition will be both very informative and enjoyable. Happy reading! Lekker lees!
Ignoring e-toll bills - a criminal offence Many people who are against the e-toll system use e-toll roads frequently without paying their accumulated e-toll bills. However, the reality is that refusing to pay e-toll bills is a criminal offence for which one could be imprisoned. According to Dino Montepara, attorney at Malherbe Rigg & Ranwell inc., there is a lot of speculation surrounding the legal implications of dodging e-toll bills, as no arrest for avoiding bills has been recorded as of yet. However, were
SANRAL to decide that they want to arrest those who refuse to pay, one could face a six-month jail sentence. “SANRAL is empowered through legislation to create tolling facilities on roads and to collect levied tolls. The legislation puts a requirement on us to pay e-toll. If not, it is a criminal offence,” explained Montepara. Apart from taking legal action to recover the toll levies, SANRAL may also give civil fines, which are equivalent to the South African consumer right index; and increases in relation to this
index. The current ratio of e-tag users versus those who do not have e-tags is approximately 500:100; which works out to five times the original amount for those without e-tags. Those without e-tags who pay within the seven day grace period can get an 82% discount, among others, for certain time periods. The reality remains, however, that not only is it much more expensive to be a non-registered user without an e-tag, but avoiding to pay altogether could result in a jail sentence; should e-tolls survive its opposition.
*Stock image
WEATHER Delivery on Wednesday to all households and businesses in Boksburg. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335 Editor: Amy-Mae Campbell: Sub-editor: Rudi Geldenhuis
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Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 Distribution queries: Shane Du Plessis 011 862 8500 Next issue: Wednesday 30 April 2014 Deadline: Monday 25 April at 14:00 Find us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
tame TIMES Boksburg Journalist
23 April 2014
tame TIMES
Ekurhuleni businesses rewarded
Page 3
(EBI) held Initiative ss e n si u Lakeside uleni B event at The Ekurh g in rk o netw Business y 14 April. a business a d n o f M n noni o ificates o ived cert Mall in Be ce re ll a . tives e meeting representa ttending th a Biljon, r n fo a n v s io ri der, Ch recognit n u o F t I B E to the nesses tha According local busi w o d sh n a to seen rtant mmunity is it is impo on in the co ti ance did u d ib n tr e n their co tes of att a ic if d rt ce d. The o attende appreciate mbers wh e m e th t. h ll otlig and a t in the sp just that, to walk ou d e ll ri th ry were ve
A.Z. Sithole, EBI President, hands over a certificate to businessman Suhayal Ahmed
Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Mondli Gungubele, also received a certificate of recognition for attending the EBI networking meeting. A.Z.Sithole, EBI President, and Chris van Biljon, EBI Founder, hands over the certificate.
Kinders vier Paasfees Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Boksburg-tak het op Donderdag 17 April vir Paasfees uitgereik na laerskoolleerders van Die President Laerskool in Primrose. Die uitreik vorm deel van die Solidariteit Boksburg-tak se Paashaasprojek, wat al vir vier jaar lank aan die gang is. Hulle besoek elke jaar vir die projek behoeftige laerskole om te ondersteun. Die voorsitter van die Boksburg-tak, Alida Reed, het met die Gr. R’e, Gr 1’s en Gr 2’s gesels oor Paasfees en die ware oorsprong daarvan; dat dit nie net oor Paaseiers en sjokolade gaan nie, maar oor die Bybelstorie van Jesus. Elke kind het ‘n kleurvolle geskenkpakkie gekry; gevul met lekkernye, speelgoed, ‘n klein Bybel en, natuurlik, Paaseiers. Die President Laerskool se onderhoof, Kobus O’Kelly, is oneindig dankbaar vir die tak se betrokkenheid by die skoolkinders: “Dit is vir my verblydend om te sien hoe mense ons skool so ondersteun. Ons het soveel behoeftiges in die skool. As hulle gesiggies so ophelder, dan is ons baie dankbaar,” sê O’Kelly. Elke kind het aan die einde van die oggend by die skoolsaal uitgestap met hande vol lekkergoed en ‘n glimlag wat van oor tot oor strek. BLYDSKAP: ‘n Baie dankbare seuntjie.
WERK SAAM: Solidariteit lede, skoolkinders en skoolonderwysers.
DANKBAAR: Die kinders baljaar met hulle geskenkpakkies.
SOETTANDE: Die kinders staan tou om by die lekkerpakkies uit te kom.
tame TIMES readership – per month In an advert pertaining to tame TIMES, and in tame Times 5th year birthday editions, reference was made to tame TIMES having ‘over 3million readers” and “almost 3million readers are reached through out Ekurhuleni, City of Johannesburg, Limpopo, North West and the Northern part of Gauteng”. This statement should have been qualified by referring to the relevant time period applicable i.e. “per month”. The tame team wishes to apologise should this have caused any misconception or confusion. Taking the exponential growth of tame TIMES into consideration, and the rollout of the tame Times titles which is planned, we wish one day to advise you, our readers and advertisers, that through your continuous support and loyalty, we are indeed reaching millions per week.
Roger Aiyavoo, Associate Manager of the Lakeside Mall FNB branch, receives his award frm EBI President: A.Z. Sithole.
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23 April 2014
tame TIMES
a p k ra B in d e st e rr a r le a e d a g g Da g dealers in The continued hunt for dru lly yielding dua Brakpan and Benoni is gra small-time r the noticeable results. Yet ano day 13 Sun on dagga dealer was arrested found was ler April in Brakpan. The dea only to ed ndl with the stock that had dwi 0. R10 four packets worth around estrian Unit of In the past six weeks, the Equ ensuring that in EMPD has doubled its effort g dealers. dru Brakpan streets are free from ro police met the Those arrested have led gerous dan and t to bigger fish in this illici ed to vow e hav trade. The metro police ns ratio ope e thes unrelentingly continue with d. ieve ach until the desired results are mid-twenties, The suspect, who is in his ce station, poli n was taken to the Brakpa sion and ses pos where he was charged with eared in app He suspected dealing in dagga. April to 14 on rt the Brakpan Magistrate’s Cou face the music.
Taking action On Thursday 17 April Boksburg SAPS visited the Angelo informal settlement in Boksburg to address the community about abuse and violence. “Women and men abuse is a big problem here; especially during the weekends. We want to inform the people about what to do when they are afraid,” said Boksburg SAPS
Armed robbers apprehended
The shop in Boksburg North targeted by the two robbers.
ga dealer.
CAUGHT: The suspected dag
The two suspects that were apprehended. Lieutenant Ngobese. The Angelo Ward Councillor, Boksburg Victim Empowerment members and the Department of Community Safety also attended the awareness event. Police informed the community about the Angelo executive committee for violence and abuse against men and women, and invited them to become part of it. The application date for men is 17 May and for women 20 May at Angelo informal settlement.
Watch your children
The .38 Revolver that was found on one of the suspects.
The knife that was found on one of the suspects.
A sign inside one of the schools in Reiger Park warning the learners that violence will not be tolerated.
On 15 April around 08:20 in the morning, a shop owner (complainant) was in his shop, corners of Rietfontein Road and Fifth Street, Boksburg North. Two African males entered the shop and one drew a firearm, and the other pulled out a knife. The suspects forced three people in the shop into a backroom and produced a wire from their backs. They tied up most of the shoppers. The suspects searched one of the men who wasn’t tied up and took his cell phone. They then took the cash from the counter and ran away. A member of the public chased them and shortly after, two Boksburg North policemen apprehended the two suspects. The police recovered the R900 cash that was stolen from the shop, as well as a .38 Revolver with the serial number filed off. The two suspects were interviewed and police found that one of them had been arrested and found guilty on the Arms and Ammunition Act in 2012. He had also been found guilty of assault in the same year in Lenasia. Both suspects come from Wattville Hostel in Benoni. Boksburg North SAPS would like to congratulate Sergeant Robert Masetla and Constable John Thubakgale for their swift reaction and dedication.
Emergency police numbers Boksburg SAPS: 112 Commissioner Street, Boksburg 011 841 6800
Police raided a school in Reiger Park last week and arrested two learners for possession of dagga. Sergent Mashudu Phathela, from Reiger Park SAPS, appeals to parents in the Reiger Park community to warn their children against drugs and violence, and to watch them closely. According to Phathela, police raid schools in the area every month for drugs and dangerous weapons, and they have found something to confiscate every time; form screw drivers and knives to dagga. Some of the learners found with dagga are as young as 13-years-old. “After
every search, we have a drug presentation. We are here to help you. Reiger Park community parents and adults must know that when you do something in front of a kid, the kid will copy you. When you fight in front of the kids; they learn to fight. [The community] must avoid doing criminal things in front of our kids,” said Phathela. Teachers at Reiger Park schools are working together with Germiston Social Services and churches, among others, to address violence and drug abuse in schools. However, the police and teachers emphasise that they cannot do it alone; the parents and community must also help to set a good example, said Phathela.
Boksburg North SAPS: 37 Vierde Street, Boksburg North 011 898 3000 Boksburg Metro Police Station: Tienie Jansen Building, Adderly Street, Boksburg 011 899 4114 Reiger Park SAPS: Cnr Arthur Hobbs Road & Goedehoop Avenue, Reiger Park 011 916 7000
23 April 2014
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tame TIMES
NOTICE BOARD Donations please
Benoni SPCA asks community members who have second-hand leashes, blankets or toys that are lying around, to consider donating to their branch. New donations are also welcome and will be very much appreciated. Address: 3 Klein Street, Lakefield Contact details: 011 894 2814, or
Peermont Easter celebrations
Peermont hotels, casinos and resorts are celebrating Easter until 5 May 2014. Families can look forward to Easter packages and fun activities. Emperor’s Palace also opened up their facilities for the Peermont Easter celebrations, so make sure to find out about their unique line-ups. For more information, contact 011 928 1297; 011 928 1353 or 011 928 1727.
SAPS sale by tender
The Boksburg North SAPS will be hosting a sale by tender, where all recovered stolen and unclaimed property and second-hand police property will be auctioned off to raise funds. Payments accepted by cash only, and all property will be sold “voetstoots”. Property to be auctioned: appliances, tvs, dvd players, electric tool equipment, generators, garden furniture, empty ink cartridges, and much
more. Viewing and proposal time: 08:00 to 10:00 Counting of proposals : 10:00 to 11:00 Giving out of tenders, payments and removals : 11:00 to 14:00 Date: 24 april 2014 Place: Main Reef Rd, Apex Benoni SAPS sportsgrounds.
Rand Show: 18 April - 28 April 2014 The 2014 Rand Show started on 18 April and carries on until 28 April at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec. Enjoy an exhilarating line-up of musicians, magic, rugby, pageants, motor shows; and much more! Gates open daily at 9:00. Ticket booths into the show grounds close at 18:00, although the show ends at 19:00.
Ticket prices: Adults: R100 per person Children 13 - 16 years: R50 each Children 6 - 12 years: R20 each Children under 6 years: Free Pensioners: R50 each Visit for more information.
Gold Reef City Theme Park competitions Prizes up for grabs at Gold Reef City Theme Park these holidays from 16- 4 May. Gold Reef City Theme Park is the place to
be during the Easter holidays; with a number of fun activities planned, including prize giveaways and competitions.
Nourishing a love for food, body and earth
Support your community * Citizen journalist writes:
5x6cm_March.indd 1
In the mornings when the Sun is still yawning, ready to turn from gold to bright, the birds singing praises; before the rush of day, the silence is broken. In the cobble street below, at first from a distance, with short intervals, an already tired old lady pulls along her collection of plastic bottles. Keeping her eye on the next bag, wanting to be there first, she starts digging in between all the rubbish. The place of delivery is far, and at R2,00 a kilo, she must hurry. I have started to collect plastic - old buckets, bottles, etc,. Fixing a sandwich and feeling contended and proud, I teach my grandson of 16 to run down to give her the collection. Tomorrow the search starts all over again, for God gives us our daily bread - The greatest gift is the gift of giving. I challenge our fellow citizens to do the same. Let’s teach our children the value of an empty plastic bottle. The more values we know, the richer we become. Contact Rina van Zyl on 0824979352; or visit P.O Box 13561 Witfield Boksburg at 26 Magnolia flats Killian Street. Kindest Regards, Rina van Zyl
Hidden dangers in common Easter treats It’s hard to imagine Easter without the eggs or chocolaty treats, but those with severe allergies are advised to always read food labels before tucking into Easter delights. According to Pharma Dynamics’ spokesperson; Mariska van Aswegen, if you can’t read the label, don’t eat it – even if it is a product which you have eaten before- since food producers can change their manufacturing processes or ingredient lists at any time. “Food retailers may also from time to time import seasonal products, or a different flavour of a brand, which aren’t
manufactured in South Africa. Therefore, one can’t make the same allergen-free guarantee as the products made in the country. For this reason it is extremely important to always read the ingredient list as the slightest trace amount of an allergen can lead to a severe allergic attack (anaphylaxis) which could potentially be life-threatening,” advises Van Aswegen. An estimated 3 178 800 South Africans
2014/04/10 1:3
suffer from true food allergies of which 2% are children. Peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, soya and shellfish are the most common food allergens in South Africa and are required by law to be listed on food labels. “Complete avoidance of these ingredients isn’t always possible; therefore it’s important to always carry your allergy medication on you.” SOME TREATMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE: - Antihistamines, which provides relief for basic allergy reactions - Topical Creams - Corticosteroids - Bronchodilators (inhalers) - Adrenalin injections For more info on allergies visit, www. or visit your General Practitioner/family doctor.
Ek hoop dat almal hierdie Paasnaweek nie slegs gefokus het op sjokolade en paashase nie, maar ook bietjie op mekaar. Ek het besluit om ‘n verskil te maak hierdie Paastyd en uitgereik na behoeftiges in die gemeenskap. Hier is ‘n paar eienskappe en idees wat ek dink ‘n mens aan herinner word so oor Paastyd: • Dankbaarheid • Vertroue • Liefde • Mededeelsaamheid • ‘n Groter doel • Uithouvermoë • ‘n Beter toekoms • Belofte van ewige lewe • En, natuurlik, Paashase Vat bietjie tyd om na te dink oor hierdie eienskappe en idees; wat beteken dit vir jou in die konteks van Paastyd?
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tame TIMES
Benoni Autism school opening soon A new school for Autistic teenagers is opening in Benoni soon. The school will be called “AUTism Teenz”, and the official open day will take place in October. According to Claire Youngman, Director of the Ernie Els Centre for Autism, there is not enough centres in South Africa that are specialised enough to cater for Autistic children. Recent statistics show that 1/68 children are born Autistic; indicating that this developmental disorder is on the rise. “Every
The Easter Bunny taking photos with the children
23 April 2014
child with Autism is different; from extreme severe, to less severe. Autism children battle in school and there are limited Autism specific schools,” said Youngman. According to Abby Westpal, one of the founders of the AUTism Teenz school, the aim is for each teenager to receive special attention required for his/her own development need. There will be classes with full time teachers; and the activities will be in line with a specialised curriculum used overseas to educate Autistic children. On Saturday 12 April the Ernie Els Centre for Autism held an Autism Awareness Day at Rietvlei Zoo Farm, and many families who are involved in AUTism for Teenz also attended the event. All the families wore blue to show their support for those living with Autism, as April is National Autism Awareness Month.
Families enjoying the fun walk
The Ernie Els centre for Autism team
A great relaxing day under the trees on picnic blankets
A family enjoying the walk together
Miss SA and Louis The King set to sizzle SASCOC Triple Crown
Laurelle Williams @laurellewilliam
Miss SA 2014 Rolene Strauss with the results of the draw.
LEBANON SUPPORTERS: St. Charbel Helping Hand World Organisation representatives Valene Farah, Michelle Nassif, Tarryn Farah and Roseanna Santareli with tame TIMES PRO Officer Liza Katze (middle). Excitement is mounting for the SASCOC Triple Crown and Intercontinental Village Day which is set to make Turffontein Race Course come alive on 26 April when it hosts the third and final leg of the much anticipated Triple Crown. Last week Thursday the Charity Draw saw newly crowned Miss South Africa 2014, Rolene Strauss, officiate the draw which determined which charity and nationality are paired with a particular horse in the main race. tame TIMES, which is a Triple Crown media partner, was paired with the community
of Lebanon and the St. Charbel Helping Hand World organisation and drew the race horse Taarish. However it is Louis the King who has the most media attention, having won two legs of the SASCOC Triple Crown, he has only the third leg the South Africa Derby to conquer and establish himself as a true legend. Louis the King is poised to become just the second horse ever to win South Africa’s Triple Crown, earning him a cool R2 million bonus and elevating him to legendary status. Only one other horse has ever won all three legs of the Triple Crown: the renowned Horse Chestnut
stunned the nation when he won in 1999. Phumelela Gaming will be donating a total of R150 000, shared between the various nominated charities. Beneficiaries include St. Mary’s Children’s Home, Reach for a Dream, Animal Anti-Cruelty, The Star Seaside Fund, Operation Snowball and The Highveld Horse Care Unit. “The anticipation of driving home in one of three brand new VW Polos, the incredible variety of cuisine from around the world, free entry to the race track and the possibility of Louis the King taking the Triple Crown has ensured incredible interest in the day itself. We are ex-
pecting record attendance at what promises to be a not to be missed family day out,” enthused Michael Varney, Phumelela’s Marketing Manager. With over 50 Ferrari’s on display, vibrant live entertainment, the thrill of live horse racing, a free carnival for the kids and gourmet cuisine from countries such as Portugal, Greece, China, India, Lebanon, Italy, Scotland, Serbia, Spain and South Africa there really is no better way to spend a Saturday. Gates open at 11:00, entry and parking is free. To find out more about ‘Louis the King’ follow #whoislouis?
Blood stock levels in the red during holiday period As the Easter holiday period kicks into full swing, SANBS blood stock levels is expected to be impacted. Blood stock levels become of great concern over the holiday periods as many of our regular donors are on leave. The constant demand for blood supply places the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) under immense pressure during this time. Traditionally, the month of April is a difficult time owing to the number of holidays. There are not enough blood drives and initiatives to fill the gaps left by the absence of educational institutions. SANBS needs to maintain a stock level of 5 days at all times by collecting 3000 units of blood per day and this becomes very difficult to achieve. “Blood donation needs to be made a priority, as this small act has a huge impact on the patients who depend on transfusions for their survival. “ – Vanessa Raju, Communications Manager of SANBS Blood donation is a simple act of kindness that can save up to three lives. People between the ages of 16 and 65, weighing more than 50kg, who are in good health and lead a safe sexual lifestyle, may donate blood every 56 days. The public is encouraged to donate blood to help save the lives of thousands of patients in dire need of blood transfusions. To locate the nearest fixed donor sites visit
23 April 2014
tame TIMES
Reiger Park’s pride and joy Reiger Park Secondary School is very proud to announce their grade 12 Top 10 learners. These bright scholars also form part of the grade 12 academic team.
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Enrolment dilemma
BRIGHT SPARKS: Genevieve van Staden, Anchen Pretorius, Natasha Mosaie, Aled Mashabathaka, Andiswa Mbatha, Ruchouda Hanse, Gurshwan Macan, Tarryn Soloms (absent), Ruvain Duplessis and Zanele Mbijekana. “School enrolment is a big issue in Boksburg,” says Boksburg High Principal, J.H. du Plessis. According to Du Plessis, Boksburg has an incredibly high influx of grade 8 learners looking to enter high school, but there are not enough schools to accommodate each learner. “Last year we received 800 applications; we can only accept 350 at a push,” said Du Plessis. Schools must, by law, accept learners on an ‘entitlement’ basis, which means that children who live closest to the school should get preference to those who live further away.
LEADING THE WAY: Gurshwan Macan (deputy head boy), Genevieve van Staden (head girl), Anchen Pretorius (deputy head girl) and Aled Mashabathaka (head boy).
The acceptance process is divided into two categories: list A and list B. List A comprises of all the entitled learners; and list B is
consulted if there is still space after list A has been accommodated. Children who want to attend a school further away are still welcome to enrol there, but they will not get preference; only if there is space after the entitlement criteria has been met. In order to make the enrolment selection process objective and fair, all enrolments are sent to an independent district office to administrate. All the schools in Boksburg met at Sunward Park High School on Wednesday 16 April to discuss the matter: “We want to try to balance [the enrolments] out and equally distribute the learners,” said Du Plessis. Grade 8 enrolment for public schools opened on 7 April 2014 and closes on 27 May 2014. Interested parents can collect forms at the school and return it before or on the deadline.
Grade 11s and 12s – Come and see what the NWU Vaal Open Day has to offer you!
he popular NWU Vaal Open Day – an event not to be missed – is around the corner! Mark Saturday, 17 May 2014 in your diary, and come visit the Vaal Triangle Campus to get a taste of being a university student. The Open Day is free of charge and offers you the opportunity to learn more about the different study options the University has to offer, and much more! There will be information stalls for all the faculties – Economic Sciences and Information Technology and Humanities. There are more than stalls, though… You also ask your questions about all the
following aspects of NWU Vaal student life: accommodation in residences, bursaries and loans, how to finance your studies, facilities available for students with disabilities, as well as support services such as the Learning and Research Commons, the Department for Student Counselling and Development (SCD), the Directorate Academic Development and Support (ADS), the Writing Centre, the Reading Centre and the student governing bodies. You can also gather information about the various selection tests and find out which admission requirements are valid for 2014. After you have asked all your questions, you are also welcome to go explore our beautiful
campus, or you can visit the different residences that will be open for viewing. Also come and listen to River FM (the NWU Vaal’s own radio station) broadcast from the Student Centre or have your picture taken by one of the Student 24/7 journalists. If you are interested in attending our Open Day, please let us now by visiting our Facebook page – NWU Vaal First Years 2015 or send us an email to comms@nwu. (Supply us with your name, contact details, school and field of interest) For more information visit our website at www.nwu. to learn more about the Open Day and the Vaal Triangle Campus.
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tame TIMES
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Traditional Portuguese Restaurants, Street Cafes & Pubs Shoppers Delight - Market Stalls Exhilarating Fun Fair Non - Stop Entertainment:
Afrikaanse musiek word vereer Op 13 April 2014 is die wenners van die Ghoema-toekennings vir 2014 aangekondig. Die geleentheid het by Carnival City plaasgevind en het gesorg vir top vermaak. Die benoemdes, en ander bekende eregaste, het op hul beste gelyk. En optredes deur top sangers soos Riana Nel en Elvis Blue het die skare laat saamsing. Die wenners in die onderskeie afdelings is: Album van die jaar: Elvis Blue - Afrikaans Manlike Kunstenaar van die jaar: Elvis BLue Vroulike Kunstenaar van die jaar: Karlien van Jaarsveld Groep van die jaar: Van Coke Kartel Liedjie van die jaar: Superhero - Eden Nuweling van die jaar: Joshua na die Reen Pop-album deur ’n manlike kunstenaar: Jay Dis hoe ons rol Pop-album deur ’n vroulike kunstenaar: Karlien van Jaarsveld - Uitklophou
23April 2014 Kontemporêre-album deur ’n manlike kunstenaar: Joshua na die Reen - Joshua na die Reen Kontemporêre-album deur ’n vroulike kunstenaar: Andriette - Wat rym met liefde Album deur ’n Duo of groep (Pop / Kontemporêr): 4Werke - Vier Harte Beste Boeremusiek Album: Dylan Emslie en Orkes Beste Geestelike-album: Joe Niemand Genoeg is genoeg Beste Kinder-album of DVD: Carike Keuzenkamp - Ghoempie in Kinderland 10 DVD Beste Alternatiewe-album: Daniel Eurwick Op ’n Lee Paron Beste Rock-album: Van Coke Kartel - Bloed Sweet en Trane Beste Instrumentale-album: Ockie Vermeulen - Obsession Beste DVD-produksie: Die Heuwels Fantasties - Live op Paul Cluver Beste Musiekvideo: Eens in ’n leeftyd Bobby van Jaarsveld en Riana Nel Beste Liedjieskrywer: Joe Niemand Ere-toekenning: Lewenslange Bydrae: Anton Goosen Ere-toekenning: Beste Verkoper - Uitklophou van Karlien van Jaarsveld Ere-toekenning: Baanbreker - Coleske Ere-toekenning: Baanbreker - Carel Hofmann (Oppikoppie)
Portuguese Folk Dancing, DJ Jose Rocha, Vin Deysel, F.eU, DJ Dylan SA, Mi Casa, Filipa, Connell Cruise, Daniel Baron, Manuel Escorcio, Kurt Darren, Dr Victor & The Rasta Rebels, Roger Goode, Saving Silence, Prime Circle, Alter Irving, Portuguese Singers, Juanita du Plessis, Choppa, Pascal & Pearce, Jason Hartman, Matthew Mole, Crash Car Burn, Bobby Louw & The Solid Gold Band, Keep it Country, Ballyhoo, Shortstraw, LCNVL, Portuguese Bands and so much more…
Weekends, Public Holidays & 2nd May 10h00 - 23h00
Weekdays: 17h00 - 22h00 Sunday 4th May: 10h00 - 19h00 R60 Adults & over 12’s R30 Pensioners & (3 - 12) years Under 3’s Free
Lusito Land
Joe Foster, Johan Oberholzer en Burgert Botha open die Ghoemas
SAMA 20 to honor Amambazo and Phuzekhemisi
Two of the country’s most influential indigenous music acts, Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Phuzekhemisi, will receive Lifetime Achievement Awards, sponsored by Amstel, at the 20th Annual South African Music Awards this month. Johnstone Mnyandu, better known as Phuzekhemisi, is widely regarded as the king of maskandi music. He expressed his delight at being honoured by the music industry with this accolade, saying: “I am grateful to those who still recognise my music – may they also do so to other artists who have worked so hard. Hailing from rural KwaZulu-Natal, Phuzekhemisi and his brother, Khethani, burst on to the local music scene in 1989. Sadly, Khethani was unable to fully enjoy the fruits of their success as he was killed in a car accident in 1993. Phuzekhemisi also received a nomination in the Best Maskandi Album category at SAMA 20, for his album
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KungakhoNilwaNodwa. Ladysmith Black Mambazo who are celebrating an incredible 54 years since their formation, while still basking in the glow of their fourth Grammy Award (for their release Singing for Peace Around the World),will also be receiving a Lifetime Achievement award. “Being given the honour of a lifetime achievement award is like South Africa saying thank you to us for being great ambassadors of local culture and heritage through our music. We thank you, SAMAs, and we salute you, South Africa,” said the group’s leader; Joseph Shabalala Ladysmith Black Mambazo are enjoying yet another golden year. From 17 April to 11 May 2014, Amambazo, a musical based on their story, will take to the stage at the State Theatre in Pretoria. And in August, they will head to the prestigious Edinburgh International Festival to premiere a Zulu ballet titled Inalathat, which celebrates South Africa’s 20 years of democracy.
23 April 2014
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ic s s a l C e Th dia In
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A taste of India If you
are a diner looking for something new, then The Classic India restaurant is the perfect place for you. At Classic India, one can enjoy a colourful, tasty and unique dining experience. The menu caters for lunch, dinner and desert; with various options and interesting combinations available under
each. The menu is mainly divided into the Barbeque and Sizzler categories, where diners are
The Classic India Manager, Mark Pereira, with his two sophisticated chefs.
spoilt for choice. For a Barbeque meal, the waiters neatly remove the middle part of the table and replace it with a small braai. The sosaties/ kebabs are mildly cooked and then placed over the coals on the table for the diners to braai according to preference. A variety of mild to hot sauces are brought to the table; from mint to barbeque, to name a few. With the Sizzler dishes, diners are spoilt for choice: one can choose between lamb, chicken, prawn and paneer, other options are also available, and create your own unique combination dish. A Sizzler meal gives you the option between noodles or spaghetti; mashed potatoes or chips; and a selection of vegetables, such as green peppers and cabbage. There are also two desert menus with continental and more exotic Indian recipes. In total, there are approximately 40 different
desert options; all unique and delicious. The prices at Classic India is also very affordable; ranging from approximately R30 (for lighter dishes like soup) to R180 for Barbeque or Sizzler dishes. There are also set menu options and, to add an edge, a banquetting hall. For a fresh and unique dining experience, visit Classic India: Address: Corner of Trichardt Street and North Rand Road.
The table s are all beautifu decorate lly d and th e atmosp is absolu h ere te five-sta r.
The delicious Barbeque kebabs roasting on the braai on the table.
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23 April 2014
EG: TAME MAKROSAFE ID ALBERTON SMS’s charged at R3 *Entries close in March 2014
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23 April 2014
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INSIDE SPORT VOLVO’S DESCEND ON BENONI Saturday the 12th April 2014 saw a number of classic vintage Volvos descend on Benoni. The event was the first ever Volvo swap meet in South Africa, and took place at the school of spin on the cnr of Range view (Snake road ) and Main reef roads, Benoni. Organised by Benoni’s local classic Volvo owner, Rodney Verasammy and in conjunction with the Volvo owners club of South Africa, the event had owners of pre 80’s and new volvos meet to sell spares, get to know each other and share stories and technical advice. The show, which was ope to the public, caught many of the public’s attention while driving along Snake road. A swedish vistor passing along decided to pop by, he was quite elated and impressed by the condition of the Volvos on display and mentioned that there are not many old Volvos on the roads in Sweden, and to see such classics on the South African roads was a huge delight. A total of 23 classics were on display, the
earliest year model being 1960. All the proceeds from the gate takings were donated by the owners of the school of spin to the Mackenzie park cpf. Another such show, bigger and better is being planned for later this year. If you are interested in attending the next show to display your volvo please contact rodney 082 3222 053.
Valke ready to tackle Down Touch Griffons in Kempton Park It’s the last game for the Valke in the Vodacom Cup as they get ready to tackle the Down Touch Griffons at Barnard Stadium in Kempton Park on Friday 25 April at 15:00. “We have a good rivalry with the Griffons and when we play against them it’s always a very competitive game,” says Coach Johan du Toit. The Vodacom Cup is South Africa’s leading rugby development tournament with a mandate to unearth the future stars of rugby. “We have seen some promising play during the course of the tournament and I think that wings Sandile Ngcobo and Angus Cleophas, forward Ernst Ladendorf, lock Shane Kirkwood and centre Grant Janke all have a great future ahead of them,” he says. Twenty-four-year-old Ngcobo is a fast player who is used to high-paced action as he played in the SA Sevens Academy squad that returned victorious from the Dubai International Invitational in December and then went on to consecutive wins in the
Punte de Este Sevens and Sevens Premier League tournaments earlier this year. Born in Tembisa and emerging out of a challenging background, Ngcobo is using the Vodacom Cup to keep himself in tip top shape so that he is ready when he is called up to play internationally again. “This is my second season of Vodacom Cup and it means a lot to me as it allows me to set goals and gives me something to work for,” says Ngcobo. “Playing in the SA Sevens Academy team went well and I am hoping to be selected again. I would also like to make the South Africa President’s XV team this year and I am working hard for that too. I am constantly looking to improve myself so I can be sharp when I get the call-up.” “The Vodacom Cup gives us a great opportunity to see what we have got at the Valke and who can then progress into the Absa Currie Cup. We are trying a new brand of running rugby this year and we have already started to make progress towards the kind of rugby we want to play,” concludes Du Toit.
At the Southern tip of the City of Johannesburg is a large piece of privately owned land called the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve, complete with hills, grasslands, indigenous trees and game. Thanks to Wendell Bole, who passionately built and maintains the Rietvlei Farm trails just a few kilometers away, Gauteng mountain bikers now have another safe, varied trail network to tide- Thaba Trials. Three trial options: Yellow: Beginners/novices Green: Intermediate level riders Blue: Experienced or more advanced riders This is a game reserve so don’t expect perfectly manicured trails, although the Yellow trails have a gentler surface. For Green and Blue routes, expect bush riding at its best – remember this, is mountain biking, not gravel-road cycling. Riders like the hills at Thaba Trails because there isn’t that much gradient-rich trail
riding elsewhere close to the city. This gives you some properly challenging climbs and descent, some long and winding and others steep and sketchy. Bole has ensured that all levels (skills and fitness) are catered for at Thaba Trails making it a great family riding destination. Incredibly, it’s just 8 km from the Johannesburg city limits, but there are times when you are riding at Thaba that feels like you’re far from the madness of the country’s biggest city. There’s a coffee shop, a bike shop and arts and crafts stalls for non-riding friends or family to browse. The Panorama Shopping Centre is also across the road should your non-riding spouse/friend/ partner want a more commercial environment to spend time in while you ride. Distance: Yellow 1: 6km Yellow 2: 15km Green: 22km Blue: NA Novice: 8/10 Intermediate: 8/10 Advanced: 8/10 Tyres: There’s a mixture of
rocky and soft trail surfaces – typical of Gauteng conditions. A firm sidewall tyre is recommended. Best thing: It’s close to Johannesburg and offers a wide range of trails with some decent distances among wild animals including zebra, wildebeest, impala, blesbok, springbok and more. Best season: All seasons should be good here. Because of the gradient, the summer rains should drain well. Directions: From the N3 (around the East of Johannesburg) or the N1 (around the West of Joburg), take the N12 and hugs the head south (away from the city).Travel 6.5km down Klipriver Drive. On your left you will see the Panorama Shopping Centre, take the next right turn into the Thaba Trails gate. Cost: R30 per person per day (R5 of this goes towards buying more game). Secure parking: Yes E-mail: Wendell Bole at
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23 April 2014
Everyone’s a winner
2. 3.
be an 8 x 8 km loop (a total of 64km) with two water points on the route. Cost: R60.00 per person for 1 to 8 laps and R40.00 per person for 4 laps or less, which includes: Coke, water, tea and coffee. Any queries please phone 011 917 3721 or email Bring all your running friends! 2014 Perky’s Punisher route: • Start at the gates at the parking area of stadium; • go around circle to your right and down to main gate; • left out of main gate at stadium (jubilee road)
Over the weekend of 12 and 13 April, Emperors Palace hosted the seventh Emperors Palace Classic cycling event. The event attracted 6000 eager cyclists and everyone who finished the race received a medal. The Emperors Palace Classic was presented by ASG Event Solutions, in partnership with the Airports Company of South Africa, Ekurhuleni Metro Police, the Rotary Club of Germiston, Germiston Wheelers and Sweat and Gears. According to the event organisers, Gauteng does not have a big road event after the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour. The aim of the Emperors Palace Classic is therefore to offer more such cycling events that will keep riders on their bikes for a little longer before winter sets in. The sixth Emperors Palace Mountain Bike Classic challenge took place on Saturday 12 April. The course offered two routes: the 20 km and 40 km. This route crossed the grounds of the O. R. Tambo International Airport and allowed riders to ride parallel, but still at a safe distance from the runways. Boksburg locals are all very proud of Allen Mee (from Boksburg) who represented his home town and won the Men’s 20 km Mountain Bike division race. The Road Cycling Challenge took place on Sunday 13 April and offered cyclists two distance options: a 102 km and 50 km flat and fast route. For a variety of options, there was also an Emperors Palace Kids Classic for kid riders. Top South African professional cyclists could partake in the Emperors Palace Circuit Spectacular.
Emperors Palace Cycle Classic 20 km male winner Allen Mee (from Boksburg) won the Men’s 20km Mountain Bike division. (Photographer credit – Peter Morey) Emperors Palace Cycle Classic MTB Challenge 20 km and 40 km races. (Photographer credit – Peter Morey) Emperors Palace Cycle Classic 40 km mountain bike winners: Ian Pienaar (from Pretoria) and Jessica Alcock (from Pretoria) (Photographer credit – Peter Morey) Emperors Palace Cycle Classic 20 km female winner: Lisa Venter (from Kempton Park), won the ladies 20km mountain bike division. (Photographer credit – Peter Morey)
Boksburg Athletic Club presents the annual Captain’s Run For those of you not taking part in the Two Oceans Marathon- here is a training run for you: the Captain’s Run will take place on Sunday 20 April 2014 at 05:00 at the garage at the bottom of Fishers Hill, Germiston. If you want to run 26 km - 50km, the cost will be R50.00. The cost for up to 25 km is R30.00; refreshments will be supplied. Estelle and Phil will be the people in charge. Perky’s Punisher This run will be hosted by the Boksburg Athletic Club and will take place at the Boksburg City Stadium (situated on Jubilee Road, Boksburg South) on Thursday 1 May 2014. The run starts at 05:00; the route will
43 HOWARD AVE TEL: 011 422 2995
• left into dudley smith road • left into
watermeyer • left into krige (water point in krige) • left into butler • left into langenhoven (cross over onto right hand side of road and run in slip road) • right into heidelberg (just after falcon crest shopping centre water point at falcon crest shopping centre) • right into retief (just after block of flats) • walk over a bit of grass to get onto jubilee road • right into jubilee • straight back to gates at parking area of stadium
• turning point is at the gates. Colgate 15/32 km and 6 km fun run, hosted by Boksburg Athletic Club Date: sunday, may 04, 2014 Venue: boksburg city staduim, jubilee road, boksburg south Time: 06:30 Online entries open until 23 April; and can be collected from Frriday 2 May 2014 at the Boksburg Athletic Club offices. Entries at sports shops open until 30 April. Entries available at Boksburg Athletic Club office, Boksburg City Stadium, until Saturday 3 May 2014. For enquiries contact: 011 917 3721.