Tame times alberton 11 february 2015

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tame TIMES

alberton & Germiston

2012/2013 winner of the Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media


Delivered every Tuesday

Volume 06, 10 February 2015, Week 07

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Celebrating the crown The home-coming queen and newly crowned Mrs United Nations: SA 2015, our very own Desiree Oliphant from Brackendowns, embarked on a mini roadshow to the schools of Alberton, exactly one week after the learners went back to school, to celebrate “our victory” as Albertonians. Desiree spoke passionately about the fact that she could not express her gratitude enough to the community, sponsors, strategic partners as well as the schools (principals, staff and learners) for all the support and endless encouragement throughout her journey as a finalist, leading up to the crowning ceremony. ‘’Together as a community - we were able to secure our place on the worldwide map!’’ the newly crowned queen exclaimed. ‘’All my sponsors, the United Nation’s leadership here in South Africa, as well as the head office internationally in Los Angeles, all my children - the 0-18-yearolds in our community - the country and the world at large will benefit greatly from this achievement,’’ she said. Desiree promises to ensure that the international title for Mrs UN: International 2015 comes home to SA, Alberton when she goes to compete for the universal title, in Florida USA later this year. ‘’I’m appealing to all corporates in the Alberton and surrounding areas, tourism (SAT), the Department of Education, Arts and Culture, as well as Trade and Industry to join forces with me as an ambassador in South Africa, under the auspices of the United Nations, and make our mark as a country on the world stage.’’ Desiree can be reached on dezzy.oliphant@gmail.com, as well as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to help her help build the future of our children and country to be better versions of themselves every day.

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tame TIMES



A FRESH APPROACH TO LOCAL NEWS Volume 06, 10 February 2015, Week 07

Delivered every Tuesday




REST IN PEACE: Dumisa Ntuli sadly passed away on Sunday 8 February. Spokesperson for the ANC in Gauteng, Dumisa Ntuli, passed away in a car accident near his home in Albertsdal in the early hours of Sunday.

Ntuli, who was one of the founding members of the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) in 1979, was travelling to his home when the tragedy happened.

Ntuli was appointed spokesperson of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) after completing his studies and later joined the office of the ANC chief whip as a manager, before taking up his position at the ANC Communications Unit in Gauteng. According to ANC Provincial Secretary Hope Papo, Ntuli was a humble, dedicated and diligent servant and well-rounded activist rooted in the struggles of his people. “He served the organization in various capacities, including as regional executive committee member in the East Rand,’’ a statement released by the African National Congress (ANC) stated. “His unassuming, courteous and kindly nature touched all those who were fortunate to meet him and for this, amongst his many other noble qualities, he will be sorely missed,” the ANC said. Ntuli was 47 years old at the time of his death. No one else was injured in the crash. tame TIMES send our condolences to his wife, Lebo, his children, family and friends.

Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335













010 216 9004

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10 February 2015

tame TIMES

Veilige vervoer

Alberton Bowling

vir My Huis



Gee Haar ‘n Roos

Soms wórd ‘n mens nie wakker nie. Jy skrik wakker. In koue sweet. As jy besef jy het die selfoon tien keer laat “snooze”, sonder om dit agter te kom. Dan kan jy maar weet: jy is laat. So is dit ook met Valentynsdag. As ons manne te laat wakkerskrik is die “dogbox” ons voorland. Valentynsdag is ‘n lelike bekruiper. Jy het nog skaars met die jaar begin of dis al Februarie. En dan is dit al amper te laat. Want dit gaan oor blomme. Valentynsdag gaan oor blomme. Ja, oor beertjies en sjokolade en kaartjies met mooi woorde ook, maar primêr oor blomme. Daar is ‘n sekere deel van ‘n vrou se brein wat nie brein is nie, dis rangskikking. Want as jy op Valentynsdag die regte ding wil doen en met die bos rose te voorskyn kom soos van jou verwag word, is jou kop deur - vir nog ‘n jaar. Dit verg egter, soos verduidelik, fyn, tydige beplanning. ‘n Dorp soos Alberton het, soos ek verneem, nie meer ‘n ordentlike bloemiste nie. Waar is Lindy’s Florist in Alberton City as mens haar nodig het? As jy ook nie enige familie het wat met rose boer nie, sal jy weke vooruit, waarskynlik aanlyn, reeds die nodige bestelling moet doen om seker te maak jy kry wat jy (sy) soek, en wat jou sak (en haar smaak) sal pas. Maak ook seker jy sien ‘n realistiese foto van wat jy bestel, want blomme word partykeer deur ‘n vergrootglas afgeneem, en as die “bos” afgelewer word is dit meer ‘n bossie as ‘n bos. ‘n Ordentlike bos rooi rose op die regte tyd en plek is altyd die eerste prys. (Al ruik dit na niks, lyk dit darem, sê hulle, na iets..) Maar as jy dalk hier lees en nog niks gereël of bestel het vir Valentysdag wat Saterdag is nie, het ek ‘n ontsnapplan: as jy ‘n snoeiskêr en ‘n flits en ‘n buurvrou het met ‘n welige tuin, is jou kop dalk nogsteeds deur. Dis nou as jou geliefde tevrede sal wees met ‘n bos “sweet peas” en “yesterday today and tomorrows”...

Elkeen van ons is daagliks op die pad. Dit mag met ‘n fiets, ‘n motor of te voet wees, maar elkeen van ons se lewens is vervleg met die paaie waarop ons beweeg om oral te kom. So is ons elkeen ook bewus van hoe belangrik veiligheid op hierdie paaie is… veiligheid en die betroubaarheid van ons vervoermiddels. Dus was dit met groot gejuig wat 10 kinders van die My Huis Jeugsorgsentrum na hul nuwe voertuig gestorm het onlangs…’n nuwe voertuig wat verseker dat hul veilig en betroubaar by skool, kerk, dokter, sport en aktiwiteite kan uitkom. Na jare se goeie diens was hul vorige voertuig net nie meer doeltreffend nie. Nou, te danke aan verskeie skenkers uit die Gemeenskap en die hou van fondsinsamelingsprojekte soos die My Huis Gholfdag, klim hierdie kinders nou elke dag in ‘n bussie wat hul veilig heen en weer dra. ‘n Groot dankie aan elkeen wat dit moontlik gemaak het! Die kinders van My Huis Jeugsorgsentrum word na omgesien deur Doxa Deo en Umephi Welsynsraad, nadat hul deur die staat van ouerhuise moes verwyder word vir welke redes. Wat ‘n voorreg om op verskeie maniere in hierdie kinders se lewens te kan investeer, vir die versekering van ‘n veilige en voorspoedige kinderlewe vir ‘n helder toekoms! Vir enige navrae aangaande My Huis, kontak gerus: (011) 867 5954.

André P Brink was sonder twyfel een van die Suid-Afrikaanse skrywers wat van jongs af ‘n groot invloed op my gehad het. Net soos hy, het ek op ‘n baie jong ouderdom al geweet ek wil skryf. Ek moet skryf. Valentynsdag, soos almal weet, is Saterdag en word internasionaal geken as die dag van liefde. Een van die grootste liefdes wat ons as mense neig om van te vergeet, is selfliefde. Liefde vir wie jy is as mens, dit

Business Tournament

LOSERS: We lost, but we had a blast! The Alberton Bowling Business Tournament kicked off on Wednesday 4 February at the Alberton Bowling Club. Many teams entered the tournament this year, including tame TIMES.

We are not proud to say that we lost our first round, but we had a great time learning the sport. We are looking forward to the rest of the Tournament, which will be taking place over the course of the next month.


musings {A note from the Editor}

wat jy doen en hoe jy jou tyd deurbring. Dit sluit aan by verskeie artikels in hierdie week se koerant. Alles begin by liefde en respek vir jouself. Boelie, depressie en selfs oefening. Daar is natuurlik iets vir die verliefdes daar buite wat opsoek is na oulike en kreatiewe idees. Blaai gerus na bladsy 9 om te sien watter voorstelle Lizeth Kotze vir julle het. Geniet die week!

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Distribution: Alberton & Germiston South: 37 000 JHB South: 26 500 Bedfordview & Edenvale: 14 500 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335

Editor: Monica Supra, monica.supra@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za

Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Nicole Russell-079 5048143 nicole@tametimes.co.za Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za

Distribution queries: Happy Khumalo 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 17 February 2015 Deadline: 12 February 2015 at 17:00 www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook

Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.

14 20132015 10 May February

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UNHAPPY PARENT WRITES: I would like to ask schools and parents what they think about bullying. I know some of the answers will be that it is just boys being boys, and children sorting out their differences, or girls just having a verbal fight. Where do we draw the line and start to realize that if we remove the school uniforms and the school surroundings, this behaviour actually becomes criminal? LET’S LOOK AT WHAT GOES ON IN SCHOOLS: Kids kick or break other children’s schoolbags or destroy their stationery. These days, with the amount of work and books that our kids are faced with, the load they carry is in all respects very heavy. Parents’ solution to this has been to buy our kids bags with wheels so that they can at least carry their books without doing physical damage to their bodies. However, once a child decides that they will take out their anger on somebody’s bag and break it, who is liable to replace it? Not all parents can afford to replace the bags on a regular basis. Now, if we take this out of the school surroundings, this would be considered malicious damage to property, which is a chargeable offence. All of a sudden, this is no longer ‘innocent fun.’ When kids have physical altercations at school, they receive warnings; but, on the outside in the adult workplace it is considered assault, which is a chargeable offence. Kids may tease other children and spread rumours about them without consequences, but in the adult world this would be considered as defamation of character or intimidation, which is also a chargeable offence. My favourite example is taking things that do not belong to you. In the adult world this is considered to be theft and is a chargeable offence. Being caught with drugs - you guessed it – is a chargeable offence. Drinking at school is a chargeable offence. Under-age smoking is an offence according to the law.

So why do we tolerate bad behaviour at a school level when pupils are taught that the only consequences of their actions are a warning and the chance that their parents find out about their misdeeds? Maybe parents should start to realize that in some cases they can be held accountable for their minor children’s actions in the eyes of the law. The root of the problem seems to be either the child’s need for counselling, or his or her parents or living conditions. In this country according to our Constitution, a child has a right to an education. What happens when your child is so scared or tormented at school that they no longer want to be there? Is it not unfair on the children who do want to be there to have to put up with children who have no regard for others, their property or themselves? I think bullying has no place in a school and should not be tolerated just “because they are kids.” Maybe if we could stop this type of behaviour at school level, we might not have so many youths committing crime outside school.

Possession of drugs Police were working their cluster operation when they noticed two suspicious-looking men at the corner of Myrtle and Rietfontein Roads. They found a wallet containing numerous old credit cards. Between the cards was a small plastic sachet containing a white substance believed to be drugs, which the 18-year-old suspect confirmed. He was arrested and detained at Primrose SAPS. Conviction for house robbery Detective SGT Ngqoleka was investigating a case docket for a house robbery which

HAVE YOU SEEN: Errol Elliot?

Errol Elliott (48) was reported missing by his daughter at Germiston Police Station on 27 January 2015. He was last seen leaving the place where he stays in Welkom, Free State on 26 January 2015 at about 08:00. It is believed he travelled to Gauteng where his family stays. He has not been seen or heard of from that day. Hospitals and mortuaries have been contacted. Where he could be is unknown, but he is known to have been Errol Elliot was reported missing on in Brakpan, Kempton Park, 27 January. Boksburg and towns in the Free State on previous occasions. He was driving a white 320 BMW with registration number DBT 927 FS. He has a tattoo of a tiger on one of his upper arms and wore a gold chain around his neck. Persons with information can contact Lieutenant Colonel Andy Pieke at Germiston on 011 871 5037. His daughter Illme can be contacted on 073 380 9379.

Tifo Zuma?

Tifo Zuma (49) was reported missing by his niece at Germiston Police Station on 12 January 2015. He was last seen leaving his place of residence in Lanark Street, Germiston South on 9 January 2015 at about 07:00 in the morning. Persons with information can contact Lieutenant Colonel Andy Pieke at Germiston on 011 871 5037. The National Missing Persons Bureau can also be contacted on 08600 10111. Tifo Zuma was reported missing on 12 January.

The National Missing Persons Bureau can also be contacted on 08600 10111.

News from Primrose SAPS Possession of suspected stolen property Primrose police were patrolling Sector 1 on Saturday 31 January when they noticed a 29-year-old man carrying something heavy covered with a blue cloth. They found a 20cm LG screen. The man could not provide proof of purchase and also failed to explain where he obtained the screen, so he was arrested and detained at the Primrose Police Station.


took place in 2012 in Primrose. A 28-yearold suspect was arrested and on 26 January 2015, Thulane Mondlo was found guilty and sentenced as follows: 1. Robbery with aggravating circumstances (15 years imprisonment); 2. Sexual assault (3 years imprisonment); 3. Attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances (10 years imprisonment, 5 years suspended); 4. Assault (R1500 fine or 30 days imprisonment wholly suspended for 5 years). 5. Conviction for murder Detective Constable Noxolo Ngqelene investigated a case docket for a murder that took place in 2012 at Makause Informal Settlement in Primrose, and a 31-year-old suspect was arrested. On 23 January 2015, Siphelele Elona Tshangase was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. He was declared unfit to possess a firearm in terms of Section 103(1) of Act 60 of 2000.

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10 February 2015

tame TIMES

Valentine 5km



Pregnancy is a joyful and positive experience for many - but not always, and not for every woman. Instead of being filled with happiness over the prospect of becoming a parent, some women develop depression. It might be difficult to grasp that a mother could be sad during a time like this, but depression during pregnancy and even after giving birth is a reality for some.

The Valentine-themed Rietvlei Parkrun will take place on Saturday 14 February, 08:00 at Rietvlei Zoo Farm. The Rietvlei parkrun is a free 5km timed walk or run. All ages are welcome. Dogs on leads are welcome. Rietvlei Parkrun takes place every Saturday at 08:00. For Valentine’s Day, everyone in the community is encouraged to come along and to dress in red. Families are invited to stay after the parkrun and enjoy a meal at one of the three restaurants or bring picnic baskets, blankets and chairs and come and celebrate Valentine’s Day in the great outdoors. For more information, visit www.parkrun.co.za and register and download your barcode under Rietvlei Parkrun.

You may think you should gloss over your feelings if you have been led to believe that pregnancy is a time of joy. Perhaps you assume that your sadness is just a form of moodiness that is part of pregnancy. However, depression is more than feeling sad or miserable and can become a

serious problem if you do not get the help you need. There is no simple set of symptoms which add up to depression, as it varies from person to person. Some people have a low mood all the time, while others feel irritable and tearful, and yet others feel useless and want

to withdraw from life. Depression can affect you emotionally and physically and it can alter your behaviour. You may find it very hard to talk about how you feel with others, including your doctor, since everyone tells you that this is a time of joy.

WHAT CAUSED MY DEPRESSION? Experts used to believe that pregnancy hormones provided protection from depression, because many women have a feeling of emotional wellbeing during pregnancy. However, it is now thought that hormonal changes in pregnancy may actually contribute to the development of depression. The stresses and strains of pregnancy, especially if you are already caring for young children, can also leave you particularly vulnerable to depression. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION, IT IS LIKELY THAT YOU: • Have trouble concentrating • Feel anxious much of the time • Are short-tempered and restless • Have problems with sleeping • Feel constant and extreme fatigue • Are preoccupied with constant, negative thoughts • Want to eat all the time, or not at all • Feel that nothing feels enjoyable or fun any more • Are low-spirited for most of the day OTHER, MORE SPECIFIC CAUSES FOR DEPRESSION ARE: • Stressful life events like divorce low income • Complications with your pregnancy previous miscarriage(s) • Physical and/or emotional abuse in your relationship • Personal history of depression


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Short Prose

HOW SHOULD I DEAL WITH DEPRESSION? • Talk about your feelings, whether it is to your doctor, partner, friend, or family member. • Make yourself top priority. • Some form of regular exercise can help to lift your mood. • Consider a support group. WHAT ABOUT WHEN MY BABY IS BORN? It is thought that there is a link between depression in pregnancy and postnatal depression. This does not mean, however, that if you are depressed in pregnancy you will automatically be depressed after your baby is born.



14February May 20132015 10

Gedurende verlede week het ek die ongelooflike voorreg gehad om in die oë van ‘n pasgebore babaseuntjie te kyk, en sonder twyfel het iets in my binneste geroer. Hierdie iets het ek al voorheen beleef, maar nou weer soos vantevore, was my woorde op en my hart oorlopend vol. Ek het in die oë van hierdie baba besef hoe groot die Here is. Wat ook gebeur het in hierdie week is dat ek kon beleef hoe hierdie roering nie net by my gebly het nie,

www.tame TIMES.co.za tame TIMES

maar oorgespoel het na almal wat gehoor en gedeel het in die verhaal. Ek glo dat wat in my aan die roer gekom het, is ook in elke mens aan die roer wanneer ‘n wonderwerk uit die hand van die Here in my en jou werklikheid deurbreek. Ek glo dat daar baie verhale is wat sal getuig van wonderwerk oomblikke wat alreeds in 2015 saam met Psalm 19 getuig van die grootheid van God. Vertel jou verhaal … ek kan nie wag om te hoor nie

Page 5

Nou verlede week kom ek een laatmiddag by die huis terwyl Gysie sit en ‘n film kyk. Groet hom, kry ek net so ‘n halwe ‘’hallo’’ van sy kant af. Ek loop kombuis toe en sien hier lê sy bord waaruit hy wie weet wat verorber het, toe onder die miere. Hierdie ouvrou is toe sommer in ‘n toestand en ek beraam dadelik ‘n plan om vir Gysie terug te

kry. Ek verstaan nog die halwe groet, want as my man voor die televisie sit, gaan alles buite die skerm by die een oor in en vlieg by die ander uit. Ek het al die film gesien wat hy besig was om te kyk en besluit toe dat ek net voor die einde, by die kruks van die verhaal, voor die televisie sal gaan staan om die mier situasie met hom te bespreek. Kyk, die man was glad nie gelukkig met my nie, maar my punt is gemaak en die miere is verwyder. Nogsteeds nie behoorlik gegroet, gaan vat ek ‘n lekker warm bad, en lag lekker, want ek het geweet Gysie gaan mal wees oor die film en toe neem ek dit vir hom op. Sien, liefde behels dat julle mekaar ken, weet watter knoppies om te druk en wanneer dit regtig ‘n slegte idee is om in te meng. Gysie is darem nie meer kwaai nie... TIP: gebruik Valentynsdag om jou geliefde regtig te leer ken!


HAAL VRY ASEM VAN DIE WOORD ROOKSTAAKPLAN “Vroue van die Woord” kom bymekaar elke Donderdag oggend 09:00 tot 10:00 om saam te bid vir huwelike, ons manne, kinders en ons land, Suid-Afrika. Dit vind plaas by die groepleier, Magda Deysel, se woning (22 Orgideestraat, Brakenhurst). Vir enige navrae, kontak Magda Deysel by 084 406 9986. Jou plekkie aan die gebedstafel is oop. ‘’Manne van die Woord” bid saam elke Woensdag oggend van 06:00 tot 07:00 te Alberton Steel And Pipe se admin gebou (66 Sesdelaan, Albert on Noord). Vir meer besonderhede kan Pastoor Mark gekontak word by 071 207 3249. Sien jou graag daar.

Die volgende Haal Vry Asem Rookstaakplan word aangebied in die Kainos Kerksaal, Vyfdelaan, AlbertonNoord. Motorwagte word voorsien. Die plan is heeltemal gratis en word aangebied oor 7 aande wat op Donderdag 19 Februarie om 19:00 begin. Hierdie is die inligtingsaand en daarna word dit elke aand aangebied van 23 tot 27 November met ‘”gradeplegtigheid”. Vir bespreking en inligting, skakel Kobus by 083 280 5041, of Armand by 083 576 7111 of Charmaine by 072 790 6828.

ST ANZA MOTORS CATHERINES POTJIEKOS SCHOOL KOMPETISIE OPEN DAY Anza Motors hou ‘n potjiekos kompetisie ten bate van Siyabonga Children’s Cottage in Albemarle. Hulle nooi almal om in te skryf as ‘n gesin of maatskappy. Ingang is enigiets wat geskenk kan word, bv blikkies kos, komberse, badkamer benodighhede of speelgoed. Stalletjies is beskikbaar teen R150. Inskrywings sluit 28 Februarie. Adres: 8 Tweedelaan, Alberton Noord. Tyd: 10:00 tot 17:00 Vir meer inligting, skakel (011) 869 3270; 083 259 7555 of epos anza@mwebbiz.co.za.

Invitation to our Open Day Date: 7 March 2015 Time: 09:00 to 12:00 Special invitation to all Grades 000 – 12 seeking entrance to the school in 2016 We look forward to hosting all new pupils in our warm and secure school! To contact the school Tel: (011) 827 4104/2486 Fax : (011) 827 4117 31 Piercy Ave Parkhill Gardens Germiston marketing@stcatherines.org.za www.stcatherines.org.za

Page 6

10 February 2015

Jacqueline mall relaunch Jacqueline mall relaunch Jacqueline mall relaunch Jacqueline mall relaunch Jacqueline m

Join us on the

fourteenth of february

for a fun filled morning ~ 8 - 12 pm ~

s e z i r p h s a c c i ition t t e s p a m o t c Fan on in our till slip to be w

fun filled activities all day!

Clown On Stilts Magic shows

with your Karaoke talent Face Painting balloon Popping WIN PRIZES

Jacqueline mall We’ve got your shopping experience in the bag

Purchased by the current owners in 2011, this iconinc shopping centre has been undergoing a major renovation over the past two years, and we are excited to share our new look with the community, but this is not the end, so watch out for even more exciting new developments that will be happening over the following year.

14 May8 2013 Page

tame TIMES

10 February 2015

St Catherine’s launches Gr.7 Akademici deur Dinamika Wiskunde is tops the GIVE Campaign Dinamika vereer Once again St Catherine’s pupils and teachers have put their heads and hearts together to help the community in which the school is situated. On a monthly basis they will offer something back to the community in different ways: • teaching orphaned children (Epworth Children’s Home) how to be water-wise and swim; (they will collect the children from Epworth and take them to the school) • spending time with the children in homes in the area and teaching them Grade-appropriate subjects; • collecting food and clothing at school for the squatter camps in the area. The theme for the month of January is ‘’Each 1 Teach 1.’’ Learners throughout the high school will be mentoring the children from Epworth Home on the life skill of swimming.

Each 1 Teach 1 – teaching children from Epworth how to swim.

Hoërskool Dinamika het onlangs die voorreg gehad om die top akademici van Laerskool Orion, Laerskool Randhart en Laerskool President Steyn te onthaal met ‘n spogaand om hulle vir hul prestasies tydens 2014 te vereer. Ouers en leerders was na die geleentheid genooi waar daar hulde gebring is aan elke leerder en hulle ouers vir hulle harde werk.

Na afloop van die 2014 matriek jaar het Hoërskool Dinamika se wiskunde leerders die beste presteer in die Ekurhuleni-Suid distrik. Dinamika se matrieks slaag daarin om ‘n gemiddeld van 61% te haal. Juffrou Elna Tomes, wat nou al vir 25 jaar by Dinamika is, is ook aangewys as die beste Wiskunde onderwyser in die distrik. Bridget Wilson het vir nog ‘n toekenning gesorg. Uit 11 000 matrikulante het sy 9de ge-eindig met ‘n gemiddeld van 91%.

Mnr Vollaard, Hoof van Dinamika, saam met Graad 7 leerders van die verskeie laerskole.

New staff at St Catherine’s Alberton High District St Catherine’s welcomed three new teachers to their team this year. We wish them well and hope they will be very happy.



1. Mrs Brenda Lunsford Life Science Teacher: High School 2. Mrs Chantelle Nogueira Grade 3 teacher 3. Mr Rian Van Tonder – Business Studies: High School


Bridget Wilson het 91% vir Wiskunde behaal.

WELL DONE: Mr Minnie, Alysha Govender, Bhavik Dheda and Mr Olivier

Me. Elma Tomes is as die beste Wiskunde onderwyser in die EkurhuleniSuid distrik.

Alysha Govender and Bhavik Dheda finished third and fourth, respectively, in the district. Both learners have been awarded bursaries. Here they are with Mr Minnie - who was Alberton High School’s principal until the end of 2014 - and the current principal, Mr Olivier.


Sportdag by Leeuwenhof

Bracken High teachers Bracken High welcomes Mrs honoured Teachers from Bracken High School scooped awards at the District teacher awards ceremony held in Alberton on 29 January. Congratulations.

WELPIES: Leeuwenhof se welpies het ’n prettige sportdag gehad, waaraan elke maatjie vand ie skool deelgeneem het!

Front: Mrs R. Chandler (Consumer Studies), Mrs T. Theron and Mrs M. Theron (Physical Science), Mrs C. Steenkamp (Afr), Mrs C. Pedro (Business studies), Mrs A. Losper (Afr), and Mrs N. Freedman (Visual Art). Back: Mrs T. Pickup (Business Studies), Mrs M. Kruger (Maths), Mrs J. Woolway and Mrs J. Cameron (Life Science), Mrs G. Coetzee (Afr), Ms A. van den Berg (Consumer Studies), Mr T. Jordaan (Proud Headmaster).


Bracken High welcomes Mrs S. Seejarim into the Life Orientation department.

LO TEACHER: Mrs S. Seejarim

10 February 2015


Page 9

Popcorn Date Invite Sometimes the typical “date night” for couples can be a little overdone (and expensive). Instead, why not spent a cosy night in? Get creative and assemble a date night package with everything you and your sweetie will need to enjoy a night on your own sofa, in front of your own TV. dodoburd.com

Love Coupons

Personalized coupon gifts are always a big hit, and they are almost as much fun for you to make as they are for your special someone to redeem. These romantic coupons can be redeemable for activities as tame or as spicy as you would like. dodoburd.com

Lizeth Kotze

Love Potion No. 9

A print-at-home love potion label turns your favourite beverage into a romantic gift that will also be a big hit at your Valentine’s Day party. dodoburd.com



Valentine’s WEEKEND SPECIAL 14 & 15 Feb 2015


Valentine’s Day at the Races

14 February 2015

Package per couple includes Welcome drinks 4 Course lunch A bottle of wine Live entertainment Cash bar available

Dress code: Smart casual Doors open from 11:30 Turffontein Racecourse Package is R195 p/p

For more information call Agnes on 011 681 1702


Left: Awie vd Merwe, Right: Mark Smith


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Page 10

tame TIMES

10 February 2015

Rubber Love: International Condom Day – 14 February International Condom Day is celebrated in conjunction with Valentine’s Day. The aim is to promote the use of condoms as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. There are many myths about condoms, so make sure that you are aware of the facts before you have intercourse. Boys and girls, men and women have to overcome barriers or excuses and change their attitude towards condom use. It is time we become the fighting generation. Let us not lose the battle against HIV and our future! Look for the facts! MYTH 1: Condom use reduces sensitivity and pleasure. FACT 1: Some people say it reduces pleasure and sexual capacity, but others say the opposite. What is true is that having sex without protection creates anxiety about getting infected with HIV/AIDS or becoming pregnant and that reduces pleasure. MYTH 2: Condom use is a sign of distrust -

even promiscuity. FACT 2: No. The introduction of condoms in a relationship is a sign of caring and taking responsibility to protect your partner and yourself from unwanted pregnancy and HIV infection. MYTH 3: Condoms break easily during sex. FACT 3: Condoms do not break if you put them on and use them properly. MYTH 4: Some young women believe they need men’s sperm, because it is nourishment that makes them grow hips and breasts. FACT 4: There is no evidence whatsoever that young women need the sperm of men to develop their female attributes. Rather, they need to protect themselves so that they will stay healthy and conceive babies later when they are ready for this. MYTH 5: There is a concern that condoms

may slip off and disappear inside the woman’s body. FACT 5: While condoms may slip off during use, they will not get lost inside a woman’s body. MYTH 6: Condoms have been contaminated with the HIV virus by the Americans to reduce the African population. FACT 6: This is not true. Condoms are manufactured and tested by the international World Health Organisation (WHO). MYTH 7: It is safer if you use two condoms. FACT 7: No it is not. Using two condoms at once is a bad idea; it increases their chance of ripping. MYTH 8: Condoms are the only type of contraception I need to think about. FACT 8: No, they are not. Condoms can provide protection from STIs and unintended

It is estimated that 5,000,000,000 condoms are used each year

HIV / AIDS still misunderstood

It is estimated that 6,4 million of the South African population is HIV-positive. This is 1,2 million more than in 2008. Due to a lack of awareness programmes, educational opportunities and inaccurate beliefs about AIDS cures, this number is still growing. Some people still hold to the belief that raping a virgin will cleanse an HIV-positive individual of the disease. Women are particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection and stigma because they are often economically dependent on men and frequently lack access to education. Men who have the disease may avoid testing and remain anonymous, but women who undergo pre-natal testing are less likely to escape a diagnosis. Because women are often identified as HIV-positive before men, they are branded as the spreaders of the disease and may subsequently face physical abuse and abandonment. HOW DO YOU GET HIV OR AIDS? (www.aids.gov)

HIV is NOT spread by: (www.aids.gov) • Air or water • Insects, including mosquitoes or ticks • Saliva, tears, or sweat • Drinking fountains • Casual contact, like shaking hands, hugging or sharing dishes/drinking glasses • Toilet seats HIV is not spread through the air and it does not live long outside the human body. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I THINK I HAVE HIV? For more information on this widget, pleaseAIDS.govcontact@aids. gov The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested. Testing is relatively simple. You can get an HIV test from your doctor or healthcare provider, community health centre and A street sign in South Africa, appealing to men family planning clinic. not to rape children in the belief that it will cure For more information on this them of AIDS. (wikipedia.org) widget, please visit AIDS.gov.

pregnancy; but, to ensure the best protection, it is recommended that you and your partner use a condom and another form of contraception. MYTH 9: Condoms cut off his circulation. FACT 9: No they do not. A condom can stretch to 18 inches round. MYTH 10: I am on the Pill, so we do not need condoms. FACT 10: Yes, you do. The Pill does not protect you or your partner from STIs. (www.gurl.com) See http://www.livescience.com/1866114-common-condom-errors.html for info on how to use condoms correctly. Remember – condoms do not protect the heart!

Weight training for Women By Martin Dewee In 1985, I ran into trouble while doing a bench press - which ended up embarrassing m when the only female training alongside the men in the gym easily removed the weight from my chest. This experience left me red-faced, with a bruised ego. Back then, most men, including myself, believed that women belonged strictly in the aerobics section, but this incident changed my thinking about women and weight training. Not much has changed in 2015, with the majority of females still doing cardio exercises. The myth that weight training will make women muscle-bound is far from the truth. Females produce a hormone called oestrogen, which is the opposite of the testosterone found in males. Oestrogen production is the key factor that prevents females from growing big muscles. Weight training will activate their muscles, increase their strength, help with fat burning and improve the overall look of the body. All the top Miss Figure and Fitness champions owe their fantastic looking

bodies to weight training and a balanced diet. It is also very important for ladies to train as heavily as possible, without compromising good form. I have seen many women using POWERFUL: Elsa de Wit from Premium Fitness Centre in Meyersdal shows her amazing physique. light weights with very high reps, which is a total waste of time. I have successfully trained many women over the years, including Elsa de Wit from Premium Fitness Centre in Meyersdal, whose body has improved tremendously since being introduced to weight training. I would like to challenge all women reading this article to enter the Tame Times 12-week transf o r m a t i o n challenge to improve their bodies. I have personally designed the ultimate ladies training DVD, including a healthy grocery list, and training manual to get you going.

Go to www.tametimes.co.za for more info.

10 May February 14 20132015

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NEWS IN A FLASH A man who couldn’t find a black doll in the shops as a gift for his niece decided to take matters into his own hands. In 2007, Taofick Okoya, 43, created his own doll that Nigerian girls could identify with by recreating their skin colour and style - and it is now so successful that it is outselling Barbie. The dolls, which are called Queens of Africa, come with traditional outfits and accessories and cost around £4.50. (dailymail.co.uk)


Andre P Brink


Page 11

Bekroonde skrywer André P Brink is Vrydagaand op die ouderdom van 79 jaar oorlede aan boord ‘n vlug vanaf Nederland na Suid-Afrika. Hy het verlede Maandag tydens ‘n seremonie by Université catholique de Louvain, ‘n eredoktorsgraad ontvang.

Last week, Pope Francis authorized the signing of the proclamation for the beatification of Benedict Daswa, a lay person from Limpopo who opposed witchcraft. The ceremony could take place as early as October. And, in honour of the occasion, the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference has invited Pope Francis to come out for a pastoral visit to coincide with the celebration. (iol.co.za)

Kris Jenner only found out Bruce Jenner was transitioning into a woman at a recent family meeting. The showbiz matriarch reportedly “flipped out” when her ex-husband - who she split from in 2013 after 22 years of marriage - told her and the rest of their family he wanted to change gender. She was stunned by the revelation, even though she had heard speculation about his plans. Insiders say Kris never asked Bruce about the rumours and he never told her, highlighting the “serious lack of communication in the marriage.” (iol.co.za)

cannot stop

it can only it for a little while.


after 70 years

It was reported on Thursday that Sapa, the 70-yearold South African news agency, is to close. Sapa, which was started as a non-profit entity in 1938, has been facing closure or change since its four funding members, Times Media Group, Caxton, Independent Newspapers and Media24, started pulling out of the arrangement more than a year ago. “The funding model for Sapa has basically come to an end so the board had to take tough decisions,” the former board chairman, Tim du Plessis, told Grubstreet in July 2014 on the decision to look into whether outside parties might be interested in taking it over in some way. Late last year, Agence France-Presse’s (AFP’s) Southern African office pulled out of Sapa. This brought to an end a 20-year-old arrangement between the French-based AFP and Sapa, whereby they supplied copy to each other for a fee. (biznews.com)

Plans are afoot to transform Newlands Cricket Ground into a precinct of blue-chip offices, doctors’ rooms and places of entertainment. Nabeal Dien was appointed chief executive of the Western Province Cricket Association last month, and is helping to steer the ground into a new era. Of the stadium’s 114 corporate suites, only 39 are in use – and only on the 20-odd match days a year. The cricket association plans to transform these suites into office space in a R400 million development that should be completed in 2017. The plan can only go ahead if the land is rezoned by the City of Cape Town. (iol.co.za)

Ryan Reynolds would use Blake Lively as a “human shield” to protect their daughter. The Deadpool star - whose wife gave birth to their first child in December - was amazed by how much he loves his little girl and wanted to protect her as soon as he saw her. He said: “I used to say to [Blake], ‘I would take a bullet for you. I could never love anything as much as I love you.’ I would say that to my wife." “And the second I looked in that baby’s eyes, I knew in that exact moment that if we were ever under attack, I would use my wife as a human shield to protect that baby.” Though his little girl comes first, the 38-yearold actor admits he is more in love with Blake - who he married in September 2012- than ever. (iol.co.za)

• Based on retail statistics, about 3% of pet owners will give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets. • About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. • Girls in medieval times ate bizarre foods on St. Valentine’s Day to make them dream of their future spouses. • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to determine who their Valentines would be. They wore these names pinned on to their sleeves for a week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”

• More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine’s Day. • 15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day. • Over $1 billion worth of chocolate is purchased for Valentine’s Day in the U.S. • 189 million stems of roses are sold in the U.S. on Valentine’s Day. • 220 000 is the average number of wedding proposals on Valentine’s Day each year.

PHOBIA OF THE WEEK Gamophobia – The fear of getting married. oxforddictionaries.com

From the movie The Princess Bride.

For more news visit www.tametimes.co.za • find tame times on facebook • find us on twitter: @tametimes

Page 14

tame TIMES

10 February 2015



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In the Lion’s Den Suite owners and Lions fans gathered at Emirates Airline Park on 3 February for an evening of speeches and entertainment. The Head Coach, Team Captain and Golden Lions Rugby Union (GLRU) President gathered the people in the Lion’s Den to speak about the team and their game plan for the upcoming season, as well as to thank to their loyal supporters and sponsors. The event kicked off with a bang as the GLRU gave a big thank you to their new sponsors, Emirates Airlines, and showed their appreciation to their loyal supporters and fans, after which they shifted their attention to the Lions team. The Lions chose to keep core stability within the group and decided to stick to their team and keep all their current players. They added that it is easier to build on a foundation that is already steady and stable and that keeping all the current players

competition. Johan Ackermann made it clear that he wants the team committed to the game, saying, ”I can accept a loss, but I cannot accept a lack of effort.” After the speeches, fans both young and old were free to meet and mingle with their favourite Lions players. Pictures were taken and autographs were signed as the players chatted to fans. All in all, Emirates Airline Park showed great hospitality. Remember to catch the Lions vs the Hurricanes game on 13 February.

maintained the team structure. Team captain Warren Whiteley also spoke about the challenges that players face as a result of only being contracted for between one and two years and how that made an impact on their decision to re-sign all the players. He said that having the same group of players is fantastic and that the team has grown as a family and a brotherhood. Johan Ackermann also assured fans that the team is busy and hard at work doing 2.5 hour drill sessions in preparation for the season’s games. The team feels positive about the season and they are building towards something - the perfect brand of play and staying together and winning trophies. The team has already identified their competition as the Crusaders and the Brumbies, but added that the Bulls and Province have potential and could be tough

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Age: 31 years Playing role: Top-order batsman Batting: Right-hand bat Bowling: Right-arm medium / offbreak

Morne Morkel

Aaron Phangiso

Age: 30 years Playing role: Bowler Batting: Left-hand bat Bowling: Right-arm fast

Age: 30 years Playing role: Bowler Batting: Right-hand bat Bowling: Slow left-arm orthodox

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Hashim Amla

(CAPTAIN) Age: 30 years Playing role: Wicketkeeper batsman Batting: Right-hand bat Bowling: Right-arm medium



The following five players are part of the squad selected to represent South Africa at the ICC World Cup 2015. tame TIMES will be profilling five players each edition over the next three weeks.

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