tame TIMES
alberton & Germiston
2012/2013 winner of the Ekurhuleni awards: Best Print media
Tegnologiese Delivered every Tuesday
Volume 06, 27 January 2015, Week 05
Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335
Laerskool Randhart het vanjaar die eerste Afrikaanse Staatskool geword om gebruik te maak van tablette in plaas van handboeke. Die skool se graad 6 leerlinge is die eerste groep wie se handboeke vervang is met e-handboeke, wat op die tablette gelaai word. Behalwe vir wiskunde, is al die handboeke nou elektronies en baie meer interaktief. Onderwysers kan materiaal laai
om die werk interessant te hou en leerlinge ten volle toe te rus met die inligting wat hulle benodig. Mr Van Zyl, skoolhoof van Laerskool Randhart het verduidelik dat dit onder geen omstandighede die kinders se skryf vaardighede sal vervang nie. ‘’Hulle maak steeds gebruik van skrifte, dit is net die swaar handboeke wat vervang word,’’ het hy
vertel. Die konsep is reeds by skole soos Hoërskool Waterkloof en Glen Allen High School geïmplementeer. Die skool het intensiewe navorsing gedoen en eers die ouers betrek voor die besluit geneem is. ‘’Ons het ‘n groot inligtingsaand gehad saam met die ouers van verlede jaar se graad 5 groep, omdat hulle die eerste groep is wat vanjaar gebruik
maak van die tegnologie,’’ het Mnr Van Zyl gesê. Die tablette is deur die leerlinge se ouers aangekoop en is dus die privaat eiendom van die leerlinge. Hulle kan enige maak tablet wat persoonlike voorkeur geniet gebruik. Leerlinge maak gebruik van die skool se Wifi sisteem, wat spesiaal vir die doel geïnstalleer is verlede jaar. Hulle het nie toegang tot enige sosiale netwerke by die skool nie. Volgens Mnr Michael Boucher, wat voltyds beskikbaar is om te help indien daar enige probleme opduik, beplan die skool om in 2016 die konsep te implementeer by al die leerlinge vanaf graad 4 tot graad 7. Vanjaar is ‘n proeflopie om seker te maak dat alles glad verloop in die toekoms. Die skool is toegerus met 102 kameras, wat grootliks sal help om enige moontlike diefstal te voorkom. Laerskool Randhart maak ook deesdae gebruik van interaktiewe witborde, wat die lesse vir die kinders baie meer aanloklik en lekker maak. ‘’Die onderwysers geniet dit ook, lesbeplanning gaan baie vinniger,’’ het Mnr Van Zyl vertel.
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Page 2
27 January 2015
tame TIMES
musings {AnotefromtheEditor}
It’s the end of the first month, which in general is the month of the year that sets the trend for the rest of the year. People have the perception that if your year started off badly, there is no hope for the rest of the year. I personally don’t agree. The year might not have started the way I wanted it to, but it gives me no reason
to doubt the goodness that may be waiting for me. Learning about stories like neighbours caring so much for each other that a life was saved gives me hope for the year. Read on page 3 how a concerned neighbour, together with Fox Security, gave someone a second chance. Our 12-week Transformation Challenge is almost ready for kick off and we are receiving lots of entries, so make sure you enter in time for a better chance to be one of our lucky 40 entrants to receive the starter pack and free 12-week gym membership! Keep an eye on our website and social media sites for tips on training, nutrition and everything else you need to know. This time of year is generally not the time for saying good-bye, and I have been trying to stick it out for longer, but the time has come for our JHB South Editor, Laurelle Williams, to leave tame TIMES. It is with sadness that I greet her, for she, as the rest of the tame TIMES team, has become like family to me. Laurelle, I wish you the best of luck for your future - we are all very proud of you. I hope our readers have a fantastic week. Remember to submit your stories and information to Monica.Supra@tametimes.co.za or www.tametimes.co.za.
Message from Broken Wings
Broken Wings Association for Adults with Disabilities would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015. We are thankful for all the support and donations received during 2014 – it was our best year to date. We would like to offer our support to anyone who has a disabled child or family member, as we still have space to accommodate more disabled students in our skills development classes. We are a daycare facility, open Monday to Friday, and our bus-driver does the rounds in the mornings and afternoons, in a bus capable of transporting wheelchairs. All kinds of disabilities are catered for. If you are not working every day and are crafty, enjoying decoupage, painting, baking etc, please pop in to the Centre and see what we do – we are always looking for people to assist us with our skills development and
we just require a few hours of your time. The more volunteers we have, the more our Broken Wingers can do. We would really like 2015 to be a very successful and busy year for our disabled. We have a number of events planned for the year. So far, our Family Fun Day at Jackson Dam will be held on 28 March. Please contact us to book your stall. For more information, please contact our Centre Manager, Marietjie on (011) 869 3418 or brokenwings@absamail. co.za. You can also visit www.brokenwings.za.net. Physical Address: 15 Glen Albyn Street, Raceview, Alberton.
Nothing Lukewarm about it. A unique hybrid of heatset printing quality using coldset technology, brings you a new and innovative solution for commercial printing purposes. Fast, flexible and cost effective. +27 21 550 6254 l +27 11 703 2697 l info@paarlmedia.co.za l www.paarlmedia.com
New and Used Auto Body Spares specialising in:
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Satire in die Suburbs @Stefan609 Druk ‘n Raadslid Een oggend toe jy opstaan het hulle ongesiens teen die lamppale verskyn. En jy besef eensklaps: daar moet dan ‘n verkiesing op pad wees. Die volgende plaaslike verkiesing is nader as wat ons dink en ons plaaslike raadslede, wie se gesigte rondom verkiesingstyd oral op plakkate verskyn, is belangrike speke in die wiel van ons samelewing. Die feit dat hulle ook baba’s soen wanneer die verkiesing nader kom, of medaljes uitdeel by die Aftree-oord se boeresportdag driebeenresies trofeeoorhandiging seremonies, maak hulle nie minder belangrik nie. As jou hele buurt se krag vir dae af is, en dis nie weens beurtkrag nie maar weens iemand wat die OFF-knoppie, in plaas van die ON-knoppie gedruk het, is hulle die mense wat jy eerste bel. Of as ‘n waterpyp in jou straat gebars het. Hulle werk is om om te sien na belangrike sake van die gemeenskap, soos dienste en parke en afbakening en ander woorde wat jy net langs braaivleisvure of in argumente gebruik. Jy kry natuurlik ook altyd raadslede wat nie baie betrokke by hulle gemeenskappe is nie. Daardies wat in verkiesingstyd by die stopstrate gestaan en klapperys uitdeel het aan al wat ‘n motoris is, maar daarna soos mis voor die son verdwyn het, en, vermom met pruike en donkerbrille, ongesiens kaas by Checkers probeer koop het sonder om herken te word. Ek moet egter sê: ons plaaslike raadslede was nog nooit daardie tipe nie en is voorvatters wanneer voorvat in tye van nood nodig is. Dis hoekom ek ‘n veldtog wil begin met die titel “Druk ‘n Raadslid”. Want in tye wanneer jou hande afgekap is, is hulle daar om die regte “switch” te laat aansit of om op iemand te skree wie se telefoonnommer jy nie eers het nie. Kom ons klink ‘n glasie op ons bekwame raadslede. Of nog beter, gee die een naaste aan jou ‘n druk! - Stefan van Niekerk
Distribution: Alberton & Germiston South: 37 000 JHB South: 26 500 Bedfordview & Edenvale: 14 500 Kathorus: 55 000 Delivery on Tuesday to all households and businesses in Alberton, Germiston South, JHB South and Bedfordview. Published by Tame Communications Corner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457. Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335
Editor: Monica Supra, monica.supra@tametimes.co.za Sub-editor: Linda Yates linda.yates@tametimes.co.za Production Manager: Stephen Davey stephen@tametimes.co.za
Advertising Executives: Loreen Fletcher 074 581 9327 loreen@tametimes.co.za Shane Stander 071 671 7264 shane@tametimes.co.za Nicole Russell-079 5048143 nicole@tametimes.co.za Classified Manager: Tessa Arthur 011 862 8500 tessa@tametimes.co.za
Distribution queries: Happy Khumalo 011 862 8500 Next issue: Tuesday 27 January 2015 Deadline: 22 January 2015 at 17:00 www.tametimes.co.za FInd us on Twitter and Facebook
Although reasonable efforts are made by tame Communications (Pty) Ltd and the owners, directors, publishers, editors and staff thereof (all referred to as “TAME”), no responsibility is taken by TAME for any errors and/or incorrect aspects and/or misstatements in any format published herein, and whoever provides TAME with any information, including any editorial, advertorial and/or advertising material, in any format, indemnifies TAME against any claim of whatsoever nature which may be brought against TAME by whoever.
14 January May 2013 27 2015
Who should
Clr Haipel would like to inform the community that their first port of call for all service delivery issues should be the call centre at 0860 54300 24/7 or during the day (011) 999 5668 where the consumer MUST REQUEST to be given a Reference Number. To everyone’s dismay, however and despite the many promises made by the Mayor, this call centre is not always functioning optimally. This leads to great frustration and many calls to the Councillors. She would therefore like to give some alternative contact details: Direct line to Alberton Electricity Department during office hours (011) 999 2525 or (011) 861 2387. In order to send in readings: Albfinenq@ ekurhuleni.gov.za or 086 587 4542. There are new Meter readers appointed for Alberton and the municipality appeals to residents to grant them access to their properties if their meters are inside. These readers will have ID cards with telephone numbers that can be contacted for confirmation. They will also be wearing branded T-shirts. The two companies doing meter reading in Alberton are: Ralai Investment Metering and the contact persons are Ricky Booysen 074 752 7635 or ricky@unitymeters.co.za and Edgar Booysens 083 308 5292. Anix Trading (011) 902 9115 or nyathi@ anixtrading.587.com and the persons to speak to are Richard Nyathi, Busi Mangena, Anastacia Mehlwa or Henry Lushaba. Problems with water meters wcmmeters@ekurhuleni.gov.za. Failing the above, The Customer Care Manager, Stephen Nowata can be contacted via his secretary, Jennifer Ncita on (011) 999 2489. Account queries may be e-mailed to Anneline. Arnachillam@ekurhuleni.gov.za If the call centre does not respond: Water and sewer complains should be sent to Water.Alberton@ekurhuleni.gov.za. Roads/pothole issues should be sent to Petunia.Mdakane@ekurhuleni.gov.za. Any other complaints Alberton.cca@ekurhuleni.gov.za.
tame TIMES
Jackie Selebi dies
Page 3
Monica Supra
monica@tametimes.co.za Former police commissioner Jackie Selebi passed away on Friday 23 January at the age of 64. Selebi was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in 2010 for taking bribes from convicted drug dealer Glenn Agliotti. After his failed appeal in 2011, he collapsed at his house. Selebi was released on medical parole in 2012 after serving only 229 days of his sentence.
The former police commissioner was diagnosed with a terminal chronic and progressive medical condition and deteriorated since. He was sent home because the Department had limited capacity to provide care for terminally ill patients, according to Sibusiso Ndebele, former Correctional Services Minister. RIGHT: The former police commissioner passed away at the age of 64.
Feeling safe with Fox Security A concerned resident from Randhart requested the assistance from the Fox Reaction Team regarding the medical condition of a neighbour on 15 January. Fox Tactical Team members responded and found the neighbour unconscious and unresponsive. Medical assistance was requested and the patient was transported to hospital. On Monday 19 January, a client’s domestic worker noticed three suspicious-looking people removing palisade fencing from the servitude in Phillips Street, Verwoerd Park. The client informed Fox Security, which then sent two reaction vehicles to confront the three suspects. They were arrested and several pieces of palisade fencing were found in their possession. The suspects were detained at Alberton SAPS CARING: Fox Security helped transport an unconscious resident to hospital. for theft.
Kykers soek Die Woord KykNET se nuwe godsdiensprogram, Die Boodskap, word nie met dieselfde entoesiasme ontvang as sy voorganger, ‘’Die Woord’’ nie. Talle kykers het hul ontevredenheid uigespreek op sosiale media. Die algemene klagtes handel oor die formaat van die program en die feit dat die predikant nie met ‘n gebed afsluit nie. Ander kykers het wel ingestem dat ‘’Die Boodskap’’ inspirerend
was, hoewel die meerderheid gevra het dat Pastoor Andries Enslin van Alberton Lewensentrum, se program teruggebring moet word. ‘’Die Woord’’ word wel nog uitgesaai, maar op Sondae oggende om 06:00 op eTV, kanaal 194, wat vir baie kykers ongeleë is. tame TIMES lesers het ook bygedra tot die debat: Charmaine Senekal: ‘’Almal hou van Andries se boodskap, dis so kort en kragtig, maar dis wonderlik dat daar nou 2 kanale is wat die evangelie uitsaai. Dis baie om voor dankbaar te wees in ons land.’’ Fanie Du Toit: ‘’Hou van verandering.’’ Karin Blignaut: ‘’Solank ons die Boodskap kry is dit reg Die wat nog Die Woord wil hoor kan etv toe kliek.’’ Christine Hennop Watson Hou gladnie daarvan nie! Verkies die ou formaat. Hou ook nie van Binnelanders in die 19:30 tydgleuf nie maar nou ja *sug.’’
Page 4
Budget 2015:
have your say Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene has asked South Africans for their views on the upcoming Budget Speech and the general state of the economy. Minister Nene will table his Budget Speech in Parliament on 25 February. The Minister has asked the public to contribute ideas on how the dynamics of the country’s cities can be changed so that government can improve living conditions, modernize transport and communications infrastructure and expand economic activity. He also wants to know how government can reinforce support for exporting businesses and improve their competitiveness and, by so doing, increase the capacity of the economy to create more jobs. Minister Nene also wants ideas on how to improve the country’s ability to expand the skills base of the economy. In October last year, the Department of Finance said government had no option but to adjust expenditure and increase taxes so as to return the fiscus to a sustainable path. “This decision was informed by the difficult economic environment, both locally and globally, as well as the high level of debt government has accumulated since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008,” Minister Nene said. The budget framework announced by the Department of Finance in October seeks to restore balance to public finances, boost investment and ensure government improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the expenditure of public funds. “In line with the National Development Plan (NDP), our medium term objective is to ensure that government spending promotes economic growth and enables increased investment by the private sector,” the Department said. Contributions to the budget can be made in the following ways: Twitter: @Budget2015 Facebook: National Treasury South Africa Fax: 012 406 9055 Email: media@treasury.gov.za
27 January 2015
tame TIMES
Die Psalms is vir my ‘n aangrypende gebedebundel wat my gedagtes maklik met verwondering meesleur na die verhouding wat die skrywers met die lewende Here gehad het. Ek vra myself oor elke Psalm af oor die skrywer, sy lewensomstandighede, sy emosie, sy beeld van God. En meer kere as nie vind ek myself met die Psalm as gebed voor die Here kniel. Die Psalms was al vir baie digters en komponiste ‘n bron van inspirasie. Een Psalm wat jy dalk sal herken as
• General and orthopaedic surgery rehabilitation • Sport injuries • Neck and back pain • Joint pain and injuries • Headaches • Postural problems • Respiratory infections www.physiotherapySA.co.za ALBERTON / BRACKENHURST: Brackenhurst, Bracken Medi Centre, 27 Vermooten St Tel: 011 867 5366 Alberton, 56 Clinton Rd, New Redruth Tel: 011 907 3647
‘n lied van Darlene Chech is Psalm 84:10-11 “O God, ons beskermer, kyk tog, betoon genade aan u gesalfde! Een dag in u tempel is beter as duisend elders! Ek staan liewer by die drumpel van die huis van my God as dat ek woon in huise van goddeloses. (NLV)” Waar sou jy eerder een dag spandeer? Watter eienskap van God oortref vir jou alles in jou lewe? Dink daaroor. Dalk word dit soos Psalm 84 ook jou gebed.
Your Journey to a Healthier & Leaner Looking Body I always look forward to the festive session, to indulge in some not-so-healthy meals, including my favourite treat, chocolate. Clearly I was not the only one, as the most discussed New Year’s resolution topic on most people’s lips during the first week in January, is getting back into shape! Sadly the vast majority of people, who attempt to start a gym or nutritional programme, will fail dismally because of lack of knowledge, self-discipline, motivation, including support from friends and family. The combination of correct training coupled with smart nutrition is your passport to a healthier and leaner looking body. Over 80% of getting your body into shape comes from eating five or six smaller meals daily, consisting of a combination of low GI carbohydrates, lean protein, essential fatty acids, water, vitamins & minerals. Avoiding saturated fats, sodium, all forms of sugar, and cutting out alcohol, will increase your chances of success. I will go into more detail during the coming weeks. Nutritional supplements make up about 10 %, and training the balance. Joining a gym and either choosing weight training, aerobics, spinning, yoga,
Pilates, cross-fit or EMS training is your first step. Any of the above exercises will give you a fighting chance to achieving a healthier body. I will discuss the best all-round type of exercise during next week’s write-up. Ten lucky readers stand a chance to win a copy of my new book [Slowing Down Father Time] including my male or female training DVD by answering this simple question. When is the start & cut-off date for entry forms for the Tame Times 12 week body transformation challenge? Send your answer to www.tametimes.co.za
Enjoy the sounds of life!
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www.tame TIMES.co.za tame TIMES
Page 5
First 2015 EFC fight at
Carnival City
Nail-biting action awaits EFC fans on Saturday, 21 February 2015 when the final reckoning takes place between lightweight champion Leon “Iron Lion” Mynhardt and former champion Don “Magic Man” Madge at Carnival City’s Big Top Arena. They have fought twice before, and on both occasions a controversial win was given to Mynhardt. This time Madge promises to win with a finish. EFC 37 includes seven action-packed preliminary bouts, as well as the first-ever bout in the EFC Women’s Division. Perhaps one of the most highly anticipated bouts of EFC 37 is the welterweight bout in which grappling phenomenon and current two-time EFC welterweight champion, Adam Speechly, as he defends his title against the striking specialist David Buirski. In this, the first EFC fight night for 2015, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) mega-star, Darren Daniel, also returns to the Hexagon to clash with hometown favorite JP Kruger, while Madiba faces M. Buirski. Gorimbo and Cheboub to top off the main card at EFC 37. ‘We are thrilled to play host to the first
EFC fight night of 2015. The question we understand that is one everybody’s lips is ‘will this be the night that the welterweight curse will be broken?’’ Do not miss EFC37 in February to find out,” says Michelle Smith, the Marketing Manager at Carnival City. EFC, the Extreme Fighting Championship, is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) organization on the African continent. Over 100 of the world’s toughest MMA athletes are exclusively contracted to EFC to showcase their skills in front of thousands of fans in sold out arenas. With ten new events per year, each hosting at least 12 explosive bouts, EFC is a sports entertainment phenomenon which has captured the attention of passionate and loyal fans throughout Africa and the world. The doors to Carnival City’s Big Top Arena open at 16h15, with the preliminary bouts kicking off at 16h45. The main card bouts start at 20h00. Tickets range in price, starting at R225 per person. The ticket cost includes an Event Guide, Fight Card and information valued at R50. VIP ticketholders enjoy access to the VIP Bars and Smoking Lounge.
Carnival City is gearing up to host some of the biggest artists and bands from the 1980s on 31 January when the KIA 80s Rewind concert hits Johannesburg. Among the stars performing in the open-air show on the Carnival City Festival Lawns are Billy Ocean, Heather Small (from M People), Nik Kershaw, Go West, Wang Chung and SA 80s bands Cinema and Face to Face. Fans can expect to hear a diverse array of 80s chart-toppers such as African Queen, King of Wishful Thinking, Wouldn’t it Be Good, Moving on Up, Everybody Have Fun Tonight, and My Kind Of Girl, to name but a few.
“We are thrilled to play host to world-famous artists from the idylic 1980s. 80s Rewind is considered the world’s biggest 80s music festival, featuring top artists performing evergreen hits from that era. It is a rare chance to see so many of your favourite international bands and singers from the 1980s performing together in one explosive and nostalgic show,” says Jaco Saaiman, the entertainment manager at Carnival City. With three massive festivals in the UK, as well as Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and SA, the event’s following has grown since it was first held in England in 2009. The South African events are sponsored by KIA in association with Jacaranda FM, Heart FM and East Coast Radio, VH1 and DSTV. Tickets are on sale at Computicket www. computicket.com.
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14January May 2013 27 2015
27 January 2015
New staff for Alberton High
Not only did Alberton High School kick 2015 off with a new principal, but they also welcomed new staff to take the school to new heigts.
NEW IN 2015: Alisha Esterhuizen, Natalie Bole, Grant Swanepoel, Charlene Harmse, Jeanine Edgar
14 January May 2013 27 2015
tame TIMES
Urgent needs at EPIC Foundation COMFORT PACK PROJECT
Most urgent: • Face-cloths • Soap (bars) • Underwear (ladies S – XXL; boys and girls from ages 2 – 12) • Deodorant Other: • Hair combs/ brushes • Sweets • Hair elastics • Bottled water • Body lotion • Vaseline/lip balm All other items will of course be highly
appreciated as well. More details of the complete lists are available on www. epicfoundation.org.za.
• Desktop computers – towers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, etc. • 1 or 2 laptops which can be used in the EPIC office for admin purposes. • Sponsorship/support to get all PCs loaded with Windows, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. • A projector to be used during training. • Small bar fridge • Gas heater or two for winter time • Office chairs
• Someone to help with welding of the dress rails they currently have. They need some steel added to make them more stable, and wheels. • Industrial-type steam cleaner to clean dresses which have not been drycleaned before donating. • Bigger sized dresses. • Men’s clothing store that would support them with outfits for the guys as Forever New is helping with the girls’ outfits.
The Foundation has been in the Supreme Industrial Park managed by Fountainhead
JFK Concepts and Designs With years of experience in renovating, building and structural design, and soft interior finishes, I will help you create your dream home. Renovating and/or building can become extremely tiring and draining. Building that dream home is a privilege but can prove to be a daunting task. How do you get what you want and how do you ensure that the end result is exactly how you pictured it to be? Where do you find that light fitting you want and how do you go about choosing tiles and taps? And how exactly can you get that shower in
the main bathroom that does exactly what you want it to do? JFK Concepts and Designs is the solution. I will, through my years of renovating, building and structural design, as well as soft interior finishes experience, help you create exactly what you want. It is my passion to turn into reality the dream home that once existed only in your mind. Phone 0825702278 Website http://za.linkedin.com/pub/francoiskruger/2a/98b/296
Page 7
Properties since June 2014. The current lease will expire at the end of June 2015. They have been given the option to extend. As the projects have grown considerably over the last few months they are bursting at the seams. They will be looking at about 250 square metres. They are paying rent which comes to just over R8000 a month inclusive of VAT and Utilities.
• Plumber to help with repairs of the two toilets in the Epic office. • Carpets which need to be cleaned. • Broken cupboard and table needing repairs.
14 May Page 082013
tame TIMES
27 January 2015
Only In
Spraypaint assault appear in court
Two men charged with the attempted murder of a Malawian man who was spraypainted from head to foot after being beaten, appeared in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate’s Court to apply for bail last Thursday.
A China based South Korean restaurant has offered free meals to its first 50 customers, but only if they are beautiful. (www.rediff.com)
Matthew Menczyk smashed the world record for most piercings in one sitting when he underwent 4 500 piercings in eight hours. Mr Menczyk underwent the agonizing ordeal to raise money for Directions Youth Services (DYS) which helps at risk youth in Vancouver, Canada. (www.rediff.com)
A woman from China chopped her husband’s penis off twice - the first time when she found out about his affair and the second time after the doctors successfully re-attached it. She sneaked into the hospital, hacked it off for the second time and threw it out of the window. The police could not find the man’s missing penis. (kplr11.com)
Miss Israel calls for peace in Middle East
SELFIE CAUSES POLITICAL UPROAR: Doron Matalon, Miss Israel, snapped this picture of herself with fellow Miss Universe contestants Miss Lebanon, Miss Slovenia and Miss Japan.
Several Lebanese outlets were furious that Saly Greige, Miss Lebanon, would allow herself to be photographed with Miss Israel, while other outlets demanded that Miss Lebanon be dethroned. Greige took to Facebook to explain her side of the story: “The truth behind the photo, since the first day of my arrival to participate in Miss Universe - I was very cautious to avoid being in any photo or
communication with Miss Israel, who tried several times to take a photo with me. I was having a photo with Miss Japan, Miss Slovenia; suddenly Miss Israel jumped in and took a selfie, and uploaded it on her social media.” Matalon responded: “It doesn’t surprise me, but it still makes me sad. Too bad you cannot put the hostility out of the game, only for three weeks of an experience of a lifetime
that we can meet girls from around the world and also from the neighboring country. I hope for change and I hope for peace between us, and even just for three weeks, just between me and her,” she told NBC News. “We need to remember that we represent the country and the people, not the government and not the political issues.” HELLO GIGGLES
www.funfunnyfacts.com From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula One Race car for about 30 feet. It takes 3 000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year’s supply of footballs. Kite-flying is a professional sport in Thailand. The chances of making two holes-in-one in a round of golf are one in 67 million. Tug of War was an Olympic event between 1900 and 1920. Today’s top fuel dragsters take off with more force than a space shuttle.
Phobia of the week
Hypnophobia – The fear of sleep Wikipedia.org
For more news visit www.tametimes.co.za • find tame times on facebook • find us on twitter: @tametimes
27 January 2015
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tame TIMES
27 January 2015
Gereed vir skool met die Skooltassie Projek
BIG DAY: The first day of school was very exciting for these new Grade 1 students. We wish them the best of luck in their school careers.
Safety first STARTING RIGHT: In their first swimming lesson, the Grade R class of St Catherine’s learned to be careful around swimming pools.
Mnr Johan Grové en Me. Louisa Jordaan het met groot dankbaarheid die skooltasse ontvang van Helpende Hand Alberton tak. Helpende Hand Alberton tak het vanjaar 107 skooltassies met skryfbehoeftes, aan verskeie skole in Alberton en omgewing uitgedeel. Hierdie skooltasse word aan behoeftige leerders geskenk sodat hulle op gelyke voet met hul maats die jaar kan afskop. Laerskool Orion skoolhoof Johan Grové en kollega Louisa Jordaan het met
groot dankbaarheid hierdie skooltasse ontvang en die tak bedank vir hul passie en entoesiasme om Afrikaanssprekende leerders te help. Enige belangstellende persone wie graag tot Alberton tak se Skooltassie Projek wil bydra, is welkom om ‘n epos te stuur aan: Shh.alberton@gmail.com of ‘n sms te stuur aan: 083 457 8009.
Hoërskool Alberton
uitblinkers Die volgende studente van Hoërskool Alberton het blink presteer in hul eindeksamen. Welgedaan aan almal.
Werner Bosch: 6 onderskeidings
Annamarie Rademeyer (Links Agter): 4 onderskeidings Meghan Britz (Derde Agter): 5 onderskeidings
Andrew Farrell: 6 onderskeidings
Danielle de Meyer: 4 onderskeidings
27 May January 2015 14 2013
The latest b u z z word for those of us into alternative health is “stem cells.” With our first grandchild on his way, we have read a great deal about the value of preserving the placenta and even the umbilical cord of the newborn so that stem cells can be harvested from them for treatment of any future illnesses or accidents during his lifetime. I spoke to Dr Wian Stander about all the possibilities in this new field of research and he informed me that even adults can now harvest their own stem cells and preserve them for medical purposes. Adult stem cells are self-renewing cells that possess
www.tame TIMES.co.za tame TIMES multi-regenerative potential. They have the potential to replace cell tissue that has been injured, damaged or destroyed by severe illness and chronic
or injected into a specific joint or area to activate a healing response. This special “primer” treatment is referred to as Stomal Vascular Fraction therapy and is activated in your body once the area of inflammation and degeneration has been detected by its built-in “signalling and homing mechanism.” Cells are then
degenerative conditions. The benefit of stem cells is that they are able to replicate themselves repeatedly over time by recruiting an entire cascade of regenerative actions in the tissue where they are needed in order to repair and maintain. They can be used to generate healthy and functioning specialized cells which can then replace diseased or dysfunctional cells. The entire goal of stem cell therapy is to introduce healthy cells into the body that will then become integrated with your own cells and start functioning as your own cells in the organ system that requires them. Once harvested from you (autologous stem cell therapy) they may be used either to help with regeneration of our bodies holistically
recruited into the injured joints or tissue to speed up your recovery process. As I mentioned before, we are both into alternative medicine to cure our over-50 aches and pains, as well as frequent injuries caused by falling off our bicycles. Brian was still suffering from a shoulder injury and I had severe foot cramping episodes so bad that I had to abandon a cycle race in December to my great disappointment. So, on Saturday 17 January we went to visit the South African Stem Cell Institute (SASCI) at the Regenerative Medical Centre in Parys, Free State. Under local anaesthetic, we gladly donated some of our stomach fat. In a very modern and efficient FDA- and GMP- aligned laboratory on the same premises, a injection was prepared for both of us from our own stem cells. Brian also donated some of his blood to prepare a
In proud association with
Page 11 new regenerative cell-based therapy called PRP or platelet-rich-plasma. This was meticulously prepared by the cell biologist on site and injected back into his injured shoulder. Within minutes of receiving the injection I had a warm tingling sensation in my feet – and, yes – believe it or not – all the cramps, stiffness and pain in my foot disappeared. Brian, who hurt his finger in his latest cycling accident, had the same sensation in his finger and yes, it is now no longer stiff and tender. As for me, I feel so energized – those of you having Strava, can follow me, and see that since Monday I have broken all my records on my usual route! We know that all has not been proven by research yet, and stem cell therapy is still in the experimental phases, mostly because the big pharmaceutical companies are scared to lose out on the chemical-based medicine profits - but we are keen to try out new things and this experience did not disappoint us. Our stem cells are now preserved in a state-of-the-art facility and we can use them at any stage and for whatever reason we need them in future.
Page 12 2013 14 May
Classifieds www.tame TIMES.co.za tame TIMES
27 January 2015
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27 January 2015
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Annique Health and Beauty with rooibos Consultants needed Call 082 440 1790
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SMS’s charged at R3
NTOMBIFUTHI Seeks full time sleep out work. Refs. Avail. 078 255 1770 SIMOSENKOS Seeks part time sleep out work. 072 249 5739 MONICA Seeks part time sleep out work. 073 905 4665 ZAMANI Seeks part time sleep out work. 076 2752 458 DIEKETSENG Seeks full time sleep out work. 072 033 7575
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tame TIMES
27 January 2015
School Sports / Skole Sport
Boys High Jump at Alberton High.
Bedfordview Marathon
Thewell-knownmarathonconsistsoftwolaps thatencompassEdenvaleandBedfordview.
’n Uitstekende diskus gooi by Hoërskool Alberton.
Alberton High boys performed really well in Long Jump.
The 2015 Pick ‘n Pay Marathon and HalfMarathon, presented by Momentum, will take place from Saheti School, Senderwood, on 8 February, from 6am. 4km and 8km races will take place from the school on the same day, from 6.15am. Hosted by the Jeppe Quondam Athletics Club,
the well-known marathon consists of two laps that encompass Edenvale and Bedfordview. The 8km and 4km races meander through the Senderwood area. To enter, go online to the Pick n Pay Marathon website on www.pnpmarathon.co.za or contact info@pnpmarathon.co.za or call 011 017 2700.
Anderson no match for Nadal SA’s number 1 Kevin Anderson has crashed to a straight-sets Round 4 defeat to Spain’s Rafael Nadal at the Australian Open on Sunday. Nadal won 7-5, 6-1, 6-4. SA loses by 1 wicket Andre Russell carried West Indies over the line for a one-wicket victory during the ODI Series on Sunday. South Africa’s AFCON hopes fade South Africa once again failed to hold onto a lead at the Africa Cup of Nations as they were forced to settle for a 1-1 draw with Senegal in Mongomo.
27 January 2015
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tame TIMES
27 January 2015
BENONI: TEL: 011 422 2995 43 HOWARD AVE
e-mail: miasbenoni1@gmail.com
Germiston Wheelers - the club that cares
The Germiston Wheelers Cycle Club, established in 1984 by Graham Steyn and Colin Barret, is situated close to Germiston Lake and has been in existence for 30 years. The club organizes rides six days a week, departing from a number of areas. There are designated ride coordinators to ensure that the various training distances are catered for and that no rider, however inexperienced, is left behind. Germiston Wheelers, along with the Germiston Rotary Club, organizes the annual Carnival City Macsteel National Classic Cycle Race. The proceeds of this event, which takes place on the fourth Sunday of February every year, go to numerous charities. There are different categories of riders, so if you are really slow or really fast, you will be catered for. For more information: Email: info@germistonwheelers.co.za Twitter: @germistonwheel Website: www.germistonwheelers.co.za Facebook: Germiston Wheelers Cycle Club
CARING CYCLISTS: On 17 January, Germiston Wheelers dropped off tea, coffee, sugar, milk, biscuits and other goods at AMCARE.
Alberton Angling Club results
Seniors: Neels Van Zyl (19 fish, 11.220 kg, 302.200 points); Andre de Wet (visitor) (11 fish, 9.185 kg, 201.850 points); George Jacobs (8 fish, 7.460 kg, 154.600 points) Veterans: Dennis White (4 fish, 1.610 kg, 56.100 points); Douglas Hilder (2 fish, 1.095 kg, 30.950 points); Charl de Wet (2 fish, 0.915 kg, 29.150 points) Ladies: Deane Botha (visitor) (9 n/w, 0.825 kg, 8.250 points) Juniors: Andrew Kerstholt (3 fish, 1.775 kg, 47.750 points); Nathan Oosthuizen (3 fish, 1.680 kg, 46.800 points) Mini Juniors: Joshua Arbuckle (1 n/w, 0.115 kg, 1.150
points). Overall winner: Neels Van Zyl (302.200 points) Officials prize: Douglas Hilder (Heaviest Yellow 0.440 kg) Heaviest fish: Hein Kerstholt (Full-scale Carp 2.860 kg) Pool draw: Nathan Oosthuizen (Heaviest Barbel 0.150 kg) Alberton Angling Club contact details: Phone: 081 831 8025 Web: www.albertonangling.co.za E-mail: albertonanglingclub@yahoo.co.za Facebook: Alberton Angling Club
Alberton Football Club registration Alberton Football Club is holding their annual registration day for all Junior and Senior registrations on Sunday 1 February 2015 from 09:00 to 12:00. Everyone is welcome. The clubhouse will be open, selling food and drinks. For any further information contact Sonja Gellatly on 082 370 0666.
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THIS HEAVY: Hein Kerstholt caught a carp of 2.860kg.
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• Structured club rides • Back-up vehicle on Sunday rides • Social and Licensed riders welcome • Distances: 65 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140km
cycling club in your area?
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For more information to join us: Website: www.germistonwheelers.co.za Email: info@germistonwheelers.co.za
of t Pr Nat he Ca oud O ion rni rga al C val nis las City er sic M Cyc acs le R teel ace Germiston Wheelers Cycle Club